
100WFC: Blow Up a Sportster

THE CONTEST GOT JUMPSTARTED — NOW LET’S ALL KICK IT INTO GEAR Blow Up a Sportster by Gearheadwith illustration by Wayfarer Nicko worked at the garage down the block when his Mom called in a panic. Nicko hauled ass in his hopped up ‘67 Cougar. The alley gate lock to the storage yard swung open. Where is Dad’s Tahiti blown race boat? “Which way did they go,” Nicko yelled. “Did they steal anything else?” “I don’t think so,” Mom said. Nicko ran into the garage and still under the tarp was his turbo-charged Sportster street racer. Nicko flew from the garage in a wheel stand heading West down the alley. When his front 21 touched down, he rolled into the gas station where the thieves stopped to refuel. (publication dated 15-March-2024)

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100 WFC: Blood, Sweat and Hate

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC Blood, Sweat and Hate by Wayfarer with illustration by Wayfarer Just a teen, spoon-fed on opinionated news, Jake’s restless energy glistened in his bloodshot eyes. His single mother nursed him with extreme sentiment through streaming news on TV and mobile apps. His friends considered him harmless—good grades, seldom in trouble at school and preferred computers to football. Mother demanded few rules. Home by 9 pm! So, tonight, no football practice, no cheerleaders, no stolen beer; tonight’s comments section on his favorite podcaster was a declaration of war. He rode his scrambler Westward at dawn. Too dark an alley in afternoon. Angry, outnumbered and soon declared DOA. * * * Read all the entries at: Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here. Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to WINNERS SO FAR: 1. for the month of May 2023: “Been There Done That” by Steven Sanner 2. for the month of June 2023: “A Hundred” by Chris Dutcher 3. for the month of July 2023: “First Time” by Rhys 4. for the month of August 2023: “Hilary” by Gearhead 5. for the month of September 2023: “Mountain” by Koz Mraz 6. for the month of October 2023: to be announced soon

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Kanopolis City, Kansas Ordinance for Off-Road Motorcycles

from (First Published in the Ellsworth County Independent/ Reporter, September 23, 2021) ORDINANCE NO. 2021-O-02 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE USE OF OFF-ROAD MOTORCYCLES (ALSO KNOWN AS ‘DIRT BIKES’) ON THE STREETS OF KANOPOLIS, KANSAS, AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE SAME. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF KANOPOLIS, ELLSWORTH COUNTY, KANSAS: The purpose of this Ordinance is to protect the health, safety, property and well-being of the citizens of Kanopolis by regulating the use of off-road motorcycles in the city which may endanger the safety of persons driving, bicycling or walking on the roads, the safety of motorists, cyclists or pedestrians, the safety of its operators, and which may disturb the use and enjoyment of land. This section shall apply throughout the city, both on and off streets and highways and on all public and private land. • Sec. 1. – Definition. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Off-road motorcycle or dirt bike means any motorized nonhighway vehicle traveling on two tires, and having a seat designed to be straddled by the operator, and/or any motorcycle licensed for highway travel being utilized off of a street, roadway or improved surface. • Sec. 2. – Unsafe use of off-road motorcycles prohibited. The following practices constitute unsafe use of off-road motorcycles in the city: (1) Use of an off-road motorcycle one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise without headlights and rear lights installed and illuminated. (2) Use of an off-road motorcycle without a rearview mirror. (3) Use of an off-road motorcycle without a warning device such as a horn. (4) Use of an off-road motorcycle with more than

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