Continued From Page 1

BIKERNET OFFICIAL HEARSE PROJECT– Nice to see you’re working on a Roadmonster- should be a terrific hauler when you’re done!
Just thought I’d send a few pics of the ’91 I had until recently. I did all the body and paint myself- lowered, dechromed, smooth bumpers, filled tailgate, etc.
-Keith Silcox

UNCLE MONKEY SPINS HIS DINNER PLATES–Life. It is one of those things that sneaks up on you when you least expect it too. For the most part those of us who faced up to responsibilities know life can best be described as a balancing act. Much like the people you see on the late night talk shows spinning plates. Precariously balanced, the trick is to keep everything spinning at a consistent speed. But like life that isn’t always possible. Some projects and obstacles demand more attention. Usually we can work it through. Sometimes, all the plates crash to the floor.
My life revolves around my family, career, writing, and home. Some days there simply aren’t enough hours in the day. Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew. Right now, I’ve got three novels in the works and I just committed myself to co-write a fourth, around kitchen renovations. I’m also grappling with a facelift for my truck, and a grand daughter who is turning three who insists “Papa” come watch “Tinkerbell”. Time is something I’m short on. The plates are starting to wobble.

There is light at the end of the tunnel, though. But until then, there is therapy waiting in my garage. Sometimes it is only a short blip up and down the main drag, sometimes it is a couple of hours out on an open highway. Riding a motorcycle sooths that tattered soul, and clears the cobwebs from the mind. I’ve been riding motorcycles since before I learned to ride a bicycle. There is something about the fresh air in the lungs, the swaying grass, the clouds floating against a blue sky that calms the spirit.
Redemption, salvation are all tied around a simple machine. I’m fortunate enough to have a wife who understands. She takes a tool from my hand and gives me my helmet. The motorcycle, our addiction, our drug.
–bad Uncle Monkey

Sanitation truck driver charged in Phoenix motorcycle tragedy–PICKERINGTON, Ohio — The sanitation truck driver who ran into the back of a group of motorcyclists stopped at a stoplight in Phoenix on March 25 — killing four of them and injuring five others — has been arrested on suspicion of being under the influence of methamphetamine at the time of the crash, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) reports.
Police arrested truck driver Michael Jakscht, 46, on April 6 and booked him on four counts of manslaughter, five counts of aggravated assault and seven counts of endangerment.
Initial toxicology tests on blood drawn from Jakscht on the day of the crash show he had the illegal drug methamphetamine in his system, according to police. He could face an additional charge of impaired driving, police said.
Motorcyclists who died as a result of the crash were Daniel Butler, 35; Clyde Nachand, 67; Stephen Punch, 52; and Dale Downs-Totonchi, 47. Another motorcyclist, Phoenix Fire Capt. Ernie Lizarraga, 52, remains hospitalized suffering from injuries sustained in the crash.
“We commend the Phoenix Police Department for its diligence in pursuing this case, and for getting the initial toxicology results as quickly as possible,” said Ed Moreland, AMA vice president for government relations. “We understand that toxicology results normally take about six weeks to process, and the police were able to get initial results in this case in just two weeks.
“We again express our condolences on behalf of the AMA and its members to the families of those killed, and hope for a full recovery for those injured,” Moreland said. “We will continue to watch this case closely.”

MICHIGAN CLASSIC CAR AUCTION–Held at the state-of-the-art Rock Financial Showplace the Classic Car Auction of Michigan is the Mid-West’s largest indoor auction. Cars from all eras are expected to cross the block over the two-day auction, with an abundance of top quality American Classics and Detroit muscle being offered.
If you have a motor car you’d like to consign, please call +1 734 547 6200 to speak with an RM Car Specialist. Our services allow you to access the knowledge of a team of experts and to experience exceptional client service from start to finish.
Admission Information
Day Pass – $10.00
Weekend Pass (2 days) – $15.00

