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Behind The Scenes–GreenPoint, New York


Everybody’s heard of Brooklyn, that part of New York that used to have a baseball team called the Dodgers. Well, that’s water under the Brooklyn Bridge so to speak.

New York has been called the City that Never Sleeps. It’s the reputed home of Batman who calls it Gotham City while Superman preferred calling it Metropolis. It’s probably the world’s most famous city, what they call “mytho-poetic” in scope, the melting pot within the melting pot of America, a veritable Tower of Babble with every country on the planet (and probably beyond) represented in its many ethnic enclaves. From posh 5th Avenue to the frazzled Bowery to the frenzy of the docks, the Big Apple is big enough for everyone to take a bite out. And to think it was bought from the natives for about $24 in beads (actually hatchets, cloth, metal pots as well as beads) by our “opportunity seeking” relatives who had an eye for real estate even 350 years ago when the Dutch settlers first named the area New Amsterdam.


By the way, today’s Wall Street got its name from a defensive wall built to protect the colonists from the indigenous peoples who probably figured out they had been fairly well ripped off. Then in 1661 when the area passed into the hands of the King of England’s brother, the Duke of York, New York was “born.” Who were the terrorist of the day?


As for the source of the name Brooklyn, one might think it had something to do with a country lane running alongside a babbling brook. Not so, it seems, rather it comes from the Dutch “Breukelen” which means “broken land” most likely referring to the rough local terrain before it was paved in concrete. Back in 1646 Breukelen was literally the first official municipality in what we now call the state of New York. At that time there were five Dutch settlements including Breukelen and one English settlement cheerfully named Gravesend. A couple centuries down the road, the two towns merged, becoming the City of Brooklyn, and in 1898 it became one of the five boroughs making up New York City.

Zeroing in still further we find a section of Brooklyn called Greenpoint aka “The Garden Spot of the World” (basically self-proclaimed).


The northernmost neighborhood in Brooklyn, it’s bordered on the south by Williamsburg at the Bushwick inlet, on the east by the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway and Bushwick, on the north by Long Island City, Queens at the Pulaski Bridge, and on the west by the East River. It’s got location, location, location, and very accessible from Manhattan but which would eventually create complications for its longtime residents.


It was this July 9, 2006, a Sunday morning, that I entered the Greenpoint time flow, all by chance, truly a stranger in a strange land, but that would quickly change. I had never heard of Greenpoint prior to the moment I stepped foot on the corner of Manhattan Avenue and Meserole. Unfamiliar with New York in general, I was even more confused to find Manhattan Ave. in Brooklyn. There was also a cross street called Nassau. But I didn’t dwell on it as I had flown the red-eye from L.A. and hadn’t slept for a couple days.


Because life as a journalist, in great part a motorcycle journalist, was not exactly a Fortune 500 paycheck occupation, I booked a room at the Greenpoint YMCA, also since I thought it was near the school, my 16-year old son, Grant, would attend during the summer. I flew to NYC to rendezvous with him and his mother who had arrived a week earlier. It looked like a straight shot from the Y to the school, at least on the MapQuest print-out. As I would not meet up with my son for several hours in downtown Manhattan, I thought I’d check into my digs and catch 40 winks.

As I struggled, sleepy-eyed, up the steps of the Y, I noticed a lot of activity, for an early Sunday morning. It seemed a street fare was setting up on Manhattan Ave. I could smell food cooking on grills and followed my nose. That nap I was thinking of… well, for the next several hours I roamed Manhattan Ave. taking in the sights, sounds, smells…Maybe it was the sleep deprivation, but suddenly I had this feeling I had been transported to Warsaw. Had I slipped into the Twilight Zone? I wasn’t hearing English, only what I realized it was Polish…a little like Russian but softer.


Then I focused on the shop signs and noticed they were in Polish. The light bulb went off (about 20 watts) and I realized I was in an “ethnic neighborhood.” It wasn’t Little Italy or Chinatown, which I knew of, and Greenpoint didn’t sound Polish, but here it was. Bottom line, I fell in love with the place and would spend the better part of three days exploring it, meeting its inhabitants, eating the food, snapping photos, and learning its history. By 1900, after an immigration influx, the majority of its residents were Polish and the area remained so for the next century. A second wave of Polish immigration took place post WWII, and a third wave after the fall of the USSR as Poland became a fully autonomous, non-Communist country in the late 1980s.

Actress Mae West and singer Pat Benatar were born in Greenpoint.


But as for my own exploration of Greenpoint, let’s start with the Greenpoint YMCA since it was to be my home base. I learn from the friendly staff that it was built in 1906. I figure there might be a 100th Anniversary Party but I didn’t see balloons. The place was a bustle of activity, people coming and going using the pool, the two gyms, the kid’s programs and the guest rooms. At about $50 a night, it was a bargain in NYC. I was expecting Spartan surroundings and I found them.

The word Gulag came to mind when I opened the green painted door of Room 312. The room was big enough for a twin bed, a metal chair and small desk, a TV and that was it. No bathroom, not even a sink. Not even on my floor. I had to climb up or down one flight of stairs to get to the restroom and showers (with a knee fresh from some surgical probings). But, joy of joys, the little air conditioner in the window was chugging away, which was a good thing since birds were dropping out of the hot and muggy sky outside. (Speaking of muggings, Mayor Rudy Giuliani really cleaned up the city and crime was in a big slump. People were walking around with baby carriages, strolling at night, a very peaceful scene. Maybe it helped that there was a very big police station, the 94th Precinct, right across the street from the Y.)

To get my Greenpoint bearings, I ventured into the offices of the Greenpoint Gazette and the Greenpoint-Williamsburg Gazette, the area’s weekly neighborhood newspapers where I was most cordially greeted by Editors Virginia Haines-Bednarek and Maria Bednarek who stopped what they were doing to reverse roles and be interviewed by me. Virginia’s mother and her partner founded the publications in 1971 and Virginia had literally grown up in the newspaper’s offices.

The editors.

She witnessed every varied changes that transpired over the last three decades of life in Greenpoint and continues to publish stories chronicling the close-knit life of its people. While the Gazette’s current issue had spots about the Cub Scout Pack 996 Annual Flea Market and a front page celebrating the local schools, there was a column about Iraq and a worrisome note about the discovery of West Nile Virus in NYC. There the food related story on recommended Best Polish Homecooking Money Can Buy…The Happy End located at Manhattan and Kent Street. As a neighborhood, Greenpoint deals with both the large and small issues, and the Greenpoint Gazette helped keep it all in perspective.


Back out on Manhattan Avenue I began my exploration on foot, taking myself wherever instinct directed. I entered shops to engage the owners in conversation included the street’s one and onlyfishing tackle store nicely called “Dream Fishing.” I couldn’t afford to buy anything, I just had to investigate such an anomaly. It was filled to the rafters with all kinds of fishing equipment and as I learned from its proprietor of some 20 years, it was a focal point for “serious fishermen.” The owner, who only wanted to be listed as Robert, decried the lack of fishing in the New York area. “Everything has a fence around it now,” he lamented. “I have to drive to Massachusetts to fish.” Up on the wall, were dozens of photos sent in by his customers showing their prize catches. Robert preferred fresh water fishing and his favorite trophy was a 35 lb. carp.

“Our niche is quality European style tackle, even though the Japanese now dominate the market.” That may be so, but Robert’s shop had a great vibe going, a real fisherman’s haven in the midst of a landlocked area.


Very well informed, particularly about Polish political history, Robert took me through the last 25 years of upheaval, especially of the financial kind, that plagued his mother country, basically explaining how its new non-communist leaders had sold it down the tubes to foreign moneymen who held the country in hock. “Money is the new form of neo-colonialism,” he observed. Various customers walking in on the conversation agreed. They also concurred that Greenpoint was unfortunately becoming “fashionable,” with wealthy people moving in from Manhattan and buying up the houses, pricing the longtime Polish residents out of the neighborhood. But they added, even though they were dispersed, Polish people came from far and wide to walk and shop along Manhattan Ave. in Greenpoint. It was a unique area and still held its Polish heart true. I learned that among the oldest businesses still in operation are the Kisza Meat Market, the Murawski Pharmacy and the Karwoski Travel Agency.


After getting recommendations from Robert and his friends as to their favorite local restaurants, I had my dinner at Johnny’s Bar and Restaurant taking their advice to try the salmon tartar (raw with onions and capers) and seared steak that was presented on a sizzling metal plate that would have set off smoke alarms in L.A. All around me, as I enjoyed the meal, Polish was being spoken; even the TV set up on the wall was turned to a Polish station, a talk show from Warsaw. The ambiance was complete. It really felt like I had finally escaped the plastic superficiality of L.A. for something, well, real, even if it had a soundtrack in Polish.


All the better.I was going to try this bakery Robert had recommended for their cheesecake,but my legs, obviously calorie conscious, set out in the opposite direction further down Manhattan where the avenue met Dwiggs St. at which point I noticed a neon sign illustrated with Monroe Shock Absorbers and the name “Matchless.“


Drawn by the motorcycle-related sign I turned the corner and lo and behold…motorcycles! A fairly ratified Triumph twin complete with dice on its side-cover and what looked like scorched paint sat in front of shop front, looking like it had been collecting dust since the 1950s. The shop was called Works Engineering and I discovered mechanics Sayre and Irving hard at work.


Sayre made his way to Greenpoint via Oregon and Washington State where he worked on older bikes. As for Irving he explained that oneday he stopped by for a battery and never left. The shop specializes in the repair and/or restoration of vintage British and European bikes and also older metric bikes (nothing newer than 1976). The shop was owned by Eric Green who was a member of the well-known vintage racing group Team Obsolete, which competes in events across the country fielding a spectrum of extremely rare machines. The outstanding racer Dave Roper is often at the controls.


In the shop’s back service area one could see older Ducati’s and a Rickman-Honda undergoing restoration, overhead the rafters hung with all kinds of vintage parts. The Triumph parked out front was a ’73, 750 owned by a guy named Bob who had stopped in for a brew at the corner watering hole, the Matchless. The bike’s gnarly looks had been enhanced by a fuel leak fire and was now under Sayre’s care as he nursed it back to health.



I learned the Eric Green and his partner had also bought the corner bar changing its name to The Matchless echoing their passion for vintage British iron. On Monday nights bikers on all kinds of machines rallied to the place to view the latest race footage, so all in all a cool gathering place what with the shop (with many vintage bikes for sale) and the watering hole that was well known for a great menu of micro-brewery offerings.


Sayre, Irving (an apprentice of sorts who was also taking automotive college classes) and I sat on the curb trying to figure out a bank of old carburetorswhile customers and the curious ambled by. Amongst the former was Buell rider Max Strum. Max is a school teacher and also a rider for 20 years who happens to get around New York on his 2005 Firebolt. “The traffic’s no problem,” he says. “Especially after I added the Jardine performance package, exhaust, ELM chip and airbox. I got 15 more horsepower. It’s the Buell’s torque and handling that does it for me and the combination of hi-tech and low-tech. Plus you don’t see too many around here. It stands out.”


Speaking of low-tech, up rides Ben Sargent on his ancient Piaggio 200cc scooter with more than 60,000 miles. “It won Best Rat Bike at the 2005Scooter Rally,” he said, laughing at the same time. “Since then someone stole my Harley saddlebags and one of the horns fell off. (The other horn is inscribed with “Juarez, Mexico” as in moo moo and not honk honk horn.) He explains that he got the scooter after two Italians left town and the apartment manager was tossing it into a dumpster.


Ben used to ride the scooter to his little restaurant located in Queens called “The Hurricane Hopeful” where he cooked his specialties, Bahamian chowders. “It’s called Hurricane Hopeful because I’m a New York surfer always hoping for waves,” says Ben. Through some misfortune his now ex-girlfriend took over the shop, but his chowder fame landed Ben a TV spot when the Food Network’s Bobby Flay challenged him to a chowder cook-off. “I cooked a chowder from eel and Monk Fish. And one from giant clams, each about a foot across. Very tasty.” The show just aired on July 13th. More info at


For more information about the shop log onto They also sell a classc shop T-shirt, one of which I bought to remind me of my fortuitous meeting with both Sayre and Irving.



As I continued my last bit of stumbling amble down Manhattan Ave., I noticed a Polish book store and in the window various DVD’s, one catching my eye was “Marz Pingwinow” or in English “March of the Penguins.” There were also souvenir license plates that stated “I Love New York” and “I Love Poland” sitting side by side, a metaphor as it were for Greenpoint. In a few more weeks I would be returning to NYC to bring my son back to L.A. from summer school. I was looking forward to introducing him to Greenpoint. There was that restaurant on Hunt and Manhattan I wanted to try…. what was its name…yeah, the Happy End.

Read More

December 17, 2009 Part 4


Continued From Page 4


Victory Cross Country Road Test on Bikernet–Large and in charge, the Victory Cross Country was designed to offer unprecedented style, comfort, performance and superior handling. Can an 800-pound hard bagger really deliver all these things? Victory says it can.

So why don?t you stick around and find out next week as Bikernet brings you an exclusive road test of Victory?s new Cross Country.


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FAMOUS JOHNNY PAG GONE–We don’t know much, except that Johnny shot himself in a Primm, Nevada Casino Hotel last weekend. His motorcycle company seemed to be doing well, and the health issues he tackled a couple of years ago seemed behind him.

Our condolences go out to his family and co-workers. We saw his display in Vegas at the SEMA show and his new China built mini-chopper line looked sharper than ever.

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bbb brawler

BRASS BALLS BRINGS BACK THE FXR– A cult classic FXR inspired bike that is the leader of the pack, with a rubber mounted power train and killer styling. This bike will handle with the best of them yet is also a convertible. Go for a day or for a week.

Limited 50 hand built for 2010. Reserve yours today. Get more information about the Brawler right here.


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ray wheeler

BIKERNET REPORTER ATTENDS AMA AWARDS BANQUET, REPORT COMING–Ray Wheeler was assigned to hone his moto-journalistic skills and attend the AMA Awards Banquet. He set two AMA Land Speed Records this year and was allowed to park his scooter in the Hard Rock Casino next to the fastest motorcycle in the world, 365 mph, built by Denis Manning of BUBS.

ray wheeler ducati

This Ducati was hand built by an inspiring college student and on display in Vegas during the banquet. Next week we will bring you Ray’s full report.

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HAULIN’ ASS NEW BIKERNET ADVERTISER–Haulen Ass is a group of riders who got tired of looking around for custom parts we really wanted and coming up with nothing. If we did find something it either required modifying it or it wasn’t American Made.

With a little engineering background (35 + yrs) and access to a state of the art manufacturing facility we started brewing up our own designs. Before we knew it other riders started asking about our custom parts and here we are today.

Our goal at Haulen Ass is to offer Innovative ? Stylish ? Practical parts & accessories that are 100% American Made! We strive to go above and beyond in creativity, quality, and superior customer service. If you ever have a question, comment, or even a complaint hit us up and we’ll help ya out.

Haulen Ass believes in supporting local business and that is why we utilize our network of American suppliers and local manufacturers. All products come from American Chomers and finishers, American Steel, and American Clothing companies.

Check out our growing line of Detachable Backrest / Sissy Bars for your Harley Davidson, Victory, and coming soon to Yamaha. You can also land yourself some pretty bad ass License Plate Mounts or Wall Mounts for your Detachable Touring Accessories.

Keep in your favorite list and visit frequently. The Haulen Ass team continues to expand our Harley Davidson Aftermarket product line and also continues to expand our partnerships with others that have the same goals.

If you have your own product idea and are looking for assistance with design or manufacturing capabilities, please contact us via our Contact Us page.

Ride Safe & Keep The Rubber Side Down

–The Haulen Ass Team
US Transportation Products (aka) Haulen Ass
554 Colfax St
Rochester, NY 14606
Contact : Jason Tuccio

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BIKERNET HISTORIAN OPENS ARCHIVES–“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” – Albert Einstein

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined.”–Patrick Henry, during Virginia’s ratification convention (1788).


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LIFESTYLE SMOKIN? DEAL AT $6,995.00!–$1,000.00 OFF! DYNA LOVERS! Take a look at this clean FXD35 Dyna SuperGlide! This bike has it all … looks, power and comfort! Features a factory 88ci fuel injected motor, six speed transmission, staggered exhaust, mid controls with forward pegs, sissy bar with padded backrest, luggage rack, engine guard and much much more! Come take a look at this one!

Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been inspected, tested and approved by a certified LifeStyle Cycles technician.

Lifestyle Cycle Banner

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Dan Gurney?s All American Racers is celebrating its 45th year in business–We would like to take this opportunity to thank our fans, friends andbusiness partners for their loyalty to our company through the decades.


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Mini Footboard

NEW HARLEY-DAVIDSON MINI FOOTBOARDS REPLACE FOOTPEGS–Add Comfort and Support to Passenger and Forward-Control Positions.

MILWAUKEE (December 18, 2009) ? The new Mini Footboard Kit (P/N 50451-09, $109.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories can be installed in place of traditional footpegs to standard H-D-style footpeg supports, and can be used in many rider and passenger applications. A little larger than a bicycle pedal, Mini Footboards can be pivoted to the best angle for maximum riding comfort, additional leg support, and to provide more options for foot location.

The sole-gripping horizontal black-rubber bands complement the mirror-chrome finish, and add vibration isolation and a rich appearance. Complete the look with Shifter Pegs and Brake Pedal Pads from the Chrome and Rubber Collection.

Mini Footboards fit most Harley-Davidson models with forward controls, but do not fit with mid-controls or with Frame Mounted Highway Pegs P/N 50855-09 and 50865-09. They also fit passenger male mount style footpeg supports on most models. See an authorized Harley-Davidson dealer for fitment details.

For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.


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THIS JUST IN, J.D. Power and Associates Reports– Customer Satisfaction with the Motorcycle Ownership Experience Improves Considerably from 2008, Reaching a Record-High Level.

Dealers Who Follow Up after a Sale May Positively Impact Overall Satisfaction with the Sales Experience

WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif.: 17 December 2009 ? Overall satisfaction with the motorcycle ownership experience increases for a seventh consecutive year to its highest level yet, according to the J.D. Power and Associates 2009 Motorcycle Competitive Information StudySM released today.

The study finds that overall motorcycle ownership satisfaction averages 838 on a 1,000-point scale in 2009, up 24 points from 2008. Satisfaction improves across all five factors measured in the study?product; quality; cost of ownership; sales; and service?with the most substantial increases occurring in the sales and service factors.

In addition, product quality has improved compared with 2008, primarily due to a decrease in the number of engine and braking/ride problems experienced. On average, the overall number of problems reported is 126 problems per 100 vehicles (PP100), which is an improvement of 26 PP100 since 2008.

?Given that industry sales are down roughly 30 percent during the past year, manufacturers are competing more than ever for every customer,? said Todd Markusic, senior director of the powersports practice at J.D. Power and Associates. ?The result of this increased competition is that the quality and performance of bikes is at an all-time high, and dealers are paying much more attention to their customers? sales and service experiences.?

The study also finds that dealers may positively impact satisfaction with the sales aspect of the ownership experience by following up with their customers after the sale. On average, the sales satisfaction score among customers who received a follow-up phone call is 170 points higher than among those who did not get a follow-up call.

?The follow-up phone call is a simple concept that may have a significant impact on customers? sales or service experiences,? said Markusic. ?While it might seem that calling customers after a visit would be standard practice for dealers, 20 percent of customers don?t receive a call after a new bike purchase and 56 percent don?t receive a call after having their bike serviced.?

Motorcycle owners who take their bike to a dealer for maintenance or repair-related service work present dealers with an opportunity to make a lasting impression, as the length of time a motorcycle is in for service greatly impacts overall service satisfaction. The average repair time for maintenance work is one day, while the typical repair takes three days to complete. Dealers who are able to complete repairs in less than three days may benefit greatly, as their customers tend to be significantly more satisfied with their service experience. The average satisfaction score among customers who have a repair completed in less than three days is 857, compared with 753 among those who receive their bike back in three days or more.

