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June 26, 2003 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–As you might all know, just got back from the Horse Smoke Out 4 in North Carolina. I tell you it was a great time and a good event. We had the chance to meet with a lot of people there, readers, friends, celebs, and every homebuilder that you can imagine.The likes of John Towle, TBear, Crazy Horse, Billy, Goth Girl, Ed Martin, Mike Pullin and Meanest, the whole Horse crew, Indian Larry, Paul Cox, and many I’m forgetting. Many friends that we have made over the years riding, or in Internet boards. All very cool people, all very down to earth and that don’t have their heads stuck up their asses.

I’m not going to talk much about the Smoke Out since I’m in the process of finishing my full report, photos and all. I will surely skip over some things this week.I don’t have the full report from Edge yet but it seems like 6 thousand people (more or less) attended this years event, that’s like 5,800 more than last year (just kiddin’), all in all it was a fun packed week end of choppers, Mayhem, burnouts galore, semi naked cuties and lots of talking. Mind you, most of the people rode in; I did not get to see many trailers around that were not vendor related.Anyway, I’m getting a bit carried away with this, so keep an eye peeled for my report.

jose & friends

Now, I gotta talk about the Hawaii trip. Why you ask? I guess I have not been as excited and looking forward to a trip in a long time. This one is different. As you might know, I used to surf a lot, everyday, no matter what. This is the best chance to go back to a place I once called home, surf those kick ass waves, hang out with the locals (girls preferred), see old friends and meet new ones. All with the chance to mix it with what we do and love, bikes.

I just received a poster that really flattered me, it’s the official poster for the event and my name is there, along Bandit’s and Billy’s. Tell you the truth, that is an honor and super fuckin’ cool. I hope the cute Hawaiian chicks get the drift and think I’m somewhat famous. I?ll surely report (most) of what went on there. On the same line, I talked for quite some time with TBear about Tahiti and I really will bend over backwards to make the second trip. There are some waves that need to be ridden. Can’t wait to get there, and like Sifu said “once an islander, always an islander?. You have no idea how similar the Hawaiian Island are to my home here in Puerto Rico, and people there automatically relate to us which is a big plus and leads to very interesting conversations. To top it off, I am totally looking forward to sharing the Island scene with all our readers here at Bikrnet and The Horse. If I’m lucky enough to be able to do this, the least I can do is share the fortune.

jose & mike
Family Reunion ? Bandit?s bro and son.

It was pretty cool to be asked for photos and autographs at the Smoke Out. As those who really know me (and contrary with what I usually express), I’m pretty mellow and quiet. It was funny that people recognized my name instantly but no one knew what I looked like, which is fine with me. So to people that are a bit confused on what I actually do, here’s a short Resume…..

Surfed all my life, had a surfing distribution business, raced cars for a few years, raced sailboats for a few years, had some business in NYC, build bikes, have a shop with parts, accessories and stuff, and now have a side career as magazine journalist and writer, plus own Chopper Freak clothing. That’s it, but all the bike stuff started by building bikes.

Anyway, enough. Let?s get to the news.

Indian Larry was there with the Discovery Biker Build off 3 winning bike. You all know that TBear covered that event, but I have some photos of the really cool and kick ass chopper. Congrats Indian Larry and the crew at Gasoline Alley.

We had the chance to meet the guys at Gangster Choppers from Virginia. This family owned business (and no bitching and fighting like other places) is coming out with some pretty cool gear and bikes.Just in case their site is , ask for John, and check out his very cool cobalt blue chop.

smso blue chop

Redneck engineering had a kick ass Sportster frame on display, so if you are planning on changing the appearance of that lame sporty, check their site out.

We heard Jesse James and Kid Rock are visiting the troops in Iraq, cool for them, next time gimme a call, I would love to go over and see what’s up

I hardly talk about anything that is not bikes and stuff but there?s a new show on TV that really fuckin’ kicks ass. Boarding House at WB, it’s about surfing the North Shore of Oahu, seven pro surfers and cuties are in the house, VK from Roxy is a mega babe, and Sunny Garcia is king, he knows how to show people how to respect. I really hope I meet Sunny when I get there.

jose friends

On a sad note, our friend Lil C got busted at the Charlotte airport for carrying a “brass knuckle” jockey shift handle. They charged him with concealed weapon possession, and threw him in the slammer. That really sucks, what’s next, if we have Six gun risers they will impound bikes? In reality, people and the powers to be are getting really stupid with this, watch out people your rights are being trampled with the mere excuse of “security” what the fuck happened to “the land of the FREE” ? He told me that the cops spent hours taking photos of his tats (full sleeves) and kept asking him if he was part of a “gang” (I guess they meant club). If that is not profiling, then what is? FUCK YOU CHARLOTTE airport!

I don’t want to end this week’s report without thanking all those guys that came over and said hi. To the guys we hung out with, as well as the Asphalt 127 after-hours club, you know who you are, you guys and gals, totally and undoubtedly fucking ROCK !

Jose – Caribbean Bikernet report

voodoo amy

MAXIMum CHARM– This little bundle of sweetness is Amy from Voodoo Choppers in Rochester, Michigan. I ran across Amy at the Horse Magazine Smoke Out IV in Salisbury N.C. She was sweet as sugar, as pretty as her picture and unassuming about her looks.

Amy has been chosen by MAXIM Magazine to be one of their Home Town Honeys in their August issue. You get a chance to vote for the lady that you think is the finest offering of the month. There is a cash prize for the winner and Amy plans, if you choose her, to use her winnings to put together a kick ass chopper for herself. A noble purpose indeed. I hope you all take a minute to vote for Amy. You can see the results on line at as soon as the judging is over.


fuk mi sushi - funny

–from Rev Carlr

four corners banner

Latest News from The Board of Directors!
The Board of Directors of the Four Corners Iron Horse Motorcycle Rally wishes to express our appreciation for your support and especially your patience. We sincerely apologize for not having more specific information at this time, however we have once again found ourselves somewhat “bogged down” in government red tape. We strongly believed our new location would be locked in by now, but were recently informed we will have to go through the political permitting process, something we had hoped would be avoided. We have secured the land use through the landowners, so it’s just one more hurdle to go. This area will certainly be worth waiting for; we wish we could say more right now. During this process, we will do our best to keep all of you updated.

