Continued From Page 1

BIKERNET BIKER MOVIE NEWS–Heard from David Peckenpaw’s rep today. David has read all three of your books and likes them. He has a project under consideration with Jerry Weintroph (spelling?). This is first, then comes our stuff. He liked everything and his favorite book is Orwell. He thought the trilogy idea in the synopis was good, evidently. So this is on the conveyerbelt.
Think I will stop by Dennis Hopper’s with a set of books and a synopsis. He was a neighbor of mine for years.
–Dirty Dan

KING REPORTS REPORT–Finally got around to reading all the posts about your Road King project. Thought you might like to see a similar styled Road King. This one a 1996. I’ve got some 60 spoke all black powder coated rims going on it soon


Charile O
Fort Worth, Texas
formerly from Dago, CA
RIDE THE COAST RUN–I’m on the committee for Ride The Coast, it’s an event benefitting the Santa Ana Boys and Girls Club. The ride is underwritten by the city of Santa Ana. We ride 90-miles through Orange County (most of it on PCH) and end up at Main Place in S.A.
I somehow opened my mouth and volunteered to throw a little bike show at the end. It’s a first time effort so it will only consist of about 12 or so bikes. Gene Koch is gonna ride his Aerial Square-4 and I thought it’d be cool if you could attend with one your bikes.
If you know of some other fellers with righteous scooters I would glad to get ’em in. Please check out
The event is on Sunday, June, 27 ( )
–Best, John

AUSTIN, TEXAS BIKE NIGHT AT JACK’S–Still have not broken the 700 bike mark at Jack’s Backyard in Austin. Maybe this week. I never did locate Sportbike Girl after she took off all that leather. All I know is she is a blonde haired cutie. Maybe I can track her down tomorrow night!

The guy in image 214 – Will Cascio, made the vest and I assume the belt on the cute girl with him. You can check out his stuff at He has a link to Strokers Dallas on his site, not sure if he has done any work for them or not? I am going to give him a call today and get some more info. I will let you know what I learn.

UNDERWATER GETAWAY TWARTED AT LAKESIDE– OLYMPIA, Wash. — Maybe it was the weight belt. Or the air tank and regulator slung over his shoulder. Whatever his excuse, a wet suit-wearing bank robber couldn’t make it to the water before being tackled by police.
Police subdued the man Thursday on the shore of Budd Inlet after a quarter-mile dash through the woods, a car chase and crash, Olympia police Sgt. Ray Holmes said.
“No truth to the rumor he was running in flippers,” police spokesman Tor Bjornstad said, although he noted officers found a pair of fins inside the car after making the arrest.
The pursuit began at a Key Bank branch on the west side of Olympia. A man entered the bank, pushed a customer out of the way, pointed an assault rifle at a teller and demanded money.
The teller handed over an undisclosed amount of cash, which the man shoved into the backpack. Police said he was wearing a wet suit under an overcoat or a sweat suit.
Witnesses spotted him several blocks from the bank, running toward the woods behind a restaurant and getting into a car. The man led police on a two-mile pursuit, then plowed through a chain-link fence and crashed into a tree. After a few minutes of trying to get the car unstuck, he fled wearing a weight belt and toting an air tank and regulator over his shoulder, Bjornstad said.
He managed to get close enough to toss the backpack into the water before officers tackled him on the shore and used an electronic stun gun to halt him, Holmes said. The money was recovered.
–from Rogue

SMOKE OUT UPDATE–Every year for the Smoke Out I look for one musical act, where those uninitiated to the unique aspects of this particular event, sit back and say, “What the fuck?” One year Goth Girl, in full gothic regalia with fog rolling over the crowd, laid down a short but moving piece of classical piano music. Not typical biker fare. Another year we had Hayseed Dixie, a bluegrass band that only played AC/DC covers.
Just what that one special event would be this year was unknown. In such cases I wait, knowing only that The HORSE worldwide network of underground operatives would uncover something. The message came through Von Smink to T-Bear to me. The future is unknown, the Unknown Hinson.

The Unknown Hinson has reemerged from his thirty-year hiatus of penal semi-rehabilitation to take back his title as the King of Country and Western Troubadours. This is a man who can sing eloquently about riding in his Cadillac, with a woman locked in the trunk or ?.well, I really do not want to ruin the surprise. Go to the UnknownHinson.Com website. This is one journey into the unknown that I guarantee you will enjoy.
I caught up with Hinson at Old Smiths’ Bar in Atlanta. I was summoned back stage by Hinsons’ silent man-servant Gustav. The rumor is Gustav was re-animated from the grave by Hinson and I wondered if he would reek. Actually I didn?t detect any offending odors. I had time for a short interview.
EDGE: What is your favorite handgun and how does that affect your music?
HINSON: Well I carry a Smith & Wesson .38. For me, well, people relax in different ways, you know, relieve stress. Some people squeeze tennis balls to relieve stress. I like to squeeze the trigger of my .38. I’m not saying I fire it every time. I squeeze it just enough to say, “what if?” It’s a stress relief for me. That helps me write songs.
EDGE: I heard the past a great Country and Western singer Farron Young had a strong influence on you. What would he say if he saw your show tonight?
HINSON: Well I think he’d like it. I think he’d probably be kicking hisself cause he didn’t do it first, but the feeling would be mutual because Farran, well, he was the man. He was a true Country and Western troubadour. He would be doin no Rawk and Roll demonstrations like I have to do just to show yongers that it don’t take no talent to play that mess. Country Western, that takes talent. Everything I write about I’ve experienced in my chart-topping life or witnessed with my chart-toppin eyes.
EDGE: You have a lot of deep lyrics and deep thoughts.Would you attribute your deep thoughts from the years you spent in prison.
HINSON: Some and some on the Midway six truck carnival, travelin and doin’ County fairs. I’d handle snakes that bites the heads off certain domestic fowls. I was fourteen years old. That is when I first started writing chart-toppin hits singing in the sideshows. I got quite a following and caught the attention of a Nashville record man. That’s when I was set up and framed by certain cowboy hat wearing singers with names like Roy, Hank and Ernest. There where various and sundry charges including murder and grave robbing. I was sentenced to 20 years and when I told the judge I would whup his ass I ended up with thirty years. It put quite a dent in my career for awhile. But I ain’t goin back. I been out for 11 years now.
We talked a bit more about motorcycles and when Hinson was a kid. There was a time when his daddy wasn’t drunk and took Hinson to a flat track race. Hinson loved the big bike sliding around the corners with the engineer boots. “That’s excitin’ man.”

On Display – Paul Jones’ Nitro Harley Dragster- with ADVICE on Racing YOUR OWN Bike at the Drags !!
* Door Prizes * Texas? Hottest Biker Band !!!MAD MAX & The Max Attack – “Rock & Blues”
PRO CUSTOM CYCLES – Motorcycle Dyno !
Show Hours: 10am-5pm
Admission: $8 Adults – $5 5-12 – Under 5 Free
Location: Longhorn Ballroom is located on the corner of Industrial Boulevard and Corinth. Take Industrial Blvd. Exit from I-30 or I-35 where they cross in downtown Dallas go south 5 blocks & you?re there…
DON’T MISS IT !!!!!!!!
254-687-9066 M-F 9am – 6pm
Continued On Page 3