Shrunken FXR

The Amazing SHRUNKEN FXR Updated

Once upon a time there was a bike built called the Shrunken FXR. Keith “Bandit” Ball, of Bikernet and other assorted fame, built it. By a stroke of good fortune the bike became mine through the generosity and trust of Keith Ball. This bike was my daily commuter for a handful of years. It was and is always a challenge and a ton of fun navigating the streets and freeways of Los Angeles on two wheels and especially on a custom built motorcycle. I decided it was time to update the look of the bike as well as do some fine-tuning of a few mechanical items I wanted to switch up a bit. Below is a brief summary of what ...
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Saddlemen Mods To The Shrunken FXR

In a world where over promising and under delivering has become all too common here is a gem I must share. The Bikernet built Shrunken FXR has become my daily rider and needed a couple small adjustments to be just perfect for me. One detail was the too small seat or the bike was too fast (pick one). So I rode my bike over to meet the nice folks at Saddlemen and see what they could do to help me out with my seat. Upon arriving at the Saddlemen facility I spent time with guys from the front office to the guys in the shop ( all of whom took great interest in my motorcycle and the seat they were ...
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Saddleman Improves the Amazing Shrunken FXR

SADDLEMEN MODS TO THE SHRUNKEN FXR--In a world where over promising and under delivering has become all too common here is a gem I must share. The Bikernet built Shrunken FXR has become my daily rider and needed a couple small adjustments to be just perfect for me. One detail was the too small seat or the bike was too fast (pick one). So I rode my bike over to meet the nice folks at Saddlemen and see what they could do to help me out with my seat. Upon arriving at the Saddlemen facility I spent time with guys from the front office to the guys in the shop ( all of whom took great interest in my motorcycle ...
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The Amazing Shrunken FXR Project

 This here cardboard box full of odds and ends was where it allbegan. Or was it just an idea? Or maybe too much Jack Daniels. Ormaybe Bandit was tired of me whining about it. Anyway, like a beggar on the streets ofCalcutta, or Blanche Dubois in "A Street Car Named Desire," I depend onthe kindness of strangers. And there ain't none stranger than Bandit'scohorts. Strange but mighty generous, such as Rogue, who cut us adeal on the FXR frame and forks. We're relying on Joker Machine forall the quality components including the end caps for the swingarmto get this puppy on two wheels.We couldn't figure out what this chopper was going to be. Maybe thedefinitive Rat Bike, or a stretched-out ...
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The Amazing Shrunken FXR Project Part 2

Like the enigmatic fortunes you find inside thosefolded Chinese cookies, our visit with Dr. John--the"frame doctor," was a mix of New Age mysticism andpractical guidance. The week before, Bandit and Ibrought the rolling Pro-Street frame to the gooddoctor. We gave the him our best ideas of what wethought the bike should become. Basically, we wantedthe bike to fit my body proportions, to shrink theframe around the engine and to still have elements ofa street chopper.Bandit and I had been trying to create a bike that hada real "signature" identity, yet we weren't sure whatthat would mean. We tried to convey our concepts withawkward babbling.Stroking his long, gray beard with a knowing gravity,the doctor calmly listened to our ravings. Eventuallyhe gave ...
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The Amazing Shrunken FXR Project Part 3

Bandit and I were checking out the Amazing Shrunken FXR. "Thedamned thing," referring to the shrunken FXR project we had beenhammering at, off and on, for almost two years, "has attitude," hegrowled, "a bad-assed attitude.""Yeah, but will it have sound attitude?" I mused. "I want it toget attention. I want it to be felt in their chests before they seeit. I want them to hide their children from the evil they fear."The Amazing Shrunken FXR has developed into a mythic ethos. Froma cardboard box full of rejected, beat-up, and cast off parts, thebike has become a sculptured icon, a physical dream, and perhaps awrong turn down a bad dirt road, three miles back.The project began back in the spring of ...
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