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December 06, 2007 Part 1


One of the girls we’re considering for a special Assalt Weapan feature, and a Girl Of Bikernet Feature.

Happy Holidays, goddamnit,

This is a week of great news, plans, giving with gusto and redheads. I’m not sure where to start. First we’re canceling our adventure to Alaska and that’s good news, because 2008 will be the year of the Veteran on Bikernet. Our efforts will be directed toward helping and supporting Veterans.

We are going to refine the World’s Fastest Panhead, run it at the Maxton Mile and tour the country, selling raffle tickets. We will fly the winner to Bonneville in 2009 to be apart of the 5-Ball racing team and hopefully to set another record.

We are tentatively working with the Fisher Foundation, an esteemed veterans’ charity organization, Easyriders Bike Shows, Carrie Repp of Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouses and a couple of magazines to support the effort. It’s exciting and we hope to do a tremendous amount to raise funds and support for our fighting men and women. Let’s hit the news:


Q&A WITH DAVE RASH OF D&D ON FUEL INJECTION– Question:I get this question often, “When I change to a more free-flowing exhaust system and add a performance air cleaner, do I need to make additional modifications to my system?”

Answer:We often see enthusiasts upgrading a number of things at once including a performance pipe, cam and high-flow air cleaner. In current fuel injected Harley applications you will need a tuner for the bike. We recommend the ThunderMax Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) Controller with the AutoTune Module. This module actually learns how to tune your bike without the need of a dynamometer. It is plug and play so you snap it in and you are good to go. If you make another change to the performance of your motor, it learns again. I’ve placed a motorcycle on our dyno and watched the system learn, amazing!

–Dave Rash, The Pope of Pipe
D&D Exhaust


Click Here To Start Shopping!

BANDIT’S BEDROLL HITS THE ROAD–I packed light, no tour-packs, just what I could squeeze in one of Bandit’s bedroll bags. I planted it on the front-end nacelle as a windbreak and strapped it to the black low-rise handlebars with velcro.

Just me and the wind heading down to FLA for some warmth. Checkout Bandit’s luggage selection.

THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT BEGINS TO ROLL WITH A WEEWEECHU–One beautiful December evening Pedro and hisgirlfriend Rosita were sitting by the side of the ocean.It was a romantic full moon, when Pedro said,”Hey, mamacita, let’s do Weeweechu.”

Oh no, not now, let’s look at the moon!” said Rosita.

Oh, c’mon baby, let’s you and I do Weeweechu.I love you and it’s the perfect time,” Pedro begged.”But I wanna just hold your hand and watch themoon.” replied Rosita.

Please, corazoncito, just once, do Weeweechu with me.”

Rosita looked at Pedro and said, “OK, one time,we’ll do Weeweechu.”

Pedro grabbed his guitar and they both sang….. “Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.”


–from Jim Savage

jims 1776-Fork-Compressor

JIMS BIKERNET TOOL OF THE WEEK–JIMS, a manufacturer of performance parts and specialty tools for use onHarley-Davidsons. The fork tube compressor tool (P/N 1776), a must-have foranyone overhauling or doing a re-valve on their cartridge style forks.Thistool is manufactured from square tubing with a precision CNC machined springperch and robust hardware.

jims 2251-Fork-Tube-Holder-copy

Another innovative tool is the fork tube holder(P/N 2251), a padded aluminum vise fixture which frees up your hands whileyou work in a secure and easy fashion.

jims 1170-Fork-Spring-Tool

JIMS has also released a fork springretainer tool (P/N 1170), for removing pre-1973 fork spring retainerswithout damaging the retainer or housing.

Visit JIMS on the web at, for more information, or call805-482-6913.

Suggested Retail Price:
P/N 1776 $299.00
P/N 2251 $90.85
P/N 1170 $15.90

–JT Lepien

New Jims banner

MACHINIST POCKET REFERENCE BOOK MENTIONED IN BONNEVILLE 2007–Ispent $10 on the “pocket ref” book. Lot of info. It’s in stock at harbor freight tools in the ‘home section.’

–Bill franey
Salt wheels racing

GAB_banner 1 copy

REACHING OUT FOR THE GREAT AMERICAN BUILDER–We would DEFINITELY like your help. The big challenge now is getting the word out to builders and getting them motivated to enter. If they go to they can do so there.

We also encourage people to add us as a friend at for updates.

This is a really exciting project. We’re so encouraged by all the help and interest from everyone!

–Siobhan Murphy
KMLA film

Muller banner

VETERAN’S SUPPORT INVESTIGATION–Great talking to you yesterday. I took a few minutes to look at the Fisher House and the Fisher House Foundation, both of which appear to be highly rated charities (in terms of efficiency). They are responsible for some great programs where I personally know of people who were helped by those programs, and yet, I was not aware that the Fisher House Foundation was behind the effort. For example, there is a scholarship program for military dependents that my daughter is applying for (which is administered through the commissary). I did not realize the connection. I guess I need to work on my gratitude.

I also looked at Wounded Warrior’s Program which appears to be on offshoot of the United Spinal Association. However, there was limited data on the Wounded Warrior’s as a separate entity from the United Spinal Association because the break was in the last three years. The United Spinal Association did not rate well as a charity.

I am definitely on-board with supporting your charity- bike- raffle- fund- raiser to raise money for the Fisher House or the Fisher House Foundation.

Thanks for including me.
Greg “Edge”
Smoke Out Motorcycle Rally Promoter

Bike 1 jim

BELT DRIVES QUESTION–I’m doing some winter projects with my bike and have a question regarding belt drives. I like the Indian Larry (I.L. Legacy) bikes belt drives, do you know the manufacturer?

Also, I’ve attached two pics of my bike. As you can see I have a blacked out look going, but I do use some chrome for accents. I’m thinking of doing the same with the belt drive, having everything black, but having a chrome clutch plate cover and such. How would you go about doing this? Also, I really like the look of the Ultima Street Style unit, but I can’t find any info saying it would fit a 2000 H-D Softail. Any ideas?

**Oh, one more thing… I’m having the pipes Jet-Hot Coated flat black. I want to have chrome heat shields with that perforated hot-rod look. There’s a Sucker Punch bike that has this look on their website. Know anyone that makes custom heat shields?


Bike 2jim

Your bike looks good. Check with Paul Yaffe about the heat shields with holes. I dig around and find used stock stuff and modify it, drill it, whatever. Then you can rechrome. I always use BDL stuff for belt drives. I like them and they work. You might check their new narrow belt systems with full covers. I would order and set up the new BDL system that I liked. Then I would take it apart and send the pieces out that I wanted powder coated or anodized. I’ll send this to by BDL connection, in case he has other thoughts.

Send me another shot when you finish your bike. Let me know if you need anything else.–Bandit


NEW WEB SITE FROM DOUG KEIM–PLEASE take a moment to check out our newest web site. PLEASE feel free to offer your feedback.

–Doug Keim
Doug Keim Creative Cycles

We will post some of Doug’s video techs in our Bikernet Studio, where televison segments and radio interviews are posted.–Bandit


WHO IS JERRY?Jerry Southworth was born in San Francisco, California to the Maniscalco family of Potrero Hill.

After High school Jerry worked just about every job imaginable from driving trucks, to cleaning sewers for the City or Ronhert Park.

In 1991 Jerry Opened American Powerwash Deck and Fence Restoration, he ran a very successful business for the next 13 years. Being a seasonal business worked out perfectly, this gave Jerry plenty of time to pursue his photography hobby.

Jerry has two websites is where you can find his commercial work. Within the last year the demand for his artistic nude, playboy style photography has become so popular that he had to build a website dedicated to that specific style of work. Take a look when you get a chance,

Aside from everything else, Jerry is now working with Good Time Charlie Brechtel, Legendary blues/biker musician. I’m sure you know who he is but if not, visit his website to read all about him! Charlie has created STURGIS RIDER LIVE “A MUST JOIN WEBSITE” Jerry is doing most of the Photography, graphic designs/art and managing the Sturgis Rider Live Girls. As of right now we have a total of five very hot girls (group photo coming soon) We started with the soon to be famous Precious Cox, yes that’s her real name! Shortly after we brought in Kristin and Sarah our two stunning brunettes. The latest addition to the family as of this week is Carla, Carla will be joining jerry In Long Beach next moth as the model for Keith Ball’s bike shoot, wait until you see these photos!


THE VETERAN’S ISSUE OF HOT BIKE SUPPORTS BIKERNET’S SPS BUILD FOR VETERAN–Hey Bandit, how’s it going? Did you send Santa your Christmas list yet? Sin Wusays you’ve been a bad boy???

Check it out, here is the cover to the latest issue Vol.40 No.2, should beon newsstands any day now. I’m happy with this one, even though wedidn’t plan it this way originally, things just fell in place perfectly forus to turn it into a Salute to our Troops special Military themed issue. Andit all started with a collaboration with Ken Conte,HB, Donny and Jeff fromSucker Punch Sally, Johnny White and

This issue features the firstinstallment of Johnny’s SPS build for his brother, a currently serving USMarine. From there we head out to Jacksonville NC to Camp Lejeune where wewatched as Kuryakyn along with PM, Ness and some other key players in theindustry pimp out Sgt. Nick Chaplin’s bagger with 10G’s worth of P&A.

Thecover bike is from former Marine turned bike builder/Commercial air linespilot Ralph Randolph of Knockout Motorcycles. The bike is a ’07 heritage thathe turned into a tribute to the WWII fighter the P-51 Mustang Warbird. Forthe Commemorative Air Force. It’s a bad ass bike.

We also have a tributebike for a father who lost his son in Iraq, and our Pick of the Pen bikecame from a soldier who had just returned from his latest tour of duty andimmediately tore into his Fat Boy. Oh yeah, we also have the latest from theNess legacy, Arlen’s version of Victory’s new Vision bagger. Arlen cut theneck, raked it, slammed it, and had the body panels engraved. Prettyexciting issue.

–Eric Ellis
Executive Editor
Hot Bike Magazine
Source Interlink Media
Tel: 714.941.1357
Fax: 714.939.9259

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Click here to subscribe.

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November 29, 2007 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

ER2008 show tour

EASYRIDERS TO SUPPORT BIKERNET’S YEAR OF THE VETERAN–You will have the opportunity to see and touch the Assalt Weapan and buy raffle tickets at all ER Bike Shows in 2009 as we lead up to Sturgis. The Assalt Weapan will be awarded in Sturgis of ’09 and the winner will be flown to Bub’s Bonneville to be a member of the 5-Ball Racing team and help us set another record. There, he or she will take possession of the World’s Fastest Panhead, after the experience of a lifetime.

The proceeds of this raffle will go to the Fisher Foundation a Veteran’s Charity with a long and accomplished history of helping veterans during hospitalization by supporting their families. More on the Fisher Foundation in the near future.

Many thanks to John Green and the Easyriders event staff. Check out their Pro-Builder Competition for 2008. For $250 a builder could win $200,000 in promotion for his business.

ugly betty r

BIKERNET READER APPRECIATES TECH ADVICE– I wanted to thank you for the tips on hard brake lines made the job easier and less wasted material. So after the brake lines I got ambitious and decided to do the hard line for the oil system with SS seamless 3/8 tubing and bought the old style hard line oil fittings. Theirs the rub the angle on the end of the fitting are not common. The big question is what did the guys do back in the day if a line broke, kinked or whatever. What was the tool they used to flare the tubing they were replacing? I was hoping you would know or know someone who does.

I am attaching a few pics of project Ugly Betty.
Thanks and Semper Fi


BIKERNET HEALTH ADVISORY,Vicks Vaporub–Although the scientists at the Canada Research council (who discovered it) aren’t sure why, It works 100% of the time .

To stop nighttime coughing in a child (or adult as we found out personally), put Vicks Vaporub generously on the bottom of the feet at bedtime, then cover with socks. Even persistent, heavy, deep coughing will stop in about5 minutes and stay stopped for many, many hours of relief.

Works 100% of the time and is more effective in children than even very strong prescription cough medicines. In addition it is extremely soothing and comforting and they will sleep soundly.

It was a surprising finding and found to be more effective than prescribed medicines for children at bedtime, in addition to have a soothing and calming effect on sick children who then went on to sleep soundly.

–from Rev CarlR

Click here to enter Bikernet free contest area and receive Bikernet Updates.

BIKERNET MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK–“Looking back, knowing that you gave it your all…. Win or Lose, you finish a champion”

–Dale Earnhart
–from Moses

Don’t forget to click on the banner above and give us any excuse to send you a Christmas gift package from We’re scraping 50 boxes of goodies together. Don’t miss out.–

JJ SOLARI FICTION LOAD OF CRAP AVAILABLE FOR CHRISTMAS–Hey Bandit, there’s a good likelihood you’ll get yer free copy of the Load I’m printing before ChristChrist (that’s my version of xmas to piss off heathens and muslims. especially muslims). It will be noteworthy, if for no other reason than in 130,000 words of biker-gang hijinx the word “harley” is never used even once. fuck them lawsuit-crazy ungrateful asshole motherfuckers. They think they’re more important than the people on ’em, the fuckin’ losers.

We’ll see. Happy Thanksgiving. Take a moment to thank the Creator for makin’ pussy.


Pro One bars with logo

SPIDER LEGS and STINGERS– If you’re after something unique in a set of bars for your scooter you need to take a look at what Pro-One has on hand. Shown here, SPIDER LEG and STINGER handlebars are available with or without an integral instrument housing. The built in housing is designed to accept Pro-One’s Dakota Digital gauges. Gauges are sold separately.

