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May 6, 2004 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

Judge bandit

THE RETROSEXUAL CODE–I’ve received this a half dozen time and finally read the whole damn thing. It aint’ bad–Bandit.

Please allow me to vent. I have had it. I’ve taken all I can standand I can’t stand no more. Every time my TV is on, all that can be seenis effeminate men prancing about, redecorating houses and talking aboutforeign concepts like “style” and “feng shui.” Heterosexual, homosexual,bisexual, transsexual, metrosexual, non-sexual; blue, green, andpurple-sexual – bogus definitions have taken over the urban and suburbanworld!

Real men of the world, stand up, scratch your balls, belch, and yell”ENOUGH!” I hereby announce the start of a new offensive in the CultureWars, the Retrosexual movement. ”


A Retrosexual man, no matter what the women insists, PAYS FOR THEDATE.

A Retrosexual man opens doors for a lady. Even for the ones thatfit that term only because they are female.

A Retrosexual DEALS with IT, be it a flat tire, break-in into yourhome, or a natural disaster, you DEAL WITH IT.

A Retrosexual not only eats red meat, he often kills it himself.

A Retrosexual doesn’t worry about living to be 90. It’s not howlong you live, but how well. If you’re 90 years old and still smoking cigarsand drinking, I salute you. If you are still having sex, you are a God.

A Retrosexual does not use more hair or skin products than a woman.Women have several supermarket aisles of stuff. Retrosexuals need anendcap (possibly 2 endcaps if you include shaving goods.)

A Retrosexual does not dress in clothes from Hot Topic when he’ 30 years old.

A Retrosexual should know how to properly kill stuff (or people)if need be. This falls under the “Dealing with IT” portion of The Code.

A Retrosexual watches no TV show with “Queer” in the title.

A Retrosexual does not let neighbors screw up rooms in his houseon national TV.

A Retrosexual should not give up excessive amounts of manlinessfor women. Some is inevitable, but major reinvention of yourself will onlylead to you becoming a froo-froo little puss, and in the long run, she ain’tworth it.

A Retrosexual is allowed to seek professional help for majormental stress such as drug/alcohol addiction, death of your entire family in afreak treechipper accident, favorite sports team being moved to adifferent city, favorite bird dog expiring, etc. You are NOT allowed to see ashrink because Daddy didn’t pay you enough attention. Daddy was busy DEALINGWITH IT. When you screwed up, he DEALT with you.

A Retrosexual will have at least one outfit in his wardrobedesigned to conceal himself from prey.

A Retrosexual knows how to tie a Windsor knot when wearing atie — and ONLY a Windsor knot.

A Retrosexual should have at least one good wound he can bragabout getting.

A Retrosexual knows how to use a basic set of tools. If you can’thammer a nail, or drill a straight hole, practice in secret until you can– or be rightfully ridiculed for the wuss you be.

A Retrosexual knows that owning a gun is not a sign that your areriddled with fear, guns are TOOLS and are often essential to DEAL WITH IT.Plus it’s just plain fun to fire one off in the direction of those people or things that just need a little “wakin’ up”.

Crying. There are very few reason that a Retrosexual may cry, and none of them have to do with TV commercials, movies, or soap operas.Sports teams are sometimes a reason to cry, but the preferred method of releaseis swearing or throwing the remote control. Some reasons a Retrosexual cancry include (but are not limited to) death of a loved one, death of a pet(fish do NOT count as pets in this case), loss of a major body part, or loss ofmajor body part on your Chevy truck.

When a Retrosexual is on a crowded bus and or a commuter train,and a pregnant woman, heck, any woman gets on, that retrosexual stands up andoffers his seat to that woman, then looks around at the other so-calledmen still in their seats with a disgusted “you punks” look on his face.

A Retrosexual knows how to say the Pledge properly, and with thecorrect emphasis and pronunciation. He also knows the words to the StarSpangled Banner

A Retrosexual will have hobbies and habits his wife and mother donot understand, but that are essential to his manliness, in that theyoffset the acceptable manliness decline he suffers when married/engagedor in a serious healthy relationship – i.e., hunting, boxing, shot putting,shooting, cigars, car maintenance.

A Retrosexual knows how to sharpen his own knives and kitchen utensils.

A Retrosexual man can drive in snow (hell, a blizzard) withoutsliding all over or driving under 20mph, without anxiety, and withouthigh-centering his ride in a snow bank.

A Retrosexual man can chop down a tree and make it land where hewants. Wherever it lands is where he damn well wanted it to land. Excepton his truck–that would happen because of a “force of nature”, and then theretrosexual man’s options are to Cry, or to DEAL with IT, or do both.

A Retrosexual will give up his seat on a bus to not only any womenbut any elderly person or person in military dress (except 2nd Lt’s)NOTE:The person in military dress may turn down the offer but the Retrosexualman will ALWAYS make the offer to them and thank them for serving their country.

A Retrosexual man doesn’t need a contract — a handshake is goodenough. He will always stand by his word even if circumstances change orthe other person deceived him.

A Retrosexual man doesn’t immediately look to sue someone when hedoes something stupid and hurts himself. We understand that sometimes inthe process of doing things we get hurt and we just DEAL WITH IT !

son of liberty

MISSOURI HELMET LAW REPEALED–JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Missourians who are old enough to legally drinkalcohol also could ride a motorcycle without a helmet under a bill passed bythe House. The bill repealing Missouri’s mandatory helmet law for those 21andolder now heads to the Senate.

Supporters say wearing a helmet should be a matter of personal choice, notlaw. Opponents say severe head injuries cost many other people throughhigherinsurance rates, free care provided by hospitals for some people withoutinsurance, and government expenditures to treat victims covered by MedicareandMedicaid.

The House approved the bill 96-43 on Thursday. Gov. Mel Carnahan vetoed asimilar bill in 1999. Other proposals have failed in the Legislature, beforeand after that. Not wearing a helmet now can result in a $25 fine.

screamin eagle

SCREAMIN? EAGLE FLAT TRACK TEAM PRIMED FOR SPRINGFIELD–Team Looking Forward to Miles after Short Track Struggles.SAN FRANCISCO (May 2, 2004) – The Screamin? Eagle Performance Parts Racing team looks forward its return to the historic Springfield Mile as the AMA Progressive Insurance Flat Track Championship series heads for the famous track at the Illinois State Fairgrounds May 29-30. Screamin? Eagle rider Rich King won both Springfield Mile events in 2003 aboard a Harley-Davidson XR 750.

?We?ve had a tough start on two unusual short tracks this season,? said Screamin? Eagle Racing Manager Anne Paluso. ?I think you?ll see the Screamin? Eagle team get back on track when the series comes to Springfield, where we had our best results last year. We?ve got a rider who really knows his way around that track, and the team obviously has a good set-up for the XR 750 at Springfield.?

The Screamin? Eagle team had a disappointing outing at the inaugural Ricky Graham Memorial Indoor Short Track held at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. This was the first AMA Grand National event held on an indoor concrete surface, and it proved to be a challenge for many of the top riders in the series. The track was laid out in a football-shaped oval, and lap times were just over eight seconds, leaving little margin for error or time to recover from a mistake.

King fell victim to the slick surface in his first heat race, falling on lap two. He was quickly back up and managed to finish sixth. King then placed fifth in a semi-final heat after set up and tire changes were made to his bike. He rode hard from the back row, and made some aggressive passes, but failed to make the 16-rider field for the main.?Like many of the teams at the Cow Palace, we had some trouble with traction and tire selection,? said Paluso. ?This was a learning experience.?

Reigning Grand National champion Chris Carr rode his Quality Checked Pre-Owned Ford KTM to victory in a main even that was marred with crashes and required three re-starts to complete 30 laps.

ducati chopper - jim G

DUCATI BASED BAD ASS SPORT CHOPPER– MotoCreations to premier new Ducati based Bad Ass Sport Chopperat the Performance Machine sponsored LA Calendar Motorcycle Show July 17-18thApril 30th, Los Angeles, CA – is excited to announce that designer and race car fabricator Mark Savory of based in Chandler, Arizona, will use the Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show, held the July 17-18th 2004 weekend at the Queen Mary in Long Beach,CA, to premier in public his exciting new sport cruiser prototype bike based on Ducat’si venerable Monster with the new DS1000 engine.

Savory decided to start his new company to create the right type of bikes the market was missing. The new MotoCreations Ducati based Sport Cruiser concept bike offers that in spades, and potentially at a very affordable price should it be put into limited production by Savory or mass produced by a manufacturer like Ducati

You can see the world premier of the new MotoCreations Ducati based cruiser at the July 17-18th LA Calendar Motorcycle Show, along with many other sportbike attractions including the Jardine West Coast Horsepower Dyno Shootout, and The Las Vegas Extremes stunt riding team starring Pauly Sherer and beautiful JoJo Farmer. Complete information is available at http;//

mike pullin

THE BIKERNET STEALTH INVESTIGATION–It seems in life everything sooner or later comes to end. Jobs, marriages, relationships and friendships and good times. For one reason or another they come to an end and usually there are a lot of hard feelings at the end of a marriage or relationship.

The toughest of these is when a marriage ends or a relationship comes crashing to an end. I have been married twice, failed both times, and another relationship has just ended for me. With each failure, in this area, I take responsiblity for my part. Yeah, I admit I have been a son of a bitch, and I have been told at times that I am not the easiest person to be around. With that being said, I find myself in relationship HELL! It seems when a relationship ends you lose a part of yourself, and it’s gone forever. I don’t want this to sound like one of those advice columns you read in the news papers, but hopefully it will help someone out there. I know a lot of you have been through this. When a relationship ends, I try to learn from it, and yeah sometimes I have had to learn the hard way. I guess some of us are not meant to be in a lasting relationships, but we still continue to look for that special one. I have learned that with every good-bye there is anticipation of the next hello.

run for breath

When I find myself in this situation, I try to focus on something I can count on to clear my mind. Right now I find myself staying focused on the 6th Annual Run For Breath “IN MEMORY OF JUSTIN PULLIN,” to be held here in Charlotte, July 25th. In the past getting on my bike and blasting down the highway has always helped see me through and clear my mind. It’s like a best friend, a true friend at times like these, it is there for you and never questions you as to why you’re faced with a mess again. If you have been there you know what I am talking about, “IF I HAVE TO EXPLAIN, YOU WOULDN”T UNDERSTAND!”

When a relationship starts to spin out of control there is no slowing it down and the end awaits.Things are said and not forgotten. Sides are choosen, and there’s no going back. If you do go back, the shit is always in the back of your mind. The scars that hurt the most, are the ones we never see. The scars inside, those are the worst. In time they fade but never really go away completely.

Another thing you learn at times like these are who your true brothers and friends are. I dare to say that most of us can count our true brothers and friends on one hand and have two or three fingers left over. You see at times like these, if you are not loyal, you are not a friend, PERIOD! You choose your side, and once you make that choice, you stick to your guns. If you ever go through this, it will surprise you to find out that who you thought had your back actually held a knife in their hand. Yeah, this is the worst kind of betrayal, and it takes a rat to do this and you should remember who the rats are, and in my case, there’s no forgetting. People have said that sometimes I wear my feelings on my sleeve, and I guess I do. If I like you, you will know real quick, and if I don’t, well, you get the picture. Maybe that sounds harsh, but at least I am true to myself. I wear the same face all the time. I don’t put a brilliant disguise on to please people. You learn a lot about people who were supposed to be friends at times like these. Fortunately Bandit, Sin Wu and the Bikernet crew has always been there for me.

Well I feel a little better after saying that, I hope I didn’t make anyone cry!Hey enough of this, I will be fine. It is time to go for a ride and find that next HELLO!


intake seal

INTAKE SEAL SOLUTION–JAMES GASKETS has just introduced what may well be the ultimate INTAKE MANIFOLD SEAL ever produced for Harley-Davidson Big Twin Sportster and Buell motorcycles. Developed specifically for 1986 to present EVO, Twin Cam, Sportster, Buell Blast, XB9R/S and XB12 applications, these high tech seals are manufactured with a metal ring molded into the seal itself.

This design provides rigidity and a positive, leak free seal between the manifold and cylinder head port. The unique INTAKE SEALS work with stock and most aftermarket manifolds incorporating a manifold sleeve diameter of 1.800.”

JAMES GASKETS are available at finer motorcycle, parts and accessories dealers worldwide. Call 775-246-2220 for the location of a dealer near you or catch the full lineup at http:// .

BIKERNET CONTEST WINNERS– From the free section we have:


I really wish I could send this guy a bike, if that would help keep his head on straight. But, I can?t. What I can send is a Bikernet Hat to keep on his head.


Travis Wasko from Pensacola , Florida
Wanted: Anything I can get and use for FREE!!!

He gets an Indian Larry t-shirt and a Big Jugz cup cooler. He can use that to keep his beer cold.

I have a couple more Indian Larry t-shirts to give away. ENTER THE CONTEST!!

Continued On Page 4

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May 6, 2004 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

BUELL DEALER TEAMS TACKLE EXTREME RACING CHALLENGE–Hal?s and Kosco Run Strong in First AMA Formula Xtreme Outing.SONOMA, Calif. (May 2, 2004) – The Hal?s Harley-Davidson/Buell and Kosco Harley-Davidson/Buell racing teams took on full-bore factory competition for the first time this season in the Lockhart Phillips USA Formula Xtreme class at Infineon Raceway. Kosco rider Michael Barnes rode a Buell Firebolt to an eighth-place finish, while Hal?s rider Mike Ciccotto rode a Firebolt to 11th place in the event, part of the third stop on the 2004 AMA Chevrolet Superbike Championship Series.

