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The Leather Art Of Kristine Mueller


We love sex, beautiful women, motorcycles, art and life. When Da Boss hung out at Hot Bike, he hooked up a crazed writer, Agent Zebra, with a job, inject serious life into one of the biggest mags on the planet. “These articles pissed off the tech heads and riders wound way too tight,” Bandit said. “I loved the letters that screamed in the door, 'My grandmother comes to my room. I can’t have anything like a girl in a bikini and writing like this Agent Zebra in my porta-potty bathroom.'” One of his articles involved the leather art of Kristine Mueller, agent Zebra style. Not sure he ever mentioned art, leather or painting. It was mostly Fear and Loathing in Kristine’s apartment. We laughed our asses off.

Starting with a soft Little Joe Legendary leather shirt, Kristine went to work.

Fortunately Kristine still speaks to us. Agent Zebra is sequestered by Jeb Bush, on a small Caribbean Island. Stripped of his computer and any connection with the literary world, he still ships me rocks with articles etched into them. He missed the boat with Kristine. She’s more lovely than metallic candy apple red, softer than suede leather, stands on her own and is almost as creative as god at sunset. So natch, I used any excuse to spend a few hours in her presence gaze into her soft hazel eyes and listen to her creative endeavors.

“It took about two hours to map out the design,” said Kristine.

“I had my first art lesson when I was about 10 years old and fell in love with the feeling of losing time in concentration while drawing,” Kristine said. “I painted my first oil painting when I was about 14. It was a still life of wine bottles with a bowl of grapes. I spent forever on it and my teacher was forced to go out and buy real grapes. The painting was so detailed you could tell the grapes were fake. This was the beginning of my obsession with detail.

“Here I am starting on the racing flag with a tiny little brush,” Kristine said. Her attention to detail is amazing.

“I continued drawing and painting lessons throughout high school and studied at a few different colleges, seeing the country along the way. After one year of freezing my butt off at University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) I vowed to go south and defrost. I spent a glorious year at Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida, then headed to San Franciso for my first official job as an artist. I worked for a designer named Carter Keffury for about eight months, but was still too cold for comfort and decided to head south again.

“Despite all the warnings from the San Franciscans about Los Angeles I found it to be what I had been looking for all along. I spent a semester at Otis College of Art and Design, but was not satisfied with the program. Some friends from Sarasota moved to New York and convinced me it was the place to be for an artist. I transferred to the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan for a very cold semester. My apartment was too small and expensive and I missed the sunshine and space of LA. I left New York in 2000 to return to LA.

”This is roughly 3/4 of the way finished, which has taken about 14 hours so far. In order for the colors to be bright and true. I usually apply 2-3 coats of paint,” Kristine explained

“I attended Santa Monica College as a photo major, and continued painting on my own. Photography became too technical for my taste, and I decided I'd had enough training and was ready to just go for it. I started painting full time and really getting to know the city. I always had a love of vintage clothing and found this great Jet Rag sale downtown in a warehouse on Sundays. Everything was $1 and the clothes were in knee high piles. I found tons of leather jackets that were fabulous in style, but horrific in color. I saw the potential of how cool they could be, if I could figure out how to paint or dye them.

“I began experimenting with all kinds of fabric paint and dye, and eventually found a paint that stuck. I wore these initial experimental jackets out, and people were fascinated by them. They were fun to wear and great conversation pieces. My boyfriend at the time introduced me to a woman who worked as a stylist on some TV shows. Her name was Beth Frank and she also had just started making one of a kind vintage belt buckles. She also saw the potential of painting leather and hired me to paint the leather belt straps to match her buckles. The idea took off and I spent the next 2 years painting for her, and evolving my technique and process.

All finished and looking good on the Boss’s back in the Bikernet shop.

”She opened a store on 3rd and Fairfax, and started selling in stores and boutiques all over the world. Her belts go for about $350 each. I also started painting leather bags for her, and she was sel ling them for anywhere up to $1000. She eventually asked me to paint jackets for her, and I had to draw the line. She was making a huge profit off my talent, and I was slaving away at $15/hr.

”I thought if I could figure out the business end of it I could make a lot of money for myself. Easier said than done! I had no business training and it did not come naturally. I had no official plan or funding. I managed to sell to a couple stores (Fred Segal, Billy Martin's, and a store on La Brea that is now defunct) but became overwhelmed and a little burned out, realizing this venture would require so much more than my initial determination.

Da Boss and Kristine the day she delivered the jacket. “It took 16 hours total of very detailed work,” Kristine added. “The finished painting is weatherproof and durable.”

”Business took every second of my time, and I was responsible for all the creative and labor. In the midst of my struggles came a great personal tragedy. My beloved mother became very ill from a brain tumor and passed away suddenly. I was overcome with grief and found it incredibly difficult to be alone working in my studio all the time. I found my way into an acting class. This became a much needed emotional and creative outlet. I progressed rapidly and found an agent.

”After a bad experience with an agency, who didn't pay me for a job, I decided to research the entertainment industry and take it slowly. There are so many opportunities for a young girl to be taken advantage of, I had to watch it. Around this time I was introduced to Angie Everhart and was offered the job of being her personal assistant. It was a nice change and provided some insight into the entertainment world.


”I traveled to Toronto with her while she filmed a sci-fi movie with Antonio Sabato Jr. Although it was fun, I had no time for myself and felt my creative side neglected. I needed to find less time-consuming work that would pay the bills, so I could get back to acting classes and painting. I knew I had the talent to make something happen for myself, and the unfinished attempt at making a go with the leather painting haunted me.

”One really late night I spontaneously had a friend cut my hair into a Mohawk. She was really impressed and suggested I look into working as a hair model. I went into Sebastian's headquarters in Woodland Hills that week and was hired as their Vixen girl. I sported a black high fashion Mohawk at runway shows, presentations, and photo shoots in LA and toured all over the country. It was great work and gave me the freedom to work as an artist again.

Kristine as a Vixen Girl.

”I was in a groove, when tragedy struck again. This time my long time boyfriend was in a near-death car accident in his homestate of Nebraska. After suffering the painful loss of my mother I decided to move to Nebraska to ensure my boyfriend’s safe recovery, as I could not bear another loss of that intensity. I stayed in “cowtown” Nebraska for four long months until he was fully recovered. I drove three hours to Omaha, to fly out for modeling work on the weekends– exhausting! I had to return to LA where there were more creative opportunities. I just received my first write-up in Hot Bike Magazine and it fueled my desire once again to have a go at the painting leather jackets. The road back in LA was long and hard, to get back to where I was before I left. I immediately booked a role in an Indie film, but for deferred pay-ha! After shooting a grueling month in the desert, in August, I felt I was on track again and would pursue my dreams steadily and with a plan.

Kristine wouldn’t leave the shop without one of the Queen of Bikernet’s leather vests. “I was going to paint the entire surface with a gradually darkening night sky in shades of blue,” Kristine said. “I have to be quick with the blending of the colors so the paint dries evenly creating a beautiful graduation of light.”

”I worked on a business plan, set goals, worked again as a model, and got back into acting classes. I did a fashion show at Cinespace in Hollywood over this last summer showing over 20 new pieces of painted leather and denim. I met my current manager through that event, a wonderful man by the name of Julian Caine and I have starred in two short films since, the latest one screening at USC on March 18th, 2007.

Here is the front of the finished vest. The brushstrokes in the many layers of paint create a rich, textured finish.

”I am finding a creative balance between painting, which is more introverted, and acting/modeling which is extroverted. Right now I am looking to increase my painting commissions (of jackets) and modeling work that would support me while I continue to grow as an actress. I realize these fields are extremely difficult to succeed in, but they are my passions, and I have built up an incredible endurance over the past few years in my struggles. I feel I have a lot to offer as an artist and an actress and will strive to succeed doing the work that I love.”

You can see the three small trees under the full night sky with shooting stars. “I used a splatter technique for the stars in the sky, and very small brushes for the texture of the trees and the ground,” Kristine said. The total time on this painting was about 14 hours.

If she isn’t a women full of spunk and drive, there isn’t one. Bandit was beginning to melt when she offered to paint the 5-Ball team logo on the back of my Little Joe’s Legendary leather shirt. Then she wouldn’t leave our headquarters without Nyla’s vest. We hope to follow her artistic progress on Bikernet for years to come.


jacketart on Kristine

Wait, that’s not all. Our Bonneville arch competitors snuck around our backs to the lovely Kristine. She has a magic about her, something to do with those eyes. They thought for sure that her spell was the source of Bikernet 5-Ball racing spirit, and they desperately needed some of that mojo.

jacketon screen

Bob T., the notorious gangster behind the Chop N Grind desert devils, out in 13 Palms, California reached out to Kristine with the Chop N Grind logo of death. He was distinctly afraid Kristine would turn his evil artwork down so he said, “Bandit sent me.” Kristine agreed to have a look.


Of course he showed up at her shop with his entire team of scurvy dogs and threatened Kristine’s life, if she didn’t give his jacket the 5-Ball Racing Mojo. There’s no competitive spirit like the Bonneville salt and a handful of guys with bent pushrods and no sponsors.

jacket up close

Kristine, fearful for her life, went to work and duplicated the nasty racing team logo as perfectly as could be replicated by hand. In fact it looks better than the original. She sprinkled her magic dust on the smelly leather, so the colors would never run and Bob T. and the Chop N Grind team would ride successfully into the record books forever more.

Bobtand trailer

It’s just not fair, goddamnit.

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Two-Wheeled Trucks

Wide tire bike in another part of the world.

There is little that motorcycle enthusiasts don’t do with their bikes. They cruise, they go cross-country, they commute, they stunt and they just ride free of worries.


In most Western nations, bikes are not a necessity for the buyer. Most buyers would have a passion for motorcycles or be attracted to the biker image portrayed in the media. If you bought your bike after seeing Evel Knievel or after the Hollister motorcycle parade on July 4th or even after watching American Choppers on Discovery you don’t know the full potential of two-wheelers yet.

For most Americans and Europeans motorcycling is associated with adventure, free-spirit, recklessness or drifters.

An employed person buying a bike does so as a hobby. A passionate one buys it to customize it and make it an extension of his personality. Once you step out of this privileged world you would see that bikes are not for fun and custom bikes are a novelty not a necessity.


Commuter bikes of the Third World

Countries like China, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, etc are great examples of fuel efficiency albeit in hazardous modes of traveling. Here people don’t need a bike as a morale booster. They need it to go from point A to point B and make a buck. So introducing the concept of ‘Commuter bikes’ to all you chopper fans is embarrassing.


The low per capita, income in each household where mostly the man is the only earning member and coupled with high rates of inflation, it is elementary that people in these countries want to cut costs wherever possible. So the people need a cheap form of transport and buses and trains are the best bet. For those who have businesses or odd work-hours, when the public transport is not available, they are often forced to invest in a vehicle of their own.


Cars are increasing in numbers in India and China but are still a luxury. For most, a motorcycle is the first vehicle they own. These bikes are called ‘Commuter Bikes’ because they promise great fuel efficiency and low maintenance costs.


A typical commuter bike is a 99cc motorcycle with a bhp of 10 or less. This when driven under ‘test conditions’ promises 70 to 80 Km per litre. Even after riding on the poor roads in these nations congested cities you can still manage 60 KM per litre output.


Most students, office goers, small businessmen prefer these commuter bikes so as to get to their destination without being dependent on unreliable public transport systems. Most of these bikes have four gears and top speed is 90 KMPH. It is unadvisable to rev any engine to reach that speed, as it would damage such engines and also not provide the fuel efficiency expected.


The Market

The market for low-end bikes is almost monopolized by the Japanese fare. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha continue to cater to the third world with pansy bikes that would be subject to ridicule if seen alongside their other products such as Honda CBR, Kawasaki Ninja, Suzuki Hayabusa or Yamaha R1. If you think the top-end bikes are the most desired of the lot, think again, or better join a third-world economics class.

Here’s a shot of the very first Honda Super Cub.

Such is the popularity of cheap, mileage driven sales that Honda’s Super Cub which started production in 1958 has crossed a world record (and a first record) of 50 million units produced in February 2006. So even before this model celebrates its 50th anniversary, they sold 50 million Super Cubs. No other make or model of motorcycle can boast such success.

50 Millionth Super cub shot exclusively for Bikernet.

In India, Hero-Honda (Joint venture) and Bajaj (with Kawasaki) have had great success with low-end commuter bikes. Hero-Honda is a market leader with enough mettle to match its partner. In 2003 Hero-Honda was the first two-wheeler company to cross the milestone of 2 million units sold in a single year. Due to restrictions in the joint-venture, Hero group can sell only in India while Honda who has a world market were beaten by Hero-Honda hitting nearly two-and-a-half-times the motorcycle sales of Honda for that year.


Poor man’s Chop or the two-wheeled truck

So what modifications would a poor man do to accommodate his poultry, pigs, fresh fish, fruits & vegetables, LPG cylinder or construction materials? Yes, these and whole families are transported on two-wheelers in developing nations.


Bikes such as Honda CG125 and assortment of mopeds in sub 100cc class are chopped to add platforms in place of the pillion seat. Cheap Chinese bikes such as by JBW 125-3, Kinroad Xintian XT125 Fly, FADA LF125, etc. flood the roads. One Chinese manufacturer has gone one step forward towards the consumer by offering a three wheeled moped – CTM AUPA with its CTM150ZH-5. This 150cc moped can carry 350 KG and has a top speed of 60 KMPH.

Chinese manufactured CTM utility trike.

After removing the pillion seat, most of the customization includes mounting a platform which can have rubber strips of a tyre’s inner tube used to fasten the goods. Baskets made of straw carry poor miserable chickens or flowers to the market on early mornings. One or two little piggies would have the misfortune of being transported alive in bamboo cages mounted on these platforms to the fabled market (The cage has a wooden stick running through it so that two men can carry it).


Farmers with their produce of bananas tied together or grains in jute sacks load it all up on their bikes. Fresh fish are kept in tin or aluminium containers with lids. These are mounted on the fisherman’s bike and his wife hitches a ride on top of the container as they make their way to the busy marketplace for selling their goods to roadside stalls or fast-food corners.


BTW There is no drive-in concept. You just park your bike near the food-stall and the cook cum server cum manager will whip-up a spicy treat. Not recommended for the delicate stomachs of Western tourists.

Other businessmen may modify the rear of the bike and weld metal supports with a vertical beam and a horizontal platform such as to hold huge cartons or plywood, glass or some even delivering washing machines through two-wheels.


Not all choose to alter their rides. Many manage to lug around jute sacks or propane tanks along with helpers or passengers on their stock bikes. They don’t have the fat rear chopper tyres but still flow smoothly along dirt roads to deliver their goods. And it’s not just one tank they carry; the dealers of cooking gas deliver multiple cylinders on one motorcycle. In India it’s dangerous for the deliveryman who uses his motorcycle to haul three heavy cylinders.


Stock bikes are used in their original structure to carry as many as six passengers. These are mostly two adults and four children or sometimes three adults on a single motorcycle. The riders are confident of their skills and it’s commonly seen that ‘motordupe’ (motorcycle taxis) carry as many as four children to their school on a stock motorcycle.

Even parents carry infants on bikes and think nothing of placing three-year-olds on top of the bike’s tank to monitor them while riding through traffic-prone city roads. For extra measure a basket is fixed in front of the bike to place miscellaneous stuff.


Typical specifications for two-wheeled ‘trucks’ are:
* 100cc to 150cc 4-stroke engine,
* 4 or 5 gears,
* Top speed – 90 to 120 KMPH
* Dry weight – 100 to 130 KG
* Drum brakes and optional disc brakes
* Wheels: rear 150/60/18, front 120/60/17


Interestingly of all the changes done to carry goods, no performance modifications are ever implemented. The bike’s engine capacity remains the same. How long they will continue to enjoy the mileage after such abuse is doubtful. In villages of India where petrol is considered expensive they even run their bikes on kerosene. It raises a stink but gets them to their destination. It surely shows that even stock bikes can do much more than expected from them. The skill lies in the rider and innovative use of his existing structure.

Here's some follow-up number UD researched regarding the number of motorcycles buzzing around dusty roads in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, India and Thailand. Check it out:

It is estimated that Vietnam alone has 10 millionmotorcycles out of the 12 million motorised vehiclesthere. In Cambodia there is no license registry formotorcycle riders.

Motorcycles make up 95% of vehicles on the road inVietnam, 80% in the Lao People's Democratic Republic,75% in Cambodia, 73% in Indonesia and 51% in Malaysia.

India has the second largest road network in the worldwith over 3 million km of roads of which 46% arepaved. The 40 million vehicles using the roads have aterrible toll on human life, killing over 80,000people with over one third of a million victimsrequiring hospital treatment. Some states have madehelmets compulsory while others have too many ridersto keep them in check.

The vehicle fleet in Thailand is estimated at about 26million vehicles (2004) which consists of a majorityof two-wheelers.

Wait a minute. Where did she come from? This is a serious article.

If in USA you believe that, “if you have it – it came by truck,” then in developing nations rest assured – it was delivered on two-wheels.

****THE END****

Copyright Ujjwal Dey 2006
Bhandup (west). Mumbai
Maharashtra State. INDIA.

Published on Bikernet October 28, 2006

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May 07, 2009 Part 3


Continued From Page 1

Smog Chart

BOLT TO HELP WITH SEMA MOTORCYCLE COUNCIL–What can BOLT of California do to help with SEMA? I am a motorcycle helmet manufacturer. Would it be possible to join as a manufacturer?

What are the plans for SEMA in the future?

–Mark T.
Charter Member
BOLT of California

Anyone can join SEMA from individuals to the Harley-Davidson factory. Plus, it’s not expensive.–Bandit


The Honorable Fran Pavley
State Senator 23rd District
The Capitol
Room N? 4035
Sacramento, California 95814

She represents the district surrounding Santa Monica. Writing her is good; phone calls to her staffers are more effective by an order of magnitude:

Capitol Office
(916) 651-4023
Fax: (916) 324-4823
State Capitol, Room 4035
Sacramento, CA 95814

District Office
(310) 314-5214
Fax: (310) 314-5263
2716 Ocean Park Blvd.
Suite 3088
Santa Monica, CA 90405

Put me down as a “9” on your interest quotient for the committee. But what is this committee a part of? What is the organization?

Tom Zimberoff
Chief Chopperating Officer
1364 45th Avenue
San Francisco, California 94122
(415) 246-2417

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West Coast Choppers Spring Blowout–We?re having a big ol? Spring Blowout Sale online. Visit Enter promo code: DEADMAN25 and pick up some of our supa fancy stuff! Do it now, fool! The offer is only good until May 31, 2009!

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james XL cam cover kit with logo

LATE SPORTSTER? XL CAM COVER SEAL KIT– Running a late Sporty and need to pop the cam cover? One way to make certain it goes back together with a positive, no-leak seal is by using this model specific CAM GEAR COVER SEAL AND GASKET KIT from James Gaskets. Each of the Sporty gear cover kits include all of the gaskets and O-rings needed to provide the perfect, leak free seal when installing the cam cover on 2004-2009 XL model Sportster? engines.

All gaskets include James? elastomeric bead and the O-rings are high-temperature Viton? rubber for a perfect seal, durability and long life. Suggested retail is just $15.62 for this must have kit for all hands on Sportster? enthusiasts.