Bars are 1 1?4″ in diameter with cross bar and offered in heights of 10″ and 10.5″, widths of 31″ and 31.5″, pull backs of 7″ and 8″ and rise to center bar of 7.25″ and 7.5″. Flawlessly welded and plated, SPIDER LEG and STINGER handlebars are exactly what you would expect from Pro-One; unique with unsurpassed quality.

Retail pricing on the bars without housing are $329.95. For complete application and pricing information call 800-884-4173 or visit them on the Web at

Matchless ad

Santa Traded In His Sleigh (For A Sled)

Santa Traded In His
Sleigh For A Sled
A ’49 Merc
Painted Candy Apple Red
With A Pearl White Top
Channeled And Chopped She’s
A Real Sweet Ride

Flame Shootin’
Lake Pipes, That Melt
The Snow
Let That Twin Turbo
Breathe Man That Hot Rod Merc
Can Really Fly!

Old St. Nick Will Have
No Troubles Maken It To
You House Come Christmas Time

So Keep An Eye Out
For The Sweet Low Ride’n
Merc With The Chopped Top
Pretty Soon He Will Be
Headed Down Your Block !

Merry Christmas To All
And All A Good Night
Leave Santa Some Goodies
He’s Been Driven All Night !

Bubs banner

THE BONNEVILLE GOD HAS SPOKEN– We hope that you had a very happy Thanksgiving. In-spite of our email and web silence we have been working hard to prepare for the coming 2008 5th Annual BUB Speed Trials.

We are confirming the dates with the BLM, and are in the process of renewing our permit for the use of the Salt Flat. This year the BLM has offered to renew our permit for a 10 year period- so we are planning to stick around and keep doing this as long as you want to race!

Our dates planned for ’08 are 31st August- 5th September. We are planning on opening registration and scrutnieering all day Saturday (30th) and start racing first thing Sunday morning- through to noon on Friday. This adds a full extra day racing to our schedule.

Right now we are going through our rule review process, and we invite your input regarding updates and changes for these rules. We have attached a ‘Request for rule change’ form that must be completed for the request to be valid. Please remember that we will do our best to diligently review the information- weigh the pro and cons of changes and assess each request carefully. The ultimate decision lays with the AMA.

We process the request and put forth the BUB suggestions, compiled from information from our scrutnieering staff and these request forms for submission to the AMA. Please only include valid requests and complete the form fully. We will acknowledge your request being received and do our best to keep you updated on the result. Our aim is to have the 2008 rules ready by the end of January for download.


The form is a filable pdf with an email button- similar to our entry forms online. They can be emailed, mailed or faxed (please fax or email for the quickest delivery).

Finally- we were the very proud of all recipients of National and World records. There were several participants that where presented with their National records at the Annual AMA Sports Awards Banquet in Las Vegas on the 16th November. BUB Racing/BUB Enterprises was also the recipient of the 2007 AMA Track Racing Organizer of the Year and we share that achievement with you and our sponsors! Our thanks to you all!

Of course if you have any questions at any time please do not hesitate to contact us

We hope you and yours continue to have a happy and safe holiday season!

From all the staff at BUB Racing!
BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials Information
PH: 530 272 4310
FAX: 530 477 7489

A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS- Drag Specialties, Parts Unlimited, BUB Enterprises,, Pingel Enterprises, Potter Lumber, HDT USA, NRHS V-Twin Performance, Buell Bros Racing, Bennett’s Performance, Bakker Motorsports,

CCE finned pans

CLASSIC FINNED CAST ALUMINUM TINS FROM CCE–No one has a product line like Custom Cycle Engineering. These are classic cast aluminum Pans with cooling fins for quiet cool running.

Check their web site for additional products including the classic dogbone risers.

Customcycle Engineering Banner

VINTAGE KLASS HOLIDAY SCHEDULE–Hey everyone – Happy Holidays! Vintage Klass will be at the following shows –

12/2 Long Beach Cycle Swap – Veterans Stadium
12/8 Mooneyes Xmas Party – Irwindale
12/9 Dave Mann’s Chopperfest – Ventura

Tons of new helmets and vintage leathers. Thanks for the support

–Joel and Mary


MERRY MERRY AS WE HEAD INTO THE HOLIDAYS–Try to find time to relax and share drinks with relatives and pals. So there?s some of our oblique thinking for 2008 and lots more to come. But we?re emersed in the holidays and should be, so I will continue to investigate, before I spill all our plans for ?08 and ?09.


The beacon of guiding light for the next year will be our veterans and anything Bikernet can do for them. Hang on for further reports, notes and notions. Don?t hesitate to drop me a line, if you have an idea, a recommendation or would like to sponsor our efforts.

Ride Forever,


Click the banner for Bikernet Advertising Rates and services.

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November 29, 2007 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

OldIndian rider

SEARS SUPPORTS VETERANS–I know I needed this reminder since Sears isn’t always my first choice. Amazing when you think of how long the war has lasted and they haven’t withdrawn from their commitment. Could we each buy at least one thing at Sears this year?

How does Sears treat its employees who are called up for military duty? By law, they are required to hold their jobs open and available, but nothing more. Usually, people take a big pay cut and lose benefits as a result of being called up.

Sears is voluntarily paying the difference in salaries and maintaining all benefits, including medical insurance and bonus programs, for all called up reservist employees for up to two years.

I submit that Sears is an exemplary corporate citizen and should be recognized for its contribution. I suggest we all shop at Sears, and be sure to find a manager to tell them why we are there so the company gets the positive reinforcement it well deserves.

Decided to check this before I sent it forward. So I wrote to the Sears Customer Service Department:

This is their answer to my e-mail:

Dear Customer:Thank you for contacting Sears. The information is factual. We appreciate your positive feedback. Sears regards service to our country as one of greatest sacrifices our young men and women can make. We are happy to do our part to lessen the burden they bear at this time.

–Bill Thorn
Sears Customer Care

It’s verified By at: (shows the entire article)

–from Rogue


URGENT BATTISTINIS PRESS RELEASE– Battistinis Custom Cycles (UK) would like to announce that they have now become distributor for Ricks Motorcycles Parts and Accessories.

Everyday seems to bring new companies to the Custom Bike Industry, many of which producing mystery products, from mystery materials and from designs that must have been dreamt up by someone that has never set sight upon a motorcycle in their life and spent a lifetime on LSD.

Ricks is different, very different infact. Over fifteen years going strong, Ricks has been producing a full range of aftermarket parts and accessories for stock Harley Davidson’s and custom bikes with true German engineering excellence as standard. Ricks manufacture their parts to such a high standard that they are a DIN ISO 9003 certified manufacturer and Battistinis are proud to now offer the full range of parts and accessories that Ricks offers. Mark Battistini stated, “Ricks is another prolific brand in our line-up and we are really pleased to offer the full range for 2008”.

If there is anything that I can help with please do not hesitate to contact:

–Anthony Foy
Battistinis UK Ltd
Unit A 107 Southwick Road
Southbourne, Bournemouth
Dorset, BH6 5PS

T: +44 (0)1202 437400
Direct Dial: +44 (0)1202 437402
F: +44 (0)1202 418335

Old shot guys riding

A bearded old biker named Charlie
Took a very long ride on his Harley.
He knew that his hog
Created no smog,
‘Cause he ran it on hops and malt barley.


NEW MODELS FROM SUCKER PUNCH SALLY’S COMING TO BIKERNET, HERE’S THE 66 BOBBER–A more aggressively styled version of the Traditional Bobber, the 66 Bobber features a 16 inch wheel up front, Pro-One Lowers and Triple Trees, and superior braking via four piston calipers front and rear. $21,995

Watch for all the new models to pop up on Bikernet in the next week.

FLORIDA TOY RUNS COMING–Here’s A Brief Run Down of Some Great Toy Runs in the month of DECEMBER. Check out our Cruisin Calendar for more info on all of these runs.

Jim’s Toy Run – Dec 2nd
Biff Burgers – Dec 8th
Vietnam Vets & Legacy Vets – Dec 9th
Capital City Harley-Davidson Toys For Tots Run – Dec 9th
Sarasota HOG Great Teddy Bear Run – Dec 11th
Full Throttle’s All Children’s Hospital Toy Run – Dec 15th
Suncoast Brotherhood Toy Run – Dec 16th Tony Cianci

–Editor – Florida Full Throttle Magazine>

Midnight Series 11-12-07

FORGE-TEC INTRODUCES THEIR NEW MIDNIGHT SERIES WHEELS–Oxnard, CA- Forge-Tec Motorcycle, an industry-leading manufacturer of high-end aluminum forged one-piece wheels and blanks supplier to many of the industry’s leading wheel manufacturers is proud to introduce their new Midnight Series of wheels. All 13 styles are available in this new and exciting color combination except for the Legacy and the Nomad. All four FHO wheels (For Harleys Only) will also be available in this new finish.

New for ’08, The Midnight Series Wheels?black anodized finish combined with classic machining gives these wheels a totally “badass” look. Forge-Tec’s wheels are also available in black powder coated, show polished and luxurious chrome. These wheels are available in all popular sizes and applications (’84-’08?including ABS equipped models) and all have matching rotors and pulleys to display and sell.

Mark Finnie, GM for Forge-Tec’s motorcycle division added, “All Forge-Tec Wheels come with a lifetime Structural and Two-Year Chrome Warranty. Our products are of the highest quality to mirror Harley-Davidson.”

For further information on complete wheels and FHO’s special dealer pricing, look them up at the Cincinnati Expo in booth 270-274 or contact Forge-Tec Motorcycle directly at 888-367-4385. Forge-Tec Motorcycle Wheels and Accessories, 950 Richmond Ave., Oxnard, CA 93030. Dealer inquiries invited!

BIKER WINE FOR THE HOLIDAYS–Here’s the Bagger Special, a 12-btl mixed case, at a one-time Holiday Price as our gift to you!

Your Holiday Case contains4 – 750ml Bottles each of:

2005 Bike Week Merlot! Our Bike Week Merlot was produced froma vineyard in the Alexander Valley – an 80/20 Blend of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon.

2005 Poker Run Zinfandel!Our 2005 Poker Run Zin is from 91 year-old vines in the Alexander Valley. Fruit-forward with jammy flavors, pepper notes, presenting spicy aromas of Strawberry and Black Cherry on the nose.

2005 V-Twin Zin!This 2005 V-Twin Zin was selected from vineyards in the Dry Creek and Alexander Valleys – home to the best Zinfandel in the world. This Zin is Good – Damn good!

Thank You & Happy Holidays.

V-Twin Vineyards
P.O. Box 7912
Santa Rosa, CA 95407


BIKERNET/ROLLIN’ SIXES CHOPPERS CHRISTMAS FOR VETERANS T-SHIRT PROGRAM GAINING MOMENTUM– Just wanted to let you know about Buzz Kanter and the folks over at American Iron Magazine really coming through with an awesome donation that arrived today it was a BIG box full of T-shirts, hats, Stickers, and a handful of magazines. I thought that was extremely cool and wanted to share.

Rollin Sixes

Also, the Bennett family from Bennett’s Performance in Long Beach stepped up to send another dozen t-shirts for Servicemen. We’re going to collect shirts and goodies right up to the 15th of December then ship them to various service agencies in Iraq and Afghanistan.–Bandit

CCE Banner

ROGUES CUSTOM CYCLE ENGINEERING SWINGARM TECH RESPONSE– I received this from a friend of mine after he read the swing arm tech tip.

Thanks Rogue.Here is a Weather-proofing biker tip from me in return.


Worlds fastest Pan 20x30Print

BIKERNET’S 5-BALL RACING MAKES RENEGADE AD–American and Renegade Wheels supported 5-Ball racing with a set of their fine wheels. Here’s their latest ad sporting our Assalt Weapan and the 5-Ball team. Watch for it, in your favorite mag. Maybe someday Renegade will advertise on Bikernet.


HELMET INFRACTION DISMISSED IN NORTH CAROLINA–News comes to us from our BOLT of the Carolinas Director. The arguments used in this case were similar to and gleaned from the current court challenges in California. This exemplifies the need to challenge these laws in court as a means to strengthen lobby efforts for legislative relief.

–Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo
Founder, ABATE of Wisconsin
Sturgis Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame 2002

Terry Malpass went to trial in Lenoir County, and WON his case.

According to Terry, “I had a trial, got to question the officer, made my argument and the judge read directly from my brief in making decision.The constitutionally vague argument seemed to be the clicker. Got a “good job” from the DA. Judge dismissed the case!”

This is the only recent case known to Biker Court which actually went to trial and was won. There was one other case which went to trial and lost (Stan was wearing a doo-rag), and all other recent NC cases were dismissed prior to trial.

When a case goes to trial. it costs the state $872. If there were 2000 cases to go to trial it would cost $1.7M which has not been budgeted for. Please tell your friends that if they get a helmet ticket, do not just pay the fine.

Evil k rocket

BIKERNET PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING PUMPING GAS–Tips On Pumping Gas, Tricks to get your money’s worth. TIPS ON PUMPING GAS–GOOD INFO. I don’t know what you guys are paying for gasoline….Here in California we are also paying higher, up to $3.50per gallon. My line of work is in petroleum for about 31 years, so here are some tricks to get more of your money’s worth for every gallon.