?These dealer teams jumped right into the deep end of the competition pool and we are really proud of their results,? said Erik Buell, chairman and chief technical officer at Buell Motorcycle Company. ?AMA Formula Xtreme represents a very high level of competition in U.S. roadracing, and it?s a real test for the Buell Firebolt and for our racers.?

Barnes qualified eighth for the Formula Xtreme event at the hilly, 12-turn, 2.52-mile course located in the wine country of Northern California, while Ciccotto qualified 10th. On race day, riding a back-up bike after an ignition problem sidelined his primary racer, Barnes worked his way up to sixth place before dropping back two positions at the finish. Honda factory rider Miguel Duhamel, who has dominated Formula Xtreme so far this season, won the event after a battle with Erion Honda rider Jake Zemke. Both riders set a blistering pace, turning lap times close to those of the top AMA Superbikes.

AMA Formula Xtreme for 2004 is a class open to motorcycles with 600cc four-cylinder engines and larger-displacement V-Twin engines, with a great deal of modification permitted. ?It is the closest thing to a GP class in the US at the moment,? said Buell. The Hal?s and Kosco teams are working on tuning their Buell Thunderstorm V-Twin engines for maximum horsepower. This is a significant change from the limited-power rules in Formula USA Thunderbike, where both teams have competed previously using the Buell Firebolt racebikes.

The next stop on the AMA Chevrolet Superbike Championship schedule is May 14-16 at Barber Motorsports Park, Birmingham, Ala.

bandits cantina

BANDIT’S CANTINA–A drunken man walks into a biker bar, sits down at the bar and orders a drink. Looking around, he sees three men sitting at a corner table He gets up, staggers to the table, leans over, looks at the biggest, meanest one in the face and says, “I went by your grandma’s house today and I saw her in the hallway buck naked. Man, she is one fine looking woman!” The biker looks at him and doesn’t say a word.

His buddies are confused, because he is one bad biker, and would fight at the drop of a hat. The drunk leans on the table again and says,”I got it on with your grandma and she is good, the best I ever had!”

The biker’s buddies are starting to get really mad, but the biker still says nothing. The drunk leans on the table one more time and says, “I’ll tell you something else, boy, your grandma liked it. She’s a real goer!”

At this point the biker stands up, takes the drunk by the shoulders, looks him square in the eyes and says, “Grandpa,…Go home, you’re drunk !!”

–from Thomas Brown

Author Jose, Bikernet Caribbean Reporter.

JOSE’S DAYTONA BIKE WEEK–I wanted to say that I really enjoyed your article, “Daytona Bike Week – Caribbean Style”. I found it generally amusing and satirical to say the least. Lots of criticism directed towards “newbies” and the article was gorged with name dropping. This article reminds me of a situation the occured about three months ago, that I will probably never forget. Bear with me..cuz’ the story gets longer.

When I was 11 years of age, I loved cars, motorcycles, boats..anything that made noise, had wheels or moved via a gasoline engine. I talked “Pops” into buying me a Benelli mini-cycle that I flat drove into the ground. I was too young to take it to the streets, so I drove that damn thing on a big lot across the street from my home, and did nothing but drive in circles for hours at a time, spinning up dirt and grass and eventually I was asked to permantley leave the area by the Canadian owner, who somehow seemed to have a hard time selling the lot for I had turned his lush grassy lot into a mud pit! That ended my 1st introduction into the motorcycle life. Mom put her foot down and said “NO!” to owning a motorcycle until I was older.

I then reached 15 years of age, and again I talked my good ol’ Dad into getting me the newest Kawasaki 90 that was on the market. The salesman brought the bike to my house and while he was in with my parents signing the paperwork, I drug that bike out of his van..started it up and off I went! I drove the crap out of that bike.

I finally met my fate on the bike, while riding with a friend. I was coming to a stop with him following behind, and he was not paying attention and rear ended me. Put a hole in my tank…a hole in my back, (impaled by his left mirror), and generally screwed up my biking life at that time. Again…Mom puts her foot down and says “NO!”. 2nd bike…”See ya!”.

The saga continues when Dad finally put his foot down and said “Yes” to a Kawasaki Mach 500. At 17 years of age…this was all the bike and more. The bike was so fast, that it would have made a grown-up ‘Bikers” balls shrivel up. I however being a “responsible young man” did not push the envelope too much and pretty much obeyed the speed limits and laws. I did NOT need this bike taken away from me as well. Some old lady that did not know the difference in red and green lights kinda fucked up my chances by running a light and basically being responsible for taken inches off my waist via road rash. Asphalt is not too kind to the youthful image that I was trying to maintain. 3rd bike…GONE !

Now that I have bored the shit out of you with my childhood history on’s the next boring chapter. I am getting to the point…be patient and get your head out of your ass. You do not learn unless you listen.

Years had gone well as a marriage or two and while deep into my third “forever” relationship, I decided to buy another bike. Mom and Dad were NOT going to say “NO!” this time. It was a 1986 Kawasaki Vulcan 750. This bike was clean as shit..looked good and I was hooked. This time..ownership was bittersweet. My Mom’s nagging was replaced by my wife’s incessant bitching about the bike. “why don’t you spend time with me? Don’t I matter?” Then one day, we received notice from our companies insurance company that they would no longer insure me in a claim involving a motorcycle. I had a wife and three kids, and I had to make the “responsible decision”. Get rid of the fucking bike..AGAIN!

Ok…we are coming to an end here, so bear with me. The wife is gone…the kids are grown and in college or the military. Everyone is just fine. Thank you for asking. It’s just me and the dog. He doesn’t bitch at all. Flip him a pig ear and he’s in 7th heaven. Life is good, and now it is time for round 4. An employee at the company, I worked for, was going through a divorce and a nasty one at that. He needed money and I needed a emotional douche. He had a 2000 Fatboy that I wanted, and he needed to sell. My insurance company said “OK!”…my dog said “who gives a shit!”..and my mother just said “Just be careful” and “Why don’t you wear a helmet?” I again ride the shit out of that bike, and I do realize that there’s a code of ethics that we as “Newbies” (as you critically label us re-entry riders), must adhere to. I wouldn’t be caught dead going to a rally or bike night wearing my Tommy Bahama silk shirt, cargo shorts and a pair of Tevo foot flops. It would be frowned upon and ridiculed by you “real bikers”. I went to Harley and bought the coolest shirt and jeans that they had and even bought a pair of really neat boots. You’d love them!! Now, I don’t look like a dork to you “bikers” that were born with an exhaust pipe sticking out of your ass.

I was not born to a pit bull infested household with an alcoholic mother and father. My family was never on welfare or did it require food stamps to feed us kids. I didn’t have cars in the front yard with cars on blocks, and there were no housing projects close by. I did not have the proper upbringing to be a rebel biker. I just loved anything with a motor. Old cars with big engines and motorcycles that made a lot of noise.

What gives you the fucking right to criticize anyone? We are all riding a bike or own an old classic muscle car for one reason only. The love for riding..driving…and freedom from life’s bullshit. I forget everything when I am out on that bike. The wind..the sun..the rain..anything that Mother Nature can deal out does not matter and is welcome. It keeps me sane. I rub on that bike every night and spend countless hours adding overpriced accessories and custom parts that the motorcycle industry has offered to us “Newbies”.

You think Harley-Davidson exited its financial woes by selling to hardcore rebel bikers?? HA! I’m not saying by any means that there are not extremely sucessful men and woman out there who are not life long bikers. What I am saying is to ease up on us late bloomers that have found freedom and exhilaration, just as you did when you first started riding. It took us longer. If you are being critical of “newbies”, then maybe YOU are the “poser”, and are expecting us to adhere to a look and lifestyle that you think acceptable. We are all different in dress, attitude, vocabulary… a multitude of ways, but the one common thing that we share is the love of riding. So stop worrying about who trailers their bike. Maybe they don’t have to prove how physically and mentally tough they are by riding 16 hours to an event across country. Maybe..they are just smarter?!! Ya think??

I’ll see ya in South Carolina. I’m the one with the sleeveless shirt with the fuzzy threads hanging off the edge, and 2004 Ford f-250 Lariet supercrew with an attached custom trailer, and also the one that will be giving you the finger as I pass through on my way to the Marriott resort. the you know of a good tattoo artist in your area?? I wanna be just like you! Don’t be hateful..just think and learn.

–filthy Phil

RH contest banner

CODE OF THE WEST–TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS–Let’s see if I understandhow the world works lately… If a man cuts his finger offwhile slicing salami at work, he blames the restaurant.If you smoke three packs a day for 40 years and die of lung cancer, your family blames the tobacco company.If your neighbor crashes into a tree while driving home drunk, he blames the bartender.If your grandchildren are brats without manners, you blame television.If your friend is shot by a deranged madman, you blame the gun manufacturer.And if a crazed person breaks into the cockpit and tries to kill the pilot at 35,000 feet, and the passengers kill him instead, the mother of the crazed deceased blames the airline.

I must have lived too long to understand the world as it is anymore.So, if I die while my old, wrinkled butt is parked in front of this computer, I want you to sue Bill Gates…okay?

–from Rev CarlR

BANDIT’S BUSTED–Sheila comes home early from work one day to find her husband BANDIT,in bed with a woman. Sheila says “That’s it, I’m leaving and nevercoming back.”

BANDIT says ” Don’t you at least want to hear my explanation?”

Sheila shrugs and says “Fine. Let’s hear your story”

BANDIT says “I’m driving along the street when I see this young ladyin torn clothes, no shoes, all muddy and crying. I took pity on herand asked if she would like to get cleaned up in my house. Sheclimbed into the truck and I brought her home. She took a shower, Igave her the underwear that doesn’t fit you anymore, the blouse Ibought you 2 years ago that you never wore, the $150 Nike runningshoes you bought but never used. I even gave her some of the roastbeef you had in the fridge, but didn’t serve to me. I showed her tothe door. She thanked me profusely.

As she was about to leave she turned around and asked me, “Is thereanything else your wife doesn’t use anymore?”


BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Last week I said I was going to talk about Miami. The kind of bikes I like there were only three. Miami is a place to party; with the close proximity to South Beach and all the clubs it would be a very cool place to do the show and chaos at night. One of the cool bikes there is Billy’s Devil in a red dress (his red pan), which is owned by a Miami resident and my friend Tony. A PR ex pat who calls south Florida home. He built a very cool Pagan gold chop, which will be featured in The Horse soon.

jose tonychop

I just got some news that hank Young is selling his Discovery special, if interested give him a call or check his web site http:// Also, I’m letting you guys know before hand, check the site and get your shirts before the Discovery show hits the air in June 17th and then total mayhem befalls.

jose youngdisc

I bet many of you are wondering what is up our sleeves. Sometimes I don’t release any news until they are already published or I get the green light. As every year, Michael Lichter (of Easyriders fame) has an exhibition on the Journey Museum in Rapid City (during Sturgis rally & races). This year it will be based on Bobbers, the official name is Bob’s back, a tribute to David Mann (Dave ?) and the following builders will be participating, Chica, Hank Young , Billy Lane, sculptor Jeff Decker and his cool Crocker.

jose - jeffcrocker

I forgot his name but the bike that was in the Guggenheim museum (you know that cool Indian bobber) and yours truly. Yeap, my nights and early mornings have all been working on that Bob for Sturgis. I’ll post some photos right before heading over, I promise. In the meantime here is another chop that we just finished for a customer/ friend. Going back to the bobber, I have been wondering what could I build, I guess a bobber is a bobber, I mean, there’s a certain style and certain things that are strictly bobber, but then again I have to give a certain touch of where I come from. As much as I would like to build a totally true bobber, I guess I’m sidetracking a bit, let’s see what happens at the end.

jose pepochop (1)

On the same event line, we have been invited to go to Japan this October. I know you readers are from all over the planet, and it’s time to ask for a favor. Anyone that knows about Japan, or is there, shoot me an e-mail at with information about it, even better, if we can manage to meet while there. You know what I mean, where to stay, party, what to do….all that crap. All the numbers for single, good looking chicks, strip joints, chopper shops…. Whatever. All information would be extremely cool. If you happen to have a big house, a harem and many cool cars and chops, we would be willing to stay over for a week.

I heard that Billy Lane is in LA filming something, gotta find out from the man himself. I bet it’s interesting. Also heard that there’s a bunch of new books coming up, as soon as I get solid news about it, be sure that I will inform here. Keep your eyes peeled on the Discovery channel. Father?s Day week end it will be chock full of motorcycle shows, all the new Biker Build off’s and even Motorcycle Mania 3, where Jesse and Kid Rock take a “cruise” South of the border.

Well guys, there’s lots more, but I really don’t remember right now. I guess my mind is on that Bob’s back bobber…..So it’s back to the shop. I’m even thinking about renting my house and moving there….

