Harley Davidson Panhead Restoration BibleJust in time for the Christmas season is another outstanding book from Wolfgang Publications. Whether you are an old hand in the shop or a newbie, this book offers plenty of information for anyone thinking about a restoration or already in the depths of one. Panhead Restoration is chock full of tips, tricks and good advice about the venerable Panhead. The authors begin with a brief history of the Panhead and treat us to some original color advertisements from the motor company. This includes a discussion on what to look for in a good candidate for restoration and what prices restored and original bikes are commanding.
Next is a section on what tools to have on hand for your project. They also describe special tools that can be made from swap meet parts or what you might have on hand around the shop. The detailed close up color photos show disassembly and reassembly of hubs, wheels, engine and carburetor, transmission and clutch. Also covered is the electrical system and paint. There are also sections on removing frozen fasteners, broken studs removal, and cooling fin repair. The electric starting circuit, 12 volt, 1965 Electra Glide gets three pages of its own with big color pictures. While not all inclusive, with this book, plus a Panhead service manual and Panhead parts book will create a substantial library of info for any Pan restoration project.
10 chapters. 176 pages. Over 500 color photographs. Start to finish sequences of each major operation.
Available from Wolfgang Publications
order by mail at PO Box 223
Stillwater, MN.
By phone at 651-275-0194, or on the web at www.wolfpub.com
priced at $34.95 + $5.50 S&H.
Harley-Davidson Panhead Restoration
ISBN-13: 978-1-929133-81-9
ISBN-10: 1-929133-81-2
Author: Rick Schunk
–Kevin Thomas

Michael Hupy is a long-standing Wisconsin motorcycle attorney. He's represented motorcyclists and club members for over 30 years. He always supported the motorcycle rights movement and our freedoms to ride unrestricted. Recently his team, including the boss of the ALCU, Ira Glasser, developed this short, but highly handy DVD program. You're not going to see wet T-shirt contests and wild parties, but you will learn how to survive them.
The DVD succinctly (in 45 minutes) covers what we need to know when a cop pulls us over or wants to search our vehicle. It answers all the legal questions about being searched or questioned as a pedestrian. And finally, it covers how to handle cops at your door during that wild party you planned for months.
This DVD was not designed for entertainment. It's straight forward life-saving information acted out by professional actors to demonstrate the right and wrong way of handling the Man. It's respectful regarding the cops, on the other hand, it explains police motives and tricks causing you to relinquish your rights. It prevents you from giving up your rights.
This is not a one-time watch it and toss it DVD. It's a training lesson that needs to be watched several times, and perhaps practiced. Believe me, the next time you hear about a traffic stop that ended in jail time, you'll grab this DVD and watch it again. The next time you run into a partner who was busted for marijuana at a party, you'll wish you had shared this DVD with him or her. It's simple, easy to watch and could save your ass. Can't get much better.
To order click on the banner below or go to www.FlexYourRights.org for $15.00. Best fifteen bucks you'll ever spend.

Riding on the Edge: A Motorcycle Outlaw’s TaleBook review by Kevin Thomas
Author John Hall comes through the early days of the Pagans Motorcycle Club relatively unscathed and lives to tell the tale. Riding on the Edge gives an insiders view of the 1960’s start of the Pagans MC.
“This was the glorious summer of ’67. There were no helmet laws. And there were no sexually transmitted diseases that a $5 trip to the doctor couldn’t cure. Nobody cared about drunk driving as long as you didn’t have an accident. And barroom brawling was as much a part of life as sex and rock’n’ roll.”

Hall weaves a tale of hell raising, beer drinking, motorcycle riding rednecks with tales of Norse Gods and berserker heritage set in the cultural upheaval of the 1960s. While focusing on a few short years he paints a picture of the boozing, drugging, and brawling that evolved into his rise to the top of his chosen club. Hall brings a sense of wonder as to how he wound up on the outlaw path.
“… had I not gone to the farmers market that night… I may not have seen that jacket, bought it, been accosted by that young lady in the bar and gotten a motorcycle. Then I would have not become a Pagan that winter, come to Pennsylvania, gone to jail and gotten into Penn State, where I met my wife…Schicksal ( fate) and (doom): two words in German which carry a weight of inevitability that cannot be translated into any other language. Sure enough, the course of my life was changed forever that night by a whimsical stop at the farmers market, an impulsive clothing purchase, and an inquisitive young girl in a bar.”
Who would have thought that the spawn of Pennsylvania Dutch Mennonite farmers would evolve into the perfect combination of guts, brawn and devil may care attitude to bring about one of the most violent outlaw motorcycle clubs in the states. Especially thought provoking is that the club was formed by a bunch of kids. As Hall remembers, the oldest member of the club was no older than 30. Stoop is 19 when he begins his hangaround status with the gang, despite their rule that members be at least 21.
“The club operated under the fuhrer principle, having a strong leader who ruled with an iron fist and intimidated the shit out of everyone. Trying to run a group of outlaws according to Roberts Rules of Order was like trying to start a motorcycle by whispering sweet words into the carburetor.”

