
Fossil fuels are 100% organic & were produced with solar energy

Watch: Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: ‘Fossil fuels are 100% organic & were produced with solar energy. Sounds positively green’ Dr. Patrick Moore: “Coal, oil and natural gas are the remains of those plankton and plants that have been transformed by heat and pressure deep in the earth’s crust. In other words, fossil fuels are 100% organic and were produced with solar energy. Sounds positively green.” CO2 is “Essential ingredient for life…It has become common to refer to the emissions from burning fossil fuels for energy as ‘carbon’ emissions. That is entirely misleading. Carbon dioxide is not carbon. Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas which is an indispensable food for all living things…From a big picture perspective, we are actually living in a low carbon dioxide era.” Prager University video: Global Warming activists will tell you that CO2 is bad and dangerous. The EPA has even classified it as a pollutant. But is it? Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore provides some surprising facts about the benefits of CO2 that you won’t hear in the current debate. Watch Below:  Global Warming activists will tell you that CO2 is bad and dangerous. The EPA has even classified it as a pollutant. But is it? Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore provides some surprising facts about the benefits of CO2 that you won’t hear in the current debate. — PragerU (@prageru) February 20, 2020 Ecologist Dr. Patrick Moore: Partial transcript: “All life is carbon-based. And the carbon for all that life originates from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. All of the carbon in the fossil fuels we are burning for energy today was once in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide before it was consumed by plankton in the sea and plants on the land. Coal, oil and natural gas are the remains […]

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Bikernet Weekly News for August 15, 2019

The Race is on for Truth, Justice, Fairness, Freedom and Fast Shit. All across America, more women are finding joy on two wheels, and spending money on motorcycling, and it’s generating media coverage. I want to jump right into the news. I need to scramble back into the shop and start work on the Salt Torpedo firewall final aluminum construction. We have just eight days before we should be rolling out towards the salt. The list never ends, but it’s getting shorter. Hang on for the next report. In the meantime, ride fast and free, forever! CLICK HERE TO READ THE WEEKLY NEWS – Subscribe to the Cantina today

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In the Cantina – Big Question Weekly News for May 2, 2019

It’s Doable if We Can Get to the Table By Bandit, Wayfarer, Rogue, Bob T., Sam Burns, Barry Green, the Redhead, Laura, Stealth and the rest of the Crew Why do I ponder this shit, but I do. It’s not as if my folks were industry leaders or politicians. I should smoke weed and relax, but no. How do we respect freedom of travel, the enjoyment of riding, the freedom to build bikes and keep roads available? We need to shift our focus first, but we need to do it soon. READ THE WEEKLY NEWS EXCLUSIVELY IN THE CANTINA – Click Here Join the Cantina Today for just $24 per year

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Science Is Not Objective Because It Is A Product Like Anything Else

In my view, climate change is an issue concocted to distract from the larger issue of ecocide which is a direct result of human expansion. People recognize that science is a product like any other media. People with degrees do research, which anyone who has fudged a lab report can testify can be slanted through variations in technique, and then publish that research. They do this through grants, employment, or in anticipation of selling lots of books, magazines, movies, or other products. Academia has the same problem and this is why we are continually discovering that their theories were over-hyped, two decades later. Usually these take a detail and amplify it into a theory of everything, and then it turns out, it was just a detail that cannot tell us much of significance, but at the time it was sold, it seemed to justify and exalt the lifestyles of those who bought the product. READ the Story at by Clicking here

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Meet The White House’s New Chief Climate Change Skeptic

William Happer, a Princeton scientist who is doubtful of the dangers of climate change, appears to be leading a White House challenge to the government’s conclusion that global warming is a threat. Twenty five years ago, William Happer had an encounter with the White House that ended badly. At the time, in 1993, the Princeton professor was taking a break from academia to direct scientific research at the U.S. Department of Energy. He turned a skeptical eye toward one of then-Vice President Al Gore’s favorite issues: the risks posed by chemicals eating away at ozone in the stratosphere and letting in dangerous ultraviolet radiation. As the story goes, Happer went to the White House and told Gore’s staff he saw no evidence that the ozone hole actually was hurting anyone. Gore was annoyed, and Happer lost his job. Today, Happer is back in the White House, still fighting against what he considers unfounded claims that our globe is in danger. But this time, his cause is backed by the man in the Oval Office. Happer, 79, joined the staff of President Trump’s National Security Council last fall. And according to documents first leaked to The Washington Post, he appears to be pushing the White House to mount a challenge to the government’s official assessment of climate change, which calls climate change a serious national security threat. On Thursday, the chairs of four different committees in the House of Representatives sent a letter to President Trump expressing concern about “recent reports that the National Security Council (NSC) is planning to assemble a secret panel, led by a discredited climate change denier, to undermine the overwhelming scientific consensus on the nature and threats of climate change.” The four Democrats called it “deeply concerning that Dr. Happer appears to be spearheading” that effort.

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Top Electric Motorcycles For 2017

Challenges have popped to the surface regarding electric vehicles. They might be more emission prone than petrol based vehicles. Batteries are nasty. We will see. The world is fast changing. No, not Governments and definitely those Senators never leave or change. While the more Hollywood movies change, the more they remain the same. Generations change and the new millennials have different priorities and preferences. Climate is supposedly (“allegedly”) changing. Demand and Supply of big bikes have changed. There are again more British motorcycle brands in the market than American bikes with the return of Enfield, BSA, Norton and the veteran Triumph. Roads have changed with new taxes tolls on rush hour routes. The year has changed to 2018. My underwear has changed from boxers to briefs. has changed and become mobile friendly. Last year, Germany voted to ban the internal combustion engine by year 2030, and this just this year the UK government announced plans to ban the sales of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2040. China is leading the way with maximum ownership of electric vehicles in the world. But the future is bright. In the four-wheel world Elon Musk is leading the way with his innovative Tesla brand, and over here in the two-wheel world there are a host of different manufacturers all looking to the future. Read more.

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