See you next week…have fun in Myrtle Beach,

Jose Bikernet Caribbean “enquirer”

Continued On Page 3

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May 6, 2004 Part 1


rfr - cutie on bike lead
Lead shot from Rigid frame Richard

It’s Thursday, and the news is packed. Laborers are tearing up our gates and replacing them with wrought Iron jobs that are electrically operated. Get this, we’re going to line the backs of them with tin so we’re private. Then at midnight when I’m flying down Harry Bridges drunk, and the cops are on my ass I can press the remote in my vest and fly through the gate to safety. Press it again and the gate closes. Yeah right. Let’s get to the news.

VICTORY MOTORCYCLES RETURNS AS MAJOR SPONSOR OF KYLE PETTY RIDE–MEDINA, MN (May 3, 2004): Victory Motorcycles is a major sponsor of the 2004 Kyle Petty Charity Ride and Victory is once again the official motorcycle of the annual ride that raises money for children’s hospitals and the Victory Junction Gang Camp for kids.This year’s Kyle Petty Charity Ride is being run May 1 through May 8 from Palm Desert, California, to the Victory Junction Gang Camp in Randleman, North Carolina.

Victory will once again set the pace for the ride as both Kyle Petty and his father, legendary NASCAR champion Richard Petty, are among the riders on Victory motorcycles.The 2004 edition is the 10th annual fundraising ride led by NASCAR racer Kyle Petty. It started in 1994 as a recreational ride from North Carolina to a NASCAR race weekend in Arizona. The ride was so much fun and attracted enough riders that Kyle envisioned turning it into a fundraising ride.

More than $4 million has been raised in the past decade. The money has been given to children’s hospitals and clinics across the country and has financed construction of the Victory Junction Gang Camp. The camp project was launched by Kyle and his wife Pattie in honor of their late son Adam, a NASCAR racer who died at age 19 in a 2000 practice crash.

The ride traditionally starts in California, where NASCAR races prior to one of its rare weekends off. For several years the ride ended at Kyle and Pattie’s farm in North Carolina. In 2003 the ride ended at Daytona Beach, Florida, and this year it will end at the Victory Junction Camp.In the ride’s first nine years, it has logged over 24,000 miles and has involved more than 3,000 riders. This year?s ride will cover approximately 3,188 miles and will include overnight stops in Las Vegas, Flagstaff, AZ, Roswell, NM, Oklahoma City, Branson, MO, Tupelo, MS, Atlanta and Randleman, NC, home of the Victory Junction Gang Camp.

For More Charity Ride InformationFor more information about the Kyle Petty Charity Ride, or to make a donation, visit, call 888-45-PETTY or e-mail:

laquarter - chris t. joke

HUNTED LIMITED EDITION PAINT JOB–I’m looking for a 2003 hard to find Harley paint set that none of the dealers have at this time. On their computers they show two stores that have the set but I’ve already called. The set was a numbered radical set with part number 95710-03BFY. It was black with blue flames. If you have any luck locating one from an individual, I would buy.

“Nicholas Sears”

NEW CANTINA MEMBER’S STORY– I signed up for the Cantina a couple of months back and just wanted to let you I enjoy it a lot. I find it interesting that you were in the Navy about the same time I was(’66-’69, I was in for a kiddie cruise). I was homeported in Key West, Fla. stationed on a destroyer escort – great duty. I was a third class gunners mate and never figured out why they never sent me to ‘nam – I even put in for it.

Anyway, after I got out, I went back to Tucson and got my first scooter – a ’56 pan – wishbone rigid, 12-inch over wide glide, 21 front wheel (no front brake), jockey shift and suicide clutch. It was the first bike I ever rode. Hell, I thought they all came like that. I rode that evil bastard for many years until the lower end seized up and left me stranded for the last time. After that I rode Sportsters, a ’75 xlch and a ’67 xlch(stretched rigid) – both fast bikes. My latest is an ’81 Shovel(low rider) which has both kick and electric start – a first for me. I’m in the process of a ground up rebuild. I’ll send pictures of it when I’m finished, if you’re interested. It’s old school – basic black and a little chrome with nothing extra. I’m a fanatic about unnecessary weight. I don’t even pack.

You sure triggerd a lot of memories for me with your own experiences. Back in the early ’70s there were three outlaw clubs in Tucson, the Soul Sinners, the Sons of Odin and the Ironhorsemen. They had an alliance and had Tucson divided up for their own territories. Then the Dirty Dozen came to town and Arizona was a one club state. I live in New Mexico now where the Bandidos rule. I never rode as a 1% but always got along and had their respect. Stand up and be a man of your word always worked for me.

Keep up the good work.

Ride free, ride fast,


Wish I still had the Pan.

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BIG DOG SHIPS 500 BIKES IN APRIL–This marks the first time the manufacturer has reached the one-month, 500-unit milestone, shattering all previous records of units shipped.

Big Dog Motorcycles(, the leading designer and manufacturer of high performance, highly-styled heavyweight cruisers, shipped 503 new motorcycles in April as its growing network of dealers geared up for their summer selling season. This is the first time the 10-year old, $100 million manufacturer has sold and shipped over 500 bikes in a single month and represents a 43% increase over April 2003 when 351 left the company?s warehouse.

big dog

In the first four months of 2004, Big Dog Motorcycles’ dealers have taken delivery of 1,600 bikes, keeping the company on track to hit its forecast of 5,000 units for the year. Since the company?s inception in 1994, it has enjoyed year after year of record sales and shipments. This year will be no different, as the manufacturer will close 2004 with sales that beat its own records and growth outpacing the motorcycle industry as a whole.

rally in the rockies

BIKERNET STAFFER MUST BE FIRED– An executive was pondering over a hard decision. He had to get rid of oneof his staff. He had narrowed it down to one of two people, Debra or Jack.It would be a hard decision to make, as they were both equally qualified andboth did excellent work. He finally decided that in the morning whicheverone used the water cooler first would have to go.

Debra came in the next morning, hugely hung over after partying all night.She went to the cooler to get some water to take an aspirin and theexecutive approached her and said, “Debra, I’ve never done this before, butI have to lay you or Jack off.”

Debra replied, “Could you jack off – I feel like shit.”

–from Ken Miller

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BIKERNET SPONSORS BOAT CRUISE– AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Partygoers apparently hoping to catch a glimpse of nude sunbathers crowded on one side of a floating barge, prompting the ship to capsize and dump all 60 people into Lake Travis.

Two people were hospitalized with minor injuries Sunday after the rented double-decker barge sank near Hippie Hollow, a lakeside park and the only public nude beach in Texas.

The accident occurred during Splash Day, a semiannual event hosted at the clothing-optional area by the Austin Tavern Guild, a gay and lesbian bar association.

Witnesses said that all of the people aboard the barge moved to one side as it neared Hippie Hollow, creating uneven distribution and making it tilt. It sank in 50-foot-deep water.

–from Rogue

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BIKERNET APPROVES TRADEMARK OF “FCUK”–The French Connection United Kingdom Company has applied for government approval of a registered trademark using their acronym, “FCUK.” If the French Connection gets approval for the trademark, the “FCUK” will begin appearing on T-shirts, tote bags, sodas, mugs and many, many other products worn and displayed in the public, all with the approval of the U.S. government! Plus it will be used in advertising in all media: TV, newspapers, magazines, etc.

–from Rogue

spirit of america ride

JOIN THE RIDE OF YOUR DREAMS–Spirit of America Ride–The Journey Begins August 28,2004. Coast to Coast. Fourteen States. Twenty-One Cities. Fifteen Days. The United States of America in Full Living Color from Your Handlebars! Hear the rumble of the engines…Pull up your kickstand…Twist the throttle…Here comes “The Spirit of America”!

The Spirit of America Ride for kids worldwide was created by the goodwill of a group of motorcyclists who together formed an alliance to raise money and to make a difference in a child’s life. At the heart of this group are workers from the recovery of Ground Zero in New York City. The spirit of compassion so apparent everywhere after 9-11 has not died. It lives on through the giving of these Ground Zero veterans and all who participate in the Spirit of America Ride for Kids Worldwide. Honoring the past and rebuilding for the future.

The ride travels over 3600 miles coast to coast. Each day the mileage varies according to the terrain. Most days the riders will be on the road for 5 hours or more, some days only a few. Average mileage is 260 miles per day. The riders can ride along with the Road Crew, or take in the day at their leisure, meeting us that evening.

Spirit of America Ride Route and dates:
August 28 -Napa, CA to Virginia City, NV
August 29-Virginia City to Wendover, NV
August 30-Wendover, NV to Logan, UT
August 31-Logan, UT to Jackson, WY
September 1-Yellowstone National Park, WY
September 2-Dubois, WY to Denver, CO
September 3-Denver, CO to Kearney, NE
September 4-Kearney, NE to Omaha, NE
September 5-Omaha, NE to Burlington, Iowa
September 6-Burlington, Iowa to Bloomington, IL to Danville, IL
September 7-Danville, IL to OHIO
September 8-OHIO to New Castle, PA
September 9-Shanksville, PA
September 9-Shanksville, PA to Gettysburg, PA
September 10-Gettysburg, PA to York HD Factory Tour to Langhorne, PA
September 11-Langhorne, PA to Staten Island, NY
September 11-Staten Island, NY to New York City, NY

Coast-to-Coast & Halfway Point Rider Fees Include:Hotel accommodations for 16 nights across the country at each stop; various meals; T-Shirt and ride pin; special event privileges and more!

Further Information and Registration:

Spirit of America Ride for Kids Worldwide
1114 Avenue of the Americas
Suite 2300
New York, NY 10036
800. 293.0370

h. king laughlin bike 2

THE LAUGHLIN BUILD-OFF– On April 20th ten of the world’s greatest bike builders thundered into Laughlin, Nevada. For 72 hours in a secret desert shop they worked non stop to create BBO X, a one-off 124 cubic inch, rigid, right side drive, black and chrome, spear-like chopper. Then they presented it to Hugh King, producer of Discovery’s Great Biker Build Off. The geniuses who came together to make this awesome steed were Arlen Ness, Cory Ness, Russell Mitchell, Eddie Trotta, Mitch Bergeron, Kendall Johnson, Matt Hotch, Joe Martin, Chica and Hank Young.

h. king lauglin bike

Chica hand fabricated the gas tank. Hank Young made the oil tank. Kendall Johnson was responsible for assembling and tweaking the 124 cc. S&S motor and the Baker 6 speed transmission, Mitch Bergeron was responsible for the frame and the billet down tube (in which was cut in the Roman Numeral X and the Discovery planet), Matt Hotch fabricated the fenders, Joe Martin built the pipes and did the pin striping, Russell Mitchell and Eddie Trotta built the front end and Arlen Ness and Cory Ness were responsible for the paint and the overall supervision of the project.

Hugh King the director of the Biker Build-off series.

A special guest appearance was made by legendary seat maker, Danny Gray who fabricated a black leather seat with a zebra stripped manta ray inset.

On Saturday night, April 24th, before thousands at the Laughlin River Run, BBO X was unveiled and formally presented to Hugh King.

Each of the ten builders had competed in Bike Build Off before. Their ten bikes were on display at the Discovery both where the people voted on which motorcycle they thought was best in show.

Matt Hotch’s low slung, blue beach cruiser took the prize.

All these productions, BBOs V-X, will air on Discovery Channel during Bike Week which begins Monday, June 14 and continues through Father’s Day June 20th.

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THE BIKERNET COWBOY– An old cowboy sat down at the bar and ordered a drink. As he sat sippinghis drink, a young woman sat down next to him. She turned to the cowboyand asked, “Are you a real cowboy?”

He replied, “Well, I’ve spent my whole life, breaking colts, workingcows, going to rodeos, fixing fences, pulling calves, bailing hay,doctoring calves, cleaning my barn, fixing flats, working on tractors,and feeding my dogs, so I guess I am a cowboy.”

She said, “I’m a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about women. Assoon as I get up in the morning, I think about women. When I shower, Ithink about women. When I watch TV, I think about women. I even think>about women when I eat. It seems that everything makes me think ofwomen.”

The two sat sipping in silence.

A little while later, a man sat down on the other side of the old cowboyand asked, “Are you a real cowboy?”

He replied, “I always thought I was, but I just found out I’m alesbian.”

–from Pablo

30drive. tbear

SIDECARS FITTER FOR SPEED– ROGER SYMINGTON is an apostle of speed who preaches agospel of going faster on three wheels than most people canon four – especially around corners.

Mr. Symington’s vehicle of choice: a high-performancemotorcycle sidecar (in his case, a Dutch-made EML),propelled by his hopped-up 172-horsepower Honda CBR1100XXBlackbird. “I especially want younger people to getinterested in how extremely near the edge sidecars canperform,” said Mr. Symington, a 61-year-old retired vancustomizer from Hemmingford, Quebec. “I ask them what kindof ride they want. Just a ride, or a real ride.”

Motorcycle sidecars aren’t often thought of as thrillmachines. More often they are seen as the middle-agedbiker’s accessory, added on for a nonbiking spouse, theluggage or even a pet. Indeed, Hal Kendall, a Houston-basedsidecar authority and a co-founder of the United SidecarAssociation, estimates there are as many as 100,000traditional sidecars on American roads, but fewer than 200high-performance rigs. “On two or four wheels, if you see a30 or 40 m.p.h. speed limit sign on curves, you alwaysthink you can beat it by 10 or 20 m.p.h.,” he said. “On aconventional sidecar, don’t try, unless you know racingtechniques.”

