Bikernet Banner

September 16, 2004 Part 3


Continued From Page 2


DID HE SAY ?BOBBERS??–Hey, I really dig your site. Love the Tim Conder stories. Take a look at my site if you get a moment.


Take care,


ABATE Handlebar Bill Signed into Law–Governor Schwarzenegger Signs ABATE Handlebar Bill into Law.
Sacramento. ABATE of California, a motorcycle rights organization, is pleased to announce the signing of Assembly Bill 2844 into law by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on August 23, 2004. The common sense measure will modernize the outdated motorcycle handlebar height restrictions contained in California’s vehicle code section 27801, instituted in 1963.Assemblyman Jay La Suer of La Mesa is the Bill’s author. Denise Ducheny brought the bill to the Senate floor. ABATE of California consulted with the California Highway Patrol in sponsoring the measure which will allow a rider’s handgrips to be up to, but no higher than, 6 inches above shoulder height. The bill passed by a near unanimous vote on both the Assembly and Senate floors.

The current law limits handgrip height at shoulder level. AB 2844 was drafted in response to a rash of selective enforcement coupled with aCalifornia Judicial Council ruling which modified the offense from a simple fix it ticket to a non-correctible offense worth a point against amotorist’s driving record.

While the new legislation makes no change to the recent judicial ruling, ABATE Legislative Director Jean Hughes predicts the new law should put an end to 95% of the traffic stops.

The new law will go into effect on January 1, 2005.

SECTION 1. Section 27801 of the Vehicle Code is amended to read:
27801. A person shall not drive a two-wheel motorcycle that is equipped with either of the following:
(a) A seat so positioned that the driver, when sitting astride the seat, cannot reach the ground with his or her feet.
(b) Handlebars so positioned that the hands of the driver, when upon the grips, are more than six inches above his or her shoulder height when sitting astride the seat.

Jean Hughes, Legislative Director, ABATE of California
(707) 446-9432

Submitted by Splatt

ROGUE REPORT –ROGUE REPORT Hurricane Frances came to Florida and kicked ass!125,000 still with out power but there are power companies in from all over the country working 18-hour shifts to restore power.

My family and myself are fine and though we are on generator power at least we have refrigerator, water (showers), TV and fans. There is minor damage to the roof and some trees down.

We just got phone service back and the cell phone only works in certain areas. I am doing this on laptop, as my cable hook up is not working so I use the phone or cell phone.

We had some hard times through this but are very lucky compared to some others nor far from us who lost roofs and buildings and are living at shelters.

I have good neighbors and a lot of friends and we are all helping each other and it is working.

Fema is setting up along with the Red Cross and helping a lot of people. The National Guard is doing road duty as traffic lights are out in many places. Most of the cops have been pretty decent and there is a curfew in effect and the Sheriff is telling places not to sell beer or alcohol. That is not going over to well.


Ivan is being watched now.

I have to get back to work around here but wanted to let all know what was going on.

Florida People – Check In When You Are Able To. If you are in need of something let us know and we will see what we can do.

BE SAFE ? Rogue

WILLIE G?S BASTARD–From Suds and Butterfly News Letter
Recently I was riding my daily work commute bike, a 2002 Buell X1W White Lightning. Now I have an old panhead, but when it comes to making it to and from work without having to stop and wrench something back in working condition, the little Buell does a fine job of keeping me from being late for work and running the gauntlet back home in rush hour traffic, fast acceleration, great brakes, great handling, nuff said. So I am sitting at a traffic light, and two yuppie bolt on chrome owners pull up and one hollers “HEY LOOK IT’S ONE OF WILLIE G’S BASTARD STEPCHILDREN” So as soon as I got the front wheel back on the ground after my powerful little Buell made it’s exit from the light, I started thinking about how those of us who ride every day, good weather or bad, sure get a lot of disrespect from these yahoos who happen to have more money than common sense and enough credit to keep their local HD dealer in business. I bet neither of them has ever made a run from Oklahoma to Santa Cruz California on a motorcycle just to keep a process server off their back. They probably stay in a nice motel or guest ranch if they go to Sturgis, just so they can have a t-shirt. And I know damn well that there isn’t a tool roll under their seat to make roadside repairs with.

So anyway, I came up with these patches, so if you know any Buell hooligans, let em know. I am selling these things for $10 each and I pay the postage. Sure liked your website, I used to work oilpatch out in the Tejas panhandle back in the day, rode a scooter to the rig every chance I had. Kinda miss huge grasshoppers bouncing off me.

Thanks, Rusty


Man Goes to Jail for Putting a Sign in his Yard–

“You can look through ’em all.”

Up to his ears in legal documents, Phillip Dean is fed up with the judicial system.

“That’s the kind of court system we’ve got in Jackson County, Alabama and I want everybody to know,” Dean says.

So he put a sign in his front lawn saying “Our Court System Is a Joke.”A message landing him behind bars.

“I was in a cell about four foot wide and six foot long and nothing in it but a toilet,” he explains.Arrest orders signed by Judge Haralson claim Dean to be in direct contempt of court, even though the sign is on County Road 107, not in the county courthouse.

“The signs were so derogatory to the court they could not be ignored,” Haralson responds in a local paper.

With Dean locked up, the signs were removed.

“Before they would let me go in front of Judge Haralson,” Dean says. “They put leg shackles, they put handcuffs, they put chains from my legs up to my waist. They put a chain around my waist. They put chains from my waist up here and had my hands pulled up like this.”

With an apology, Haralson released Dean after a day in jail, but the experience leaves Dean with unanswered questions.

“When it gets to where a man hadn’t got any free speech in this world, what has he got?” he asks.

Answers he hopes to find with a message already back in place.


jose group

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–I squeezed one more news day before heading out, so here we go.First of all , I want to thank everyone that has sent e-mails and posted on your shot about my writing. I want you guys to know that I really appreciate it, no bullshit.

I have said a thousand times, it still amazes me of the people we reach, and the people who know of me and what I do. I was thinking about how “open” my life is to a bunch of people, how simple is to find me, or e-mail, or how much of what goes on and my life is open for anyone to read. I guess not enough, since I don’t have any hot chicks stalking me yet, but then again, there’s still time.

jose graphitti

Funny, the other day I was looking at the News archives, then I searched for the first news report I had ever done, it was August 2000, at least the one I could find. That is 4 years ago, and what amazes me the most is how things have changed, and changed for the better. I also got to read an old interview Bandit did on me, many things have happened and others are still waiting. It?s bizarre how a life is plastered all over a computer screen, week after week, more so, not only my life, but also of others who contribute to this site. It is our own little “family” and we have millions of spectators, we might know a percent of a percent of those.

Funny that some people hate you, while others enjoy the success. It?s also an art to be able to figure out e-mails and see the truth in them; that is without knowing the person or ever seen them. Like I said jokingly the other night, If every person that read the news would send me a mere dollar, I would be able to pay a lot of rent and build a few bikes, but it’s not a matter of money, it’s never been about the money. Although I have to pay rent, utilities, car, etc,etc, like everyone else, this is kind of a labor of love. It?s a compromise from me to Bandit and Sin, plus all the other readers, those who like it and those who don’t.

Sure I would love to be able to walk out the door and buy whatever I wanted, or not worry about all those bills every month, but if it’s going to happen , it will happen. Will I change or change what I’m doing? I really don’t think so, first and foremost I build bikes, and I enjoy what we do. “Grown kids” as Glenn so eloquently put it. Sure there’s better times and there’s times that we want to call it quits, but no one gets off the boat on this trip. We lose some very dear friends, but that also gets us closer to others. Life has a very funny way to portray itself to us.

jose racecar

In those old news columns, I did a little introduction and then went to the news, but how everything has changed….. What Bandit called going “editorial” is what I do every single week, and it looks like a lot of people follow those “lifetorials”. What shocks me the most is that I have always been very private. I would not even like people to know if I was taking a trip or my destination. Some of my friends ended up calling me the myth. And here we are, half a World reading all this, every week, bizarre, once more. Thank God there’s no hits on me, since it would be very simple to pop a cap in my ass. Then again, sometimes there are some things better left untold.

Check the old news archives if you have the time, they used to be one short page, but like I have said, we all have grown.

Like this industry, when will it stop? No one knows, and no one wants it to, but still they ponder the question.

jose larry

This upcoming Sunday I will be paying tribute to the life of a good friend that is with us no more, but the bright side of it is that other friends will be there as well, to share the moment, to augment the bond. It?s sad that a moment like that will bring many of us together, but I’m sure one will enjoy it the most, the one that it’s all about…He will be scratching his head and wondering how come so many people loved him…Simple man….because you were you.

jose banner

As I used to say goodbye back then,Saludos

Jose ? Bikernet Caribbean Reporter

dave mann - poolside

Dave MannTo view some of his historical art you can go to the following websites:



On Loosing David Mann– They say only the good die young. If that?s true, then Dave Mann must have put one over on the Big Man upstairs to have blessed this world with his goodness for sixty four years.

None of us can do everything and be everywhere. David Mann?s vision and his ability to bring the biker?s world alive through his art enabled many of us to experience through his eyes, things that we otherwise might have missed out on or couldn?t be a part of. His was an extraordinary gift that enriched the lives of millions of bikers. In a way, through the art he created over the years, Dave Mann chronicled the history and evolution of what it means to be a biker. How the Hell do you say ?thank you? for something like that?

Like most of us, I never had the honor of meeting Dave Mann. I knew him only through his artwork. But because of that artwork, I feel I owe him a special debt. Like a lot of you, when I learned of Dave?s health problems and the financial challenges he was facing, I sent what I could to help out. I considered it an opportunity to make a small down payment on what I owed him for everything he?d given me over the years. I also sent along my only surviving magazine copy of a story of mine that was published in Easyriders back in May of 1982. The story was called ?Daytona Run?. I thought it was a good story and as I recall, it was well received at the time. But what made the story so special to me, and I have no doubt, what made a lot of folks take the time to read it, was the David Mann artwork used to illustrate it.

daytona run

I felt then, as I do now, that the reason the reaction to that story was so favorable had a helluva lot more to do with Dave?s illustration than the way I put the words together. To be honest, Dave turned the tables on me. Instead of serving as an accessory to my story, his superb painting made my words seem unnecessary. All you had to do was take one look at his rendering of two bikes loaded in the back of an old pickup truck parked in a dark snowy driveway with the sunny beaches of Daytona appearing in the snow swept shimmer of the headlights, and you could have saved yourself the trouble of reading further. He had told the story far better with his brush than I did with my words.

I believed then, and I believe now, that my story (and a lot of other good stories by other writers) might well have been overlooked by a lot of readers without the power of David Mann?s illustrations to draw them in. I just wanted him to know how much it had meant to me over the years to have my simple story associated with his genius.

A couple of weeks later, I got a personal note of thanks from David Mann. It?s my understanding that, his health not withstanding, he personally thanked all those who sent help and encouragement. In his note to me, the Great David Mann turned the tables on me again. He used some of his precious time to tell me that the illustration used for ?Daytona Run? had been inspired by my story and been painted especially to go with it. I was honored and humbled all over again. Now, in those times when the stories just won?t come, and the words just won’t fit together, his kind message, like his work, will always serve to inspire me to keep trying. How the Hell do you thank someone for a gift like that?

And how do you thank someone for a life lived like that?

I?m no philosopher. I don?t claim to understand why I can look around me and see good people gone way too soon while the bad ones live forever, fat and happy. But maybe, if there is a grand design to all this, there’s a reason why people like Indian Larry and David Mann don?t get to stay with us longer. Maybe the good really do die young. And, maybe, just maybe, the Big Man Upstairs knew that true genius is still young at sixty-four.

Because that?s what David Mann was and always will be, a true genius who died way too young at sixty-four. He will be honored, respected, and missed for as long as even one true biker still draws breath.

Hutch in The Heartland

Continued On Page 4

Read More

September 16, 2004 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


two bikes parked
I just got the Fatboy finish…..Wire Wheels and Black Ape Hangers.. Next is a Baker 6 speed and S&S 96 “. Bob T

VIRUS WARNING–During the next several weeks be VERY cautious about opening or launching any e-mails that refer to the World Trade Center or 9/11 inany way, regardless of who sent it. PLEASE FORWARD TO ALL YOURFRIENDSAND FAMILY. FOR THOSE WHO DON’T KNOW, “WTC” STANDS FOR THE WORLD TRADECENTER. REALLY DANGEROUS BECAUSE PEOPLE WILL OPEN IT RIGHT AWAY,THINKING ITS A STORY RELATING TO 9/11! BIGGGG TROUBLE !!!! DO NOTOPEN”WTC Survivor.” It is a virus that will erase your whole “C” drive..Itwill come to you in the form of an E-Mail from a familiar person. Irepeat, a friend sent it to me, but called and warned me before Iopenedit. He was not so lucky and now he can’t even start his computer!Forward this to everyone in your address book. I would rather receivethis 25 times than not at all. So, if you receive an email called “WTCSurvivor”, do not open it. Delete it right away! This virus removesalldynamic link libraries (dll files) from your computer. PLEASE FORWARDTHIS MESSAGE!

Chris T.

mike pullin

BIKERNET STEALTH REPORT–Man, it has been a tough month for the biker community. First we lost Indian Larry and before we had a chance to heal from that hurt, we hear of Dave Mann passing away.

When I was a lot younger and just getting into bikes Dave Mann was one of my heroes. I really should not use the word ?was,? to me he has always been a hero of mine and always will be.

I remember my friend Mike J. and me working together and at lunch time, on the day we thought the new issue of Easyriders would hit the local 7-11 store, we would head over there and scrape together enough money to buy each of us a copy. Back in those days it seems we didn?t have enough lunch money, but we always had enough to buy Easyriders. If one of us was short, the other would spot what we needed until the next issue. I would always search first for the Dave Mann centerfold. Nothing else in there mattered until I saw the centerfold and once you saw one of them you were hooked.

Dave Mann?s artwork was more than a drawing or a picture. His artwork came to life, it was real! I could feel the air in my hair, the power of the engine, the pop and crack of the pipes, you could feel the night air, most of all though you could feel the freedom that riding and being a biker was about. There was nothing better on a cold Virginia winter night than opening up that Easyrider magazine and feeling the warmth of spring through a piece of Dave Mann?s artwork.

