
There’s been an on-going struggle to involve the motorcycle industry and all riders in motorcyclists rights forever. This week it heated up again.

I’ve been in the middle of this effort several times. I’ll support the folks who keep us free forever. They are amazing. They are like the red cross for bikers. When they’re not in Congress working to keep us safe and free, they are out trying to recruit members, running safety training programs or trying to raise the funds to keep the fight alive.

Throughout my tenure trying to expand the motorcycle rights effort I have run into evil, profiteering and outright financial gain over pure freedom. If you ever have the chance watch the series about John Adams, who was our second President from 1797-1801. He was there when our government blossomed, and men sought to find a way. He was there throughout the war with England.

Growing up we were told that this small group of men including Washington and Thomas Jefferson sat around trying to convince the world that freedom mattered. Bullshit, some escaped the tyranny of England and hated the bastards, while others were getting rich off imports with England.

Some had escaped religious prosecution to try to live their lives out somewhere safe. Many owned slaves. So, you can imagine the fights they had when they met in a bar to discuss their next move. Bikers fought many similar battles while grappling with divided factions. And now look at the country and the divisions over the Green Doomsday proponents, when we should be freer and more comfortable than ever before.

Now is the time, once more to join a motorcycle rights group and learn about the struggles we face.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently the Smoke Out and Quick Throttle Magazine came on board.

Courts Rule Sturgis Trademarks Are Not Owned By Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Incorporated–

Who owns the rights to “Sturgis”? After more than a decade of battling, there is finally a firm answer to this question—we all own it because it is in the public domain. This means that any business planning to use the words “Sturgis,” “Sturgis Rally & Races” or “Sturgis Motorcycle Rally” may do so without any fear of getting themselves into legal hot water.

The ruling by the US Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals has brought major vindication to Rushmore Photo & Gifts (RPG) and the Niemann family who have been fighting hard to defend this stance against Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, Inc. (SMRI).

Rushmore Photo & Gifts, Inc., owned by the Niemanns, had long produced souvenir items containing the words “Sturgis,” “Sturgis Rally & Races” and “Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.” They had always known these terms were public domain, and they never strayed from that belief, even after SMRI registered the mark “Sturgis” (long after it had been used by others in public domain), began a licensing program for its use and slapped RPG with a trademark infringement lawsuit.

By Mary Panerio 

NEW FROM GRIFTER– One of our most popular sellers the Konduro Glove is on sale for a limited time. This glove features a Distressed Bison top with a soft deerskin palm. made in the USA. Claim your pair today. Due to demand of this sale, your gloves may take a week for delivery.


SALT TORPEDO REPORT—I reached out to Kent Riches, of Air Tech Streamlining, the other day regarding required front fenders and ground clearance. Here’s his response:

Hey Bandit
holy moly…. that is some trike…. sure, i would be glad to help…
1) if you put a taller rear tire on it for ground clearance, you will increase the rollout which will also give you more traction…

2) i would keep the front tires small (17-inch)
. I see the front axle is all welded up, but maybe you can do some dropped spindles to get ground clearance.

3) if you change the front tire size dramatically (17 to 19) you would alter the scrub radius and pretty much guarantee twitchy handling.

4) I would recommend enclosing the wheel/tire as much as possible…

I have these wheel covers that should work for you:

I can help with ideas on how to mount them.

Yours in sport,


The reasons for the slump in sales at HD are not President Trump’s fault.
Apparently, the Baby-Boomers all have motorcycles. Generation X is only buying a few, and the next generation isn’t buying any at all.

A recent study was done to find out why Millennials don’t ride motorcycles:
1. Pants won’t pull up far enough for them to straddle the seat.
2. Can’t get their phone to their ear with a helmet on.
3. Can’t use 2 hands to eat while driving.
4. They don’t get a trophy and a recognition plaque just for buying one.
5. Don’t have enough muscle to hold the bike up when stopped.
6. Might have a bug hit them in the face and then they would need emergency care.
7. Motorcycles don’t have air conditioning.
8. They can’t afford one because they spent 12 years in college trying to get a degree in Humanities, Social Studies or Gender Studies for which no jobs are available.
9. They are allergic to fresh air.
10. Their pajamas get caught on the exhaust pipes.
11. They might get their hands dirty checking the oil..
12. The handle bars have buttons and levers and cannot be controlled by touch-screen.
13. You have to shift manually and use something called a clutch.
14. It’s too hard to take selfies while riding.
15. They don’t come with training wheels like their bicycles did.
16. Motorcycles don’t have power steering or power brakes.
17. Their nose ring interferes with the face shield.
18. They would have to use leg muscle to back up.
19. When they stop, a light breeze might blow exhaust in their face.
20. It could rain on them and expose them to non-soft water.
21. It might scare their therapy dog, and then the dog would need therapy.
22.. Can’t get the motorcycle down the basement stairs of their parent’s home.

