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April 21, 2010



Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)


MOTORCYCLE THEFTS FALLMotorcycle thefts in the US fell by 13% to 56,093 last year from 64,492 in 2008, the biggest drop since 2007 according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau in an April 13th statement. Honda was the most stolen brand accounting for 24% of the thefts, followed by Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki and Harley-Davidson, said the NICB citing National Crime Information Center data.

The recession prompted lower bike sales and a decrease in production, pushing motorcycle thefts down for a third consecutive year. Sales of new bikes fell 43% in 2009 from the year-earlier period, according to the Motorcycle Industry Council. Likewise, the Japanese Automobile Manufacturers Association reported a 47.4% decrease in motorcycle production last year.

Recovery rates have declined along with thefts, with only 30% of the stolen bikes recovered in 2009, compared with 41% in 2006, NICB data show.

The top five states for motorcycle theft were warm-weather ones: California, Texas, Florida, North Carolina and Georgia, together accounting for 39% of the total.

It should be no surprise that the summer months of July (6,319); August (6,079); and June (5,672) saw the most theft activity while the fewest thefts were recorded during the winter months of December (2,927); February (3,100); and January (3,570).

The best way to prevent theft is to keep your motorcycle out of sight or covered up and secured to an immovable object with a good through-the-frame lock in addition to the steering lock.

Brass Balls Banner


Maine Governor John Baldacci on April 9, 2010 signed LD 1675 into law, requiring the state’s 50,000 registered motorcycles to carry inspection stickers that are “completely and clearly visible from the rear” starting in 2012.

A bill that started in the state legislature as a broadly worded bill to quiet noisy motorcycles evolved into a measure requiring riders to display inspection stickers when Maine’s Transportation Committee concluded that 38% of Maine motorcycles aren’t inspected, noting faulty and noisy motorcycle mufflers would fail annual inspections.

The bill also sets up a task force to explore other methods of reducing motorcycle noise, including sound testing, and report to the Transportation Committee by January 15, 2011.

LD1675 passed the Maine House by a vote of 104-33 on March 22. The Senate passed it April 5, with no tally released.



“Gunner’s Bill” has been signed into law by Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry, providing for the state?s first comprehensive motorcycle safety program.

HB 2264, authored by state Rep. Mike Christian and state Sen. Steve Russell, allows the state to add a $3 fee, designated for motorcycle safety and education, to the existing cost of registering a motorcycle. It also establishes a revolving fund into which the money is to be deposited.

Rep. Christian said the legislative action was necessary because motorcycle registrations continue to increase in Oklahoma; therefore, without training and prevention efforts, vehicle crashes involving motorcycles are likely to increase. According to the Oklahoma Tax Commission, there were 115,381 registered motorcyclists in the state in 2008, a 14.3% increase over 2007. Motorcycle fatalities increased 17.6% during the same period, and injuries increased 21.4%.

HB 2264 is known as “Gunner’s Bill” in honor of Robert “Gunner” Catcher, a motorcyclist who died after being struck by a pickup in 2009. The driver of the truck said he did not see Gunner.

?I heartily salute each and every one of ABATE of Oklahoma’s and the OK Confederation of Clubs volunteer officers and members, and look forward to our continued success working together in the spirit of unity to make Oklahoma the best state in which to ride,? said Tiger Mike Revere of ABATE of OK and a member of the Board of Directors of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM).

Also signed into law was SB 1670 – a bill that changes the makeup of the Oklahoma Motorcycle Safety Advisory Committee. ?So, not only will we generate about $400,000 each year but we will also have a substantial say in how it is spent,? commented John Pierce, ABATE Legislative Coordinator.



The Casper City Council voted unanimously to pay for motorcycle-safety billboards in the coming months, with Wyoming Central ABATE picking up the campaign halfway through the riding season. The council approved $5,400 in grant money to pay for four billboards from April through July, when Wyoming Central ABATE would begin paying for the billboards with its own message to run through October.

The push for motorcycle awareness stems from two high-profile accidents involving motorcyclists last summer, including an ABATE member who was killed by a left-turning Hummer. The accidents prompted Wyoming Central ABATE to meet with city officials and hash out a plan to increase awareness of motorcycles among drivers.

The Casper Police Department applied for grant money from the Wyoming Department of Transportation to be used on a ?campaign targeting the reduction of the number and severity of motorcycle crashes in the Casper area,? according to a city memo.


Once again, Michigan legislators are moving to repeal the state?s 40 year old mandatory helmet law, but their governor threatens veto action.

In late March, the House voted 63 to 46 to approve an amendment to the current Michigan Helmet Law which would allow motorcycle riders 21 years old and older to operate their motorcycle without a helmet as long as they carry $20,000 or more in insurance.

The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration. If the Democratic-led House and Republican-led Senate both approve as they have in the past, the bill would again go to the governor for her signature or veto. Proposals to eliminate or ease the law were passed by the House and Senate in 2005/2006 and 2007/2008, but Gov. Jennifer Granholm vetoed both measures.

ABATE of Michigan and the Michigan Confederation of Clubs continues to hold sway in the Legislature using arguments that include personal freedom and economic impact. The Democratic governor leaves office next year and is not seeking reelection.



The Motorcyclist Advisory Council (MAC) to the Federal Highway Administration has made recommendations to U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and his predecessors on various topics, including 1) Barrier design; (2) Road design, construction, and maintenance practices; and (3) The architecture and implementation of Intelligent Transportation System technologies.

Of special significance was the creation and approval of the yearly Motorcyclist Road Conditions Survey, which can be accessed at

The purpose of the survey is to better communicate to the MAC, road construction engineers, and transportation safety officials the specific needs of motorcyclists that should be considered when developing new roadways or altering existing routes.

The MAC-FHWA coordinates and advises the Secretary of the Department of Transportation on infrastructure issues of concern to motorcycle riders, and is comprised of ten members of the motorcycling community with professional expertise in national motorcyclist safety advocacy. James ?Doc? Reichenbach II, State President of ABATE of Florida and Chairman of the Board of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) serves on the MAC as one of two members representing state motorcyclists? organizations.

Doctors smoking ad


With motorcycle ownership skyrocketing from 4.3 million to 10.4 million over the past decade, and a corresponding increase in rider deaths and injuries, two new studies have found that equipping motorcycles with antilock brakes makes them much safer.

The studies, one by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the other by the Highway Loss Data Institute, found that bikes with antilock brakes are involved in 37% fewer fatal accidents per 10,000 registered vehicles and reported 22% fewer accident damage claims per insured vehicle year.

Stopping a motorcycle is trickier than stopping a car. For one thing, the front and rear wheels typically have separate brake controls. In an emergency, a rider faces a split-second choice to either brake hard, which can lock the wheels and cause an overturn, or hold back on braking and risk running into the emergency. This is when antilock brakes can help by reducing brake pressure when they detect impending lockup and then increasing the pressure again when traction is restored. Brake pressure is evaluated multiple times per second, so riders may brake fully without fear of locking up.

Until lately, such crash avoidance technology as antilock brakes has primarily been available only on larger, more expensive motorcycles, but they are now available on 60 new models.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is considering whether or not antilock brakes should be mandatory on motorcycles.

k and g website banner


Law enforcement officers from across the country gather each year at a heavily guarded secret location for annual training on ?combating biker gangs?:

As quoted directly from promotional material for the course: ?Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Investigations: From the Inside – Combating Biker Gangs, from the International Association of Undercover Officers: A five day (36 hour) training program for law enforcement officers, prosecutors, corrections personnel and criminal analysts addressing the problems and pitfalls of investigations of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs. The instructors, have managed, supervised or directly participated in investigations of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs throughout the United States. The investigative techniques they used will be presented. Also, the many pitfalls and mistakes they made will be graphically demonstrated. Due to the sensitive nature of the training program and threats of physical harm to some of the speakers, the exact location of the training program will only be revealed to those who register. Special security will be maintained and only certified law enforcement officers with proper identification will be admitted.?

As one of America?s foremost authorities on biker discrimination, Minnesota Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) attorney Steven O?Brien, who also serves as legal counsel to the Confederation of Clubs of Minnesota and ABATE of Minnesota, applied for the course last year but was denied admittance with the written admonishment that he would be better suited to attend the NCOM Convention. O?Brien was instrumental in getting the nation?s first and only biker anti-discrimination law on the books in Minnesota, and then was successful in getting the new law upheld by the courts when an ABATE member was denied service at a bar.

For like-minded bikers concerned with preserving Freedom of the Road, the Silver 25th Annual NCOM Convention will be held Mother?s Day weekend, May 6-9, 2010 at the Orlando Airport Marriott, 7499 Augusta National Dr., Orlando, Florida. Reserve your place in history now by calling the National Coalition of Motorcyclists at (800) 525-5355 or visit A special NCOM room rate is available by calling the Marriott hotel at (800) 380-6751.

QUOTABLE QUOTE: ?The story of America’s quest for freedom is inscribed on her history in the blood of her patriots.?
–Randy Vader, American author/composer

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April 15, 2010 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

The 69th ready to rumble

THE SHERIFF REACHES OUT TO BILLY LANE–A short report from the ashes, Icelandic volcano kill all air-traffic in Europe. Girlfriend stuck in Amsterdam!

Anyway I send 19 photos from Daytona to Billy Lane. Today I received the package back from his camp. They only allowed 15 pages of paper………… so one photo is considered one page. So they returned it back to me without even giving the letter to Billy!!

I will send just ten next week.

nash jr

As for Sturgis I bought a bonus flight to Chicago $65 roundtrip 9-20 Aug.

Last but not least, my daughter wrote a piece about Daytona for In The Wind magazine. She is 22, so it was kinda ironic about all old visitors. Story killed by Paisano, I thought they were more flexible


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A PAGE OF THE CODE OF THE WEST WAS DISCOVERED IN 14 PALMS CALIFORNIA IN THE TRUNK OF A ’59 CADILLAC–Be the kind of man that when your feet hit the floor each morning,the devil says “Oh Crap, he’s up!”

Brother, life is too short to wake up with regrets.

So love the people who treat u right. Love the ones who don’t, just because you can.

Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.If it changes your life, let it.

Kiss slowly. Forgive quickly.God never said life would be easy. He just promised it would be worth it.

A real Brother walks with you when the rest of the world walks on.



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THE BIKERNET WTF PRODUCT OF THE WEEK–Don’t know if this is legit or not…

–Bill Hopkins

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Indian Motorcycle Fresno Sets Grand Opening–Indian dealerships are springing up all over, and a second California dealership is set to open in Fresno.

Matt Herwaldt, scion of an auto dealer family, will open the new Indian Motorcycle Fresno store in the same location as Herwaldt Subaru and Herwaldt Saturn.

?Motorcycles are a passion for my family,? Herwaldt told the Clovis Independent. ?It?s always been a dream of ours to have a motorcycle dealership.?

The Herwaldt family applied for the franchise as soon as they heard the newest owners were looking for California dealers.

Indian Motorcycle Fresno?s May 22 and 23 grand opening comes just a month after the only other Indian dealership in California ? Indian Motorcycle Los Angeles — celebrates its grand opening. They are among only 23 Indian dealers in North America.

–Posted by Holly Wagner
Published courtesy of

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BIKERNET INSURANCE GURU TWO CENTS ON NEW BIKERNET WEBSITE DESIGN– Your new design has got real potential and looking forward to the final product. Here’s some observations:

Is the brown-black back-ground your intent? My two cents, the Roland Sands site is cool for a parts custom guy but too dark to capture the essence of your entire Bikernet audience in my opinion.

I agree with your comment to Robintek about the page being “stronger” and “bolder”.

New site should reflect a more kick-ass, optimistic, freedom-lovin’, independent, biker lifestyle that captures the hearts, head and souls of the motorcycle community worldwide.

The American flag colors inter-twined somewhere on the site would not hurt it either.

Where will your Bikernet VIP department be located?

Hey, this advice is free so trash it if ya don’t like it.

Your Trusted Agent,
–Marc J. Beaulieu
For Fastest Service: Email:
Fax: 858-693-8703
Phone: 858-566-8703
Toll Free: 888-467-8703

Click on the banner for more info, or here for a quote.

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HAND TOOLED SEAT OF THE WEEK– April is Donate Life Month. I got an email from a friend telling me about this auction being put on by Donate Life Team Ted! I read a few stories on the website, and instantly wanted to help out.

So I am donating a “made to order” hand tooled leather solo seat to benefit Donate Life! Please checkout the other items from some of the absolute best in the music industry! Please remember to sign your Donor Card most importantly.

To see all the items up for auction please visit:

Thank you,
Adam Croft

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Intruders Foundation Seminar Series–The IF Seminar Series PresentsHistorian Dr. David M. Jacobs and Budd Hopkins, Executive Director of the Intruders FoundationIn a two-part program Updates and New Cases.

On Saturday evening, April 24, IF will present its first seminar of the year. It will feature historian Dr. David M. Jacobs and Budd Hopkins, director of the Intruders Foundation, in a two-part program “Updates and New Cases.”

In their dialogue on the current state of UFO abduction research, Dr. Jacobs, author of “Secret Life” and “The Threat”, will discuss the issue of hybrid beings interacting with humans here on earth, a subject he has touched on before that he continues to investigate. It remains a fascinating topic of serious interest to the research community.

Budd Hopkins, author of “Missing Time”, “Intruders” and “Witnessed”, as well as a recent memoir, “Art, Life and UFOs”, will concentrate on abduction cases he is currently investigating and will update the audience on new developments in a few ongoing cases.

Finally, in something of a change from our familiar program format, we hope to provide more time than usual for the Q & A portion of the evening in order to allow for a more extensive dialogue with the audience.

Thus, in our April 24th IF seminar we are offering the audience not only an extended opportunity to interact with these two accomplished UFO abduction investigators, but also the chance to learn more about cutting-edge research in the field. We urge you to attend this important event.


Seminars will be held at the new meeting rooms of A.R.E., located on the SECOND FLOOR at 241 W. 30th Street (between Seventh and Eighth Avenues), New York, NY . The price of seminars is $20 for members, seniors, students, and non-members. Reservations will be accepted by telephone at 212-645-5278. Reservations will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Payment must be made in advance to secure the reservation. Make checks payable to the Intruders Foundation, P.O. Box 30233, New York, NY 10011 . Seating is limited. Book early! Only 60 reservations are generally accepted!

On-street parking is generally available in the neighborhood. Seminars will begin at 7:30 PM and end at 10:00 PM. Doors open at 7:00 PM. There will be a one half-hour intermission, during which light complimentary refreshments will be served. A book table will offer books, videotapes and other material for sale to those interested. For additional information, call IF at 212-645-5278 .

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BIKERNET STAFF SCANDAL– Bikernet Metric Editor was walking home late at night and saw a woman in the shadows.

”Twenty dollars’ she whispers. Bubba had never been with a hooker before, but decides what the hell, it’s only twenty bucks So they hide in the bushes.

They’re ‘engaged’ for a minute when all of a sudden a light flashes on them. It is a police officer.

‘What’s going on here, people?’ asks the officer.

‘I’m making love to my wife!,’ Bubba answers sounding annoyed.

‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ says the cop, ‘I didn’t know’

‘Well, neither did I, ’til ya shined that light in her face! ”


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BIKERNET UNIVERSITY HISTORY DEPARTMENT CRUCIAL FINDINGS– They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all peein a pot & then once a day it was taken & sold to the tannery.

If you hadto do this to survive you were “Piss Poor”. But worse than that were thereally poor folk who couldn’t even afford to buy a pot.

They “Didn’thave a pot to Piss in” & were the lowest of the low.

–Irving M.

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THAT WAS QUICK–Media was hit recently. I’ve complained about their constant negativity and bullshit attacks on anything that moves. Well, the WEEK magazine reported last week that CNN viewership has dropped in half. I’d like to run this entire report from Eric Effron, but here’s a clip:?there’s simply a dwindling audience for a network that offers “the view from nowhere.” (Ouch.) Every night on Fox and MSNBC, we can watch O’Reilly, Olbermann and the rest preaching to their choirs, interviewing guests guaranteed to agree with them, and clobbering the other side (and often the other network) with the respective outrage of the day?How about if instead, CNN carved out a different niche?

Interesting. It’s finally coming around, the Bikernet code, “No Negative Waves.” That’s actually a line from Donald Southerland in Kelly’s Heroes. It always stuck with me. How about the old adage, “If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything.”