Also, FYI, there has been much confusion as to whether the rally event tentatively scheduled to be held in Ignacio is the original Four Corners Rally. It is not affiliated with the original rally in any way. A rally is an area-wide event, we are one segment, and they are another. Once again thank you, ride safe.

The Board of Directors,
Four Corners Iron Horse Motorcycle Rally, Inc.

kit bike on bench

BACK TO THE GARAGE, QUICK–Harley-Davidson snagged a full page of big business coverage in the LA Times yesterday. Here’s a quote: “If there is a bump in the road ahead, it is the question of whether Harley will have the same success after the current generation of owners runs out of gas.”

The writer doesn’t understand the code, “Ride Forever”. When us old farts are dead, there will be plenty of young guns to keep the faith. According to the article (which we all know), Harley is rockin’ financially against all odds, primarily due to the 100th. We’ll see if growth continues to break records next year.

I’ve got to get back to the garage to work on the Beach Ride Project Goliath. Sin Wu hauled her cute succulent ass to Larry Settle’s shop in Harbor City to have the goddamn clutch pressed together. I stayed here to hammer the news. The headquarters requires a used press and a small lathe for cutting spacers. We also need new clip ring pliers–ours suck. I must make a costly sojourn to Sears, but we hate to leave the shop when we’re rolling.

Hang on for the progress reports.

Ride Forever,

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June 26, 2003 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

CH paint of week

PAINT JOB OF THE WEEK FROM CRAZYHORSE– This week’s paint job comes all the way from rainy Fox Island in thePacificNorthwest. I painted this for Tom Finley a few years back. This tankwasoriginally found it’s home upon a Panhead, but after Tom got thetank backhe changed his mind. He decided to sell the Panhead running gear andoptedinstead to build himself as S&S shovel with a RevTech 4-speed. Hewent withthe kick and electric start setup.

I’m not sure what they’re doing up there on old Fox Island, but itdoesn’tlook like it’s a very boring place. Hot bikes, hot women. So that’swhat’sthey do when it’s raining.

The 4th Annual Smoke Out was smokin’!!!!!! Great weather, killerbikes, anda town with a good attitude, combined into a weekend that anyone whowasthere will be talking about for long time. If anyone left therewithout abig smile, they’ve got serious problems and should check into thenearesthospital immediately to get the stick removed from their butt.

Lookfor mycoverage of this history making event here on Bikernet verysoon.


crazyhorse banner

A SMOKIN’ LETTER FROM THE HORSE BOSS–Just a note to all – A BIG THANK YOU – The Smoke out was a huge success! A special “Well Done” to Edge and his crew.

The thank you from Sgt. Coffield, commander of the Salisbury Police Department to Edge said it all, “Welcome back next year.”

The Horse Backstreet Choppers will absolutely gain new readers and advertisers, the life blood of a magazine.

Once again, Thank You one and All !!

–Hank McQueeney
(Mayor Slim McPickens)

americas ride logo

BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP ADVICE–One Saturday afternoon, I was sitting in my lawn chair, drinking beer and watching my wife mow the lawn.

The neighbor lady from across the street was so outraged at this that she came over and shouted to me, “You should be hung.”

I took a drink from my can of Budweiser, wiped the cold foam from my lips, lifted my darkened Ray Ban Sunglasses and stared directly at this nosey bitch and then calmly replied, “I am, that’s why SHE cuts the grass.”

–from Chris T.

stiff nipples - funny

–from Rev CarlR

RIDE FOR HEROES STATUS–I finalized a bunch of stuff for the 3rd annual Ride For The Heroes onAugust 31st, 2003. The run will be held on Long Island, New York. I haveattached a flyer and a little story about how the run came about (which Iknow you already know).

If you happen to be in NY around that time, please let me know. Youhad also mentioned raffling off some autographed books. What do you think?

If you want to edit anything please let me know. I’m just a guy who rides amotorcycle trying to promote a run for my friend. I’m sure I can use a lotof work as a promoter LOL!

–Frank Falco

Hey Frank, we’re more than happy to support your efforts. I’ll be glad to send you a dozen signed books. And I edit every damn thing that rolls across my desk, whether it needs it or not. –Bandit

choppers only

KIDS ON BIKERNET–A little boy wanted $ 100.00 very badly and prayed for weeks, but nothing happened. Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $ 100.00. When the postal authorities received the letter to God, USA, they decided to send it to the President.

The president was so amused that he instructed his secretary to send the little boy a $ 5.00 bill. The president thought this would appear to be a lot of money to the little boy. The little boy was delighted with the $ 5.00 bill and sat down to write a thank-you note to God, which read:

Dear God: Thank you very much for sending the money. however, I noticed that for some reason you sent it through Washington, D.C., and those assholes deducted $95.00 in taxes.

–from Chris T.

livin in da hood

Continued On Page 4

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June 26, 2003 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

bob t. roadking

ANOTHER BIKERNET READER/CONTRIBUTOR OPS FOR KING–Bob T. an old school rider and motorcycle memorbilia collector just bought a new 100th anniversary King. He’s the guy to supplies us with all the old shots we run. Keep an eye out for the next HORSE. His old school story comes to light on the pages.

son of liberty

SONS OF LIBERTY LEGISLATIVE REPORT– It’s For The Children – Fact or Fiction?Have you noticed the abundance of motorcycle charity rides lately? It seemsthat now that the mainstream have realized that bikers aren’t the scum ofthe earth and actually do have money; it’s become fashionable for everycharity around to have a Ride. But how much do we really know about wherethat money is going?

I recently picked up a brochure about the Inaugural Miracle Ride benefitingChildren’s Miracle Network. I might have overlooked the significance ofthis except that recently my TV has been flooded with commercials fromChildren’s Miracle Network that say that they are the “premier alliance ofchildren’s hospitals” that benefits Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Thereis my problem with this “Miracle Ride.” If you raise money for Children’sHealthcare of Atlanta, you are raising money for a hospital that doesn’teven like motorcycles. Not to mention that they have 6 lobbyists at theCapitol. Even that wouldn’t bother me quite so much, except that they arelobbying about something has nothing to do with children.On the day that our bill was defeated in the Senate (at 9:04 PM), we spoketo several of the legislators who had told us they supported us and thenvoted against us. One of them was Senator Rooney Bowen. He said his reasonwas “the doctors and hospitals got on to me.” My comment at that time wasif Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta has enough money to pay 6 lobbyists,they have too much money.