I finally met Dave Mann in December of 1996 at an EasyriderS Show here in Charlotte. You could buy his centerfolds and he would autograph them for you. I remember he was friendly and easy to talk to. I framed the print and treasure it to this day. I have a huge collection of his centerfolds and they will always have a place in my home. They all have meaning to me. I can look at them and some take me back to certain times in my life and you can never put a price on something like that.

Another thing Dave Mann?s art did was inspire bike builders worldwide. My highbar springer is styled by what I saw in those centerfolds. My taste in bikes and the styles I like are all influences of Dave Mann. Nothing brought out the bare bones ?Outlaw? style better than a Dave Mann centerfold.

I remember last year hearing of Dave?s health failing and you could make a donation to help. I did not hesitate, I sent a small gift and I did not expect anything in return. About three weeks later Dave sent me a small copy of ?Ghostrider? and at the bottom of it was a thank you note with the famous ?David Mann? signature. It blew me away! I always knew what kind of person Dave was just through his artwork, this just reinforced what I had I always believed. Dave Mann was a stand up guy!

Thanks Dave for the enjoyment you gave me over the years, from being a kid who knew very little about bikes and the biker lifestyle to who I am today, a biker who loves the lifestyle that your artwork portrayed. For me there will never be anyone who comes close to you and your artwork. I am sure wherever you are right now, you are working on a piece of art for everyone to enjoy! Ride on!

Until next week!


Huze Motor Mount & Coil Bracket– Your engine is polished or powder coated. Now order the motor mount & the coil bracket it deserves.

Motor mount has a smooth unique design and fits up to 131cu engines. Coil bracket just bolt on and can be provided with or without an ignition switch.

It accepts Dyna Coils single fire, single plug Dyna Coils that you can paint for a complete custom look..

Cyril Huze
Tel: 561-392-5557
Fax: 561-392-9923

ABATEPAC Voter Guide in Motorcycle Shops and Online–Another election is fast approaching and you’ve been too busy riding to know which candidates are biker friendly. Some politicians would like to ban bikes and get it over with. Others want to end lane splitting or impose new smog and noise standards. So, how does a good scooter tramp know where politicians stand on issues of importance to motorcyclists?

The new ABATEPAC Voter Guide has been distributed to motorcycle shops and biker hangouts throughout California. The 2004 edition endorses biker friendly candidates based on past voting record or favorable completion of a comprehensive questionnaire. ABATE of California’s Political Action Committee has also made the Voter Guide available online at the website. Campaign contact numbers are provided for riders willing to make a donation or volunteer time working in a campaign office.

Form a group ride to your local polling place and proudly display your “I Voted” sticker on your helmet, vest or jacket.

Remember, you must be registered before October 18th to vote in the November 2 election.

2005 presents the greatest opportunity for positive change we’ve seen in years. For those of you interested in lickin’ the lid law, this is the time to get involved, and the ABATEPAC Voter Guide makes the job as easy as punching out chads.



I’m not sure why I think about the past so much, it really wasn’t that pleasant for me. I was always broke beyond belief due to poor choices of boyfriends. They were always creating some gawd awful mess that I’d have to bail them out of. But in a way, it wasn’t so bad. I lived in unreal beautiful places, like in a 200 yr old farmhouse next to the Connecticut River or in a large artsy contemporary at the top of a 100 ft cliff. And one thing that always took my mind off the latest fiasco was always the latest issue of Easyriders. I’d come to depend on seeing that Dave Mann centerfold. It was as much a part of my world as my friends. The paintings would take me to a dream biker world, where the sunsets were always blood red and friends always rode together on super cool choppers. But it was also a very real world, where bikes didn’t always start and people screwed up, yet their friends forgave them. I never met Dave. I saw him at shows a few times, but I never said hello or got an autograph. I guess I just took it for granted he would always be there, just like his paintings would always be in the magazine centerfold.

When I heard he was dead, it stung hard. I mean losing Indian Larry was bad enough, but losing two legends in such a short amount of time? I knew Dave was ill, and like the optimist I am, I kept hoping he’d hang on and get better.

Out in a large filing cabinet in my garage are all the Easyriders I’ve collected over the years. In all the moves I’ve made, I keep dragging them along. They are not all in good shape. It’s been a tough 30 years since I started reading Easyriders and many of those issues show the wear. I had finally decided that I would go through them and sell the lot at the next big swap meet. I mean, I never look at them. There’s not many free afternoons to idle away leafing through the past. Too many bikes to paint, stuff to do, family to tend, and roads to ride. Sure there’s time to think about the past but not time to actually handle it, to touch the pages I sought comfort in so long ago. Life keeps happening and the magazines sit. But now, I may not sell them, not yet. For me they represent what used to be, but what is forever gone. Like when my friends and I would have a keg party the night before a swap meet. Then we’d load the keg in the back of my ’64 Ford pickup and bury it under bike parts. I’d set up at the meet, selling paint jobs, spare parts and $1 beers. My friends would give free beer to cute guys. It was a fun way to blow off a Sunday afternoon. I mean we had nothing better to do. None of us were married, no kids to worry about. Just sit around and wonder about men and talk about our dream bikes. Mine was a ’64 pan. We thought we were so wise and worldly, when we were actually so young and unspoiled. To be able to freeze those moments in time. And that’s what Dave Mann did. He painted life the way we wanted to see it. The way we wished it could always be.

Joann ?Crazy Horse?

crazyhorse banner


BIKERNET ART CORNER–Just as we predicted David Uhl’s limited edition canvas of ROSE has sold out. In the secondary market this piece is now selling for $2600 framed. (from $1850 opening price). This is obviously good news to those who have already acquired the piece and not altogether unexpected. Rose had all the elements to be a very successful work, as does this next David Uhl painting entitled THE REAL THING. As you can see by the attached visual THE REAL THING is “Rose” only from a little different prospective. David’s concept here was to create a more “Rubyesque” portrait which is more about the girl and her allure and independence (sound familiar?) Given that the editions are much smaller now this piece will undoubtedly be the next sold-out edition. Call me when you get a chance.

Ron Copple
Artists Riding Together

Charlie Bretchel Band ? Live at the Love Run–Hey Bandit, Nov 14 I will be playing the Love Ride and we will be flyingRogue out to party with us and shoot some footage and a interview with Rogue for inner circle 2. We are bringing him out for a week Nov 11 till 17. Maybe we can hook up and do a interview with you to guys together? That would be very cool.

Charlie Bretchel


Please note that Texas is the only state with a legal right to secede from the Union (please refer to the Texas-American Annexation Treaty of 1848).

We Texans love y’all, but we’ll have to take action if Kerry wins president over Bush. We’ll miss you too. Texas has given all those complainers plenty of time to get used to the results. After seeing the whiners along the campaign route, the folks from Texas are considering taking matters into our their hands.

Here is our solution:

#1: Let John Kerry become President of the United States. (all 49 states.)

#2: George W. Bush becomes the President of the Republic of Texas.

So what does Texas have to do to survive as a Republic?

1. NASA is just south of Houston, Texas. (we will control the space industry.)

2. We refine over 85% of the gasoline in the United States.

3. Defense Industry. (we have over 65% of it) The term “Don’t mess with Texas,” will take on a whole new meaning.

4. Oil – we can supply all the oil that the Republic of Texas will need for the next 300 years. Yankee states? Sorry about that.

5. Natural Gas – Again we have all we need and it’s too bad about those northern states. John Kerry will figure a way to keep them warm….

6. Computer Industry – we currently lead the nation in producing computer chips and communications: Small places like Texas Instruments, Dell Computer, EDS, Raytheon, National Semiconductor, Motorola, Intel, AMD, Atmel, Applied Materials, Ball Semiconductor, Dallas Semiconductor, Delphi, Nortel, Alcatel, Etc, Etc. The list goes on and on.

7. Health Centers – We have the largest research centers for Cancer research, the best burn centers and the top trauma units in the world and other large health planning centers.

8. We have enough colleges to keep us going: UT Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Rice, SMU, University of Houston, Baylor, UNT, Texas Women’s University, Ivy grows better in the south anyway.

9. We have a ready supply of workers. (just open the border when we need some more)

10. We have control of the paper industry, plastics, insurance etc.

11. In case of a foreign invasion, we have the Texas National Guard and the Texas Air National Guard. We don’t have an army but since everybody down here has at least six rifles and a pile of ammo, we can raise an army in 24 hours if we need it. If the situation really gets bad, we can always call Department of Public Safety and ask them to send over a couple Texas Rangers.

12. We are totally self sufficient in beef, poultry, hogs and several types of grain, fruit and vegetables and lets not forget seafood from the gulf. And everybody down here knows how to cook them so that they taste good. Don’t need any food.

This just names a few of the items that will keep the Republic Of Texas in good shape. There isn’t a thing out there that we need and don’t have.

Now to the rest of the United States under President Kerry: Since you won’t have the refineries to get gas for your cars, only President Kerry will be able to drive around in his 9 mile per gallon SUV. The rest of the United States will have to walk or ride bikes.

You won’t have any TV as the space center in Houston will cut off your communications. You won’t have any natural gas to heat your homes but since Mr. Kerry has predicted global warming, you will not need the gas.

Signed, The People in Texas And Y’all have a nice day!


biketoberfest banner

Continued On Page 3

Read More

September 16, 2004 Part 1


womans closeup

It?s been a quiet week here, well, except for the diesel trucks, fire trucks and the damn Longshoremen who descend upon us once a day while they rush up to the hall a block away and wait for job call-outs. I understand their reason for coming this way everyday, but they act like they?re an exception to the rules of the road and courtesy. They fill up our street with their cars; box ours in, double park and jay walk so that we can hardly pass. I can?t stand those guys, even though both of my sons are trying to become Longshoremen. If they do, then I?ll be a little more tolerant.

As for the Industry, all is not quiet on that front; Howard Kelly from Hot Bike got the boot and that?s got emails a flyin?. I?ll share an email Bandit got from an anonymous person in the ending, that?s pretty humorous. I gotta a call from Wall Street Journal wanting to pick Bandit’s brain on the history of bikers, and a call from a really nice guy who builds cars and bikes for the entertainment industry wanting Bandit for contribution on a book he?s commissioned to write about building choppers. We?ll definitely keep you posted on this one. Now for the news?


Don?t Miss the “Match Race of the Century” – Mark Derryberry?s Top Fuel Harleyvs Keith Marksberry?s Turbocharged Nitrous Suzuki Dragster -FULL STORY ON WWW.TEXASSCOOTER.COM & More Dragstrip Campout Info!!!

NITRO HARLEYS * “King of the Box” Bracket Racing?s BEST &2 Money E.T. Classes & 2 Trophy E.T. Classses – PLUSOpen Drags for Pro Catagory Dragbikes with $400 for “The Quickest Run Of the NITE”!!AND AFTER THE RACE It?s LIVE MUSIC “Till The Wee Hours With MAD MAX & THE MAX ATTACK – “Texas? BEST PARTY BAND”Back By Popular Demand after ROCKIN? the Sealy Campout in August !!

With a $100 to win WET T-SHIRT CONTEST at Midnight…….
Door Prizes # Swap Meet Vendors # Blowout Style “Bikini Alerts”
Admission: $20 a head, Under 18 admitted with Parent ONLY
Gates Open: 4:pm – Time Trials 6:pm – Eleminations 8pm
Location: Take Beltway 8 East from Hwy 59 or North from I-10. Turn WEST on
North Lake Houston Pkwy. Track is 1 mile down on the left
Track Phone 281- 458 – 1972
(BYOB – Bring Your Own Beads!! & Be There !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Also Mark Your Calenders:
Oklahoma State Championships – Sat. Nite Oct. 2 – Noble Ok.
“Texas Style Party Drags” Championship Series State Finals – Sunday Oct. 17 – Evadale Texas

Noise complaint cuts short relief from generator–
MELBOURNE – A family without power for 10 days had to shut their generator soon after firing it up Monday when their neighbor, the deputy police chief, called officers to complain about the noise.

On Tuesday, Melbourne Police Chief Don Carey said John Short did nothing wrong when he called on three police officers to make his neighbor turn off the generator.

“There was no abuse of authority. I’ve had a conversation with the (neighbor) about (Short) exercising his rights under the law,” Carey said.

The neighbor, Jennifer Buksas-Gutierrez, had just gotten a generator and turned on the air-conditioning for the first time about 11 p.m. Monday when police officers came to her door.

First, they asked her to turn off the generator – which she didn’t. Then they went to Short, who told them to go back and tell her to turn it off and remind her that people can be arrested for violating the city’s noise ordinance.

“The officer just said that, ‘I have to do this because he’s my boss,’ . . . and you could hear the other generators in the neighborhood running,” said the 23-year-old mother of a 4-year-old, who had been living without electricity since Hurricane Frances.

The city ordinance allows residents affected by hurricanes to use generators from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Police on Tuesday could not say whether they handled any other complaints about generator noise.

City code officials said they’d handled about a dozen such complaints, but they didn’t make people turn them off. They worked with them to moving or shielding the generators to reduce the noise-reaching neighbors.

Short confirmed the incident involving his neighbor and said he called officers because it was 11 p.m., after the permitted hours.

“That’s too late and personally, I couldn’t sleep so they had to stop it,” he said. He said he didn’t have a generator.

During the Monday incident, Short stood on his driveway but did not speak with his neighbors. At one point, he used his city-issued police radio to talk with a supervisor for the officers who came out.

“I don’t give up my rights because I’m deputy chief. I’m entitled to my peace and quiet, too. It’s not me, it’s the ordinance,” Short said.

He also said he reminded the officers that a violation of the noise ordinance was an offense that could warrant an arrest.

Short said other residents in the neighborhood near Croton Road may have been running generators, but his primary concern was the noise next door.

When told the residents had a small child and that they said the heat inside the home was unbearable, Short said: “Do what I’m doing, sleep on the porch. Sleep where you can.”

Buksas-Gutierrez, who lost power last Saturday, turned off the generator after talking with officers for the second time. She reported the incident to the Melbourne city manager on Tuesday, and he turned it over to the police chief.

“I talked to the chief and he said he was sorry for the misunderstanding,” she said. “We’re all in the same boat. We should be trying to work with each other.”

