Hey,This is a mild news day, with several special reports. Our Blog test is rolling. It’s like having a daily news report, so check it out, goddamnit. It’s a lot of work. If you want a quick overview of our industry daily, you can’t go wrong.
The hot news of today is that the SEMA effort to have motorcycles represented in this massive auto industry organization is coming to fruition. It’s amazing. Don’t give me the credit. It came directly from the SEMA staff. They kicked off a PowerSports department at the SEMA Las Vegas 2009 show. That effort gave birth to a group of powersports industry business owners and they formed the PowerSports Advisory Group. That group includes the boss of Tucker Rocky, Steve Johnson. Yours truly will also be a member, if the bros vote me in on the 20th. I am also working with Kirk Willard, the prez of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation to deliver a list of legislative efforts everyone in this industry need to be aware of. I will share this list with all our Bikernet readers.
“I am delivering an update to our Brothers in the South at our Beast of the East Conference this weekend and to the midwesterners at HEARTLAND STEAM in Iowa a few weeks after that, I’ll forward shortly thereafter,” Kirk Willard said.
Life is all about luck and timing. We now have an open door to bring the custom motorcycle industry a new market and hopefully a larger voice in legislative corridors all over the country. Last week was a good week for motorcycling. Let’s hit the news:

SPECTRO OILS SPONSORS THEIR OWN BONNEVILLE RACE BIKE– Just wanted to bring you up to speed on the Spectro RD350 Bonneville Project. I?ve made some good progress, the rolling frame is complete, and I?ll be starting on the engine this week.

A special thanks to Progressive suspension for help with suspension technology, and a VERY big thank you to Dave at World Wide Bearings (www.worldwidebearings.com

I?ll send more updates as we progress, see ya on the salt!
–Rollin Karoll
Vice President of Sales
Spectro Oils
Brookfield, CT 06804

BIKERNET FEATURE BIKE OF THE WEEK–Here is the Trock Knuckle I threw together, almost finished. My toil is done. This baby is going on the block.


I am happy for you that the Spring Fling turnout was exceptional. More money for the Rick Fairless wants a Camaro fund.
The Corvette club sounds like an elite group. The club membership size just doubled since Joe T. got another Vette.
You guys keep talking about Bandit wanting you to set up the show. That might be the showbiz thing to do, but I enjoy watching you guys just dick around at the beginning.
Joe, I am with you on doing away with bras, but the panties have to stay. You have the best gig in town every time Strokers has one of those events with the wet t-shirt contest. What a nice fringe benefit for being Fairless’ friend.
Rick, it’s OK to hate white women, but don’t be a yankee hater. I is one. Nice grammar, huh? The Civil War is over.
I checked out the website for Royal Enfield. Nice bikes. Still not the same as Blackie though. I only live about 3 miles from where I work and a bike like that would be great for short in town travel.
Nice scoop on the Outlaws biker gang in Florida.
I finally got my bike out for the first time last Friday. Was windy, but still felt good to get out for a couple hours.
Good luck with the bike show.

BIKERNET HOMETOWN IN TROUBLE–LA Controller Greuel: City will be Broke on May 5- – Mayor Blames City Council– ?The question I have been asked most often during the budget crisis,? says LA Controller Wendy Greuel, ?is when the City will run out of money??
?Unfortunately,? she tells the Council and the Mayor, ?we finally have that answer ? the City?s General Fund will be out of money ? in fact it will be negative $10 million ? on May 5th, 2010.?
Hang on, they may turn out the lights.

SEMA Powersports Advisory Group Mission: Build value and credibility in the resources that SEMA can offer to fulfill the powersports industry?s unmet needs in an effort to increase the growth and prosperity of powersports companies. Resources include but are not limited to the SEMA Show, legislative advocacy, international relations, market research, education and business solutions. Immediate efforts include attracting more exhibitors and buyers to the powersports section at the 2010 SEMA Show and adding dedicated powerpsorts educational sessions and activities. The SEMA Show is the largest gathering of small businesses in the US and is built on small businesses with big ideas, entrepreneurial spirit and innovation.

