Continued From Page 3

THE SOLUTION TO ILLEGAL ALIENS – – OKLAHOMA GOT IT RIGHT–Since it is obvious that no one in the Federal Level is willing to take the appropriate action(s) regarding illegal aliens, at least one state is doing something about illegal aliens. – – – –
*Oklahoma is no longer OK for Illegal Aliens*
Oklahoma’s Governor Brad Henry has signed a sweeping immigration Reform bill: House Bill 1804, that its sponsor believes will go a long way in dealing with the illegal alien problem in the state. House Bill 1804 was passed by overwhelming majorities in both the House and Senate of the Oklahoma Legislature. The measure’s sponsor, State Representative Randy Terrill, says the bill has four main topical areas: it deals with identity theft; it terminates public assistance benefits to illegal; it empowers state and local police to enforce federal immigration laws; and it punishes employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens.
Oklahoma is no longer “O.K.” for illegal aliens, Terrill observes. “When you put everything together in context,” he contends, “the bottom line is illegal aliens will not come here if there are no jobs waiting for them, they will not stay here if there is no government subsidy, and they certainly won’t stay here if they know that if they ever encounter our state and local law enforcement officers, they will be physically detained until they’re deported. And that’s exactly what House Bill 1804 does.”

LEO HESS PERFORMANCE MASTERMIND– Here’z a couple of pix from the Flatz this fall. We put a Supermax belt on this one.
–Phil Ross>

VETERANS FIGHTING VETERANS–PAISLEY – Joe Rodak, local boss of the Warrior Brotherhood Veterans Motorcycle Club, rolled up to the group’s clubhouse after a 100-mile ride across Central Florida on Nov. 11 that included a visit to the National Cemetery in Bushnell to remember fallen soldiers. An army of bikers, maybe 50, 60 strong, was waiting for him and his small, cruising entourage of aging veterans, neighbors, spouses and girlfriends.
“My first thought was, uh-oh, we’re going to need a lot more hot dogs,” said Rodak, 60, a heavily tattooed Vietnam vet and Bronze Star recipient who organized the Veterans Day weekend activities. The day was to conclude with a community cookout._
But the idling throng blocking the entrance to the rural clubhouse hadn’t come for a picnic. They beat Rodak in front of his wife and friends, cut his riding vest and colors from his body, and yanked down the club’s banner and an American flag, witnesses told Lake County deputy sheriffs. They were members of the Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club, a larger organization of motorcycle-riding military veterans, some of whom apparently consider Rodak’s brood to be their rivals.
“They’re gutless, cowards,” said a neighbor, Alice Barney, 65. “Beating another veteran on Veterans Day, it’s unAmerican.” Sheriff’s detectives are investigating the beating, which sent Rodak to a hospital in DeLand, but have not made any arrests.
Deputies patrolling the northeast part of the county later that afternoon stopped a swarm of bikers wearing leather vests emblazoned with the Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club’s insignia at the intersection of County Roads 44 and 46A. They collected IDs.
–Orlando Sentinel
–from Tinman

SIGN-UPS STARTING FOR BIKERNET ALASKAN ADVENTURE–We cannot get the exact dates and cost of the ferry until January but we are going to bypass Canada for the sake all of Bandit’s felonious friends. YOU WILL STILL NEED A PASSPORT!!!!!!!! Due to the heavy ferry traffic during this season there needs to be a deadline for registration as the ferry master (damn that sounds weird) has to know. Here is the preliminary plan without dates, miles and details.Ferry ride; Bellingham, Washington to Juneau, Alaska. Juneau, Alaska to Whittier, Alaska. Unload bikes at Whittier.
Phase 1; Kenai Peninsula which includes Whittier, Soldotna, Kenai, Homer, and Seward. This is postcard stuff here with many small stops and sightseeing.
Phase 2; Anchorage to Fairbanks. In between is Talkeetna, Denali (Mt. McKinley), Healy, and Nenana. Lots to see on this route and we should take at least three days to get to Fairbanks.
Phase 3; Fairbanks. Ok, I haven’t figured this one out completely but I know some people would like to get to the Arctic Circle and it is up the haul (dirt) road.The other northern route is to Circle Hot Springs. Both are worth seeing so we have some planning to do here. Either way we end up back in Fairbanks.
Phase 4; Fairbanks to Tok and on to Chicken (dirt road).
Phase 5; Tok to Valdez.
Phase 6; Valdez to Anchorage and back to Whittier and the ferry.
Keep in mind this is only preliminary stuff so stops of interest, sightseeing and the such will continue to be added and the plan will be built off of those suggestions and new information. There is a LOT to see and do so we are not going to be in a hurry. This is a vacation and a motorcycle trip of a lifetime for some of us so we must do it right or Bandit will have me by the short hairs. Any and all suggestions would be appreciated. Keep in mind that there are opportunities to fish, ride trains, hike, shoot guns, visit Denali, river raft, museums (damn good ones), dog sled rides (yes, even in the summer), go to the drag races, party with some of the most fun people in the world, etc… The dirt roads are in pretty good shape but rain can be a factor here. You do not have to ride the dirt roads as they are options only. Please note that no matter what anyone says the haul road belongs to the truckers, make no mistake. Fortunately many of the truckers are bikers also. We will have 24 hours of daylight during this period. We are also compiling a must have list.
Ok, send in your suggestions but all complaints must be accompanied by a cashiers check in the amount of $50.00. Much more to come. Thanx.Berry
Hey, feel free to drop me a line, if you’re interested in this wild adventure to Alaska with a handful of crazed maniacs. It won’t be a gang, but maybe a dozen riders. We will meet in Bellingham and take it from there. Send you name and beaver pelt to:–Bandit

