
An Eye on Recent Motorist Rights Court Cases

FROM National Motorists Association https://www.motorists.org Motorist rights cases have made news and even history recently. There have been so many as of late, we are dedicating two separate newsletters to provide some insight on the legal rulings that are affecting drivers around the country. This week’s newsletter focuses on recent rulings and pending US Supreme Court and federal court cases. Part 2 next week will outline state court decisions. TheNewspaper.com, featured prominently in these two newsletters, is a great supplement to the NMA’s Motorists.org site for the latest news and opinions on the politics of driving. The US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Last week’s unanimous decision that curtails excessive government fines and property seizures has provided further impetus for one of the NMA’s primary lobbying initiatives: civil asset forfeiture (CAF) reform. The decision received broad bipartisan praise. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote in the ruling that the excessive fines clause is a fundamental restriction that applies to the states under the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. While the SCOTUS decision is monumental, the fight is far from over. Some states still allow the seizure of property from citizens — motorists are prime targets — who have never been charged with a crime. Our work for reform at the federal and state levels continues in earnest. Additionally, SCOTUS accepted a case in January that will decide whether an unconscious drunk person has given implied consent for a blood draw to determine alcohol level. The case might resolve an important constitutional question: Can state legislatures obviate the warrant requirement by “deeming” that citizens can consent to Fourth Amendment searches without explicitly expressing that consent? Federal Appeals Court Cases Judges for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in late January that a person driving a registered vehicle on a public road […]

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Winter Storage Tips for TRIKES

Winter Storage Tips for your Third Partner Man, Woman and Wheel. A Threesome Report on Winter Romances. Ujjwal Dey It is Christmas and hope all of you are charged up for adventures and fun in the New Year. Snow fall has started at many areas and people are getting ready for Winter even though Game Of Thrones fanatics will tell you Winter is Coming with new episodes only in 2019. Winter is here and some of us still ride while others prefer to saddle up on the couch with loved ones in tow. However, if you are spending your family time in these festivities, don’t ignore your Third Partner, the third entity in your loving relationship with your old lady, the one you take on the road – your Trike, Sidecar Motorcycle or Autocycle. Winter is tough time for motorcyclists as we are exposed to harsh elements. On the plus side, a Three-Wheeler has better footing on snowy landscapes and slush filled roads. Those on the East Coast know winter is inevitable but that doesn’t mean you lock away your Prize for three months or more. Either move (preferably on your Three-Wheeler) or deal with it by our wonderful Storage Tips. READ OUR DETAILED ARTICLE HERE

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