–from Sam Burns

Exciting news, WHITE KNUCKLE: The Story of The Motorcycle Cannonball
is now streaming on Amazon Prime here in the U.S. – link below!
(and in the U.K. and Germany)

Synopsis: Ride along with filmmaker Brian Darwas as he travels coast to coast
on the ultimate antique motorcycle endurance run, “The Motorcycle Cannonball”.

Witness as these bikes are pushed past their limits! Get an upfront look at
parking lot engine rebuilds! . . and watch as the top guys in the motorcycle industry
machine parts in the back of their vans to keep their bikes on the road, and in the race!


If you’re a Prime subscriber head over and give it a watch.
If you dig it, please leave a review and help us spread the word!
Hey Bikernet, Thanks for all the continued support!

(P.S. You can still get all of Brian Darwas’ movies on DVD at:




TWIN POWER Introduces Shocker Battery Line–Twin Power is excited to announce the addition of Shocker batteries for American-made V-Twins to its product line.

Twin Power is known for its high-quality parts and accessories designed for the American V-Twin enthusiast.

NOTICE OF MEETING: California Air Resources Board

The American Motorcyclist Association believes you may be interested in attending a meeting of the California Air Resources Board. The workshop agenda includes significant amendments to the red sticker program for off-highway recreational vehicles.

The proposed regulatory actions under consideration include:

• End the red sticker certification program for OHRV beginning in model year 2022

• Lift the seasonal riding restrictions on existing red sticker OHRV starting on January 1, 2025

• Harmonize with U.S. EPA evaporative standards for off-highway motorcycles of model years 2020 through 2026

• Harmonize with U.S. EPA exhaust standards for off-highway motorcycles from 2022 through 2027

• Establish cost-effective alternative requirements for controlling evaporative emissions from OHRV starting in 2020

• Set more stringent exhaust emission control standards for ATV, off-road sport vehicles, and off-road utility vehicles from 2022

• Amend the current emissions fleet averaging and zero emission vehicle credit provisions to provide manufacturers with flexible compliance pathways and accelerate development of zero emission OHRV

• Adopt more stringent California-specific emissions standards for new OHRV starting with the 2027/28 model year to reduce emissions and help achieve California’s air quality goals.

Date/Location: 9 a.m. Thursday April 25, at the California Environmental Protection Agency, California Air Resources Board Byron Sher Auditorium, 1001 I St., Sacramento, Calif.

Additional information is available at

Interested members of the public may present comments orally or in writing at the hearing and may provide comments by postal mail or by electronic submittal before the hearing. The public comment period for this regulatory action began on March 8. Written comments not physically submitted at the hearing must be received no later than 5 p.m. April 22. CARB requests that when possible, written and email statements be filed at least ten days before the hearing to give CARB staff and Board members additional time to consider each comment.

The Board also encourages members of the public to bring to the attention of staff in advance of the hearing any suggestions for modification of the proposed regulatory action. Comments submitted in advance of the hearing must be addressed to one of the following:

U.S. Mail: Clerk of the Board, California Air Resources Board, 1001 I St., Sacramento, California 95814

Electronic submittal:

If you are not yet an AMA member, please join the AMA to help us fight efforts to restrict responsible motorized recreation. More members means more clout against our opponents, and your support will help us fight for your riding rights – on the road, trail, racetrack, and in the halls of government. To join, go to

Thank you in advance for your interest. If you attend, please email the AMA at

Bikernet attended a recent California Air Resources Board meeting. They talked about working with the industry but pointed out that they are paid by the Governor and he wants Zero omissions by 2030. Zero means nothing. I wrote the following report to them and I will no-doubt resubmit it before the deadline.