In fact, a couple of months ago I got a call froma Missy Valentine asking us if we could do a Ride for Children’s Healthcareof Atlanta. I basically laughed at her and told her I was surprised thatshe called us. She asked what I mean. I said “your lobbyist is at theCapitol lobbying against our bill, what makes you think we would raise moneyfor you?” She said she had no idea, and said she had never heard of theirlobbyist named David Tatum. It certainly didn’t stop her from findingsomeone to help them put on a motorcycle ride anyway.

So I just thoughtthat any motorcyclists out there who are planning on supporting this rideshould know just what their money would be going toward. Every penny thatthey can raise only helps them be able to afford to keep these lobbyists onthe payroll.So when you hear about a ride for charity, especially one that’s “for thechildren,” before you give them your money, ask yourself, is it really goingfor the kids?

–Kim Adams
Office Manager
ABATE of Georgia Inc.

big bear ride

MassPike, Motorcycle Association, Collaborate on Awareness Campaign– enlarged yellow signs have been placed on the 47 toll boothsin Massachusetts during the 18-day period surrounding Laconia Bike Weekwhere over 100,000 riders travel though the Commonwealth, reading “Whenchanging lanes, check twice, save a life, Motorcycles are Everywhere!” -This program was funded by our Motorcycle Safety Fund, administered by theRegistry of Motor Vehicles who approved this joint project(On the stationary of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority).

See their website, you arrive at the web site, click on “Motorcycle Safety” on the lefthand side under “What’s New”. This will take you to the recent pressconference, as well as a link to the web site of the MassachusettsMotorcycle Association.

Special thanks to Steve Sebestyen, Deputy Registrar, Paul Joedin of MassHighway for those amber flashing signs, and all the riders who ROARED andSTORMED the STATEHOUSE to ‘save our motorcycle safety fund!”


Bros Club

If you need more info on this or any other subject just go to the Sons ofLiberty Riders Info Zone or

ICQ 34668186

lick a chick sign - funny

–from Rev CarlR

Continued On Page 3

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June 26, 2003 Part 1


kit in doorway

We’re rockin’ at the headquarters this week. Between girls, workouts and pinstrippers we’re pounding a Custom Chrome Goliath 100-inch bike kit together. Yesterday was slow, with glitches to installing the inner primary and clutch. We’ll explain all aspects in several articles that will flash onto the site and in American Rider in the near future.

Yesterday we had three photographers slowing our progress while George, the Wild Brush, cleaned up the partially powder coated wheels with his pinstriping talents. Plus, we were distracted by the heavenly form of Sin Wu wearing a short/short top and a island wrap over naked hips as she delivered chow to the crew. How the hell can we get anything done?

Last night I fell asleep watching El Captain Thunder starring Fay Ray from the ’40s. Before the movie kicked off, Captain Thunder’s code was flashed across the screen. He was a South of the border outlaw of honor who stood by his word always in pursuit of life, liquor and ladies. I like his code. Let’s hit the news:

beach ride flyer

MYRTLE BEACH SPRING RALLY, May 7-16, 2004– “The 4th Annual Myrtle Beach Fall Rally”. Welcome to the fastest growing Fall Rally on the East Coast, The 4th Annual Myrtle Beach Fall Rally is going to be bigger and betterthan ever before. All the normal vending locations will be open during TheFall Rally and many with special attractions just for this time of year.Are you making your plans now to be part of all the fun and excitement ofthe Fall Rally at Myrtle Beach? We are .. Excellent weather, less trafficand congestion means Great Riding on the Grand Strand.

Why a Fall Rally at Myrtle Beach??? The answer is simple, Myrtle Beach and The Grand Strand Area offerssomething for everyone. The Myrtle Beach and The Grand Strand Area isabsolutely stunning, a great Coastline to explore, historic locations inalmost every small town, and a fantastic ride from Myrtle Beach to HistoricCharleston which you can easily do in a day. The Myrtle Beach Area is one ofthe top vacation destinations in the nation with over 16 million visitorsannually and over 60,000 guest-rooms, 1,600+ dinning establishments, toaccommodate visitors. And cops that run over bikers.

Getting Around Myrtle Beach during the Fall Rally?? There is two (2) ways to go South out of Myrtle Beach. One is Business 17and the other is Bypass 17. Business 17 South of Myrtle Beach State Park iswhere Sonny Productions Office Location and many vendors for the Fall Rallyare located. Many of the vendors that were here for the Spring event comeback for the Fall Rally and are located on this property. Watch out for the cops. They don’t know how to drive.

Sonny Productions Inlet Square Mall vending location is located where bothBusiness 17 and Bypass 17 come together. Over 25 acres centrally locatedaround some of the Major Restaurants in Murrells Inlet (Lone*Star Steakhouse& Saloon, TGI Fridays, Hooters of Murrells Inlet, AppleBee’s, and close to K& W Restaurant and Wendy’s.

A new road that has just opened up in the Myrtle Beach area is #31 a greatway to get from Myrtle Beach all the way to Hwy #9. This road also crosses#22 which is another new road from 501 to North Myrtle Beach.

Attention Vendors or Businesses interested in selling or display yourproducts or services during the Myrtle Beach Fall Rally, —- or call the Myrtle Beach office 843-477-1366or my cell phone at 843-455-1638 for vending information.

rogue banner

BIKERNET EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT–A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small.

The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow A human; it was physically impossible.

The little girl said, “When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah”.

The teacher asked, “What if Jonah went to hell?”

The little girl replied, “Then you ask him”.

–from Chris T.

run for breath

CHARLOTTE RUN FOR BREATH LAUNCHES WEB SITE– I setup a website for Mike on the Run For Breath. Check it out if you get a chance.


smso cutie on bike

TAHITI RUN PLAYER GOES DOWN–Into each life some rain must fall. So it was with me at the Horse Smoke Out. I was having a blast at the Horse Magazine’s 4th anual Smoke Out in Salisbury N.C. Schmoozing with Billy lane, Indian Larry and Irish Rich amoung other notable chopper world dignetaries.

This was the first time that I was able to get together with the entire Horse Mag staff at one place and one time. The weather was georgous, the beer was cold and the ladies were hot and the bikes from all across the country were smokin’.

