Continued From Page 2

MIDAMERICA MOTORCYCLE AUCTIONS COMING–The Minnesota Motorcycle Auction is proud to present several motorcycles from private collections.
Minnesota Motorcycle Auction
October 6th, 2007 at the
Aldrich Arena, 1850 White Bear Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota.
More details about this exciting event are available bycalling our office 651-633-9655 or visting our website

1908-1910 Miami Twin
Parked since the teens. First time in daylight in over 30 years. Original paint. The owner has never tried to start this rare motorcycle.
As it turns out this bike might be bogus, not American at all. We’re still checking.

SCOOTER’S BONNEVILLE 2007 PHOTO ESSAY BOOK NOW AVAILABLE–It is up and available !!! the 2007 edition of the Bonneville Salt Flats, Motorcycle Land Speed Trials by Bub photobook. Over 150 images from this years event including but not limited to the racing, best engineered and world’s fastest Panhead and it’s pilot GoDaddy Girl Valerie Thompson, Claude Mckee’s images of the Ack Roll, Roger Goldhammer and the lovely Brenda, the Klock Wedding, the Chop n Grind boys, Belgiums Fred Krugger, Team Swiss, the Keepers of the Blue Flame, the J&P streamliner and much much more. Just follow the link and enjoy.
I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you all on the Salt again this year and how much making this book brings it all back.

WORLD’S FASTEST PANHEAD RUNS D&D PERFORMANCE EXHAUST–Fort Worth, TX – October 2, 2007 – D&D Performance Enterprises designed a land speed racing (LSR) exhaust system for’s 5-Ball Racing Team, who set a new world record on their Panhead with famed drag racer Valerie Thompson at the controls.
The team ran a two-pass average of 156.171 mph and took an AMA World Land Speed Record (#50 in the 2000 APS PF class) with the Assalt Weapan, on a 120-inch rigid Panhead.
The design of the exhaust system was made by the Pope of Pipe and D&D President, Dave Rash. The stepped pipe system started out at 1 7/8-inch pipe for 14 inches and then stepped up to 2-inches in diameter until each pipe was exactly 35 inches long. The pipes then slipped into a collector and were attach to a slip-on megaphone.
“This LSR system has been tested to deliver maximum HP at 6,500 to 6,800 rpms,” explained Rash. “We’ve discovered that these race-based 2-into-1 performance pipes generate 20 more horses than single exhausts.”
The design of the land speed racing pipe was integral to the performance of the Accurate Engineering Panhead high performance engine. It provided the most efficient way to extract expended gases out of the combustion chamber for a top speed of 162 mph on very slippery salt surface.
“It’s a pleasure to work with Dave Rash because he constantly studies how to dig performance out of racing and street engines with his exhaust pipe designs,” said Keith R. Ball, President. “His assistance helped the team achieve two world records in two years.”
“If you cut us, we bleed salt,” said Dave Rash. “We are proud of the effort Bandit and his 5-Ball Racing team put together, and we are excited about the results and even more excited about working with the team in 2008.”

D&D Performance Exhausts are available from Custom Chrome dealersnationwide or from the factory at 817-834-8961,

HOT BIKE MAGAZINE CREW WORKING ON ULTIMATE BUYERS GUIDE– We will distribute 110,000 on the newsstand. One of the things about this BG is that it will have two distinct separate sections to showcase new parts. They are new parts for Cincinnati ’08 and New ’08 Bagger Parts.
This annual, must-own, comprehensive consumer guidewill feature the hottest new parts going into 2008. Hotnew categories will include: New Parts for the V-TwinExpo in Cincinnati and New Cruiser Parts. Don’t missout on being part of this valuable Buyer’s Guide that stayson newsstand for 90 days, has bonus distribution at theV-Twin Expo, and is a reference source all year long!OVER
2-PAGE SPREAD 4C……$1,650
AD CLOSING 10/24/07
ON SALE DATE 12/25/07
Spread ads receive ten product showcases; one-page ads receive five product showcases.
All product showcases due 10/25/07
Product showcase 50-100 words with MSRP
No competitor SEPS. No positioning guarantees
Drop Jeff Tinnion a line for more info:

