August 19, 2004 Part 3
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 2
Rigid Frame Richard Cutie
Yep.It Was A Cat Burglar.
–from Bob T.
PUSH-BUTTON KICKSTAND AND DIGITAL-DISPLAY MIRRORS–RIDLEY MOTORCYCLE COMPANY received an enthusiastic response during Daytona Bike Week to its button-operated kickstand. Lifting the side stand by means of hand controls means both feet can remain planted on the ground. It also eliminates the possibility of contact being made between the rider’s foot and the primary cover, which can cause scratching.
Digital-display mirrors are a further hi-tech product from Ridley. When the motorcycle is switched off, the mirrors appear as standard. When the bike is switched on, however, they light up, showing a wealth of digitized information. The mirrors display data for: speedometer, odometer, tachometer, trip meter, high/low beam, oil pressure, neutral and turn-signal indicators.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Tel: 405 525 5400
Fax: 405 525 5438
ACCIDENT SCENE MANAGEMENT–Great news about an event to help Accident Scene Management classes. Please print the attached flier and distribute to bike shops, businesses and biker bars. A film crew from California is coming with Milwaukee Iron to shoot an episode during this show, and will air sometime in January. The bike show is free to the public, and will be a fun event which will benefit the biker community by supporting Accident Scene Management.
Please attend and show your support. The Slinger Speedway is north of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, about 30 miles from downtown. Take Hwy 41 north to the Slinger exit at Hwy 144. Follow the signs to the speedway, just a mile or so from the exit.
Saturday, September 4, 2004
Slinger Speedway
Slinger, WI
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Free Admission!
Sponsored by:
West Bend Mutual
George Prescott
9:00 – 10:00 AM: Bike Registration, Radical Bikes and Choppers ONLY
10:00 1:00 PM: Bike Show – Judged by Celebrity Judges & Show participants
New York Mike, owner of San Diego Harley Davidson,Senator Dave Zien, Motorcycle Hall of Fame award winnerTony “Pan” Sanfelipo, Founder of ABATE of Wisconsin & Motorcycle Hall of Fame award winner
1:00 – 2:00 PM: Chopper Parade & Awards
2:00 – 4:00 PM: Milwaukee Iron Celebrity Ride (Starts and ends at Slinger Speedway)Lead by Senator Mary Panzer and the Women In Motion Road Guards
4:00 – 5:00 PM: Raffle Prizes & Autograph SigningMeet Randy Simpson, owner of Milwaukee Iron and the stars of Southern Steel from Virginia. They will be showing their bikes and filming for an episode of “Southern Steel” a series that will be aired on the Discovery Channel.
All Proceeds to benefit Accident Scene Management, Inc.
THE BIKERNET CARIBBEAN BLACK HILLS BRIEF REPORT–Well the trip is almost over, we are dropping the trailer at Jax Port after a long as drive back from the Black Hills, the full story will soon follow. We visited Hank Young’s shop on the way back, so there will be some photos and stories about that too, and be sure I’m going to mess around with the newbies and rubs, so get those hate e-mails ready, it won’t be long.
As always the drive back is a total pain in the ass, but we get to see many of our friends’ places, a kind of ritual that we are only able to do once a year. My Bobber is on it’s way to Vegas and then Cali, so I guess the frequent flyer miles are going to keep racking up.
I noticed a lot of people up in Sturgis this year, but then again this is edging on the story so I will save it. We, as always, had a good time at the house, with all kinds of friends and what became new friends visiting. It was a bit too cold for this tropical soul, but we still managed some riding.
My bobber was shot for Easyriders by none other than Michael Lichter, which I want to thank for putting the bob’s back gig together, as you might see soon, MOST of the bikes were very cool.Anyway, I have to get the trailer and truck ready for their sea voyage back to Puerto Rico, so I will leave you guys with this short news and the promise of the full saga in Sturgis this year
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY–“Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting “…holy shit…what a ride!”
–from Bob T.
STURGIS MOTORCYCLE HALL OF FAME–I had the privilege of attending the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall Of Fame Induction Breakfast at the Holiday Inn in Spearfish South Dakota on August 11th to accept the award for Donald “Pappy” Pittsley who was inducted into their Freedom Fighters Hall Of Fame.
For those of you that do not know him he was one of the founders of Connecticut Motorcycle Rights back in the ’70s. He had his friend Representative Rufus Rose submit the Mandatory Helmet Law Repeal bill to the Connecticut legislature. He also was instrumental in having Senator Stu McKinney bring the CMAs complaint of blackmail by the NHTSA to the House Transportation Committee in Washington.
One thing that was not mentioned was that “Pappy” was a member of the HUNS MC in Bridgeport Connecticut. As President of the HUNS I supported Pappy’s efforts by supplying funds and also organizing Helmet Law Protests through out Connecticut.
Fighting the Mandatory Helmet Law was a long, grueling process that included numerous arrests and court battles. Pappy never got to see the law repealed as he died of a heart attack while arguing the merits of the repeal.
I resigned as President of the HUNS and took over CMA and the law was repealed shortly after that. Pappy gave his life so that the motorcycle riders of Connecticut and other states could have a freedom of choice on wearing motorcycle helmets.
There still is no mandatory helmet law in Connecticut for riders over 21 years of age. The freedom fighters of Connecticut continue to fight and refuse to let the bureaucrats re-instate the law. There is also a “Pappy Run” every year in the New London area of the State and 2005 marks the 30th year anniversary of the event.
Other inductees this year were Michael “Balls” Farabaugh of Indiana, Mark Buckner of Colorado and Ian Mutch of United Kingdom. The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is located at Main Street and Junction Avenue, Sturgis South Dakota and I strongly recommend you stop in and see them next time you are in the area.
THE FEMININE STEALTH REPORT–During my last report that appeared in the Sunday Post, I attempted to describe my feelings as I waited for Mike to come through surgery. I also attempted to explain how important the Stealthman is to me, and how he taught me about motorcycles, and what being a biker is all about.
This week he is still out of commission, recuperating from his back surgery, so once again the Stealth Report will be written by the me, the Meanest woman alive!
Stealthman is being a better patient than I thought he might be. He takes his drugs on time (yeah, he’s still on the good stuff!). He’s flat on his back 95% of the time and is getting bored, but he realizes that this is a small part of the big picture.
Speaking of the big picture, how many times do we all think of the big picture, to think past today? What does it take to get our attention –A life-threatening operation or accident? How about phone call in the middle of the night? Or can it be something subtle? How about the next time you hear the song you call “our song” call them and remind them about the first time you heard the song together. Why not greet your loved one with a smile the next time you see them? Try it, you might be amazed at the results!
A couple of years ago Stealthman and I took his dad to Waugh’s Harley-Davidson in Orange, Virginia for their annual bike show. That dealership knows how to produce a bike show! His dad was already in failing health at that time and was in a wheelchair. We covered the grounds, checking out the 200+ bikes in the show, then stopped for a bite to eat, checking out the live band.
Mike’s dad was a good, honest hardworking man who lived life hard and fast. Just like his son, he was a good-lookin? man. Too handsome for his own good, because he was irresistible to the ladies! Several years ago he was temporarily infatuated with another woman, and lost the true love of his life. He realized his mistake, but it was too late. His true love had moved on without him. The first time I ever met him he told me how he regretted losing her.
We stood by his wheelchair finishing up our lunch, and the band played “Desperado” by the Eagles. Mike and I moved silently to the music, sharing an intimate moment. Desperado became our song. Every time I hear that song I’m transported back to that very moment in time.
Mike’s dad has been gone for a while now. Mike and I have had our ups and downs, disappointments, trials and tribulations. We had planned a trip to Cancun in September as our honeymoon, but that has been delayed because of Mike’s surgery. Do I regret canceling our trip? As I realized the trip wasn’t going to happen, a tear trickled down my cheek. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself. I turned on the radio and “our song” was playing and it all came back to me. I suddenly realized I didn’t need a trip to Cancun or anywhere else, just the big picture? This is it!
When I go home tonight I?m going to remind Mike about that first time we heard “Desperado” together, and then I’m going to give him a big smile and him and tell him I love him. I bet I’ll be amazed at the results!
Thanks to all the Bikernet readers for all your good wishes for the Stealthman and his recovery. If all goes well he will back in his regular spot next week. Thanks for reading what I’ve had to say the past couple of weeks. It’s been a privilege!
Love and kisses,
Continued On Page 4
August 19, 2004 Part 2
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 1
CRAZYHORSE’S SAFE RETURN FROM BADLANDS–Jim and I pulled into our driveway at 6:30pm Monday night. We were gone 13days. The longest break I have taken from painting since 1999. I reallyneeded it. For me, Sturgis 2004 was a totally awesome trip.
We took six bikesout there. I had my gooseneck chopper and we brought a VRod bagger as abackup bike. I figured I’d spend some time on the gooseneck and some on theV. I rode the V around the parking lot of the Holiday Inn but that was aboutit. I got on my hardtail and rode the crap out of it. I hoped I would likemy new bike but I had no idea I would love it as much as I do. Jim put newsprings under the seat before we left. They are the springs used for ’94 copHarleys. They come in black so they looked perfect on the bike. And theyhave a much better ride than the ones I had on there.
The whole trip was onegreat adventure. But then I stayed away from the crowds, downtown after 9 p.m.,and did not go out to the big bars and campgrounds on Rt 34. I kept mydaytime speeds under 80 and under 55 at night, avoiding cops and deer. Therewere breakdowns, dramas, celebrity builders, too many shit-for-brains whohave no business on bikes, new friends, old friends, riding intoextraordinary sunsets, mystical night time rides, thrilling rides through thecanyons and riding in record setting cold temperatures. In short, there was alot of riding, at least for me. I’ve worked most of the bugs out of thegooseneck and it will soon be ready for some real riding trips. I’ll have myreport in sometime next week.
” My favorite bike at the bike shows, avery clean rigid from Twisted Choppers. No extra stuff, uncluttered, notoverdone, looks very ridable.”
–Crazy Horse
Don’t Dare Miss The”Texas Style Party Drags”–
Next Saturday Nite – August 21st at
Nostalgia NITRO Harleys – 2 Money E.T. Classes & 2 Trophy E.T. Classses – PLUSOpen Drags for Pro Catagory Dragbikes with $200 for “The Quickest Run Of the NITE”!!
