Bikernet Banner

March 6, 2003 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

BIKERNET MEDICAL ADVICE– A middle-aged woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table, she had a near death experience. Seeing God, she asked, “Is my time up?”

God said, “No, you have another 43 years, two months and eight days to live.”

Upon recovery, the woman decided to stay in the hospital and have a face-lift, liposuction and tummy tuck. Since she had so much more time to live,she figured she might as well look even nicer.

After her last operation, she was released from the hospital. While crossing the street on her way home, she was killed by an ambulance.

Arriving in front of God, she demanded, “I thought you said I hadanother 40 years? Why didn’t you pull me out of the path of that ambulance?”

God replied, “Girl, I didn’t recognize you.”

HARLEY SITE AVAILABLE–Our last offer to acquire ( gained very favorable feedback. In an ongoing effort to provide Harley enthusiasts a place to buy, sell, trade and share Harley knowledge in a community setting, we are extending a invitation for existing website owners the opportunity to join a Harley Market Alliance. Members will have their own market site tied into the vast Harley Community Marketplace. To gain your own fully functional commerce site and join the Alliance, there is a one-time very small investment.

–“Michael Goupil”

EXPOSURE–A blonde is walking down the street with her blouse open and her rightbreast hanging out. A policeman approaches her and says, “Ma’am, areyou aware that I could cite you for indecent exposure?”

She says, “Why, officer?”

“Because your breast is hanging out.” he says.

She looks down and says, “OH MY GOD, I left the baby on the busagain!”

old school pan Chris Kallas

EXCLUSIVE–NEW KALLAS ART–Kicking around ideas for new painting.Check attached. My latest painting is finished.It might beavailable soon as a print, if there’s interest, and I’m alwaysavailable to do portraits of bikes.

–Hang tough, CK

Chris’s prints are very reasonable. We sell them in the Gulch, So, let him know if you would be interested in this new piece. I am.

WAR CRIES FROM CHARLIE DANIEL’S–Charlie Daniel’s Letter to the Hollywood Bunch:Ok, let’s just say for a moment you bunch of pampered, overpaid, unrealistic limousine liberals had your way and the U.S.A. didn’t go into Iraq.

Let’s say that you really get your way and we destroy all our nuclear weapons and stick daisies in our gun barrels and sit around with some white wine and cheese and pat ourselves on the back, so proud of what we’ve done for world peace.

Let’s say that we cut the military budget to just enough to keep the National Guard on hand to help out with floods and fires.

Let’s say that we close down our military bases all over the world and bring the troops home, increase our foreign aid and drop all the trade sanctions against everybody.

I suppose that in your fantasy world this would create a utopian world where everybody would live in peace. After all, the great monster, the United States of America, the cause of all the world’s trouble would have disbanded it’s horrible military and certainly all the other countries of the world would follow suit. After all, they only arm themselves to defend their countries from the mean old U.S.A.

Why you bunch of pitiful, hypocritical, idiotic, spoiled mugwumps. get your head out of the sand and smell the Trade Towers burning. Do you think that a trip to Iraq by Sean Penn did anything but encourage a wanton murderer to think that the people of the U.S.A. didn’t have the nerve or the guts to fight him?

Barbra Streisand’s fanatical and hateful rankings about George Bush makes about as much sense as Michael Jackson hanging a baby over a railing.

You people need to get out of Hollywood once in a while and get out into the real world. You’d be surprised at the hostility you would find out here. Stop in at a truck stop and tell an overworked, long distance truck driver that you don’t think Saddam Hussein is doing anything wrong. Tell a farmer with a couple of sons in the military that you think the United States has no right to defend itself. Go down to Baxley, Georgia and hold an anti-war rally and see what the folks down there think about you. Please visit Clarksville, Tennessee and the 101st Airborne and talk that SHIT, please visit those Real American’s.