The 2009 Motorcycle Competitive Information Study, now in its 12th year, includes responses from nearly 8,000 owners who purchased a new 2009 model year on-road or dual-sport motorcycle between September 2008 and May 2009. The study was fielded August through October 2009.

From C.S. Carsten

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CUSTOM CHROME EUROPE DEALER SHOW 2010!–+ European Championship of Custom Bike Building.March 28th 2010, Phoenix-Hall, Mainz, Germany.

HOT NEWS from Custom Chrome: The US-built “40th Anniversary bikes? will premiere in Europe, starting at the 2010 CCE Dealer Show: Along with the stunning one-off custombuilt creations will be the builders: Legendary “Hot Rod? builder and motorcycle customizer COLE FOSTER, who created a unique and absolutely authentic seventies-style Chopper as it would have been state-of-the-art in 1970, founding year of CCI and US-Top-Customizer KIRK TAYLOR, who had the task to build a modern, 2010-style CCI “Birthday Bagger?. Both will be accompanied by top-photographer MICHAEL LICHTER, who photographed both bikes in California on the Road and in his studio.


40 years Custom Chrome are 40 years of great custombikes and ?parts ? more than enough reason to celebrate! In Europe, at the annual CCE Dealer Show: More than 100 superb custombikes will compete for the European Championship of Custom Bike Building and 3 tickets to the World Championship, not to mention numerous other trophys and prices.

Following the sensational performance of last year’s European competitors ? Krugger?s ?Overmile? won 3rd in the World Championship 2009 and secured another ticket to Sturgis 2010 at Faak ? some of the hottest European Custombikes ever are expected to participate. THIS is where the European Champion will be crowned! Show entries can now enter their bikes through the websites or with the link from

cci flyer

The Custom Chrome Europe team will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the brand name in style ? a high-class show event which will feature special awards and top-customizers from all over the world.


The latest updated show-information is available at the Website

AMD World Championship logo

Information and entry information for the EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP OF CUSTOM BIKE BUILDING is available at or; Contact Neil ‘ShowMaster’ Blaber –

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KEEP SANTA’S LITTLE HELPER WARM & SAFE DURING THE HOLIDAYS–Torian Chopper Leathers’ long sleeve Woman’s Race Shirt is now less than $150! Ideal for hard ridin women in warm weather and/or morning/evening riding.Our customers tell us that they use the Race Shirt when they don’t need a jacket but want full protection.

The Feel of Lamb:Our shirts are made from hand-selected goat skin. This hide provides the soft feel of lamb and the durability of cowhide in a light weight.Features 2 chest flap pockets, 2 hand warmer pockets and a full lining.Torian Chopper Leathers details are here.

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IN-N-OUT Poster

LARRY GROSSMAN ART AVAILABLE AT IN-N-OUT–Have you seen the new IN-N-OUT t-shirts I designed available at their stands?

retro visions


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Duane Ballard's Pink Taco won Best Metric

DUANE BALLARD TOOK 1ST METRIC AT DAVID MANN CHOPPERFEST–Duane Ballard took 1st Metric for his Pink Taco, a 1970 Honda. Bikes from across the board lined up in the bright sun and soggy sod at the Ventura Fairgrounds.

After a night of heavy rain, it was great to see old Sol make the party and dry things out a bit. Off in the distance, wacky winter surfers had hit the tide and rolled along the crests.

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GRAND NATIONAL ROADSTER SHOW COMING TO POMONA, Look for us in the Suede Palace– Crown deluxe ?The World?s No. 1 Underground Sunglasses?

Look forward to seeing you there, we enjoy networking with you to make this event a success, we encourage you to tell a friend, post it on any of your social networking groups, bring out a friend that?s not even in the scene and introduce them to a part of America?s Past & Present. Last years show was awesome, with different buildings hosting different era?s and lifestyles, but the coolest of all was the Suede Palace?

I?m sure that Celeste and Axel, have some really great performers planned this year along with some 1 off kustom awards?

There?s still time to do your Christmas Shopping on-line today and we will get it to you in time to place under the tree?

Please feel free to drop by our shop anytime: 1667 W. Anaheim St. Harbor City, California 90710 Ph. 310.534.0009 Hours: 10:00 am ? 4:00 pm M-F

Have a Safe and Happy Holiday?s..!

–Eddie G. – owner


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The 8th Annual – DALLAS CHOPPER SHOW & SWAP MEETSUNDAY – JANUARY 10th– ……………Judged Competition For : Manufacturer Built Choppers (Big Dog, Iron Horse, Ect) ..Shop Built Choppers (constructed by motorcycle shop) Home Built Choppers (constructed by owner)….1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place Trophys in Each Catagory – PLUS Peoples Choice Award – NO ENTRY FEE

PLUS – CARTER BLOOD CARE?S Bloodmobile will be out front to collect donationsat their MOST CRITICAL time of the year. FREE T-SHIRT & FREE SHOW ADMISSION for donorsDonor Reservations requested – contact – OR 1-800-DONATE-4

LIVE BAND !!! Everybody?s FAVORITE – Pete Barbeck & 7th Son

AND – BARGAINS !!! BARGAINS !!! BARGAINS!!!! CHEAP Leather Deals – Used Parts – Distributor ?Over-Runs? – Lifestyle Necessities – New PartsGarage ?Clean-Out?s? – Jewelry – Traveling Discounters – & Much More!!!!!!!!


LOCATION: Longhorn Ballroom, Corner of Riverview & Corinth – Take Riverview Blvd. Exit from I-30 or I-35 at Downtown Dallas & go South 5 blocks.(NOTE: Industrial Blvd?s NAME has been changed on all signs to Riverview Blvd.)

DATE: Sunday, January 10th
SHOW HOURS: 11am – 5:30pm
ADMISSION: $8 Adults, $5 5-14, Under 5 Free

254-687-9066 Office
214-428-4500 Day of Show ONLY

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NEWS FROM BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER, 4 Reasons to Eat Walnuts– A mainstay of my dietary recommendations, walnuts are an excellent choice when it comes to healthy snacking. Walnuts:

1. Are a good vegetarian source of omega-3 fatty acids, protective fats that promote cardiovascular health, help maintain optimal cognitive function, and tone down inflammation.

2. Provide heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.

3. Contain ellagic acid, an antioxidant compound that helps support a healthy immune system.

4. Yield high levels of l-arginine, an essential amino acid which promotes healthy blood pressure.

Try adding walnuts to your hot or cold breakfast cereals, eat them as a snack, use walnut oil in salad dressings, and add to pie crusts for a nutritional boost.

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Dealer Direct

D&D CONTINUES TO EXPAND DEALER NETWORK–Here are the last two weeks worth of dealers. If you’re looking for performance exhaust, check here for new D&D dealers or their website for the complete list.

1) Ray J’s Indians 527 E Union St Neward, NY 14513 315-331-1340
2) Motorcycle Collision Specialties 1460 Canal Ave Long Beach, CA 90813 562-435-3334
3) Motorsports Nation LLC 20 Excalibur Blvd Plainfield, CT 06374 860-564-4223
4) Performance Cycle 2630 Beaverdale Rd Cambridge, Ontario Canada N3H4R7 519-658-5819
5) Capital City H-D 1745 Capital Circle NW Tallasassee, FL 32303 850-205-4294
6) Harley Davidson/Buell of Vallejo 1600 Sonoma Blvd Vallejo, CA 94590 707-643-1413
7) RPM Motocycles Inc 518 SE 2nd St Gainesville, FL 32601 352-377-6974
8) Apache Motorcycles 3618 W Camelback Rd Phoenix, AZ 85019 602-973-5111
9) V-Twin Concepts 5120 US Hwy 1 Grant, FL 32949 321-327-2916
10) Abernathy Motorcycle Sales Inc 1704 West Main St Union City, TN 38261 731-885-1792
11) Twin Specialties 1911 Sego Ct Raleigh, NC 27616 919-877-9500
12) Western New York Cycle 6695 South Transit Rd Lockport, NY 14094 716-625-6111

Last weeks new dealers

1) Short T Cycle 8335- A Dixie Hwy Florence, KY 41042 859-371-1777
2) Skip Fordyce H-D 7688 Indiana Ave Riverside, CA 92504 951-785-0100
3) V-Twin Cycle 210 Gonic Rd Rochester, NH 03839 603-330-1010
4) Razee Motorcycle Center 730 Tower Hill RD N Kingstown, RI 02852 401-295-8837
5) The ride factory 2101 N 22nd St Ybor City, FL 33605 813-247-1166
6) Mid State Motorsports 1191 S. Walnut Ave Cookeville, TN 38501 931-528-5504
7) Cafe Racer 1301 Union Ave Kansas City, MO 64101 816-221-0711
8) The Little Guy Shop 117 Depot St Mansfield, TX 76063 682-518-9579
9) Budke’s H-D 695 Halligan Dr North Platte, NE 69101 308-532-4339
10) South Seas Cycle Exchange 94-896 Moloalo St Waipahu, HI 96797 808-674-6781
11) Denney’s H-D 3980 W Sunshine Springfield, MO 65807 417-882-0100
12) Motorcycles & More Inc 525 E Washington Ave Vinton, VA 24179 540-857-0707

–Jennifer Millican
D & D Performance Ent
Fx: 817-831-4260

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rob forresters bike 001

ANOTHER TEASER SHOT FROM ILLUSION CYCLE RECENT BUILD– As you can see in the attached photos, it is possible to build an outstanding looking motorcycle and still use many low-end components. A little tweek here and there and using good taste can achieve this without breaking the bank.

This build uses an Ultima motor, transmission, primary drive, and slightly modified Ultima frame. The front end is a DNA as are the wheels, The brakes stepped up with PM’s. The gas tank is a modified HD.

The seat is custom and covered by Danny Grey Seats in Santa Ana. Rear fender is a “two eight”,the fender bungs are welded in the fender and frame with hidden bolts, the “Mac 10’s”exhaust is made by Illusion, paint by Rock n Roll and California Classic to customer spec’s, the “Grip ace” system of hidden buttons on the clutch side handgrip controls all the switching functions well and looks great without the switches on the handlebars.

Call us for all your V-twin needs, parts, service, paint, fabrication, complete builds, or turn key ready to ride motorcycles

Illusion Motorsports


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Oldflathead racergirl

UNCLE MONKEY DOCTRINE TURNS ANOTHER PAGE–As of January 1st it will be illegal for drivers to talk or text on their cell phones while driving. The new law isn’t a popular one except for those who have seen first hand the effects that it can have. In my former life as a truck driver my cell phone was my lifeline. It kept me connected to dispatch and to the customers. Most importantly, it was my connection to home, to my wife, my kids, and my grandchild.

I consider myself an above average driver but there is something about holding that little cell phone that makes us all stupid. I no longer use my cell phone when driving; actually, I rarely use my cell phone at all any time. But drivers are use to the convenience of their cell phones, the constant connection to a world of stuff that is of little importance, a world of text messages, and navigations systems telling them were they are going, where they have been. It is what sets drivers apart for riders.

As my wife pointed out, riding demands all of your attention. You are simply not along for the ride but you are a part of the experience and integral part of it. Squeezing your knee to the tank, pitches the bike, press the bars and the bike turns like it is on rails. We feel the winds, smell the scents around us. Every move we make affects how the bike travels down the road. We are immersed in the sensations of all five senses.

The more you ride the more integrated into our souls it becomes. There are no cell phones, no text messages chirping, no animated voices telling us to turn here, go there. We don’t readily talk to those traveling beside us or even to those behind us. The motorcycle becomes apart of us, we apart of it. We share the experience, share the moments. It is something our caged friends will now be forced to become reacquainted with.

-bad Uncle Monkey

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BIKERNET STOCK BROKERAGE MEMO–Called my stockbroker this morning and asked him what I should be buying.

He said, “canned goods and ammunition”.


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Kentucky Motorcycle Association / K.B.A. 13th Annual Freedom Fighters Forum, January 16th, 2010– Come join us for our Annual legislative conference on issues facing motorcyclists and citizens in Kentucky and the U.S. Learn how to be an effective force for change within our government and how to make a difference. This conference is FREE and open to the public.

Where: Lake Cumberland State Resort Park in Jamestown, KY
When: 9am to 5pm Central Time
How: To get more info call 800-68-CYCLEor
Why: To protect your Freedoms and Liberty
Who: Candidate(s) for US Senate Rand Paul and Secretary of State Trey Grayson along with Congressman Hal Rogers and other speakers to be announced.

For Reservations at the hotel mention the KMA/KBA for a special room rate of $55 per night
Lake Cumberland State Resort Park
5465 State Park Road
Jamestown, KY 42629-7801
Telephone: 270-343-3111
Toll Free: 800-325-1709

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Don Whalen won 2 awards for his 1923 ACE

MOTORCYCLE CANNONBALL UPDATE–Don Whalen brought some of his antique bikes to the David Mann Chopperfest and won 2 awards for this 1923 ACE motorcycle. He has a motorcycle entered in the upcoming Motorcycle Cannonball Run, but since that run requires machines to be pre-1916, the ACE will not be one of them.



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K & G Cycles is constantly pursuing new products from unique vendors that may be too small to interest the big wholesalers and distributors but are of interest to consumers– This is what makes K & G Cycles unique from its competitors and valuable to its customers. Hoping to one day become the “” for motorcycle parts and accessories, it’s inevitable that customers will eventually realize that if K & G Cycles doesn’t have it, it probably doesn’t exist.

However, K & G Cycles’ progressive business model in no way has taken away from the personal touch that the Marakas’ find so vital in operating a successful business.

Despite warehousing products with vendors, K & G Cycles also has a 2,000 square foot custom shop that is open to customers by appointment. They currently have seven employees and are available to their customers seven days a week. They have acquired 1.7 TB of info on their product database and their web site is currently being serviced by 4 large servers. They are also members of the BBB of Kansas, SEMA and MDA.

The only factors that separate them from any brick and mortar business is their proven business model which simply results in lower prices for customers and superior customer service. K & G Cycles is proudly owned and operated by motorcyclists who are committed to bringing bikers the largest selection of quality parts at the best prices available.

If customers cannot find the parts they are looking for, the staff at K & G is always happy to help via phone, e-mail or Skype. For more information about K & G Cycles, please call (785) 542-9227 or visit them on the Web at


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amca welding

AMCA Live-blogging the Birth of a Bobber– Looking for something fun to follow on the Internet over the holidays? The Antique Motorcycle Club of America has the answer. Right now, 18-year-old Ryan Mackey, the winner of the AMCA?s Youth Program Basket-Case Contest, is building the bike of his dreams, a custom bobber based on a 1942 Harley-Davidson WLA, from the ground up. And you can follow the entire project online.

Mackey was chosen as the winner in the AMCA contest, which attracted 90 entries from young antique-bike enthusiasts (aged 18 to 25) across the country. His prize was a collection of parts that could be turned into a authentic Harley bobber, the stripped-down style of custom motorcycles popular with servicemen returning home to America after World War II. Plus, Mackey won the opportunity to build that bike under the direction of some of the most knowledgeable experts in the field.

Right now, while Mackey is on winter break from paramedic school, he?s at Carl?s Cycle Supply in Aberdeen, South Dakota, tackling chassis and sheet-metal work under the guidance of Matt Olsen, the AMCA?s youth coordinator. And you can follow along in a special thread established to cover the project in the forum area of the AMCA website.

You?ll be able to see the entire process of restoring, refitting and reassembling the hundreds of parts that make up this classic machine, all through the eyes of a novice builder. Watch as he learns how to turn the pile of parts donated by AMCA members into a running motorcycle. And who knows? You might even learn a few bike-building tricks yourself.

The winter phase of the Bobber Build will continue through January 17, with updates daily (and sometimes more frequently). The next marathon work week will take place during Ryan’s spring break, when he?ll travel to North Carolina to work on the engine and transmission at Dale Walksler?s famed Wheels Through Time Museum. Final assembly of the project bike will take place sometime in late July or early August.

You can follow the entire adventure at! Just click on the ?Birth of a Bobber? link on the home page.

The Antique Motorcycle Club of America is the nation?s largest organization for vintage-bike enthusiasts. Its sister organization, the AMCA Foundation, is dedicated to preserving the history of motorcycles and educating the public about the heritage of motorcycling. For more information, visit .


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BRASS BALLS BOBBERS ANNOUNCEMENT–Awarded Top 10 Production Bike 2009 by V-Twin & Easyriders magazines and recognized by Barnett’s magazine as one of the best bikes for the money. Loaded with high quality American components at a great value.

from $15,995

As of January 1, 2010 price will jump one grand. Better move quick!


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Oldflathead racer

THERE YOU HAVE IT–Hope your intrepid attitude is keeping your holiday spirit level strong and warm. It’s a strange one, that’s for sure. We drew straws for giving gifts, so as a clan we just bought one gift each. Sin Wu is going to receive the hand made quilt the Rollin Sixes family created to raise postage funds to ship gifts to the troops. We won the E-bay auction effort.


We do our best not to light the heater until our teeth rattle, and we’re still trying to sell the Shrunken FXR and one Shovelhead, the 1928.

Shrunken FXR

I’ve tried to reach out to help a couple of brothers get jobs and was successful on a couple of occasions. Our Bonneville effort will kick off in a couple of weeks with a report on the Bonne Belle and a detailed 2010 overview. We even offered to build a Bonneville racer for Victory.


We may limit some event travel next year and create a Too Broke for Sturgis Run to Salome, Arizona. I’ve been threatened to make the Horse Smoke Out cross country ride, but we’ll see how book sales roll, once I have the first shipment in hand. We may start our sales effort as soon as George finishes the cover art.


It’s easy for us to play the depression era blues 78 record. Sin Wu grew up in the San Pedro projects, and I came from Depression Era folks. So we know how to curb spending and watch our backs through the tough times. On the other hand the economy may kick up next year and we can party once more. I have a lot of faith in American drive and innovation, plus the pure desire to make shit happen.

Ride Forever,



Read More

December 17, 2009 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

hl daytona logo

HOT LEATHERS to Feature Multiple Vendor Locations at Daytona Bike Week–MANCHESTER, CONN (December 16, 2009) -Wherever you find yourself during Daytona Bike Week, February 26- March 7 in Daytona Beach, a Hot Leathers location is sure to be nearby. The premier purveyor of motorcycle apparel and accessories is proud to feature multiple locations during this year’s infamous rally. Rally-goers will be able to choose from Hot Leathers locations on Main Street to a number of strategically located spots at the Daytona International Speedway and the Cabbage Patch.

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Customers will be able to purchase from a significant selection of t-shirts, hats and other miscellaneous products for men, women, and children. Known for offering the best selection of motorcycle merchandise in stores, online and on the road, Hot Leathers is proud to showcase their quality products during Daytona Bike Week.

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“We’re excited to be kicking off our 2010 rally season in the great city of Daytona this year, we have some great new designs and products so we hope to see everyone down there!” said Andy George, Retail Operations Manager for Hot Leathers.

Hot Leathers has been serving the motorcycle community for over 25 years. The company’s growing wholesale and printing facilities have earned it a place as one of America’s top 50 volume screen printers. Keep an eye out for the Hot Leathers logo. It’s a brand you can trust with prices you can easily afford. Or check them out online at .

–Sarah Wozniak


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MEN, SAVE YOUR LIVES, YOUR FAMILIES AND YOUR FORTUNES, LEGALIZE PROSTITUTION–Tiger Woods was the most recent celebrity victim. President Clinton, fell prey. You name it. If prostitution, or Sex Clinics were legal and a guy’s wife lost her luster or sex drive, he could stop in for a treatment, then go home to his family without entanglements.