Team FLATRAT, SPONSORED BY BIKERNET, goes flat-track racing, with an AMA Hall of Famer– Dean had a wild idea, I got the call?.?Hey man, I?ve got this Yam TTR125, and I?ve always wanted to try flattrack, wadda ya think????I said ? Do you mean Martin?s bike (his son)???..He said ?Yes, and FU, do you wanna help me out with this or not?!!!…???.Tehehehe, I love jabbin Ol? Dean.
So, he orders up some street tires, and we start investigating. The event was put on by these guys and gals http://www.semdtra.com/ , it was also an AHRMA Southeast Regional event, to take place in Carnesville Ga. I?ve passed the track literally hundreds of times?.I was in.
So, it’s Friday (race sat afternoon), and I get a semi-panicked call from my teammate?.?Hey man, I?ve got an issue, we have this 1960 Belair custom that needs to go out to the blaster sat am, so everyone at Fuller HotRods is workin till done Friday night. My new Avon tires are in, but I can’t go get em, or mount em,?.the bike is down here at the shop?.?bout the only way this is gonna happen is if you jump in full bore Chally.?
OK, so I figure what the hell. I go grab the Avon tires from WoW Motorcycles (Dean is their former shop mgr)?Get on down to fullers shop?.the crew is hammerin / welding away?I stop at the roll-up and shout ?Howdy boys!??.the shots start flyin?.Fuller: ?Charlie Frikkin Young, did ya bring any beer???.Dean: ?Get to work you slacker??.?Field? the fabricator and ?Lil Brian? the welder / fab guy just start laughing?and I guess, decide to cut me some slack??yeah, I take shit from these guys all the time?..aint it great?!
Anyhow, at about midnight, we get the car loaded in the trailer, and the bike is mostly ready?..we knock back a few and BS for awhile?..talk of Daytona Bikeweek, I guess Fuller?s trip was hectic?between the ?Hot Leathers? gigs in Daytona, filming 2 guy garage in Tampa, and a side trip to Nashville, he was wore out?..I said, ?Well Hell, I broke a crankshaft on the High-Banks of Daytona Int?l Speedway, go ahead, beat THAT Mf?r!!!!? ?..he just chuckled.
So?we are set, but have no idea what we are doing?.besides GOIN RACIN BABY!!! Heres a pic of Deans (martins) rocket ride for the evening

We arrive and look for a friend Ben from Fullers shop who is supposed to meet us here with another bike to race?.Ben, who also should have been workin on the Belair Friday nite, but wasn?t?.He arrives late and smiling, with no bike, but with a pretty little brunette ?friend?, who is visiting from overseas??Aaahhh, it all makes sense now. I think he flew her in so he would have an excuse to not finish his bike and have to race Dean?.but I could be wrong. Dean gets regestired. Attends the riders meeting, and gets squared away.

We see a familiar face, and some familiar ?skeleton? leathers?..Its David Aldana, former AMA Pro Flat-tracker, star subject of the ledgendary movie ?On Any Sunday?, and AMA Hall of Famer http://www.motorcyclemuseum.org/halloffame/hofbiopage.asp?id=18 ?.He?s a great guy and we?ve talked before. Dean has questions?should I wear my Roadrace leathers or my dirtbike gear?….how do these heats work?….do I need to get the bike inspected?…David is a great guy and helps us along.

So, we are getting ready for racin. Dean gets a couple practice sessions, and is starting to get comfortable. He has entered 2 classes, 50cc to 125cc, and Open Novice?..Dean nor I are used to running heat races, so they are just a step up from practice for him. Dean does OK?..crashes once, but he and the bike are fine. Heres a pic of the track.
Fifty to 125 has 5 bikes, the other 4 are little kids! I was chucklin watchin Dean, in black skull and crossbone ?Army of Darkness? leathers, on this little bike, surrounded by kids that fit their bikes. THESE KIDS ARE FAST!!! Dean is battling this one kid, it is actually some great racin! Dean does the noble thing and pulls in on the last lap, as to not toake a trophy, and the inspiration, away from any of these young lads. I?m standing there as he pulls off?after the checker, the kids he was battling comes flying off the track to us, he is HYPED?hollerin at dean, bumpin fists ?Hey man, that was great!!! What happened to you?….I thought you had me!!!? Dean took the humble approach, ?I had a tire start to go down, you were riding great man!!??.that boy Middleton is alright.

