There’s an easy solution to all the renewable efforts, but it entails eliminating the doom. Take a community, a city or a fucking state and eliminate all access to fossil fuels or any fossil fuel products and see how it works. Bada bing, easy, squeezy. We will answer all the questions, quick. That’s the way sensible, intelligent folks would test a product or a notion.
A brother said recently, “It isn’t about the planet or saving the earth. It’s about control.” Okay, so what. We know what’s going on. We also know how to level the playing field, eliminate the doom. Then let everyone test their theories. Take fossil fuels away and see what happens.
Remember: You are never a denier if you are seeking the truth.
Let’s hit the news:
The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, BorntoRide.com and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.
DIRECT FROM THE PRIME MINISTER–Euro energy crisis: A rare opportunity to
re-calibrate priorities?
At least one developed economy is waking up from an energy slumber induced by the obsession with climate change. The new prime minister of the UK is seemingly leaving no stone unturned in her pursuit of energy liberation by appointing climate-skeptic ministers.
Given the decade-long dominance of anti-fossil fuel policies in the Western economies, this monumental policy shift is nothing short of a great awakening, one that may have been forced upon leaders by an existential energy crisis.
The Russian war in Ukraine, the uncertainty with OPEC oil production, and the post-pandemic economic recovery have together created a situation that cannot be ignored anymore.
The political class has been forced to address the energy shortage. Sensible policies must be pursued and probably will be this winter if only out of a need to keep people from freezing to death.
–by Vijay Jayaraj
CO2 Coalition
2022 Biketoberfest Hit Parade: 1. Willie’s The Chopper Show, 2. Sons of Speed, & 3. the SOS KIRSH Lid
Heading to Daytona for Biketoberfest this year? The two things that are on every biker’s list is The Original Chopper Show on Thursday, October 13, 2022 and the Sons of Speed at New Smyrna Speedway on Saturday, October 15, 2022.
Thursday is the day to clear the whole schedule and just plan on being at Willie’s Old School Chopper Show from start to finish. This show continues to set records and blow minds.
The show is loud, cramped, fun, hot, and some of the coolest sleds you will ever see. The event includes beer, girls, bands, trophies, awards, and Roadside Marty talking trash to everyone. It’s over in a flash and then you’re sitting around wondering what just happened.
Sons of Speed races in New Symrna Beach, FL for Speedtober 2022 on Saturday, October 15, 2022 outside Daytona Beach, FL. The racing is held at the New Smyrna Speedway.
Sons of Speed features stripped-down bikes with pre-1925 American V-Twin engines and a steeply banked racetrack, that hearkens back to a wide-open, full-throttle, thrilling style of motorcycle racing.
One of the things I love about Sons of Speed are the people behind the bars and in the pits. You’ll see and have time to meet guys and gals like Billy Lane, Shelly Rossmeyer Pepe, Jody Perewitz, Jeff Cochran, Rogue, Dave Perewitz, and Dan Fitzmaurice.
Another cool thing that I ran across is the Sons of Speed 2022 custom lid by KIRSH Helmets. It’s a gem that you can take back with you as a memento of the event.
It’s cool, comes in the SOS colors with a SOS logo on the front. In addition, it’s manufactured with a high-tech fluid liner that provides an incredible amount of safety in case you have a dismount. It’s the best protection you can buy in a half shell.
These lids are available at the track or online at KIRSH Helmets – https://www.kirshhelmets.com/product/sons-of-speed-chm-1/
News Alert: Some events are cancelled due to the recent tropical storm.
THE OUTLAW CODE— True one percent clubs have history and tradition built by the members that came before them. True one percent clubs put the brotherhood first before family, friends, society and definitely before societies laws.
They are not 1%ers who become drug dealers, pimps, thugs, thieves, or murderers. They ARE drug dealers, pimps, thugs, thieves, murders, TO BE 1%ers. The crimes allow them the time, the money, and the freedom to be TRUE outlaw bikers.
A Welcomed Veto and Some Successful Amendments for PFAS Legislation
The MIC’s PFAS Working Group recently met to review the latest news about legislation surrounding the synthetic chemicals used in a wide variety of powersports products, and what the Government Relations Office has done to date. The team also considered next steps as it faces one of the biggest challenges to ever confront manufacturers, distributors, and dealerships.
In one of the biggest states for powersports business, two bills directly affect manufacturers and distributors. Fortunately for OE and aftermarket powersports companies, California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed AB 2247 which would have set up a PFAS registry for all products containing the chemicals.
Newsom did sign into law AB 1817, which prohibits, beginning January 1, 2025, any person from manufacturing, distributing, selling, or offering for sale any textile articles that contain intentionally added PFAS – except for textiles used for personal protective equipment or certain other regulated products. But the MIC GRO team successfully inserted an amendment that exempts off-highway motor vehicles from provisions in the bill. Previously, AB 1817 only exempted on-highway vehicles.
“This new California law does still apply to gear and clothing, so if you are not already working with your suppliers on finding alternatives to PFAS, you absolutely need to be. Know that starting no later than January 1, 2025, manufacturers selling products in California must use ‘the least toxic alternative when complying with this prohibition and…provide distributors with certification of compliance.’ “
– Scott Schloegel
MIC Senior Vice President
The MIC GRO sent a second letter on behalf of 104 powersports companies to the Department of Environmental Protection in Maine, requesting an extension to a PFAS registration deadline. The state recently replied, granting a six-month extension to the firms, stating: “The Department has determined that more time is needed to comply with the Subsection 1414(2)(A) requirements and that it is appropriate to extend the deadline for the submission until six months after the effective date of the Department’s finally adopted rule for the entities listed….”
