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March 13, 2008 Part 1


cuties n banner fake


Whatta week. I left the gate open and our two black mutts escaped. I’m turning 60–holy crap, and someone in communist China hacked Bikernet and shut us down for days… How was your week?

Here’s my Thursday update: We caught one of the dogs trying to cross the border into Mexico. We’re posting wanted posters for the other mutt, “Tank,” around SoCal. I’m still turning 60, but I’m looking for a cure to halt the process. Regarding the hacker, I wonder whether it’s that company who tried to sell me anti-hacking software, or the fact that I’m a fan of the Dali Lama and support Sherpas in Tibet. Hell I don’t know, but we’re trying to trace the source.

hank on back 2


The feeling was far worse than having a car stolen. I look at Bikernet as a 10-year compilation of weekly magazines. It’s the home and the archive, to thousands of articles, 10 years of historic chrome reporting and momentous sexual annals. I didn’t want to even begin to think about losing it. It’s my life, your life, and our history.

I need to profusely thank our master web king, Jason for coming to our rescue. He watches out for two families, works for the man full time, and lords over several other motorcycle industry web sites. He’s a biker and understands when shit must be handled. Thanks brother!

With that we better hit the news:


BIKERNET FINDS A STURGIS HOME AT THE GLENCOE CAMP– “We should do a story on the development of Glencoe from only a few acres to over 920 acres and from one food facility to three and to three shower houses, Thunder Road bike shows, the Glencoe Amphitheater etc.” said Krista from Glencoe. “That’s when the price jumped from $125 or so, to $300. This year we have two wristbands though. One is $175, if you just want to camp and then you can pay additional for the all inclusive band.”

We will bring you camping tips, the entertainment line-up and our Brouhaha bike show and party all day, Friday, at the Thunder Road. I’m bringing the famous 5-Ball trophies and Kevin Baas is making the 1st place mega trophies.


FLORIDA MOTORCYCLE SEIZURE BILL–Update re: HB137. House infrastructure committee met at 8:30 this morning to address HB137 the bill that provides for seizure of Motorcycles and revocation of Motorcycle Endorsement for up to 10 years for “certain” reckless driving offenses.

Despite calls and e-mails alerting people of the meeting and the importance of attending and voicing any concerns there were only three that showed to address the bill, one, the Motorcycle Industry Council representative who arrived late attempting to get clarification on certain issues and didn’t get to speak.

There was late notice as to the agenda of this meeting and confusion over amendments, clarifications and agreements that many in attendance were not aware of and had no chance to review.

Apparently to address questionable issues from the last committee hearing on the 137, there has been a redefinition of the term “wheelie” however if anyone knew what the final definition was it was not announced or discussed. The discriminatory issues that were addressed at the last meeting pertaining to the bill only addressing motorcycles was resolved by amending the bill to include “all vehicles.” The seizure of motorcycles/vehicles was addressed by moving the seizure option to the third offense.

One person who was present to speak on another issue, rose to voice his opposition to the bill and then waived his time.

The next person to speak was the lobbyist for ABATE of Florida who stated that his organization opposed the bill and made a pitch for stiffer penalties for those who violate motorcycle right of way causing injury and/or death to the motorcyclists.

I was called after the ABATE’s lobbyist and attempted to address the bill from a perspective relating to the state Supreme courts declaration last summer that they had significant concerns regarding the constitutionality of vehicle seizures as they are being done in Florida. Also mentioning Miami vs. Wellman (1-23-08) wherein the Third district court of Appeals with Supreme Court approval declared the city of Miami’s program of vehicle seizures unconstitutional on three points to include, denial of due process and “the city’s (Miami) preponderance of the evidence standard of guilt was too weak for a statute that deprives individuals of their personal property”. Putting the 12 million dollars Miami has earned from the sale of confiscated vehicles at risk.

I then when on to reiterate the ABATE lobbyists concerns about draconian measures to address this issue and the minimal penalties received by persons who kill and maim motorcyclists by violating their right of way. Also expressing the contention that this bill may in fact lead to more deaths as more motorcyclists may be inclined to run if they thought seizure of their bikes was imminent.

Neither the ABATE lobbyist nor I were asked any questions.

–by Robert “RC” Conroy

–from Bruce Arnold


BIKERNET BONNEVILLE BOOK TEASE–Here’s the cover of our Wolfgang Bonneville Book. I can’t tell you much more until the publisher releases the news. It will be available in less than a month. I’ll see if the most articulate biker on the planet, Bill Hayes, will write a review. It will be a must read for anyone pondering the thought of going after a Bonneville record.


THE BAKER DD7: WAY MORE TO IT THAN AN EXTRA GEAR–HASLETT, MIThe Baker DD7, Direct Drive 7-Speed is being developed as a direct replacement of the Cruise Drive Harley-Davidson factory 6-speed to improve it in many ways besides just adding another gear.

Many complain that the factory 1st gear is too tall and these bikes feel bogged-down at the stoplight. The DD7 has a shorter 1st gear for improved get-up-and-go.

In transmission design low mainshaft weight is always desirable for smooth and quiet shifts. The factory mainshaft is a one-piece design that includes1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gears. The audible shift clunk in the factory 6-speed is caused by the heavy rotating weight and the resultant high inertia of the 1-piece forged mainshaft. The DD7 mainshaft is light weight and only includes the small 1st gear as an integral part to keep weight down. The shift clunk is absolutely minimized.

Shift smoothness in the factory 6-speed is a definite improvement over the 5-speed. The DD7 is a big improvement over the factory 6-speed because it incorporates a new linear roller ball detent as part of the supplied billet top cover. This linear roller ball detent is similar to the technology first used in Baker TorqueBox transmissions. In the Baker DD7, the shift drum is designed to help the rider find neutral every time, like with all other Baker transmissions.

The factory 6-speed has straight cut 1st and 5th gears. This yields gear noise in 1st and 5th.The Baker DD7 has a full set of helical gears for quiet operation in every gear.

Because of the shorter first gear and following gear ratios, testers report that the bike feels like motor work has been done. The shift quality is unheard of as well.

The Harley-Davidson factory 6-speed ratios are: 1st (3.34), 2nd (2.30), 3rd (1.71), 4th (1.41), 5th (1.18), 6th (1.00).

The Baker DD7 transmission will have the following ratios: 1st (3.76), 2nd (2.75), 3rd (2.06), 4th (1.55), 5th (1.27), 6th (1.10), 7th (1.00).

The BAKER DD7 is scheduled to be available late summer/early Fall 2008.


HACKER BLUES–Damn Hacker!I’ll kill him for you!

Last week I pulled out my credit card to purchase gas and it was denied.Later in the day same deal for groceries.So I called customer service and found out some one was on a spending spree in Paris with my damn card number!

My Capital One was in someone else’s pocket!The card was stopped and it will all straighten out I’m told.

Couple Jokes to cheer you up.

What’ the difference between Jane Fonda, Bill Clinton and George Bush?Jane Fonda actually went to Vietnam

Here’s my favorite:Greek and an Italian are debating.

Greek claims “We had Alexander the Great”

Italian replies “We had Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire”

Greek claims “We built the Acropolis”

Italian replies “We built the Coliseum”

Greek claims “We invented Sex!”

The Italian thought a moment and then replied ” Yes, but we introduced it to women!”

In the words of Bill Clinton “I feel your pain” about the site being down. The oilfield company I work for has one of the largest computer networks in the world. Computer and web protection is a HUGE deal and it is always threatened with compromise.

Take a ride down Long Beach, down a shot and grab a girl.Trust in God and the hacker bastard will get run over by a truck.


1772-Torx Set

BIKERNET JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK–7-in-1 Torx key SetThis tool features seven of the most popular Torx? keys in a folding pocket size case.

Torx keys are heat treated alloy steel. Folded length is 4-1/4-inch.

No.1772 – Torx Key Sizes: T-10, T-15, T-20, T-25, T-27, T-30, T-40

Suggested Retail Price $33.10

New Jims banner

BOX OF ROSES FROM BIKERNET– Went to the Post Office yesterday. Had a little yellow slip telling me a package too large for my mailbox had to be picked up at the post office box(window).

The lady closed her box (heh-heh) just as I came up. Just my luck.

Went again today and she handed me a large brown box. Return address was Bikernet.

Looked like a box of roses. I could use some roses to spiffy up the casa.

My first guess as to the contents was roses from El Bandido. Nah, couldn?t be.

Got home and tore it open ta see what the fuck was sent. I hadn?t ordered anything so whatdafuck?

In it was a buncha fanfuckintastic stuff worth gold.

Shit! It was gold.

Better than gold to me anyway.

First, before I tell you what was in it let me tell ya it was worth $ 3,540.94.Not including the $8.04 postage Bikernet paid ta send it to ME!

In the box were posters. I am going to put these up in my bike garage.

If I was married (Listen up ladies! I am divorced), the wife would definitely blow me a shitstorm of grief to take them down that would certainly lead to divorce. This saved me a lotta aggravation and anger and also saved me about three grand ($3000.oo) for a lawyer to divorce the now ex Mrs. Gootie.

Also in the box was a magazine. I just had spinal injections yesterday for pain from something called spondiolisomething. Worth $3.99 clams and it gave me awesome reading while laying down recovering.

Also in the box were two books. Orwell and Biker Code. The reading time will be worth a helluvalotmore than the $26.95 price on the covers. Worth in actuality-Priceless! Since I am down from this spinal injection procedure crap for a few days, let?s place a value on it of about $500.oo clams.

In the box was a black Tee shirt. Don?t know how the Bandit crew knew my favorite color (black) (and size) but it did touch my heart and almost produced a tear.Value? Well I?d say about twenty bucks.

In the box were a few outfuckinstandin stickers. Value? I?d say about ten clams more or less.

Why the fuck am I wasting your time and mine on this??????????????????

Cuz I sincerely appreciate this gift box. It came at a time that I am down for a few days. Worried as hell about if I am gonna have to have spinal fusion surgery and if I will be able to work anymore. Doctor said that these spinal injections may help for some time and might help keep me from having the final spinal bone fusion for a couple of years or more if it works.

So I went for it and receiving this gift box came at a somewhat down time when I am dying to jam on my scoot but have to heal up for a few days before I even consider getting on my bike.

This stuff will help pass the time lying in bed a few days drinking beer and whiskey and eating pain killers like candy.

I guess this is just my way of saying thanks to Bandit and his crew.

Perfect timing amigos,

Now where?s the roses?


RMD Billet Smuggler Rear

RMD BILLET ‘SMUGGLER’ WHEEL–Simple in function, superior in design. RMD BILLET has done it again. The “SMUGGLER” wheel is their latest innovation. This one-piece wheel carries a look like none other known released in the market place. There is ten interchangeable billet spokes on each wheel that can be finished in unlimited possibilities. The wheel can be finished in the same or contrast look from the spokes. Variety of sizes available.

Please contact RMD BILLET at 507-348-8877 or visit them on the web at

RMD Billet
Shannon or Lisa Rodman
212 3rd St W.
Jasper, MN 56144507-348-8877

spitfire transparent

THUNDER MOUNTAIN CUSTOMS RELEASED THE TMC SPITFIRE SPORTSTER BASED CHOPPER–Thunder Mountain Customs unveiled their TMC SPITFIRE to the public on Sunday, March 2nd at Destination Daytona. Want to ride a Spitfire? There are still some availabilities for you to take a ride on the new Spitfire to see how well it handles and looks on the road. Please contact Piper Fairbanks for questions at (970)232-6812.

Custom Chrome Banner

CUSTOM CHROME ANNOUNCED COMPLETION OF DAE-IL USA– Korean OEM manufacturer unveils plans for investment and restoration of the once iconic v-twin industry pioneer.

Morgan Hill, CA – March 10, 2008 – Global Motorsport Group, Inc., announced Friday that the sale of all GMG U.S. operations, including its Custom Chrome, Motorcycle Stuff, Jammer divisions, and the stock of Custom Chrome Europe to Dae-IL USA was successfully completed. “As of today, March 7, 2008, GMG has been reborn,” said Sung Moon Kim, Chairman of Dae-IL USA and new owner of Global Motorsport Group, Inc.

With the announcement of new ownership came the introduction of Nace Panzica, one of the original founders of Custom Chrome, and now Chief Executive Officer, Global Motorsport Group, Inc. and President, Dae-IL USA Inc. While addressing employees, Panzica made his intentions clear to restore the company’s core competencies in customer service and innovative proprietary product lines and return the company to it’s position as an industry leader. Panzica repeated the 37-year-old company’s brand statement, “World’s finest products for Harley-Davidsons,” to a roar of applause during a company all-hands meeting, emphasizing the company’s historic vision of excellence in the market and his commitment to see the company return to a position of strength.

Present for the announcement were Chairman Kim and In Hwan Kim, Vice President of Dae-IL Corp., which now owns GMG. “Today, GMG becomes a new company built on long-lasting relationships, family and friendships that will last forever,” said Chairman Kim. Indicating Dae-IL’s commitment to GMG’s success, Kim added that Dae-IL will provide the necessary investment to achieve the highest levels of industry fill rates to meet customer expectations.

Dae-IL, founded in 1976, is a world class Korean OEM manufacturer of parts for automobiles and motorcycles for companies such as General Motors, Daewoo, Mitsubishi, Polaris, Hyundai and Kia Motors, among others. Dae-IL’s relationship with Custom Chrome began in 1982, producing transmission parts and, later, the first RevTech? 4-speed transmission. Today the high performance line has grown to include RevTech? engines, transmissions and clutches.


BROTHER BILL DOWN–For the many people that knew my Brother William “BLUE” Herlihy I would like to thank All Of You For Your Recent Prayers For Bill.Bill passed away on March 8, 2008

Our family realizes that many of the people that would like to attend his service will not be able to do so.For those of you that can make it see the information below.If you can not make it Please consider thinking of him at that time.

Services For William Herlihy will be Saturday March 15th 1:00PM A Community Funeral Home & Sunset Cremation
910 West Michigan Street
Orlando, Florida 32805



Continued On Page 2

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April 10, 2008 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


BIKERNET AVON TIRE OF THE MONTH– This month?s focus is on Avon?s newest tire, the AV71/72 Cobra. Replacing the tried and true Venom R line, the Cobra is a touring radial designed for power cruisers and customs. If you have one of the newer models of Harleys with an oversized rear wheel, this is your tire.

To help you stick it to the race replica guys, the Cobra employs the Advanced Variable Belt Technology found in Avon?s sport tires for nimble handling, longevity, and added stability. All this is paired with a special construction to cope with high loads makes it the perfect tire for touring.

The aggressive looking tread pattern is designed to follow the direction of the forces that transfer through the tire. The channels in the tire?s surface significantly reduce irregular and advanced wear when mounted on bikes that carry heavy loads (that?s legal-tech-speak for ?they last longer and don?t cup as easy.?)

For those of you with an eye for the artistic, the sidewalls feature a unique snake skin appearance as well as the distinctive snake?s head logo along the edge of the tread.

Check out for fitments and more information.

Avon Banner

RINEHART RACING PRESENTS 2ND ANNUAL RINEHART CHARITY MOTORCYCLE RIDE MAY 13, 2008–Join us for over 100 miles of riding to benefit the Grand Strand Miracle League, a one-of-a-kind baseball league designed specifically for children with special needs. 2008 marks the sixth season for the league, which is now serving over 100 children. Games are played on a handicapped- accessible field that is ideal for wheelchairs and walkers. The ride will beheld during Myrtle Beach Spring Rally.A continental breakfast along with lunch and soft drinks provided during the ride. The first 125 participants to sign up receive a free T-Shirt. A set of Rinehart Racing exhaust of your choice will be given, along with a custom air intake system from Wimmer and many other great door prizes.

