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PM’S NEW FOR 2008 CARTEL WHEEL!–Curvaceous is the only way to describe the new for 2008 Cartel wheel from Performance Machine. PM has a long history of pushing the design window of motorcycle wheels and their newest of the new is a perfect example of these skills. Seven curved spokes advance from the hub, split into 14 spars before converging into PM’s beautifully arced Contour Lip rim. The effect is pretty astonishing and gives the wheel a near liquid chrome appearance.
Like all of the PM wheels, they also build a design matched disc, pulley and sprocket and are creating them in every size imaginable.
Contact Performance Machine or your local PM dealer for more information.
For more information, call or write to:Performance Machine, Inc.
6892 Marlin Circle,
La Palma, CA 90623

THREE BIKERNET MONASTARY ITALIAN NUNS DIE AND GO TO HEAVEN–At the Pearly Gates, they are met by St. Peter. He says, Sisters, you all led such exemplary lives that the Lord is granting you six months to go back to earth and be anyone you wish to be.”
The first nun says, “I want to be Sophia Loren,” and * poof * she’s gone.
The second says, “I want to be Madonna,” and * poof * she’s gone.
The third says, “I want to be Sara Pipalini..”
St. Peter looks perplexed. “Who?” he asks.
“Sara Pipalini;” replies the nun.
St. Peter shakes his head and says, “I’m sorry, but that name just doesn’t ring a bell.”
The nun then takes a newspaper out of her habit and hands it to St. Peter.
St. Peter reads the paper and starts laughing. He hands it back to her and explains.
“No sister, the paper says it was the ‘Sahara Pipeline’ that was laid by 1,400 men in 6 months.”
–from Art Friedman

MATT HOTCH AND TEKBATTERY.COM HAVE INCREASED QUALITY AND DURABILITY–Matt Hotch and have increased quality and durabilitywith our improved Lithium ion nanotechnology phosphate batteries.
Testing bikes from a variety of manufacturers revealed many causes ofbattery failure, especially in high performance motorcycles.Consequently, Matt Hotch and developed additionalprotection within the batteries to prevent damage by chargers,starters, and substandard electrical systems.
Now, newly patentedBMS-H protectors are included internally in all batteries. The BMS-Hprotected batteries are about three times as powerful as mostbatteries, yet weigh less than six pounds. They are unaffected byvibration, have no liquids, no lead, no acid, and no explosiveproperties.
They can be mounted in any position, and exceedmotorcycle manufacturer specifications. They offer quick chargerecovery and can start-stop all day without running out of charge. now is the ONLY battery manufacturer to offer a fiveyear transferable warranty.
–Jay / 949-497-3600

UNIVERSAL FENDER STRUTS FROM 2WHEELERS–KOOL – Steel Universal Fender Struts for custom application on your chopper or bobber. Left to right : 1/4″ thick by 11″ long $ 99.99 pair. Short 3/16″ thick by 10 1/2 $ 59.99 pair. Long 3/16″ by 12″ $ 59.99.
New at 2wheelersmc, or they will be available on Maine in Daytona, during Biketoberfest, at 2Wheelers.

FULL THROTTLE MAG IN DAYTONA–We just got finished with October issue and let me tell you, it is the biggest and best looking magazine we have ever put together. We are also printing 10,000 more magazines just for Biketoberfest!!! We will also be set up at three locations handing out flyer’s from our Biketoberfest Sponsors and Magazines. The three locations are
1 – Boothill Main Street
2 – Boothill Ormond Beach
3 – Daytona International Speedway
If you are still interested in having Full Throttle hand out your info at Biketoberfest contact Tony Cianci at Don’t forget you can see the magazine online for free at NTSB HISTORIC HELMET RECOMMENDATIONS–I just wanted to point out that this is not the first time the NTSB made a recommendation concerning helmets. Back in the 1970s, after New York enacted a mandatory helmet law, there was a dramatic increase in cervical spine injuries. So much so that the NTSB made a recommendation that there needed to be a comprehensive study done to determine the relationship between helmets and broken necks. Something may have been done in that regard, but I’m unaware of any further recommendations or results of such a study. Certainly, NHTSA did not make much of a noise about that recommendation and there was hardly a notice in any media or anywhere else outside of New York. Was NTSB “slapped” for bringing that controversy to light? I don’t know, but it’s curious that nobody seems to know about the results of that recommendation and most have forgotten the NTSB even was involved in a motorcycle helmet issue before. Anyone know the answer to this? It’s interesting that NTSB seemingly had no further involvement with helmets until 30 years later. –Tony Pan QUESTION