HARLEY-DAVIDSON ROADHOUSE COLLECTION MINI FRIDGE– This Mini Fridge features etched look Bar & Shield logo on a double layered glass door and a radical eagle graphic on both left and right side panels. Chrome accents, Locking door w/ recessed handle, removable shelf, and adjustable leg levelers, holds 30-35 cans of soda or your favorite beverage, Adjustable cooling level w/ cycle defrost.
Also available in 220v version.
19.5″(L) x 17″(W) x 18.25″(D)
Weight: 51 pounds

THE REBEL SINGS WITH CHARLIE BRECHTEL– Just wanted to check in with you. I had open heart surgery three weeks ago and I’m on the road to recovery. Hopefully will be back on the bike in about a month and hitting some events and submitting some articles for you again. Great story today on Charlie Brechtel. I actually sang with him once at a Boozefighters party in Hollister a few years ago. He’s a real cool guy. Saw him at the Chip this year in Sturgis too.

2nd ANNUAL BUILDERS BREAKFAST DAYTONA SERVES IT UP IN MARCH AT BRUCE ROSSMEYER’S DESTINATION DAYTONA– Minneapolis, MN – (November 11, 2007) -The 2nd Annual Builders Breakfast is scheduled to take place TUESDAY, MARCH 4th, 2008 at Bruce Rossmeyer’s Destination Daytona.
With dozens of builders already confirmed, the 2nd Annual Builders Breakfast is sure to be the biggest yet. Again in 2008 the Daytona event will benefit Boggy Creek Camp for Seriously Ill Children. Join the most recognized Builders for a casual breakfast and lively auction. Like 2007, the auction will feature one of a kind items donated or hand made by the Builders on site. This is your chance to grab a piece of collector’s history and do it for a terrific cause.
“The Builders Breakfast events have surpassed my expectations. When I planned the first event, I was thinking it would be awesome if 50 people came. Honestly, I figured people wouldn’t get up early to attend, especially the Builders!” joked Darcy Betlach event founder. “Luckily I was wrong, not only do the events sell out n advance, but the Builders line up to attend and help me pull this all together” finished Betlach.
The Daytona event will be the one to beat to date. So far, over 20 Builders have confirmed their attendance including; Russell Mitchell, Kendall Johnson, Eddie Trotta, Russell Marlowe, Brian Klock just to name a few. Get your seat reserved today for the best event in Daytona. Tickets are $25 and benefit Boggy Creek Camp for Seriously Ill Children located in Eustice, FL. New for 2008, tickets are available online at:
The all star Builders Breakfast events have been held in Sturgis and Daytona raising nearly $100,000 to date. “2008 will be the year the Breakfast events break the $100,000 mark” said Russell Mitchell of Exile Cycles. “We are proud to participate and plan to do all we can to raise more funds next year”.
The 2nd Annual Builders Breakfast Daytona will take place during bike week Tuesday, March 4th 2008 at Destination Daytona. Tickets are for sale online at:
A very special thanks goes to those who go above and beyond to help the Builders Breakfast make history; Baker Drivetrain, Marilyn Stemp, Paisano Publications, Iron Works, Heel Guard, McDonald’s Sturgis, Arby’s Ormond Beach, Michael Lichter, Paul Yaffe Originals, Sara Liberte, Chrome Marketing, Jim Betlach, Bikers InCite, Broken Spoke Saloon, Bikernet, Ron Segal, ChopperBuild, Beachcruiser.com, Suzy, Cheryl and Kathy (you know who you are) and numerous other generous people and companies. Not to mention a big special thanks to attending Builders; Paul Yaffe, Eddie Trotta, Aaron Greene, Paul Cox, Keino, Russell Mitchell, Kendall Johnson, Russell Marlowe, Kim Suter, Jerry Covington, Donnie Smith, Dave Perewitz, Billy Lane, Arlin Fatland, Rick Fairless, Brian Klock, Chica, AMD World Champion Chicara, Scott Webster, Roland Sands, Michael Prugh, Jesse Rooke, Arlen and Cory Ness, Brian Klock, Randy Simpson, Roger Goldammer, Matt Hotch and Jim Nasi.
For sponsorship information please call: Chrome Marketing, 952-470-4297

BRIAN KLOCK WISHING EVERYONE HAPPY THANKSGIVING– Happy Thanksgiving week to everyone, we are thankful for all of you who supported us as friends and business associates this year!
It has truly been a blessing to enjoy another year in this great industry, get married, race at the legendary Bonneville, and create kustom stuff!
All the best to each of you as you travel, enjoy family, and bless someone just by being YOU!