The starting location for the ride is Dog House Bar & Grill at 607 S. Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach.Registration begins at 9 am and ride will start approximately 10 am, ending at SBB Four Corners, Murrells Inlet around 3 pm.

Pre-registration is $25 for the driver and $15 for the passenger. Registration fee on the day of the ride will be $30 for the driver and $20 for the passenger. Please make all checks payable to the Grand Strand Miracle League.

Sign up now at the following locations:
Wimmer Performance, 11670 Highway 17 Bypass, Murrells Inlet
R S Cycles, 11808 Highway 17 Bypass, Murrells Inlet
B & M Custom Cycles, 508 N. Kings HIghway, Myrtle Beach

Registration forms and checks payable to the Grand Strand Miracle League can be mailed to:
Rinehart Racing, PO Box 1445, Enka, NC 28728
Please be sure & visit our sponsors below.
Four Corners
3rd Avenue South
Registration forms and check payable to ?the Grant Strand Miracle League? can be mailed to: Rinehart Racing, Inc

PO Box 1445
Enka, NC 28728

All mail-in, pre-paid registrations can pick up wrist bands and t-shirts at the registration area at 9am, May 13, 2008.

Twin cams

PRESS RELEASE for BIKERNET’S “THURSDAY NEWS” from RIVERA PRIMO–RIVERA PRIMO has the finest selection of camshafts for Twin Cam applications. Twenty-seven different profiles from five of the biggest manufactures in the industry make our line the prominentchoice among performance buffs everywhere.

We stock both chain-driven cams & gear-driven models, for stock to large displacement motors, from Dave Mackie Engineering, Leineweber Enterprises, Andrews, S&S and Crane with lifts ranging from .490″ to .640″.

This huge variety of winners, together with all the essential gear-drive installation inventory you’ll need, such as the front & rear inner cam gears, crankshaft gear, outer cam drive gear, needle & ball bearings, etc., makes RIVERA PRIMO? the real source for TWIN CAM PERFORMANCE !!

For further information & a full product listing contact :
12450 Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90602
Tel: 800-872-1515
Tel: 562-907-2600 Fax: 562-907-2606

Primo 6-Spd conv banner1

LET’S STOP FOR A YOUNGUN–A little boy wanted $100.00 very badly and prayed for weeks, but nothing happened.

Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $100.00.

When the postal authorities received the letter to God, USA, they decided to send it to the President.

The president was so amused that he instructed his secretary to send the little boy a $5.00 bill. The president thought this would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy.

The little boy was delighted with the $5.00 bill and sat down to write a thank-you note to God, which read:

Dear God,

Thank you very much for sending the money.

However, I noticed that for some reason you sent it through Washington, DC., and those assholes deducted $95.00 in taxes.

–from Art Friedman


GET YOUR BLACK MARKET FIX–Bandit?s Black Market has all the swag that you need. From prints and photographs to leather and luggage.

Don?t Miss It: Checkout Buck?s photo-art that captures the essence of the motorcycle. The camera is his paintbrush and through his artistry he?s able to record the stance, design and attitude of our American two-wheeled rolling art. Digg into Bandit’s Black Market. Take a look. –Wrench

spot logo

SPOT SATELLITE MESSENGER —SPOT is the world’s first Satellite Messenger, providing peace-of-mind everyday and emergency assistance when you need it. The handheld, hunter-orange colored device, allows users to send message to friends and family or emergency responders from virtually any location, including the most remote locations, around the globe independently of cellular networks.

Just released on the market in November 2007, SPOT is innovative and unique, using the GPS satellite network to determine the user’s exact location along with the SPOT commercial satellite network to transmit messages to cell phones, emails or an international emergency response service center.

At just $169.99 and over 7 ounces in weight, SPOT is ideal for anyone who spends time in the outdoors away from cell phone service including hunters, fisherman, hikers, skiers, boaters, or lone commercial workers. SPOT features four function keys that transmit messages based on varying levels of need:

?Alert 9-1-1 notifies emergency responders of your GPS location
?Ask for Help sends a request for help with your location to friends or family
?Check In lets contacts know where you are and that you are okay
?Track Progress sends and saves your location and allows contacts to track your progress using Google Maps?

For more information on how SPOT is helping users live to tell about it?, from disaster preparedness to outdoor adventure purposes please visit .

flyer luau copy

BIKERNET WEEKLY PARENTAL ADVICE FROM THE STUDENTS–“Never let your three-year old brother in the same room as your school assignment.”
-Traci, age 14

“A puppy always has bad breath–even after eating a Tic-Tac.”
– Andrew, age 9

“Never hold a dustbuster and a cat at the same time.”
– Kyoyo, age 11

–from Rev CarlRAttention Bandit:

Micks Seats 004

A GP LEATHER TESTIMONIAL– I met Glenn Priddle a while back in Brizzy, seen a seat of his at a show sitting on a bike, if you ask he will explain. The workmanship in the seat was what I have always seen in American magazines and wanted. I rode out to Noosa to meet him with a mate and his missus, at his so called house (resort). We had phone contact about the design I wanted him to do.

On the way to my next visit my bike caught on fire from hitting a pothole. As I got towed off on a tilt tray Glenn came out to the spot, it was obvious it had to be rearranged.

Since then the bike has had a lot of changes and I decided that the bike needed to match the seat. As the seat has had so much effort put into it, it’s a waste of time to fill you in about how many times the design had changed for the engraving but Glenn hung in there because he could see a design waiting to happen.

Glenn had to put up with the Heritage seat/Barebones seat designed, We both realised we had to go barebones to make it work. I then gave him the design I wanted, which was skulls, suits, guns and bombs, that he made into a masterpiece as well as the Indian Larry symbol, because I respect old school work and bikes.

He did wonders on the pussy pad more than I could imagine. He even made a callout to the shop to make it right. Not only am I that happy with my seat, the pussy pad design will be tattooed on my arm next week, give it 6 or 7months and the front seat will be on my shoulder.



S&S TO HOST FLATHEAD POWER SHOW IN LA CROSSE, WISCONSIN WITH THE HORSE MAG–LA CROSSE WI, (APRIL 09, 2008) S&S Cycle announces the Flathead Power by S&S/The Horse Magazine Chopper Show to be held June 28, 2008 in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

The show will be held at the La Crosse Speedway and will host up to 200 bikes. There will be no classes, just chopper against chopper with the top prize being the winner?s choice of a Flathead Power by S&S SH-Series or P-Series engine?and a feature in The Horse Magazine. There will be additional runner up prizes, along with a full day of excitement and great bikes to look at.

June 28, 2008 falls directly in the middle of the S&S 50th Anniversary Celebration being held at the Oktoberfest Grounds in La Crosse, Wisconsin June 27-29. Throughout the entire La Crosse area events supporting the S&S 50th will be taking place, so the Speedway has made campgrounds available for chopper show participants and spectators, to make it easy for you to be a part of the entire celebration. Get more information on the chopper show and camping sites by visiting .

To see a full schedule of everything going on in La Crosse and the surrounding communities, please visit .


Senator Frank Lautenberg has consistently shown that he is not friendly to biker issues. Do you want to see another 6 years of him? We now have a viable candidate running against him in the Democratic Primary. Rob Andrews has been friendly to motorcyclist’s concerns and even was a sponsor of the HIPAA bill to remove the loophole that under certain conditions allows insurance companies to deny insurance coverage to motorcyclists. ABATE has worked with Rob Andrews in the past on the HIPAA Bill and hopefully will continue to do so in the future.

Here is our game plan:

We will flood the voting booths in the Democratic PRIMARY Election with motorcyclists, their friends, and families who will vote for Rob Andrews. These primary elections historically have a very low turnout and there are over 150,000 registered motorcyclists in New Jersey. If we could get 25,000 of them to vote for Rob Andrews, we could easily swing the election and remove Frank Lautenberg from the Senate Democratic ticket in the General Election. This would leave Andrews running against the Republican nominee in the General Election. [*** Either way, Lautenberg is out! ***] We may never have a better opportunity to remove Frank Lautenberg!

WE must have a record turn out at this June 3 Primary.

WE the Biker Vote must turn out in record numbers to defeat Senator Lautenberg and get Rob Andrews elected. To do this you must be a registered Democrat. If you are already a registered Democrat and are registered to vote, you only need to show up and vote in the June 3rd primary. If you are not a registered Democrat, the deadline for changing your affiliation for the Primary Election is fast approaching. If you choose do it by mail, the deadline is Monday April 14.

Click here for the Party Affiliation Form:

Click here for a listing of County Voting Officials:

Click here for a voter registration form:

In the General Election, your party affiliation does not preclude you from voting for whichever candidate you decide to vote for. In the General Election you may vote for any candidate of any party you wish. Should you wish to change your affiliation at any time after the primary, you can do this very easily by mail.

If you register in person with your county board of elections you have until Wednesday May 14. Most counties have several places to register to vote and change your party affiliation. Go to your county phone book or web-site to find out more.Unless you have lived in the dark ages you should know Lautenberg’s unfriendly stances on biker rights.

There is a saying, strike when the iron is hot. Well, the — IRON — IS — HOT. Remember, all the hours of griping at the bar, complaining at your friend’s house, and other places will not be as effective as acting NOW! Make your voice heard at the June 3, 2008 Primary.

— Tyler Yingling]


WEGO III Wide-Band AFRDAYTONA Sensors has released details of its new WEGO III Wide-BAND AFR (air/fuel ratio) metering system–The WEGO III is a complete air/fuel ratio metering system with over two hours of built in data logging for all carbureted and fuel injected engines. It features a waterproof, readable blue LED display for air/fuel ratio and engine rpm, and has a spare 0-5V analog input for sensors such as throttle position or manifold pressure.

It is said to be highly accurate with easy, free air calibration to adjust for sensor aging effects. It has a wide voltage range from 11 to 16V with current draw of approximately 1 amp allowing operation from battery or race vehicles without an alternator.

The kit includes WEGOIII unit with built in USB interface, 48in harness, Bosch LSU 4.2 oxygen sensor, 18 X 1.5mm weld nut and software.

South Daytona, Florida, USA
Tel: 386-322-7390
Fax: 386-304-9502

BIKERNET TECH QUESTION, HELP A READER– Got another customer frustration request that I need help with. He’s got an ’07 Deuce that he wants a wide tire kit for and He hasn’t found any manufacturer that has one for his model.

I’m about to start my research this afternoon but I figured I’d shoot you a quick one in case you had a faster answer.

–Joel Mercado


J&P CYCLES 29TH ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE–NOW celebrating its 29th year, the annual J&P Cycles Open House will take place on June 28th.

The one-day event hosted over 11,000 people last year, some travelling from as far afield as Canada. J&P Cycles’ Open House started out as a small customer appreciation day held by J&P owners John and Jill Parham to thank their customers for their business throughout the year. Now, as the world’s largest aftermarket retailer of parts and accessories for Harley-Davidson, V-twin metric cruisers and sportbikes, J&P’s small event has become the largest one-day motorcycle event in the Mid-West.

It is also one of the only events in the country (excluding major rallies) that includes displays from over 60 of the industry’s leading manufacturers.

The event will take place at the company’s headquarters at Anamosa, Iowa, just off U.S. Highway 151. As always, most products in J&P’s showroom will be 10 percent off (up to 15 percent for Gold Club Members) and a portion of the one-acre warehouse will be devoted to drastically reduced clearance items.

Once again this year J&P will hold a silent auction benefiting the National Motorcycle Museum. Motorcycle parts, accessories and collectors items donated by J&P and its distributors will be auctioned off to the public.

–J&P Cycles
Anamosa, Iowa, USA
Tel: 319 462 4819
Fax: 319 462 4626

J&P logo

Continued On Page 3

Read More

March 06, 2008 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

Click the banner for Bikernet Advertising Rates and services.

PROCHARGER GANG CONSIDERING BIKERNET– I just took a peak at your sponsorship section, nice visual up front. I’m glad you noticed some of the ProCharged bikes at Daytona. It is a constantly growing population, especially now that ProCharger was given the Easyrider’s Performance Product of the Year award.

We will be reviewing your sponsorship information and I will be in touch.

–Zack P.
Marketing Department
Accessible Technologies Inc. / ProCharger
Ph. 913.338.2886 x.219

Okay, everybody drop Zack a note and tell him how cool Bikernet is.–Sin Wu


BIKERNET DOG TEST– If you don’t believe a dog is truly a man’s best friend. Just try this experiment one time.Put your dog and your wife in the trunk of the car Leave them there for one hour.

When you open the trunk,,,,, see which one is really happy to see you !


Leroy seat

NO. 4 COLOGNE SHOW, MARCH 2008–Two-wheel vehicle experts from Schweinfurt Vehicle Academy present latest developments.INTERMOT Cologne 2008: Workshop Centre presents modern requirements

In 2006 Koelnmesse implemented the first INTERMOT Workshop Centre in 2006, which met with very strong interest from trade visitors. The Workshop Centre will again be presented in 2008 in cooperationwith the Schweinfurt Vehicle Academy. On anexhibition area of over 160 m2 in Hall 5.1, the experts will demonstrate the requirements of a modern two-wheel vehicle workshop and the necessary technical preconditions. In live demonstrations inthe INTERMOT Workshop Centre, trade visitors cansee for themselves that even the most complicated problems can be solved.

The following topics will be demonstrated:
1. Electrical and electronic error diagnosis
2. Conducting exhaust gas testing
3. Customising
4. Engine technology
5. Chassis diagnostics

Work on the two-wheel vehicles will be carried out using tools and diagnostic equipment that the Vehicle Academy uses in its master?s degree courses. This means that trade visitors can obtainimpartial recommendations about workshop equipment. Inaddition to the demonstrations, the two-wheel vehicle experts from the Schweinfurt Vehicle Academy will also be available for personal discussions.

Over 1,100 exhibiting companies from around 40 countries are expected to attend INTERMOT Cologne from 8th to 12th October 2008. INTERMOT Cologne 2008 is staged by Koelnmesse GmbH, and the event?sconceptual sponsor is the German Motorcycle IndustryAssociation (IVM), Essen. As an action-packed trade fair event, INTERMOT Cologne 2008 will provide its visitors with impressive shows and many other highlights relating to the topics of motorcycles,scooters and motor sports. Halls 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9and 10 of the Cologne exhibition centre will be occupied with a total gross exhibition area of over 120,000 m”. In addition, the complete outdoor space at Koelnmesse ? totalling 75,000 m” as wellas special areas in the halls will be used for theevents and the supporting programme.

Further information and photo material is available at

–Koelnmesse GmbH
Phone + 49 221 821 2366

Lifestyle Cycle Banner

LIFESTYLE’S MARCH MADNESS!–Super Hot Bikes at Really Cool Prices!LifeStyle Cycles has more bikes on our showroom floor than anyone in the Southland! Come on in and see for yourself!

113 Cubic Inch Motor & 6-Speed Trans!
ONLY $24,995!

TODAY AT (714) 490-0155

todd flathead 45

THE CHANGING FACE OF MISS STURGIS– Many Black Hills ladies entered in the Internet contest for Miss Sturgis.

Sturgis, S.D. – March 3, 2008 – The Miss Sturgis 2008 and Girls of Sturgis Bike Week contest, online for almost a month, has drawn a majority of entries from the Black Hills area. As the contest enters the third round of competition, the votes and contestants continue to dramatically increase.