Lost her luster? WTF? I hear male prostitutes are about to become legal in Nevada. Now we?re on a level playing field. So when the GUY gets fat, smelly, and lazy in his lovemaking, we WOMEN now have a legal option.

Whatever, Layla

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BIKERNET LOWER ALABAMA WEATHER STATION REPORTS IN–The weather outside is frightful…like the song says. Man, it has rained here darn near every day for the last three months. Flash floods, tornadoes, hot one day, and cold the next, it is like living on a roller coaster. One day the temp is almost 80 degrees and the next it might be 40.

Haven’t gotten to ride in three weeks, but I AM going to ride today. It may not be any further than to work and back but I AM going to ride. We are supposed to see the sun some time around noon. Maybe I won’t get too wet going to work. It is only 12 miles from the house, so it won’t be that bad.

I feel like I got run over by a Mack truck most days with the weather like it is. I need to move to the desert where it is dry, mostly. Old age and arthritis hurts but what the hey, I get to ride today and I am a happy camper.

I always feel better when I am on the bike riding down that old black ribbon and letting my cares roll away. Fa la la la la, la la la la! MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR!


We have a series of Motorcycle Journey books from WhiteHorse Press. Camy is going to review the American South Road edition. Hang on for her report.

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MRF LEGISLATIVE ACTION REPORT–WASHINGTON, D.C. ? President Obama, on Friday, announced that he has nominated David L. Strickland to be the new administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Strickland has served for eight years on the staff of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. As the Senior Counsel for the Consumer Protection Subcommittee, he is currently the lead staff person for the oversight of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Federal Trade Commission, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission. He has also served as the lead Senate staff person in the formulation of the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) reforms and standards included in the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, and in a staff leadership role in the reauthorization of the NHTSA in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act of 2005 (SAFETEA-LU).

His work in advising Commerce Committee members led to the inclusion of several significant vehicle safety mandates, including the electronic stability control mandate for every passenger vehicle. Mr. Strickland advised Congressional members on safety reforms and funding increases for the NHTSA’s seatbelt and drunk driving grant programs. Mr. Strickland earned his J.D. degree at Harvard Law School, and his B.S. Degree in Communication Studies and Political Science at Northwestern University.

Strickland?s nomination was the subject of a Senate Hearing yesterday where he faced no opposition.

The MRF looks forward to continue to work with Mr. Strickland once he is approved by the full Senate. We hope he takes a sensible approach to motorcycle safety.

2010 grant money

The last round of the 2010 grant money was dispersed recently. $7 Million dollars total was sent to individual states to be used for motorcycle safety purposes. All 50 states received at least $100,000 with some of the more populated states getting more than $300,000.

On another note

It has got virtually nothing to do with motorcycling but many riding organizations have kept a close eye on the Patriot Act. The Patriot act is a federal surveillance program designed to give greater abilities to federal investigators when working on international terrorism issues. Some fear that giving the ability to the feds to intercept private information will eventually be used on other groups of individuals, not just terrorists.

Three key provisions are expiring at the end of this year and lawmakers are looking to include their extension in an upcoming Omnibus. An omnibus is giant piece of legislation that lawmakers are unlikely to vote against.Congress typically includes controversial provisions in omnibus legislation and the patriot act is controversial to say the least.

One of the expiring provisions allows the government to seek orders from a special federal court for ?any tangible thing? that it says is related to a terrorism investigation, such as business records. Another allows thegovernment to seek court orders for roving wiretaps on suspected terrorists who shift their modes of communication.

The third provision, which the Justice Department told lawmakers in September has never been used, allows the government to apply to the special court for surveillance orders on ?lone wolf? terrorists not necessarily connected to a larger organization.

The MRF has no position on the Patriot Act.


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AND NOW A WORD FROM ONE WORLD STUDIOS–I think everyone will agree it’s been a weird 2009. Seems like everyone had a bit of a tough year. The amazing thing is that we’re all still here, still kickin’, still wrenchin’, and still helping each other out. That’s what it’s all about.

Back in 2004 when we were shooting Choppertown on nights and weekends we had no idea that it would lead to all of this. We just wanted to make a film that people in Hollywood said didn’t have a chance…

We’re still making films five years later because all of you have supported us, even when times are lean. THANK YOU.

Have a great holiday season and let’s all take a moment to remember our brothers and sisters that are away from home.

Stay independent,
Zack and Scott
One World Studios Ltd.

PS. We’re going to be packing and shipping every single day up to Christmas so everybody can get theirs in time for the holidays. ALL USA ORDERS WILL SHIP USPS PRIORITY MAIL THROUGH DEC. 24th.

We put together a couple sweet holiday combo deals to save you guys a bit of dough.Every time you guys grab a DVD or shirt from us it helps us produce and discover new films like The Harbortown Bobber, Icy Riders and Cafe Society. Thanks for keeping our dreams alive, we’ll keep working hard to bring you the best we can.

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ADVANSTAR COMMUNICATIONS PARTNERS WITH OPEN ROAD RADIO TO HOST LIVE RADIO BROADCASTS AT 2009-2010 CYCLE WORLD INTERNATIONAL MOTORCYCLE SHOWS NATIONWIDE TOUR– Irvine, Calif. (December 16, 2009) ? Advanstar Communications, a leading worldwide media company, today announced a partnership between the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows and Open Road Radio that will bring America?s premier motorcycle lifestyle talk show alive during the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows nationwide tour. Open Road Radio will feature interviews with celebrities, motorcycle manufacturers, introduce new and innovative products and more, live from the show floor on Saturdays, in the Open Road Radio booth.

?The Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows have always been an industry favorite,? said Open Road Radio Host Gina Woods. ?We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with the International Motorcycle Shows at several of the stops this year! Open Road Radio presented by National Cycle looks forward to being up close and in front of our listeners.?

?Our partnership with Open Road Radio gives riders another way to experience our shows,? said Advanstar?s Group Show Director and Director of Business Development Jeff Dentremont. ?Open Road Radio provides a platform for motorcycle enthusiasts to hear about the latest products from every stop on the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows tour.?

From New York to Seattle, this motorcycle extravaganza is an all access pass to the world of motorcycling with hundreds of the latest street bikes, dirt bikes, cruisers, scooters, ATVs, watercraft and more, as well as vintage bikes, custom choppers, demo rides (in select markets), informative seminars and more. This nationwide tour will also give motorcycle lovers of all ages the opportunity to check out the latest gear and aftermarket accessories, see thrilling entertainment from the Ducati Freestyle Team and enjoy fashion shows, meet and greets with TapouT-sponsored UFC fighters, music and modeling contests in the Bikes & Beats entertainment area.

For the 17th consecutive year, Cycle World, the world?s most popular motorcycle magazine, is the title sponsor for the series. Box office ticket prices range from $15 to $17 for adults and $6 for children ages six to 11. Advanced discounted tickets are available online at an additional savings when you buy a week in advance and include a free $15 gift card with purchase (while supplies last). For more information call 800/331-5706 or visit .

International Bike Shows 2010

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vtwin wine santa n girl

Order your Holiday Winesfrom V-Twin Vineyards Today–Order early to insure that your Holiday Wines arrivein time for Christmas. Order prior to the following dates for your pre-Christmas delivery: UPS Ground – Within Calif: Friday Dec 18thUPS Ground – Outside Calif: Wednesday, Dec 16th

Whether you’ve ‘been Bad or Good’ – let V-Twin Vineyards ease your gift-giving needs with some great wines for Christmas.

vtwin girl

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Australian Toyrun

South Australian bikers unite for Christmas toy run– Santa’s leather-clad helpers rode motorbikes instead of sleighs to deliver Christmas presents for disadvantaged children yesterday.From spluttering scooters to growling beasts, a cavalcade of chrome worked its way through the Adelaide Hills on the 31st annual Motorcycle Riders Association SA Toy Run.

More than 8000 motorcycle riders travelled from Glenelg to Hahndorf Oval to make their donations to St Vincent de Paul, which will distribute the gifts.Bikes were decorated with tinsel as riders and their precious cargo streamed past waving onlookers.

Riders from all facets of motorcycling were represented – individuals, one percenters and social clubs – All united for one purpose – Helping the kids at Christmas.About $250,000 worth of toys were collected at this year’s event, with about 20,000 people gathering at Hahndorf.Motorcycle Riders Association SA president Phil McClelland said it was always a buzz to see the colour and character of the event.

“It is one of the first of its kind in Australia and it is the largest continual annual event of its kind in the southern hemisphere,” he said. “This is a celebration of motorcycling and, through St Vincent de Paul, the winners are the needy children of South Australia.”Mr McClelland said he was pleased to shine a positive light on motorcyclists.

“It’s great to have tradition and this event just keeps growing and growing every year,” he said.St Vincent de Paul Society spokesman Wayne Broadbridge said the toys donated would help deliver a little Christmas spirit to thousands of children who might otherwise miss out.”Everyone at the St Vincent de Paul Society is grateful for this annual initiative by the Motorcycle Riders Association

Associate & Technical Editor

Heavy Duty Banner

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PPG ANNOUNCES ITS 2010 SHOW TRUCK SCHEDULE–STRONGSVILLE, Ohio ? December 16, 2009 ? PPG has released the 2010 schedule of appearances for its popular show truck. The unique truck, a travelling exhibit of PPG paint displays and products, will make 21 stops across the country from March through October at prominent truck, car and hot rod shows. These include events sponsored by the Good Guys Rod & Custom Association, National Street Rod Association, Antique Truck Historical Society and other truck- and car-focused organizations.

Creating excitement and attracting attention wherever it travels, the 75-foot 2007 Freightliner Coronado tractor-trailer rig is custom-painted in spectacular PPG Vibrance Collection? colors and features some of the best flame design work ever seen in the business. In fact, the truck is a huge canvas that displays the stunning graphics, effects and paint schemes that are possible with Vibrance Collection products. The truck?s finish was applied by a crew from PPG?s Refinish Training, Product Marketing and Color Technical teams.

PPG driver Chad Hook will steer the Freightliner to all its destinations starting with the 1st annual Spring Nationals in Scottsdale, AZ, March 12, and concluding with the 17th annual Southeastern Nationals in Charlotte, NC, October 29. Stop by any of the year?s listed events to get a closer look and learn more about the Vibrance Collection paint and techniques used.

The complete show schedule follows:
?Scottsdale, AZ3/12 ? 3/141st Spring Nationals
?Louisville, KY 3/25 ? 3/27 Mid America Truck Show
?Del Mar, CA 4/9 ? 4/11 10th Del Mar Nationals
?Knoxville, TN4/30 ? 5/236th Street Rod Nationals South
?Pleasanton, CA5/27 ? 5/29Antique Truck Historical Society
?Loveland, CO 6/4 ? 6/6 13th Colorado Nationals
?Indianapolis, IN 6/11 ? 6/13 22nd Hot Rod Nationals
?St. Paul, MN6/18 ? 6/20Back to the ?50s
?Pueblo, CO6/25 ? 6/2726th Rocky Mountain Street Nationals
?Des Moines, IA 7/2 ? 7/4 19th Heartland Nationals
?Columbus, OH 7/9 ? 7/11 13th PPG Nationals
?Syracuse, NY7/16 ? 7/18Syracuse Nationals
?Louisville, KY 8/5 ? 8/8 41st Annual Street Rod Nationals
?Norwalk, OH8/20 ? 8/229th Blue Suede Cruise
?Kansas City, KS 9/3 ? 9/5 9th Mid-Western Nationals
?Kalamazoo, MI 9/10 ? 9/12 31st Street Rod Nationals North
?Joliet, IL 9/17 ? 9/19 4th Peak Chicagoland Nationals
?Pocono, PA 9/24 ? 9/26 6th Great American Nationals
?Ft. Worth, TX 10/1 ? 10/3 18th Lone Star Nationals
?Bowling Green, KY 10/15 ? 10/173rd Nostalgia Nationals
?Charlotte, NC 10/29 ? 10/3117th Southeastern Nationals

For more information about the PPG Show Truck and the 2010 appearance schedule, call 800/647-6050 or visit the PPG Automotive Refinish website at .


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SUCKER PUNCH BUILDS A TRUCK FOR THE SEMA SHOW–These are shots from SEMA where SPS unveiled their new SPS/Fender customized Toyota Tundra, complete with tuck and roll white interior and wooden flatbed made from the same wood that Fender makes their guitars from.


It was all topped off with a performance by The Fender Custom Shop’s Mike Eldridge.



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BIKERNET HOUSING AUTHORITY CONSUMER WEEKLY CONSUMER REPORT– Have you tried to purchase toilet tissue lately? I have and believe me, it is not easy. I try to go with the best price and quality paper I can find but how do you tell which is which, without being a mathematical genius? You have regular rolls, big rolls, giant rolls and MEGA rolls. If you check the actual sheets per roll you find out that the Mega isn’t really 4 times the size of a regular roll, nor is the giant 3 times the size of the regular roll, and it continues all the way down.

There is no consistency in any of the products offered. Everybody is trying to outdo the other guy by making you think their product is softer, stronger, longer, less linty or just about anything else in the world. And it’s so darn expensive.

I do not want to keep it, I just want something inexpensive and cost effective that I can use once and discard. Is that too hard to understand? I remember the good old days when you bought toilet tissue by the “cost per roll” method. If you liked a few products they usually offered them in one size only and in a price range you could look at and say, “Yes, it was a good deal,” or, ” No, it wasn’t.” Now you need a calculator just to figure out the “real” cost. Sometimes the mega rolls may not be the best deal. I have spent more time than any “normal” person should, in the toilet tissue aisle, just trying to find something I could afford without breaking the bank.

With all the varieties, styles and prices offered it makes your head swim just deciding what to buy. Some days I wish they still gave away Sear and Roebuck catalogs for free, at least then you got to look at pretty pictures while you waited for things to come to the end. May not have been the softest stuff in the world but it sure was economical and you did not need a calculator to figure that out.


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MOTORCYCLES SAVE THE DAY IN AFRICA–Riders for Health is an international non-governmental organization born out of the world of motorcycle racing. Its mission is to ensure that health workers in Africa have uninterrupted access to reliable transportation. Without such transportation, all health care projects fail. Using an innovative social enterprise model, Riders has developed a practical, dynamic approach which is helping to achieve real and sustainable development. They have put in place reliable preventive maintenance systems for two- and four-wheeled vehicles used in health care delivery allowing health workers to reach rural villages time and time again.

Riders currently operates three national programs, in the Gambia, Zimbabwe and Nigeria, where we work with ministries of health, UN agencies and local humanitarian organizations. All programs are managed by wholly-African, wholly-professional teams, and not by volunteers or expatriates. This means that Riders is able to build a lasting base of local knowledge and a culture of maintenance in the communities with which it works.

Riders is the official charity of MotoGP and motorcycle sport’s ruling body, the Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM). The quality and innovation that Riders brings to its programmes in the field have been recognized gobally on many occasions. In particular, Riders is regarded worldwide as a leading example of social enterprise.

At a Glance – Riders in 2007
* Operates in five countries (the Gambia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania)
* Employs 230 people in Africa
* Manages 1,274 vehicles
* Reaches 10.8 million people
* Has helped increase the proportion of fully-immunised infants in The Gambia from 62% to 73%
* In Zimbabwe there has been a 21% decline malaria in Binga district, in which all health workers are now mobile, compared with a 44% increase in neighbouring district.

Check, or


P.S. check out my Yamaha R1 project bike that we’re going to auction off in late 2010 or early 2011 with proceeds to Riders for Health. More info about it on the website we created for our new Friends of Riders for Health non-profit (

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THE CHEAPEST WAY TO 106–106? Top End Kit for 2007-up Big TwinsNo Machining! Easy Installation!

Despite what some say, bigger is better, and if making something bigger is easy, that?s the best! A big bore kit is an easy way to achieve more displacement, and if you can install it without rebalancing flywheels or boring the crankcases, that?s about as easy as it gets. That?s the idea behind the new S&S 106? big bore kits for 2007-up big twins. No need to bore or even split the cases, just do the cylinder swap. In addition to the ease of installation they look great because the cylinders are available with the same silver or black wrinkle powdercoat as stock, so they match the stock finish of your engine.

At 3.927? bore, these cylinders have the largest bore that we feel can safely be used in a cylinder with stock spigot diameter. In fact, this kit is only offered with S&S cylinders because, even though stock cylinders can be bored to fit the 3.927? pistons, we are not confident that the material used to make the stock cylinder liner and spigot is strong enough. The cylinder liner material in S&S cylinders is much stronger, and has proven its ability to stand up to the added power in numerous dyno pulls, street miles, and a lot of quarter mile drag strip runs. There is a trade-off for the ease of installation, which is that only one piston oversize is available for this kit. This really is as big as we are willing to go with a stock diameter cylinder spigot.


Performance Recommendations

The 106? big bore kit yields excellent results with stock cylinder heads, but a performance cam is recommended to get the best performance and to make the engine easier to turn over at start-up. However, for the best performance and easiest starting, we recommend S&S cylinder heads. In addition to the increased head flow and resulting increased power, S&S heads are machined to accept S&S electric or manual compression releases for easy, reliable starting

The SuperFlow Cycledyne shows an increase of nearly 30 horsepower and 20 ft/lb of torque with the 106? top end kit. This engine was set up with stock cylinder heads, S&S 585 cams, stock EFI throttle body and teardrop air cleaner, and S&S performance mufflers. Stock curves are shown for comparison.

106″ Big Bore Kits For 2007-up BT
Silver Powdercoat Finish . . . . . . . MSRP $695.00 106-3747
Black Powdercoat Finish. . . . . . . . . MSRP $695.00 106-3760

s&s banner

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vagabon trailer

VAGABOND CHOPPER COMPANY NEW RIG, Chicks Rule & Boys Drool Tour– Vagabond Chopper Company has rolled out the ?New? Forty Four Foot event trailer sponsored by Mitchell Motorcycle Transport for the 2010 Chicks Rule & Boys Drool Tour.

The tour will feature Athena ?Chickie? Ransom and her unique hand crafted custom motorcycles, as well as featured special guest appearances by other unique women in the motorcycle industry. Each tour stop will offer a rolling showcase of what is available for women motorcycle riders, from clothing and parts to motorcycles styled with the woman rider in mind. Diversity is key when targeting the female motorcyclist so a mix of on site how to seminars, fashion shows, book signings and special guest appearances will mix it up with a feminine flare.

Although the participants are women, this also gives the men an opportunity to see ? the other side ? and provides a forum for his lady to express her likes and dislikes in a setting that is not full of skulls, iron crosses and spikes. Biker Men do usually tend to gravitate to where the women are and will be pleasantly surprised to find that women riders are more than just the ?chick on the back? in the motorcycle industry.

vagabon patch

The tours? official kickoff during the 2009 Toys In The Sun Run was a huge success with the Motor Maids, Leslie Kay of Leslie Kay?s Insurance and Jeffrey Phipps of Jeffrey Phipps Custom Saddles as featured guests. The tour will include twelve ( 12 ) National event stops throughout the 2010 year including the heavy hitters, Daytona Bike Week, New Orleans Bike Week, Sturgis Rally, and ending at the 2010 South Florida Bikers Bash and Toys in the Sun Run.

Look for the Vagabond set up at rallies near you . You can also check out the events pages on the web sites for scheduled stops in 2010. and/or We thank our wonderful sponsors who share our love of motorcycles, to them we are grateful for all of their support.

