
RIDING FREE FROM DC: Your Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway

Your Motorcycle Riders Foundation team in Washington, D.C. is pleased to provide our members with the latest information and updates on issues that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. Count on your MRF to keep you informed about a range of matters that are critical to the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle. Published weekly when the U.S. Congress is in session. Capitol Hill Update Republicans Pressing Democrats With Democrats now the majority party in the House of Representatives, they control the committee chairmanships and thus control the agenda for each committee. The House Energy and Commerce Committee, who has jurisdiction over autonomous vehicle technology, is now chaired by Frank Pallone of New Jersey. This puts Republicans in a role they not been in since 2010, seeking the help of Democrats to tackle legislative priorities. Republican Greg Walden of Oregon, the previous chairman and now ranking member as well as Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers of Washington and Bob Latta of Ohio sent Chairman Pallone a letter regarding the need for Congress to act on autonomous vehicles legislation. “We write to urge the Energy and Commerce Committee to take up bipartisan self-driving vehicle legislation. Last Congress this Committee worked across party lines to draft H.R. 3388, the Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Research in Vehicle Evolution Act (SELF DRIVE Act). The SELF DRIVE Act was an example of this Committee at its very best: working together, across the aisle, to develop legislation that will advance lifesaving technology. As a result of our deliberative, transparent, and bipartisan process, the Committee voted unanimously, 54 yeas and 0 nays, to report the SELF-DRIVE Act to the House floor where it again passed unanimously. Unfortunately, the Senate failed to act on the bill,” Walden, Latta, and Rodgers wrote. The MRF has […]

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California: Anti-Gun Joint Resolution Passes Assembly Public Safety Committee

On Tuesday, March 12, the Assembly Public Safety Committee was scheduled to hear anti-gun bills, AB 12, AB 276 and AJR 5. AB 12 and AB 276 were both pulled from the agenda and are expected to be rescheduled for a later date. AJR 5 passed by the Committee and is eligible for third reading on the Assembly floor at any time. Please contact your State Assembly Member using our TAKE ACTION LINK below urging him/her to OPPOSE AJR 5. https://act.nraila.org/actions/campaigns/5874 Assembly Joint Resolution 5,  sponsored by Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-59) would urge the federal government to adopt universal firearm laws using California as an example. California is far from the example when it comes to firearm laws. Lawful gun owners must navigate a maze of gun laws that are ever changing. Each year the legislature considers numerous proposals that continue to place additional restrictions and costs on lawful gun owners while ignoring the fact that criminals are already ignoring the hundreds of laws on the books. Continue to check your inbox and the California Stand and Fight webpage for updates on issues impacting your Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage in California. JOIN NRA – https://membership.nra.org/Join/Annuals/Prospect National Rifle Association of America, Institute For Legislative Action.

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California State Parks OHV grants and cooperative agreements program

California State Parks OHV grants and cooperative agreements program seeking public comments – AMA Action Alert The American Motorcyclist Association believes you may be interested in providing input to the California State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division. This period provides an opportunity for the public to review and provide factual comments to the preliminary applications submitted for consideration during the 2018/19 grant cycle. To review and comment visit olga.ohv.parks.ca.gov/egrams_ohmvr/user/home.aspx for more information. The public review and comment period the began on Tuesday, March 5, and ends at 5 p.m. Monday, May 6. You may also submit your public comments in writing to the OHMVR Division at the address below. California State Parks OHMVR Division 1725 23rd St., Sacramento, CA 95816 Attention: Grants Manager If you are not yet an AMA member, please join the AMA to help us fight efforts to restrict responsible motorized recreation. More members means more clout against our opponents, and your support will help us fight for your riding rights – on the road, trail, racetrack, and in the halls of government. To join, go to AmericanMotorcyclist.com/membership/join. Please follow the AMA on Twitter @AMA_Rights and like us on Facebook. Thank you in advance for your interest in this important program. If you submit written comments please email a copy to the AMA at grassroots@ama-cycle.org.

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An Eye on Recent Motorist Rights Court Cases

FROM National Motorists Association https://www.motorists.org Motorist rights cases have made news and even history recently. There have been so many as of late, we are dedicating two separate newsletters to provide some insight on the legal rulings that are affecting drivers around the country. This week’s newsletter focuses on recent rulings and pending US Supreme Court and federal court cases. Part 2 next week will outline state court decisions. TheNewspaper.com, featured prominently in these two newsletters, is a great supplement to the NMA’s Motorists.org site for the latest news and opinions on the politics of driving. The US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Last week’s unanimous decision that curtails excessive government fines and property seizures has provided further impetus for one of the NMA’s primary lobbying initiatives: civil asset forfeiture (CAF) reform. The decision received broad bipartisan praise. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote in the ruling that the excessive fines clause is a fundamental restriction that applies to the states under the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. While the SCOTUS decision is monumental, the fight is far from over. Some states still allow the seizure of property from citizens — motorists are prime targets — who have never been charged with a crime. Our work for reform at the federal and state levels continues in earnest. Additionally, SCOTUS accepted a case in January that will decide whether an unconscious drunk person has given implied consent for a blood draw to determine alcohol level. The case might resolve an important constitutional question: Can state legislatures obviate the warrant requirement by “deeming” that citizens can consent to Fourth Amendment searches without explicitly expressing that consent? Federal Appeals Court Cases Judges for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in late January that a person driving a registered vehicle on a public road