Carey, who appointed Short to the second-in-command post, said the issue was closed. He said officers would be reminded to use discretion in situations involving generators.



BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP DEPARTMENT–A woman asks her husband to buy her a fur coat for their 25th anniversary.

“HA!” he snorted. “The day I buy you a fur coat will be the day you can grow hair on your chest!”

On that she hikes up her skirt, drops her panties, and thrust her pubic area forward.

“There! I have hair on my chest, now buy me the damn coat!”

“That’s not your chest!” he roars back.

“Damn right it’s my chest!” she argued. “Before we got married, this was your hope chest. On our honeymoon it was your treasure chest. Afterwards, it became our family chest … and if you don’t buy me a fur coat … it will soon become the community chest!”


unknown soldier 4

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier–

1. How many steps does the guard take during his walk across the tomb of theUnknowns and why? 21 steps. It alludes to the twenty-one gun salute, whichis the highest honor given any military or foreign dignitary.

2. How long does he hesitate after his about face to begin his return walkand why? 21 seconds for the same reason as answer number 1

3. Why are his gloves wet? His gloves are moistened to prevent his losinghis grip on the rifle.

4. Does he carry his rifle on the same shoulder all the time and if not, whynot? He carries the rifle on the shoulder away from the tomb. After hismarch across the path, he executes an about face and moves the rifle to theoutside shoulder.

5. How often are the guards changed? Guards are changed every thirtyminutes, twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.

6. What are the physical traits of the guard limited to?For a person to apply for guard duty at the tomb, he must bebetween 5′ 10″ and 6′ 2″ tall and his waist size cannot exceed 30.”

unknown soldier 3

Otherrequirements of the Guard: They must commit 2 years of life to guard thetomb, live in a barracks under the tomb, and cannot drink any alcohol onor off duty for the rest of their lives. They cannot swear in public for therest of their lives and cannot disgrace the uniform {fighting} or the tombin any way. After two years, the guard is given a wreath pin that is worn ontheir lapel signifying they served as guard of the tomb. There are only 400presently worn. The guard must obey these rules for the rest of their livesor give up the wreath pin. The shoes are specially made with very thicksoles to keep the heatand cold from their feet. There are metal heel plates that extend to the topof the shoe in order to make the loud click as they come to a halt.

unknown soldier 1

There areno wrinkles, folds or lint on the uniform. Guards dress for duty in front ofa full-length mirror. The first six months of duty a guard cannot talk toanyone, nor watch TV. All off duty time is spent studying the 175 notablepeople laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. A guard must memorizewho they are and where they are interred. Among the notables are: PresidentTaft, Joe E. Lewis {the boxer} and Medal of Honor winner Audie Murphy, {themostdecorated soldier of WWII} of Hollywood fame. Every guard spends five hoursa day getting his uniforms ready forguard duty.


unknown soldier2

In 2003 as Hurricane Isabelle was approaching Washington, DC, our US Senate/House took 2 days off with anticipation of the storm. On the ABC evening news, it was reported that because of the dangers from the hurricane, the military members assigned the duty of guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were given permission to suspend the assignment. They respectfully declined the offer, “No way, Sir!” Soaked to the skin, marching in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that guarding the Tomb was not just an assignment, it was the highest honor that can be afforded to a serviceperson. The tomb has been patrolled continuously, 24/7, since 1930.

I don’t usually suggest that many emails be forwarded, but I’d be very proud if this one reached as many as possible. We can be very proud of our young men and women in the service no matter where they serve.

God Bless and keep them.


Sierra Club, Sheep and Coyotes —A few years ago, the Sierra Club and the U.S. Forest Service were presentingpolitically correct alternatives to Wyoming ranchers for controlling thecoyote population. It seems that after years of the ranchers using the triedand true methods of shooting and/or trapping the predator, the tree-huggershad a “more humane” solution.

What was proposed to the Wyoming Wool and Sheep Growers Association by theSierra Club and the USFS was for the animals to be captured alive, the malescastrated and let loose again. That way the coyote population would becontrolled.

All of the ranchers thought about this amazing idea for a couple of minutes.Finally, an old boy in the back stood up, tipped his cowboy hat back andsaid, “Son, I don’t think you understand the problem. Those coyotes ain’tfuckin’ our sheep – they’re eatin’ ’em”.

A. Friedman

s&s racing group

S&S and G Squared Racing Set New Street Pro Record-First In the 8s!–
Street Pro Qualified: # 1 (9.158 seconds @ 145.03 mph)Eliminations:
Semifinals: 8.995 seconds @ 148.99 (1st in 8’s in Street Pro)
Finals: 8.963 seconds @ 146.43 (New National Record)

s&s racer

BRISTOL, TN (August 15, 2004) – S&S Cycle, Inc., G Squared Motorsports, and rider Chip Ellis have captured a page in the history books in the AHDRA Street Pro class. Chip recorded the first run ever in the 8’s riding the G Squared S&S #46 Tribute Street Pro Bike Sunday, August 15th. He ran an 8.995 in the semi-finals and then backed up that national record by running even quicker in the finals with an 8.963. Not only was it Chip’s debut at the AHDRA, but also his first race for the G2 team and first event ever on a V-Twin.

“I want to thank everybody at S&S Cycle and G Squared for giving me an awesome bike to ride” said Chip. “It made my job a lot easier.” He went on to say that during the course of the weekend which began with a limited test and tune session Friday night, “I rode the Street Pro nine times and the Road King 12 times. Ken Johnson and the rest of the crew did an great job of giving me the performance I needed to take care of business.”

“I knew when we started this project a year ago-on very short notice-that G Squared was the right mix for S&S to work with,” said S&S President, Brett Smith and son of G Squared President, George Smith. “How could it not be, my father and S&S Chairman of the Board, forms the first G, and George Bryce, one of the greatest NHRA Pro Stock bike crew chiefs forms the second G. I am so happy for them and for everyone at S&S who made it possible. But I really must say that I am awed by Chip’s ability to ride. He is absolutely amazing and I can’t wait to see what he’ll do for us in the NHRA.”

s&s racing roadking

“I have had more fun today between the Road King and the Street Pro than I’ve had in quite awhile? said George Smith, who with George Bryce are partners in G Squared. “S&S and the G Squared gang have worked very hard to develop this Street Pro bike and engine in a package that will help the class. This weekend it finally showed its potential and it’s especially sweet to do it at Bristol in August where it’s really tough to set records.”

“It was our anniversary for the #46 Tribute 133 Twin Cam Special Application Dyna; we qualified number one, we set the record, and won with it convincingly” added George Bryce. “This is a monumental accomplishment for us at G Squared. This is the engine package that we will sell and use in lots of applications in the future. Thanks to all that helped to make this come true – tons of folks at S&S, the engine builders at Star Racing/G2, Mike at Gail’s HD and Chip Ellis (who put on a riding seminar all three days and was a sight to see). If anyone thinks it is easy to run 8’s with a Street Pro legal, no wheelie bar, foot shifting V-Twin, they should come try it.”

In addition to winning the event and setting a national record in the Street Pro class, Chip also piloted the G Squared Motorsports 2004 HD Road King, powered by an S&S VFI 124 “crate” engine, through the 86 bike E.T. Class to the finals. Chip said that “this bike has fewer than 250 miles on it and most of those are drag strip miles. Having to spot almost everyone in the field and then run them down was cool.”

George Smith added that “the S&S Twin Cam 124 is the best street engine S&S has ever produced and probably the finest push rod 45 degree Harley style V-Twin ever. The bike performed flawlessly and other than installation of the S&S engine at G2’s Americus facility, the Road King was completely stock. All we did was add gas, ride it down the racetrack, bring it back and park it in the pit area for everybody to look at. And best of all, Chip Ellis, our new G2 rider and technician, did a great job of showing its capabilities. I couldn’t be more pleased, both as an S&S part owner and one of the George’s in G2.”

The next AHDRA event on the G Squared Motorsports calendar is the Joker Machine Indy Nationals, September 11 – 12 at the Indianapolis Raceway Park, Indianapolis.


Don’t change that page! First check out TBearwear. It’s for a good cause.

Continued On Page 2

Read More

September 9, 2004 part 4


Continued From Page 3

charlie n goth

CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND REPORT– My new cd is doing great !!!!!!!!


BIKERNET FIRE WARNING–“Send someone over quickly!”the woman screamed into the phone. “Two naked bikers are climbing up toward my bedroom window!””This is the Fire Department, lady,” the voice replied. “I’ll have to transfer you to the Police Department.”No, it’s YOU I want!” she yelled. “They need a longer ladder!”

–from Rev CarlR

larry smokin



I Still Can’t Quite
Believe The News
Even Though I Heard
It From So Many Bro’s
I Continued To Pray
That It Wasn’t True


He Seemed So Invincible
A True Biker From
The Original Old School
Building Choppers
Long Before It Was Cool


He Lived His Life
By His Own Rules
And When Fame
Came His Way
He Kept His Cool
By Staying True


Never To Big To
To Chat With A Fan
Never Afraid To
Lend A Helping Hand
These Are Just
A Few Of The Things
That Make Him
Truly A Legendary Man


His Beliefs Inked Out
On His Arms,
Neck And Chest
No Need For A Vest


Indian Larrys
Still Doing What He Loves
Building Bikes For The
Old School Bikers In
Heaven Above


I Truly Miss Him
And I Give His
Brothers, Sisters
And Family
All My Love


Composed 9/3/04 By Panhead Josh Of Outlaws World. Do not reproducewithout Authors Concent

INDIAN LARRY TRIBUTE–I was in Vegas when I heard the news. It is very sad and tragic. He worked so hard for so long, and was finally really getting a chance to reap the benefits of that hard work and to enjoy his success. My understanding is that the memorial service will be on September 19th. It is a huge loss for the motorcycle world and a tragic loss for all those who knew him and loved him well.


Michelle Dell
Hogs & Heifers, Inc.
859 Washington Street
New York, NY 10014
Phone: 212-645-6471
Fax: 212-352-1232


SPRINGFIELD STREAK ENDS FOR SCREAMIN’ EAGLE RIDER RICH KING–Sour Engine Foils King’s Bid for Fourth-Straight AMA National Win at Springfield Mile

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (Sept. 5, 2004) – Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts rider Rich King dropped from the lead pack when his engine failed with four laps remaining in the AMA Grand National main at the Springfield Mile. The trouble ended his bid to win a fourth consecutive race at the prestigious Illinois State Fairgrounds track. The race was won by Quality Checked Pre-Owned Ford/Lancaster Harley-Davidson rider Chris Carr aboard a Harley-Davidson XR750.

King placed second in his heat race to qualify for the 25-lap main. He jumped into the lead at the start of the main, and led seven of the first 12 laps among a nine-rider lead pack. King was in second place when he dropped back in the pack as his engine started to fade on lap 21. After that, he left the track.

King won both AMA Grand National races at the Springfield Mile in 2003, and also won the first 2004 race there on Memorial Day weekend.

“The Screamin’ Eagle team has a good bike set-up and a great rider for Springfield, and we were in the hunt until racing luck caught up with us this time,” said Harley-Davidson Racing Manager Anne Paluso. “We really appreciate all of the support Harley-Davidson fans in Springfield offered us this season.”

Carr won the Springfield race with a last-lap drafting pass of KTM USA/Jones Powersports/Mid-America Harley-Davidson rider Ken Coolbeth. Coziahr Harley-Davidson/National Cycle rider Johnny Murphree followed Carr past Coolbeth to take second as Coolbeth crossed the line in third.

Carr’s win on the mile and a second-place finish in the short-track TT at Springfield on Saturday boosted his points lead as the AMA Progressive Insurance Flat Track Championship heads into its final events. With three races left on the schedule, Carr has 255 points and a 40-point lead over KTM USA/Jones Powersports/Mid-America Harley-Davidson rider Joe Kopp, now second with 215 points. Coolbeth is third with 189 points, just ahead of Murphree with 183 points.

On Saturday, King placed sixth and third in heat races and failed to qualify for the AMA Grand National short-track TT event at Springfield. That race was won by Glen Schnabel on a Yamaha.

The next stop on the AMA Progressive Insurance Flat Track Championship series is Sept. 19 at Scioto Downs in Columbus, Ohio.

Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts are inspired by and built in the spirit of the raw adrenaline and power of motorcycle racing. Screamin’ Eagle Pro parts are specifically designed for race-use applications, while Screamin’ Eagle parts offer street-use performance options for the Harley-Davidson motorcycle owner. Visit for more information.

The Screamin’ Eagle Flat Track team is sponsored by Matco Tools.

cop car - buckshot

BIKERNET JOKE–I like this. They should keep it! Kern County California police drove this car for a week before an officer noticed what the graphics company employee did on the passenger side of the car. The employee did this on his last day working for the graphics company before he retired.


BIKERNET LESSON ON FLYS– A farmer in Hampton Ark. got pulled over by a Sheriff Bob Dunn forspeeding. The Sheriff started to lecture the farmer about his speeding, andin general began to throw his weight around to try to make the farmer feeluncomfortable. Finally, the Sheriff got around to writing out the ticket. Ashe was doing that, he kept swatting at some flies that were buzzing aroundhis head. The farmer said, “Having some problem with circle flies there, areya? The Sheriff stopped writing the ticket and said, “Well yeah, if that’swhat they are. I never heard of circle flies.” So the farmer says, “Well,circle flies are common on farms. See, they’re called circle flies becausethey’re almost always found circling around the back end of a horse.” TheSheriff says, “Oh,” and goes back to writing the ticket. Then after aminute, he stops and says, “Are you trying to call me a horse’s ass?” Thefarmer says, “Oh no, Sheriff. I have too much respect for law enforcementand police officers to even think about calling you a horse’s ass.” TheSheriff says, “Well that’s a good thing,” and goes back to writing theticket. After a long pause, the farmer says, “Hard to fool them fliesthough.”

–from Skooter


GOTHAM MOTORCYCLE CLASSIC–Just set the dates for 2005 GMC and thought you’d want to know.

Last year was our first Gotham Motorcycle Classic on the decks and docks of the Intrepid aircraft carrier (it’s a BIG sucker!), with over 200 show bikes and 11,000 people through the gate.