CHOPPERS FOR CHILDREN– Sponsored by Forgiven Child of God Motorcycle Ministries Forgiven Child of God is a non-profit, non-denominational, Christian ministry, with it’s 3rd Rail Chapter based out of Brantley, Alabama. The “Choppers for Children” program is designed to raise money for children’s charity. The March of Dimes, the Child Advocacy Center, the Sunshine Kids, Camp Smile-A-Mile and the Amanda Cox Foundation are but a few we support.
We are building motorcycles from donated parts to be raffled off with all proceeds going to the appropriate charity. Naturally we need help in this endeavor.
Parts? Can be good used, rebuilt or new. Example: Harley,….complete engines or engine components,….full drive trains, trannys, brakes, sprockets, wheels, tires, handle bars, front forks, fenders, carbs, lights, frames, gas tanks, oil tanks, hand controls, forward controls, starters, etc.
Also can use parts for Metric bikes such as, Yamaha, Honda, Kawasaki and Suzuki. We will also accept complete old motorcycles and within a 100 mile radius of Brantley, we will pick up bikes and parts.
Naturally we will accept donations of money to buy parts that must be new. Each donation of parts or money will receive a tax exempt receipt, as we have 501c status as a ministry.
The building progress of the bikes will be featured bi-monthly in Thunder Roads of Al/Fla Magazine, Crossroads Motorcycle Magazine, Wheels of Grace Magazine, Christian Biker magazine and Dothan Magazine out of Dothan Al.
Remember,….this is for kids, so help us to help them!
–Rev. Phil “Doc” Hullar
Alabama & NW Florida Coordinator
Forgiven Child of God M/M
11304 Opp Hwy
Brantley, Alabama 36009
Home: 334-527-3674
–from Rogue

LAS VEGAS BIKEFESTAND THE “TONIGHT SHOW”– For two days the “Tonight Show” crew along with correspondent Marjorie Johnson filmed activities and conducted interviews at Las Vegas BikeFest.

Marjorie is the 87-year-old Blue Ribbon Bake-Off winner that Jay sends out on the road to cover events. The crew set up some great scenes with Marjorie including a trike ride, interviews at the Bikini Contest, a late night at Hogs & Heifers and more.

The footage from Las Vegas BikeFest will air tomorrow (Thursday – 10/4). Be sure to set your Tivo, VCR, etc.

We will be sending out a post-event release very soon along with the names of all the competition winners.

–Las Vegas BikeFest
6865 S. Eastern Avenue, Ste. 101
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

SCOTT JACOBS BREAKS ANOTHER RECORD–After breaking last year’s record for sales at the Sturgis Rally six weeks ago (just over two hundred canvas giclees sold), Scott Jacobs has been in the studio working on a new Marilyn Monroe painting which has been selected as the fifth image of the Marilyn series. As you can see from the visual below, this stunningly detailed painting contains THREE Marilyn Merlot bottles and took Scott over a year to complete.
Scott’s Marilyn Monroe Series has become some of the most coveted artworks in the market and LADIES IN WAITING could easily end up being the signature piece of the collection. The original painting sold recently at auction in Napa Valley for a record price. Only sixty of the Artist’s Proofs from the studio will be produced and many of those are already spoken for so don’t delay if you like this one. (Retail: $1550 or $1850 with custom frame package. 33 X 25 canvas size or 40 x 32 overall framed).
Also Mr. Jacobs will be making a personal appearance in Denver, Colorado on Oct. 11 at Fascination St. Gallery in Cherry Creek. If you will be in the area and would like to attend the show please RSVP:303-333-1566 and ask for Carlos. We will be unveiling a new wine painting that was commissioned by a patron of the gallery.
–Ron Copple
Scott Jacobs Studio
TRIBUTE TO RICHARD QUIGLEY FUND– BOLT of the Carolinas has a great tribute page to Richard Quigley. BOLT is asking serious freedom fighters and SMRO’s to consider making a donation to the ABATE of California Judicial Fund. This fund was set up to continue the court cases that Quig started, and these cases could have national implications if the Appeals Court case is won and is published.
Contact ABATE of California to inquire about making donations.

CORRECTIONS OFFICER IN JAIL ON SEX CHARGES–Brevard County sheriff’s agents concerned about a state corrections officer’s past interactions with law enforcement lured the man out of his home this past weekend to arrest him on child abuse charges.
William Carlile, 47, is being held without bond at the Brevard County jail on 24 counts of sexual battery on a minor and 60 counts of lewd and lascivious molestation of a minor.
Carlile, a housing officer at the state-run Brevard Correctional Institution, is accused of molesting the teenage girl during a five-year period, said Lt. Tod Goodyear of the Special Victims Unit.
Given past complaints filed against Carlile – he was accused of a similar crime seven years ago by a different child, but he didn’t go to trial – his arrest may mean other children are potentially protected, Goodyear said.
This was not the first time the SWAT team dealt with Carlile.
Domestic battery charges filed against Carlile by his wife seven years ago led to a standoff with the sheriff’s SWAT team before he was arrested, Goodyear said.
–from Rogue