ABOUT QUANTUM CYCLES–I was referred to from Robert Page at the American Motorcycle Co. I hope you can help me out. I recently purchased a 2000 American Quantum Liberty Cruiser with a 96 C.I. S&S?I am looking for some info. on the bike. There is nothing on the web and I don’t even have a service manual. The bike runs and rides awesome, but there must be a reason Quantum doesn’t build bikes anymore. I really don’t even know what I have in the sense of value or dependability. Were these good bikes? Where can I get parts if I need them? Any info would be helpful. Thanks! –Matt lavalliere XTREME CHARGE MOTORCYCLE BATTERY MAINTENENCE SYSTEMS RECEIVES SEAL OF APPROVAL– SOUTHLAKE, TX-SEPTEMBER 27, 2007- Scoring a perfect 10 out of 10 in threetesting criteria, Xtreme Charge Motorcycle, a new Next Generationintelligent battery care product, has received a Member Tested & RecommendedSeal of Approval by the Motorcycle Riders Club of America (MRCA). Scoring perfect 10s in performance, quality and ease of use, Xtreme ChargeMotorcycle, recently introduced to the market by PulseTech? ProductsCorporation, also scored high in design, durability, size, versatility,appearance, and effectiveness. Receiving a 100% recommendation from theproduct test program reviewers, Xtreme Charge Motorcycle’s overall ratingwas 9.3 out of 10. Tester Larry Bahr rated Xtreme Charge Motorcycle as the “best batterymaintenance and charger I have ever used, especially liked the status andbad battery feature.” Next Generation 12-volt battery charger, providing users with the industry’smost advanced charging and maintenance system to date. With Xtreme Charge, White said the consumer has a battery charger that willcharge any 12-volt lead acid battery, safely and simply, and through theapplication of a patented PULSE Technology will increase average batterylife by 2-3 times. White said the idea was to make a charger so simple to use-that it actuallydoes get used regularly. “You don’t even have to turn it on, just connect it to the battery, plug itin and your battery is charging,” he added. The suggested retail is $99.95. Product highlights include a simple “plug and leave it” technology: For more product information call 888-287-9314 or go YES, you can plug it to any battery and it will fully charge, then shut itself off and monitor the charge, like a battery tender. READER FOLLOWS BIKERNET RECOMMENDATIONS AND BUYS FORD FOR A DEAL–Some time ago, I read with great interest an article in the Bikernet News informing your readers about a way to purchase Ford cars and trucks at a great discount. This information was provided by Nick Roberts, a former Ford Motor Co. employee and current AMSOIL Dealer who I have learned took a 3 week bike trip out to Bonneville to look in on your successes at this years BUB trials. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL INVOLVED by the way! Since reading that article, I emailed Nick a couple of times to get the low down on the X-Plan and how it works. He was very forthcoming and informative but I must admit I kept thinking that it was probably too good to be true. Push came to shove just recently and I found it necessary to replace my old 4 wheel transportation after 13 years and some 158,000+ miles ( I also own a sweet 1997 Fatboy,hence my interest in Bikernet). Anyway I contacted Nick again about the X-Plan–this on his way back home from his aforementioned three week bike trip out west and then back east. TALK ABOUT PATIENCE! Let me tell you right now, I had no need to doubt–Nick is the REAL DEAL! The man took the time on his trip to help me out and I would encourage you or anyone else interested in a Fine Ford Motor Co. Product to look the man up. Nick believes one form of patriotism is buying American to benefit Americans–I agree 100%. I thought you might be interested in knowing how and one of our fellow Bikers affected a reader’s situation in a really big way. Kudos to you, Keith Ball and to a Fellow Brother of the Road, Nick Roberts. –Keith Redfearn INTERNATIONAL MOTORCYCLE SHOW!–Last season you were among the many thousands of dedicated powersports enthusiasts who chose to forego the lines that typically accompany the box office at our shows and purchase your tickets online. We recognize this dedication and have made things even easier for you this season as we enter our 27th year by bringing you the largest collection of motorcycles we’ve ever had, together under one roof, to a city near you. We’ve lowered our online ticket prices for you this year to the lowest available price anywhere, and eliminated the service fees to give you even more entertainment value for your dollar . Add to that the features that we have in store for you and you may even want to take advantage of the new weekend pass that’s available this year, especially in