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BUELL DEALER TEAMS TACKLE EXTREME RACING CHALLENGE–Hal?s and Kosco Run Strong in First AMA Formula Xtreme Outing.SONOMA, Calif. (May 2, 2004) – The Hal?s Harley-Davidson/Buell and Kosco Harley-Davidson/Buell racing teams took on full-bore factory competition for the first time this season in the Lockhart Phillips USA Formula Xtreme class at Infineon Raceway. Kosco rider Michael Barnes rode a Buell Firebolt to an eighth-place finish, while Hal?s rider Mike Ciccotto rode a Firebolt to 11th place in the event, part of the third stop on the 2004 AMA Chevrolet Superbike Championship Series.
?These dealer teams jumped right into the deep end of the competition pool and we are really proud of their results,? said Erik Buell, chairman and chief technical officer at Buell Motorcycle Company. ?AMA Formula Xtreme represents a very high level of competition in U.S. roadracing, and it?s a real test for the Buell Firebolt and for our racers.?
Barnes qualified eighth for the Formula Xtreme event at the hilly, 12-turn, 2.52-mile course located in the wine country of Northern California, while Ciccotto qualified 10th. On race day, riding a back-up bike after an ignition problem sidelined his primary racer, Barnes worked his way up to sixth place before dropping back two positions at the finish. Honda factory rider Miguel Duhamel, who has dominated Formula Xtreme so far this season, won the event after a battle with Erion Honda rider Jake Zemke. Both riders set a blistering pace, turning lap times close to those of the top AMA Superbikes.
AMA Formula Xtreme for 2004 is a class open to motorcycles with 600cc four-cylinder engines and larger-displacement V-Twin engines, with a great deal of modification permitted. ?It is the closest thing to a GP class in the US at the moment,? said Buell. The Hal?s and Kosco teams are working on tuning their Buell Thunderstorm V-Twin engines for maximum horsepower. This is a significant change from the limited-power rules in Formula USA Thunderbike, where both teams have competed previously using the Buell Firebolt racebikes.
The next stop on the AMA Chevrolet Superbike Championship schedule is May 14-16 at Barber Motorsports Park, Birmingham, Ala.

BANDIT’S CANTINA–A drunken man walks into a biker bar, sits down at the bar and orders a drink. Looking around, he sees three men sitting at a corner table He gets up, staggers to the table, leans over, looks at the biggest, meanest one in the face and says, “I went by your grandma’s house today and I saw her in the hallway buck naked. Man, she is one fine looking woman!” The biker looks at him and doesn’t say a word.
His buddies are confused, because he is one bad biker, and would fight at the drop of a hat. The drunk leans on the table again and says,”I got it on with your grandma and she is good, the best I ever had!”
The biker’s buddies are starting to get really mad, but the biker still says nothing. The drunk leans on the table one more time and says, “I’ll tell you something else, boy, your grandma liked it. She’s a real goer!”
At this point the biker stands up, takes the drunk by the shoulders, looks him square in the eyes and says, “Grandpa,…Go home, you’re drunk !!”
–from Thomas Brown

