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CRAZYHORSE’S SAFE RETURN FROM BADLANDS–Jim and I pulled into our driveway at 6:30pm Monday night. We were gone 13days. The longest break I have taken from painting since 1999. I reallyneeded it. For me, Sturgis 2004 was a totally awesome trip.
We took six bikesout there. I had my gooseneck chopper and we brought a VRod bagger as abackup bike. I figured I’d spend some time on the gooseneck and some on theV. I rode the V around the parking lot of the Holiday Inn but that was aboutit. I got on my hardtail and rode the crap out of it. I hoped I would likemy new bike but I had no idea I would love it as much as I do. Jim put newsprings under the seat before we left. They are the springs used for ’94 copHarleys. They come in black so they looked perfect on the bike. And theyhave a much better ride than the ones I had on there.
The whole trip was onegreat adventure. But then I stayed away from the crowds, downtown after 9 p.m.,and did not go out to the big bars and campgrounds on Rt 34. I kept mydaytime speeds under 80 and under 55 at night, avoiding cops and deer. Therewere breakdowns, dramas, celebrity builders, too many shit-for-brains whohave no business on bikes, new friends, old friends, riding intoextraordinary sunsets, mystical night time rides, thrilling rides through thecanyons and riding in record setting cold temperatures. In short, there was alot of riding, at least for me. I’ve worked most of the bugs out of thegooseneck and it will soon be ready for some real riding trips. I’ll have myreport in sometime next week.

” My favorite bike at the bike shows, avery clean rigid from Twisted Choppers. No extra stuff, uncluttered, notoverdone, looks very ridable.”

–Crazy Horse

Don’t Dare Miss The”Texas Style Party Drags”–
Next Saturday Nite – August 21st at
Nostalgia NITRO Harleys – 2 Money E.T. Classes & 2 Trophy E.T. Classses – PLUSOpen Drags for Pro Catagory Dragbikes with $200 for “The Quickest Run Of the NITE”!!
AND AFTER THE RACE It’s # LIVE MUSIC “Till The Wee Hours With a $100 to win WET T-SHIRT CONTEST at Midnight…….Door Prizes # Swap Meet Vendors # Blowout Style “Bikini Alerts”
Admission: $20 a head, Under 18 admitted with Parent ONLYGates Open: 4:pm – Time Trials 6:pm – Eleminations 8pmLocation: Exit 713 Beckendorf Road 5 miles west of Sealy on I-10, Information:
Red’s Already got 50 pounds of Mardi Gras Beads to “give away”…….
(BYOB – Bring Your Own Beads!! & Be There !!!!!!!!)

TBEAR SHIRTS FOR THE TROOPS–As a way of supporting our troops in Iraq, just shipped over abunch of special shirts to our boys outside of Fallujah. We thought it wasthe very least we could do to show our support to our brave fighting men andwomen in Harm’s Way. We asked them to bring them and themselves back homesoon with no holes in them. Hopefully they will send a pic when they get thetime.

FIREFIGHTER-BIKER ALLIANCE–THIS TALE WILL BREAK YOUR HEART–My name is Chris DePaola and I am involved with a small organization named the “Firefighter-Biker Alliance”, located just outside of Chicago, Illinois. We are a small organization, comprised mostly of firefighters, dedicated to helping people in the Chicago-land area by providing financial assistance through our fundraising activities, as well as personal, hands-on support with the donated time of our volunteers. Currently, we are getting ready to host a major fundraiser on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2004 for a very deserving family in Bridgeview, Illinois.
This event will benefit Rita Stevenson, the 27-year-old mother of three little boys, who has also been raising her three nieces for the past six years. This young woman has endured more hardship in the past several years than anyone should ever have to. Her first sister died in a tragic house fire, and a second sister lost her battle with cancer at the age of 31, leaving behind three pre-teen daughters. Her father suffered from diabetes, and after having had both of his legs amputated, he was bedridden and in need of constant attention. Rita did not hesitate to step up and take responsibility for his care, cleaning and dressing his wounds and tending to his daily needs, until he passed away two years ago.
After her Dad died, Rita tried hard, but wasn’t able to keep up with the financial obligations of the family home, and the six children she was now raising alone, and she lost the house to foreclosure. But, it is within the last two months that this story gets even worse. After collapsing at her job last month, where she worked twelve-hour days trying to make ends meet, Rita was diagnosed with a large pituitary tumor in her brain that will require a craniotomy to remove. That brain surgery had been scheduled, but then cancelled, when another tragedy devastated this family.
Two weeks ago, Beckie, the youngest of the three nieces being raised by Rita, was killed in an ATV accident at the age of 16. It’s hard to comprehend how anyone could suffer through all of this and survive, but Rita has been unbelievably courageous. With no time to grieve yet another horrific loss, she must now try to ready herself and her family for her upcoming surgery. As you can imagine, their current financial state is not good, and we anticipate that the situation will only degrade as Rita has not been able to work since discovering the tumor, and will not be able to return to work for several months after her brain surgery. We are hoping to ease her burden just a little so that she can go into this challenge with a positive outlook and attitude.
This is where YOU come in! On SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2004 we will be holding a large “Motorcycle Poker-Run”, in conjunction with a Pig Roast, to help raise funds for this family so desperately in need.
Christopher R. DePaola
Firefighter-Biker Alliance
2317 Scott Lane
Aurora, Il 60504
(630) 803-4963

NEWS FROM WHITEHORSE PRESS–You may have seen the interview on the CBS program 48 HOURS with adventuremotorcyclist Glen Heggstad, or heard parts of his hair-raising story onNational Public Radio. But nothing compares to reading his new book, TWOWHEELS THROUGH TERROR. Here is the full story of his ride to the southerntip of South America only weeks after the terrorist attacks of September 11,2001, when on a mountainous road between Medellin and Bogota, he wascaptured by Colombia’s rebel ELN army. For five weeks, he was moved fromcamp to camp, beaten, fed only small amounts of rice and water, andcontinuously threatened with death. Having survived and won his release –and, above all, determined to finish the journey he started — Heggstadcontinued his trip-of-a-lifetime around the coast of South America,returning home to chronicle all of it with humor and insight. A fascinatingtravelog in the tradition of first-hand accounts like Krakauer’s INTO THINAIR, it will keep you riveted from beginning to end. Order yourfirst-edition copy while they last.
TWO WHEELS THROUGH TERROR, by Glen Heggstad, 275 pages, hardcover, colorillustrations, item code W-TWTT, $24.95
THE BIKERIDERS, by Danny Lyon, 121 pages, 72 b/w & color photographs, now ina new paperback edition, item code W-BRSS, $22.95
These are the famous photographs that launched a counterculture into thepublic consciousness. Includes 15 previously unpublished b/w photos and 14previously unknown color photos.

KRASH SAYS —Hey Bandit, Concrete Pete said something about a secret tattoo. I wouldn’t usually want peopleto use work I consider original, but I might make an exception. Just use the “pissin’gator”. doesn’thave to be secret, just visible.

SHA SHA SUMMER SELECTION–Sha Sha Fine Shoes, Inc., a manufacturer of alternative styled footwear for men and women, has launched their first line of EVA sandals for men and women this summer.
The designs cater to the motorcycle and powersports industry mainly with cool graphics like pin stripes, racing stripes, racing checkerboards and skull and crossbones. The sandals are available at dealers throughout the U.S., including many motorcycle shops, and are available direct to consumers on Sha Sha?s website as well.
For more information about the new sandals, or any other products available from Sha Sha, visit the Sha Sha Fine Shoes website at http://, email, or call 1-877-3-SHA-SHA.
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