Last race is Open Novice. Dean is against riders similar to his age, but several are on brand new CRF450 honda?s, to Deans little 125?..I believe 5 bikes here too. Dean is really getting the hang of this?he is railing?.bikes more than 3 TIMES the displacement of his?.He rode his ass off?.GOT SECOND!!!!….not too shabby for a short, ugly, transplanted englishman!!!…hehehehe.
Also, there was a guy running VERY fast?WITH 1 FRIKKIN ARM!!!! No bs, his right arm lost at the shoulder!…but good gawd, he was kickin butt!….he got a podium?.very cool to see.
So, we get packed up for the 2 hr drive home?.we are both whopped, but still discuss Flat Rats future in flat track racing?.we have been looking for a bike, and I think we will do this again?..I cant wait to give it a shot!
Hey, If anyone has an old steel flattrack shoe, size 9 or 10, that they would like to give another life too?.we will make sure it is on the track, where it wants to be?.not hangin’ in the garage with cobwebs!

Also, Team FlatRat would like to request prayers for an injured rider, Skip Bradley. He was injured at Daytona Int?l Speedway during the AHRMA event. He crashed his Buell in turn 1 on March 2nd, and has been in a coma since then. Skip is well liked by many of my Norton Brothers, but I don?t know him personally. His family is struggling, his wife has been in Daytona since the accident. They are attempting to raise funds to transport him home to Houston, relieving a big burden on his family. If anyone would like to contribute, more info here. http://www.ahrma.org/News/2010/10_bradley_news.htm
Keep riding, and thanx to Bikernet for the coverage and sponsorship!

MAJOR NEWS FROM ILLUSION CYCLES–Another killer custom from T-Rod & Rusty again?.

STEALTH REPORT FROM NORTH CAROLINA–Check this bike out. Started as a police bike.

BANDIT’S LOOKING DOWN THE BARREL OF A MOTORBOOKS BOOK CONTRACT–“That outline was one of the best-written and most entertaining thingsI’ve read in ages,” said Darwin Holmstrom, Motorbooks Editor. “I can’t wait to read the entire book.”
Bandit has lobbied Motorbooks for years to kick off a book about old club members. Sonny Barger had major success with his books. Another Sonny book is soon to be released, Let’s Ride, Sonny’s guide to motorcycling.
Bandit had a notion to write a book called Badlands, but recently has worked with Motorbooks to write a series of books about long-standing club members. Once the contract is signed we will bring you behind the scenes coverage as Bandit writes the first novel.

CALIFORNIA BILL TO INCREASE ?SPECIALLY CONSTRUCTED? CLASS FROM 500 TO 750 VEHICLES PER YEAR APPROVED BY COMMITTEE; MOVES TO APPROPRIATIONS– Legislation (A.B. 1740) in the California Assembly to increase the registration limit for exempted specially constructed vehicle (kit car) registrations from 500 to 750 vehicles per year was approved by the Transportation Committee. The bill now moves to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for consideration.
We Urge You to Contact Members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee (List Attached) Immediately to Request Their Support for A.B. 1740 ?
Under current California policy, specially constructed vehicles that do not receive one of the 500 sequence numbers are subject to a ?muddied? titling, registration and smog check process. ?
A.B. 1740 will help mitigate the ?black market? value of these 500 sequence numbers which are often sold on e-bay and other on-line auction sites.
?A.B. 1740 recognizes the minimal impact specially constructed vehicles have on air quality.
?A.B. 1740 recognizes the fact that specially constructed vehicles are overwhelmingly well-maintained and infrequently driven.
?A.B. 1740 will help allow vehicle owners to confidently take advantage of a newly-enacted vehicle registration amnesty program for specially constructed vehicles that were previously registered or classified incorrectly.
Under the new law, the DMV will grant amnesty from prosecution to vehicle owners if certain conditions are met, including the owner filing a completed application with the department.
DON?T DELAY! Please contact members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee today to urge support for A.B. 1740. California Assembly Appropriations Committee
Thank you for your prompt attention. Please e-mail a copy of your letter to Steve McDonald at stevem@sema.org

THE FXR CODE OF THE WEST–The best Evo model ever built, and maybe the best H-D configuration was the FXR. Dar Holdsworth of Brass Balls Bobbers is building and new FXR model around a Chopper Guys frame right now.
We decided to pick up the hammer and pound home the drive to keep FXRs alive with our mudflap girl project. Paughco is building us a Frisco’d single-loop frame for the project. As soon as it arrives we’ll get started. You’ll see the whole rubbermounted project come together on Bikernet.
Recently Bikernet tech writer and harmonica blues player, Anson, sent us the following FXR connection:
Was “surfing” some bike sites last nite and ran across this:http://www.elvisplace.com/Guy sells used Harley parts, especially FXR stuff .His fan gallery has a shot of your buddy Billy Lane with his FXR.

BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER INTERVIEWS DR. WEIL ON Three Ways to Prevent Memory Loss–Do you feel like your memory is getting worse with every passing birthday? It happens to all of us as we age, but a growing body of medical evidence suggests that lifelong stimulation is the key to building and maintaining brain cells, staving off memory loss and maybe even preventing Alzheimer’s disease.
Research has found that doing interesting work (paid or volunteer), pursuing hobbies and engaging in an active social life can help. I recommend challenging yourself with music performance (playing an instrument or singing), language lessons, learning a new computer program, or hunkering down with a good crossword puzzle. And, try all of these with a smile – studies show that a positive emotional state is also good for your brain.
Remember that anything that makes you think in different ways is challenging for the brain and beneficial to your memory.
–For more info contact DRWeil.com

Greystone Mansion Concours d’Elegance to Feature DiMora Motorcycles–The historic Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills will be the venue when a collection of more than one hundred classic and exotic automobiles and motorcycles gather on April 11 for the first celebration of what is planned to become an annual event, the Greystone Mansion Concours d’Elegance. Historic celebrity vehicles from the Petersen Automotive Museum will be on display, such as Fred Astaire’s 1927 Rolls-Royce and a Duesenberg owned by Rita Hayworth. More modern technology will be represented by three new motorcycles from DiMora Custom Bikes in Palm Springs, California.
Built in 1928 and expanded since, the 55,000 square foot residence is surrounded by 18 acres of gardens, tennis courts, lakes, waterfalls, stables, and even a playhouse. It has served as the opulent setting for countless movies, such as Ghostbusters, Spiderman, Air Force One, Indecent Proposal, Stripes, and Rules of Engagement.

DiMora Custom Bikes will exhibit three handcrafted motorcycles at the Greystone Concours. The ZTango 300 is an easy rider softail chopper, the Knight Moves 180 is a classic pro street springer, and the Dragon’s Breath 250 is an upper range softail chopper. Activities begin at 10:00 am, and include the Concours, tours of the mansion, a fashion show, live musical entertainment, and catering by renowned restaurants such as Lawry’s, Spago, Porta Via, Coupa Caf?, Il Pastaio, and Via Alloro. Tickets include all food, drinks, and adult beverages, commemorative poster, program book, and 2 for 1 admission to the Petersen Automotive Museum.
More information is available online at www.beverlyhills.org/greystone.
– – C.S. Berg

ATHENA THE VAGABOND EXCITED ABOUT NEW BOOK, HARBOR TOWN SEDUCTION— I am so excited about your new book and cannot wait to get my hands on it- I posted the release from Cycle Source on the Vagabond Chopper Company Website- News page hope you don’t mind- SMILE!!!
I will be putting it on the Chicks Rule Site and Vagabond Chickie tonight- I wanted to let you know that I am so happy that the book is out- I love the way you write- I cannot stand the drivel that some books of today are made up of- I like to read- I have read Sam Chopper Orwell 100 times along with my other all time favorite- The ARt Of Racing In The Rain– Now I will be able to add another great to my collection- don’t get me wrong I read a lot of stuff – I really enjoy the classics, but it seems my teenagers have taken over the library in our home and are reading all of the good ones.
It’s funny my 19-year-old is reading the Last of the Mohicans and he loves it- my 17 year old just finished The Pride and The Predjudice and my 11-year-old is reading Tom Sawyer And Huck Fin– I must have done something right cause most of their friends have no clue what a book is and the enjoyment of reading- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING YOU & INSPIRING US ALL TO PICK UP A GOOD BOOK AND READ….
WE LOVE YOU- The Vagabonds
–Athena ” Chickie ” Ransom
Vagabond Chopper Company
4700 N. Dixie Hwy., Suite 11
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334
Phone: (954) 360-0075
Fax: (954) 642-8658

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