BASSANI PIPES UNVEILS HASSLE FREE PLUG AND PLAY EFI TUNER– BASSANIPIPES has just released their long anticipated, application specific EFI TUNER. Developed specifically for use on all fuel injected Harley models, the unit installs in line with the stock module and allows you to maintain and optimize air fuel management when installing high performance exhaust systems.
The BASSANIPIPES EFI TUNER is a plug and play set-up that installs in minutes and DOES NOT require a computer to adjust the EFI and DOES NOT interfere with the stock ECU map. Installed properly the unit provides a noticeable increase in horsepower, torque and improves throttle response.
Each BASSANIPIPES EFI TUNER incorporates the latest third generation technology with integrated face plate buttons for easy adjustment. The unique tuners are sold separately or in conjunction with Bassanipipes record setting exhaust systems.
At just $249.95 can be ordered direct by calling 866-439-4287 or visit the entire line up at

FLORIDA’S PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION INSURANCE–For many years Florida drivers were required to have Personal Protection Insurance (PIP) on their vehicles. This insurance was to cover you if you were injured by another vehicle operator. DUH! Having to have insurance to pay your medical bills if others injure you. Now if you happened to have health insurance that would cover you in the same situation you are paying twice for basically the same coverage.
During the law that expires October 1, 2007 Motorcycles had been excluded from having to have PIP.
The Florida Legislature is working on a new bill that revises the states $10,000Medical coverage for motorist and passengers. Though written to take effect immediately, it would not put all Florida motorists under the same requirements until December 1, 2007
Please note that motorcycle riders in Florida that wish to ride without a helmet must have medical coverage.
Motorcycle riders in the State of Florida are strongly advised to contact their elected officials and let them know that they wish motorcycles to be excluded from PIP as they have been in previous years. This does not mean you can not get this insurance if you desire, but That You Are Not Forced To or are excluded if you have other forms of insurance that cover you.
Why should we be forced to carry more than one insurance policy that covers us for the same thing? Please Contact Your Legislator Now, Time Is Limited!