AND AFTER THE RACE It’s # LIVE MUSIC “Till The Wee Hours With a $100 to win WET T-SHIRT CONTEST at Midnight…….Door Prizes # Swap Meet Vendors # Blowout Style “Bikini Alerts”
Admission: $20 a head, Under 18 admitted with Parent ONLYGates Open: 4:pm – Time Trials 6:pm – Eleminations 8pmLocation: Exit 713 Beckendorf Road 5 miles west of Sealy on I-10, Information:
Red’s Already got 50 pounds of Mardi Gras Beads to “give away”…….
(BYOB – Bring Your Own Beads!! & Be There !!!!!!!!)
TBEAR SHIRTS FOR THE TROOPS–As a way of supporting our troops in Iraq, just shipped over abunch of special shirts to our boys outside of Fallujah. We thought it wasthe very least we could do to show our support to our brave fighting men andwomen in Harm’s Way. We asked them to bring them and themselves back homesoon with no holes in them. Hopefully they will send a pic when they get thetime.
FIREFIGHTER-BIKER ALLIANCE–THIS TALE WILL BREAK YOUR HEART–My name is Chris DePaola and I am involved with a small organization named the “Firefighter-Biker Alliance”, located just outside of Chicago, Illinois. We are a small organization, comprised mostly of firefighters, dedicated to helping people in the Chicago-land area by providing financial assistance through our fundraising activities, as well as personal, hands-on support with the donated time of our volunteers. Currently, we are getting ready to host a major fundraiser on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2004 for a very deserving family in Bridgeview, Illinois.
This event will benefit Rita Stevenson, the 27-year-old mother of three little boys, who has also been raising her three nieces for the past six years. This young woman has endured more hardship in the past several years than anyone should ever have to. Her first sister died in a tragic house fire, and a second sister lost her battle with cancer at the age of 31, leaving behind three pre-teen daughters. Her father suffered from diabetes, and after having had both of his legs amputated, he was bedridden and in need of constant attention. Rita did not hesitate to step up and take responsibility for his care, cleaning and dressing his wounds and tending to his daily needs, until he passed away two years ago.
After her Dad died, Rita tried hard, but wasn’t able to keep up with the financial obligations of the family home, and the six children she was now raising alone, and she lost the house to foreclosure. But, it is within the last two months that this story gets even worse. After collapsing at her job last month, where she worked twelve-hour days trying to make ends meet, Rita was diagnosed with a large pituitary tumor in her brain that will require a craniotomy to remove. That brain surgery had been scheduled, but then cancelled, when another tragedy devastated this family.
Two weeks ago, Beckie, the youngest of the three nieces being raised by Rita, was killed in an ATV accident at the age of 16. It’s hard to comprehend how anyone could suffer through all of this and survive, but Rita has been unbelievably courageous. With no time to grieve yet another horrific loss, she must now try to ready herself and her family for her upcoming surgery. As you can imagine, their current financial state is not good, and we anticipate that the situation will only degrade as Rita has not been able to work since discovering the tumor, and will not be able to return to work for several months after her brain surgery. We are hoping to ease her burden just a little so that she can go into this challenge with a positive outlook and attitude.
This is where YOU come in! On SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2004 we will be holding a large “Motorcycle Poker-Run”, in conjunction with a Pig Roast, to help raise funds for this family so desperately in need.
Christopher R. DePaola
Firefighter-Biker Alliance
2317 Scott Lane
Aurora, Il 60504
(630) 803-4963
NEWS FROM WHITEHORSE PRESS–You may have seen the interview on the CBS program 48 HOURS with adventuremotorcyclist Glen Heggstad, or heard parts of his hair-raising story onNational Public Radio. But nothing compares to reading his new book, TWOWHEELS THROUGH TERROR. Here is the full story of his ride to the southerntip of South America only weeks after the terrorist attacks of September 11,2001, when on a mountainous road between Medellin and Bogota, he wascaptured by Colombia’s rebel ELN army. For five weeks, he was moved fromcamp to camp, beaten, fed only small amounts of rice and water, andcontinuously threatened with death. Having survived and won his release –and, above all, determined to finish the journey he started — Heggstadcontinued his trip-of-a-lifetime around the coast of South America,returning home to chronicle all of it with humor and insight. A fascinatingtravelog in the tradition of first-hand accounts like Krakauer’s INTO THINAIR, it will keep you riveted from beginning to end. Order yourfirst-edition copy while they last.
TWO WHEELS THROUGH TERROR, by Glen Heggstad, 275 pages, hardcover, colorillustrations, item code W-TWTT, $24.95
THE BIKERIDERS, by Danny Lyon, 121 pages, 72 b/w & color photographs, now ina new paperback edition, item code W-BRSS, $22.95
These are the famous photographs that launched a counterculture into thepublic consciousness. Includes 15 previously unpublished b/w photos and 14previously unknown color photos.
KRASH SAYS —Hey Bandit, Concrete Pete said something about a secret tattoo. I wouldn’t usually want peopleto use work I consider original, but I might make an exception. Just use the “pissin’gator”. doesn’thave to be secret, just visible.
SHA SHA SUMMER SELECTION–Sha Sha Fine Shoes, Inc., a manufacturer of alternative styled footwear for men and women, has launched their first line of EVA sandals for men and women this summer.
The designs cater to the motorcycle and powersports industry mainly with cool graphics like pin stripes, racing stripes, racing checkerboards and skull and crossbones. The sandals are available at dealers throughout the U.S., including many motorcycle shops, and are available direct to consumers on Sha Sha?s website as well.
For more information about the new sandals, or any other products available from Sha Sha, visit the Sha Sha Fine Shoes website at http://, email, or call 1-877-3-SHA-SHA.
Continued On Page 3
August 19, 2004 Part 1
By Bandit |
It’s Thursday again, damnit! What the hell am I doing? The hole in my mouth, where the tooth hung out, is healing. Cyril Huze sent me an old racing aluminum Sportster Tank from the XR 750 era. According to Frank Kaisler it may hold 2.75 gallons. Just a minute ago I held it up to he frame. We’ll see. It’s a strange, yet old school element for this monster. I can’t wait to mock it up and ask Tim Conder to draw a concept illustration that will bring the whole project to life. This weekend we plan to add more Samson mufflers to our shop railing. I need to take a couple of shots that don’t promote my shitty welds. Let’s hit the news:
THE LATEST FROM SCOTT JACOBS–The amazing aspect of Jacobs work is that it is always refreshing and vibrant. Here are his latest paintings authorized for general release by the Motor Co. Each is a strictly limited edition and in small numbers thereby adding to their exclusivity. You now are dealing directly through the artist?s studio with all of the inherent advantages.
Have a look at these and I would be happy to answer any questions you have.
— Ron
COUPLE OF ITEMS TO OFFEND– Why is Chelsea Clinton so homely?Because Janet Reno is her real father.
What do you call a smart blonde?A golden retriever. OUCH, that even hurt me.
What do attorneys use for birth control?Their personalities. They had that one coming.
–from Skooter
LOWERED TOURING MODELS–I have been recently reading up on this itemon the web site attached above, it is supposed to lower touring bikesby 1 1/4 – 1 1/2 inches depending on the bike: question is have you heard about thisand if so have you guys tested it for durability etcor would you endorse this product or is this a good idea?
I am thinking of putting it on my Road Glide(I have short legs) but I do not want to waste my timeand bucks on something not worth while.
–TonyWe warned Tony about fender clearance and turning problem, if he lowered his bike too far. The factory offers lowered shocks for the rear and kits for the front. I also suggested a lower, narrower seat.–Bandit
THINK YOU’RE HAVING A BAD DAY–Two animal rights defenders were protesting the cruelty of sendingpigs to a slaughterhouse in Bonn, Germany. Suddenly, all twothousand pigs broke loose and escaped through a broken fence,stampeding madly. The two helpless protesters were trampled to death.
What?? STILL having a Bad Day????
Iraqi terrorist Khay Rahnajet didn’t pay enough postage on a letterbomb. It came back with “Return to Sender” stamped on it.Forgetting it was the bomb, he opened it and was blown to bits. There now, feeling better?????
–from Skooter
BIKERNET HEALTH WARNING–Don’t Mix Beer with Viagra.
–from Bob T.
Subject: The Pit Crew– The Ferrari Formula 1 Team fired their entire pit crew last month. Theannouncement followed Ferrari’s decision to abide by extreme pressure fromworld governments that the racing industry hire more minorities. As aresult, 12 youths from south central Los Angeles were now an essential partof the famous Formula 1 Team. The decision to hire them was brought on by arecent documentary on how unemployed youths from the Watts area were able toremove a set of wheels in less than 6 seconds with just a tire iron andscrewdriver, whereas Ferrari’s existing crew could only do it in 8 secondswith a million dollars worth of high tech equipment.It was thought to be an excellent, yet bold move, by the Ferrari managementsince most races are won and lost in the pits. Ferrari believed they wouldhave an advantage over every team. However, Ferrari got more than theybargained for. At the crew’s first practice session, not only were theWatts pit crew able to change the tires in under 6 seconds, but within 12seconds they had re-sprayed, re-badged, and sold the vehicle to the Williamsteam for two six packs of Colt 45, a day’s supply of crack and photos ofQueen Latifah in the shower.
–from Buckshot
REBEL’S NEW PROJECT ON BIKERNET–Watch a full blown Buell as it’s wedged into an Atlas Sportster frame. There are two segments currently posted in the new Bikernet Sportster department.
COOL LUBRICATION FROM NARLEY’S– NARLEY’S OIL COOLERS can provide all the parts for reducing engine oil temperature – a problem that becomes serious when a bike is used in heavy traffic and even worse when the weather is warm.
Of 0.020 inch stainless steel construction, the cooler is designed to follow the lines of the frame, resulting in a neat appearance and without disrupting the vital air flow to the engine.
Conducting the heat away is a continuous spiral fin, furnace brazed to the tube at eight-turns-per-inch. An internal turbulator rotates the column of oil every two inches to even the cooling process.
With 9/32 inch ports, the cooler can pass a 26 per cent greater flow than the stock lubrication system.
Narley’s coolers are supplied complete with a fitting kit, featuring a fail-safe thermovalve, hose and universal mountings.
This stainless steel unit measures 1 inch in diameter and is 2 7/8 inch long, the ports are 9/32 inch diameter for increased flow. The thermovalve has etched port identification to help ensure the valve is correctly fitted.
Narley’s can also supply hose fittings, which are made from 304 stainless steel and tested to 150 psi. They are supplied with a polished finish.
Oroville, California, USA
Tel: 877 627 5397
SCREAMIN’ EAGLE DRAG TEAM BATTLES IN BRAINERD–Andrew Hines Makes Semi-Final Elimination Round, Retains Pro Stock Bike Points Lead.
Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines drag racing team riders GT Tonglet and Andrew Hines advanced in the Pro Stock Bike elimination rounds of the 23rd Annual Lucas Oil NHRA Nationals at Brainerd International Raceway. Hines rode his Screamin? Eagle V-Rod to the semi-final round for the third consecutive NHRA event and maintained his lead in overall Pro Stock Bike season points.
Both Hines and Tonglet were among the quickest qualifiers at Brainerd. Hines was the number two qualifier with a run of 7.107 seconds at 188.52 mph and set the top-speed mark for the event. Tonglet qualified fourth at 7.133/187.94. Antron Brown claimed the top qualifying spot with a 7.091/187.52 pass.
Hines extended his perfect record in the first round of eliminations this season with a run of 7.143/187.18 to beat Kurt Matte, who broke at the starting line. Tonglet (7.158/185.36) defeated Blaine Hale (7.387/182.53), as both Screamin? Eagle riders advanced to round two.
In the second round, Tonglet used a 0.025-second reaction time to beat Angelle Savoie (0.076) off the line, but Tonglet?s engine expired as he rode away from the start and his day was over. The result was an easy recovery and win for Savoie (7.135/185.74). Hines used an outstanding reaction time of 0.012 seconds and a run of 7.202/186.36 to beat Geno Scali (0.070 reaction time, 7.190/185.43) and advance to the semi-final round.
Hines faced red-hot Craig Treble in round three and beat him off the line, 0.024 to 0.033, but then had his engine bog and watched as Treble (7.336/183.97) passed him for the win. Hines finished his run with a time of 7.601/157.10.
?For the first time this season, mechanical problems beat both of our riders,? said Harley-Davidson Racing Manager Anne Paluso. ?The Screamin? Eagle team has delivered amazing consistency and reliability in 2004 giving our riders the ability to be contenders at each event. We?re still leading the season in points and we?ll be back in Memphis.?
Treble (7.199/183.00) defeated Savoie (7.395/150.10) after the former champion had to roll off the throttle when her bike drifted toward the center barricade.
Hines remains the leader in NHRA Pro Stock Bike season points. After 10 of 15 rounds, Hines leads with 886 points, 192 points ahead of Shawn Gann, in second with 694 points. The surging Savoie is right on Gann?s heels, in third with 689 points. Treble moves up to fourth place with 682 points, followed by Brown with 651 points and Tonglet with 587 points.
The next Pro Stock Bike event on the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series is the 17th AnnualO’Reilly Mid-South NHRA Nationals, Aug. 20-22, at Memphis Motorsports Park in Millington, Tenn.
Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts are inspired by and built in the spirit of the raw adrenaline and power of motorcycle racing. Screamin’ Eagle Pro parts are specifically designed for race-use applications, while Screamin’ Eagle parts offer street-use performance options for the Harley-Davidson motorcycle owner. Visit for more information.
The Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines Pro Stock Bike team is sponsored by Dunlop, Ford Quality Checked Certified Pre-Owned, Matco Tools and S100.
BUELL RACERS JEFF JOHNSON AND JOSH GUYER PODIUM AT BARBER–Yaakov Wins; Other Title Contenders Falter at Formula USA Thunderbike National. Hoban Brothers/Appleton Buell rider Jeff Johnson and Harley-Davidson of Bloomington?s Josh Guyer finished on the podium at the Formula USA National Thunderbike race at Barber Motorsports Park. Harding Harley-Davidson?s Bryan Bemisderfer saw his championship points lead in the Thunderbike series shrink after a mechanical problem forced him to retire from the race. Hal?s Buell rider Dan Bilansky, who was second in points coming into the race at Barber, also failed to finish, as did Bemisderfer?s teammate and defending Thunderbike champion, David Estok. The race was won by CAD Racing Suzuki rider David Yaakov.
?We may not have had the best lap times, but our bike worked flawlessly all weekend,? said Johnson. ?I?ve got to give credit to Mike Arrington of Revolution Performance and to John Dahmer and the entire Hoban Brothers team. Their work allowed me to focus on my riding.?
?I got a good start from the back of the grid and worked my way up to Jeff, but I was pretty worn out when I got there. I didn?t even know it was for the podium,? said Guyer. ?Jeff Stevens and the Harley-Davidson of Bloomington crew, especially Joe Stines, have given me a great bike and we?re really making progress.?
A scoring computer malfunction during qualifying forced Formula USA officials to grid the race based on season points, giving Bemisderfer the pole position, but relegating other riders with few season points to the back. It was a break for the Thunderbike championship leader, who tangled with teammate Estok early in the 15-minute qualifying session, causing both riders to fall.
Despite his disappointing weekend, Bemisderfer still leads the Thunderbike National series with 85 points. Yaakov moves from fourth to second with 67 points, now just 18 points behind Bemisderfer, and Johnson moves to third with 61 points. The next stop on the Formula USA National Thunderbike Series is Sept. 17-19 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway in Las Vegas, Nev.
The Formula USA National Thunderbike series is a horsepower-to-weight ratio restricted class, open to a variety of production-based motorcycles. Buell-mounted riders competing in the eight-event 2004 Thunderbike series are racing for a share of the $70,500 contingency fund posted by Buell Motorcycle Company and Buell Riders Adventure Group (BRAG).
Continued On Page 2
August 12, 2004 Part 4
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 3
HAVING A BAD DAY?–Having a Bad Day? In a hospital’s Intensive Care Unit, patients always died in thesame bed, on Sunday morning, at about 11:00 a.m., regardless oftheir medical condition.
This puzzled the doctors and some even thought it had something todo with the supernatural. No one could solve the mystery as to whythe deaths occurred around 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, so a worldwideteam of experts was assembled to investigate the cause of theincidents.
The next Sunday morning, a few minutes before 11:00 a.m., all ofthe doctors and nurses nervously waited outside the ward to see forthemselves what the terrible phenomenon was all about. Some wereholding wooden crosses, prayer books, and other holy objects toward off the evil spirits.
Just when the clock struck 11:00, Pookie Johnson, the part-timeSunday sweeper, entered the ward and unplugged the life supportsystem so he could use the vacuum cleaner.
–from Skooter
In My Back Pocket
Since The Age of Sixteen
This Chain Driven Wallet’s
Sure Been Good To Me
She Isn’t Pretty
The Snap’s Long Since Gone
The Leather’s Old
Yeah, It’s Getting Pretty Thin
Bill Dividers Falling Apart
Bursting At The Seams
One Whole Corner’s
Wore All The Way Through
Years Of Laying On Concrete
She Has More Than
Paid Her Dues
Why Don’t I Replace Her
Many Of You Ask
There’s Many A Mile Left
In This Piece Of
Old Cow Hide
But Since Ya Asked
Here’s A Few More
Reasons Why
Soft As A Babies Ass
Cured In Twenty – Fifty
Has Insured She Will Last
Chains Came In Handy
Yeah It’s Saved My Ass
Besides This Old
Chain Driven Wallet
Is Full Of American Class
Not To Mention It Fits
The Curve In This
Graying Biker’s Ass
Like An Old Panhead
You Wouldn’t Just
Throw It Away
Patch It And Hold
On To It
Until Your Dying Day
This Chain Driven Wallet
Is Here To Stay
Composed By Panhead Josh Of Outlaws World.
BIKERNET ETIQUETTE–A couple was dressed and ready to go out for the evening. They turned on anight-light, turned the answering machine on the phone line, covered theirpet parakeet and put the cat in the backyard. They phoned the local cabcompany and requested a taxi. The taxi arrived and the couple opened thefront door to leave their house.
The cat they had put out into the yard scoots back into the house. Theydon’t want the cat shut in the house because she always tries to eat thebird. The wife goes out to the taxi while the husband goes inside to get thecat. The cat runs upstairs, the man in hot pursuit.
Waiting in the cab, the wife doesn’t want the driver to know the house willbe empty for the night. She explains to the taxi driver that her husbandwill be out soon.
“He’s just going upstairs to say good-bye to my mother.”
A few minutes later, the husband gets into the cab. “Sorry I took solong,” he says, as they drive away. “Stupid bitch was hiding under the bed.Had to poke her with a coat hanger to get her to come out! She tried totake off so I grabbed her by the neck. Then I had to wrap her in a blanketto keep her from scratching me. But it worked. I hauled her fat assdownstairs and threw her out into the back yard!”
The cabdriver hit a parked car…
–from Skooter
BIKERNET STURGIS SIDEBAR–Met these people and the parents each rode one of the kids and the son just got his license.
NEW AUTO STEREO SYSTEM– A woman bought a new Luxury Automobile, and returned the next day, complaining that she couldn’t figure out how the radio worked.
Thesalesman explained that the radio was voice activated. “Watch this! “he said…”Nelson!” The radio replied, “Ricky or Willie?” “Willie!” he continued….and “On The Road Again” came from the speakers.
The womandrove away happy, and for the next few days, every time she’d say,”Beethoven”, she’d get beautiful classical music, and if she said, “Beatles!” she’dget one of their awesome songs. One day, a couple ran a red light and nearly creamed her new car,but she swerved in time to avoid them.
“ASSHOLES!” she yelled……
The French National Anthem began to play, sung by the Dixie Chicks….
–from Skooter
STURGIS RALLY QUESTIONNAIRE– The city of Sturgis wants to get to know the thousands of bikers who visit the town each year for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, and it’s using technology to get the job done.
For the first time in rally history, participants may register via computer. Three kiosks of nine computers are located at Lazelle and Main streets, the main drags of Sturgis.
“We were missing out on creating a list that would be of value to the event,” said Sturgis Mayor Mark Zeigler. “Tourism is an ever-changing industry, and we have to keep abreast.”
Zeigler said Snap-On Inc., an automotive tools company based in Kenosha, Wis., volunteered to create the computer program and provide the hardware, saving the city about $40,000. In exchange, Snap-On will receive information about registered rallygoers such as the brands of bikes they ride and their income levels.
Scott Ramsey, e-commerce developer with Snap-On, said that as of Monday evening, 3,600 rallygoers had registered. Rally officials estimate 500,000 people are attending the 64th annual rally.
Participants enter their names, mailing addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses. They are given the option to answer questions regarding their income, hobbies and the types of motorcycles they ride in order to win a prize from Snap-On.
“The chicks really dig a guy who’s registered,” joked Brad Clausen of Colorado Springs, Colo. “Seriously, I’m registering for the free stuff.”
