High Horsepower Diaphragm Spring and Bearing kits Increasing power and torque is horsepower with is common place, but that extra hp and torque can throw your clutch into a tailspin. In response to a growing demand to control the added ponies Belt drives Ltd. has packaged their Heavy-Duty diaphragm spring with the companies tried and proven carbide ball bearings. Simply put this high horsepower kit will transfer more force to your BDL Performance clutch pack. The stiffer spring and harder and heavier ball bearings produce more pressure “force” onto your clutch plate sets at a quicker more consistent rate which is a must for built engines. More torque and power equals more pressure that is needed to the clutch pack to prevent slippage, overheating and associated damage. There are 4 new kits to choose from as well as (2) different sizes of bearings and (2) different quantities to select from. If your current ball bearing pressure plate has 32 ball bearing pockets it takes the 3/8” diameter bearings, If the pressure plate has 42 pockets it will use the 5/16” diameter bearings. Retail price is $135.00 for the (7) or (8) bearing kits and $246.50. for the (14) or (16) bearing kits. HHP-1 HIGH HORSE POWER KIT, 6 BOLT DES HD, DIAPHRAGM SPRING W/ 16, 3/8″ BEARINGS HHP-2 HIGH HORSE POWER KIT, 6 BOLT DES HD, DIAPHRAGM SPRING W/ 14, 5/16″ BEARINGS HHP-3 HIGH HORSE POWER KIT, 6 BOLT DES HD, DIAPHRAGM SPRING W/ 8, 3/8″ BEARINGS HHP-4 HIGH HORSE POWER KIT, 6 BOLT DES-HD, DIAPHRAGM SPRING W/ 7, 5/16″ BEARINGS For complete details visit the online store at www.beltdrives.com ww or call direct to 714-693-1313