“This provides some breathing room,” Schloegel said. “But member companies need to continue expedited analysis and testing of the products they sell into Maine, and be prepared by the modified registration date.”
FRED KODLIN SPEAKS OUT–Kodlin Lowering Kits for 2021 and 2022 HD Pan-America (RA 1250) models
- Made of steel with a black powder coating finish
- Easy installation which doesn’t require a modification to your suspension. No shock compression tool is required.
- Comes with installation instructions (download).
K66029 Kodlin 2-inch Lowering Kit for Pan-America models 2021-2022. Lowers the height of the Pan-America by 2 inches (50 mm).
K66031 Kodlin 1-inch Lowering Kit for Pan-America models 2021-2022.Lowers the height of the Pan-America by by 1 inch (25 mm).
Retail: US$ 99.99
Dealer: US$ 69.99
Note: Operation of the center stand can only be done by 2 people after the installation of the 2″ lowering kit.
Available at www.kodlinusa.com or from our distribution partners.

And online! Let the bidding begin for more than 600 lots including classic motorcycles, unique memorabilia, hot rods and a huge collection of parts — all selling at NO RESERVE! Bidding starts October 19.
“We are featuring an incredible line up of Classic Motorcycles, Parts, Memorabilia, Jeff Decker Bronzes and even some cars,” says Glen Bator. “Classic British bikes and some really unique European roadracing bikes have just been added to the docket. A race -ready Kawasaki KR250 looks like a winner.”
“You can see all of the items coming up for bid on our website at:
–from Dealernews
SONG PICK OF THE WEEK : The eighties high-energy boogie-blues legend
Song : “I Drink Alone”
Rock band : George Thorogood & The Destroyers
Album : Maverick (1985)
Lyrics by : George Thorogood
I drink alone, yeah
With nobody else
I drink alone, yeah
With nobody else
Yeah, you know when I drink alone
I prefer to be by myself
Now every morning just before breakfast
I don’t want no coffee or tea
Just me and my good buddy Weiser
That’s all I ever need
‘Cause I drink alone, yeah
With nobody else
Yeah, you know when I drink alone
I prefer to be by myself
Yeah, the other night I laid sleeping
And I woke from a terrible dream
So, I caught up my pal Jack Daniel’s
And his partner Jimmy Beam
And we drank alone, yeah
With nobody else
Yeah, you know when I drink alone
I prefer to be by myself
Yeah, the other day I got invited to a party
But I stayed home instead
Just me and my pal Johnny Walker
And his brothers Black and Red
And we drank alone, yeah
With nobody else
Yeah, you know when I drink alone
I prefer to be by myself
Yeah, my whole family done give up on me
And it makes me feel oh so bad
The only one who will hang out with me
Is my dear old granddad
And we drink alone, yeah
With nobody else
Yeah, you know when I drink alone
I prefer to be by myself
Yeah, you know when I drink alone
I prefer to be by myself
I drink alone
D.J. and Music Editor
UN DECLARES– ‘We own the science’ & ‘the world should know it’ so ‘we partnered with Google’ to ensure only UN climate results appear in search requests.
The United Nations revealed that they “own the science” of climate change and they have manipulated Google search results to suppress any climate view that deviates from UN claims.
Melissa Fleming, the UN’s Under-Secretary for Global Communications said at a World Economic Forum event: “We partnered with Google. For example, if you Google ‘climate change,’ you will, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of UN resources…We were shocked to see that when we Googled ‘climate change,’ we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top…We own the science, and we think that the world should know it.”
Marc Morano comment: “As I wrote in my book, The Great Reset, the public health bureaucracy and the ‘climate community’ have become political lobbying organizations, and they are using ‘The Science’ to support their preferred policies—policies that dovetail with the Great Reset and advance the power of the administrative state.” The UN now joins Anthony ‘I am The Science’ Fauci in claiming ownership of science.”
–Marc Morano
Climate Depot
“I don’t get it. Who would ever trust anything from the UN? And who wants the UN to be in control of anything or any government? I say we pull the lease on their building downtown.”
I came across the ugliest stock bike I think I have ever seen in my life, and of course decided I had to have one.
“I still don’t know why I wanted one, I just did.
It sat in the corner for a while until Pops basically told me if I wanted to build a bike, that was gonna be it.
I was actually pretty pissed, but in the end he taught me to see the potential…”
–Mikey Arnold
Operation Gratitude is excited to provide another wonderful opportunity for Volunteers to donate their time and energy to help us show our first responders how much the American people care.
Join us in Philadelphia, PA on October 25th and 26th, 2022 at Rivers Casino, where we will assemble 7,000 Care Packages for first responders. Come join us on the journey to say thank you to all who serve!
We are grateful to our partner CSX for sponsoring this event.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.
With Gratitude,
–Vicki Johnson
Director, National Volunteer Network
By guest writer Eric Peters
In several objective ways, new cars are less “safe” than cars built decades ago.
A strong statement. One that probably seems ridiculous, too, given all the “safety” features new cars have that old cars did not, and the fact that new vehicles must pass a battery of crash tests before dealers may legally sell them to the public.
But “safety” is a slippery thing.
An analogy may help get the point across.
Battleships were considered virtually invulnerable; they had some armor belts more than a foot thick. Then came naval aviation. And the air-dropped torpedo. One or two of these–a few thousand bucks each, maybe–could slide under a battleship’s armor belt (which generally did not extend below the waterline) and make short work of a billion-dollar capital ship.