–Monica Labelle, Argus Leader
–from Rogue
BIKERNET POLITICAL INVESTIGATION–Senator Hillary Clinton was attending a party, when she noticed Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. She walked over to him, and in a quiet voice said; “If you were my husband I would poison your drink.”
Schwarzenegger smiled, leaned forward, and whispered in her ear,”And if you were my wife I would drink it!”
–from Skooter
SUPER MAX BELT DRIVES– has a history of belt drive expertise that pre-dates Harley-Davidson adopting the method for OEM transmission.Principal Phil Ross offered belt drive conversions for Harley-Davidson using a development of a Gates Kevlar-reinforced belt, originally intended for snowmobiles.
A range of conversion kits has been developed and is on offer, but the latest news from Super Max claims a unique service, an overlay pulley that will fit most OEM and aftermarket pulleys.Many of these aluminum items are worn out after mileages as low as 15,000.The teeth become sharpened, the pitch is lost and belt wear becomes rapid.
The overlay process involves turning the worn out teeth from the pulley and reducing it in diameter until the correct fit is achieved for the ‘poly-tooth’ overlay.In use, the overlay remains unaffected by dust and small debris.The conversion is also quieter running than the stock arrangement.
It is said that if the correct tension and alignment are maintained, the Super Max poly pulley may well outlast the rest of the motorcycle.Overlays are usually offered in black, but there are options of many other colors.
As well as the usual 65- or 70-teeth overlays, there are alternative ratios for primary and final drives for Big Twins and a choice of final drives for Sportster models.The overlay can be supplied alone, but Super Max points out that a large lathe will be necessary to perform the conversion.
Specialty drives are also offered for chain-drive FXRs and FLTs.
With its conversions, Super Max still supplies and fits Gates Poly-chain belts.
Kalispell, Montana, USA
Tel: 406 755 8688
BASSINI ?05 POWER CURVE– There?s no disputing the facts, Bassani?s new true dual POWER CURVE crossover system outperforms the competition hands down. Now available for ?2005? models exclusively from North County Customs, each POWER CURVE system is a direct bolt-on replacement for stock head pipes.
Designed to achieve proper port angle and tuned rear pipe length, the POWER CURVE offers improved low end torque, high tech appearance and a unique exhaust note. POWER CURVE pipes are fabricated from 16 gauge steel, finished in rugged, show quality chrome and are supplied with custom designed heat shields.
For a total custom package complete your POWER CURVE exhaust system with a set of Bassani?s revolutionary slip-on mufflers. The Bassani POWER CURVE retails for $449.00.
For additional details call 866-439-4287 or catch the full Bassani line at
THAT’S IT–My entire face is throbbing. I’m going to drink an entire bottle of Jack and shoot myself. No shit, I want to work on my new project. Some CCI parts arrived today.
Since I’m not worth the powder to blow me to hell, let’s end this with a goddamn wedding. Scooter and his lovely wife tied the chain belt and rode to Sturgis. They’re in the Black Hill right now playing the honeymoon rock.
If you see them hanging on a street corner, give them my very best and tell ’em to get the wedding vows tattooed on their arms, so when they’re pissed they can remind themselves of the initial agreement.
I can’t take anymore fun like this. I can’t drink the Jack according to the Doctor’s orders, so I’ll smack myself with the bottle. Have a helluva weekend and bring all the riders home safe from Sturgis.
Ride Forever,
August 12, 2004 Part 3
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 2
CONDEROSA FILES–Here’s a message to all you nice folks who may have been getting e-mails from me containing rambling stories or pictures of my work. The stories are written for and the pictures are to let the folks out there know what I do for a livin’. Feel free to forward them to anyone you think may be interested in having some work done.
Otherwise give everybody you see a big hug from all of us at the Conderosa Ranch. – Friendliness, Tim and Alyssa
* Just finished – “DXP” a.k.a “Copperhead”, a hand built Lucky’s Chopper out of Seattle.
* In progress – “Orange Crash” – a hot rod FXD out of Sonoma.
* Loose paint shop renderings of a possible Conder Custom, “Chop Suey”. (I scratch ’em out on my masking paper while waiting between paint coats) Copyright Conder Capeesh?
Tim Conder will soon draw the Ultimate Chopper Concept Drawing for the next Bikernet project bikes. It’s a class way to kick off any project and keep the fires burning around the tool box. Conder Custom – (707) 843-9554
The Conderosa
WHAT MAKES A CHOPPER A CHOPPER–It seems that everyone today got themselves caught up in the Chopper frenzy. Thanks to the Discovery Channel’s targeted programming, every little kid in America strives not to be President or even a doctor or lawyer but a rootin’ tootin’ bad ass biker. Unfortunately, some of their daddy’s think the same way. With the past decades rise in disposable income, an entire mega-money making industry has given rise to the re-birth of the chopper craze of the 60’s and early 70’s. You see them on magazine covers at the supermarket check out stands, you see them on television commercials and you even saw them at the Super Bowl, but, did you really see Choppers? NOPE.
What you saw in most instances were not Choppers at all but custom built motorcycles. They look pretty with their long stretched front ends, fancy paint jobs that glow in the dark and sporting enough chrome do-hickeys to make a blind man put on a pair of sun glasses but they’re NOT CHOPPERS. You really can’t blame the hundreds of makers of these sweet customs that have sprung up in the past few years for calling them Choppers though. The English language, it would seem, has adopted the term for any bike that doesn’t look like it came fresh out of the dealership, and most buyers really don’t know the difference, but I’ll attempt to explain it to you here.
It started in the 1940’s when servicemen returning from WWII were looking for a thrill. After seeing the world and a whole bunch of action, the Veterans were looking to add a little weekend excitement to their seemingly dull post-war lives. Motorcycles were the perfect venue for them. They bought up surplus military bikes but found all the weight just a bit too restrictive so they chopped away all the unnecessary do-dads like windshields and saddlebags. Then in an effort to make the bikes a bit lighter and handle better all the unnecessary weight was also chopped off. Rear fenders were “bobbed” to just enough to handle a passenger and keep the rain and mud coming off the rear wheel from hitting them in the back and front fenders were done away with completely.
This type of home done customization led to the rise of the “bobber”. Then in the ’60s, some enterprising individual came up with the notion that a longer front end was cool. Well, that was the birth of the Girder and Springer front ends. I have to tell you that after riding these type front ends for years that they do look cool but reduce handling of the bike greatly. If you’ve ever tried making a tight U-turn or running at high speeds on some twisty mountain roads with one of these you’ll know just what I’m talking about. Degree of neck rake and the length of the front end have been carefully considered by motorcycle manufactures for years for a purpose. HANDLING.
OK, so what makes a Chopper a Chopper? Well, technically, you don’t “build a Chopper”. To make a bike a true Chopper you have to start off with an unmodified factory bike and chop the hell out of it. Take off every piece of crap that has no function in making the bike either go or stop and toss it into a pile. Then you take out the engine and transmission and get to work cutting up the factory frame and welding it back together to get it lower and lighter. The true function of a Chopper is to make it as fast and as maneuverable as possible. Jesse James, the most infamous of the television “Chopper Builders” said it best ” I have always thought that if it doesn’t make it go fast or stop fast , it shouldn’t be there”.
A rigid frame is a must for a Chopper. You don’t need no stinkin’ shock absorbers or a Softail frame on a Chopper. They serve no function other than making the ride a bit more comfortable and if you want comfort, you don’t want a Chopper. You want a custom built bar hopper and if that’s what you’re into, it’s fine with me but it you can jump up and down and explain till you’re blue in the face, but it ain’t a Chopper. Listen, it’s made to ride and ride hard.
Bottom Line: It’s YOUR ride and don’t let anyone try and sell you a bill of goods with that “it has to be a Harley crap”. T’ain’t so McGee. I can’t believe that I’m gonna quote Shakespeare here but it fits:”TO THINE OWN SELF, BE TRUE”. Screw everyone else. You’re the one riding it.
WHAT MAKES A BIKERNET FARMER A FARMER–A man walked into a quiet bar. He carried three ducks, one in each hand and one under his left arm.He placed them one beside the other upon the bar.
He had a few drinks and chatted with the ducks, and with the bartender. The bartender was surprised, but experienced and had learned not to ask people about animals they bring into the bar, so he didn’t mention the ducks.
They chatted for about another 30 minutes before the man with the ducks had to go to the restroom. He left the ducks there on the bar, leaving the bartender alone with the ducks.
There was an awkward silence as they all looked at one another. The bartender decided to break the ice and try to make a little conversation.
“Say, what’s your name?” he asked the first duck.
“Huey,” replied the first duck.
“How’s your day been, Huey?”
“Great. Lovely day. Had a ball. Been in and out of puddles all day!”
“What else could a duck want?” said the duck.
“Oh. That’s nice,” said the bartender. Then he said to the second duck, “Hi. And what’s your name?”
“Dewey,” came the answer from duck number two.
“So how’s your day been, Dewey?”, he asked.
“Great. Lovely day. I’ve had a ball too! Been in and out of puddles all day myself. If I had the chance another day I’d do the same again!”, said the duck in reply.
So, the bartender turned to the third duck and said, “So, you must be Louie?”
“No,” she said, “my name is Puddles.”
“And don’t even ask what kind of day I’ve had!”
–from David McGraw
GET A FREE EXHAUST SYSTEM AND HELP A BIKE MANUFACTURER– The first 700 people who finish the questionaire, by clicking on this banner, will be entered into a drawing for a FREE set of Harley Davidson v-twin pipes of their choice (up to $700 retail value).
One winner will be chosen and will be notified by e-mail. You won?t find those kind of odds playing the lottery ? and this is FREE to enter!
This should take no more than 5 minutes of your time. Thanks in advance and thanks for helping further the V-twin market!
Continued On Page 4
August 12, 2004 Part 2
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 1
SCREAMIN? EAGLE FLAT TRACK TEAM THIRD IN IOWA GRAND NATIONAL–King Scores Podium Finish on Farley Half-Mile. FARLEY, Iowa (Aug. 7, 2004) ? Screamin? Eagle Performance Parts rider Rich King claimed third place before his home-state fans when the AMA Progressive Insurance Flat Track Championship made a stop at the challenging clay half-mile track at the Farley Speedway in northeast Iowa.
King, a native of Dysart, Iowa, won his qualifying heat race aboard his Screamin? Eagle Harley-Davidson XR750, and started the 25-lap Grand National main in fourth position. He ran as high as second place before being passed on lap 15 by KTM USA/Jones Powersports/Mid-America Harley-Davidson rider Kenny Coolbeth. King then held off a late-race charge by Lancaster Harley-Davidson/Saddlemen rider Jared Mees. Chris Carr, riding for the Quality Checked Pre-Owned Ford/Lancaster Harley-Davidson team, led from the pole and was never threatened as he cruised to his fourth win of the season.