ARIZONA BAD COP OF THE WEEK– Along with being a subscriber to bikernet for a couple years now, I’ve become involved with the riders at A couple days ago “Azrider” posted the following:
Out for a nice solo run yesterday morning, stopped for breakfast and decided to ride up the mountain from Congress to Yarnell to see a old friend. Beautiful day in the 70s already and I was digging the winding road up the mountain when what do I see?
Two DPS cars sitting on the side of the road and one stepping out into the right lane (split doubles on the mtn) So I start to go into the left lane when the cop starts waving me back in and over to the side. WTF?
Knew I wasn’t speeding so not sure what was up, road problem, accident ahead perhaps. Nope right away asks for paperwork and license and refusing to say why I got pulled over. After some small talk about my address etc. to try to trip me up he writes me up…..
For what you ask?Are ya ready for this?
I got a fucking warning ticket for going 45mph in a 45mph zone… Not kidding and have a warning ticket to prove it and says that very thing.Cop says posted speed limits are for a guideline only and folks should really go slower on these winding mountain grades.
So I asked him “you pulled me over to write me a ticket for going the speed limit?” He says “no just a warning” they also did a look over of the bike, but stopped short of measuring anything. Didn’t think me funny when he asked about turn signals and I raised my left hand
They were still there an hour later with folks pulled over for whatever reason. Love seeing my tax money well spent.

BIKERNET ENGLISH DEPARTMENT WEIRD WORD OF THE DAY SPONSORED BY THE HIDEAWAY GIRLS–interlard in-tuhr-LARD, transitive verb:To insert between; to mix or mingle; especially, to introduce something foreign or irrelevant into; as, “to interlard a conversation with oaths or allusions.”
Every night we lined up books on the floor, interlarding mine with his before putting them on the shelves.
— Anne Fadiman, Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader
At home, she made herself understood in Friulian, but on jaunts with her mother around the village, conversations were interlarded with Italian, German, and Slovenian.
— Patricia Albers, Shadows, Fire, Snow
But should a grave preacher interlard his discourses with such fooleries?
— Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Interlard comes from Middle French entrelarder, from Old French, from entre, “between” (from Latin inter-) + larder, “to lard,” from larde, “lard,” from Latin lardum. The original sense of the word, now obsolete, was “to place lard or bacon amongst; to mix, as fat meat with lean.”

SPEAKING OF MOTORBOOKS, A CONTEST TO WIN $500 IN BOOKS–Since 1980, Motorbooks has hosted the largest, most eclectic show-what-ya-brung car/motorcycle/truck/tractor extravaganza and book sale in the upper Midwest. It is called WHEELS & WINGS and this September 11, 2010 (in Osceola, Wisconsin) will be our 30th Annual event. From AMCs to Zagatos, Ariels to Zundapps, Allis to Zetors (well, maybe not a Zetor) our friends and customers share their rides with our guests. And now, for the first time, we share with you (and your audience) the opportunity to design our 30th Anniversary Wheels and Wings logo.
Grand Prize: $500 (retail value) in books published by Motorbooks (and the Quayside Publishing Group). The winner chooses the books.
Contestants must submit their entry by May 7, 2010! The winner will be notified on May 14. For complete contest rules and submission guidelines, visit

UD Replicas Unveil X2 Wolverine Motorcycle Suit–Nope, its not Halloween yet and you did read the headline right: UD will begin taking orders in late April for a Wolverine Motorcycle Suit (yep, the character from X-Men), produced under license from Marvel. UD Replicas unveiled the new Wolverine Motorcycle Suit – including leather jacket, pants and gloves as seen in X2: X-Men United – during Wizard World Toronto Comic-Con, and orders will be accepted online at in late April.
Looking at the specs for the new suit, these guys are really serious about it: To ensure precise detail, Marvel provided UD Replicas with access to the Wolverine suit worn on screen in the movie. To create the jacket, gloves and pants, UD Replicas is utilizing four different types of leather, which are hand-worked into an intricately faithful replica of the on-screen suit. Each X2 Wolverine Motorcycle Suit also incorporates removable CE-approved body armor, gloves with built-in, anti-skid Kevlar in the leather lining of the palms, and an interior, form-molded muscle suit sandwiched into the jacket’s torso section.
But they are not done yet: Under its multi-title license with Marvel, UD Replicas also announced today that it is in development on a leather replica of Tony Stark’s Mark V Suitcase Suit that will be seen in Marvel’s eagerly anticipated IRON MAN 2, which will be released in the U.S. on May 7.