Chicks Rule & Boys Drool Sponsors include:
Mitchell Motorcycle Transport
Expose Yourself USA
Baker Drivetrain
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Ventura Salon Spa
Seminole Tribe Of Florida
Jeffrey Phipps Custom Saddles
Leslie Kays? Insurance
Metzler Tire Biker
Gardner – Westcott Fastener Company
Throttle Threads Shop Wear
Bikers? Choice
AW Kustom Kolors
Nitro Polishing

vagabond logo

Continued On Page 4

Read More

December 17, 2009 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

CHROME KNUCKLES FOR YOUR LEAD SLED– Aeromach has a cool option to add a little attitude to your motorbike. Chrome Knuckle Levers fit stock replacement Harley controls. They are light weight and come dressed in show-quality chrome.

Get all the details at Aeromach USA.

–Jeff Najar

aeromach banner

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BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER WINTER BLUES PREVENTION RESEARCH–Feeling Blue? Try This Herb If the cold weather and reduced sunlight of the winter months are getting you down, consider trying St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum). This extensively researched herb may be effective for supporting optimal day to day functioning, including:

1. Supporting a healthy outlook
2. Promoting optimal mood
3. Supporting healthy sleep
4. Sustaining optimal appetite
5. Maintaining skin health

St. John’s wort is available in tablets, capsules, tinctures, fluid extract, powdered extract and infused in oil. I recommend products standardized for hyperforin and hypericin. Take 300 milligrams three times a day. To support optimal mood, it may take six to eight weeks to work. If you suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), you may want to try St. John?s wort in conjunction with a light box or other type of bright-light therapy commonly used for SAD.

Relaxing herbs and supplements may be effective to support optimal mood. Visit Dr. Weil?s Vitamin Advisor to learn more, get your free, personalized supplement recommendation and discover other natural approaches that may help promote calm.


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Pittsburgh Area Chop Shop Op Shut Down–Authorities in Pennsylvania arrested five men Thursday, breaking up what Attorney General Tom Corbett?s office says is a chop shop and insurance fraud ring.

The group is charged with stealing about $80,000 worth of motorcycles in Allegheny, Washington and Westmoreland counties. Corbett says the investigation focused on Joshua Alvarez, 22, of Monogahela, Washington County, and four other men, who allegedly helped steal, strip and sell the bikes and ATVs. They also may have staged vehicle thefts and filed fraudulent insurance claims on them.

Alvarez worked at Bentley’s Cycles, 589 W Pike St., Canonsburg, in Washington County, and Corbett says he used his position to get customer addresses, then stole the bikes.

According to the criminal complaint, Alvarez’s main accomplice was Zachary Benning, 22, who allegedly helped him steal motorcycles left unattended at area homes.

Stolen motorcycles and ATVs were transported to Benning’s garage, where the pair allegedly stored them until they could be resold or stripped for parts, the complaint alleges.

Also accused is Adam Wareham, 34, who operated Road Rash, a repair shop in North Huntingdon, and allegedly sold the stolen rides and parts.

“Alvarez and Benning are charged with stealing an ATV and at least five motorcycles,” Corbett says. “However, our investigation into the theft of motorcycles in western Pennsylvania continues and more arrests are anticipated.”

The Pennsylvania State Police Western Auto Theft Task Force has been instrumental in the investigation and will continue working with the Attorney General?s office on the case. Other suspects who allegedly assisted Alvarez and Benning in storing and selling stolen vehicles were identified Michael Flament, 22, and David Grillo, 19.

According to the criminal complaint, Wareham orchestrated a staged theft of an automobile to provide a basis for a bogus $7,700 insurance claim by his step-brother. Flament also allegedly faked the theft of his pick-up truck for the purpose of filing a fraudulent insurance claim for approximately $5,000.

The case will be prosecuted in Washington County.

–By: Holly J. Wagner

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Industry Giants to Divulge Wealth of Industry Information at V-Twin Expo–Cincinnati, OH (December 15, 2009) V-Twin dealers and exhibitors will soon be making their annual trek to the 10th Annual V-Twin Expo by Easyriders held in Cincinnati, February 6-8. The V-Twin industry’s premier trade show, the V-Twin Expo is an opportunity for those in the industry to ascertain the overall state of the industry from veterans and colleagues.

Scheduled for Sunday, February 7th, 2010 at noon the seminar entitled “Two Wheeled Passion : Opportunity in the Wind” is sure to invigorate participants and re-energize their passion for the motorcycle industry. Sponsored by Hot Leathers and The Legendary Buffalo Chip this seminar will give audience members the chance to converse, listen and learn from an impressive selection of successful and established bike builders. They will be discussing how they have managed to capitalize on their passion within the current climate and how they have successfully turned difficulty into opportunity.

Participating bike builders will include industry giants Kevin Baas, Brian Klock, Gary Mauer, Matt Olsen, Dave Perewitz, Roland Sands, Kirk Taylor and Paul Yaffe. During the session this veritable roundtable of specialists will be discussing how the industry has changed since they first started out, what they have done over the last several years to adapt to the current economic climate, what opportunities have arisen over the last several years as a result of refocusing on their business and how these opportunities have changed their business.

In addition they will challenge participants to search with themselves to explore their passion for motorcycles and look for current opportunities in the marketplace.

The seminar will be co-facilitated by legendary motorcycle photographer, Michael Lichter and public relations specialist, Ken Conte of Rise Above Consulting. At the conclusion of the seminar Michael Lichter will be announcing the theme to his heavily anticipated 2010 motorcycles as art exhibit at the Legendary Buffalo Chip during Sturgis Rally Week 2010.

A light lunch will be provided and audience members are encouraged to join the conversation, ask questions and take advantage of their time with these leading industry magnates. The purpose of the seminar is to assist retailers, media and builders in understanding that there is opportunity within the motorcycle industry and how to capitalize on it. Please RSVP to

The V-Twin Expo will be held at the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati, OH and will host over 370 exhibitors and thousands of V-Twin dealers. and is not open to the public, only registeed dealers. For more information, visit

–Ken Conte
Rise Above Consulting

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NEW FEATURE COMING TO BIKERNET FROM ROLAND SANDS–from the photographic talents of Peter Linney. This feature will include a number of Roland Sands new products for Softails. Watch for it on Bikernet in the next couple of months.

Roland Sands banner

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URGENT URGENT URGENT, TEXAS ALERT– We received several reports of Riders from out of state moving into Texas and being required to take the Rider Training Course to renew their MC classification on their Drivers License. We called John Young at the DPS Motorcycle Rider Training Division and he informed us he was getting calls on that problem also.

By checking with the Drivers License Division we were informed that was how their Legal Staff told them SB 1967 had to be interpreted. An out of state licensee was a first time license in Texas and required proof of having taken the Training Program. We contacted Senator Carona?s Office and requested a ?Letter of Intent? that stated that was not the intent of that Bill. He agreed to furnish the requested document. We were then informed that the License bureau?s Legal Staff would not accept a Letter of Intent to change their ruling.

We then contacted Representative Chavez?s office and requested the same type letter figuring to use the two letters to file a lawsuit the next time we heard of a rider moving into Texas and being told they had to take the course to renew their license. Then I recalled how well we had worked with Colonel Beckworth when he was Chief at DPS and called him. I explained the problem and he assured me he would look into the matter.

Just got off the phone with Colonel Beckworth on his return call. He informed us he had with Colonel McCraw and their Legal Staff and they would allow out of state riders to renew their license without the course. He said they will send out a Memo to all Driver License Offices tomorrow telling them of the decision. He then asked that we clarify the Bill in the next session. I assured him it would be done.

If anyone has trouble please contact John Young at the Rider Training Course 512-424-2021 or Sputnik 512-971-6777.

–from Rogue

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FEMA logo

PROGRESS RECORDED IN THE EUROPEAN STANDARD FOR MOTORCYCLISTS PROTECTIVE GUARDRAILS EN 1317-8–After more than a year of joint work between users (FEMA), test houses, manufacturers and road administrations, what we hope will be the last TG1 (Technical Group 1) meeting took place on November 27th in Brussels, at CEN headquarters. At that meeting, the draft of standard EN1317-8 was finalized. This will become the European standard for protective road restraint systems for motorcyclists.

FEMA, which has called for years for such a standard, is now hoping that WG1 (Working Group 1) will approve it during its next meeting on March 18-19, 2010 in France, which in turn will allow its adoption by TC226 (Technical Committee 226) during its annual meeting at end of June in Prague (Czech Republic).

Should this vote be postponed because of conflicting agendas or lack of political consensus, it would delay the formal approval of the standard to June 2011 at the earliest.

We do not want to end this article without thanking the various stakeholders involved for their efforts in the preparation of this standard and their increasing understanding of the problems Powered Two Wheeler users face with road infrastructure.

EG = Expert Group. Group of 7 experts who prepared the original draft. FEMA collaborated with this group.
TG1 = Technical Group 1. Expert Committee composed by over 20 entities, in charge of preparing the final draft for WG1. FEMA collaborated with this group.
WG1 = Working Group 1. Group including representatives of over 40 entities, with member countries taking part in the vote. This Group is in charge of proposing documents for approval to TC226. FEMA participates to discussions but has no vote.
TC226 = Technical Committee 226. Formal
CEN Committee where the various national bodies in charge of standardization (AENOR/Spain – AFNOR/France – etc.) are represented. This Committe is the one which will adopt the future EN1317-8. FEMA participates to meetings but has no vote.

–Hugo Roebroeck
Campaigns Officer FEMA – Federation of
European Motorcyclists’ Associations
Tel +32 2 7369047
Fax +32 2 7369401
Mobile +32 484 976170

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BIKERNET RESEARCH LAB CHRISTMAS STUDY RESULTS–The Christmas season is always a time of endings and beginnings. The sense of time condensing and then unfolding again is palpable. The season begins, blossoms, and passes by, Christmas comes, with its joy, thick with memories, and then the sudden realization, and we go on, leaving the Christmas season behind and entering into the new year. And often this entire season is a whirlwind, filled with preparations of all types.

This season, which often means a gathering together with family. And as much as we may want this, it can also be the cause for friction and difficulty. As the saying goes, we can choose our friends, but not our relatives!

We should try and find a moment, to stop and reflect, maybe with a drink or three, and ponder the true meaning of Christmas. It is not to purchase presents. (I am not saying that no presents should be purchased. That would disappoint a lot of children and myself! But I am saying that this is not the center of Christmas.)

What is the center of Christmas? The answer is not so hard. Regardless if you practice a religion or not, believe in God or not, Christmas is about love.

Most faiths, new age or old age, teaches that human beatitude, human blessedness, true human happiness, consists in loving union with ourselves, each other, the planet and animals. We are united by faith whereby the common components of faith dwells in us. And the human spirit is the love, which is spread abroad in our hearts.

Each personal or moral effort we make, each act of love in our lives, to our parents, to our spouses, to our brothers and sisters, to our children, to our friends, or absolute strangers, is connected in an intimate way.

And so our search for the true meaning of Christmas, we come back to our own homes. It is there that we have opportunity to “strive in household duties to relieve others of work”- in short, to do the dishes, to wash and fold clothes, to sweep the floor, to set and clear the table, to take out the trash. These are good day-to-day proofs of love.

So, if you want to be close to the meaning of the season, then don’t think of the long journeys but rather look about you, just where you are. The gift you can give at Christmas is not something you buy, but your very self, your time, your energy, your love.

–William Perry
Victoria, BC

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BANDIT’S CANTINA CONTENT REVITALIZATION–We are constantly scrambling to launch articles on Bikernet, and we don’t forget the Cantina. It’s a special place, with complete books, historic discoveries and girls.

If you’re a member (it’s cheap), you receive a special blast of news each Sunday afternoon, with generally some hot babes. This week we posted an H-D Topper review from Popular Science in 1959. A Life and Times from Bandit is being edited and a very cute girl, who posed in Gard Hollinger’s, LA Chop Rods shop, will be the next Girl of Bikernet in the Cantina.

Bandit also promised the next Cantina Episode, real soon. We’ll hold him to it. If you join the Cantina you help us generate more content for all of Bikernet.–Wilburn Roach


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BAND OF BROTHERS CRUSADE IN AUSTRALIA– Each month 120-odd hard-core biker from outlaw motorcycle clubs meet in four states to plan and organize. It’s a headline writer’s dream, but it’s not what it seems.A numbers of the bikers have criminal records but they do not meet to plan any crime, they say. Quite the opposite, they claim.

These meetings of the nation’s United Motorcycle Councils are about maintaining order – it’s the self-regulation the public never gets to see.The meetings are carefully planned to avoid offence. Each club has a maximum of three members seated in a circle to prevent any sense of a hierarchy.

The meetings are never held in clubhouses and a different club hosts the meetings each time, providing the catering. There’s a treasurer with a cashbook, a secretary and a meeting chairman.Their public image may be anarchic but behind the scenes biker clubs operate under formal guidelines. So the transition to the orderly UMC format was not hard.

The clubs have united to tackle a common enemy. In South Australia, NSW, Western Australia and Queensland, state governments are planning, or have passed legislation to effectively make membership of these motorcycle clubs a criminal offence.If the laws pass the inevitable High Court challenges, such meetings may become impossible, if not illegal. And an extraordinary moment in the Australian biker story will pass into history.

When the reps of the 17 biker clubs that make up the UMC of Queensland (UMCQ) met at a suburban hotel in Brisbane recently, there was a familiarity that belied their history.At Australia’s first UMC meeting in Brisbane last year, old hatreds could have flared. But “Hothead”, the national president of The Outcasts, set the tone.

“As of this moment, The Outcasts wipe the slate clean,” Hothead declared. “Whatever arguments and hostilities exist from the past are forgotten as of now,” he said.There was a shocked silence in the room. It was meant to be simply “a meet and greet” but Hothead had raised the bar. “Everyone there that night went away considering their own positions – whether their clubs could forgive and forget the past for the sake of the UMC,” says “Camel”, a UMCQ spokesman.

–Doc Robinson

Heavy Duty Banner

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DAVID MANN CHOPPERFEST– Don won for Best Antique for his Ace at the David Mann. I’ll be sending you over more stuff from the show once I get them all sorted out. Watch for a full report next week.

–River Rat


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CAPITAL ONE CREDIT CARD WARNING–In an effort to extinguish debt and reduce monthly Bikernet expenditures, we paid off two credit card balances and shut the cards down. We called Chase and spoke to a domestic rep, who handled the process without a problem. Done deal. He gave us a final amount, we wrote the check.

We called Capital One and their service reps were outsourced overseas. We could not receive a final billing amount from this individual. She told us that if the check took a day or two to arrive, we would be charged additional fees and interest. Then when we paid that amount we will receive another bill, again for fees and interest, until we chase this amount down to zero, if that’s possible.

Needless to say we will never do business with Capital One again.

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Cover art

ROADRUNNER MAGAZINE RELEASES NEW TRAVEL BOOK RIDING AMERICA?S BACKROADS: 20 TOP MOTORCYCLE TOURS– Over the last ten years, the team at RoadRUNNER has taken readers on countless motorcycle adventures through the pages of their magazine. Riding America?s Backroads features more of the same evocative story lines and first class photography that RoadRUNNER is known for, but with updated maps, travel information, and attractions included. In addition to 20 full length touring articles, this book features six motorcycle service pieces covering topics like ?packing a bike? and ?riding in the dark?. Readers can also download RoadRUNNER?s signature tankbag maps and GPS files, for each tour, from their website.

Although Riding America?s Backroads is especially geared to motorcyclists, it?s entertaining and informative for any traveler, whether on two wheels or four.

Riding America?s Backroads: 20 Top Motorcycle Tours
192 pages, 8-3/8″ x 10-7/8″, 4-color
Soft-cover price: $27.95
Hard-cover Limited Edition Price: $75.00
(Numbered and signed by RoadRUNNER Publisher Christa Neuhauser)
Available at or by phone 866.343.7623

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PudgyNash bars

NASH PUDGY GRIT APE HANGERS–The grit hangers are now fat by popular demand. You all asked for it and we delivered. The Pudgy Grit Hanger is similar to the regular grit hanger, you still get that sexy curve but now they are 1 1/4″. Similar to the pudgy gimps with on key difference, these bars have the sweeping forward curve.

These work great with squaring up your front end and offer a comfortable ride. Available in sizes 14″, 16?, 18?, or 20?. 9.5″ or 11.5″ base, 35″ grip to grip, and 5″ pullback.

These bars have been lathed down on both sides to be able to support hydraulic clutch systems. The bars come predrilled/dimpled in black, chrome, or copper plating. If you’re ordering one of our sticky throttles, we can cut and prep your bars so they’re ready and the throttle is in when you get them as an additional option.

Nash Banner

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American Veterans Traveling Tribute (AVTT) Matches Gift By Sands ResortsOperation Gratitude to Send TWO Milestone 500,000th Packages– Van Nuys, CA – December 15, 2009 – Operation Gratitude founder, Carolyn Blashek, announced today an exciting development in connection with the Saturday, December 19, 2009 shipment of the organization’s milestone 500,000th CARE PACKAGE: The donation by American Veterans Traveling Tribute (“AVTT”) of a second special gift to commemorate this historic event.

“AVTT’s mission is to honor, respect and remember those who served and thus those who are serving,” said Don Allen, founder of AVTT. “The occasion of Operation Gratitude’s 500,000th Package shipment is a perfect opportunity to express on a large scale the deep appreciation of our nation for the service and sacrifice of our warriors in combat today. AVTT is honored to join with Sands Resorts to donate another surprise gift to the cause and ensure that our message of support and gratitude is seen and heard by our Military around the world.”

“Sands Resorts supports the missions of AVTT and Operation Gratitude as a National Sponsor of both organizations,” said Lee Rawcliffe, President and CEO of Sands Resorts. “We are delighted to be part of this exciting 500,000th package event, as it represents a celebration of all the brave Americans who wear the uniform of our great nation. With today’s announcement about AVTT’s donation, we can now put 2 very special packages in the hands of two different service members who represent our courageous heroes– past, present and future–from all branches of the Military.”

The 500,000th Care Package celebration will start at 9am when the Operation Gratitude care package production normally opens. Director of Operations, Charlie Othold, expects the 500,000th package to hit the Assembly Line at ~11:15 am on Saturday, December 19th. The two special gifts will be revealed in dramatic fashion at that time in the Van Nuys National Guard Armory.

In addition to the Surprise Special Gifts, the 500,000th packages will include a year’s supply of 5 Hour Energy, the usual Wish List items and personal letters provided by more than 250 Corporate Sponsors and Friends, and by tens of thousands of individual donors across the country. Special deliveries of the matching Half Millionth Packages are being arranged.

Three previous Operation Gratitude milestone packages contained the keys to new vehicles. The 300,000th package was delivered personally in Iraq by Othold and Blashek.

The winners of the online “Guess the Candy Weight and Letter Writing Contest,” will also be announced and copies of the Winning Letter will be read and placed into the 500,000th packages.

A special Guest Star will be on hand to sing the National Anthem.

Military and Political dignitaries, along with representatives from many of the organization’s Corporate Sponsors will join celebrities and crew members from popular TV shows to assist the Operation Gratitude volunteers assemble thousands of troop gifts in addition to the 500,000th Care Package. Delicious product samples and a hearty lunch will be provided by Corporate donors.

WHAT:Operation Gratitude Volunteers assemble the 500,000th Care Package

Saturday December 19, 2009
Production starts at 9 a.m.
The 500,000th Package Celebration will occur between 11:00 a.m. – 12 Noon

California National Guard Armory
17330 Victory Boulevard
Van Nuys, Ca. 91406
Corner of Victory and Louise

Volunteers (ages 12 years and older) are welcome to assist in the on-site care package activities. For additional volunteer information, click here: or email

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Wire Plus Introduces their New Z1 Standard Mid Frame System–Winfield, KS- Wire Plus Powersports Electronics is proud to introduce their new, state-of-the-art Z1 Standard Mid Frame System. These new systems have the smallest power modules ever! These were specifically designed for Bobber and Chopper style bikes with round oil tanks or springs under the seat with no place to hide anything. Wire-Plus products are built to survive the rugged urban environment?Their products feature vibration resistant, solid-state breaker technology (the breakers never have to be replaced) and a replaceable start relay that can be purchased at any auto parts store.