The Miss Sturgis Contest began years ago in a tent in downtown Sturgis with winners selected each night by audience participation. At the end of the week, the winner was selected among the finalists. Eventually, the contest moved into the Pavilion at Glencoe CampResort. For the past three years, Miss Sturgis has been a paid spokesmodel. Now the contest has returned and gone high-tech by moving to the Internet.

This year’s contest is being promoted by several of the largest radio stations in the Black Hills. Visitors to Miss can read all about the Girls, and vote for their favorite contestant. Twelve of the Girls will be photographed for the Girls of Sturgis Bike Week calendar and one of the 12 chosen will become Miss Sturgis 2008. The Girls of Sturgis Bike Week will be making personal appearances during Sturgis Bike Week 2008 and will autograph the free calendars at Thunder Road.

In mid-February, the first three finalists for the Miss Sturgis 2008 contest were chosen from over 40 entries. The voting was incredibly close, with just a few votes separating the top ten contestants. All three finalists live in the Black Hills:

Lizzy is a 24-year-old property manager whose eyes, “could turn the hardest biker into a pussy cat.”Motor Mandy is a 21-year-old bombshell brunette with a passion for motorcycles, fashion and fishing.

T_Lyn is a product promoter with a Bachelor’s degree in Business who loves beach volleyball (even though beachfront property is somewhat limited in South Dakota.)


Round Two produced three more finalists, from over 60 entries:Sasha is a singer/songwriter, motorcycle author and journalist from Nashville who has been riding to Sturgis for over 10 years.
Dewitta is a creative and outgoing promoter for South Dakota tourism who hails from Presho.
Sexy Italian is a full time student in Rapid City who garnered the backing of the local Marines and the guys at Dakota Angler.

The Miss Sturgis 2008 contest moved into Round Three on March 1. Those contestants not chosen in Rounds One and Two had the voting slate wiped clean, and a dozen new contestants were added. Entries will continue to be accepted until March 14. Final voting ends on March 29 and the new Miss Sturgis 2008 will be announced in April.

Information on how to enter, or to vote for Miss Sturgis, is at


BIKERNET QUOTE OF THE WEEK–‘There’s a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It’s called marriage.’– Sam Kinison

–from James Schnarr

hooker pipes

LONG STAGGERED SLASH CUT REBEL DRAG PIPES FROM HOOKER HEADERS– BOWLING GREEN, KY – Hooker Headers is proud to announce the latestadditions to their Step Tuned Drag Pipe offerings for 1985-2007 and 200849 State Dressers. The stylish #27947-3HKR pipes add sex appeal, plusserious performance over a broad power curve when compared to the stockpipes.

These tuned pipes feature ceramic coated stepped internal head pipes toincrease horsepower and torque with a huge 2″-1/2″ outer chrome pipe forthe “Big Tube” look with no visible bluing. This innovative designeliminates the low-midrange torque loss that goes with other brands oflarge diameter straight pipes.

Hooker darkside banner

All Hooker exhaust systems come with new gaskets, chrome flanges,c-clips, machined chrome brackets, hardware, and muffler cartridges thatdeliver the sought after deep rumble among Harley owners.

Optionalmuffler cartridges are available offering either a smooth mellow soundor loud sound with improved flow.Hooker newest products are now available now at your nearest dealer.

For more information, contact Holley Tech Service, P.O. Box 10360,Bowling Green, KY, 42102-7360, Telephone 270-745-9520. Or visit us onthe web:

paddy ride08 street ad

DUBLIN?S MOB ST. PADDY RIDE & BBQ–Daddy told us ” Boys find something your good at and become the best” so we found the nearest bar and became World Renound Professionals. Come join us for what we do best, throw a great party (and our chops ain’t half bad either) Sun March 9th Dublin Mob’ s PADDY RIDE & BBQ is back!

As usual the music is 1st rate The Farmers (san diego legends) The Downs Family (true Irish punk rock) & Deere Johns (honkeytonk rockabilly). San Diego’ got our back with the best sponsors Hodads (the finest burgers in THE WORLD) Undisputed fitness & training club, Motorcult, Innes clothing, & Hooleys Irish Pub

Ride 9-11 am (LEAVES at 9 sharp, be early) Rock Show & BBQ 12-5 Come bring the fam and join ours !


–Slainte DMC


THUNDER MOUNTAIN CUSTOMS UNVEILED THEIR TMC SPITFIRE–Thunder Mountain Customs unveiled their TMC SPITFIRE to the public on Sunday, March 2nd at Destination Daytona. Be the first to see it! Stop by Destination Daytona in Ormond Beach during bike week to take a peek at the BIKE OF THE YEAR! Want to ride a Spitfire? There are still some availabilities for you to take a ride on the new Spitfire to see how well it handles and looks on the road. Please contact Piper Fairbanks for questions at (970)232-6812.

So, stop by Destination Daytona to see the new Spitfire and get a chance to meet with factory representatives from Thunder Mountain Customs.

–Piper Fairbanks
Director of marketing
Thunder Mountain Customs
970.461.0578 x 316 (w)
970.488.1131 (f)

larry art fender

GROSSMAN ART SPLASHED ON FENDER–Here’s a fender I shot in Long Beach last year at the Queen Mary Tattoo show. He had an artist copy my art!!I think he said he brought the bike down from Alaska!


HIGH SIERRA STAR BQ FOR STREET VIBRATIONS–Those wanting to attend the High Sierra STAR BQ should make their room reservations right away. The Street Vibrations Spring Rally is being held across the street on the same days. The Spring Rally is growing quickly and rooms at the Nugget are going fast.

Need another reason? If you send payment by May 5, 2008 to be a part of the High Sierra STAR BQ, you will get one roll of the dice to win a 2008 Yamaha Raider. The Raider is 113ci of custom class and has been named The Bike of the Year by Metric Cruiser Magazine.

Come join us for the Most Legal Fun on Two Wheels!


AMSOIL LUBRICANTS AVAILABLE–AMSOIL Synthetic 20W-50 Motorcycle Oil is recommended for air or liquid cooled 4-stroke engines. It meets SAE 90, API GL-1 gear oil requirements and is recommended for transmissions and primary chaincases. AMSOIL MCV is recommended for Harley Davidson,Buell, Victory, Ducati, Aprilia, BMW, Triumph? and other motorcycles where 15W-50 or 20W-50 engine oils or SAE 90, GL-1 gear oils are used. Not recommended for shaft drive hypoid gears or where an API GL-4 or GL-5 gear oil is required.


AMSOIL Synthetic 20W-50 Motorcycle Oil is compatible with conventional and synthetic motor oils; however, mixing oils may shorten the oil life expectancy and reduce the performance benefits. AMSOIL does not support extended drain intervals where oils have been mixed.

Aftermarket oil additives are not recommended for use with AMSOIL motorcycle oil.


For “on road” use in engines, transmissions and primary chaincases, change AMSOIL MCV and AMSOIL engine oil filter at twice the motorcycle manufacturer change interval or one year, whichever comes first. Change other brand oil filters at standard intervals.For “off road” use in engines, transmissions and primary chaincases, change AMSOIL MCV at the standard motorcycle manufacturer change interval.For racing or in engines modified from the original factory design, no change interval recommendation is made. Oil changes are at the owner’s discretion.When you’re ready to buy Amsoil Synthetic Motorcycle Oil click on the banner above, where you can place your order online. Be sure to look at our EAA air filters and EaO oil filters as well, they are the best filters on the market today and will protect your engine better than any other filter available.


NEW SPEEDO/TACH WITH ADJUSTABLE-COLOR LED BACK-LIGHTING–More Than 600 Backlight Color Options on New Harley-Davidson Gauge.

MILWAUKEE (Feb. 29, 2008) ? The new Combination Speedometer/Tachometer – Color-Matched Lighting ($499.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories features a multi-color LED lighting system. Using the trip reset push-button, the backlighting of the gauge can be adjusted to blend four LED colors through a range of more than 600 color-tone options to match any paint scheme or viewing preference. This gauge combines an analog speedometer and tachometer so the rider may monitor engine speed without adding a handlebar-mounted tach. The gauge also features an easy-to-read LCD odometer/tripmeter.

It mounts in the stock dash opening and is a direct plug-in installation. Versions are available to replace the original-equipment five-inch and four-inch speedometers on Harley-Davidson Touring, Sportster, Softail and Dyna models. See dealer for fitment details. Mileage reinstatement is available through a Harley-Davidson dealer.

For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.


MID-USA MOTORCYCLE DISTRIBUTOR SOLD–St Louis, Mo., based distributor Mid-USA Motorcycle Parts has been sold to John Stdko and a consortium of St Louis-based businessmen.

The company was owned and operated by Sandi Morrison, whose family started the company, and whose husband Les Morrison died of a long-term illness eighteen months ago.

In a competitive and changing market the decision to sell is understood to have been a financial one, with staff at the company being informed of her decision on March 3rd.

The new owner is a former long-time senior buyer at local rival Midwest Motorcycle Supply. Stdko left Midwest a year or so ago and has since been operating his own custom motorcycle business, Johnny Stdko’s Motorcycle Company, in the St Louis, Mo., area.

American HOG logo

CLUB H.O.G. 25 CONCERT CHANGE ANNOUNCED–Harley Owners Group Revises 25th Anniversary Entertainment.

MILWAUKEE – (March 6, 2008) Due to the unexpected cancellation of musical act Aerosmith, the Harley Owner’s Group (H.O.G.) has announced a revised lineup of entertainment for the CLUB H.O.G. 25 anniversary celebration and has announced that all activities at Milwaukee’s Miller Park during the group’s August 28 event will be free to all H.O.G. members.

According to a spokesperson for Aerosmith, the group has canceled its performance at the H.O.G. concert due to medical reasons and does not have any other dates scheduled through the rest of the year.

“While it’s disappointing to lose Aerosmith, we have a great lineup of musical acts including Kid Rock, Sugarland, and Joan Jett and the Blackhearts,” said Mike Keefe, H.O.G. Vice President. “We’re pleased to announce that all entertainment during our 25th Anniversary celebration at Miller Park will be free for all H.O.G. members.”

Other scheduled musical acts include DB Bryant, The Billy Bob Thornton Band, Jason Michael Carroll, and Big Bob and the Ballroom Blitz, plus comedians Greg Giraldo, John Bowman, and Lewis Black in addition to the Stunt Zone featuring stunt riders and motorcycle drill teams, a Ride-In show sponsored by Dunlop Tires, the Wall of Ink tattoo contest, and many more scheduled activities. CLUB H.O.G. 25 kicks off a full weekend of Harley-Davidson’s 105th Anniversary celebration events throughout the Milwaukee area August 29-31.

Ending Viking girl
Our lead and ending shots came from the Viking in Europe.

IT’S MARGARITA TIME AT THE BIKERNET HACIENDA–Here’s the line-up for next week. We will bring you a Progressive suspension shock install for Brad’s Panhead. We’ve got Chopper Dave’s X-Wedge feature, if he’ll buy me fish tacos. We have a very sharp Triumph Chopper Feature from one of the guys at Earl’s shop. Curt Lout sent me a batch of killer Bonneville shots and I promise to write something for it. Between Fatbob and Panhead Josh, I’m challenged to write a poem about Salt Racing. We’ll see.


Rumor has it we might receive some exclusive secret shots of a Big Dog limited edition bike from an unnamed source, plus documents stolen from inside the Big Dog headquarters. We’ll release a report on the new Pirelli tire, the Night Dragon brand. Paul Garson just turned in a report on the history of BMW and we have killer Markus Cuff shots of a very rare ’31 restoration. We collected a birthday tribute story from Katmandu, and Bio on our friend Chet who died in Florida and there’s more. I was approached in a dingy Daytona night club party by Horst who slipped me a CD of images. They may be some of the wildest bikes ever built in Europe, so hang on.

Von Bitch
One of Arlin’s creations parked on main.

Met with Arlin Fatland and Billy Lane in a dank storage room behind his Main Street Daytona store. We cut a deal on some old parts. Best store in Daytona. Check it out.

I’m going to attempt a run to North Carolina to take a tour of the Wheels Through Time Museum, before it’s dismantled and Dale retires. If you’re in the neighborhood of Maggie Valley, check it out: It’s amazing.

There you have it from my notes. I’m probably missing something, but even if I am, you’ll be the first to see it on Bikernet. Ah, there’s one. I’ve assigned the young gun, Johnny Humble, to write about Veteran’s Charities and we’re trying to claw the first story out his Texas based computer. Damn he’s slow.

Let’s ride,


Read More

March 06, 2008 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


BIKERNET WEEKLY GUN REPORT–I finally have something to use those two “old style” Black Talon’s rounds, I have been dragging them around since my brother was a cop. I found them when I helped him move.

It’s a Kimber .45 Pro Carry II. Got it for 1/2 price, not even a 100 rounds through her.

Wish I would have gotten more before they made them only available to the cops. I guess he can get more don’t think we are allowed to use them anymore?



DAYTONA BIKE WEEK POLICE REPORT–A state trooper pulls a car over for speeding. In the car is an oldlady who is hard of hearing and her husband.

When the trooper asks the lady for her driver’s license the ladyresponds, “Heh, what did he say?”

The old man speaks up as he says, “HE NEEDS YOUR DRIVER’S LICENSE.”

A few minutes later the trooper comes back to the car and says, “Ma’amI see you’re from Florida.”

The old lady comments, “Heh, what did he say?”

The old man speaks up as he says, “HE SEES YOU’RE FROM FLORIDA.”

Theold lady nods her head, “Yup.”

The trooper mutters, “Boy, one time, I got the worst piece of ass Iever had in Florida.”

The old lady replies, “Heh, what did he say?”

The old man yells, “HE SAYS HE THINKS HE KNOWS YOU!”

–John S.

BUELL TEAMS ON THE PODIUM AT MOTO-ST DAYTONA OPENER– ASRA Team Challenge Win and Pro Thunderbike podium Start Racing Season.

East Troy, Wis. (March, 3) – Penalties elevated two Buell teams onto the podium of the SunTrust MOTO-ST series’ GrandSport Twins (GST) class at the season-opening Daytona 300 held March 2 at Daytona International Speedway.

After the two top-finishing Ducati teams were disqualified for exceeded the class’s 90 RWHP limit in post-race dyno inspection, the No. 70 James Gang/Hoban Brothers Racing Buell XB12R ridden by Paul James and Jeff Johnson and the No. 7 Richie Morris Racing/Hal’s Harley-Davidson/Buell XB12R ridden by Clint Brotz and Tripp Nobles were elevated to Second and Third places, respectively, in the BMW Motorcycles GST class. The GST class was won by the No. 20 Wagner Motorsports Ducati 1000SS.

“We have finished on the podium at all four MOTO-ST events held at Daytona so far,” said James Gang/Hoban Brothers team principal Paul James. “It’s a credit to our entire team, from bike preparation, to consistent riding, to excellent pit stops and race strategy. It’s a total team effort.”

In the Buell Motorcycle Company SuperSport Twins (SST) class, the new Buell 1125R showed promise as a contender in practice and during the race, but was ultimately sidelined with late-race technical difficulties that resulted in a 25th place finish for the Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona Racing Buell 1125R ridden by Shawn Higbee and Dan Bilansky. The SST class win and overall victory went to the No. 1 Aprilia USA Aprilia Tuono 1000R.

“It was a roller coaster of a weekend for us,” said Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona Racing team owner Richie Morris. “We were the quickest in practice, we were up front early, and ran some of the quickest laps of the race. Then we had some radio issues, which cost us some time in the pits. We made that back up and led some laps until we experienced some technical issues. But we proved the potential of the new 1125R and learned a lot that will help us at VIR and the rest of the season.”