?The Screamin? Eagle team really looked great tonight, and I know Rich was excited to be racing for the podium in front of his home state fans,? said Harley-Davidson Racing Manager Anne Paluso. ?The team has been up and down this year, but hopefully we can carry this momentum into the second half of the season.?
After nine of 18 races on the AMA Progressive Insurance Flat Track Championship schedule, Carr enjoys a 29-point lead over KTM USA/Jones Powersports/Mid-America Harley-Davidson rider Joe Kopp and is 42 points clear of Coolbeth in third. King sits in 13th place.
The next stop on the AMA Progressive Insurance Flat Track Championship series is August 10 at Black Hills Speedway in Rapid City, S.D.
VICTORY PARTNERS WITH S&S FOR PERFORMANCE– Victory Teams Up With S&S Cycle, Inc. to Fuel Development of Victory Performance ProductsV-Twin Aftermarket Leader to Introduce High-Performance 106-Cubic Inch Kit for Victory Freedom Engines
MEDINA, MN (Aug. 5, 2004) – To satisfy the power and performance desiresof its customers, Victory Motorcycles has teamed up with the leadingaftermarket source for American V-twin performance equipment, S&S Cycle,Inc. in an alliance that will result in development of high-performanceengine components for Victory motorcycles.
Victory, the motorcycle division of Polaris Industries Inc., willprovide the S&S Cycle product development team with technicalinformation about Victory Freedom(tm) V-Twin engines as well as advancedinformation about new Victory products. This will allow them to design,test and produce performance equipment for Victory motorcycles in themost timely fashion.
STURGIS REPORTS FLYING IN– Starting The Day Off Right. Having a good breakfast is important if you want to ride and party all day. I start mine off with a 20 mile ride through the Vanocker canyon to the Fire Department in Nemo South Dakota.
Bikernet’s roving reporter, Rogue, in the middle
I stop there for their all you can eat breakfast and then just relax. I strongly suggest you try them if you like a lot to eat and do not want to wait in long lines.
The Fire Department is located on Nemo Road and Breakfast is served daily during the rally from 7:00 to 11:00 A.M. All You Can Eat For ONLY $6.00
Check them out and ask for Kathy. Tell her I sent you.
STURGIS VENDORS CATER TO REBELLIOUS SIDE–South Dakota’s largest party has growled to life in true biker style – by pushing the boundaries.The 64th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally officially began on Sunday, but bikers from across the nation began arriving on Aug. 2, three days earlier than their 2003 arrival, said Lisa Weyer, director of the rally.
Two-wheeled behemoths cruised over sidewalks for a position on Lazelle Street on Sunday morning and packed the main drag to a standstill in the late afternoon. Sturgis Rally News anticipates more than 400,000 people, though as of Sunday, Weyer had no official count.
No matter the count, it’s a vendor’s paradise. Gawkers filled sidewalks in awe of gleaming chrome, glossy rides and corn dogs. A line snaked out the door of a Sturgis sandwich shop at noon on Sunday. The city’s finance office reported 804 vendor licenses had been issued. Last year, 848 were issued, from which $14.8 million was made in taxable sales.
But Sturgis’s draw still lies in its rebellious image, said Bob Nugent, who rode his Harley-Davidson to Sturgis from San Diego. “Everybody wants to be a bad boy. It’s like Halloween.”
All the striving for individuality, though, creates bikes that are increasingly becoming the same, Nugent says. “They’re stamping them out of a cookie cutter,” he said.
As for the tough-looking rear fat tires? “That’s gettin’ old. That’s gettin’ passe,” he said.
But there’s still head-turning styles at Sturgis. Leather chaps worn sans pants have been spotted on Lazelle Street. Bike wheels laden with playing cards and a cycle with detailed paintings of Yoko Ono and Jimi Hendrix are on display. Say the magic word, and the design that dreams are made of may be airbrushed onto a helmet or bike.
“These are people wanting to get away,” said Chaz Cooney, a salesman at Real World Power, which sells cylinders and pistons for Harley-Davidsons. “People need some escape. Some way to be different.”
And after investing on average $6,000 for a macho fat rear tire, bikes become babies as well as escapes. Cooney says bikers are likely to be courteous drivers on the clogged roads of the Black Hills because they’ve invested so much time and money that they can’t afford to lose their vehicle. “You’re not talking about their Harley. You’re talking about their kid,” he said.
But for actor Kevin Costner, the type of bike he rode at his Sunday afternoon charity rally was a minor detail. “It’s a really black, big shiny Harley,” the actor said. “There’s some details that I just don’t care about.”
Costner then led 200 motorcyclists on a ride from the Community Events Center in Sturgis to Tatanka, north of Deadwood, in an effort to raise money for college scholarships for Black Hills State University and Tatanka: Story of the Bison, a center he created to raise awareness of the relationship between Native Americans and buffalo. Each participant paid $125.
“The idea that we’re raising money for someone to go to college feels kind of good,” Costner said.
His celebrity appearance is one of many this week, with The Beach Boys, B.B. King and Kid Rock scheduled to perform.Christopher Coppola of Los Angeles came to Sturgis for the first time to join Costner’s ride and raise awareness of Native American culture.”The world right now … there’s so much destruction,” he said. “Native American culture teaches you harmony with your surroundings. We can learn a lot from Native American culture.”
–Argus leader.
–from Rogue
STURGIS SUING STURGIS–Attorneys made their opening statements Thursday morning in the Federal District Court lawsuit pitting the city of Sturgis and the Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce against Sturgis Rally & Races and Sturgis Bike Week, Inc.
Judge Karen Schreier presided at the hearing. Attorney Michael Reynolds of Rapid City represented the city and the chamber, while lawyer Michael Hickey of Rapid City attorney represented Sturgis Rally & Races and Sturgis Bike Week, Inc.
Schreier said the scope of this hearing was very narrow. She said she did not want to rehash the original lawsuit, but instead would determine if a court order — a permanent injunction issued in May 2000 — was being followed.
At issue in 2000 was the use of the year and the words “60th annual” in conjunction with Sturgis Bike Week. Attorney Reynolds told the court that Sturgis Bike week continues to use “64th annual” and 1938 (the year the motorcycle rally first began) in its promotional materials. The items include T-shirts, mugs and magazine publicity.
“The Rally is in its 64th year, but Sturgis Bike Week is not,” Reynolds argued. He also pointed out that in their magazine, Sturgis Bike Week makes “60-some” references to Sturgis Bike Week as the event. Reynolds complained this is an improper use of a trademark and that the name of the event is the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
Hickey said it was his clients’ understanding under the court order they were not allowed to use a long list of names for the event, including Sturgis Rally and that’s why they use Sturgis Bike Week in referring to the event.
–The Black Hills Pioneer, Newspaper
–from Rogue
CYRIL HUZE MINI SPIKEE MIRRORS– Cyril Huze offers mirrors with a minimalist look working very well on radical bikes & choppers.These mirrors can be installed on the hand controls with short stems, or at the end of the grip on one of the 3 grip designs also offered by Cyril Huze.Original design design featuring a bezel with three spikes and an enclosed glass with no risk of falling off because of vibrations.
Cyril Huze
Tel: 561-392-5557
Fax: 561-392-9923
HOW TO TELL THE SEX OF A FLY–A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around witha fly swatter.
“What are you doing?” She asked.
“Hunting Flies” He responded.
“Oh. Killing any?” She asked.
“Yep, 3 males, 2 Females,” he replied.
Intrigued, she asked. “How can you tell?”
He responded:”3 were on a beer can, 2 were on the phone.”
–from Rodan
Continued On Page 3
August 12, 2004 Part 1
By Bandit |
A new sign-making tech is headed your way on Bikernet. Remember the High School shop teacher who built a bike with his class as a semester project. Well this rider makes custom metal signs and he created a hot one for the new Bikernet Headquarters. Watch as we show you how it’s done in the next week or so.
Let’s hit the news. I had a tooth surgically extracted this morning and I’m about to pass out.
SP BIKEFEST 10TH ANNIVERSARY–October 14-17, 2004,is on the way and we guarantee this years rally will be the BEST Rally of the season.Back again for the 3rd time, by popular demand,JD Simo & Dirty Pool.
Three Dog Night has 21 top 40 hits and is guaranteed to put on a great show at our improved concert site. Several major changes in the concert venue at Schlitterbahn.
1) The stage will be above the drained wave pool with three times the room.
2) A couple of thousand chairs will be available for those of you that don’t want to dance.
3) We have parking space for one of those really huge Budweiser trucks loaded with extra brew.
4) The Schlitterbahn staff spent the winter building several new bars to ensure an uninterrupted flow of your favorite beverage.
Newsletter Sponsor:About 900 people responded to our survey this spring. T-shirt color is always a hot topic. Everyone has an opinion. This year we let you pick the color… The winning color BLACK with 25% of the votes. Lagging behind were Bright Red 11.6%, Orange 11.1% and Grey 11.1%. I will share some of the other results with you in the next few weeks.
Registration Rally Package $45:- includes Arm Band, Pin, Souvenir Dog Tag and Concert TicketMexico Fiesta Run tickets are available for $1510th Anniversary Custom painted 2004 FLHT Electra Glide Raffle tickets – $20 Early Registration Extras!