This year we are doing it again on Oct 9 and 10, 2004 and it looks like it’ll be even bigger.

Saturday is American Iron Calendar day with 12 bikes chosen and photographed for the calendar. Sunday is judging for all 32 classes of domestic and import bikes. Many of the winners will be photographed and featured in various national magazines, including American Iron Magazine (for Harleys and domestic) and RoadBike (for metric and imports).

Next year’s Gotham Motorcycle Classic will be moved up to the spring, and we’ll hold it April 14 and 15, 2005.

Lots of very amazing bikes – domestic and import. Lots of classic, custom, hot rod and choppers. Even sidecars and scooters too.

Hope you can make it out one of these days.

Best wishes,

Buzz Kanter

rfr cuties


11620 N. Lake Houston Parkway “Inside Beltway 8”

ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS “Close Up” BLEACHER SEATING !!NITRO HARLEYS * MATCH RACING * “King of the Box” Bracket Racings BEST &2 Money E.T. Classes & 2 Trophy E.T. Classses – PLUSOpen Drags for Pro Catagory Dragbikes with $400 for “The Quickest Run Of the NITE”!!

AND AFTER THE RACE It?s # LIVE MUSIC “Till The Wee Hours With MAD MAX & THE MAX ATTACK – “Texas?s BEST PARTY BAND”Back By Popular Demand after ROCKIN? the Sealy Campout in August !

With a $100 to win WET T-SHIRT CONTEST at Midnight…….Door Prizes # Swap Meet Vendors # Blowout Style “Bikini Alerts”OVERNIGHT CAMPING PERMITTED & ENCOURAGED !!!!!!!!!!!

Admission: $20 a head, Under 18 admitted with Parent ONLY
Gates Open: 4:pm – Time Trials 6:pm – Eliminations 8pm
Location: Take Beltway 8 East from Hwy 59 or North from I-10.
Turn WEST onNorth Lake Houston Pkwy.
Track is 1 mile down on the left

Information: http://
Track Phone 281- 458 – 1972


Avon Banner

Also Mark Your Calenders:
Oklahoma State Championships – Sat. Nite Oct. 2 – Noble Ok.
“Texas Style Party Drags” Championship Series State Finals – Sunday Oct. 17 – Evadale Texas WITH ADDITIONAL RACE TO BE POSTED On – http://

THAT?S IT FOR THE NEWS–I have a few articles to post whilst Bandit?s away, just don?t hold your breath. I?m looking forward to getting a few things done around the Headquarters now that we don?t have ?Admiral Bandit? shouting orders to do content.

I?m finally going to try out my new sewing machine, clean out that closet, organize my filing?

See ya! Layla

Read More

September 9, 2004 part 3


Continued From Page 2

dean garlick

HELP A BROTHER OUT–Hey, it?s Dean from Pa, If you would like to pass this memo around for me it might help. And I need help. I found a set of aluminum Roberson Thunder Heads, those are very hard to find. They were made by a small manufacture back in 1980. They are a 20-horse bolt on head set, so they say. But what I?m still looking for is the set of flat top pistons for them, (cant use stock). Any help I would thank you for. My name & phone if you need is Dean Garbrick (814) 237-9476. I have a 1982 Sportster 1000cc

–“Dean Garbrick”

CHROME-PLATED FASTENERS FROM CHROME HARDWARE SUPLLY– CHROME HARDWARE SUPPLY offers a full range of chrome-plated fasteners with the necessary strength and looks for any application – racing or show.

Fasteners have all sharp edges removed before the plating process.This prevents the start of cracks and chips that initially mar the chrome surface but eventually degenerate into flaking and peeling of the plated finish.

They report that, in independent tests, these fasteners were highly resistant to rust and corrosion.

According to Chrome Hardware Supply the tensile strength of its fasteners is between 180,000 and 200,000 psi.

This places the fasteners well above Grade 8 requirements it is claimed there is no problem with hydrogen embrittlement.

Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Tel: 888 629 2476
Fax: 602 437 9102
E-mail: info@standardbolt.comhttp://


2bikes joann

It’s a gray cloudy day here in old Waxhaw Creek but I feel quite at peace. Ilive in a very beautiful place. The house is not too fancy or too big. It’sa very humble doublewide that needs a new roof. But it has two additions,one of which is an enormous sunroom that looks out onto the yard and thewoods beyond. The new roof was to be bought with the proceeds from sellingmy new chopper, but since I have fallen totally in love with the bike, I’llhave to work my ass off painting to get that new roof.But I’m not painting today. In fact, I haven’t done much painting since thefirst of August. It’s the longest break I’ve taken in 3 years. After so manyyears of bike painting, sometimes it’s hard to come up with fresh, newideas. Burnout is a motherf’er. The real world being one also doesn’talways allow for us worker bees to recharge.

20 years ago when I worked at a diesel equipment company called Stanadyne, they had a 2 week shutdownevery summer. Employees had no choice. The whole plant shut down. I clearlyand fondly remember those 2 week vacations. I would go to the beach with myboyfriend’s family where we would fish or snooze on the beach in the sun orlounge on the porch of the rented beach house when it rained. We would goback to work with our heads cleared of stress.A lot has changed in 20 years, especially for the blue-collar working class.I won’t even get into the astoundingly sick and unfair way the corporategreedheads treat the people who work for them, asking more and more, forless and less in return. It’s a sad cycle that shows no signs of ending.

More and people are turning to self employment, and quite a number arepainting bikes. And so this old girl has had to put in some long, hard hoursover the past few years. Sometimes, most of the time, it seemed there’dnever a real break, like those 2 weeks plant shutdowns so very long ago.Downtime that would make all those brutal hours worthwhile. I mean what goodis it to have a nice home with a killer sunroom with an awesome view, if Inever get to spend time in it? What good is that flat screen TV we bought 3years ago, if it hasn’t been watched but a few hours in all that time?And so after living here for 8 years, most of which this room was shut offfrom the rest of the house as it was too expensive to heat or keep cool,I’ve been relaxing on the antique couch I dragged up from Florida, watchingthe super clear picture on that TV or gazing out those tall windows at thosewoods I pay taxes on each year. I did do a little work in the past fewweeks.

my office joann

I edited the edited copy of my book, right here in this sunroom, on mylaptop which sits on the teak coffee table I carried with me from rentedhouse to rented house since 1990. I did do some painting. I flamed a wideglide tank with the sweetest set of single flames I’ve ever done. I hadn’tplanned on doing them the way I did. I’d had a whole different color andtechnique in mind. But after Sturgis, my mind was clearer and I thought of avery simple, yet very effective way of doing the flames. The thing thatbugged me was why hadn’t I thought of it years ago? In fact, I’ve thought ofa lot of answers for painting related questions lately.

Recent events have made me treasure even more the life I lead. As screwedup as it can be at times, it’s still something of value because it is mine.Just like all these antiques I’ve collected over the years and have had solittle time to enjoy. You could say it all started at Sturgis, when I got onmy chopper. Riding that bike was so surrealistically wonderful. It made timestand still. The past month has been a treasure, precious time spent withfamily, friends, and no one at all. Tomorrow I go back to painting, buthopefully this time maybe I’ll manage my time better or fate will be kinderor whatever. But for the first time in a long time, maybe since those daysat Stanadyne – I feel recharged. Like life is worth working all those hours.Maybe I’m full of shit. I don’t care, it?s just nice to relax and not feel asthough the world is about to cave in on me if I stop working even for amoment. Oh, And that bike? It sits there waiting. Waiting for 3 weeks fromnow, when I ride it to Myrtle Beach.

I hope some of you out there were about to take time off this Labor dayweekend. My heart goes out to those who suffered in the storm down inFlorida and here in the Carolinas. My friends who live in Daytona were amongthem. But the rain iscoming this way, and a crapload of painting needs to get done so I can callthe roof guy.

Crazy Horse–

crazyhorse banner

BIKERNET NEWS ALERT–Soon you’re going to turn on the TV and see a weather reporter pointingto another spinning red thing headed toward our coast and making two basicmeteorological points:

1. There is no need to panic.
2. We could all be killed.

–from Rogue

HURRICANE REPORT FROM ROGUE–Well the Bitch is here.We have been waiting for days and are now in the middle of it.144,000 in Brevard County with out power, many loosing it Saturday. 400,000 State wide

I did a perimeter check at 11:30 last night and every thing was fine except for heavy rains and winds. I paid a lot of attention to securing the house and area and hopefully it will continue to work. About 12:30 I heard the transformer go in the back yard and we lost electricity. Since most of the crew was sleeping I decide to do the same.

I got up this AM and started the generator and we have power again. I wanted coffee and that was the way to get it.

We are watching the reports on TV and keeping up on things thanks to the generator set.

It is nasty outside and will continue for many hours yet. The storm is hitting us from the North East and will soon switch to the South West. It is far from over. I am happy that I have Good Motorcycle Rain Gear for when I do go out side to make my checks or adjustments.

I just saw a neighbor’s shed go sailing down the street and I have heard a animal crying but can not find it. I hope it is up under one of the vehicles. Of course we will check before we start any thing. I just had to go service the generator as it sucked water up into the paper air cleaner and started to load up. No big deal. Remove paper air cleaner, install foam and make a deflector. YEA! Working great.


Phone calls in and out checking on each other and family members and a lot of reports of damage around the city.

I can not get on line as that went out some time ago. I am on lap top and was going to use cell phone but lost signal. Regular phone just went out so I do not know when I will actually send this.

Well it looks like I may be able to get some work done on a article or two and maybe even a bike I have in the garage. Got to look at the good side of this and take advantage of it and not sit here and get bored. I can not get drunk as I am in charge of emergency decisions and repairs. No sex either. Doris said the whole house would know what we were doing. DUH I really do not care but I guess she dosen’t want her kids to know we still have sex. Silly Girl. They complain I get more than they do. That’s the way it should be.

I have been at it for hours. The storm has left the area but the rains are still with us.

5:30 Sunday evening. Serviced and gassed the generator. I checked the area, trees and branches down, trash all over the place.

I lost a grapefruit tree and a bunch of branches off other trees but none of them hit the house. Lost some shingles but the roof is intact. Boy am I glad I added all those extra braces a few years ago.

The women have left because they are nosey, bored and what ever. They went to check Kenny’s house. Actually I think they used that as a excuse to go look for alcohol. Hell that ain’t all that bad.

Wires down, streetlights and power lines laying in the road, trees and trash across road ways, pieces of buildings laying all over. They are in one of them new Dodge’s that you see in the commercials that goes any where and I guess there are seeing if it is true. My work is done for now. Food, Jack and sex are on my schedule. Well two out of three ain’t to bad.

The crew made it back. Kenny’s house is fine and the phones there worked so every one checked in and all is fine.

They came back with more food and Beer. No liquor stores open today. Damn!

Looks like I have to push for food and sex! Oh Yea. Beer is No Substitute for Jack Daniels.

The rain continues and there is a small lake forming in the drainage ditch in front of the house. I might go swimming after I check for snakes and gators.


There is a dusk to dawn curfew in most places and no one is being allowed back on the beach side up and down the coast. Reports are coming in that the power companies are planning to start checking for downed wires at day light and some time Monday maybe letting people over the causeways to the beach side. I woke up during the night a couple of times to just check on things. It is still raining heavy but winds are stating to slow down as the storm moves inland.

Monday morning. The rain has stopped and the sun is out. A lot of tree and other damage but all is fine here and with the neighbors. Looks like we got lucky. Good thing we have the generator at least we have lights, TV, refrigerator, water etc. If we want air conditioning we have to shut every thing else off. DUH No Air. Open doors etc. They are starting to let people back over the causeways to the beach side but you have to have ID to prove you live there. It is a mess. A lot of damage. Our friend’s house is not bad. Minimal damage but no electricity. They have gone there anyway as the looters have started to come out. Pat feels the same way as I do. You try to loot here I will shoot you.

We are helping those we can and know. BJs had gasoline so we refilled the pickup and the gas cans for the generator. Luckily we got there early because the lines formed quickly. We are waiting now for phone service and the electric company to restore power. Because of the generator we and the neighbors are a lot better off than a lot of other people and are thankful for that.

Well the Fun Filled (?) Labor Day Weekend is over and things are starting to get back to normal. I am not really sure what that is though. Doris is off to work; I am on clean up detail around the yard and house repair. Some neighbors have power. Shopping centers are opening and of course long lines for every thing. Toilets, showers, food, water, and numerous other things being set up by FEMA

The motorcycle is the way to get around as the weather is nice. Have to be careful though as a lot of stuff in the road as well as down power lines. Of course a lot of the assholes in cars are not paying attention to the lights being down makes that intersection a 4-way stop. Cars getting dented, cops frustrated and tickets.

The newest thing on the TV is reminding everyone that we still have a 9:00 to dawn curfew. Bars are opening until 12:00 or in some cases 2:00. So if you are out and driving you will get stopped. If you do not have a valid reason you will be arrested and taken to jail. If you have been drinking you can add a DUI to that.

Latest is that they are suspending sale of beer and alcohol in stores. Shit if they do that people will not be able to drink at home and have to go to the bars. The state of Florida lost a lot of money on their big DUI Crackdown this past Labor day Weekend and it looks like they are going to try and make up for some of it.

There are DUI ads on TV all through the day again and some one has to pay for them. Do Not Be One of The People Donating. Latest info I have is that the average DUI costs $16,000.00 and that does not count the grief and other bullshit you have to put up with. They are not really looking for the real Drunks but for People that have had a few drinks. People with good jobs and families that have to drive to support them and of course have the ability to pay.

DUI is a Big Business and They Are Looking For You To Help Support It. There are a lot of high paying jobs involved.

Had to give up the generator. Plugged into neighbor. Phone back on.

Every one is okay. Will mail more later.


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September 9, 2004 part 2


Continued From Page 1

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–I turned in my news a little early this week cause there’s lots of stuff to be done. I’m flying to Las Vegas for the Artistry in Iron show, and then taking a red eye to New York and Indian Larry’s memorial.