My bride , who let discression be the better part of valour, decided to loosen the reigns a bit and let me fly solo to the event. My damned cell phone rang early in the evening as I was surrounded with a fury of femine pultritude. It was the wife…never a good sign when I’m on the road. She had just gotten a call from Kiki in Tahiti. He was trying to reach me to tell me that a good friend of mine in Tahiti, Jean-Noel Tourneur had been in a bad wreck on his Fat Boy and had sustained severe head trauma and it was not known if he would survive. I was devastated. Being appx 9,000 miles and an ocean away, there was nothing I could do to help.

I tried reaching my buddies in the club there but was unable to contact anyone. I had to continue working the event, being on stage to host the Horse Maiden Contest with the Ice Cream Man From Hell and Billy Lane, play congenial host to Indian Larry and his crew from GasolineAlleyNYC and the Shade Tree Racing boys as well as meeting and greeting Horse and Bikernet readers. Man, It was one of the toughest weekends I’ve gone through in recent memory.

As soon as I got back home to NY, I phoned Kiki in Papeete and got the good news that Jean-Noel would live. The extent of his injuries have yet to be determined and his eventual recovery is still uncertian.Jean-Noel is no kid. He’s a Belgian who happened on Tahiti and fell in love with her people 25 years ago and stayed. In his youth he rode the Paris-Dakkar Rally a few times on a bike just for kicks. He’s the kind of guy that you want to have a beer and swap stories with. OK, now I’m not a guy who likes to pray, but it couldn’t hurt. So if you happen to think it’s OK, please take a second and ask whoever you think rules the universe to see that Jean-Noel pulls through this and I’ll buy you a beer next time we cross paths.

Thanks folks,

my first bike

BIKERNET READER’S FIRST BIKE–Right from the start custom builder. Note the ape hanger buckhorn handlebars, the narrow front tire the fat daddy slick tire on the rear. The S.T P. sticker on the front neck . With my P. F. Flyer tennis shoes and bright red sweater. Pretty good considering parts were limited and empty coke bottle collection low.

Note no front brake no fenders rigid frame .Build for speed , solo seat , Pant custom red by spray can.

cantina deal

LETTER TO EDGE, THE SMOKE-OUT PROMOTOR FROM OFFICIALS– Thanks to your staff and the participants of your event (Smoke Out IV) in our city this year; no incidents occurred this past weekend that could be attributed to motorcyclists attending from out of town. They were orderly and well-mannered, and except for a few minor calls involving loud music and partying at a few of the local motels, we responded to our normal amount of calls for service. Several arrests were made for driving offenses, but none that I could see except for one, could be attributed to any of your participants.

Our city residents gave us more problems than the visitors. We were glad to have them come visit our historic City of Salisbury and they are certainly welcome again. Please convey our sincere gratitude to your readership for their friendly and outgoing attitude those two days (June 20- 21, 2003). I have already received a number of comments from both fellow officers and members of the community that this was one of the “nicest bunch of people” we have ever had visit our town. Please call on me if you should need anything on your future visits to Rowan County.

–Sgt. H. H. Coffield
Salisbury Police Department
Special Operations Commander
130 E. Liberty Street
Salisbury, NC 28144

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Bandit’s Garage: Pat Kennedy Trail Tip

Using a tape measure, or if not available a piece of string, raise the bike to upright position.

Start by holding the tape measure straight down from the front axle to the floor. Put a mark on the floor at that point. Then, place the tape parallel to the steering axle, following the angle of the steering head all the way down to the floor. Put a mark here too. Now all you have to do is to measure the distance between the two marks and you have your trail figure. It should read between 2 and 4 inches.

* Note: If your bike is equipped with rear suspension, have someone sit on the seat when you make these measurements, to simulate your actual riding conditions.

Too Little Trail
With too little and extreme cases negative trail, (steering axle mark behind the front axle mark), the bike will handle with unbelievable ease at low speeds, but be completely out of balance at high speed. It will easily develop a fatal high-speed wobble. Extremely dangerous!
Normal Trail
Somewhere between 2 to 4 inches the bike will handle easily at both high and low speeds. Flowing smoothly through curves without swaying or wobbling. If you use a very fat rear tire, you should keep the trail as close to 4 inches as possible. A slightly large trail is also practical for touring.
Too Much Trail
If the trail is more than 4 inches the bike will handle sluggishly at high speeds. It will seem almost too steady. You will have trouble balancing your bike at lower speeds, or on winding roads. It will feel generally sluggish and clumsy.

Changing The Center of Gravity
To make full use of your triple trees you should also readjust the fork when your bike’s center of gravity changes, like when you are packing a lot of luggage.

If the center of gravity is too low, you will have good maneuverability around curves, but the stability when you are going in a straight line will suffer. If the center of gravity is too high, it will be the other way around. Always readjust the triple trees within the sensible limits of trail, as riding conditions change. This way you will always be able to use your bikes handling resources to the maximum. The adjustable triple trees are designed to give you the best possible handling at all times. So make use of them!

Enjoy Your Ride!

Pat Kennedys Custom Motorcycles
905 East Fremont Street, Box 670
Tombstone, AZ 85638
(520) 457-2237

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Makin’ Custom Wheel Spacers From Narrow To Wide

<>I finally got “The Meanest” to send you these photos of the front endchange we performed on my Super Glide. First, a little background onthe bike. I bought it in March of this year at the dealership whereI work, Harley-Davidson of Charlotte. It was a consignment bike, Igot a real good price on it when you consider the engine has the 1550kit, S.E. 211 cams, S & S carb and the heads have been worked. Weput it on the dyno the week I got it and it put out 89.8hp and 91.5torque. Not bad!

Mike Pullin Bike

I also like the all-black engine. The hp is up a little more now,with the addition of a Vance & Hines pro pipe.

I never could getused to the look of the front end, so I decided to put a wide glidefront end on it. I wanted to keep the dual disc set-up to add to thehot-rod look. The front end kit is from Tedd’s V-Twin and it boltedright on with no problems. I added the black center floating disc onthe front and rear of the bike to accent the all-black drive line. Ialso added the 21″ Thunderstar, black and polished front wheel.

