This has been one of those hectic weeks. That’s what we get for growing and adding a blog to the manic mix. As fast as we create content, new stories fly at us. At the end of the news I’ll report on unruly content for next week. This is rapidly becoming a multi-media daily.
Ah, but what the hell. Bikernet keeps me out of trouble. Let’s hit the news. It’s all good this week, including several special reports:

STEALTH ACTION AGENDA–I have been unemployed since last August. I really don’t miss that job, I hated it. Working with a bunch of good old boy REDNECK car guys gets old real fast. Being unemployed is not a good thing, but I am thankful I have found a way to survive by doing odd jobs on the side. Sometimes they are not good either, and I sometimes find I laugh at myself for doing some of these odd jobs. Things I used to do as a kid and swore I would never do them again, become moneymakers. Well, I guess that just goes to show, “Never say never!”
Through this time of unemployment some good came of it. My buddy, Chopper John, and I have spent a good deal of time doing these odd jobs, and I know one day I will look back and remember them with a smile. At first, I really was stressing over being unemployed, but I have come to realize that if you find a way to keep on keeping on, you find that there are some really important things in life that we otherwise take for granted.
You see, I have come to not take the little things for granted, like my bikes and going for a ride. There was also my health and my friends. Through times like this, you find out who your real friends are. What a surprise, I didn’t have as many true friends as I thought. On the other hand I get to take J.C., my pitbull, for walks and listening to the birds early in the morning. I can now pick my girl up on Friday night and ride to bike night, and just hang with our friends. I have the precious time to attend Biker Church on Sunday and meet others who are in the same boat. They are also finding ways to keep their chins up.
Yeah, I still have worries, but I realize all you can do is put your best foot forward everyday and keep on pushing. I have my bad days and damn good ones. I have had happy times and the darkest times, but I am still standing. I still look for jobs everyday and it’s very frustrating. But I still try everyday even though sometimes I have asked myself, “Why do it?”
I don’t know what you believe or don’t believe and I am not preaching to anyone because I am one of the biggest sinners there is but there is a passage in the Bible that says, “Be still, I am here,” and I guess in a way that’s what I have done. This time has allowed me to do some things I have always wanted to do like learn to write and photograph bike features for Bikernet, and I am thankful for that opportunity. I rode down to Daytona for Bike Week and spent three days, and I kinda just relaxed and took it all in and the spark was re-ignited.
If you find yourself unemployed, I know it is a hard thing to deal with but find you will overcome, and be significantly better for it. You will be surprised at what you come up with. You know they say misery loves company, if you have a friend who is going through the unemployment blues, team up like Chopper John and I did and not only made some money but created some terrific memories!
Until next time, RIDE!

HUPY MILWAUKEE VACATION DEAL– Hupy and Abraham, S.C. has teamed up with Southwest Airlines and Elm Grove Travel to offer a vacation getaway to any location Southwest Airlines flies to from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Elm Grove Travel is providing 2 nights hotel stay in your destination city and Hupy and Abraham, S.C. is also offering your choice of any leather jacket from one of the participating dealers or 2 nights stay and $100 gift certificate for food and beverage at the Iron Horse Hotel, Milwaukee’s only motorcycle theme 4 diamond hotel.
In addition, participating businesses are offering additional prizes during the drawing at each location. No purchase is necessary but you must go to one of the participating businesses to enter. Visit www.hupy.com for more details and locations of participating businesses.

Black Nail Brigade Epic Memorial Ride
On May 1, 2010, bikers will ride in memory of Anita Zaffke, killed by a driver who was painting her nails and crashed into the back of Zaffke’s motorcycle. The Black Nail Brigade is a non-profit organization providing information, resources and support for crash victims and their families. To learn more or to register for the Memorial Ride, visit www.blacknailbrigade.org/.

REVCOM HUNTS FOR A CURE– Winston-Salem is having their annual Susan G. Komen Race for The Cure (www.komen.org/ ) coming up the first of May. My wife has challenged me to raise more money than she. I told her it was no problem for my friends, both in and out of the motorcycle industry. All my friends and colleagues have big hearts and like me very much!
So, while I would normally NEVER solicit donations during business hours and on business email, in this case, it?s worth it. If breast cancer has not closely touched you personally, it will. If it has, then you know what it means to find a cure soon!
So, prove me right and allow me to show my face at home. Take the time to make a small donation or I?ll be forced to RUN the entire 5k race!
Thanks to all!
–Brian Marion
P (336) 760-8307