Estok Third in ASRA Pro Thunderbike at Daytona

Deeley H-D/Buell Canada/Ruthless Racing rider Dave Estok rode a Buell XB12R to third place in the opening round of the 2008 American Sportbike Racing Association (ASRA) Pro Thunderbike National series on March 1 at Daytona International Speedway. The race was won by Nate Kern on a BMW.

Estok, the reigning Pro Thunderbike champion, was forced to start the race from the last row after his motorcycle failed to start for a post-qualifying inspection.

“My engine started getting tight on the last lap of qualifying, and it would not restart for the dyno test, so we had to start the race from the last row,” said Estok. “I rode one of our Deeley team back-up Buell motorcycles in the race, and it worked great. I got a good start and went wide in turn one to pass a lot of bikes, and got up to about sixth place on the first lap. I worked my way up to third but by then the two BMW riders were drafting together and I couldn’t make up the gap on my own. We came out of a tough situation with some decent points.”

Buell riders claimed five of the top ten positions in the Pro Thunderbike race. Walt Sipp (Bison Racing/Eagle H-D/Buell) was fourth, Dan Bilansky (Hal’s H-D/Buell/Hal’s Speed Shop) was sixth, Aaron Holcomb was eighth, Paul James (James Gang/Hoban Brothers/H-D Buell of Appleton) was ninth and Joe Rozynski (Sound Waves/Hal’s Speed Shop) was tenth.

On Feb. 29, James Gang/Hoban Brothers Racing/H-D Buell of Appleton riders James and Johnson rode a Buell XB12R to win the GT Lights class and finish eighth overall in the ASRA Team Challenge 2-hour endurance race at Daytona.

The next stop on the eight-race ASRA Pro Thunderbike schedule is the Heart of America Cyclefest, April 25-27, at Heartland Park, Topeka, Kansas.

In Championship Cup Series (CCS) sprint racing at Daytona, Ray Price H-D/Buell Rider Jerry Reid rode a Buell XB12R to win Amateur Light Superbike, Amateur Light Grand Prix and Amateur Thunderbike. Hal’s H-D/Buell rider Joel Spalding won Amateur GT Lights, while Kegel’s H-D/Buell rider Jay Smith won the Amateur Light F40 class, both riding Buell XB12R motorcycles.

To learn more about Buell motorcycles, visit your local Buell dealer today and experience the pure streetfighter attitude, style and performance only found on board a Buell. For the Buell dealer nearest you, pull into


MORE POWER FOR THE BUELL 1125R FROM D&D EXHAUST– It took 25 years for Eric Buell to build a water-cooled production motorcycle. We applaud the mad scientist of two wheels for the development and production of Buell’s new 1125R American sportbike.

We are celebrating the 1125R with a new slip-on exhaust system that is designed for racing applications and really showcases the 146 hp motor. Not only does the exhaust system cradle the engine, it makes the bike look lighter and more nimble.

At D&D we are excited about Buell’s new contender in the ultra high-performance market. And we are just as excited about delivering a performance enhancement to all of Buell’s performance addicts.

TWO STYLES – D&D now has 2 styles of exhaust slip-on systems for the Buell 1125R.
534-14M Polished stainless steel
534-15M Faux-Ti stainless

D&D’s creations are now available and ready to race. Take a look.

D & D Banner

SEVEN REASONS TO DRINK GREEN TEA– The steady stream of good news about green tea is getting so hard to ignore that even java junkies are beginning to sip mugs of the deceptively delicate brew. You’d think the daily dose of disease-fighting, inflammation-squelching antioxidants–long linked with heart protection–would be enough incentive, but wait, there’s more! Lots more.

Several polyphenols – the potent antioxidants green tea’s famous for – seem to help keep cancer cells from gaining a foothold in the body, by discouraging their growth and then squelching the creation of new blood vessels that tumors need to thrive. Study after study has found that people who regularly drink green tea reduce their risk of breast, stomach, esophagus, colon, and/or prostate cancer.

Got a cut, scrape, or bite, and a little leftover green tea? Soak a cotton pad in it. The tea is a natural antiseptic that relieves itching and swelling. Try it on inflamed breakouts and blemishes, sunburns, even puffy eyelids. And that’s not all. In the lab, green tea helps block sun-triggered skin cancer, whether you drink it or apply it directly to the skin – which is why you’re seeing green tea in more and more sunscreens and moisturizers.

Having healthy blood pressure – meaning below 120/80 – is one thing. Keeping it that way is quite another. But people who sip just half a cup a day are almost 50 percent less likely to wind up with hypertension than non-drinkers. Credit goes to the polyphenols again (especially one known as ECGC). They help keep blood vessels from contracting and raising blood pressure.

Green tea may also keep the brain from turning fuzzy. Getting-up-there adults who drink at least two cups a day are half as likely to develop cognitive problems as those who drink less. Why? It appears that the tea’s big dose of antioxidants fights the free-radical damage to brain nerves seen in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

The younger and healthier your arteries are, the younger and healthier you are. So fight plaque build-up in your blood vessels, which ups the risk of heart disease and stroke, adds years to your biological age (or RealAge), and saps your energy too. How much green tea does this vital job take? About 10 ounces a day, which also deters your body from absorbing artery-clogging fat and cholesterol.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Turns out that green tea speeds up your body’s calorie-burning process. In the every-little-bit-counts department, this is good news!

Figure this one out.

OUR ANTI-HELMET SOAP BOX FOR THE WEEK–AL FOXX Inspirational Speaker, Award-winning Comic, Author “Al was not drinking and was wearing a helmet.”

A MOTORCYCLE CRASH over 25 years ago changed AL FOXX from a healthy 19-year old to a person with a brain injury and partial paralysis. After years in rehabilitation, he went from being a hot tar roofer to becoming an extraordinary comic and a widely sought after speaker whose storytelling ability and contagious enthusiasm brings laughter and hope to audiences of all ages-from fortune 500 companies to universities, government agencies, churches, schools and comedy clubs.

This is an interview of Al Foxx by Windshield America which is a TV Series that shares about people who live inspirational lives.

–Garry Van Kirk
Bikers Accident Survivor
Bullhead City, Arizona
Supporting Our Right to Ride, Supporting Bikers In Their Time Of Need.

towle art

STREET VIBRATIONS RUN–I’m putting together a run from the Santa Rosa area up to Reno this fall for Street Vibrations, we’re renting a motel so we can put up about 40 people. We’re making up some T-shirts for the event, and I found a drawing on your web site that I would like to put on the back.

Just checking to see if it is okay with you. Let me know if you are going to be up there this year and I’ll have a couple of shirts set aside, or if you can’t be up there, let me know your size and I’ll send them to you. The web site rocks.

–Michael C.
Back Room Cycles
3325 Regional Pkwy #9
Santa Rosa, CA 95403

To use Bikernet art especially by Jon Towle of Bandit, you must pick up the Bandit and Nick The Dick annual Mustang Ranch tab. It’s a stiff one.–Bandit

Black Springers

BLACK PAUGHCO SPRINGERS, WHERE IT?S AT!–After months of rigorous testing, Paughco has developed a coating process that meets the company’s rigid standards for finish and unsurpassed durability. And now you can have it on all springers and a limited number of other products.

Starting with a fully finished chrome part, each order will be custom processed to meet the customer’s needs. Fully blacked out or with highlighted springs, rockers caps, etc., you can have the most respected name in springers personalized to fit your scooter’s personality.

Each order will be a special order so call and get a quote for your particular combination.

Call direct to 775-246-5738 or visit them on the Web at

Paughco Banner

ARLEN NESS EXHIBITION FOR MOTORCYCLE HALL OF FAME MUSEUM–The Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum has announced details of Awesome-Ness, a new exhibit honoring master motorcycle designer and builder Arlen Ness.

Ness, who was inducted into the Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 1992, will join colleagues and friends at the Museum in Pickerington, Ohio, on July 24, 2008, for the grand opening of the exhibition.

This, the fifth in a series of Legends exhibits at the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum, will feature machines and memorabilia from Ness’ personal collection. Curated by photographer Michael Lichter, the exhibit will delve into the stories behind Arlen’s influential career, with Lichter, author of Arlen Ness: The King of Choppers, using his unique perspective on Ness to provide visitors an in-depth look at the celebrated customizer.


Awesome-Ness will open at the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum on July 24, 2008, and run through June 2009. The ribbon-cutting ceremony featuring Ness, and other motorcycling heroes, will begin at 6 pm and be open to the public.

For more details on the grand opening of “Awesome-Ness,” as well as a complete biography of Arlen Ness, visit

Pirelli guy
One of the Pirelli team. A good bunch of guys.

BIKE WEEK SPILLS OVER INTO BREVARD–TITUSVILLE – Nobody can get a room at the Riverside Inn in Titusville. Restaurant parking lots fill with gleaming motorcycles. And motorcycle shops handle burgeoning crowds of riding enthusiasts.

It’s all good for business during Bike Week. The 10-day biker Shangri-La in Daytona Beach draws 500,000 visitors annually — visitors with more than a little pocket change to spend on hotels, restaurants, bars and campsites, pumping needed dollars into the economy.

“You’re seeing them at restaurants. You’re seeing them at hotels,” said Matt Chesnut, Titusville’s economic development director, referring to the spillover effect for Brevard County.

“Titusville sees a benefit for sure,” said Councilman Conrad Eigenmann, who owns Spaceport Cycles on Washington Avenue and is a motorcycle enthusiast himself.As Bike Week heads into its final busy weekend, businesses across Brevard County continue to throw out the welcome mat for bikers heading north.

U.S. 1 and State Road A1A this weekend — as they were last weekend — will be packed with motorcycles headed to or from Bike Week. And businesses along those routes will be getting a financial boost from the bikers.And it’s not limited to the Titusville area. For example, Space Coast Harley-Davidson — which is on U.S. 1 north of Melbourne — found itself inundated with bikers all week.As the northernmost major city in Brevard, Titusville finds itself ideally located to cater to a certain type of biker — one who doesn’t want to pay hundreds of dollars for a Daytona Beach hotel room, who likes to take the scenic route down U.S. 1, and who likes the less crowded atmosphere of Titusville streets.

Riverside Inn definitely took advantage of its location. Charging $79 to $89 a night for a room, the hotel on U.S. 1, across from the Titusville Area Chamber of Commerce, filled its 104 rooms with a combination of out-of-state bikers and tourists interested in the space program.

“This year, it’s been an exceptionally busy Bike Week,” hotel General Manager Mike Heslop said.The generally older, professional crowd books rooms a year in advance and usually stays up to a week at a time during Bike Week, he said.

That comes out to about $600 for each person — and that doesn’t includes dinners and side trips that could push the total up to $800 or more for a week.Some bikers like U.S. 1 simply for its collection of non-chain restaurants.By lunchtime Wednesday, at least a dozen bikers sat down to diner fare at Village Inn.

“We usually get a lot, because we’re right on U.S. 1,” said Ashley Capolla, a four-year veteran of serving Bike Week crowds at the Village Inn. “We always get a good crowd all week.”

That crowd included Wayne Bollette of Orlando, who came to Titusville on his Harley Sportster, taking the slow route.

“At least through here, you could see all the small towns, and there’s mom-and-pops that have really good food,” Bollette said.There’s also a string of motorcycle shops that help outfit bikes with performance enhancers or just shiny new accessories.

Eigenmann’s shop sees a lot of business during Bike Week.”They test out bikes with the manufacturers (at Bike Week), find a local dealer, and buy it,” Eigenmann said. “It’s one of the better times of the year for us.”



–from Rogue

Pro One FWD Controls

BLACK OUT PRO-CONTROLS– Manufactured by PRO-ONE these sanitary forward controls offer builders a variety of exotic styles and finishes to choose from. Each set features folding pegs, roller bearings and thrust bearings on all points and precision tolerances for precise actuation of brake and shifter.

All mounting plates and brake and shift levers are CNC machined from 6061 T6 billet aluminum or steel and come finished Black Out anodize, Black Out with machined graphics and show quality chrome. While all of the PRO-CONTROLS are nothing short of Top End in quality, looks and performance, pricing is well below what you might expect.

For complete details call 800-884-4173 or visit them on the Web at


BIKERNET TECH TIP, HOW TO USE YOUR REBATE CHECK–As you may have heard, the Bush Administration said each and every one of us would now get a nice rebate. If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China. If we spend it on gasoline it will all go to the Arabs, if we purchase a computer it will all go to India, if we purchase fruit and vegetables it will all go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatamala. If we purchase a good car it will all go to Japan, if we purchase useless crap it will all go to Taiwan and none of it will help the American economy.

We need to keep that money here in America, so the only way to keep that money here at home is to buy prostitutes and beer, since those are the only businesses still in the US.

–from James Schnarr

D & D Banner

BALLS-OUT PERFORMANCE PIPE FROM THE POPE OF PIPE–The Pope of Pipe, Dave Rash, is on Bikernet Radio and is talking about his balls-out pipe for Buell’s performance addicts. He’s got a new performance system that looks a little like MOTO GP and a lot like American Iron. Click here to listen to Mr. D&D talking about his new performance pipe at Bikernet Radio.



If you love old motorcycles, I know where to see them
Take a trip, tour the Wheels Through Museum
From boardtrack to flattrack, shifting by hand
Running the Jackpine to the Daytona sands

Kidney belts and solo seats
Climbing hills and the National Meets
Leathers for racing not shiny and clean
Take a step back on the Time Machine

Indians, Harleys atmosphere and fun
Visit Dale’s dream The Museum That Runs

Robert I. Arneson Jr

Motorhead Hawaiian Event

APRIL HAWAIIAN ISLAND HOTROD AND CHOPPER SHOW–Haleiwa Hawaii’s Ten Toes Productions joins shipping powerhouses Pasha Hawaii & Hawaii Superferry, and South Seas Harley-Davidson for Hawaiian Chopper ‘n Hotrods Magazine’s “Motorhead Classic”.

Beginning at 4PM on Saturday, April 12th, Honolulu’s Aloha Tower Marketplace will host the South Pacific’s coolest hotrod and chopper show, which will feature everything from complete custom builds, to vintage classics right out of the pages of history. If that isn’t enough, those in attendance will also be treated to some of the nastiest ratrods and bikes that the islands has to offer.

The Miss Motorhead contest is sure to excite even the most stoic spectator, and may even turn on our special guests, which includes Biker Build-Off Champions Hank Young of Young Choppers & Hotrods, the incredible Chica from LA’s Chica Custom Cycles, the one and only Big Mike of BMC Choppers, Count’s Kustoms own Shannon Aikau, and author of “How to build a Bobber on a Budget”, Jose De iguel from Caribbean Custom Cycles of Puerto Rico (be sure to watch for more special guest announcements).


Warming up the stage of the former Kapono’s will be the band “Mean Venus”. Headed by front man “J”, who is rumored to be the illegitimate son of non other than “Led Zeppelin” front man Robert Plant, “Mean Venus” is reminiscent of rock super group “Velvet Revolver”. Coming in all the way from New Jersey, “Mean Venus” could easily headline Hawaii’s coolest motorfest.

After a short intermission, which will feature HUGE GIVEAWAYS courtesy of our many sponsors, a band that “Aerosmith’s” Steven Tyler called “The Bomb”, and Joey Kramer even jammed with. “Draw The Line” is the only tribute band officially endorsed by “Aerosmith”. Covering all of Boston’s Bad Boys’ hits, “Draw The Line” is the next best thing to the original.

Tickets are $15.00 in advance ($20.00 at the door) and go on sale March 14th at South Seas Harley-Davidson, Cycle Pro Hawaii, Cycle Sports, Cycle City Harley-Davidson, Island Boyz Customs. To order by phone call 808-780-2998. Visa/MC/AMEX accepted. If you are interested in learning more, want to get your car or bike into the show, or want info on travel to Oahu, lodging, or anything else, call 808-780-2998.