How “safe” is the new car you can’t see very well out of because of over-tall headrests, up-high beltlines, and girder-thick roof support pillars vs. the pre- “safe” car that gave you an excellent view of what was coming at you from the side and behind?
Do anti-lock brakes encourage some drivers to tailgate? Does traction control encourage some people to drive too fast on slick roads? Have higher grip thresholds given people a false sense of security? Eighty MPH in a modern car doesn’t feel as fast as 60 did in the pre- “safety” era.
The physics hasn’t changed, just the perception.
The new car is probably (though not necessarily) more crashworthy, but which is more likely to be involved in a crash?
Much of government-mandated “safety” is reactive–it is all about making cars “safer” to crash. More survivable when you wreck. Airbags fall into this category.
It would probably be safer to avoid the crash.
That used to be the emphasis. It’s not anymore.
Less and less is expected of the driver. More and more is demanded of the car. Even to the extent of simple competencies such as parallel parking, which we have given up, is now in many vehicles handled automatically by a computer, which takes over and steers the car into its slot. The “driver” merely pushes a button.
One could make a pretty solid case that a person unable to parallel park a car alone is probably not a “safe” driver.
The car is expected to have skills and be aware. The driver, not so much.
“Safety” is also incoherent.
For example, on the one hand, the government makes a fuss about distracted driving and yet not a peep about new cars with so many distracting electronic gadgets. It’s a miracle anyone makes it a week without at least one fender-bender.
Pecking at a smartphone keyboard is an actionable offense. Still, it’s ok to fiddle with the car’s built-in touchscreen “infotainment” system, which in many new vehicles has Internet access and does pretty much everything (and sometimes, more than) a smartphone does.
It is probably not “safe” to drive with someone ringing a bell or flashing a light in your face. Yet most new cars have “safety” systems that do exactly that, in some cases incessantly and for no good reason.
The steering wheel vibrates like Titanic’s tiller as the doomed ship scraped past the iceberg every time a tire grazes a painted line in the road (Lane Departure Warning). A frantic red light flashes on the dashboard, and the brakes suddenly come on, jerking you forward without warning because another car 20 yards ahead is slowing down or a cyclist is off to the right (Collision Avoidance Mitigation/Automated Braking).
The presumption being you are too addled to anticipate, too slow-witted, and low-skilled to react appropriately and in time.
Maybe go back to pecking at the smartphone or fiddling with the LCD touchscreen.
Why not?
People think their vehicle is “safe” to drive because an Official Safety Inspector inspected it on a given day. The sticker on the window says the car is “safe” to drive! And probably it was. But what about three months from now? By then, the brake pads (or tires) that were still ok or “safe” as defined by the government have worn to the point of no longer being very safe at all.
And so many drivers assume it is.
Technically, the law requires them to keep up with the condition of their vehicle, to note whether the tires are going bald and the brake pads are getting close to needing to be replaced. But because the car has a valid inspection sticker, many people don’t bother until some event confronts them with the reality that the tires have gone bald or the brake pads are worn out.
In the pre-inspection era, people were motivated to keep track of the condition of their vehicles. Today, that responsibility is passed off to an inspector.
Which era was “safer”?
Older adults with arthritic limbs, slow reaction times, and poor vision are, by definition, impaired relative to younger people not yet afflicted with those woes of the aging process. Yet that form of impairment isn’t considered the “safety” hazard that having even trace amounts of alcohol in one’s system is.
There are no Senile Citizen checkpoints. And suppose a glaucomic geriatric blows a red light and kills someone. In that case, the legal consequences will usually be far less severe than those faced by a driver who didn’t blow a red light or into anyone but did blow a BAC above the percentage that arbitrarily defines “drunk” driving.
Which form of impairment constitutes the greater “safety” threat?
In many states, there are laws against dark-tinted windows. Ostensibly because it is not “safe.” Likewise, mandatory buckle-up laws. And yet, government workers (cops) are exempted from these laws. Is it “safe” for them to drive cars with dark tinted windows and not buckled up? If so, how so?
And if not, why are we hassled for doing the same?
“Safety” is in the eye of the beholder and the pen of the regulator.
“Well written, but if we abide by the Zero Doctrine, we must, must keep regulating until there are no freedoms left. The above is exactly the reasoning to fight Helmet Laws. Helmets especially full face now with entertainment and communication systems attached are notorious. And the perception is that the rider can ride faster and pop wheelies all day long because he’s wearing a helmet. Hang on!”
[page break]
Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway.
Don’t judge folks by their relatives.
Silence is sometimes the best answer.
Don‘t interfere with somethin’ that ain’t botherin’ you none.
Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.
The biggest troublemaker you’ll ever have to deal with watches you from the mirror every mornin’.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
Good judgment comes from experience, and most of that comes from bad judgment.
Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in.
If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around.
Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time.
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply.
Speak kindly.
Most times, it just gets down to common sense.
–Sam Burns
BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!—
Monster Twin Cam Race Engines from JIMS
Interested in a 120.
— Paul McPherson
Roanoke , VA
To Understand the “Ghats” in India — Attached is a photo of me on my old cast-iron right-side gear shift Enfield Bullet – Splitting Lanes between fully loaded Trucks and Trailers and Tankers.
The Ghats are many times fatal to idiots who think it’s as good as any climb & slope they have done in motorcycle groups or SUV Clubs.
Another Photo from before we climb this “Ghat”
The Sign Reads in local language – “BEWARE: Leopards and other Wild Animals Can Collide. Please Drive Slowly — signage by a National Park”
Yup! That’s what I need on the Ghats. Drive more Slowly for the wonderful leopard to be a pillion.