Their power modules are submersible waterproof and very compact in size with harnesses that are engineered to be smaller than any other on the market. The lighting control module controls the operation of the front and rear turn signals and provides load equalization and auto cancelling. It also operates the rear turn signals as brake lights and running lights with one wire hook-up.

The new Z1 Standard Mid Frame System offers the same features as their Z1 Mini Mid Frame System, but comes with a longer billet cover for mounting both the Z1 power module and the lighting control/auto-cancel module in one compact location. Measures 3.67 ? W x 2.21? H x 1.10? Deep! Wire Plus? main focus is on the reliability of everything that they manufacture.

WP181: Mid Frame system with harness for stock style handlebar controls. Includes a separate breaker and wiring for correct connection of compression releases needed for big inch motors. (Lighting control module included)

For those interested in obtaining more information on Wire Plus, you can reach them at (620) 221-2417 or check them out online at or email them at


Continued On Page 3

Read More

December 17, 2009 Part 1




Here we go, into another massive Thursday news. We ponder the final month of this year with some trepidation, yet high hopes for next year. Although the economy seems shaky at best, the prospects are bright and challenging for Bikernet.

We plan to deliver a stronger service level to all of our readers next year, with an easier to navigate home page, more vibrant content, and a state-of-the art blog. We’ve added considerably to our team with the first-ever advertising director, several active contributors and Trent who is flying at the Metric side.

Our mantra is simple; we don’t charge a lot for advertising, yet we try our damnest to provide a top-of-the-line service. We make every dollar count, so at night we can sleep knowing we’ve done our absolute best for our readers and our industry. It’s the Bikernet Code of the West, goddamnit. Let’s hit the news.

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MOONEYES JAPAN SHOW ON BIKERNET–Check the Sheriff’s shots of classic chops and bobbers from Toyko. Japan is a mystical place, full of fleeting tradition, wonderful art and delicate women.

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Cycle Sounds Alarm

CYCLE SOUNDS IGNITION IMMOBILIZER SECURITY SYSTEM– Biker?s Choice offers a choice of bike alarms to suit your individual needs. The one featured here is an active relay with a remote.

Direct plug in replacement eliminates the need for adapters and also replaces the starter relay. It?s vibration and shock resistant and designed to operate in extreme temperatures; from -40?F to 235?F. It?s fully protected from starter motor spikes and has a low battery warning L.E.D. light. Use the hidden transmitter (sold separately) and disarm your bike without the key fob.

At $69.95, it protects your bike and your wallet. For more information such as fitment guides and other alarm accessories, visit or visit one of our many dealers.

Happy Riding!!
1-877-367-8711 Fax


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FatBob's Christmas TREE

THE FATBOB CHRISTMAS TREE–Merry Christmas, here’s your GODDAMN tree. I sent the original photograph to Billy Lane, figured he needed a tree. These are all goodies I got at Eustis, Oley, and Davenport. The pieces I intend to use on FATBOBBERS. I have built more than one bike by scoring one cool piece, then building a bobber around it.

FatBob's Christmas Tanks

Here’s another find. The two-tone fatbobs are for the ’47 Knuckle. The flathead tanks are 1940, but I used the VL decal with a little mod on the striping because of the contour of the later tanks. Doing a bigtwin flatty too. Will send pics of the build, also got my ’54 pan back from Carl Allen of Lake Shore fame. They closed the shop, so he is working out of his garage, 35 fucking years of service and so-long motherfucker, corporate pricks.


fat bobs card
The Fatbob Web Site

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SBA SMALL BUSINESS HELP LINE–I watched an extensive presentation by the Administrator for the Small Business Administration (SBA). They gave out all their stimulus funds, but they’re not out of cash. They also work with over 5000 banks across the country providing loans. Plus they developed a program to support small business with SCORE, a volunteer network of executives. These folks will come to your business and help you find new technology, and new markets–FREE. Or they can help you learn and understand the export business and shipping to foreign lands. Don’t hesitate to give them a shot. You might be surprized.

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Bandit and the Pope of Pipe talk exhaust. Once a month the two performance junkies get together to solve the world’s problems… And sometimes they actually move the ball uphill. Dave discusses some of the latest success for his new 2:1 Concentric Baffle that drops 10db at full throttle and moves the peak torque down about 1000 rpms. The Engineering department of the University of Texas at Arlington assisted in the baffle design.

Get more radio and video shows in Bikernet Studio.

–Jeff Najar

D & D Banner

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K&G Cycles’ Business Model Spells Success–Lawrence, Kansas-December 16, 2009-Founded in 2006 by George and Kyle Marakas, K & G Cycles was born out of the pair’s love of motorcycling and a desire to turn their hobby of restoring antique bikes into a business. With the advent of K & G Cycles Web store in February 2009 they have successfully created a revolutionary approach to online merchandising without sacrificing their personal touch or passion for the industry.

Since its inception in 2006, K & G Cycles has been developing one of the industry’s most exciting new concepts in motorcycle parts retailing. With 900 categories of parts from over 200 manufacturers and 5 major motorcycle parts distributors, motorcyclists can find everything they need all in one location. In addition customers are rest-assured that when purchasing parts from K & G Cycles that they are dealing with a legitimate and reputable high tech business with a true mom and pop-type mentality.

Driven by the idea of creating a new kind of shopping experience within this marketplace, George and Kyle have developed a way to leverage pre-established relationships with a number of distributors to better serve the biker community. By carrying almost every V-twin part imaginable they have streamlined the buying process while still offering competitive pricing and great customer service.

K & G’s philosophical approach to online merchandising includes low overhead and great service. Their business model allows them to bring the widest variety of parts from a number of one-of-a-kind unique vendors at great prices. In order to reduce their costs, they warehouse every one of their products with their vendors until the product is sold. They are then able to pass their savings on to their customers and keep prices low. If customers cannot find the parts they are looking for, the staff at K & G is always happy to help via phone, e-mail or Skype. For more information about K & G Cycles, please call (785) 542-9227 or visit them on the Web at

–Sarah Wozniak


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Big Dog Motorcycles to Seek New Investors, Possible Sale–Big Dog Motorcycles owner Sheldon Coleman has hired an investment banking firm to assist in evaluating a possible merger, strategic partnership or sale of Big Dog or its assets. Big Dog and its shareholders will also consider selling additional equity to add capital, other financing options or a recapitalization of the company.

“Given the unprecedented, difficult market conditions, I strongly believe that Big Dog needs to add other equity partners or transition to new ownership to continue to develop and build Big Dog?s innovative products and capitalize on the rebounding economy,” says Coleman, the founder and principal shareholder of the Wichita, Kan.-based motorcycle manufacturer.

During evaluation process being conducted by William Blair & Company, Big Dog will continue to sell and develop motorcycles, service its dealers and consumers with warrant needs, parts and accessories. Also during this time, Coleman says he’ll continue to lead the company during the transition and that he hopes to be part of any new management team that takes over Big Dog.

Coleman told Dealernews that over the past couple of years, as the economy augured into the ground, Big Dog has steadily been working toward higher efficiency through staff reductions and decreases in production. “We have all the core elements of a company ready to respond to an upswing in the market,” he adds.

The company announced in August that it would stop production through the end of the year and that staff members would receive a 20 percent pay cut. The company currently has fewer than 100 employees, down from a peak of about 340 people in 2004.

Coleman predicts that the reaction among the company’s dealer network of about 80 dealers will be mostly positive, but acknowledges there could certainly be jitters among an industry that’s already been skating along the edge of uncertainty for the past year or so.

Coleman adds that he opted to make very transparent the search for new investors or a possible buyer given close-knit nature of the industry. “Everybody understands where the industry is and where the players are ? it’s a sophisticated group,” he says, adding that the news shouldn’t come as a surprise for most given this high level of uncertainty.

“We’re all hoping for the best and anticipating that we’ll find an excellent outcome,” he says.

Coleman says that the company will continue to invest in long-term strategies such as international distribution and developing new models. The company recently opened up distribution in Canada and last year released several new models.

Big Dog Motorcycles started producing motorcycles in 1994 and has build more than 25,000 production custom bikes. In 2010 its lineup include seven models in three classes

? by Dennis Johnson


Big Dog recently opened this new dealer, so they’re not out yet.

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Great Biker Stocking Stuffers from Hot Leathers

Biker Gift Ideas from Hot Leathers

Hot Leathers has everything to stuff your friends? stockings this year!– Give?em a keychain, wallet, pins, pant bungees, facemask, gloves, tie, sunglasses, boxers, belt, clip pouch, zipper pull, wallet chain, jewelry, patches and how about some boot chains, too? Check out our huge selection ? 1000?s of gifts under $20.

Motorcycle Patches from Hot Leathers

Patches make for excellent stocking stuffers. Hot Leathers has the hugest selection of original patch designs you?ll ever see! Patches come in various sizes and start at just $2.95! They come ready to iron- on or can be sewn on everything from jackets to bags to jeans. They?re the perfect stocking stuffer. We have patches to suit any taste: skull, biker, military, patriotic, children?s, lady rider, humorous sayings, reflective, eagle, Native American, flag, religious, ribbon, angels and more!


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SPSgirlbike of the week

SUCKER PUNCH BIKE OF THE WEEK–Oh you picked a good one for your Bikernet news lead. That’s Keli from Phoenix. Jeff Cochran took the shot and if my memory serves me it was 110 degrees out. We kept jumping in and out of the SUV to get the shot, I think we were on some sort of private property but the grounds crew didn’t seem to care as long as they could watch.

Keli was a good and she ended up in Sturgis with the SPS crew. From what I recall, she had a good time meeting all the bikers and celebs. Keli ended up being our calendar girl for 2007 Sturgis Rally Calendar. The bike is Christian’s personal ride.

Originally an FLH shovel the frame was cut and axle height adjusted 1.5 inches up and a 17 was installed on the back, making this one low riding mutha. Tons of hand machined aluminum parts and a low seat height make this one of the bosses favorite ride.


sps bar type banner

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I’M BACK & I WANT YOU, GIRLS OF BIKERNET CALENDAR SALE–Hi, TRIsTA here and I am the kind of girl you want around, if I do say so myself. It doesn’t matter if it is hot or cold out, I’ll meet you at the door with just a wisp of nylon on. I’ll even keep all your important dates so you will never be late.

I’m one of the select few “Girls of Bikernet” and I’m featured in their Girls of Bikernet Calendar. So get up and get personal, “I won’t bite, too hard” and click here for all my details.


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1. To darken or render indistinct or dim.
2. To make obscure or difficult to understand or make sense of.
3. To confuse or bewilder.

Yet little has been written of him (he obfuscated details of his life in interviews), and his art is little recalled.
— Gary Giddins, Visions of Jazz

The Bikernet Finance Department determined that the President obfuscated the economy by obfuscating the financial facts through the stimulus package that obfuscated the feds mistakes.
–Agent Zebra, “Bikernet’s Economic Advisory Report.”

It’s to be expected that teams’ publicity departments do a little spin-doctoring and enhance their players’ performances by using numbers that appear to be impressive, so it’s up to the commentators to determine if those stats have validity or are meant to obfuscate poor performances.
— Tim McCarver with Danny Peary, Tim Mccarver’s Baseball for Brain Surgeons and Other Fans

It will . . . obfuscate and mislead the public.
— Rod Liddle, “Labour’s attack on Gilligan is just nit-picking”, The Guardian, August 13, 2003

Obfuscate comes from Late Latin obfuscatus, past participle of obfuscare, “to darken,” from Latin ob- + fuscare, “to darken,” from fuscus, “dark.” The noun form is obfuscation.

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INDIAN LARRY ISSUE COMING FROM THE CYCLE SOURCE STAFF–The stuff on Indian Larry was cool! I can’t wait to get that magazine when it comes out. I really got into his bikes. His bikes always inspired a lot of people. Also, your bikes, the bikes you have built, have always been some of my favorite bikes.

Right now I could use some inspiration. By the way Chopper John, and I have helped a little on our project bike. We have almost completed a rigid Sporty. John hand built the entire frame.

–Mike Pullin


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LACKLUSTER BIKERNET FORUM–I have noticed the Your Shot section has been fairly inactive lately. Some of the threads are over 2 yrs old without a post.(example no one has had sex since June 2007) If I were a new visitor 2 yr old posts would look pretty stale to me.

Just a thought for lay out, Free for all your shot, then moving the swap meet buy /sell next. Then pretty much keep the tech section as stands. Then scrap most of the other sections.

Your Shot should be easier to find on the home page. I`m only one guy puttin in my 2 cents.

Thanks for your work in 2009 making Bikernet the best kick ass internet bike mag around. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you, Nyla and family. Now, get down to the shop and build something, get ready for the salts in 2010.

–Rick F.
aka Fish

This is one area we will attack over the next couple of months. We will completely revamp the Forum. We are also considering a re-do on our classifieds area. Hang on.–Bandit

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SWISS ARMY HAVE THE BEST BLOCK ON YOUR BLOCK–Our Block Sets make the perfect gift for the at-home chef on your holiday gift list. We began in the cutlery business 125 years ago and are still the Choice of Professionals today. We offer a variety of block sets as well as individual cutlery items and gift sets. From the Makers of the Original Swiss Army Knife, all of our cutlery carries a Lifetime Warranty against manufacturer’s defects.

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SEMA banner
Anybody can join Sema, large companies, small, dealers and individuals.

REPORTS COMING IN THE RECENT SEMA NEWSLETTER–Is the gasoline engine dead? A landmark study from the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) and SEMA on alternative powertrains highlights the opportunities the new technologies represent for the specialty-equipment market.

The December issue also features the partnership between the Harvard Business School and the SEMA Education Institute. You?ll find an update on motorsports marketing and a research report on the changing landscape of the mobile-electronics market.

As always, the digital issue of SEMA News features video highlights, direct links to advertisers and a host of other viewing benefits. Click on the bottom right-hand corner of the cover to open the issue. You can continue turning each page by clicking on the right-hand side of each spread. The current issue as well as past issues can also be found at the SEMA News homepage.

Happy Reading and Happy Holidays,

–Matthew Pearson
SEMA Editorial Director

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PAUL YAFFE TO CELEBRATE HIS BIRTHDAY AT THE BILLET BAR IN PHOENIX, AZ–I’ve been working for Myron, Billet Bar Boss, for a handful of years and he told me that you’ve got a pretty popular website and I was hoping you could do me a favor. Paul Yaffe’s birthday is coming up this Friday and we’re throwing him a big party. I’m trying to spread the word to make it as big as possible, and I was hoping you could post it on your website. Really appreciate it.


I recently stumbled into a bar in Southern California and ordered a couple of drinks, a Jack on the Rocks and a glass of house wine. The bill was $20. No wonder I don’t drink at bars. Good god. I spoke to Myron the other day and he told me his prices are still $4.50 for well drinks. So, how about a ride to Phoenix, it’s just over 400 miles, for a drink?–Bandit

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betsy toy ride

BETSY HITS GLENDALE TOY RUN– What’s news? I’ve had a busy few weeks with lots of family visiting from Minnesota and Colorado. I had hoped to go on the Hells Angels Toy ride two weeks ago, but that day the rain was too much. Then this past weekend it looked like the Glendale Toy Ride was going to have the same fate, but the skies opened up and it was a most perfect day.

All of my buddies had backed out because of weather, but my new bo and the fearless Carlana joined me. The streets were lined with kids that had waited in the rain over night, and the Mongols, the Vagos and the Boozefighters all turned out in large numbers with heaps of toys.



Continued On Page 2

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Behind USPS Motorcycle Stamps

sturgis MM

I recently had woken up to the buzzing of my cell phone vibrating itself off my nightstand. While I am a part-time writer for the world renowned, I actually have a full time regular job which requires that I work rotating shifts; half days and half nights. I was trying to get some sleep as I had just laid down after my 9th straight night on shift when I heard the phone rumbling across the imitation wood grain.

Who in the world could be calling me at 6 in the morning? I was sure I would answer one of the many perfectly timed, “Oh sorry, I have the wrong number.” Nothing pisses me off more than being woken up by idiots. I looked down and saw the name K. Ball on the receiver. What in the world is he calling me for at 4am California time? I contemplating letting him hear my voicemail but figured I might as well answer, as he would just call back until he heard from me.

“Yes sir,” I tried to sound only half-asleep, like it would matter to him.

“Mr. White, Mr. Ball here. I need you to get working on a new story. I sent you a few e-mails and all the pertinent information. Give me the works. I expect it in 6 hours and it better be good.” The line went dead. He is such a talker, you know?

I put the phone down and rolled over to get some sleep when I heard the familiar rumbling again. I looked over my shoulder and sure enough my phone was lit up like a new LED taillight at a red light. I reached for it and immediately barked into the phone,“I just got off graveyards asshole! I need some sleep so I’ll call you later!”

I heard a muffled breathing on the other end that sounded like someone had dropped the phone. A few short breaths followed by my mother’s voice came over the receiver, “Oh, I’m sorry honey. I was just going to leave a voice message telling you Happy Father’s day. I’m sorry.”

Goddamnit my life is turned upside down and here I am yelling at my poor mother! I swear I’m going straight to hell.“Mom, damn! I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.” It didn’t matter, I had already made her cry. I tried to soothe things over, but it was all for naught. The damage had been done and I was proving once again that I am a world-class asshole. I hung up the phone and tried to go back to sleep when once again the phone began vibrating straight through the table and into my brain.

“What the fuck do you want?!!” I screamed into the phone while trying not to actually get out of my now very comfortable sleeping position.

“Hey Goddamnit! Get your ass up and read your e-mail. I need this story now!” Once again, the line went dead. I knew he would keep hounding me for the next few hours, so I drug myself to the computer to see what he needed me to write about. I needed coffee and a bowl of oatmeal to get my brain working.

How about this for stamp art?

I opened my e-mail and found three forwarded e-mails from a Mark Saunders. Turns out he is an employee at the U.S. Postal Headquarters working at the press office that publishes stamps. He was lead to Bikernet by the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. I guess that Hall of fame thing came with a price? Anyway, he alerted us to the unveiling of 4 new stamps at this year’s Sturgis Rally. All 4 stamps are to commemorate 4 stages of the modern motorcycle. The subjects are based on 3 actual motorcycles that will actually be on display with the stamps at this year’s rally.

Sturgis logo

The country has begun to cash in on the whole motorcycle craze as of late, I guess it was only a matter of time before the government stepped in line for their slice of the pie.

I called Bandit and asked what did he want me to do with this as I had already seen the press release and stamps in the news on Bikernet.

“Research the process it takes to get onto a stamp. Don’t call me again, I’m trying to get some sleep.” Following the well-known pattern of his, the line went dead. I was glad it did too, I probably would have said some shit that would make his lanky ass climb onto one of the 100’s of bikes he owns and drive to Houston to kill me.

I checked a few numbers in the e-mails and sent George Tsunis, owner of the ’65 Electra Glide, an e-mail requesting an interview. Knowing it was only 8 am in NY, I figured it would be a few hours before he responded. Surprisingly, a reply came back within a minute.

Harley angled

“Call me. Phone-Number.”

Cool! I might be done with this story quicker than I thought. I decided to read through the rest of my notes and e-mails to see if I could get any information that might be useful before questioning Mr. Tsunis (pronounced Tewnis).

I did discover that the U.S. Postal Service (USPS)gets in the neighborhood of 50,000 stamp suggestions annually. That’s somewhere around 164 suggestions every working day. What are the chances someone would send in a request for a motorcycle stamp and it get selected? Well I guess one in fifty fucking thousand! Actually, 20 to 25 get selected, but that’s still pretty bad odds.

