
Life and Times of Bill May, 1971

The Girl, the Stroked Knucklehead and the Band as narrated by Bill May Shifting back in time, in 1970 I sold the bike I rode from Nevada to Oklahoma on in ‘69. I cruised back to Reno for a few months and fell in love with a girl there. I was riding with a small club in Oklahoma. There wasn’t much going on and I guess I was just bored. I took off to Reno in a ‘62 Chevy. When I arrived there, she touched me but had a young child and a husband in LA. She ultimately decided she should go back and make up with him. Click here for the ride down memory lane, splitting hairs about what was only on Bikernet.com * * * Do you yearn to know the real deal about the golden era gone by in chopper culture and outlaw lifestyle? We got you covered and with plenty more to dig through in the Bandit’s Cantina. It is an exclusive area, guarded by hounds of Harley-Davidson bikers and their minions. Visit https://www.bikernet.com/pages/custom/subscription.aspx Try the best membership deal online since 1996

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Frankie 1964: Life and Times of Bandit

An Outlaw Rider’s Story by Keith “Bandit” Ball illustrated by Wayfarer Whether he knew it or not he reveled in three aims, creativity through motorcycles, freedom through riding and the touch of a woman. He quickly discovered insincerity, power, control and evil in the service, but Frankie held true to his belief in fairness and freedom. He fought to save his fellow sailors from confinement by the hands of power hungry Shore Patrol Officers. He stepped in when a gang attempted to fuck-up a fellow shipmate in the Philippines. He sought a sense of violent understanding and when to step into the fight and when to step away. After his third tour in ‘Nam, he married his second love and during the confined periods on ship he wrote her adoring letters and studied motorcycle magazines. He dodged military treachery and ended up close to home, where he could ride, build a shop and start to customize motorcycles. Soon, he had run-ins with clubs in San Pedro with Outlaws and Hangmen and then the Hells Angels and Hessians at the Chino run in Riverside. Click here to read this hard fisted, fast paced, road ripping fiction only on Bikernet.com * * * * Get your fix of Two-Wheeled Adventures, real and unreal–in our Two-wheeled Tales department for free.

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Get Your Kicks on Route 666

Story and photos Koz Mraz www.kozmoto.com Arizona has incredible geological diversity that lie between Flagstaff’s Humphries Peak, at 12,637 feet to the Grand Canyon, the Red Rocks of Sedona to lush Verde Valley. Arizona also has the longest continuous stretch of uninterrupted Route 66 two-lane asphalt and is home to Route 666. Renamed SR 191 in 2003 because the Department of Transportation was constantly replacing stolen highway signs. Click here to read this ride report only on Bikernet.com * * * *

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Wisconsin Girl In London

Cat Hammes rides London and brings us there What a cool way to spend time away, in no other place like London at a motorcycle show. The London MotoShow is an annual event held at this incredibly beautiful location called the Tobacco Docks. I thought I would check it out, I’m here. I was in for a shock, this Wisconsin girl in London! — Cat Hammes Click here to read this photo feature travelogue only on Bikernet.com * * * * Go Places. Get Free Entry to EVENT COVERAGE Department at Bikernet.com Click here. https://www.bikernet.com/pages/Event_Coverage.aspx

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Big George’s Big Snake by Gearhead

Big George’s Big Snake by Gearhead Big George, with a bad kicker knee wasn’t big, but bought a yardstick sized Boa Constrictor. Glistening and striped Samantha rode in his 1965 Panhead chopper leather saddle bags. Grew too big for his bags, so she ran loose in his pad. Big George married, petite and perfunctory Judy, who knew Samantha, but the snake didn’t take to the wife and slithered on her vanity knocking all of her perfume bottles and cosmetics on the wooden deck, more than once. Impulsive Judy snapped, “The snake leaves or I do!” Judy’s gone, and slithering Samantha still rules the roost. (publication dated 03-June-2024) * * *

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