“Ten Years on the Road”– A 60-year-old man decided to go see the world on a Ural “Selling everything I had in 2005 to go travel around the world on my sidecar was the best decision I ever made in my life.” – Hubert Kriegel, New York (1946 – 2018) On January 24, 2018 the sidecar motorcycle community lost one if it’s most adventurous and inspiring ambassadors, Hubert Kriegel, the man behind The Timeless Ride. “This is the most important part of my life after my family.” – pronounce Hubert (say U-bear) Countries travelled by Hubert Kriegel on Sidecar or Motorcycle since 1971 North America: USA, Canada Asia: Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Nepal Middle East: Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia Eurasia: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia Europe: France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, England, The Netherlands Central America: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama South America: Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia Africa: Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Mali, Burkina faso, Guinea, Ghana, Namibia, South Africa READ OUR FEATURE STORY AND SEND IN YOUR MESSAGES BY CLICKING HERE www.BikernetTrikes.com