BONNEVILLE SPEED DEMONS SECRET FILES–I know that I told some of our Bonneville Speed Demons about this site and the wealth of info there but the salt affected my memory and now I can’t remember who it was. I’m betting whoever it was is a reader of so here’s the info. Dave Gingery passed away a while back but the company soldiers on finding obscure texts and plans for machines that could be built in the backyard shops that once were a staple of our youth. Please post this in hopes that the person I told about Gingery’s site will see it. –Nick Roberts BIKERNET ALASKAN ADVENTURE–Hey KRB, What WOULD you do for a Klondike bar?????????????????hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha –pete(from florida) TOP TEN PICKUP LINES FOR LADY PIRATES– 10. What are YOU doing here? 9. Is that a belayin’ pin in yer britches, or are ye … (this one isnever completed) 8. Come show me how ye bury yer treasure, lad! 7. So, tell me, why do they call ye, “Cap’n Feathersword?” 6. That’s quite a cutlass ye got thar, what ye need is a good scabbard! 5. Aye, I guarantee ye, I’ve had a twenty percent decrease in me”lice ratio!” 4. I’ve crushed seventeen men’s skulls between me thighs! 3. C’mon, lad, shiver me timbers! 2. RAMMING SPEED! …and the number one Female Pirate Pick-up Line: 1. You. Pants Off. Now! –from Joe Lankau REQUEST FOR BAD SHOP STORY–I was wondering if you could do a story about guys trying to save acouple of bucks by paying people to do custom work on bikes that have nobusiness doing, causing potential accidents or deaths? In short my buddy Al had some guy cut his goose neck off and gave ita little rake and re welded it only to have the whole front end fall offa couple of months later while he was riding in Santa Ana going about30-40 mph. Very lucky that no one ran him over….anyways just wonderingif it would either make a good story or a beware local “custom shop”story? –Jim …..p.s. I have pics to send ….not tomention the insurance take on the whole thing …..> WHIPLASH PHOTO ART–She asked why I was taking pictures of her bike There were hundreds there that night I replied it was because she had the finest front end She bought me a longneck Bud Live it up, BIKERNET ALASKAN ADVENTURE RUN– Fuckin “A” lets boogie! Ya gotta go thru “God’s Country” to get there so ya will be in my backyard ! I am already collectin Bud cans and bottles for the deposit . . Too bad they don’t do that with JD bottles. Fuck I would be a gazzillionaire by now! I guess what I’m sayin it would be a honor to ride to the Northern Lights with ya. –MOthergoose Stay tuned for news, maps, nose art girls and plans.–Bandit PAUGHCO BATTERY/HORN COVERS–Paughco offers custom and restoration builders one of the widest selections of replacement components in the industry. Shown here are a their replacement battery and horn covers. Designed to be direct replacement items for FXE and Sportster models, the battery covers are available with window or embossed eagle and retail from $18.54. Horn covers are available for early or late Sportsters and FXE models and retail from $21.78. All Paughco products feature Made In The U.S.A. quality and Paughco’s durable show quality chrome finish. Contact Paughco at 775-246-5738 or visit them on the web at TELEVISION PRODUCER IN SEARCH OF GOTH GIRL–My name is Katie and I am a field producer with ABC News. I am writing you to let you know that the segment on The Devil Dolls that you participated in back in 2001 with JuJu Change will be re-airing. However, it will be re-airing on the WE channel (cable network) sometime in early 2008. Would you please let me know you if you received this email as confirmation? The producer, Joe Tobin, who worked on this piece is no longer with ABC so I am hoping that you might be able to help me track down Goth Girl, as she is no longer with the group. I know her first name is Jessica and she lives in San Francisco. I don’t know her last name. Would you have any contact information for her? Please let me know. –Katie TOMMY GRIMES AND MID-CONTINENT MOTORSPORTS TO MAKE NHRA RICHMOND–Pfafftown, NC: Reigning NHRA Screamin’ Eagle Nitro Harley champion Tommy Grimes will be competing at the Torco Racing Fuels NHRA Nationals held at the Virginia Motorsports Park, Oct.5-7 with Mike Bahnmaier’s Mid-Continent Motorsports team. “Grimes is a major player and should not be written off”, according to Mike Bahnmaier, ‘mostly retired’ Nitro Harley racer and team owner from Wichita, KS. “My bike has been in mothballs and we were campaigning the Pro Dragster bike with Rick Moore. The Top Fuel bike is available that weekend and I thought what a great opportunity to show off the 2001 186 cid PRP powered Weekend chassis monster. We wanted to see Tommy go to Richmond to honorably maintain his Screamin’ Eagle Nitro Harley points lead for the NHRA exhibition championship.” Bahnmaier’s been around the sport for years. He started Harley-Davidson of Salina in 1978. After owning the Mid-Continent Harley-Davidson in Wichita since 1987, he sold that dealership in July of 2005. Bahnmaier, ” I started racing in 1969 on an ironhead Sportster, from 1979-88 I competed in the Pro Gas class and then went to carburated Nitro in 1988 and then Pro Fuel 1998. We won the AHDRA championship in 1999 and we’re runner-up in 2000 and I went on to Top Fuel in 2001. A couple years ago I thought I was ready to retire, but that nitro smell kept dragging me back to the track. Once you win an event on nitro it seems like you’re hooked. We love the people, the power and want to maintain a presence at the track. This is a good opportunity for both Tommy and my team.” Bahnmaier goes on to say, “The Mid-Continent Motorsports team includes: myself, Joe and Neita Bahnmaier my mom and Dad , Dave Larson of Topeka H-D, Drew Moldenhauer, and Jody Dukelow both of Wichita, KS. We are actively and successfully competing with Rick Moore, Reading, PA, piloting our Pro Dragster program.” Grimes is very excited about making the Torco Racing Fuels NHRA Nationals. ” Mike and I are totally committed to this event. Quite frankly, it was bothering me that I had won 2 out of the 3 NHRA Screamin’ Eagle Nitro Harley exhibitions and was concerned that without a ride, the trophy wouldn’t be really ‘earned’, I’m feeling great now and look forward to making the show and winning the event for Mid-Continent Motorsports.” The Mid-Continent Motorsports team is supported by: Harley-Davidson of Salina, Mike’s Metal Polishing of Ransom, Ks., Gates Corporation, Saum Engineering, CP pistons, Nungesser Engineering, and Nevada Auto Mall. –Grimes-336-766-7908 THAT?S IT FOR THE NEWS–The guys left this morning and I plan to relax. Clean house, work on the courtyard and party with the girls. That?s my way of relaxing. Have a great weekend and don?t expect me to post an article a day like Bandit does. All I have going on now that I could show photos of and talk about daily is seven little kitties running all over the Headquarters. They sure are cute? Anybody have a good home for one?? Layla
Whiplash Biker Photog