Frances is history, I hope that our readers from Florida, even Bahamas and the near islands are in good shape. If you have endured a hurricane, you only know what it is, there’s no comparison. In reality Florida was lucky, Eleuthera, Turks and Caicos, Providenciales and the Bahama islands took the bitch full force. The worst part in Florida was the length of time, but then again that is the price we pay for living in the tropics.By the time this is published we will be watching our asses, Ivan is on the way, as it looks now like I will be getting some primo surf, but someone is going to get the rage.

I had a thought last week about what my report was going to be about, as we all know, destiny changed my plans, but when I really thought about it, it did had a lot to do with the event that unfolded last week.

So here I go again.

This happens to be a close knit community, the bike industry. I mean, people from all walks of life, different places, different continents, most people that are outcasts, the freaks, but there’s a strong bond that has united many of us. We do the same thing, we can relate to each other?s hardship, we respect each other and admire each other?s work. So what do I have in common with some guys from Long Beach, or Brooklyn, fuck even Tokyo, Stockholm, or Helsinki? Lot?s, fucking lots. First of all, I believe we are all dreamers, we all are hands on people, we have a common bond, which starts with a simple but miraculous invention called the motorcycle, and not being able to leave it alone.

I can’t say since I’m not a painter, nor a sculptor, I don’t build cars and I’m certainly not a musician, but what I know is building bikes, and there is a very strong friendship bond amongst those of us who do it. Sure there are separate cliques, but the one I belong to is very strong and it’s the only one I can talk about. We are the outcasts in an outcast society, the punks, the kids, (even though we all are in our late 30’s and more) the rebels, the ones to shake the establishment, have no bosses and no one tells us what to do.We are lucky and stubborn enough to hold on, wait ’till some become the toast of the town, wait till the masses take what we do as cool. We do what we please, we live like there’s no tomorrow (and sadly, sometimes there is not) and we laugh our asses at life while giving it the finger. Sure some are rolling in dough and some are still busting their knuckles, but at the end, it makes no difference. We can all sit down and shoot the shit, no matter if you have a million, or a mere buck to your name. Money is not relevant. We get to travel, have so many good friends every place we go and some are treated like true rock stars, then again, when the spotlight is gone, everyone goes back to what we really are, friends.

Of the things I have done in my life I have never seen such as strong bond as the one I’m talking about, and many of you know of whom, I’m talking about. Not all is a rose garden, there’s assholes lurking around, and ego is a strong flaw. But those are weeded, sooner or later, and become extinct. It’s amazing how a whole world can get together and share stories, steaks or suds, anyplace, anytime.For those of you who think we go to bike events for the chicks, bikes and mayhem, yep you might be right, but we go to see friends and spend time with them. In a morbid way, we live on a very narrow ledge, and some of us, don’t come back.

Many of us will go out of their ways to lend a helping hand to others, no matter for what, and that is the way it should be. People from all walks of life, cultures, vocations, religions and whatever else you might want to add, have formed a common bond, nothing expected as reward, not done to gain. Just done because we are the same. Some will never belong, no matter how hard they try.

None of this is done for fame, nor glory. Most of us met way before it was cool to build bikes and TV showed up. I believe this is done because it can be done; it’s a big fuck you to society and ill wishers. Some of us feed out of those, it just makes us prosper and do better, be better.We are no saints, not even close, then again when your soul is uncluttered you don’t need to prove it. And when you know things, you don’t have to prove not one nothing.

Again, there’s no news, just my normal rants. It?s cool to be able to say what you please without receiving menaces of being banned, or edited. Those who know me know who I am, those who don’t can come up with their own conclusions. Those who hate me and are trying to censor me are wasting their time.

See you next week, from Las Vegas….Sin City baby…How appropriate.

Jose, Bikernet reporter

BUELL DEALER TEAMS COME UP SHORT AT ROAD ATLANTA–Early Incident Foils Promising Formula Xtreme Weekend for Hal’s and Kosco EffortsBRASELTON, Ga. (Sept. 4, 2004) – Kosco Buell/Innovative Motorcycle Research rider Michael Barnes and Hal’s Performance Advantage rider Mike Ciccotto each put in top-ten qualifying efforts aboard Buell Firebolt motorcycles at the Road Atlanta round of the AMA Lockhart Phillips Formula Xtreme series. They were running a strong third and fourth during the first laps of the race, but both saw their race end early on the second lap of the event.

Ciccotto, who qualified seventh, highsided his bike while running fourth and crashed on the second lap, which brought out the red flag to halt the race. Ciccotto did not restart the race due to some swelling in his left hand. Barnes, who had jumped from eighth on the grid to third on the start, experienced an electrical charging system failure during the red flag period and could not restart the race. The race was won by American Honda rider Miguel Duhamel, who clinched the Formula Xtreme season championship with the victory.

“It was a tough weekend for both of these dealer teams,” said Erik Buell, chairman and chief technical officer at Buell Motorcycle Company. “But it was great to see the Buell Firebolts running up front as Hal’s and Kosco learn more and continue developing the bikes.”

AMA Formula Xtreme is a class open to highly modified motorcycles with 600cc four-cylinder engines or larger-displacement V-Twin engines. The final stop on the 2004 AMA Chevrolet Superbike Championship schedule is Sept. 17-19 at Virginia International Raceway near Alton, Va.

To learn more about Buell Motorcycles, visit your local Buell dealer today and experience the pure streetfighter attitude, style, and performance only found on board a Buell. For the Buell dealer nearest you, pull into


WIDE FUCKING OPEN FOR CARL & ROBIN–It is with a profound sense of loss that I write to you today and tell you what a wonderful tribute we had for our fallen friends Carl Pethybridge and Robin Raulerson. After a good breakfast with friends, I rode to meet the four eastern county biker families at the designated spot and found that the park was full of soccer moms in SUV?s who couldn?t or wouldn?t grant us space to park. So we took over the side of the road and the pack grew larger as the time to leave got closer. Over one hundred bikes comprised the pack pf plenty that travailed west on SR 76 to the Port Mayaca cemetery where they now rest in peace; locked in our road laden minds, our beloved fallen friends.

Looking in my mirror, I saw a breath taking double strand of headlights, like a yellow diamond necklace reaching for the throat of heaven. The Treasure Coast Chapter of the US Military Vets MC road captained us safely, proudly and we ensnarled the small ceremonial grounds with the thunder of rolling iron and wondrous steel.The Tuckahoes MC captained an additional one hundred bikes in from the West. As a sad, but loyal band of brothers and sisters, we listened, the winds were weak, the August Florida sun too strong. Alan Schroder, who spoke last year at the funeral, took up the mantle again this year and address the mass huddled under the shade of a scrubby oak tree. Both Bill Houston, shop owner and USMV President Bronco saluted the veteran down and his lady down, as the bronze plaques screamed closure and words of being in the wind. Great spirits circled and comforted us.

Together we rode, hundreds strong, through Indiantown Florida, through the slum to blind the crack heads and down trodden, showing them how good life can be. We arrived to the waiting arms of the local VFW Hall and the fabulous food finds of Suzie Raymond, Canteen manager. She produced for us, pork steaks and baked beans, fresh salads and corn bread, all proceeds going to benefit the small welcoming facility. The acoustical fun filled sounds and strings from Ben and Dave lead friends to dance as the free keg beer outside went down way too fast. A local man suggested a pickup truck ride to see an alligator. An old alligator! Now that?s southern fried fun and off they went to see a gator the size of a small car in his small captivity of a tiny swamp pit!

As the sun remained merciless, everyone sweaty, I said my good byes and rode home alone. It gave me all the time in the world to think, to remember, and to send them my love. You see Carl and Robin were very dear friends to so many of us here on the Treasure Coast. They lived and loved Harleys. Carl was big, a father of many, and at 60, a grandfather to all of us. Robin, tall, sharp wit and tongue, she was biker woman personified at 49. She rode behind Carl for over twelve years. They had gone to dinner on that fateful night last year, on a Friday, after work for both of them. Riding his rigid frame ?79 Shovel, Carl felt the need to remain sober while Robin had a few cocktails to enrich her ride home. At the same time, a younger man, only 31, was drinking heavily with friends around a campground out by Lake Okeechobee. His day had not gone very well. He was known to be an angry man, he got into his Ford 250 pickup and headed out onto the road. He needed to be somewhere and be there fast.

Carl and Robin said good by to their friends at the restaurant and headed out on the two lane highway, leaning for home to enjoy each other?s company and get ready for the weekend, a ride they had done a thousand times before. The Shovel was loping in front of a cage, the riding was easy. The bike knew the way home.The pick up truck was reported to have been going over eighty miles an hour when he passed that car and didn?t see the motorcycle as he pulled back into the eastbound lane. The impact killed Robin immediately but the Shovel got wrenched up under the front fender and Carl was dragged several hundred feet before the heap of twisted metal came to a halt. He was cut in half and quickly bled to death as the viscous driver put it in reverse and left my brother to die. He pulled over approximately two miles down the road, his truck over heating, his cell phone in hand, he was over heard to say at ?something bad? had just happened.

Almost one year to the day, Shannon Vinson was convicted of two counts of DUI manslaughter and leaving the scene of an accident. Horrific and gristly the authorities reported. Weeks later his sentencing came the Monday before our Memorial Run.Vinson, while showing little emotion or remorse, was given thirty years on the first count and fifteen for the second. There is no gain time here in the Sunshine State, he will have to serve 38 years for killing two bikers.

I rode for home but found myself at the crossroads. I took the turn towards the banyan trees that line SR 714 and their cool canopy eased the heat of the setting sun. A few extra miles in their honor would be worth it. So what I was running on empty. This tragic tale was coming to an end; there would be closure for me and many others who couldn?t attend the funeral last year. Carl and Robin would have been the first one in line for a funeral, or a party for a friend, as long as he didn?t have to work. I?d had to attend a run in Tampa. Brenda was out of town. For others, it was their own family commitments.This run and the Memorial WFO party for us was one of the best participated and well organized that the four counties had seen in a while. The only thing missing was Carl and Robin.

Our friends were important people in our biker family. Death ends a life, not a relationship. As I eased off the interstate, this magnificent late summer riding day gone, I will always believe that Carl & Robin are now frozen solidly, cool within time and forever in our hearts.

Wide Fucking Open!


JOE EDWARDS–, of Custom Cycle Control Systems of Las Vegas, was killed in a motorcycle accident on August 14th, 2004.Adding to the sadness of the occasion was the fact that it was Joe’sbirthday. He was 59.

This sad news was relayed to us by Aaron King, who, with Joe, ran Custom Cycle Control. The business has been established less than a year and was formerly known as Climax Control Systems.

Climax had established a reputation for stylish and innovative engineering solutions in the field of custom motorcycles.

All at AMD send condolences to Joe’s wife, Jana, and to his family and friends.

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Tel: 702 438 2129
Fax: 702 438 4276

Bros Club

MORE FROM THE BROS CLUB–Improved Benefits for BROS Club Members Start in September 2004.

On September 1, 2004, BROS Club announced it had severed ties with its former dispatch service provider, and teamed up with the JD Power & Associates #1 rated motorcycle emergency road service provider.

BROS Club and CycleServices North America members will be pleased with the improvements. In a statement released on September 1, 2004 BROS Club?s National Director, DJ Coates assured members that the organizations future looks very bright. Not only do new members benefit from the changes but also all current members.

The most significant new feature is the program?s new emergency transport mileage guarantee.?Our program now provides up to five disablement calls per year (rather than 4) and a mileage guarantee of 35 (thirty-five) miles per incident, rather than no mileage guarantee.?Coates noted, ?We?d heard reports about tow companies who?d jack up their per mile charge when bikers were stuck in remote locations or when a large rally was in town, making the cost of emergency services prohibitive. A set mileage guarantee ensures that our members will receive the same dependable benefit every time they need to use the service.?Other improved benefits,? Coates continued, ?include better dispatch center standards. Our new policy strives to never hang up until we?ve got a transport service identified and an Estimated Time of Arrival has been provided to our member. This in itself is a huge improvement over the former system.??Although our program is exclusively for BIKERS, most members also have cars or small trucks and though not covered for towing in our program, all members are entitled to discounts at Hertz Car Rental Centers, Jiffy Lube, MAACO, AAMCO and can receive as much as a 30% discount at Clarion Hotels.? The BROS Club and CycleServices coverage territory includes the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.Coates considers this, ?a total revitalization of the organization! New and current members are getting the best possible emergency motorcycle road service available.?

For V-Twin riders you?ll want to check out BROS Club at: If you ride a metric bike, check out CycleServices at:

Continued On Page 3

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September 9, 2004 part 1


rfr cutie

Welcome back for another news column, this week brought to you by the women. While Bandit is off to Alaska for week, we?re defending the headquarters from crack heads and meth zombies. Let me tell you about my day so far?

I had to get up at 3:30 this morning to take Bandit to the airport. Once back home, I had two hours to sleep before taking my daughter to school. I?m almost asleep when a ruckus breaks out across the street. Two homeless women and one man are screaming at a pack of dogs fighting, their dogs. Homeless people with dogs? whatever. This goes on for fifteen minutes then settles down. Now I?m up and can?t go back to sleep wondering if the dogs are all right.

Back from taking my daughter to school, my son calls. He?s up the street, out of gas. I grab a gas can and head out, but one step out of the gate and the local Meth Queen greets me. Toothless and twitching she asks for someone who used to live here/deal here, I don?t know. She?s looking at me talking but I can tell nothing I?m saying to her is registering. I end up walking away from her pissed that I have to waste my time explaining there is no ?Cindy? here. When she finally realizes she?s not getting anywhere she tells me she?s got a problem and do I want to hear it. Fuck no I don?t want to hear it! I have to get my son some gas so he can go to school, then get my bootay back home and get started on the news.

Usually I?m a very patient person and I will try to help anyone to the best of my abilities. However, I have no patience for people who just want to get loaded all day then beg for help or money. They choose that life, the life of the streets and I?ll be damned if I hand over one penny to them. OK, I?ve vented, I feel better. Now for the news?

screamin eagle

SCREAMIN’ EAGLE DRAG TEAM IN SEMI-FINAL ROUND AT U.S. NATIONALS–Andrew Hines Holds NHRA Pro Stock Bike Points Lead after Big Weekend at Indy.CLERMONT, Ind. (Sept. 6, 2004) – The Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines drag racing team put riders GT Tonglet and Andrew Hines into the Pro Stock Bike elimination rounds at the 50th Annual Mac Tools U.S. Nationals at Indianapolis Raceway Park-the most prestigious stop on the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series. Hines rode his Screamin’ Eagle V-Rod to the semi-final round of eliminations and maintained his lead in the chase for the NHRA Pro Stock bike season championship.

