
What to Do in the Event of Motorcycle Injury and Accident

from https://www.lawtigers.com Motorcycle riders love the speed, excitement, and endorphins of riding- it’s why we get on the bike in the first place. However, most riders realize we aren’t immune to some risk every time we go on an adventure- or a quick trip to the store, for that matter. One of the dreaded scenarios is the possibility of getting into a motorcycle accident, but we have to acknowledge that possibility and plan for how to deal with it in advance. We’re going to go over some motorcycle injury and accident statistics, what to do should you or a loved one find yourself in an accident, and how to treat the physical, emotional, and legal follow-up. Injury Concerns and Prevention While collisions and other road incidences can cause financial damage, the true concern is protecting you, your passengers, and any other people involved. As a rider, you should always follow ATGATT (All the Gear, All the Time). This means you should be wearing a full face helmet, proper riding gloves, a protective vest, riding pants, and motorcycle boots. Do not substitute non-riding specific versions of these, as they are not made to stand up to road rash and other trauma stress. While this may seem like an excessive amount of caution (trust us, we understand the notion of the wind whipping in your face on the open road), proper protection can reduce risk of injury or fatality by 37 percent and 68 percent, respectively. When the most prevalent injuries in major motorcycle crashes include nerve damage, spinal cord injury, foot injuries, broken bones, and head trauma, this level of increased protection is well worth paying attention to. If you or another person involved in an accident are in need of medical attention, do not waste time calling the paramedics and […]

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Cops Stealing Motorcycles

True Story by Rogue There have been many stories about stolen motorcycles over the years and one that has to be included is about a Connecticut State Trooper R.J Kenny. We originally did some articles on him and his tactics back in the ’70s in Easyriders and were retaliated against for doing so. More on that as the article continues. Click Here to Read this Article on Bikernet.com Join the Cantina for more – Subscribe Today https://www.bikernet.com/pages/custom/subscription.aspx

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NCOM Biker Newsbytes for July 2021

Highway Bill passes House, Right to Repair moves ahead, Motorcycle Industry Council program, Emission free motorcycles in UK and more nations to phase out new gas engine motorcycles, EU & US truce on Trade Tariffs, Mandatory Motorcycle Inspections for Europe, Easyriders magazine to come back. E-news service from National Coalition of Motorcyclists Click Here to Read the NCOM motorcycle industry news on Bikernet.com Join the Cantina for more – Subscribe Today. https://www.bikernet.com/pages/custom/subscription.aspx

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Ethanol in the Courts and in Congress

In the last few weeks, the ethanol industry has suffered two major court case defeats. Earlier this month, the D.C. Court of Appeals struck down the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule allowing for year-round sales of E15. In May 2019 the EPA issued a rule change ending a summer ban on the sale of E15 blend. Provisions of the Clean Air Act have prohibited the sale of certain fuels with a higher volatility from June 1 through Sept. 15, including E15. The court ruled that Congress did not intend to allow ethanol blends higher than 10% to be sold year-round and that the EPA overstepped its authority by implementing the change. Not surprisingly, in response to the court ruling, a bipartisan group of lawmakers from major corn producing states introduced a bill Wednesday that aims to allow the year-round sale of gasoline containing 15 percent ethanol. U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Deb Fischer (R-NE) and U.S. Representatives Angie Craig (D-MN) and Adrian Smith (R-NE) introduced bipartisan bills to permit the year-round sale of E15. The bill was cosponsored in the Senate by Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Roger Marshall (R-KS), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Mike Rounds (R-SD), Tina Smith (D-MN) and John Thune (R-SD). In the House Representatives, Cindy Axne (D-IA), Rodney Davis (R-IL), Dusty Johnson (R- SD) and Mark Pocan (D-WI) were all original cosponsors of the bill. This legislation faces a tough road ahead in Congress with a diverse set of stakeholders and lawmakers opposed to increased ethanol mandates. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation applauds the court for striking down the year-round mandate and will work with like-minded groups to oppose legislation that would reopen the door to the year-round sale of E15. To read what pro ethanol Senators

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The Independence Day Coming Bikernet Weekly News for July 1, 2021

I go from dawn to dusk trying to stay prepared and be pro-active. Then as it reaches about 7:00 I grab a beer and head to a chair under a blooming maple tree to relax with a pile of the Redhead’s most magnificent bowl of guacamole. We sit and ponder the goals for the next day. Micah is working on our plans for Bonneville. Tonight, after the news I get to have a Jack on the Rocks under the maple tree. And this weekend I want to take the ’69 Panhead out for a test ride. Let’s hit the news. Have a terrific holiday and ride free forever! –Bandit Click Here to read the Weekly News only on Bikernet. Join the Cantina for more – Subscribe Today. https://www.bikernet.com/pages/custom/subscription.aspx

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MRF on One of the most important numbers for Motorcyclists