ANOTHER SHOP IN THE GREAT NORTHWEST–What’s crackin? Just read the news from last week and wanted to chime in on industry in the great northwest. You already know Matt Adams (from Lucky’s Choppers in Seattle) went out on his own and opened Redsoul in the SoDo district of Seattle, but I wanted to let everyone know the guys at Redsoul are knocking out some sick bikes and parts.

Check out the tank he just did for my latest build… if you think the tank is sick, what till you see the fender! I also included a couple shots of the shop, Matt’s latest build and proof that it doesn’t always rain in Seattle.Matt can be contacted here…
4740 Airport Way
Seattle. WA 98108
The industry is alive and well in the pacific north-wet… come up anytime and we will blast the streets through downtown… rain or shine! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at Bikernet… ride hard!
–Later, Eric

CRUISERCAST FREE BIKER PODCASTS–CruiserCast is offering free educational podcasts focusing on the cruiser market. Filmed in High Def, the podcasts introduce new products, technologies and expert opinions whether it’s a new type of motor oil, new high performance product or the next up and coming manufacturer or motorcycle celebrity, according to a spokesman.
Unlike with photos, which present one angle or with TV, which is available only at predefined times, Podcasts are available on demand all the time. Designed to educate instead of entertain, CruiserCast episodes stay on topic and are made by bikers for bikers, added the spokesman. “Riders will benefit from CruiserCast if they are new to motorcycling or if they are advanced,” said Paolo Ciccone, producer and director of CruiserCast. “With Podcasts it’s easy to choose what you want to watch, and when you want to watch it.”
Podcasts are digital media files distributed over the Internet and are available for free. They can be played back on portable media players or on personal computers. Viewers can subscribe to the free podcast feeds from iTunes so that new episodes download automatically to the viewer’s computer. They can also visit CruiserCast directly ( and click on the podcast episode that interests them. CruiserCast plays on both PCs and Macintosh computers. – J. JOSHUA PLACA

BIKERNET 5-BALL RACING SPONSOR SURPRISED–Just wanted to wish you, nyla, 5-Ball racing team and the rest of the crew a happy Thanksgiving. BTW, I don’t do it often, but I just got to check out Bikernet.TV and saw the piece when you found out about getting the record and was surprised that my name was mentioned while you were thanking the other sponsors. Ya made my year!
I haven’t been a Cantina member that long, but I do remember when Bikernet didn’t have the Cantina. What kept me coming back was the Two Wheeled Tales. After that the news and then the articles that were published in the free areas. Then ya started writing the books (which I have ’em all) and things have continued to grow. Looking forward to the next book and will always be a Cantina subscriber.

THE CHIEF IS HAVING A FUND RAISER– My name is Laural Dudley and I am the Fire Chief in the community of Powers Or, we are located in the Siskiyou Mtns between Myrtle Point and Agness on Hwy 242. I am trying to have a fund raiser for our dept next spring and was wondering if I could get you to donate a little something for our raffle.
I purchased a 07 Dyna Street Bob this past summer and just love it. We all ride Harleys in our household. Anyway if you can send me something that would be great. Our fire dept here is all volunteers along with the volunteer emt’s and we are trying to raise money for much needed equipment and a new fire hall as our budget is small.
My friend Charlie Betchel has a Biker Internet Show on Saturdays and is pretty interesting to listen to. You can catch it on at :
–Laural Dudley>

ENJOY TURKEY DAY–and give thanks to those who make your life complete. Damn, we have lots to be thankful for from a woman?s smile to the freedom to see her legs. We need to stop once in a while and think about it, about our lives in the Free-est country on this planet. Our fortune, just to live here, is amazing.

I noticed a recent outpouring of charity efforts in the biker community. I remember when we were just a handful of outlaws, smokin? dope and trying to get away with anything we could. Our lives were illegal, our motorcycles outside the law and our? I won?t push it. Just recently I read where a community tried to shut down a Biker charity effort. They used the rationale that, ?They?re just a bunch of outlaws trying to make believe they?re apart of the community.? That struck me. That may have been true 40 years ago, but now motorcycling represents so much more in our society.

I believe we symbolize the essence of the American way. We still fight for our freedoms, for our safety and for our lifestyle. Being a biker and building bikes stands for freedom and artistic expression. We are apart of something more sacred than organized communities with parking restrictions and noise ordinances. We are apart of the two-wheeled community constantly under attack. So goddamnit, I?m proud of the biker community and their efforts to support the straight world while continuing to fight for our freedom to stay in the wind. Happy Thanksgiving, goddamnit.
Ride Forever,