DBW banner

Continued On Page 3

Read More

March 06, 2008 Part 1


Viking girl Sunday home


Damn, I’m fried. Just flew back from Daytona and a ride with the Pirelli tire folks to the Kennedy Space Station. Amazing! In a sense the 6,000 folks who work there build the baddest chopper on the planet and attempt runs to the moon.

Pirelli tire

If you’re ever in Daytona, try to slip south 50 miles to the NASA headquarters and take the tour. You’ll be inspired and proud to be an American when you leave.

Daytona is so flat the photog tilted the camera so it looked like a slope.

I rode the new Night Dragon performance line of tires and was impressed. They’ll be a custom bike tire consideration for the future. Watch, in the near future, as Bikernet studies tire designs, compositions and tread patterns. You and I may learn something. Let’s hit the news as I come down from the Daytona Beach salt and sand high:

Daytona turkey

STURGIS ACTION FIRED UP ALREADY WITH THE BIKERNET BROUHAHA 2008 AT THUNDER ROAD–With Edge the Smoke Out producer, Bikernet will bring you a complete day of bikes shows, Tattoo Competitions, Wet T-shirt contest, spoofs, bands, wild entertainment, girl contests and more. Bike registration is free and I believe the gate is just five lousy bucks to get in.


Date August 8
Time Registration starts as the Building opens at 9:00 am
Judging starts when Bandit wakes up
Award presented – Bandit’s decision but would suggest 4:00 or 4:30 pm
Location Thunder Road in the Thunderdome – located 3 miles from Sturgis’ Main St.

We’ll bring you the entire line-up, our new Brouhaha logo, photos or our esteemed Official 5-Ball Trophies, girls you name it as we move closer to August.

CCI logo

CUSTOM CHROME SAVED, RETURNING FROM THE ASHES TO RULE THE WORLD AGAIN, UNDER THE MESSIAH OF CHROME–Panzica/Dae?Il GMG deal sees Custom Chrome rescuedThe Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection filing made by the Global Motorsport Group (GMG) on January 31st has now resulted in the sale of the firm’s assets to Dae’Il USA, a ‘stalking horse’ company established by former CEO Nace Panzica with the intention of rescuing Custom Chrome and GMG’s other trading divisions from the threat of closure.

At a bankruptcy hearing at Wilmington, Delaware, on February 28th, the proposal by GMG to sell its assets to Dae’Il USA was ratified by the court. The result is that the company’s trading activities will now be free of the debts and liabilities that have dogged it for several years. The filing came about when owner Cerberus Capital Partners made it clear that it would no longer continue to finance GMG operations and put the company up for sale.

The new/old boss Nace.

The deal to buy the assets of the company and trade them as a going concern was put together by former Custom Chrome CEO Nace Panzica with backing from the Korean engineering company that manufactures the RevTech program of engines and transmissions that is distributed exclusively by Custom Chrome.

Other suitors are known to have been watching events closely, but in the end no other bids for GMG’s assets were made.

Panzica says that all vendor payables will be settled within 90 days.

Custom Chrome was founded in 1969 in San Jose, CA, by Nace Panzica and several others. The company was among the market’s pioneers in terms of building own brand and third party distribution for mass produced custom parts and accessories, and is widely credited as being one of the founders of the market seen today.

In 1989 Nace Panzica took over as CEO, the company went public, and under his watch sales grew. Strategic acquisitions were made and an innovative approach to embracing the talents of designers such as John Reed, Rick Doss, Dave Perewitz and Donnie Smith was developed.

It would appear, however, that the eleventh hour intervention of Dae’Il and Panzica has now saved the market from seeing one of its once most important businesses disappear. The general reaction at the V-Twin Expo following the announcement of the planned rescue was one of support for the proposal, from dealers and vendors alike.

shasta salute banner

SHASTA SALUTE TO AMERICA RALLY–I appreciate you staying in touch & publicizing the Shasta Salute to America Motorcycle Rally being held labor Day weekend in Yreka, CA. We want good vendors & I was hoping you could get the word out to your vendor contacts about our event. Vendors can be leery of a 1st year event, but when they get on our website & see what’s happening & read our endorsements, they see we’re gonna be around for a long time.

We have a 6 yr. lease on the venue. We have been workin 24/7 to ensure everything is dialed-in. We are expecting between 5-7.5K bikers over 4 days.

We have space for 120 vendors this year – 1/2 indoors w/ac & 1/2 outdoors (in 2009, space for another 60 indoors). Our space prices are reasonable. We can also provide liability insurance @ $50. All vendors can park their rigs free & we have septic service.

toll free voice: 877-688-4229

1927H.D. J.D.

STELLAR RESTORATION NEEDS A MAGAZINE HOME–“Here’s a 1927 Harley Davidson J.D. that needs a home in a magazine that accepts bikes shorter than 17 feet, and older than 3 weeks ago,” said Markus

We recently shot four fantastic restorations and this one currently doesn’t have a home in a magazine. We will run a full historic feature in the Cantina in the near future.

–Markus Cuff


D&D PIPES FOR 2008 H-D MODELS–Dave Rash, The Pope of Pipe, is talking about the new 2008 96 inch motorbike from Harley-Davidson. D&D manufactures 2 into 1 Fat Cats and Borzilla pipes that are designed each year to accentuate the engine combination. Borzilla pipes are for enthusiasts that greatly modify their engine.

Checkout Bikernet Radio for the latest radio show on performance pipes.

OEP-flyers-Daytona-color 2


In Loving Memory ofChet OEP Burozski(Chester Anthony Burozski, Jr.)August 20, 1963 – February 29, 2008 (he died in Daytona)

Donations will help the family with the funeral arrangements.Raffle tickets will be available with all proceeds going toa trust fund for Chet_s 17 year old son, Adam.

For more information or to make donations,Please contact: Doreen Sledzik: 732-904-6685 or 732-904-6714.

Adam Burozski Trust Fund
PO Box 162, 1358 Hooper Avenue
Toms River, NJ 08735

Watch for more on the official funeral arrangements coming up. Plus we have a tribute article that might be posted tomorrow.–Bandit

legend shocks

LEGEND AIR SUSPENSION FOR BOSS HOSS TRIKES–Legend Air Suspensions announces the release of the new BHTR1-B forBoss Hoss Trikes. This direct replacement Air Suspension system comescomplete with on board air compressor for easy “on the go adjustability”.Simple adjustments are made from the seat with a micro two way toggleswitch.

The system is easily adjusted for quality riding with a passengeror for solo cruising as well as accommodating changing road conditionsinstantly. Legend offers the best ride quality available, no bottoming ourunder any load weight or road condition. Legend Air Suspensions exclusiveAir Spring technology offers years of worry free operation while deflectivedisc dampening eliminates annoying pogo condition.


Color coded plug andplay wiring allows quick painless installation. Systems currently availablefor 98-08 Boss Hoss Trikes.

s&s banner

S&S SPRING APPAREL LINE–It may not seem it right now, but the spring riding season is just around the corner. To help you get ready, S&S has a great deal for you on all of the essential apparel and accessories we offer. Starting the riding season off with one of our lightweight textile riding jackets that easily adapt to many different temperatures throughout the day, or add some S&S 50th Anniversary gear to your collection. Maybe you need to do an oil change or replace an air filter to get the bike ready for spring? You can get those items in our Service Parts section.Check out our New for 2008 section and you will find great new apparel to freshen up your wardrobe. The best part of this Spring Special is that you will receive 10% off any purchase you make, any item, no restrictions. and be sure to use coupon code ss2008 and save 10% on anything you buy to celebrate the coming of the spring riding season!

OEP-IM-trust-email 1

CHET’S FUNERAL TOMORROW–In Loving Memory ofChet “OEP” Burozski(Chester Anthony Burozski, Jr.)August 20, 1963 – February 29, 2008

Florida Memorial Service:
Friday, March 7, 2008
7pm – 9pm
Becker Funeral Home
806 West Minneola Avenue (at 8th)
Clermont, Florida 34712

The family requests that memorial contributions be made toa trust fund for Chet’s son, Adam:

Adam Burozski Trust Fund
PO Box 162
1358 Hooper Avenue
Toms River, NJ 08735

New Jersey Memorial Service:
(Dates and times to follow)Anderson and Campbell Funeral Homes
703 Main Street
Toms River, NJ 08753

–Carol Mittelsdorf
Creative Director

Perewitz family

JODY PEREWITZ KICKS OFF A BLOG–Tired of surfing the same old boring sites with the same old faces and out of date news? Well we’ve got the cure for your surfing blues and it’s sure to keep a smile on your face while providing up to date, often provocative, never boring news and information.

Most importantly the “lifeatperewitz” blog provides insight from the perspective of one of the most respected and influential families in the custom motorcycle industry. Hosted by Jody Perewitz, the blog will be touching on everything from the latest in show and event news to hands on building at CYCLE FABRICATIONS, TV show production, industry relations and a whole lot more. And you’re welcome to get in on the action.

Just hop onto and see what’s in the wind.

ferr limo

BIKERNET BRINGS YOU THE WORLD FIRST FERRARI LIMO–Who needs Frankfurt when there’s a gem like this on your doorstep? This is, believe it or not, the world’s first-ever Ferrari stretch limo: a23-foot 360 Modena with eight seats and the biggest electric gullwing doorswe’ve ever seen.

It’s the handiwork of Style Limousines in Manchester, which spent more than?200,000 modifying the rear-engined 360. All eight of the seats arecarbon-fibre buckets with five-point race harnesses – which might soundexcessive until you discover that the 3.6-litre V8 remains, its 395bhppropelling the mega-Ferrari to 60mph in under six seconds. Could prove achallenge not to spill your cheap champagne.

ferr limo inside

Those gullwing doors arenine-foot long and were designed by one of the teams responsible for theMercedes SLR McLaren. If you really, really feel the need to see the stretchFerrari in the flesh, it’ll be debuting at the European Limousine &Chauffeur show this weekend alongside Europe’s biggest stretch Hummer(classy) and an array of scantily clad ‘limo girls’ (even classier).

As we said, who needs Frankfurt?


W8LESS ROTORS AVAILABLE IN DAYTONA AT FOUR LOCATIONS–W8lessrotors, manufacturer of high performance composite rotors and brake pads for motorcycles, are available for riders while visiting Daytona Bike Week. The W8less rotor is about 60% lighter than conventional rotors and reduces stopping distance by approximately 50% depending on how fast you are going. The Department of Transportation (DOT) has tested the rotors and proven that a single disk break stops as well or better than dual disk systems! Not only does this mean added safety but by reducing the unsprung weight, motorcycles handle better at high speeds and on rough roads. Contact W8lessrotors to check out the DOT results?..they are amazing!

If you are in Daytona and would like to upgrade or if it is time to change your existing rotors, riders can pick them up at the following retailers:

In the Bruce Rossmeyer?s Harley-Davidson Lot
Bruce Rossmeyer?s Harley Davidson
Zippers Performance
Fat Baggers, Inc. (FBI)
Arlen Ness

At the Battle Grounds
Chris Waddell Dyno Specialist
Metzler Tires

Granduer Cycles

Corbin Seats

And make sure you come by the dyno shootout finals on Friday morning starting at 9am in the Wyotech Institute booth (behind Rossmeyer?s HD)?and always remember, ?tell ?em Ray sent ya!?

lettering only W8 banner

GATOR NATIONALS WINNER REPORTS IN–I went to Gainesville and won the Gator Nationals !!!!! Three in a row !!!!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

rat tank



Matt Michalek
V.P. of Operations
Knockout Motorcycle Co.
480-279-1734 / 480-890-0722 – fax

rat bike

DAYTONA REPORT FROM THE STREETS–I saw Tim from Negotiable at Jam On swap in Daytona. I had dinner at the top of Daytona with the owner of the Mystery Pans. He is going to be at home this Friday, and I have to pick up some shit he is hauling home for me. I bought a seat for my ’48 pan from Tim. Eric is set up by Tim or vice versa. You can’t miss Eric because of his eye candy ol-lady.

David Monahan was at the antique meet with his new girl. If he was bagging fucking groceries, she wouldn’t look twice, same for Hugh Hefner and those three bimbos.


American Motorcycle Dealer

CHET’S RIDE– Just wanted to say thank you for posting my last email to you about Chet. I knew he was helping you promote the site and talked about it all the time. He also talked about doing a ride starting in California and riding to New York. This was all new to me on Feb. 22 when he told me. He really didn’t mention who was involved except it would benefit the kids. If you know of anything about this, I would like to be involved and maybe dedicate the ride for him as well. Let me know if this is something your interested in.

Cell 317-714-4023

We discussed a cross country charity ride in 2009. I’ll spread the word if it comes together. Stay tuned. –Bandit

art 1

BUCK LOVELL’S ART BEHIND THE LENSE–Buck’s photo-art captures the essence of the motorcycle. The camera is his paint and brush and through his artistry he is able to record the stance, design and attitude of our American two-wheeled rolling art.

Buck’s been shooting custom motorcycles since Ed Roth published his miniature chopper book in the ’60s. All of our 13_ X 19_ prints offered by Buck Lovell in the Black Market are photo-poster art derived from 35 years of his legendary motorcycle photography.

Buck’s creations are now in the Bandit’s Black Market. Take a look. -Bandit


Continued On Page 2

Read More

February 28, 2008 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

paddy ride08 street ad 1

DUBLIN MOB PARTY–Daddy told us ” Boys find something your good at and become the best” so we found the nearest bar and became World Renound Professionals. Come join us for what we do best, throw a great party (and our chops aint half bad either) Sun March 9th Dublin Mob’ s PADDY RIDE & BBQ is back!

As usual the music is 1st rate The Farmers (san diego legends) The Downs Family (true Irish punk rock) & Deere Johns (honkeytonk rockabilly)

San Diego’ got our back with the best sponsors Hodads (the finest burgers in THE WORLD) Undisputed fitness & training club, Motorcult, Innes clothing, & Hooleys Irish Pub Ride 9-11 am (LEAVES at 9 sharp, be early) Rock Show & BBQ 12-5 Come bring the fam and join ours !


see ya there
–Slainte DMC

art 1

VOTED BEST JOKE IN AUSTRALIA– Charlie walks into his bedroom with a sheep under his arm and says:”Darling, this is the pig I have sex with when you have a headache.”

His wife, lying in bed replies: “I think you’ll find that’s a sheep, you idiot.”

Charlie says: “I think you’ll find that I wasn’t talking to you.”

–from Rik

Australian bikers

BIKERS IN AUSTRALIA BUST ROBBERY EFFORT–(CNN) — Two masked and machete-wielding men who barged into a club in Sydney, Australia, couldn’t have picked a worse night for their robbery — a monthly meeting of bikers.

About 50 burly bikers fought back with tables and chairs — pretty much anything that wasn’t bolted down. One would-be robber was tied up; the other in the hospital.

Police arrested both.

“These guys were absolutely dumb as bricks,” Jerry Vancornewal, leader of the bikers, told CNN Thursday. “I can’t believe they saw all the bikes parked up front and they were so stupid that they walked past in.”

Vancornewal and his buddies were at the Regents Park Sporting and Community Club in Sydney when the two men wearing ski masks stormed in Wednesday night. They yelled at patrons to drop to the floor as they emptied cash registers at the bar.

Hearing the commotion from an adjacent room, Vancornewal and his pals with the Southern Cross Cruiser motorcycle club stomped through to the bar area to intervene.