Here at the Kinder Morgan Pipeline where I work in San Jose , CA we deliver about 4 million gallons in a 24-hour period thru the pipeline. One day is diesel the next day is jet fuel, and gasoline, regular and premium grades. We have 34-storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 gallons.

Only buy or fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember thatall service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. Thecolder the ground the more dense the gasoline, when it gets warmer gasoline expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening….yourgallon is not exactly a gallon. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role. A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.

When you’re filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode. If you look you will see thatthetrigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. In slow mode you should be pumping on low speed, thereby minimizing the vapors that arecreated while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapor return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you’re getting less worth for your money.

One of the most important tips is to fill up when your gas tank is HALF FULL or HALF EMPTY. The reason for this is, the more gas you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Gasoline evaporates faster than you can imagine. Gasoline storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zeroclearance between the gas and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every gallon is actually the exact amount.

Another reminder, if there is a gasoline truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy gas, DO NOT fill up–most likely the gasoline is being stirred up as the gas is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.

Hope this will help you get the most value for your money. DO SHARE THESE TIPS WITH OTHERS…

Have A Blessed Day
–from Chris T.

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November 29, 2007 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


MIKUNI BRINGS BACK “EXPLICIT PERFORMANCE ADVISORY” AD CAMPAIGN– Dec. 1st/ – *Mikuni American* is the manufacturer of the industry’s leading high-performance carburetors for American V-Twin engines, the HSR 42/45/48. Mikuni is also a long time sponsor of the Iron & Lace Custom Motorcycle PinUp Calendar and the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show produced by Jim Gianatsis of Gianatsis Design, the advertising agency for Mikuni ‘s Aftermarket Carburetor Division. Working with Mikuni Vice President Lee Chapin, Jim brought back the sexy Mikuni HSR Explicit Performance Advisory ad campaign which ran in 2004. It featured Iron & Lace calendar model Andra Cobb sitting behind a Mikuni HSR carb equipped V-Twin engine.

Mikuni plans to have this “HSR Fantasies” ad campaign available as a poster to hand out at major bike events including Cincinnati V-Twin Dealer Show, Daytona, Laughlin, the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show and Sturgis.

For additional information on Mikuni Performance Carburetors contact your local dealer or go to . _www.MikuniPower.com_

–Lee Chapin, Vice President
Mikuni American Corporation
8910 Mikuni Avenue
Nothridge, CA 91324
ph: 818 993 7388 .


BOYD COTTINGTON SLIPS ON SALT–Gazing at images of Speed Week at Bonneville one might think the surface an impenetrable layer of white salt. In fact the salt is a relatively thin crust floating on a lake of mud. Boyd Coddington and accompanying American Hot Rod television crew found this out the hard way when their white whale of an RV broke through the salt on the return road.

The first two wreckers called in were mired attempting to extract the RV. The legendary Big Blue was summoned to sort out the mess, but it too ended up askew in the landscape.

Three tow trucks and a crew minivan driven into a taut steel cable later, a fourth tow truck packing three rear axles finally managed to unearth the RV, and the fallen tow trucks. One of the drivers was overheard lamenting, “From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee!”


American Motorcycle Dealer

AIH UPDATES TEXAS CHOPPER FOR ’08– WIDELY credited with “making Chopper styling available to the masses”, 2008 will see American IronHorse introduce the most extensive re-design of its top-selling Texas Chopper model since the bike first appeared.

Taking the 300 fat rear end of its Slammer model as a start point, VP New Product Development Jeff Long has come up with a new design that he says “brings a more contemporary look and feel to the bike. The overall effect is of a very smooth, more curvy design, with ultra-clean lines in which every area of the bike flows naturally from and into the next. We are very happy with what we have achieved and feel sure our dealers and their customers will love the new Texas Chopper”.

Featuring a heavy gauge, arced single front downtube with 8 inches of stretch, 4 inches of stretch in the top tube and 42 degrees of rake, thanks to an additional 4 degrees created by crested triple trees, the curved look is repeated in an all new gas tank design.

“We have retained the patented fuel delivery system from the old tank design, but whereas that was a super-straight look, the new tank is much more curved, and that repeats into the drop seat and the stretched out and arced swingarm.

“Having the belt outside, and with the better crown that the 300 tire has, the ridability of the bike is fantastic and is a very nimble feeling ride. It feels much more like a 240 or even a 200,” Long said.

The engine is the carbureted S&S 111 inch Sidewinder Plus. The rear wheel is an 18 incher, the 2:1 exhaust has integral heat shields, the 6-speed close ratio RSD transmission gets a chromed hydraulic “easy pull” clutch, and the company says that they offer “limitless paint designs, 18 base colors and three wheel styles” among the selection of customer options.

Bonneville 1

GREAT HOLIDAY GIFT FROM WOLFGANG PUBLICATIONS– Motorcyclists have always been interested in Bonneville, but fueled by the movie, World’s Fastest Indian, that interest has never been more intense than it is now. Over 150 bikes make the salt their home for one week in September. Those bikes range from Bikernet’s Assalt Weapan, small-budget, small displacement entries, to the very professional and expensive streamliners of companies like Bub and Kawasaki.

Yet, the energy that makes Bonneville work isn’t gasoline, it’s the drive of the teams, each trying to break a record or simply meet a self-imposed goal. Well-known photographer Horst R?sler captures the magic of Bonneville: The bikes, the limitless salt, the sunburned faces of crew and riders, they’re all here, printed on 144 pages of high quality paper and bound as a hardcover book. A book that deserves a place on the coffee table or shelf of any true motorcycle enthusiast. 144 pages, over 200 images, hardcover.

Available from Wolfgang Publications at $29.95 by calling our 24 hour order line at 651-275-0194 or purchase on the web at


It’s not our book on the Bikernet Bonneville effort for 2007. That’s due to come out in the Spring of ?08, so hang on.–Bandit

BB latch

CUSTOM LATCHES FOR FL SERIES HARD BAGS FROM THE BILLET BOYS!–Custom Latches for FL Series Hard Bags from The Billet Boys!Few things look better than a well contoured, billet part fitted to a nicely painted surface, and the Billet Boys new custom latches for FL series hard bags are all that and more. Designed as a bolt-on replacement for the factory’s cast metal latch cover, they are the perfect finishing touch to a classic bagger.

These latch covers fit the stock inner mechanism and reuse the factory lock assembly. They can be installed in twenty minutes with simple hand tools; no drilling or filing is required. The Billet Boys custom latch covers fit all 1993 and later FL models equipped with hard saddlebags.

The Billet Boys custom latch covers are machined from aircraft quality billet aluminum. They are available with a smooth or ball-milled surface, in a chrome or black finish. As with all Billet Boys parts, are made in the U.S.A.

Billet Boys products are available at fine motorcycle shops and direct from Billet Boys. For further information and to find the closest Billet Boys dealer call, FAX or write: Billet Boys, 175 Hartz Ave., Danville, CA. 94526; Phone (925) 552-7081; FAX (925) 362-9253 or visit


JOKER MACHINE STAGE II CUT-OUT FORWARD CONTROLS–A new take on our forward controls with machined cut-outs in both levers for a high-tech look!

Dual-ball bearing action at each lever for positive feel with zero slop for precise brake and shifting motion.

Rubber inserts on pegs and shift and brake toe pads.

Fits factory Softail frames from 84-99 and most aftermarket custom frames

Use in conjunction with our 08-65 forward control extension kit to gain extra leg-stretching room!

ITEM # 08-39


THE BIKERNET TATTOO CODE–Being a teenager and getting a tattoo seem to go hand in hand these days. I wasn’t surprised when one of my daughter’s friends showed me a delicate little Japanese symbol on her hip.

“Please don’t tell my parents,” she begged.

“I won’t,” I promised. “By the way, what does that stand for?”

“Honesty,” she said.

–from Rev Carlr

Amd Wire plus

WIRE PLUS DIGITAL INSTRUMENT PANELS–WIRE Plus has introduced its new round digital instrument panels to the market.

The digital instruments provide speedometer, tachometer, trip, odometer and all indicator light functions in a flat panel construction that measures 2.5in round.

The unit features super bright display technology for easy daylight readability with a light sensor for auto-dimming at night.

Other features include a backlit graphic overlay with axe design and four color options (violet – blue – red – yellow) with electro-luminescent lighting to glow the selected color at night. Various riser and T-bar mounting options are available.

Winfield, Kansas, USA
Tel: 620 221 2417
Fax: 620 221 2925

sturgis motorcycle museum new logo

STURGIS MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM & HALL OF FAME WELCOMES NEW DIRECTOR– November 2007 – – The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is pleased to welcome Christine Paige Diers as its new Executive Director. Paige Diers began her tenure at the museum on Monday, November 26. Paige Diers is the full-time replacement for Pepper Massey, who resigned as the Museum’s Executive Director in June to become the director of the Sturgis Rally Department.

Christine Paige Diers is a Rapid City native who has extensive background in working with non-profit organizations. For the past ten years, Paige Diers has served as the Community Relations Ambassador for the UND Center for Innovation, a business incubator on the campus of the University of North Dakota. In addition, she has operated her own Association Management company assisting two professional news associations in their day-to-day operations. Her experience also includes working in the Public Information Center of the city of Grand Forks, North Dakota where she dealt with disaster recovery and flood protection following the 1997 flood.

“We’re very happy to welcome Christine to the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame,” said Museum Board President Francie Ruebel-Alberts. “The entire board is looking forward to a period of continued and renewed growth at the museum and we’re confident that Christine’s leadership will take us to the next level in that growth.”

In addition to day-to-day oversight of the museum operations, Paige Diers’ duties will include community, government and public relations, fundraising, working with Kids & Chrome charity, board relations and staff oversight. Paige Diers will also be responsible for organizing and oversight of the annual Hall of Fame breakfast and induction ceremony held each year during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

For more information contact the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum 605.347.2001.

Just click the banner to go vote.

SIX FINALISTS POSTED FOR ONLINE VOTING IN THE HARLEY-DAVIDSON “GET DOWN TO DAYTONA” CONTEST– MILWAUKEE (November 28, 2007) – Six inspiring finalists in Harley-Davidson’s Get Down to Daytona contest have been chosen and posted online today at for online viewer voting to begin. Visitors to the site can view each video and vote on their favorite to help send that woman rider and a guest to Daytona Bike Week ’08. Voting will end December 12, 2007, and three winners will be announced December 14.

More than 200 videos were submitted from a variety of women, all with interesting stories to tell. The six finalists’ videos show an assortment of experiences, such as a daughter and father reunited through riding after years of separation, a sister thanking her brother for inspiring her to ride, and a sisterly bond where the road is their escape from illness and the worry of being single moms. Also, see a daughter who is reminded of her father’s “no fear” message when she’s almost ready to give up, and a woman who thanks her boyfriend for helping fulfill a lifelong dream by grabbing the handlebars of her own Harley. Finally, see two friends who encouraged each other to ride and were there for each other each step of the way to becoming experienced riders.

The six finalists are: Carol Dicicco from Chalfont, Pa.; Kimberly Ryon from Harford, Pa.; Teresa Weston from Hermitage, Tenn.; Tonya Lamia from Rockford, Ill.; Shelli Strand from Birch Run, Mich.; and Jennifer Thorne from Mt. Pleasant, Pa.

The three women with the most votes will receive an expense paid road trip for two from Atlanta to Daytona with Karen Davidson, great-granddaughter of William A. Davidson, one of the Company’s founders, as well as three nights stay in Daytona, just in time for Bike Week.

Harley-Davidson announced the Get Down to Daytona contest on October 1, and women had until November 15 to submit videos about their greatest motorcycle mentor story. The videos are 90 seconds or less, and give a woman a chance to thank her mentor for helping her start her motorcycle journey, improve her confidence and riding skills or take on new challenges on a motorcycle.

Men and women are allowed to vote once per day, so pick your favorite and help her win a road trip to remember! But don’t just vote. Check out the other interesting links such as Direct from Daytona including video coverage from this year’s Bike Week, or mentor tips on how to become a motorcycle mentor.


WATER PUMP DYNO ON BIKERNET–Check the J&P tech on the home page. Interesting.

J&P logo

JOHNSON COUNTY TOY RUN–SUNSHINE – This Sunday DECEMBER 2ND Predicted For The…24th Annual, JOHNSON COUNTY TOY RUN.Parade : to the Sheriff’s Posse Rodeo Arena STARTS AT 1:15pm from – 1st Financial Bank – 403 N. Main in Cleburne

Runs to the Parade : Leave at 12:30pm from – First & Last Lounge, 9710 FM 731(Crowley Road)Ft. Worth from – Tiger Mart, Hwy 67 & FM 157, Venus

ALL MOTORCYCLES WELCOME * FREE REFRESHMENTS ** 50/50 Drawing * Door Prizes * Swap Meet This Year *

Donation: A New Toy & $5.00

Information: 817-641-8031 & 817-641-4867 …. Vendor Spaces 817-937-4833



LIFESTYLE CYCLES IS NOWOPEN SUNDAYS!–10:00 AM to 4:00 PMFor your shopping convenience, LifeStyle Cycles is open on Sundays to better serve you!