What do you think? Boycott any Hollywood type that protest against the USA.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels

rusty right full

rusty tank

HELLS ANGEL RUSTY’S BIKE FOR SALE– I have a bike 4-sale (pictures attached) It was featured in the Street Chopper mag, Aug 2002 issue, page 14. It normally retails for 30K, but I will take $25,000. This HellRazor is cool. If you’re interested check the Illusion Cycles site for all the specs:

rusty rear fender

BIKERNET BARBER SHOP ADVICE– Entering a barber shop for a shave, a man mentions to the barber that he has had some problems getting a close shave on his cheeks. “I have just the thing,” the barber told him. He fished around in a nearby drawer and handed the man a small wooden ball. “Just place this between your cheek and gum.”

The man put the ball in his mouth and the barber proceeded to give him the closest shave he had ever received. Halfway through the experience, the man grunted to the barber, “But what if I swallow the ball?”

“Don’t worry about it,” the barber replied. “Just bring it back to me tomorrow like everyone else does.”

–from Ken Miller

daytona 1

DAYTONA BIKERNET STYLE–Check the home page. We are running news on Daytona Bike Week almost daily. We have several correspondents in Daytona: Rogue, Katmandu, Jose and Frank Kaisler will be roaming the streets.

Check it out for all the latest weather and wrestling reports. If you see Rogue or Jose ask to have your picture taken for Bikernet.

daytona 2

WE ARE NOT THE TALIBAN– As we all know, the Taliban considers it a sin for a man to see a naked woman who is not his wife.

So, this Saturday at 2:00 PM (ET) all American women are asked to walk out of their house completely naked to help weed out any neighborhood terrorists. Circling your block for one hour is recommended for this anti-terrorist effort. All men are to position themselves in Yard chairs in front of their house to prove they are not Taliban, demonstrate that they think it’s okay to see nude women other than their wife and to show support for all American women. And since the Taliban also does not approve of alcohol, a cold six-pack at your side is further proof of your anti-Taliban sentiment. The American Government appreciates your efforts to root out terrorists and applauds your participation in this anti-terrorist activity.

God Bless America!

–from Chris T.

Harley Davidson Banner

HARLEY-DAVIDSON 100TH RIDE HOME INFO–Nothing says excitement like the sweet rumblings of Harley-Davidson? motorcycles riding across the United States on their way to Milwaukee. Following the global Open Road Tour festivals, Harley-Davidson will launch the Ride Home, allowing riders from around the world to travel one of four routes across the United States:

South Central

HD map

All four rides culminate in Milwaukee on August 27, 2003, for the 100th Anniversary Celebration events.

HD dates

Rides are unguided so riders may go at their own pace, but there will be scheduled events at specified locations along the routes where enthusiasts can enjoy Harley-Davidson camaraderie.

No Harley-Davidson event would be complete without great keepsakes to go with it. The Ride Home is no exception. A special Ride Home Commemorative Kit will be available for purchase at participating Harley-Davidson dealerships in May, 2003 and will include a number of one-of-a-kind items: pin, T-shirt, reflective patch and embossed leather trinket box (individual items will not be sold separately). Each kit will cost $100, and participation in the Ride Home is not necessary to purchase one.

A portion of the kit sales will be donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). Harley-Davidson?s goal is to raise $5 million through 100th Anniversary activities.

All dates, locations, times and activities are subject to change. Check back here often for the latest information.

ups girl Buckshot

POUR THE JACK–Sin Wu slipped into the headquarters on her way to an afternoon class. She pulled me away from my computer as the UPS gal arrived with the powder coating for the King. A reader recently told me (I recently had hernia surgery), that if I even considered sex or lifting something, to forget it.

I had the UPS gal set the 4-foot tall box inside the door and slipped into the bedroom with Sin.

It’s gonna be a helluva weekend.

Ride Forever–Bandit

Read More

March 6, 2003 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

TMRA banner

MOTORCYCLE RIDERS EDUCATION FUND IN UTAH–By now most of you have heard of statements made by Senator Buttars, andother things going on up at the Capital. A lot of you have heard it secondand third hand, some of this information has gotten twisted a little. I wantthe members to have the information I have, first hand, as accurate aspossible.