“They (the robbers) thought they had the upper advantage with their knives and their machetes,” Jim Webb, night supervisor of the club, told CNN. “They didn’t expect to run into a bunch of guys carrying chairs and tables.”

One of the would-be robbers crashed through a plate-glass door and jumped off a balcony.

“All he had to do was push the button and it automatically opened,” Webb quipped.

New South Wales police said they arrested the 20-year-old man a short distance away.

The second man made a break for it through the club’s service entrance, but the bikers tackled him near a neighbor’s fence.

“We just grabbed him, crash-tackled him to the ground, hogtied him with electrical wire and left him for the cops,” Vancornewal said.

Police confirmed in a statement that club patrons subdued the second man until officers arrived, but did not provide additional details. The suspect turned out to be a 16-year-old boy.

Both would-be robbers were charged with attempted armed robbery and “face disguised with intent to commit indictable offense,” police said.

A third person, who was waiting in a getaway car, took off when the bikers threw pieces of furniture at him, Webb said. Police have not located him.

Old JD shot
Sorry, no Honda shots around. I’ll leave that to our new site

HONDA TAKES THEIR MARBLES AWAY–Akio Hamada, CEO of Honda of America, announced this morning that Honda America Manufacturing will cease production of motorcycles at its Marysville, OH plant in 2009. All motorcycle production will be moved to a new facility in Kumamoto, Japan. “This move allows us to improve the competitiveness and appeal of our products,” said Hamada.

The Marysville facility was Honda’s first U.S. production facility and has produced more than 2 million motorcycles and ATV’s since 1979. It is the only facility in the world to produce the Gold Wing and VTX models. The facility employs 600 workers who, according to Hamada, will be reassigned to other area Honda facilities.

–from Nick Roberts

leroy thompson

LEROY-THOMPSON TO SPONSOR ZERO 7 DESIGN CONCEPTS TO AMA SUPERBIKE CHAMPIONSHIP RACER AND ASRA LICENSED ROAD RACER–Mentor, OH, February 27, 2008 – Zero 7 Design Concepts, a division of Leroy-Thompson, today announced its sponsorship of Walt Sipp, AMA Superbike Championship racer and ASRA licensed road racer.

Scott Webster, Owner of Leroy-Thompson and Zero 7 Design Concepts, commented: “Having worked with Walt on several projects, it was a natural progression to support him in his racing career. I admire his drive and determination.”

Walt has been involved in some form of racing his entire life, beginning with cars and drag bikes. He began his road racing career in 1999 after attending Learning Curves Roadracing School. He also attended the Kevin Schwantz School. He finished second in his very first race and has been hooked ever since. Be sure to watch Walt compete in the 67th edition of the most prestigious motorcycle race in America, the Daytona 200. The race takes place at Daytona International Speedway on March 8th during Daytona Bike Week. The race will also be aired on The Speed Channel. Check your local listings.

Zero 7 Design Concepts, located just outside of Cleveland, Ohio, is an in-house graphic design and print facility equipped with the latest design software, full color printer and vinyl plotter. In addition to general print work, Zero 7 specializes in large format color banners, vehicle and trailer wraps and unique logo and graphic design. Leroy-Thompson specializes in handcrafted motorcycles and custom parts, and has been featured in the book The Art of the Bobber, in numerous motorcycle industry magazines and was featured on an episode of “Biker Build-Off” on The Learning Channel in 2007.

Visit Zero 7 Design Concepts and Leroy-Thompson on the web at and or call 440-266-1635.

Wrecking crew ad

BIKERNET MADE IN USA CODE–Keep up the good work with the made in the USA stuff, I recently finished a project built around a Santee D&D 180 frame it took me a while because I tried to use as much USA made stuff as possible. But I had to make a couple of hard choices and bought three parts made in taifukinwan. All three have given me problems !!!

They will be UPGRADED to USA parts when I reassemble after powder-coating. Imagine what our economy would be like if we all bought AMERICAN.

–Ron in Texas


2008 DESIGN ENGINEERING CATALOG–Design Engineering Inc. has just released its 2008 Motorcycle Products catalog, which features products to control and eliminate heat and in some cases protect riders from extreme heat while increasing performance.

New products added to the 2008 catalog include three different Pipe Wrap Kits, white HT silicone coating used to seal and protect pipe wrap and Heat Shield-perfect for reflecting heat up to 1750? F for the lining fairings, gas tank covers and spot protection with a super-aggressive adhesive backing.

Also included is a line of safety products including vision, ear and arm/palm protection for use when performing bike repairs and maintenance; Radiator Relief, a performance coolant additive for liquid cooled motors, and even a line of apparel that includes DEI T-shirts, caps and sunglasses.

Avon Lake, Ohio, USA
Tel: 440 930 7940
Fax: 440 930 7967


DONNIE SMITH SHOW COMING AT THE END OF MARCH–Heads up! If you haven’t booked your room yet for the Winternationals and Donnie’s show, you need to do that today!! The show is the 28th and 29th of March.

THE LATEST SHK NEWS–– A big number of magazines have agreed to publish the “B-72” bike.- The website includes now a FORUM too. Check it out! It ain’t gonna be cool without your help!!!

– We lowered the shirt prices 25% to an unbelievable $15 (shiping included!)- The newest SHK creation “Hunka Hunka Burnin’ Love” is just about done. A first peak pic is attached.

– With lots of help from Cadillac Bob of Atomic Age, Inc Kustoms the slammed Virago project should be done in the next 3-4 weeks.

– We are currently able to take on new Customer projects!

Stay gold!
–Svenmeister & Logan
PO Box 140358
Edgewater,CO 80214
United States

American Motorcycle Dealer

THE MRF RIDERS’ REPORT–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is taking action in light of whatappears to be an alarming trend with high-level government agency andcabinet-level appointees of President George W. Bush.

President Bush campaigned for the presidency on a platform of”compassionate conservatism.” During his campaign he often spoke of hisdesire to reign in big government and his commitment to personal freedoms.His message resonated with many in the motorcycling community and with theleadership of the MRF at that time.

While the president continues to speak of his conservative approach topublic policy and respect for the rights of the states during thiselection cycle, the practices of a growing number of his appointees seemto be in marked contrast with his rhetoric. Both Mark Rosenker, Chairmanof the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and Mary Peters,Secretary of the Department of Transportation (DOT) have embarked on acourse that at first glance would seem out of place in a conservativeRepublican administration.

Mr. Rosenker appears to be enamored with 1960s era “Great Society” styleprograms. He is using his agency and his position to pressure every statein the Union to adopt mandatory helmet laws for all motorcycle riders.

Ms. Peters must have a battalion of Philadelphia lawyers on her staffwatching over her as she walks on the edge of federal regulations. The DOTsecretary is on a budget-busting spending spree that would make a “NewDealer” blush. She is not content to just spend the DOT’s budget on socialengineering, she is crafting ways to legally skirt the letter and theintent of SAFETY-LU (the highway funding act passed by the 109th congress)to scoop up what ever monies she can to advance her personal mission, evenif such funds are a meager amount dedicated to aiding motorcycle ridereducation.

The MRF finds this to be rather peculiar behavior in an administrationthat bills itself as “compassionately conservative.” Perhaps even morepeculiar is the fact that the president appears to be comfortable with hisappointees’ actions. The MRF is certainly not comfortable as we watchthese presidential appointees lining up against us.

Our level of discomfort increases as we recall other issues withappointees of the president. An unpleasant tussle with the EnvironmentalProtection Agency set the tone early on in this administration, followedby Dr. Runge at the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administrationreferring to motorcyclists as the scourge of the highways.

While the MRF will aggressively fight any negative legislation that may beintroduced at the behest of these presidential appointees, we will notwaste time wrestling with the current lame duck administration that hashistorically low approval ratings with the American public; we are lookingto the future.

The MRF is calling on the leadership of the Republican Party to explain tous and to six million motorcycle-riding Americans if this is the type ofpublic policy that we can expect in the future should a Republican beelected president in November. We will be writing a formal letter to MikeDuncan, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, expressing ourdispleasure over the course that the current administration has taken andasking for assurances that this is not the direction that his party isgoing to follow.

–Michael Kerr
MRF Vice President
Contact: Michael “Boz” Kerr, MRF (e-mail)

Click here to see the Bikernet feature. _

REMEMBER THE OOMEGA EUROPEAN WINNER?–Here’sa short film for the dis-believer who didn’t think Oomega was a runner.

Duncan Moore
Associate Editor, American Motorcycle Dealer>
Tel: +44 (0)1892 511 516
Fax: +44 (0)1892 511 517
American Motorcycle Dealer
Dealer World
International Dealer News

If you have a worn rotor, Phil at Supermax, can cure the problem and save that expensive piece of billet.

BRITAIN IS REPOSSESSING THE U.S.A. A MESSAGE FROM JOHN CLEESE–To the citizens of the United States of America:

In light of your failure to nominate competent candidates for President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately.

Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states, commonwealths, and territories (except Kansas , which she does not fancy).

Your new prime minister, Gordon Brown, will appoint a governor for America without the need for further elections.

Congress and the Senate will be disbanded.

A questionnaire may be circulated next year to determine whether any of you noticed.

To aid in the transition to a British Crown Dependency, the following rules are introduced with immediate effect:

You should look up “revocation” in the Oxford English Dictionary.

1. Then look up aluminum, and check the pronunciation guide. You will be amazed at just how wrongly you have been pronouncing it.

2. The letter ‘U’ will be reinstated in words such as ‘favour’ and ‘neighbour.’ Likewise, you will learn to spell ‘doughnut’ without skipping half the letters, and the suffix -ize will be replaced by the suffix -ise.

God save the Queen.

Only He can.

–by: John Cleese


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February 28, 2008 Part 2


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built for poontang

NEW T-SHIRT DESIGN COMING FROM LARRY GROSSMAN, HE NEEDS YOUR HELP–How’s it goin’? I wanted to get your opinion on something. I’m doing some new T-shirt designs and one is created from a portion of one of my posters, “Hot Pursuit”. The poster hasn’t been one of my best sellers, and I’ve heard a comment once or twice that bikers don’t want to see a chick on a chopper, no matter how hot she is!

I’ve been getting some comments from friends that the “Poon-Tang’s” could limit sales (what’s the world comin’ to!).

What’s your thoughts and howya like this instead (old one’s underneath). Got any better title ideas?? How about:

Jeez Loiuse Choppers
Holy Hell Choppers
Oh Lordy Choppers
Save my Soul Choppers
Hot Snapper Choppers

What’s your thoughts on all this …I guess the bottom line is, would you wear this on a black T-shirt? Any and all thoughts are appreciated! Drop me a line with any comments.


built for sweet n tasty

LET’S PAUSE FOR A BRIEF BANDIT’S CANTINA RELIGIOUS INTERLUDE–Leroy goes to the revival and listens to the preacher.After awhile the preacher asks anyone with needs to be prayed over to come forward to the front at the altar.

Leroy gets in line, and when it’s his turn, the preacher asks: “Leroy, what do you want me to pray about for you?

Leroy replies: “Preacher, I need you to pray for my hearing.”

The preacher puts one finger in Leroy’s ear, and he places the other hand on top of Leroy’s head and prays and prays and prays.

After a few minutes, the preacher removes his hands, stands back and asks Leroy: “Leroy, how is your hearing now?”

Leroy says, “I don’t know, Reverend, it’s not until next Wednesday.”

–from Rik


THE AMBUSH BY RUCKUSRODS.COM–You’ll love this one.You can check out all the metal art at


RICK FAIRLESS’ EYEBALL GRIPS AND PEGS–Rick Fairless and the master craftsmen at Strokers Dallas are ready to unveil their newest, coolest set of Eyeball Grips and Pegs to date! These handmade grips are carved from solid billet Aluminum to fit your 1″ bars.

For a totally new look you haven’t seen before, get a set of these show chromed beauties for your rad ride. Eyeballs are also available in different styles and colors.

–Rick Fairless’ Strokers Dallas
9304 Harry Hines
Dallas, TX 75235

chopdave on bike

CHOPPER DAVE COMES TO BIKERNET WITH FIRST X-WEDGE CHOPPER–Peter Linney just shot Chopper Dave and his new X-Wedge Chopper for S&S on the beach in Long Beach. You’ll see the full feature here on Bikernet and perhaps in the Cycle Source if the esteemed editor gives us the Green light.


BIKERNET ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MANNERS TRAINING– During one of her daily classes, a teacher trying to teach goodmanners, asked her students the following question: ‘Michael, if you were on a date having dinner with a nice younglady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?’

Michael said, ‘Just a minute I have to go pee.’

The teacher responded by saying, ‘That would be rude andimpolite. What about you Sherman, how would you say it?’

Sherman said, ‘I am sorry, but I really need to go to thebathroom. I’ll be right back.’

‘That’s better, but it’s still not very nice to say the wordbathroom at the dinner table.’ And you, little Johnny, can you use your brain for once and showus your good manners?’

‘I would say: Darling, may I please be excused for a moment? Ihave to shake hands with a very dear friend of mine, whom I hope to introduce you to after dinner.’

The teacher fainted…

–from Rik

Wheelers New Logo (Table Display) 1

RAY WHEELER BRINGS W8LESS ROTORS AND BIKERNET TO DAYTONA–Ray Wheeler is setting up his W8Less display at Bruce Rossmeyers Destination Daytona. If you get a chance handle one off the rotors. They’ll blow your mind, they’re so light. No more squeaking!

Tell Ray “Hey” for me, in case I never leave a downtown bar.

Also look for the Bikernet banner at the Two-Wheelers shop in downtown Daytona.

morfenefinishta - geno

GENO’S NEW PROJECT BIKE FOR HIS CLASSIC CAR MAGAZINE, CAR KULTURE DELUXE–Ol School Choppers in Miami and I am building my ’39 Knuck project “Morfene.”Here’s the tank paint from Robert Pradke attached-whattaytink?

I will send you full pics when it is done if you wantshould be very cool when its done


Jody Perewitz

KRYPTONITE CREATES “RIDING ESSENTIALS FOR WOMEN” CLASS– Jody Perewitz & Nicole Hoffman to Share Knowledge and Expertise with Women.

Canton, MA February 16, 2008 – Kryptonite, a brand in Ingersoll Rand’s Security Technologies Sector, announces the creation of a women’s only riding essentials class. Team Kryptonite members, Jody Perewitz and Nicole Hoffman will visit select shops sharing their extensive experience and knowledge with women riders who may be just starting out. Both women have years of experience riding and racing or building motorcycles. The series of classes will kick off in June at Perewitz Cycle Fabrications in Bridgewater, Massachusetts.

“Kryptonite knows from both published reports and our own experiences on the road, that more women are riding motorcycles than ever before,” said Karen Rizzo, Director of Marketing. “We also understand that these women may be new to riding and have questions or need some advice that they might not want to ask of “the guys.” We have a solution for that with our accomplished women riders, Jody and Nicole, who will share their expertise, tips and general information with these women.”

Both Perewitz and Hoffman will lead the 1-2 hour class. They will talk about their backgrounds and educate the attendees about safety, simple maintenance, riding gear, resources available and security tips. The ladies will be treated to snacks, raffle prizes and receive a certificate at the completion of the event.

“This isn’t about just creating a pink product and hoping women buy it,” continued Rizzo. “We are offering women the chance to walk into a dealer for the first time and really learn about riding from women with invaluable experience.”


BOYD CODDINGTON PASSES–At 63.World renowned tuner and hot rod king Boyd Coddington died at 6:20 am this morning of as-yet-unknown medical causes. Coddington, founder of Boyds Wheels and designer of prize winning custom cars, had recently been twice hospitalized for an undisclosed medical condition.