High-performance rigs, in contrast, “dig in,” corner flat,and grab the road. They mate to the motorcycle with moresophisticated suspensions. And the rig’s tires and wheelsare switched to a wider automotive type to better grip theroad. With specially modified hub steering, the motorcyclewheel also turns the sidecar wheel (a conventional sidecaris just pulled along). The motorcycle is often ahigh-performance sport bike putting out close to 200horsepower.

The result: “It’s like flying an aerobatic airplane withoutthe wings,” said Hal Walters, 53, a human resources managerat the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, who fliesplanes in his spare time. Mr. Symington recently blastedhim around the hairpin curves and bends of Route 276 andthe Blue Ridge Parkway in the Smoky Mountains. “I’d guesswe were pulling one and a half G’s or more in turns,” Mr.Walters said. “And I’m used to acceleration, but nothinglike this.”

The high-performance models generally come from Europe,where they were developed for rally racing, and cost$16,000 or more – which does not include getting the kitmounted on the motorcycle, a job that entails swappingwheels and suspension parts on the cycle for new ones, thenhooking up the electrical, steering and braking systems.That can run as much as $3,500.

For Doug Miller, it was worth it. In 1993, Mr. Miller, aformer motorcycle racing champion who had suffered a spineinjury (unrelated to the sport) that meant he could not usehis legs to balance on a bike or work foot controls, wastaken for a ride in one of Mr. Symington’s sidecar rigs anddeclared, “I’ve got to get one. If you hear of a series ofbank robberies by a guy in a wheelchair, it’s me.” Now hehas a high-tech French RDS Neptune sidecar with an ’03Suzuki GSXR 1300 Hayabusa motorcycle, originally capable ofmore than 180 miles per hour. With the sidecar forstability and using special hand controls, Mr. Miller isrenowned now as a top rider in the sidecar world.


–from Tbear

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March 4, 2004 Part 2


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ESTOK NIPS BEMISDERFER FOR DAYTONA THUNDERBIKE WIN–DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (February 29, 2004) – Harding Harley-Davidson rider Dave Estok rode a Buell Firebolt to a photo-finish victory in the opening round of the 2004 Formula USA Thunderbike series at Daytona International Speedway here today.

Estok, the reigning Thunderbike champion, crossed the finish line just .069 seconds ahead of his teammate Bryan Bemisderfer, also aboard a Buell Firebolt, after the pair battled throughout the final six laps of the nine-lap race. Kosco Harley-Davidson/Buell rider Joe Rozynski rode a Buell to claim the third podium position. Baton Rouge Harley-Davidson/Buell rider Kurt Miller rode a Buell Firebolt to fourth place, edging Brian Parriott on a BMW R 1100 S.

It was a triumphant conclusion to a difficult weekend for Estok, who joined the Harding team just two weeks ago and struggled though practice and qualifying with mechanical and set-up problems with the new motorcycles. ?We had a lot of bad luck this weekend, and I just want to thank this Harding team for working so hard on the bikes,? said Estok. ?This is a great win considering we had very little track time before the race.?

Bemisderfer took the lead in the race on lap three after Hal?s Harley-Davidson/Buell rider Dan Bilansky crashed in the dog-leg section of the course. Estok quickly passed Bemisderfer on the high-speed oval portion of the course, but Bemisderfer was faster than Estok through the tight infield section of the track. The two drafted together on the oval and pulled away from the pack, setting up a final dash for the finish line. Bemisderfer set up for a classic Daytona drafting pass and ran very low on the track apron coming out of the last turn.

?I tried to go down low to cut Brian off, but I could see that his bike was really loose down there and gave him plenty of room,? said Estok. ?As it turned out I had just enough left to hold on for the win.?

Bemisderfer, who is over six feet tall and thus aerodynamically challenged at high-speed tracks like Daytona, was happy to come away with second-place points to start the season. ?I?m racing for tractor money this year,? said Bemisderfer, who recently bought a small farm near his home in Greencastle, Pa. ?It?s not so bad to lose to Dave when he?s on your team. He?s going to be my biggest challenger for the championship this season.?

daytona h-d - rogue
photo by Rogue of Daytona H-D.

Daytona Harley-Davidson/Milwaukee Harley-Davidson rider Richie Morris took the Thunderbike pole aboard his Buell Firebolt with a fast lap of 2:03:537 in very windy conditions for qualifying on Saturday. Morris led the first lap of the race on Sunday, but dropped out with a mechanical problem on the second lap.

The next stop on the eight-race Formula USA schedule is April 23-25 at Road America, Elkhart Lake, Wis.

The Formula USA Thunderbike class is open to a variety of production-based motorcycles. Buell-mounted riders competing in the eight-event 2004 Thunderbike series are racing for a share of the $70,500 contingency fund posted by Buell Motorcycle Company.

mike pullin

THE STEALTH REPORT–It seems that lately there is a growing trend of excuses from guys as to why they can’t have a bike, can’t buy that new part or get that new paint job to name a few. These are four excuses that I hear day in and day out.

The first is “My wife would kill me if she ever found out that I bought a bike.” This is about as weak as you can get. There was one guy who got a bike and as soon as he left the store went and got a storage unit to keep the bike in because he was afraid to take it home. This is a true story! This has gone on for 18 months. This guy needed a new wife more than a new bike! If he was that afraid of her, I am sure he really didn’t have the balls to ride. I haven’t seen him lately. I wonder if I should check the missing persons list at the police station? Maybe she did kill him?

The next one is “I would really like that to have that part, but my girlfriend won’t let me spend that much money.” How lame is this? There are no legal ties and she controls what you spend after you work for it! Grow some balls! Maybe you really don’t need that new part because you would probably have to ask “Is it okay if I put this on my bike?” and I know you would not want to start anargument over this!

The next one is “I would really like to have a bike, but I just can’t afford it.” Let’s take a minute to examine this one. The same guy who whines about not being able to afford the bike can’t wait until Friday and Saturday night rolls around so he can lay $100 down on his bar tab. Let’s do the math here, $100 every weekend, 4 weekends per month, so $100 X 4 weekends = $400.00! That $400.00 would make a nice bike payment or save it and build your own bike. So in this case you just didn’t want that bike bad enough to make a sacrifice, did you?

The last one I hear is “I gotta get rid of my bike, I am getting a divorce.” I have never understood this one. Are you divorcing your wife or the bike? I don’t think it is written anywhere that you have to automatically get rid of your bike because you are getting a divorce. Yeah it is tough and you may have to give up some other things, but dammit, the bike is the last thing you give up! Work a second job for awhile, do what it takes. To me my bike is part of my soul and a part of who I am. and I would never sell my soul. Get tough and find a way to hold onto your bike. Time will pass and the divorce will be over and you will still have your bike. You might want to ask me if I have had to deal with this. The answer is yes, two times and I still have my bikes in the garage!

I am sure others of you out there have heard all of this too! I am not saying neglect your responsibilities, all I am saying is hold onto what is close to your heart. Being a biker is about independence and making your own choices and not always having to ask permission to do something.

meanest with hat
The Meanest in her Bikernet hat.

A lot of the above situations have to do with finding the right woman. and I for one will tell you that can be like looking for a needle in a hay stack. I think that is why “THE MEANEST” and I get along real good. She takes interest in bikes and bikers and is a strong force behind The Sixth Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin.” She understands how I feel about being a biker and how I feel about my bikes. Don’t get me wrong, she will speak her mind when she feels the need to, but I like that about her. I respect her for that, and I respect her opinions.

So I guess that is enough on this and I will close this out with an old saying that goes like this, “Each of us holds the key to unlock our own chains.” You just have to have the courage to put the key in the lock and open it!

See you down the road!

But Mr. Stealth, I wanted a V-Rod, but my mom won’t let me have one.–Snake

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Antique Indian shot from Rogue.

STURGIS REPORTS ALREADY?–Buffalo chip sturgis rallyMONDAY, AUGUST 9, 2004 ZZ TOP8:15 pm W CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND 9:00 pm TBA 10:10 pm W ROSS & ROTTEN 10:30 pm W ZZ TOP!!!!!!!!!! ZZ TOP ZZ TOP ZZ TOP ZZ TOP ZZ TOP



10:00 am K CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND 11:00 am K CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND Noon K CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND 1:00 pm K The Harley Hypnotist10:30 pm W THE BEACH BOYS – THE BEACH BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!! Midnight W Miss Buffalo Chip Semi-Finals12:30 K CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND


5:00 pm K CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND 6:00 pm K CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND 6:00 pm Championship burnouts @ Dual Competition Burnouts Pits 6:30 pm B The Harley Hypnotist 7:00 pm B Pitchfork Fondue 7:00 pm K CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND8:30 pm W REO SPEEDWAGON


Noon K CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND 1:00 pm K CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND 2:00 pm K CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND 2:30 pm Weinie Bite Contests + The World’s Longest Happy Hour ($1 dogs & $1 drafts) 3:00 pm K Captain Jack



5:00 pm K CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND 6:00 pm Skywalk Dual Competition Burnouts 6:00 pm K CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND 6:00 pm B The Harley Hypnotist 7:00 pm B Pitchfork Fondue 7:00 pm K CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND



rips bad ride

TOMBSTONE HEARSE BUSINESS BOOMS–DAYTONA BEACH — Tombstone Hearse debuted at Bike Week last year by carrying the ashes of Karl “Big Daddy Rat” Smith in a parade down Main Street.

Photos of the glass-walled hearse pulled by a motorcycle trike showed up in biker magazines. Business boomed. This year the founders of Tombstone Hearse returned to Bike Week to discuss franchising opportunities.

Prepaid packages are selling for a flat rate of $899.

In February, Harley Davidson introduced its own wedding collection, everything from silver cake cutters to 14-karat gold karat rings to black leather bow ties and white leather garter belts.


–from Rogue

WORST PRESIDENT– The following appeared in the Durham, NC local paper as a letter to theeditor. This will put things in perspective:

Liberals claim President Bush shouldn’t have started this war. Theycomplain about his prosecution of it. One liberal recently claimed Bush was the worst president in U.S. history.

Let’s clear up one point: We didn’t start the war on terror. Try toremember, it was started by terrorists on 9/11.

Let’s look at the “worst” presidents and mismanagement claims:

Franklin D. Roosevelt led us into World War II. Germany never attacked us:Japan did. From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost, an average of 112,500 per year.

Truman finished that war and started one in Korea, North Korea neverattacked us. From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost, an average of 18,333 per year.

John F. Kennedy started the Vietnam conflict in 1962. Vietnam neverattacked us. Johnson turned Vietnam into a quagmire. From 1965-1975, 58,000 lives were lost, an average of 5,800 per year.

Clinton went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent, Bosnia neverattacked us. He was offered Osama bin Laden’s head on a platter three times by Sudan and did nothing. Osama has attackedus on multiple occasions.

In the two years since terrorists attacked us, President Bush hasliberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled al-Qaida, put nuclear inspectors in Lybia, Iran and North Korea withoutfiring a shot, and captured a terrorist who slaughtered 300,000 of his own people. We lost 600 soldiers, an average of300 a year. Bush did all this abroad while not allowing another terrorist attack at home.

Worst president in history? Come on!

–from Chris T.

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April 29, 2004 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

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BIG DOG MOTORCYCLES APPOINTS DOUG STUHLSATZ AS GENERAL COUNSEL–Recently honored as one of Wichita Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 for his leadership in business and in the community, Stuhlsatz is the $100 million company’s first in-house legal counsel


WICHITA, Kansas (April 29, 2004) Big Dog Motorcycles(, the leading designer and manufacturer of high performance, highly-styled heavyweight cruisers, announced that Doug Stuhlsatz has been named the company’s first in-house general counsel. In this newly created position, Stuhlsatz will have responsibility for all legal affairs of the cruiser company including all vendor contract negotiations, dealer agreements and compliance, real estate, and intellectual property related matters.

His skills are expected to be particularly integral as Big Dog Motorcycles continues to design more proprietary bike components, expand its workforce, factory, and dealer network, build vendor relationships, name additional branded dealerships, and strengthen its focus on parts, accessories, clothing, and brand consistency.


CARIBBEAN’S LARGEST BIKER EVENT EVER–Hola? from Puerto Rico!We are back again working hard on this year’s event and we want to know if you want to join the party. For those of you that didn’t make it last year here’s a little overview:

Mayhem on two wheels! is what best describes the Puerto Rico Bike Weekend. The three-day event takes place at ‘el Faro (the Lighthouse) Park, in the quaint surfing town of Rincon at the West coast of the island. With several beautiful beaches surrounding the event premises, it’s a site to see. The event starts on Friday with a Biker Bash Party and ends Sunday evening. We will have the three-day music festival, vendors, exhibitors, great partying, US Master Builders and most important lots of babes and lots of rum!

If you have never been to Puerto Rico or just want to come back again, this is your best excuse. Ride around beautiful mountain tops, crystal clear beaches and then relax with a Rum Punch at any of our many oceanfront hotels, bars or restaurants.

Last year we featured Indian Larry, Paul Cox, Hank Young and Puerto Rico’s very own Jose De Miguel from Caribbean Custom Cycles and this year promises to be bigger and better. With live concerts all weekend long, great food and lots of rum, we are sure it’s an event you’ll come back to every year. So get out of the snow and come enjoy the warm weather & Caribbean hospitality at the Puerto Rico Bike Weekend. Bikes, booze, babes in Paradise.