Knowing me, I slow down for all animals and random people too actually. I watch out for injured dogs and cats too.
Check Out Our SALE Page for MORE GREAT DEALS!
Get These Items Now, Before the Holidays and While They’re Still In Stock!
This class was very informative and interesting. I strongly urge people to take this class. Valuable information was learned that can be applied in everyday life, not just at an accident scene.
The instructor was very knowledgeable and presented the materials that we were able to demonstrate for ourselves. Great class.
–Christy Severino
I’ve been polishing the Harbor Freight motor, removed the retractable pull start to a manual wrap cord. Mounted and polished the 6gun Choppers Inc. Polished and painted open slash cut pipe.
Take care and have a great weekend.
–Adam Croft
Click Below to View
October 5th – 9th
Pig Trail Harley Davidson
2409 W. Hudson Road
Rogers, Arkansas 72756
ANOTHER New Bikernet Reader Comment!–STIMULATING BIKERNET WEEKLY NEWS for September 29th 2022
If it’s a choice of electric or walk, I think I will walk. Fuck electric cars and non-2-wheeled seeing machines. They are not motor vehicles.
— A.J.
Deland, FL
–Sam Burns
Green Guru
–Paul Davis
CARELESS: Poll Indicates That Most Owners are Negligent in Securing Motorcycles From Thieves
October 5, 2022 – In a recent poll of 600 American motorcycle owners, only half of owners took proactive steps to protect their motorcycle from theft. The top two actions that respondents identified when asked how they protect their motorcycle were to have insurance and to remove the key from the ignition.
“Insurance is far from the best bet to keep a rider on the road. Sure, it will help reimburse your loss, but, obviously, it won’t get your bike back or prevent it from being stolen”, said Bruno Rimkunas, motorcycle security expert and head of business development for security device maker Monimoto.
“We all know that insurance can’t replace a vintage motorcycle or a one-of-a-kind custom bike. In many cases today, a local dealer doesn’t have replacement bikes in the showroom to get you back on the road. And there WILL be police reports, claim forms and sometimes a significant wait to recover from a motorcycle theft.”
“We recommend being proactive in protecting your bike every time it is parked,” he continued. “A good motorcycle lock is critical. Parking in a garage whenever it’s feasible, and using a GPS tracker like Monimoto if a rider chooses.”
About half of the survey respondents use some type of lock to secure their bike. Disc locks and chains are the most common. Respondents also see the value of a higher tech solution to motorcycle security, with 85% indicating that they would consider a GPS tracker for their motorcycle in the future.
Motorcycle Safety Measures : Top Responses
Q. What motorcycle safety measures do you take (or have ever taken)?
- Insurance
- Removing the vehicle’s key
- GPS Trackers
- Parking in a garage
- Covering the vehicle
- Use of a vehicle’s steering lock
- Use of an additional lock on a grip or brake disc
- Marking the motorcycle parts
Monimoto’s security platform typically handles about 189 theft incidents each week, assisting motorcycle owners and police to recover stolen vehicles, and in some cases preventing thefts from occurring.
For riders considering a GPS tracker, Rimkunas offers some advice. “A device that’s not connected to the bike’s electrical system is hard to disable and easier to install. It should be hidden from the eyes of thieves and it should always be on, not requiring the owner to enable or disable the device every time it’s parked. And most important, it should provide frequent, accurate tracking of the stolen bike so that authorities can locate and return the bike to its owner.”
The Monimoto 7 uses the latest eSIM, 4G/5G IoT connectivity combined with a sophisticated backend and mobile app. It comes with an embedded, international eSIM card and is powered by two autonomous, long-life batteries, so it won’t drain the battery on a motorcycle or e-bike and never falls victim to a thief who cuts the battery cable. The device calls the owner within minutes when unauthorized motion is detected.
1. If poison passes its expiration date, is it more poisonous or is it no longer poisonous?
2. Which letter is silent in the word “Scent,” the S or the C?
3. Do twins ever realize that at least one of them is unplanned?
4. Why is the letter W, in English, called double U? Shouldn’t it be called double V?
5. Maybe oxygen is slowly killing you and It just takes 75-100 years to fully work.
6. Every time you clean something, you just make something else dirty.
7. The word “swims” upside-down is still “swims”
8. 100 years ago everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars.
Today everyone has cars and only the rich own horses.
–El Waggs
CNN Surprised By What We All Know: New Firearm Owners Are Heavily Liberal, Female, and Minority
As we’ve covered fairly heavily since the start of COVID times, lockdowns, pandemic insecurity, escalating crime, and the handcuffing of police put an afterburner on first-time firearm purchases. The last couple years have shattered all previous records for gun sales, but the story behind the story is a tough pill for The Left to swallow.
The anti-gun side of the body politic has always pushed a narrative that all those hundreds of millions of firearms in the U.S. are actually owned only by a small, extreme portion of the population that just keeps buying more and more and more guns
This was never anywhere near as true as they wanted, but the tide has shifted so hard since early 2020 that even left-wing media outlets are admitting the truth: record gun sales have been driven by first-time gun owners who are heavily skewed female and/or minority.
–By Jeremy S.
Truth about Guns
We’re excited to announce that the Recruit A Warrior Challenge is officially back! Start brainstorming — who will you recruit?
The Recruit A Warrior Challenge is a special chance for DAV members to win $1,000 by helping strengthen the ranks of DAV!