those markets where demo rides are available. Log on to be among the first to take advantage of this special offer. We hope that the riding season has brought you many memories and many miles and look forward to seeing you at the shows this year. Thank you for your support and be sure to visit us at –Jeff D?Entremont , Group Show Director York said Lilly apoligized to Cabinet Secretary Teresa Hill on Sunday night.Lilly was pulled over Saturday night on U.S. 27 in Jessamine County because his Ford Explorer was missing a headlight and he was weaving and driving slowly, a Nicholasville police citation said. Lilly smelled of alcohol, lost his balance during a sobriety test and recorded a Breathalyzer reading of 0.181, the citation said. The legal limit in Kentucky is a reading of .08. Lilly posted a $1,000 surety bond early Sunday at the Jessamine County jail and is scheduled to appear in district court Oct. 18. York said the cabinet does not have a replacement for Lilly yet.Lilly’s driving record shows an unidentified citation in 2003.The description of the May 2003 citation says “internal office use only.” Transportation Cabinet spokesman Doug Hogan said he did not know what that meant. Lilly was appointed to the executive director position in December 2006.Before that, he was commissioner of the Department of Public Protection, executive director of the Office of Charitable Gaming and general counsel for the minority and majority leadership in the Kentucky Senate, according to his personnel file. By Stephenie Steitzer, Courier Journal –from Rogue AMERICAN IRON REPORTS ON MOTORCYCLE MAG SALES–We have just reviewed a report showing the sales of all street motorcycle magazines in all the Anderson News Company supplied retailers. In case you are not aware Anderson News Company sells roughly 1 out of every 3.5 magazines sold in the US, so their data is significant and worth reviewing to see how the various motorcycle magazines compare in newsstand sales. Here are the average issue sales of each of the 20 top street cycle titles in the Anderson supplied retailers: 1 American Iron Magazine 22,283 This information is brought to you by Buzz Kanter and the staff of American Iron Magazine and RoadBike for you to better understand how the various magazines compare. Please let us know if you would like any additional information regarding ABC (Audit Bureau Circulation) reports or rate sheet/media kit information. –John Smolinski This always gives me the opening to discuss readership. For two months in a row we received over 336,000 unique users to, who came over 634,000 times, for 1 million impressions and 10 million hits. Not bad.-Sin Wu DAVE KOVACS HEADS UP BASSANI PIPES DEALER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM– Bassani pipes has just announced the addition of a valuable asset to their rapidly expanding enterprise. Dave Kovacs, has moved from sales and customer relations to Director of Dealer Development at Bassanipipes. Dave’s years of involvement with the exclusive line of exhaust ranges from design, and prototype development to marketing and customer support. With 35 plus years in the saddle of everything from Choppers and Baggers to Touring machines and dirt bikes, Kovacs has garnered a reputation throughout the industry as a hands on, real world tactician. Bassanipipes has really made a score with this addition and is looking forward to serving dealers and customers worldwide as the company grows. For dealer information you can contact Dave at 714-680-3543. BIKERNET OPENS TATTOO PARLOR–Larry gets home late one night and, Linda, his wife says, “Where in the hell have you been?” Larry replies, “I was out getting a tattoo.””A tattoo?” she frowned. “What kind of tattoo did you get?” “I got a hundred dollar bill on my privates,” he said proudly. “What the hell were you thinking?” she said, shaking her head indisgust. “Why on earth would an accountant get a hundred dollar bill tattooed onhis privates?” “Well, one, I like to watch my money grow.Two, once in a while I like to play with my money. Three, I like how money feels in my hand. And, lastly, instead of you going out shopping, you can stay righthere at home and blow a hundred bucks anytime you want.” –from Bob T. Continued On Page 3
Assistant Vice President
Home Savings and Loan
Ph. (330)-856-1940
2 Cycle World 15,246
3 Motorcyclist 13,760
4 Hot Bike 11,014
5 V-Twin 10,946
6 The Horse 10,346
7 RoadBike 7,299
8 Motorcycle Cruiser 6,166
9 2 Wheel Tuner 4,893
10 Easyriders 3,929
11 Street Chopper 3,624
12 Iron Horse 3,543
13 American Rider 3,474
14 Barnett’s Magazine 3,465
15 IronWorks 2,856
16 Robb Report MC 2,729
17 Cycle Source 1,914
18 Rider 1,551
19 Road Racer X 1,244
20 Hot Bike’s Baggers 689
American Iron Magazine
American Iron Retailer
RoadBike Magazine
203-425-8777 x121