Call James direct at 775-246-2220 or catch them on line at . Dealer inquiries invited.

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People Need to Contact the States Attorney and Insist Charges Be Filed– The Lake County State’s Attorney’s office says it’s looking into criminal charges against a woman who allegedly was painting her fingernails while driving and fatally struck a stopped motorcyclist over the weekend.

Illinois – “We are looking into charges in the case,” Assistant State’s Atty. Patricia Fix said this morning. “But we are waiting for results of blood and urine tests and waiting for the results of an accident reconstruction, as well as any other technical evidence we can derive from the scene.”

Authorities say Anita Zaffke, of the 1500 block of Eddy Lane in Lake Zurich, stopped at the intersection of Route 12 and Old McHenry Road at around 5:45 p.m. Saturday as the traffic light turned from green to yellow.

The driver of a Chevrolet Impala behind Zaffke, Lora Hunt, 48, of Morris, told police “she was painting her nails as she drove and did not see [the motorcycle] until contact was already made,” according to a Lake County Sheriff’s Department incident report.

Zaffke, who was wearing a helmet, was thrown a distance from her Honda motorcycle, according to Lake County Coroner Dr. Richard Keller. Her son, Greg, said this morning his mother was also wearing a bright yellow cycling jacket.

“It appears to be a tragic accident and it appears [Zaffke] did nothing wrong,” Lake County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Scott Morrison said Sunday. “She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and she could not have done anything to avoid it.”

Zaffke died about an hour after the crash at Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital in Barrington, Keller said. An autopsy was scheduled for this morning.

Hunt was cited with failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. She could not be reached for comment this morning.

Source: Chicago Tribune

–from Rogue

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TIME TO SPRUCE UP THAT GAME ROOM OR HARLEY ROOM?– Scott Jacobs is releasing part of his personal art collection for the benefit of our customers. These are limited edition, signed and numbered prints?some dating back to the early 1990?s. Each of these exceptional works comes with a certific

ate of authenticity verified by the artist?s studio. This is an opportunity of a lifetime to acquire some classic early Harley works by one of the most popular artists alive today. This offer is strictly while supplies last. Scott will personalize the back of your artwork with a special message of your choice so don?t miss this rare chance.


So here?s the deal?pick which pieces you?d like from the visuals below and they will be beautifully custom framed and your total cost is only $495 framed plus shipping. (values to $1200). All of the images including dimensions etc. are on our website. You can access by clicking this link. (Keep in mind dimensions listed are without the frame). CALL OR EMAIL RON 303-431-4453 click on site map at bottom of page and titles are alphabetic.

–Ron Copple
Scott Jacobs Studio

Scott Jacobs Banner

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North American Debut of Unique Alfa 8C Scheduled for Meadow Brook Concours — Troy, Mich., May 5, 2009 − A one-of-a-kind 1934 Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 (serial no. 2311237) will make its North American Debut at the 30th Anniversary Meadow Brook Concours d?Elegance on August 2, 2009. This exciting performance car is a one-off alloy Boattail Speedster formerly owned by Angela Cherrett− noted authority and author on Alfa 8Cs, and will be presented in unrestored condition.

Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 (serial no. 2311237) began life as a factory show car in 1934 before being imported to Britain by London Bentley Dealer Jack Barclay in 1935. The new owner promptly ordered a new two-seat touring body designed and constructed for the race chassis. As was customary at the time, many of these automobiles were supplied to custom coachbuilders such as Pinninfarina, Zagato, Figoni, Castagna and Touring.


It remained in the U.K. where it was raced and then driven until its purchase last year by a noted American collector.

Tickets for the 2009 Meadow Brook Concours d?Elegance are now on sale by calling 248.643.8645. Online sales will be available soon at

Ticket prices
Adults (in advance): $25
Children 12 years and under: Free
Groups of 10 or more: $20 each

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Crane Cams could reopen under new management–A business team led by Wisconsin-based S&S Cycles and former Crane Cams CEO Lance Harris scooped up the majority of Crane Cams? intellectual property at the company?s liquidation auction last week. The team spent $1.2 million to acquire 16 trademarks, three patents and the company name. According to reports from the Daytona Beach News-Journal, the goal is to get Crane Cams back up and running, though presumably at a new location.

“The goal is to get the whole thing up and running again under the name Crane Cams. We paid that much for the intellectual property because the name is good and consumers know the name,” said Anders Stubkjaer, S&S Cycles chief operating and financial officer.

Crane Cams closed its doors and laid off about 280 employees in mid-February about 56 years of business in Daytona Beach.

Despite a potential purchase by Fort Lauderdale-based Scorpion Performance, Crane Cams had hired LiquiTech Industries to auction off the assets to pay corporate debt.

The Daytona Beach News-Journal reported that at the auction, Scorpion bid $1 million for all the assets, and an online bidder offered $1.1 million, before the team from S&S Cycle trumped them at $1.2 million.

The Harris/S&S Cycle team also spent $215,000 on bulk bids for all the camshafts, valve trains, motorcycle and electronic inventories.

–from Don Redmon

s&s banner

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At the entrance to NewOrleans-BrokenSpoke-LarryOliphant-CEOBikeWeek and partner with Jay Allen and John Green BikeWeekNewOrlean

Thousands of Motorcyclists are heading to New Orleans for Bike Week New Orleans at the Broken Spoke–NEW ORLEANS- Jay Allen of the Broken Spoke Saloon will lead bike builders and other riders in a procession at 9 a.m. Thursday, May 7th to the Morial Convention Center for opening day of an Easyriders V-Twin Show that is a featured part of Bike Week New Orleans at the Broken Spoke. The one-mile procession will leave from the New Orleans’ Basin Street Welcome Station at 501

Basin Street will be the launch point for all processions, rides and parades. The cultural center is near the French Quarter in the historic Art & Warehouse District, and overlooks Cemetery 1 that was filmed in the movie ?Easy Rider.?The famous Budweiser Clydesdales pulling the Budweiser beer wagon will help to officially launch the ?authentic? New Orleans experience for motorcycle enthusiasts.

Women athletes on a long-haul motorcycle trip from Knoxville, Tennessee will be riding with the procession. The ?Champions For A Cause? riders are raising awareness, funds and volunteers to help fight breast cancer.

The short procession will also include Patriot Guard Riders and other biker clubs and organizations.

“This is a festival that celebrates New Orleans and motorcycling, and the whole Gulf Coast Region,” said Larry Oliphant, CEO of Bikeweek LLC/, one of the event?s founding partners. “Thousands of motorcyclists will be riding through Louisiana, bringing a much-needed boost to the state?s economy and helping to reclaim New Orleans as one of the best places to throw a party biker-style.?

The four-day party actually began yesterday, (Wednesday, May 6) when Jay Allen?s 26,000 sq. ft. Broken Spoke Entertainment Complex opens across the street from the convention center.The Broken Spoke will be at the hub of thrill shows, stunt shows, bike shows, two Harley-Davidson bike giveaways, ?authentic? New Orleans cuisine and headline performances by Edgar Winter and Blackfoot.

Ten of the Budweiser Clydesdale horses will be stabled in New Orleans for the entire event, May 6 to 10.

broken spoke Chrome Kitchen Defined copy

The 2009 Easyriders Bike Show has toured the country and concludes this year with a final show in New Orleans and a big after-show party at the New Orleans Broken Spoke (NOBS!)

Centerfold tour builders Erick Ackley and Dave Sekman – Tempest Cycles, Jerry Burrow – Road-Hawgs, Bruce Mullins – Skunkworx, John Dodson – Gangster Choppers and Shannon Davidson from the Chopp Shop will be at the New Orleans show.Unique to the New Orleans show, hundreds of custom bikes will fill the 160,000 sq. ft. Morial Convention Center, alongside a “Chrome Kitchen” spotlighting famous New Orleans cooking, and the Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse.

The Roadhouse will feature custom bikes and bike builders Paul Yaffe ? Paul Yaffe Originals, Bill Dodge ? Blings Cycle, Athena ?Chickie? Ransom ? Vagabond Customs, and Paul Wideman ? Bare Knuckle Choppers. Also on exhibit will be photography by world-renowned Michael Lichter and a collection of Fender guitars customized by industry talents Ami James, Chickie Ransom, Bill Dodge, Christian Clayton, Dave Perewitz, Eddie Trotta, Keino Sasaki, Pat Patterson, Paul Cox, Paul Wideman, Russell Mitchell, Steve Broyles and Taber Nash.

Cycle Source is also sponsoring their first-ever hard-core, ride-in chopper show on Sunday.

One-day passes are $20/day that include all entertainment, plus the Easyriders show, Wall of Death, Bud Burnout Bike, Cycle Source show and more. Multi-day passes are $35. Rides can be purchased separately for $20 (per bike) each or as part of an all-access ticket for $69.

Bike Week New Orleans at the Broken Spoke is being presented in partnership by, The Broken Spoke Saloon and Easyriders Events. More information is available at


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LIFE AND TIMES CANTINA ARTICLE ON LAUGHLIN REVIEW–Just finished your Laughlin run piece. Good stuff as always. I have to agree with you on the getting older thing. I’m 58, had a couple rounds of cancer in the last 4 years but good now. It took a step off but I, like you, can still rock and roll with anyone who wants to.

I waited until I was 37 to get married and still am to the same woman. Everything you stated about the evolution of a relationship hits it dead on for me. My wife is not into me as she once was but still likes having me around. The brother/sister relationship is getting stale but … what to do?

I also totally agree with you on the legal Pro$ issue. I was a long-haul trucker before I was married and a customer since high school before that. Much easier than being a player for me…something I didn’t quite get the hang of unlike yourself.

Keep up the GOOD work you are doing for all of us in the life. I’ve been a fan since the E/R days and enjoy Bikernet everyday!

The SEMA stuff, the HOT girls(thank you Sin Wu), the tech, the girls,the links, the girls…you get it.


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bbb bikernet-promo

BRASS BALL BOBBERS SMOKE OUT PARTY ? MONDAY, MAY 11– Okay all you speed-crazed kids living in a souped-up jungle of crazy thrills on your Bobbers, Choppers and led sleds? We have a party Monday night on May 11th in Oklahoma City at Brass Balls Bobbers. It?s where the Gearheads and the Betties will be stopping during their Long Road ride across country.

We have an outstanding line up of thrills and chills including the ?World?s Largest Burnout,? Jasmine Cain on Base Guitar and a selection of dancers showing off the latest Bikini and high heel fashion.

So burn the asphalt and hit the scene at the 1st Annual Brass Balls Party. The party starts at 6PM at World HQ – 401 S. Blackwelder Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73108, Phone: 405-270-0995 ?

–Jeff Najar

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SPYKE AND COMPU-FIRE JOIN SEMA– Spyke and Compu-Fire recently joined sema and pre registered for booth space at the SEMA show in Las Vegas this coming November. Be There!

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HORSE BACK STREET CHOPPERS MAGAZINE–Check out our donation for CP Kustoms War Machine Raffle Bike in the newest issue of Horse Backstreet Choppers Magazin No.88 May/June 2009 on Page 96.

If you`re interested in any stuff you can contact Mario personal by phone on: +41 79 395 49 98 or over our homepage

–L&R Mario@MBleathers

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EAGLES MC IN GERMANY FRIENDSHIP RIDE–Last Sunday there was a huge MC-ride-out in my area. 16 MCs, more than 250 bikes (!) with more than 300 bikers and friends went for a 100 mls ride through our area to show friendship, loyalty and respect to each other and the public.

A strong sign that the attitude and lifestyle still lives, free and proud.


It all was organized by the Freeway Riders MC Germany and the Free Eagles MC Germany.

Thanks to them, we had a blast.For a gallery of that ride two guys are Wolla (left) Free Eagles MC and Tom, Freeway Riders MC


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Motorcyclists to Picket the Empire State Law Enforcement Traffic Safety Conference–+Following is the text of a 5/4/09 Press Release re the subject, with links. Please attend the picket if you’re able:

On Wednesday, May 6th, American Bikers Aimed Toward Education (ABATE of New York, Inc.) and other motorcyclists will picket the Empire State Law Enforcement Traffic Safety (ESLETS) Conference at the Double Tree Hotel and Conference Center at 6301 State Route 298, East Syracuse, NY where the New York State Police are anticipated to present their Motorcycle Safety Roadblock Scenario and other “Hot Motorcycle Topics” to a broad and diverse cross-section of New York?s law enforcement community.

For nearly two years now, the New York State Police (NYSP) have been conducting highway roadblocks diverting only motorcyclists from the state?s roadways to perform ?safety checks?. ?Operation 5060? was expanded in 2008 and continues to-date. Ironically, last year New York State raided $552,000 of dedicated motorcycle safety funds, created through mandated increased motorcycle registration costs. In fact, even though State Finance Law explicitly prohibits it, over the course of the eleven-year existence of the dedicated motorcycle safety fund, New York State has inappropriately diverted millions of dollars into the state’s general fund.

It remains ABATE of New York’s position that, since motorcycles operated in New York are already required to pass annual safety inspections, the current NYSP initiative continues to serve only to harass, intimidate and inconvenience motorcyclists traveling upon the state?s roadways. Further, motorcycle-only roadblocks of this nature are a discriminatory and unconstitutional infringement upon an individual?s right to travel without interference, and an abuse of discretionary power as acknowledged by the New York State Court of Appeals. ABATE of New York demands that NYS and the NYSP redirect their combined efforts toward overall driver education of the presence of motorcyclists on the state?s roadways.

It is also ABATE of New York’s position that New York State has inadequately administered its dedicated motorcycle safety fund designed specifically to instruct motorcyclists in proper operating techniques and safety initiatives. There remain insufficient sites statewide to provide motorcycle training and the cost remains prohibitive in nature. Motorcyclists suffer due to the underutilization and misapplication of their funds, and a more cost-effective approach should be implemented, subsidized by these raided funds. ABATE of New York decries New York State?s history of unlawfully diverting motorcyclists’ safety fund money to the general fund, and continues its support of legislative efforts prohibiting the transfer of dedicated fees into any other fund.

Motorcyclists demand that their dedicated safety funds be used for motorcycle safety TRAINING initiatives, not motorcycle safety ENFORCEMENT initiatives. The latter should clearly not precede the former.

ABATE of New York was established in 1974, and incorporated in 1991 as a 501c4 not-for-profit corporation representing the rights of all New York State motorcyclists.

For further information, contact:
ABATE of New York, Inc.
P.O. Box 300
Walker Valley, NY 12588
(888) 344-4400

For a copy of the Press Release, go here:(temporary public access)

–from Rogue

CSC Rapide baner 3

Continued On Page 4

Read More

May 07, 2009 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


SMOKEOUT WEST KICKS IT ON FRIDAY, MAY 8–The 10th Anniversary Smoke Out will start in Cottonwood, AZ with a two-day blow out launch party. The party in Cottonwood starts Friday night May 8, 2009 and goes all day Saturday. The party will include the usual mayhem with music, The AZ Derby Dames, venders, a chop-off, bike show etc.

XsSpeed will be there and the XsSpeed mini-bike races will be one of the key highlights of the weekend (remember: you must be in a superhero costume to race). We will also mint a commemorative poker chip and have one free (at the gate) with each purchased ticket. If you pre-register we will also have a commemorative poker chip for you at the gate.

The bands this year include The Last Call Brawlers, The High Rollers, Hellbound Hayride and Jasmine Cain.

Sunday morning the hardy chopper-jockeys that dare will start a 2,000-mile ride to the Rockingham Drag Strip in Rockingham, NC. The ride called, The Long Road, will be about a 350-mile ride each day with an insane party each night. Click here for SMOKE OUT details.

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Pied Piper Releases Customer Satisfaction Study–Ducati dealerships ranked highest in the newly released 2009 Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index U.S. Motorcycle Industry Study, which measures how consumers are treated when shopping for a new motorcycle.

The independent study sent 2,100 mystery shoppers into motorcycle dealerships nationwide, and then used the patent-pending PSI process to compile the results into a measurement of how each brand’s dealerships treat motorcycle shoppers.

Following Ducati was Harley-Davidson whose dealers were ranked first in 2007 and 2008. BMW, Victory, Buell and MV Augusta round out the top spots. Overall motorcycle industry performance improved from 2008 to 2009, with eleven of the fifteen major motorcycle brands achieving higher PSI scores.

Harley-Davidson dealers still performed substantially above the motorcycle industry average, but 2009 marked the first time in three years that dealers from another motorcycle brand were ranked higher. Consistent improvement beginning in 2007 propelled the Ducati dealers to their first place ranking in 2009, where they led all brands in 30 percent of the sales process factors evaluated by the study. Harley-Davidson dealers held onto the highest ranking for 20 percent of the sales process factors. Buell, BMW, MV Augusta and Victory each led multiple sales process areas too.

Examples of sales process factors dominated by Ducati salespeople include the ability to answer product questions, offering test rides, offering brochures and asking for the sale. Harley-Davidson salespeople led all brands for taking time to determine how a motorcycle would be used, and for addressing features and benefits specific to the prospect’s wants and needs. BMW salespeople ranked first for greeting prospects promptly, for making the special order process easy and for mentioning the availability of accessories.

For more information about the Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index go to

–from MPN mag

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MaxFlow and HiFlow Air Filters From Zipper?s–To Make More Power, you must have more airflow!

Increasing airflow at the inlet is step one – even for a stock engine. Zipper’s MaxFlow and HiFlow air cleaners include high quality 100-percent washable, pleated filter elements made from multiple layers of surgical-quality cotton gauze material that traps the smallest dirt particles while providing dramatic flow increases. USA-made cast backing plates incorporate internal breather passages and are available in three finishes to match your engine and budget (standard silver aluminum cast, texture black or chrome). All accept the standard TC “football” air cleaner cover (not included). Two filter depths are offered, standard HiFlow and MaxFlow:

Zippers 117-298

HiFlow keeps the outer cover at the same location as stock.

MaxFlow version moves the cover out approximately 5/8″ wider due to the extra deep MaxFlow filter element.

HiFlow is recommended for stock engines; the MaxFlow filter should be used on modified engines with high flow exhaust systems for best results. All required mounting hardware and instructions included

Legal in California only for racing vehicles which may never be used upon a highway.


6655-A Amberton Drive
Elkridge, MD 21075
Phone 410.579.2828Fax 410.579.2835

Zippers Banner

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klock flyer

Time for the Annual MEMORIAL WEEKEND IN MITCHELL event!–Each year Klock Werks sponsors a Charity Ride on Memorial Weekend where the proceeds benefit Cystic Fibrosis.2008 saw the ride expand to a complete celebration of Memorial Weekend in Mitchell where Main Street is blocked off and events fill the streets!
Saturday, May 23rd
Sunday, May 24th

Fun for the WHOLE FAMILY!
Kids events including games, face painting, 18? slide, train rides, inflatable animal playland, big wheel races and more!

Family events including a Car, Mud Truck and Motorcycle Show (awards are given for the best in many classes!), Photo Contest, NASCAR Simulator, Hot Air Balloon Rides, LIVE Charity Auction, Silent Auction, Shopping, Food and Drink.

The Cystic Fibrosis Charity Ride leaves from the Moonlight on Main Street at 1:00 PM Saturday, Rain or Shine, Cars and Bikes welcome!


8:30 PM – JUDD HOOS BAND will be playing on stage on Main Street Saturday Night, 8:30PM to Midnight!