How did you get the Dyna to drip six drops of oil in a circle?

Kelso, WA

Amazing, right?–Bandit


Introducing the Jack Daniel’s Augmented Reality App–

Over the years, we’ve invited our Squire friends to visit us here at the Jack Daniel Distillery many times. But we know for many folks visiting in person just isn’t a possibility. That’s why we’re proud to begin offering a very special Augmented Reality (AR) app this spring that will take folks on a virtual tour of our Distillery.

The journey will last about ten minutes and will let our Squire friends come just about as close to visiting us as they can without leaving their own neck of the woods. Along with images from the Distillery, we’ll also share stories with you just like your tour guide would if you dropped by in person.

Once our friends download the app, they’ll be able to simply point their phones at any Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey bottle (from 50 ml to 1.75 liter) to hear a bit more about our whiskey. We feel fortunate to have more than 150 years of history to share, and we hope you enjoy learning a bit more about us.

That being said, we are always glad to see our friends. So if you’re considering a trip this summer or anytime in the future, we hope you’ll consider stopping by to see your friends and neighbors right here in Lynchburg.

–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005


RODDERS JOURNAL MOVES— We’ve landed in our new office in Richmond, Virginia, and we’re kicking things off with a sale like never before.

From now through this Wednesday, we’re offering two years of The Rodder’s Journal for the price of one—a 50% savings (eight issues of TRJ for only $59.95). All you have to do is use the code BOGO at checkout (U.S.) and BOGO2 (international). This is an online-only sale.

To place an order, click the box above. Select a two-year subscription and use the corresponding BOGO or BOGO2 code to save.

Get TRJ #1!

While we were packing up our South San Francisco office, we unearthed some long sold out TRJ inventory—including a couple copies of issue #1. Rather than stashing them away on our shelves, we’re giving away two signed and personalized TRJ #1’s to two subscribers who take advantage of this week’s BOGO. These have become highly collectible on the secondary market, sometimes bringing as much as $200 at auction. Winners will be chosen at random.

We’re excited about our new East Coast office, and we thank you for your continued support.

BIKE SHOW NEWS–This past Saturday was the 3rd Congregation Show in Charlotte. Great event held at an old facility that made Fords in the old days. The floor is wood but not planks, up on the grain end. Pretty cool. Bikes here had just what is needed to run and stop. No bling!

— Paul Aiken
Aeromach USA, LLC
10015 Metromont Ind. Blvd, Ste F
Charlotte, NC 28269
800-990-9392 orders
704-599-1333 office

Highway Hawk is a product of Motolux

I THINK THIS GUY HAS IT ALL COVERED. I COULDN’T SPOT ANYTHING HE LEFT OUT– I am the Democratic, Republican Liberal-Progressive’s Worst Nightmare. I am a White, Conservative, Tax-Paying, American Veteran, Gun Owning Biker. That’s me!

I am a Master Mason. I work hard and long hours with my hands to earn a living.

I believe in God and the freedom of religion, but I don’t push it on others.

I ride Harley-Davidson Motorcycles.

I believe in American products and buy them whenever I can.

I believe the money I make belongs to me and not some liberal governmental functionary, Democrat or Republican, that wants to share it with others who don’t work!

I’m in touch with my feelings and I like it that way!

I think owning a gun doesn’t make you a killer; it makes you a smart American.

I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and does not entitle you to anything. Get over it!

I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac or any other item, you should do it in English.

I believe there should be no other language option.

I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where they want to.

My heroes are Malcolm Forbes, Bill Gates, John Wayne, Babe Ruth, Roy Rogers, and Willie G. Davidson, who makes the awesome Harley Davidson Motorcycles.

I don’t hate the rich. I don’t pity the poor.

I know wrestling is fake and I don’t waste my time watching or arguing about it.

I’ve never owned a slave, nor was I a slave. I haven’t burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks, and neither have you!

I believe if you don’t like the way things are here, go back to where you came from and change your own country! This is AMERICA …We like it the way it is and more so the way it was….so stop trying to change it to look like Russia or China, or some other socialist country!

If you were born here and don’t like it… you are free to move to any Socialist country that will have you. I believe it is time to really clean house, starting with the Congress and all those who oppose the POTUS.