This is to inform you of the incidents that happened, which affect theMotorcycle Riders Education Fund, at the State Capital on Tuesday Feb. 18.We heard that the Executive Offices and Criminal Justice subcommittee wasgoing put the Motorcycle Riders Education Fund (MREF) on the 2% cut list.This means they were going to recommend the Executive AppropriationsCommittee that they take the money from that fund to pay for highway patrolexpenses.

During this meeting Senator Buttars gave the Executive Offices and CriminalJustice subcommittee report to the Executive Appropriations Committee. Hesaid “These are the recommendations for the 2% cut list: We have had to takemoney from the victims reparations fund and we have received many phonecalls from people against it, I’m very sorry but we took a small percentageof their money. We also have received about 700 phone calls from peopleagainst us taking money from the firecap; again we are only taking apercentage, 1 million dollars from a 4 million dollar fund. We have alsoreceived about 200calls from a bunch of bikers, we took their will receive callsfrom them too, IGNORE THEM, it’s just a little training fund and we tookit.”

Needless to say, we were livid! I REALLY TRIED to keep mycool, walked up and shook his hand, introduced myself, then told him I washere to educate him on a few things. I started out OK, told him theMotorcycle Riders Education Fund provided more than just a little “trainingprogram” It paid for a life saving course. But I was so pissed about hisother comment, I told him[and this is where I kinda lost my cool] “…You got calls from 200 REGISTERED VOTERS! From 200 TAXPAYERS, what kind ofelected official are you to say IGNORE THEM?!!” [yes I was yelling, told yaI kinda lost my cool]

He became indignant and yelled back at me; he said,”I was told to find 9 million dollars somewhere, I was just doingmy job, what do you think I should do?”

I said “By all means, I think youshould IGNORE the voters who put you in this office! If you need to findmoney and want to take ours, I know exactly where you can find it, put anadditional $5 tax on all 4 wheeled vehicles and an additional $2.50 tax onall class A drivers licenses, then take that money, we are getting taxedextra just because we’re bikers. This little “training fund” is aself-sustaining program!”

The officers of Weber Chapter believe that the best way to get our moneyback, is to write or call the Executive Appropriations Committee and letthem know of the public safety this fund provides, and ask them toreconsider cutting our program. I’ve included the list of who to contact.

Lisa Bargar Vlahos
Weber Chapter ABATE
Public Relations
Assistant Political Liaison

Executive Appropriations Committee

Sen. LeonardBlackham, (Chair),
Sen. BillHickman, chair)
Sen. Gene Davis, ,
Sen. MikeDmitrich,
Sen. KarenHale,,
Sen. PeterKnudson,
Sen. Pres. AlMansell,,
Sen. JohnValentine,
Sen. MichaelWaddoups,
Sen. RonAllen,

Rep. Ron Bigelow,,
Rep. RebeccaLockhart,
Rep. JeffAlexander,
Rep. Greg Curtis,
Rep. PatriciaJones,
Rep. BrentGoodfellow,
Rep. BradKing,
Rep. KarenMorgan,
Speaker MartyStephens,
Rep. MichaelStyler,

BIKERNET LAWSUIT OF THE WEEK–This year’s favorite could easily be Mr. Merv Grazinski of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Mr.Grazinski purchased a brand new 32-foot Winnebago motor home. On his first trip home, having driven onto the freeway, he set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the drivers seat to go into the back and make himself a cup of coffee.

Not surprisingly, the R.V. left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Mr. Grazinski sued Winnebago for notadvising him in the owner’s manual that he couldn’t actually do this. The jury awarded him $1,750,000 plus a new motor home.

They changed their owner’s manual.

Redneck Cat Carrier–

redneck cat carrier kathy Ronan

From Kathy Ronan

PROTECT YOUR FAMILY, GO TO JAIL?–According to the New York Times, Mr. Ronald Dixon of Brooklyn, NY, “wasupstairs, in bed, when he heard a noise in thehallway. Half asleep, he opened his eyes and saw a man at the top of thestairs heading toward the bedroom of Mr. Dixon’s2-year-old son, Kyle. That was enough for the father. He grabbed a9-millimeter pistol that he kept in a closet, walked toward the man andasked what he was doing there. This man, Mr. Dixon said, ran at him,screaming. That’s when hepulled the trigger. He shot the intruder twice, wounding him seriously butnot mortally.”