Which reminds me, the new ‘Nightmare On Elm Street’ will be in theaters April 30, 2010. How about Freddy Krueger’s outfit made into riding gear, including that glove and a face mask. Now that would be really cool…- – C.S. Berg

June 26th (Sat.) – Fryed Brothers Band Barbecue and Brews On the River at Rio Ramaza in Northern CaliforniaThe fabulous Fryed Brothers Band invites all its friends and fans to come to a ?Barbecue and Brews party with the boys along the Sacramento River on Saturday, June 26th. Notorious for their hot licks and killer parties, the Fryed Bros. are blowing out all the stops for this rowdy river romp at the Rio Ramaza, a private property that lies under the shade of tall trees with cool delta breezes along the gently flowing river.
Folks can park their butts on a hay bale and their bikes on the concrete, or wander down to the boat dock for a close up view of the river while dancers kick up their heels to the Fryed’s signature tunes. The band has traveled all over the world and is known as the premier biker band. Before they take off to Sturgis, SD for their annual performance there at the famous Knuckle Saloon, the boys want to party down in their own hometown so don’t miss the fun.
Admission is $10 for an afternoon of hot times with good friends under the cool misting system. Kids under 12 are admitted free. Families are welcome to toss a blanket on the lawn or bring out their camp chairs. Mouthwatering grub by the famous JR’s Texas BBQ and beverages will be for sale and there are picnic tables. RV and camping spaces are available. So gather up the clan and putt on down to party with the most dangerous band in the world!
>10,000 Garden Highway Sacramento CA 95837 in Sutter County. Don’t bother to GPS this address; it’ll just screw you up.
From Sacramento Area:
Take I-5 North towards Redding
Take 99/70 towards Yuba City/Marysville for about 7.5 miles to Riego Road.
At Riego Road, turn left (there is a light)
Follow Riego Road until it dead ends into Garden Hwy.
Veer left onto Garden Hwy and look for the parking signs on the right.
Check out the venue at For vendor information, contact Sue at 916-962-6415 No pets or outside food/beverages, please.

Here is the latest winner of our Free Contest.
DON ALDER from Auburn, WA.
So click on the banner above if you want to make a suggestion and tell us what you want.

WOW!–Life is non-stop. Tomorrow I will wrap up our pro Sportster article/guide. When times are tough, any brother can fly down the highways on a bobbed Sportster. Then I’ll start to work on Todd’s version of a touring King. You’re going to dig this one. Subtle and wild changes give this bike a completely varied appeal and still it’s a touring monster.

If wiring intimidates you, we have the solution from Wire Plus. A couple of companies, including Phil’s Speed Shop, just south of us, have developed custom wiring systems. They take the guess work out of wiring and plunk all the bullshit elements into one neat, tight looking canister designed for easy mounting. Todd also make one of these units. We will bring you the tech next week. Johnny Humble is working with the Indian Larry crew on a new bike feature.

Plus, we are going to bring you another World’s simplest techs, in the form of mounting a metal sports billet tourpac rack. Takes all of 5-7 minutes. Maybe, over the weekend, we are going to test out a Bubs California approved touring muffler and a Wimmer intake system.

Next week we need to jump on Bonneville projects again, with Departure Bike Works and the Bonne Belle flathead. Oh, they just installed a complete D&D touring system and a Zippers air box. We’ll bring you a complete report in the next couple of weeks. I need a hand with one aspect of the Assalt Weapan, the World’s Fastest Panhead. Since the handlebars are in the shape of an upside down U, the handlebar master cylinder has a tough time holding fluids. I need to install a cable operated mastercylinder somewhere convenient, but not on the bars, then run a cable to it from a lever on the bars. I heard they were used on some dirt bikes, but I need a system for 1-inch bars.

The good doctor should be riding his refurbished VL this weekend. There you have it for this week.
Ride Forever,