JOSE’S DAYTONA BIKE WEEK–I wanted to say that I really enjoyed your article, “Daytona Bike Week – Caribbean Style”. I found it generally amusing and satirical to say the least. Lots of criticism directed towards “newbies” and the article was gorged with name dropping. This article reminds me of a situation the occured about three months ago, that I will probably never forget. Bear with me..cuz’ the story gets longer.
When I was 11 years of age, I loved cars, motorcycles, boats..anything that made noise, had wheels or moved via a gasoline engine. I talked “Pops” into buying me a Benelli mini-cycle that I flat drove into the ground. I was too young to take it to the streets, so I drove that damn thing on a big lot across the street from my home, and did nothing but drive in circles for hours at a time, spinning up dirt and grass and eventually I was asked to permantley leave the area by the Canadian owner, who somehow seemed to have a hard time selling the lot for I had turned his lush grassy lot into a mud pit! That ended my 1st introduction into the motorcycle life. Mom put her foot down and said “NO!” to owning a motorcycle until I was older.
I then reached 15 years of age, and again I talked my good ol’ Dad into getting me the newest Kawasaki 90 that was on the market. The salesman brought the bike to my house and while he was in with my parents signing the paperwork, I drug that bike out of his van..started it up and off I went! I drove the crap out of that bike.
I finally met my fate on the bike, while riding with a friend. I was coming to a stop with him following behind, and he was not paying attention and rear ended me. Put a hole in my tank…a hole in my back, (impaled by his left mirror), and generally screwed up my biking life at that time. Again…Mom puts her foot down and says “NO!”. 2nd bike…”See ya!”.
The saga continues when Dad finally put his foot down and said “Yes” to a Kawasaki Mach 500. At 17 years of age…this was all the bike and more. The bike was so fast, that it would have made a grown-up ‘Bikers” balls shrivel up. I however being a “responsible young man” did not push the envelope too much and pretty much obeyed the speed limits and laws. I did NOT need this bike taken away from me as well. Some old lady that did not know the difference in red and green lights kinda fucked up my chances by running a light and basically being responsible for taken inches off my waist via road rash. Asphalt is not too kind to the youthful image that I was trying to maintain. 3rd bike…GONE !
Now that I have bored the shit out of you with my childhood history on’s the next boring chapter. I am getting to the point…be patient and get your head out of your ass. You do not learn unless you listen.
Years had gone well as a marriage or two and while deep into my third “forever” relationship, I decided to buy another bike. Mom and Dad were NOT going to say “NO!” this time. It was a 1986 Kawasaki Vulcan 750. This bike was clean as shit..looked good and I was hooked. This time..ownership was bittersweet. My Mom’s nagging was replaced by my wife’s incessant bitching about the bike. “why don’t you spend time with me? Don’t I matter?” Then one day, we received notice from our companies insurance company that they would no longer insure me in a claim involving a motorcycle. I had a wife and three kids, and I had to make the “responsible decision”. Get rid of the fucking bike..AGAIN!
Ok…we are coming to an end here, so bear with me. The wife is gone…the kids are grown and in college or the military. Everyone is just fine. Thank you for asking. It’s just me and the dog. He doesn’t bitch at all. Flip him a pig ear and he’s in 7th heaven. Life is good, and now it is time for round 4. An employee at the company, I worked for, was going through a divorce and a nasty one at that. He needed money and I needed a emotional douche. He had a 2000 Fatboy that I wanted, and he needed to sell. My insurance company said “OK!”…my dog said “who gives a shit!”..and my mother just said “Just be careful” and “Why don’t you wear a helmet?” I again ride the shit out of that bike, and I do realize that there’s a code of ethics that we as “Newbies” (as you critically label us re-entry riders), must adhere to. I wouldn’t be caught dead going to a rally or bike night wearing my Tommy Bahama silk shirt, cargo shorts and a pair of Tevo foot flops. It would be frowned upon and ridiculed by you “real bikers”. I went to Harley and bought the coolest shirt and jeans that they had and even bought a pair of really neat boots. You’d love them!! Now, I don’t look like a dork to you “bikers” that were born with an exhaust pipe sticking out of your ass.
I was not born to a pit bull infested household with an alcoholic mother and father. My family was never on welfare or did it require food stamps to feed us kids. I didn’t have cars in the front yard with cars on blocks, and there were no housing projects close by. I did not have the proper upbringing to be a rebel biker. I just loved anything with a motor. Old cars with big engines and motorcycles that made a lot of noise.
What gives you the fucking right to criticize anyone? We are all riding a bike or own an old classic muscle car for one reason only. The love for riding..driving…and freedom from life’s bullshit. I forget everything when I am out on that bike. The wind..the sun..the rain..anything that Mother Nature can deal out does not matter and is welcome. It keeps me sane. I rub on that bike every night and spend countless hours adding overpriced accessories and custom parts that the motorcycle industry has offered to us “Newbies”.
You think Harley-Davidson exited its financial woes by selling to hardcore rebel bikers?? HA! I’m not saying by any means that there are not extremely sucessful men and woman out there who are not life long bikers. What I am saying is to ease up on us late bloomers that have found freedom and exhilaration, just as you did when you first started riding. It took us longer. If you are being critical of “newbies”, then maybe YOU are the “poser”, and are expecting us to adhere to a look and lifestyle that you think acceptable. We are all different in dress, attitude, vocabulary… a multitude of ways, but the one common thing that we share is the love of riding. So stop worrying about who trailers their bike. Maybe they don’t have to prove how physically and mentally tough they are by riding 16 hours to an event across country. Maybe..they are just smarter?!! Ya think??
I’ll see ya in South Carolina. I’m the one with the sleeveless shirt with the fuzzy threads hanging off the edge, and 2004 Ford f-250 Lariet supercrew with an attached custom trailer, and also the one that will be giving you the finger as I pass through on my way to the Marriott resort. the you know of a good tattoo artist in your area?? I wanna be just like you! Don’t be hateful..just think and learn.
–filthy Phil