The USPS contacted the Smithsonian inquiring about what models of motorcycles to choose from. They wanted to illustrate the evolution of the modern motorcycle with 4 distinct models that had changed the industry at their respective times. The four rides selected were a 1918 Cleveland, a 1940 Indian Four, a 1965 Electra Glide, and finally a conceptual chopper; four instrumental rides that were representing the best of their respective eras.

The folks at the USPS press office found a 1918 Cleveland in Todd Rafferty’s “The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of American Motorcycles.” Wanting to get in touch with a current owner of such a ride, Todd was able to lead them to Penny Nickerson, also the current president of the Long Island Antique Motorcycle Club. Come to find out, she had already agreed to have her bike “Olive” pose for a stamp back in 2003. The reason nobody had heard or seen any evidence of this was because of a nondisclosure agreement she signed agreeing to keep the secret until the stamp unveiling set for December of 2005.

The bike was actually discovered by Penny in a barn of a previous boyfriend. Doesn’t that figure, she gets the priceless motorcycle and he probably gets an alimony bill every month! Just kidding…not really. She told the guys with the USPS how Olive had actually been a dispatch cycle used by the U.S. Army in WWI. So not only is it a cool looking old bike, but it’s a bad motherfucking war veteran as well. Hoorah! The guys discussed the other bikes they had planned for the stamps when lo and behold, Penny’s club had the exact bikes they were looking for.

Calls were made. Dates were set. Stories were told. It gets a little confusing as to who started what after this. I talked with George Tsunis, and he led me to believe it was one of the 3 that were selected for the stamps that actually made the initial suggestion for the stamps way back in 2003.

Wait a minute, you mean to tell me you made a suggestion, the postal service researched it and went to the folks at Sturgis and the Smithsonian, and they ended right back on the doorsteps of the original person who had made the suggestion to begin with? Whoa! What are the fucking odds of that happening? 1 in 50,000, a Million, a trillion? Really, who gives a shit, it ends up we are getting 4 stamps with motorcycles on them. I really could give a shit less how they selected what they did, I just think their cool.

Of the four bikes, the only one that isn’t represented by a real bike is the “chopper”. The chopper is a conceptual creation by the stamp artist, Steve Buchanan. While I do think the bikes all look cool, I was a little disappointed that they didn’t choose an actual chopper from the '70s. Denver Choppers comes to mind. I’ll bet Mondo has a couple of gems stored in the back that would have looked better than the chopper that was rendered. Seriously, that thing looks like one of those mini choppers you see on every street corner with their funky little tanks.

The stamps will be unveiled with the bikes at the 66th annual Sturgis Rally. You can attend the dedication and unveiling of the new stamps at the Sturgis Post Office in front of the Community Center at 8:30 am on August 7. A 10-ft. image of each stamp will be unveiled with each motorcycle on display. The stamps will be available to the public on August 8, 2006.

All photos courtesy of Mark Saunders USPS.

[copyright sign] 2006 USPS Used with permission. All rights reserved.

The four bikes listed with their individual characteristics. Owner information included.

1918 Cleveland-

Cleveland Stamp

The Cleveland Motorcycle Manufacturing Company of Cleveland, Ohio built the single-cylinder Cleveland Motorcycle depicted on this stamp. This motorcycle was reputed to be able to travel 75 miles on a single gallon of gas and reach speed up to 35-40 mph.

The bike was surprisingly light at 150 pounds and cost just $175. Because of it’s lightweight durability and low price, this was a very popular motorcycle in it’s hey-day.

The bike used for the stamp is a Cleveland A2 owned by Penny Nickerson of Long Island, NY.

1940 Indian-

Indian Stamp

The famed Indian Motorcycle Company built the Indian 4 depicted on this stamp. The 1940 entry is a deluxe, four-cylinder motorcycle known as the Four. The skirted fenders that partially covered the wheels became a trademark sign of the Indian that followed up to the final Chiefs built in 2003.

Indian leading pack

The fenders coupled with the leaf-spring front end are trademarks that can be seen on custom bikes even today.

Michael and Larry Speilfogel of New York City own the bike that modeled for this stamp. It is depicted in the deep red color often associated with Indian motorcycles.

1965 Harley-Davidson-

Harley Stamp

With features such as whitewall tires, extensive chrome, large fenders, and spacious fiberglass saddlebags, the H-D featured on this stamp is considered by many to be one of The Company’s most iconic and prolific.

Known as the Electra-Glide, this model was first manufactured in 1965 sporting the brand new push-button electric start motor.

George Tsunis, of Port Jefferson, NY, owns this motorcycle.

The Chopper circa 1970

chopper stamp

The name “chopper” derives from the process of removing, or “chopping”, unnecessary or unwanted components from a motorcycle. The term often indicates an extensively customized motorcycle with such features as a stretched frame, stepped seat, and ape raised handlebars. Typically, the frame has been stretched with an extended-length fork leading to the front wheel.

The stamp artist was in consultation with professional chopper builders to invent the chopper depicted on this stamp.


So remember, support the USPS. Interestingly, I learned the USPS receives no taxpayer dollars for routine operations, but derives operating revenues solely from the sale of postage, products and services. Hey, they have delivered our parcel since 1775. Let’s all do our part to support one of the longest lasting American services left.


See you in Sturgis. Take care and ride free while we still can!

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Stocking Stuffers for 2009

wolf panhead

Harley Davidson Panhead Restoration BibleJust in time for the Christmas season is another outstanding book from Wolfgang Publications. Whether you are an old hand in the shop or a newbie, this book offers plenty of information for anyone thinking about a restoration or already in the depths of one. Panhead Restoration is chock full of tips, tricks and good advice about the venerable Panhead. The authors begin with a brief history of the Panhead and treat us to some original color advertisements from the motor company. This includes a discussion on what to look for in a good candidate for restoration and what prices restored and original bikes are commanding.

Next is a section on what tools to have on hand for your project. They also describe special tools that can be made from swap meet parts or what you might have on hand around the shop. The detailed close up color photos show disassembly and reassembly of hubs, wheels, engine and carburetor, transmission and clutch. Also covered is the electrical system and paint. There are also sections on removing frozen fasteners, broken studs removal, and cooling fin repair. The electric starting circuit, 12 volt, 1965 Electra Glide gets three pages of its own with big color pictures. While not all inclusive, with this book, plus a Panhead service manual and Panhead parts book will create a substantial library of info for any Pan restoration project.

10 chapters. 176 pages. Over 500 color photographs. Start to finish sequences of each major operation.

Available from Wolfgang Publications
order by mail at PO Box 223
Stillwater, MN.
By phone at 651-275-0194, or on the web at
priced at $34.95 + $5.50 S&H.

Harley-Davidson Panhead Restoration
ISBN-13: 978-1-929133-81-9
ISBN-10: 1-929133-81-2
Author: Rick Schunk

–Kevin Thomas

With the above information you can order this book from any bookstore on the Planet, or touch on this banner and order it directly from the publisher.

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Michael Hupy is a long-standing Wisconsin motorcycle attorney. He's represented motorcyclists and club members for over 30 years. He always supported the motorcycle rights movement and our freedoms to ride unrestricted. Recently his team, including the boss of the ALCU, Ira Glasser, developed this short, but highly handy DVD program. You're not going to see wet T-shirt contests and wild parties, but you will learn how to survive them.

The DVD succinctly (in 45 minutes) covers what we need to know when a cop pulls us over or wants to search our vehicle. It answers all the legal questions about being searched or questioned as a pedestrian. And finally, it covers how to handle cops at your door during that wild party you planned for months.

This DVD was not designed for entertainment. It's straight forward life-saving information acted out by professional actors to demonstrate the right and wrong way of handling the Man. It's respectful regarding the cops, on the other hand, it explains police motives and tricks causing you to relinquish your rights. It prevents you from giving up your rights.

This is not a one-time watch it and toss it DVD. It's a training lesson that needs to be watched several times, and perhaps practiced. Believe me, the next time you hear about a traffic stop that ended in jail time, you'll grab this DVD and watch it again. The next time you run into a partner who was busted for marijuana at a party, you'll wish you had shared this DVD with him or her. It's simple, easy to watch and could save your ass. Can't get much better.

To order click on the banner below or go to for $15.00. Best fifteen bucks you'll ever spend.


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Riding on the Edge: A Motorcycle Outlaw’s TaleBook review by Kevin Thomas

Author John Hall comes through the early days of the Pagans Motorcycle Club relatively unscathed and lives to tell the tale. Riding on the Edge gives an insiders view of the 1960’s start of the Pagans MC.

“This was the glorious summer of ’67. There were no helmet laws. And there were no sexually transmitted diseases that a $5 trip to the doctor couldn’t cure. Nobody cared about drunk driving as long as you didn’t have an accident. And barroom brawling was as much a part of life as sex and rock’n’ roll.”


Hall weaves a tale of hell raising, beer drinking, motorcycle riding rednecks with tales of Norse Gods and berserker heritage set in the cultural upheaval of the 1960s. While focusing on a few short years he paints a picture of the boozing, drugging, and brawling that evolved into his rise to the top of his chosen club. Hall brings a sense of wonder as to how he wound up on the outlaw path.

“… had I not gone to the farmers market that night… I may not have seen that jacket, bought it, been accosted by that young lady in the bar and gotten a motorcycle. Then I would have not become a Pagan that winter, come to Pennsylvania, gone to jail and gotten into Penn State, where I met my wife…Schicksal ( fate) and (doom): two words in German which carry a weight of inevitability that cannot be translated into any other language. Sure enough, the course of my life was changed forever that night by a whimsical stop at the farmers market, an impulsive clothing purchase, and an inquisitive young girl in a bar.”

Who would have thought that the spawn of Pennsylvania Dutch Mennonite farmers would evolve into the perfect combination of guts, brawn and devil may care attitude to bring about one of the most violent outlaw motorcycle clubs in the states. Especially thought provoking is that the club was formed by a bunch of kids. As Hall remembers, the oldest member of the club was no older than 30. Stoop is 19 when he begins his hangaround status with the gang, despite their rule that members be at least 21.

“The club operated under the fuhrer principle, having a strong leader who ruled with an iron fist and intimidated the shit out of everyone. Trying to run a group of outlaws according to Roberts Rules of Order was like trying to start a motorcycle by whispering sweet words into the carburetor.”


This is a good story about a lifestyle and a chapter of American history that we will never see again. Back when America was a free country and you were innocent until proven guilty, before political correctness and before the patriot act. Read this and remember or imagine what it must have been like to be so free.

Riding on the Edge A Motorcycle Outlaw’s Tale
ISBN: 978-0-7603-3276-4
Author : John Hall

–Kevin Thomas


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Two years in the making, “Cafe Society” is the first, full-length documentary film to chronicle the origins, legacy and rebirth of this, one of the world's most unique motorcycles and motorcycle subcultures.

Filmed on location throughout the UK, Europe and U.S. by crews from Chet Burks Productions and Mike Seate of Cafe Racer magazine, “Cafe Society” brings viewers a rare, intimate view of the Ton-Up culture. Filled with never-before-seen historical stills and rare film clips, plus interviews with legendary motorcycle designers and personal, eyewitness accounts from the men and women who created the first high-performance streetbikes, “Cafe Society” is one wild ride! Full of Fast Bikes, Black Leather and Rock 'N Roll…

It's an interesting film based primarily at the ACE café in London. It's a true to life documentary with interview with the real deals, guy who rode in the '50s. There are plenty of black and white clips and stills from the era of café racers, so the viewer has the opportunity to see the actual motorcycles of the time. It speaks of the original dangerous road races on the outskirts of London, of the Rockers club.


This film won't drive you to rip the clothes off your girlfriend. You won't sit on the edge of your seat and claw the furniture. It's more historic in nature. It would be terrific for the guy who wants to build a Café styled bike or restoration.

Order this book through ChopperTown
Runtime: over 1 hour
Region: 0 (ALL regions guaranteed – USA, Europe, Japan OK!)
Filed under best Motorcycle DVD, best motorcycle movie category.

–Wilburn Roach


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Vincent book

The Vincent In The Barn: Great Stories of Motorcycle Archaeology

With the approach of cold weather, bikers in the Midwest begin the annual ritual of parking the scoots in the garage for a long winters rest. For some, there are plans to tear down and rebuild, for others just routine maintenance. Sometimes things change and the bike stays in the garage. Divorce, death or something else gets in the way of riding. Sometimes that bike is in the garage for a long time.

The Vincent in the Barn from Tom Cotter and ten other writers is an interesting and enjoyable collection of stories about the search for collectible motorcycles. The book also contains dozens of photographs of rare and interesting motorcycles and memorabilia. The pictures are kind of small but they are mostly in color. There are stories about old motorcycles and there are stories about rare motorcycles. Sometimes there are huge collections in pristine condition and other times heartbreaking piles of rotted, rusting junk. There are stories about bikes found in bedrooms, living rooms, bars, garages, barns, sheds and in fifth floor apartments told in their own words by the people who found them.

The intrepid motorcycle enthusiast will let no tarp go uncovered and no rotting shed go unsearched. Every lead must be followed, every rumor checked. The trail can lead to the next town, the next state, across the country or across the ocean.

There are tales of trips to Russia, trips to Canada and trips as yet unplanned to the dark continent of Africa as soon as those pesky wars stop. Bikes are found through word of mouth from friends and strangers alike. Bikes are found listed in classified ads and on e-bay. Why just the other day I heard about an old Harley ridden in the sixties by a guy just outside of town and I bet that bike is still out in his shed. He lives about three miles from my place. I guess I better go check it out.

The Vincent in the Barn: Great Stories of Motorcycle Archaeology
ISBN 978-0-7603-3535-2
Author Tom Cotter

–Kevin Thomas


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The Inspire DVD by Xplode Films Production

Here's what the producers say about their 95 minute DVD on why builders build, with tips on building your first bike or why:Inspire – Tales from the Roadside, hear the amazing stories of modified Harley / Chopper owners, as they unravel the blood, sweat and broken bones of building a dream bike. Even some of the best bike builders prove you don't need a bottomless pit of cash, or access to the latest in technology. Get an insight on what really goes on in building a custom bike. We get up close and personal with the builders, who don't just put on a face for the camera, and you'll get to hear them let loose. Non scripted, no makeup, no directors, no actors (ok, maybe a few in the opening scene) & no fancy studios…you get the idea.

You'll learn great tips and tricks on building a dream bike. Not only from the owners, but also from some of the leading bike builders around. So just who is on the DVD? Apart from some of Australia's hottest upcoming bike builders, from the USA, there's Arlen Ness, Corey Ness, “The Count” (Counts Kustom), Dave & Eric (Tempest) Jaxon Fyffe, Kris Krome, Ruben (Dinos Cycles- 3x back to back winner) plus more. It doesn't matter if your a full time road warrior, accountant, nurse or a kindy teacher, this is for everyone and you'll learn the art of owning one of the most fantastic machines around. After all, every bike reflects it's owner.

Rumor has it this film is not overly popular in Australia. Film making is a tough challenge. For the last ten years, one custom bike film has been produced after another. Each one as dull as toast, about a highly passionate, wild sport. This film stumbles down the same path. The music is hard and violent. The graphics are evil, cutting and satanic, but there's no wild action, fights, half naked women, wrecks, cops, crime, nada. Most of the riding shots are taken in a straight line. There's a couple of burnouts and the rest is made up of interviews with celebrity builders.

I suppose you could show this to kids who are intrigued about choppers. For someone new to the lifestyle, it depicts some cools bikes, and you get to hear opinions about the lifestyle and building scooters from a handful of notables. But this film wasn't shot for us hardened criminals who would rather rob a liquor store than watch another builder tell us how cool he is.

And, if you can't watch it to the end…we understand, you just want to go build / ride

Australia's first documentary film on modified Harleys & custom built Choppers in Australia / US. Running Time 95 minutes.


Click on this Bikernet Xmas card for more gift notions.

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December 10, 2009 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


Save The Planet: Wear Less–With everybody talking about eco-friendly these days and the big conference going on right now over in Copenhagen, Denmark, we here at BIKERNET want to do our share as well. While we are still not convinced that the electric motorcycle is going to save the planet any time soon because energy from the sun still has some way to go before solar panels are efficient enough to make a real impact, and other alternative energy sources are still in the early stages of development, we thought this might be something: Eco-friendly clothing.


Eco-chic, sexy lingerie like this babe is wearing helps sustain the planet, so they claim. Previously available at only the finest European boutiques and high-end stores, Eco-Boudoir is now found online in the US at

Traditional growing and production methods produce fabrics that are toxic to our planet. According to the folks at Cool Planet, conscientious designers seek out and encourage sustainable farmers, who incorporate organic methods. Reducing the use of toxic chemicals and pesticides is healthier and does minimal environmental harm. Sustainable materials such as bamboo are expertly woven into luxurious fabrics with the feel of fine cashmere, pampering the body with sexy eco-luxury.


This might not reduce the pace of global warming or prevent low-laying coastal areas from getting submerged, but it might just help keep the world a little less toxic – one babe at a time.

– – C.S. Berg
Bikernet Desert Correspondent

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1. To think deeply or intently; to ponder; to meditate.
2. To think about; to ponder on; to meditate upon; to plan or plot.

As she waited in the prison anteroom to be admitted, Bitsey read background file clippings from NEWS Magazine’s morgue and cogitated on the idea of knowing one’s exact date of death beforehand.
— Dewey Gram, The Life of David Gale

Elliot seems to have been a serious type, given to New Year’s Eves reading Shakespeare and cogitating on the sermon preached at his grandfather’s funeral.
— James Reaney, “They partied like it’s 1899”, London Free Press, January 3, 1999

Doc Leach shifted his pipe from one corner of his mouth to the other and blinked a couple of times. That meant he was cogitating.
— Monty Roberts, The Man Who Listens To Horses

Cogitate comes from Latin cogitare, “to turn over in one’s mind, to reflect, to think, to consider,” from co- + agitare, “to put in constant motion, to drive about,” from agere, “to drive.” It is related to agitate.

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10 POCKET ROAD VEST – EVERYTHING YOU NEED– With our 10 pocket Road Vest you have a place for everything and everything has a place.

The Torian Chopper Leather Road Vest is made with the same heavy duty features and supple naked cowhide as our premium leather jackets.

The front zipper keeps you snug and does not allow wind in like a snap vest often will. Get the details here.

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Kentucky Motorcycle Association / K.B.A. 13th Annual Freedom Fighters Forum– January 16th, 2010,Come join us for our Annual legislative conference on issues facing motorcyclists and citizens in Kentucky and the U.S. Learn how to be an effective force for change within our government and how to make a difference. This conference is FREE and open to the public.

Where: Lake Cumberland State Resort Park in Jamestown, KY
When: 9am to 5pm Central Time
How: To get more info call 800-68-CYCLEor
Why: To protect your Freedoms and Liberty
Who: Candidate for US Senate Rand Paul and other speakers to be announced.

For Reservations at the hotel mention the KMA/KBA for a special room rate of $55 per night
Lake Cumberland State Resort Park
5465 State Park Road
Jamestown, KY 42629-7801
Telephone: 270-343-3111
Toll Free: 800-325-1709

Sponsored in part by the Law Offices of Ralph Buss

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H2W Quick Release Map Pocket

RPW Motorcycle Accessories Introduces New H2W Map Pockets–Indianapolis, IN, December 3, 2009- RPW Motorcycle Accessories introducesthe new H2W Magnetic and Quick Release Map Pockets. The new Map Pockets area simple, economical way to carry a map on your motorcycle tank when atraditional tank bag with map pocket is not needed.