ONLY $11, 500 .00

DEALS ON PARTS: This is your chance to customize your bike and save big at the same time! We have a huge variety of pipes just waiting to go on your bike … some at a savings of up to 60% off! We’ve got pipes for just about every American Made V-Twin around, but hurry in; this special sale is only good for stock on hand. Styles and fitment is limited, so get in early for the best selection! Don’t wait, because this sale will be over before you know it!(sale prices good for stock on hand, special orders excluded)

(714) 490-0155

Lifestyle Cycle Banner

ADLY MOTO LLC ANNOUNCES THE HIRING OF ADRIAN TAN AS THE MARKETING DIRECTOR,ADLY MOTO ALSO ANNOUNCES A 20% INCREASE IN SALES FOR THE THIRD QUARTER 2007–Adly Moto has hired Adrian Tan for the position of Marketing Director. According to Terry Nesbitt, VP Sales/Marketing, “Adrian is a graduate of Abilene Christian University with a BBA in Marketing and Management and has worked as a Marketing Assistant for the Toro Company. We are excited to have Adrian join the Adly team. He brings a fresh approach with many ideas and looks forward to working closely with our dealers”.

“I am excited to be a part of an OEM such as Adly Moto and welcome the opportunity to help move us one step closer to our goal of becoming a viable player in the Powersports industry”, states Adrian.

“We’re pleased to announce a 20% increase in overall sales for the third quarter of this year and are on target to realize a substantial increase for calendar year 2007, stated Nesbitt. Our existing dealers deserve much of the credit and we are very proud of their effort. With the increase in staff, expansion of our dealer network and product line, OEM quality and support, we are on target to experience double digit growth in 2008.”

ADLY MOTO LLC is a Taiwanese OEM with 30 years experience manufacturing quality motorcycles, gas and electric scooters, ATVs, parts and accessories. Adly products are designed and manufactured in-house utilizing unique and sophisticated engineering techniques such as CAD design, state-of-the-art CNC machining and single-line engine production.

Corporate website is

BB Grips

CUSTOM CUSHION GRIPS FROM THE BILLET BOYS–Billet grips look cool, but can be a real pain in palm! The Billet Boys are proud to introduce their Custom Cushion Grips. These grips blend chromed billet aluminum and a supple polymer cushion together for great looks and a great ride. The Custom Cushion Grips are available in three finishes: chrome, gloss black and satin black. They fit all 1982-up Harleys. Now you can have a bike that has not only sharp looking grips but also is a comfortable ride.

The Billet Boys Custom Cushion Grip shells are fabricated from aircraft grade aluminum. They are fully machined, hand buffed and chrome plated. The exclusive polymer grip surface is then bonded to the shell.

Like all other Billet Boys parts, these grips are made in the U.S.A.

For further information and to find the closest Billet Boys dealer call, FAX or write: Billet Boys, 175 Hartz Ave., Danville, CA. 94526; Phone (925) 552-7081; FAX (925) 362-9253 or visit

Continued On Page 3

Read More

November 29, 2007 Part 1


Could this be the real Sucker Punch Sally. Read the report on the ’08 models next week.


As we rapidly close 2007, the Bikernet Boardroom is scrambling with suggestions for 2008. The Bikernet Ivory tower, with lavish office suites, milk crate desks and motorcycle seat-seats, reeks as we grapple through office politics and worried vice presidents. Someone recently asked me how large our staff was? The employment ranks of Bikernet are vast. We have 40 vice presidents, one president and two employees.

Due to the slowdown in the motorcycle industry we’ve threatened to layoff twenty vice presidents and re-hire them just after the presidential election when motorcycle sales are due to fly once again. We have the word from our Himalaya bound mystic motorcycle guru. So, you can imagine the harried wrangling in the boardroom.

We’ve come to one distinct consensus: the mantra for 2008 is The Year Of Our Veterans. We are going to do all we can for veterans during 2008 and into the middle of 2009. I’ll tell you more about it later, but 10 VPs are trying to take credit for the idea and the other 10 are trying to have the first group arrested for sexual harassment. Let’s hit the news, it’s getting ugly around here.

departure full

TWO DEALS OF THE WEEK FROM DEPARTURE BIKE WORKS- the Pan is a 1949 good #s and a tight engine, needs tickler in carb and both calipers and master cylinders need rebuilt

The engine is 1961 also good #s and w/title completely rebuilt , std cyls , the heads have been reworked using black diamond valves-new r/arm assy -new springs ,they are ’63 to ’65 outside oilers I plan to use S&S lifter blocks and feed oil to top end through the lifters like an evo will supply gen and carb with engine need $10,000.0- for ’49 $8000.00 for engine


DBW banner


NEWS FROM THE EPA FRONT–Senator Brueggaman, from Montana, is working with SEMA, the EPA and CARB. They?re working together perhaps to change the emissions direction from parts and emission levels to actual mileage. The Senator wants to regulate the number of miles on custom cars and bikes and not the components and emissions. It could be an easier way to go.


ASSALT WEAPAN UPDATE–We are shipping sponsor packages tomorrow. Many surprises inside, so hang on. We installed the Pegasus EFI system and ran it several times. You’re going to love this system. Watch for the tech next week.

Here’s the plan for the Assalt Weapan.

Pegasus Banner

I need to get Pegasus fully installed and hooked up to the Nitrous. Then we will ship it to Berry Wardlaw, at Accurate Engineering for dyno testing, wind tunnel work at the University of Alabama and then a run on the Maxmum Mile.


SWINGER MODEL FROM SUCKER PUNCH SALLY–Hey, I just got an email from Ken Conte from Sucker Punch. He sent some pics and specs on the Swinger model. Man, I owe you again. You’re one hell of bro. I wish I was out on the west coast to bring over some Jack, right now. I have to make an event out your way or get my ass out to Long Beach to party and pay my respects.

–Eric Fertig

Thanks Eric, watch Bikernet next week for all the new Sucker Punch Models and the story behind them.–Bandit

Adv Cust MC Painting

AVDANCED CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE PAINTING BY DAVE PEREWITZ, NEW BOOK FROM WOLFGANG–The subject of custom painting is always important for the simple reason that motorcycle owners can’t leave their bikes alone, and do not want their bike to look like all those other bikes in the parking lot. The first thing most motorcycle owners do with a new bike is to make it their own, with chrome accessories, new sheet metal, and unique paint. The easiest way to make a bike stand out in a crowd is with a nice custom paint job.

The book is timely and important because people want to learn how to apply custom paint themselves, without having to pay someone else two to five thousand dollars for a candy job or really nice set of flames buried under multiple clearcoats. The other reason this book is important is because of the nature of modern paint. Though the urethanes are more durable than anything used before, they are expensive and can be toxic, so correct use of the materials is more important than ever.

This book is the only how-to-paint book that includes specific directions and tips from Dave Perewitz. It is also the only book that will include a side bar and interview with paint experts from PPG Paint, discussing not only the newest materials, but how to use them to best effect. Look for this book Spring of 2008 from Wolfgang


HELP SANTA’S LITTLE HELPER– Women need support, comfort and protection on and off a motorcycle. Torian Chopper Leathers has just what you need for Santa’s little helper a Torian Race Hoodie. It comes in midnight black and is constructed of the softest naked-leather available today. This will be her favorite jacket because it fits well, has plenty of pockets and wears like iron.

Checkout Bikernet’s Black Market now and your sweetie will be rewarding Santa all year long.


JIMS BIKERNET TOOL OF THE WEEK, OIL PUMP SEAL INSTALLER– Easily installs oil pump seal perfectly below gear surface for a no leak fit.

No.1053 – Use on all aluminum Big Twin pumps single cam only. (Note:Includes aftermarket motors.)

Suggested Retail Price: $72.15

–JT Lepien

New Jims banner

international motorcycle shows banner

CYCLE WORLD IMS SHOW COMING TO LONG BEACH NEXT WEEKEND– Show Preview!Here is an EXCLUSIVE preview of what you’ll see at Long Beach Convention Center NEXT WEEKEND:

Matt Hotch
Cory Ness
Roland Sands – Art of Function
Jesse Rooke

It’s all at the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows presented by Toyota – the only factory-supported show series in America!

Big Twin Customs Presented by NewmarBig Twin Customs presented by Newmar is one of the must-see features on the floor. These bikes may have started as name-brand cruisers or they may have been hand-built from the ground up…

Long Beach
Convention Center
300 East Ocean Boulevard
Long Beach, CA 90802

Show Hours
Fri 12/7, 4pm – 9pm
Sat 12/8, 9:30am – 8pm
Sun 12/9, 9:30am – 5pm

dar bike side

BRASS BALLS BOBBER BIKE OF THE MONTH SHOTS– Here are the pictures. Sorry for the delay. I have been working so much lately, I just protested opening my laptop over the Thanksgiving holiday. Had some much needed down time with the family.

Have a great week.
–Dar Holdsworth

Brass Balls Banner3

OLD MOTORCYCLE CONNECTION IN TEXAS–I recently ran into Bud from Austin Texas. We are working on a motorcycle art project. You’ll see it soon on Bikernet, but if you need old shit, try Bud’s motorcycle Shop (512) 472-8658.


Wheel Works lacedspool
This is a classic spool hub laced wheel from Wheel Works.

– 16 x 3.5 inch: 40, 60, 80, and 120 Spoke with tires.
– Fat Daddy Radially Laced wheels.
– 18 x 3.5 and 18 x 4.25, cross laced and Fat Daddy.
– 21 x 3.5 front wheel with White Wall
– Painted rims and hubs.
– Wide rear wheels (4.25, 5.5, 8.5, & 10.5)

We are pleased to offer the following wheel and tire package deals for your wintertime projects. If you are looking for something different, let us know and we will give you a quote.

16 x 3.5 40 stainless spoke front and rear with Black Wall Harley Dunlops: $495 per wheel assembly. (Chrome rim and hub)

16 x 3.5 80 spoke front and rear with Black Wall Harley Dunlops: $595 per wheel assembly. (Chrome rim and hub)

16 x 3.5 “Fat Daddy” Radially Laced with Black Wall Harley Dunlops: $699 per wheel assembly. (Chrome rim and hub)

18 x 3.5 front, 18 x 4.25 rear, Black Rim, Fat Daddy Radially Laced spokes, black hub with Black Wall Metzlers: $797 per wheel assembly.

21 x 3.5 “Ganster” front wheel, 60 spoke with white wall Avon: $695

Wheel assembly includes: new wheel, brand new mounted and balanced Harley Davidson Dunlop (or Metzler where indicated), new bearings, chrome valve stem. Prices do not include shipping.

The American Revolution Team

American Revolution, Inc.8319 Secura WaySanta Fe Springs, CA 90670P 866.578.9304F


FIRST EVER TWO-TOOL BIKERNET WEEK, Tappet Oil Filter Screw Plug Tool–Use to remove tappet oil filter screen plug without removing exhaust pipes.

Instruction sheet No.2233-IS.
No.2233 – Use on Big Twins single cam.
Suggested retail price: $24.40

–JT Lepien

New Jims banner

MULLER MOTORCYCLE FROM GERMANY NOW MAKING BRAKE SYSTEMS– My mail is long overdue, but M?ller Motorcycle needed a complete overhaul. We got a new catalog in German and English. We fired our master toolmaker and got a better one who is able to work in a team. And finally we got our new brakes tested from DREAM MACINES magazin. I translated the article into English language.

If needed I can also send some English catalogs and price lists if you give me an address.

–Gerhard “Pete” Peter

Watch in the near future for the brake test from Germany.–Wrench


RAPIDE TAILLIGHT FROM CRIME SCENE CHOPPERS–Crime Scene Choppers’ new “Rapide” line features a style-coordinated air cleaner, head light and tail light. The Rapide line features a distinctive scallop design and a matching grill. The Rapide taillight uses a super-bright 48 LED lamp (included) for unsurpassed visibility. The LED unit is wired for both “stop” and “run”. A chrome 3-hole fender mount base is included, along with all stainless hardware. A chrome sidemount license plate and taillight bracket is available separately.

The Rapide taillight is available in two different finishes; a satin aluminum bucket with highlighted scallops and a polished brass grill, or all chrome.

Satin 3/ polished brass grill: $199
Chrome: $229
Chrome license plate/taillight bracket: $99

Wire Plus Fall-Winter Special 11-26-07

Continued On Page 2

Read More

November 23, 2007

Coast To Coast Legislative News Becomes Sea To Sea With This World Wide Report

Mr. Bish himself.

THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at

Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)


MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE PASSES HELMET LAW REPEAL, BILL GOES TO GOVERNOR A helmet law repeal bill has passed both houses of Michigan?s state legislature, and proponents are mounting an intense lobbying effort aimed at Governor Jennifer Granholm who vetoed a similar measure last year citing safety concerns.

This year?s version, House Bill 4749, was approved by the Senate by a vote of 23-15, and by the House 69-39, and is similar to a bill passed by both chambers last year but with an opt-out clause designed to allow qualified riders to purchase a permit allowing them to ride without a helmet.

The law would allow riders over 21 to purchase a $100 one-year state permit or a $200 three-year permit. The rider must carry at least $20,000 in insurance to pay first-party medical benefits in the event of an accident, have been licensed for at least two years to operate a motorcycle or have completed a motorcycle safety course. Riders who do not purchase a permit and ride without helmets face a fine of up to $300.

“Modernizing Michigan’s outdated helmet law will bring in much-needed revenue, jobs and investments,” said Jim Rhoades, legislative director of ABATE of Michigan. “We urge the governor to put aside her personal objections to modernizing Michigan’s helmet law.”