I want to know which church is it, exactly, where the Reverend Jesse Jackson preaches, where he gets his money, and why he is always part of the problem and not the solution? Can I get an AMEN on that one?

I also think the cops have the right to pull you over if you’re breaking the law, regardless of what color you are, but not just because you happen to ride a bike.

And, no, I don’t mind having my face shown on my driver’s license. I think it’s good….

And I’m proud that ‘God’ is written on my money..

I think if you are too stupid to know how a ballot works, I don’t want you deciding who should be running the most powerful nation in the world for the next four years.

I dislike those people standing in the intersections trying to sell me stuff or trying to guilt me into making ‘donations’ to their cause….Get a job and do your part to support yourself and your family!

I believe that it doesn’t take a village to raise a child, it takes a man and woman .

I believe ‘illegal’ is illegal no matter what the lawyers think!

I believe the American flag should be the only one allowed in AMERICA ! If this makes me a BAD American, then yes, I’m a BAD American. If you are a BAD American too, please forward this to everyone you know…

We want to return our country to the values it was founded on, and prospered under for over 200 years!

My Country…I hope this offends all illegal aliens.

My great, great, great, great grandfather watched and bled as his friends died in the Revolution and the War of 1812.

My great, great, great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Mexican American War.

My great, great grandfather watched as his friends and brothers died in the Civil War.

My great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Spanish-American War.

My grandfather watched as his friends died in WW I.

My father watched as his friends died in WW II and the Korean War.

I watched as my friends died in Vietnam, Panama and Desert Storm.

My son watched and bled as his friends died in Afghanistan and Iraq..

None of them died for the Mexican Flag.

Everyone of them died for the American flag.

Texas high school students raised a Mexican flag on a school flag pole, other students took it down. Guess who was expelled…the students who took it down.

California high school students were sent home on Cinco de Mayo because they wore T-shirts with the American flag printed on them.

Enough is enough!

This message needs to be viewed by every American; and every American needs to stand up for America

We’ve bent over to appease the America-haters long enough.

I’m taking a stand.

I’m standing up because of the hundreds of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the American flag.

If you agree, stand up with me.

And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message.

AMERICANS, stop giving away Your RIGHTS! Let me make this clear! THIS IS MY COUNTRY!

This statement DOES NOT mean I’m against immigration!

YOU ARE WELCOME HERE, IN MY COUNTRY, welcome to come legally:
1. Get a sponsor!
2. Learn the LANGUAGE, as immigrants have in the past!
3. Live by OUR rules!
4. Get a job!
5. Pay YOUR Taxes!
6. No Social Security until you have earned it and Paid for it!
7. NOW find a place to lay your head!

We’ve gone so far the other way . . bent over backwards not to offend anyone.
Only AMERICANS seems to care when American Citizens are being offended!
WAKE UP America !!!


–from Rogue
Senior Editor

[page break]

FLOORBOARD REVIEW COMING–Have you seen these? I am about to try them over my current set-up. I can do a review with pics if you want.

–Barry G

We look forward to it. Those are some wild boards.–Bandit

NEWS FROM Artist David Uhl–Many of the pieces below are gone, but several still need homes. Please let me know if you have any questions or need more information on a specific piece. Thanks to all and have a great week!



We are back with our popular Spring Cleaning promotion here at the studio/gallery. We’ve had several shows with multiple traveling galleries for the past few months. We now have a room full of display art again and would like to find homes for all of the pieces listed below.

In order to maintain the price/value integrity with David Uhl’s Fine Art program, this is a special offering for David’s prints. These particular pieces have traveled to various shows and/or have been on display in our gallery and, as a result, we cannot charge full price for them. The prints themselves are typically in great condition but some of the frames may be slightly imperfect, the paper on the back may need to be changed out, etc. Many of these pieces, however, are in great all around condition! They are all signed and numbered and come with a Certificate of Authenticity.

Since there is only one piece available in many cases, we encourage you to act quickly if you’d like to put your name on one of these.

This is not a complete listing, so if you’ve had your eye on a particular piece not on this list, please let me know and I’ll see if we have one.