TORIAN LEATHER HOLIDAY EARLY-BIRD SPECIAL FOR ONLY 72 HOURS– For the next 72 hours Bikernet is having an early-bird Torian Chopper Leathers sale. Bandit hooked up with famed motorcycle designer, Bob Kay, and made the Torian line of old-skool leathers available to the Bikernet readers. Kay comes from American IronHorse, River Road and Biker’s Choice.
His background and long rides from Texas to Daytona and Sturgis helped him design some of the most comfortable and bullet-proof leather available today. The feel is soft, the quality is iron and the utility is like a Swiss army knife.
Check them out now for you or for Santa’s little helper. A 10 year warranty ensures your satisfaction for years to come. Click>http://www.bikernetshop.com/shop/torian-chopper-leathers-jackets-shirts/”>Click here to load up your sled and save big time!
–Jeff Najar

Tech Cycle open primary for 2007 Softails TECH Cycle’s latest open primary drive has been designed for use on ’07 Softail and ’06-up Dyna models–The drive manufactured in 6061-T651 aluminum, features a contoured primary plate and is available in 2in and 3in belt widths. An optional contoured side belt guard is also available along with a high torque gear reduction starter designed specifically for ’07 models with the new 96ci motor.
Penndel, Pennsylvania, USA
Tel: 215 702 8324
Fax: 215 752 2448

BIKERNET ON FAMILY RELATIONS–A teenage boy asks his granny ‘Have you seen my pills, they were labeled LSD?’
“Forget the frickin pills,” Granny replied, “have you seen the dragons in the kitchen.”
–from Akita

W8LESS ROTORS HEADING TO MARKET– Received five sets of rotors and pads yesterday. Photos of all but the black w/ straight carrier .
Happy Thanksgiving,

2WHEEL TUNER MAG FOR XMAS–Give a gift of sportbike fun this holiday season – 2WHEEL TUNER!Powersports and sportbike enthusiasts love 2Wheel Tuner, jam-packed every month with fascinating lifestyle articles, from street and road racing to drag racing to stunt riding. If it makes your bike look better or go faster, you’ll find it in 2Wheel Tuner!
2WHEEL TUNER – Read. Tune. Ride. Repeat