Mike Pullin Bike

The bike feels like a whole new bike with this setup. I wantedto keep everything black or polished since the bike has very littlechrome. I am still working on cleaning up the turn signals and a fewother things. Right now it’s a work in progress. I really like theway it feels, and I have always loved the power of the engine.

Sweatshirt hood

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June 22, 2003


THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more Information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at

king rules kallas


Time off: First off I want to apologize to those of you that missed the last issue of the Gunny’s Sack. The truth is the Sack didn’t get out because Gunny was on a 21 state 7000 mile motorcycle ride with his wife.

Left Redmond, Oregon at 12:30 PM on the first of May and got back home the evening of the twenty-seventh. We went to Milwaukee, WI for the National Coalition Of Motorcyclists Convention that took place the 8th to 11th of May. We stopped in Chicago and took delivery of our new “Aspen Classic” camp trailer for the bike. The thing has a KING sized bed in it when erected. All that and 25 cubes of cargo space too. Ahh, luxury for the old man.

To get to Milwaukee we crossed Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nebraska, Wyoming, Iowa, Illinois, and into Wisconsin. NCOM: This 18th Annual Convention was one of the best I’ve ever attended and some of the information passed along to us was positively frightening. Namely, the PATRIOT Act and the possibility of the passage of PATRIOT II. If you attach any value to the freedom you have left in this country you will write your Congressmen and Senators NOW and voice your opposition to the stealing of your liberties by elected officials.

More on that later.

We left Wisconsin and continued to West “By God” Virginia via Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and down into West Virginia to visit my daughter and that bunch. I was blessed with seeing my grandson who just graduated from the Naval Academy and is now a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps. Some kinda proud of him I am.

We left from there continuing to Bakersfield, California crossing West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and into California. Spent a few days at my brother’s place and enjoyed the wedding of my Granddaughter there. From there home to Oregon, winding up a fantastic month.

We hit some of the worst storms I’ve ever experienced. The first was the back end of the storm that did so much tornado damage all through the Nebraska, Kansas, and Alabama. We got past that and coming out of West Virginia we were rained on for four days all the way to Oklahoma. One day we had to stop after only forty miles because it was raining so hard I couldn’t see the road. Shawnee, Oklahoma was the last of the rain and then it got HOT, poor Sue doesn’t do heat well so she paid the fiddler for the next three days getting to Bakersfield. It was 109 in Needles, Ca. when we got there. Bakersfield was just as hot, so she spent a lot of time indoors and I spend some time soaking up a lot of my brothers beer at his hangar home there on the Bakersfield Airpark. Brothers and sisters, I’d load up tomorrow morning and do it again if I had the bucks to do it. Sue says the same thing.

We no more than got home and had to rush to Forest Grove, OR to attend to our daughter-in-law ,who was pregnant with her first child, and Sue’s first natural Grandbaby. Angie was in trouble with the pregnancy and wound up with a beautiful 29-week baby girl weighing just one pound eleven ounces. Mom and child doing very well. Mom’s home and visiting the infant twice a day for feedings and whatever else it is that moms do with little guys. Pop is working his way though the whole thing, kind of bewildered, but OK.

Granddad will live but not sure about Grammaw. She’s a mess. The upshot of the whole thing was we decided a move back to the Forest Grove area was indeed necessary.

So away we went and in just a few days I find myself moved back to the Willamette Valley. Thank God for the Washington County ABATE of Oregon members who helped us unload at the new house. All this in the Gunny’s life in less than 40 days. Anyone want to follow me around for the next few months to see what else can happen when you’re not lookin?

beach ride flyer


REPEAL THE USA PATRIOT ACTAll over the country early in July there will be public hearings concerning the USA PATRIOT Act. You all need to be aware of the dangerous precedent this madness represents.

On Oct. 26, 2001, our Congress passed the most far-reaching snatch of liberty from the American people ever passed. Never in the history of this nation has a law been passed so quickly. It took only 11 days for this to take place. That is record time for our Congress to act on anything. The events on 9/11 took the good sense out of our leaders and we need to bring it to a screeching halt before our country winds up like Europe did in the days of Hitler’s rise to power.

These are just part of what this thing does to every citizen of this country not just bikers. You can bet, however, we are the most immediate targets available.

1) Eliminates FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION: Government may monitor religious, labor, and political institutions without having to suspect criminal activity, if it is to assist “terror” investigation.

2) FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: Government has closed once-public immigration hearings, has secretly detained hundreds of people without charges, and has encouraged bureaucrats to resist public records requests.

3) FREEDOM OF SPEECH: Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records, if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation.

4) RIGHT TO LEGAL REPRESENTATION: Government may monitor federal prison jailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and deny lawyers to American citizens accused of crimes.

5) FREEDOM FROM UNREASONABLE SEARCHES: Government may search and seize Americans’ personal records, business documents and telephone/internet activity records without probable cause, to assist alleged terror investigations.

6) RIGHT TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL: Government may jail Americans indefinitely without a trial.

7) RIGHT TO LIBERTY: Americans may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront the witnesses against them.

What you have just read is just a sample of what your government has up it’s sleeve besides the arm. If you aren’t shaken by these words, I don’t know what to tell you except bend over and kiss your sweet patootee goodbye.

choppers only

BOISE, IDAHO: Recently here a motorcycle officer jumped aboard a runaway locomotive and was instrumental in stopping the thing. Can you imagine the adrenalin rush this guy had going? WOW! No one was hurt but it could have been disastrous. Kudos to the Cop.

americas ride logo

PHILADELPHIA, PENN. : The city is tired of kids without licenses driving motorized scooters on sidewalks and streets without regard to pedestrian traffic. They passed a resolution with teeth that can result in the confiscations of the scoot being illegally ridden by non-licensed drivers. Not too sure I blame them on this one. Some kid on a motorized scooter runs into me on the sidewalk and I just might have a word or two with him if ya know what I mean.

run for breath

SAN JOSE, CA: A biker here was apparently the victim of a road rage incident that left him paralyzed from the neck down when a man rammed him from the rear. The guy that caused the wreck is being sought by police and will be charged with attempted homicide and assault with a deadly weapon. Hope they catch this guy and lock his butt up for a long, long time. There is no place for road rage in this country. There was a witness to the incident so they should get this clown soon. Our best to the injured biker.