If you can let’s us know if you want or plan to come down this year please reply to this e-mail with your telephone number and person we should contact, to work out all the details of Bike Shipping, Hotels, etc.I know some of you have already confirmed but here’s the information anyway. For more information you can reach me at 787-620-7687, e-mail me at

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KYLE PETTY AND CHICK-FIL-A KICK-START CHARITY RIDE ACROSS AMERICA–10th Anniversary All-Star Motorcycle Ride Set to Roll This Weekend.

Fontana, CA (April 29, 2004) – NASCAR driver Kyle Petty will celebrate a different kind of milestone this weekend. Following Sunday?s race at California Speedway, Petty will hop on his Victory Motorcycle and travel more than 3,000 miles as part of the 2004 Chick-fil-A Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America. This year?s ride marks the 10th anniversary of the annual cross-country motorcycle journey featuring more than 200 NASCAR celebrities, sponsors and fans.

?It?s hard to believe we?ve reached the ten year mark with the Charity Ride,? said Petty. ?This event has become bigger than I ever imagined possible. The Charity Ride just started out as a way for friends to get out on our bikes and enjoy the country while helping children?s charities. Now, it has become a hugely popular event for race fans and – most importantly – a major fundraiser for the Victory Junction Gang Camp.?

The Chick-fil-A Kyle Petty Charity Ride will kick off in Palm Desert, Calif. on May 1 and make overnight stops in Las Vegas, Nev.; Flagstaff, Ariz.; Roswell N.M.; Oklahoma City, Okla.; Branson, Mo.; Tupelo, Miss.; and Atlanta, Ga. The Chick-fil-A Kyle Petty Charity Ride will conclude on May 8 at a private event in Randleman, N.C. at the Victory Junction Gang Camp, the ride?s main benefactor.

In addition to commemorating its tenth anniversary, the Charity Ride celebrates the addition of the Chick-fil-A? restaurant chain as the event?s title sponsor. The 2004 Charity Ride marks the first of a multi-year partnership with Atlanta-based Chick-fil-A, the nation?s second largest quick service chicken restaurant chain.

Kyle and Pattie Petty founded Victory Junction in memory of their son Adam, who was tragically killed in a racing accident in May 2000. The goal of this racing-themed camp is to enrich the lives of children with chronic or life-threatening illnesses by creating camping experiences that are empowering, memorable and fun. Campers will be among peers that face same or similar illnesses, enabling them to share stories and build friendships while participating in activities such as boating, horseback riding and even swimming at the Kyle Petty Charity Ride Aquatic Center. The Victory Junction Gang Camp is scheduled to open this summer and will serve as a year-round retreat at no charge to the campers or their families.

We invite you to join us for the ride of your dreams

Coast to Coast. Fourteen States. Twenty One Cities. Two Weeks. The United States of America in Full Living Color from Your Handlebars! Hear the rumble of the engines…Pull up your kickstand…Twist the throttle…Here comes “The Spirit of America”!

Wandering over hills, through valleys, up and over several mountain ranges, crossing rivers, passing lakes, cruising through miles of farmland and unforgettable scenery. Winding through America up close and personal. The wind of a nation passes. It is an incredible journey!

The ride travels over 3600 miles. Each day the mileage varies according to the terrain. Most days the riders will be on the road for 5 hours or more, some days only a few. Average mileage is 260 miles per day. The “Spirit of America Ride” hospitality also defines the time spent on your motorcycle. Scheduled stops will be arranged for food, fuel and hospitality. Many motorcycle dealerships will be available for oil changes and service. At the end of each day, the riders can join in the fun that is in the works, or they can go to their hotel room and rest up for the next day?s journey. Either way, it will be a memorable trip.

Spirit of America Ride Route and dates

August 28 – Napa, CA to Virginia City, NV
August 29- Virginia City to Wendover, NV
August 30- Wendover, NV to Logan, UT
August 31- Logan, UT to Jackson, WY
September 1- Yellowstone National Park, WY
September 2- Dubois, WY to Denver, CO
September 3- Denver, CO to Kearney, NB
September 4- Kearney, NB to Omaha, NB

September 5- Omaha, NB to Burlington, Iowa
September 6- Burlington, Iowa to Bloomington, IL to Danville, IL
September 7- Danville, IL to OHIO
September 8- OHIO to New Castle, PA
September 9- Shanksville, PA
September 9- Shanksville, PA to Gettysburg, PA
September 10- Gettysburg, PA to York HD Factory Tour to Langhorne, PA
September 11- Langhorne, PA to Staten Island, NY
September 11- Staten Island, NY to New York City, NY

Special Events will be a part of the journey at the following locations

Start your Engines! – Embassy Suites Hotel, Napa, CA
Virginia City, NV – Bluegrass Festival
Saddleback Harley Davidson Shop -Logan, UT
Million Dollar Cowboy Bar, Jackson, WY
Go Fast Sports! and Hilton Denver Tech South Hotel, Denver, CO
The Town of Kearney, Nebraska
9-11 Memorial Park – Columbus, NE
Columbus Harley Davidson/Buell, NE
American Dream Club – Omaha, NE
Labor Day Parties in Central Illinois!
Fire Station #2 – Bloomington, IL
Gutterridge Harley Davidson/ Buell – Danville, IL
The City of New Castle, Pennsylvania
New Castle Harley Davidson/Buell, PA
9-11 Memorial Site – Shanksville, PA
Battlefield Harley Davidson/Buell – Gettysburg, PA
Harley Davidson York Vehicle Operations Plant Special Tour – York, PA
Langhorne, Pennsylvania
Lombardi’s Staten Island Harley Davidson/Buell, NY
Chelsea Marketplace, New York City, NY

Coast-to-Coast and Halfway Point Rider Fees Include

Hotel accommodations for 16 nights across the country at each stop; various meals; T-Shirt and ride pin; special event privileges and more!

Cost:Coast-to-Coast Single Fee: $3000(One-person single occupancy)

Coast-to-Coast Double Fee: $3800(Two people sharing the same room)

Halfway Point Single Fee: $1750(One person single occupancy – Napa to Omaha /or/ Omaha to New York City, or any 7 nights)

Halfway Point Double Fee: $2000(Two people sharing the same room ? Napa to Omaha /or/Omaha to New York City, or any 7 nights)

Daily Riders can sign up and join in with us along the way, city to city. Call for more information.

Special Discount – Sign up by May 1st and mention this Advertisement, receive 10% off Rider Entry Fees.

This year’s proceeds will benefit the Worldwide Children’s Foundation of New York, Inc., a not for profit foundation devoted to providing life-saving or life-altering surgery to children in need in the United States and throughout the world.>

MISSOURI NEEDS YOUR HELP!–Missouri’s helmet bill HB1109 passed it’s third reading today thanks tothe efforts of many of you. It has been reported to the Senate andfirst read.

There is little time, Missouri’s session ends May 12. Please take aminute to email Missouri’s Senators and request their support forHB1109.

Below is a list of comma separated email address for Missouri Senators. Simply copy and paste it into the “to” field of your email and writea few (polite) words asking for thier support of HB1109.

Let them know that Missouri is losing your tourism dollar due to theirmotorcycle helmet law.


jose 2

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Hey guys, just got back from Miami Bitch, straight into the shop and head first into the bikes I have to finish. I’m not bitchin’ but I?m also toast.I guess you are guessing why I’m calling Miami “bitch” well, I can’t even start to describe or tell the amazing amounts of good looking chicks that Miami has. Every place you were, every way you looked, there was one hotter than the other. Kid you not, it makes you want to move over, buy a Ferrari and prowl the streets.

jose 1

Although the over abundance of primo chick material, there was a major lack of cool bikes (at least what I consider cool) lots of heavily modified Japs, more OCC bikes than I have ever seen in one place and a lot of way overdone customs. I managed to see three, maybe four, bare chops while there, and I knew most of the guys that owned them. Still when you are in a place like Miami, there’s no way that meaningless things like that will spoil the trip. There?s so much to do (party wise) so many chicks (did I mention chicks ?) and a few good friends to make the stay more than worthwhile.

jose 3

The Miami Bike Show was small, but it had a lot of heart and the potential is there. Indian Larry, Roger Bourget, Paul Jaffe, Dave Perewitz and Eddie Trotta were the main attractions. Then again, there were some local builders there but with way overdone bikes for my simple taste. I have to find out how many people went thru the doors, since I was too busy enjoying the babe parade at South Beach ….

jose 4

Thanks go to the guys at Automatic Slims, The Deuce and DL at Tattoos by Lou. That’s it for now, I’m bailing on Laughlin since I have way too much shit to do, and I will have more detailed news on the Miami trip for next week, for now here’s a couple photos…..On the bright side I think the bikes are coming out really nice….And I’m looking for the latest issue of Vibes where it is claimed I have a full photo/interview article.

See you next week…

Jose Caribbean Bikernet report

Jose submitted this last week but since we did the news early to leave for Laughlin, it never made it in. Better late than never!

cutie - rfr

THAT’S ENOUGH, I QUIT–I need a woman and a tall whiskey. Wow, once in a while the news kicks my ass. But it’s good to know that the chopper world is happening.

Now I’ve got a hot American Rider deadline hangin’ over my ass. This weekend I’ll bend over my welding table and begin a sculptured trophy for the Run For Breath Best of Show award. Have a helluva weekend.

Ride Forever,


Read More

April 29, 2004 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

big boar banner

NEW SOFTAIL FAT-TIRE KIT FROM BIG BOAR– new Softail fattire kit coming to Bikernet next week. Kits are available for 240 and 300 tires but… “I do have a 300, but you have to cut the left rear frame rail out and replace it with one supplied with the kit,” Aaron explained.

Bikernet hopes to work with Aaron on a complete wide tire report from 140 Avons all the way to monster 300 tires.

Thanks, Aaron @ Big Boar

glenn w bike

THE AUSTRALIAN BIKERNET CONNECTION–Picked up the new 2004 Electra Standard, sharp looking bike , but it definitely needed a few changes. I bought the bike from Morgan & Wacker Harley-Davidson of Brisbane (Queensland, Australia). Mark and Brad run the business, with their father, Bruce. They are Harley-Davidson’s oldest international distributor, established in 1917. It’s in its third generation of a family owned operation.

For international visitors they offer a fly & ride program, have a huge range of new & used bikes (including BMWs and Buells) and accessories, along with expert advice from their staff. You can check them out on their web site

glenn and guy

After all the paper work was done. Mark handed me the keys and I was out of there. Had a great two hour ride home, the new 88s are a strong. I can’t wait to open it up. I’ve got my 1,600 klms on it so I’m back down for my first service on Thursday. I’ve included photos of the changes and I have to say I am really happy with the results. I was after the bagger look while trying to keep the bike close to stock.

glenn - back of bike

Take it easy,

Glenn Priddle
( The Australian Connection. )

rally in the rockies

SCARY STATS– I receive an email wanting to know if I wanted to take a college course to be a cop. DUH!

By 2010, the U.S. Department of Labor anticipates more than a 29% increase in cops:

Police & Sheriff Officers
FBI Officers
U.S. Customs Agents
Corrections Officers

–from Rogue

Rogue is headed for the South Mississippi Biker Rally in Hatiesburg on April 29th to May 2nd 2004.He hopes to see you there. Have him take your picture, You could end up on Bikernet.

Event info at:


american flag - rogue

FLAG TRIBUTE ON CALIFORNIA COAST– Between the field where the flag is planted there are 9+ miles of flower fields that go all the way to the ocean. The flowers are grown by seed companies. It’s a beautiful place close to Vandenberg AFB. Checkout the dimensions of the flag.

The 2002 Floral Flag is 740 feet long and 390 feet wide and maintains the proper Flag dimensions as described in Executive Order #10834. This Flag is 6.65 acres and is the first Floral Flag to be planted with 5 pointed Stars comprised of White Larkspur. Each Star is 24 feet in diameter; Each Stripe is 30 feet wide. This Flag is estimated to contain more than 400,000 Larkspur plants with 4-5 flower stems each for a total of more than 2 million flowers. You can drive by this flag on V Street south of Ocean Ave. in Lompoc, CA.

Aerial photo courtesy of Bill Morson Soldiers’ Prayer. Please send this on after a short prayer. Prayer wheel for our soldiers…please don’t break it. Of all the gifts you could give a US Soldier, Prayer is the very best one.

–from Rogue


ROAD HOUSE WEEKLY REPORT–Throttle up your engines, theres never been a ride like this before! TRIMSPA Announces Sponsorship of the Seminole Hard Rock ROADHOUSE Tour

CEDAR KNOLLS, NJ, APRIL 21, 2004, TRIMSPA, maker of the leading weight loss tablet, announced today its sponsorship of the Seminole Hard Rock Road House Tour. The tour will begin in May with Myrtle Beach Bike Week and cover five additional bike weeks there after; including Laconia, Sturgis, Daytona BiketoberFest and the Ft. Lauderdale Sun Run.

Rollin’ in with some of the country’s hottest custom builders including Eddie Trotta, Kendall Johnson, Chica, and Cory Ness, TRIMSPA will have on display their famous OCC Chopper and Roger Bourget Bike. Also on site looking hotter than ever will be the Hawaiian Tropic girls, TRIMSPA models and the Hard Rock girls.