Register by September 15th and receive a FREE Rally T-Shirt.Secure online registration system eliminates the need for the “Orange Card”.[ To register by Phone: (956) 668-7484 Ride Safe, PAUGHCO ORIGINAL NARROW SPRINGER– Paughco, the world?s oldest and most respected manufacturer of springer fork assemblies has just released their latest version of what may be the most poplar springer ever produced. The ORIGINAL NARROW SPRINGER offers bar centers of 4 ? inches allowing for the use of both Dog Bone and Glide style risers. Manufactured to Paughco?s legendary standards for strength, quality and performance, the new forks feature flawless Paughco chrome and are offered in black powder coat as an option. ORIGINAL NARROW springers are offered in sizes stock, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 21-inches over. They can also be ordered with an additional 3 degrees of rake. Additional rake comes standard on sizes 15 and over. For complete details call 775-246-5738 or visit THE BIKERNET LEGAL DEPARTMENT– Why is divorce so expensive? Because it’s worth it. TRENDKILL HARDTAIL FRAMES BY JOE MARTIN–Here is a good picture of the frame & info.Trendkill Hardtail frames by Joe Martin are now available!These frames are Right Side Drive and will accept 280mm tire w/ belt or300mm w/chain. *Single downtube For more information and to order yours first call 972.709.2552 Ask forChris. Chris Sanchez DAM MOTORCYCLES A NEW JERSEY ORIGINAL– DELAWARE AMERICAN MOTORS launched its new bike, the DAM Original, on Independence Day, 2004.First public appearance of the new bike took place three weeks later, at the Carlisle Summer Bike Fest at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The DAM line-up will make its appearance for the 2005 model year, with four different models – Original, Nitro, Black and Blue, and Silver Black. Distinction between the models will be in details such as frame geometry, engine displacement, suspension and paint schemes. The motorcycles will be offered with a range of parts and accessories as well as apparel. Delaware American Motors was created, and is owned, by Mark S Klein, son of Joe Klein, a long-time motorcycle racer of note. After qualifying as a motorcycle technician, Mark went on to build his own race bikes. This interest developed to the stage of owning and managing several race teams. By the early Nineties, he had opened a number of dealerships in New York City, where he was enfranchised with several major brands.To do this, the engineering was out-sourced, as was the assembly. This freed up the business to focus on product development, partnership alliances and customer support. Mark wanted to provide the quality touch of a hand-built custom bike as well as the style and attitude of American cruiser culture.These attributes were to be combined with high-performance suspension and brakes to provide superior ride and handling qualities.Focusing on the design and engineering of the new bikes, the company feels that it has achieved its aims. Pre-production orders are already being taken for year 2005 models.The DAM Original will be at Sturgis, but only for private viewing by journalists and potential customers during the August Sturgis Rally. Interested parties should contact Mark Klein directly at: DELAWARE AMERICAN MOTORS A DEVILISH PARTY–Lucky Devil’s “Polish Your Pipes” Bike Wash & Bar-B-Que.The fine folks at Lucky Devil Metal Works decided to have a party to celebrate their participation in the upcoming “Big Texas Chop-Off” taking place at the Fort Worth Speedway the weekend of September 17th through the 19th. Not having a massive advertising budget Kent and Holly, Lucky Devils proprietors decided to send out a couple of flyers attached to some e-mails, word of mouth and such and see what happened? You’ll see the party coverage and the girls right here on Bikernet, in the next couple of days. –RFR BIKERNET GOLF COURSE– Jack and his friends were playing golfone Saturday. As they are getting ready to teeoff, a guy walks up and asks if he can join them.The friends look at each other, look at theguy and say, ‘Sure.’ About two holes into the game,the friends get curious about what the guy does for a living. So they ask him. The stranger tells them he’sa hitman. They all laugh. The guy says, “No really,I am a hitman. My gun is in my golf bag. I carry it everywhere. You can take a look at it if you like.” So Jack decides to check it out. He opens the bag and, sure enough, there is a rifle with a huge scope attached. Jack gets all excited and says, “WOW! I betI can see my house through here! May I look?” The hit man replies, “Sure.” So Jack looks and says, “YEAH! You can see my house! I can even see throughthe windows into my bedroom. There’s my wife. Wait,there’s my next door neighbor! And he’s naked too!” This really upsets Jack so he asks how much it wouldbe for a hit. The hitman replies, “I get $1000 every time I pull the trigger.” Jack responds,”$1000? Well, OK, I want two hits. I want you toshoot my wife right in the mouth. She’s alwaysnagging at me and I can’t stand it. Second, I want you to shoot my neighbor in the penis, just forscrewing around with my wife.” The hit man agrees, gears up and looks through the scope.He’s looking for about five minutes until finally Jackstarts to get really impatient and asks, “What are youwaiting for?” The hitman replies, “Relax….. I’m about to save you athousand bucks!” –Kenny Samson HAMSTERS SPOTTED IN DEADWOOD–People complain that Hamsters are rich fucks, but many don’t realize that most Hamsters ride to Sturgis Annually. Here are a couple of shots of Harlan Schillinger a Hampster who I met at No 10 Bar in Deadwood. –Rogue THE BIKERNET RESEARCH LAB–A scientist from Texas A&M University has invented a bra thatkeeps women’s breasts from jiggling and prevents the nipplesfrom pushing through the fabric when cold weather sets in. At a news conference announcing the invention, a large groupof men took the scientist outside and kicked the shit out of him. –from Chris T. CHALK ONE UP FOR THE OLD GUYS– A white haired man walked into a jeweler’s shop late one Friday,with a beautiful young lady at his side. “I’m looking for a special ring for my girlfriend” he said. The jeweler looked through his stock, and took out a lovely ring priced at $5,000. “I don’t think you understand, I want something very unique” he said. At that, the jeweler went to get his special stock from the safe.”Here’s a stunning ring at just $40,000.” The girls’ eyes sparkled, and the man said that he would take it. “How are you paying,” asked the clerk? “I’ll pay by check, but of course you will want to make sure everything is in order at the bank, so I’ll write the check and you can phone the bank tomorrow. I’ll pick up the ring on Monday.” Monday morning a very teed-off jeweler phoned the man. ” You old fart, you lied… there’s no money in that account.” “I know, but can you imagine what a fantastic weekend I had? –from Sifu Continued On Page 2
To register by Mail: download
–Mark Lacy & G.J. Reyna
*Drop Seat
*Radius back bone
*Radius down tube
*1 3/8 tubing
*6″ forward stretch
*1 ” up stretch
*Available in 42 or 47 degree neck rake
*Includes: 1″ axle, axle covers and fork stop kit
Martin Bros. Bikes
972-709-2552 Voice
972-709-2952 Fax
Totowa, New Jersey, USA
Tel: 973 981 8626
Fax: 973 872 7145
August 5, 2004 Part 4
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 3
SASHA ON THE ROAD–I’m here in Lead/Deadwood. It’s beautiful and spiritual. Just what I need.
READER’S SHOWCASE BIKE–I just sent a note asking how to get my bike on your site and then I found the Reader’s Showcase. Sorry Bro. Don’t mean to waste your time. I can post my own feature. That’s cool.
Man, I’d love it if you featured my bike. It’s called “el Camino”. I have more pics if you want them. Like detail shot of some of the custom work I’ve done on this thing.
I just wanted to build the best old school hardtail I could using all top shelf (read way too expensive) components. I hope somebody feels this. The pictures don’t do it justice.
Thanks allot man.
–“Russ Washburn”
CHARITY SHIRTS FOR GIRLS TOO–My web site is finally up and functioning: http://www.tbearwear.comStill needs some work and need to add a few things but it’s functional.
Best part is I can finally accept credit cards. Just awaiting some more much needed art work for new shirts but that’s all in the works. Hopefully this will work out and the kids will benefit.
Thanks for your support,
MORE FROM RARE ALABAMA FILES– NEWS FLASH! – Alabama —– Alabama’s worst air disaster occurred when a small two-seater Cessna 150 plane,piloted by two local University of Alabama students, crashed into acemetery earlier today into a small town in Alabama.
The search and rescue workers have recovered 300 bodies so far and expect the number to climb as digging continues into theevening.
The pilot and copilot survived and are helping in the recovery efforts.
–from Skooter
SOCAL ENGINE BUILDERS REQUEST– My name is Christian Garcia. I own a 1978 FXE, I live in SOCAL andwas wondering if you could recommend a solid Shovel mechanic. My bikeis in need of a rebuilD soon, so I’m looking around. So if you could point me in theright direction it would be appreciated.
Here’s a few to try out:
Phil’s Speed Shop in Orange: (714) 771-6727
JR’s on Signal Hill: (562) 427-8600
Bennett’s Performance, also on Signal Hill: (562) 498-1819.
I was told that JR was an H-D engineer. Very sharp guy.–Bandit
TIM CONDER FINALLY CHANGES ADDRESS–Exciting news! After living in California for 9 months, we have finally changed our contact info to relflect the change. Please make a note of the changes.
Well, let’s see….I got my first California paint job last week. The boys at Lucky’s Choppers up in Seattle have been keeping me so busy I haven’t even hung out a shingle! This new job is a cool blacked out FXD from here in Sonoma. Candy tangerine with black flames, then a little bit of the usual Conder Custom detail work.
This paint work is great, and we’ve decide to gear up for a new bike project. Along with the design and custom paint services, we plan on building Conder Custom #4. Now, I know I’ve got a bit of history building hardcore, ornery choppers, but all that creative angst can be directed at just about anything. At last count I’ve got over 100 motorcycle concepts, so if you’re lookin’ to step into the ether and build a wild ass motorcycle, e-mail or give me a call.
Tim & Alyssa Conder
PO Box 565
Boyes Hot Springs, CA 95416
Tim’s Cell: 707-843-9454
The Conderosa
RUN FOR BREATH FINALE–We held our wrap-up meeting for the 6th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin” last night. Some new ideas were discuseed for next year, but it was more a thank you meeting for all of the volunteers. I wrote a check this morning to the American Lung Association for $9080.00! The largest amount ever from the run!
All of us would like to thank you and all the staff at Bikernet headquarters for all you do to promote the run and especially for the best of show trophy. The trophy has become an icon for the RFB.
Ben, the owner of Ben’s V-Twins and the winner of this years best of show trophy says, “The trophy is displayed on his parts counter and people have made special trips to see it!” We can’t wait to see next years! Oh yeah I forgot to tell you we have already told people you would make another one????
Thanks again for everything especially for your encouragement through out the year!
DEUCE WIDE TIRE KITS FROM RC COMPONENTS– DEUCE models from year 2000-up will have a dramatic change in appearance with the wide tire kit from RC Components.This new kit features a single-sided swingarm and a 240-section rear tire.The main parts are the swingarm, an offset kit for transmission alignment, a new rear wheel (18 x 8.50 inch) and Metzeler tire and a wide rear fender.
The rest of the kit consists of a pulley rotor, a license plate (complete with brake light) and a braided steel rear brake line. As shipped, it is ready to bolt into the stock Deuce frame.
Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA
Tel: 270 842 6000
Fax: 270 842 9527
CHOPPERS ONLY BEST OF SHOW WINNER–Bandit, we met on Oahu this past July 4TH. I was wondering if there was anyway of trying to get my bike showcased in a mag. If there’s anyway just let me know. I think your site is totally cool. Please keep it up. If you need any specs just ask.
