
Register for MOTM

It’s taken 36 years for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation to get to a point that an event agenda can be pulled together in a few months, plus or minus a few days. If you’ve been following these E-blasts, then you may have recognized an undercurrent of the “five W’s” – WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and WHY, and a constant reminder that the 36th Annual Meeting of the Minds Conference is getting close. You’ve been given samples of WHO helped start the Meeting of the Minds and the MRF, along with WHAT it was all about, WHERE and WHEN it came from and WHERE it’s heading, along with WHY it’s so important to attend. Here’s the tentative (subject to change) agenda for the 36th Annual Meeting of the Minds Conference. Time’s running out to use this link and register at Meeting of the Minds 2020. Room Reservations:  317-767-4769. For those of you getting in on Thursday, September 24, join the MRF Board of Directors in a “Meet & Greet” at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Ballroom.   With a presentation of the Colors, the General Session opens at 9:00 a.m. Friday, then it’s non-stop with… Opening Remarks – Kirk “Hardtail” Willard MRF Financial Report – Kirk “Hardtail” Willard Legislative Update – Rocky Fox Election Year & Effective Use of CQ – Rocky Fox A series of MRF award presentations by Dave Dwyer & Ryan Hubbard, Michelle Holcomb & Duane Justus. Then it’s on to more presentations, a few awards and recognition of the future of motorcyclists’ rights… MRFA&E – Deb Butitta MRFA&E Young Activist Awards – Deb Butitta Young Activist Scholarship Winners Panel – Deb Butitta MRF Rep/Reps of the Year Awards – Doc D’Errico Presidents Cup – Kirk “Hardtail” Willard A Primer: How Strategic Planning can help your SMRO – […]

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A Citizen’s Guide to Recording the Police

First Amendment Protections for Journalists and Bystanders By the team at First Amendment Watch Sixty-one percent of the U.S. population lives in states where federal appeals courts have recognized a First Amendment right to record police officers performing their official duties in public. The U.S. Supreme Court has not ruled on the issue. As a result, legal protections are fully secure only in those jurisdictions where federal circuits have issued a ruling. However, given the resounding support so far for this First Amendment protection, it seems highly likely that the remaining federal appeal courts would reach the same conclusion if the issue appears on their docket. CLICK HERE TO READ THIS IMPORTANT ARTICLE ON BIKERNET Quick, Join the Cantina – Subscribe Today https://www.bikernet.com/pages/custom/subscription.aspx

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The Thanksgiving 2019 Bikernet Weekly News

Hey, Making progress is a major motivator. I like to climb out of bed thinking the day is going to be exciting. This week I solved some issues, took my 1928 Shovelhead to Larry Settle for a look-over. We organized and shipped Hugh King’s Discovery Channel biker build-off bike to the Sturgis Museum. We attempted to get two girders from Spitfire Motorcycles. We scored a few Antiques motorcycle parts from Bobby Stark’s lot. I solved a minor issue with the Salt Torpedo and we are just a couple of weeks away from our first trial runs. I roughed out another Cantina Chapter. READ THE BIKERNET WEEKLY NEWS IN THE CANTINA – CLICK HERE –  Join Today

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Whacky Bikernet Weekly News for November 21, 2019

Hey, A couple of infrastructure changes. From now on, we will post the news on the Free side of the Bikernet Iron Curtain for one week each week. We will also do the same with selected articles before slipping them into Bandit’s Cantina archives for our esteemed members. We need members, but I want the largest readership to check the news. We also need to inform the largest possible audience of the issues facing motorcycling and of happenings on Bikernet. So, what the fuck, I’m giving it a shot. Let’s hit the news. It’s going to be a good one: CLICK HERE TO READ THE BIKERNET WEEKLY NEWS NOW !!! Subscribe to the Cantina for exclusive access – https://www.bikernet.com/pages/custom/subscription.aspx

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House introduces Motorcycle Advisory Council Reauthorization Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressmen Mike Gallagher (R-WI) along with Reps. Chris Pappas (D-NH), Harley Rouda (D-CA), and Troy Balderson (R-OH) introduced bipartisan legislation, Motorcycle Advisory Council Reauthorization Act.  The bill reauthorizes the Motorcycle Advisory Council (MAC) for six years and ensures national motorcycle organizations regain seats on the council. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF), along with our partners ABATE of Wisconsin, ABATE of Ohio, Harley-Davidson, and American Motorcyclist Association, have been hard at work over the past month ensuring the future MAC membership is representative of the riding community.  This legislation clarifies the membership of MAC which now will include five highway engineering experts from state or local governments, one state or local traffic safety engineer who is a motorcyclist, one roadway safety data expert on crash testing and analysis, and one representative from each of the following groups: a national association of state transportation officials, a national motorcyclist foundation, a national motorcyclist association, a national motorcycle manufacturing association, and a national safety organization. “As the feds address the vast roadway infrastructure issues and emerging technologies surrounding vehicles and roads, there isn’t a more appropriate time to re-establish the Motorcycle Advisory Council,” said Kirk “Hardtail” Willard, President of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation.  “It was originally and effectively designed to give motorcyclists a voice with regards to the unique challenges we face on two and three wheels when it comes to roadway design.” The MRF is encouraged that this legislation will ensure that motorcyclists will continue to have an open dialogue with government officials about the unique characteristics and challenges that motorcyclists face when they are not adequately considered or accounted for as infrastructure programs are being discussed and implemented. We want to acknowledge and commend the relationships that our state motorcyclist rights organizations (SMROs), specifically ABATE of Wisconsin and