CODE OF THE WEST–TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS–Let’s see if I understandhow the world works lately… If a man cuts his finger offwhile slicing salami at work, he blames the restaurant.If you smoke three packs a day for 40 years and die of lung cancer, your family blames the tobacco company.If your neighbor crashes into a tree while driving home drunk, he blames the bartender.If your grandchildren are brats without manners, you blame television.If your friend is shot by a deranged madman, you blame the gun manufacturer.And if a crazed person breaks into the cockpit and tries to kill the pilot at 35,000 feet, and the passengers kill him instead, the mother of the crazed deceased blames the airline.
I must have lived too long to understand the world as it is anymore.So, if I die while my old, wrinkled butt is parked in front of this computer, I want you to sue Bill Gates…okay?
–from Rev CarlR

BANDIT’S BUSTED–Sheila comes home early from work one day to find her husband BANDIT,in bed with a woman. Sheila says “That’s it, I’m leaving and nevercoming back.”
BANDIT says ” Don’t you at least want to hear my explanation?”
Sheila shrugs and says “Fine. Let’s hear your story”
BANDIT says “I’m driving along the street when I see this young ladyin torn clothes, no shoes, all muddy and crying. I took pity on herand asked if she would like to get cleaned up in my house. Sheclimbed into the truck and I brought her home. She took a shower, Igave her the underwear that doesn’t fit you anymore, the blouse Ibought you 2 years ago that you never wore, the $150 Nike runningshoes you bought but never used. I even gave her some of the roastbeef you had in the fridge, but didn’t serve to me. I showed her tothe door. She thanked me profusely.
As she was about to leave she turned around and asked me, “Is thereanything else your wife doesn’t use anymore?”
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Last week I said I was going to talk about Miami. The kind of bikes I like there were only three. Miami is a place to party; with the close proximity to South Beach and all the clubs it would be a very cool place to do the show and chaos at night. One of the cool bikes there is Billy’s Devil in a red dress (his red pan), which is owned by a Miami resident and my friend Tony. A PR ex pat who calls south Florida home. He built a very cool Pagan gold chop, which will be featured in The Horse soon.

I just got some news that hank Young is selling his Discovery special, if interested give him a call or check his web site http:// Also, I’m letting you guys know before hand, check the site and get your shirts before the Discovery show hits the air in June 17th and then total mayhem befalls.

I bet many of you are wondering what is up our sleeves. Sometimes I don’t release any news until they are already published or I get the green light. As every year, Michael Lichter (of Easyriders fame) has an exhibition on the Journey Museum in Rapid City (during Sturgis rally & races). This year it will be based on Bobbers, the official name is Bob’s back, a tribute to David Mann (Dave ?) and the following builders will be participating, Chica, Hank Young , Billy Lane, sculptor Jeff Decker and his cool Crocker.

I forgot his name but the bike that was in the Guggenheim museum (you know that cool Indian bobber) and yours truly. Yeap, my nights and early mornings have all been working on that Bob for Sturgis. I’ll post some photos right before heading over, I promise. In the meantime here is another chop that we just finished for a customer/ friend. Going back to the bobber, I have been wondering what could I build, I guess a bobber is a bobber, I mean, there’s a certain style and certain things that are strictly bobber, but then again I have to give a certain touch of where I come from. As much as I would like to build a totally true bobber, I guess I’m sidetracking a bit, let’s see what happens at the end.

On the same event line, we have been invited to go to Japan this October. I know you readers are from all over the planet, and it’s time to ask for a favor. Anyone that knows about Japan, or is there, shoot me an e-mail at with information about it, even better, if we can manage to meet while there. You know what I mean, where to stay, party, what to do….all that crap. All the numbers for single, good looking chicks, strip joints, chopper shops…. Whatever. All information would be extremely cool. If you happen to have a big house, a harem and many cool cars and chops, we would be willing to stay over for a week.
I heard that Billy Lane is in LA filming something, gotta find out from the man himself. I bet it’s interesting. Also heard that there’s a bunch of new books coming up, as soon as I get solid news about it, be sure that I will inform here. Keep your eyes peeled on the Discovery channel. Father?s Day week end it will be chock full of motorcycle shows, all the new Biker Build off’s and even Motorcycle Mania 3, where Jesse and Kid Rock take a “cruise” South of the border.
Well guys, there’s lots more, but I really don’t remember right now. I guess my mind is on that Bob’s back bobber…..So it’s back to the shop. I’m even thinking about renting my house and moving there….
See you next week…have fun in Myrtle Beach,
Jose Bikernet Caribbean “enquirer”
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