Mahalo Much
Adam Gelbard
We’re going to take care of the Magician after Jim Russi, award winning island photographer, documents it on film. It will most likely show up in American Iron.–Bandit
BIKERNET POET–Woke Up To a storm in the making, It unfolded as I wrote. Would Love to hear what you all think of my latest work.
Blue Green Sky Darkens
Thunder Begins To Roll
Lightening Moves In
A Storm Unfolds
Light Rain Gives Way
To A Wicked Down Poor
Wind Picks Up
Trees Begin To Sway
Roads Flood
Thunder Gives
A Violent Warning
As Lighting Hunts
Its Feeble Prey
Rain Mixes With
Deadly Hail From Above
People Run To Protect
The Ones They Love
Another Crack Of Thunder
Flash Of Brilliant Light
Then Total Darkness
Mother Nature Has
Turned Out The Lights
Composed Under Copywrite, Panhead Josh of Outlaws World.
PLUG-IN IGNITION FROM DAYTONA TWIN TEC–THIS is a plug-in ignition unit for all ’03 to ’05 carbureted Twin-Cam 88 and Sportster models fitted with a 12-pin ignition module.The device is constructed with a low-profile machined billet aluminum housing and offers easy plug-in installation.All the switches are accessible from the top.
Four rotary switches are used to set the advance characteristics and rpm limit. The unit allows the adjustment of ignition timing via a switch that controls the initial timing. An additional switch sets the slope of the ignition curve. The range of adjustments allows users to set the timing advance for a wide range of applications, from stock to highly modified engines.
The memory facility records the last 30 minutes of engine operation, including rpm, vehicle speed, manifold pressure, ignition advance and battery voltage. This memory feature is useful for tuning and diagnostic purposes as well as investigating warranty claims.
The system is fully compatible with the Harley-Davidson SAE J1850 data bus – the communication system between the various electronic assemblies.
Using a PC link cable, users can download maps to supply specific advance curves for precise dyno tuning. By the same method, logged data can be viewed and speedometer/odometer recalibration can be carried out. The PC link cable plugs into the existing Harley-Davidson diagnostic connector – part of the motorcycle’s wiring harness. The PC link cable is sold separately and the Windows-compatible software is available for download.
South Daytona, Florida, USA
Tel: 386 304 0700
3D CUSTOMS CREATIONS–My name is Steve Parker, owner & creator of 3D Customs, Sasha told me to send you pictures of our three dimensional work for your commentary. We hand sculpt 3D raised images on bikes, cars, boats or anything with a hard surface, even ABS plastic. The work we do is very tedious and time consuming and we must wear respirators at all times.
All of our 3D images are sculpted from custom made epoxy resin that is made to my specifications it is extremely durable and it can also be chromed or powder coated. I also own a windsurf shop called windsurf Ohio; being in the windsurf business I learned how to use all types of resins and composites and I have over twenty years experience in custom fiber glass work. I hope you like what we do, the pictures turned out good but when you see this 3D work in person it will blow you away.
My web site is My site has more pictures.
Well the wind is howling and the waves are up; got get my FIX!
–Steve Parker
3D Customs
BIKERNET WOMEN COMPARISON TEST–Ladies – If you accidentally over-salt a dish while it’s still cooking, drop in a peeled potato and it will absorb the excess salt for an instant “fix-me-up.”
Real Women – If you over-salt a dish while you are cooking, that’s too damn bad. Please recite with me, The Real Women’s motto: “I made it and you will eat it and I don’t care how bad it tastes.”
–from Skooter
STEED BABE OF THE WEEK–Here’s Erika, 19 year old Steed Girl of the Week. In Arizona you can beonly 19 and a cocktail waitress. So out here in the wild west, you get tomeet the youngest girls at the bar serving you libations. She was all aboutposing for us, and this is her first photo shoot, ever.
Oh yeah, the bike. It’s one of our new 2005 300-CM Chopper Monoglide. Itjust rolled off our production floor yesterday and into the newly paintedblack wall photo studio. The bike has a 124-INCH S&S, Baker 6-Speed, 300 RearAvon tire, Steed Monoglide Suspension, Heads up digital instruments in themirrors and this one sports a wild custom paint job by Arizona paintwizards, Airea 5150.
It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to photograph all this fresh stuff forposterity.
Check the Cantina on Sunday for the bare facts and the Steeds department for a full feature. –Bandit
THAT’S IT, LET’S BLAZE–Speaking of Sturgis. The shot above was taken in Stugis the day we rolled in several years back. That’s me on the left, Myron Larrabee of the Billet Bar in Scottsdale, Arizona, and Agent Zebra. We raced from both coasts to the middle. Myron and I rode from the west and Agent Zebra left from Miami on that Paughco and Rev Tech Softail. He rode about a 1,000 more miles and you can read the whole story in the Garage and in our Non-fiction area. I built both bikes.
Speaking of one of the wildest individuals I’ve ever met, here’s the infamous Agent once more. Probably one of the best, most prolific writers I’ve had the pleasure to work with. He’s in Hollywood writing screenplays right now.
Let’s get this bastard posted, before someone accuses me of getting stoned at lunch.
Ride Forever,
August 5, 2004 Part 3
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 2
WATCH OUT FOR NEW DEADWOOD SPEED LIMITS–Having reduced the speed limit in one area, Deadwood officials continue to work on improving pedestrian and vehicle safety on the town’s main thoroughfare.
Police Chief Kelly Fuller told the Deadwood City Commission Monday night that the city’s parking and transportation committee met again with a state Department of Transportation official over safety measures for Highway 85-14A, the four-lane highway.The northeast end is hilly, connecting to Boulder Canyon and Deadwood Hill. There is active foot traffic between area gaming hotels, trolley stops, the Days of ’76 Museum, rodeo grounds, and the foot path along Whitewood Creek. Nearer to downtown, tourists migrate between the gaming district, parking areas and the new facade attraction depicting frontier storefronts.
The city and DOT earlier this year reduced the speed limit in that section, although some city officials want it even slower speeds. To educate drivers, a mobile electronic sign alerts motorists to their speed and the posted speed limit.
Additional measures are under consideration, and Mayor Francis Toscana said he expects one in particular to generate a great deal of discussion.
He pointed to the plan to eliminate all on-street parking along the four-lane highway to create room for a fifth lane, a center-turn lane. He said a public hearing would be held on the concept to help determine if the proposed change would go forward.
Other issues presented by Fuller included proposed pedestrian cross-walks and traffic lights. He said the state does not support one city priority project – adding a traffic light at the intersection of the four-lane with 76 Drive, the short street and bridge over Whitewood Creek that leading directly to the rodeo grounds.
Fuller said, overall, he was very pleased with the meeting with the DOT. He said many of the issues discussed would be paid by the state, which will require more time as the agency finds the money in its budget.
Among the more costly items under discussion is the possibility of having an pedestrian overpass over the four-lane. It would connect the convention facility proposed at the corner of Sherman Street and the highway, where the Treber Building was demolished. This is suggested as an important issue to increase pedestrian safety.On another issue, the board reminded all drivers that bike-only parking will start on Main Street Saturday, Aug. 8.
–from Rogue
STURGIS CHAMBER FILES RALLY SUIT– A rose by any other name may smell as sweet, but it might not be as profitable for the owner of the rose, according to Sturgis motorcycle rally officials who have filed suit in federal court to protect the event’s name.
The Sturgis City Council, after an executive session Monday night, voted to join the Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce in the civil action. The chamber board of directors voted July 7 to file the lawsuit.The city will pay half the cost of the legal action, with a cap of $5,000.A hearing is scheduled for 9 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 5, in front of Judge Karen Scheier in U.S. District Court in Rapid City.
The legal action is a continuation of a suit filed in 2000 against Sturgis Bike Week Inc. (then known as Sturgis Rally and Races), a breakaway company that was part of the umbrella organization overseeing many of the event activities. The initial suit was aimed at preventing Sturgis Bike Week from portraying itself as an official sponsor of the rally.
At that time, Scheier ruled against the company but allowed it to sell T-shirts and caps as long as it didn’t use the chamber’s trademark or logo.The most recent action, filed Tuesday by the city and chamber, alleges that the owners of Sturgis Bike Week are making a conscious effort to change the name of the event to that of their company. Sturgis Bike Week is owned by Bob Davis, Gary Lippold and Francie Reubel-Alberts.
The new action alleges that in the rally magazine the company publishes, there are more than 60 references to “Sturgis Bike Week,” including calling it the 64th annual and saying it started in 1938 -n both attributes of the Sturgis motorcycle rally.
Rapid City attorney Mike Reynolds represents the city and the chamber.”This is a concerted effort to change the name to Sturgis Bike Week and make our trademark useless,” Reynolds said about the references in the magazine.
By Bill Cissell, Journal Staff Writer
–from Rogue
VICTORY TEAMS WITH S&S TO BUILD VICTORY PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS–To satisfy the power and performancedesires of its customers, Victory Motorcycles has teamed up with the leadingaftermarket source for American V-twin performance equipment, S&S Cycle,Inc. in an alliance that will result in the development of high-performanceengine components for Victory motorcycles.
Victory, the motorcycle division of Polaris Industries Inc., willprovide the S&S Cycle product development team with technical informationabout Victory Freedom(tm) V-Twin engines as well as advanced informationabout new Victory products. This will allow them to design, test and produceperformance equipment for Victory motorcycles in the most timely fashion.
The alliance was announced during the Polaris 50th anniversarycelebration held at the Minnesota State fairgrounds this past July and willbe formally unveiled to hardcore motorcycle enthusiast this August duringthe Sturgis motorcycle rally.
Smith said the first S&S Cycle products for Victory motorcycles willbe performance kits that convert Victory’s Freedom(tm) 100/6 and 92/5 V-twinengines into high-performance 106-cubic-inch (ci) engines. These kits arescheduled to be available in the spring of 2005.
S&S Cycle will sell its Victory-related performance equipmentdirectly to authorized Victory dealers and will not sell the productsdirectly to consumers.
HUPY ALERT–On July 13, 2004, Daniel Buckel and his girlfriend, Theresa Brzykcy, were taking a relaxing ride on Buckel’s 2002 Honda. As the night air cooled, a hazy fog cover masked the roadway, and Buckel slowed down to around 40 mph. That likely saved his and Theresa’s lives. Suddenly, they were catapulted through the air, landing on a nearby driveway. Buckel required 15 stitches to close a cut on his head and received a broken finger. Theresa was knocked unconscious when she hit the ground.