Sign up for the GOLF TOURNAMENT and/or attend the MUD RACES on Sunday to complete an awesome weekend.

Proceeds from the events of the weekend benefit Cystic Fibrosis.

If you?d like to attend, pre-register for the ride and/or golf tournament. Or just show up. You don?t want to miss this!

Pre-register by printing out and completing the form attached and a limited edition T-shirt designed by our own BIG JOE will be set aside just for you. He does a new design each year. They are becoming collector?s items!

HURRY! Must pre-register by MAY 11, 2009.

When you get to town, be sure to stop by the shop and see what?s new with the Klock Werks Krew!

KLOCK WERKS OPEN HOUSE Friday night, 7-9:00 PM
For a COMPLETE schedule of events and more info, visit

To learn more about Cystic Fibrosis, visit:

Hotels in town offering special rates:
Days Inn: 605.996.6208
Comfort Inn: 605.990.2400
Ramada Inn: 605.996-6501
Hampton Inn: 605-995-1575
There are great campgrounds in town as well.
Hope to see you Memorial Weekend!

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Twin Club Norrtelje Swedish Custom Bike Show–Organized by Twin Club MC, Custom Bike Show is the Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building program’s Scandinavian Championship, and is believed to be the oldest established custom motorcycle competition in the world.

This year’s one-day ride-in show will take place on June 6 in its usual location of Societets Park in Norrtelje, north of Stockholm.

The event draws large crowds on the national holiday weekend and usually sees good weather, as well as excellent support from Europe-wide parts and accessories distributors including Custom Chrome Europe, Motorcycle Storehouse, MotoSpeed and Redneck Engineering’s Sweden-based European operation.

The standard of the event reflects the tastes and styles of custom design and engineering in that part of the world, and two of last year’s winners will be in Sturgis this year, as current Scandinavian Champion Flying Choppers of Finland took third place at this year’s Official European Championship in Mainz, Germany, and last year’s third placed contestant, Lasse Sundberg, won the Bigtwin Bikeshow in Rosmalen, Netherlands, last November.

They will be joined by this year’s winner, who wins expenses towards the cost of participating in the Official World Championship on August 2-5. This is the fifth year that the event has been an Official Affiliate, and the winner’s prize (given by Twin Club MC) is worth some 5,000 euros (nearly US $6,700), with additional prizes of 1,500 euros each for second and third-placed winners to compete at the annual Official European Championship.

AMD World Championship logo

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Bassani Exhaust and Bikernet are making 2009 the year of Freedom. We want to point out freedom issues and support freedom fights. If you are in a motorcycle rights group send us a banner (500 by 100 wide). We want to support freedom fighters on Bikernet. If you’re not a member of your local rights group, step up. Now is the time!

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LEAD LAW ENFORCEMENT HELD OFF–The CPSC voted a stay of enforcement into place that effectively lifts the ban of youth-model motorcycles and ATVs on Friday, May 1, with the document being made public on Monday, May 4. The stay extends through May 1, 2011, following a unanimous vote by acting chairwoman Nancy Nord and commissioner Thomas Moore.

While this provides relief to the industry, it?s not the permanent solution. Simply put, the fight isn?t over ? it?s just a two-year timeout.

?While we applaud the CPSC commissioners? vote to stay enforcement of the law, this doesn?t solve the real issue, which is the law itself,? said AMA vice president for government relations Ed Moreland. ?Youth-model motorcycles and ATVs should be exempt from the law, and Congress needs to act to make that happen. Hopefully, this stay will give Congress the time it needs to fix this law, and we will continue to work with both legislators and our partners in the industry to make certain that it does.?

The CPSC voted on the Stay of Enforcement on May 1. The AMA, MIC and others at the forefront of this political issue on behalf of the OHV industry had yet to fully examine the 25-page document that was made public on May 4, but so far, it seems to be the relief they were hoping for.

?It would be a mistake to let our guard down and say, ?Aw, we got a two-year stay ? now let?s worry about other things,?? Hilbert said. ?My biggest concern right now is that we use those two years to get the law fixed. Now is the time to resurrect any energy that was there around those two bills and make sure that they?re brought to the floor as quickly as possible.?

–Cycle News

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BIKERNET GOVERNMENT WATCHDOG GROUP FINDINGS FOR THIS WEEK– This is going out as an example of WHY Government needs to be smaller and taxes need to be lower…. Because if they have so much of YOUR money they waste it on crap like this……. Tony C.

Feds Will Spend $400,000 to Study Drinking and Sex Habits of Homosexuals in Argentina

( ? The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is funding a study that seeks to discover a link between drinking and having sex among homosexuals in Argentina.

The study will send researchers to six bars in Buenos Aires to interview both patrons and proprietors in an effort to discover what it is about those bars that may encourage the risky behavior.

The study began on Sept. 30, 2008, and runs through Aug. 31, 2010. It already has cost taxpayers $198,776. By the time the project ends, it will have cost $403,902, according to NIH.

The grant, awarded to the New York State Psychiatric Institute, was provided by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), the division of NIH that studies the effects of alcohol and alcoholism.

The study?s primary focus is to determine the relationship among drinking, bars frequented by homosexuals, and risky sexual behavior to see if certain bars in Argentina might be good targets for HIV-prevention campaigns.

The study has six goals, including the collection of information on six specific bars in Buenos Aires; the appearance, of those bars, alcohol availability, patrons, and types of sexual behavior taking place. The study also seeks to identify which factors contribute to alcohol consumption and sexual behavior in the bars.

?The specific aims of this study are to ? 2) identify factors that contribute to alcohol use and high-risk sexual behavior in the venues,? says the abstract.

Researchers will interview 48 of the men who patronize the bars, as well as the bar staff to gather information on the types of alcohol consumed and sexual behavior engaged in.

The study is among a number funded by the NIAAA to examine the relationship between drinking and the spread of HIV, including a study of tourism, prostitution, and HIV in the Dominican Republic and another study examining drinking and HIV among prostitutes in China.

Monday, May 04, 2009
–By Matt Cover

–from Tony C.
Once a Marine… …Always a Marine OOORAHHH !!!!!

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Maybelead and strokers

SCOOTER DALLAS WEEKLY ACTION–Be sure to join us for the upcomingVictory Bike Nights with 92.5 KZPS!

We will be hosting Bike Night on the following Thursday nights:
Thursday, May 28
Thursday, June 11
Thursday, July 9

Come join us for hot girls, cold beer, and great deals on all in-stock Victory Motorcycles! Stay tuned for location information and updated event details.

Don’t get caught in the dog house this year!Let Strokers Dallas find the perfect gift for the MOM in your life!

We have plenty of ladies apparel, helmets, gloves, boots, jewelry, belts, accessories, and leathers to choose from! Tons of new Rock Steady, Lucky 13, and Strokers branded apparel is on the floor now.

Our girls will help you find the perfect size, style, and item for every MOM on your list.

strokers icehouse banner

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SEMA MOTORCYCLE WORK GROUP UPDATE–In these difficult times we are attempting to set up a Motorcycle Work Group with the encouragement of SEMA, the largest Automotive Aftermarket Support group in the world. We currently have 86 very interested members of the motorcycle world who want to be involved. Fortunately SEMA allows major manufacturers, Aftermarket manufacturers, dealers, shops, builders and individuals join their organization. We need all the support we can muster in a time of regulation over freedoms.

Here’s the latest letter to our group: Well, it’s time to move, from several perspectives. We now havethe opportunity to show SEMA that we have what it takes. SEMA has openedtheir massive Las Vegas show to power sports and motorcycle exhibits. And weare faced with many legislative objectives including:
* Smog testing motorcycles in California.
* EPA issues and their efforts to spread control.
* Growing noise issues and the MIC’s effort to develop a testing andcertification effort.

We need to find way to support our bike building industry and support themotorcycle rights community that has diligently kept us free for almost fourdecades.

First, we need to form a committee–a Custom Motorcycle WorkingGroup, and get active. Second, we need to take a vote on our missionstatement. Third, we need to decide how far to spread the membership of thisgroup.

Send me a note if you would like to be an active member of the committee.You might rate your desire on a scale from one to ten, ten being a highlyactive leader. Here is our initial mission statement. Feel free to makechanges or give me your thoughts:

Motorcycle Work Group Mission Statement

Our first and foremost goal is supporting the freedom to build and ridecustom motorcycles. Another goal is to create an active link between themotorcycle aftermarket industry and the motorcycle rights community. We willendeavor to create an ongoing communication forum and promote legislativeefforts as widely as possible. A primary objective is to provide meaningfulsolutions to industry-specific issues and challenges, thereby perpetuatingthe growth and prosperity of motorcycle aftermarket parts manufacturers.

Regarding membership we can keep this to the American V-Twin aftermarket,dealers, shops and builders, spread it to metric cruisers, or? Let me knowyour thoughts.

A final note: It’s vital that we all write California Senator Fran inopposition to motorcycle smog testing. ABATE of California, the CaliforniaDealers Association, and the MIC are working with California AssemblymanMike Duvall, who is a SEMA member and Chairman of the SEMA-sponsored StateAutomotive Enthusiast Leadership Caucus. He is currently holding up thebill. You might want to drop him a supportive note.

State Senator Fran Pavley
Capitol Office – Room 4035
Sacramento, CA 95814

We also need to discuss our next meeting. I believe we are about to facecritical times in our industry. We need to discuss how we hope to handlethese obstacles, and perhaps turn them into opportunities. I also have thenotion, although I could be wrong, that this effort with SEMA could opendoors within our industry to reach customers on the automotive side.

One more comment before I go. This industry has been my life, and I hope tohelp it stay free and vibrant. On the other hand, I’m not a control freak,except when it comes to Jack Daniels. As you respond to our agenda itemsabove, we will be looking for a working group of leaders to take on the roleof president and other leading positions, so don’t hesitate to step up. Letus know your desires and willingness to act.

Thanks, and ride forever

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paughco spacers

PAUGHCO FILLS THE SPACER GAP FOR BUILDERS EVERYWHERE–Must have item for any shop or home builder. Paughco is now offering an assortment of chrome plates steel axle spacers that will save builders a lot time and grief. Kit contains 28 pieces with 2 each of 14 different lengths from 1/4″ to 3″. Available in 3/4 and 1″ ID. Shipped in handy plastic tubes. 3/4″ $179.00. 1″ $199.00.

Paughco Banner

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Seat King Mike Corbin Set To RetireLists Manufacturing Company For Sale–motorcycle seats for 42 years, but now he?s ready to call it quits. Corbin, founder of Corbin-Pacific, one of the leading developers and manufacturers of motorcycle seats and accessories, has put the company up for sale. The details are presented here. The second part of this report includes information from a lengthy conversation I had with Corbin about how he built the company, how he sees changes in the marketing of motorcycle products, and what he plans to do in retirement.

After designing and building some of the world?s most popular motorcycle seats for more than four decades, Mike Corbin has had enough. He?s ready to retire, and he wants to sell his company, Corbin-Pacific, Inc., including its headquarters and manufacturing facility in Hollister, Calif., and its retailing facility in Daytona Beach, Fla.

He?s not going to go away entirely, though. He?s available to work with the new owner for up to two years to ensure a successful transition.

He?s listed the company with an LA sales and acquisitions firm, Business Team. Jeff Beland, executive vice president, is the contact, if you?re interested. He can be reached at (310) 539-8300 or

I spoke with Mike and Jeff this week and here?s a summary of the selling information:

Corbin Pacific, Inc. It?s listed at $11.5 million. The company develops, manufactures and markets a wide line of custom motorcycle seats and accessories. Mike Corbin founded the company and has been its resident design genius for 42 years. He holds 82 patents and has developed everything from custom leather motorcycle seats and backrests to apparel and highly stylized fiberglass fairings, bags and other accessories.

The company?s products are designed specifically for individual models of motorcycles and scooters. Corbin also produces products for the unique three-wheel BRP Spyder roadster.

Corbin maintains an inventory of more than 1,500 fiberglass seat molds for every major brand and model in street and off-road categories.

In an unusual move for this industry, Corbin has eliminated all sales to distributors and now sells directly to dealers and consumers, largely through the Corbin website.

The company generated revenues of $14.6 million in 2007 and $14.7 million last year, almost all of it through the company?s Internet website. The company lost money the last two years, but has returned to profitability this year, according to management.

Hollister, Calif., Property. It?s listed at $7.2 million. This modern 82,000 sq. ft. facility houses the company?s headquarters and main manufacturing operation; it?s where all Corbin seats and accessories are produced. Built in 1997, the building includes a restaurant, customization service area, customized wiring and an OSHA Certified work area. There?s also a showroom that presents the history of Corbin and the many products he?s invented and produced.

Ormond, Fla., Property. It?s listed at $3.2 million. The Ormond showroom is an 11,000 sq ft building designed to handle sales, marketing and product installation. The classy building serves as a showcase of Corbin products for East Coast riders. The showroom is located on Main Street in Daytona Beach, which hosts two motorcycle rallies annually and draws more than 200,000 motorcyclists.

That?s it for the sales information. Next time, I?ll write about my conversation with Mike that will touch on his future plans, his unusual marketing approach, and a bit of the history of the company and the man.


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BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER DEVELOPS 4 Snacks for Weight Loss– Eating small, healthful meals throughout the day not only helps keep blood sugar levels stable and energy levels high, but can also help prevent overeating and promote a healthy weight. Start by making your main meals smaller in size and stocking up on healthy, satisfying snack items to round out your day. Good choices include:

Fresh or lightly steamed veggies
Whole wheat pita and hummus
Seasonal fruit with low-fat yogurt and freshly ground flaxseed
Whole grain crackers with a small piece of cheese or some smoked salmon

These healthy snacks also have the added benefit of being part of the anti-inflammatory diet that I recommend, and can help reduce the incidence of inflammatory related diseases.


saxon banner

Continued On Page 3

Read More

May 07, 2009 Part 1


Maybelead and strokers


It’s Smoke Out weekend, the whole new format. Edge, the mastermind behind the garage-built grand championship, devised an evil plan. Have the Smoke Out West, just one week from the Smoke Out East. Then he came up with a cross-country run between the two. The gumball rally of rat bikes and motorcycle maniacs.

I’m dusting off my Sturgis Chopper and riding out tonight. We will attempt to bring you reports from the cross country road, so hang on. In the meantime, read the news. There’s a pop quiz at the end.

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Interview with Edge, Smoke Out Chopper Jockey Primo–Chopper & Bobber Jockeys are heading out May 8 – 9, 2008 for the annual rendezvous at Smoke Out West 10. It all begins in Cottonwood AZ and then the band of gypsies throw a leg over their steeds and ride across the country to Rockingham, NC for Smoke Out East 10.

Click here to check out Bikernet Studio.

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Bolt Logo

CALIFORNIA HELMET LAW REPORT FROM BOLT–As a result of our most recent legal actions against them, Quigley v. CHP and CHP v. Superior Court, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) has negotiated an enforcement policy change with us.

Management Memorandum 08-071 represents one of three aspects of this negotiated settlement.

The CHP petitioning of the California Judicial Counsel represents the second of the three aspects of this negotiated settlement. This resulted in the change to the Bail & Penalty schedule.

The CHP’s dropping their demand for additional court costs was the third of three aspects of this negotiated settlement.

Why did we sue the CHP?an article by Don Blanscet

What does this mean for motorcyclists in California?We don’t know the future, but we can give our opinion. It is important to note that this policy change is by the CHP and only effects their officers, but it does, in fact, reflect the changes to the Bail and Penalty schedule which sets penalties statewide. Therefore, we would expect all allied enforcement agencies to align their policy with the CHP.

However, this new CHP policy ignores the ruling from Buhl v. Hannigan, that says neither an officer nor a consumer is expected to be able to determine compliance by visual inspection, a proposition that the Buhl court said was “absurd”Note the reference in 08-071 to the phrase “obviously not a motorcycle helmet,” which assumes a visual inspection enables one to determine proper fabrication. It assumes a motorcycle manufacturer cannot fabricate a helmet that visually resembles another type of headgear.

Also ignored are the intent requirements (burden of proof on the people) established in Bianco V. CHP, which requires the following:formal determination of non compliance and proof that the rider knows their helmet is non compliant, regardless of whether LEO is writing a “fix it ticket” or a straight violation. Buhl and Bianco are still in effect and no citation should be issued without the ability to meet the requirements of Buhl and Bianco.

While we have no doubt that the CHP is stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to helmet law enforcement, we also see the good faith effort they are showing in an attempt to legally enforce a vague and ambiguous law, both as written and applied.

The new policy does take steps to minimize Rights violations by LEO, but it does not fix the problem. The only fix in our opinion would be a listof compliant helmets; thus we return to the cry: No list? No Law!The presiding Judge in Quigley v CHP did not rule that the helmet law was not vague, only that we had not presented ENOUGH EVIDENCE TO MAKE THE CASE. The vagueness issue is still viable. The Judge, on page 165 line 11 of theMAY 20 transcript states that the law needs to be “cleaned up.”

The transcripts from the May 19, and May 20, 2008 trial.

Those requirements in Buhl and Bianco are reiterated by Federal Judge Napoleon Jones in the EasyRiders v. Hannigan case.

On May 25, 1995, the district court issued its decision on Easyriders’ request for a permanent injunction. Easyriders Freedom F.I.G.H.T. v. Hannigan, 887 F. Supp. 240 (S.D. Cal. 1995). The district court found that under the California helmet law as interpreted by Buhl and Bianco, a motorcyclist wearing a helmet that does not comply with Standard 218 can violate the helmet law in two situations:

(1) where the helmet did not bear a certification of compliance at the time of sale, or
(2) where the helmet did bear a certification but
FMVSS 218 test, not to conform with
federal safety standards and
(b) the person being cited has actual knowledge of a showing of non-conformity with federal standards.

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BIKERNET UNIVERSITY HISTORY LESSON–The American people don’t get half the government they pay for. Thank God! -Will Rogers

–from James Schnarr

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NEWS RELEASE: DELUXECAM MOTORCYCLE CAMERA MOUNT NOW WITH “ULTRA-EXTENDER”–Need a PhD to get your digital or video camera mounted on your motorcycle?Not anymore!

The DeluxeCAM motorcycle camera mount pairs the eCaddy Deluxe’s extraordinary made-in-the-USA durability and grace with a PanaVise adjustable, flexible swivel camera mount. The result:

?You can mount your camera almost anywhere (e.g., round bar, flat surface, Harley controls or Gold Wing controls)
You can control every angle
The UltraSecure feature ensures your camera will never fall off
It?s easy to install and remove (no special tools necessary!)
The chrome mounting hardware looks like it belongs on your motorcycle

And now you can get even MORE shots with the ?Ultra-Extender.? This little jobbie adds 1-1/8 inch to the height of the DeluxeCAM motorcycle camera mount!

UPDATE: “Follow the Leader” Video Contest Deadline ExtendedIn order to give riders (especially those of us in the northern climates!) a little extra riding time, the contest deadline has been extended to JUNE 20, 2009.

So show us your most gnarly … most lonesome … most bizarre … most twisty … or most special riding places!

No purchase is necessary, and any camera brand/model and mounting system may be used. For complete guidelines and submission process, visit

Contact Info
–Tracey Cramer, Top Dawg
phone: 763.535.1440

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KRAWIEC RIDES V-ROD TO WIN AND POINTS LEAD AT GATEWAY–Hines Sets New National ET Record with 6.860 Blast in Qualifying.

