
Transportation Shakeout from the 2016 Election

We as motorcyclist should pay attention to anything that has to do with roadways, bridges, road dividing barriers etc. as in the past they have been designed for automobiles. The roads bridges etc. need input from the motorcycle community and we should be asking people who ride or otherwise involved what the specifically would like to see done and or changed. I would also like to suggest that if they cut Government Waste there is plenty of money to pay for these improvements with the taxes added to drivers licenses, vehicle registration and gasoline. There is no need to make Toll Roads. Cutting the budget at the THTSA is a good place to start. It is obvious they have too much money in their budget if they have enough to give to states to Harass Motorcyclist with Roadside Stops. There are numerous other areas of this organization that is a waste of taxpayer money as well. Continue reading.

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Veterans Come To The Rescue Of A Fellow Stranded Rider, Bruce Springsteen, End Getting Flack For It… Really?

From CNN Note: No matter what our beliefs may be, at the end of the day we’re all riders, we’re all American and we’re all in this together, for better or for worse—you know what I mean. So we might as well make this ride a good one, because no-one else will . Dan Barkalow did not think twice before stopping by the side of the road near Freehold, New Jersey, to help out a stranded fellow biker. Then he noticed the guy looked familiar. It was none other than Bruce Springsteen. “It’s a day I probably won’t forget for a while,” Dan Barkalow, 54, told CNN. “The moment I got off the bike I saw it was him, and he was a real nice, down-to-earth guy.” After sharing their brush with Jersey royalty on the Facebook page for the Freehold American Legion – Monmouth Post 54, however, the bikers said they experienced an unexpected backlash. “What started out as a story of interest posted to our American Legion Facebook page has devolved into a nauseating political altercation full of vitriol and insults, none of which are from our members,” said a statement on the page. ” If we are to survive as a nation both sides have to stop the hate.” “It’s pretty disgusting,” Barkalow said later of the nasty comments. “All I know is, I’m a pretty humble guy. I just stopped to help someone out.” Read the entire story here.

Veterans Come To The Rescue Of A Fellow Stranded Rider, Bruce Springsteen, End Getting Flack For It… Really? Read More »

Why Fall is the Best Time to Ride

Source: J&P Cycles Blog. Autumn is my favorite season to ride, hands down. There is something indescribably romantic about the cool, crisp air and the colorful trees. The combination of the wind in your face, the smells of fall, and the roar from your exhaust stimulate your senses. You can almost feel the electricity in the air as the season changes. Every fall, I look forward to layering on my new riding gear. The heat of the summer has passed, and it’s now comfortable to ride in full face helmets, leathers, gloves, and boots. There’s no better time to ride than when you can be safe and comfortable at the same time. Bikes run really well in cool weather, especially older models that are prone to overheating. If you live in the south you know how hot your bike can get in the summer, especially when you are stopped in traffic. The fall provides nice cool air to run through your filter into your engine. Your body appreciates the cool weather too, as you are less likely to get dehydrated. buffallo Going on a road trip in the fall is ideal. There is nothing like riding through a national park or forest after all the tourists have gone and the autumn colors have arrived. Your photos and videos from your trip will be brilliant. This is also the best time to see wildlife, which is great for viewing, but requires you to be more alert and cautious while riding. You’ll also want to look out for falling leaves, as they can create an additional hazard to avoid. Fall is my favorite time to take a date riding. The season adds a magical touch to the experience. The cooler air makes my passenger want to hold on extra tight. skyesarah Autumn

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