Someone had stretched kitchen variety plastic wrap across the roadway, attached to two sign posts. The consequences could have been deadly, but in this instance luck was on the side of the riders. Waukesha County Crime Stoppers offered a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for this act. Attorney Michael F. Hupy, nationally known for fighting for motorcyclist’s rights and representing injured bikers, offered an additional $5,000. According to Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department Detective Steve Pederson, they received over 50 tips regarding the plastic wrap case.
Some tips pointed directly to specific individuals, and after interviewing them, the Sheriff’s Department received calls from attorneys representing four teens who were interviewed, one 14 year old, and three 16 year olds. The older teens could be waived over and charged as adults, but it is unlikely according to the District Attorney.
Attorney Hupy offered the $5,000 reward in order to prompt someone to come forward with information. He said the sheriff will determine whom, among the 50 tipsters, will get the reward. He also stated that although he will represent the injured bikers, he will not accept a fee but rather donate any fee to a local motorcycle safety organization. He said he offered the reward in an attempt to make sure this kind of thing doesn’t happen again. This type of prank could have been fatal for motorcyclists, and he wants other teens to realize the consequences of such actions.
AIRPLANE CRASH–An airplane was about to crash; there were fivepassengers on board, but only four parachutes. The 1stpassenger said, “I am Kobe Bryant, the best NBAbasketball player; the Lakers need me, I can’t affordto die.” So he took the 1st pack and left the plane.
The 2nd passenger, Hillary Clinton said, “I am thewife of the former US President, a NY State Senatorand a potential future president. And I am thesmartest woman in American history, so America’speople don’t want meto die,” and she took the 2nd pack and jumped out ofthe plane..
The 3rd passenger, George W. Bush, said, “I’m thepresident of the United States of America. I havegreat responsibility being the leader of a superpowernation.” So he grabbed the pack next to him andjumped.
The 4th passenger, the Pope, said to the 5thpassenger, a 10 year old schoolgirl, “I am old andfrail and don’t have many years left, and as aCatholic, I will sacrifice my life and let you havethe last parachute.”
The girl said, “That’s okay. There’s a parachute leftfor you. America’s smartest woman took my schoolbag.”
–from Mr. Samson
Continued On Page 4
August 5, 2004 Part 2
By Bandit |
Continued From Page 1
HARLEY-DAVIDSON AND JIMS CREATE A NEW TWIN CAM RACE KIT–Exclusive Component Package offers 120 CID and 125 Horsepower & 121 ft pounds of torque.
MILWAUKEE (January 26, 2004) – The new JIMS Twin Cam Race Kit, available exclusively through Harley-Davidson dealers, is a complete component package designed to serve as a solid foundation for racers seeking big horsepower and displacement. The engine kit is designed to fit Harley-Davidson Dyna and FL models originally powered by the Twin Cam 88 engine. The JIMS Twin Cam Race Kit is NOT a street legal motor.
This 120-cid package, developed by JIMS of Camarillo, Calif., pumps out 125 rear-wheel horsepower at 6200 rpm and 121 ft. lbs. of torque at 3750 rpm on 91 octane pump gasoline. This engine kit was developed as a result of a license Harley-Davidson granted to JIMS for use of some Harley-Davidson Twin Cam intellectual property.
The JIMS Twin Cam Race Kit is based on a 356-T6 aluminum crankcase with enough case material to support a bore size up to 4.800 inches. This is NOT a bored stock case, it is a brand new JIMS crankcase with increased wall thickness for larger bore potential. Being a new crankcase, the kit ships with a JIMS serial number and a MSO. The JIMS Twin Cam Race Kit is delivered with the lower end fully assembled. All other components required to complete the engine are included, including JIMS forged pistons, JIMS 4.125-inch bore cylinders and JIMS cylinder heads with matching stud spacing. The cylinder heads and cams were developed in conjunction with the Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle group. Stock rocker covers are CNC relieved by JIMS to clear special valve springs. Fuel is delivered by a Screamin’ Eagle Pro Super Bore 51mm carburetor and matching intake manifold. A Screamin Eagle Pro Adjustable MAP Ignition System handles timing and spark (engines for ’04 models use the Screamin’ Eagle Pro Ignition Race Tuner Kit).
Experienced technicians can finish the assembly of the JIMS Twin Cam Race Kit in just four to six hours using detailed instructions included with the kit. The kit is offered in black or silver powdercoat, color-matched to stock Harley-Davidson transmissions. It will also be available as uncoated (intended for custom paint or polish). Suggested retail price in the United States is $7,999.95. This price includes ALL the necessary components to build your racing motor including ignition and carburetor. The JIMS Twin Cam Race Kit engine is intended for racing use only. Softail cases and EFI kits are currently not available.
JIMS has also announced a special racing contingency program with AHDRA as an incentive to race with the new JIMS Twin Cam Race Kits. Racers in four classes will receive awards for first or second place finishes. Those classes include: Super Eliminator, Super Sport, Super Gas and Hot Street. Each first place finisher racing with a JIMS 120 Race kit receives a $250 cash award along with a JIMS $250 product certificate. A second place finish merits a $200 JIMS product certificate. Additionally, any national champion in any of the above classes will receive a $2500 cash prize if using the JIMS 120 race kit in the competition (Minimum of 6 races). Just want to go to the track? Any JIMS 120 Race Kit owner who competes in an AHDRA event with the JIMS 120 Race Kit will receive a one time $150 cash rebate and a special competitor certificate. A valid AHDRA time slip with engine verification is all that is required to redeem the rebate.
JIMS Twin Cam Race Kit Specifications
Peak Horsepower125 @ 6200 rpm
Peak Torque121 @ 3750 rpm
Displacement120 cid
Bore x Stroke4.125″ x 4.500″
Compression Ratio10:1
Intake Valve Diameter2.080
Exhaust Valve Diameter1.625
Cam Lift.635
For information on JIMS Twin Cam Race Kit call 805-482-6913, or visit the JIMS website at
THE ALABAMA FILES–Regarding the year 2000, a senior at the University of Alabamawas overheard saying “when the end of the world comes, I hope to be in ” Alabama ”
When asked why, he stated that everythinghappens here 20 years later than the rest of the civilized world.
STURGIS JUSTICE FOR ALL– IN ITS furtherance of the ‘Justice for All’ campaign, the AMA is bringing its Information Center to the Sturgis Rally on August 10th-13th.
The Justice for All movement was triggered by a traffic incident in South Dakota, home of the Sturgis Rally.The perceived injustice of that incident served to focus attention on many sentencing inconsistencies within the US legal system, where poor driving had resulted in death, or serious injury.The AMA campaign serves to raise public awareness over these issues.
Rather than work in isolation, it encourages members to publicize such problems in their home states, providing stickers, flyers and pins to help spread the message.
The campaign has already received the wholehearted support of many riders’ clubs and organizations across the US.
With its Information Center easily accessible at Sturgis, the AMA hopes to reach many more riders who have the potential to assist Justice for All, eventually for the greater good of all who use the roads.
The Information Center will be found at the Sturgis Music Festival, one block off Main Street at the corner of 2nd and Lazelle, Sturgis, South Dakota.
Pickerington, Ohio, USA
Tel: 614 856 1900
Fax: 614 856 1921
THE STEALTH REPORT–One subject you hear a lot of bikers talk about these days is old school vs. new school. The conversations usually range from paint, to frames, to brakes, to gas tanks and the list goes on. Let’s take a look at what is called old school today and is it really old school and if the “good old days” were really that good.
We all like to look back and think, boy those were the “good old days” and the bikes were a lot better. I am an old schooler and my favorite style bike is probably a bobber, not that I don’t like long choppers, I just seem to relate to the bobber bikes better. You hear the young guns of today talk about their old school bikes with the 4 foot long fuel tanks. I don’t remember any real old school bikes running long tanks. Don’t get me wrong, I like those tanks, they just really are not old school. The long frames with all their rake and stretch are another example of today’s components being called old school, when that is the farthest thing from the truth. Back in the day, the good old days, the front ends were 20+ inches over and the rake very seldom matched the front end. Most of the bikes of that era sat at an angle.
A true story, I knew a guy who had a 650 Yamaha and he extended the forks to about 12 over and didn’t rake anything. The bike sat at such a high angle that the oil pump could not feed the top end, you know the rest of the story!
The technology of today has made things a lot safer on bikes than back in the good old days. Welding technology has improved to state-of-the-art. Case in point, back in the late ’60s to mid ’70s you would see bikes running wicked looking Z-bars. All of a sudden they disappeared. It was rumored that a couple of sets of Z-bars came apart in the rider’s hands as they were riding, not a good feeling. This was said to be due to bad welds. Now today you see people running Z-bars again and they are available again from many sources. Do you think those welds have improved? Sure they have!
Some braking systems from back in the good old days were suspect at best. Sometimes with some systems you needed to make sure you had new heels on your engineer boots just in case you had to dig into the pavement. Today’s braking systems, factory and aftermarket, are also state-of-the-art. They will stop you on a dime. Another area that things have really improved in is lighting. Some lighting systems back in the good old days were dim to say the least. Today we have the power of halogen lights. They will light up a field. You know how they light up the road!
Tires are another area of improvement, the tires of today are superior to the tires of yesterday. They make our bikes handle better and they last a lot longer. Tire choices are endless today, back in the OLD days you had two or three choices at the most. Paint and painting techniques have improved along with all painting equipment and material. I have always been a flame freak and the flames of today are killer! Back when I was a kid coming up and even when I first got into bikes everyone wanted “high gloss” look but sometimes due to a lack of money we settled for the flat primered look. Nowadays the flat “STEALTH” black look is in and it is one my favorite looks on a bike. I guess in a way the more things change, the more they stay the same!
I know what you are thinking, that if I am an old schooler then why I am knocking the good old days? Well I am not, I just think sometimes we imagine the good old days being better than they really were. No I don’t like everything new, like some of the billet stuff. Aluminum is supposed to make things lighter but not when you hang it on bikes in five pound blocks! One thing about the good old days is that we all have our memories and that is the best part. Our memories of friends and runs and our bikes and bike shows and rallies and our loved ones. That’s what makes the good old days, good. Consider, maybe “these” are the good old days?
So maybe today we should have a new tag for all the young guns out there building bikes, “New Old Schoolers”? They are still building bobbers and choppers, it’s just that they have a lot better components and equipment to pick from. One thing they have that is old school, though, is that they all have a burning desire and love in their soul for bike building and that will never change no matter what school you are from!
One thing I like better today than back in “the good old days” is Bikernet. Now, you have got to agree that’s an improvement!So keep on choppin, bobbin? and remember one day these will be the “good old days”!
Time to burn some pavement!
Continued On Page 3