
Call To Action: Congressional Joint Resolution

Lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate are again trying to push back on new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules compelling over half of all new vehicles sold to be electric by 2032. The new bills, H.J. Res 136 and S.J. Res 75 would overturn the rules announced in April by the EPA. These bills were introduced with 114 cosponsors in the House of Representatives and 48 in the Senate. Let’s grow the number of cosponsors and let the people in Washington, D.C. know their constituents want to save the internal combustion engine Please Write To BOTH Representative And Senators Click to Write Representative Click to Write Senators Click to Join The MRF * * * *

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The Tall Tales of the Climate Crisis

by Daniel W. Nebert For the past 35 years, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned us that emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, predominantly carbon dioxide (CO2), are causing dangerous global warming. This myth is blindly accepted — even by many of my science colleagues who know virtually nothing about climate. As a scientist, my purpose here is to help expose this fairy tale. From his seminal work while prisoner of war during WWI, Serbian mathematician Milutin Milankovitch explained how climate is influenced by variations in the Earth’s asymmetric orbit, axial tilt, and rotational wobble — each going through cycles lasting as long as 120,000 years. Click here to read this article on * * * *

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Ohio Pushes Back on California Plans

Just before the end of 2023, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed H.B. 201 into law. The focus of the bill is to; “Prohibit a state agency, county, or township from restricting the sale or use of a motor vehicle based on the energy source used to power the motor vehicle; to prohibit a state agency from adopting the California emissions standards for motor vehicles.” As you may remember, the Clean Air Act allows states to seek a waiver to enact emission standards outside of those set by the federal government. In 2022, California received a waiver allowing the state to establish guidelines requiring every new car and truck sold there to have zero emissions by 2035. This requirement has set off a debate in state capitals around the country. Some states seek to align with California, while others, like Ohio, are pushing back against California’s plans. ABATE of Ohio received the support of other groups in support of the bill, including the Ohio Chamber of Commerce and the Ohio Auto Dealers Association. Ed Schetter, Executive Director of ABATE of Ohio, testified in December, backing the bill. In his remarks, he said, “ABATE of Ohio is concerned with the push towards electric power and pressure to eliminate the internal combustion engine from the marketplace. This may leave many motorcyclists without options on how to power the motorcycles we ride. We also feel this may limit the availability of sales, parts, and service to the motorcyclists of Ohio. Many of these businesses are ones we’ve relied on for years.” After the hearing, lawmakers thanked ABATE of Ohio for their participation. Multiple legislators noted that ABATE of Ohio was the only “citizen-led” group involved in the hearing. Comments like that help reinforce the importance of engagement and participation by citizens in the legislative

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Serious Hope by Bandit

Rogue, Kirk Willard and I and thousands of other guys have been fighting for motorcyclists’ rights for decades. We continue to fight, but lots of brothers and sisters don’t pay attention. By now most folks are aware of the green movement and what it’s doing to the Fossil Fuel industry, hell even the meat industry. Their problem and their worst fear is that they are wrong. So, what did they do? They called anyone who didn’t agree a denier. We’re grubby bikers, we deny everything and fuck you, if you don’t like it. So let’s cut to the chase. They are wrong and the movement to point out how wrong is growing. I’ve been pushing and looking for solutions for over a decade. Recently, with the Motorcycle Riders Foundation at my back I came up with a congressional resolution. I was and is a fight for every kid on the planet, who needs to know the truth and who should know we are living in the Best off Times, not the worst. This last week became incredibly significant. I can’t say it loud enough. Throughout this year we have tried to find someone who would shove our resolution in front of Congress and force a hearing. We finally found support with Senator Rounds office in South Dakota. Week before last we faced a major setback. Montana lost a court case. It could impact the entire energy industry in Montana and send a very negative message across the country. The problem with this entire effort is not the facts, the science or the truth, it’s guts. The world and politicians on both sides of the isle are being bullied and paid off. No one wants to step up and say, “Sorry, but we’re not doomed.” So, what happened in the last

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Baker’s Dozen Fight for Bikers