Okay, this just in regarding one of our tech projects:

The good news is that we just got our cam blanks in TODAY! Talk aboutyour serendipity,” said Bruce Tessmer from S&S. “That means that by the middle of next week we willhave your cams. If everything comes to he who waits, we should have mostof it by now.”

Just to recap the project: This is a 2002 Dyna. We will install a new S&S 97″top end kit, a set of chain drive cams, S&S tappets, and Quickeepushrods. “I’m suggesting the 583 cams,” Bruce added. “It’s kind of a cross between the551 and 585. A good overall performance cam, but really good torque.”

We will need to source the H-D hydraulic chain-tensioner retro fit kit. We have a set of Bubs pipes to install on this Dyna. We also have a Bubs slip-on muffler for a 2010 and a Wimmer intake system. Soon you will be able to review almost any exhaust intake system on Bikernet.


Here’s the Bikernet weekend rundown. Tomorrow I will launch Todd’s Speed King feature (above), what a cool bike. I’ll interview Rusty, at Illusions, over sushi, for a Cycle Source bike feature (below). Here’s a couple of teaser shots.



Saturday we will wrap up the 1934 VL and send it down the road. Sunday we will install the Bubs slip-on and Wimmer intake on Jeremiah’s new FLH. If I’m able to accomplish all these project by Sunday afternoon, plus publish a stellar informative Sunday Post, I’m going to take Monday off. What the fuck. Even an old criminal needs a break. As we hammered out the spit-shined news a tech rolled in on sprucing up an early twin cam Softail. Then Jeff Najar sent us a party article covering the recent Rick Fairless, Strokers Dallas show. Hang on.

Ride Forever,



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April 15, 2010 Part 1




This has been one of those hectic weeks. That’s what we get for growing and adding a blog to the manic mix. As fast as we create content, new stories fly at us. At the end of the news I’ll report on unruly content for next week. This is rapidly becoming a multi-media daily.

Ah, but what the hell. Bikernet keeps me out of trouble. Let’s hit the news. It’s all good this week, including several special reports:

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Here’s the Sucker Punch Sally tattoo of the week. Looks like the old ABATE logo.

STEALTH ACTION AGENDA–I have been unemployed since last August. I really don’t miss that job, I hated it. Working with a bunch of good old boy REDNECK car guys gets old real fast. Being unemployed is not a good thing, but I am thankful I have found a way to survive by doing odd jobs on the side. Sometimes they are not good either, and I sometimes find I laugh at myself for doing some of these odd jobs. Things I used to do as a kid and swore I would never do them again, become moneymakers. Well, I guess that just goes to show, “Never say never!”

Through this time of unemployment some good came of it. My buddy, Chopper John, and I have spent a good deal of time doing these odd jobs, and I know one day I will look back and remember them with a smile. At first, I really was stressing over being unemployed, but I have come to realize that if you find a way to keep on keeping on, you find that there are some really important things in life that we otherwise take for granted.

You see, I have come to not take the little things for granted, like my bikes and going for a ride. There was also my health and my friends. Through times like this, you find out who your real friends are. What a surprise, I didn’t have as many true friends as I thought. On the other hand I get to take J.C., my pitbull, for walks and listening to the birds early in the morning. I can now pick my girl up on Friday night and ride to bike night, and just hang with our friends. I have the precious time to attend Biker Church on Sunday and meet others who are in the same boat. They are also finding ways to keep their chins up.

Yeah, I still have worries, but I realize all you can do is put your best foot forward everyday and keep on pushing. I have my bad days and damn good ones. I have had happy times and the darkest times, but I am still standing. I still look for jobs everyday and it’s very frustrating. But I still try everyday even though sometimes I have asked myself, “Why do it?”

I don’t know what you believe or don’t believe and I am not preaching to anyone because I am one of the biggest sinners there is but there is a passage in the Bible that says, “Be still, I am here,” and I guess in a way that’s what I have done. This time has allowed me to do some things I have always wanted to do like learn to write and photograph bike features for Bikernet, and I am thankful for that opportunity. I rode down to Daytona for Bike Week and spent three days, and I kinda just relaxed and took it all in and the spark was re-ignited.

If you find yourself unemployed, I know it is a hard thing to deal with but find you will overcome, and be significantly better for it. You will be surprised at what you come up with. You know they say misery loves company, if you have a friend who is going through the unemployment blues, team up like Chopper John and I did and not only made some money but created some terrific memories!

Until next time, RIDE!


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HUPY MILWAUKEE VACATION DEAL– Hupy and Abraham, S.C. has teamed up with Southwest Airlines and Elm Grove Travel to offer a vacation getaway to any location Southwest Airlines flies to from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Elm Grove Travel is providing 2 nights hotel stay in your destination city and Hupy and Abraham, S.C. is also offering your choice of any leather jacket from one of the participating dealers or 2 nights stay and $100 gift certificate for food and beverage at the Iron Horse Hotel, Milwaukee’s only motorcycle theme 4 diamond hotel.

In addition, participating businesses are offering additional prizes during the drawing at each location. No purchase is necessary but you must go to one of the participating businesses to enter. Visit for more details and locations of participating businesses.


Black Nail Brigade Epic Memorial Ride

On May 1, 2010, bikers will ride in memory of Anita Zaffke, killed by a driver who was painting her nails and crashed into the back of Zaffke’s motorcycle. The Black Nail Brigade is a non-profit organization providing information, resources and support for crash victims and their families. To learn more or to register for the Memorial Ride, visit


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REVCOM HUNTS FOR A CURE– Winston-Salem is having their annual Susan G. Komen Race for The Cure ( ) coming up the first of May. My wife has challenged me to raise more money than she. I told her it was no problem for my friends, both in and out of the motorcycle industry. All my friends and colleagues have big hearts and like me very much!

So, while I would normally NEVER solicit donations during business hours and on business email, in this case, it?s worth it. If breast cancer has not closely touched you personally, it will. If it has, then you know what it means to find a cure soon!

So, prove me right and allow me to show my face at home. Take the time to make a small donation or I?ll be forced to RUN the entire 5k race!

Thanks to all!

–Brian Marion
P (336) 760-8307

Custom Chromelogobanner

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10,000 MILE RIDE 146

10,000 MILE RIDE REPORT– Got up this morning at 5:30 AM in anticipation of the up coming ride didn?t hardly sleep anyway haven?t been out on the road for a couple of years and now I?m ready for it again. Been a whole lot longer since I?ve been out road tripping on a Shovelhead. This is going to be a great adventure and I hope that Alystar is prepared for all of the trials and tribulation of riding a Shovel across our great land.

Enough of the dribble; I packed the bike last night, so I put the coffee and the sun was just starting its eastward trek across a clear sky when I opened the door to greet the day. The smell of fresh coffee pushed me along to the bathroom for the morning routine Coffee drank, pills taken and I was off to meet Aly at Glendale Harley-Davidson, home of the LOVE RIDE.

Nice brisk morning and this old Shovel is purring like a kitten, light traffic a fine running bike and a beautiful morning what more could you ask for. Traffic is still light as we approach L A, but it is early Saturday so it is as I expected. Anyway up I-5 to the Glendale freeway for one exit on to San Fernando Blvd.

Oliver has allowed us to use his dealership to kick the ride off and there were quite a few people on hand top send us off. We were supposed to leave at 10AM but it was 11 before we finally hit the highway. Down I-5 to I-10 east we were rolling on to a great adventure.

First stop on the ride is Eric Herrmann?s Studio in Cave Creek, AZ., haven?t been by to see him for about 3 years and we?ll have a lot to catch up one.

10,000 MILE RIDE 146

Both machines are running great Alystar and Tiger Lily, her Heritage Softail, are happy to be out and about. Almost to Blythe and I shred a primary drive belt. No big deal I?ve got a spare. This bike hasn?t been ridden in about 15 years so I figured the belt was just dry rotted. Replace the belt in no time and we were rolling again across the Az. state line a and a stop for gas and fuel for the body. Called Eric to let him know what happened and that we were running late. Full bellies and full tanks we were once again on our way.

Oh no, the belt is shredding again!!! Limped down the shoulder as far as I could before the belt snapped completely. Didn?t make it to the top or the ramp, but at least off of the freeway. A quick call to Eric and he was on his way to the rescue. Hour and a half later and we were in the truck headed back to his place for some relaxation. We are going to be here for a few days seeing as it is Saturday night and we won?t be able to get parts until Tuesday at the earliest.

See the next installment in the Sunday Post, this weekend.

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NEW CHANCE BOOK ARRIVES–Hey Brother, Nice job on the book. I jumped on it like a chicken on a june bug. I have been glued to it for a few days now, and I wake up thinking my days look pretty good compared to the shit Chance is facing. Can’t wait to see how it all plays out for the man.

This epic should hit the screen!!!

–Brother Mike

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D&D system

BIKERNET TECHS THIS WEEK–We published a guide to Sportster parts for those cheap bobber projects. Departure Biker Works, in Richmond, Virginia, also installed the latest 2010 Touring D&D exhaust system and Zippers MaxFlow air cleaners. These two simple components immediately brought a 96-inch FLH to life. Check out both techs.

Here’s an additional notes from Rosie at Zippers. See the tech right here:



End Covers for ThunderMax MaxFlow FiltersWant that radical open element look for your MaxFlow or HighFlow filter?Install one of these chrome-plated billet beauties for striking looks andmaximum flow.

Part No. Description
#172-780 5-1/2″ round open air filter cover, chrome smooth
#172-781 5-1/2″ round open air filter cover, chrome scalloped


By the way, our kits are available for all ’99-Up CARB/EFI model H-Ds. I like to let the readers know that the kit is available for a wide range ofapplications.

Zippers Banner

D & D Banner

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ANOTHER MYSTIC MOTORCYCLE MANTRA FROM UNCLE MONKEY–There is something about wearing a Harley shirt. It brings a sense of belonging. Understanding what cannot be explained. I didn’t buy my first Harley t-shirt until after I owned my first Harley. There was a certain sense of self-justice behind it. I didn’t want to wear the shirt until I actually owned one. It was my way of paying respect to the heritage, the tradition of the motorcycle and the men and women who had owned one before me.

Many people tell me it’s a silly tradition, along with my refusal to wear Harley Shirts from places I haven’t been. In this Internet day and age anyone can go on the computer and purchase a Harley shirt from anywhere in the world.

For many riders the names of dealerships near and far are an open invite to start a conversation. Often there are tales of breakdowns, great service, friendly faces, advice on a twisting stretch a road off of the beaten track. Most dealerships go out of their way to welcome travelers, even if it is just to bunker down under an overhang in a downpour.

For what many might consider to be a simple black t-shirt, Harley has actually put some engineering into the staple of our wardrobes. I remember reading a dealer memo issued when the Harley shirt was first taking off. They outlined how they choose black to help hide road grime. Their black hue is said to withstand fading better then other blacks. Heavier weight material was incorporated to offer warmth and a certain level of protection from sand and insects. Their shirts were designed to be quick drying, for when caught in the rain and to be virtually wrinkled free. A lot of work for a simple t-shirt.

We wore our shirts with pride. We used them to save lives, or to stop bleeding after an accident. We cleaned up oil and grease. Some hang in closets out of respect to a fallen bro, some are good everyday wear and fit just right, some capture run memories. Some are carefully stitched together in a patchwork quilt for a bedspread. Remember the black H-D shirt mantra the next time you reach for your cleanest dirty shirt.

-bad Uncle Monkey

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Confederate Motors, Inc. and S&S Cycle Announce Long-Term Strategic Plan– S&S Cycle and Confederate Motors, Inc., of Birmingham, AL., today announced a long-term strategic plan that will leverage the complementary strengths of both companies to penetrate the luxury motorcycle market segments. The alliance will include co-development of a motorcycle power plant mounting system in an effort to supply highly differentiated motorcycles and technology sharing, with a planned production launch in July of 2010.


We are ecstatic about the long-term implications of this union, said Matt Chambers, CEO and founder, Confederate Motors, Inc. Confederates and S Cycles long traditions of innovation, product passion and analogous cultures complement each other very well.


He added, Initially, Confederate will produce and sell highly differentiated motorcycles to the public through a factory direct plan, with additional plans to develop a dealer network and S&S authorized service network in the second half of 2010. The extensiveness of our collaborative efforts will expand thereafter to include new S powered vehicles for Confederate and additional technology-sharing between the two companies.



For additional information on Confederate Motors, Inc., or the C3 X132 Hellcat, please visit

More information can be found at

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10,000 MILE RIDE

DELTA DOCTRINE UPDATE–Hey Bandit – As promised, here’s another installment of Biker Doings in the California Delta. Last time River Rat n’ me told ya we were heading for the annual Rio Vista Run and, by gawd, we made it. When we rolled in to sign up at Foster’s Big Horn, we knew from the number of Shovelheads parked at the curb that this event was the real biker deal.

Shitty Smitty Signs them in

Shitty Smitty, the man behind this whole gig, was taking in fees and was busier than a one-armed paper hanger. Later on, he told us that over 400 folks signed up. Pretty friggin’ good turn out; maybe the old economy is turnin’ round a bit after all?

If ya haven’t been to Foster’s Big Horn on the main street of Rio Vista — like the name says, it’s right on the Sacramento River just off State Hwy 12 about 50 miles east of Frisco — ya gotta go sometime. Any tree huggers and vegetarians walking into the place would have a cow. That’s because, back in the 1930s, a guy who got rich as a river rum runner during Prohibition spent his ill gotten gains circling the globe and killin’ any animal that moved. Some 300 trophy heads, including an elephant, still hang on walls at Foster’s. But they have half a dozen cold beers on draft and some pretty decent eats so bikers stop there all the time.

Highway 12 riders

This particular day we couldn’t stand around too long admiring old Bill Foster’s handiwork as we headed up river for stop two at Al the Wops in Locke. Like we told ya before, this is one of the best beer n’ shot joints on the river. The grub is good too. From Al’s it was head for the Sierra Nevada foothills via Hwy 12 east. Our destination was the old Gold Rush town of San Andreas but first we made stops at the biker-friendly Old Corner Saloon in Clements and then Rossetti’s in Wallace.

Rossetti's No. 4

From the valley flats we rode up into the hills. This is Mark Twain country and it is a joy to ride any day. San Andreas, like most of these old mining towns, has maintained the original stone buildings and narrow streets from the late 1800’s. It’s like going back in time, livin’ history. Rio Vista Run riders pushed into the town’s Metro Hall for some food and entertainment. Shitty Smitty says that, long after me n’ Ratti had to head back down to the valley, lots of folks stayed until the last dog was hung early Sunday morning. Part of the entertainment involved passing around a blow-up doll; somthin’ we don’t really want to think too much about.

old town

That’s it for now. We’re prepping the bikes to head south for, among other things, dippin’ our toes in the Colorado River at the Laughlin River Run in Nevada later this month. If we get any down time on the road, well be continuing to thumb through our copy of your “Harbor Town Seduction” to see what ol’ Chance Hogan is up ta next. Keep yer tread down brother, talk to ya on the flip flop.


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BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER SEXUAL CLINIC UPDATE SPONSORED BY THE BIKER BASH– A woman comes home and tells her husband, “Remember those headachesI’ve been having all these years? Well, they’re gone..”

“No more headaches?” the husband asks,”What happened?”

His wife replies, Margie referred me to a hypnotist. He told me to standin front of a mirror, stare at myself and repeat “I do not Have aHeadache;I do not have a headache,I do not have a headache..”It Worked! The headaches are all gone..”

The husband replies, “Well, that is wonderful.”

His wife then says, “You know, you haven’t been exactly a ball of Fire inthe bedroom these last few years. Why don’t you go see the Hypnotist andsee if he can do anything for that?”

The husband agrees to try itFollowing his appointment, the husband comes home, rips off his clothes,picks up his wife and carries her into the bedroom.He puts her on the bed and says,”Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”

He goes into the Bathroom and comes back a few minutes later and jumpsinto bed and makes Passionate love to his wife like never before.

His wife says, “Boy, that was wonderful!”

The husband says, “Don’t move! I will be right back.” He goes back intothe bathroom, comes back and round two was even better than The Firsttime.The wife sits up and her head is spinning.

Her husband again says,”Don’t move, I’ll be right back..”With that, he goes back in the bathroom.This time, his wife quietly follows him and there, in the Bathroom, shesees him standing at themirror and saying …, “She’s NOT my wife, She’s Not my wife. She’sNot My Wife.”