Thought to be in recovery, rumors began circulating today about his untimely death. A spokesperson for Boyd Coddington’s Corporation has confirmed to Jalopnik that those rumors are true. The company will be releasing a statement later today.


2008 STURGIS MOTORCYCLE RALLY EVENTS REQUEST–STURGIS, S.D. – The Sturgis Rally Department has announced it will begin collecting event information for the upcoming 68th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

We invite any and all submissions of 2008 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally events. Submitted event information should include the following: Event Name; Event Date; Event Time; Event Location. Due to space constraints only the event name, date, time and location can be included in the events listing. Other information submitted will not be included.

Events will be listed free of charge in the Official 2008 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Schedule of Events Pocket Guide and on the Official Sturgis Motorcycle Rally website

Events can be submitted electronically to, by telephone 605.720.0800 or fax 605.720.0801.


HOTTEST LOCATION IN DAYTONA–Just wanted to send out this flyer that talks about the Limp Nickie lot in Daytona. The flyer pretty much says it all, but just to sum up: the builders at the lot are Bareknuckle Choppers, Bling’s Cycles, Detroit Bros., Duane Ballard Leather, French Kiss Kustoms,Guilty Customs, Keino Cycles, Led Sled Customs, Lucky Charm Choppers, Rich Phillips Cycles, Street Smart Cycles and Sucker Punch Sally’s.

The Cycle Source bike show will take place on Friday March 7th 12-6 p.m., and will feature a Sucker Punch Sally’s Roller as the Grand Prize for Best of Show. There will also be a skateboard demo by Benji Galloway and the Bacon skate team on Weds March 5th 12-4, as well as throughout theweek.

–Ken Conte

carol rat outa hell

MAJOR PINSTRIPING CONNECTION COVERED ON BIKERNET–Here is my “Kustom 2 Canvas” YouTube link… mission statement is in the bioarea.This is as far as Alan and I have gotten… This concept combined with theYouTube of AJ’s fine art is helpful explaining this project to others.

I have been filming AJ for a few years now, in addition to all the crazyplaces we end up… Car shows, drag strips, etc.

I am a painter/pinstriper also… Attached are a few of my recent paintprojects…

carol bike

The basic info on the, 2002 Softail, Lucky Geisha Girl bike is:
Builder: Nial Andrews
South Side Cycles, Brooklyn
Owner: Jeff Blanchard
Lucky 13 Saloon, Brooklyn
Hand painted by: Carol Mittelsdorf
YouTube link:

Rat Out of Hell, front engine dragster
Builder/Driver/Owner: Kenny “Jitterbug” Capraun
Capraun Custom Chassis, Jackson, NJ
Painted by: Carol Mittelsdorf and Alan Johnson
YouTube link:

–Carol Mittelsdorf
Dedicated to Preserving the
Art of the Hot Rod
P.O. Box 1117
Church Street Station
New York, NY 10008
Cell: 917.763.1334
YouTube Channel:

We are going to work with Carol on two Charity efforts, our Veterans’ efforts and efforts to promote and safeguard pinstriping art, in the near future.–Bandit


BIKENET WEEKLY TECH ADVICE–What to do with a spare Dodge Viper V10 engine.

–from Bob Clark

cyclesource bike

THE CYCLE SOURCE MAGAZINE QUESTION OF THE WEEK– Is this a bobber? No, the title of the issue is “Choppers Rule,” and I was asking if that bike fits the definition of a chopper. I think it does but some of the other guys think it’s closer to a bobber. I pointed out that in the traditional sense, since this was not done to a stock chassis, that the frame rake and stretch alone take it completely out of the bobber category.

Chris Callen
Editor Cycle Source Magazine

I responded that there’s nothing bobber about this Chopper. Bobbers have stock or stock configuration frames, stock front ends and bobbed stock fenders and tanks. Plus bobbers don’t have highbars. Lately there are a lot of bobber styled custom bikes that generally have stock configuration frames, stock length traditional front ends and bobbed custom sheet metal. And that’s how it’s written in the Code of the West.–Bandit


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February 28, 2008 Part 1


Chopper Dave


It’s pre-Daytona week and the rumors are flying. Daytona Vendor spot sales are down 40 percent, so maybe the traffic won’t be as harried, but the party action is just as fierce. There’s a party, display, grand opening, run or show every goddamn second.

I’m going to sneak in under the radar, check out new Pirelli Tires, go for a ride to the Keys, hide in Ernest Hemmingway’s basement, drink a lot of rum and touch her thigh for an entire day. Then I’ll slip back on a plane back to the other coast. Let’s hit the news:

This just in from Daytona:Friday morning I received a call from Rick Raus telling me the bad news. Chet Burozski died last night in his hotel room of natural causes. I met Chet in Vegas when he represented the new 360 Degree Brake folks. What a terrific, passionate guy. He was just about to start representing Bikernet. He will be sorely missed by folks who knew him.–Bandit


WILLIE G. DAVIDSON SUPPORTS PINSTRIPERS WITH ANNUAL CONVENTION–What a rush, and I’m going to try to cover the next convention for Bikernet readers. What a cool eye-candy weekend. I have tremendous respect for the talent and creativity involved in pinstriping. Bikernet is currently working with a Kurt in Holland to cover a Scandinavian pinstriping contest on some old school helmets.

We’ve also heard a rumor that someone out there is working very hard to see that pinstriping becomes an excepted art form capable of art museum quality exhibits. It’s sorta like some of the art from Tattoo artist finally reaching the stature of fine art. Look up Bob Roberts art. It’s amazing and he is still a member of the Galloping Goose MC and a renowned tattoo artist. We will bring you additional reports in the near future.

Big Dog

BIG DOG 2009 WOLF PREVIEW– Big Dog Motorcycles used the annual V-Twin Expo in Cincinnati to provide dealers with a ‘sneak peek’ of the first of the new models for its proposed 2009 model range. Big Dog’s Wolf is due for an official release in September of 2008. However, at the time of going to print the final specification has not yet been clarified.

What is known about the bike is that the frame will feature a single downtube fit with a radical swingarm design. The tire sizes will be 130/60R-23 front and 220/50R-20 rear. The narrower rear tire follows a trend which company founder and CEO, Sheldon Coleman, outlined at the company’s recent dealer presentation in California, and which has been set by this year’s Mutt, with its 250-section tire deviating from the company’s more normal fitment of a 300.

Motive power for the Wolf will be provided by an S&S 121ci X-Wedge, with electronic fuel injection, mated to a six-speed BDM Balance-Drive transmission.

The company says an extensive chrome package will be offered as standard and there will also be an optional highly-styled saddlebag.

Wichita, Kansas, USA
Tel: 316 267 9121
Fax: 316 267 2597

We will also deliver a feature on the new special edition Mastiff in the next couple of weeks.–Wrench

BigDog Ride Free Banner

BIKERNET MEDICAL MALE TESTING SERIES– 2. If you have a cat, you are a Flaaaaming homo. A cat is almost like a dog, But gay– it grooms itself constantly but never scratches itself, has a Delicate touch except when it uses its nails, and whines to be fed. And just Think about how you call a dog… ‘Killer, come here! I said get your ass over here, Killer!’ Now think about how you call a cat…

‘Bun-bun, come to daddy, snookums!’ Jeeezus, you’re fit to be framed, you’re so gay.


WILLIE G. SUPPORTS PINSTRIPERS–Okay, here we go and our Bikernet Pinstriping investigation unfolds. It’s . It’s run by Ray Drea the head stylist for Harley. Barry Quackenbush pin striper and Dave Jefferies who also paint are involved. They give a lifetime achievement award and Alan Johnson will be receiving it next year.


Willie G. Davidson actually works the crowd at the World of Wheels Show and is one of its biggest supporters. He is very approachable for this event and signs autographs and actually gets on the stage and works the crowd. 50-75 invitation-only stripers paint all weekend and hold 7 auctions for the pieces they create. 100% of the money goes to the Cancer Unit of the Milwaukee Children’s hospital. They average about $60,000.00 each year.

–Chet B.

991 Tool Appl

BIKERNET JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK, TWIN CAM INNER CAM BEARING INSTALLER–Use this tool to press in the two inner cam bearings, JIMS No.8991K new cambearings. This tool has been designed to press from the letter side of theinner cam bearings, by putting all the pushing pressure to the very outerwall of bearing shell. Eliminating any damage to the bearings, cam andcases.

This tool will stop at the case and set the bearing depth to .023 to.028 below the case surface.

Use with JIMS Tool No.993 to removebearings. A must use for the longest bearing and cam life.

No.991 – Use on all T/C, 2006-present Dyna and 2007-present FL & FXST.

Suggested Retail Price $182.35

New Jims banner

BIKERNET TECH ADVICE–A husband in his back yard is trying to fly a kite.

He throws the kite up in the air, the wind catches it for a few seconds, then it comes crashing back down to earth. He tries this a few more times with no success. All the while, his wife is watching from the kitchen window, muttering to herself how men need to be told how to do everything.

She opens the window and yells to her husband, “You need a piece of tail.”

The man turns with a confused look on his face and says, “Make up your mind! Last night, you told me to go fly a kite.”



INSIDER DAYTONA REPORT FROM ROGUE– Orlando H-D is putting on plenty for motorcycle riders to do and continuing to draw people from Daytona Beach

Check out their web site

There are also plenty of other places looking for the motorcycle money.

Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005


RONNIE’S BOARD TRACK CUSTOM–Hey guys- check this one out- I knew Ronny’s idea was going to be wild- but check this out….. is that some “bling” or what! Jump back!

U.S. Choppers
2039 S. Lyon St
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Appointments Only Please


NEWS FROM B.U. (BIKERNET UNIVERSITY) MEDICAL RESEARCH–In a recent medical news brief, it was announced that many men who live in rainy, cold climates are showing symptoms of PMS. What, you ask, is male PMS? It’s PARKED MOTORCYCLE SYNDROME. Made perfect sense to me!



VERY RARE, VERY PERFECT 1931 BMW COMING TO THE CANTINA ANTIQUE DEPARTMENT–I’ll have the1931 BMW story for you in later today or by tomorrow.I hear you’re getting a 1902 Indian for your XXX birthday coming up next month. Mine too.

Remember in L.A. 60 is the new 35. and that’s official according to the L.A. Times.


Click here to enter Bikernet free contest area and receive Bikernet Updates.

BIKERNET GIFT BOX ARRIVES JUST IN TIME– Just got done with my first long day of riding in 2008. Got home and there was my package of gifts from you and your team. Well, just wanted to say thanks, not only for the gift bag but for a great website too. Keep up the good work!

–Matt Holman
Iron Lightning, Inc.
Tulsa, OK 74133

Perewitz point covers

PEREWITH “THE LOOK” POINT COVERS–There is little doubt that Dave Perewitz is and has been one of the most innovative and influential figures in the custom motorcycle industry since the late ’60s. Now you can highlight your scooter with The Master’s signature logo by fitting one of these sanitary engraved point covers.

Offered in 2 and 5 screw patterns for both EVO and TC machines the covers are precision machined from billet aluminum, engraved with the unmistakable PEREWITX “THE LOOK” logo and finished in flawless chrome.

As shown the covers retail for just $34.95. Perewitz also offers the covers a variety of powder coat colors or highlighted to match your bike’s finish.

Call direct to 508-697-3595 or visit the shop on the Web at

RALLY IN THE ALLEY NEEDS SPONSORS AND PROMO ITEMS–Hey Bandit,We are having a Rally in the Alley on April 26th here in little ole Sierra Vista, AZ. Want to know if you have anything we can give away to promote or just to give as door prizes. This event is open to all makes of bikes so it will be a good way to introduce your new site (forgot the name since I ride a Harley). We should have around 200 bikes attending. Poker run, live music, food, and a bunch of Bros and biker chicks hanging around.

Stickers, decals, magazines, promotional items, t-shirts, or anything you have just lying around will be fine. If you can’t, totally understand.

–Rocky Boatman


FALCON MOTORCYCLE WEB LAUNCH–Amaryllis has spent the past few months building our website and I am very excited to direct you to link below:

This also marks the official launch of Falcon Motorcycles LLC, so please spread the word.

–Ian Barry

crocker 1

ANOTHER CROCKER CONNECTION IN SOLVANG, CALIFORNIA– Read the article on Crocker motorcycle today. There is a motorcycle museum not far from my place in Santa Maria CA. The town is called Solvang. They have bike museum there only open on the weekends. They have a black Crocker that is just badass. The attendant had no information on where the bike came from, it just showed up. Guess you can’t get much good help these days. They have a large collection of most every bike manufacturer.

Your Bikernet web site is great, it is so POLITICALLY INCORRECT, keep up the good work.


crocker 2

FLORIDA REPORT REVIEW–Just read Rogue’s article on ABATE of Florida. Very right on. Things are getting a little out of hand here in Florida and we aren’t getting any representation to speak of. I have been riding since 1969 and have been thru it.

In the early ’70s when I spent some time in so-cal, it was a simple matter to go to the DMV, take a short test and be on your way with a motorcycle license. Years later I am back in Florida and getting a drivers license after a number of years of suspension. I was never asked about needing or wanting a motorcycle endorsement.

Now, at the age of 56 and having ridden most of my adult life, I will have to go to school. Three years ago, I had a need for a commercial license. I read the hand-book, and practiced for a few days pulling a trailer with my brothers dump truck. I passed the written test at DMV. I was sent to a school to take the driving test. There are only three state run testing sites and none are close.

Passed the driving test first try and was given a Class A license. Ain’t that a kick. I have never driven a tractor-trailer but I get a license without going to school. Kind of pisses me off that I will have to be schooled to ride when I have been doing it for years.

Good luck at Maxton. Hope you put a hurt on Carl’s Speed Shop entry.

–Big Bill

hardrock banner

DAYTONA FUSION PARTY, DON’T MISS IT!–— Tuesday evening, March 4th, at the Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse/Dog House Saloon on the corner of Main and Wild Olive, the Motorcycle Industry will get together for a cause. Hosted by Paul Cox and Billy Lane, we will start partying at 8 p.m. with plenty of food, Budweiser, and a P.I.N.K. Vodka Bar.

The general public can get into this industry elite party by making a $50 (cash) per person at the door with all proceeds going to Soldiers’ Angels to help build a Convoy Support Center in Iraq.

We will also be doing a live fundraiser during the party to raise additional funds for Soldiers’ Angels.This party has been generously supported by P.I.N.K. Vodka, R&R Promotions, Baker Drivetrain, Sucker Punch Sally’s, Broward County Motorsport, Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse, The Doghouse Saloon and Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona Harley-Davidson.

Hope to see you there!

–Ken Conte, Rise Above Consulting
–Carrie Repp, R&R Promotions

tattoo back for lichter

MICHAEL LICHTER, FAMOUS PHOTOG, FINDS SOLDIER IN PHOTO IN IRAQ–Thanks for your help with my search for the Harley tattoo. I appreciate you putting it up on Bikernet, but now I have to tell you we found Gunnery Sergeant James Schmarje yesterday.

I personally spoke to him when he called me from Camp Fallujah in Iraq to say it was OK to use his photo. As I write, Harley-Davidson is going to press with that photo on the cover of their annual report and our subject is very happy.

–Michael Lichter Photography, LLC
Boulder, CO 80304 USA

mike lichter

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February 28, 2008 Part 4


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COMING UP QUICK IN TEXAS SCOOTER TIMES– 14th Annual -SPRING – SWAP MEET DALLAS & Motorcycle Rodeo- Sunday MARCH 9 Get ready for – BARGAINS – – BARGAINS – BARGAINS ! ………………..And A GOOD TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!