10,000 MILE RIDE REPORT– Got up this morning at 5:30 AM in anticipation of the up coming ride didn?t hardly sleep anyway haven?t been out on the road for a couple of years and now I?m ready for it again. Been a whole lot longer since I?ve been out road tripping on a Shovelhead. This is going to be a great adventure and I hope that Alystar is prepared for all of the trials and tribulation of riding a Shovel across our great land.
Enough of the dribble; I packed the bike last night, so I put the coffee and the sun was just starting its eastward trek across a clear sky when I opened the door to greet the day. The smell of fresh coffee pushed me along to the bathroom for the morning routine Coffee drank, pills taken and I was off to meet Aly at Glendale Harley-Davidson, home of the LOVE RIDE.
Nice brisk morning and this old Shovel is purring like a kitten, light traffic a fine running bike and a beautiful morning what more could you ask for. Traffic is still light as we approach L A, but it is early Saturday so it is as I expected. Anyway up I-5 to the Glendale freeway for one exit on to San Fernando Blvd.
Oliver has allowed us to use his dealership to kick the ride off and there were quite a few people on hand top send us off. We were supposed to leave at 10AM but it was 11 before we finally hit the highway. Down I-5 to I-10 east we were rolling on to a great adventure.
First stop on the ride is Eric Herrmann?s Studio in Cave Creek, AZ., haven?t been by to see him for about 3 years and we?ll have a lot to catch up one.

Both machines are running great Alystar and Tiger Lily, her Heritage Softail, are happy to be out and about. Almost to Blythe and I shred a primary drive belt. No big deal I?ve got a spare. This bike hasn?t been ridden in about 15 years so I figured the belt was just dry rotted. Replace the belt in no time and we were rolling again across the Az. state line a and a stop for gas and fuel for the body. Called Eric to let him know what happened and that we were running late. Full bellies and full tanks we were once again on our way.
Oh no, the belt is shredding again!!! Limped down the shoulder as far as I could before the belt snapped completely. Didn?t make it to the top or the ramp, but at least off of the freeway. A quick call to Eric and he was on his way to the rescue. Hour and a half later and we were in the truck headed back to his place for some relaxation. We are going to be here for a few days seeing as it is Saturday night and we won?t be able to get parts until Tuesday at the earliest.
See the next installment in the Sunday Post, this weekend.

NEW CHANCE BOOK ARRIVES–Hey Brother, Nice job on the book. I jumped on it like a chicken on a june bug. I have been glued to it for a few days now, and I wake up thinking my days look pretty good compared to the shit Chance is facing. Can’t wait to see how it all plays out for the man.
This epic should hit the screen!!!
–Brother Mike

BIKERNET TECHS THIS WEEK–We published a guide to Sportster parts for those cheap bobber projects. Departure Biker Works, in Richmond, Virginia, also installed the latest 2010 Touring D&D exhaust system and Zippers MaxFlow air cleaners. These two simple components immediately brought a 96-inch FLH to life. Check out both techs.
Here’s an additional notes from Rosie at Zippers. See the tech right here:

End Covers for ThunderMax MaxFlow FiltersWant that radical open element look for your MaxFlow or HighFlow filter?Install one of these chrome-plated billet beauties for striking looks andmaximum flow.
Part No. Description
#172-780 5-1/2″ round open air filter cover, chrome smooth
#172-781 5-1/2″ round open air filter cover, chrome scalloped

By the way, our kits are available for all ’99-Up CARB/EFI model H-Ds. I like to let the readers know that the kit is available for a wide range ofapplications.

ANOTHER MYSTIC MOTORCYCLE MANTRA FROM UNCLE MONKEY–There is something about wearing a Harley shirt. It brings a sense of belonging. Understanding what cannot be explained. I didn’t buy my first Harley t-shirt until after I owned my first Harley. There was a certain sense of self-justice behind it. I didn’t want to wear the shirt until I actually owned one. It was my way of paying respect to the heritage, the tradition of the motorcycle and the men and women who had owned one before me.
Many people tell me it’s a silly tradition, along with my refusal to wear Harley Shirts from places I haven’t been. In this Internet day and age anyone can go on the computer and purchase a Harley shirt from anywhere in the world.
For many riders the names of dealerships near and far are an open invite to start a conversation. Often there are tales of breakdowns, great service, friendly faces, advice on a twisting stretch a road off of the beaten track. Most dealerships go out of their way to welcome travelers, even if it is just to bunker down under an overhang in a downpour.
For what many might consider to be a simple black t-shirt, Harley has actually put some engineering into the staple of our wardrobes. I remember reading a dealer memo issued when the Harley shirt was first taking off. They outlined how they choose black to help hide road grime. Their black hue is said to withstand fading better then other blacks. Heavier weight material was incorporated to offer warmth and a certain level of protection from sand and insects. Their shirts were designed to be quick drying, for when caught in the rain and to be virtually wrinkled free. A lot of work for a simple t-shirt.
We wore our shirts with pride. We used them to save lives, or to stop bleeding after an accident. We cleaned up oil and grease. Some hang in closets out of respect to a fallen bro, some are good everyday wear and fit just right, some capture run memories. Some are carefully stitched together in a patchwork quilt for a bedspread. Remember the black H-D shirt mantra the next time you reach for your cleanest dirty shirt.
-bad Uncle Monkey

Confederate Motors, Inc. and S&S Cycle Announce Long-Term Strategic Plan– S&S Cycle and Confederate Motors, Inc., of Birmingham, AL., today announced a long-term strategic plan that will leverage the complementary strengths of both companies to penetrate the luxury motorcycle market segments. The alliance will include co-development of a motorcycle power plant mounting system in an effort to supply highly differentiated motorcycles and technology sharing, with a planned production launch in July of 2010.