The rules are simple — copy and paste your personalized referral link below and share it with the veterans in your life through email, text or even social media. Then, for every new member you recruit by November 30, 2022, you will earn one entry into our drawing for a chance to win $1,000 !
Member Name: Keith Ball
Recruitment Link: https://www.mydav.org/dav-membership?a=000176c0-a037-4099-a091-7b0ce638d8e6&r=
Plus, for each member who joins using your personalized link, you’ll also earn classic recruitment points, which can be traded in for gear and other rewards.
DAV is only strong because of members like you — and you’re our most powerful tool to ensure DAV stays strong for the veterans of tomorrow. We hope you join our Recruit A Warrior Challenge today for your chance to win $1,000!
Thank you so much for being a member of DAV, and good luck!
–Douglas K. Wells Jr.
DAV National Membership Director
HANG ON FOR THIS—Why Right To Repair and Aftermarket will fail in EV
News such as below would be one of the many reasons Right To Repair and inclusion of Aftermarket parts from various companies may not be allowed by any Electric Vehicle manufacturer.
NEWS: A 7-year old boy dies of injuries in an e-scooter battery blast in Maharashtra
The deceased, identified as Shabbir Ansari, was a Class 2 student. He died during treatment for injuries suffered in an electric scooter battery blast in Vasai area of Palghar, Maharashtra (INDIA).
It is not even a month since a tragic EV fire incident killed eight people in Telangana. On September 23, the battery of the e-scooter kept in his house exploded while being charged. Due to the explosion, the television set in the room caught fire. As a result, he suffered severe burns. At the time of the incident, the boy was sleeping along with his mother.
“Shabbir’s father had brought the assembled e-scooter from Jaipur and kept the battery for charging in the living room. Prima facie, the battery exploded due to excess heating,” the report quoting a police official said.
–Adam Croft
Supreme Commander
Dime Bag Empire
Country Music Hall of Fame and Grand Ole Opry member Loretta Lynn has passed away at age 90. She died peacefully in her sleep early in the morning Tuesday, October 4, at her home in Hurricane Mills, Tennessee.
Throughout her 60-year career, Lynn achieved the highest level of success with over 50 Top 10 Hits including “Fist City,” “You Ain’t Woman Enough,” “You’re Lookin’ At Country,” “Don’t Come Home A Drinking,” “Coal Miner’s Daughter,” and more. Lynn also recorded legendary duets with The Wilburne Brothers, Ernest Tubb, and Conway Twitty.
The famous native of Butcher Hollow, Ky. amassed a staggering 51 Top 10 hits, garnered every accolade available in music from GRAMMY awards to induction into the Country Music Hall of Fame, and broke down barriers for women everywhere with songs like “Don’t Come Home a Drinkin’ (With Lovin’ on Your Mind),” “Fist City” and “Coal Miner’s Daughter.”
Thanks to the Oscar-winning 1980 film Coal Miner’s Daughter starring Sissy Spacek, Lynn’s story and songs were brought to an even wider audience, amplifying her impact on several generations of songwriters and artists in various genres including Jack White, with whom Lynn made the GRAMMY-winning 2004 album Van Lear Rose.
Throughout her 80s, Loretta continued to write new songs and, in 2016, returned to the charts with the GRAMMY-nominated Full Circle, the first in a series of critically acclaimed albums produced by her daughter, Patsy Lynn Russell, and John Carter Cash at Cash Cabin Studio in Hendersonville, Tenn.
She followed up with the seasonal classic White Christmas Blue (2016) and 2018’s GRAMMY-nominated Wouldn’t It Be Great, a combination of newly written songs and fresh interpretations of her catalog. In 2021, the American music icon released Still Woman Enough, a celebration of women in country music; her 50th studio album (not including her ten studio duet collaborations with Conway Twitty).
Still Woman Enough featured a title track co-written with Patsy Lynn Russell and a deeply emotional “Coal Miner’s Daughter Recitation,” commemorating the 50th anniversary of the release of Lynn’s signature song (October 5, 1970) and album (January 4, 1971).
“Celebrating the life of Loretta Lynn. One of my highest honors was being joined by her and George Jones on a song I wrote called ‘Country Music Has The Blues.'”
-Billy Ray Cyrus
“The world has lost a treasured icon, and I have lost a friend of more than sixty years. I have so many wonderful memories of touring with Loretta, sharing stages all over the world, laughing together and admiring her strength and tenacity. She was one of a kind as a singer, songwriter, and human being. We are all better off for her having walked among us.”
-Bill Anderson
“I have lost one of my dearest friends and the world has lost a true treasure.”
-Brenda Lee
“We toured a lot with Loretta in the 1980s. She and Conway Twitty recorded our song (‘Spiders and Snakes’) as a duet which is still one of our favorite career highlights. She was County Music pure and simple. She’s irreplaceable and a complete original. Our hearts go out to her family. The Coal Miner’s Daughter is Heaven’s newest angel.”
-David and Howard Bellamy, The Bellamy Brothers
The Seventy 4 collection by Roland Sands is rugged, yet classic V Twin inspired riding gear built for the road at approachable price points. The performance attributes are understated while the looks are geared towards both casual and spirited riding.
RSD continues to push the concept of off the bike style with on the bike safety. Comfortable cuts, Subtle protection, classic silhouettes and attention to detail are highlighted by CE protection. Born and bred in Long Beach California, and the Seventy4 collection by RSD pays tribute to our roots. Every style in this collection name comes from a street or memorable location in our hometown.
V twin inspired designs, classic styling, approachable price points.