His funeral service will be held on Friday.


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Continued On Page 2

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April 08, 2010 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

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BIKERNET OFFICIAL HEARSE PROJECT– Nice to see you’re working on a Roadmonster- should be a terrific hauler when you’re done!

Just thought I’d send a few pics of the ’91 I had until recently. I did all the body and paint myself- lowered, dechromed, smooth bumpers, filled tailgate, etc.

-Keith Silcox


Here’s our Bikernet Hearse, work in progress…We’ll bring you more shots on Sunday.

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Uncle Monkey is sponsored by Sucker Punch Sallys paint job of the week.

UNCLE MONKEY SPINS HIS DINNER PLATES–Life. It is one of those things that sneaks up on you when you least expect it too. For the most part those of us who faced up to responsibilities know life can best be described as a balancing act. Much like the people you see on the late night talk shows spinning plates. Precariously balanced, the trick is to keep everything spinning at a consistent speed. But like life that isn’t always possible. Some projects and obstacles demand more attention. Usually we can work it through. Sometimes, all the plates crash to the floor.

My life revolves around my family, career, writing, and home. Some days there simply aren’t enough hours in the day. Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew. Right now, I’ve got three novels in the works and I just committed myself to co-write a fourth, around kitchen renovations. I’m also grappling with a facelift for my truck, and a grand daughter who is turning three who insists “Papa” come watch “Tinkerbell”. Time is something I’m short on. The plates are starting to wobble.


There is light at the end of the tunnel, though. But until then, there is therapy waiting in my garage. Sometimes it is only a short blip up and down the main drag, sometimes it is a couple of hours out on an open highway. Riding a motorcycle sooths that tattered soul, and clears the cobwebs from the mind. I’ve been riding motorcycles since before I learned to ride a bicycle. There is something about the fresh air in the lungs, the swaying grass, the clouds floating against a blue sky that calms the spirit.

Redemption, salvation are all tied around a simple machine. I’m fortunate enough to have a wife who understands. She takes a tool from my hand and gives me my helmet. The motorcycle, our addiction, our drug.

–bad Uncle Monkey

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Sanitation truck driver charged in Phoenix motorcycle tragedy–PICKERINGTON, Ohio — The sanitation truck driver who ran into the back of a group of motorcyclists stopped at a stoplight in Phoenix on March 25 — killing four of them and injuring five others — has been arrested on suspicion of being under the influence of methamphetamine at the time of the crash, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) reports.

Police arrested truck driver Michael Jakscht, 46, on April 6 and booked him on four counts of manslaughter, five counts of aggravated assault and seven counts of endangerment.

Initial toxicology tests on blood drawn from Jakscht on the day of the crash show he had the illegal drug methamphetamine in his system, according to police. He could face an additional charge of impaired driving, police said.

Motorcyclists who died as a result of the crash were Daniel Butler, 35; Clyde Nachand, 67; Stephen Punch, 52; and Dale Downs-Totonchi, 47. Another motorcyclist, Phoenix Fire Capt. Ernie Lizarraga, 52, remains hospitalized suffering from injuries sustained in the crash.

“We commend the Phoenix Police Department for its diligence in pursuing this case, and for getting the initial toxicology results as quickly as possible,” said Ed Moreland, AMA vice president for government relations. “We understand that toxicology results normally take about six weeks to process, and the police were able to get initial results in this case in just two weeks.

“We again express our condolences on behalf of the AMA and its members to the families of those killed, and hope for a full recovery for those injured,” Moreland said. “We will continue to watch this case closely.”

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MICHIGAN CLASSIC CAR AUCTION–Held at the state-of-the-art Rock Financial Showplace the Classic Car Auction of Michigan is the Mid-West’s largest indoor auction. Cars from all eras are expected to cross the block over the two-day auction, with an abundance of top quality American Classics and Detroit muscle being offered.


If you have a motor car you’d like to consign, please call +1 734 547 6200 to speak with an RM Car Specialist. Our services allow you to access the knowledge of a team of experts and to experience exceptional client service from start to finish.

Admission Information
Day Pass – $10.00
Weekend Pass (2 days) – $15.00

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ARIZONA BAD COP OF THE WEEK– Along with being a subscriber to bikernet for a couple years now, I’ve become involved with the riders at A couple days ago “Azrider” posted the following:

Out for a nice solo run yesterday morning, stopped for breakfast and decided to ride up the mountain from Congress to Yarnell to see a old friend. Beautiful day in the 70s already and I was digging the winding road up the mountain when what do I see?

Two DPS cars sitting on the side of the road and one stepping out into the right lane (split doubles on the mtn) So I start to go into the left lane when the cop starts waving me back in and over to the side. WTF?

Knew I wasn’t speeding so not sure what was up, road problem, accident ahead perhaps. Nope right away asks for paperwork and license and refusing to say why I got pulled over. After some small talk about my address etc. to try to trip me up he writes me up…..

For what you ask?Are ya ready for this?

I got a fucking warning ticket for going 45mph in a 45mph zone… Not kidding and have a warning ticket to prove it and says that very thing.Cop says posted speed limits are for a guideline only and folks should really go slower on these winding mountain grades.

So I asked him “you pulled me over to write me a ticket for going the speed limit?” He says “no just a warning” they also did a look over of the bike, but stopped short of measuring anything. Didn’t think me funny when he asked about turn signals and I raised my left hand

They were still there an hour later with folks pulled over for whatever reason. Love seeing my tax money well spent.

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hideaway girls

BIKERNET ENGLISH DEPARTMENT WEIRD WORD OF THE DAY SPONSORED BY THE HIDEAWAY GIRLS–interlard in-tuhr-LARD, transitive verb:To insert between; to mix or mingle; especially, to introduce something foreign or irrelevant into; as, “to interlard a conversation with oaths or allusions.”

Every night we lined up books on the floor, interlarding mine with his before putting them on the shelves.
— Anne Fadiman, Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader

At home, she made herself understood in Friulian, but on jaunts with her mother around the village, conversations were interlarded with Italian, German, and Slovenian.
— Patricia Albers, Shadows, Fire, Snow

But should a grave preacher interlard his discourses with such fooleries?
— Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

Interlard comes from Middle French entrelarder, from Old French, from entre, “between” (from Latin inter-) + larder, “to lard,” from larde, “lard,” from Latin lardum. The original sense of the word, now obsolete, was “to place lard or bacon amongst; to mix, as fat meat with lean.”

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SPEAKING OF MOTORBOOKS, A CONTEST TO WIN $500 IN BOOKS–Since 1980, Motorbooks has hosted the largest, most eclectic show-what-ya-brung car/motorcycle/truck/tractor extravaganza and book sale in the upper Midwest. It is called WHEELS & WINGS and this September 11, 2010 (in Osceola, Wisconsin) will be our 30th Annual event. From AMCs to Zagatos, Ariels to Zundapps, Allis to Zetors (well, maybe not a Zetor) our friends and customers share their rides with our guests. And now, for the first time, we share with you (and your audience) the opportunity to design our 30th Anniversary Wheels and Wings logo.

Grand Prize: $500 (retail value) in books published by Motorbooks (and the Quayside Publishing Group). The winner chooses the books.

Contestants must submit their entry by May 7, 2010! The winner will be notified on May 14. For complete contest rules and submission guidelines, visit


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UD Replicas Unveil X2 Wolverine Motorcycle Suit–Nope, its not Halloween yet and you did read the headline right: UD will begin taking orders in late April for a Wolverine Motorcycle Suit (yep, the character from X-Men), produced under license from Marvel. UD Replicas unveiled the new Wolverine Motorcycle Suit – including leather jacket, pants and gloves as seen in X2: X-Men United – during Wizard World Toronto Comic-Con, and orders will be accepted online at in late April.

Looking at the specs for the new suit, these guys are really serious about it: To ensure precise detail, Marvel provided UD Replicas with access to the Wolverine suit worn on screen in the movie. To create the jacket, gloves and pants, UD Replicas is utilizing four different types of leather, which are hand-worked into an intricately faithful replica of the on-screen suit. Each X2 Wolverine Motorcycle Suit also incorporates removable CE-approved body armor, gloves with built-in, anti-skid Kevlar in the leather lining of the palms, and an interior, form-molded muscle suit sandwiched into the jacket’s torso section.

But they are not done yet: Under its multi-title license with Marvel, UD Replicas also announced today that it is in development on a leather replica of Tony Stark’s Mark V Suitcase Suit that will be seen in Marvel’s eagerly anticipated IRON MAN 2, which will be released in the U.S. on May 7.


Which reminds me, the new ‘Nightmare On Elm Street’ will be in theaters April 30, 2010. How about Freddy Krueger’s outfit made into riding gear, including that glove and a face mask. Now that would be really cool…- – C.S. Berg

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Fryed Bros Band 09

June 26th (Sat.) – Fryed Brothers Band Barbecue and Brews On the River at Rio Ramaza in Northern CaliforniaThe fabulous Fryed Brothers Band invites all its friends and fans to come to a ?Barbecue and Brews party with the boys along the Sacramento River on Saturday, June 26th. Notorious for their hot licks and killer parties, the Fryed Bros. are blowing out all the stops for this rowdy river romp at the Rio Ramaza, a private property that lies under the shade of tall trees with cool delta breezes along the gently flowing river.

Folks can park their butts on a hay bale and their bikes on the concrete, or wander down to the boat dock for a close up view of the river while dancers kick up their heels to the Fryed’s signature tunes. The band has traveled all over the world and is known as the premier biker band. Before they take off to Sturgis, SD for their annual performance there at the famous Knuckle Saloon, the boys want to party down in their own hometown so don’t miss the fun.

Admission is $10 for an afternoon of hot times with good friends under the cool misting system. Kids under 12 are admitted free. Families are welcome to toss a blanket on the lawn or bring out their camp chairs. Mouthwatering grub by the famous JR’s Texas BBQ and beverages will be for sale and there are picnic tables. RV and camping spaces are available. So gather up the clan and putt on down to party with the most dangerous band in the world!

Directions:>10,000 Garden Highway Sacramento CA 95837 in Sutter County. Don’t bother to GPS this address; it’ll just screw you up.

From Sacramento Area:
Take I-5 North towards Redding
Take 99/70 towards Yuba City/Marysville for about 7.5 miles to Riego Road.
At Riego Road, turn left (there is a light)
Follow Riego Road until it dead ends into Garden Hwy.
Veer left onto Garden Hwy and look for the parking signs on the right.

Check out the venue at For vendor information, contact Sue at 916-962-6415 No pets or outside food/beverages, please.

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Here is the latest winner of our Free Contest.

DON ALDER from Auburn, WA.

So click on the banner above if you want to make a suggestion and tell us what you want.

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Sucker Punch girl of the week. Click on her to find our what the crew is up to.

WOW!–Life is non-stop. Tomorrow I will wrap up our pro Sportster article/guide. When times are tough, any brother can fly down the highways on a bobbed Sportster. Then I’ll start to work on Todd’s version of a touring King. You’re going to dig this one. Subtle and wild changes give this bike a completely varied appeal and still it’s a touring monster.


If wiring intimidates you, we have the solution from Wire Plus. A couple of companies, including Phil’s Speed Shop, just south of us, have developed custom wiring systems. They take the guess work out of wiring and plunk all the bullshit elements into one neat, tight looking canister designed for easy mounting. Todd also make one of these units. We will bring you the tech next week. Johnny Humble is working with the Indian Larry crew on a new bike feature.

This tech as so involved and delicate we were forced to work with highly factory trained Fullerton H-D mechanic, Matt.

Plus, we are going to bring you another World’s simplest techs, in the form of mounting a metal sports billet tourpac rack. Takes all of 5-7 minutes. Maybe, over the weekend, we are going to test out a Bubs California approved touring muffler and a Wimmer intake system.


Next week we need to jump on Bonneville projects again, with Departure Bike Works and the Bonne Belle flathead. Oh, they just installed a complete D&D touring system and a Zippers air box. We’ll bring you a complete report in the next couple of weeks. I need a hand with one aspect of the Assalt Weapan, the World’s Fastest Panhead. Since the handlebars are in the shape of an upside down U, the handlebar master cylinder has a tough time holding fluids. I need to install a cable operated mastercylinder somewhere convenient, but not on the bars, then run a cable to it from a lever on the bars. I heard they were used on some dirt bikes, but I need a system for 1-inch bars.

Here’s our latest sponsor. Click on the logo to find out more.

The good doctor should be riding his refurbished VL this weekend. There you have it for this week.

Ride Forever,


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April 08, 2010 Part 1



Hey,This is a mild news day, with several special reports. Our Blog test is rolling. It’s like having a daily news report, so check it out, goddamnit. It’s a lot of work. If you want a quick overview of our industry daily, you can’t go wrong.

The hot news of today is that the SEMA effort to have motorcycles represented in this massive auto industry organization is coming to fruition. It’s amazing. Don’t give me the credit. It came directly from the SEMA staff. They kicked off a PowerSports department at the SEMA Las Vegas 2009 show. That effort gave birth to a group of powersports industry business owners and they formed the PowerSports Advisory Group. That group includes the boss of Tucker Rocky, Steve Johnson. Yours truly will also be a member, if the bros vote me in on the 20th. I am also working with Kirk Willard, the prez of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation to deliver a list of legislative efforts everyone in this industry need to be aware of. I will share this list with all our Bikernet readers.

“I am delivering an update to our Brothers in the South at our Beast of the East Conference this weekend and to the midwesterners at HEARTLAND STEAM in Iowa a few weeks after that, I’ll forward shortly thereafter,” Kirk Willard said.

Life is all about luck and timing. We now have an open door to bring the custom motorcycle industry a new market and hopefully a larger voice in legislative corridors all over the country. Last week was a good week for motorcycling. Let’s hit the news:

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SPECTRO OILS SPONSORS THEIR OWN BONNEVILLE RACE BIKE– Just wanted to bring you up to speed on the Spectro RD350 Bonneville Project. I?ve made some good progress, the rolling frame is complete, and I?ll be starting on the engine this week.


A special thanks to Progressive suspension for help with suspension technology, and a VERY big thank you to Dave at World Wide Bearings ( ) for the super trick Ceramic wheel and engine bearings. These bearings are unbelievable, the wheels spin like a 10 Speed bike!


I?ll send more updates as we progress, see ya on the salt!

–Rollin Karoll
Vice President of Sales
Spectro Oils
Brookfield, CT 06804


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BIKERNET FEATURE BIKE OF THE WEEK–Here is the Trock Knuckle I threw together, almost finished. My toil is done. This baby is going on the block.







fat bobs card
The Fatbob Web Site

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I am happy for you that the Spring Fling turnout was exceptional. More money for the Rick Fairless wants a Camaro fund.

The Corvette club sounds like an elite group. The club membership size just doubled since Joe T. got another Vette.

You guys keep talking about Bandit wanting you to set up the show. That might be the showbiz thing to do, but I enjoy watching you guys just dick around at the beginning.

Joe, I am with you on doing away with bras, but the panties have to stay. You have the best gig in town every time Strokers has one of those events with the wet t-shirt contest. What a nice fringe benefit for being Fairless’ friend.

Rick, it’s OK to hate white women, but don’t be a yankee hater. I is one. Nice grammar, huh? The Civil War is over.

I checked out the website for Royal Enfield. Nice bikes. Still not the same as Blackie though. I only live about 3 miles from where I work and a bike like that would be great for short in town travel.

Nice scoop on the Outlaws biker gang in Florida.

I finally got my bike out for the first time last Friday. Was windy, but still felt good to get out for a couple hours.

Good luck with the bike show.


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Fortunately Long Beach is still cool.

BIKERNET HOMETOWN IN TROUBLE–LA Controller Greuel: City will be Broke on May 5- – Mayor Blames City Council– ?The question I have been asked most often during the budget crisis,? says LA Controller Wendy Greuel, ?is when the City will run out of money??

?Unfortunately,? she tells the Council and the Mayor, ?we finally have that answer ? the City?s General Fund will be out of money ? in fact it will be negative $10 million ? on May 5th, 2010.?

Hang on, they may turn out the lights.


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SEMA banner
Anybody can join Sema, large companies, small, dealers and motorcycle related companies. They recently launched a PowerSports Action Groups that include street motorcycles.