GUNNY AGAIN: Glad to be back and remember the Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (AIM) attorneys are the ones who take care of us so call yours if you find yourself with any legal problem. They will help you. Call 1-800-ON-A-BIKE and get hooked up, or look on the web at

Keep the round side on the bottom.
–Gunny, Oregon’s AIM Chief of Staff

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June 19, 2003 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

HARLEY-DAVIDSON STYLE’S BIKER —MaxGearFor biker around the world. T-shirt designs have always embodied the fun and freedom of the biker experience in Thailand. Some designs have also combined embroidery with the silk screened image, while others have been printed front and/or back. All designs are screen printed on 100% cotton.

Caps and hats another great hat and cap made with 100% cotton denim, a suede brim. This cap and hat features a image, logo embroidered style. It has additional embroidery on the back.Gift Ideas collection and motorclothers merchandise, accessories,Parts.

“West Coast Leather Factory” We custom make all of our boots, shoes, briefcases, saddle bags, Star Wars boots such as Han Solo, Obi Wan Jedi and Stormtrooper boots. Custom boots, golf shoes The leathers we use are Cow Hide, Cobra, Python and Water Snake skins, Stingray, Shark, Crocodile, Elephant and Lizard. Wholesale inquires welcome. Send photos of what you would like made and we can tailor it for you. The design is only limited by your imagination.

TECH MYSTERY OF THE WEEK?–I saw an oil temp gauge for dressers to replace that ambient temp gauge. Ican’t seem to locate the seller. Maybe you guys might know !


A TASTE OF LACONIA 2003–I just returned from Laconia Bike week In New Hampshire. It was on the cold side with intermittent Rain. I was just glad to be in there! I am still riding the Henderson Bike # 962 and I have purchased a second #219 a dealer bike, so I guess ya could say that I am passionate about these bikes. I am building a storage shed 12 by 24 long it will house my X-celsior collection and all related memorabilia. I have a dealer sign and banners and other stuff related to the now closed Factory.

I’m inviting ya to attend Laconia, perhaps next year. There’s some fine riding in the hills of N-H and no helmet law. LIVE FREE OR DIE that’s their motto.

–Jay Farina

iraqi freedom truck


–from Richard R.

SIDECAR ENTHUSIASTS WANTED–There’s just one magazine devoted to Sidercar riders. The title of the latest issue purports: In Celebration of 100 Years of Sidecars. The magazine isn’t that old. If you need to know anything about Sidecars, Sidecar Clubs, Sidecar History or Sidecare events contact:

harley drag bars

harley narrow

READER’S PROJECT–Here’s a couple of pics of my project, just how I found it. ’79 FLH w/sporty front end. I all ready changed the ’67 round swing arm and wheels to ’94 Road King and newer swing arm belt dr. I also put lower shocks on rear w/new fender struts. I’m working on the front end. I bought take offs 2000 and newer lower legs, 2002 frt mag off Dyna. I’m trying to decide on length of tubes and rake now, got drag bars and a different seat.

As I build I will report in.


choppers only

CHOPPERS ONLY IN HAWAII SHOW–The Choppers Only Run and Show will be held on July 6th, 2003 at the Hard Rock Caf? in Honolulu. The raffle run will begin at 9am from Moana Lua Gardens and is free to all participants and open to all motorcyclists. Last bike out at 10am. This will be a circle island run with raffle tickets handed out at each stop, (stops to be announced), with the last stop being the Hard Rock Caf?.

Registration for the Choppers Only show will begin at the Hard Rock Caf? at 1pm and is free to all entries. Judging will begin at 2.30pm, and there will be a custom made trophy as well as $500.00 cash to the first place in each class and for the best of show award.

Classes will be:
Old style chopper
New style chopper
Island style bike

Celebrity guests will include:
Billy Lane of Choppers Inc.
Keith “Bandit” Ball of Bikernet
Jose De Miguel of Caribbean Custom Cycle
Andy Bumatai will be guest MC for the day

Prizes will be given away throughout the afternoon, including leather jackets from the Hard Rock Caf? and a custom made long board from Island Shapes Hawaii. Food and beverages will be available for purchase on site.

Live entertainment for the afternoon will be provided by “Biker Blues” and “Slug”, and the Steinlager Girls will be on hand as well.This is guaranteed to be the biggest one day motorcycling event that the state of Hawaii has ever seen!


Click to order Catalog!

Custom Chrome ? and Chrome Specialties ? have joined forces to bring you the most comprehensive product offering in the Harley-Davidson ? aftermarket! At over 1,400 pages and over 25,000 part numbers, our 2003 Catalog features everything from nuts & bolts to HR3 bike kits, and sets the NEW industry standard.

ONLY $9.95 + 6.95 Shipping**

Once you find the part you need, go in to Chrome Specialties down below and order online! It’s that simple.

foutain at night

SHORT THURSDAY–The news is short and to the point. We will post TBear’s Laconia Run coverage tomorrow. As of Monday we’re throwing wrenches at a Custom Chrome Goliath kit bike. You’ll see it come together here.

Just as soon as the kit bike is complete, the Amazing Shrunken FXR will return home for a new Rivera dual Mikuni carb installation then mid controls tweaking and the bike will roll to paint and chrome. It’s about time.

I’m riding the King to Ventura tomorrow to discuss the Beach Ride with antique bike experts Don Whalen and Huggy from the Shop. We plan a rare collection of bikes for display at the Beach Ride Sept. 7 at the Queen Mary.

The next modification for the King is a H-D touring oil cooler for the summer ahead. We received a number of questions about the high running temps in Twin Cam engines. Let’s see how much the oil cooler will alter the heat.

Finally, if she will come out of her bedroom, Layla will write a story on the Bikernet Water Fall powered by a 1929 H-D twin. Have a helluva weekend.

closeup fountain


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June 19, 2003 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

BUMPER STICKER OF THE DAY–A man is incomplete until he’s married… then he’s finished.

airliner frame left use

airliner left use

airliner right use

airliner shock

AIRELINER FRAMES BY WIL–Wil Phillips designed the rubbertail frame that was the first true rubbermount Softail frame. He has take it to the next stage creating a touring rendition of the rubbertail through his new Aireliner configuration. It makes a good looking long distance cruiser. You can contact Wil at:

THE TALKING DOG–A guy sees a sign in front of a house: “Talking Dog for Sale.” He rings the bell and the owner tells him the dog is in the backyard.The guy goes into the backyard and sees a black mutt just sitting there.

