
Fliers for Freedom

Hey, I was inspired by Becky Zarling, an MRF Assistant rep and a hardworking member of ABATE of Wisconsin. She pronounced in her newsletter that members of ABATE would attend every motorcycle event in Wisconsin, meet bikers and hand out fliers regarding legislation, MRF efforts and ABATE of Wisconsin activities. I was moved and motivated. I asked Becky if I could create an important MRF flier about the biggest threat to our lifestyle. Could she add it to her leaflets and make it available to riders all over her state? She said yes, but there were some guidelines she must follow. First the flier had to be motorcycle centric and secondly, and of course, the wording must be approved by the MRF Board. There you have it. So, I’m here to present my original version and the version edited by the CO2 Coalition. I hope one or the other is approved and we can move forward. Chris Callen, the boss of Cycle Source Magazine volunteered to handle the art layout. We will make these available to anyone who wants them free of charge. is also sponsoring this effort. Keith R. Ball WHAT’S THE BIGGEST THREAT TO MOTORCYCLING AND OUR LIFESTYLE? CLIMATE DOOMSDAY Harley CEO Jochen Zeitz tells us that after 120 years of being famous for its big gas-powered models, electrification is the logical next step. –Jalopnik SO, WHAT’S THE REAL DEAL, THE TRUE SCIENCE? CARBON DIOXIDE CO2 IS NOT A POLLUTANT More carbon dioxide will help everyone including future generations. CO2 is the essential food for land-based plants. The Earth’s biosphere has experienced a relative CO2 famine for millions of years, but the recent increase in CO2 levels with the use of Fossil Fuels has had a measurable, positive effect on plant life. FUTURE CO2 INCREASES WILL […]

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California’s Attack on the Internal Combustion Engine

This week, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) held a hearing on proposed emission standards from the State of California. The plan submitted by California would end the sale of new cars and light-duty vehicles with internal combustion engines by 2035. In response to the California CARB plan, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) submitted comments to the EPA. We know this attack on internal combustion engines will eventually include motorcycles and we must respond. The MRF is fighting to preserve the bikes we love, as well as the local shops and dealers that support the internal combustion engine. It is time to fight back! Click to read MRF comments submitted to EPA hearing: MRF Comments to EPA To Join the MRF visit * * * *

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Ohio Pushes Back on California Plans

Just before the end of 2023, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed H.B. 201 into law. The focus of the bill is to; “Prohibit a state agency, county, or township from restricting the sale or use of a motor vehicle based on the energy source used to power the motor vehicle; to prohibit a state agency from adopting the California emissions standards for motor vehicles.” As you may remember, the Clean Air Act allows states to seek a waiver to enact emission standards outside of those set by the federal government. In 2022, California received a waiver allowing the state to establish guidelines requiring every new car and truck sold there to have zero emissions by 2035. This requirement has set off a debate in state capitals around the country. Some states seek to align with California, while others, like Ohio, are pushing back against California’s plans. ABATE of Ohio received the support of other groups in support of the bill, including the Ohio Chamber of Commerce and the Ohio Auto Dealers Association. Ed Schetter, Executive Director of ABATE of Ohio, testified in December, backing the bill. In his remarks, he said, “ABATE of Ohio is concerned with the push towards electric power and pressure to eliminate the internal combustion engine from the marketplace. This may leave many motorcyclists without options on how to power the motorcycles we ride. We also feel this may limit the availability of sales, parts, and service to the motorcyclists of Ohio. Many of these businesses are ones we’ve relied on for years.” After the hearing, lawmakers thanked ABATE of Ohio for their participation. Multiple legislators noted that ABATE of Ohio was the only “citizen-led” group involved in the hearing. Comments like that help reinforce the importance of engagement and participation by citizens in the legislative

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Ohio Powers Up Consumer Choice in Vehicle Market

Ohio Powers Up Consumer Choice in Vehicle Market as Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk In a major victory for consumer freedom, the Ohio General Assembly passed SAN-supported legislation ensuring Ohioans, not the government, decide what vehicles best suit their needs. The bill, H.B. 201, prohibits any state or local government entity from restricting the use or sale of motor vehicles based on their power source, including internal combustion engines (ICEs). Following its passage through the legislature, H.B. 201 now awaits the crucial decision of Governor Mike DeWine, who will either sign it into law or issue a veto. This bill represents a significant step forward for proponents of consumer choice, who believe individuals should have the right to select the vehicle that best fits their lifestyle and budget, regardless of its fuel type. Ohioans: send a letter to Governor DeWine requesting his support for the bill! Click here to contact your officials. * * * *

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