ABATE of Michigan and the Confederation of Clubs of Michigan are among the groups that support the bill, arguing that helmets offer little protection and hurt tourism, and pointing out that revenue from the sales of permits would generate an estimated $15-20 million a year for the cash-strapped state.

State Rep. Barbara Farrah, D-Southgate, who sponsored the bill, said 30 other states, including all of Michigan’s neighbors, allow some form of helmet-free riding, giving them an edge over Michigan in attracting tourism dollars from out-of-state motorcyclists.

The governor will have 14 days to sign or veto the bill when it hits her desk, or let it become law without taking any action, but proponents of the legislation intend to further lobby the governor for her support before sending the bill to her office.

Concerned riders are being urged to contact Governor Granholm at (517) 335-7858 and request that she sign HB 4749 into law.

bob t. on king

FEDS ANNOUNCE CAMPAIGN TO CURB RIDER FATALITIES To combat the rising trend of motorcycle injuries and fatalities, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary E. Peters recently announced a comprehensive new federal initiative to improve motorcycle safety with more rider education and training, tougher standards for helmet certification labeling, law enforcement training, and road designs that consider motorcycle dynamics.

Secretary Peters ? an avid motorcyclist herself ? also released a television public service announcement promoting rider safety and use of personal protective gear, referring to her own crash on a two-lane highway near Tucson in 2005 when she suffered a broken collarbone.

Peters said the motorcycle safety initiative will create new national safety and training standards for novice riders, curb counterfeit helmet labeling so that consumers can be certain they are buying DOT-certified helmets, place new focus on motorcycle-specific road improvements, and provide training to law enforcement officers on how to spot unsafe motorcyclists. In addition, Peters said, the plan includes a broad public awareness campaign ? including the PSA – on safe riding techniques.


NHTSA TO EVALUATE STATE MOTORCYCLE SAFETY PROGRAMS The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently announced plans to conduct a survey of State Motorcycle Safety Administrators and/or State Highway Safety Offices in all 50 States and the District of Columbia to gather data on state-level motorcycle safety programs.

The study will use the State Motorcycle Safety Administrator and State Highway Safety Office survey to gather comprehensive data on what each of the 50 States and the District of Columbia are doing to promote and ensure safe riding behavior.

saxon banner

HONDA BAGS SAFETY AWARD Honda engineers were honored for their contributions to the development of vehicle safety systems at the 20th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles held earlier this year in Lyon, France.

Honda development engineer Satoshi Iijima was recognized at the safety conference for his research into motorcycle crash safety and the development of new devices, including the first motorcycle airbag system. His team began their research into motorcycle airbags in 1990, and Honda’s flagship tourer, the GL1800 Gold Wing, in 2006 became the first production model to be equipped with this airbag system.

The conference is one of the leading forums attended by researchers, engineers and government officials at which vehicle safety is discussed. Other topics discussed at this year’s event included lighting systems for improved motorcycle visibility.


SURVEY FINDS MAJORITY OF MOTORCYCLE OWNERS AT HIGH RISK FOR THEFT Motorcycle theft rates are at their highest levels nationwide, and continue on the rise. According to the most recent figures by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), 71,523 motorcycles were stolen in 2006, and motorcycle theft has risen a full 137 percent since the year 2000.

LoJack Corporation in cooperation with the NICB conducted an online ?Fitness Test? geared to gauge the risk of theft for motorcycle enthusiasts, and found that a full 67 percent of motorcycle owners who responded to the survey are at a high risk for theft.

The 10-question Motorcycle Theft Prevention Fitness Test conducted over the summer revealed that the majority of the respondents were at a high risk for theft because they are not taking necessary precautions, such as securing their bike to an immovable object when parked in a lot or garage, and arming their bikes with theft deterrents (alarms, kill switches, etc.) and recovery systems. Respondents did score well, however, when it came to applying good common sense theft protection measures, such as parking in a concealed area at home, parking in a well lit area in a garage/parking lot, and never leaving keys on the their parked bike.

“As this survey showed, motorcycle owners need to step up their theft protection measures in order to keep their bikes safe,” said Patrick Clancy, Vice President of Law Enforcement, LoJack Corporation. “Unfortunately, using good common sense is not enough to protect bikes from today’s clever thieves, who typically know just which bikes they want and how to steal them.?

LoJack and NICB have developed a booklet entitled “Get in the Know” that details the steps owners can take to protect their motorcycles from being stolen. The two nationally recognized authorities on vehicle theft and prevention have also launched a joint education initiative called the Vehicle Theft Protection Program to help owners protect their assets from theft, and began their campaign by designating July, the highest vehicle theft month of the year, as National Vehicle Theft Protection Month.

shamrock banner

PRINCE CHARLES RESCUES CRASHED BIKER British royal Prince Charles has been praised for stopping to help a motorcyclist who plunged 15 feet off a mountain road in Scotland. The Prince of Wales was en route to his private retreat in Scotland when he witnessed motorcyclist Hugh Simpson skid on gravel and drive off a steep bank.

The Prince immediately stopped his Land Rover and instructed his bodyguards, who are all trained first-aiders, to help Simpson who sustained a broken wrist and foot.

Simpson, 52, says, “I cannot thank Prince Charles enough. He asked his protection officers to come to my assistance. They were very good.”

son of liberty

CHINA SOUTH DECLARED WORLD?S LARGEST MOTORCYCLE MAKER According to Chinese news agency Xinhua, China’s state-owned automotive company China South has emerged as the world’s largest motorcycle producer with an annual production capacity of five million units.

The company’s products are sold in over 100 countries under the brands Jialing, Jianshe, Dayang and Jinan Qingqi. China South is a state-owned enterprise under the management of the ?state council of the Chinese cabinet? and is involved in the military and national defense industries. According to the report, the assets and sales of China South are in excess of $12.66 billion.

China expects to make 21 million two wheelers a year by 2010, up from 17 million in 2005, while the world?s second largest motorcycle market in India expects to produce 15 million motorbikes a year in 2010, up from 6.7 million in 2005. By comparison, Americans own around 7 million motorcycles and buy just over 1 million new bikes per year. American motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson produced about 350,000 motorcycles last year.


VIETNAM TO IMPLEMENT HELMET LAW Vietnam has one of the world’s highest traffic fatality rates, with 14,000 deaths recorded last year ? most involving the ubiquitous motorbike, which constitutes over 90% of the vehicles in this country of 85 million people who own one million cars but upwards of 20 million motorbikes, and only 3% wear helmets.

The roads are also some of the most hazardous on earth. Few drivers look before pulling into traffic. Speeding, weaving, underage driving and drunken driving are common. Vietnam’s traffic fatality rate is about 27 per 100,000 ? nearly double that of the United States and among the highest in the world, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Few people bother with helmets, saying they are hot, bulky and unfashionable. But by January 1, everyone will be required to don the so-called ?rice cookers? as the government enforces a new law intended to save lives.

But enforcement won?t be easy. When Vietnam tried to impose a helmet law in 2001, angry riders protested and the government backed down after the law was deemed unenforceable. Instead, the law made helmets compulsory only on highways, though many still ignore the law with fines the equivalent of $1.25 levied against violators. Government officials are discussing whether to raise the fine when the new law kicks in.

Officials have even resorted to airing graphic television commercials to promote compliance with the law, but the images of dead and dying motorcyclists does little to convince most motorbike commuters in Hanoi, who say they will only abide this time if forced. ?Wearing helmets in cities is ridiculous,? said Nguyen Tung Anh, 21, a student in Hanoi. ?It will reduce drivers’ vision, hearing and it is not suitable for the weather conditions here.?

The effort to force riders to strap on helmets is being bolstered by a WHO-supported project that will channel $860,000 into Vietnam for prevention programs focusing in part on increasing the use of motorcycle helmets. The WHO project is part of a two-year, $9 million grant made by the Bloomberg Family Foundation in 2007 to implement measures to reduce traffic deaths and injuries in countries around the world. Prevention programs will be piloted in Mexico and Vietnam, with a focus on increasing the use of motorcycle helmets, seat-belts and child restraints; reducing drink-driving; and improving the visibility of pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.

Three Stooges

NEWS OF THE WEIRD: MALAYSIAN MOTORCYCLIST KILLED BY LIGHTNING WHILE TALKING ON CELL PHONE A Malaysian man who was talking on a mobile phone while riding his motorcycle was killed when struck by a bolt of lightning, according to news reports from Kuala Lumpur.

The man, 39, was believed to have lodged the phone between his ear and helmet and was speaking on the phone when the lightning struck. Passersby said he was thrown from the motorcycle after being struck by the bolt, the New Straits Times daily reported.

The victim was immediately sent to a nearby hospital in the southern Seremban city, but was pronounced dead on arrival, a police spokesman was quoted as saying. Police are investigating the accident.

NCOM CONVENTION The 23rd annual NCOM Convention will be held Mother?s Day weekend, May 8-11, 2008 at the Sheraton North Houston – George Bush Intercontinental Airport, located at 15700 JFK Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77032. This is expected to be the largest NCOM Convention ever, so reserve your room now for the special NCOM rate of $79.00 by calling (281) 442-5100. Airport/Hotel transportation is provided 24 hours.

Hosted by ABATE of Texas, the Texas Motorcycle Rights Association (TMRA-II) and the Texas Confederations of Clubs, this annual gathering will draw nearly two thousand motorcyclists rights leaders from across the country to discuss topics of concern to all riders. Meetings, seminars and group discussions focus on safety issues, legal rights, legislative efforts and litigation techniques to benefit our right to ride and Freedom of the Road.

Registration fees for the Convention are $75 including the Silver Spoke Awards Banquet on Saturday night, or $40 for the Convention only. All motorcyclists welcome. To pre-register, call the National Coalition of Motorcyclists at (800) 525-5355 or visit

The National Coalition of Motorcyclists is requesting that MRO’s, motorcycle clubs, and riding associations submit the names of those members and supporters who have died since May 2007, so that we may honor their memories during the traditional ?Ringing of the Bell? tribute to fallen riders during the opening ceremonies. Dedications can be e-mailed to

Attendees are also encouraged to bring an item for the Freedom Fund Auction, with proceeds benefiting the motorcyclists rights movement nationwide through Getting Our People Elected donations, Speaker Program, lobbying activities and other projects as determined by the NCOM Board of Directors.

Streetwalker banner

QUOTABLE QUOTE: ?Morality cannot be legislated but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless.?

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black (1886-1971)

oldgirlswith bike

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November 21, 2007 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


THE SOLUTION TO ILLEGAL ALIENS – – OKLAHOMA GOT IT RIGHT–Since it is obvious that no one in the Federal Level is willing to take the appropriate action(s) regarding illegal aliens, at least one state is doing something about illegal aliens. – – – –

*Oklahoma is no longer OK for Illegal Aliens*

Oklahoma’s Governor Brad Henry has signed a sweeping immigration Reform bill: House Bill 1804, that its sponsor believes will go a long way in dealing with the illegal alien problem in the state. House Bill 1804 was passed by overwhelming majorities in both the House and Senate of the Oklahoma Legislature. The measure’s sponsor, State Representative Randy Terrill, says the bill has four main topical areas: it deals with identity theft; it terminates public assistance benefits to illegal; it empowers state and local police to enforce federal immigration laws; and it punishes employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens.

Oklahoma is no longer “O.K.” for illegal aliens, Terrill observes. “When you put everything together in context,” he contends, “the bottom line is illegal aliens will not come here if there are no jobs waiting for them, they will not stay here if there is no government subsidy, and they certainly won’t stay here if they know that if they ever encounter our state and local law enforcement officers, they will be physically detained until they’re deported. And that’s exactly what House Bill 1804 does.”

fullblast streamline

LEO HESS PERFORMANCE MASTERMIND– Here’z a couple of pix from the Flatz this fall. We put a Supermax belt on this one.

–Phil Ross>


VETERANS FIGHTING VETERANS–PAISLEY – Joe Rodak, local boss of the Warrior Brotherhood Veterans Motorcycle Club, rolled up to the group’s clubhouse after a 100-mile ride across Central Florida on Nov. 11 that included a visit to the National Cemetery in Bushnell to remember fallen soldiers. An army of bikers, maybe 50, 60 strong, was waiting for him and his small, cruising entourage of aging veterans, neighbors, spouses and girlfriends.

“My first thought was, uh-oh, we’re going to need a lot more hot dogs,” said Rodak, 60, a heavily tattooed Vietnam vet and Bronze Star recipient who organized the Veterans Day weekend activities. The day was to conclude with a community cookout._

But the idling throng blocking the entrance to the rural clubhouse hadn’t come for a picnic. They beat Rodak in front of his wife and friends, cut his riding vest and colors from his body, and yanked down the club’s banner and an American flag, witnesses told Lake County deputy sheriffs. They were members of the Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club, a larger organization of motorcycle-riding military veterans, some of whom apparently consider Rodak’s brood to be their rivals.

“They’re gutless, cowards,” said a neighbor, Alice Barney, 65. “Beating another veteran on Veterans Day, it’s unAmerican.” Sheriff’s detectives are investigating the beating, which sent Rodak to a hospital in DeLand, but have not made any arrests.

Deputies patrolling the northeast part of the county later that afternoon stopped a swarm of bikers wearing leather vests emblazoned with the Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club’s insignia at the intersection of County Roads 44 and 46A. They collected IDs.