You can view all of the pieces below on our website, alphabetically, by title here

Or, you can view them by collection here

Daytona Commemorative

Daytona Dippin 20×26.5, normally $1,250, promotional price $950

75th & Main 26.5 x 20, normally $1,250, promotional price $950

Ready to Rally 20×30, normally $2,850, promotional price $1,350

Spring Break 20×26.5, normally $2,450, promotional price $1,450

Sturgis Commemorative

Bikini Bike Wash 20×26.5, normally $2,850, promotional price $1,650

Horsepower 24×20, normally $1,850, promotional price $995

Made in America 24×24, normally $2,250, promotional price $1,250

Fuel for the Soul 26.5×20, normally $2,850, promotional price $1,850

Women of Harley

Brittney 24×32, normally $1,895, promotional price $1,250

Gloria 24×32, normally $1,895, promotional price $1,250 (this one is also signed by Gloria Struck!)

Jessi 40×30, normally $5,250, promotional price $4,250

Ruth 34.5×26
hand-embellished, $5,000

Anniversary Collection

Origins 24×32, normally $2,895, promo price $1,850

The Enthusiast 27.5×21 paper, normally $1,250, promo price $750

A Milwaukee Morning 42×21, normally $2,150, promo price $1,350

The Graceland Project

America’s Icons 20×25, normally $1,895, promo price $1,100

In Tune 30×24, normally $2,250, promo price $1,450

Art of the Motorcycle

Return to Sender 20×27, normally $1,250, promo price $950

Fine Tuning 20×27, normally $2,850, promo price $1,650

Greg Rhodes
International Sales Director

Uhl Studios
15801 W. Colfax Avenue
Golden, CO 80401


LAS VEGAS BIKEFEST RALLY NEWS–Registration for the 2019 Rally is Now Open!

Purchase your Party, Ultimate, and VIP Pass TODAY!

To see what is included with each package and to register for your pass, CLICK HERE.

Book Your Room Today!
Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino returns as the Headquarter Hotel for the 2019 Vegas BikeFest.

Special low rates of $109 per night are available for a limited time!

Book your room today!



Harley’s ‘S’ model Softails certainly are big news for one very big reason: it is powered by the vaunted Screamin’ Eagle 110? engine package. As a bonus, the S model upgrade also includes electronic cruise control and Harley’s exclusive security system ignition as standard features.

Harley terms it “the darkest Fat Boy ever. Foremost, you won’t find much chrome or polished parts on the S. Black is the order of the day, and the upper tins and fork lowers, even the mufflers, have distinct blacked-out finishes.

Adding to the Dark Custom persona are the Fat Boy’s iconic dish aluminum wheels that have black centers highlighted by machined rim surfaces. However, these blacked-out features take a backseat to the all-black engine. Foremost, the oval Screamin’ Eagle Ventilator air cleaner cover, sporting faux carbon fiber inserts. This is a blacked out, beefy, and beautiful bike.


Vivid black paint with raised silver and black tank logos is simply gorgeous. Vivid black console and LED indicator lights. Vivid black bars, mirrors, levers, blinkers, headlamp and complete fork.

Dish aluminum wheels that have black centers highlighted by machined rim surfaces. ABS anti-lock braking system. Black Screaming Eagle 110″ with engine logos. Vance & Hines 2:2 black exhaust. Vivid black rocker covers, chrome push-rod tubes and tappet blocks.

Vivid black oil tank, trans cover, cam with ‘Twin Cam’ cover, and Screaming Eagle Ventilator air cleaner. Vivid black horn cover, chain guard, primary and derby cover. Chrome engine guard and black drive sprocket. Solo seat with pillion and passenger backrest and pegs. Vivid black rear blinkers and fat tires…

This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 101-point safety and mechanical inspection. ONLY 14,547 MILES!!! It will turn heads!!!

–Dan Leadbetter
Lifestyle Cycles


QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–
Weekend Round-Up for April 15th, 2019

What’s with this being on time shit? The Weekend Roundup just isn’t The Weekend Roundup if it isn’t fashionably late.


Believe me, it’s not about fashion. It’s more panic and trying to keep up.



left to one’s option or choice; optional: The last questions in the examination were facultative.