“This is such a perfect fit for TRIMSPA,” said Alex Goen, Founder and CEO of TRIMSPA. “The Hard Rock Roadhouse Tour is bringing together sexy bodies and sexy bikes.”

For more details and updates check out

The company has helped celebrities like Anna Nicole Smith and heavyweight boxer Shannon Briggs lose weight. For more information about TRIMSPA and its products visit “” or call 1-800-TRIMSPA.

RH contest banner

FLORIDA ATTEMPTS TO SLIP LAW THROUGH–The Florida Bill that increases fines for running a red light has now been slipped into the larger appropriations bill PCBAP 04-35. This usually happens when they want to slip some thing in with out to many people noticing what is happening

If you are against the increase in higher fines for running a red light from $65.00 to $125.00 then you need to contact your legislator and let him know. If for some reason you are in favor of this you should also contact them.


Senate Bill 682 and House Bill 065 are now an amendment to PCBAP 04-35, which is a general Transportation Bill in Appropriations. Please refer to this Bill number when contacting your legislators. Below is some summary information.

The number refers to the new designation for the generaltransportation appropriation bill that will be voted on before the end ofthe legislative session. It is the number by which the legislature nowrefers to what is being called the stiffer penalties bill,. The new legislation used to be identified by HB 065and SB 682 (i.e., House Bill, Senate Bill), but now that it has been added tothe larger general appropriations bill, so we need to refer to the newnumber when emailing or calling our legislators over the next few weeks.


Indian8-1- fred lange

INDIAN CONNECTION–for restoration info, antique reproduction parts or full on restorations. Call Fred Lange. He’ll help you out. He specialize is pre 1916 Harley-Davidson and Indian racer restorations. This is a recent 1914 Indian board track restoration. Whatta knock-out.
(805) 937-4142

indian close - fred lange

FLOW BENCH MYSTERY–Pablo will be back with his slow process of building a flow bench, but here’s a link to active information on flow bench builds:> . That way if anyone wanted the plans they could ask for it from that Flowbench forum. Somebody always sends in a link on where to download them.

We’ll be back with updates shortly.

–Wilburn Roach

kraft-tech fenders

KRAFT-TECH FENDERS ROCK–We showed you the new Kraft/Tech 300 fender last week. Here’s a 180 beside that monster. We’re using this 180 on our next Bikernet Project Chopper.

kraft-tech fender detail

These fenders are smooth as a baby’s ass and notched for belts. Even the fender tips are super-supported for extra strength.

kraft-tech fender tip

To check the price contact Kraft/Tech at (818) 837-3520. Tell ’em Bikernet sent ya.

ALERT, MORE FLORIDA VEHICLE LAWS– Florida House Bill 1341 sponsored by Rep. Ken Sorenson, R. Key Largo.Drivers will face a $60.00 Fine, $30.00 in Court Costs and Four Points on their License if they fail to move back over to the right lane after passing.

DAMN We Have Enough Laws Already and (4) Four Points to boot.


joker fitting

CNC MACHINED BILLET FUEL FITTINGS–Multiple carburetors can really make your custom bike or hot rod realize its full power potential. However, hooking up the plumbing to more than one carburetor can be a real nightmare, and very unsightly to boot. When you spend so much time and money building your latest creation, the last thing that you want is a bunch of ugly rubber hoses running amok from a hardware-grade brass push-on hose fitting.

Joker Machine has a clean solution that allows you to neatly branch out from a single hose and add three to five more. Joker manufacturers five different multi-tap fuel fittings with a single 1/8 pipe thread on the side and three to five more around the outside perimeter, giving you plenty of places to tap into when adding carburetors or re-routing fuel for NOS systems. You can even order one with more fittings than you need and block them with Allen-head plugs, leaving you room for future expansion.

Visit your local Drag Specialties or Parts Unlimited dealer to get more information, or log on to” to see the entire Joker Machine line.


SUICIDE SPORTSTER TECH QUESTION– Any of you guys know how to convert a ’68 sportster to jockey shift/suicide clutch. My bike has a Corbin Gentry hardtail frame and a 12 over Paughco springer front end.

She is all most up and running but don’t want to do it twice. I will probably have to fabricate most of it myself right. The frame has the cross shaft. I’m sure I’ll have to use it, right? Any help would be appreciated.

My email address is


mike pullin

STEALTH WEEKLY ACTION–Working at an H-D dealership, I get to see all the new accessories probably before most of you do. The Motor Company usually comes out with some pretty cool stuff, but every once in awhile they come out with something that, in my opinion and as my taste run, is questionable and goes against why I ride.

In this case the little part I am speaking of are these clocks or time pieces, or whatever you want to call them that mount on your switch housings. When I ride I never where a watch, think about or worry about time. This is one of the reasons I ride. I don’t want to be on a schedule or be reminded of punching a clock. I want to be free from the restraints of keeping time. When I ride, I get there when I get there, NO Schedules! No Deadlines!

To me this is what riding is about, getting there in your own time. I remember watching the movie Easyrider and the scene where Captain America and Billy are about to embark on their journey, Peter Fonda takes off his watch and throws it on the ground and they blast off down the road. Everytime I leave on a road trip I don’t throw my watch away, I leave it at home and I replay that scene in my mind. This is my time and I don’t need to be reminded of work or being on time for anything. The next time you leave on a road trip try leaving the watch at home, you will enjoy the trip a lot more.

I have learned that we all hold thekeys to our own chains that restrain us. Don’t be afraid to unlock those chains!

Speaking of time, if you are in the Charlotte area July 25th, check out the 6th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin.” You will have great time and it is all for a great cause, asthma camps for kids put on by the American Lung Association. If you need more info, give me a call at704-847-4647.

Well that is it until next week, Ride safe!


Continued On Page 4

Read More

April 29, 2004 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

BIKERNET BIKER MOVIE NEWS–Heard from David Peckenpaw’s rep today. David has read all three of your books and likes them. He has a project under consideration with Jerry Weintroph (spelling?). This is first, then comes our stuff. He liked everything and his favorite book is Orwell. He thought the trilogy idea in the synopis was good, evidently. So this is on the conveyerbelt.

Think I will stop by Dennis Hopper’s with a set of books and a synopsis. He was a neighbor of mine for years.

–Dirty Dan

charlie o. RK scenic

KING REPORTS REPORT–Finally got around to reading all the posts about your Road King project. Thought you might like to see a similar styled Road King. This one a 1996. I’ve got some 60 spoke all black powder coated rims going on it soon

charlie o. full right RK


charlie o. front left RK

Charile O
Fort Worth, Texas
formerly from Dago, CA

RIDE THE COAST RUN–I’m on the committee for Ride The Coast, it’s an event benefitting the Santa Ana Boys and Girls Club. The ride is underwritten by the city of Santa Ana. We ride 90-miles through Orange County (most of it on PCH) and end up at Main Place in S.A.

I somehow opened my mouth and volunteered to throw a little bike show at the end. It’s a first time effort so it will only consist of about 12 or so bikes. Gene Koch is gonna ride his Aerial Square-4 and I thought it’d be cool if you could attend with one your bikes.

If you know of some other fellers with righteous scooters I would glad to get ’em in. Please check out

The event is on Sunday, June, 27 ( )

–Best, John

butterflys - rfr

three cuties - rfr

AUSTIN, TEXAS BIKE NIGHT AT JACK’S–Still have not broken the 700 bike mark at Jack’s Backyard in Austin. Maybe this week. I never did locate Sportbike Girl after she took off all that leather. All I know is she is a blonde haired cutie. Maybe I can track her down tomorrow night!

two cuties - rfr

The guy in image 214 – Will Cascio, made the vest and I assume the belt on the cute girl with him. You can check out his stuff at He has a link to Strokers Dallas on his site, not sure if he has done any work for them or not? I am going to give him a call today and get some more info. I will let you know what I learn.

guy and girl attitude - rfr


UNDERWATER GETAWAY TWARTED AT LAKESIDE– OLYMPIA, Wash. — Maybe it was the weight belt. Or the air tank and regulator slung over his shoulder. Whatever his excuse, a wet suit-wearing bank robber couldn’t make it to the water before being tackled by police.

Police subdued the man Thursday on the shore of Budd Inlet after a quarter-mile dash through the woods, a car chase and crash, Olympia police Sgt. Ray Holmes said.

“No truth to the rumor he was running in flippers,” police spokesman Tor Bjornstad said, although he noted officers found a pair of fins inside the car after making the arrest.

The pursuit began at a Key Bank branch on the west side of Olympia. A man entered the bank, pushed a customer out of the way, pointed an assault rifle at a teller and demanded money.

The teller handed over an undisclosed amount of cash, which the man shoved into the backpack. Police said he was wearing a wet suit under an overcoat or a sweat suit.

Witnesses spotted him several blocks from the bank, running toward the woods behind a restaurant and getting into a car. The man led police on a two-mile pursuit, then plowed through a chain-link fence and crashed into a tree. After a few minutes of trying to get the car unstuck, he fled wearing a weight belt and toting an air tank and regulator over his shoulder, Bjornstad said.

He managed to get close enough to toss the backpack into the water before officers tackled him on the shore and used an electronic stun gun to halt him, Holmes said. The money was recovered.

–from Rogue

smoke out logo

SMOKE OUT UPDATE–Every year for the Smoke Out I look for one musical act, where those uninitiated to the unique aspects of this particular event, sit back and say, “What the fuck?” One year Goth Girl, in full gothic regalia with fog rolling over the crowd, laid down a short but moving piece of classical piano music. Not typical biker fare. Another year we had Hayseed Dixie, a bluegrass band that only played AC/DC covers.

Just what that one special event would be this year was unknown. In such cases I wait, knowing only that The HORSE worldwide network of underground operatives would uncover something. The message came through Von Smink to T-Bear to me. The future is unknown, the Unknown Hinson.

unknown hinson

The Unknown Hinson has reemerged from his thirty-year hiatus of penal semi-rehabilitation to take back his title as the King of Country and Western Troubadours. This is a man who can sing eloquently about riding in his Cadillac, with a woman locked in the trunk or ?.well, I really do not want to ruin the surprise. Go to the UnknownHinson.Com website. This is one journey into the unknown that I guarantee you will enjoy.

I caught up with Hinson at Old Smiths’ Bar in Atlanta. I was summoned back stage by Hinsons’ silent man-servant Gustav. The rumor is Gustav was re-animated from the grave by Hinson and I wondered if he would reek. Actually I didn?t detect any offending odors. I had time for a short interview.

EDGE: What is your favorite handgun and how does that affect your music?

HINSON: Well I carry a Smith & Wesson .38. For me, well, people relax in different ways, you know, relieve stress. Some people squeeze tennis balls to relieve stress. I like to squeeze the trigger of my .38. I’m not saying I fire it every time. I squeeze it just enough to say, “what if?” It’s a stress relief for me. That helps me write songs.

EDGE: I heard the past a great Country and Western singer Farron Young had a strong influence on you. What would he say if he saw your show tonight?

HINSON: Well I think he’d like it. I think he’d probably be kicking hisself cause he didn’t do it first, but the feeling would be mutual because Farran, well, he was the man. He was a true Country and Western troubadour. He would be doin no Rawk and Roll demonstrations like I have to do just to show yongers that it don’t take no talent to play that mess. Country Western, that takes talent. Everything I write about I’ve experienced in my chart-topping life or witnessed with my chart-toppin eyes.

EDGE: You have a lot of deep lyrics and deep thoughts.Would you attribute your deep thoughts from the years you spent in prison.

HINSON: Some and some on the Midway six truck carnival, travelin and doin’ County fairs. I’d handle snakes that bites the heads off certain domestic fowls. I was fourteen years old. That is when I first started writing chart-toppin hits singing in the sideshows. I got quite a following and caught the attention of a Nashville record man. That’s when I was set up and framed by certain cowboy hat wearing singers with names like Roy, Hank and Ernest. There where various and sundry charges including murder and grave robbing. I was sentenced to 20 years and when I told the judge I would whup his ass I ended up with thirty years. It put quite a dent in my career for awhile. But I ain’t goin back. I been out for 11 years now.

We talked a bit more about motorcycles and when Hinson was a kid. There was a time when his daddy wasn’t drunk and took Hinson to a flat track race. Hinson loved the big bike sliding around the corners with the engineer boots. “That’s excitin’ man.”

TMRA banner

SWAP MEET DALLAS – This Sunday at the Gigantic Historic – LONGHORN BALLROOM





On Display – Paul Jones’ Nitro Harley Dragster- with ADVICE on Racing YOUR OWN Bike at the Drags !!

* Door Prizes * Texas? Hottest Biker Band !!!MAD MAX & The Max Attack – “Rock & Blues”

PRO CUSTOM CYCLES – Motorcycle Dyno !

“Who Makes the HORSEPOWER HERE ??Trophy & Photo Session to Highest H.P. BIKE

Show Hours: 10am-5pm
Admission: $8 Adults – $5 5-12 – Under 5 Free
Location: Longhorn Ballroom is located on the corner of Industrial Boulevard and Corinth. Take Industrial Blvd. Exit from I-30 or I-35 where they cross in downtown Dallas go south 5 blocks & you?re there…
DON’T MISS IT !!!!!!!!
254-687-9066 M-F 9am – 6pm

Continued On Page 3

Read More

April 29, 2004 Part 1


two cuties lead - rfr

Jack’s bike night babe from RFR.