–Orlando Sentinel

–from Tinman


SIGN-UPS STARTING FOR BIKERNET ALASKAN ADVENTURE–We cannot get the exact dates and cost of the ferry until January but we are going to bypass Canada for the sake all of Bandit’s felonious friends. YOU WILL STILL NEED A PASSPORT!!!!!!!! Due to the heavy ferry traffic during this season there needs to be a deadline for registration as the ferry master (damn that sounds weird) has to know. Here is the preliminary plan without dates, miles and details.Ferry ride; Bellingham, Washington to Juneau, Alaska. Juneau, Alaska to Whittier, Alaska. Unload bikes at Whittier.

Phase 1; Kenai Peninsula which includes Whittier, Soldotna, Kenai, Homer, and Seward. This is postcard stuff here with many small stops and sightseeing.

Phase 2; Anchorage to Fairbanks. In between is Talkeetna, Denali (Mt. McKinley), Healy, and Nenana. Lots to see on this route and we should take at least three days to get to Fairbanks.

Phase 3; Fairbanks. Ok, I haven’t figured this one out completely but I know some people would like to get to the Arctic Circle and it is up the haul (dirt) road.The other northern route is to Circle Hot Springs. Both are worth seeing so we have some planning to do here. Either way we end up back in Fairbanks.

Phase 4; Fairbanks to Tok and on to Chicken (dirt road).

Phase 5; Tok to Valdez.

Phase 6; Valdez to Anchorage and back to Whittier and the ferry.

Keep in mind this is only preliminary stuff so stops of interest, sightseeing and the such will continue to be added and the plan will be built off of those suggestions and new information. There is a LOT to see and do so we are not going to be in a hurry. This is a vacation and a motorcycle trip of a lifetime for some of us so we must do it right or Bandit will have me by the short hairs. Any and all suggestions would be appreciated. Keep in mind that there are opportunities to fish, ride trains, hike, shoot guns, visit Denali, river raft, museums (damn good ones), dog sled rides (yes, even in the summer), go to the drag races, party with some of the most fun people in the world, etc… The dirt roads are in pretty good shape but rain can be a factor here. You do not have to ride the dirt roads as they are options only. Please note that no matter what anyone says the haul road belongs to the truckers, make no mistake. Fortunately many of the truckers are bikers also. We will have 24 hours of daylight during this period. We are also compiling a must have list.

Ok, send in your suggestions but all complaints must be accompanied by a cashiers check in the amount of $50.00. Much more to come. Thanx.Berry

Hey, feel free to drop me a line, if you’re interested in this wild adventure to Alaska with a handful of crazed maniacs. It won’t be a gang, but maybe a dozen riders. We will meet in Bellingham and take it from there. Send you name and beaver pelt to:–Bandit


ANOTHER SHOP IN THE GREAT NORTHWEST–What’s crackin? Just read the news from last week and wanted to chime in on industry in the great northwest. You already know Matt Adams (from Lucky’s Choppers in Seattle) went out on his own and opened Redsoul in the SoDo district of Seattle, but I wanted to let everyone know the guys at Redsoul are knocking out some sick bikes and parts.


Check out the tank he just did for my latest build… if you think the tank is sick, what till you see the fender! I also included a couple shots of the shop, Matt’s latest build and proof that it doesn’t always rain in Seattle.Matt can be contacted here…

4740 Airport Way
Seattle. WA 98108

The industry is alive and well in the pacific north-wet… come up anytime and we will blast the streets through downtown… rain or shine! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at Bikernet… ride hard!

–Later, Eric


CRUISERCAST FREE BIKER PODCASTS–CruiserCast is offering free educational podcasts focusing on the cruiser market. Filmed in High Def, the podcasts introduce new products, technologies and expert opinions whether it’s a new type of motor oil, new high performance product or the next up and coming manufacturer or motorcycle celebrity, according to a spokesman.

Unlike with photos, which present one angle or with TV, which is available only at predefined times, Podcasts are available on demand all the time. Designed to educate instead of entertain, CruiserCast episodes stay on topic and are made by bikers for bikers, added the spokesman. “Riders will benefit from CruiserCast if they are new to motorcycling or if they are advanced,” said Paolo Ciccone, producer and director of CruiserCast. “With Podcasts it’s easy to choose what you want to watch, and when you want to watch it.”

Podcasts are digital media files distributed over the Internet and are available for free. They can be played back on portable media players or on personal computers. Viewers can subscribe to the free podcast feeds from iTunes so that new episodes download automatically to the viewer’s computer. They can also visit CruiserCast directly ( and click on the podcast episode that interests them. CruiserCast plays on both PCs and Macintosh computers. – J. JOSHUA PLACA

my pics 055

BIKERNET 5-BALL RACING SPONSOR SURPRISED–Just wanted to wish you, nyla, 5-Ball racing team and the rest of the crew a happy Thanksgiving. BTW, I don’t do it often, but I just got to check out Bikernet.TV and saw the piece when you found out about getting the record and was surprised that my name was mentioned while you were thanking the other sponsors. Ya made my year!

I haven’t been a Cantina member that long, but I do remember when Bikernet didn’t have the Cantina. What kept me coming back was the Two Wheeled Tales. After that the news and then the articles that were published in the free areas. Then ya started writing the books (which I have ’em all) and things have continued to grow. Looking forward to the next book and will always be a Cantina subscriber.



THE CHIEF IS HAVING A FUND RAISER– My name is Laural Dudley and I am the Fire Chief in the community of Powers Or, we are located in the Siskiyou Mtns between Myrtle Point and Agness on Hwy 242. I am trying to have a fund raiser for our dept next spring and was wondering if I could get you to donate a little something for our raffle.

I purchased a 07 Dyna Street Bob this past summer and just love it. We all ride Harleys in our household. Anyway if you can send me something that would be great. Our fire dept here is all volunteers along with the volunteer emt’s and we are trying to raise money for much needed equipment and a new fire hall as our budget is small.

My friend Charlie Betchel has a Biker Internet Show on Saturdays and is pretty interesting to listen to. You can catch it on at : He has some pretty interesting interviews with different bike builders and his band plays at Sturgis every year. You will find attached my video Charlie did on the show on Saturday, Nov. 17th, 2007

–Laural Dudley>

Sam's beauty

ENJOY TURKEY DAY–and give thanks to those who make your life complete. Damn, we have lots to be thankful for from a woman?s smile to the freedom to see her legs. We need to stop once in a while and think about it, about our lives in the Free-est country on this planet. Our fortune, just to live here, is amazing.


I noticed a recent outpouring of charity efforts in the biker community. I remember when we were just a handful of outlaws, smokin? dope and trying to get away with anything we could. Our lives were illegal, our motorcycles outside the law and our? I won?t push it. Just recently I read where a community tried to shut down a Biker charity effort. They used the rationale that, ?They?re just a bunch of outlaws trying to make believe they?re apart of the community.? That struck me. That may have been true 40 years ago, but now motorcycling represents so much more in our society.

These guys spend most of their lives fighting for our freedoms.

I believe we symbolize the essence of the American way. We still fight for our freedoms, for our safety and for our lifestyle. Being a biker and building bikes stands for freedom and artistic expression. We are apart of something more sacred than organized communities with parking restrictions and noise ordinances. We are apart of the two-wheeled community constantly under attack. So goddamnit, I?m proud of the biker community and their efforts to support the straight world while continuing to fight for our freedom to stay in the wind. Happy Thanksgiving, goddamnit.

Ride Forever,


dewey banner

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November 21, 2007 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

PAINT Marilyn

Paint by Monte from Maverick Custom Paint.


Saturday, December 15, 2007, This second IF seminar of our fall-winter season will take place on Saturday, December 15. Featured will be a discussion of the Washington, D.C. gathering of important military, aviation and government officials from around the world by Leslie Kean, one of the conference’s two organizers. A series of dramatic videotaped excerpts from the conferees’ presentations will be shown, along with Kean’s commentary on the high points of this watershed event.

IF attendees will see a tape of Iran’s General Parviz Jafari’s vivid description of his 1976 “dogfight” with a UFO over Teheran, the subject of a lengthy, well-known Defense Intelligence Agency document submitted to the White House, the Department of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the CIA. A second tape includes the account of Commadante Oscar Santa Maria, a Peruvian Air Force pilot, who, in a similar engagement, was able to fire his machine guns at a maneuvering UFO, but with no effect.

Gripping details of the famous Rendlesham Forest incident at Bentwaters AFB in Great Britain will also be discussed in taped presentations by two witnesses, Colonel Charles Halt and Sgt. James Penniston, and their significance evaluated by former Ministry of Defense official, Nick Pope. Sgt. Penniston will describe his approach to the landed UFO, and the remarkable fact that he was able to touch its surface before it ascended at a staggering speed.

These are but a few of the taped presentations to be shown, but equally important will be conference organizer Leslie Kean’s illuminating commentary on an extraordinary event in the ongoing saga of the UFO phenomenon.

For anyone deeply interested in the subject, this evening will be a personal landmark, and we urge you to attend.


The seminar will be held on December 15th at the new meeting rooms of A.R.E., located on the SECOND FLOOR at 241 W. 30th Street (between Seventh and Eighth Avenues), New York, NY. The price of the seminar is $30 for non-members and $20 for members of IF, seniors and students. Reservations must be made by telephone at 212-645-5278, and will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Payment must be made in advance to secure the reservation. Make checks payable to the Intruders Foundation, P.O. Box 30233, New York, NY 10011. Seating is limited. Book early! Only 60 reservations will be accepted!

For additional information, call IF at 212-645-5278.



It’s Been Two Years
Since That Dreaded Night
When The ATF
Busted His Door Down
Five Minutes Past Midnight

He Was Unarmed
And Did Not Resist
But They Swung Their Clubs
And Hit Him With Their Fists
Hand Cuffed And Shackled,

His Lifeless Body
Was Thrown Into A Van
While His Wife And Kids
Hid In A Closet ,
Clutching A Kitchen Knife
And A Greasy Frying Pan

No Rights Were Read,
No Badges Were Shown,
No Warrants Were Issued,

The House Was Ransacked
The Computer Was Gone,
They Even Hit The Little Girls Room
Her Dolly’s Lay There
With No Heads,
Even Their Faithful FamilyDog Is Dead

All Because A Husband And A Father
Wore A Patch On His Back,
All Because A Brother
Took An Oath To Watch
His Partner’s Back

He Is Guilty
Until Proven Innocent
In The Eyes Of The Law
They Froze His Assets
And Gave Him No Bail

Now His Family Is On The Streets
As he spends his days
In A Cramped Jail Cell
This Is Called Justice
In The Eyes Of The Law?

That Is Absurd
And I Am Appalled

–Panhead Josh

strokers icehouse banner

STROKERS DALLAS CLOSED ON THANKSGIVING DAY– As a reminder, Strokers Dallas, Strokers Ice House and Strokers Ink will beclosed on Thursday, November 22nd for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

However, don’t forget that we will be open our regular hours Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Come start your holiday shopping early by hitting up some great deals at Strokers Dallas all weekend.

jacobs cocktail

SOMETHING FOR THE A-LIST FROM SCOTT JACOBS–It’ that time of year again and to show our appreciation for all our A-list collectors we have come up with a Holiday Special that is truly extraordinary. If you are planning a gift for that “person who has everything” or have been “thinking about” a new Scott Jacobs’ work, this may be just what the doctor ordered.

The deal is simple: purchase any Scott Jacobs’ artwork of your choice, framed or unframed, and select a second piece of equal or lesser value at a thirty percent (30%) discount. It is an opportunity to take care of both yourself and someone close to you with a timeless gift for Christmas.

jacobs pool

A second option would get you a beautifully framed limited edition canvas for FREE. Included with any purchase of a large canvas will be your choice of the smaller version (framed of course) of two of the most popular images of Scott’s career: Shaken not Stirred & After the Ride (see below; VALUE $750) Click on the link at the bottom of this page for our complete catalogue of works including the recent and almost sold-out Marilyn Merlot: LADIES IN WAITING:

–Ron Copple
Scott Jacobs Studio

jacobs wine

HANDGUN OWNERSHIP FIGHT IN DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA–WASHINGTON (CNN) — The U.S. Supreme Court agreed Tuesday to decide whether the District of Columbia’s sweeping ban on handgun ownership violates the Constitution’s fundamental right to “keep and bear arms.”

The justices accepted the case for review, with oral arguments likely next February or March. A ruling could come by late June, smack in the middle of the 2008 presidential election campaign.

At issue is one that has polarized judges and politicians for decades: Do the Second Amendment’s 27 words bestow gun ownership as an individual right, or do they bestow a collective one — aimed at the civic responsibilities of state militias — making it therefore subject to strict government regulation.

City leaders had urged the high court to intervene, saying refusal to do so could prove dire.

“The District of Columbia — a densely populated urban locality where the violence caused by handguns is well documented — will be unable to enforce a law that its elected officials have sensibly concluded saves lives,” wrote attorneys for the city.

Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty and other officials held a public rally in September, with the message that more handguns will only mean more serious crime.

“I see the results of gun violence every day,” said Washington Police Chief Cathy Lanier. “The weakening of the district’s gun law will inevitably lead to an increase in injury, and worse, death.”

A federal appeals court in March ruled the handgun ban to be unconstitutional as well as a provision that rifles and shotguns — which are legal to own in the city — be kept in the home unloaded and fitted with trigger locks or disassembled. The rifle regulations are not at issue before the Supreme Court.