MADISON, Ill. (May 3, 2009) ? Screamin? Eagle?/Vance & Hines rider Eddie Krawiec rode a Harley-Davidson V-Rod? to a final-round victory over Craig Treble to win the NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle eliminations at the O’Reilly NHRA Midwest Nationals at Gateway International Raceway. It was the second-consecutive NHRA event win for Krawiec, and moves the defending Pro Stock Motorcycle champion into the season points lead.

?I?m riding with a lot of confidence right now,? said Krawiec. ?I?ve got a good motorcycle, the team is making great tuning calls and I know I can win. Craig Treble is a respected veteran of this class, and to beat him you?ve got to really be on your game, so that makes this win extra-special.?

On Saturday, Screamin? Eagle/Vance and Hines rider Andrew Hines set a new national Pro Stock Motorcycle elapsed-time record with a run of 6.860 seconds at 192.14 mph and claimed the number one spot in qualifying for the O’Reilly Midwest Nationals. It was the third straight number one qualifier for Hines and the 25th of his career.

?My brother (crew chief Matt Hines) put a great tune-up in the V-Rod, and we made a nice run,? said Hines, who has now held the national ET record four different times. ?It did not feel like a record run, and I didn?t know it was that quick until they told me at the other end that I was the number-one qualifier. I don?t think we?ve held the record since 2005, so it?s good to get that back for the Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines Team.?

Krawiec qualified second with a pass of 6.907 on Friday afternoon.

Krawiec opened Sunday eliminations with back-to-back wins over Buell riders Bailey Whitaker and Shawn Gann, and then defeated NitroFish Buell rider Angie McBride with a 6.900-second pass that was the quickest ET of the day. Hines won his first-round match when David Hope?s VRoom Racing Buell broke at the starting line. A 0.007 red-light foul in the second round against Doug Horne ended the day for Hines.

Krawiec had a perfect reaction time in the semi-final round, and came close again in the final with a 0.009 start to beat Treble (0.020) off the line. Krawiec led the entire run, posting a 6.947 ET to a 6.953 for the Team Scream Suzuki of Treble.

?I had a lot of people tell me that once you get first win, they will come easy,? said Krawiec, who has won two events in 2009 after winning the 2008 championship without an event victory. ?I think it?s some vindication for the team to get these wins and take over the points lead.?

After four events on the 17-race 2009 NHRA Full Throttle Pro Stock Motorcycle schedule, Krawiec takes over first place in the standings with 341 points. Matt Smith, who lost to Treble in the second round at Madison, drops back to second place with 325 points. Hines is third with 308 points, followed by Horne with 291.

The next event on the 2009 NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle schedule is the United Association Route 66 NHRA Nationals, June 4-7 at Route 66 Raceway in Joliet, Ill.

The Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines Pro Stock Motorcycle team is sponsored by Matco Tools, Dunlop and S100.

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ENGINE WORK NEEDED BY THE LIZARD–I am hoping everything is groovy down at the ultra plush headquartersof Bikernet & that You are making headway on the vintage Racer.

Just have a small favor……. My Berry Wardlaw built Pan engine is apart, & I need to havethe Cylinders bored & Honed. Accurate engr. is swamped as usualso I just want to find a local business (so cal) that can do the job.

I am going to run Total Seal rings which require use of Torque plateswhen Honing (critical with these rings), So I need a real expert.

I figured I would contact You since You know Everyone in the Biz.

–Lizard Larry
Lawndale, Ca.

I put Larry in touch with Bennett’s Performance in Long Beach.–Bandit

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Forward Controls

BIKER?S CHOICE FORWARD CONTROLS– Biker?s Choice offers a large line of forward controls for most every year and make of H-D motorcycle. Pictured here is for the 84-99 Softail models and are proudly made in the USA. They are made of 6061 T6 aircraft aluminum and are chromed and the master cylinder is included and measures 3/4?. This particular part comes with the pegs.

For more information on these controls or our many others, please visit or visit your local Biker?s Choice Dealer.

Happy Riding!!


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MILEAGE-DRIVEN TAX GAINS NEW SUPPORT– Due to declining revenues in the Highway Trust Fund, House Transportation Secretary James Oberstar (D-MN) urged members of Congress to move quickly on legislation to tax drivers on the amount of miles driven, commonly referred to as a vehicle-miles-traveled tax or VMT. The proposal has become a major topic of discussion this year. Last month, the House Budget Committee heard testimony regarding a VMT plan and several lawmakers support the idea.

The National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission supports the VMT system to become the dominant funding measure for the Highway Trust Fund by 2020. Drivers would be charged an average of two cents per mile under the plan forcing them to confront the true cost of using our nation’s highways.

If a VMT is implemented, some experts say that Americans would drive less which would ease congested areas and benefit the environment. However, several lawmakers are concerned that privacy issues could result from the onboard device that would tally the VMT. The onboard device would ultimately allow the government to know the driver’s location. Furthermore, a flat VMT would affect rural Americans who typically drive longer distances to work.

Oberstar has indicated that the VMT system could possibly be included in the upcoming highway and transit reauthorization bill that he hopes to have on the House floor by June. He also said raising gasoline taxes may be a necessary short-term fix to fund the Highway Trust Fund. This is at odds with the Obama Administration which has reiterated its opposition to a VMT nation-wide system and raising fuel taxes during a recession.

–from Mike Colburn

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?Garage Art? original paintings of your vehicles, affordable for the times–Artist Eric Herrmann is well known for his original motorsport paintings on canvas and his highly collectable limited edition prints. For twenty years now he has elevated motorsport art to the museum and gallery level with massive canvases fetching mid five figure price tags. Well, temporarily at least, times have changed.

Always the creative one, Eric was searching for a process to create original paintings of your vehicles, with an affordable price tag. Not computer generated, or airbrush art, but an original painting done with a brush and paint. While painting some graphics on the bathroom door in my studio, I refined an old process, and developed my new line of ?Garage Art? paintings.

eric herrmann

Measuring 16? x 30?, sheet metal panels are coated with black paint in a cross hatch pattern that resembles a canvas finish. I then paint in a reverse fashion, using the black of the panel as a color. Kind of like a Velvet Elvis or Jimi Hendricks poster from the 60?s & 70?s states Eric. Once complete, the panels are clear coated and framed. Bikes, Street Rods, Race Vehicles, Boats, the list is endless. From $400.00 for an original painting to $500.00 for a work of art with your vehicle & lettering, Eric has once again created a new market for the times.

In an effort to keep the price reasonable, Eric has standardized the size and will limit the original paintings only to vehicles. Don?t ask me to paint you on your bike, or your family or pets in the background, says Eric. These are only temporary, and I may not do them forever, but I?m sure having fun with them for now, says Eric. They don?t have the detail or size of my $40,000.00 canvas works, but they are original paintings for under five hundred bucks. Send me an e mail photo of your vehicle, and within a week or two, you have an original painting from Eric.

For additional information contact Eric at (888) 200-6554 or at

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cycle source Front Cover May

The May 09? Issues of Cycle Source is on sale now–What a great issue this month. Our feature story is with Kutty Noteboom of Hippy Killer Garage and his Bottom Dollar build. This work of art is a 70?s throwback he created for his Dad, Bones, who many of you may recognize from the custom car scene. We got the low down on the Mooneyes Japan bike show from our pal, Rico Fondry and found out this may be the greatest show on earth. These cats are really livin? the culture. Rob Keller got to test dive the new S&S Cycle’s production model Knucklehead. With only 24 of these available you better get your name in the hat if you want one..

Not familiar with Cycle Source? Flip through the free digital copies of the magazine on our site. While you are there, look at the newly added photos and videos.


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Daddy’s car in the woods?– One day Little Johnny watched his daddy’s car pass by the school playground and go into the woods.

Curious, he followed the car and saw Daddy and Aunt Jane in a passionate embrace. Little Johnny found this so exciting that he could hardly contain himself as he ran home and started to tell his mother.’ Mummy, I was at the playground and I saw Daddy’s car go into the woods with Aunt Jane.I went back to look and he was giving Aunt Jane a big kiss, and then he helped her take off her shirt. Then Aunt Jane helped Daddy take his pants off, then Aunt Jane…’

At thiS point Mummy cut him off and said, ‘Johnny, this is such an interesting story, lets save the rest of it for supper time. I want to see the look on Daddy’s face when you tell it tonight.’

At the dinner table that evening, Mummy asked little Johnny to tell his story Johnny started his story,

‘I was at the playground and I saw Daddy’s car go into the woods with Aunt Jane. I went back to look and he was giving Aunt Jane a big kiss, then he helped her take off her shirt.Then Aunt Jane helped Daddy take his pants off, then Aunt Jane and Daddy started doing the same thing that Mummy and Uncle Bill used to do when Daddy was away on business trips.’

At that point Mummy fainted!

Moral: Sometimes you need to just shut the f##k up and listen to the whole story before you interrupt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

–Jim Waggaman

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GC Tee

Montana Governor Signs New Gun LawExecutive Summary ? The USA state of Montana has signed into power a revolutionary gun law. I mean REVOLUTIONARY. The State of Montana has defied the federal government and their gun laws. This will prompt a showdown between the federal government and the State of Montana. The federal government fears citizens owning guns. They try to curtail what types of guns they can own. The gun control laws all have one common goal ? confiscation of privately owned firearms.

Montana has gone beyond drawing a line in the sand. They have challenged the Federal Government. The fed now either takes them on and risks them saying the federal agents have no right to violate their state gun laws and arrest the federal agents that try to enforce the federal firearms acts. This will be a world-class event to watch. Montana could go to voting for secession from the union, which is really throwing the gauntlet in Obama’s face. If the federal government does nothing they lose face. Gotta love it.

Important Points ? If guns and ammunition are manufactured inside the State of Montana for sale and use inside that state then the federal firearms laws have no applicability since the federal government only has the power to control commerce across state lines. Montana has the law on their side.

Silencers made in Montana and sold in Montana would be fully legal and not registered.

There would be no firearm registration, serial numbers, criminal records check, waiting periods or paperwork required. So in a short period of time there would be millions and millions of unregistered untraceable guns in Montana . Way to go Montana !

–from Rodan

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H-D To Support Retail And Wholesale Lending–Harley-Davidson, Inc. and its Harley-Davidson Financial Services subsidiary have finalized agreements that, in combination with other previously completed transactions, provide the approximately $1 billion in funding capacity that the Company anticipates is needed for HDFS lending in 2009.

HDFS increased the size of an existing $500 million asset-backed commercial paper conduit facility to up to $1.2 billion, based on the level of outstanding receivables. The facility expires April 29, 2010.

Additionally, Harley-Davidson and HDFS have replaced a 364-day, $950 million bank credit facility expiring July 31 with a new 364-day, $625 million credit facility expiring April 29, 2010. Together, the two agreements provide additional available credit of up to approximately $375 million over the term of the agreements, for the lending activities of HDFS.

Early this year, the Company identified obtaining funding for HDFS lending activities as one of its strategic priorities in the current economy, and estimated HDFS’ 2009 funding needs at about $1 billion. In February, the Company completed an offering of $600 million in senior unsecured notes. First-and second-quarter 2009 dividend reductions combined are preserving about another $100 million in cash.

–from MPN mag


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D&D’s NEW 2-1 Bobcat for the 2009 XR1200 ? Improve tone and pump out the power by as much as 12% increase in horsepower and torque.

D&D?s New Concentric Flow Baffle SystemThe Bob Cat is the first D&D pipe to utilize our new Concentric Flow Baffle System technology. It delivers reduced noise, performance improvement and the enhanced tone of the Harley-rumble. The Bob Cat is the perfect aftermarket exhaust trifecta.

Part # 551-31 A ? Black pipe and end cap with aluminum sleeve.
Part # 551-31 B ? Black pipe and end cap with black sleeve.
Part # 551-31 C ? Black pipe and end cap with carbon sleeve.

XR1200 Rear


This is the footage from one of the many dyno runs conducted on the Bob Cat pipe while the system was fine tuned during design.

D&D?s Concentric Flow Baffle System will first appear on the XR1200 full system exhaust in March 2009 and will be available in all Harley models by the 3rd quarter 2009.Tested with Zippers Thunder-Max. Results with other tuners may vary.Get More Details at D&D Performance Enterprises.

–Jeff Najar

D & D Banner

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hot leather mothers

Click on the flyer above for hugs savings!

Continued On Page 2

Read More

March 5, 2009 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


AH, THE ART CORNER OF THE BIKERNET NEWS–Aziere Art Studio Presents, “Adrenalin”, Legendary Flat Track Racer Scott Parker with the First win of his nine AMA Grand National Championships.

The Original is a pastel, 15×22 available for $1000.0010 Artist Proofs are available 15×22, $110.0050 L.E. Giclee Prints available 13×20, $80.00

To obtain the Original or Print respond to email or contact Stefanie or Donnie @Aziere Art

6104 Blue Jay Blvd.
Sedalia, Mo. 65301

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BIKERNET METRIC SLOWLY WORKING TO COVER THE ENTIRE METRIC MARKET–In the next few days, Bikernet Metric will feature more on Rocky Mountain Customs. Chuck Shortt, owner, master builder and winner of the Bikernet Brouhaha for his paint, will be updating our readers on a board tracker ?thumper.? I will make sure that we follow the progress of the build which will be unveiled in Sturgis this year.

Lick?s Customs is a Sportster specialist with tons of products and accessories to add the ?ol? school? look to any bike?.however, I am going to show you some of their Limey stuff-in keeping with the Metric theme. I love a bobbed out Trumpet and they have some really cool retro stuff.

Lastly?tires tires tires and more tires. Who cares about tires, right? Well tell that to Dennis Manning, president of Bub Enterprise and land speed record holder. He has just obtained 400mph rated tread!! I am going to look at something a little more targeted at the typical rider. Tires are extremely important for what you are doing, whether it be off road, looking for a long lasting tire or something that has great grip.

At Dealer Expo, I met Duro Tires and was really impressed. I will introduce this ATV branded company and show the readers some of the streetable tires. In fact, I will probably run one on my bike and let people know what I think. I am pretty hard on tires??and speaking of hard on tires, Duro sponsors Nick Lee of the World Burnout Tour ( ).

Nick holds the world record for the longest burnout and spends his LIFE traveling around the country destroying Duro tires. Check him out online and if you are in Daytona, check him and his rig out. And tell him Wacko says hey from one burn-out to another.

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BIKERNET SPORTSTER TECH QUESTION OF THE WEEK–Here I go again, purchased a 2007 XL 883 Standard from an Army officer. He bought the bike, went to Iraq, came home and is getting married. Bike had to go, only 900 miles, 2 months left on the warranty, $5000.

First bike I have with fuel injection, I want to install a 1200 kit, any suggestions on reprogramming the fuel injection map? Any aftermarket fuel injection control modules you would suggest? I cringe at the thought of going to the H-D dealer. They know less than I do, I know I checked with them before buying the bike.

anson kids_sporty2

Attached is a photo of the kids with the bike. My son can’t wait to learn how to ride it. Crash, bang there goes a nice bike, oh well.


I could answer this question readily for a big twin. I would suggest check with Zippers.–Wrench

Zippers Banner

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DAYTONA BIKE WEEK BIKERNET DEAL OF THE WEEK–Hot bobbed 1948U, For Sale $9500.This is a 48U, fresh motor, chrome cases both engine and trans. I need to move it, deal of the week.


fat bobs card

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LETTER TO THE IRS– I am sorry to inform you that I will not be able to pay taxes owed by April 15, but all is not lost.

I have paid these taxes: accounts receivable tax, building permit tax, CDL tax, cigarette tax, corporate income tax, dog licence tax, unemployment tax, gasoline tax, hunting licence tax, fishing licence tax, waterfowl stamp tax, inheritance tax, inventory tax, liquor tax, luxury tax, medicare tax, city, school and county property tax (up 33 percent last 4 years), real estate tax, social security tax, road usage tax, toll road tax, state and city sales tax, recreational vehicle tax, state franchise tax, state unemployment tax, telephone federal excise tax, telephone federal state and local surcharge tax, telephone minimum usage surcharge tax, telephone state and local tax, utility tax, vehicle licence registration tax, capitol gains tax, lease severance tax, oil and gas tax.

When you do not receive my check April 15, just know that it is an honest mistake. Please just treat me the same way you treated Congressmen Charles Rangle, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and ex-Congressman Tom Dashelle … and, of course, your boss Timothy Geithner, No Penalties and No Interest.


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MORE GOOD NEWS FOR BIKERS FROM THE BIKERNET UNIVERSITY RESEARCH TEAM–The scientist who invented “Brain Age,” a popular mental training game for the Nintendo DS, has discovered that riding motorcycles can improve cognitive function. Ryuta Kawashima partnered with Yamaha Japan and Tohoku University to study the effects of motorcycle riding on middle-aged men, finding, “In a convenient and easy environment, the human mind and body get used to setting the hurdle low. Our final conclusion is that riding motorcycles can lead to smart ageing.”

Twenty-two men in their 40s and 50s who had motorcycle licenses but had not ridden for at least a decade were used for the study. Half were made to ride a motorcycle everyday for two months, while the other half were forbidden to. The two groups were given a series of tests before and after that period. “The group that rode motorbikes posted higher marks in cognitive function tests,” Kawashima said.One test had the group attempt to remember a set of numbers in reverse order. The motorcyclists improved their scores by more than 50% after the two months while the non-riders’ scores decreased marginally. The motorcyclists also reported making fewer mistakes at work and generally feeling “happier.”

Because riding a motorcycle requires a high level of alertness and rapid problem solving, Kawashima found, “the driver’s brain gets activated by riding motorbikes.” He went on to conclude, “Mental care is a very big issue in modern society. I think we made an interesting stir here as data showed you can improve your mental condition simply by using motorbikes to commute.”

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WindVest Motorcycle Products Announces New Windshield for Yamaha Roadliner,Windshield Keeps Wind and Debris off Rider While Complementing Bike?s Art Deco Look– Campbell, Calif.?March XX, 2009WindVest Motorcycle Products, a manufacturer of aftermarket windshields for the motorcycle and power sports industry, today announced its newest windshield for the Yamaha Roadliner. The high performing sport wind screen directs the wind out of the riders face and off their chest without without comprising the Roadliner?s art deco style.

?The Roadliner?s popularity comes from its distinctive art deco style, said Doug Dober, president of WindVest Motorcycle Products. ?Roadliner riders rarely give up styling. With our winshield, riders can have the best of both worlds, safety, comfort and the best in styling that complements their bike.?

All of WindVest?s windshields come with 60/61 precision billet machined brackets. The brackets are polished and then triple chrome plated for durability and a show-quality luster. Power coated brackets are available upon rider?s requests to further customize the windshield. WindVest?s windshields can be installed or removed in seconds.

?I have been using WindVests on my personal motorcycles for years, exclaimed Keith Ball, motorcycle journalist and publisher of ?Whether going the long haul to Sturgis or just riding around town, WindVests offer great protection from the wind and road debris and it looks great at the same time.?

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LICKS LIGHTS THE WAY–Licks pretty much drew a line in the sand when commenting ?Billet Bling Blows? and their backing it up with this extremely cooool collection of skinny scooter lighting. Unlike the overcooked heavies these units are compact, light weight and priced in a range any builder can afford. First on tap is the vintage style triangular headlight, unique nostalgia at its best. Popular back in the late 60?s early 70?s, this resurrection now features a reflector and a 60/55W halogen bulb.

