
MRF : Congressional Motorcycle Caucus

Congressional Motorcycle Caucus With the end of May upon us, it’s great to report that the House Congressional Motorcycle Caucus has added six (6) new members since Bikers Inside the Beltway! These additions bring the House caucus up to 36 lawmakers from both political parties. The House and Senate Motorcycle Caucuses host educational seminars and press events that shine a light on the issues facing the motorcycling community. The bipartisan membership of these caucuses allows us to know who our champions on Capitol Hill are and which legislators are committed to standing with us on critical issues. Congress is out of session this week, but once they return, we hope to see more members added to both the House and Senate organizations. This is firsthand proof that coming to D.C. and advocating for your interests can help move the needle in D.C. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation welcomes the new members and thanks the longstanding members of this important group! New Members: Rep. Mark Amodei (NV) Rep. Tim Burchett (TN) Rep. Eric Burlison (MO) Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA) Rep. Ralph Norman (SC) Rep. Jeff Van Drew (NJ) Current Members: Rep. Don Bacon (NE) Rep. Troy Balderson (OH) Co Chair Rep. Jim Banks (IN) Rep. Mike Bost (IL) Rep. Angie Craig (MN) Rep. Rick Crawford (AR) Rep. John Curtis (UT) Rep. Warren Davidson (OH) Rep. Tom Emmer (MN) Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ) Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI) Rep. Andy Harris (MD) Rep. Dusty Johnson (SD) Rep. Anne Kuster (NH) Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO) Rep. Tracy Mann (KS) Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA) Rep. Donald Norcross (NJ) Co Chair Rep. Scott Perry (PA) Rep. Bill Posey (FL) Rep. Adam Smith (WA) Rep. Pete Stauber (MN) Rep. Bryan Steil (WI) Rep. Chris Stewart (UT) Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson (PA) Rep. Dina Titus (NV) Rep. Derrick Van […]

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Friday From DC – Bikers Take The Hill

This week bikers from across the nation descended on Capitol Hill. The 2024 Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s (MRF) Bikers Inside the Beltway was the largest in the 15-year history of the event! Motorcyclists from 37 states made the trip to Washington, D.C. to advocate for issues that matter to the street rider. The list of policy concerns was long! Issues include: Right to Repair, Preserving the Internal Combustion Engine, Profiling of Bikers, Autonomous Vehicles, Ethanol Mandates and the Definition of a Motorcycle. For the second year in a row, all 435 members of the House of Representatives and 100 Senators received an informational packet from the MRF. The packet explains who we are, what we’ve done, and what we want. From Alabama to Wyoming and all the states in between, the MRF knocked on doors and shared our legislative priorities. The nearly 200 bikers who came to Washington, D.C. represented a diverse set of groups. State Motorcyclist Rights Organizations (SMRO), Sustaining Clubs, the National Council of Clubs (NCOC) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) were all represented as part of the MRF event. Showing up matters. While it is important that lawmakers hear from us, it is also important that they see us. Every year there is a buzz that occurs on Capitol Hill when hundreds of bikers roam the Halls of Congress. The visual of so many motorcyclists united for a common cause is a powerful part of the annual event. The MRF is committed to being your voice in Washington, D.C. We have had a presence in town since 1986 and we are not going anywhere! We are and will remain, the voice of the street rider in our nation’s capital. Thank you to all the motorcyclists who made the journey to D.C. It is never too early

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California Unification Rally Draws 3,000 to State Capitol