The city’s 31-year-old law has prevented most private citizens from owning and keeping handguns in their homes.

Only Chicago, Illinois, and Washington among major U.S. cities have such sweeping handgun bans. Courts have generally upheld bans in other cities of semiautomatic weapons and sawed-off shotguns.

Several Washingtonians first challenged the law, some saying they wanted to do something about being constant victims of crime.

“I want for myself the right to protect my home and my family in the event of a violent attack,” plaintiff George Lyon said in March after winning a lower court victory. “The District of Columbia is not what I call the safest jurisdiction in the world.”


old ad

RED SKELTON’S RECIPEFOR THE PERFECT MARRIAGE–1. Two times a week we go to a nice restaurant, have alittle beverage, good food and companionshipShe goes on Tuesdays; I go on Fridays.
2. We also sleep in separate beds.Hers is in California, and mine is in Texas .
3. I take my wife everywhere….but she keeps finding her way back.
4. I asked my wife where she wanted to gofor our anniversary.”Somewhere I haven’t been in a long time!” she said.So I suggested the kitchen.
5. We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops.
6. She has an electric blender, electrictoaster and electric bread maker.She said “There are too many gadgets, and no placeto sit down!” So I bought her an electric chair.
7. My wife told me the car wasn’t running wellbecause there was water in the carburetor.I asked where the car was. She told me, “In the lake.”
8. She got a mud pack, and looked great for two days.Then the mud fell off.
9. She ran after the garbage truck, yelling, “Am I too latefor the garbage?” The driver said, “No, jump in!”
10. Remember: Marriage is the number one cause of divorce.
11. I married Miss Right. I just didn’t know herfirst name was Always.
12. I haven’t spoken to my wife in 18 monthsI don’t like to interrupt her.
13. The last fight was my fault though.My wife asked, “What’s on the TV?”I said, “Dust!”

–from James Schnarr


MONDO ENDURO IS OFF PRESS, IN STOCK AND A GREAT GIFT READ–Mondo Enduro is hot off the press, in stock, and ready for holiday delivery. If you haven’t heard about Mondo, it tells the story of eight friends who decided to take a holiday and ride their motorcycles across Europe and Russia, then from Alaska to Chile, and finally Cape Town back to London. The idea was christened ‘Mondo Enduro.’

Seven of the original eight kick started their 350cc trail bikes together and headed off. 405 days later only three of the seven completed the trip. We are extending the 20% pre-pub discount till Christmas, so order your copy today and get one for a friend too. This special pre-pub price will not be reflected on our website, but will be applied when we process your order.


NEED A CHRISTMAS PARTY BAND?–We have dates available with the following Biker Bands: David Allan Coe, Nazareth, Bad Company and many others. Please contact our office for more information on routed dates in your area. Please also view the website link below for a list of other acts that we represent. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

The Maximus Entertainment Team
–Sonya Wiley
PH: 512-343-6299
FX: 512-338-2209


NEW BIKER ARTIST ENTERS THE KINGDOM OF BIKERNET.COM–We welcome Monte Moore. As an illustrator for 15 years, Monte Moore has left his mark on the art world, winning the World Fantasy Art show twice, publishing 6 books featuring his art, and working for clients such as Playboy, Lucasfilm, Coors, the U.S. Marine Corps and many others.

PAINT fireice1

Now Monte is making his mark in the world of custom motorcycle painting, having won the Las Vegas Bikefest for Best Paint in ’06 and ’07 and many other shows as well. Monte’s highly detailed and extremely unique paint jobs have garnered him top clients in the industry such as Mondo Porras of Denvers Choppers, PB Choppers, Ballistic Cycles and half a dozen other pro builders.

What draws them to Monte’s work is quick turnaround time, extremely unique and illustrative paint jobs, and a high degree of professionalism. The type of clients that are drawn to Monte are not your average ‘flame job’ type of clientele, but rather customers who are looking to stand out and be remembered for the work on their bikes.

One of the most notable things that sets Monte’s work apart from the majority of painters in the industry, is the amount of hand brushed details that are applied, and almost no use of masks or stencils of any kind. You can see many samples of Monte’s work at and see what’s new and different in the world of custom paint.

PAINT frntfendercls-up

Continued On Page 4

Read More

November 21, 2007 Part 2


hd fridge

HARLEY-DAVIDSON ROADHOUSE COLLECTION MINI FRIDGE– This Mini Fridge features etched look Bar & Shield logo on a double layered glass door and a radical eagle graphic on both left and right side panels. Chrome accents, Locking door w/ recessed handle, removable shelf, and adjustable leg levelers, holds 30-35 cans of soda or your favorite beverage, Adjustable cooling level w/ cycle defrost.

Also available in 220v version.

19.5″(L) x 17″(W) x 18.25″(D)
Weight: 51 pounds

biker store usa

THE REBEL SINGS WITH CHARLIE BRECHTEL– Just wanted to check in with you. I had open heart surgery three weeks ago and I’m on the road to recovery. Hopefully will be back on the bike in about a month and hitting some events and submitting some articles for you again. Great story today on Charlie Brechtel. I actually sang with him once at a Boozefighters party in Hollister a few years ago. He’s a real cool guy. Saw him at the Chip this year in Sturgis too.



2nd ANNUAL BUILDERS BREAKFAST DAYTONA SERVES IT UP IN MARCH AT BRUCE ROSSMEYER’S DESTINATION DAYTONA– Minneapolis, MN – (November 11, 2007) -The 2nd Annual Builders Breakfast is scheduled to take place TUESDAY, MARCH 4th, 2008 at Bruce Rossmeyer’s Destination Daytona.

With dozens of builders already confirmed, the 2nd Annual Builders Breakfast is sure to be the biggest yet. Again in 2008 the Daytona event will benefit Boggy Creek Camp for Seriously Ill Children. Join the most recognized Builders for a casual breakfast and lively auction. Like 2007, the auction will feature one of a kind items donated or hand made by the Builders on site. This is your chance to grab a piece of collector’s history and do it for a terrific cause.

“The Builders Breakfast events have surpassed my expectations. When I planned the first event, I was thinking it would be awesome if 50 people came. Honestly, I figured people wouldn’t get up early to attend, especially the Builders!” joked Darcy Betlach event founder. “Luckily I was wrong, not only do the events sell out n advance, but the Builders line up to attend and help me pull this all together” finished Betlach.

The Daytona event will be the one to beat to date. So far, over 20 Builders have confirmed their attendance including; Russell Mitchell, Kendall Johnson, Eddie Trotta, Russell Marlowe, Brian Klock just to name a few. Get your seat reserved today for the best event in Daytona. Tickets are $25 and benefit Boggy Creek Camp for Seriously Ill Children located in Eustice, FL. New for 2008, tickets are available online at: Choose Daytona Harley-Davidson button to be connected to site. Buy early, they go fast!

The all star Builders Breakfast events have been held in Sturgis and Daytona raising nearly $100,000 to date. “2008 will be the year the Breakfast events break the $100,000 mark” said Russell Mitchell of Exile Cycles. “We are proud to participate and plan to do all we can to raise more funds next year”.

The 2nd Annual Builders Breakfast Daytona will take place during bike week Tuesday, March 4th 2008 at Destination Daytona. Tickets are for sale online at: Auction items are already rolling in including prints by Sara Liberty, custom, one of a kind, Builder Breakfast hand crafted seat by Adam Croft just to get us started. The 3rd Annual Builders Breakfast Sturgis date is already set: Tuesday, August 5, 2008 watch for Sturgis ticket sales information soon.

A very special thanks goes to those who go above and beyond to help the Builders Breakfast make history; Baker Drivetrain, Marilyn Stemp, Paisano Publications, Iron Works, Heel Guard, McDonald’s Sturgis, Arby’s Ormond Beach, Michael Lichter, Paul Yaffe Originals, Sara Liberte, Chrome Marketing, Jim Betlach, Bikers InCite, Broken Spoke Saloon, Bikernet, Ron Segal, ChopperBuild,, Suzy, Cheryl and Kathy (you know who you are) and numerous other generous people and companies. Not to mention a big special thanks to attending Builders; Paul Yaffe, Eddie Trotta, Aaron Greene, Paul Cox, Keino, Russell Mitchell, Kendall Johnson, Russell Marlowe, Kim Suter, Jerry Covington, Donnie Smith, Dave Perewitz, Billy Lane, Arlin Fatland, Rick Fairless, Brian Klock, Chica, AMD World Champion Chicara, Scott Webster, Roland Sands, Michael Prugh, Jesse Rooke, Arlen and Cory Ness, Brian Klock, Randy Simpson, Roger Goldammer, Matt Hotch and Jim Nasi.

For sponsorship information please call: Chrome Marketing, 952-470-4297

klock wedding

BRIAN KLOCK WISHING EVERYONE HAPPY THANKSGIVING– Happy Thanksgiving week to everyone, we are thankful for all of you who supported us as friends and business associates this year!

It has truly been a blessing to enjoy another year in this great industry, get married, race at the legendary Bonneville, and create kustom stuff!

All the best to each of you as you travel, enjoy family, and bless someone just by being YOU!



TORIAN LEATHER HOLIDAY EARLY-BIRD SPECIAL FOR ONLY 72 HOURS– For the next 72 hours Bikernet is having an early-bird Torian Chopper Leathers sale. Bandit hooked up with famed motorcycle designer, Bob Kay, and made the Torian line of old-skool leathers available to the Bikernet readers. Kay comes from American IronHorse, River Road and Biker’s Choice.

His background and long rides from Texas to Daytona and Sturgis helped him design some of the most comfortable and bullet-proof leather available today. The feel is soft, the quality is iron and the utility is like a Swiss army knife.

Check them out now for you or for Santa’s little helper. A 10 year warranty ensures your satisfaction for years to come. Click>”>Click here to load up your sled and save big time!

–Jeff Najar


Tech Cycle open primary for 2007 Softails TECH Cycle’s latest open primary drive has been designed for use on ’07 Softail and ’06-up Dyna models–The drive manufactured in 6061-T651 aluminum, features a contoured primary plate and is available in 2in and 3in belt widths. An optional contoured side belt guard is also available along with a high torque gear reduction starter designed specifically for ’07 models with the new 96ci motor.

Penndel, Pennsylvania, USA
Tel: 215 702 8324
Fax: 215 752 2448

American Motorcycle Dealer

BIKERNET ON FAMILY RELATIONS–A teenage boy asks his granny ‘Have you seen my pills, they were labeled LSD?’

“Forget the frickin pills,” Granny replied, “have you seen the dragons in the kitchen.”

–from Akita


W8LESS ROTORS HEADING TO MARKET– Received five sets of rotors and pads yesterday. Photos of all but the black w/ straight carrier .

Happy Thanksgiving,

W8less Banner2

2WHEEL TUNER MAG FOR XMAS–Give a gift of sportbike fun this holiday season – 2WHEEL TUNER!Powersports and sportbike enthusiasts love 2Wheel Tuner, jam-packed every month with fascinating lifestyle articles, from street and road racing to drag racing to stunt riding. If it makes your bike look better or go faster, you’ll find it in 2Wheel Tuner!

2WHEEL TUNER – Read. Tune. Ride. Repeat

Team Swissperformance

BIKERNET STUDIOS DELIVERS WILD BONNEVILLE RACING STORY– These Guys Stole a Fence Post in Order to Race & Win. Team Swissperformance is supported by the Swiss Government and invades Bonneville with 2 record runs of 146.246 and 156.508 in the 3000 A PBG and 3000 APS PBG class respectively.

This was their first time on the salt so they had to innovate in order to race. They stole a metal fence post to make a chain guard and overnighted 45 lbs dumbbells to attach to the rear wheel for better traction. Thunder Bob interviews fast man Markus Saegesser on the teams preparation.Please link to


Clear Wheel

ALL AMERICAN DELIVERS CLEAR WHEEL–With the unveiling of the Ultimate Clear Wheel, All American Wheel is taking wheel design into the next generation of wheels.

This 3-Piece Ultimate Wheel features a polycarbonate center that is polished to a glassy finish and has the strength and life-expectancy of 6061 forged billet aluminum. The outer rims are made from 6061-T6 prime aluminum and are finished with the Soft Lip Look – talk about a show stopper! All three pieces and the nuts & bolts are manufactured here in the U.S.A.

“Our ongoing commitment to the people who ride on our wheels continues to focus on providing products that our wheel manufactures want and bringing the best quality wheel to the market,” said Kim Hotinger, Sales Manager for All American Wheel. “We are listening to our customers, evaluating the feedback; our goal is to offer quality product and new, innovative designs if it is what our customers want.”

Technical Specifications on the 3-Piece Wheel:
Centered, no offset
Web Thickness – 0.750″ +.10/-.020
Center Bore – 2.550″ +.010/-0.00
Center Piece – 3/4″ thick, made from polycarbonate composite
Outer Rims – 6061-T6 prime aluminum

Known as the “The Wheel People,” All American Wheel combines technological expertise with vast motorcycle experience, delivering a quality wheel for the wheel manufacturer.

As the world’s leader in motorcycle wheel blanks, All American Wheel Company has supplied wheel blanks to customers in 36 countries since 1998. While we continue our global growth, we continue to treat every customer like family. Please visit us online at


CHET’S THANKSGIVING STORY ON BIKERNET– Holy shit….. Thank you so much. I opened it and the tears just flew out, I know just like a big pussy…LOL It looks great and I appreciate being able to see it in more of a finished form.