Five rounds of qualifying runs put 16 of 34 Pro Stock Bike entries into the U.S. Nationals elimination rounds. Tonglet qualified his Screamin’ Eagle V-Rod fourth with a run of 7.191 seconds at 186.92 mph. Hines was right behind his teammate with a 7.194/186.10 run, which was good for fifth position. Chip Ellis was the top qualifier with a run of 7.115/186.85

Hines and Tonglet faced off for the fifth time this season and for the second race weekend in a row. Tonglet took a shot at a quick light but was just early, handing the red-light win to Hines, who had his best run of the weekend with a 7.145/187.96 pass.

The semi-final round found Hines facing Shawn Gann. Both riders had amazing starts with identical 0.004-second reaction times and it was a dead heat for the first 330 feet before Gann pulled slightly ahead. At the line, it was Gann (7.264/183.37) just beating Hines (7.268/183.99) to take the win by 0.0046-seconds, or about 15 inches.

In the final round, Gann (7.238/185.74) lost to Antron Brown (7.213/185.77), who claimed his second final-round win in a row.Brown now trails Hines by 153 points in the Pro Stock Bike championship race with three events to go on the season. After 12 of 15 rounds, Hines has 1038 points, followed by Brown with 885 points, and Gann with 839 points. Savoie is fourth with 821 points, followed by Craig Treble with 789 points and Tonglet in sixth with 695 points.

On Sept. 4, Hines and Tonglet faced off in the final round of the 14th Annual K&N Filters Pro Bike Klash, a special bonus event for Pro Stock Bike competitors held during the 50th Annual Mac Tools U.S. Nationals. Eight riders qualified based on points earned for qualifying performance during the year. Hines defeated Michael Phillips and Brown to make the final, while Tonglet advanced by beating Scali and Angelle Savoie. Hines (7.203/186.10) beat Tonglet (7.270/183.99). The Screamin’ Eagle teammates agreed to split the $20,000 purse evenly beforehand, so the race was for bragging rights only.

The next Pro Stock Bike event on the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series is the 20th AnnualLucas Oils NHRA Nationals, Sept. 16-19, at Maple Grove Raceway near Reading, Pa.

Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts are inspired by and built in the spirit of the raw adrenaline and power of motorcycle racing. Screamin’ Eagle Pro parts are specifically designed for race-use applications, while Screamin’ Eagle parts offer street-use performance options for the Harley-Davidson motorcycle owner. Visit for more information.

The Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines Pro Stock Bike team is sponsored by Dunlop, Ford Quality Checked Certified Pre-Owned, Matco Tools and S100.


ORIGINAL NARROW SPRINGER FROM PAUGHCO– WITH the introduction of the latest version of its springer forks, Paughco has updated one of the most enduring products in its catalog.

The choice of sizes covers just about all style options as the new forks are offered in stock length as well as 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 21 inches over.

Using 4-? ins bar centers, the forks are suitable for both dog bone and Glide style risers.

Original springers can be ordered with an additional three degrees of rake, although forks of 15 inches over, or longer, are supplied to this specification as standard.

Finish can be chrome plated or black powdercoat.

Carson City, Nevada, USA
Tel: 775 246 5738
Fax: 775 246 0372
Paughco Banner

BIKERNET STEALTH REPORT–Hey Bandit,Here is a little something for the Thursday News(9-9-04)

This is going to be short and sweet this week or maybe not so sweet. I finally got back to work this week (4 hours a day), still getting over my back surgery. It has been good to get out of the house.Since I have been stuck in the house though I have not had a chance to get out and find things to write about.

stealth chop

It has been a tough time all around and not being able to ride has taken a toll on me. So I am going to end for the week right here. No need to bore you any longer! I go back for a check up next week and maybe I will be able to ride after that. Sorry for such a SORRY report!

Until next week!

Bros Club

BROS CLUB ? INSURANCE INFO YOU WON?T WANT TO MISS–BROS Club National Director?s Take on Motorcycle InsuranceBy E.Villaverde

Motorcycle Insurance is just plain boring. But in my recent interview with BROS Club?s National Director, DJ Coates, you?d think he was a friggin CRUSADER FOR JUSTICE for their members.

Coates has managed the BROS Club and CycleServices MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE division for the past 14 years. ?Over the years I?ve seen some pretty interesting things happen in the MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE marketplace. My job is to help keep things generally stable for our members; the companies we work with have been genuine in their efforts to help us to do just that.

Coates went on to say that he pretty much thinks ?INSURANCE SUCKS, but to be without it when the incident happens, is a lot worse than working through the initial placement of coverage or making the monthly payments to keep the coverage in place.? Not to mention the reality that IT CAN AND DOES HAPPEN TO YOU.

On July 4th, 1981 Coates survived a serious freeway accident wherein a drunk driver crossed four lanes and clipped the front wheel of his motorcycle sending him and the bike into a 70 mile an hour slide in the No#1 lane of the 210 Fwy.

Coates recalls, ?It was like everything went into slow motion, I felt like I had all the time in the world to react. I basically hopped on top of the shiny side and road it till it stopped. It was a while before I even realized the injuries I had sustained in the initial impact. As the bike slowed down I heard this voice say, ?Move fast when you stop.? as I scrambled off the highway, an 18 wheeler zoomed by and totally demolished my bike which was directly in the path of the truck, there?s no way he could have avoided me.? Coates says, ?That?s when I got a peak at the Holy City, and truthfully, my life was changed?.?With the help of a good samaritan, the witnesses and I found the drunk hiding out; a bystander had tailed him as he tried to flee the scene of the accident. After the crap was beaten out of him, he spent the night in jail, but the guy didn?t have a pot to piss in. I was glad for the insurance coverage I had arranged.?

Coates pointed out that some of the modern day policies are better than the ones that were available back then. BROS Club?s program includes an option for something Coates says many of their members really like, called ?Full Value? coverage. This changes the ?depreciation? wording in the policy and makes the coverage more favorable to the policyholders that purchase it.

After speaking with BROS Club and CycleServices National Director, I joined. These people seem truly dedicated to the well being of their members, right down to their quality control survey following each dispatched emergency rescue call.

Recently BROS Club and CycleServices announced how the surveys they conduct impacted their organization by uncovering a service problem within their (former) dispatch team. On September 1st 2004 they announced the termination of their former dispatch service in favor of the No #1 quality rated dispatch service in America, as rated by J.D. Power & Associates. Coates, as usual, is enthusiastic about how this change will help their members to receive even better service in their times of need.

BROS Club and CycleServices seem to have found their true niche, providing quality service and attention to the details on behalf of their members, all across America & Canada, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Don?t take our word for it, check out their website and call for yourself. See if Bros Club is just what you need for Bikers Insurance peace of mind.


Hey all,
Here’s a landmark that I photographed today on the way back from the4-Corners rally in Durango, Co. This is actually in Farmington, New Mexico.

Too Funny.

bobber right side

bobber top

Very cool JD bobber I brought back from Davenport

–Don Whalen

Subject: Top 9 comments made by the NBC Olympic commentators–Here are the top nine comments made by NBC sports commentators during the Summer Olympics that they would like to take back:

1. Weightlifting commentator: “This is Gregoriava from Bulgaria. I saw her snatch this morning during her warm up and it was amazing.”

2. Dressage commentator: “This is really a lovely horse and I speak from personal experience since I once mounted her mother.”

3. Paul Hamm, Gymnast: “I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father.”

4. Boxing Analyst: “Sure there have been injuries, and even some deaths in boxing, but none of them really that serious.

5. Softball announcer: “If history repeats itself, I should think we can expect the same thing again.”

6. Basketball analyst: “He dribbles a lot and the opposition doesn’t like it. In fact you can see it all over their faces.”

7. At the rowing medal ceremony: “Ah, isn’t that nice, the wife of the IOC president is hugging the cox of the British crew.”

8. Soccer commentator: “Julian Dicks is everywhere. It’s like they’ve got eleven Dicks on the field.”

9. Tennis commentator: “One of the reasons Andy is playing so well is that, before the final round, his wife takes out his balls and kisses them… Oh my God, what have I just said?”

–from Kendra

Continued On Page 2

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September 2, 2004 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

Conder Art Bike Painting Left

CONDER PAINT SHOP IS UP– Here’s a brief list of prices for future reference….

Labor rate – $70 per hour until Jan 1 ’05.
Plastic filler work is a $150 minimum

Minor welding a.k.a fender rivet removal, hole filling or cracks is a $150 minimum

Conder Art Harley Pianting

* Average stock 4-piece H-D, NO BODY WORK NEEDED, multiple clear, cut, polished, rock gaurded…

* Solid color (no candy) – $1000

* Candy with pearl, metallic or metalflake base – $1500

* Ghost flames (mine come detailed with a ghost pinstripe out line for a more finished look.) – $1200 to $1500

* Old school flame/scallop/panel jobs – $2000 and up

* Airbrush – $1500 and up

Conder Art Blck Painting Full Left

* Conder Custom blown glass style multi-layered candy job – $3000 and up.

* Wild ass stuff no one has seen before, with conceptual renderings of the paint throughout the project – $4000 and up

Conder Art Tank Painting
NOTE: I will not copy any other painter or my previous work, but we’ll see how uppity I am when the baby gets close! –

— Tim
The Conderosa

conder banner

BIKERNET RELIGIOUS MOMENT–“Lord, I have a problem.”

“What’s the problem, Eve?”

I know that you created me and provided this beautiful garden and all ofthese wonderful animals, as well as that hilarious comedic snake, but I’mjust not happy.”

“And why is that Eve?”

“Lord, I am lonely, and I’m sick to death of apples.”

“Well, Eve, in that case, I have a solution. I shall create a man for you.”

“Man? What is that Lord?”

“A flawed creature, with many bad traits. He’ll lie, cheat and be vain; allin all, he’ll give you a hard time. But he’ll be bigger, faster and willlike to hunt and kill things. I’ll create him in such a waythat he will satisfy your physical needs. He will be witless and will revelin childish things like fighting and kicking a ball about. He won’t be assmart as you, so he will also need your advice to think properly.”

“Sounds great,” says Eve, with ironically raised eyebrows, “but what’s thecatch Lord?”

“Well… can have him on one condition.”

“And what’s that Lord? “

“As I said, he’ll be proud, arrogant and self-admiring….. so you’ll haveto let him believe that I made him first. And it will have to be our littlesecret…… know, woman to woman.”

–from M. Hart

Hart, you’re in trouble.–Bandit

Bros Club

BROS CLUB ANNOUNCES MAJOR CHANGES–___Chillocothe, OH / Pasadena, CA: Bros Club and CycleServices North America announce major changes to enhance benefits to members.

September 1, 2004 – Bros Club North America and CycleServices North America officially announced the termination of their dispatch service after continuing unresolved reports of bad service threatened to mar Bros Club?s otherwise excellent reputation.

In an interview with Bros Club’s National Director, DJ Coates, Coates explained, “After each and every dispatch, members receive a quality control survey. We were shocked to hear the way some of our members had been treated in recent months and despite efforts to resolve the problems with the former provider, determined it was time for a change.”

Coates reported, “After months of investigation, we have teamed up with the JD Power & Associates NO#1 rated Motorcycle Emergency Service Provider. Along with providing better service to our members, Bros Club and CycleServices can now provide enhanced benefits to current and new members.”

Full details of the expanded benefits are available at the BROS Club and CycleServices websites or from links on other popular Biker related sites.

S&C Redneck Snowplow
Redneck Snowplow from Skooter.

HELP REQUESTED, CHECK IT OUT–I need all the Biker help I can get. I made a trip to the state of California from Alabama for a visit and to attend the Hollister Independence Day Rally. I have seizures and have a seizure alert dog (medical alert dog) that is recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act because she is able to alert me up to two hours prior to my having a seizure. When in Hollister we were asked to leave because we couldn’t have the dog! I tried to explain to the officer that she was a medical alert dog – not just a pet – and he was adamant that I leave the city. This was a very expensive trip! Please have all bikers take 5 minutes and write an email to, or g

Go to the website , or take the time to call 831.634.0777. If you can take the time to write an e-mail, these can be printed and the committee can take the outpouring to the city council to try to make a difference.

I know that I can “do something with the law” but that only helps one person – help me help others! Thanks.

–Rita Patrick

HELMETS AND HEAD INJURIES–We recently received several complaints about the media coverage of Indian Larry’s accident. I responded and said, “Fuck helmets and the way society tries to shove them down our throats. It’s bullshit. If they want to truly save lives make ’em wear them in cars.” But here’s another response from a Bikernet Reader.

You got that right! My wife and I were watching motorcycle mania 3, part 3 on Discovery channel a night or two back. Jessie and Kid rock were riding in Mexico and talking about this one area they were overlooking on how overregulated such a place would be if it were in the states. How true!

It goes back to personal responsibility and that is where helmet laws should be….If you want to wear one fine, but if not, well that’s fine too. Here in ND a few years back the voters passed mandatory seat belt usage. Well, we were hip to what they were doing and now it has happened. At first no seat belt usage could not be a stand-alone scenario where the cop would pull you over, it had to be in correlation with some other violation. Now a few years later, it is NOW a crime (a stand-alone offense) if you are caught without a seat belt on. And that means more cash in the man’s pockets to use whatever they use ticket money for.

Have to be very careful when such initiatives as seat belts, helmets, etc., items are tried to passed by the states. It usually comes back to bite you in the ass no matter how much good you think the new statute will be.


BIKERNET COMPUTER TECH SUPPORT–Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0 and noticed that thenew program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of newspace and valuable resources. No mention of this phenomenon was includedin the product brochure.

In addition, Wife 1.0 installs itself into all other programs and launchesduring system initialisation, where it monitors all other system activity.Applications such as Poker Night 10.3, Drunken Boys Night 2.5 and SaturdayFootball 5.0 no longer run, crashing the system whenever selected.