It’s nearly noon on Thursday and I’m still sweeping the shop out after the American Rider Tech we shot on the 2004 Sportster custom. Deadlines. That Sportster is hot property. Everyone who shows up at the shop wants to ride it.

We better get to the news. I’m ready for the weekend. The news is packed with event and ride info. Keep your note pad handy:

joker new guy

JOKER MACHINE’S LATEST ADDITION–Former motorcycle magazine photographer and writer Jeff Deasey has joined the Joker Machine team to serve as the company’s Media/Marketing Director. Deasey spent the past 6 years in the motorsports publishing industry and performs freelance work for Iron Works and other select publications in his spare time.

Jeff will handle all inquiries from television and print media, and he is also responsible for creating ad and press release materials.

Jeff and co-worker Bryan Warren are also currently working on Joker Machine’s catalog #6 that promises to be jam-packed with all of the company’s latest high-quality items, slated for release in time for the summer riding season.

If your show or publication needs any assistance with information about Joker Machine?s AHDRA and Supermoto racing teams or product line, please feel free to contact Jeff at (909) 613-0098 voice, (909) 613-0098 fax or send an e-MAIL to:


BIKERNET TECH ARTICLE VOTE–Just wanted to say, I followed your tech article and it worked like a charm. Used my stock wide belt and saved a ton of cash. Great article.

Mike Curtis
Atlanta, GA

Thanks Mike. Our Tech Articles are always archived. They never go away.–Bandit

BLIND AND DEAF MAN PLANS 150MPH QUADBIKE RECORD ATTEMPT–WITH the aim of clinching a Guinness world record, Graham Hicks, who is bothblind and totally deaf, will attempt to travel at more than 150mph on hisquadbike at Bruntingthorpe proving ground in the United Kingdom. The eventis set to take place in August this year.

Hicks’ quadbike is powered by a Honda CBR1100XX motor, giving it plenty ofpower and top-end speed.This event will form part of Hicks’ work for the United Kingdom charityDeafblind UK. He already holds similar records for jetskiing andquadbiking.In this latest challenge, Hicks will have a pillion rider – CambridgeshirePolice Constable Brian Sharman. PC Sharman will indicate direction to Hicksusing touch signals. This obviously requires a huge degree of trust betweenrider and pillion, considering the high speeds involved.

Practice runs are now under way, achieving speeds in excess of 100mph.To become involved in this challenge, contact Deafblind UK’s Challenge Teamon the following number:

For more information on Deafblind UK, contact:DEAFBLIND UK
Tel: +44 (0)1733 358 100

bob t. clutch and shifter

THE FOOT CLUTCH ANNIVERSARY–Well I finally finished the foot clutch…Just need to mount it and find my Ape Hangers, some howI lost them in my garage, if you can believe that. Must be age.

We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary todaymaybe that’s why I can find the Ape Hangers..

bob and wife

Be Cool
–Bob T. and Leandra
Yucca Valley, CA

84 tooth ring gear

RING GEAR CONVERSION AND OFFSET COMPENSATORY–This 84 tooth ring gear conversion kit is much stronger than the OEM 102 tooth unit, and provides slightly faster motor turn over due to the reduced number of teeth. For all 1990-93 Big-Twin Harley-Davidson motorcycles, Evo or Twin-Cam. Includes our famous quality ring gear, bolts and special pinion gear. Available immediately.


Now available……Complete 1.5 inch offset compensator assembly for chain drive primary with 24 tooth sprocket (1990-93 Softail) or 25 tooth sprocket (1993-present Softail). Also available in 1-inch, and 1.4375-inch offset. Call for part numbers.

Rivera Engineering

old photo - bob t
Old shot from Bob T.

MORE THAN 1,5000 BIKES BLESSED–Monday, April 26, 2004 Posted: 8:56 AM EDT (1256 GMT)Rev. Robert McElwee blessed more than a thousand mortocycles and bicycles during this year’s annual Blessing of the Bikes.

FRONTENAC, Kansas (AP) — Rumbles of thunder and heavy rains were replaced by the rumbles of hundreds of motorcycles and a sprinkling of holy water.

Leading the gang and wearing riding boots beneath his vestments was the Rev. Robert McElwee, who offered prayer during the annual Blessing of the Bikes in downtown Frontenac.

“Did I get you?” he asked Sunday, weaving through a cordon of more than 1,500 brightly painted motorcycles from as far away as Utah and Idaho.

McElwee, pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church and an avid motorcyclist, has seen the event grow in the past eight years from an informal gathering after Sunday Mass to a regional affair in this town of 3,000.

cutie - whiplash

NEW BIKERNET PHOTOG–Really dig your site, visit every week. Great work! I’m a pretty serious photog with what spare time I have between working and family and riding etc. If you have any specific pics you need from Florida I would be interested in contributing. I live in the Jacksonville area but travel the entire state on a quarterly basis on business and weekend riding on my FXD.

Attached is a little sweetie I ran across last weekend at the Leesburg Bikefest in Central Florida. Nice tank top huh?

Let me know if I can do any shooting for you. I have digital cameras so I have a pretty quick turn.



STRAY KAT CHOPPER FRAME–Cyril Huze now offers his Stray Kat Chopper frame with a single curved down tube accepting a 250 or a 280 mm/300 series tires with a stock width belt. Frames for 250 mm are offered in left side or right side drive. Frames for 280/300 mm are offered in right side drive only. Constructed out of 4130 chromemoly, using 1 1/4 inch tubing for superior strength, tig welded and fixture cooled. For a clean look, internal fork stops are integrated in the steering head. For this frame, a direct-bolt on round stainless steel oil tank with center oil fill and “hidden” battery is offered.

Available in 3 inch stretch/38-degree rake, or 5 inch stretch/42-degree rake. Any other stretch or rake on request.

Cyril Huze.
Tel: 561-392-5557

FRANK DID ALRIGHT–I just want to thank Frank Kaisler and anyone else involved in putting the photos and article about my bike on your website.

Richard Sansone dropped job.

I didn’t have any photos from that show. Please tell Frank he has a good eye for custom motorcycles. That bike won best in show at that Harley-Davidson ride in show. it also came in 3rd at the Rats Hole show, won an all expense paid trip to Essen Germany for the Essen international motor show, will be featured in Hot Bike and about 15 other US and European magazines, and it is a bare metal, unpainted, bare machined and bare carbon fiber, prototype motorcycle.

Thank you, again
Richard Sansone

big bear poster

ALL SEABEE REUNION–The 6th annual All Seabee Reunion is fast approaching-just 30 days away. Now is the time to make your plans to attend. Roomsare still available at the Casa Sirena Hotel, official reunionheadquarters.

Hotel reservations can be made by calling 800-447-3529.The discounted reunion room rate still applies.

The reunion will be held in Port Hueneme, CA. The dates of the reunionareMay 20-23, 2004. Our web site, contains completeinformation on the reunion. You may also print the registration forms.

BILANSKY ROMPS AT ROAD AMERICA–Buell Riders Dominate Formula USA Thunderbike National.

ELKHART LAKE, Wis. (April 25, 2004) – Hal’s Harley-Davidson/Buell rider Dan Bilansky roared away from the pack aboard his Buell Firebolt for a convincing victory in the Formula USA National Thunderbike race at Road America. Harding Harley-Davidson riders Bryan Bemisderfer and David Estok finished second and third to complete a podium sweep for Buell riders in the Thunderbike class.

For Bilansky, the win offered some redemption after a disappointing outing in the F-USA season-opener at Daytona International Speedway in February, where he crashed out of the lead.

“Daytona was a hard one to get over,” said Bilansky, who is from Delafield, Wis. “But I want to win a championship and to do that I have to be consistent, so maybe a win today makes up for being a race behind after Daytona. This was a kick today because we are so close to home. I have lots of family here who haven’t seen me race in several years, and this is a home-town race for everyone from Buell and Hal’s.”

Hoban Brothers Racing/Appleton H-D/Buell rider Jeff Johnson set a blistering pace aboard his Buell Firebolt to take the pole position for the Thunderbike race with a 2:37.219 lap of the four-mile Road America course in cool but dry conditions on Saturday. However, dense fog enveloped the Road America course on Sunday morning and the start of racing action was postponed until almost noon. Crashes in several support races further delayed the Formula USA National feature events, which were then shortened from 10 to five laps because of time constraints.

Johnson jumped the start before it went green and then hesitated as Bilansky raced off to open an early lead while Bemisderfer, Estok, Suzuki rider Ed Key, Johnson and Harding rider Tripp Nobles battled in a pack behind him. On the second lap, Bemisderfer ran off the course in turn five after trying to out-brake Nobles. Bemisderfer managed to stay upright and remained in contention. Nobles went out on lap four with a mechanical problem.

“Second place gives us some good points towards the championship,” said Bemisderfer. “Bilansky got that great start and then just took off full speed. I think the rest of us took a lap to gauge track conditions before we really pushed it today and gave him too much of a head start.”

Estok, who said he is still recovering from a concussion suffered in a March automobile accident, was also happy to come away with solid points on the day. “I’m still a little foggy, to be honest, and really didn’t feel smooth all weekend until the race started,” he said. “I’m still leading the Thunderbike points, which is awesome. They’ll have to watch out when I’m back to full speed.”

Key finished fourth, with Kosco H-D/Buell rider Joe Rozynski fifth. Johnson was fifth across the line, but a one-lap penalty for jumping the start bumped him back to 23rd place in the final standings.

Estok maintains his lead in the Thunderbike series with 41 points, just a one-point margin over his teammate Bemisderfer.

The third stop on the eight-race Formula USA Thunderbike series is May 29-31 at Summit Point Raceway, Summit Point, W.Va.

The Formula USA Thunderbike series is a horsepower-to-weight ratio restricted class, open to a variety of production-based motorcycles. Buell-mounted riders competing in the eight-event 2004 Thunderbike series are racing for a share of the $70,500 contingency fund posted by Buell Motorcycle Company and Buell Rider’s Adventure Group (BRAG).

To learn more about Buell Motorcycles, visit your local Buell dealer today and experience the pure streetfighter attitude, style, and performance only found on board a Buell. For the Buell dealer nearest you, pull into

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April 22, 2004 Part 3


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fat fender in paper

300 FENDERS NOW AVAILABLE FROM KRAFT TECH–The first company to build production 300 tire fenders. They are rolled mild steel, over .200 thick and doubled at the tip for strength. The fenders are bitchen contoured to fit the 300 tire and notched for chains and belts. Just drill ’em and mount ’em.

fat fender w kb hand

KRAFT/Tech Inc.
651 Arroyo Ave.
San Fernando, CA 91340
(818) 837-3520

flow bench parts

THE FLOW BENCH PROJECT HASN’T DIED– As you know this is a work in progress. It started out as a project being made from these old plans. Since then I have found out there are some flaws with the plans. Nothing major. Mostly just little things that have to be redesigned. All that adds up to is time and money.

More flow bench info coming soon.


THREE BUELL PROMOTIONS GET RIDERS READY FOR SPRING–Demo Days, Fuel in the Frame for a Year and No Down Payment Programs.

MILWAUKEE (April 21, 2004) – Motorcycle enthusiasts who want to experience the adventure of riding Buell motorcycles this spring can take advantage of three promotional offers at participating Buell dealerships.

Motorcyclists who demo ride a Buell motorcycle through May 31, 2004 during Buell Demo Days will receive a free Buell Sling Bag. A valid motorcycle endorsement and proper riding gear are required for the demo ride. The customized sling bag, a $50 retail value, is made from heavy-duty denier fabric with nylon lining and features four individual storage compartments.

Those who purchase a Buell before May 31 will receive free gasoline during the Buell ?Fuel in the Frame for a Year? promotion. Fuel in the Frame for a Year will be provided through a $150 Visa Gift Card. The Visa Gift Card is a prepaid card that can be used at millions of worldwide locations. Instead of worrying about rising gas prices, new Buell owners can focus on enjoying the ride. Highway gas mileage averages for the Firebolt and Lightning models are 65 mpg, and the Blast boasts nearly 73 mpg on the highway.

In addition, eligible buyers can also qualify for No Down Payment financing. This option is available through Eaglemark Savings Bank and Harley-Davidson Credit until June 30 on all 2003 and 2004 new, previously untitled Buell motorcycles including Blast.

Riders should stop by their participating Buell dealer or for full details on all of the Spring promotions. A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey. He orders a drink and while he’s drinking, the monkey jumps all around the place. The monkey grabs some olives off the bar and eats them, then grabs some sliced limes and eats them, then jumps onto the pool table, grabs one of the billiard balls, sticks it in his mouth, and to everyone’s amazement, somehow swallows it whole.

RH contest banner

BANDIT’S CANTINA SAGA–The bartender screams at the guy, “Did you see what your monkey just did?”

The guy says “No, what?”

“He just ate the cue ball off my pool table-whole!”

“Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me,” replied the guy, “he eats everything in sight, the little bastard. Sorry. I’ll pay for the cue ball and stuff.”

He finishes his drink, pays his bill, pays for the stuff the monkey ate, then leaves.

Two weeks later he’s in the bar again, and has his monkey with him. He orders a drink and the monkey starts running around the bar again. While the man is finishing his drink, the monkey finds a maraschino cherry on the bar.