SEMA Powersports Advisory Group Mission: Build value and credibility in the resources that SEMA can offer to fulfill the powersports industry?s unmet needs in an effort to increase the growth and prosperity of powersports companies. Resources include but are not limited to the SEMA Show, legislative advocacy, international relations, market research, education and business solutions. Immediate efforts include attracting more exhibitors and buyers to the powersports section at the 2010 SEMA Show and adding dedicated powerpsorts educational sessions and activities. The SEMA Show is the largest gathering of small businesses in the US and is built on small businesses with big ideas, entrepreneurial spirit and innovation.

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Team FLATRAT, SPONSORED BY BIKERNET, goes flat-track racing, with an AMA Hall of Famer– Dean had a wild idea, I got the call?.?Hey man, I?ve got this Yam TTR125, and I?ve always wanted to try flattrack, wadda ya think????I said ? Do you mean Martin?s bike (his son)???..He said ?Yes, and FU, do you wanna help me out with this or not?!!!…???.Tehehehe, I love jabbin Ol? Dean.

So, he orders up some street tires, and we start investigating. The event was put on by these guys and gals , it was also an AHRMA Southeast Regional event, to take place in Carnesville Ga. I?ve passed the track literally hundreds of times?.I was in.

So, it’s Friday (race sat afternoon), and I get a semi-panicked call from my teammate?.?Hey man, I?ve got an issue, we have this 1960 Belair custom that needs to go out to the blaster sat am, so everyone at Fuller HotRods is workin till done Friday night. My new Avon tires are in, but I can’t go get em, or mount em,?.the bike is down here at the shop?.?bout the only way this is gonna happen is if you jump in full bore Chally.?

OK, so I figure what the hell. I go grab the Avon tires from WoW Motorcycles (Dean is their former shop mgr)?Get on down to fullers shop?.the crew is hammerin / welding away?I stop at the roll-up and shout ?Howdy boys!??.the shots start flyin?.Fuller: ?Charlie Frikkin Young, did ya bring any beer???.Dean: ?Get to work you slacker??.?Field? the fabricator and ?Lil Brian? the welder / fab guy just start laughing?and I guess, decide to cut me some slack??yeah, I take shit from these guys all the time?..aint it great?!

Anyhow, at about midnight, we get the car loaded in the trailer, and the bike is mostly ready?..we knock back a few and BS for awhile? of Daytona Bikeweek, I guess Fuller?s trip was hectic?between the ?Hot Leathers? gigs in Daytona, filming 2 guy garage in Tampa, and a side trip to Nashville, he was wore out?..I said, ?Well Hell, I broke a crankshaft on the High-Banks of Daytona Int?l Speedway, go ahead, beat THAT Mf?r!!!!? ?..he just chuckled.

So?we are set, but have no idea what we are doing?.besides GOIN RACIN BABY!!! Heres a pic of Deans (martins) rocket ride for the evening


We arrive and look for a friend Ben from Fullers shop who is supposed to meet us here with another bike to race?.Ben, who also should have been workin on the Belair Friday nite, but wasn?t?.He arrives late and smiling, with no bike, but with a pretty little brunette ?friend?, who is visiting from overseas??Aaahhh, it all makes sense now. I think he flew her in so he would have an excuse to not finish his bike and have to race Dean?.but I could be wrong. Dean gets regestired. Attends the riders meeting, and gets squared away.


We see a familiar face, and some familiar ?skeleton? leathers?..Its David Aldana, former AMA Pro Flat-tracker, star subject of the ledgendary movie ?On Any Sunday?, and AMA Hall of Famer ?.He?s a great guy and we?ve talked before. Dean has questions?should I wear my Roadrace leathers or my dirtbike gear?….how do these heats work?….do I need to get the bike inspected?…David is a great guy and helps us along.


So, we are getting ready for racin. Dean gets a couple practice sessions, and is starting to get comfortable. He has entered 2 classes, 50cc to 125cc, and Open Novice?..Dean nor I are used to running heat races, so they are just a step up from practice for him. Dean does OK?..crashes once, but he and the bike are fine. Heres a pic of the track.


Fifty to 125 has 5 bikes, the other 4 are little kids! I was chucklin watchin Dean, in black skull and crossbone ?Army of Darkness? leathers, on this little bike, surrounded by kids that fit their bikes. THESE KIDS ARE FAST!!! Dean is battling this one kid, it is actually some great racin! Dean does the noble thing and pulls in on the last lap, as to not toake a trophy, and the inspiration, away from any of these young lads. I?m standing there as he pulls off?after the checker, the kids he was battling comes flying off the track to us, he is HYPED?hollerin at dean, bumpin fists ?Hey man, that was great!!! What happened to you?….I thought you had me!!!? Dean took the humble approach, ?I had a tire start to go down, you were riding great man!!??.that boy Middleton is alright.


Last race is Open Novice. Dean is against riders similar to his age, but several are on brand new CRF450 honda?s, to Deans little 125?..I believe 5 bikes here too. Dean is really getting the hang of this?he is railing?.bikes more than 3 TIMES the displacement of his?.He rode his ass off?.GOT SECOND!!!!….not too shabby for a short, ugly, transplanted englishman!!!…hehehehe.

Also, there was a guy running VERY fast?WITH 1 FRIKKIN ARM!!!! No bs, his right arm lost at the shoulder!…but good gawd, he was kickin butt!….he got a podium?.very cool to see.

So, we get packed up for the 2 hr drive home?.we are both whopped, but still discuss Flat Rats future in flat track racing?.we have been looking for a bike, and I think we will do this again?..I cant wait to give it a shot!

Hey, If anyone has an old steel flattrack shoe, size 9 or 10, that they would like to give another life too?.we will make sure it is on the track, where it wants to be?.not hangin’ in the garage with cobwebs!

Hey, check out the BikerNet sticker on the hotrod.

Also, Team FlatRat would like to request prayers for an injured rider, Skip Bradley. He was injured at Daytona Int?l Speedway during the AHRMA event. He crashed his Buell in turn 1 on March 2nd, and has been in a coma since then. Skip is well liked by many of my Norton Brothers, but I don?t know him personally. His family is struggling, his wife has been in Daytona since the accident. They are attempting to raise funds to transport him home to Houston, relieving a big burden on his family. If anyone would like to contribute, more info here.

Keep riding, and thanx to Bikernet for the coverage and sponsorship!

avon cobra 71 72  banner

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MAJOR NEWS FROM ILLUSION CYCLES–Another killer custom from T-Rod & Rusty again?.



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STEALTH REPORT FROM NORTH CAROLINA–Check this bike out. Started as a police bike.


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BANDIT’S LOOKING DOWN THE BARREL OF A MOTORBOOKS BOOK CONTRACT–“That outline was one of the best-written and most entertaining thingsI’ve read in ages,” said Darwin Holmstrom, Motorbooks Editor. “I can’t wait to read the entire book.”

Bandit has lobbied Motorbooks for years to kick off a book about old club members. Sonny Barger had major success with his books. Another Sonny book is soon to be released, Let’s Ride, Sonny’s guide to motorcycling.

Bandit had a notion to write a book called Badlands, but recently has worked with Motorbooks to write a series of books about long-standing club members. Once the contract is signed we will bring you behind the scenes coverage as Bandit writes the first novel.

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CALIFORNIA BILL TO INCREASE ?SPECIALLY CONSTRUCTED? CLASS FROM 500 TO 750 VEHICLES PER YEAR APPROVED BY COMMITTEE; MOVES TO APPROPRIATIONS– Legislation (A.B. 1740) in the California Assembly to increase the registration limit for exempted specially constructed vehicle (kit car) registrations from 500 to 750 vehicles per year was approved by the Transportation Committee. The bill now moves to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for consideration.

We Urge You to Contact Members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee (List Attached) Immediately to Request Their Support for A.B. 1740 ?

Under current California policy, specially constructed vehicles that do not receive one of the 500 sequence numbers are subject to a ?muddied? titling, registration and smog check process. ?

A.B. 1740 will help mitigate the ?black market? value of these 500 sequence numbers which are often sold on e-bay and other on-line auction sites.

?A.B. 1740 recognizes the minimal impact specially constructed vehicles have on air quality.
?A.B. 1740 recognizes the fact that specially constructed vehicles are overwhelmingly well-maintained and infrequently driven.
?A.B. 1740 will help allow vehicle owners to confidently take advantage of a newly-enacted vehicle registration amnesty program for specially constructed vehicles that were previously registered or classified incorrectly.

Under the new law, the DMV will grant amnesty from prosecution to vehicle owners if certain conditions are met, including the owner filing a completed application with the department.

DON?T DELAY! Please contact members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee today to urge support for A.B. 1740. California Assembly Appropriations Committee

Thank you for your prompt attention. Please e-mail a copy of your letter to Steve McDonald at


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THE FXR CODE OF THE WEST–The best Evo model ever built, and maybe the best H-D configuration was the FXR. Dar Holdsworth of Brass Balls Bobbers is building and new FXR model around a Chopper Guys frame right now.

We decided to pick up the hammer and pound home the drive to keep FXRs alive with our mudflap girl project. Paughco is building us a Frisco’d single-loop frame for the project. As soon as it arrives we’ll get started. You’ll see the whole rubbermounted project come together on Bikernet.

Recently Bikernet tech writer and harmonica blues player, Anson, sent us the following FXR connection:

Was “surfing” some bike sites last nite and ran across this: sells used Harley parts, especially FXR stuff .His fan gallery has a shot of your buddy Billy Lane with his FXR.



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BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER INTERVIEWS DR. WEIL ON Three Ways to Prevent Memory Loss–Do you feel like your memory is getting worse with every passing birthday? It happens to all of us as we age, but a growing body of medical evidence suggests that lifelong stimulation is the key to building and maintaining brain cells, staving off memory loss and maybe even preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

Research has found that doing interesting work (paid or volunteer), pursuing hobbies and engaging in an active social life can help. I recommend challenging yourself with music performance (playing an instrument or singing), language lessons, learning a new computer program, or hunkering down with a good crossword puzzle. And, try all of these with a smile – studies show that a positive emotional state is also good for your brain.

Remember that anything that makes you think in different ways is challenging for the brain and beneficial to your memory.

–For more info contact

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Greystone Mansion Concours d’Elegance to Feature DiMora Motorcycles–The historic Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills will be the venue when a collection of more than one hundred classic and exotic automobiles and motorcycles gather on April 11 for the first celebration of what is planned to become an annual event, the Greystone Mansion Concours d’Elegance. Historic celebrity vehicles from the Petersen Automotive Museum will be on display, such as Fred Astaire’s 1927 Rolls-Royce and a Duesenberg owned by Rita Hayworth. More modern technology will be represented by three new motorcycles from DiMora Custom Bikes in Palm Springs, California.

Built in 1928 and expanded since, the 55,000 square foot residence is surrounded by 18 acres of gardens, tennis courts, lakes, waterfalls, stables, and even a playhouse. It has served as the opulent setting for countless movies, such as Ghostbusters, Spiderman, Air Force One, Indecent Proposal, Stripes, and Rules of Engagement.


DiMora Custom Bikes will exhibit three handcrafted motorcycles at the Greystone Concours. The ZTango 300 is an easy rider softail chopper, the Knight Moves 180 is a classic pro street springer, and the Dragon’s Breath 250 is an upper range softail chopper. Activities begin at 10:00 am, and include the Concours, tours of the mansion, a fashion show, live musical entertainment, and catering by renowned restaurants such as Lawry’s, Spago, Porta Via, Coupa Caf?, Il Pastaio, and Via Alloro. Tickets include all food, drinks, and adult beverages, commemorative poster, program book, and 2 for 1 admission to the Petersen Automotive Museum.

More information is available online at

– – C.S. Berg

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ATHENA THE VAGABOND EXCITED ABOUT NEW BOOK, HARBOR TOWN SEDUCTION I am so excited about your new book and cannot wait to get my hands on it- I posted the release from Cycle Source on the Vagabond Chopper Company Website- News page hope you don’t mind- SMILE!!!

I will be putting it on the Chicks Rule Site and Vagabond Chickie tonight- I wanted to let you know that I am so happy that the book is out- I love the way you write- I cannot stand the drivel that some books of today are made up of- I like to read- I have read Sam Chopper Orwell 100 times along with my other all time favorite- The ARt Of Racing In The Rain– Now I will be able to add another great to my collection- don’t get me wrong I read a lot of stuff – I really enjoy the classics, but it seems my teenagers have taken over the library in our home and are reading all of the good ones.

It’s funny my 19-year-old is reading the Last of the Mohicans and he loves it- my 17 year old just finished The Pride and The Predjudice and my 11-year-old is reading Tom Sawyer And Huck Fin– I must have done something right cause most of their friends have no clue what a book is and the enjoyment of reading- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING YOU & INSPIRING US ALL TO PICK UP A GOOD BOOK AND READ….

WE LOVE YOU- The Vagabonds

–Athena ” Chickie ” Ransom
Vagabond Chopper Company
4700 N. Dixie Hwy., Suite 11
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334
Phone: (954) 360-0075
Fax: (954) 642-8658

vagabond logo

Continued On Page 2

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On The Sons of Anarchy Set

Lathrop, CA~August 28, 2009 – In case there is anyone left out there in TV land who hasn’t heard of the Sons of Anarchy, the wildly popular night-time biker soap that airs on the FX channel, let me bring you up to speed. This series has caused quite a stir in the riding community. Supposedly based in California’s central valley (modeled on the real town of Lodi some speculate), our imaginary gunrunning bike club operates from the fictitious town of Charming, which is anything but…

Carved table

From crooked cops that are controlled by the SOA club, to rival clubs, street gangs, and a psychotic menopausal matriarch of the club who runs rough shod over the entire town, the show is packed with drama and more than a few disturbing scenes. Think the Sopranos on bikes and you’ve got a damn close notion of what the show is about.

Tommy Flanagan, who plays Chibs.

According to the Internet Movie Database, however, the plot of the show is, “A man in his 30s struggles to find balance in his life between being a new dad and his involvement in a motorcycle gang.” The wording itself in this blurb is a glaring example of how little the outside world knows the biker world. There is no such thing as a motorcycle “gang.” There are motorcycle clubs of various stripes and flavors, but no gangs. Period.

Some 5.2 million viewers caught each episode of the first season thereby garnering more than a few devotees, much to the surprise of the show’s execs, who weren’t expecting the series to even be noticed. Season one, now on sale in stores like Target and Wal-Mart on DVD and Blu-Ray, reportedly sold out in Lodi, Stockton, and other surrounding valley towns in less than 2 hours after it was recently released.


Rumors and insider showbiz leaks over the summer pointed to a new season geared up to freak out even the most hardcore fans. So, for many, the SOA season two premier on Tuesday, September 8, had been anxiously anticipated. And fans weren’t disappointed. With introduction of a new nemesis for the club and the brutalization of a key female character, the sophomore season’s first episode absolutely blew the proverbial riding boots right off our collective crowd. And we’re damn sure there's more where that came from, as the next 10 new episodes spin out.


Ticket to ride

Ed Morga, the Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson dealership’s General Manager in Lathrop, CA, is one of the show’s fans. Just like most of us, Morga was bothered by the lack of reality in little details that screamed at him from his television. Firstly, 3-piece club guys don’t usually ride Fatboys. Working at a dealership that customizes bikes for a broad base of customers, which includes a few club members, Morga knew a thing or two about what club members ride. Ed made some calls and next thing he knew he was knee deep in actor’s agents, TV execs and lawyers wrestling with his proposal to provide the cast with personal, customized Harley-Davidson motorcycles more becoming to patched out bikers.

Over the span of five months, Morga and his right-hand man, Tommy Loredo, managed to arrange for seven of the cast members to place specific orders for customizing their new Harley FXD Dynas, and for each actor to be assigned his own personal mechanic to handle the customizing. The great reward came when the actors traveled from SoCal up to Lathrop to meet their mechanics and get a first glance and maiden lap around the dealership on their new wheels as fans looked on.

Charlie Hunnam on his new ride.

The dealership was mobbed. An estimated 7,000 NorCal riders cruised out to meet their favorite pretend bikers and the resulting mayhem was a sight to behold. People went nuts. Several women decided, in true biker fashion, that the best way to get a man’s attention was to flash some flesh. As the actors calmly readied themselves to sign autographs and pose for photos, grown women were pressing bare breasts to windowpanes and shrieking hysterically while motocops tried in vain to control the huge clusterfuck in the roadway out front.


