
100 WFC: Preacher Run by J J Solari

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC Preacher Run by J J Solari with unholy illustration by Wayfarer Some preacher self-absorbed pile of sanctimonious piety yelled at me, “Do you know what you need to do to be saved???” ….all accusatory. I said, “Yeah: be born after 33AD, cockfuck, which I was. Is that about how you gut it figured?” Apparently it wasn’t. He proceeded to order me to Hell. I said “Will you be there?” He said not a chance. I said “I’m on my way!!” He managed to get even more infuriated. Which, based on his current level of fulminary spittle-spraying, I thought very impressive. * * * Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here. Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to wayfarer@bikernet.com WINNERS SO FAR: 1. for the month of May 2023: “Been There Done That” by Steven Sanner 2. for the month of June 2023: “A Hundred” by Chris Dutcher 3. for the month of July 2023: “First Time” by Rhys 4. for the month of August 2023: “Hilary” by Gearhead 5. for the month of September 2023: “Mountain” by Koz Mraz

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100 WFC: Mountain by Koz Mraz

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC Mountain by Koz Mraz (illustration by Wayfarer) The mountain where we dance, endless pirouettes, left, right then left again. Freely falling into gravity’s demanding arms then with a twist of the throttle are thrust into the next delicious curve. She lifts the spirit as we ascend, transcend, riding high above the mundane until among the stars we fly. And the mountain is where we fight. Wrestling against hairpin turns, battling hard against opposing forces, often for our life. Because if the mountain wins…we die. Mountain is where we face our fears, test inner resolve or chase foolish whims and from atop, the breadth of life’s journey reveals. * * * * * * * * Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here. Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to wayfarer@bikernet.com WINNERS SO FAR: 1. for the month of May 2023: “Been There Done That” by Steven Sanner 2. for the month of June 2023: “A Hundred” by Chris Dutcher 3. for the month of July 2023: “First Time” by Rhys 4. for the month of August 2023: “Hilary” by Gearhead

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100 WFC: Shallow Grave

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC Shallow Grave by Rhys (illustration by Wayfarer) Gary finished his Triumph chopper metal flake gold with helmet to match. Out for a shakedown run. Cruising back roads all seemed good, until a truck rounded the bend on the wrong side. Both rider and bike slid off the road. Gary awoke in the ditch his bike several feet away. In incredible deep pain, a bone protruded through his jeans. He yanked off his helmet and flung it up onto the road hoping a passerby would see it. A car stopped. The driver snatched the lid and left. Did he hear Gary’s screams? The DWP crew found Gary’s lifeless body a week later. * * * * * * * * Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here. Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to the editor wayfarer@bikernet.com WINNERS SO FAR: 1. for the month of May 2023: “Been There Done That” by Steven Sanner 2. for the month of June 2023: “A Hundred” by Chris Dutcher 3. for the month of July 2023: “First Time” by Rhys 4. for the month of August 2023: “Hilary” by Gearhead

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100 WFC: Desert Daze by Wayfarer

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC Desert Daze by Wayfarer with artwork by Wayfarer My iron roared in the wind, the sand-strewn road to Las Vegas stretched hot. An extra bandana tied to my left wrist. I got two at Bandit’s Cantina. Hopping like a mad rabbit I struggled to keep up with my pals jamming ahead on V-Twin steeds. My Bandit’s bedroll balanced over my handlebars. Suddenly, a fresh crimson cloth flashed in front of my eyes, an untied bikini top. A topless stranger hitchhiking, a mirage? My drum brakes screamed. “Not sure my Bandit’s Bandanas will do the trick,” I noted. She stared into my eyes, giggled, then climbed on board. I would’ve died if she hadn’t. * * * * * * * * Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here. Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to the editor wayfarer@bikernet.com

100 WFC: Desert Daze by Wayfarer Read More »

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