“The Seventy 4 Collection blends V Twin heritage with modern construction for a perfect combination of style and function. Our unique main body materials utilize premium leathers, heavy weight denims, abrasion resistant fabrics and comfortable liners. Our goal is to offer excellent riding comfort and protection without sacrificing everyday wear ability on and off the bike.”
[page break]
Over the last several weeks, many mainstream news media outlets have claimed that hurricanes are becoming more expensive, more frequent, and more intense because of climate change.
The Financial Times reported that “hurricane frequency is on the rise.”
The New York Times claimed, “strong storms are becoming more common in the Atlantic Ocean.”
The Washington Post said, “climate change is rapidly fueling super hurricanes.”
ABC News declared, “Here’s how climate change intensifies hurricanes.”
Both the FT and N.Y. Times showed graphs purporting to show rising hurricane frequency using data from the U.S. government’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
All of those claims are false.
The increasing cost of hurricane damage can be explained entirely by more people and more property in harm’s way. Consider how much more developed Miami Beach is today compared to a century ago. Once you adjust for rising wealth, there is no trend of increasing damage.
Claims that hurricanes are becoming more frequent are similarly wrong. “After adjusting for a likely under-count of hurricanes in the pre-satellite era,” writes NOAA, “there is essentially no long-term trend in hurricane counts. The evidence for an upward trend is even weaker if we look at U.S. landfalling hurricanes, which even show a slight negative trend beginning from 1900 or from the late 1800s.” What’s more, NOAA expects a 25% decline in hurricane frequency in the future.
What about intensity? Same story. Explains NOAA, “after adjusting for changes in observing capabilities (limited ship observations) in the pre-satellite era, there is no significant long-term trend (since the 1880s) in the proportion of hurricanes that become major hurricanes.“ Bottom line? “We conclude that the data do not provide compelling evidence for a substantial greenhouse warming-induced century-scale increase in: frequency of tropical storms, hurricanes, or major hurricanes, or in the proportion of hurricanes that become major.”
NOAA indeed predicts a 5% increase in hurricane intensity by 2100, but no increase in intensity is today detectable. And the best-available science forecasts that the slight increase in overall hurricane intensity in the future won’t be because there are more intense hurricanes but rather because hurricanes overall will decline more than intense hurricanes (category 4 and 5). As a result, there will be a greater proportion of category 4 and 5 hurricanes than categories 1, 2, and 3.
In other words, the relative intensity of hurricanes will rise, even as the total number of hurricanes — and the total number of intense hurricanes — decline.
Why are the media spreading obviously inaccurate information, and not reporting the basic facts? Are journalists simply ignorant? Or is something else going on?
Evidence Of Deliberate Deception
The New York Times graph inappropriately cherry-picks data from the post-1980 period while the Financial Times graph misrepresents improved hurricane detection as rising hurricane frequency.
Is it possible journalists are just ignorant of current climate science? Perhaps some are.
But mainstream news media outlets have been covering climate change and hurricanes for the last 20 years. And the information on hurricane costs, frequency, or intensity is hardly hidden away. It’s been summarized in the IPCC reports, most recently in 2021. And NOAA even boldfaces its key conclusions.
“After adjusting for a likely under-count of hurricanes in the pre-satellite era, there is essentially no long-term trend in hurricane counts”?
If that is indeed what occurred, then Williams and FT are guilty of journalistic malpractice of the highest order. But there is little reason to think that’s what happened. NOAA makes its warning relatively early on its web page and repeats it several times. And FT, like everyone else, has been covering this issue for decades not years.
The Climate Alarmists’ War on Scientists
In 2018, John Podesta and his Center for American Progress launched a campaign of character assassination against leading climate and hurricane researcher Roger Pielke, Jr.
The final piece of evidence that journalists are aware of the fact that hurricanes are becoming neither more frequent nor more intense comes from the vicious war waged against the most important and most outspoken scientist in the field, Roger Pielke, Jr.
University of Colorado scientist Pielke, Jr. in the late 1990s literally invented the method of “normalizing” the cost of hurricanes to account for a rising population, buildings, and wealth as the factors capable of explaining all of the rising cost of hurricanes, which meant that he and his colleagues discovered that there was no evidence that climate change was so far detectable in the escalating costs of hurricane disasters.
Pielke, Jr. has for a quarter-century a strong advocate for strong action on climate change. But because his scientific work on hurricanes undermines climate alarmism, progressive activists and Democrats in Congress and the White House have vilified him. In 2008, the Center for American Progress, led by John Podesta, the former chief of staff to Bill Clinton and campaign chairman for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, joined in on a shockingly vicious and personal series of attacks on Pielke, including falsely claiming he was funded by fossil fuel interests.
All of these efforts were plainly aimed at discrediting Pielke, Jr., to journalists. They triggered an enormous quantity of media coverage which culminated in a 2014 effort by CAP to get Pielke, Jr. fired as a columnist for Nate Silver’s website, fivethirtyeight.com, after it published an article by Pielke, Jr. summarizing the science showing no increase in hurricane frequency or intensity.
Pielke, Jr. then wrote about the experience of being canceled by fivethirtyeight.com in The Wall Street Journal in 2016. I wrote about the attacks in Apocalypse Never, in a viral article I wrote introducing the book, and again last week. Every senior editor, producer, or reporter working in a mainstream news media outlet knows about the debate over Pielke, Jr.’s work, and the fact base behind it.
Roger has responded to these attacks, which have undermined his professional career, and intimidated his colleagues, many of whom behaved with the cowardice typical of academics today, with grace and dignity. He is a model of courage in public life. You can support him by taking a moment now to subscribe to his excellent, must-read Substack.