Cast of characters

Kurt Sutter, writer/producer of the SOA who also plays “Big Otto” Delaney in the show, is married in real life to actress Katey Sagal. Sagal plays the role of “Gemma,” who is the afore mentioned menopausal bitch-from-hell, and wife of the SOA club president. (Club prez, played by Ron Perlman of “Hellboy” fame, did not receive a motorcycle, which makes one wonder “Why”? Will he be axed in the upcoming season?)

Gemma’s son “Jax,” played by Charlie Hunnam, is club vice-president and is the 30-something guy the show is based on. He is also the official heartthrob of the show and the one that caused the wardrobe malfunction for several rabid female fans.

Boone riding
Boone testing his new ride.

In addition to Jax, female followers also seem to appreciate characters “Opie,” played by long and lean Ryan Hurst as well as the Mohawked-and-head-tatted “Juice,” played by Theo Rossi. For my taste, the remaining bad boys of the cast are an interesting trio and out of the seven, are the only ones who come close to being riders off set. Mark Boone who plays “Bobby Elvis,” told about his last motorcycle crash and the repairs his bike required afterward. “Chibs,” is played by Tommy Flanagan, who in real life used to steal motorcycles as a boy in his homeland of Scotland, and Kim Coates, the Canadian who plays “Tig,” is the triggerman and all-round scoundrel of the club. Coates shared that in 1986, after totaling his last bike, he had promised his wife he would hang up his leather and ride no more. Heh.


The magnificent seven

After returning home to SoCal, each of the actors pondered their new toys and decided they needed a bit of tweaking. For some it was as little as the addition of forward controls, for one it was an additional 50 hours of change-outs. The baby-faced and polite Tanner Shackley, with a hand from fellow mechanic Russell, was responsible for the work on Kurt Sutter’s bike, which took the most detail work of all the bikes.

Chad checking out one of the bikes.

Charlie “Hollywood,” Peraino built Theo Rossi’s ride. Russell Baugh, notorious for spontaneous burnouts on his personal bike, put Ryan Hurst’s ride together. Chad Etter, known as “Chadillac,” is the youngest of the crew and was responsible for the work on Charlie Hunnam’s bike. William “Butch” Kerney, with scars to prove it, changed out Kim Coates’ bike that included a butt load of spike nuts.

Mike Foster took care of Tommy Flanagan’s bike and installed glowing, multi-colored fiber optic engine lighting as a surprise for the actor. “Tiny” Rich Cundiff put the very specific details for Mark Boone’s bike together for him.


Click on this banner to go to their official web site.


During the project, the mechanics developed a special bond with their assigned actor, each of who were very genuine and appreciative of the work done. As a reward for all the hard work, Eagle’s Nest H-D delighted the crew with a trip to Burbank to personally present the completed bikes to the actors at the SOA studios. I was lucky enough to be invited along on what would be a whirlwind, 800-some miles in 40-odd hours, turn-around trip to SoCal. An adventure that would include a 14-motorcycle pack slicing rush hour traffic at break-neck speeds on a Friday night in 105 degree weather through LA, while the hillsides blazed around us, as we sucked up all the shit in the dingy grey skies. Talk about an adrenalin rush!


Special delivery

Ed Morga has a hidden talent for putting together a road trip that’s a complete blast. Wanting to be sure his crew had a memorable experience for this trip, he took the time to make all the wild arrangements. First stop would be the famous Johnnie’s on Sepulveda where the sidewalk dining room was perfect for a handful of ragged NorCal riders parched from the heat and starving. After packing up the remains of the huge pastrami sandwiches that no one could finish, we headed out to the hotel for a bit of refreshment and a cool down before our reservations at the local comedy club, the Ice House.


A once-upon-a-time real icehouse, the walls are covered with headshots of all the comedians who have performed. The Ice House has historic significance since anyone who’s ever made it as a comedy act has taken the stage here. Our laugh fest for this night was provided by Mark Curry, (of, “Hanging with Mr. Cooper,” fame) and he cracked us all up when he singled out one of our party to harass.

The gang on stage at the Ice House.

The whole crew ended up on stage with the gracious comedian for a group shot that set the tone for the entire trip, and his witty jokes would be quoted repeatedly throughout the trip. Afterwards, a few of the guys rolled out for the Sunset Strip, while the rest of us called it a night in anticipation of the big presentation scheduled for 10 a.m. the next day. As it turned out, however, 10 a.m. was just a suggestion for the Hollywood crowd.


After wiping the layer of soot from the nearby fires off our bikes the next morning, we cruised through the Burbank streets towards the studio. The short route would include a nasty part of town that afforded us an opportunity to witness an arrest where the cops had a guy splayed against a wall as they patted him down and wrestled him into the cruiser, and just around the corner, a car was on fire in the middle of the boulevard. These acting guys apparently work in a really seedy part of town.

Garage set
The SOA garage set.

We arrived at the gated SOA Studio to discover that filming on location had gone on through the night and into the morning hours. We were told the actors would be meeting us as soon as humanly possible, so we set about entertaining ourselves by casually taking photos outside the buildings. Then the garage set was discovered.

The dealership girls trying out the SOA bar. Is that beer real?


Next thing we knew, we were poking through the set of the Sons of Anarchy completely unattended. Which means, like kids loose in their parent’s bedroom, we snooped our asses off.


There was a general inventory taken on which things would really be found in a biker’s home, which included bottles of premium booze, few saddle tramps can really afford (nope, no Jack), and some riding paraphernalia, and most props were set up sorta cool, but I’m here to tell you there was a complete lack of any genuine biker reading material. Not a single biker publication was found in the house set. Not an Easyriders, In the Wind, or Thunder Press. No Jammer catalogs or any other parts catalogue, and no Orwell or How to Build a Bonneville Salt Flats Motorcycle. There was, however, Sunset, Better Homes and Garden, and Sports Illustrated magazines. Yawn. We'll need to fix that.


As for our contribution to reality, there was climbing on the rather sticky stripper pole, hanging out in the club’s bar, and some lounging on beds and pawing of certain props. Some wardrobe items were tried on and everyone wandered their way through the silent and dark stage of the show in awe. No one tried to evict us. We were completely alone. By the time, the weary pretend bikers started showing up, we’d managed to satisfy our curiosity and giggle ourselves stupid in the process.

Butch and Kim Coates.

As each actor arrived, they were shuttled off to the office for paperwork and formalities before getting a crash course from the mechanics on each new ride. Some actors didn’t have their legal stuff together, some had no insurance, and some never owned a motorcycle license. Since these motorcycles are intended to be the actor’s personal bikes and are not meant for the show, these niggling little details caused some tense moments, before it all got ironed out.

Chad was Charlie Hunnam's mechanical wizard.

Several of the actors had problems learning to ride and the talk between them consisted of who dropped which bikes, how many times on last year’s show. All are working hard at learning to ride, however no one is ever expected to be in Jason Pullen’s category. When Kurt Sutter was asked what his wife, Katey Sagal, thought of the new motorcycle and all the show entails, he looked off in the distance, shook his head, and said, “Right now, she wishes I was writing for CSI.”


Part two is coming: Bikernet will deliver specific descriptions of each cast member bike and modifications, in the very near future. Hang on.–Wrench


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April 01, 2010 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


V-ROD ACTION IN TEXAS–Here’s a clip from this weekend… Click here to see the Clip

This was from the burnout contest at V-Rods and Hot Bods, at Republic H-D. While only members of Vindicta were up for the challenge, we had 4 guys who literally smoked the tires off the back of their bikes, the winner to get a new tire. Craig and his team couldn’t make a decision on the winner, so Craig awarded all 4 new tires.

Unbelievable time.

I will get you more in a few days including a rundown of the event, pics from the swimsuit show, and some great bikes. What an awesome time.

–Johnny HumbleBikernet V-Rod Supreme Editor in Chief

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Dealer Direct

D&D DEALER DIRECT PROGRAM CONTINUING TO EXPAND–I’m so sorry that I haven’t been able to provide you with our new dealer base, we have been extremely busy ( I know excuses excuses) but here we go:

3-5-10 new dealers
1) Gancos Enterprises 1008 Lake Palms Dr Largo, FL 33771 813-765-8849
2) Cycle Gear # 86 2229 Lehigh St Allentown, PA 18103 610-791-9880
3) Calumet H-D 10350 Calumet Ave Munster, IN 46321 219-934-6366
4) Performance Cycle & Auto Inc 4006 Progress Ave # 4 Naples, FL 34104 239-434-8699
5) Trev Deeley Motorcycles 1875 Boundary Rd Vancouver, BC Canada V5M3Y7 604-291-2453
6) B-Rad’s Cycle Shop 5306 Forest Hills Ct Loves Park, IL 61111 815-282-2723
7) The Harley Parts Store 1542 Reynolds Rd Maumee, OH 43537 888-316-2453
8) J & K Auto & Muffler Service 14000 66th ST N Largo, FL 33771 727-532-9215
9) KC Kustom Cycles 5405 E Lancaster Ft Worth, Tx 76112 817-507-0150
10) Evil Genius Cycle Works 30861 W Ten Mile Rd Farmington Hills, MI 48336 248-473-2039
11) Bonneville County Chopppers 475 Northgate Mile # G Idaho Falls, ID 83401 208-569-9924
12) Rayz Motor Cycle Towing 24 Repair Service 815 E Princeton Fresno, CA 93704 559-916-7071
13) Harley-Davidson of Medicine Hat 1923-2nd Ave Dunmore, AB Canada T1B0K3
14) MSP Cycles 2500 Lawrenceville Hwy Decatur, GA 30033 404-325-4121
15) Harley-Davidson of Sacramento 1000 Arden Way Sacramento, CA 95815 916-929-4680
16) Moto Route 66 1083 Boulevard Vachron St Marie QC G6E1M8 418-387-8066
17) Freedom Rider Cycles 141 US Hwy 321 NW Hickory, NC 28601 828-322-9901
18) Brentwood V Twin 3265 W 18th St Antioch, CA 94509 925-755-2453

1) Marquee Customs 72 Siemon St Bridgeport, CT 06605 203-332-1700
2) Reno Cycles 2315 Market ST Reno, NV 89502 775-329-2913
3) Buddy Stubbs/ Arizona H-D 13850 N. Cave Creek Rd Phoenix, AZ 85022 602-971-3400
4) Avalance Performance 110-1456 Fairview Rd Penticton, BC V2A6A2 250-492-9100
5) Ill-Fated Kustoms 2, 3650 19st NE Calgary, Alberta Canada T3A0E5 403-560-9281
6) Action Suzuki Kawasaki 3010 Interstate 30 Mesquite, TX 75150 972-686-8000
7) Thunder Customs LLC 582 Hwy Route 20 Sharon Springs, NY 13459 518-284-2454

1) Dream Customs 290 West Market St York, PA 17401 717-718-0448
2) Becancour H-D 4350 Arseneault Becancour, Quebec, Canada G9H1V8 819-233-3303
3) Family Powersports 1811 Fort Worth Hwy Weatherford, TX 76086 817-596-3244
4) Harley-Davidson Sales Co Inc 14550 Lorain Ave Cleveland, OH 44111 216-252-3111
5) Clinton Cycles 6709 Old Branch Ave Camp Springs, MD 20748 703-449-5900

1) Alchemy Bikes Limited Unit 4 Knuway House, Cranborne Rd Potters Bar, Hertfordshire ENG3JN 011441707665164
2) Krank’s Used Motorcycles & Service 201 E Vermilion # C Catlin, IL 61817 217-427-5520
3) Sauk Prairie H-D 836 Phillips Blvd Hwy 12 Sauk City, WI 53583 608-643-3735
4) TBM Performance 1006 Gallatin Ave Nashville, TN 37206 615-650-5299
5) Area 51 Cycles 1529 Lurting Ave Bronx, NY 10461 917-306-9970
6) Full House Cycles 100 Full House Dr Winchester, VA 22603 540-667-0088
7) Yamatoya Motorsports Inc 1432 Front Ave Lutherville, MD 21093 410-616-9962
8) Pat Rogers Speedway H-D 10049 Weddington Rd Concord, NC 28027 704-979-7433
9) Dyno Daves 2199 N Batavia Orange, CA 92865 714-282-9000
10) Yamaha of Louisville 400 North English St Rd Louisville, KY 40223 502-254-1188
11) Colorworks 133 Sport Parkway # D Keller, TX 76248 817-562-1522

— Jennifer Millican
D & D Performance Ent
Fx: 817-831-4260

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TATTOO OF THE WEEK FROM HARDBALL–This is a real f**#ckn tattoo ! Ouch !

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Click on the image to order a signed copy.

HARBOR TOWN SEDUCTION ARRIVES–Just received the book Harbor Town Seduction about three days after I put in the order.Very quick and efficient service, thank you very much.

I must say it differs a little from the site and is an excellent read.The cover art is throwback cool, seemingly from the ’50s movie titles, the binding itself is thick and sturdy and the words on the pages are large enough so old coots won’t have to put on their reading glasses.

The price is certainly affordable and the story is excellent.

So please get off your ass and publish the next one because I finished The Harbortown Seduction in two days. Hey it was raining in West Virginia where I rest my hat damnit!

Good stuff Bandit, appreciate the effort.

–Original Gangster

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BIKERNET WINTER WEATHER FORCAST–A family of moles had been hibernating all winter. One beautiful spring morning, they woke up. The father mole stuck his head out of the hole and looked around.

“Mother Mole!” He called back down the hole. “Come up here! I smell honey, fresh made honey!”

The mother mole ran up and squeezed in next to him. “That’s not honey, that’s maple syrup! I smell maple syrup!”

The baby mole, still down in the hole, was sulking. “I can’t smell anything down here but molasses….”

–Johnny G.

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Custom Chrome International CEO Holger Mohr congratulates the team ofGarage 65 for their win

CUSTOM CHROME EUROPEDEALER SHOW 201040 Years CCI & 12 Years CCE–2010 AMD European Championship of Custombike-Building.March 27th and 28th 2010, Ph?nix-Hall, Mainz, Germany.

Where will this show go? We don?t know! But we know where it was inMarch 2010, when Custombike-Builders not just from all over Europe, andwe are talking about Moscow in Russia and Queijas-Oeiras in Portugal,but also from the USA and Japan competed in what was one of the biggestMotorcycle Bikeshows Mainz in Germany has ever seen: Not less than 153motorcycles signed in the event, keeping the bikeshow stagingorganisation busy to place them.

As several bikes weren?t finished intime, still 119 competitors presented their bikes at the CCE Dealer Showand made it the most international bikeshow of Europe and the definitehighlight in the European bikeshow calendar. And all that withoutknowing what would be dropped onto them in form of sponsored prices!

It is a repetition every year, but the CCE Dealer Show and EuropeanChampionship of Custombike-Building once again topped last year?s recordresults in terms of attending dealers, visitors andbikeshow-participants. 12 years of CCE created a name for excellence ?and 40 years of CCI had to be celebrated in style.

Always an impressive view: The European Championship hall of the CustomChrome Europe Dealershow.

When the confetti came raining down on the top-ten ?Freestyle? classwinners, there were many happy faces around, not just on stage. Thisyear?s European Championship, integral part of the CCE Dealer Show eversince its founding, stood out in the way of pure determination of thebuilders to go for the title of ?European Champion? what ever the costwould be. As a matter of fact, of all TEN builders present on stage,only TWO have now to score again for their Sturgis ticket. Almost ALLbuilders that have won Sturgis Trips as ?Best of Show? bikes at previousevents competed again, explaining the incredible standard of this year?sbikes.

83 Freestyle, 7 Custom Chrome Motorcycles, 29 Modified Harley-Davidson ?most of which premiered at the show ? and numerous new bikes presentedby CCE partners at their booths. Europe?s market leader incustomparts-distribution again has teamed up their show with the AMDEuropean Championship of Custombike-Building to create the bestCustombike-Shows Europe has to offer. 119 awesome custombikes from allover Europe, USA and Japan competing for three tickets to the WorldChampionship at Sturgis/South Dakota in August 2010 – this year markingthe 70th Anniversary of the event ? and prices worth something in excessof 30.000,00 ?!