On May 21,2023, over 3,000 motorcyclists gathered at the California State Capitol in Sacramento to talk biker’s rights, and to send a message to the state legislature that a change in how California deals with issues important to riders is needed. Speakers from the Modified Motorcycle Association (MMA) of California, ABATE of California, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF), the National Council of Clubs (NCOC) and other groups took to the podium to stress the importance of all riders – as well as other consumer advocates including those in the automotive industry – coming together to present a unified front. Rally organizer and MRF State Representative ‘Chappy’ Patrick Carver and his team of volunteers did yeoman’s work in organizing the event. Chappy is also the President and lobbyist for the MMA of California and works closely with the MRF on legislative issues being addressed in Congress. Numerous long-time California activists, including ABATE lobbyists Jim Lombardo and Bobby T, ABATE officers David ‘D-Man’ Seiler, Chuck Pedersen, and MMA/ABATE Liaison Dave Battles were on hand as well. For California riders, a major concern continues to be the issue of being unfairly profiled by law enforcement. Following a concerted, years-long effort by motorcycle clubs from around the country, the NCOC, the MRF, state motorcyclists’ rights organizations and thousands of independent riders, anti-profiling resolutions have now been passed in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives with bi-partisan support. On a local level, five states have passed standalone anti-profiling laws. California and other states are working to have similar legislation enacted. Other topics of discussion at the rally included protecting the rights of consumers to repair their machines, the unrealistic rush to outlaw internal combustion engines in favor of electric vehicles, ongoing issues associated with unregulated self-driving autonomous vehicles, and the appropriate labeling and

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Mid-South M.I.L.E. 2021

Bikers gathered in Dallas, Texas for the 29th annual Mid-South M.I.L.E. event from Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) Like the Midwest’s Heartland STEAM event, the Mid-South M.I.L.E. brings together bikers from neighboring states to discuss legislative priorities, share ideas and build relationships. CLICK HERE To Read this Event Coverage on Join the Cantina for more – Subscribe Today!

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BANNED : Chainsaws, Golf Carts, Lawn Mowers & More

from Chainsaws, Golf Carts, Lawn Mowers… What’s Next? Over the weekend, California Governor Gavin Newson signed a bill into law banning the sale of all off-road, gas-powered engines, including generators, lawn equipment, pressure washers, chainsaws, weed trimmers, and even golf carts. Under the new law, these machines must be zero-emissions, meaning they will have to be either battery-powered or plug-in. This law is particularly concerning because of the status California holds within the national economy. The population and market size that California commands often forces manufacturers to react by changing products nationwide, to conform to California standards. Additionally, states with like-minded legislatures often follow with similar laws and regulations of their own. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is concerned that this action by California, will begin a cascading effect that will eventually result in the demise of the internal combustion engine and the fuel supply tied to it. During the legislative agenda setting meeting, held at the 2021 Meeting of the Minds, in Atlanta, Georgia this very issue was debated. Working with our state partners, the MRF is currently evaluating how best to address these concerns. The final 2022 MRF Legislative Agenda will be made public in an upcoming American Biker Journal. To read more on the bill click here. About Motorcycle Riders Foundation: The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. Visit the Website

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David Chipman Back in Senate Judiciary Committee This Thursday

This Thursday, June 17th, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on David Chipman’s nomination for ATF Director. If approved, his nomination would then be sent to the full U.S. Senate for a final confirmation vote. During Chipman’s nomination hearing on May 26th, he admitted that he supports not only a ban on commonly owned firearms, but thinks we should have more restrictive gun control than the European Union! We are asking that you please contact your Senators and urge them to oppose David Chipman as ATF Director by clicking the red button below. CLICK TO CONTACT YOUR SENATORS As if Chipman’s history as a gun control advocate and his desire to ban the most commonly owned firearms in this country wasn’t bad enough, he also has a strong disregard for the facts surrounding “Assault Weapons”. Since the 1994 “Clinton Assault Weapons Ban”, there have been numerous government-run studies proving these bans to be ineffective, but these facts don’t seem to matter to Chipman, as he has repeatedly demonstrated. If you have already sent your Senators an email, please take some time to give them a call as well. You can call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224- 3121 and they can connect you with your Senator’s office, or you can look up your Senator’s information on this chart. NRA-ILA Grassroots Programs & Campaign Field Operations

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May 10th – Your Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway

