Continued From Page 3

KNOCKOUT MOTORCYCLE COMPANY TAKES THE BOARDTRACK CONFIGURATION TO EXTREME–Did you see the Knockout Board Tracker on the home page. Incredible bike, but now Ralph is taking it to the next level and off he goes to Daytona with the Rat Rock.

Here’s a sneak preview. Don’t miss the Rat’s Hole Show March 6-9 in Daytona.

DOUG KEIM CREATIVE CYCLES ANNOUNCES PARTNERSHIP WITH COLONIAL H-D AND THE PRINCE– Doug Keim Creative Cycles is pleased to announce a partnership with Colonial Harley Davidson in Prince George Virginia to produce a Doug Keim Signature Series Harley Davidson Motorcycles available directly from the dealership.
These bikes will have factory warranties with full financing through the dealership. Each one will have its own unique personality. The engines remain completely stock and are fully EPA compliant.
The one common denominator is that each bike has at the very least a 200mm rear tire giving them all a ‘down and dirty’ appearance.
Please visit our websites for more information or contact Ron Childs at Colonial HD.

NAMZ HANDLEBAR EXTENSION HARNESSES– NAMZ has responded to customer requests and made handlebar extension harnesses which work with the Molex connectors on 2007 and up H-D models, after Harley changed from Deutsch connectors.
The switch extensions are available in four popular sizes, 4in, 8in, 12in and 15in for all 2007 – up models. NAMZ also offers extension kits for all factory models from 1996 to 2006. The American made kits come complete with OEM colored wire, installed male and female terminals and heat shrink tubing.
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, USA
Tel: 877 277 6269
Fax: 610 265 7188

CALL TO SEND LETTERS, A MUST– Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters is requesting an amendment to allow the SAFETEA-LU Section 2010 Grant funds to be used to promote helmet use in a letter sent to President of Senate Dick Cheney and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. This is nothing more than a raid on a fund that was intended for motorcycle awareness and education.
Motorcyclists across the nation fought hard for many years to get this grant money and the outlines for it’s usage were hammered out and agreed upon.
Consider writing letters to your Senators and Representatives asking them to do the following:
1. Write Sec. Peters and request she withdraw her proposed amendment.
2. Speak with your legislators against this letter in an attempt to gather votes against this amendment if she does not withdraw it and it becomes a written bill.
This way, you will be educating (not legislating) and maybe we can kill this whole idea before it gains support.
Please take time to act on this very important issue and pass bit around to your Email list. If you don’t we lose over $300,000 in Funds for MC Safety and Awareness and end up with a helmet law.
–Nancy Peters
Secretary of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Ave S.E.
Washington, DC 20590
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

S&S ANNOUNCES RELEASE OF T-SERIES SERVICE MANUAL– LA CROSSE WI, (February 14, 2008) S&S Cycle is pleased to announce the release of another S&S Service Manual, this one focused on the T-Series engine.
Although the original three S&S Service Manuals were ground breaking products, there were a few flaws in them. The most obvious being they referred the technician to some of the S&S Instruction Sheets for information not supplied in the manual. This new manual has eliminated the need to research information elsewhere and gives the home or shop technician all the information they need in one package.
“The inclusion of the instruction sheet information added quite a bit of work to the normal service manual production routine,” said Howard Kelly, S&S Media and Advertising Supervisor. “It required a lot of time and effort from the Product Development and Training Departments to make this a comprehensive publication and it couldn’t have been done without all of their extra efforts-it is the best manual we have produced at this point” continued Kelly.
As found in the other S&S Service Manuals, the text is clear and direct, the photography is well lit and plentiful and the manual has a logical flow to it. The new S&S T-Series manual P/N 61-1002 will take a technician through the complete servicing of an S&S T124 or T124V, with extra information on the S&S oil pump and VFI (Variable Fuel Injection).
“This manual seemed to drag on forever in comparison to the first three, but in the end all the extra effort was worth it. This is just the tool that any technician would want at his side when working on an S&S T-Series engine,” said Charlie Hadayia, S&S Senior Race and Customer Support Manager.
More information on all S&S service manuals, engines, high performance components and apparel is available at your local S&S dealer or at BIKERNET TRAVEL ADVICE–A man boarded an airplane in New Orleans with a box of frozen crab. A female crew member took the box and promised to put it in the Crew’s’ refrigerator, which she did. The man firmly advised her that he was holding her personally Responsible for the crabs staying frozen, and proceeded to rant At her about what would happen if she let them thaw out. She was annoyed by his behavior. Shortly before landing in New York, she announced over the intercom To the entire cabin, “Would the gentleman who gave me the crabs in New Orleans, please raise your hand?” Not one hand went she took them home and ate them herself. –Nick Roberts NEW PANHEAD FROM THE SHOP IN MINNESOTA– Here are some pictures of a custom 65 Panhead that we are buttoning up. I will get you some more pics of the finished product later. –Jon Fox IT’S PARTY TIME–I need to jump in the shower and peel to my son’s birthday party. We have a series of killer bike features headed your way, plus road stories, two complete bike builds and fiction. Oh, and two girl features are being written by the Humble Johnny White in Texas. We’re hoping to work with Iron Horse Trikes on a trike build with a concept drawing by Chris Kallas. This should be a kick. I’m going to roll out and visit Derringer Motorcycles tomorrow. I’ll report back. I know there’s more, but I want to end on a couple of positive notes. Ducati North America reported increased sales in 2007, passing the 10,000 mark for the first time. J.D. Power and Associates released overall satisfaction findings with motorcycle ownership. It has increased significantly over the last five years. This applies to new bike ownership and not 40-year-old Panheads. So life is good on this wild little planet. This info came from Motorcycle Consumer New for March. They’re first color issue ever. Congrats! There’s something going on every weekend and that’s the reason so many regional motorcycle magazines have sprouted across the country. So ride goddamnit. Celebrate life and touch a woman. They drive me crazy. Ride Forever, –Bandit
The Shop
815 Cedar Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55404