
100 WFC: Shop before you drop

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC Shop before you drop by Rhys with illustration by Wayfarer Woke up to a bright sunny warm fall day in New England. Thought it would be fun to ride west into the Berkshires to visit a friend at college a few hours away. Off I went cruising on my old Triumph and enjoying things when in a matter of a mile or two temps dipped way down. Minus gloves and wearing a jean jacket the cold just ripped through me. Stopped for gas and scored some work gloves to cut the wind and bought several newspapers and stuffed my jacket and down my crotch. I finally reached my destination and it took a while to shed the chill. Note to self: Gloves, leather and scarf on next trip. * * * Suit up at 5-Ball Racing Leathers. https://5-ballgarage.com/ Know past winners and read all entries ever published by visiting: https://www.bikernet.com/pages/100_Word_Fiction_Contest.aspx All you gotta do is subscribe to Bikernet’s free weekly newsletter and send in your entry to wayfarer@bikernet.com

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100 WFC: Layla by Jeffrey

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC Layla by Jeffrey with illustration by Wayfarer My Harley rolled to a stop near the side door of where my girl works. I planted my feet to steady the bike as she jumped off the Fatboy. She kissed me on the cheek and disappeared into the building, it was 8 pm on a Friday. I hate her job, even though that is where we met. Thinking of her working the pole and picking up dollars makes me ill. Like a fool, I fell in love. Now I’m on my knees begging her please, won’t she ease my worried mind. Me and Harley will be back at 2. * * * Read all the entries and list of past winners at: https://www.bikernet.com/pages/100_Word_Fiction_Contest.aspx Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here. Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to wayfarer@bikernet.com

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Bikernet.com 100 Words Fiction Contest Report

We are into the 7th month of this popular contest — a challenge to write fiction in 100 words or less– and win Bikernet.com swag and goodies. October was the 6th month and we had contestants return to participate again. The contest can be addictive, especially once you know you can actually write a meaningful story within 100 words. So delightfully, we announce that the winner for October is also the person who won this contest first-time around– back in May 2023 — so Congratulations to Steven Sanner. He delivers action and emotion yet again on two-wheels with his latest entry “Long Rides.” Check it out on Bikernet Blog at: https://blog.bikernet.com/100-wfc-long-rides-by-steven-sanner/ Read all entries ever published by visiting: https://www.bikernet.com/pages/100_Word_Fiction_Contest.aspx All you gotta do is subscribe to Bikernet’s free weekly newsletter and send in your entry to wayfarer@bikernet.com See you on the Blog. Happy inking! –Wayfarer Editor: Bikernet Blog BIKERNET.COM ™

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100 WFC: Blood, Sweat and Hate

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC Blood, Sweat and Hate by Wayfarer with illustration by Wayfarer Just a teen, spoon-fed on opinionated news, Jake’s restless energy glistened in his bloodshot eyes. His single mother nursed him with extreme sentiment through streaming news on TV and mobile apps. His friends considered him harmless—good grades, seldom in trouble at school and preferred computers to football. Mother demanded few rules. Home by 9 pm! So, tonight, no football practice, no cheerleaders, no stolen beer; tonight’s comments section on his favorite podcaster was a declaration of war. He rode his scrambler Westward at dawn. Too dark an alley in afternoon. Angry, outnumbered and soon declared DOA. * * * Read all the entries at: https://www.bikernet.com/pages/100_Word_Fiction_Contest.aspx Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here. Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to wayfarer@bikernet.com WINNERS SO FAR: 1. for the month of May 2023: “Been There Done That” by Steven Sanner 2. for the month of June 2023: “A Hundred” by Chris Dutcher 3. for the month of July 2023: “First Time” by Rhys 4. for the month of August 2023: “Hilary” by Gearhead 5. for the month of September 2023: “Mountain” by Koz Mraz 6. for the month of October 2023: to be announced soon

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100 WFC: Wild, Free & Alive

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC Wild, Free & Alive by Jeffrey with illustration by Wayfarer I woke up flat on my back in tall golden prairie grass, the sun warmed my face. My right arm felt like it was on fire, my neck hurt like hell, and breathing was difficult. Able to move my fingers and toes, I sat up placing my elbows on my knees. The tires on my Suzuki DR 650 were still spinning, the motor humming quietly. A white tail doe stood near my bike, she shook her head and stumbled off, both of us feeling the effects of the collision. After a few minutes, I straightened the handlebars and rode home. * * * Read all the entries at: https://www.bikernet.com/pages/100_Word_Fiction_Contest.aspx Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here. Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to wayfarer@bikernet.com WINNERS SO FAR: 1. for the month of May 2023: “Been There Done That” by Steven Sanner 2. for the month of June 2023: “A Hundred” by Chris Dutcher 3. for the month of July 2023: “First Time” by Rhys 4. for the month of August 2023: “Hilary” by Gearhead 5. for the month of September 2023: “Mountain” by Koz Mraz 6. for the month of October 2023: to be announced soon

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100 WFC: The Dealership

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC The Dealership by Bandit, inspired by Freddie Cuba with illustration by Wayfarer Not far from Hasting, Nebraska stood a crumbling brick Harley-Davidson dealership in a town of 18. The owner, a stub of a man, with a shiny bald head ran it without spare parts. Not a motorcyclist but a franchise collector, he scored a Saab dealership and a Fender guitar franchise. Happy to roll in the new models without spares, he made his living. One day three riders approached, one with a broken clutch lever. “Sorry fellas, no spare parts.” “How about the lever on that new ‘78 FL?” A tough demanded. They surrounded him, but the .38 snub-nose behind his belt, in the small of his back made a lasting point. They headed back to the Highway… * * * Read all the entries at: https://www.bikernet.com/pages/100_Word_Fiction_Contest.aspx Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here. Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to wayfarer@bikernet.com WINNERS SO FAR: 1. for the month of May 2023: “Been There Done That” by Steven Sanner 2. for the month of June 2023: “A Hundred” by Chris Dutcher 3. for the month of July 2023: “First Time” by Rhys 4. for the month of August 2023: “Hilary” by Gearhead 5. for the month of September 2023: “Mountain” by Koz Mraz

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