I asked Roger whether he thought most reporters knew that hurricanes are not increasing in frequency and intensity, and were choosing to present information aimed at giving readers the opposite impression. He pointed to the graphs showing no change, and even a slight decline, in landfalling hurricanes and in major hurricanes.
“We should ask why the data in these graphs have never appeared in the mainstream media,” he said. “Journalists should understand that by playing things straight with their readers and the public, more trust is gained in their work and in climate science more generally. People are not fools and won’t be tricked for long. Good science always wins in the end, even if it takes a little while.”
It’s one thing for a journalist to accuse his fellow journalists of getting something wrong; it’s quite another to accuse them of deliberately misleading the public. The former is understandable and forgivable. We all make mistakes. But to deliberately mislead the public is a violation of the duty of the journalist to report basic facts accurately. To accuse a journalist of deliberately misleading the public is to accuse him or her of lying. I recognize that it’s a very serious charge.
But it is time to state the obvious. The media are consciously and deliberately misleading the public about the relationship between climate change and hurricanes. That means they are lying. Mainstream news reporters, and their editors, at The Financial Times, New York Times, Washington Post, ABC News, and other outlets know perfectly well that hurricanes are not increasing in either frequency or intensity and have decided to mislead readers and viewers into believing the opposite.
It’s time for that to change.
Michael Shellenberger
Environmental Progress, P.O. Box 8538
Albany, CA 94707
–Sam Burns
Trike Editor
Various local groups, local government, and California State authorities continue to debate off-highway vehicle use at the sandy, seaside Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area.
At issue is the desire among regulators and some residents to reduce dust emissions, as arguments continue about how much of it is caused by OHV recreation and how much is simply natural and a result of Pacific shoreline winds that blow inland.
The California Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Commission met in September after receiving comments from the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) and the Scientific Advisory Group, which made a recommendation earlier this year to lower emissions by more than 40 percent.
California State Parks submitted a new draft of a work plan in September that may be presented at an upcoming APCD hearing. The commission, drafting its own letter to State Parks and the APCD, decided to take public comments into consideration, correct any errors, revise the copy, and make the submission.
Late last year, the MIC Government Relations Office sent a letter to the California Coastal Commission noting that claims about dust from OHVs have been debunked in two separate reports authored by Dr. Lynn Russell of the University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
“Despite the efforts of groups including the MIC, the American Motorcyclist Association, SEMA, ORBA, and many local enthusiasts, we could be seeing a final version of the work plan from California State Parks before the end of the year,” said Scott Schloegel, senior vice president at the MIC Government Relations Office. “We continue efforts to keep riding, driving, and camping from being severely cut back or eliminated from this very special place that has been a destination for so many for decades.”
The MIC, Specialty Vehicle Institute of America, and the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association joined more than 170 trade associations in calling for the Office of United States Trade Representative to renew existing exclusions on a variety of tariffs for products imported from China.
The Section 301 tariffs, that include many powersports products, are set to expire in the coming months and the letter from Americans for Free Trade – a broad coalition of businesses, trade organizations, and workers united against tariffs – also requested that the USTR create a more robust process for excluding certain imported products from taxation.
“As American businesses continue to face high inflation, ongoing supply chain challenges, and new COVID variants, we urge USTR to provide additional relief by promptly renewing all the exclusions which are set to expire this year,” the letter stated. “This move will provide some certainty for American companies and help maintain their competitiveness – especially those who import products where there is no domestic or other sourcing alternative – as well as ensure continued access to life saving goods.”
Tax credits for electric motorcycles were not included in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 that became law in August. The MIC GRO will work to get them back, if possible, in an upcoming tax extenders bill.
I rode up to North Carolina for a memorial that Mike’s widow (Vicki) had this Saturday. I told her you wanted me to represent Bikernet and I gave her your regards,
The hurricane weather starts here tonight but it shouldn’t be much.
This Saturday was a well-attended memorial ride for Mike Pullin which culminated at the Pineville Tavern in Pineville, NC.
Mike was born Jan 13, 1957 and died unexpectedly from natural causes Feb 11th, 2022. Mike was true to himself and spoke his mind. He had a passion for motorcycles and an eye for detail.
Mike (aka Stealth) wrote numerous articles for Bikernet through the years including the article: Rebirth of a Classic Shovelhead (8/21/2018). The Shovelhead in that particular Bikernet article won third in the Easyriders show a month before his death.
Vicki (the one in the middle) organized the memorial ride for her late husband. Hollywood (on the right) was a significant part of Mike’s final build.
Mike was deeply loved.
–The Hamster Edge
In North or South Carolina
We’re not sure
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“I believe we make our day. We make our life. So much of it is all perception, and this is the form that we build for ourselves. We have to accept it, and work within those boundaries, and it’s up to us.”
–Ray Russell
Student of Philosophy for 75 Years
Adventure Rally & Camp Skills Instructor Scot Harden Named Grand Marshall for Baja 1000
JULIAN, Calif. (October 6, 2022) — During the recent eBay Motors Off-Road Expo presented by General Tire at Fairplex in Pomona, Calif., Adventure Rally & Camp Skills Class Instructor and Hall of Famer, Scot Harden, was named the Grand Marshall for the 55th SCORE Baja 1000 presented by 4 Wheel Parts.
The 2022 edition of the Adventure Rally & Camp in Julian, Calif., is set for November 3-5, while the Baja 1000 is slated for November 15-20.