Know Your Numbers! Riding Free from DC – from Inside the Beltway May was Motorcycle Awareness Month but every month should be a month for motorcycle advocacy! Whether you were in D.C. for Bikers Inside the Beltway or working on issues back home, it’s a great time to advocate for bikers’ rights. One of the most important numbers any biker rights advocate should know is the number of motorcyclists in their states. When chatting with either state or federally elected officials, you should have the number of motorcyclists in your state on the tip of your tongue and drop it into any conversation about biker rights. Why? Because when you say the word motorcyclist that elected official translates it into voters! There are different ways to calculate how many bikers are in your state and each state does it differently. Some states release motorcycle endorsement numbers, while others release motorcycle registration statistics. In fact, some states including California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Texas, and Utah provide county by county data on the number of bikers throughout the state. Spend some time looking around your state’s department of transportation or motor vehicle website and see what you can find. Regardless of how we are counted, we need to know our numbers, and share those numbers. If you can’t find the number of bikers through your state’s websites, the federal government has a list of all registered motorcycles by state. To see how many motorcycles the federal government claims are in your state click here for their revised 2021 statistics. European Motorcycles The European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers recently reported that registrations of new motorcycles in the five largest European markets increased by 10.3% in the first three months of this year compared to the same period in 2020. The five largest European

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The Quirky Bikernet Weekly News for June 17th, 2021

Hey, I’m catching on, catching up and catching the Rally vibe. If you live in these regions, it’s like living with a mercurial girlfriend. If she’s in a bad mood you can’t get shit done. That’s the weather around here, and I think it’s cool. During the summer, you plan and hope to get as much shit done as possible. The other driving force for some is the rally. That’s our driving force this year. I decided to keep the Deadwood digs so bros could hang out here during the rally including my grandson and his pals. We are trying like hell not to burn any daylight. We have content headed your way from Dmac. I hope to get started on Dan’s feature next week, and I hope you enjoy chapter 94 of the Bandit’s Cantina series. Let me know what you think. In the meantime, Ride Fast and Free Forever. – Bandit Click Here to Read the Weekly News only on Bikernet. Join the Cantina for more – Subscribe Today. https://www.bikernet.com/pages/custom/subscription.aspx

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Bandit’s Cantina Episode 94: Melody Searches for Zero-Footprint Nirvana

“I’ve got to get out of here,” Melody said as she woke up the next morning. “I can’t handle the pollution. Did you see all those trucks, the noise, and the smell. I can’t stand it.” She continued to badger him. “What should I do now? I have a degree. I must get out of LA. You know about Global Warming, right?” She burst out of the bathroom like a spring flower blooming, beautiful, fresh, and full of energy. “I did some research on my phone,” she said. “The governor of California is testing a Zero emissions community. Would you mind taking me to Nirvana.” “Have you seriously reviewed this deal? Bandit said. “Of course, I have,” Melody spat. “This will be the wave of the future. No carbon footprint.” “Don’t we need CO2 to live?” Bandit asked. “Don’t be ridiculous,” Melody said pulling on her $1000 leather boots. “Carbon dioxide is pollution.” “Will they allow you to wear those boots into Environmental Nirvana?” Bandit said. “Uh,” Melody said. “I don’t know. I found an organic breakfast place is Venice.” They walked out to Marko’s stretched FXR in the parking lot. Melody stopped, stunned. “I can’t get to Nirvana on that!” “Or I can drop you off at the airport,” Bandit suggested. “No way, the covid, the masks, the crowds and the polluting planes,” Melody rattled. “Did you know they are banning air flights in Spain. Gotta save the planet. Where’s the Ferrari?” Click Here to Read the latest Episode in the Bandit’s Cantina Series only on Bikernet. Join the Cantina for more – Subscribe Today. https://www.bikernet.com/pages/custom/subscription.aspx

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David Chipman Back in Senate Judiciary Committee This Thursday

This Thursday, June 17th, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on David Chipman’s nomination for ATF Director. If approved, his nomination would then be sent to the full U.S. Senate for a final confirmation vote. During Chipman’s nomination hearing on May 26th, he admitted that he supports not only a ban on commonly owned firearms, but thinks we should have more restrictive gun control than the European Union! We are asking that you please contact your Senators and urge them to oppose David Chipman as ATF Director by clicking the red button below. CLICK TO CONTACT YOUR SENATORS As if Chipman’s history as a gun control advocate and his desire to ban the most commonly owned firearms in this country wasn’t bad enough, he also has a strong disregard for the facts surrounding “Assault Weapons”. Since the 1994 “Clinton Assault Weapons Ban”, there have been numerous government-run studies proving these bans to be ineffective, but these facts don’t seem to matter to Chipman, as he has repeatedly demonstrated. If you have already sent your Senators an email, please take some time to give them a call as well. You can call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224- 3121 and they can connect you with your Senator’s office, or you can look up your Senator’s information on this chart. NRA-ILA Grassroots Programs & Campaign Field Operations http://www.nrailafrontlines.com/

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The Crazy Bikernet Weekly News for June 10th, 2021

Life is Nuts, So Let’s Party We are about to publish a story about the motorcycle boom during the Covid era. It’s interesting how our industry flourished when the world was shut down. I’m about to finish a Life and Times piece about our move to the Badlands. I’m hoping it will help others, who are grappling with similar decisions. It was a stressful challenge but well worth every box of crap we hauled out here. I’m working on a Cantina Episode, a few bike features, and a girls of bikernet feature. In the meantime, ride free forever! –Bandit Click Here to Read the Weekly News only on Bikernet. Join the Cantina for more – Subscribe Today. https://www.bikernet.com/pages/custom/subscription.aspx

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