On Tuesday, 13 members of the House of Representatives sent a bipartisan letter to U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary of Pete Buttigieg seeking the formation of the Motorcyclist Advisory Council (MAC). As you may remember, the MAC was first established by Congress in 2015 and renewed with passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in 2021. Unfortunately, despite the requirement that the MAC be established within 90 days after the law is passed, DOT has failed to act. In the past, the MAC has provided a critical forum for policy makers, roadway engineers, and motorcyclists to discuss ways roadway and barrier design, construction and maintenance practices and intelligent transportation systems can better meet the safety needs of the nearly 9 million motorcyclists in this country. One important part of the reestablished MAC, as outlined in the text of the law, is the expansion of membership seats. The inclusion of manufacturers, motorcyclist rights organizations and safety professionals will provide for a more expansive knowledge base and information sharing on the council. As prescribed in the law, the MAC will be required to submit biennial reports on their findings. Establishment of the MAC was one of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s priorities during the recent Bikers Inside the Beltway event in D.C. Thank you to Rep. Gallagher for leading the letter and to the 12 other lawmakers listed below for supporting our efforts to seat the MAC. Rep. Gallagher (WI) Rep. Carsen (IN) Rep. Finstad (MN) Rep. Fitzgerald (WI) Rep. Fitzpatrick (PA) Rep. Grothman (WI) Rep. Lee (NV) Rep. Norman (SC) Rep. Stauber (MN) Rep. Steil (WI) Rep. Tiffany (WI) Rep. Van Orden (WI) Rep. Wilson (SC) About Motorcycle Riders Foundation: The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle

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NHTSA Responds to Questions from Congress

Just before the end of 2022, Rep. Tim Walberg of Michigan and 26 of his colleagues in Congress sent a letter to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) regarding recent crashes that involve motorcycles and cars believed to be in self-driving mode. The response from government regulators has some key takeaways: “NHTSA is actively working to educate consumers and the media that automated driving system (ADS) technologies are not self-driving technologies, and that drivers must always remain engaged in the driving task.” “Crashes involving motorcycles account for less than 2 percent of all reported crashes involving ADS.” “NHTSA is conducting research on how vehicles equipped with crash avoidance technologies react to motorcycles, bicyclists and other vulnerable road users in various scenarios.” The Motorcycle Riders Foundation is committed to aggressively working with lawmakers to address obvious safety gaps in the deployment of this new technology. While we appreciate that NHTSA is conducting research on this topic, on this topic, motorcyclists are not “vulnerable road users”, motorcyclists are simply road users. Additionally, it’s unacceptable that consumers falsely believe this technology, deployed on our roads, allows them to sit back and relax while in the driver’s seat. The safety of the nearly 10 million bikers on our nation’s roadways requires that all roadway users act in a responsible manner. As always Ride Safe and Ride Free. About Motorcycle Riders Foundation: The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. Visit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Stay updated, stay ahead of the curve. Click to Sign up for the Weekly Newsletter from Bikernet Blog for free.

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Bikers Inside the Beltway: Holding Common Ground

Bikers inside the Beltway – with the encouragement and direction of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, since the first Bikers inside the Beltway in 2009, thousands of bikers have met with their elected representatives and educated them about issues of importance to all street riding motorcyclists. Specifically… the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has less than 30 days of their 120-day requirement to report to the Senate and House Committee(s) on Appropriations and answer how the agency may be “conducting activities that encourage states to adopt legislation, regulation, or other policies that unjustly profile motorcycle riders.” The words of former U.S. Representative David Price from North Carolina may well apply to the recent efforts of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation “… Understand that not every battle can be won on the first try and that politics is a matter of striking a balance between … compromising and finding common ground where you can, and fighting where you must.” The MRF found and is holding common ground among the nation’s state motorcyclist rights organization, motorcycle club members, and all freedom loving motorcyclists who, as the Motorcycle Profiling Project demonstrates, are susceptible to being profiled while riding a motorcycle. The MRF’s victories, realized in the waning hours of the 117th Congress in December, should drive home Congressman Price’s words, and demonstrate the positive results when common ground is identified and held. Those victories came from the year-after-year vigilance of MRF members writing, calling, and meeting with members of Congress during the Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s annual Bikers inside the Beltway. Now is the time for you to register to attend Bikers inside the Beltway – May 15 & 16, 2023. As in years past, Bikers inside the Beltway will be dual-faceted to accommodate in-person visits to Congress plus visits to local district offices. To

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Motorcycle Riders Foundation: Coalitions Rejuvenated