On deck would be the incredibly tiny 3.5″ bucket lamp that comes complete with modern day H-4 bulbs for seriously intense lighting. Either choice is cooler than anyone?s business. Out back Licks has the whole nostalgia thing covered in spades with the classic Sparto design of yesteryear; it is now available in a unique flat lens style with chrome or black finish.

If that doesn?t light your fire the hooded taillight takes cool compact lighting to a whole new level. Coming or going Licks lights the way! Call direct to 413-663-9050 and be sure to catch their complete line up at . Dealer inquiries invited.

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PPG NAMES DOMENIC BRUSCO SENIOR MANAGER, INDUSTRY RELATIONS–STRONGSVILLE, Ohio ? March 4, 2009 ? PPG Industries announced the appointment of Domenic Brusco to senior manager, industry relations for North America Automotive Refinish effective immediately.

In this new role, Brusco will be the company?s lead liaison for industry stakeholders, including the various collision repair associations, insurance and information providers. He will work with industry leaders to identify and seek solutions to business challenges that the automotive aftermarket industry face.

Brusco joined PPG in 1988 as a refinish territory manager in Boston, Massachusetts and has held several sales and management positions of increasing responsibility, including OEM & dealer business development manager, insurance & services market manager, regional sales manager and his latest assignment as CEI insurance services director. Domenic holds a BS in business administration and computer science from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He is a member of the National Auto Body Council, Society of Collision Repair Specialists and a multi-year Gold Pin member of CIC.

Brusco and his family will continue to reside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.For more information about PPG Automotive Refinish, call 800-647-6050 or visit the website at

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Wine tasting

V-TWIN WINOS INVADE DAYTONA– Vino 100 175 S. Nova Rd, Ormond Beach Fl 32174 386-225-6495 While at Daytona Bike Week – stop by for a free wine tasting of all our current releases: V-Twin Zin, Bike Week Merlot & our old vine Poker Run Zin. We’ll have “V-Twin Vineyards Wine Rack” tank tops and t-shirts available! Stop by for some fun in the sun! Wine tasting on the following dates & times: FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 6-8 P.M. and SATURDAY, MARCH 7, NOON ? 9 P.M.

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SUBJECT: WARNING!! BIKER CHILI–We all love a good bowl of red, huh? A duded-up city rider walks into a seedy tavern in Sturgis, SD. He sits at the bar and notices a grizzled old biker with his arms folded, staring blankly at a full bowl of chili. After fifteen minutes of just sitting there staring at it, the newby rider bravely asks the old biker, ‘If you ain’t gonna eat that, mind if I do?’

The old veteran of a thousand rides slowly turns his head toward the young pup and says, ‘Nah, you go ahead.’

Eagerly, the guy wearing the shiny new leather fashions reaches over and slides the bowl into his place and starts spooning it in with delight.

He gets nearly down to the bottom of the bowl and notices a dead mouse in the chili. The sight was very shocking and he immediately barfed up the chili back into the bowl.

The old biker quietly says, ‘Yep, that’s as far as I got, too.’


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NIGHTSTER WHEELS FROM BLACK BIKE CUSTOM WHEELS–For those of you who have the fantastic new Nightster, Black Bike now offers a direct bolt on black 21 inch wheel that matches the bike and really give the look of a hard core custom bike. Our front 21 inch wheel also comes with multiple spoke patterns and a greater spoke count.

For more information on what?s available for the new Nightster call Black Bike at (818) 341-2550


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Dealer Direct

D&D DEALER DIRECT PROGRAM CONTINUES TO EXPAND–If you need performance exhaust, check for a dealer near you, or hit it to their web site for a growing list of all D&D Dealers.

1) Henley’s Kustom Painting 1310 N Capitol Indianapolis, IN 46202-2314 317-638-6257
2) Heritage H-D 2595 Ogden Ave Lisle, IL 60532 630-420-1942
3) Slammers V Twin 201 1st st Toledo, OH 43605 419-698-1826
4) Russell’s Speed Shop 230 31st St S. Birmingham, AL 35233 205-328-2119
5) Nebraska Motorcycle Parts 8415 G St Omaha, NE 68127 402-592-1780
6) Extreme Auto & Cycle 249 Greenwich Ave Stamford, CT 06902 203-324-4222
7) Binghamton Honda 120 E Service Hwy Binghamton, NY 13901 607-722-7433
8) Machine Head Cycles 174 Route 199 Red Hook, NY 12571 845-758-0088
9) Monty’s Cycle Shop 751 N. Main St West Bridgewater,MA 02379 508-583-1172
10) Industry Cycles 5805 Misson Gorge Rd San Diego, CA 92120 619-280-7433
11) Caliente H-D 7230 NW Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78245 210-681-2254
12) R & L Motorcycle Sales & Service 502 43rd St E Saskatoon, Saskatchewan CA S7K0V6 306-934-8110


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Check the feature on the home page and tempting Tory in the Cantina.

CANDYLAND FOR SALE, NO NOT THE GIRL– I am ready to have you post my bike if you could, just refer it to the feature for bike info I guess. Please list it for 20k o.b. offer.

–Big Scott

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ANOTHER DAYTONA WRAP-UP–There’s an interesting mystical factor to the whole motorcycling world. Riding and building bikes is a mentally free concept. It’s not like anything else in the world, and only a few receive the mantra of two-wheels. But once you do, it’s like a rare incurable disease. We’re bikers forever, no matter what. We’ll fight harder than any faction in society to keep riding and building custom bikes.

FactorybyDick Allen
Watch for the next Factory Racer tech next week. Thanks Dick, for this illo.

The economy can crumble, the lakes can dry up, and the oceans overflow, but we’ll still ride and build bikes. We can’t stop, and we won’t let any bastard or relationship get in the way. I spoke to a young buddy today. His wife left him with two kids and a low-paying job. Then when divorce came she turned on him like a wounded cat. He struggled to find another job, two jobs, whatever to feed his kids and survive. But what bothered him the most was their final mediation. She forced him to sell his motorcycle (a used Sportster) and give her half. That broke his heart. Here’s the kicker, she’s failed to pay child support two months in a row. I told him, “fuck it brother, you’re next bike will kick ass. Let’s get to work on it.” See, nothing’s going to stop him from riding.

Ride Forever,


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Read More

March 5, 2009 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

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EXCLUSIVE REPORT FROM 2WHEELERS DAYTONA BEACH–Well other than the COLD WEATHER , Daytona seems to be going along as usual. The weather is supposed to change tomorrow and be in the 80s the rest of the week. I am sure that will bring out the party animals who will be out checking the gals assembled along the bar to serve refreshments to all the fair weather road warriors.Everybody’s in Daytona including Russel, but where’s Bandit?

The rumors about Myrtle Beach not being held this year has brought a few more folks our way this year. I will let you know what’s up in a couple of days.

Ride Safe.


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EFI Wire Harness A 11-30-07

BRAND NEW EFI SYSTEMS FROM WIRE PLUS–Winfield, KS- Wire Plus Powersports Electronics is proud to introduce their new, Custom Kit EFI System for all motors equipped with EFI systems?both stock and aftermarket units. Wire Plus offers several simple ways to handle the electronics on these new EFI equipped projects you?re thinking about. These harnesses are available for use with stock or aftermarket ignition modules and range in use from all the stock sensors your motor was intended to use to the bare minimum of what your motor needs to run for those bare minimum customs.

These harnesses provide wiring for the ignition and motor only and can be used with any type of main wiring system. The new custom kit EFI system will work with all model bikes that come equipped with electronic fuel injection units as well for all aftermarket units that riders are changing over to. Suggested Retail: $392.00.

Wire Plus manufactures a complete line of self-diagnostic wiring systems to fit any stock or custom bike application. Some of the advantages that you get with products from Wire Plus include Solid State breaker technology (the breakers never have to be replaced) and a replaceable start relay that can be purchased at any auto parts store. Their power modules are submersible waterproof and very compact in size with harnesses that are engineered to be smaller than any other on the market. Wire Plus? main focus is on the reliability of everything that they manufacture.

For those interested in obtaining more information on Wire Plus, you can reach them at (620) 221-2417 or check them out online at or email them at

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* New Menu- for easier navigation to the areas you want.
* 2009 AMA Rules and Records listing
* Merchandise page- get the stuff you missed!
* Volunteer page- download your Volunteer staff registration form today!

AMA National Record Rules are now available for download. Please review carefully, there have been some changes. All additions.changes are marked with and * in the title of the rule.

The FIM has a whole new website, so take a moment to have a look. The WR rules are not available for download on their website so we are still awating word from the FIM regarding those World record rules. We were told that there are no significant changes to the WR rules, however it is always wise to read the lastest available rules so we will notify you via this mailing list once we have the link on our website.

The RWB rules are pending AMA authoization and should be online very soon.

We have also updated a variety of information that you are used to seeing on the website, guides, schedules, hotels, 201mph club, entry information and so on.

Of course we do have to mention that we are ALWAYS looking for volunteer staff. Our new staff page has some information if you are curious as to what you are getting into, along with a registration form to register your interest in helping make this event a success.

Entry information is available- however we will not be opening entry submissions until April 1st. Forms will be available for download, or completetion online on this date. Pre-entery discounts will apply until June 1st.Run Watcha Brung Enry will be limited to 100 entries. FIM/AMA Pre-entries will not be limited, however as with 2008, we will not guarentee that you will be able to enter onsite so be sure to get your entry in by the deadline. More details regarding entry will be posted online as we get closer to the opening date.

FIM licensing will be available BEFORE entry officially opens. If you are interested in an FIM World record attempt, please read the FIM entry information on our website, and contact BUB as soon as possible. Once the packets are available, we will mail them out to you to get started on the requirements.

So take some time now to peruse our updated website. Don’t forget to update your bookmark to the new 2009 page so you will always reach the newest information.

Of course if you have any questions please feel free to contact us.BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials
PH: 530 272 4310
FAX: 530 477 7489

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105 Anniversary Air Filter B

Wimmer Custom Cycle Introduces The 105th Anniversary Limited Edition Tribal EBS Intake–Myrtle Beach, SC- The latest introduction to the ever growing line of quality intakes from Wimmer Custom Cycle is the 105th Anniversary Limited Edition Tribal EBS intake. This CNC machined billet intake features a copper and black accent to complement these commemorative Harleys. The copper is a PVD super finish that will not mar or tarnish. Additional features include internal head breathing and an internal velocity stack to increase airflow and an oversized filter that requires no oiling.

The kit comes complete with everything required and is a very simple installation that only takes a few minutes. This intake increases performance and will fit all American V twin motors and all fuel injection including the new DBW. MSRP is $375.00

When it comes to aftermarket intakes, Wimmer Custom Cycle continually outperforms its competition. For the past 10 years, Wimmer has stayed on the cutting edge of technology, producing some of the best intakes on the market. Top custom bike builders and award winning bikes from around the globe use Wimmer intakes. All Wimmer products are proudly made in the USA.

For further information on intakes, please contact Wimmer Custom Cycle directly at 1-866-Hot Cycle (1-866-468-2925) and 215-721-4160. You can also view their complete product line at or drop them an email at Wimmer Custom Cycle, 11670 Highway 17 Bypass, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576. Dealer inquiries invited!

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Friday and Saturday was awesome. A little rain on Sunday morning and “Freezing” temps and wind that afternoon made some of the people from Canada and up north feel right at home ! Me, I was freezing my ass off! Good news, I got nicer on Monday and Tuesday and saw lots of smiles! Kind of the same vibe as this last year’s Sturgis.

I was there representing the Chopper Challenge T.V. show. The Chopper Challenge Semi and all the bikes from the show can be seen at the Battle Grounds right across from Destination Daytona and get this “FREE” bike parking, music, bars, food, bikini contest, vendors ect.


That Koseman 140-inch, 200 hp FXR gave me a woody! You should off heard it! Un-fuckin’ believable!

–Scott Long
Central Coast Cycles
Santa Cruz, CA


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Illusion Engine

ILLUSION UNVEILS 49/50 STATE EPA/CARB CERTIFIED ENGINE LINEUP– The awesome new line of Illusion engines has been a long time coming but it?s been well worth the wait. These extraordinary engines are unique in more ways than we have room to list. Available in sizes ranging from 80? to 114?, customers can custom order their iron from mild to wild and 100% EPA and CARB certified upon request. Each of the certified engines is delivered with full documentation for hassle free registration.

While numerous intake configurations are offered, all certified engines breathe through an application specific 42 mm Mikuni and custom designed, fully compliant air box. All Illusion engines retain the 80? 4.25 stroke and cylinder bore sizes vary from 3.5? to 4.125?.

Illusion cylinder heads are individually crafted to maximize the performance and reliability of that engines intended use and are fit with electronic or manual compression release valves. If you?re after a power plant that?s built to last, breathes serious fire and eliminates many of the problems encountered when registering a custom scooter, Illusion has you covered.

Suggested retail pricing starts at $5350.00. For complete details call 714-894-1942 or catch them on the Web at


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NEW DEFENDER JEANS FROM DIAMOND GUSSET–PRLog (Press Release) ? Mar 03, 2009 ? Diamond Gusset Jeans has received excellent reviews for it’s new DEFENDER Jean. The Tennessee based Jean manufacturer sold its first pair in August 2006 and has seen sales grow beyond their wildest expectations.

“Our Defender Jean is now going head to head with our most popular two basic styles, and may overtake the lead in dollar sales for the company in 2009”, says David Hall – “We haven’t scratched the surface yet, and with the resurgence in motorcycling not seen in two decades, we’re finally at the right place at the right time.”


The jean incorporates Kevlar reinforcements in both the knee and seat, as well as full protection around the hip. The company has received emails from customers touting its effectiveness. One gentleman wrote in while recovering from a recent crash to express his thanks, and his words are very convincing – “I broke a lot of bones, but I did not have any road rash and found your jeans the most comfortable I’ve ever worn, and I’d been riding over 30K per year so comfort was very important. Tell the G man to keep up the good work-” Steve

Not only do customers love the Defender jean, but all of their jeans have received compliments in both fit and comfort – and their ability to make customers comfortable with the online process is something they’ve worked hard to perfect. Another person writes in to the company to express their satisfaction with the product. ” I just received my first pair of your highly praised Defender motorcycle jeans. They arrived in only three days, from on line order, to in my hand. I ordered the same size as my most comfortable pair that I’m currently wearing ,(your recommendations). They fit perfectly. I immediately put them on and went for a ride on my Harley. I’ve never in years of riding, felt so comfortable in the “seat” area. Thanks for a truly quality product , and the super service. You’ ve got a real winner in these Defender Motorcycle pants.” Thanks again, Clint Collins.


It’s evident that the company must be doing something right. One thing they’ve managed to accomplish is staying true to their original vision of keeping it all 100%AMERICAN made. They feel that by sticking with this credo and supporting local friends and neighbors, they’ve struck a nerve with the American psyche. Jeff Hall states it this way “I honestly cannot tell you how good it feels to walk into our production facility and see all the happy smiles and feel a sense of purpose knowing we are part of the solution America is now facing. And I bet if you ask the men and women there, they’ll tell you the same exact thing.”

If you want to read more about their jeans and take one for a test drive, just visit or call them toll free at 1-888-8GUSSET.

Diamond Gussett Jeans

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mouse pad

BRAND NEW BIKERNET PRODUCT–Carpal tunnel syndrome has become a scourge among today’s active and computer literate population. Men, especially, are becoming afflicted with this serious health problem.

To help stamp out carpal tunnel syndrome, new mouse pads have been devised to assist men in their computer operations. Ergonomically-correct mouse pads such as these will enable men to avoid the pain and suffering associated with this serious health concern.

No, I don’t have the ordering information…….. yet!!!!

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COSTCO HELPS WITH THE PRICE OF DRUGS–I went to the Costco site , where you can look up any drug, and get its online price. It says that the in-store prices are consistent with the online prices. I was appalled. Just to give you one example from my own experience, I had to use the drug, Compazine, which helps prevent nausea in chemo patients.

I used the generic equivalent, which cost $54.99 for 60 pills at CVS. I checked the price at Costco, and I could have bought 100 pills for $19.89. For 145 of my pain pills, I paid $72.57. I could have got 150 at Costco for $28.08.

I would like to mention, that although Costco is a ‘membership’ type store, you do NOT have to be a member to buy prescriptions there, as it is a federally regulated substance.. You just tell them at the door that you wish to use the pharmacy, and they will let you in. (this is true)

–Sharon L. Davis
Budget Analyst
US Department of Commerce
Office Ph: 202-482-4458
Office Fax: 202-482-5480
E-mail Address:

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ProCharger Video Challenge submission deadline extended to April 30, 2009–Due to popular demand and the unusually severe winter in many parts of the country, the submission deadline for the ProCharger Video Challenge has been extended until midnight central time on Thursday, April 30, 2009.

Important Dates:
April 30th: Submission Deadline
May 15th: Finalists are Announced
May 15th to June 15th: Youtube Voting
June 17th: Winners Announced

?We?ve had a great deal of interest in the video challenge, especially when there is a $7,000 purse available to the winners,? says Jeff Lacina, ProCharger Marketing Director. ?Given the long winter much of the country has experienced, we want to make sure everyone has a chance to get out there and create their ProCharger-inspired videos. And with a new racing season just getting started and winter on the way out, there will be even more opportunities for getting the footage everyone wants to have in their videos.?

For more information, including rules & regulations, visit

ProCharger Video Challenge – Tell us YOUR ProCharger story.

It can be about anything ProCharger; from how you use your ProCharger power to what your favorite experience has been with your ProCharger supercharger, to what you would tell someone who was asking about how they can get more power for their ride. You could even create your own ProCharger commercial and tell us about your combination of power and fuel economy! Make sure the ProCharger logo is shown in the video to help show off your ProCharger pride.

Prize Money Breakdown:
1st Place: $5,000
2nd Place: $1,000
3rd Place: $500
4th Place: $300
5th Place: $200

To see some existing ProCharger videos, as well as some of the early contest submissions, visit the ProCharger Challenge Youtube page,

–Jeff Lacina
913/338-2886, x237

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sav a vet flyer

SAVE A VET POKER RUN–10 Starting Points – Choose yours, 50 Stops across 13 counties and 2 states

All ending at McHenry County Fairgrounds. Sponsored by 10 Harley Davidson Dealerships, 50 bars and many more. $20 Rider, $10 Passenger, All makes models, hot rods and similar welcome. Top 10 Prizes – Cash Payout. 1st Place $2000.00, Free Food including Pig Roast and much more. Live Bands, Raffles, Giveaways, Dunk-A-Cop, Biker Rodeo, Tattoo Artists, K9 Demos and so much more. Early Bird Register and recieve over $80 worth of cool stuff.

Go to to learn more and register.

–Danny Scheurer
Save-A-Vet nfp Inc.
815-349-9647 Office
847-400-6021 Cell

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American Thunder Promotions announces the 3rd Annual Arlen Ness Bike Show– This year the 3rd annual show will be held at a new location and on a new date. This exciting event is Saturday, April 18th from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, and Sunday April 19th, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, at the San Mateo County Event Center in San Mateo California.

The Arlen Ness show offers one of the best bike shows, parts expo and swap meet in the state of California. It also provides an opportunity to share camaraderie with other fellow bike builders, enthusiasts and friends.