Harden, who was born and raised in Las Vegas and now calls California home, is a Hall of Fame SCORE motorcycle champion. He was victorious twice in his career in the Baja 1000, three times in the Baja 500 and twice in the SCORE Parker 400. In addition, Harden won the 1979 SCORE Pro Moto Unlimited (Class 22) season point championship.
Along with fellow SCORE Baja champion Johnny Campbell, Harden co-producers the annual ‘Handstands at 100 mph’ charity event honoring desert and Baja motorcycle racing legends.
Harden, who has spent 50-plus years in the Motorcycle industry, has been inducted into the American Motorcyclist Association Hall Of Fame in 2008, the Trailblazers HOF in 2020 and the Hot Shoe HOF in 2020.
The class that Harden will be instructing at this year’s Adventure Rally & Camp, is set up for intermediate/advanced riders, includes a classroom rider training seminar followed by a 26-mile ride encompassing Oriflamme Gorge. The seminar will cover an overview of rider/bike preparation based on taking what Harden has learned learned from Baja/Dakar racing and applying to a real-world adventure ride setting. Following the classroom seminar, the class will be led on a guided ride with stops for demonstrations and training along the way.
The Adventure Rally & Camp is a three-day challenge for riders of any skill level and their bike. During the day, riders take part in self-navigated scenic trail rides and look for elusive checkpoints laid out by the Adventure Rally & Camp staff. At night, competitors build camaraderie, along with industry guests, often around a campfire with movies, music and cold beverages.
Teams will take part in challenges on the trails as well in special tests, during the Adventure Rally & Camp. The special tests are conducted at the Stagecoach Trails Base Camp and are designed to test riders overall adventure skills.
For more information on the 2022 Adventure Rally & Camp and to register, visit www.advrally.com.
CHANCE OF A LIFETIME—Help Bill recover his one-of-a-kind Harley
Hey Bandit, your internet mag did a feature on my Shovel on 2/8/2014 titled Big Carb Monster.
Due to a financial hardship, I was forced to sell my one-of-a-kind Shovel of 28 years. It had a three-barrel downdraft Weber carb from a 911 Porsche, along with dozens of other hand-made mods.
The link is http://gofund.me/d58703a9
I lost something that I spent 28 years creating. I bought a wrecked Shovelhead Harley in 1994. The frame was trash, and the engine and tranny were wore out, but I ended up creating a bike that the former editor of Easyriders magazine featured in his internet mag, Bikernet.com, which gave me recognition for all my work.
After my spouse had emergency open heart surgery a few years ago, that and my back issues ended up with me going into retirement, with bills adding to the point of me filing for bankruptcy and selling my one of a kind Harley that meant a lot to me.
The guy that owns my bike agreed to sell it back to me if I am able, but I can barely make ends meet. I support my spouse and me on my Social Security.
This is what my bike looks like right now. If you could see your way to help me get my life’s work back, the other things in my life that I struggle with will not matter as much.
Please, any amount would help. I’d do the same for another guy if he had something like this that he put this much effort into.
Who knows, maybe enough people reading this will understand just what it does to a guy when he loses something that he poured every bit of himself into. I’m not able to replace a bike as unique as this without help, so please, if you can, whatever you can spare will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading about my situation.
Bill Neely
NEW FROM THE BDL FACTORY—Billet Basket for ’07 to current Big Twins
BDL’s new CDB-720 billet clutch basket, is cut from a single block of premium grade billet aluminum. It is designed to be an direct replacement for the OEM cast aluminum chain drive basket on 2007 through current (2022) models.
The specialized materials and one-piece design make for a much stronger, durable and longer lasting. Notice the formidable strengthening band machined into the basket. Installation is straight forward.
Installer removes primary chain sprocket and ring gear assembly from the stock cast aluminum basket and attaches it to the new BDL Billet basket.
The unit is offered in 2 versions; CDB-720 and CDB-720-SG4. Picture shown is the CDB-720 which has no chain sprocket and starter ring gear. The CDB-720-SG-4 has the chain sprocket and the starter ring gear.
The chain sprocket is cut into the basket by BDL and we have attached our SG-4 ring gear to it. Since many customers will not want to replace the bearing, they are not sold with the package but are available separately.
For additional details or to order visit www.beltdrives.com or call direct to 714-693-1313 ext 227
SO, WHAT’S COMING UP—I sorta finished a wild story based in Florida and full of violence and outlaws. Of course, the problem started with a girl.
Then I need to wrap up Chopper Chronicles 2. It’s a good story, but it involves flat track racing and I’m learning about a sport I didn’t follow much. I should call Geoff from Joker Machine.
Halloween is coming up and we already have a terrific batch of Halloween girls coming your way from Barry Green.
I’m still working on a BSA and Brough Superior piece on the history of their V-Twins. It’s coming.
We are working with the factory, Markus Cuff and maybe Jon Kosmoski or Dave Perewitz on a story about gas tanks and paint.
Markus has the big C and is fighting hard. He also has a 35-year collection of tank art photos. We want to have some fun with them and share some paint design and material history.
Okay, I’m about to slip my VL, XA, FL, S&S Knucklehead project onto a lift and write the first tech. Mike Stevenson, a Hamster, sent me this David Mann inspired tank art, too cool.
I need to make a new chart for the Assalt Weapan in the Sturgis Museum. Someone pointed out to me that is covers too much of the bike. We will tighten it up.
Bill May, a longtime Bikernet Contributor and friend sent me a Why We Chop story. I just need to edit it and post his photos—shortly.
Remember, ride free or die trying.