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Motorcycle Profiling is Official Daytona PD Policy

Video footage obtained by the MPP from the North Florida Council of Clubs confirms that motorcycle profiling is not only widespread in Daytona Beach, but it is also official law enforcement policy. In the words of Daytona PD Chief Craig Capri, “If you wear your colors [in Daytona Beach], you’re going to get stopped.” This official policy is unconstitutional and exposes the entire Daytona PD to civil liability. This video evidence also justifies a cost-free legislative solution in the form of a simple prohibition against motorcycle profiling combined with relief for victims. Chief Capri’s Statement Proves Unconstitutional Practices Are Policy Without any other evidence, Chief Capri’s Statement alone proves that the Daytona PD profiles motorcycle club members as a matter of policy. This official policy irrefutably violates the 1st, 4th, and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution. Federal courts have confirmed that motorcycle club colors are protected by the 1st Amendment. To punish an individual through seizure in the form of a profiling stop anyone “who wears the insignia of [a 1% motorcycle club], without regard to or knowledge of that individual’s specific intent to engage in the alleged violent activities committed by other members, is antithetical to the basic principles enshrined in the First Amendment and repugnant to the fundamental doctrine of personal guilt that is a hallmark of American jurisprudence. see Coles v. Carlini 162 F.Supp.3d 380 (2015) Chief Capri’s statement also violates the 14th Amendment because it represents Selective Enforcement of the law. Capri’s statement proves that the strategy to use traffic stops as a way to punish those exercising their rights of expression and association is premeditated and selective. In terms of the 4th Amendment, any minor traffic pretext used to stop a club member in Daytona Beach should be presumed invalid. Exposure To Civil Liability

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Support Bonneville Salt Flats restoration

  Utah Appropriations Committee urgently needs push to support Bonneville Salt Flats restoration Your email support is critically important As part of its work with SEMA, the Save the Salt Coalition and the Utah Alliance, the AMA recently asked Utah residents to contact their state legislators to ask for their support for a program to restore the Bonneville Salt Flats. The race track at Bonneville-once 13 miles long-is now less than 8 miles, due to salt erosion. The Utah legislature is considering a 10-year program to dramatically increase the amount of salt pumped onto Bonneville. As a result of input like yours, the Utah Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee has ranked our “Restore Bonneville” budget request No. 4 of 28 budget requests. If it keeps this ranking, Utah’s Restore Bonneville program should be funded in the state budget that will be up for approval in mid-March. The program will dramatically increase the volume of salt being pumped onto Bonneville Salt Flats each year. We are not finished. Using a Bonneville analogy, we’ve just entered the timing lights for a land speed record. Now the hardest part: the budget requests must still be approved by a second group, the Utah legislature’s Executive Appropriations Committee, which could change the rankings. Your very important task now is to contact the Utah Executive Appropriation Committee members right away. Please send a personalized email to all the members of the committee now. Their decision will determine if the restoration program gets funded. Follow this link Take Action to enter your information, and edit our prewritten message to express your personal stance and reasons for supporting this funding. The prewritten email can stand on its own as written, but it will be MUCH more effective if you edit both the subject line and the content to stress

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Threesome Report: Make Some Room, Trike Riders Don’t Ride Alone

TRIKE NEWS Adventures on a Ural, Autocycle madness, 2019 Freewheeler, Deals, Offers, Discounts. Tracy Getty, a World War 2 historian shares the chair, lighting up sparks of love with a Ural sidecar motorcycle. Tracy and her ride named “Wildcat” bring joy to people who never knew what three-wheels and a smile could do. We bring you a basic background on the craziness of Autocycles and how it is affecting motorcycle industry, riders, insurance and legislation. While there are companies that want a motorcycle classification to avoid car crash testing expenses, there are others who want true innovation and a new understanding of where Autocycles stand in State and Federal law – and it is all really unsteady despite having more than two-wheels. Harley-Davidson Freewheeler has a 2019 model that rocks. You can own a Ural or a Slinghsot for incredible deals on 2018 models. If you are an actual Trike lover with custom trike business or a custom trike, you would want to know what the financial and legal implications (pronounced as complications) are going to be. READ IT AT Trikes.Bikernet.com NOW

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Trikes site has a Weekly News

READ IT Right Now at Trikes.bikernet.com MRF.org discuss with us the legislation on auto-cycles and trikes being bunched together with motorcycles. How this affects the motorcycle industry and motorcycle riders is very important. Trike riders need to know their liability. They need to get benefits as per their vehicles and not as per short-sighted Senator short-cuts to corporate sales. Raymond Hamilton is back with bizarre, actual laws in the States on kinky sex. Beware, Big Brother is peeking into your bedroom. The Bad Joke Library ventures into worse. You have been warned. Trikes University is now open for admission at Trikes.bikernet.com and a short course material is posted in the Weekly News there. Tours of scenic landscapes and wildlife reserves on Trikes is catching on in South Africa, Australia and USA. We have just a small dose for you in the Trikes Weekly News. We want to get the dirt on Trike Touring industry and the unique opportunities and experiences it offers to tourists. Expect a full-length feature on that soon. Ride On! Ujjwal “Wayfarer” Dey

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