The World Champion Metric builder, AFT Customs and its Yamaha Roadstar, Er Hed will be on hand. Come on by the booth and get a picture of this history-making metric and an autograph from the most award-winning metric builder in the world!

Other local celebrity builders will be in attendance including Satya Kraus of Kraus Motor Co and Kirk Taylor of Custom Design Studios..just to name a few.

In addition to the three generation of Ness custom builders, there will be a special appearance from World-Famous Donnie Smith.

Spectators and exhibitors will enjoy over 100,000 square feet of show bikes, parts, and accessories. The show also features food and refreshments on location.

So come join the action at the 3rd Annual Arlen Ness Bike Show!For more information, go to

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ORWELL IN THE NEWS AGAIN, TODAY– You were ahead of the curve with your book about Sam Orwell. Man, what is going on today makes me sick to my stomach.This is a little long and at the bottom is a link to a ?650 scientists report? disputing the man made global warming theory. I actually downloaded and printed the whole report (a few hundred pages). This global warming crap is just a tool to take away our life, freedom and liberty. Hope this finds you healthy and enjoying life.

Scientist Tells Congress: Earth in ?CO2 Famine? ?The increase of CO2 is not a cause for alarm and will be good for mankind? ?Children should not be force-fed propaganda, masquerading as science?

Washington, DC ? Award-winning Princeton University Physicist Dr. Will Happer declared man-made global warming fears ?mistaken? and noted that the Earth was currently in a ?CO2 famine now.? Happer, who has published over 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers, made his remarks during today?s Environment and Public Works Full Committee Hearing entitled ?Update on the Latest Global Warming Science.? ?Many people don?t realize that over geological time, we?re really in a CO2 famine now. Almost never has CO2 levels been as low as it has been in the Holocene (geologic epoch) ? 280 (parts per million – ppm) ? that?s unheard of. Most of the time [CO2 levels] have been at least 1000 (ppm) and it?s been quite higher than that,? Happer told the Senate Committee. To read Happer?s complete opening statement click here: [Also: See ‘Consensus’ in Collapse: Japanese scientists make ‘dramatic break’ with UN hypothesis of man-made warming! (UK Register) & $ave the Planet? ‘Four climate lobbyists for every member of Congress’ ? Number of Lobbyists Up 300% & The Year of the Man-made Global Warming Skeptic ]

?Earth was just fine in those times,? Happer added. ?The oceans were fine, plants grew, animals grew fine. So it?s baffling to me that we?re so frightened of getting nowhere close to where we started,? Happer explained. Happer also noted that ?the number of [skeptical scientists] with the courage to speak out is growing? and he warned ?children should not be force-fed propaganda, masquerading as science.? [In December, Happer requested to be added to the groundbreaking U.S. Senate Minority Report Update: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims ]

Happer was pressed by the Committee on whether rising CO2 fears are valid. ?I don?t think the laws of nature or physics and chemistry has changed in 80 million years. 80 million years ago the Earth was a very prosperous palace and there is no reason to suddenly think it will become bad now,? Happer added. Happer is a professor in the Department of Physics at Princeton University and former Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy from 1990 to 1993, has published over 200 scientific papers, and is a fellow of the American Physical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the National Academy of Sciences. Happer was reportedly fired by former Vice President Al Gore in 1993 for failing to adhere to Gore?s scientific views.

?I believe that the increase of CO2 is not a cause for alarm and will be good for mankind,? Happer told the Committee. ?What about the frightening consequences of increasing levels of CO2 that we keep hearing about? In a word, they are wildly exaggerated, just as the purported benefits of prohibition were wildly exaggerated,? he explained. ?At least 90% of greenhouse warming is due to water vapor and clouds. Carbon dioxide is a bit player,? he added. ?But the climate is warming and CO2 is increasing. Doesn?t this prove that CO2 is causing global warming through the greenhouse effect? No, the current warming period began about 1800 at the end of the little ice age, long before there was an appreciable increase of CO2. There have been similar and even larger warmings several times in the 10,000 years since the end of the last ice age. These earlier warmings clearly had nothing to do with the combustion of fossil fuels. The current warming also seems to be due mostly to natural causes, not to increasing levels of carbon dioxide. Over the past ten years there has been no global warming, and in fact a slight cooling. This is not at all what was predicted by the IPCC models,? Happer testified. [Note: See: An abundance of peer-reviewed studies continue to debunk rising CO2 fears ]

?The existence of climate variability in the past has long been an embarrassment to those who claim that all climate change is due to man and that man can control it. When I was a schoolboy, my textbooks on earth science showed a prominent ?medieval warm period? at the time the Vikings settled Greenland, followed by a vicious ?little ice age? that drove them out. So I was very surprised when I first saw the celebrated ?hockey stick curve,? in the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC. I could hardly believe my eyes. Both the little ice age and the Medieval Warm Period were gone, and the newly revised temperature of the world since the year 1000 had suddenly become absolutely flat until the last hundred years when it shot up like the blade on a hockey stick. This was far from an obscure detail, and the hockey stick was trumpeted around the world as evidence that the end was near.

We now know that the hockey stick has nothing to do with reality but was the result of incorrect handling of proxy temperature records and incorrect statistical analysis. There really was a little ice age and there really was a medieval warm period that was as warm or warmer than today,? Happer continued.

?The whole hockey-stick episode reminds me of the motto of Orwell?s Ministry of Information in the novel 1984: ?He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.? The IPCC has made no serious attempt to model the natural variations of the earth?s temperature in the past. Whatever caused these large past variations, it was not due to people burning coal and oil. If you can?t model the past, where you know the answer pretty well, how can you model the future?? he stated.

?I keep hearing about the ?pollutant CO2,? or about ?poisoning the atmosphere? with CO2, or about minimizing our ?carbon footprint.? This brings to mind another Orwellian pronouncement that is worth pondering: ?But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.? CO2 is not a pollutant and it is not a poison and we should not corrupt the English language by depriving ?pollutant? and ?poison? of their original meaning. Our exhaled breath contains about 4% CO2. That is 40,000 parts per million, or about 100 times the current atmospheric concentration. CO2 is absolutely essential for life on earth. Commercial greenhouse operators often use CO2 as a fertilizer to improve the health and growth rate of their plants. Plants, and our own primate ancestors evolved when the levels of atmospheric CO2 were about 1000 ppm, a level that we will probably not reach by burning fossil fuels, and far above our current level of about 380 ppm. We try to keep CO2 levels in our U.S. Navy submarines no higher than 8,000 parts per million, about 20 time current atmospheric levels. Few adverse effects are observed at even higher levels.?

DBW banner

Continued On Page 4

Read More

March 5, 2009 Part 2


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Laverty 1 Lo

Orient Express Sponsors Celtic Racing in American Superbike Roadracing– DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (March 3, 2009)?Extending a successful roadracing partnership, Orient Express Racing and Celtic Racing have teamed up to compete in the American Superbike class with 2007 British Supersport Champion Michael Laverty.

Orient Express, a 2009 AMA Pro Racing contingency sponsor which has specialized in developing and distributing a wide range of sportbike performance products for 36 years, is a championship-winning force in professional drag racing and the title sponsor of AMA Dragbike?s Pro Street class.

On the partnership, Orient Express proprietor Skip Dowling, says, ?We?re excited to continue our involvement in roadracing and proud to be affiliated once again with Celtic Racing as it brings new, international faces to the U.S. Superbike scene. We welcome Michael Laverty to the World Center of Racing and wish him all the best in his American adventure.?

Celtic Racing?s main mission is bringing foreign riders to America?s roadracing stage. The team helped launch the successful U.S. career of former FIM Grand Prix racer and Welshman Chaz Davies. It has also supported Kenny Noyes and Alastair Seeley in their American debuts, worked with Florida-based roadracing veteran Michael Barnes and continues to groom promising American teenager P.J. Jacobsen on both sides of the Atlantic.

Laverty, a 27-year-old Irishman, had a successful debut on Celtic?s 2008 GSX-R1000, which runs a TiForce exhaust and is race-prepped with other Orient Express products. He finished third in his first-ever race in America and at Daytona, the ASRA Team Challenge Solo class, and posted the fastest lap of the race. A native of Toomebridge, County Antrim, Laverty?s brothers Eugene and John compete in the Supersport World Championship and British Superbike Series, respectively.

International talent scout and Celtic Racing owner Barry Gilsenan is thrilled about beginning the second year of the team?s Orient Express sponsorship. He?s also confident in his promising new rider: ?I?ve watched Laverty over the years and have been impressed,? says the former racer. ?We?re glad to offer him this opportunity to show off his talents in Celtic Racing colors.?

In addition to Orient Express, Gilsenan would like to thank William Myers and Blake Kelley, from WAM Cycles, for their bike-prep help, as well as Elf Lubricants and Rich Alexander, Jr. for their support and advice.

For more information on Orient Express Racing?s products, services and race-team activities, visit or call 800/645-6521.

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MYRTLE BEACH WARS CONTINUE, MAY HARLEY-DAVIDSON RALLY TO MOVE TO N.C.– The Carolina Harley-Davidson Dealers Association is moving its May motorcycle rally to New Bern, N.C.In a press release issued this morning, the association said it had been welcomed by the mayor of New Bern and has a 40-acre site for the rally, which will take place May 15 and 16 — a shorter event than the ones that are usually held in Horry County each May and draw nearly 500,000 people.The New Bern rally will be held at the New Bern Fairgrounds at 3700 E. U.S. 70.

In the press release, Mark Cox, president of The Carolina Harley-Davidson Dealers Association said, ?We feel it is in the best interest of The Carolina Harley-Davidson Dealers Association and our customers to leave the Myrtle Beach rally venue…This new venue will allow us to get back to basics and offer our existing and new customers a rally experience they will appreciate without restrictions and with the ability to enjoy the freedom of riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.”

The dealers’ association said it had given the issue serious thought and decided to go where it would be welcomed. ?We are pleased and honored that you have chosen to hold your rally in our city, and we pledge our total cooperation in making your rally a most pleasurable and memorable occasion for all in attendance, said New Bern Mayor T.A. Bayliss III.

The dealers’ association said people can visit its Web site at for more information.

— Lorena Anderson

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MOTORCYCLING NEEDS RESPECT, THIS BILL IS CALLED, KILL A BIKER–GO TO JAIL– Last week Florida Representative Evers office filled HB 1161 as promised. This is the companion Bill to Senator Garcias SB 968which we discussed in a communication dated 02-10-09. Have yet to see the posting in the Florida State Watch area or an action alertgo out ?

Now that SB968 has a companion bill the task is going to be to get these bills heard and passed through their respective committee’s.Time is of the essence. Although we know that ABATE of Florida is working on these bills and B.O.L.T. (Bikers of Lessor Tolerance) supports them,we are concerned that the General Florida Motorcycling public is still uninformed as to the legislative status of these bills.

It is important that Florida motorcyclist contact their legislators and ask them to Vote For these bills

HB1161 by Representative Greg Evers


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BROKEN SPOKE LINE-UP FOR STURGIS– .38 Special Joins Hot Sturgis Lineup of Foghat & Kentucky Headhunters at Broken Spoke Saloon & Campground.

Sturgis, SD: .38 Special returns to Sturgis, to play at the Broken Spoke Saloon and Campground on 79 North, Thursday night August 4th. All Broken Spoke campers will get to see them for free as part of their $99 Sturgis Bike week package. ?I know .38 Special recorded an awesome live album when they were in Sturgis in ?99?, says Broken Spoke Owner Jay Allen. ?They always bring down the house and we are so excited to have them ?Back Where They Belong? – at the Spoke!?

The August 4th show, which is free to those staying at the Campground, will take place just 7 miles from downtown Sturgis on 79 North. The Broken Spoke Saloon at Sturgis County Line is a 45,000 square foot ride-thru bar, the centerpiece of the 600-acre Campground, in the shadows of Bear Butte.

.38 Special is an American rock band formed by Don Barnes and Donnie Van Zant in 1975 in Jacksonville, Florida. By the early 1980s, the band began incorporating elements of blues-rock and arena rock into their sound, kicking off a string of successful albums and singles, including ?Rocking Into the Night?, ?Hold On Loosely?, ?Caught Up in You?, ?Back Where You Belong? and countless others.

In addition to .38 Special, Foghat is scheduled to play at the Broken Spoke Campground on August 3rd and Kentucky Headhunters on August 2nd. Many more Broken Spoke Sturgis shows are to be announced. All these shows are free for those buying the camping package.

To ensure you?ll see .38 Special for free, you?ll want to book your spot at the Campground for the Sturgis Rally. Camping is available at the Broken Spoke Saloon & Campground for just $99 per person, for the entire rally. Oversized 30-amp and 50-amp RV spots are still available at 2008 prices, and private, air-conditioned cabin prices have recently been lowered.

The Campground also features the World?s Biggest Biker Pool with hot tubs, bars, bikini-clad bartenders and live music, plus the Limpnickie Lot, the Cycle Source Ride, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Moving Wall? and much more. Very few spots are left for the ?VIP 1st 500?, an exclusive pool party with food & drink, live music and celebrity guests available only to the first 500 people to book at the Campground in 2009.

Reservations can be made at and by calling 8-SPOKE-ON-79 (877- 653-6679)


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MYRTLE BEACH BIKE WEEK IS NOT MOVING– This e-newsletter is to inform all of you the Myrtle Beach Bike Week isnot moving.

The Carolina Dealers Association, which had a 10 x 30 booth to sellt-shirts at last year’s rally, announced they weren’t returning to MyrtleBeach and creating a 2-day event in New Bern, NC. This would be the 2nd year that they had abandoned the Myrtle Beach Convention Center.The Dealers Association never recognized the 10-day rally. They neverstayed more than 4-5 days. Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson is not part of the Dealers Association.

There were 400 vendors at bike week last year. The Dealers Associationnot returning is the equivalent of one bike week vendor not returning.

The fact that they are leaving has NO IMPACT on Spring Bike Week. Thedealers association has had little or no impact on the rallies for years. Bike Week is ON, May 8-17, and we look forward to you attending.

The City of Myrtle Beach has added ordinances and doesn’t want bike week. The City of North Myrtle Beach is welcoming bikers.Horry County is welcoming bikers. They have moved around some of thevending permits, but there is the same amount as last year.

All of the same great locations will be open this spring: Myrtle BeachHarley-Davidson; SBB Original; SBB 4 Corners; Beaver Bar; Broken SpokeSaloon; HB Spokes, etc…

Continue to check out, www.mbbikeweeks.blogspot.comand for the REAL FACTS AND INFO about Bike Week.


Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson
4710 S. Kings Hwy.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Click here for store hours and map.

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GRAND STRAND CITIES AID TO ATLANTIC BEACH MAY SUPPRESS BIKEFEST–ATLANTIC BEACH — In a first shift away from a 30-year tradition,Atlantic Beach officials entered an agreement Monday night with MyrtleBeach, North Myrtle Beach and Horry County that couples an array of aidfor the small town with harsh language about the future of the AtlanticBeach Bikefest.

The Town Council also voted 3-1 not to take up an operating plan for themotorcycle festival this year, drawing harsh reproach from Mayor RethaPierce.

“You just killed Bikefest,” Pierce said.

Technically, the Town Council has not yet done anything about itsBikefest, which annually draws more than 200,000 people to the GrandStrand. Town Manager Kenneth McIver said he will continue hisdiscussions with managers of the surrounding governments and bring moredetails about the partnership arrangement to Atlantic Beach’s nextmeeting.

“We are still brainstorming ways to assist the town,” McIver said. “Theyare not contracts; they are not blueprints; they are talking points.”

According to a report McIver presented to the council, the othergovernments have offered help in the following areas:Professional planners from one or more of the other entities willevaluate the town’s water, sewer and other infrastructure needs. Theyalso will help the town through its next comprehensive planning process,which state law requires to be done every 10 years.Planners will also help the town complete its zoning ordinances, aprocess begun two years ago but abandoned for lack of money.

Atlantic Beach police will be included in other agencies’ trainingprograms, and those agencies also may expand police protection inAtlantic Beach, where the four-officer department does not provide24-hour coverage.Help will be offered with code enforcement, permits and propertymaintenance.Other festivals to promote the town will be developed, and the otheragencies will help seek grants for the town.Financial assistance to reduce the town’s debt is “not off the table,”the agreement reads.

While no specific requests are made of Atlantic Beach, the Bikefestclearly will be an important part of the ongoing discussions.”The cities urge Atlantic Beach Town Council to join with them in notpromoting the Atlantic Beach Bike Festival in exchange for theassistance they will provide,” the document reads.

–By Robert Morris –

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Fly-By-Wire GripsGrips now available in chrome & black–In 2008 Harley-Davidson introduced the Fly-By-Wire electronic throttle control, standard on all Ultra Classic Electra Glide, Road King Classic and Street Glide, and optional on other touring models.

Chrome, Black, Spike or Old SchoolGrips in stock

Our interchangeable head system (patent pending) makes the electronic grip possible with more options. Metric Bike? No ProblemBig Dog Style in StockLet us know what bike you would like grips for. Cruisers & Sport bikes are available.


SASKATCHEWAN IS NOT FLAT AND BORING– While I do concede that Saskatchewan entertainment and nightlife may not be on par with such places as Calgary and Toronto, LA or New York, we are anything but flat. It may not be as awe-inspiring as the Rockies but flat? Maybe I?m jaded because I grew up farming in the rolling land of the Missouri Coteau hill range that extends across southern Saskatchewan, working land that most would deem only suitable for ranching or hill climbing.

I find that there are very few flat areas in the province, flat enough for the horizon to melt away a few miles from the road. The flattest area is probably the stretch of highway between Moose Jaw and Regina, the lakebed of ancient melting ice caps. (Yes, they?ve been melting for centuries; it?s not something new.) But even in this flat stretch of prairie you can see the cutbacks of the hills of the Coteau to the south.

No instead of being flat, Saskatchewan is made up of rolling hills and ridges, sweeping river valleys. The great aspen parkland in the centre and the thick forest of the north, part of the Canadian Shield. It is something we tend to miss as we ride, caught up in ?Born To Be Wild? running through our minds. We assume that because we are not throwing our bikes from side to side racing around corners and curves that the land must be flat and uninspiring. On the contrary, this majestic countryside gives us time to lift our eyes from the road. To see this great land around us. To become one with nature, the wind and the road and not just with the machine beneath us.

–Uncle Monkey
Southern Independent Riders

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STURGIS NICKELBACK DVD AVAILABLE– E1 Entertainment is proud to release the completely uncensored Nickelback: Live at Sturgis 2006 DVD on March 10th. This high definition DVD was filmed in front of 35,000 fans at the world-famous ?Rockin? the Rally? show in Sturgis, South Dakota, and is now being offered with unedited content as well as bonus features that include a behind-the-scenes featurette and the ?Rockstar? music video.


Accompanying the DVD is an embeddable widget with photos, a video and information on the release. I have copies for review and giveaway as well as other assets below (photos, cover art, banners, press release). Please let me know if Bikernet is interested in featuring Nickelback Live at Sturgis 2006.

Link to Widget:

Video Trailer Stream:

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WHAT IS A SWAG?–What is a swag? Swags are sleeping compartments that are quick and easy to set up, self standing, versatile, durable and convenient to carry in a vehicle, boat, on a horse or bike. Ideal for any market that involves people stopping overnight for short stays, at low cost, in areas with no or limited facilities.