“You talk?” he asks.

“Yep,” the mutt replies.

“So, what’s your story?”

The mutt looks up and says, “Well, I discovered this gift pretty young and I wanted to help the government, so I told the CIA about my gift, and in no time they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping. I was one of their most valuable spies eight years running.

“The jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn’t getting any younger and wanted to settle down. So I signed up for a job at the airport to do some undercover security work, mostly wandering near suspicious characters and listening in. I uncovered some incredible dealings there and was awarded a batch of medals. Had a wife, a mess of puppies, and now I’m just retired.”

The guy is amazed. He goes back in and asks the owner what he wants for the dog. The owner says, “Ten dollars.”

The guy says, “This dog is amazing. Why on earth are you selling him, so cheap?”

The owner replies, “He’s such a liar. He didn’t do any of that shit!

–from S. Redhorse

son of liberty

SON’S OF LIBERTY NEWS–The Environmental Protection Agency is likely to lob its final rule onstreetmotorcycles right into your garage. In a matter of days! You have one lastchance – one small break in the traffic – to level what may be the lastquestions the powerful agency should answer before the rule is final. Haveyou called your U.S. Representative and asked him/her to sign the letter tothe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) penned by U.S. Reps. John Shimkus(R-Illinois) and Ted Strickland (D-Ohio)? If you did, great! CALL AGAIN!If you haven’t called, you need to call…TWICE!

Here’s the scoop. Both Congressmen Shimkus and Strickland have heard fromsome Congressmen, but most of the calls are just expressions of interest.Courtesy phone calls. Now we need SIGNATURES! If your Congressman (or hisor her staffers) told you that he/she will “look at the letter,” that’sgood. Now we need more. Now it is time for you to call them again and ask,”What did you think of the letter? Won’t you SIGN THIS LETTER – to askthese important questions – for ME, at this most critical time?” Again, ifthey have questions you can’t answer, I am happy to help.

DO NOT RELY ON SNAIL MAIL. There’s no time. You need to telephone oremail your Congressman TODAY. You can find your Congressman’s email addressand phone number at Phone calls to your U.S.Representative’s district office are welcome. Make the call today! Makecopies of this LEADERS’ REPORT and take them to a riding event this weekend!


1st Annual West Virginia Freedom Rally

Rain, Rain , Rain. That’s the way the First Annual Freedom Rally inSummersville WV started off. It scared all the fair weather riders off,but Uncle Rock showed up. I was waiting at the court house to take picsof the parade, and there he was. Right in the middle of it.My kind of guy. Rode down in the rain, and never blinked. he hung aroundall day, and helped out everywhere he could. Thanks Rock.

Even with the bad weather we still had a fair turn-out. This shindig wassponsored by the Secretary of state of West Virginia, and he rides, anddon’t want to wear a helmet either. Did I mention he is running forGovernor next go-around?Sput was going to speak, but was unavoidably detained in Texas, so I hadto take his place. I was told that the subject was bikers, and Liberty.Took two days to put something together. No time for rehearsal. At thelast minute I found out that the topic was honoring our troops, andvets. My carefully prepared speech went out the window! I was forced towing it.

All in all it was a good weekend though. Got to meet a few new members,and signed some up. but I made contact with people in areas of the statewhere I had no contact before. I also got to show a few of my officersmy back yard (South Eastern WV) They are all from the northern part ofthe state, and had no idea of the roads they have been missing. A lot ofgood quality time with these people, and they are more fired up thanI’ve seen them in years.The rain put a damper on things, but I had a great time doin what I dobest. Dealing with motorcycle people. Setting some small brush fires intheir minds.

Don “DUCK” Smith
WV ABATE State President

big bear ride

“HOT OFF THE PRESS” Pa.Senate votes to repeal motorcycle helmet law

The bill moves to House, and Rendell vows to sign measure.Motorcyclists are a step closer to being able to ride without headprotection after the Senate voted last night to repeal the state’s35-year-old helmet law.The bill, which passed in the Senate 29-20, now moves to the House for avote. Gov. Ed Rendell has indicated that he will sign the bill if it passesin both bodies.”It’s about time,” said Aliquippa resident Kerry Hawk, who was among thedozens of cyclists who stayed until 7 p.m. to hear the vote, which crossedparty lines.

“This is the hardest of the three hurdles that we have to confront,” saidCharles Flack of Plum, former communications officer for Pennsylvania’sAlliance of Bikers Aimed Toward Education (ABATE). “We’ve been workingtoward it for 30 years. When we pass the hurdle in the House, we’ve alreadybeen guaranteed by Gov. Rendell that he will sign our legislation.”

The bill requires riders over the age of 21 to wear helmets if they havebeen licensed to operate motorcycles less than two years. But the two-yearrequirement would be waived if riders took a state-run motorcycle safetycourse. Motorcyclists with more than two years experience would simply beallowed to ride without a helmet if they so choose.The vote came hours after demonstrations from people on each side of thedebate.


Keep Internet Taxes At Bay

According to Wired News (, if a coalitionof congressmen has its way, the government’s temporarymoratorium on Internet-access taxes could soon becomepermanent.

This week, a House of Representatives committee is expectedto consider a proposal that would bar states from imposinglevies on Internet service, but would not affect theirability to collect sales taxes.

HR 49, the Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act, introducedby Rep. Christopher Cox (R-CA), would make permanent amoratorium the congressman initially introduced in 1998.The current ban is set to expire in November.

Cox urged support for the measure, backed by more than 30other representatives, noting, “The average American doesnot need new taxes, especially on their Internet access.”

ACTION ITEM: This is just one effort to resist theinevitable urge of politicians to somehow tax the Internet –but it’s a good start.

Go to our site below NOW to send a message directly to yourCongressman and Senators, and ask them to support theInternet Tax Nondiscrimination Act:

If you need more info on this or any other subject just go to the Sons ofLiberty Riders Info Zone or

ICQ 34668186

Continued On Page 4

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June 19, 2003 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


Gear Lubes and Harley Transmissions–Amsoil Series 2000 Gear Lube is recommended for all Harley transmissions as well as all after-market transmissions that require a 75W-90 or 75W140 gear lube.

