Continued From Page 2

HELP A BROTHER OUT–Hey, it?s Dean from Pa, If you would like to pass this memo around for me it might help. And I need help. I found a set of aluminum Roberson Thunder Heads, those are very hard to find. They were made by a small manufacture back in 1980. They are a 20-horse bolt on head set, so they say. But what I?m still looking for is the set of flat top pistons for them, (cant use stock). Any help I would thank you for. My name & phone if you need is Dean Garbrick (814) 237-9476. I have a 1982 Sportster 1000cc
–“Dean Garbrick”
CHROME-PLATED FASTENERS FROM CHROME HARDWARE SUPLLY– CHROME HARDWARE SUPPLY offers a full range of chrome-plated fasteners with the necessary strength and looks for any application – racing or show.
Fasteners have all sharp edges removed before the plating process.This prevents the start of cracks and chips that initially mar the chrome surface but eventually degenerate into flaking and peeling of the plated finish.
They report that, in independent tests, these fasteners were highly resistant to rust and corrosion.
According to Chrome Hardware Supply the tensile strength of its fasteners is between 180,000 and 200,000 psi.
This places the fasteners well above Grade 8 requirements it is claimed there is no problem with hydrogen embrittlement.
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Tel: 888 629 2476
Fax: 602 437 9102
E-mail: info@standardbolt.comhttp://

It’s a gray cloudy day here in old Waxhaw Creek but I feel quite at peace. Ilive in a very beautiful place. The house is not too fancy or too big. It’sa very humble doublewide that needs a new roof. But it has two additions,one of which is an enormous sunroom that looks out onto the yard and thewoods beyond. The new roof was to be bought with the proceeds from sellingmy new chopper, but since I have fallen totally in love with the bike, I’llhave to work my ass off painting to get that new roof.But I’m not painting today. In fact, I haven’t done much painting since thefirst of August. It’s the longest break I’ve taken in 3 years. After so manyyears of bike painting, sometimes it’s hard to come up with fresh, newideas. Burnout is a motherf’er. The real world being one also doesn’talways allow for us worker bees to recharge.
20 years ago when I worked at a diesel equipment company called Stanadyne, they had a 2 week shutdownevery summer. Employees had no choice. The whole plant shut down. I clearlyand fondly remember those 2 week vacations. I would go to the beach with myboyfriend’s family where we would fish or snooze on the beach in the sun orlounge on the porch of the rented beach house when it rained. We would goback to work with our heads cleared of stress.A lot has changed in 20 years, especially for the blue-collar working class.I won’t even get into the astoundingly sick and unfair way the corporategreedheads treat the people who work for them, asking more and more, forless and less in return. It’s a sad cycle that shows no signs of ending.
More and people are turning to self employment, and quite a number arepainting bikes. And so this old girl has had to put in some long, hard hoursover the past few years. Sometimes, most of the time, it seemed there’dnever a real break, like those 2 weeks plant shutdowns so very long ago.Downtime that would make all those brutal hours worthwhile. I mean what goodis it to have a nice home with a killer sunroom with an awesome view, if Inever get to spend time in it? What good is that flat screen TV we bought 3years ago, if it hasn’t been watched but a few hours in all that time?And so after living here for 8 years, most of which this room was shut offfrom the rest of the house as it was too expensive to heat or keep cool,I’ve been relaxing on the antique couch I dragged up from Florida, watchingthe super clear picture on that TV or gazing out those tall windows at thosewoods I pay taxes on each year. I did do a little work in the past fewweeks.

I edited the edited copy of my book, right here in this sunroom, on mylaptop which sits on the teak coffee table I carried with me from rentedhouse to rented house since 1990. I did do some painting. I flamed a wideglide tank with the sweetest set of single flames I’ve ever done. I hadn’tplanned on doing them the way I did. I’d had a whole different color andtechnique in mind. But after Sturgis, my mind was clearer and I thought of avery simple, yet very effective way of doing the flames. The thing thatbugged me was why hadn’t I thought of it years ago? In fact, I’ve thought ofa lot of answers for painting related questions lately.
Recent events have made me treasure even more the life I lead. As screwedup as it can be at times, it’s still something of value because it is mine.Just like all these antiques I’ve collected over the years and have had solittle time to enjoy. You could say it all started at Sturgis, when I got onmy chopper. Riding that bike was so surrealistically wonderful. It made timestand still. The past month has been a treasure, precious time spent withfamily, friends, and no one at all. Tomorrow I go back to painting, buthopefully this time maybe I’ll manage my time better or fate will be kinderor whatever. But for the first time in a long time, maybe since those daysat Stanadyne – I feel recharged. Like life is worth working all those hours.Maybe I’m full of shit. I don’t care, it?s just nice to relax and not feel asthough the world is about to cave in on me if I stop working even for amoment. Oh, And that bike? It sits there waiting. Waiting for 3 weeks fromnow, when I ride it to Myrtle Beach.
I hope some of you out there were about to take time off this Labor dayweekend. My heart goes out to those who suffered in the storm down inFlorida and here in the Carolinas. My friends who live in Daytona were amongthem. But the rain iscoming this way, and a crapload of painting needs to get done so I can callthe roof guy.
Crazy Horse–