The swag can be laid out on the ground, back of truck, inside a dwelling. Full setup requires a surface allowing pegs to be driven into the ground or a structure where the swag can be tied off to, eg vehicle, fence, bar tree. All swags are waterproof.

All that is required to accompany the swag is a pillow and sleeping bag as all come with a quality grade foam mattress (Lite Rider Exempt). When rolled up the swag is lightweight and very compact making it ideal for storage and cartage. It is very easy to erect and roll up can be done in 60 seconds or so.


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CLASSIC FORDS FROM OHIO COLLECTOR UP FOR AUCTION–The curtain will rise on a magnificent collection of award-winning classic Fords when RM Auctions proudly offers the distinguished Grant Oakes Ford Collection as part of our upcoming Automobiles of Amelia Island event, March 14. A renowned Ohio businessman and well-respected collector, Mr. Oakes will offer nine of his most treasured classic Fords at the event. Highlights include a rare 1932 Ford Model B-304 “Ute”, believed to be the only surviving example of the 28 originally built; and a handsome 1932 Ford Model 18 Deluxe Three-Window Coupe , which received a perfect score of 1,000 points in judging by the Early Ford V8 Club of America.


ESTEEMED SCHEMERHORN COLLECTION HEADED TO MARANELLO–RM Auctions is honored to have been chosen to present the distinguished private collection of Mr. Edgar Schermerhorn at its upcoming Ferrari Leggenda e Passione event, May 17 in Maranello, Italy. Carefully assembled over the past fifteen years, this impressive Holland-based collection spans several decades of Ferrari production and features some of the finest vintage Ferraris in existence with a particular focus on early coachbuilt models.

Highlights include: an early 1949 Ferrari 166 Inter Coupe (s/n 037S), the seventh of a total of 10 Ferraris bodied by Carrozzeria Stabilimenti; a 1952 Ferrari 212 Inter by Vignale (s/n 0287EU), which was showcased at the 40th annual Paris Motor Show in France; and a highly desirable 1965 Ferrari 500 Superfast (s/n 6043), the most expensive production car of its time and popular amongst Ferrari?s wealthiest clients.

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RM Auctions

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PERFECT CHOPPER TO BE DELIVERED TO AUCTION WINNER– The auction winner of the limited edition PERFECT CHOPPER, a custom motorcycle created by Bourget?s Bike Works in honor of the 1972 Miami Dolphins Perfect Season 17-0 team, will receive delivery of the bike on Saturday, March 7, 2009 at noon.

Dolphins Alumni, Cheerleaders and Bourget representatives will personally turn over the keys to the bike to the winner at the Bourget’s exhibit located at the Daytona International Speedway on Saturday. John and Tara Harned, of the Orlando area, won the bike with the winning bid.

This Bourget Fat Daddy motorcycle has been personally signed by each player and coach of the 1972 team. Ring of Honor member and former Dolphin, Dick Anderson, says, ?Each time I look at the PERFECT CHOPPER I find more creative details.

Creating the chopper was a special experience for Liz Hernandez, President of Chopper Zoo in Fort Lauderdale. “As a Miami native, this project has been an incredible honor allowing all of us to work with the players and coaches of the Perfect Season Team and the Miami Dolphins as a whole,” said Hernandez.

Brentton Jones, Guest Experience Department Head for the Miami Dolphins, says the collaboration between Bourget, the Perfect Team and the Dolphins was all for charity. The net proceeds of the bike auction go to the Miami Dolphins Foundation, which is dedicated to helping various non-profit organizations in South Florida, explained Jones.

The PERFECT CHOPPER was created on the Bourget Fat Daddy Chopper patented oil in the frame platform powered by a 124-INCH S&S engine, Jim’s 6-speed transmission and Primo Brute V open belt drive. The PERFECT CHOPPER was built with Bourget’s unique patented jackshaft design allowing for left side drive with center line balance for the signature Bourget ride feel. It was designed with 45 rake in the Bourget’s springer front end, 7-inch backbone stretch and 2-inch downtube stretch. The wheels are cutouts of the Miami Dolphins logo and mounted on Avon’s Venom 330mm tire on the rear and 120mm tire on the front. The seat was custom made from authentic Miami Dolphins game footballs.

Chopper Zoo, the South Florida dealer for Bourget’s Bike Works, and the Miami Dolphins invite Dolphin fans, Daytona Bike Week motorcycle enthusiasts and eclectic collectors to see this unique piece of Dolphins history. Visit and for more information.

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db welcome whiplash

MAJOR ARTISTIC COVERAGE OF DAYTONA BIKE WEEK–Weather was a drag last Sunday in Daytona so I didn’t make the trip but I’ll be at the Ironhorse on Friday!

–Whiplash Biker Photog

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THE WORLD’S FASTEST ELECTRIC VEHICLE!–In 2008, Riches Nelson Racing, a veteran land speed racing team based in San Diego, CA set a World Speed Record with an electric motorcycle first time out on the El Mirage dry lake bed. This year we are raising the bar… we will attempt to exceed 350 mph by building the fastest electric vehicle on earth. Read all about our project on our new website:

Our designers and engineers have teamed up with Southern Utah University (SUU) in an attempt to educate the general public about the performance capabilities of existing “off the shelf” green technology. There is a misconception with public opinion in regard to electric vehicles – how they are slow, unexciting, and low-performance: utilitarian at best.

We want to change this perception by showing the exciting, real world possibilites of green technology in a package people can relate to. To this end, we will be building an electric motorcycle streamliner.

Please visit our site and come back often as a lot of things are going to be happening pretty fast. Like 350 mph fast…

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ATLANTIC CITY CONTROVERSY HEATS UP– I was present at the Town of Atlantic Beach Council meeting last night. If you read the article and look at the video , Mayor Pierce and the residents do not support what?s being done. Mayor Pierce and the residents have no knowledge of this deal and the Council members did not want to discuss it and basically went behind the Mayor of Atlantic Beach and its residents back to make a deal with the City of Myrtle Beach. The Mayor and the residents welcome the rally.

At this point the rally is the least of the Town of Atlantic Beach concerns, the Town of Atlantic Beach as with any other governmental body has a chain of command and the Mayor is at the top of that chain. The City of Myrtle Beach Mayor Rhode would not allow anyone of his Council Members to go behind closed doors to discuss any type of business dealings with the City of Myrtle Beach without him as Mayor would be totally unacceptable and it?s totally unacceptable of him as a Mayor to not give the Mayor of Atlantic Beach the same respect he wants.

More importantly the Council members needs to be accountable for the respect of their Mayor to stop making secret deals and include their Town Mayor residents in anything that ultimately affect their town.

The bottom line Mayor Pierce has vowed to the Town Residents to clean up the Town and get to the bottom of all of the Town?s mishandling of finances and the Council members are fighting her every step of the way to cover up all of the wrong that they have done.

The town is definitely in need of growth and development, but any communications should include the Town of Atlantic Beach’s Mayor Pierce and its residents. The City of Myrtle Beach is using the town situation and the lack of Unity to satisfy the City of Myrtle Beach objective. Everything the City of Myrtle Beach is offering the Town of Atlantic Beach, the State of South Carolina provide.

If the Town of Atlantic Beach Council Members spend more time on unity and constructive development of it’s time, and less time not respecting Mayor Pierce as the Town ofAtlantic Beach perhaps they can collectively redevelop its Town in a positive and respectable manner, but the nature of people we spend time fighting against one another instead of building one another, which in turn builds us all.

At this point the rallies are still going on and the events will be posted very soon as they are in the final stages of finalizing the vendor contracts. .

Much Luv and Respect “Heels”
Face Down, Azz Up, Grip the Clutch and Twist the Throttle…Holla at the

–from Cindy

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burnout contest at Run 21 08

FOGHAT MYSTERY RALLY IN JULY–It’s their 10th anniversary, which is coming up this July. Their website is and their headliner is Foghat.

–Felicia Morgan


Continued On Page 3

Read More

March 5, 2009 Part 1


bikernet banner welcome


The weather cleared in Daytona, the sun warmed the sand and the party was on. While the industry tears it up on the coast I’m sanding a hardwood floor. What the hell? But no matter, we’ll bring you all the news as Bikernet’s secret agent roams the saloons and Rogue studies the use of Jack Daniels by Bike Week patrons. This weekend we will bring you the lastest 5-Ball Factory Racer mods and shots of our 23-inch Black Bike Wheels. Hang on.

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Bikes on Main 01-150

BIKERS STIMULUS IN DAYTONA–The city of Daytona Beach is looking to stimulate it?s economy to the tune of 300 Million Dollars during Bike Week and the local police seemed to be doing their part of getting some of that money as everywhere I went I saw motorcycles pulled over and blue lights flashing. I am not sure what they were being stopped for but I am just happy I was not one of them.

Shirt 01-150

The first Saturday was warm and there seemed to be a good amount of people around town. I and many others took that as a good sign of a strong turn-out. Sunday turned cold and many of those seen the day before were no longer around. The cold weather stayed and though there are motorcycles everywhere the numbers seemed down. The weather has that effect–folks stay in bars. Hopefully it will pick up some the rest of the week

There is plenty to do and see as well as parties going on. Limpnickie Lot is a place I like, and I did get to spend some time there. The lot at the race track is packed with vendors and a good turn out when I was there.

Bikes on Main 03-150

Thursday Evening will be the Biker Fusion event at the Dog House on Main Street and it is expected to be a blast. I will miss it this year as I ride to Texas Thursday morning.

Okay I know this is short but I am burning daylight and need to get on the road.


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MORE FROM THE BIKERNET CODE– Never do less than forty miles before breakfast.

If you don’t ride in the rain, you don’t ride.

A bike on the road is worth two in the shed.

Respect the person who has seen the dark side of motorcycling and lived.

Young riders pick a destination and go… older riders pick a direction and go.


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Hammock Touring Seat Cutaway


MILWAUKEE (Feb. 23, 2009) ? Long-range riders will enjoy unmatched touring comfort with the new Harley Hammock Touring Seat (P/N 53051-09, $499.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories. The Harley Hammock seat, which is original equipment on the CVO Ultra Classic Electra Glide model, features a sling-like fabric suspension system manufactured from a blend of fibers that offer flexibility and durability.

The fabric acts like a hammock, providing two inches of suspension above the seat pan, and is topped with an additional two inches of traditional foam cushioning. The internal suspension prevents ?bottoming out? and provides a 30 percent improvement in comfort and endurance by isolating the rider from harsh road conditions.

The black vinyl surface is easy to clean and maintain, and is finished with a ?Harley-Davidson? embossed script logo. The seat can be equipped with a rider backrest (sold separately) on most models. Seat width is 17.5?; passenger pillion width is 15?.

The Harley Hammock Seat fits 2008-later Harley-Davidson Touring models (except Tri-Glide). It does not fit models equipped with Passenger Grab Rail P/N 91583-99.

For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.


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You can order Orwell, click on the Black Market banner, or join the Cantina for a deal.

ORWELL MAY COME TRUE–Hey Bandit, love the site, have been a member for @ least 3 years. Just finished reading your book Orwell, simply loved it. It makes us Bikers think! Anway take a look @ this pizza ordering.. When I open this up and read it, it’s all from your book… The Future!!

Keep up the great work!!

— Captain America from the cold tundra here in Peoria IL.


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BIKERNET CODE 101 CLASS NOW IN SESSION– Moaning about the brand of free beer in a buddy’s fridge is forbidden. However complain at will if the temperature is unsuitable.

No man shall ever be required to buy a birthday present for another man. In fact, even remembering your buddy’s birthday is strictly optional. At that point, you must celebrate at a strip bar of the birthday boy’s choice.

On a road trip, the strongest bladder determines pit stops, not the weakest.

When stumbling upon other guys watching a sporting event, you may ask the score of the game in progress, but you may never ask who’s playing.

Click here to enter Bikernet free contest area and receive Bikernet Updates.

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BLAIR HOLT FIREARM LICENSING & RECORD OF SALE ACT– Very Important for you to be aware of a new bill HR 45 introduced into the House. This is the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act of 2009. We just learned yesterday about this on the Peter Boyles radio program. Even gun shop owners didn’t know about this because it is flying under the radar.

To find out about this – go to any government website and type in HR 45 or Google HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009. You will get all the information.

Basically this would make it illegal to own a firearm – any rifle with a clip or ANY pistol unless: ?It is registered ?You are fingerprinted ?You supply a current Driver’s License?You supply your Social Security #?You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing ?Each update – change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25

Failure to do so you automatically lose the right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail.?There is a child provision clause on page 16 section 305 stating a child-access provision. Gun must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18. They would have the right to come and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison.

If you think this is a joke – go to the website and take your pick of many options to read this. It is long and lengthy.

–from Cindy, Century Motorcycles

century motorcycles

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2009 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE NATIONAL MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM IN ANAMOSA, IOWA–ANAMOSA, IOWA – 2009 marks the 20th anniversary of the National Motorcycle Museum, located in Anamosa, Iowa. To commemorate the event, the museum has included a special paint design for the 2009 National Museum Motorcycle Fundraiser Bike.

The 2009 bike is a custom, modern day version of a 1955 Panhead. It has all the styling of a classic with the reliability of a modern machine. It even features some replica parts as well as modern parts to make this baby easier to start, stop, be faster and have more power!


Custom-built by J&P Cycles Bike Builder Kody Wisner, it features a P Series 93 inch engine from S&S Cycle. The 4-speed transmission is a Rev-Tech from Custom Chrome and connected to the engine by a Primo belt drive and Rivera pro clutch. The Panhead replica frame was donated by Ted?s V-Twin. These items and more were generously donated for this year?s motorcycle. In fact, this year?s support from various manufacturers has surpassed that of other years.

Paughco generously donated exhaust pipes while Jammer threw in the primary parts and Performance Machine donated hand controls and brakes. Pac-Kit Saddlebags donated a set of replica Panhead leather saddlebags. Wires Plus donated the wiring components, Auto Gem the gem lights and baby bullets and Coker, the tires. Custom Chrome additionally donated the starter, alternator and belt drive and Bikers Choice donated the front end and sheetmetal.

Paughco Banner

?Again this year we are extremely humbled to have the top names in the motorcycling industry donating products for this bike,? said John Parham, president of the National Motorcycle Museum Board of Directors. ?Without their support, this raffle would not be possible. This year?s bike is a true beauty. We?ve gone way back with this one, incorporating the technology of today with the appropriate safety measures, all while keeping the styling classic,? Parham adds.

Painted by Scott Takes and his crew at Underground Art Studios, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the bike is a wonderfully blended two-tone paint job featuring silver with red as the primary color. To further stylize the bike, an ornate silver scrolling design will be used throughout the machine. The front fender features a custom 20th anniversary National Motorcycle Museum logo. This is a bike YOU will want to win!!


Tickets are NOW available! A $5 donation gives you one entry into the drawing or donate $25 for six entries. Tickets can be ordered by sending your check to the National Motorcycle Museum at P.O. Box 405, Anamosa, Iowa 52205. An order form can also be downloaded from their website at, you can order online via electronic check or simply send in your request along with payment.

The drawing will be held on Dec. 31, 2009, and you need not be present to win.

Cruise into the National Motorcycle Museum, located in downtown Anamosa, Iowa, and experience their extensive line of over 225 motorcycles from around the world as well as thousands of photographs, posters, postcards and pieces of motorcycle memorabilia, plus a fabulous collection of antique toys.

The National Motorcycle Museum is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. For more information, contact the National Motorcycle Museum at 319-462-3925 or visit them on the web at

J&P logo

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BIKERNET TECH QUESTION OF THE WEEK– I have a 2007 XL 1200 Sportster low. I changed the springs to Progressive and went 2 inches over stock on the tubes (26.25). The stock tubes were 24.25 in length. I wanted to install 3-degree triple trees, mid-glide conversion kit on front end of this bike. I already have 2 inches over at the present on the tubes. My rake and trail on this 2007 Sportster Low from the factory was 29.6 / trail 4.70 inches.

Question: Should I use the 2 inches over stock on the fork tubes with a 3 degree triple tree? Or should I use 4 inches over stock on the fork tubes with a 3 degree triple tree? I had one guy tell me 2 inches over, and I had another tell me to go with 4 Inches over. If I go shorter ( presently 2″ overs with a 3 degree tree ) the calculator decreases the trail. If I go 4 inches over, then it increases the trail some. If the trail ends up being around 3 + inches would I be safe? Or would 3 + inches on the trail be too loose at higher speeds? (Don’t want a tank slapper). Could you give me an educated guess as to how much a 3 degree triple tree would drop my front end? Maybe an inch or a little over do you think? With a 3 degree triple tree my trail would be somewhere around 3.37 give or take a little. I would appreciate some help and expertise. The 1200 Sportster Low sets probably about 28.5 or 29 inches when in the upright postion with a rider. This measurement is from the top of the fork tube (Not the top of the fork nut) to the center of the axle. With 2 inch over stock tubes my bike with me on it has a measurement of 29.5 from the top of the fork tube to the center of the axle. My 2 inches over sets me up in the front end about an extra inch higher than the stock setup. The following is what I calculated in the calculator below.

Help, professional tips would be deeply appreciated. Thanks! Sincerely, Tom

I think it?s more of ground clearance and style consideration. Some guys always recommend against raked triple trees, but 3 degrees is minimal. So if you want the bike up in the front go for the longer front end and have the bonus of more trail. Go with the shorter front end and have the bonus of better cornering.

You might make some measurements. Check the chart below against your calculator. I picked up the Harley info on V-rods with 2 degree raked triple trees. Note the trail. The V-rod without the raked trees has 5.6 inches of trail.

Overall Width 34.50 in. (876.30 mm)
Overall Height 47.70 in. (1211.58 mm)
Ground Clearance 5 in. (127 mm)
Rake (steering head) 34?
Fork Angle 36?
Trail 4.50 in. (114.30 mm)

Check these Road King numbers:
Ground Clearance 5.10 in. (129.54 mm)
Rake (steering head) 26?
Fork Angle 29.3?
Trail 6.69 in. (169.93 mm)

These are 2009 King numbers. I just spoke to a pal back east who was talking with a custom springer manufacturer who sets his front ends up to run between 1-6 inches of trail. I like between 4-5.–Wrench

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Freedom Duals 013 low Res use

TRUE DUAL SYSTEMS FOR SOFTAILS FROM CUSTOM CHROME–This is not your average 2-into-2 exhaust system. Freedom True-Duals are the most stunning display of engineering and precision on the market, consisting of blue-proof heat-shield technology throughout the entire pipe and stainless steel hardware for muscle. Freedom also finishes every performance exhaust system with their signature show-stopping chrome plated finish or black ceramic coated on some models. ?Feel the power of Freedom? while you burn asphalt with the true duals power.