He grabs it, sticks it up his ass, pulls it out, and eats it. Then themonkey finds a peanut, and again sticks it up his ass, pulls it out, and eats it.

The bartender is disgusted.”Did you see what your monkey did now?” he asks.

“No, what?” replies the guy.

“Well, he stuck a maraschino cherry and a peanut up his ass, pulled it out, and ate it!” said the bartender.

“Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me,” replied the guy. “He still eatseverything in sight, but ever since he had to shit out that cue ball, he measures everything first.”

–Ken Miller

jim paint oil tank

jim paint right side

PAINT JOB OF THE WEEK–Here’s another Jim Murillo creation. This bike hit the cover of Hot Bike, but not with this paint. Jim fixed it after the cover shoot. Jim’s located on the west coast in the LA region. For more info drop him a line to: James Murillo

Just don’t call him James. Only his mom does when he’s in trouble.

one-eyed jacks banner

BIKERNET HISTORY LESSON–Almost 150 years ago, President Lincoln found it necessary to hire a privateinvestigator, Alan Pinkerton, for protection. That was the beginning of theSecret ServiceSince that time, federal police authority has grown to a large number ofmulti-letter agencies – FBI , CIA , INS , IRS , DEA , ATF , etc.

Now comes the Federal Air Transportation Airport Security Service. Can’t yousee them now? These highly trained men and women in their black outfits withinitials in large white letters across their backs?F. A. T. A. S. S. – – – – – – – I feel safer already

–from Rogue

glenn grinding

AUSTRALIAN BIKERNET REPORTER’S PROJECT–Yep, we’ll show you how a brother in Australia builds a Panhead chopper. Glen Priddle kicked off his project by stripping his bike to the frame out in the yard. That’s how it’s done in Australia. Everything including building bikes is handled on the road.

Hang on for complete reports.

smoke out logo

COPS RAID HOME FOR POT– Carlsbad, California police raided a suburban home after the family’s U.S. $250-$300 per month electricity bills led them to suspect that the homeowners were growing marijuana under high-intensity lamps.

Instead, they found often-used washing machines and dryers, three computers always left on, a dishwashing machine running often and three children who forgot to turn off lights when they left a room.

“It’s hard to believe a high utility bill would be enough to issue a state warrant,” said Dina Dagy, who owns the home. She is demanding a written apology. Police said they have apologized verbally and were following proper procedure.

–from Rogue

jim and dog

AGENT ZEBRA ALIVE AND WELL–And still training attack dogs. This was a demostration behind the new Bikernet headquarters. The strong shepherd bit through his attack gear and wet suit sleeves, to puncture his arms. Zebra never gives up.

RFR REPORTS FROM IRAQ– I have some stuff to send you from a benefit we had on Saturday for a soldier that was wounded in Iraq. A medic that got hit going to help a wounded soldier. The fight was so intense that it was 3 hours before they could evacuate Alan the medic. He has already had numerous surgeries and he still has many more to go.

The young man that finally was able to help Alan was there along with his father, both who ride. I am waiting for some info on them since I took a couple images for Christina for the Texas Thunder Roads she was getting the info. The pictures are really a contradiction to his story being as it is images of people having fun.

He has received a Purple Heart, the Bronze Star with”V” and an Army Commendation Medal. It is just one story of many throughout the nation, it is just one I am aware of.


redhead barmaid - rogue

HERITAGE MOTORCYCLE RALLY– Americas Fastest Growing Motorcycle Event The first year of the rally was 2003. Like every new rally there were some growing pains, but the people putting it on had really done their home work and it showed.

The magazines and the Internet quickly spread the word as to what a great event it was. The people responded. So in 2004 Dave Harvey, the promoter increased the event to 5 days and utilized more of the Ladson Fairgrounds on route 78, the fairgrounds became Rally Central.

The Ladson Fairgrounds is where the Custom Bike Show is held. This is a top notch event with some of the best bikes in the South. The winners received over $50,000.00 in cash and prizes.

When you attended the bike show you had an opportunity to vote for the motorcycle of your choice, if you did you were also entered into a contest to win a $26,000 Big Dog Motorcycle at no charge. That is the best raffle I have ever heard of.

There were 100s of vendors, beer gardens, live bands, motorcycle stunt shows, flat track racing, wall of death and much more.

There were so many people and things going on at once and all running very smoothly. The people putting it on and their staff really had a handle on everything.

I have always liked Charleston and the surrounding area. The event has grown to an area of 300 square miles. Okay I didn?t cover the whole area but I sure had fun at the places I did go.

I like the Kickin Horse Saloon on Rt. 17 in Awendaw. Kathy Campbell and all the girls there made sure I had fun and plenty to drink. I wonder if they were trying to get me drunk so they could take advantage of me. I guess I?ll never know.

Closer to the fairgrounds is Big Deck Daddy?s in North Charleston. This is where the locals go. Thursday is Bike Night. During the rally Every Night Was Bike Night.

Historical Downtown Charleston is a must. The Battery and the Market is a couple of places not to be missed.

The people in the area are friendly and make you feel welcome and the cops are cool. No Bull Shit stops like Daytona. Yea they will bust you if you are fuckIn’ up but no bullshit roadside stops.

barmaid nice tits - rogue


GREAT NEWS The Rally is Going to 10 Days in 2005 making it the newest Bike Week in the Country.

It is Going To Be Hot. Start making your plans to attend now. Visit the Heritage web site at Tell ’em bikernet sent you.

blond barmaid - rogue


IT’S PACKIN’ TIME–Time to ride. I love to ride, but I’m burnt out on escapin’ the city. I may roll out before the crack of dawn to avoid the bullshit LA traffic. Then as the sun warms the sky I’ll enter the desert for a highspeed romp across the state with my woman at my back.

Have a helluva weekend and if you run into me in Laughlin, I’ll be handing out Bikernet stickers. Just ask me.

Ride Forever,

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April 22, 2004 Part 2


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screamin eagle

SCREAMIN? EAGLE/VANCE & HINES TEAM HOT IN HOUSTON–Hines Sets New Track ET Record, Retains Pro Stock Bike Points Lead.

BAYTOWN, Texas (April 18, 2004) – The Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines team put in a strong performance in Pro Stock Bike competition at the 17th Annual O?Reilly NHRA Spring Nationals, as riders Andrew Hines and GT Tonglet advanced in the elimination rounds. Series points leader Hines was the top qualifier aboard his Screamin? Eagle Harley-Davidson V-Rod with a run of 7.072 seconds at 190.03 mph that set a new track ET record for the Pro Stock Bike class. Tonglet qualified his Screamin? Eagle V-Rod fifth at 7.104/190.06, and also bettered the previous ET record of 7.132 seconds.

Coming off his victory at the Pro Stock bike season-opener in Gainesville, Fla., on March 21, Hines opened with a strong 7.130/188.04 run to beat Fred Camarena (7.301/179.18) in the first round of eliminations on Sunday. Tonglet, the runner-up at Gainesville, posted a time of 7.216/186.20 and advanced to the second round on a red-light start by Blain Hale (7.289/181.76).

Round two saw Hines (7.132/189.52) beat Mike Berry (7.239/184.67). In his second-round match, Tonglet (7.184/187.68) posted an outstanding reaction time of 0.009 seconds, but his quick start was not enough to beat Karen Stoffer, who was off the line in 0.016 seconds and ran a 7.134/185.82 to nip the Harley-Davidson rider and move on to face Hines in the semi-final round.

It was Stoffer with the quick draw at the light in round three. She backed up a reaction time of just 0.001 seconds with a 7.196/184.98 run to hand Hines (0.030/7.215/177.00) his first defeat of the 2004 season, due in part to an engine bearing failure during the run, according to the team. Stoffer (7.159/186.38) defeated Antron Brown (7.176/186.05) to claim the first final-round victory of her career.

?This was a really competitive weekend,? said Matt Hines. ?We had good air and an even track that didn?t favor one style of engine.”

?The bikes were really responsive to our tune-ups, and as a result they got quicker during qualifying,? said Vance & Hines team owner Byron Hines. ?We did have some trouble with rear tire shake that we’re working on, and we look forward to the next race.?

After two rounds of Pro Stock Bike competition, Hines leads the series with 196 points. Tonglet is fifth with 150 points.

The next Pro Stock Bike event on the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series is the 24th annual Summit Racing Equipment NHRA Southern Nationals, May 14-16, in Atlanta, Ga.

big bear poster

INDICTMENTS IN 2002 RIVER RUN SHOOTOUT EXPECTED TO BE UNSEALDED–Murder indictments against at least nine members of the Hells Angels and Mongols motorcycle gangs were expected to be unsealed this morning in connection with a 2002 shootout at the Laughlin River Run that left three people dead, authorities said.Some have told authorities they plan to surrender, and those who don’t will be sought by police and apprehended, authorities said.

Police and agents from the federal Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives began making arrests over the weekend, authorities said.The charges also include gang-related offenses and firearms violations.

The unsealing of the indictments comes eight days before the second anniversary of the fatal fray at Harrah’s, which occurred April 27, 2002.

This year’s River Run begins Wednesday and lasts through Saturday. Fewer police officers will be on hand but they will be using additional techniques in an effort to find bikers who are wanted and to snuff out potential violence.

Last year more than 500 officers monitored the event that drew about 80,000 attendees.

Sgt. Bob Kenney of the Connecticut State Police, a nationally recognized expert on Harley Davidson theft, will be at the rally for the third year in a row watching for stolen motorcycles.

Last year, Kenney helped recover 20 stolen bikes, Smitley said. Ten were reported stolen, but four were suspicious, he said, and fraud was suspected.


I see Sgt. Bob Kenney from Connecticut was in Laughlin. This guy goes to motorcycle events all over the country at tax payers expense . It said he recovered 20 bikes 10 of which were reported stolen, but 4 were Suspicious and Fraud was SUSPECTED. What were the other 6? I believe this is the total they recovered for the YEAR. NOT a very good record for all the money they spend.


almonds - jon towle

JON TOWLE LIVES–And recently drew this for the Allman Brothers. He’s a god with a pen.

jon towle banner

NEW CUSTOM HARDWARE FROM IMAGE MOTORCYCLE PRODUCTSCamarillo, CA — April 15, 2004– Check out the new CUSTOM HARDWARE line from Image Motorcycle Products. Something new, and always different, CUSTOM HARDWARE has the same dedication to quality and artistic principals that make all IMP products unique. Applications for CUSTOM HARDWARE are endless; the designs work as a Pendant, Zipper Pull, Keychain, or any other use, you decide! The IMP CUSTOM HARDWARE line consists of 28 designs, each about 2.5-inch with selected designs also available in 3-inch.

For more information, contact: Image Motorcycle Products, 918 Calle Portilla, Camarillo, CA 93010, (800.304.5838),

FINANCIAL ADVICE FROM BIKERNET– A corporate attorney sent the following out to the employees in his company:

– The next time you order checks have only your initials (instead of first name) and last name put on them.

– If someone takes your check book they will not know if you sign your checks with just your initials or your first name but your bank will know how you sign your checks.

When you are writing checks to pay on your credit card accounts, DO NOT put the complete account number on the “For” line. Instead, just put the last four numbers. The credit card company knows the rest of the number and anyone who might be handling your check as it passes through all the check processing channels won’t have access to it.

– Put your work phone # on your checks instead of your home phone. If you have a PO Box use that instead of your home address. Never have your SS# printed on your checks (DUH!) you can add it if it is necessary. But if you have it printed, anyone can get it.

– Place the contents of your wallet on a photocopy machine, do both sides of each license, credit card, etc. You will know what you had in your wallet and all of the account numbers and phone numbers to call and cancel.

– Keep the photocopy in a safe place. I also carry a photocopy of my passport when I travel either here or abroad.

– We’ve all heard horror stories about fraud that’s committed on us in stealing a name, address, Social Security number, credit cards, etc.

Unfortunately I, an attorney, have firsthand knowledge because my wallet was stolen last month. Within a week, the thieve(s) ordered an expensive monthly cell phone package, applied for a VISA credit card, had a credit line approved to buy a Gateway computer, received a PIN number from DMV to change my driving record information online, and more.But here’s some critical information to limit the damage in case this happens to you or someone you know:

We have been told we should cancel our credit cards immediately. But the key is having the toll free numbers and your card numbers handy so you know whom to call. Keep those where you can find them easily.

– File a police report immediately in the jurisdiction where it was stolen, this proves to credit providers you were diligent, and is a first step toward an investigation (if there ever is one).

But here’s what is perhaps most important: (I never even thought to do this).

Call the three national credit reporting organizations immediately to place a fraud alert on your name and Social Security number. I had never heard of doing that until advised by a bank that called to tell me an application for credit was made over the Internet in my name.

The alert means any company that checks your credit knows your information was stolen and they have to contact you by phone to authorize new credit.

By the time I was advised to do this, almost two weeks after the theft, all the damage had been done.

There are records of all the credit checks initiated by the thieves’ purchases, none of which I knew about before placing the alert. Since then, no additional damage has been done, and the thieves threw my wallet away this weekend. (someone turned it in). It seems to have stopped them in their tracks.

The numbers are:Equifax: 1-800 -525-6285 Experian (formerly TRW): 1-888-397-3742 Trans Union : 1-800-680-7289

Social Security Administration (fraud line): 1-800-269-0271

–from Joan C.

bike joke 1

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