Designed and manufactured in the USA, the new H2W Map Pockets utilize thesame rugged material used in the H2W Products, along with the innovativemono swivel buckles and magnets used in the Marsee Tank Bags. The MapPockets are made with no metal parts to scratch bikes and the bottoms arecovered in a non-slip, non-scratch rubber coating. Hook and loop map pocketopenings keep dirt out while allowing quick and easy access to the pocket.The map pocket cover is made from rugged, marine-grade plastic. Elasticpenholders on both sides make it easy to always have a pen or marker quicklyavailable.

H2W Magnetic Map Pocket

The Magnetic Map Pocket has four magnets to keep the bag in place on thebike. All four magnets are contained in separate sturdy compartments. Forthose who want the magnetic version (but somehow don?t trust magnets), thereis a snap buckle on a strap that can also attach to the bike for extrasecurity. The Magnetic Map Pocket measures 9.5? x 15? with a 7.125? x 8?clear map pocket size.

The Quick Release Map Pocket mounting system is well known and fully testedon Marsee?s newest tank bag, the 12L Tear Drop Tank Bag. For easy andsecure mounting, there are two mono swivel buckles at the top with a strapconnecting the two and one mono swivel buckle at the bottom with a loop onone end.

The Quick Release Map Pocket measures 17.5? x 9? with a 10? x 8?clear map pocket size.

For further information, please contact:Amy Hall
RPW Motorcycle Accessories, Home of
Marsee Products and Helen Twowheels
Super Packing System
411 Dorman
Indianapolis, IN 46202
317-639-0722 Fax

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DEPARTURE BIKES WORKS CHRISTMAS SWAPMEET THIS WEEKEND IN RICHMOND, VA–Call Lee at 804-231-0244 to reserve your booth for the Swap Meet on Sunday, December 13, 2009 at Augusta Expo in Fishersville VA. This is a great chance to sell all those unneeded parts and put some Christmas cash in your pocket.

Booths are just $40 each–call today

–Departure Bike Works, Inc.
5216 Hull St Rd, Richmond 23224
(1.5 miles east of Chippenham Pkwy)
OPEN Mon-Fri 9 to 5 Sat 10-4

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The 8th Annual – DALLAS CHOPPER SHOW & SWAP MEETSUNDAY – JANUARY 10th– Judged Competition For : Manufacturer Built Choppers (Big Dog, Iron Horse, Ect) ..Shop Built Choppers (constructed by motorcycle shop) Home Built Choppers (constructed by owner)….1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place Trophys in Each Catagory – PLUS Peoples Choice Award – NO ENTRY FEE

PLUS – CARTER BLOOD CARE?S Bloodmobile will be out front to collect donationsat their MOST CRITICAL time of the year. FREE T-SHIRT & FREE SHOW ADMISSION for donorsDonor Reservations requested – contact – OR 1-800-DONATE-4

LIVE BAND !!! Everybody?s FAVORITE – Pete Barbeck & 7th Son

LOCATION: Longhorn Ballroom, Corner of Riverview & Corinth – Take Riverview Blvd. Exit from I-30 or I-35 at Downtown Dallas & go South 5 blocks.(NOTE: Industrial Blvd?s NAME has been changed on all signs to Riverview Blvd.)
DATE: Sunday, January 10th
SHOW HOURS: 11am – 5:30pm
ADMISSION: $8 Adults, $5 5-14, Under 5 Free
254-687-9066 Office
214-428-4500 Day of Show ONLY

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SEMA and Motor Trend Auto Shows have announced a partnership on behalf of the Silicon Valley International Auto Show, January 7?10, 2010 at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center–For the first time, SEMA-member companies can join the auto show excitement and showcase products direct to the public. Located in the South Hall and filled with custom vehicles, entertainment, automotive accessories, music and more, Motor Trend Auto Shows and SEMA are giving auto enthusiasts in the general public the chance to experience the excitement of SEMA, as part of the Silicon Valley International Auto Show.

For exhibitors, this is a great opportunity to put exciting new products and project vehicles in front of auto show attendees, many of whom come prepared to buy. Additionally, all SEMA-member companies who display at the auto show will receive a complimentary feature vehicle space at the 2010 SEMA Show.

To learn more about the Silicon Valley International Auto Show, visit To exhibit, contact Lisa Gelb with Motor Trend Auto Shows at 313/363-7899 or

SEMA banner
Anybody can join Sema, large companies, small, dealers and individuals.

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HELL CAT CUSTOMS Rise From The Ashes Poker Run This Weekend–Friends of HellCat Customs in Mesa, Arizona, are hosting a poker run on December 12 to benefit Jason Sarratt and Kelly Rogers, owners of HellCat Customs, who lost their business and home in a fire a little over a month ago.

The 75 mile Poker Run begins and ends at Roadrunner Saloon in New River. Check in is 7:30a.m. – 9:00a.m., kickstands are up at 9:00 a.m. There are Ghost Riders available to proxy for riders unable to attend. Participation in the Poker Run is $10.00. There will also be 50/50 and raffle tickets for sale. All funds will be used to help the family rebuild their custom motorcycle business, HellCat Customs (

?Over the past ten years, Jason and Kelly have grown HellCat Customs of Mesa into a well-respected custom bike building business known throughout the country. They lost everything in minutes. Jason has given so much to the community and never asked or expected anything in return, so we?d like to pay it forward. Our goal is to raise funds to help get them and their employees back in business as quickly as possible,? said Fred Horton, organizer of the Poker Run event.

Many local businesses have joined in to support the fundraiser. Sponsors include the Roadrunner Restaurant & Saloon, Buddy Stubbs (Phoenix & Anthem), Wild Horse West, Joeta?s Leather, TEAM Arizona, Hardcore Watch Co., Paul Yaffe, EB Lane, Oregano?s Pizza Bistro, and others. The sponsors are donating facilities, discounted fare and merchandise.

For more information on the Poker Run and to register contact Smooth at (602) 290-5968 or email

– – C.S. Berg

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HOLIDAY GREETINGS FROM KUSTOM FAB IN HAWAII– I would like to wish you & your Family a Mele Kalikimaka a hau?oli makahiki hou!-Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. From Roger and the Kustomfab crew?.




P.S.Thought I would send this short arrangement of photos demonstrating the many facets of Dennis Mathewson Body Painting the this model prior to a photo shoot. Our latest creation The Roadster provided another type WOW factor.

kustomfab banner

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NOEL, NOEL, GODDAMNIT–Okay, so we survived another news column, maybe. For a country that’s hurting financially, there’s never a dull moment. This weekend rocks with the Mooneyes Christmas party in LA and the David Mann Chopperfest in Ventura, CA. Lee Clemens is up to his eyeballs putting a Swapmeet together in Richmond, VA. Rick Fairless is throwing something holiday oriented at Strokers in Dallas, and you can see the flurry of activity just in our news. Pick up your local regional Biker Rag and you’ll discover a party, show or event every goddamn day. If not throw a party.


What’s coming on Bikernet? Hell, I don’t know. JoAnn Bortels said she’ll try to send us a complete art and paint report from the hallowed halls of SEMA for 2009. Hopefully, for our industry, we’ll be more involved with SEMA next year. There’s a lot of customers on the car side for Bike builders.

Don’t forget Bikernet for some cool gifts.

Our copy editor, Bruce Snyder, who is escaping to Colorado Springs in the near future, is putting the final touches on a piece of fiction I wrote several years ago. It’s about a guy who yanked from cold Chicago streets in the winter to hunt down his girl in Tahiti. I need to write another Cantina Soap episode. Several techs are boiling on the stove, including a Paughco/Baker/S&S Sportster tech. Then we are going to install some Bassini Exhaust on a 2009 dresser. Also, a brand new 106 kit is on its way here from Zippers. It’s the hottest Twin Cam upgrade, and it’s inexpensive.

Plus, I need to kick off our Bonneville program for next year with a Bonne Belle tech from Departure Bike Works. And I believe, they just sent me the images to cover their S&S bike. You’ll love this one. It’s clean. Okay, find me some whiskey.

Ride Forever,



Read More

December 10, 2009 Part 3


Continued From Page 2


New Adapter Allows You to Use Any Aftermarket Bagger Muffler with 2010 Stock 2>1 System–Now 2010 Bike owners can pick the look and sound they want for their bikes! Introducing an adapter which fits between the stock head pipe collector and the muffler. The adapter allows the use of any bagger aftermarket muffler with standard 1 ?? inlet to be used with the 2 into 1 HD head pipe.


The kit includes the swedged pipe, heat shield and mounting hardware. Made of Heavy duty 16 gauge steel. Pipe is chrome and heat shield is polished and chromed. See a sound clip video. Bassani Part# 11119P Drag Part# 1802-0119 $49.95


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NHTSA REACHED OUT TO THE COMMUNITY–The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is the federal government?s lead agency when it come to safety policies and regulations; including speed limits, DUI laws, cell phone and texting bans, federal subsidies for speed traps and roadblocks, and vehicle equipment requirements. This agency was the last entity standing in support of the 55 MPH Speed Limit.

NHTSA is in the process of developing a five year strategic plan and it is asking for public comment on suggestions. You can be assured that every insurance company in the country, MADD, IIHS, Advocates for Highway Safety (more insurance company money), AAA (ditto), police organizations, ticket camera companies, and various ?we hate cars? activists will be letting NHTSA how YOUR money should be spent to YOUR disadvantage.

Here?s your chance to express your opinion on where this agency should be placing its priorities. For example, the official NMA response is going to include suggestions like this: Take the money being given to states to fund enforcement binges and instead give it to communities to synchronize their traffic lights. Instead of wasting money on speed enforcement, devote those funds to setting higher, more reasonable speed limits. And, rather than hand out money for ticket cameras use those same funds to systematically implement realistic yellow light intervals and correct other intersection engineering flaws.

These agencies always claim they are doing the public?s bidding. In NHTSA?s case that ?public? is more often the corporations and organizations that want to exploit and/or control motorists. Here?s your chance to tell NHTSA where and how you want your tax dollars spentTo have your say, simply click ?Submit Comment? on this page.

— By James Baxter, NMA President

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LATEST NEW SERVICE FROM THE BIKERNET STAFF, INSURANCE QUOTES– The insurance pros at the Bikernet Insurance Center are totally focused on serving the motorcycle community. This is a company built by bikers, run by bikers, for bikers. If you own a motorcycle or have anything to do with motorcycles, you owe it to yourself to obtain insurance advice and pricing from this team of insurance professionals.

They can advise you on any and all types of insurance whether it be covering your collection of vintage motorcycles, collector cars, decked-out RV, customize choppers and bobbers, crotch rockets, travel trailers, special events, manufacturing businesses, homes and everything in between from big to small.

The Bikernet Insurance Center LLC is a full-service insurance agency. The company and its team of agents are headquartered in San Diego, California and licensed to serve clients in 11 states, Mexico and soon, Canada. The company is a proud ?Trusted Choice? agency and a member of both the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America and the Western Insurance Agents Association.

States Served:Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin. Contact the for a listing of state license numbers and authorizations. CA License Number 0G67810.

Countries Served:Mexico through its relationship with MexiPass International Insurance Services LLC.Canada insurance services expected in second quarter of 2010.

Bikernet Insurance Services LLC is built to help you find the best insurance coverage at the best price. Nobody treats bikers better. As a Trusted Choice Agency, we are dedicated to you and are committed to treating you as a person, not a policy. We?ll take good care of yas. See contact information below.


Toll Free: 888-467-8703
Direct: 858-566-8703
Fax: 858-693-8703

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2009 A ROUGH YEAR ON ADVERTISING BUDGETS, BUT INTERNET GROWS–In another ad spending report, TNS Media Intelligence reported total measured advertising expenditures during the first nine months of 2009 fell by -14.7%, compared to the same period in 2008. In third quarter alone, ad spending declined by -15.3% versus last year. The television media sector overall was down by -12.1% during January-September 2009 compared to the same time period last year. Breaking down the category:

Network TV -11.5%
Cable TV -2.9%
Spot TV -27.5%
National Syndication -2.8%
Spanish-language TV -10.4%.

Overall magazine media was down -19.7%; newspaper media declined by -22.8%; radio media plummeted to -22.8%; and outdoor at -16.2%. The only bright spots on the report include internet (display ads only) at +7.0% and FSIs at +3.9%.

–Canyon Carver

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BIKERNET WEEKLY ART EXHIBIT–Wish I had a lot full of these to sell ? but noooooo baggers and sportys and street glides instead?.. ohhhh boy.

–Whiplash Biker Photog

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pub magazine

FOUR SPEED N-1 SHIFT DRUM–Have you ever had problems finding your neutral? V-2 Obsession has solved this 40 year old problem of finding neutral on old 4speed transmissions. The replacement part will fit in your stock top cover or pawl carrier and will move the neutral position from between first and second gear to the bottom, giving you a shifting sequence of N-1-2-3-4 up.

You can either buy the 3 parts or a single part and install it in your cover or pawl carrier. You can also order a new chrome cover with the parts already fit in for you 1952 to 1979 Big Twin model. It?s just a matter of switching the 2 covers. A kit is available for Big Twin 1952 to 1979, 1979-1986 and for 1952 to 1990 Sportster. Prices vary from 219$ to 476$ depending on the model or option chosen.

Please note that these parts are not built in the country of the rising sun but in North America by bikers who are obsessed by V-Twin, hence our name… V-2 Obsession.

For more information, please visit, write at or call 1-450-933-3299.Patent pending

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NEW EASY RIDER PREQUEL MOVIE HELD UP–Rumor has it that the new ER movie premiers have been held up for Daytona and Sturgis. There may be legal battles, but we will get to the bottom of it shortly.

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CANADIAN JUSTICE FOR ALL RALLY–Thank you to all of the riders and concerned citizens that participated in the rally at the Surrey Provincial Courthouse on December 8th.

There will be another “Justice for All” Rally at the Surrey Provincial Courthouse
Date: Friday, January 15, 2010
Time: 9:00AM

Description: Due to our failing system, a young motorcyclist by the name of Orion Hutchinson has lost his life by a suspected drunk driver and the person responsible for this tragedy, RCMP officer Cpl Benjamin “Monty” Robinson is potentially getting away with it.

Lets show our support with this peaceful rally organized by a fellow motorcyclist. Surrey Provincial Court 14340 57th Avenue Surrey, BC. Please wear your motorcycle jacket to show unity.


What can you do to take action and show your displeasure with the current system? Send a letter, email or fax to the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Hon. Kash Heed and the Attorney General, Hon. Michael de Jong, who is also a rider, and call for changes to be made to our justice system.

The only way that things will change is if we let our voices be heard. Your voice counts!

MLA: Hon. Kash Heed
Minister of Public Safety and
Solicitor General
Room 236
Parliament Buildings
Victoria BC V8V 1X4

Constituency Office:
3158 East 54th Avenue
Vancouver BC V5S 1Z1
Parliament Fax:
(250) 356-8270
Constiuency Fax:
(604) 775-2422

MLA: Hon. Michael de Jong
Abbotsford West
Attorney General
Room 232
Parliament Buildings
Victoria BC V8V 1X4

Constituency Office:
103 ? 32660 George Ferguson Way
Abbotsford BC V2T 4V6
Parliament Fax:
(250) 387-6411
Constituency Fax:
(604) 870-5444

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canyon carver

VICTORY ROAD TEST COMING TO BIKERNET–from the mysterious Canyon Carver. A Bikernet moto-journalist in hiding in the Malibu Hills, the Canyon Carver promised to ride and report on the new Victory line-up.


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hot leathers laconia image

Hot Leathers Gearing up for the Summer: Official Merchandiser of Laconia Motorcycle Week–MANCHESTER, CONN (November 16, 2009) – Hot Leathers has already begun warming up their engines in preparation for their 2010 rally schedule. Topping their long list of rally destinations is LACONIA, NH where the industry leader in motorcycle apparel and accessories is proud to announce that they will be a presenting sponsor and official Merchandiser for the 2010 Laconia Motorcycle Week.

This year’s 87th Laconia Motorcycle Week, to be held June 12-20, is a high-octane, action-packed nine days of motorcycle revelry and the perfect opportunity for rally-goers to choose from a significant selection of Hot Leather’s premier merchandise including t-shirts, hats and other products for men, women and children. Hot Leathers will also design the official 2010 Laconia Motorcycle Week logo which will offer customers a significant selection of specialty-printed, quality Laconia Rally merchandise. Known for offering the best selection of motorcycle merchandise in stores, online and on the road, Hot Leathers is proud to showcase its quality products at the Lobster Pound and at several locations up and down Lakeside Avenue.

hot leathers laconia shirts

This summer’s rally will be Hot Leathers 25th year in attendance at Laconia Motorcycle Week, which has boasted nearly 400,000 visitors in previous years. Hot Leathers has become a staple at the yearly celebration and is proud to offer patrons the opportunity to purchase quality and price-conscious motorcycle apparel and accessories to commemorate this legendary event.

“We’re very excited to be back at Laconia this summer and to be the official merchandiser for the event,” explains Hot Leathers’ retailer operations manager, Andy George. “Laconia is always a fantastic time and we can’t wait!”

hot leathers winning tshirt

Hot Leathers has been serving the motorcycle community for over 25 years. The company’s growing wholesale and printing facilities have earned it a place as one of America’s top 50 volume screen printers. Hot Leathers is constantly on the road showcasing its merchandise at a number of rallies and events across the country. Keep an eye out this summer for the Hot Leathers logo. It’s a brand you can trust with prices you can easily afford.

Check out to see their full 2010 rally schedule and to peruse their diverse and original merchandise.

–Sarah Wozniak


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bikers choice oil tank

BIKER?S CHOICE STAINLESS STEEL OIL TANK– Biker?s Choice offers oil tanks for Softail and Sportster model motorcycles. The one featured here is for 1989 thru 1999 Softail.

Specifications are as follows:
1.5 MM 304 polished steel
3MM stainless steel battery support plate
Non-rusting 304 stainless steel cap with rubber bung and max/min dip stick
Side fill and fully paintable.
Price: $219.95
Part number: 49-2200 For more information on this product or any other product, visit or visit one of our many dealers.

Happy Riding!!



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ZIPPER’S THUNDERMAX EFI WITH AUTO TUNE SYSTEM CAPABILITIES– Does Your EFI Bike Pop? Spit? Backfire? Start Hard? Run Hot? Deliver Poor Fuel Mileage and Performance? Would you like to have full control of your EFI system, freedom to make major or minor adjustments without a master?s degree in electronics and computers? Here is a simple solution?ThunderMax with AutoTune!

The ThunderMax is a completely new product that replaces the factory module, not an add-on box or signal modifier. The ThunderMax is purpose-built to deliver uncompromising performance but you don?t have to be a rocket scientist to install it, program it or make adjustments.

Just how easy is it?

Installation is a straightforward replacement of the factory module and oxygen sensors*. The ThunderMax SmartLink software contains hundreds of base maps that cover over 80% of popular factory and aftermarket combinations, dyno-developed by Zipper?s on real motorcycles.


Choosing a map is a quick and easy process thanks to SmartLink?s sorting filters; loading a map takes less than a minute. After that, you?re ready to start the motorcycle. Once running, let the bike warm up at idle to operating temperature while the Smartlink software automatically dials in idle and warm-up settings for that particular engine and you?re ready to ride!

During your ride, every time you ride, the ThunderMax AutoTune module analyzes the air/fuel ratio read by the wide-band oxygen sensors at warp speed after every cylinder fire and makes any necessary adjustments to the injector pulse width to achieve the desired air/fuel ratio while compensating for variations in injectors, fuel pressure, throttle body or exhaust flow. With every tank of fuel, at any temperature or elevation, your engines? tune is optimized by ThunderMax!

As simple as we?ve made it to install and use, don?t be fooled into thinking that this not one of the most sophisticated systems you can buy for your Harley. Using the supplied SmartLink software and communication cable, you can adjust or monitor virtually every parameter of the system.