True Duals with 32? Sharktails
689788Fits all Softail? models 1997-2006$879.99
689789Fits all Softail? models 2007-2009$879.99
689810Fits all Softail? models 1997-2006 Black$1099.99
689809Fits all Softail? models 2007-2009 Black$1099.99

True Duals with 36? Sharktails
689794Fits all Softail? models 1997-2006$899.99
689795Fits all Softail? models 2007-2009$899.99

True Duals with 2.5? Slash Cut
689792Fits all Softail? models 1997-2006$938.99
689793Fits all Softail? models 2007-2009$968.99

True Duals with 2.5? Straight Cut
689790Fits all Softail? models 1997-2006$938.99
689791Fits all Softail? models 2007-2009$968.99

True Duals with 3.5?? Freedom Signature Slip-ons ?Chrome with Chrome Tips
689814Fits all Softail? models 1997-2006$989.99
689815Fits all Softail? models 2007-2009$989.99

True Duals with 3.5?? Freedom Signature Slip-ons ?Chrome with Black Tips
689813Fits all Softail? models 1997-2006$989.99
689805Fits all Softail? models 2007-2009$989.99

Note: O2 sensor port bungs installed and O2 sensor port plugs included EXCEPT on any models that come standard with O2 sensors. Bung plugs can be purchased separately CCI # 689707

Exhaust System Accessories Replacement End Caps
689708Freedom End CapChrome ? Sold each$104.99
689709Freedom End CapBlack ? Sold each$104.99
689710Racing System End Cap ?Sold each$104.99
689711Star End Cap ? Sold each$49.99
689712Sharktail End Cap ?Sold each$77.99
689713Slash End Cap ?Sold each$74.99

Quiet Baffles
689714Quiet Baffles for Liberty& Freedom Systems ?Sold in pairs$119.99
689715Quiet Baffles for RacingSystem ? Sold in pairs$119.99
689716Quiet Baffles for 4?Classic & Inverted SlashCut Systems ? Sold in pairs$119.99
689717Quiet Baffles for 2 into2 Systems ? Sold in pairs$104.99
689718Quiet Baffles for SharktailSystems ? Sold in pairs$104.99

689707O2 Sensor port plug ? Sold in pairs$15.99

CCI logo

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GERMAN WOMEN GET PREGNANT TOO– Allowedly a bit later than usual but finally here it is: The new catalogue 2009.

The reason for the delay actually is a positive one! Our leading marketing member got pregnant and unfortunately with the usual morning sickness and all. Meanwhile she is well and at home awaiting the childbirth!

A lot has happened here as well – likewise gave birth. However our birth this time is a new product for a market we admittedly have neglected a bit in the past. The Harley Davidson market!!For the Harley Rod models we designed completely new products thus the Nigh-line serial in beamless black was created for the Night Rod Special! We used the winter month and now have a product range of 37 Harley vehicles that can be supplied with our suspension!Next to the new GP steering damper there are uncountable new models that can be equipped with immediate effect. In case of any questions, don?t hesitate to contact us at anytime!

We wish you all the best for a successful season 2009 and keep well and fit!

With best regards from Germany
–Benny Wilbers

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WOMEN RIDERS NOW HIT THE DIRT FOR CANCER EFFORT–WRN editor, Genevieve Schmitt, is hitting the dirt this summer jumping right into dual sporting after 20 years of riding on the street. She’s planning on traveling miles of gravel trails in what will be a bumpy, muddy no frills camping journey to raise awareness and money for a women’s cancer charity. And she’s asking for your help in raising the $2,000 she needs to participate on this ride — all of it going to charity.

In August, Genevieve will ride nearly 500 miles of dirt trails from Rapid City, South Dakota, to Keystone, Colorado. “I’m very excited about this ride as I’ve always wanted to try dual sport riding,” said Genevieve. “My experience off road is limited so this ride will give me an opportunity to learn more while doing something good for charity.”

Genevieve will be arriving in Keystone in time for the AMA Women in Motorcycling Conference, August 19-22, 2009. She and 11 other women in the group are riding to raise money the Gynocologic Cancer Foundation through the Women’s Motorcyclist Foundation’s Adventures for the Cures ride.

Most of you probably know a woman who has shown her strength fighting a gynocological cancer. Now it’s time to show support by donating to the charity that helps find cures for these cancers. Genevieve is asking you to help her raise at least $2,000 for the Gynocological Cancer Foundation through her trip this summer. Go to to find out more about the ride and how you can donate.

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kb kimsey

KB and Lou Kimzey behind him.

SON OF LOU KIMZEY, PUBLISHER OF EASYRIDERS STILL RIDES–Good to hear from you. All is well down here in Florida. I been riding more than ever. Don’t laugh but I been riding BMW’s. The older airhead style’s. For three thousand bucks a person can get a good running bike and the fun part is they are easy to work on (when they need it, and easy to learn how to fix). I’m off to Daytona tomorrow. I guess some of the Yankees from up north have been snowbound and unable to get through the snow, but they are on their way. The tempts down here are warming and should be in the 70s for the rest of the week.

I don’t do much roaming when I get to the camps. I pretty much sit tight and visit or I hang out in the bike repair tent for those who limp into town. It is a lot like the old Harley days where we rode with little money and knew how to keep our bikes rolling.

The picture of you and Dad was a good one. Nancy was mostly responsible for the induction into the Sturgis Hall of Fame. She will probably be riding up to Sturgis for the breakfast.

I been a subscriber to Bikernet for years and I’m glad you are doing well and in the lead of the Internet publishing.I guess it is your birthday this month if I remember correctly ….. so happy birthday. Mine is to ….

–Louis Kimzey

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DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. (March 1, 2009) ? Hal?s H-D/Buell/Hal?s Speed Shop rider Dan Bilansky rode a Buell XB12R to win the Thunderbike National at the first round of the 2009 ASRA Michelin Pro Series at Daytona International Speedway. Bilansky executed a perfect last-lap drafting pass of the defending Thunderbike champion, BMW of Atlanta rider Nate Kern, to take the win.

In Championship Cup Series sprint racing on Saturday at Daytona, Bruce Rossmeyer?s Daytona Racing Buell rider Danny Eslick scored a convincing victory in Expert SuperTwins, the first Daytona victory for a rider aboard a Buell 1125R. On Sunday, Bruce Rossmeyer?s Daytona Racing Buell rider Michael Barnes, testing his injured hand in preparation for the March 6 Daytona 200, rode a Buell 1125R to second place in Expert Unlimited SuperSport.

The Thunderbike win confirmed Bilansky?s last-minute decision to make the trip from Wisconsin to race at Daytona, despite a tight budget.

?It was like d?j? vu out there, because that was exactly the same pass I made on Kern to win the Thunderbike championship at Daytona in 2006,? said Bilansky. ?And I think it was just as close, maybe half a bike length. My Hal?s Buell had the power to get the job done.?

Ray Price Harley-Davidson/Buell rider David Estok posted the fastest lap in Thunderbike qualifying with a time of 1:57.801, but was penalized three positions when his Buell XB12R was 0.7 horsepower over the class formula in post-event testing. That moved Kern to the pole with a lap of 1:58.026.

A sudden weather change on Sunday morning produced rain, dropping temperatures and high winds before the start of the nine-lap Thunderbike National. The track was mostly dry, and Estok took the lead for the first lap before retiring with a mechanical problem. Kern and Bilansky then opened a wide lead on the rest of the field.

?Nobody wants to be leading on the last lap at Daytona, and at about the mid-point of the race Kern ran way wide at the chicane to let me know it was my turn at the front,? said Bilansky. ?I let him through later, but then on lap seven I made a legitimate mistake and he got about 25 bike lengths on me and I was afraid I would lose the draft. On the last lap I had to go really deep on the brakes at turn one and at the chicane, and got back to about 10 lengths behind, which was the perfect set-up for the last lap. It was really blowing hard so he was making a big hole in the wind.?

Bilansky used that draft to accelerate past Kern and was leading by only 0.001 seconds as the pair crossed the finish line. Third place went to Hal?s H-D/Buell/Hal?s Speed Shop rider Joel Spaulding, making his Expert debut on a Buell XB12R. Spaulding ran alone in third place for most of the race. Fernando Ferreyra was fourth on a Bimota, followed by rider Sam Rozynski on a Buell, Eric Helmbach on a Honda, and Joe Rozynski on a second Buell. Ray Price Harley-Davidson/Buell rider Jordan Richardson finished eighth on a Buell.

After one ASRA Michelin Pro Series Thunderbike race, Bilansky leads the series with 35 points, followed by Kern with 31 points and Spaulding with 26 points.

The next event on the 10-race ASRA Michelin Pro Series schedule is April 25-26 at Heartland Park Topeka, in Topeka, Kan.

Buell Riders Win CCS Sprint RacesOther Buell winners in CCS sprint competition at Daytona include Ray Price Harley-Davidson/Buell rider Jordan Richardson in Amateur SuperTwins and Amateur GTO on a Buell 1125R, and Bilansky in Expert GT Lights on a Buell XB12R. Kegel H-D/Buell rider Jay Smith rode a Buell XB12R to win in Amateur Lightweight Super Sport and Amateur Lightweight GT.


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VICTORY VISION ROAD TEST FRO DOC OF HEAVY-DUTY MAGAZINE, AUSTRALIA COMING TO BIKERNET–We promised an addition to our Victory Vision article, and we deliver on our promises, even if it takes a few months. Here’s an excerpt from Doc’s 15-state road test:

I?d say that eight thousand test miles on a Victory Vision across some 15 states and through all sorts of terrain, and in all imaginable weather conditions except hurricanes and tornados ? though one of the latter came close ? somewhat qualifies me to have an opinion on the big tourer.To say that the Victory Vision ain?t your grandpa?s bagger is somewhat a statement of the obvious, but it isn?t until you put some serious miles under you that the full truth of that statement comes home.

All motorcycles, in essence, are a motor, tranny and two wheels, but how those components are arranged and how they function varies wildly.A bit over a decade or so ago I read an article that explained how Polaris, the parent company of Victory, had purchased a number of cruiser motorcycles and had experienced riders evaluating these machines various strengths and weaknesses in order to be able to come to market with a well sorted out machine.

Now, whether they took the same approach with the Vision, or just started with a squeaky clean slate I do not know. But however the Victory designers and engineers went about creating the Vision, I?d have to give them full marks for the end result. It?s not a perfect motorcycle, there?s no such thing. But damn, it comes very close in terms of both looks and function.

To be sure, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but one has to admire the sheer exuberance of the stylists, the bold and sweeping curves and angles which make this motorcycle different to all that have come before ?

Hang on for the full report in a couple of days–Bandit

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Continued On Page 2

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May 4, 2009


Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)



Despite the economy, U.S. sales of new motorcycles in 2008 still topped the one-million mark, and did so for the sixth straight year. That beats the longest run of million-plus sales ever recorded by the Motorcycle Industry Council, during the five years from 1970 to 1974. Also, scooter sales last year reached their highest annual level ever.

The MIC?s preliminary estimate for all motorcycles and scooters sold nationwide in 2008 is 1,087,000, down just 3.3 percent compared to 2007. The MIC is currently estimating 2008 scooter sales at 222,000, a new record. Back in 1992, total motorcycle and scooter sales combined were just 278,000.

?All in all, our industry has not declined as precipitously as many others,? said MIC President Tim Buche. ?Many Americans certainly want motorcycles, both for recreation and transportation. When they aren?t buying now, it?s down to personal economics, not desire.?

While total sales have declined slightly during the past two years, they are following in the tracks of some very big years. There were 1,124,000 new bikes sold in 2007. In 2006, that number was 1,190,000, the biggest year for motorcycle sales in more than three decades. The record for most new bikes sold in a year is 1.5 million, back in 1973.

Lepera Banner


A Congressional committee has passed a bill encouraging all road users to be more aware of motorcyclists and their safety, and encourages motorcyclists to take rider training and practice safe riding skills. House Resolution 269, a bill entitled “Supporting the goals of a motorcycle safety month”, received unanimous approval from members of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

The resolution is co-sponsored by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), an avid rider who is co-chair of the Congressional Motorcycle Safety Caucus, and caucus co-chair Rep. Michael Burgess M.D. (R-TX).

The measure now goes to the House floor for a full vote.



Women riders are hitting the road in record numbers, with the latest statistics showing that 12.6% of motorcyclists and scooterists are now women, a 29% increase from 2003. Now, the ladies even have their own day to kickstart the riding season!

Flagged for the first Friday of May each year, International Female Ride Day has become the globally synchronized day for women to — just ride!

Supported by the motorcycle industry around the world, it now encompasses a range of international cultures and locations including Canada, United States, South Africa, Australia, Greece and the UK to name but a few, with Poland joining in this year.

In conjunction with International Female Ride Day, Harley-Davidson Motor Co. has declared May as the first-ever Women Riders Month and has planned a series of events around the world to celebrate the ever-growing numbers of female riders hitting the highway and to encourage more ladies to take life by the handlebars.

Harley-Davidson is also encouraging women to learn to ride via either the Harley-Davidson Rider’s Edge New Rider Course or the Motorcycle Safety Foundation Basic RiderCourse training program, and is backing a Guinness World Record attempt for the number of women motorcycle riders trained in one weekend during the first weekend of May.



Most motorcycles would have to pass the same smog inspections as cars and trucks under legislation approved by a California legislative committee. SB 435, introduced by Senator Fran Pavley, passed the Senate Transportation Committee on April 14 and has been referred next to the Senate Appropriations Committee.

The measure seeks to include motorcycles in the state?s Smog Check Program beginning in 2012 and would cover about 72%of all motorcycles in the state — year 2000 and newer models with large, class-three engines.

No state currently requires motorcycles to undergo regular emissions testing, since motorcyclists in Arizona and Kentucky successfully lobbied to end such test procedures.



Combat injury or death are always possibilities in a war, but last year more U.S. Marines were killed here at home while off-duty riding motorcycles than from enemy fire in Iraq, prompting all military branches to require completion of rider training courses and mandatory personal safety equipment on and off base.

Now, in a move encouraged by military leaders at different Armed Forces bases, a bill is making its way through the North Carolina legislature that would extend the mandatory training requirement to civilians, making it tougher and more expensive to get a motorcycle license.

The legislation, Senate Bill 64, passed the State Senate on March 11. It would take effect July 1, 2010 and require would-be motorcyclists to pass a safety class before they can get a motorcycle endorsement on their licenses. The bill, which is currently pending in the state House, would also prevent riders from taking advantage of the ?perpetual? learners permit by making it valid for just 6 months with a rider having one year to get a full motorcycle endorsement or quit riding.

It’s estimated there are 48,000 motorcycle riders in the Department of the Navy, many of them choosing sport bikes which are designed for speed. Nationwide, the military lost 41 people to motorcycle crashes in fiscal 2001. That tripled to 124 in 2008.



A motorcycle rights group is demanding answers from the Washington State Patrol. During an annual rally at the Capitol this year in Olympia, a state trooper was seen on video as he recorded the license plates of those visiting their elected officials. The sergeant was seen wandering through the parking lot and using a voice recorder to take down the license plate numbers from motorcycles as their owners were inside the statehouse advocating for issues important to them.

Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) Attorney Martin D. Fox, a Seattle lawyer representing several local motorcycle groups, is spearheading an inquiry into the incident and wrote an angry letter to Governor Chris Gregoire protesting the WSP’s January 22nd surveillance activity, noting; “I may be old school, but I always thought that the Capitol was supposed to be a sanctuary for free speech and assembly, and not an opportunity for clandestine intelligence gathering on citizens trying to be involved in the political process.”

Fox, an attorney for ABATE of Washington and legal counsel for the Washington Confederation of Clubs, distributed his letter to numerous Washington media outlets, along with a DVD with images of a trooper “crawling around the bushes of the Capitol to record license plate numbers of motorcycles into his tape machine,” the letter reads.

“My concern is anyone going to the Legislature to have their views heard are being put on a list and it’s not what we do in America,” said Fox.

ABATE and the COC are awaiting a written reply. “They want to know why it was being done and where this information was going,” said Fox.



banned and their members arrested for associating with one another under new anti-bikie laws passed in response to escalating violence between rival clubs.

The New South Wales government has drawn up emergency legislation that it claims will dismantle the biker gangs and bring the violence to an end. Under the proposals, the police would be able to apply to the courts to have a motorcycle group declared a “criminal organization” and outlawed on the basis of intelligence about its alleged activities.

“The new legislation was about declaring a particular organization a criminal group, and I would say that this is a path that we will now be able to go down,” NSW Assistant Police Commissioner Catherine Burn told reporters.

The Rebels and the Comanchero, clubs that were involved in a widely reported fatal brawl at Sydney airport, are likely to be the first gangs so proscribed. Police could then arrest any member wearing gang colors or associating with other known gang members.

In the meantime, gang legislation enacted in South Australia last June to dismantle the clubs has had the reverse effect – serving to unite rival clubs. Gypsy Jokers, Hells Angels, Rebels, Finks and Descendents bike club members have, for the first time, joined together in protest against the Serious and Organised Crime Control Act, described by the government as being the toughest anti-gang law of its kind in the world.

The alliance, known as the FREE Australia Party, is only a few application process steps away from forming a legitimate political party. The party’s leader, Paul Kuhn – a committee member of the Motorcycle Riders Association of SA and a Justice of the Peace – said the group was formed because of deep concern anyone associated with a member of a club would be found guilty under the law. “The Government is now controlling and dictating relationships,” he said.



A European recycle program could turn music and movie disks into motorcycle helmets. A recycling plan proposed by the Swiss supermarket chain Migros aims to reduce the number of old CDs and DVDs landing in the regular trash by collecting and using them for an unrelated end product.

The recycling program aims to reduce the number of old CDs and DVDs destined for the dumpster. Collection points will be available across Switzerland, and they plan to shred the disks, using the resulting granular remains to make new products such as motorcycle helmets.

According to a store spokesperson, the discs contain the valuable petroleum product polycarbonate, and far too many of them end up in the normal trash. If the program is successful, an old Madonna CD or Brad Pitt movie could be made into head gear.

Dave Zein


Congratulations to Dave Zien, former Wisconsin State Senator and longtime champion of bikers? rights, for his unprecedented ride into history on April 4 as the odometer on his 1991 FXRT Harley-Davidson turned 00000 for the tenth time! Zien became the first person to ride the same Harley-Davidson motorcycle 1 million miles, which may be the most mileage on any motorcycle ever!

The feat earned him a world record from the Iron Butt Association, the international organization that oversees and governs safe, long-distance motorcycle riding challenges, which was present at Hal?s Harley-Davidson in New Berlin, WI to witness the achievement.

During his time in the saddle, Zien has collected numerous riding records, including logging 1,616 miles in 24 hours and riding 3,032 miles in 48 hours, and through 48 states in eight days. He also has gone through three engines, a couple of transmissions and too many tires to count.

The Harley-Davidson Motor Co. recognized Dave?s accomplishment by presenting him with a 2009 FLHXR in exchange for his Million Mile Bike, which is reportedly headed to the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame. The long-serving legislator is already inducted into the Motorcycle Hall of Fame for not only his riding achievements but for his motorcycle rights advocacy during his 18-year tenure in the state legislature.

During his years as a lawmaker, Zien was known for becoming the state?s first motorcycle-riding legislator. Bikers? rights got Zien involved in politics, as he founded the Wisconsin Better Bikers Association after returning from Vietnam and helped repeal the state?s mandatory helmet law. He has also served for many years on the Legislative Task Force for the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM-LTF), and has lobbied against adult helmet laws in numerous states and on the federal level. In addition to his staunch support of bikers? rights issues, as a Marine combat veteran he dedicated much of his public service to advocating for veteran?s affairs.

At last report, Dave was reluctant to leave his trusty stead behind, but as the first digits roll across his new odometer, a journey of a million miles begins anew.

QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Government can do something for the people only in proportion as it can do something to the people.”Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President


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