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) 2023 legislative agenda includes a diverse set of issues that strike at the core of who we are as bikers. Historically, the MRF has fought many battles to defend individuals and the aftermarket motorcycle businesses’ rights to customize and repair motorcycles. Our successful defense against the EPA’s “Color and Chrome” only initiative and the regulations/enforcement related to it helped define the MRF and what we stand for to this day. The MRF has long supported the Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act (RPM Act), which would ensure that modifying motor vehicles into racing vehicles used for competition would not violate the Clean Air Act. We anticipate an updated version of the RPM Act will be introduced this Spring. The MRF and our partners will work diligently for passage of this commonsense piece of legislation. Importantly, some of these parts and technology we are looking to protect are used in the EPA allowances for one-per-lifetime custom bikes and Tier 1 eligible motorcycles we fought for two decades ago. The MRF agenda also strongly supports the desire to protect a consumer’s right to repair, and ownership of data related to their vehicles. A recently introduced bill, H.R. 906 The Repair Act, helps protect consumers’ ability to utilize independent repair shops and aftermarket parts to work on vehicles, including motorcycles. These issues are becoming increasingly important and drawing the attention of the aftermarket industry and bike customizers. The EPA has restarted a campaign of increased enforcement and it is threatening shops and individuals with legal action. MRF President Kirk “Hardtail” Willard recently appeared on Cycle Source Magazines “Shop Talk” radio show to discuss these issues and this week traveled to Daytona Bike Week to join independent motorcycle shop owners and others in the aftermarket industry to discuss the

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Censorship: Michael Shellenberger testifies before Congress

EXPOSED: America’s Secret Censorship-Industrial Complex U.S. government officials, agencies, and contractors are violating the First Amendment Friends — Over the last three months, a small group of independent journalists, including Leighton and I, have, thanks to the Twitter Files, exposed the ways in which social media platforms have, under pressure from U.S. government agencies, censored ordinary Americans and spread disinformation. Today, at 10 am ET, journalist Matt Taibbi and I will testify before Congress and reveal the existence of a secret censorship-industrial complex in the United States. Our findings are shocking. A highly-organized network of U.S. government agencies and government contractors has been creating blacklists and pressuring social media companies to censor Americans, often without them knowing it. We and others have already reported on some of the actions of this complex, including its disinformation campaigns. But the extent of its censorship was unknown to us until very recently. And, as importantly, we now understand the ways in which this complex simultaneously spreads disinformation and demands censorship. What my 68-page testimony to Congress shows is an effort by U.S. government intelligence and security agencies to wage “information warfare” against the American people. I do not doubt that some people will try to justify the behaviors we have documented. They will say such censorship is necessary for “fighting disinformation.” But there is no moral or legal justification for the acts of state-sponsored censorship we document, much less for the fundamentally unAmerican censorship-industrial complex. I believe that any reasonable person reading our report, no matter their politics, will be horrified by what is taking place and demand an end to it. With our testimony, we are calling on Congress to defund and dismantle the censorship-industrial complex immediately. Democracy depends on freedom of speech. Both are under attack. Michael PS: A written transcript

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MRF: Continuing to Bridge the Gap

Almost a decade ago, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) began outreach to motorcycle clubs to find common ground on key legislative items. An MRF board seat, titled Director of Sustaining Member Motorcycle Clubs, was created and that seat is held by Russell Radke. Part of Russell’s mission is to educate the motorcycle club community on what the MRF is working on in D.C. and how our efforts impact all riders. The National Council of Clubs (NCOC) has, for the past several years, invited the MRF to participate in its meetings to foster that dialogue. Last weekend, leaders of the MRF attended the February NCOC meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. The MRF was represented by Kirk “Hardtail” Willard (MRF President), Fred Harrell (Director of Conference & Events), Russell Radke (Director of Sustaining Member Motorcycle Clubs), Seven Cassel (Membership Director) and Rocky Fox (Government Relations). Also in attendance was ABATE of Wisconsin Legislative Director, Steve Panten. Four different presentations involved an MRF or ABATE member sharing their views on motorcycling and legislative action. Hardtail gave a presentation on the “The Future of Motorcycling in America.” Rocky spoke on the MRF’s recent victories on profiling in D.C. Seven discussed how best to unite independents and MCs. Steve gave a case study on a recent summit held in Wisconsin between ABATE and motorcycle clubs in the state. The weekend was filled with lively debate and great questions. The MRF thanks the NCOC and the club community for their hospitality and willingness to work together on issues we all care about. About Motorcycle Riders Foundation: The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. Visit website at * * * * * * * * * * * *

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