I cannot seem to keep wife 1.0 in the background while attempting to runsome of my other favorite applications. I am thinking about going back toGirlfriend 7.0, but the uninstall does not work on this program.

Can you please help me !!!???



This is a very common problem men complain about, but is mostly due to aprimary misconception. Many people upgrade from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0with the idea that Wife 1.0 is merely a UTILITIES & ENTERTAINMENT program.Wife 1.0 is an OPERATING SYSTEM and designed by it’s creator to runeverything.

It is unlikely you would be able to purge Wife 1.0 and still convert backto Girlfriend 7.0. Hidden operating files within your system would causeGirlfriend 7.0 to emulate Wife 1.0 so nothing is gained. It is impossibleto uninstall, delete, or purge the program files from the system onceinstalled. You cannot go back to Girlfriend 7.0 because Wife 1.0 is notdesigned to do this.

Some have tried to install Girlfriend 8.0 or Wife 2.0 but end up with moreproblems than the original system. Look in your manual under “Warnings-Alimony/Child support”. I recommend you keep Wife 1.0 and deal with thesituation.

I suggest installing background application program C:YES DEAR toalleviate software augmentation. Having installed Wife 1.0 myself, I mightalso suggest you read the entire section regarding General PartnershiphtFaults (GPFs). You must assume all responsibility for faults and problemsthat might occur, regardless of their cause. The best course of actionwill be to enter the command C:APOLOGISE. In any case avoid excessive useof C:YES DEAR because ultimately you may have to give the APOLOGISEcommand before the operating system will return to normal. The system willrun smoothly as long as you take the blame for all the GPFs.

Wife 1.0 is a great program, but very high-maintenance. Consider buyingadditional software to improve the performance of Wife 1.0. I recommendFlowers 3.1 and Diamonds 2K. Do not, under any circumstances installSecretary with Short Skirt 3.3. This is not a supported application forWife 1.0 and is likely to cause irreversible damage to the operatingsystem.

Best of Luck,
Tech Support

larry smokin

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Indian Larry is dead, Long Live Indian Larry !

If you have been following the news, my friend, my brother, Larry is with us no more. It?s a sad, sad event, but as everyone has paid their respects and stated their condolences, I am dedicating the news to the memory of his life, not his passing away. In the few years I really knew Larry, I dare to say that he was one if not the truest most humble person in this industry. He was there for his fans and his friends, always. He was the guy that would stay from 10 am to 10 PM at his booth in Daytona, shaking hands, taking photos and signing autographs, non stop, he was always there, no matter what. Needless to say I feel a great admiration for Larry, as a bike builder but more so as a human being.

So where do I begin?

cj larry

As you might know, I had the fortune of spending a lot of time with Larry during the last couple years, so the stories are long and many, but everything has a beginning, so let’s get rolling.

Many moons ago, chance took me to New York City, as I became a “permanent” resident. I had heard of a guy people called Indian Larry, this is way before I was building bikes or had a business, that’s when we where all riding old clunkers. So I got a cab and gave them an address deep inside Alphabet city. When I got there, a place called Psycho Cycles, even the cabby took off in a hurry. I walked in and met someone, they had a really bad attitude, but I could deal with that, it was NY after all. So I got a shirt and got out. As I walked behind the building the shop was corded off but I just stood there and watched the guys work on some very cool bikes. It?s such a long time ago and my memory is not clear, but I stood there for some time and watched the guys work, and yes, you guessed it, one of them was a fellow named Indian Larry. I walked to the next subway station, it was dark already, I did not care, but I dare to say those bikes changed my life. I had a sudden urge to go back home and start tearing my bike apart, make something as cool as what I saw that Summer day in the bowels of NY.

larry riding

Fast forward many years, it seemed like I saw Larry and Paul everyplace I went. Sure I was in the biz now, way deeper, so by chance and I would say luck, we would say hi, talk a bit and go our ways. He was famous, but famous in a way that you are when you happen to be in the underground, no TV, no hordes of well wishers and fans, famous as you respect an elder who’s on top of his game and with tons of talent, just waiting for the monetary chance to shine, and shine it did. Indian Larry became a world- wide name after Motorcycle Mania 2. I don’t know the details, nor remember how, but we became friends, good friends.

daytona larry

So let’s go to the stories. Even in Sturgis last year, we asked Larry to marry my friends Wicho and Keren, which he gladly did. It was a very impromptu ceremony, I will never forget, they stopped the music on the main stage, Larry got up and got them hitched. His exact words before that, “you love each other? You are married, go fuck? typical……He told us that wedding had made his trip and I knew he meant it.

Or in Puerto Rico, breaking every single law created by whomever creates them, riding wide fuckin’ open down the highways, just having as much fun as possible without getting arrested, or the side by side burnouts, while he laughed as a mad man and just cranked the throttle ’till my ears felt like they were popping, people here love him, he was kind to everyone and certainly enjoyed his time in the island, we will miss him dearly.

larry w bill

Or Miami, when we went to a bar and the drunk guy was calling him Crazy Larry, Larry Indian, and everything else, he just calmly smirked and put some distance between the drunks and himself, with us in the middle, just in case. At the same show, he was so happy with his new throne; to him it was so cool, to me too. To tell you the truth, he was the king, and he is the king. He was enjoying the success due after 30 odd years of busting his ass and his knuckles. The recognition he deserved and was way overdue. In a certain way I am very glad that he was able to enjoy these couple years, and he went on top of his game, no doubt about it.

larry pissing

So let’s keep going, in Daytona when people would not even let him take a piss without opening the port a potty door and we had to stand watch, or the time he took off just to get into WCC’s trailer and help Bill put his bike back, that was Larry. The only way he got away from his fans was to help his friends, even stop eating halfway through his lunch, just to say hi to someone and get a photo. Even his party in NY, he offered the Grease Monkey for me to ride while there, the bike that I had always drooled over, the bike I got to relate Larry with, I did not say no, but I could not do it, to me that bike was him and it is his. I remember Hawaii, we rode like madmen around the island, enjoyed each others company and managed to raise some hell while there. He was the last one to leave the event and was so stoked to be there. I will never forget when Billy blew the motor up and we were debating if the Fat Boy signal light bar would hold the towing, Larry walked over tugged the shit away of them and said” yeah they will hold” with his typical smirk/ grin, then we took off, the master had approved it. The guys in Hawaii enjoyed our rides, and Larry loved life, we all knew it.

larry jay

Or two weeks ago, in Sturgis, when he said he will come by the house to eat and never showed up, typical, but still we wanted his company up there, amongst friends and away from the crowds. It?s what we all enjoyed, being able to shoot the shit about whatever, just friends hanging out. At the journey Larry pulled me aside and he said he loved my bike, I never did tell him but his words made my proud, like the teacher giving the thumbs up to the pupil. I know he always liked what I did, even if he would not, he was too good of a human being to say otherwise, and I also know he always pushed for me to be on TV. He thought I deserved it. Why do I say this, simple, besides being a great human being, he was a great friend to me. I had a hunch that he had been “trying to make it” for such a long time and wanted to bring everyone up with himself. I’m sure he was also proud of my bike and me.

jose mom

I do feel proud of him and his legacy. More so, the last Saturday of Sturgis, we stopped by the booth to say hi. My mother wanted a photo with Larry and Paul. I jokingly said that she wanted a photo with a famous builder so Larry took the camera, shot us and said “Here’s your shot with a famous builder”. To me that said it all, and needless to say , floored me. Sadly that was the last day I talked with him, as a person alive, with the excitement on his behalf of coming back to Puerto Rico, and having a hell of a time to continue the mayhem and burning the tires that were left. We would have met in any upcoming event, like we always did, and to tell you the truth, as with many other friends, something I was looking forward to, but now, it will never happen, unless the event is someplace that we don’t know of yet, but he does.

What did I know that last Saturday, when I picked up my phone to say hi to a friend, just because, I would never be able to do so, ever.

larry pr

We need to celebrate the life and achievements of a person that was important to us, not a hero, since they are only in books and movies, a real human being with downfalls and success. An example to us and everyone, just a really good addition to what we call life. I know many of you will miss him, I know I do, in a selfish way, since I know he is having a better time than us in a place that we wish we will be allowed to some time in the future. We need to enjoy and keep his legacy alive. Larry never compromised, he built what he liked, he followed his dreams and left us when he was enjoying the fruits of his hard labor. I will miss being able to talk to him, or have him on our side the next ride. I will definitely miss not being able to see him again, smirking and giving us the thumbs up. I know all of us will miss him dearly.

That night in NYC after his party I was standing outside Hogs and Heifers, I heard a thunder like noise coming down and echoing in the canyon like streets, from one moment to the next , there was Larry. He parked his bike, got off and dropped a smile, a wicked smile, just like a kid that had done something wrong and knew it. I’m sure that is what God saw at 3:40 am August 30th, and I’m sure that God as I did, gave him a hug and was really glad just because the simple matter of seeing him.


His family, crew and friends will celebrate Indian Larry’s life the 19th of September at his shop in Brooklyn. At their request, please send donations instead of flowers and such to the following charities, please do it in Indian Larry’s name, http:// www.ASPCA.comand or The national council of Alcoholism, 1675 White Horse-Mercerville road, Suite J, Hamilton NJ 08619tel # 609-689-0121, or the same at NYC.

If you feel the need to show your support and help out, go to his site http:// and purchase his stuff, show how much you loved him and admired him, it’s a large machinery and it needs to keep on rolling in order to keep his life’s work.

larry bambi

I will take the liberty in name of Bambi, Bobby, Elisa, Paul, Anne, and the rest of the crew and family to thank everyone for the well wishes, e-mails and calls, and last but not least, that great man I am paying tribute to, tonight, Larry.

To end this, and tell you the truth, I have never ever been so flattered, humbled, nor proud as that night at the Journey, when Larry asked to buy my Bobber, but I could not sell it to him. I truced for a swap, and left it at that. 15 minutes later, Bobby asked me about the swap, Larry was dead serious and again I took it as a joke, you know what, every single time I get on that bike, it will be with you in mind, it’s yours my friend, and you don’t owe me jack, the one that owes way too much to repay is me.


Continued On Page 4

Read More

September 2, 2004 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

baker banner

FROM THE BIKERNET BLONDE FILES–A guy walks into a bar with a pet alligator by his side.He puts the alligator up on the bar. He turns to the astonished patrons.

“I’ll make you a deal. I’ll open this alligator’s mouth and place mygenitals inside.Then the ‘gator will close his mouth for one minute.He’ll then open his mouth and I’ll remove my unit unscathed.In return for witnessing this spectacle, each of you will buy me a drink.”The crowd murmured their approval.The man stood up on the bar, and dropped his trousers, placing his privatesin the alligators mouth.

The gator closed his mouth as the crowd gasped. After a minute, the mangrabbed a beer bottle and rapped the alligator hard on the top of its head.The gator opened his mouth and the man removed his genitals unscathed aspromised.

The crowd cheered and the first of his free drinks were delivered.

The man stood up again and made another offer.”I’ll pay anyone $100 who’s willing to give it a try. ” A hush fell overthe crowd.

After a while, a hand went up in the back of the bar.A blonde girl timidly spoke up. “I’ll try, but you have to promise not tohit me on the head with thebeer bottle so hard.”

–from Bob T.

AUSSIE CONNECTION AND LARRY– Really sad to hear the terrible news. I only had a brief encounter with Larry in Hawaii and I feel like I’ve known the guy for years. He would’ve touched a lot of people’s lives with his nature and it will be a huge loss to the people who loved him and the people who had the pleaure of meeting him.

–Regards Glenn.

Art Parry Bike in Room

READER’S SHOWCASE BIKE COMING–Here’s one for readers rides . He’s come along ways since this photo was taken but what the hell it’s mine I own it and he will be one bad assed shovel when he’s done .

–LTR ArtKeep in mind that you can share any bike with Bikernet readers. Create your own feature in the Reader’s Showcase area. –Bandit

INDIAN LARRY TRIBUTE–I just wanted to say how sorry I was to hear of the accident. The motorcycle world will never be the same again. It is truly a devastating loss to the industry. We have lost one of the truly nice guys in the business, one that was always there for his fans. I want his family to know I will keep them in my thoughts during this incrediblly hard time.

–Larry Brown

larry lead

INDIAN LARRY TRIBUTE PARTY–There are plans for a party in celebration of Indian Larry’s life on Sunday the 19th of September outside his shop at 151 N.14th St in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NYC come by any time during the day.



russi banner

Click For Images



Indian Larry Tribute

A MEMORY OF INDIAN LARRY–I first met Indian Larry back in the early 1970’s, although he had not yet acquired the “Indian” moniker at that time. I was a young dude that wanted to be a biker so bad I could taste it. I just got my hands on an old 1950 Panhead EL and didn’t know anything about wrenching yet and I was broke down in front of our local “biker bar” at 2am. There I was, kicking till it felt like my leg would fall off. All the older regulars were standing out side the bar laughing at the “newbie” and didn’t offer any assistance at all.

This guy I’d never seen before then pulled up and parked along side me on his Panhead. “Great”, I thought “someone else to laugh at me”.

He said”Having trouble”? I told him that I had just had gotten the bike a week ago and was really stumped as to why she wouldn’t fire. Well, He took a spark plug from the rear head and had me kick the bike over as he checked for spark. There was none so he checked my wiring and looked here and fiddled there and informed me that he was pretty sure my coil was fried.

“Fantastic, where the hell am going to get a new coil at 2 a.m?” He told me to wait right there and he’d go see what he could do. Truth is I never expected to see the guy again, but back he rode about 45 minutes later with a brand new coil tucked in his jacket. He took out his tool kit and replaced it for me right there on the spot. I tried to pay him for his troubles but he wouldn’t take it. I argued with him to at least let me pay him for the new coil.

“Nope,” he said. “Us dirt bags have to look out for each other.”

He told me his name was Larry and that he had to go because he didn’t feel like hanging around with the bunch of dudes at the bar that would let another biker sit there broke down with out trying to help out. We’d run into each other from time to time after that. We’d have a brew together and take a ride around town to hook up with mutual friends. Larry was just that kind of guy. He’d help out anyone any way he could. He had opened a shop in NYC and every one he knew would show up at his shop at one time or another, broke down and cash poor. Larry always took time away from a cash job to make sure that his buddies got back on the road.