We are ecstatic about the long-term implications of this union, said Matt Chambers, CEO and founder, Confederate Motors, Inc. Confederates and S Cycles long traditions of innovation, product passion and analogous cultures complement each other very well.

He added, Initially, Confederate will produce and sell highly differentiated motorcycles to the public through a factory direct plan, with additional plans to develop a dealer network and S&S authorized service network in the second half of 2010. The extensiveness of our collaborative efforts will expand thereafter to include new S powered vehicles for Confederate and additional technology-sharing between the two companies.

For additional information on Confederate Motors, Inc., or the C3 X132 Hellcat, please visit www.confederate.com.
More information can be found at www.sscycle.com.

DELTA DOCTRINE UPDATE–Hey Bandit – As promised, here’s another installment of Biker Doings in the California Delta. Last time River Rat n’ me told ya we were heading for the annual Rio Vista Run and, by gawd, we made it. When we rolled in to sign up at Foster’s Big Horn, we knew from the number of Shovelheads parked at the curb that this event was the real biker deal.

Shitty Smitty, the man behind this whole gig, was taking in fees and was busier than a one-armed paper hanger. Later on, he told us that over 400 folks signed up. Pretty friggin’ good turn out; maybe the old economy is turnin’ round a bit after all?
If ya haven’t been to Foster’s Big Horn on the main street of Rio Vista — like the name says, it’s right on the Sacramento River just off State Hwy 12 about 50 miles east of Frisco — ya gotta go sometime. Any tree huggers and vegetarians walking into the place would have a cow. That’s because, back in the 1930s, a guy who got rich as a river rum runner during Prohibition spent his ill gotten gains circling the globe and killin’ any animal that moved. Some 300 trophy heads, including an elephant, still hang on walls at Foster’s. But they have half a dozen cold beers on draft and some pretty decent eats so bikers stop there all the time.

This particular day we couldn’t stand around too long admiring old Bill Foster’s handiwork as we headed up river for stop two at Al the Wops in Locke. Like we told ya before, this is one of the best beer n’ shot joints on the river. The grub is good too. From Al’s it was head for the Sierra Nevada foothills via Hwy 12 east. Our destination was the old Gold Rush town of San Andreas but first we made stops at the biker-friendly Old Corner Saloon in Clements and then Rossetti’s in Wallace.

From the valley flats we rode up into the hills. This is Mark Twain country and it is a joy to ride any day. San Andreas, like most of these old mining towns, has maintained the original stone buildings and narrow streets from the late 1800’s. It’s like going back in time, livin’ history. Rio Vista Run riders pushed into the town’s Metro Hall for some food and entertainment. Shitty Smitty says that, long after me n’ Ratti had to head back down to the valley, lots of folks stayed until the last dog was hung early Sunday morning. Part of the entertainment involved passing around a blow-up doll; somthin’ we don’t really want to think too much about.

That’s it for now. We’re prepping the bikes to head south for, among other things, dippin’ our toes in the Colorado River at the Laughlin River Run in Nevada later this month. If we get any down time on the road, well be continuing to thumb through our copy of your “Harbor Town Seduction” to see what ol’ Chance Hogan is up ta next. Keep yer tread down brother, talk to ya on the flip flop.

BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER SEXUAL CLINIC UPDATE SPONSORED BY THE BIKER BASH– A woman comes home and tells her husband, “Remember those headachesI’ve been having all these years? Well, they’re gone..”
“No more headaches?” the husband asks,”What happened?”
His wife replies, Margie referred me to a hypnotist. He told me to standin front of a mirror, stare at myself and repeat “I do not Have aHeadache;I do not have a headache,I do not have a headache..”It Worked! The headaches are all gone..”
The husband replies, “Well, that is wonderful.”
His wife then says, “You know, you haven’t been exactly a ball of Fire inthe bedroom these last few years. Why don’t you go see the Hypnotist andsee if he can do anything for that?”
The husband agrees to try itFollowing his appointment, the husband comes home, rips off his clothes,picks up his wife and carries her into the bedroom.He puts her on the bed and says,”Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”
He goes into the Bathroom and comes back a few minutes later and jumpsinto bed and makes Passionate love to his wife like never before.
His wife says, “Boy, that was wonderful!”
The husband says, “Don’t move! I will be right back.” He goes back intothe bathroom, comes back and round two was even better than The Firsttime.The wife sits up and her head is spinning.
Her husband again says,”Don’t move, I’ll be right back..”With that, he goes back in the bathroom.This time, his wife quietly follows him and there, in the Bathroom, shesees him standing at themirror and saying …, “She’s NOT my wife, She’s Not my wife. She’sNot My Wife.”
His funeral service will be held on Friday.

Continued On Page 2