I cannot but be conscious, when this toast of “Science and Literature” is given, that in what tends to become the popular view it is Sir William Grove and Science who are obligatory; it is I and Literature who are facultative.
— Matthew Arnold, “Banquet at the Royal Academy,” The Times, May 2, 1881
The adjective facultative comes via the French adjective facultatif (masculine), facultative (feminine) “conveying or granting a right or power,” from the noun faculté “knowledge, learning, physical or moral capacity.” French faculté is ultimately from Latin facultat-, the stem of facultas “ability, power, capacity” (originally a doublet of the noun facilitas “ease, ease of performance or completion, facility”). The French adjective suffix -atif, -ative comes from the Latin suffix -ativus; the English suffix -ative comes from both French and Latin. Facultative entered English in the 19th century.

THIS JUST IN FROM THE GEARHEAD—Hey, I was just pondering an idea. I watched Hellfighters with John Wayne the other night and had a thought.

Why do you suppose the Duke never made a biker movie (that I know of). If he had done one, I think it would be like the one Stamos did called the Last Ride. The most beautiful knuckle I have ever seen is in the movie.

You should most most definitely put it on subscriber’s movies to see. Long live the legend of the Duke and long live KRB.



On March 31, 2019, New York state lawmakers approved a first-in-the-nation plan to implement congestion pricing in the busiest parts of New York City, hoping that this new toll will ease traffic congestion during the busiest parts of the day by encouraging people to take mass transit instead of driving a car or, apparently, riding motorcycles.

The price has not yet been set, but a trip to lower Manhattan during peak hours may cost $10, and there are no exemptions for any other type of vehicle, though low-income or disabled drivers may be exempt. The city plans to use the revenue to repair their subway system.

These tolls will not go into effect until 2021, so now is the time, New Yorkers, to start making noise to have motorcycles exempted from this toll.

–Bill Bish

Read Bill’s entire report in the Biker Rights section on Bikernet tomorrow.–Bandit

ANOTHER, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–Oatman of Arizona

I wonder if she was the basis for the character on “Hell on Wheels”?


I think you hit the nail on the head. See the additions I made to the article.–Bandit


American Prime Mfg.
Reproduction Springer–Our super high quality 1936 – Early 1946 EL & FL reproduction springer front end is finished in a high gloss black powder coat and complemented with chrome springs.

We put the OE casting numbers on the trees for authenticity, hard to tell from the genuine OE springer. Great for restorations or making that late model bike look really cool.


One of the largest gatherings of motorcycle rights activists in the world will take place in Orlando, Florida as the 34th annual NCOM Convention draws hundreds of bikers from motorcycle rights organizations (MROs) and Confederations of Clubs (COCs), as well as independents and other allied riders from across the country.

This year’s NCOM Convention will be held Mother’s Day weekend, May 10-12, 2019 at the DoubleTree by Hilton – Universal Orlando, and will address such topics as Motorcycle Profiling and “Save the Patch” among the many issues concerning our nation’s motorcycle community.

Agenda items will cover various legal and legislative issues, with additional seminars regarding RICO And Its Effect on Your Organization, Restoring Your Rights, Leadership 101 and “Share the Road” Motorcycle Safety.

A Silver Spoke Awards Banquet will cap off the gathering, highlighted by the recognition of those freedom fighters who have distinguished themselves from within our ranks; Congressman Tim Walberg of Michigan (GOVERNMENT), James “Hollywood” Macecari of Insane Throttle Motorcycle Magazine (ENTERTAINMENT), Jim Wear, founder of the Salute to American Veterans Rally (COMMERCE), with SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARDS presented to David Duff of ABATE of Iowa, William Bird of ABATE of Florida and Mike Friend of Bikers For Christ. NCOM’s highest honor, the Ron Roloff Lifetime Achievement Award will go to “JR” Reed -1%er of Sons of Silence MC and Smitty 1%er of the Outlaws MC.

For more information, or to pre-register, call the National Coalition of Motorcyclists at (800) ON-A-BIKE (662-2453) or visit

THERE’S ALWAYS MORE NOWADAYS—I’m about to launch a new Cantina Episode and we have a Salt Torpedo report off to the copy editor. Hang On. It’s coming together.

I’m working on the Salt Torpedo around the clock. Just a few more items and we need to find Mitch, our fiberglass guy.

I wanted to add something about my kick-off to the news. I could jump into the politics, but I won’t. It’s just damn important we are involved and educated about the issues. I’m a member or the MRF, the NRA, the AMA, the NMA and a lifetime member of NCOM. I’m trying to keep up.

In the meantime, ride free forever, or die trying.


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