The European Champions 2010: Garage 65 scored a well-founded title withtheir awesome hub-steered ?Kosmo Drive? one-off prototype

All three top bikes wereinternational entries, with Verona Bike Expo winner Marco Cinquini andhis team underlining their previous victories at many shows during his

?European Tour 2010? with an prestigious EUROPEAN CHAMPION 2010 title.More than 6 month of worktime went into Garage 65?s award-winning “KosmoDrive” ? a hub-steered radical ride which is completely handcrafted,rolling on racing rubbers from Moto-GP racing. He is still refining thebike step-by-step and is now aiming for the next step: These guys meanbusiness!

2nd in Freestyle was Luciano Andreoli ? not unknown in the Championshipseries ? after winning the ?Low Ride? Bikeshow at Bike Expo Verona andthere just beaten by Garage 65. His one-off handcrafted Knuckleheadracer featuring unique rolling chassis and is almost entirelyhandcrafted with 2-spoke (!) wheels.

Completing the Top-3 in Freestyleis Kenji Nagai from Japan with his extraordinary “One Eyed King” thathas won him the German “Custombike” and numerous other events. Two outof three top-3 (and Swiss Performance Best of Show Energicer) winnersalready had a Sturgis ticket, which means that the 5.000 Euro transportvoucher is passed on to position 5 and 6, which made Austrian metalworkspecialists, Blech and Drueber and Hungarian Muece Choppers quitehappy: Both the Norton Walton Chopper and the Simson scratchbuildfrom a rare east-german antique motorcycle brand and BMW-offspring areunique and extremly handcrafted motorcycles.

CCI CEO Holger Mohr, Hot Rod Legend Cole Foster and Custombike-creatorKirk Taylor united with CCI?s 40th anniversary motorcycles,reperesenting the past and the present of 40 years of Custom Chromehistory…

The Jammer Award winners were selected by CCE?s Special Guests ColeFoster and Kirk Taylor, both well into Old School motorcycles.

TheRevTech award ? a Newcomer pick at this year?s show ? and awarded withan RevTech engine ? went to Spain?s Sergio Bayarri of Sbay Motorcyclesand his radical RevTech-powered Streetfighter which has been ridden to260 km/h at the track of Moto-GP Circuit Jerez/Spain His bike came inwith Best of Show honours by Llunatica Bikeshow, who also sent twoadditional bikes to compete at Mainz.

Last but certainly not least, Harley-Davidson Europe?s Jeremy Pickliterally shooked-up the Modified Harley-Davidson class with histop-price for the winner: A brandnew Harley-Davidson CVO Big BoreTwin-Cam Engine, worth more than 10 grand! This was kept secret beforethe show, as the modified HD class already was flooded with entries,underlining the popularity of this class. Jeremy Pick himself deliveredthe message on stage to a stunned crowd of builders.

?The sponsoringis a win-win situation for both sides?, says CCE Sales and MarketingDirector, General Manager Andreas Scholz, ?every Harley-Davidson soldmakes a potential customer of Custom Chrome and we wish Harley-Davidsonall the best to increase their sales in Europe and their home market.?

Afact that hasn?t changed in 40 years of CCI history: This washighlighted by selected collectibles, advertisements and images in aSpecial Exhibition, which also presented the two 40th Anniversary Bikesby Cole Foster and Kirk Taylor, plus CCI President and CEO Holger Mohr?sWotan ? the first-ever European custombike to grace the cover of aninternational aftermarket distributor catalogue.

The Top 10 Freestyle Winners on Stage: Only two (!!) teams have towin their tickets to the World Championship!

This year?s Special Guests included legendary bikebuilder Cory Ness,Cole Foster, Kirk Taylor, Ted Sands, Fred Kodlin, Marcus Walz and ? onhis first ever trip outside the US ? Jim Thiessen of JIMS Performance.World renowned custombike photographer Michael Lichter reported for theUS-magazines.

A brandnew bobber motorcycle was unveiled on stage by J?rgD?nnebacke of Chopper?s World and handed over to German TV/movie actorRalf Richter (?Das Boot? and others). Richter spent hours signingautographs and posing with the crowd.

The ?CCE Dealer Show? was attended by more brand names than ever before:Dead Center Cycles, Performance Machine, Legend Air, FreedomPerformance, Cycle Visions, Thunderbike, Cyron, West Eagle and JokerMachine some 60 world-class brands exhibiting their new items to some300 + Custom Chrome Europe dealers on Saturday and the general public onSunday. Listed in the CCE 2010 catalogue ? a massive 1.440 pages hardcover book ? featuring more than 2.000 new products starting fromcomplete kit bikes down to the smallest part to restore, modify or topimp-up stock Harley-Davidson models.

Text: HRF, Fotos: Frank Sander,; GuidoLukoschek, Horst R?sler

RevTech Banner

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BIKERNET SPECIAL REPORTS EDITORIAL– What is wrong with Harley Davidson? The heavy weight champ of cruisers is on the ropes. It is nothing new for any large corporation in this economic climate. This isn’t the first time this champ has been stumbling around the ring punch drunk. Harley-Davidson has face hardship before.

Sometimes it has miss stepped. As Bandit stated it is hard for any company to not make mistakes along the way. The secret of success is to learn from those mistakes and from the mistakes of others to position the company to where it can survive fluctuations in the market. Harley-Davidson previous misstep occurred when facing hardship the company joined together with AMF in a move that was to strengthen both companies. The result was a decade of declining sales and probably one of the darkest times for the company. The mighty Harley-Davidson was plagued with poor products and poor quality control. The company was driven by profit margins and quantity instead of quality. The management of Harley-Davidson were quick to lay the blame at the feet of AMF officials who were more concerned with padding the bottom line then turning out a quality American motorcycle. It nearly bankrupted the company and left many motorcyclists sneering the derogator comment “AMF years.”

In the early eighties Willie G Davidson led a group of executives to buy back the once mighty company. For all accounts it was win/win for all parties involved. AMF lost the albatross that was hanging from its neck and Harley-Davidson was finally once again under its own control. The turn around was impressive and has become the benchmark that all business students study. Harley-Davidson was able to approach the Federal Government to lift tariffs that were in place against the Japanese manufactures. Harley- Davidson continued to flourish. They were able to capitalize on their rebel image and relying heavily on their heritage and tradition the company was able to reinvigorate itself with the launch of the Softail motorcycle.

As the new millennium came to fruition Harley- Davidson started to see a decline in sales as many would be purchasers began to wait for 2003, the 100th Anniversary of the Harley-Davidson Company to purchase a new motorcycle. The consumers believed that these bikes would be deemed instant collector motorcycles. However, as 2003 models began appearing in showrooms Harley-Davidson made the decision to make every single motorcycle produced that year a 100th anniversary model. With their consumers and investors in possession of a new motorcycle and with no intention of ever selling them the Harley- Davidson Company was faced with a very serious hangover.

The company began slashing prices in 2004 and offered deep discounts to convince riders to purchase another new motorcycle in subsequent years. As Harley- Davidson further deceased their prices for the first time Harley-Davidson?s were cheaper then comparable Japanese built motorcycles.

During this time Harley-Davidson was facing a second very serious dilemma. Harley-Davidson had been able to maintain its market share by relying on the aftermarket and the consumers desire to customize their motorcycles. By the early 21st century Harley-Davidson had price their parts and themselves out of contention for consumers who were customizing and altering their motorcycles. The result was the aftermarket responded by being able to offer consumers the ability to build their own motorcycles. The aftermarket spawned a pseudo market known as the American V twin market. Soon companies sprang up producing motorcycles heavily influenced by Harley-Davidson. Companies began producing clone motorcycles under the names Big Dog, American Ironhorse, and Indian motorcycles. Identical to Harley-Davidson in many ways these bikes were built entirely from readily available aftermarket parts. The allies became the enemy.

Harley-Davidson’s response was three fold. First was to focus their sales and marketing to the 50+ year old population democratic, the population with the largest disposable income and those that had grown up with the heritage and tradition of the Harley-Davidson brand. The idea was that these consumers would be more inclined to return to the dealership for repairs and to purchase accessories through the dealer then the aftermarket.

Second they took a page from the Japanese market and began engineering interchange ability out of their motorcycles so that the back yard customizer could no longer pick and choose parts from all lines of motorcycles to build the motorcycle that they wanted. During this time Harley-Davidson began its third step by privately lobbying the Federal Government to increase regulation of the motorcycle industry. The intent was with strict Federal regulations the aftermarket would be unable to keep up with increasing regulation. Motorcycles would no longer be modified as they had traditionally been in the past.

It has been rumoured that there is a fourth ploy by Harley-Davidson. As consumers traded in their motorcycles, often at a lost to the Harley- Davidson Company that financed the initial sales, the used motorcycles are not reintroduced back into the market. By eliminating these used bikes from the market place Harley-Davidson hoped to stem the aftermarket growth and eliminate the past 100 years of motorcycles that would not be subject to the new regulations they hoped to have Congress pass.

The 50+ demographic appears to be a shortsighted answer to the problems Harley- Davidson faced. They failed to see that these consumers had a very short riding life expectancy. Within 5-10 years these new riders that the company had attracted and leveraged the company?s success on will not be riding. These consumers also view their motorcycles as simply another piece of consumer goods to show success and social standing. The result is very few of these motorcycles are being ridden with many of the motorcycles being ridden less then 1000 miles per year. This low usage has resulted in a sharp decline in visits to dealerships for servicing and for repairs, what was a staple of the Harley-Davidson Company to offset the low profit margins that new motorcycle sales generated.

In its drive to separate itself from the aftermarket the company has done everything to eliminate older Harley-Davidson Motorcycles from the marketplace. The company’s dealerships now absolutely refuse to work on, service or supply parts for their older motorcycles. In fact it has been this author?s experience that the dealerships refuse to have any association with any Harley-Davidson motorcycle that is more then five years old, insisting than the consumer purchase an new motorcycle instead and they quietly and discreetly dispose of the older machine. A dramatic snubbing of the history and tradition that the company had always tout as its strong suit. This turning of their backs on the history and heritage of the company?s past has not gone unnoticed by the riders who stood beside the company through the dark years. Harley-Davison relied on these riders through the lean years because they would always purchase new parts to keep their old and antiquities motorcycles running. Harley-Davidson is driving their core consumers to the aftermarket to purchase.

Will this mean the end of the iconic motorcycle company? It is hard to believe that it would. Demand for the motorcycle from consumers continues to climb with many dealerships having 12-18 month waiting lists for a new Harley- Davidson. The company has also scaled back production to help drive prices back up in a supply and demand situation. They have also started marketing motorcycles directly targeted at young riders entering the market. Will Harley Davidson survive to see another 100 years? Much like Coca-Cola?s ?New? Coke we will have to wait and see if the hardcore riders will embrace this new Harley-Davidson.

-Wayne Wuschke

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WHATTA NEWS–I don’t know about Wayne’s assertions. Most History books give AMF credit for the Evo motor design and funding the development leading to the factories future success. In otherwords AMF held the factory together during the tough times.

Walk into any bar and discuss the factory with each brother, and every patron will have a different strident take on history, the future, and his model. That’s actually a good thing. It’s an indication of the level of passion surrounding our product. Ask me about my toaster. I could give a shit less, but ask about Harley-Davidson and you’ll receive a heated response. Shows we care, goddamnit.

Since we’re talking biz, check this quote of the week from The WEEK Magazine: If we look beyond the short-term hardship, there are many reasons to believe that America will remain ascendant well into the middle decades of this century. And one important reason is people. From 200 to 2050, the U.S. will add another 100 million to its population, putting the country on a growth track far faster tan most other major nations in the world. And with that growth will come a host of relative economic and social benefits. Within the next four decades, most of the developed countries in both Europe and East Asia (including China) will become veritable old -age homes. The U.S. will maintain a youthful, dynamic demographic (and is) diverging from its prime competitors.–Joel Kotkin in

Britney, our April Girl of Bikernet, modeling Torian Leathers.

Okay, so now the economic situation is rosey, it’s going to be harder to find a place to hide out from the masses. Good god. But you’ll always have Bikernet or Bandit’s Cantina for a digital escape. Tomorrow, I’m going to Fullerton H-D for a quick Metal Sports tour pack rack install. Next week, I will work on a Torian Leather Girl of Bikernet featuring our 5-Ball Factory Racer. And next week, we will feature the most unique late model Road King built by Todd of Todd’s Cycle. Our hidden Canyon writer is working on a feature with Roland Sand’s new Sportster, associated products and Performance Machine wheels and brakes. Oh, and I need to wrap up our Chopped Sportster Product Guide.

I forgot, we’re wrapping up this American Iron Brass Balls road test. Should hit the pages of Bikernet next week.

That should keep the week hopping like jack rabbits escaping a rattlesnake. Then we need to hit the Bonneville bike again. Never a dull moment.

Ride Forever,



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April 01, 2010 Part 1




This day is sorta strange, but all positive, I hope. First STD will live again, although under a different name, most likely. I believe you’ll see a new reasonably priced line of complete, made in America engines and components come to life shortly from the guys at Spyke Engineering. We’ll bring you all the products as they complete development.

We had another meeting at the SEMA offices yesterday, with a handful of bros from the industry. It looks as if we have an opportunity to be apart of PowerSports Action Group. This could be very exciting from several perspectives. From a trade standpoint, this would allow all of our businesses to reach out of the biker box and into the vast automotive sector. From an enthusiast/legislative/grassroots standpoint it would afford us a batch of new resources and open the door for the hardworking motorcycle legislative network to help the custom car enthusiast and visa versa. You know what they say about having a stronger voice in this regulatory era. We need the biggest voice we can muster to encourage legislators to respect our freedoms and take a balanced approach. I’m going to publish a complete report on the Powersports Action Group next week.

One last odd number before I hit the news. I watched a 1940 Ginger Rogers movie last night, and although it’s not a biker movie, it was definitely a motorcycle movie, and a very cool one. Primrose Path featured Joel McCrea on a beat up old JD with a sidecar throughout the movie. It’s a very cool flick and one of Ginger’s first dramatic roles. Let’s hit the news.

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CHECK OUT OUR LATEST ADVENTURE–Chance is a young chopper rider that is looking to make his way through the mean streets of LA. Check it out? details here.

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STEALTHMAN RESPONDS–I read the article Is Harley-Davidson a Victim of It’s Own Success and have to say I agree with Bandit. I don’t agree with anything in that article. Harley-Davidson has rubbed me the wrong way also from time to time, but they are still an American icon. Whoever Richard D’Aveni is, I don’t know but he strikes me as guy who is full of figures and formulas that in the end add up to nothing. Harley has proven it can compete with Japanese bikes, once the playing field was leveled years ago. As far as the aftermarket bikes are concerned, let’s face it, if were not for Harley-Davidson a lot of these companies would not exist. A large percentage of these builders use engines from the factory.

With all the fancy terms Mr. D’Aveni uses and his formulas, he leaves out one important factor. One reason and the MAIN reason Harleys are not selling is the UNEMPLOYMENT factor! Give us jobs and you will see those sales soar again. Also you need to know this, Mr. D’Aveni, never under estimate the heart of the biker who rides a Harley. You can’t measure that, but it’s damn strong. That bike is a major part of his heart and soul, and it does not matter what new bells and whistles are on the metric bikes, we will always ride Harleys.

Right now the eagle at Harley-Davidson is quiet, give us jobs and we will all see him soar again!


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Rick and Joe T talk about spring fling, Jesse James, Pam Anderson and Dancing With the Stars. Can choppers get any manlier?

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UNCLE MONKEY OPENS SPRING RIDING SEASON–The gloves are stiff and gritty. The jacket and chaps shrunk from last year. You let the chaps out another hole or two. The sun is warm and inviting and the plates are hung with care on the bike. Days of anticipation and excitement come down to this. The bike rumbles to life. Those valves seem to be making more noise then last year. You throw your leg over and right the bike up.

You don’t recall the bike being quite so heavy. You pull the clutch in and out a couple of times and twist the stiff throttle. The engine snarls. You teeter forward out of the garage. The warm sun on your face, and the birds chirp in protest of the iron beast that disturbs them. You roll the bike out on the street. It wobbles and trembles like a new born fawn. Blush comes to your cheeks, you’ve been riding for years, don’t look like an idiot.

A snap of the throttle reminds you of the engine work you did over the winter months. It?s faster than you thought, as you clench the bars, so you’re not bucked off. At the corner the front tire breaks loose and slides in the loose sand. You tense your whole body. But you know the drill, let the bike handle it. Don’t hit the brakes. Exhaling slowly watch for obstacles and curve direction. The tire finds traction and the tension drains away.