This is a good story about a lifestyle and a chapter of American history that we will never see again. Back when America was a free country and you were innocent until proven guilty, before political correctness and before the patriot act. Read this and remember or imagine what it must have been like to be so free.
Riding on the Edge A Motorcycle Outlaw’s Tale
ISBN: 978-0-7603-3276-4
Author : John Hall
–Kevin Thomas

Two years in the making, “Cafe Society” is the first, full-length documentary film to chronicle the origins, legacy and rebirth of this, one of the world's most unique motorcycles and motorcycle subcultures.
Filmed on location throughout the UK, Europe and U.S. by crews from Chet Burks Productions and Mike Seate of Cafe Racer magazine, “Cafe Society” brings viewers a rare, intimate view of the Ton-Up culture. Filled with never-before-seen historical stills and rare film clips, plus interviews with legendary motorcycle designers and personal, eyewitness accounts from the men and women who created the first high-performance streetbikes, “Cafe Society” is one wild ride! Full of Fast Bikes, Black Leather and Rock 'N Roll…
It's an interesting film based primarily at the ACE café in London. It's a true to life documentary with interview with the real deals, guy who rode in the '50s. There are plenty of black and white clips and stills from the era of café racers, so the viewer has the opportunity to see the actual motorcycles of the time. It speaks of the original dangerous road races on the outskirts of London, of the Rockers club.

This film won't drive you to rip the clothes off your girlfriend. You won't sit on the edge of your seat and claw the furniture. It's more historic in nature. It would be terrific for the guy who wants to build a Café styled bike or restoration.
Order this book through ChopperTown
Runtime: over 1 hour
Region: 0 (ALL regions guaranteed – USA, Europe, Japan OK!)
Filed under best Motorcycle DVD, best motorcycle movie category.
–Wilburn Roach

The Vincent In The Barn: Great Stories of Motorcycle Archaeology
With the approach of cold weather, bikers in the Midwest begin the annual ritual of parking the scoots in the garage for a long winters rest. For some, there are plans to tear down and rebuild, for others just routine maintenance. Sometimes things change and the bike stays in the garage. Divorce, death or something else gets in the way of riding. Sometimes that bike is in the garage for a long time.
The Vincent in the Barn from Tom Cotter and ten other writers is an interesting and enjoyable collection of stories about the search for collectible motorcycles. The book also contains dozens of photographs of rare and interesting motorcycles and memorabilia. The pictures are kind of small but they are mostly in color. There are stories about old motorcycles and there are stories about rare motorcycles. Sometimes there are huge collections in pristine condition and other times heartbreaking piles of rotted, rusting junk. There are stories about bikes found in bedrooms, living rooms, bars, garages, barns, sheds and in fifth floor apartments told in their own words by the people who found them.
The intrepid motorcycle enthusiast will let no tarp go uncovered and no rotting shed go unsearched. Every lead must be followed, every rumor checked. The trail can lead to the next town, the next state, across the country or across the ocean.
There are tales of trips to Russia, trips to Canada and trips as yet unplanned to the dark continent of Africa as soon as those pesky wars stop. Bikes are found through word of mouth from friends and strangers alike. Bikes are found listed in classified ads and on e-bay. Why just the other day I heard about an old Harley ridden in the sixties by a guy just outside of town and I bet that bike is still out in his shed. He lives about three miles from my place. I guess I better go check it out.
The Vincent in the Barn: Great Stories of Motorcycle Archaeology
ISBN 978-0-7603-3535-2
Author Tom Cotter
–Kevin Thomas

The Inspire DVD by Xplode Films Production
Here's what the producers say about their 95 minute DVD on why builders build, with tips on building your first bike or why:Inspire – Tales from the Roadside, hear the amazing stories of modified Harley / Chopper owners, as they unravel the blood, sweat and broken bones of building a dream bike. Even some of the best bike builders prove you don't need a bottomless pit of cash, or access to the latest in technology. Get an insight on what really goes on in building a custom bike. We get up close and personal with the builders, who don't just put on a face for the camera, and you'll get to hear them let loose. Non scripted, no makeup, no directors, no actors (ok, maybe a few in the opening scene) & no fancy studios…you get the idea.
You'll learn great tips and tricks on building a dream bike. Not only from the owners, but also from some of the leading bike builders around. So just who is on the DVD? Apart from some of Australia's hottest upcoming bike builders, from the USA, there's Arlen Ness, Corey Ness, “The Count” (Counts Kustom), Dave & Eric (Tempest) Jaxon Fyffe, Kris Krome, Ruben (Dinos Cycles- 3x back to back winner) plus more. It doesn't matter if your a full time road warrior, accountant, nurse or a kindy teacher, this is for everyone and you'll learn the art of owning one of the most fantastic machines around. After all, every bike reflects it's owner.
Rumor has it this film is not overly popular in Australia. Film making is a tough challenge. For the last ten years, one custom bike film has been produced after another. Each one as dull as toast, about a highly passionate, wild sport. This film stumbles down the same path. The music is hard and violent. The graphics are evil, cutting and satanic, but there's no wild action, fights, half naked women, wrecks, cops, crime, nada. Most of the riding shots are taken in a straight line. There's a couple of burnouts and the rest is made up of interviews with celebrity builders.
I suppose you could show this to kids who are intrigued about choppers. For someone new to the lifestyle, it depicts some cools bikes, and you get to hear opinions about the lifestyle and building scooters from a handful of notables. But this film wasn't shot for us hardened criminals who would rather rob a liquor store than watch another builder tell us how cool he is.
And, if you can't watch it to the end…we understand, you just want to go build / ride
Australia's first documentary film on modified Harleys & custom built Choppers in Australia / US. Running Time 95 minutes.