While it is possible to use the new H-D Syn-3 in the transmission, it is still a motor oil, and therefore does not offer the best additive package designed for the unique requirements of gear to gear applications. Amsoil Series 2000 Gear Lube contains additives that actually bond with and cushion the gear teeth at their contact points to extend the life of the gears as well as enable smoother shifting and lower operating temperature due to reduced friction.

Amsoil recommends using Series 2000 75W-90 in all Harley transmissions, except for Sportsters which call for Series 2000 75W-140, for the absolute best performance and protection. It offers better protection than H-D Semi-Synthetic or Syn-3 and is specially designed for use in transmissions and other gear lube applications. Be sure to use my dealer number ZO 1124190 when you order to ensure that the sale is credited to me.

Nick Roberts

Nick’s Performance Accessories
9608 Tiverton Way
Louisville, KY, 40242
502 548 3023

THE BOOK OF WOMEN RIDING–Living & Riding Free!?By Sasha Mullins, was recently published by Citadel Press, an imprint of Kensington Publishing Corp – August 2003.

“The motorcycle is a glorious mystery that subconsciously and healthfully touches the heart and soul of women everywhere. It transforms us into wind goddesses, powerful and free. The motorcycle is the “freedom machine” from long ago that promoted women’s social and dress reform much to the chagrin of society’s restraining views of the era. Even today this mighty iron horse embodies and celebrates the beauty of our feminine strength and spirit set free. . .

“We are iron Godivas, as we grab life by the handlebars and charge forward on the highways of our purpose-filled destiny to realize our most heartfelt dreams. We are free to be ourselves as God intended each of us, and we discover that inner power in the wind, riding hundreds and thousands of miles, joyously living and riding free!Riding a motorcycle is the ultimate GIRL POWER!?Sasha, author and a bikerlady report in her colorfully passionate book.

“Two wheels and an open road…for Bikerladies. It’s an irresistible call to adventure. The motorcycle embodies freedom, power and seduction. It’s the allure of living life on the edge, of defying every expectation and escaping from the ordinary in a blur of steel horse and leather. And for the growing community of women who love motorcycles, it’s a passion unlike any other, a relationship defined by self-discovery, strength, and joy.”

From Clara Wagner joyously hiking up her skirt to race a motorcycle in 1910 to today?s female celebrities cruising the open roads in a blaze of chrome glory, BIKERLADY delves into the history, the community, the phenomenon, the sport, the dreams, and the pride of all women riders.

In this empowering and inspiring book, renowned motojournalist Sasha Mullins explores the unique sisterhood of bikerladies?old and young, mothers and daughters, sisters, wives, grandmothers, executives, celebrities, artists, teachers, and more who race on a track or ride the endless highways and twisting turns on their own personal journeys of self-expression.

martha stewart jail cell

Here’s a jail cell decorated by Martha Stewart. Get it right, will ya.

FROM THE BIKERNET PARAMEDIC– Due to a power outage at the time, only one paramedic responded to the call. The house was very, very dark, so the paramedic asked Katelyn, a 3 year old girl, to hold a flashlight high over her mommy so he could see while he helped deliver the baby.

Very diligently, Katelyn did as she was asked. Heidi pushed and pushed, and after a little while Connor was born.

The paramedic lifted him by his little feet and spanked him on his bottom. Connor began to cry. The paramedic then thanked Katelyn for her help and asked the wide-eyed 3-year old what she thought about what she had just witnessed.

Katelyn quickly responded, “He shouldn’t have crawled in there in the first place. Smack him again.”

trikke three wheels

BIKERNET PRODUCT OF THE WEEK–Often mistaken for a Razor scooter when seen for the first time without a rider, the Trikke immediately sets itself apart when a rider hops on and takes his first few turns away from you. “What makes it move?” and “Where are the Batteries?” are usually the first words to come out of a first time viewer’s mouth. In describing the movement, it is often compared to in-line skating or skiing on pavement because the entire vehicle leans in unison due to it’s finely coordinated cambering mechanism.

Stable and Safe…Because of the three-wheeled stance, the Trikke is extraordinarily stable. Dual rear brakes provide superb braking power. Independently controlled, the brakes also allow for unusual lateral control for trick riding. Rated as the safest vehicle on the road by the Los Angeles Safety Foundation, the Trikke provides unsurpassed safety, control and agility for riders of all sizes and ages. The Trikke 8 is fast and stable for Trikkers young and old wanting speed, and durability.

century motorcycles

These wild things are available at Century Motorcycles.


1) If you and I were squirrels, I could bust a nut in your hole.
2) How do you like your eggs: fried, scrambled or fertilized?
3) My love for you is like diarrhea; I just can’t hold it in.
4) If your right leg was Thanksgiving, and your left leg was Christmas, then could I meet you between the holidays?
5) How about we play lion and lion tamer? You hold your mouth open, and I’ll give you the meat.

–from Ken Miller

jose - girl shot

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–We have been trying to get all the stuff that needs to be done, well, done. As you read this I will be in Salisbury with the Horse crew and friends at The Smoke Out. Sadly there’s no time to ride, just a quick trip over and a quick flight back. If you make it there make sure to come by and say hi.

jose bike

Wicho’s bike is done, here’s some photos of the ’52 pan, the ’72 Ironhead that you’ve seen in here before is almost complete. We must press the pedal to the metal since many of the other projects are making the trip to Sturgis this year. We now take photographs of each and every bike as it’s completed, so keep an eye out for them in future issues of the Horse.

jose old color photo

We are also writing the Puerto Rican history of bobbers and choppers. I just finished scanning over 100 photos, just one album. There’s lots more investigation to come. I’m having a lot of fun documenting the “history” thing. We will also feature of The Smoke Out as soon as I get back. Like always, Bikernet will have the feature way before anyone, so keep your eyes peeled.

Also I got the chance to do a pretty cool interview, no nonsense on Jesse James for an upcoming issue of Bikernet’s favorite magazine.

I guess with all the chaos going on, I’m really looking forward to the Hawaii trip this July 4th weekend and some well deserved R&R, amongst friends. Kaisers awaits…..

Don’t wanna sound like I’m rushing things and doing a half-ass job on the weekly report. But as mentioned above, there’s a lot to do and not much time to do it. Next week I’ll have a lot more material to rant about.

Have a good week end and see you guys next week….

–Jose Bikernet Caribbean report (about to loose my flight)

Continued On Page 3

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