You kick it into gear again and head west, smooth and confident. You have your bearings once more. The road is yours once again. You snap the throttle and sneer at the startled squares walking on the sidewalks. You flip a cool wave to the kid on his Christmas bike racing along side. One day he may ride a real motorcycle too.

We’ve all been there. That first ride of the season. The familiarity unwelcoming after months of neglect in the frigid cold months. For all our skill and years of riding, that first ride is always uncomfortable for the first few blocks. We are nervous of the sand slick streets, nervous of the drivers who haven’t seen a motorcycle in months and forgot how to share the road with others. But we survive, alert, and keep to everything moving around us. It’s a rush to feel the freedom, the exhilaration, the power, and the sun once more. -bad Uncle Monkey

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D&D HAS PERFORMANCE SLIPONS FOR THE VISION–NEW D&D 2008-2010 Victory Vision Boss Slip-ons for the ultimate touring Victory motorbike. The slipons increase power and torque allow you to install in less time than your lunch break. They come in midnight black or show-quality chrome. The Vision Boss Slip-ons utilize stock heatshields.

3 Cuts available – L = Slant cut, T = Straight cut or F = 45 Deg cut.

Checkout the latest at D&D ( or call 817-834-8961.

D & D Banner

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Subject: WHEN KAFKA WRITES GUN CONTROL LAWS–Unexpected Flight Delay => Hotel Stay => Criminal Prosecution for GunPossession
By Eugene Volokh
Law professor
The Volokh Conspiracy
March 30, 2010 unfortunate story, detailed in Revell v. Port Authority (3d Cir.2010): Gregg C. Revell was flying from Salt Lake City to Allentown,Pennsylvania, via Minneapolis and Newark. He had an unloaded gun legallychecked in his luggage, which was supposed to meet him at Allentown.Supposed to. In fact, the flight to Newark was late, so Revell missedhis connection. He booked himself on the next flight, but the airlinechanged those plans. He was supposed to get on a bus, but his luggagedidn?t get on the bus with him. He found the luggage, but the bus hadleft, so he had to stay overnight at the hotel, with his luggage.Aha! That?s where the crime came in. The Firearms Owners? Protection Actprotected Revell on the plane, and would have protected him on the bus.But the moment the luggage came into his hands or otherwise became?readily accessible? to him outside a car ? here, when he got theluggage to go to the hotel, but it would have also happened if he hadgotten the luggage to put it into the trunk of a rental car ? heviolated New Jersey law, which requires a permit to possess a handgun(and which bans the hollow-point ammunition that Revell also had in aseparate locked container in his luggage).

Revell was arrested when hechecked in with the luggage at Newark Airport, and said (as he wassupposed to) that he had an unloaded gun in a locked case in hisluggage; he then spent four days in jail until he was released on bail.Eventually the New Jersey prosecutor dropped the charges against him,but Revell didn?t get the gun and his other property back until almostthree years later.

Revell sued, and lost; the Third Circuit concluded that once he took theluggage in hand in New Jersey, it became ?readily accessible,? and theFOPA immunity was lost. And this is indeed a sensible reading of thestatutory text: Notwithstanding any other provision of any law or any rule orregulation of a State or any political subdivision thereof, any personwho is not otherwise prohibited by this chapter from transporting,shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport afirearm for any lawful purpose from any place where he may lawfullypossess and carry such firearm to any other place where he may lawfullypossess and carry such firearm if, during such transportation thefirearm is unloaded, and neither the firearm nor any ammunition beingtransported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from thepassenger compartment of such transporting vehicle: Provided, That inthe case of a vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver?scompartment the firearm or ammunition shall be contained in a lockedcontainer other than the glove compartment or console.

So what do you if this happens to you?

Stranded gun owners like Revell have the option of going to lawenforcement representatives at an airport or to airport personnel beforethey retrieve their luggage. The careful owner will do so and explainhis situation, requesting that his firearm and ammunition be held forhim overnight.[18] [Footnote 18:] Of course, this suggestion leaves unanswered thequestion of what the gun owner should do if the law enforcement officersdecline to assist him. It may be hoped, however, that officers will notcompound a blameless owner?s problems in that way.

Hope does spring eternal, but I suspect that airport police and airportstaff aren?t going to be willing to hold people?s luggage for themovernight, especially when it contains a gun. And of course the airportpolice or staff would then have to personally check in the luggage forthe owner, since the owner can?t take it in hand without losing the FOPAimmunity.

So watch out when you travel with your gun in checked luggage. If yourflight gets routed to a different city, or you have to stay overnight atone of the stops, you could be arrested. Or if you drive across countrybut your car breaks down, and you need to move the luggage to anothercar, you could likewise be violating the law (though you?d be lesslikely to be caught, since you have no obligation declare your gun whenyou switch cars the way you do when you get on a plane). FOPA gives youa good deal of protection on your travels ? but, as Mr. Revell learned,not complete protection.

–from Agent Zebra

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COOL PIX FROM DAYTONA SHOT BY BOSSMAN, DAR HOLDSWORTH–Team Brass Balls had a great time and saw so much outstanding 2 wheel artistry. One place that had it on display was the Limpnickie Lot. Here are some of our favorite pix from the Lot and Tattoo Willies.

Note: Just as the sun finally began to heat up the Florida coastline, it was time to leave. Daytona was cold this year but as usual, the bikes and the babes were hot. For those of you who couldn?t make it down this year for one reason or another, hope to see you there next year.

That?s if we don?t see you at Sturgis first.

– BossMan, Dar Holdsworth


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PSI Softail Lowering kit

BIKERNET TECH QUESTION OF THE WEEK–Bandit, I am a subscriber to Bikernet and would like to know if you have any reviews for White Brothers Lowering Kit vs. Progressive Lowering Kits?

I recently purchased a 04 FXSTBI Softail Night Train. The previous owner said he dropped the rear with a White Brothers Lowering Kit, not sure by how much. When I compare my bike to my buddy’s Softail I can totally see the difference in drop. He’s not sure what kind of lowering kit is on the bike since he bought it used already with it lowered, both front and rear.

I want to achieve this look on the front and back of my bike, but not sure which kit is the best. I’ve been looking on eBay for front fork drop in springs and rear, and noticed that Progressive has an add on rear lowering kit, that has rubber mount attached to the shortening bolts, but the White Bros. shortening bolts do not have a rubber mount. Does this rubber mount help absorb bumps?Let me know what you think.


— Mario

PSI DROP-IN Spring Kits


For the front end I’d recommend the Drop-In style lowering kit, easy install and will pull 2″ out of the fork with minimal impact in ride quality. There are several options in the rear of the Softails, first is the shock extension style of lowering you mention (extends stock shocks to lower the bike), we make a kit that is adjustable and will let you tune the height, although inexpensive, you may face the challenge of minimal travel and a pair of tired stock shocks.

The rubber you may be seeing is the replacement bushings we supply for the late model Softails.

Progressive Susp - 422 Series shocks

Another option would be a set of 422 Series shocks that are superior to stockers, offer preload adjustment (allowing you to tune to your weight and bike), as well as height adjustable. Check em out below:
(mouse over bottom middle image to see the kit)

–David Zemla
Progressive Suspension

Progressive ad

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BIKERNET JOB LISTING, BODYGUARD JOB NEEDED–After completing high school, Mr. Pecoraro studied Business Administration for 1 and 1/2 years at the College of DuPage in Illinois. From 1989 to present Mr. Pecoraro has been highly successful as a small business owner in diverse areas. However, his true passion is in the area of security and self defense where he is an accomplished professional fighter, bodyguard and security expert.

Mr. Pecoraro started his Martial Arts training in 1973 at 12 years old under World renowned trainers including Master Randall Dittman, Master Jaime Fernandez, Master Ed Parker and Master Joe Sasso to name a few. In 1995 Steve expanded his knowledge in the martial arts obtaining a Black Sash in Southern Praying mantis Kung- Fu under Master Anthony Spahn. In 1999 earned his 3rd Black-Belt in Tae-Kwon-Do under Grandmaster Seok Bong Kim, a South Korean middle weight Tae-Kwon-Do champion and head Military police self-defense instructor from 1983-1987 in Seoul, Korea.

His overall amateur record is: 87 wins, 13 losses, 9 draws

From 1993 ? 2006 Steve maintained a professional banking and real estate license, owned and operated multiple pawnshop/jewelry stores in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois and founded his own production company. In 2000 Steve started a production company “Too Famous Productions LLC.” Too Famous was involved in a myriad of projects including “Tales of Pawn” (test marketed by Comedy Central), various commercials, and promoting World Class Martial Arts events. “Tales of Pain” was rivaled only by the K-1 and was considered the 2nd most prestigious tournament in the USA.

In addition Steve has a CPR certification and Red Cross certificate.

If interested drop an e-mail to:

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NHRA & NASCAR TECHNOLOGY IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR SLED–This is a story about a man named Mike Alex who builds suspension for NHRA Pro Stock and NASCAR teams. He decided that since his experience was so bad with his stock Harley that he could improve on it. After friends and associates tried his bike, they wanted a set for their own ride. Then they told their friends, and they told their friends? And that was how Suspension Technologies came about.

They build performance shocks for your Harley. And this means that you will be able to corner better and feel the road without the jarring of a stock suspension. And maybe the most important part is that your honey will enjoy riding on the back.

Checkout the latest from Suspension Technologies.

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BIKERNET CULINARY INSTITUTE PARTNERS WITH OL’ GRINGO IN TEXAS–Ol’Gringo has boiled up nasty, award-winning salsas and hot sauces for 20 years. The Bikernet Culinary Institute tested several of their sizzling sauces on Bandit over the last year.

“If they don’t kill the old bastard, I guess we can sell ’em,” said Renegade, the Bikernet Chief Critic. “Then we took a vote on a flavors.”

Bandit vetoed the vote and picked his favorites, Habarnero Sauce and the Jalapeno Salsa. Watch for them in the Black Market next week.

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DOMESTIC SALES JUMP AT BIG BEAR CHOPPERS–“We had to develop a more efficient way to ship bikes,” said Kevin Alsop, the Big Bear Boss.


Actually Mona, his wife, took one look in a big rig and said, “What the hell, you could ship twice as many bikes in this rig, if it was two-tiered. Kevin, build some racks. And no lunch until the job is done.”


The Big Bear Chopper team met the challenge immediately. They were starving. Watch for more Big Bear Choppers on the streets all over the US in the near future.

Big Bear Touring

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BIKERNET READER RECEIVES NEW CHANGE HOGAN BOOK– Hey there sweetie, I got the book today! Thank you and thank the big guy for me. Love the artwork, reminds me of drive in movie stuff from the ’60s


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PHOTO TECH FROM DOC ROBINSON, BIKERNET TECH EDITOR AND TECH EDITOR OF HEAVY DUTY MAGAZINE IN AUSTRALIA–Most (even expensive) digital cameras do not handle artificial lighting all that well.You can get around this by setting your camera for the appropriate lighting but that means a bit of extra effort in setting up and then remembering to change it when you go outside or into a different sort of artificial light.

Now, you need to reduce your photo sizes anyway, so here?s a trick I learned to perform both tasks together.

1 Open the pic with whatever version of Photoshop you have.
2 Select auto color from the drop down menu. In most (95%) cases this will get rid of the excess yellow in the coloring.
3 Now select image size and type in the pixel width or height that your require (whichever is the greater value bring back to 600).
4 Select save as, give it a name, and depending upon original size save at 5 or 6 and you should have a color corrected pic about the right kilobyte size for web posting.

N.B. That is all, repeat all, that I really know about Photoshop but it has served me very well indeed.

Compare the before and after pics side by side to see the difference.

This one simple extra click will stop tens of thousands of visitors to from smirking at your photographic efforts ?.

Yours in the interest of an ever-better Bikernet.

Doc Robinson
Associate & Technical Editor

Heavy Duty Banner

Continued On Page 2

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A Note From Hollister


I’m wondering if you can “balance” this with the letter attached. See, last month when this ran, I got some blowback from Charisse at Johnny’s. So I felt is was fair to give her a forum too, and publish the attached letter in my CA and SW July editions.

ALSO, PLEASE find a way to make a distinction below – the below letter is from my father, the Northwest Editor (I let him call himself “Publisher”, he he) but some thought it was from me (National Publisher).

I realize you have better things to do, and I don’t know what you can do on this, but anything is appreciated.

National Publisher
Quick Throttle Magazine

Editor’s Note:

This is a letter submitted by Charisse Tyson, the Owner of the famous Johnny’s Bar in downtown Hollister. Most of you know the annual Rally was cancelled, but not everyone has gone away quietly. I am happy to give Charisse this forum, so that she can bring to light the abuse that this town, and our community, have suffered at the hands of law enforcement:

Without A Rally Will We See A Repeat of 2006?

A reporter for one of our local papers came by Johnny’s to ask me about the fourth of July but I was out. He didn’t miss anything because I decided after my last interview that I would never do another one. I have been misquoted or have had my words taken out of context many times. If my opinion matters at all I’d like to give it in my own words.

I thankfully have a historic business that the Boozefighters and many other bikers will make the pilgrimage to, rally or no rally. What about the other businesses? The gas stations, hotels, grocery stores and many others that will feel the sting of the loss of the only event in Hollister that drew upwards of a hundred thousand visitors in a three day period, all those wonderful people with plenty of money to spend in our town. Some one per center motorcycle clubs showed up too. Does one percent mean the same thing to you that it does to me? What about the other 99%?

Our police chief has used fear tactics for years to convince our city council members and city manager that he must spend close to $120,000.00 a day for law enforcement for our three day event. The two factions that he is most concerned about live right here in each others own back yards 365 days a year. They have no reason to wait until our motorcycle rally to have a clash. Common sense says that it would not be wise on their part. Law enforcement costs for the rally weekend have put it out of business. I don’t blame Chief Miller. He is doing what he honestly believes in his heart is necessary. If the cities safety was my responsibility and you gave me a blank check and said the sky’s the limit I’d probably go a little overboard myself.

You would think just one of our five elected council members would have the gumption to do a little research, look at the track record and dissect the law enforcement bill to figure out where cutbacks could be implemented. What about the helicopter that flies’s over head multiple times a day and night? Is that really necessary? I wonder how much it costs taxpayers every time the helicopter leaves the pad. Our city sounds like a war zone.

I’m surprised so many down town residents are supportive of the rally considering what they have to put up with. Why not send the helicopter out once a day for a head count and have it on stand by for an emergency. I will never be convinced that the reason we have not had any violent altercations during any of our twelve rallies is because of the outlandish expenditures on law enforcement for the event. I have had the privilege of visiting with a lot of these dedicated officers and they are bored to tears. They don’t even understand why so many of them are here.

I believe that our city council has finally done it. They have succeeded in killing the rally. The only city council member that ever went out of his way to save it was Robert Scattini. I also believe that he was the only council member with the business sense to see what the rally means to Hollister. He initiated putting together the 2006-2007 Hollister Motorcycle Rally Committee that I chaired and he was a dedicated member. It was the first time that the rally did not lose money in three years. It didn’t make a lot of money either. We had a dedicated promoter and many wonderful volunteers that helped to pull it off despite the huge law enforcement costs.

It was a daunting task. The committee gave oversight on all issues and helped Seth Doulton and Horsepower Promotions make the 2007 rally a successful one. The committee stepped aside and let the San Benito County Chamber of Commerce take our place for the 2008 rally. That did not go real well. The Chamber was not aware of what they were getting into and they never called upon the many volunteers waiting to help. The Chamber was overwhelmed and uninformed and the rally was not a successful one.

For the rally to work a few things would have to take place. The Hollister Down Town Association, San Benito County Chamber of Commerce and our city would have to get together and work hard with help from an experienced promoter. Our council would have to come up with a reasonable law enforcement budget. (No promoter is going to get involved in a rally if they are expected to hand over $350,000.00 for law enforcement costs.) The council came up with this figure not taking into consideration the money that is brought in from business licenses, permit fees and sales tax. Not to mention our entire economy being stimulated. Wake up please!

