Wisconsin Law Allows Motorcycles To Drive Through Red Lights Under Certain Circumstances

When John Glass of West Allis rides his motorcycle, he carries a copy of the state statute that allows motorcyclists to drive through a red light under certain circumstances.

Some motorcycles are too small to trigger the traffic sensors at intersections, so lawmakers passed a law in 2006 allowing those riders to ignore the red light as long as they've waited at least 45 seconds and the intersection is clear, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported. 

Motorcycle enthusiasts hope police remember that law this week, as thousands of Harley riders arrive in Milwaukee for Harley-Davidson's 110th anniversary celebration. Glass says officers don't always seem to know the law exists, which is why the 56-year-old carries a copy of it in his wallet.


Dean Bartosh of ABATE of Wisconsin, a motorcycle-rights group, agreed the law isn't widely known.

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