Thanks again love and respect,


P.S. I’m not really sure if you know exactly how much this means to me this year. I just did a month and a half tour with a new product and was suppose to get handed almost 9000.00 when I was done. The guy handed me 200.00 and said he was broke. After almost getting arrested in Galveston for kicking his ass, I left, borrowing another 200 to get home.

I was in a severe wreck about 4 years ago and was almost killed. I fractured my right ankle in 5 places, completely dislocated my right knee and had all the ligaments replaced with cadava ligaments, cracked 6 ribs, separated both shoulders and collar bones, fractured my sinus and my skull and had a blood clot on the brain. The lady who hit me was a single mom with minimum insurance and it left me with almost 400,000.00 in medical bills.

That accompanied with this idiot not paying me means I am now filing bankruptcy and loosing everything including my house. I already got rid of my bikes and everything else I owned. So now, at 44, I get to start over and what a better kick off to starting over than you putting this on your site. I don’t know if you will ever know just how much it has meant to me.

Thank you and may you and yours have a truly Happy Thanksgiving and Holiday season.

Retro Conversion Kit-Covers

S&S RETRO PANS FOR SHOVELS–The all new S&S? retro conversion kit for shovels gives your engine the classic look of the 1950’s and early 1960’s, boosts performance, and it’s quiet! All you need is the kit, a set of pan covers and you are set. This kit will fit 1966-’84 stock and 3 5/8″ bore shovel engines.

By installing the all-new S&S P-Series heads you will see an increase in performance, plus a much quieter valve train. The kit includes S&S hydraulic tappets, Quickee pushrods and forged roller rocker arms that mount in the all new S&S P-Series rocker mounts. Also included in the kit are stylish S&S polished billet tappet guides.

To really add to the performance upgrade of this kit, you can select a cam from our 1984-’99 cam group with lifts up to .640″ (with new rocker arm ratio, a .640″ will actually be a .590″). S&S pan covers are sold separately and work perfectly-or another aftermarket cover can be used

Contact Information
S&S Cycle Inc.
(608) 627-1497

s&s banner

VINTAGE KLASS INVITE–Hope everyone has a great Turkey Day!! Come see us at the Long Beach Swap on December 2 for tons of new stuff!

Thanks for the support
– Joel and Mary


NEW AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE LAUNCHED–DELAWARE American Motors (DAM) is the latest company to launch a new American made motorcycle the DAM Tech Twin American 13C.

The initial production run will be limited to just 13 bikes. The number was chosen to represent the 13 stars on the first US flag. Those stars represented the 13 original colonies that rebelled against British rule and became the first 13 states of the United States of America.

Each motorcycle will be hand-made and include special features, including the DAM APEX chassis and 127ci R&R 2 CAM billet engine. The frame is designed to carry five quarts of oil and the hand-made exhaust is inspired by NASCAR. Further race car technology can be found in the use of a Penske Racing developed shock in the Girder front end.

“We want to change the way that people think about custom motorcycles,” says Mark S. Klein, founder and owner of DAM. “There is an elite group of motorcyclists devoted to the style, attitude and durability of American motorcycles who desire exclusivity and craftsmanship inherent to hand-built customs.”

Paterson, New Jersey, USA
Tel: 973 279 3261
Fax: 973 279 3262

American Motorcycle Dealer


Continued On Page 3

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November 21, 2007 Part 1



Happy Thanksgiving goddamnit,

This news will be a tad short, maybe. We’re launching it a day early so I can watch the game and drink Captain Morgan’s run over a slice of lemon, while playing Ping Pong in the shop. Sin Wu’s doing the turkey cooking and one of us need to make a mad dash to the LAX airport in the afternoon to pick up my mom. She’s returning after a 3-week stay in India, after her 85th birthday. Tough old broad.

I continually look at the Assalt Weapan in the Shop and the list of project associated with it. I’m researching Veteran’s Charities for a raffle promotion. The winner gets to come to Bonneville in ’09 as a member of the 5-Ball racing team, then take the bike home with, hopefully a new record and a taste of 200mph. We are researching building our own Bikernet Wind Tunnel with the Pegasus Fuel Injection Team.

But first I need to get our Wolfgang Publishing Bonneville book project behind us. Should be finished in the next couple of weeks. Let’s hit the news:


HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM BRASS BALLS BOBBERS– During this season of Thanksgiving, we would like to take the opportunity to tell you how very thankful we are for your connection with us. We know we would not be here without our families, friends, customers, magazine editors, vendors and supporters. I thank you all.

We are also thankful for our health and the good health and welfare of friends & family and business associates. We understand that what we do here is of little importance compared to the people in our lives. We are blessed and hope you are too.

Bike of the Month for NOVEMBER:This very cool and certainly unique bike is proudly owned by Curt Dye, a fellow Oklahoman! Black 40 spoke wheels, brass grips & pegs, passenger set up, side tag bracket, custom tooled leather seat, 6-speed Ultima transmission, Tauer Machine primary, Crazy Horse V-Plus 100 motor and more…

The tins are ground like the Tattoo Bike, then covered with a mix of translucent candy golds and rootbeer. The sides are opaque black with the BBB logo in translucent gold. The small spinner cap replaced the flush mount.

The Crazy Horse V-Plus 100″ motor exhales through custom made, flat black, race tuned step pipes.

We have a lot of momentum heading into the winter. Exciting things are happening. Stay tuned for future updates. We are extremely grateful for all the support and interest in our bikes.

Thanks to all.
–Dar Holdsworth
Darwin Motorcycles

guypulling on girl

BIKERNET HOLIDAY HEALTH ALERT–I just read an article on the dangers of drinking….

Scared the shit out of me.

So that’s it!

After today, no more reading.

CCI logo

CUSTOM CHROME FOR SALE–Here’s what we know. It’s an asset sale. The parent company will deal with the 130 million in debt and the lawsuits. Interested parties exist and Custom Chrome’s staff is hoping to make a foreward-thinking announcement in Cincy during the February dealer show.


BIKERNET JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK–CAM SHAFT REMOVER & INSTALLER– This multi-function tool will remove and replace front and rear camshafts and the ball bearings in the new Twin Cam 88?. It provides the precision alignment of the camshaft to ensure a smooth press in and out of the support plate.

No.1277 – Use on all Twin Cam 88? 1999 to early 2000 to remove and install cams and bearings. Use on Late 2000-06 FXST, FL and Late 2000 -05 FXD, to remove and install cams only.

Suggested Retail Price: $ 137.30

–JT Lepien

New Jims banner

THE PATRIOTIC FOUNDATION–“Tomorrow being the day set apart by the Honorable Congress for public Thanksgiving and Praise; and duty calling us devoutly to express our grateful acknowledgements to God for the manifold blessings he has granted us, the General… earnestly exhorts, all officers and soldiers, whose absence is not indispensably necessary, to attend with reverence the solemnities of the day.”

-George Washington (December 17, 1777)

international motorcycle shows banner

LONG BEACH INTERNATIONAL BIKE SHOW COMING–EXCLUSIVE Array of Motorcycles!– This year’s show is hosting some of the most unusual, diverse and famous motorcycles ever seen! PLUS…It’s all at the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows presented by Toyota – the only factory-supported show series in America!

Sponsored by AllstateComplimentary motorcycle parking (in designated lots) will be available to all enthusiasts who ride their motorcycles to the show…

Ride For The Heart FoundationThe International Motorcycle Shows proudly supports the Ride For The Heart Foundation. To find out more visit

vin bike

BIKERNET READER RECEIVES RAISIN PIE– Thought this might get me sum that Christmas raisin pie. Built from a paper cup, in my garage by myself. All made with rudimentary tools ( die grinders, hacksaws, etc. ) Started with the motor,went from there. Ain’t no master builder, celeb or whatever… just an old line scooter pilot, splittin lanes for better than 30 yrs. A lot to be seen if you know where to look.

A brother died, left me the Sputhe motor, was sick when he built it. Having it, I tore it down, replaced the parts he fucked up when putting it together. ‘Bout that time you were beginning the Sturgis Chop, ahh… inspiration. Fell like I did my brother justice. With the advent of the Evo, I ain’t built one in too many years, I pilot a evo King regular like, well… ’till I completed the Old Line 54.

If you post a shot of it, all his brothers will dig it. Thanks for the response. I am on the Treasure Coast of Fla., need anything on the right coast, let me know. Adios…

” To ride the thunder marks a man, as one who dares and one who can.

For thunder runs upon the wind, to far and free for many men. “


mex rat bike

CADILLAC BIKE MEETS MEXICAN RAT– Thank you very much for your recognition on the ’77 cadillac bike. I will be taking it to as many shows as possible. Any time you would like to feature it, you?re more than welcome. I just finished my Mexican rat bike that I rode to the Rocky Point, Mexico show. It was alot of fun.

mex rat tank

A PANHEAD FOR THANKSGIVING– You have no idea how much this means to me. I started in this industry about 17 years ago. Old history. Right now I’m at the crossroads. Two years ago, a so-called friend made it big. He approached me to get into building bikes on a fairly large scale. I said if he put up the money I would do the work. We decided to manufacture sufficient inventory for 40 bikes. It has been a stop/start affair and to cut a long story short the only thing holding me back is having to wait for a Sprotor caliper.

I haven’t earned a penny from this project at all and the old lady gets up at five in the morning to get out there and earn a living in order for us to survive. It’s busting my nuts. This dude has the attitude that says, “fuck you Jack, I’m OK.” I will win in the end though. My motivation comes from you and Bikernet.

The Pan is my design and I’m going to market it once I get the rest of the fittings back from the engineer. My years in the armed forces have also helped as far as toughing it out goes. Hell man, time is short.

On a lighter side I have a guy that I taught to be a race driver. He now owns a fair size engineering shop with CNC everything. He also cuts gears so I sent him all the work that I could. The less difficult stuff I send to an old dude who is originally from the north of Italy. This old guy is shit faced 24/7 but in two years he hasn’t made a mistake. The other guy has to redo everything at least three times. Go figure. The joys of building custom bikes.


Chiko FULL

BIKERNET DRESSER FEATURES COMING– “It is finally finished…..note the one off Paul Yaffe bars…..all bolt on beauty,” said Dan the owner. Scooter will shoot this bike in the very near future for a feature and we have another Phoenix based dresser coming from Trask Performance. Watch for ’em

VT hand up

VALERIE THOMPSON DRAG RACING SEASON FINAL REPORT–It’s finally over…2007 Season and the team ended up in 2nd place Western (only 5 points away from winning the championship)…but most important…National points I took 3rd place! I think there were about 60 riders in our class.

–Valerie Thompson
Team Owner
Valerie Thompson Racing
Phone: (253) 225-2626


ROLLIN SIXES CHOPPERS AND BIKERNET.COM JOINED FORCES FOR SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN DURING THE HOLIDAYS–Rollin Sixes Choppers and have joined together to gather t-shirts to show their support for our troops that are serving our country overseas and who cannot make it home for the holidays. We encourage everyone to make a donation.

We are accepting t-shirts from any bike shop, hot rod shop, tattoo shop, car club, and music group from all over who wish to participate. Cash is also accepted and will go toward the purchase of shirts as well as the shipping costs. Let’s come together this holiday season and make a difference.

As we speak somebody’s son or daughter is dying for our country. Yeah, it’s not a pretty Holiday thought. but it’s a fact. The families of those lost hero’s will never ever be the same. Remember as you are eating turkey on Thanksgiving and opening presents on Christmas Day how lucky you are and how high the cost is to keep it that way. So let’s come together and gather t-shirts to show our troops that we have not forgotten about them this holiday season. Let’s show them that we love and care for our own and that we care enough to take the time out of our busy lives to say Thanks.

Send Donations to:
T-shirts for Troops
2164 West First Street
Suite A
Fort Myers, FL 33901

Please help spread the word and forward to any shops, clubs, bands or anyone else who may be interested!

IRONWORKS MAGAZINE MEDDLING EDITOR PROJECT BIKE– IronWorks Magazine, DOUGZ and a few other shops/manufacturers have been working on a project over the last little while and it is nearing completion. My friend Paul Holdsworth, better known as the ‘Meddling Editor’ of IronWorks, has requested address’s of DOUGZ clients so when the article on this project comes out we can send you all FREE, thats right FREE copies of the magazine. No hidden catch, just complimentary magazines from your friends at IronWorks and DOUGZ.

Here’s the deal, I don’t have physical mailing address’s for most of you so if you’d like a FREE copy you’ll need to send me your address. Very little effort for the chance to take a look at an awesome bike magazine for FREE.

Did I mention that the magazine will be FREE?

According to Paul the article will be out around mid-2008 so I’ll need those address’s no later than early Feb.

Thanks and have a great week and a wonderful

Doug Wozney
DOUGZ Custom Paint & Fabrication LLC
2323 Palace St. La Crosse, Wi. 54603
(608) 783-3684

Click here to enter Bikernet free contest area and receive Bikernet Updates.

BIKERNET CHRISTMAS GRAB BAG GIVE-AWAY–We’re heading out to the shipping store to buy 50 boxes. Then we’ll fill them with stocking stuffers from stickers, to books, T-shirts and posters. Each one will be packed with surprises for Bikernet Readers at Christmas. So go into our FREE contest area and give us any excuse to send you a package.



Continued On Page 2

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