BIKERNET NEWS ALERT–Soon you’re going to turn on the TV and see a weather reporter pointingto another spinning red thing headed toward our coast and making two basicmeteorological points:
1. There is no need to panic.
2. We could all be killed.
–from Rogue
HURRICANE REPORT FROM ROGUE–Well the Bitch is here.We have been waiting for days and are now in the middle of it.144,000 in Brevard County with out power, many loosing it Saturday. 400,000 State wide
I did a perimeter check at 11:30 last night and every thing was fine except for heavy rains and winds. I paid a lot of attention to securing the house and area and hopefully it will continue to work. About 12:30 I heard the transformer go in the back yard and we lost electricity. Since most of the crew was sleeping I decide to do the same.
I got up this AM and started the generator and we have power again. I wanted coffee and that was the way to get it.
We are watching the reports on TV and keeping up on things thanks to the generator set.
It is nasty outside and will continue for many hours yet. The storm is hitting us from the North East and will soon switch to the South West. It is far from over. I am happy that I have Good Motorcycle Rain Gear for when I do go out side to make my checks or adjustments.
I just saw a neighbor’s shed go sailing down the street and I have heard a animal crying but can not find it. I hope it is up under one of the vehicles. Of course we will check before we start any thing. I just had to go service the generator as it sucked water up into the paper air cleaner and started to load up. No big deal. Remove paper air cleaner, install foam and make a deflector. YEA! Working great.
Phone calls in and out checking on each other and family members and a lot of reports of damage around the city.
I can not get on line as that went out some time ago. I am on lap top and was going to use cell phone but lost signal. Regular phone just went out so I do not know when I will actually send this.
Well it looks like I may be able to get some work done on a article or two and maybe even a bike I have in the garage. Got to look at the good side of this and take advantage of it and not sit here and get bored. I can not get drunk as I am in charge of emergency decisions and repairs. No sex either. Doris said the whole house would know what we were doing. DUH I really do not care but I guess she dosen’t want her kids to know we still have sex. Silly Girl. They complain I get more than they do. That’s the way it should be.
I have been at it for hours. The storm has left the area but the rains are still with us.
5:30 Sunday evening. Serviced and gassed the generator. I checked the area, trees and branches down, trash all over the place.
I lost a grapefruit tree and a bunch of branches off other trees but none of them hit the house. Lost some shingles but the roof is intact. Boy am I glad I added all those extra braces a few years ago.
The women have left because they are nosey, bored and what ever. They went to check Kenny’s house. Actually I think they used that as a excuse to go look for alcohol. Hell that ain’t all that bad.
Wires down, streetlights and power lines laying in the road, trees and trash across road ways, pieces of buildings laying all over. They are in one of them new Dodge’s that you see in the commercials that goes any where and I guess there are seeing if it is true. My work is done for now. Food, Jack and sex are on my schedule. Well two out of three ain’t to bad.
The crew made it back. Kenny’s house is fine and the phones there worked so every one checked in and all is fine.
They came back with more food and Beer. No liquor stores open today. Damn!
Looks like I have to push for food and sex! Oh Yea. Beer is No Substitute for Jack Daniels.
The rain continues and there is a small lake forming in the drainage ditch in front of the house. I might go swimming after I check for snakes and gators.

There is a dusk to dawn curfew in most places and no one is being allowed back on the beach side up and down the coast. Reports are coming in that the power companies are planning to start checking for downed wires at day light and some time Monday maybe letting people over the causeways to the beach side. I woke up during the night a couple of times to just check on things. It is still raining heavy but winds are stating to slow down as the storm moves inland.
Monday morning. The rain has stopped and the sun is out. A lot of tree and other damage but all is fine here and with the neighbors. Looks like we got lucky. Good thing we have the generator at least we have lights, TV, refrigerator, water etc. If we want air conditioning we have to shut every thing else off. DUH No Air. Open doors etc. They are starting to let people back over the causeways to the beach side but you have to have ID to prove you live there. It is a mess. A lot of damage. Our friend’s house is not bad. Minimal damage but no electricity. They have gone there anyway as the looters have started to come out. Pat feels the same way as I do. You try to loot here I will shoot you.
We are helping those we can and know. BJs had gasoline so we refilled the pickup and the gas cans for the generator. Luckily we got there early because the lines formed quickly. We are waiting now for phone service and the electric company to restore power. Because of the generator we and the neighbors are a lot better off than a lot of other people and are thankful for that.
Well the Fun Filled (?) Labor Day Weekend is over and things are starting to get back to normal. I am not really sure what that is though. Doris is off to work; I am on clean up detail around the yard and house repair. Some neighbors have power. Shopping centers are opening and of course long lines for every thing. Toilets, showers, food, water, and numerous other things being set up by FEMA
The motorcycle is the way to get around as the weather is nice. Have to be careful though as a lot of stuff in the road as well as down power lines. Of course a lot of the assholes in cars are not paying attention to the lights being down makes that intersection a 4-way stop. Cars getting dented, cops frustrated and tickets.
The newest thing on the TV is reminding everyone that we still have a 9:00 to dawn curfew. Bars are opening until 12:00 or in some cases 2:00. So if you are out and driving you will get stopped. If you do not have a valid reason you will be arrested and taken to jail. If you have been drinking you can add a DUI to that.
Latest is that they are suspending sale of beer and alcohol in stores. Shit if they do that people will not be able to drink at home and have to go to the bars. The state of Florida lost a lot of money on their big DUI Crackdown this past Labor day Weekend and it looks like they are going to try and make up for some of it.
There are DUI ads on TV all through the day again and some one has to pay for them. Do Not Be One of The People Donating. Latest info I have is that the average DUI costs $16,000.00 and that does not count the grief and other bullshit you have to put up with. They are not really looking for the real Drunks but for People that have had a few drinks. People with good jobs and families that have to drive to support them and of course have the ability to pay.
DUI is a Big Business and They Are Looking For You To Help Support It. There are a lot of high paying jobs involved.
Had to give up the generator. Plugged into neighbor. Phone back on.
Every one is okay. Will mail more later.
Continued On Page 4