BIKERNET STUDIOS DELIVERS WILD BONNEVILLE RACING STORY– These Guys Stole a Fence Post in Order to Race & Win. Team Swissperformance is supported by the Swiss Government and invades Bonneville with 2 record runs of 146.246 and 156.508 in the 3000 A PBG and 3000 APS PBG class respectively.
This was their first time on the salt so they had to innovate in order to race. They stole a metal fence post to make a chain guard and overnighted 45 lbs dumbbells to attach to the rear wheel for better traction. Thunder Bob interviews fast man Markus Saegesser on the teams preparation.Please link to –mailto:jeff@horsepowermarketing.com ALL AMERICAN DELIVERS CLEAR WHEEL–With the unveiling of the Ultimate Clear Wheel, All American Wheel is taking wheel design into the next generation of wheels. This 3-Piece Ultimate Wheel features a polycarbonate center that is polished to a glassy finish and has the strength and life-expectancy of 6061 forged billet aluminum. The outer rims are made from 6061-T6 prime aluminum and are finished with the Soft Lip Look – talk about a show stopper! All three pieces and the nuts & bolts are manufactured here in the U.S.A. “Our ongoing commitment to the people who ride on our wheels continues to focus on providing products that our wheel manufactures want and bringing the best quality wheel to the market,” said Kim Hotinger, Sales Manager for All American Wheel. “We are listening to our customers, evaluating the feedback; our goal is to offer quality product and new, innovative designs if it is what our customers want.” Technical Specifications on the 3-Piece Wheel: Known as the “The Wheel People,” All American Wheel combines technological expertise with vast motorcycle experience, delivering a quality wheel for the wheel manufacturer. As the world’s leader in motorcycle wheel blanks, All American Wheel Company has supplied wheel blanks to customers in 36 countries since 1998. While we continue our global growth, we continue to treat every customer like family. Please visit us online at www.allamericanwheel.com. CHET’S THANKSGIVING STORY ON BIKERNET– Holy shit….. Thank you so much. I opened it and the tears just flew out, I know just like a big pussy…LOL It looks great and I appreciate being able to see it in more of a finished form. Thanks again love and respect, –O.E.P. P.S. I’m not really sure if you know exactly how much this means to me this year. I just did a month and a half tour with a new product and was suppose to get handed almost 9000.00 when I was done. The guy handed me 200.00 and said he was broke. After almost getting arrested in Galveston for kicking his ass, I left, borrowing another 200 to get home. I was in a severe wreck about 4 years ago and was almost killed. I fractured my right ankle in 5 places, completely dislocated my right knee and had all the ligaments replaced with cadava ligaments, cracked 6 ribs, separated both shoulders and collar bones, fractured my sinus and my skull and had a blood clot on the brain. The lady who hit me was a single mom with minimum insurance and it left me with almost 400,000.00 in medical bills. That accompanied with this idiot not paying me means I am now filing bankruptcy and loosing everything including my house. I already got rid of my bikes and everything else I owned. So now, at 44, I get to start over and what a better kick off to starting over than you putting this on your site. I don’t know if you will ever know just how much it has meant to me. Thank you and may you and yours have a truly Happy Thanksgiving and Holiday season. S&S RETRO PANS FOR SHOVELS–The all new S&S? retro conversion kit for shovels gives your engine the classic look of the 1950’s and early 1960’s, boosts performance, and it’s quiet! All you need is the kit, a set of pan covers and you are set. This kit will fit 1966-’84 stock and 3 5/8″ bore shovel engines. By installing the all-new S&S P-Series heads you will see an increase in performance, plus a much quieter valve train. The kit includes S&S hydraulic tappets, Quickee pushrods and forged roller rocker arms that mount in the all new S&S P-Series rocker mounts. Also included in the kit are stylish S&S polished billet tappet guides. To really add to the performance upgrade of this kit, you can select a cam from our 1984-’99 cam group with lifts up to .640″ (with new rocker arm ratio, a .640″ will actually be a .590″). S&S pan covers are sold separately and work perfectly-or another aftermarket cover can be used Contact Information VINTAGE KLASS INVITE–Hope everyone has a great Turkey Day!! Come see us at the Long Beach Swap on December 2 for tons of new stuff! Thanks for the support NEW AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE LAUNCHED–DELAWARE American Motors (DAM) is the latest company to launch a new American made motorcycle the DAM Tech Twin American 13C. The initial production run will be limited to just 13 bikes. The number was chosen to represent the 13 stars on the first US flag. Those stars represented the 13 original colonies that rebelled against British rule and became the first 13 states of the United States of America. Each motorcycle will be hand-made and include special features, including the DAM APEX chassis and 127ci R&R 2 CAM billet engine. The frame is designed to carry five quarts of oil and the hand-made exhaust is inspired by NASCAR. Further race car technology can be found in the use of a Penske Racing developed shock in the Girder front end. “We want to change the way that people think about custom motorcycles,” says Mark S. Klein, founder and owner of DAM. “There is an elite group of motorcyclists devoted to the style, attitude and durability of American motorcycles who desire exclusivity and craftsmanship inherent to hand-built customs.” DELAWARE AMERICAN MOTORS
Centered, no offset
Web Thickness – 0.750″ +.10/-.020
Center Bore – 2.550″ +.010/-0.00
Center Piece – 3/4″ thick, made from polycarbonate composite
Outer Rims – 6061-T6 prime aluminum
S&S Cycle Inc.
(608) 627-1497
– Joel and Mary
Vintage Klassvintageklass@sbcglobal.net>
Paterson, New Jersey, USA
Tel: 973 279 3261
Fax: 973 279 3262
E-mail: info@dammotorcycles.com

Continued On Page 3