With that said I’m praying that we will not have a repeat of 2006. That was last time the city council canceled the rally. The CHP was called in to see to it that bikers and motorists alike did not want to venture out onto our streets or highways for fear of being ticketed for any minor infraction. Even bicyclists were ticketed all over town. Rumor has it, and I wouldn’t know for sure since no investigative reporting was done on the subject, that over eleven hundred tickets were doled out that weekend. I talked to numerous people that were sited for everything from not putting both feet down at a stop, something that would not get a second glance on June fourth, to having regulation tinted windows believed to be too dark. They beat those tickets. I would not be at all surprised to find that the city lost money on the citations given out that weekend because most were found to be ungrounded. Our courts were bogged down with cases that were dismissed. That might be another subject worthy of investigation.


On Friday June 30th (the Fourth of July fell on a Tuesday) I started out having a wonderful day. I thought, “Great! Just as I thought, people are going to show up anyway.” By 3:00 in the afternoon the word was out. Don’t go to Hollister. There are more cops there than civilians and they are ticketing everyone. People in their own driveways who started their engine before putting on their seat belts were not exempt to the tyranny. It was a total embarrassment to me as a citizen of this fair city. Did I say fair? Maybe not. The bar phone started ringing off the hook. People from San Francisco to Santa Barbara were asking if it was true that everyone was being ticketed. It would have been better for my business to have lied to them but I could not. I’m not that kind of person. The weekend was a disaster. Many businesses lost thousands of dollars. What did Hollister gain from this experience? I’m hoping the sense to not let it happen again.

In 2006 the city made money from vendors that set up on private property. In 2009 they won’t make a dime. In these tough economic times the powers that be in Hollister dealt us yet another blow. Will they learn anything from this experience? We will see. I’m not putting my money on it. If what I’m hearing is correct we will see a lot of motorcycle riders who don’t believe in breaking tradition. I’m hoping to see thousands of them. Our city decided not put out the welcome mat. Let’s hope they don’t compound it with a KEEP OUT sign. If you are one of the people that felt victimized instead of protected in July of 2006 I urge you to call, write or email your city council members and tell them that we will not stand quietly by and be harassed and made to look like fools once again.

Yours truly, Charisse Tyson

Quick Throttle expo

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March 25, 2010 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

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BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–Tinted chrome tins on da? Fatboy ? Adamec Harley Davidson /Baymeadows Superplex Jacksonville FL ? check us out when you are passing through.

–Whiplash Photos

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HARLEYS AND FLY RODS, BY GREGG CALEY– Absolutely incredible I say to myself, no one for 75 miles. The winding Montana mountain road is so desolate I wonder if the Indians or Lewis and Clark were the last to see it. Not to mention it?s slightly, umm, shall we say hillier than Indiana?

I round the curve and there?s the guy I?ve seen a thousand times in my dreams. Surrounded by mountains, valleys of pine trees and a bald eagle stretching his wings, he stands in the middle of the river fly fishing. I ’bout put the sliding, squealing and smoking tires of the Harley in the drink with him I can?t get stopped fast enough. He thinks he?s about to meet his maker but seeing that ?Mr. Clad in leathers? has it under control, he smiles instead.

Wanting to be in another galaxy, embarrassed by the commotion I caused, I compose myself slithering off the bike making sure the beast is steady on its side stand. I stumble down the bank taking residence on a bed of velvety soft pine needles. The gurgling fast moving water rushing over the rocks plays like a symphony orchestra. Watching, listening, filling my lungs with the pure sweet smelling air of the Montana Rockies, my mind wanders. I ponder how blessed I am to have time, a motorcycle and money to be right here, engulfed by beauty so spectacular that Picasso couldn?t touch it on his best day.


We make eye contact and I?m mesmerized how effortlessly he casts the fly. Ever so gently it floats to the water like a feather in a free fall. Harley?s and fishing are a perfect match.

I inch closer to the river; we size each other up for a minute when he breaks the silence with ?that was a real grand entrance ya made there. Was thinkin? for a minute I?d be fishin? for Hawgs instead of trout,? his boisterous laugh joining mine as they echo off the canyon walls.

?I had a Harley once but not a big dresser like you got there. Had an old Shovelhead and with 50 gallons of silicone behind ?er gaskets she still leaked oil. Bet that fancy one of yours doesn?t do that huh?? He makes another cast when out of the blue he asks, ?Wouldn?t care to cast a line and hook some beautiful Rainbows would ya??

Ah ha, I say to myself! I knew it! I see where this Montanan is headed. He lends me his fly rod, I lend him my Harley. My gut says the folks in Vegas wouldn?t roll these dice.

?I always wanted to live in Montana,? I say, ?In a cabin by a stream. Had a picture of the scene on my fridge for 15 years.” Told him this was my first cross-country trip on a bike, never thinking to go anywhere but west. He counters wanting to see the Atlantic, the Lady Statue and Ground Zero. He says he admires the journey I?m on. Fighting wind gusts, monsoon rains and the suffocating desert heat.

I return the gracious gesture saying not all could live the Daniel Boone style you?re living. He makes a final cast slyly putting the last of today?s rainbows in his basket. Trudging out of the river hearing the screams of my hunger pains he quips, ?Four rainbows are perfect for two people to share supper with.”

flyfishing 1

As the fly fisherman finds the skillet, (they carry the whole State in their trucks) I notice the sun taking its rightful place as it begins to slide behind the still snow capped Rockies.

The sizzling of grease, the sweet aroma of trout meeting the pure Montana air wafts all the way to heaven. Today being so glorious, I feel called to pray a lengthy prayer before taking that delectable first bite. ?Lord, let me eat this trout before the grizzlies eat me and I come see you.? Amen.

In between bites of the days catch, we swap stories and life experiences. We talk God, guns, guts, wives all the things that have made our Country so great. We solve every problem in five minutes. With all the new laws coming out of Washington, we decree one for our own making August 1 a National Holiday honoring all Fly Fisherman and Harley riders.

What seemed like minutes have turned into hours. I sense the Montana fly fisherman, like the Indiana biker, doesn?t want this sun to ever set.

What a sight; the biker dressed in head to toe leather, the fly fisherman in waders and that goofy hat all covered in flies. His ratty old four wheel drive pick up huckleberry pie everything?s nice, to my shiny decked out Harley-Davidson, touch it I?ll kill ya. City lights, Mid-night stars. Big Sky Mountains, Hoosier Flat Lands. Montana timber to build our country, Indiana corn and wheat to feed it.

The day that began with two different people living two different lives ends with the realization there are no differences. We are both free spirits, gypsies in our own way living life on our own terms. We feel the smiling mugs of Washington, Jefferson and Madison looking down on us, hoping, praying we are living Freedom and the American Dream the way they envisioned. Standing in what must be Heaven itself, the feeling is indescribable. We feel blessed beyond all comprehension. Today, in the Big Sky of Montana, a fly fisherman and a biker have become brothers.

Rock Creek

No river is too wide. Mt. Everest is not high enough, not powerful enough to stand between us. There aren?t enough miles on the globe to separate us. Mother Nature stands no chance. Not on this day. Not on this night. Not ever.

With only a sliver of sun left, I light up the big Ultra and our eyes meet for a final time but they don?t say good-bye. We know we?ll never see each other again in this life, but two brothers joined in heart and united in one spirit, most assuredly will, in another.

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TOYOTA RECALL ANNOUNCEMENT–The ONLY Toyota NOT on the recall list…… At least there are no gas pedal or steering column problems!


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Mizuz Inkaholik Cover MM

BIKERNET PHOTOGRAPHER GET HIS FIRST COVER–Pretty cool! It is just the cover on this issue, it will run in Skin Deep as well later on.You published a picture of the cutie from Joe-Ts bike shoot as well as give me my first ever magazine shoot, thanks for that!

Plus, Eric Ellis, of Hot Bike, has placed two bike images on different covers, each getting a little larger in size.

This story and feature will run in Skin Deep at a later date, so that is cool two magazines from one shoot!


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ON THE ROAD TO DAYTONA 1977–Thanks for the book. Can’t wait to get into it.

bob clark

Thought you’d like the attached image. Everything cool but the ski glasses, oh yeah and me. Nice bike though

–Bob Clark

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23rd ANNUAL DONNIE SMITH SHOW THIS WEEKEND–Here is the video for the Donnie smith show: name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”>


LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK, 2006 SPORTSTER 883R, COLLECTOR’S ITEM! ONLY $5,995.00–Here’s a Sportster that’ll stand out in the crowd! This 883R features an 883cc motor and 5-speed transmission, ton of black powder coating, dual front brakes, rubber mounted engine, 13-spoke wheels and much much more!

At this price it will not last the week! Come see it today! Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been inspected, tested and approved by a certified LifeStyle Cycles technician.

Lifestyle Cycle Banner

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New Steve McQueen Book Celebrates The King of Cool–New book by Marshall Terrill about the life and times of Steve McQueen released on what would have been the actor’s 80th birthday ? that’s March 24, in case you didn’t know.

Steve McQueen: A Tribute to the King of Cool, published by Dalton Watson Fine Books, tells his story through the eyes of those who knew him best: family, friends, co-stars, business associates, acquaintances and adoring fans from around the globe. Written in passage form, each person contributes a different view of the man and legend, presenting him in an unsurpassed all-around perspective.

Accompanying the 200 passages are hundreds of photos illustrating McQueen’s life and movie career, as well as his passion for automobiles, motorcycles and antique airplanes, many published for the first time. The 384-page book includes a foreword by widow Barbara McQueen, a family tree, personal documents and memorabilia, and passages from several Hollywood luminaries.

Steve McQueen: A Tribute to the King of Cool has been released on March 24, 2010 and has been published in two versions. The special edition (suggested retail price $95) comes in a slipcase and is limited to 2000 numbered copies signed both by Marshall Terrill and Barbara McQueen. It also includes a CD with a recording of a 1978 lecture given by McQueen on An Enemy of the People at Loyola Marymount University. The regular edition with a dust jacket (suggested retail price $49) is also available.

– – C.S. Berg

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Indian ad

Monetary gain; profit; riches; money; — often in a bad sense.

His stories began to be published in the American Mercury before he moved to L.A., lured by the dream of Hollywood lucre.
— Jerome Boyd Maunsell, “Truly madly weepy”, Times (London), June 10, 2000

They ought to feel a calling for service rather than lucre.
— Sin-Ming Shaw, “It’s Time to Get Real”, Time Asia, July 1, 2002

But surely there are other motives for writing, and they range from the desire for filthy lucre to the pleasure in doing the thing itself to the impulse to delight readers.
— Robert Alter, “The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages”, New Republic, October 10, 1994

Picture the place where you grew up. Now, imagine it trampled by an avalanche of capital and the stampede of lucre-crazed hordes chasing after it.
— Katharine Mieszkowski, “I Want to Blow Up Silicon Valley”, Salon, July 14, 2000

Lucre comes from Latin lucrum, “gain, profit.” It is related to lucrative, “profitable.”


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David Uhl’s “The Liberator”–We are pleased to announce the release of David Uhl’s fifth addition to his “Vintage Pin Up” series.

In David’s words, “This particular piece in the series of Pin Up cheese cake has to do with Harley-Davidson’s campaign involving the military. I liked their thinking on this one…… saluting the troops and all. My version actually involves the odd WWII flathead called the “Liberator”. It wasn’t the most attractive bike having every surface painted flat green, but it was historically accurate, down to the Thompson automatic machine gun. I wanted to do a classic Elvgrin pose straight from the 40’s involving some unsuspecting beauty getting her skirt caught on some prop…absolutely cheese-ball but nevertheless effective for our viewing enjoyment. I would like to thank Aubrey for the insanity we put her through to get her in that pose, Tobie Orr for the make up and costume, John Mueller for some great photographic work and Stukie D for the optimization of the composition.I present the 5th in the Pin Up series …………”The Liberator”

As with the first four pieces, “The Liberator” is available in a very limited canvas print release and collectors of the rest of the series have first right of refusal for their matching numbers. Because we are waiting to hear back from some of them (and we’re not sure how many will be available at this time), we’re compiling a wait list right now for the canvas prints (image below).

Edition specifics:
25 prints plus 5 Artist Proofs and 10 House Copies
Image size 20″ x 24″
Framed price $1,250, plus shipping
Please let me know if you’re interested and I’ll add you to the wait list. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee anything until we hear back from all of the series collectors.

On another note, David was painting over one of the canvas proofs of “The Liberator” while we were in Daytona. This hand-embellished print is now available for $3,500 framed. He also hand-embellished one of the “Rebel Yell” canvas prints while there and it is also available for $3,000 framed.

Greg Rhodes
Uhl Studios
15801 W. Colfax Avenue
Golden, CO 80401

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Rick Fairless and Joe T talk trash,– life and Zipper Heads on the Texas Hardtails Scooter Show ? Episode 41. Check out the show in Bikernet Studio. Don’t miss a minute. Hear the entire Scooter Show right here.


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The Big Wheel SS Trike made its North American debut on Saturday February, 20, 2010 at A Bikers Garage in Roanoke Texas. A number of enthusiast took test rides and this video records their impression of this innovative machine.

Check out all the good stuff in the Bikernet Studio.

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PROFILE: 2009 FREESTYLE ? LEROY THOMPSON SALT FLAT RACER–AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building is coming to the 2010 Sturgis Rally and will be showcasing some of the most innovative 2-wheel rolling hardware the world has seen.

Last year, Scott Webster of Leroy-Thompson entered his Salt Flat Racer The rigid frame has a 27-degree rake with 3″ stretch, an inverted front end from Meanstreet, 23″ Leroy Thompson wheels and a 96″ Harley engine with turbo.

Sturgis only comes around once a year so plan on attending the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building.

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HARD AT WORK ON THE BRAWLER–Dar Holdsworth, Brass Balls BossMan, is hard at work building the 2011 FXR-style Brawler. Dar feels that this bike will be one of the best handling motorbikes that is currently available. “We are testing components and using some of the best that America has to offer,” states Holdsworth. For example, the custom-produced shocks come from Suspension Technologies and are dyno tuned for the Brawler.

Cycle Source Magazine is following the manufacturing process and the bike will debut at the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building in Sturgis. For more information, check it out at Brass Balls Bobbers & Choppers.

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Aeromach USA . Billet aluminum increases the strength of the mirror and will reduce vibration and increase clarity by as much as 40% over factory mirrors. Increase safety, clarity and looks with a set of Aeromach Chrome Tear Drop Mirrors.

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JIMS Flywheel Runout Inspection Gauge Tool Kit– JIMS, a premier manufacturer of performance parts and specialty tools for use on Harley-Davidson, has just released several new practical tools for 2010. This easy to use precision tool measures the trueness of your flywheel in the engine case. The JIMS Flywheel Runout Inspection Gauge tool kit No.785, is designed to be mounted to case and inspect flywheel runout of the pinion shaft.

This tool also allows you to check the amount of gear lash on gear driven cams used in some twin cam engines. When used with JIMS Tire Rotator No.936, you can remove any unwanted stress being applied to the flywheel by not rotating the engine with the electric starter motor.

This JIMS tool No.785 Flywheel Runout Inspection Gauge tool kit is manufactured from 6061 grade aluminum with a precision CNC machine then finished with JIMS famous blue anodizing and comes with a detailed instructions.

Visit JIMS on the web at, for more information, or call 805-482-6913.

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THAT’S ALL FOLKS–I’m about to wrap up a KIWI Indian tech on rebuilding Indian internal cable bars. We are working on techs with Bubs, Wimmer, Zippers, S&S, Metal Works, fuck, you name it.

Brass Balls Bobber road test coming next week from American Iron.

I’m hoping to bring you a wild Road King feature next week and we’re still working with Sucker Punch on a Girl of Bikernet. Never a dull moment at the Bikernet headquarters. Remember the Mudflap girl bike. It’s coming to life, and I’m going to build it for my son, Frank. He just moved his tattoo shop and needs a wild bike to park out front. We are working with Paughco on the first ever single-loop FXR frame, frisco styled, with 4 inches up, 1-inch out and only 32 degrees in the neck.

KIWI Mike on balancing engines.

As soon as the Frame rolls in we’ll get to work. Departure Bike Works is busy as hell this week. Spring sprung and the industry came alive, but I will hammer them for an update on the Bonne Belle for Bonneville. Speaking of the sun shining. I need another ride on the old Sturgis Shovel after some tuning, with Berry, from Accurate Engineering at my back. Saturday, we will hopefully finish up the good doctor’s 1934 VL and clear a lift for another project. Then let’s ride.

Ride Forever,



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