Features Include:
* Adjustable Closed Loop AFR/RPM Targets
* Adjust Idle speed
* Adjustable Rev Limit
* Igniting Timing
* Automatic IAC Calibration
* Speedometer Calibration
* Decel Pop Control
* Read Diagnostic Codes
* Running Statistics / Logs
* Accel Pump Simulation
* Start Fuel Pulse
* Engine Temp Alarm
* Injector Size Compensation
* Live Engine Tuning
* Live Monitoring
* Live Recording
* Map Analysis Feature
* Digital Tech Compatible
* Nitrous*/ Boost Compatible (*excludes V-Rod model #309-366)
* Adjustable Warm-up Settings
* One-Button Tech Support
* Three Year Warranty

The ThunderMax makes sense in the long run as the system can grow and change as your engine does?just load a new map!

ThunderMax software, firmware and maps updates are free and accessible 24/7 with an Internet connection so you?re only a mouse-click away from the latest available data and product support. Dyno Tuners can access Advanced User SmartLink software that allows full custom mapping of virtually any engine combination. The ThunderMax is designed and manufactured right here in the USA and backed by a 3-year warranty!

* Requires addition of oxygen sensor bungs or an exhaust system with bungsLegal in California only for racing vehicles which may never be used upon a highway.


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UNCLE MONKEY DONS SANTA HAT–It’s that time of season again when the stores are filled with shoppers, children are extra nice and your home is invaded by the very people you spent all year avoiding. Yes, the holiday season is upon us once again. Our hearts and minds turn to gift giving but in today?s fast paced consumers driving gimme-gimme-gimme-now society it is becoming more and more difficult to buy for the person who has everything. That is why I?ve constructed this simple list of sure fire, can?t go wrong list of gifts for the biker on your list.

Shop rags ? simple straight forward. We all need them, we all hate spending money on them but we are always in search of one to clean a part or wipe up some oil.

Magazine subscriptions ? even if someone is an avid subscriber to Easyrider, The Horse, Cycle Source, Playboy, etc, they will appreciate the extra issue each month to pin pictures up in their garage.

Tattoo gift certificate to their favourite artist with seat time booked over the holidays. Every biker could use more ink and waiting lists for good artists can be 6+ months to get in so book early.

Speaking of Christmas presents.

Spiked dog collar. Man’s best friend could always use a new one. Doesn?t have a dog; he?ll probably proudly wear it himself.

Cleaning supplies ? Waxes, glazes and polishes and good clean micro fibre cloths. Even if he isn?t the make it sparkle and shine kind of person, they work great for cleaning bugs off.

Loctite ? The older the bike the more he will need, and continue to need.

Doo-rags ? always popular, always needed. Makes great fashion sense but also handy for cleaning up blood, repairing leaking intake gaskets, or tying up/gagging/blindfolding their favourite plaything. Don’t forget our famous Bikernet Bandanas.

Beer and/or hard liquors–

Old Biker Movies ? most have an extensive collection but all those vhs tapes are wearing out, DVD?s scratched sitting on the coffee table, powdery residue clinging to them.

Old motorcycle parts ? in fact the older, more obscure the better. Many a project has been started from a bare frame, a set of rusty cylinder heads, or gas tank. Once he tells you what it is for write it down and continue to buy parts for it for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmases.

In the end all we want is to share the holidays with our family and friends. From me and mine, to you and yours – Merry Christmas everyone.

–bad Uncle Monkey

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BIKERNET PAINT JOB OF THE WEEK FROM CRAZYHORSE PAINTING–This week’s paint job belong to Kieth Coleman. Kieth is a Master Sergeant in the Army and describes himself as a Soldier, Blacksmith, and bike ridin fool. Kieth rides a 2003 Yamaha Roadstar called the Yammerhammer.


Keith wanted the paint reflect his philosophies. Together we worked and came up with a design that combined his thoughts, career and lifestyle.

It seems to have been a success as Kieth tells me, “You wouldn?t believe how often I get stuck out in a parking lot waiting for someone to finish reading before I can get on and pull away! Nearly all the bikers first question is ?Who did that awesome paint??


I’m just proud to be able to do this kind of paintwork for those who serve our country. So thank you Kieth.


crazyhorse banner

Continued On Page 4

Read More

December 10, 2009 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


Superior Tank Mounts From Kundratic Kustom–For mere chump change, you too can take steps to protect your sheet metal and paint. Superior Tank Mounts are the original polyurethane bushings for stock (flatside) and kustom gas tank mounts. Superior Mounts offer the elasticity of rubber combined with the toughness and durability of metal. 2-piece in design and precision molded in black Polyurethane, these mounts fit all stock & custom applications.


These will not dry-rot, crack or crumble, they are oil and solvent resistant and unaffected by heat or cold. Plus they offer greater vibration dampening. They?ll outlive your rubber bushings ten to one.

In stock now starting at a measly $26.95, cheap insurance for your sheet metal and paint.
Replaces OEM# 11447.
For more information visit
or give Kundratic Kustom Motorcycles a call 410-633-3113.- – C.S. Berg

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FIGHTERAMA 2009 Motorcycle cult show celebrates spectacular comeback at new location–After seven years of the Fighterama Show in Rheinberg (Germany) and last year?s break the event moved to nearby Kalkar. The familiy & leisure park Wunderland was exclusively booked for Europe?s largest show on streetfighters, specials and sports bikes offering on-site hotels, restaurants, bars and a giant party venue. So for the first time all-inclusive weekend packages were available which was especially welcomed by foreign visitors.


More than 100 international companies showed latest trends in customizing, perfomance tuning, suspension technology and a vast variety of aftermarket products. The standard of this year?s custom show was exceptionally high featuring innovations like one-off rolling chassis, single sided forks or combined turbo-supercharger systems. The two top prizes went to bike builders in France and England reflecting the high number of entries from all over Europe.


Top European stunt riders and drag racers entertained the crowds on the grand stands. Visitors who wanted to get aktive themselves had the opportunity to try one of the on-site facilities for drag racing, kart racing, wheelie simulation or earn their laurels in the competition for the ?burn out master 2009?. The indoor programme might have been less risky but certainly not less interesting with extensive stage perfomances or the live build off of a 2009 R1-superbike over the weekend.


The Saturday was rounded off by the traditional Fighterama festivities in the huge subterrain party zone where people celebrated the return of their cult event till the early morning hours.

Next year?s Fighterama will be held on 6. & 7. November 2010 and all-inclusive packages will be available again. For further info simply klick on

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WOLFGANG PUBLISHING XMAS SHIPPING OFFER– We now ship FREE any order less than 10 books to any US address.

Wolfgang Publications
PO Box 223
Stillwater, MN 55082
Office: 651-275-0198
Fax: 651-439-7052
24 Hour Order Line: 651-275-0194


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BIKERNET EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENT CHECKS IN–X-mas is approaching fast and after last weekends CUSTOMBIKE 2009, thehuge german custombike and aftermarket show where this picture wastaken, x-mas is getting closer. Next weekend; I will be “on the road”one last time this year, as I will jump head-on into the 65thAnniversary celebrations of the “Battle of the Bulge”.


But I guess you’ll enjoy the “burning Saint Nicholas” for you x-maswebsites! This years CUSTOMBIKE at Bad Salzuflen( enjoyed record vendor and audienceparticipation – and the Burnout Show has become an incresingly popularpart of the show!

–Horst R?sler

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Bearing in mind that the salt content in sea water is approximately30,000-35,000 parts per million we achieved a reduction of approximately 75%- 80%.

With the inclusion of a “membrane” filter (which we did not have today) weare confident of achieving the ultimate!

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What was rewarding for us was the fact that the Liquid Separator broke thebond between the water and salt.

–Ramon Russell

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DIAMOND IMPALER GRIPS FOR HARLEY & AMERICAN CUSTOMS FROM AEROMACH–Custom Billet – Diamond Impaler Grips For Harley and American Customs. The chrome billet grips are for 1″ diameter handlebars. Stock bars are 1″. Can be used with factory or other aftermarket hand controls. Get more details at Aeromach MFG.

–Jeff Najar

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COLLECTOR CAR MARKET PROVED VIBRANT FOR RM IN 2009–Blenheim, ON (December 8, 2009); RM Auctions, the world?s largest collector car auction house, marked its 30th anniversary in 2009 with a solid year of performance. RM generated over $190 million US in sales with unit volume in excess of 1,450 motor cars, which included 12 separate auctions in four different countries.

As many as 10 collector cars accounted for million-dollar-plus transactions at auction, and RM managed to smash its own world record for the highest price achieved at auction with the sale of the 1957 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa , s/n 0714TR for $12.4 million* at its renowned Ferrari: Leggenda e Passione event in Maranello, Italy in May.

The sale of a historic 1952 Jaguar C-Type, s/n XKC-007 established a world record for a C-Type, selling for $2,530,000 at RM?s Sports & Classics of Monterey event in August.

A 1950 Aston Martin DB2 Team Car ?VMF 64? with Le Mans and Mille Miglia provenance, offered for the first time in 52 years at RM?s Automobiles of London in October, set a new auction world record for an Aston Martin DB2, achieving $910,745.

Earlier in the year, an award-winning 1932 Ford Model 18 Deluxe Three-Window Coupe doubled its original estimate, selling for a record price for a Ford Model 18 of $165,000 at RM?s Automobiles of Amelia Island sale.

Overall, RM proudly holds five of the top 10 records – and more significantly, four of the top five records – for the most expensive motor cars ever sold at auction.

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Hot Leathers Hot Off the Press: Leading Screen Printer Receives Accolades and Announces Partnership with Bandana Manufacturer–MANCHESTER, CONN (December 7, 2009) – Hot Leathers, one of America’s top 50 volume screen printers and the predominant leader in motorcycle apparel and accessories, is continually proving itself as a world-class printer, designer and provider of premier motorcycle apparel and accessories. Hot Leathers was recently honored with the Specialty Graphic Image Association (SGIA) Golden Image Award during the 2009 SGIA Expo in New Orleans, October 7-9.

“I’m very proud of the Hot Leathers team,” said Andy George, of Hot Leathers. “Our work was compared to the best in the world and we came out on top. That’s quite an accomplishment!”

More than 90 companies from around the world entered the specialty imaging competition, submitting nearly 450 entries in 43 product categories.

“The quality of work this year was exceptional. Judges in virtually every category told me the entries were so good that choosing winners was a real challenge,” said Johnny Shell, SGIA’s Vice President of Technical Services. Shell added that the Golden Image is a technical competition, excluding aesthetic issues from the judging process. Prints are judged on the level of difficulty and the quality of execution.

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“Winning the Gold Award for Finished Garments on Lights puts Hot Leathers among the top specialty printers in the world in terms of quality and capability. The ability to consistently print such high quality products indicates that Hot Leathers is expert at controlling the many variables involved in specialty printing,” Shell went on to say.

In addition to their recent accolades, Hot Leathers’ award-winning and constantly evolving array of designs can now be seen within a whole new market of motorcycle enthusiasts throughout the world. Carolina Manufacturing, the largest bandana company in the U.S., recently licensed six new Hot Leathers graphics to be added to their 2010 bandana line.

Designing and creating everything from t-shirts and caps to bandanas and patches, the artistic and innovative minds at Hot Leathers produced six bold and eye-catching bandana motifs for Carolina Manufacturing that will be sold to bikers and bandana-wearers throughout the world. Carolina Manufacturing is constantly introducing new and attractive designs for their bandanas and sought the creative genius synonymous with Hot Leathers.

“The designs that were picked up by Carolina Manufacturing are representative of the caliber of designs and products that we create,” explains Andy George, Retail Operations Manager for Hot Leathers. “We’re thrilled to be partnering with the largest domestic bandana manufacturer in the U.S.”

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Hot Leathers is the leader in motorcycle apparel. They have supplied high quality products to the biker market for over 25 years. By traveling to every major motorcycle event in the country, selling wholesale to fine retailers and distributors across the globe, and selling on their website found at, they continually establish their position as the number one source of apparel and accessories for bikers everywhere.

To see Hot Leathers’ award winning line of motorcycle apparel and accessories including t-shirts, hats, and other products for men, women and children visit .

–Sarah Wozniak


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SUCKER PUNCH SALLY BIKE OF THE WEEK–Taken in the SPS shop featuring one of the Girls of SPS Nicole and the SPS Custom Fortune Teller bike. The bike has a custom Sara Ray paint job, S&S Shovel, Springer front end with a sidecar tire up front. Lots of custom parts all made right there in beautiful AZ.


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THE MASTER OF THE BELT DRIVE PASSES–Phil Ross was born in April, 1938, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He had one brother, Norman Ross. He was one of the first developers of belt drives for Harleys and the one and only to develop and manufacture Tephlon pulleys. A memorial is scheduled for January 9th, 2010. It will be at the Windmill Park in Cornville. He loved that place. He used to ride his bike there, and that was his “smoke stop.”

I’ll keep you posted if there are changes. I’m going to the American Legion in the morning to see if maybe we can use their hall for a back up, in case of bad weather. Also, they may be able to have a color guard there for him. It is Windmill Park. Here is a link. The memorial is scheduled for January 9. Windmill Park is in Cornville, and the memorial is 1 o’clock. SuperMax Belt Drives will live on through Phil’s family.

–Kit M.

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BlueAnt Launches Interphone F4 For Motorcycles–BlueAnt Wireless has announced the release of the new Interphone F4 hands-free communication system specifically designed for motorcycle riders to talk hands-free on mobile phones. Easily attached to either full-faced or open-faced helmets, the fully weatherproof and water-resistant Interphone F4 incorporates stereo capability and differentiating voice technology for wireless entertainment and mobile phone communication on the road.

With its voice-answer capability, Interphone F4 makes it possible to take calls by simply saying ?Hello.? To further increase usability and maximize safety, the F4 also offers automatic voice dialing and redial functionality when supported by the user?s mobile phone. Stereo music streaming is another key feature of the F4 allowing riders to listen to music from their A2DP Bluetooth phone and music players.

The F4?s intercom capability can be used between other F4 units used by either rider and passenger, or cruising in close proximity to each other up to 1,640 feet. The F4 will pair with up to eight Bluetooth devices and multipoint technology allows the F4 to connect to two phones at once. Additionally, riders can listen to turn-by-turn directions from motorcycle-friendly Bluetooth GPS devices and enjoy up to 10 hours talk-time and up to 700 hours of standby time, according to BlueAnt.

With an automatic volume adjustment feature that fine-tunes to environmental noise caused by speed, BlueAnt promises excellent clarity of sound at speeds of up to 110 mph. The Interphone F4 communication system is supported by BlueAnt?s customer service program and comes with a 2-year warranty. The Interphone F4 communication system is available for purchase on the BlueAnt Wireless web site at an MSRP of $225.00. For more info please visit

– – C.S. Berg

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F4 Road Glide

K&G CYCLES AND F4 CUSTOMS ARE IN THE SPIRIT–K and G Cycles and F4 Customs are in the spirit of giving this Christmas. Between now and January 31st 2010, buy any F4 Customs windshield for Road King, Softail, Deluxe, or RoadGlide and get a $50.00 mail-in rebate form. Buy any F4 Customs windshield for Ultra or Streetglide and get $35.00 mail-in rebate coupon.

To qualify for this great deal, purchases must be made between now and January 31, 2010. To redeem your rebate coupon, just follow the directions on the printed rebate form that will be included with your windshield purchase during the sale period. Also, you’ll need to supply your proof of purchase from K and G Cycles. Just return the form and the receipt to F4 by February 28, 2010 and you cash will be on its way!

The Speedglass finish that is on all F4 Customs windshields is shatterproof, chemical and scratch resistant, resists pitting, and makes water bead up and vanish. Plus, you can clean the surface with just about anything. They demonstrate the finish by rubbing steel wool over the windshield and no scratches ever appear. The stuff is amazing!

Take advantage of K and G Cycles and F4 Customs while they are in the spirit of Christmas giving. You’ll get a great deal, a great windshield, and one of the toughest finishes on any windshield anywhere.

K and G Cycles is the place for a great F4 Deal! See them at


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Click on this image for Bartels’ Christmas Deals.

R. L. Polk & Co. Announces Availability of Motorcycle Statistical Reports–New and used motorcycle statistics available for all 50 states.

SOUTHFIELD, Mich. (February 14, 2008) ? R. L. Polk & Co. today announced the availability of Polk?s New and Used Motorcycle Statistical reports, the latest in motorcycle market analysis information for all 50 states. The reports track both new and used registered motorcycles on the road.

Polk?s motorcycle statistical database includes exact makes and models of the vehicles in a given geographic market. Statistical reports are available on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis, with history dating back to 2002 available for trending purposes. Each report includes details such as report year, month, make, model, year and much more.

?Polk has a long history of providing accurate and detailed information to manage executive decisions in the transportation industry,? said Stephen R. Polk, chairman, president and CEO of R. L. Polk & Co. ?Not only do our reports provide in-depth details, but they also identify marketing opportunities and competitive challenges in today?s global industry.?

The profiling capability for this data will allow motorcycle analysts and marketers to better understand existing and potential customers and discover new marketing opportunities as the motorcycle consumer population continually changes.

The motorcycle statistical and market research reports are available for all 50 states at a U.S., state, county, DMA/CBSA, and ZIP code level.

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READER REVIEW OF CRAZYHORSE SEMA EVENT REPORT– Really enjoyed JoAnn’s SEMA article- the only thing I would change would be to have more of it. There’s just too much at SEMA to cover in one article, especially in the case of JoAnn, who could probably do a really entertaining story just on the custom painter/stripers there.

Where else are you going to get that many builders and artists of that high quality showing off their creations in one place?

– -Keith S.

Joann offered to write and produce another article on SEMA based artists for 2009. Hang on for more eye candy.–Bandit

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YOUTH SERVICES NETWORKS NEEDS A HAND FOR THE HOLIDAYS– As you may know from my past requests, I am a strong supporter and friend to Youth Services Network, a very remarkable non-profit agency in our community, which has been providing housing, care and services to neglected, abused, and abandoned boys since 1985.

The holidays are here. It?s the time of year when I wish for some way to offset some of the tragedy of these boys? lives. This year is going to be especially difficult for them. Public funding has fallen far short of the actual cost of providing basic services, let alone extras such as holiday celebrations.

I know everyone has been hit in some way by the recession and the California budget crisis. But these kids are among the hardest hit. Please open your heart and find a way to make a donation to Youth Services Network, so they can enjoy some of the wonderful holiday spirit and joy that we almost take for granted.

It?s easy – just visit to make a secure on-line tax-deductible donation.

Or, you can make a donation by check mailed to Youth Services Network, 11336 Camarillo Street, Suite 306, W. Toluca Lake, CA 91602. You will receive a thank you letter and tax receipt.

–Christine Masters

For years Bandit was on the Board of Directors for these abandoned kids’ group homes. If you can send something, it will be much appreciated.–Wilburn Roach

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DARWIN MOTORCYCLES PINS THE THROTTLE ON A NEW WEBSITE– Darwin Motorcycle, manufacturer of Brass Balls Choppers and Bobbers, is proud to announce the launch of their new website .

The site provides expanded access to their custom-production motorcycles and an enhanced shopping experience that includes motorcycle rollers and custom parts. Now chopper & bobber jockeys can buy the exact same part that is featured on the Brass Balls? line of motorcycles.

The most popular feature in the previous site was the innovative build-your-bike section. It has been enlarged to allow enthusiasts the ability to personalize their own custom motorcycle through selecting from thousands of combinations.

The motorbike database contains exclusive Brass Balls components as well as custom options from Baker Drivetrain, Crazy Horse Motorcycles? engines, Crime Scene Choppers, Excel Components, Leroy Thompson, S&S Cycle and D&D Performance Enterprises.


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