
Can Do Weekly News for May 23, 2019

Anything can happen with a Can Do Attitude! We use to be a society of can-do folks. We built, invented and created everything and rocked on. Now, it seems we’re the can-regulate everything era. Salt Torpedo effort has been a 6-year odyssey and it will rumble this year because we said we can do it. So far so good. JOIN THE CANTINA – to read the Bikernet Weekly News – Click Here

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Sorta Late Weekend Roundup for April 30, 2019

Car Shows, Fiberglass and Panheads By Bandit with photos by Wrench and Art Hall What a nuts week. I looked and rode an ’87 in Fullerton. I wasn’t impressed. Salt Torpedo got close to being ready for fiberglass work. I attended the bike/car show in Seal Beach and these shots are from Art Hall. I’m on a mission from the lord of the Piston Pirates. READ THE ROUNDUP IN THE CANTINA – Click Here Subscribe To Cantina today

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Keith Ball – biker lifestyle insights

GET EXCLUSIVE News, Tech, Reports, Reviews and insight into biker lifestyle ONLY IN THE CANTINA. Subscribe Today by Clicking Here What readers say about Life and Times of Bandit: Doc from Somerton Park, SA, Australia says — “Keith thanks for sharing so much of your life, warts and all. You’ve certainly shown the ability to turn lemons into lemonade many times over. It’s not easy to open one’s heart as bikers are supposed to be both hard hearted as well as hard assed, but you have generously revealed much about the man behind the ‘Bandit’.” JOIN NOW for just $24

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In the Cantina – Weekend Roundup for April 24th 2019

You know me, I can’t sit still and talk about old times when we’re burnin’ daylight. I had to monkey with the Torpedo exhaust system again. The turn-out was going to be an issue. Micah and I got together on Monday and hammered at the firewall. We had a long discussion with Drew, who is a Bonneville AMA, and FIM tech. We kicked around the massive fire suppression bottles and whether we need two or one for both compartments. CLICK HERE TO READ THE ROUNDUP IN THE CANTINA Subscribe to the Cantina for just $24 annual fee.

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Bandit’s Cantina – sign up for goodies behind the scenes action “I read the weekend round up the part about us dying.. Seems I think about it from time to time. I guess when I read Arlen had passed it kinda hit me. The past 20 years have flown by. my Dad would always tell me you only live once so live and I guess that is what I try do. Great article!” – Mike Pulin * * * * * * * * “Received my Bikernet Goodies thanks. Really enjoy reading and looking at all of your site.Very interesting for a guy who grew up in and went to all 12 grades in Shoshoni,Wyoming! Your logo with the 5 Ball reminds me of the ol Lucky 5 Lounge in beautiful downtown Shoshoni. Take care!” – John Hoffman * * * * * * * * Cheers – Keith Ball has ridden through Shoshoni several times on the way to Sturgis. – CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE CANTINA – Bandit’s Emerald City We’ve taken Entertainment to a new level. This is a very special area with whole books, broads, and rare antiques. And now you will also receive complete and amazing Jack McIntyre Event Galleries of images. For just about 20 cents a day, you will receive: Bandit’s Cantina Access: Behind-the-scenes custom motorcycle news every Sunday with topless babes. More than 20 years of antique bike features and motorcycle history. Bikenet Weekly News A variety of Features and Tech articles Bikernet’s impressive library and 24 years of archived editorial content Girls of Bikernet: NEW Extra Spicy GIRLS! Topless Models posing on gorgeous Bikes to tantalize, with stories that will curl your toes. And new girls from: Photography by Jack McIntyre, Peter Linney and Markus Cuff. The Digital Discovery Area, where we bring you

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Weekend Round-Up for April 8, 2019

Death, Breakdowns, Salt Efforts and old Indians By Bandit and Micah McCloskey I don’t know where to start. Last week we Micah and I peeled into Long Beach in my ’72 Ford F250, which was recently checked out by my mechanic, Mr. Patino. Ever since I stumbled into this cool truck, I’ve made improvements, but I still wanted to have a professional take a look. I solved lots of issues, but I wanted fresh eyes to look it over. READ THE WEEKEND ROUNDUP AT THE CANTINA – Click Here

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Philosophical Bikernet Weekly News for March 28, 2019

It’s all Deep and Meaningful as We Search for the Truth… Philosophy is the study of truth. I thought it was just the notion of thought or your mantra, or notions about anything, but no. Philosophers are truth seekers. Regarding the meaning of life, it’s really up to us to make up our minds on a daily basis. Every morning when you swing your legs outta bed, if you have a positive mission or two on your plate it’s a very good thing. Include riding free forever, goddammit. CLICK HERE TO READ THE NEWS – SUBSCRIBE TO THE CANTINA

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Salt Torpedo Action Update Chapter 16

Making Move on Everything! The last few weeks have been interesting and challenging. We are actually getting close to watching the Salt Torpedo sit on its own three wheels with the help of Yelvington Shocks. This week we could finish the steering system. We could link the steering with the wheels. We could have a gas tank mounted. We are getting damn close to making a battery mount, and then hooking up the drive line for a run around the block. READ the True Story of the First Streamlined trike to be registered for Bonneville Salt Flats racing. CLICK HERE. Join the Cantina. Check out the new Hal Robinson Tee-shirts and 5-Ball Racing Special Op Vest. Ride Forever!!!

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Blue Collar Bikernet Weekly News for for March 21, 2019

It’s all about doing it the hard way We have always been a blue-collar effort. The world is changing fast, but we will remain the guys who build shit and ride our stuff into the sunset. Even our Salt Torpedo is not being built by engineers. It’s the first Streamlined trike to be registered for Bonneville Salt Flats racing. The Bikernet Weekly News covers industry news, events, products, services, bragains, contests, swaps, giveaways and more. Join the Cantina for just $24 – CLICK HERE to Read the Weekly News. is celebrating 24 years of Riding Free as the online website of choice for motorcycle news, tech and adventure. Bikernet Blog has a Free Weekly Newsletter.

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War on Cars Watch for March 20, 2019

The national stories from across the country. War on Cars Watch, a weekly blog to bring together all the stories that affect motorists with regards to street planning such as road diets, and traffic calming as well as programs such as Vision Zero and Complete Streets. Since its founding more than 30 years ago as the Citizens Coalition for Rational Traffic Laws, the National Motorists Association has been the voice of thousands of motorists who stand up for key principles of drivers’ rights. READ the NMA News Report by Clicking Here – Subscribe to Bikernet Cantina Today Support NMA

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