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Senate Hearing – Highly Automated Vehicles: Federal Perspectives on the Deployment of Safety Technology

November 20, 2019 – Senate Hearing – Highly Automated Vehicles: Federal Perspectives on the Deployment of Safety Technology Today the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation held a hearing entitled Highly Automated Vehicles: Federal Perspectives on the Deployment of Safety Technology. This hearing comes on the heels of a National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) board meeting yesterday regarding the investigation of a March 2018 crash of an Uber Autonomous Vehicle (AV) that resulted in the death of a pedestrian in Tempe, Arizona. The NTSB released some startling revelations in their investigation of the 2018 deadly crash. Among those that the software did not properly identify the victim as a pedestrian, it did not adequately assess safety risks and the operator of the vehicle was watching a TV show on her phone and was not watching the road. Additionally, the NTSB cited an “inadequate safety culture” at Uber. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) applauds the NTSB and the U.S. Senate for holding public hearings on AV technology and safety concerns. The MRF is committed to fighting for the safety of motorcyclists as this new technology is deployed on our nation’s roadways. While we are hopeful that this technology can reduce accidents on our nation’s roads, we agree with the statement of Chairman Roger Wicker (R-MS) when he said of AV technology “I think a healthy degree of skepticism is a good thing.” During today’s Senate hearing, it was especially important that two U.S. Senators specifically addressed the concerns of motorcyclists during the hearing. In a question directed to Joel Szabat, Acting Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy, U.S. Department of Transportation Senator John Thune (R-SD) asked, “In developing a regulatory framework for AVs can you speak to how other roadways users such as motorcycles are considered?” The Assistant Secretary

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Wonders of the Bikernet Weekly News

Motorcycles are Freedom Personified Forever Hey, This is a strange and wonderful week. Shit is happening fast. Shit is changing fast, and shit will go to hell quick if we all don’t get involved. I didn’t intend this to be doom and gloom, but it just spilled out as I wrote. It’s time we all joined a motorcycle rights group or three and got our boots wet. Here’s my code of the West: We live in the best of times. Our government needs to focus on the people, our freedoms and happiness not on trying to control everything or make everything safe as in Zero. It’s all about control and it won’t work, so let’s be happy and as free as possible. CLICK HERE TO READ THE WEEKLY NEWS – Join the Cantina today

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With just over a week to the pre-registration cut-off, time is running short to save money registering for The 35th Annual Meeting of the Minds Conference!!!  As the MRF makes final preparations to Honor the Past with the induction of Legacy Members into the MRF Hall of Fame and gear up to Protect the Future with two days of information filled workshops and presentations, you still have time to register for this premier event and secure your hotel room. Up to the minute legislative updates, topical workshops to assist you in building your SMRO, plus several hundred new and old friends you’ll be glad to see!  Workshop & presentations including… NHTSA – Protecting our Future from their Past Shared Goals & Working Together – SMROs & Motorcycle Clubs Membership Promotion, Retention, Growth & Volunteers Old Media – New Media … – Dealing with print, electronic & social media successfully And there’s more… Those listed workshops represent one-third of the time allocated for workshops.  We’ve got eight more and only two days to deliver.  However, those two days will be so jammed packed by the end of the Conference you’ll wonder where the time went and be asking for more. The 35th Annual Meeting of the Minds Conference is coming together as well as any smooth-running machine.  We don’t want you to miss it as we Honor the Past, Protect the Future and live up to meeting and exceeding the expectations of motorcyclists’ rights advocates from across the country. You have until August 23rd to take advantage of the MOTM pre-registration price of $80.00 for MRF members or $90.00 for non-MRF members. Use this link to register:  Meeting of the Minds 2019 After August 23rd, the event registration fee goes to $90.00 for members and $100.00 for non-members.  And you’re not


Cantina Exclusive: Bikernet Weekly News for July 11, 2019

Call to Action! This is your chance to help Freedom and Choice Ring It’s amazing, in a world gone nuts with regulation, one state is considering freedom. Check it out, in the news. Missouri has an adult helmet repeal in front of their Governor. Did you know about half of our states have adult freedom and in most cases free states have a better accident record than states with helmet laws. READ THE NEWS EXCLUSIVELY IN THE CANTINA – Click Here

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FEMA: the latest news from the European motorcyclists

This is a news update from FEMA, the Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations. FEMA’s mission is to promote riders’ interests, to defend riders’ rights and to protect and preserve motorcycling throughout Europe and globally. Another EU-USA trade war may hit motorcyclists In the newest trade war between the EU and the USA, motorcycle parts are on the list of products that will have extra customs duties up to 100% if European Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström gets her way. Parts for US brands motorcycles may become much more expensive. Read the full article ITS Survey 2019 Five years ago – in 2014 – FEMA conducted a survey on Motorcycles & ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems). We now want to repeat this survey, to understand riders’ awareness and acceptance of new technologies. The survey is now available in ten languages. Go to the survey >> Motorcyclists are voters – European elections 2019 Elections for the European Parliament are to be held on 23–26 May 2019. FEMA and its 22 affiliated national motorcyclists’ associations have a vested interest in the outcome of the European elections in 2019. Our safety and freedom of movement may well depend on decisions the Members of the European Parliament will take in the 2019-2024 parliamentary session. This is why we are running the ‘Motorcyclists are voters’ campaign, aimed at all parliamentary candidates and at European motorcyclists. Read our election statement >>  

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