You did not have to know Larry well to know him. Even years later when he was finally recognized as a master builder and was on the Discovery Channel’s Biker Build Off shows, Larry would take the time at his personal appearances to shake hands, talk to fans and answer tech questions from aspiring young builders and try to guide them down the right path in their building. Larry epitomized the term “Old Skool” in his work. Many have come before and I’m sure that many will come after, but there never be another Indian Larry and I, for one will never forget him.


SCOTT JACOBS LOOKS FOR ARTISTIC INPUT–First of all we send our sincere condolences and deepest sympathy to Indian Larry?s family and friends; he was a great guy and will be missed tremendously. May he rest in peace and our prayers are with him.

Harley-Davidson Artist Scott Jacobs would like some feed-back on a couple of new ideas for paintings so please respond and let us know your feelings. The question involves subject matter for upcoming works. Keep in mind that each painting takes upwards of 4 to 8 weeks to complete and the criteria is basically desirability. Here goes: 1. Do you like the idea of a new race painting depicting Rich King? (Possibly of his latest win at Springfield)

2. How about a painting depicting a Servi-Car? (not been done)

Your answers will definitely be taken into account and greatly appreciated. If you have other ideas lay them on us.

Kindest Regards,
Ron Copple
Artists Riding Together (A.R.T.-Inc.)
“ron copple”

ama logo

ANNOUNCEMENT OF CANDIDATE–Member at Large Representative to the Motorcycle Riders’ Board of Directors.

Almost a decade ago, I traveled to my state’s capitol with ABATE of Florida, Inc.Billed as a “Freedom Run”. I recall the feeling of pride as hundreds of motorcycles crested the hill riding onto the red brick of the plaza.

Taking the inclement weather in stride, the membership understood we were taking our place in the history of the motorcyclists’ rights movement. The sound of scores of heels moving over the gleaming marble floors, the sight of our leather-clad legislative warriors crossing the threshold of the Governor’s office and the respectful recognition of our state President gave me the desire to learn and do what I could to help promote sound government and good law in our state.

Since that weekend in April many years ago, the leadership of Florida’s SMRO taught its membership and supporters the value of activism in a democratic society. By holding offices on both the local and State levels I committed my energies to doing what I could to insure the preservation and protection of our hard won freedom. Embracing the passion witnessed that day in Tallahassee lead me to search for other organizations across state lines and nationally that shared my resolve.

My introduction to the Motorcycle Riders? Foundation in September 1999 was an epiphany. Before the convention in Denver, my political action experience was limited to my state. Our President had reported on meeting and events he had attended representing ABATE I had not ever imagined how powerful a “Meeting of the Minds” could be.

I am announcing my candidacy for the position of Member Representative at Large to the Motorcycle Riders’ Foundation Board of Directors. I look forward to the opportunity to serve all MRF members in every state and pledge to encourage new members and sustaining organizations.

Regardless of the outcome at election time, I will continue to be an outspoken advocate for every rider, everywhere.

–Susan “Miss Red” Snyder-Huttman

PARTY QUOTE OF THE DAY–“He was a wise man who invented beer.”


BIKERNET ACCIDENT REPORT–Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Al Gore were in an airplane that crashed. They’re up in heaven, and God’s sitting on the throne.

God addresses Al first.”Al, what do you believe in?”

Al replies, “Well, I believe I won that election, but that it was your will that I did not serve. And I’ve come to understand that now.”

God thinks for a second and says, “Okay, very good. Come and sit at my left.”

Bill replies, “I believe in forgiveness. I’ve sinned, but I’ve never held a grudge against my fellow man, and I hope no grudges are held against me.”

God thinks for a second and says, “You are forgiven, my son. Come and sit at my right.”

God then addresses Hillary. “Hillary, what do you believe in?”

“I believe you’re in my chair.”

Continued On Page 3

Read More

September 2, 2004 Part 1

Let’s rock, Labor Day is flying at us as a summer’s end reminder. Makes me cringe. Football started, baseball’s winding down. But our industry rocks on with the show circuit kicking off, Custom Chrome’s show in October, Love Ride in November.

Many of the comments and news items this week will revolve around the tragic loss of Indian Larry. I’ll let our readers from all over the country express their feelings. I’m writing a short tribute to Larry for Hard Core Choppers in Japan. Larry touched many riders all over the world and the respect is evident by the many heartfelt reactions. Hang on. Let’s hit the news:

keith larry chris

Larry, Chris Tronolone and Bandit at the Choppers Only 2004

INDIAN LARRY DIES IN STUNT RIDING ACCIDENT–WELL-KNOWN custom bike builder ‘Indian Larry’ (Larry Desmedt), died on Monday, August 30th, as a result of injuries sustained after a motorcycle accident.

Indian Larry was appearing at the Liquid Steel Classic and Custom Bike Series, taking place at the Cabarrus Arena and Events Center, North Carolina.

The event was being filmed as part of further appearances for Larry in Discovery Channel’s ‘Biker Build-Off’ program.On Saturday, August 28th, he was performing stunts in a parking lot before a huge crowd when he lost control of the motorcycle.

Indian Larry became a legendary figure in the custom bike scene, with his work featured in movies, video, TV and in many magazines.

He claimed his influences were the choppers of the Fifties and Sixties, especially those from the West Coast scene where Ed Roth and Von Dutch had achieved cult status.

He was also much in demand for personal appearances and the popularity of Biker Build-Off increased his standing.

Born in Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York, Larry became fascinated by the chopper movement by the time he was a teenager, riding his own Knucklehead.He re-located to the West Coast for a time, to learn his craft from Ed (‘Big Daddy’) Roth.After being involved in numerous projects, he eventually settled in Brooklyn in 1991 with the stated aim of becoming ‘the best chopper builder in the world’.

His business was located at Gasoline Alley, in Williamsburg.

Indian Larry was 55. He leaves a wife, Bambi, and his mother and sister.The family has requested no flowers, but donations, if desired, to the National Council on Alcoholism.

Brooklyn, New York, USA

WE’LL START BY PISSING OFF SOMEONE: What’s the difference between a porcupine and BMW?
>A porcupine has the pricks on the outside.

What’s the difference between Beer Nuts and Deer Nuts?
Beer Nuts are $1, and Deer Nuts are always under a buck.

Did you hear about the dyslexic Rabbi?
He walks around saying “Yo.”

KBAAS Bikernet Sign Rough Draft

BIKERNET SIGN IN THE MAKING–Kevin Baas is making a steel sign for Bikernet and you’ll see the tech tomorrow right here. Come back and check it out.

baas metal banner

BIKERNET LEGAL DEPARTMENT MEMO– You’re 66 times more likely to be prosecuted for a crime in the USA than in France.


LAYLA’S RIDING EXPERIENCE– That’s a real sharp little gal you have there. Nice to see a pic of her. I read the story “If She Can Ride”. My daughter here in Vegas is about her size and went through the same experence. I Sold the Ironhead she rode. It scared me to death to see her take off on that thing. Maybe one of those new Triumph Bonneville Americans lowered a bit. Anyway you might have to settle down now…

After Laughlin I went to Dallas and got aquainted with Rick and hung out at the Icehouse a bit. I came back and put my house up for sale. It sold in five days for almost 100 grand profit. I found five acres in the woods, just east of Norman, Oklahoma, for 30G with a trailer and stuff. Going to build bikes and play Music.

bill bike 1

bill pan

Here is a shot of the Softail I bought wrecked and fixed up for my friend John. Total cost for what you see was $7500. It is a ’92 with 10K on it. Now I need to build one for me. I also bought this Black Pan.

I like your new Place. Are you going to have a real Cantina? I am available for gigs. I’ll send a CD as soon as I make one.

Ride on Bro,


Gilbert Ochoa Poster English

COPS DISCIPLINED FOR TASERING GRANDMOTHER–KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) – Police said Friday two officers have been disciplined and department policy changed following an investigation into the officers use of a taser when arresting a 66-year-old grandmother who honked her car horn at a police cruiser.

Louise Jones was arrested in June on charges of misuse of a car horn on a city street, resisting arrest and intentionally inflicting bodily harm on an officer. Her husband, Fred Jones, 74, was also arrested and charged with interfering with an arrest.

Police said Louise Jones tussled with officers when they tried to give her a ticket for honking the horn. One of the officers used the taser, which is capable of issuing a 50,000-volt shock, to stun her. The officers said Fred Jones then came downstairs and jumped on one of the officers’ backs.

Louise Jones said she pulled away from the police when one of the officers grabbed her arm, and her husband said one of the officers had his knee on his wife’s chest.

As a result of an internal investigation, the department has increased the threshold for when taser use is appropriate and now requires a field commander to look into each taser deployment. Police also have developed a task force made up of community members and department personnel to look into the department’s current taser-use policies.

–from Rogue

POLICE CHASE ENDS WITH TRACTOR CRASHING INTO TREE– ROLETTE, N.D. – Rolette County authorities say they chased a man across more than 20 miles of roads, corn and wheat fields after he took off in a stolen all-terrain vehicle, then a truck, and finally drove a tractor into a tree.

The 20-year-old Belcourt man could face a string of charges, Sheriff Tony Sims said.

“He could be charged with anything from reckless endangerment, criminal mischief, unauthorized use of motor vehicle, burglary – I don’t have all the reports in yet,” Sims said Wednesday.

Sims said the chase began about 6 a.m. Wednesday, after a four-wheel ATV was reported missing in Rolette. The four-wheeler was abandoned, and a truck was reported missing moments later in the city, authorities said.

Sims said he found the truck being driven by the suspect, and it did not stop when he signaled for the driver to pull over. Authorities chased the truck several miles west on state Highway 66 in Rolette County, he said.

“The driver threw tools, an air compressor, whatever he could, out the windows,” Sims said.


TRUCKER CHARGED IN BEER HEIST–TORONTO (Reuters) – Somewhere in Canada there are thieves with nearly 50,000 cans of beer they will have a hard time selling, although police said on Thursday the truck driver who disappeared with the loot has been arrested.

The shipment of Moosehead beer, worth over C$75,000 ($57,000), was on its way to Mexico from an East Coast brewery when it went missing, along with the driver.

The transport truck was recovered last week — still running — in Grand Falls, New Brunswick, but with most of its cargo missing.

The 30-year-old driver was picked up in Lindsay, Ontario, about 1,000 miles from Grand Falls. He has been charged with theft but police reported he did not have any beer with him.

The shipment of Moosehead was labeled in English and Spanish for export to Mexico, so it could not be sold in Canada. Nor could it be shipped into or through the United States without proper documentation.

“Its one of these classic, dumb-crook stories,” said Joel Levesque, a spokesman for Moosehead.

“They can’t sell it anywhere in Canada without giving away the immediate fact that it’s been stolen… So we have crooks stuck with 50,000 plus cans of beer that basically they can’t fence.”

Very little of the stolen beer has been found. Four cans, three of them empty, were found in various parts of the New Brunswick province, according to the police and media reports.

On Monday, police found another 5,000 to 8,000 cans after a half-ton truck with a homemade trailer went off the road in New Brunswick. The driver of that truck fled the scene.

–from Rogue

screamin eagle

SCREAMIN? EAGLE RIDER RICH KING EIGHTH AT SEDALIA HALF-MILE–Determined Racer Competes in AMA National with Injured Shoulder. Sedalia, Mo. (Aug. 29, 2004) ? Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts rider Rich King finished eighth in the AMA Grand National main at the State Fair Speedway half-mile, riding with a painful shoulder injury he suffered in a near-crash at the Peoria TT on Aug. 22. The Sedalia event, the 12th stop on the AMA Progressive Insurance Flat Track Championship, was held on Sunday afternoon after the original Saturday-night program was postponed by rain.

?Rich is still riding with some pain after the incident in Peoria, so this was another gutsy performance by a veteran rider who?s dedicated to his team and his fans,? said Harley-Davidson Racing Manager Anne Paluso. ?The Screamin? Eagle team put him on a good bike this weekend and Rich rode as hard as he could.?

rick king racing

King qualified for the main by winning a semi-final heat race after placing fifth and failing to transfer during the first heat. He ran as high as 8th place in the main.

Coziahr Harley-Davidson/National Cycle rider Johnny Murphree won the main event aboard a Harley-Davidson XR750. Murphree took the lead when the race was re-started after SuperTrapp Racing rider Mike Hacker and Gerencer?s Harley-Davidson/Kerstings Cycle rider Kevin Atherton bumped on lap 20. It was Murphree?s first win of the season. KTM USA/Jones Powersports/Mid-America Harley-Davidson rider Joe Kopp was second, followed by his teammate, Ken Coolbeth, in third. The series points leader, Quality Checked Pre-Owned Ford/Lancaster Harley-Davidson rider Chris Carr, finished fourth.

With four straight podium results, Kopp continues to reel in defending AMA Grand National champion Carr in the season points standings. With five races left on the schedule, Carr still leads with 213 points, but is just 19 points ahead of second-place Kopp. Coolbeth is third with 162 points, followed by Murphree with 149 points.

The next stop on the AMA Progressive Insurance Flat Track Championship series is the annual Springfield double-header at the Illinois State Fairgrounds, with the Springfield TT scheduled for Sept. 4 and the Springfield Mile set for Sept. 5.

The Screamin’ Eagle Flat Track team is sponsored by Matco Tools.




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MIDWEST MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY–OPEN HOUSE– MIDWEST MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY Open House #8 is on Saturday, October 2nd, 2004, and we are told this one will be bigger and better than before.

As well as products from other manufacturers, Midwest is anxious to show off the additions to its own Ultima brand lines and many other new products.Some of these are the work of the Doc Havoc CAD-CAM design team.This is Midwest’s own in-house group of engineers, who are constantly looking to improve existing parts or develop new products.

The Vinegaroon range of seats has been expanded and there are new highway bars and starters.A new inner primary has just been introduced for Softail models.On display will be the award winners in the Black Cloud, Silver Lining competition.

Further product developments expected to take pride of place include the latest 127 cubic inch El Bruto motor.This was not expected to be ready in time for the show but a big effort by all concerned means it can now be prominently displayed.See them all, and more, on October 2nd.

Arnold, Missouri, USA
Tel: 636 296 2200
Fax: 636 296 4430

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