Capitol Hill Update Full Court Press This week the MRF team in Washington met with 24 congressional offices to discuss motorcycle priorities with an emphasis on H. Res 255, the anti-motorcycle profiling resolution. The strategy to get this resolution passed is simple; we need to get as many co-sponsors added to the resolution as possible. A large number of co-sponsors demonstrates support for the resolution and helps let Congressional leaders know that there is broad political support for passing the resolution. Last year, the House version of this resolution had 39 cosponsors. This year our goal is to get that number above 60. Since the resolution was introduced six weeks ago, we have garnered 22 cosponsors including seven that were added just this week. The letters sent by MRF members and our meetings on Capitol Hill are helping build momentum, but we need to keep the pressure up. The DC team will continue to meet with congressional offices and Bikers Inside the Beltway is a great opportunity for motorcyclists to educate lawmakers about this issue. We are casting a wide net hoping to gain support from a variety of different states. Our meetings this week were with members of Congress from 21 different states. Currently, Illinois is leading the way with five co-sponsors on the resolution. We will keep you updated on our meetings and the growth of our co-sponsor list. Transportation Priorities Late last week, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee asked its members to submit a list of surface transportation priorities. This list will help guide the committee in building an agenda for hearings and legislation in the coming months. Congressman Troy Balderson (R-Ohio) submitted this request to the committee: “Direct NHTSA to reevaluate the federal definition of a motorcycle (the current definition of a motorcycle includes autocycles).”

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Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway April 5th 2019

RIDING FREE FROM DC Your Motorcycle Riders Foundation team in Washington, D.C. is pleased to provide our members with the latest information and updates on issues that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. Count on your MRF to keep you informed about a range of matters that are critical to the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle. Published weekly when the U.S. Congress is in session. Capitol Hill Update Ground Game Last week the MRF issued a call to action regarding H. Res 255 the Motorcycle profiling bill introduced by Congressmen Walberg (MI), Burgess (TX), Peterson (MN) and Pocan (WI). Since last week, MRF members have sent over 2,000 letters to their lawmakers. The resolution started with four cosponsors, and a week later we have doubled that number to eight cosponsors. A great example of how reaching out to your lawmaker can lead to results comes to us from the motorcycle community in New York. Congressman Lee Zeldin of New York received the most letters of any member of Congress. His office received over 100 letters asking him to cosponsor H. Res 255. And wouldn’t you know it, Congressman Zeldin jumped on as a cosponsor within days of receiving those letters. However, all members of Congress are not as receptive to their constituents as Congressman Zeldin. However, one thing is for certain, if a Member of Congress doesn’t know a bill or resolution exists, they will not be a co-sponsor. Cosponsors by State Illinois – 1 Michigan – 1 Minnesota – 1 Missouri – 1 New York – 1 Texas – 1 Washington – 1 Wisconsin – 1 States who have sent the Most letters New York Texas Louisiana South Dakota Wisconsin Pennsylvania Arizona Minnesota Michigan California DC Game While we ask our members to contact

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RIDING FREE FROM DC: Your Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway

Your Motorcycle Riders Foundation team in Washington, D.C. is pleased to provide our members with the latest information and updates on issues that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. Count on your MRF to keep you informed about a range of matters that are critical to the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle. Published weekly when the U.S. Congress is in session. Capitol Hill Update Republicans Pressing Democrats With Democrats now the majority party in the House of Representatives, they control the committee chairmanships and thus control the agenda for each committee. The House Energy and Commerce Committee, who has jurisdiction over autonomous vehicle technology, is now chaired by Frank Pallone of New Jersey. This puts Republicans in a role they not been in since 2010, seeking the help of Democrats to tackle legislative priorities. Republican Greg Walden of Oregon, the previous chairman and now ranking member as well as Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers of Washington and Bob Latta of Ohio sent Chairman Pallone a letter regarding the need for Congress to act on autonomous vehicles legislation. “We write to urge the Energy and Commerce Committee to take up bipartisan self-driving vehicle legislation. Last Congress this Committee worked across party lines to draft H.R. 3388, the Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Research in Vehicle Evolution Act (SELF DRIVE Act). The SELF DRIVE Act was an example of this Committee at its very best: working together, across the aisle, to develop legislation that will advance lifesaving technology. As a result of our deliberative, transparent, and bipartisan process, the Committee voted unanimously, 54 yeas and 0 nays, to report the SELF-DRIVE Act to the House floor where it again passed unanimously. Unfortunately, the Senate failed to act on the bill,” Walden, Latta, and Rodgers wrote. The MRF has

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