At The Gigantic Historic LONGHORN BALLROOM

MOTORCYCLE PARTS & ACCESSORIES – New & Used ** T Shirts * Leather Goods at Springtime Prices!!* Jewelry & Junk**?You Can Probably Find What You?re Lookin? Fer CHEAP?*

MOTORCYCLE RODEO – Cash Prizes & Trophys – No Entry Fee *$100 to Win, Slow Race * $50 to Win, Weenie Bite*& More!!

MOTORCYCLE DYNO SHOOT-OUT – By Justin?s Cycle$250 CASH Guaranteed for Overall Highest HorsepowerTrophys for Best American V-Twin, Metric, Turbo-Nitrous$20 Entry Fee for 3 pulls – FULL THROTTLE FUN TIME!!!!!


Got Some Motorcycle STUFF layin? around the Garage youdon?t need anymore and wouldn?t mind making a few bucksoff of ??? Rent a Booth at Swap Meet Dallas and then play – Let?s Make A Deal !! – Call for details & reservationsOR JUST ?SHOW UP? – For a FUN – Profitable SundaySome Folks Just BRING What They Want To TRADE OFF- It’s A SWAP MEET – FUN AND BARGAINS !!!

Show Hours: 10am-5pm
Admission: $8 Adults – $5 5-12 – Under 5 Free
Location: Longhorn Ballroom is located on the corner of Industrial Boulevard and Corinth. Take Industrial Blvd. Exit from I-30 or I-35 where they cross in downtown Dallas, go south 5 blocks & you’re there…

Info: 254-687-9066 M-F 9am – 5pm (or so)

A MESSAGE FOR HAMSTERS AND ARLEN NESS–For those of you heading to Daytona for Bike Week, you’ll have a unique opportunity to recognize one of our own, Arlen Ness, and support the mission of the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum. Arlen will be the guest of honor and “speaker” at the Motorcycle Hall of Fame’s 20th Annual Fundraising Breakfast on Friday, March 7th at the Hilton across from Ocean Center where Harley is based.

During the breakfast, Arlen will be interviewed on stage by custom builder Russell Mitchell of Exile Cycles with the help of Easyriders editor Dave Nichols and photographer Michael Lichter. This breakfast is also the kick-off celebration for the Museum’s year-long Hall of Legends “Awesome-Ness” exhibition featuring Arlen, which will open in July, 2008.

For details on how you can attend the breakfast click here

Michael Lichter Photography, LLC

Old racer

LADIES DAY AT CHICAGOLAND’S BIGGEST, LITTLE H-D DEALER–Open 7 Days a Week: M-F: 9am – 8pm, Sat: 9am – 6pm, Sun: 10am – 5pm.Ladies Day at City Limits H-DSaturday, March 1, 20082pm – 5pm.

CALLING ALL LADIES!Join us for an afternoon of:
Free Gifts
More Pampering
Free Beverages and Lunch!

Flo – our favorite Mary Kay Consultant-will guide us through a Make Over from Cleansers to Color!

First 30 women to RSVP for this FREE EVENT receive a Special Free Gift from Flo!

PLUS…Check out our City Limits Harley Co-ed Fashion Show, Wine Tasting and a demonstration by Margaret from the Pampered Chef!

RSVP Jo 847-348-6116 or to

REMEMBER First 30 to RSVP receive a Special Free Gift!Events at City Limits H-D are always fun! We’ll Beat Any Bike Deal in Chicagoland!

–Chicagoland’sCity Limits Harley-Davidson
2200 N. Rand Rd.
Palatine, IL 60074
888.400.HOG 1

Click the banner for Bikernet Advertising Rates and services.

HEY BIKERNET– I just got done reading Thursdays news I will say this, I started reading E.R. around 73/74. Bikernet is on par with that publication at that time frame. That is a good thing it is geared more towards the average H-D owner on a realistic budget as far as modifying a bike is concerned. The feature bikes and articles are well done and show the readers what trends and styles are in.

I like the street fighter idea and look forward to following the progress of the build. Time to mink oil my leathers.

— Art

sturgis motorcycle museum new logo

STURGIS MOTORCYCLE HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES ANNOUNCED–February, 2008 – for more information, contact Christine Paige Diers, (605) 347-2001 – – The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is pleased to announce the Hall of Fame inductees for 2008.

Charlie St. Clair (Schultz), J.C. “Pappy” Hoel Outstanding Achievement Award – Charlie has been the Executive Director of the Laconia Motorcycle Week in New Hampshire for the last 16 years. During that time, he has worked to build and sustain working relationships between the big three national rallies – Sturgis, Laconia and Daytona. He is a long-time rider, participant in the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, and advocate for the collective rights of motorcyclists everywhere. Because of his continued efforts to build relationships with the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, Charlie has been awarded the J.C. “Pappy” Hoel Outstanding Achievement Award.

Kenny Price, Founder’s Award – Kenny Price started out at age 13 wanting to tweak a little more power from his 1956 Vespa. From those humble beginnings, Kenny has continued to introduce new and innovative products to support the motorcycle industry, at the same time growing his business, Samson Motorcycle Products, Inc. Kenny is a long-time enthusiastic supporter of the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and currently has 13 classic and rare collectible motorcycles on display in the museum – earning him the 2008 Founder’s Award.

Becky Brown – Nearly 30 years ago, Becky Brown founded WOMEN IN THE WIND (W.I.T.W.), the International women’s motorcycle organization. The organization not only united women riders, but promoted a comfortable way for more women to get into riding. Brown has been portrayed in the film documentary “She Lives to Ride” by film maker Alice Stone.

Malcolm Smith – Malcolm is a pioneer of off-road motorcycling who gained fame for his accomplishments in the Baja 1000, and for his gold-medal winning rides in the International Six Day Enduro Competitions. Malcolm is also the star of the influential 1970s motorcycle movie On Any Sunday. This movie helped launch an explosion in the popularity of off-road motorcycling in America.

Cristine Sommer-Simmons – Cristine is a long-time motorcycle journalist who has written for a wide variety of motorcycling publications, co-founded Harley Women Magazine, and helped co-found the second chapter of Women in the Wind. Cristine is also a published author of a children’s book Patrick Wants to Ride and is currently working on a screenplay for an independent film about women motorcyclists.

Smiling Johnny Spiegelhoff – One of the original racers in the very first Black Hills Motor Classic in 1938, Spiegelhoff is credited by many as an important force in getting that first rally off to the right start. It was at Johnny’s insistence that the first race organizers sought and secured AMA sanctioning. Johnny then helped re-organize the racing program for the Sunday races that first year – adding races and events that more than doubled the excitement and racing program time for that Sunday.

The annual Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame Induction Breakfast is scheduled on Wednesday, August 6 at 9:00 a.m. at the Holiday Inn in Spearfish, SD.

Breakfast tickets are available for a $25.00 donation, tables of eight for $250.00. Tickets can be purchased through the Museum 605.347.2001 or on line

Sturgis Live

STURGIS RIDER LIVE TALK SHOW HEADS TO EDITORS– Just saw your note to Charlie about the network interest in the show. I will be up at Charlie’s all weekend working on this with him. We will make this project top notch. I think this is so commercially viable! Thanks, for your efforts in getting this on the road for all of us. You make the perfect biker David Letterman!!!!!

–Bill “Press” Hayes
National Press & Publicity Officer
Boozefighters Motorcycle Club
Est. 1946
“The Original Wild Ones”


NEW TYPHOON CUSTOM WHEELS FROM HARLEY-DAVIDSON–A Sweeping Design in Polished Chrome or Satin Black.

MILWAUKEE (Feb. 29, 2008) – The new Typhoon Custom Wheels from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories feature nine arching spokes that spin outward from the hub and blend seamlessly with the rim to add forward motion, even while the motorcycle is standing still. The flat-profile spokes and carved webs add visual intensity. These cast-aluminum wheels have undergone hundreds of hours of testing to meet the highest standards of performance and durability.

All Harley-Davidson wheels bear DOT and JWL markings, ensuring that they meet the requirements of those agencies. Available in polished chrome ($549) or satin black ($399) in a 19-inch front and 17-inch rear, the Typhoon wheels fit 2006-later Dyna models (except FXDWG and FXDF) and 2000-2007 FXSTD models. Requires separate purchase of model-specific wheel installation kit.


For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

Viking girl
Another Girl of Bikernet from the Viking in Europe and another green machine. Hang on.

IT’S PARTY TIME–I’ve got to blaze out of the headquarters across town for Tony M. Hamster Birthday Party. What could I get my brother he doesn’t already have? Hell, all Hamsters are rich right? Bullshit. Most are just hard working stiffs in the MC business. And you know how the MC biz is right now. Some are struggling.

Mudflap girl came from Arlin Fatland’s 2Wheelers on Main in Daytona. Check out their shop.

So I made him a tool the guys at JIMS forgot to make. It’s a mudflap girl tool. Not just any mudflap girl tool, but a Western Mudflap Girl Tool. Maybe left-handed threads. What the hell. I’ll bet he doesn’t have one of these.

Then I gotta pack for Daytona. What’s the weather like down there? I need to check the Shovelhead over for the ride, so I’ll cut this short. But tomorrow I’m launching two features, Swedish show results from the master Horst and the next segment on the Lucky Devil project build, Root Beer. Adjustments had to be made to the drive line for alignment and we’ll show how the Rocky Boatman Valve-spring seat suspension was mounted. Then I may mount of set of new Knockout exhaust on Jeremiah’s bobber, if he shows up. Have a helluva weekend, and if you’re headed to Daytona, hopefully we’ll hook up.

Ride Forever,



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February 21, 2008 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


KNOCKOUT MOTORCYCLE COMPANY TAKES THE BOARDTRACK CONFIGURATION TO EXTREME–Did you see the Knockout Board Tracker on the home page. Incredible bike, but now Ralph is taking it to the next level and off he goes to Daytona with the Rat Rock.

knockout 1

knockout 2

Here’s a sneak preview. Don’t miss the Rat’s Hole Show March 6-9 in Daytona.

Knockout Banner

DOUG KEIM CREATIVE CYCLES ANNOUNCES PARTNERSHIP WITH COLONIAL H-D AND THE PRINCE– Doug Keim Creative Cycles is pleased to announce a partnership with Colonial Harley Davidson in Prince George Virginia to produce a Doug Keim Signature Series Harley Davidson Motorcycles available directly from the dealership.

These bikes will have factory warranties with full financing through the dealership. Each one will have its own unique personality. The engines remain completely stock and are fully EPA compliant.

The one common denominator is that each bike has at the very least a 200mm rear tire giving them all a ‘down and dirty’ appearance.

Please visit our websites for more information or contact Ron Childs at Colonial HD.


NAMZ HANDLEBAR EXTENSION HARNESSES– NAMZ has responded to customer requests and made handlebar extension harnesses which work with the Molex connectors on 2007 and up H-D models, after Harley changed from Deutsch connectors.

The switch extensions are available in four popular sizes, 4in, 8in, 12in and 15in for all 2007 – up models. NAMZ also offers extension kits for all factory models from 1996 to 2006. The American made kits come complete with OEM colored wire, installed male and female terminals and heat shrink tubing.

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, USA
Tel: 877 277 6269
Fax: 610 265 7188

American Motorcycle Dealer

CALL TO SEND LETTERS, A MUST– Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters is requesting an amendment to allow the SAFETEA-LU Section 2010 Grant funds to be used to promote helmet use in a letter sent to President of Senate Dick Cheney and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. This is nothing more than a raid on a fund that was intended for motorcycle awareness and education.

Motorcyclists across the nation fought hard for many years to get this grant money and the outlines for it’s usage were hammered out and agreed upon.

Consider writing letters to your Senators and Representatives asking them to do the following:
1. Write Sec. Peters and request she withdraw her proposed amendment.
2. Speak with your legislators against this letter in an attempt to gather votes against this amendment if she does not withdraw it and it becomes a written bill.
This way, you will be educating (not legislating) and maybe we can kill this whole idea before it gains support.
Please take time to act on this very important issue and pass bit around to your Email list. If you don’t we lose over $300,000 in Funds for MC Safety and Awareness and end up with a helmet law.

–Nancy Peters
Secretary of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Ave S.E.
Washington, DC 20590

Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005


S&S ANNOUNCES RELEASE OF T-SERIES SERVICE MANUAL– LA CROSSE WI, (February 14, 2008) S&S Cycle is pleased to announce the release of another S&S Service Manual, this one focused on the T-Series engine.

Although the original three S&S Service Manuals were ground breaking products, there were a few flaws in them. The most obvious being they referred the technician to some of the S&S Instruction Sheets for information not supplied in the manual. This new manual has eliminated the need to research information elsewhere and gives the home or shop technician all the information they need in one package.

“The inclusion of the instruction sheet information added quite a bit of work to the normal service manual production routine,” said Howard Kelly, S&S Media and Advertising Supervisor. “It required a lot of time and effort from the Product Development and Training Departments to make this a comprehensive publication and it couldn’t have been done without all of their extra efforts-it is the best manual we have produced at this point” continued Kelly.

As found in the other S&S Service Manuals, the text is clear and direct, the photography is well lit and plentiful and the manual has a logical flow to it. The new S&S T-Series manual P/N 61-1002 will take a technician through the complete servicing of an S&S T124 or T124V, with extra information on the S&S oil pump and VFI (Variable Fuel Injection).

“This manual seemed to drag on forever in comparison to the first three, but in the end all the extra effort was worth it. This is just the tool that any technician would want at his side when working on an S&S T-Series engine,” said Charlie Hadayia, S&S Senior Race and Customer Support Manager.

More information on all S&S service manuals, engines, high performance components and apparel is available at your local S&S dealer or at

BIKERNET TRAVEL ADVICE–A man boarded an airplane in New Orleans with a box of frozen crab. A female crew member took the box and promised to put it in the Crew’s’ refrigerator, which she did. The man firmly advised her that he was holding her personally Responsible for the crabs staying frozen, and proceeded to rant At her about what would happen if she let them thaw out.

She was annoyed by his behavior.

Shortly before landing in New York, she announced over the intercom To the entire cabin, “Would the gentleman who gave me the crabs in New Orleans, please raise your hand?”

Not one hand went she took them home and ate them herself.

–Nick Roberts

65 panhead 1

NEW PANHEAD FROM THE SHOP IN MINNESOTA– Here are some pictures of a custom 65 Panhead that we are buttoning up. I will get you some more pics of the finished product later.

65 panhead 2

–Jon Fox
The Shop
815 Cedar Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55404


IT’S PARTY TIME–I need to jump in the shower and peel to my son’s birthday party. We have a series of killer bike features headed your way, plus road stories, two complete bike builds and fiction. Oh, and two girl features are being written by the Humble Johnny White in Texas.

We’re hoping to work with Iron Horse Trikes on a trike build with a concept drawing by Chris Kallas. This should be a kick. I’m going to roll out and visit Derringer Motorcycles tomorrow. I’ll report back. I know there’s more, but I want to end on a couple of positive notes. Ducati North America reported increased sales in 2007, passing the 10,000 mark for the first time. J.D. Power and Associates released overall satisfaction findings with motorcycle ownership. It has increased significantly over the last five years. This applies to new bike ownership and not 40-year-old Panheads. So life is good on this wild little planet. This info came from Motorcycle Consumer New for March. They’re first color issue ever. Congrats!

One of the bikes we hope to feature, if we can find the owner?

There’s something going on every weekend and that’s the reason so many regional motorcycle magazines have sprouted across the country. So ride goddamnit. Celebrate life and touch a woman. They drive me crazy.

Ride Forever,



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