Now, 27-year-old Mr. Dixon is your basic “straight arrow,” a Navy veteranwho works two jobs — 80 hours a week — as acomputer specialist to provide for his family, including two small children.The man accused of being the intruder, Ivan Thompson, 40, is a careercriminal with a long record of burglaries and other crimes. If convictedthis time, he could be locked away for a long, long time.

Case closed, right? Not quite.

Mr. Dixon had purchased his gun legally when he lived in Florida. He hadjust recently moved to Brooklyn, and was smackdab in the middle of running through all the hoops and jumping through allthe rings — and there are a LOT of them — to gethis gun registered in New York.

But the registration process wasn’t yet complete when he used his gun todefend his family. And Mr. Dixon lives in a boroughwhose district attorney, Charles J. Hynes, “considers the prosecution ofillegal-gun charges a supreme virtue. Mr. Hyneswants Mr. Dixon to do jail time… If convicted of the misdemeanor chargeagainst him, Mr. Dixon could get as much asa year. Mr. Hynes is offering a plea bargain that would involve fourweekends, tops, on Rikers Island.”

You read that right. Mr. Dixon is facing up to a year on RIKERS ISLAND if hedoesn’t accept the “plea bargain” from District Attorney Hynes and pleadGUILTY on a gun possession charge, for a gun he had purchased legally andwas in the process of making legal in New York. And if he’s found guilty,his permanent record could keep him from obtaining work in his field.

We just don’t think that’s right.

ACTION ITEM: The Brooklyn DA is elected to that position, from what weunderstand. As an elected official, he is obligated to listen to what votershave to say. So, we’ve set up a way for you to easily communicate with him.

Go to the site below to send an editable pre-written message to DA CharlesJ. Hynes, letting him know what you think ofprosecuting upstanding law-abiding citizens who try to protect theirfamilies: AOL GO HERE

Or give Mr. Hynes a call at 718-250-2000 (718-250-2025 after hours andweekends).If you need more info on this or any other subject just go to the Sons ofLiberty Riders Info Zone or– LaterHawkICQ 34668186AOL SoLRHawk

Continued On Page 4

Read More

March 6, 2003


Continued From Page 1

doggy tattoo helen wolfe joke

BIKERNET RESEARCH ON EUROPEAN REGS THAT MIGHT IMPACK US RIDERS–Recently I was moved by the threads of new European Union regs that might force anti-tampering laws, helmet laws, leg protectors, etc. on American rides. I contacted FEMA and Ian Mutch in England for his thoughts. Here’s his response:

I think these rumours are not ill founded but are based on ideas rather thanconcrete plans. There are people who would like to inhibit the ownersability to take his engine apart because they want to make sure that if abike is constructed to conform to emission regulations then it can’t enjoygreater performance and higher emissions after its owner modifies it. Theoriginal motive for this form of type approval was safety and has its rootsin the French culture of tuning mopeds until they do 50 mph. French teenagerswere totalling themselves after performing this kind of surgery on bikesthat were not constructed to cope with the performance enhancement they weregetting.

The remedy from the EuropeanCommission was to draft a set of design criteria that included sheer bolts(fastners). Sheer bolts were designed to snap in half when an attempt wasmade to undo them – don’t ask me how that works. Thus the teenager whosought to pull his engine apart and modify it would end up with a pile ofuseless shit. The real problem came when the architects of this idea decidedto extend it to all bikes. We lobbied hard on this one and ended up with acompromise whereby only mopeds were subject to the anti tamperingregulations. Since mopeds are by definition, bikes of severely limitedperformance it was hard to argue against this particularly as 14 year oldsin some European countries are permitted to ride them in recognition oftheir low performance.

The concept of anti tampering is a worrying one though and those nowinterested in enforcing stringent emission regulations are becomingconcerned that those levels of emission could be circumvented by outrageousperformance enthusiasts who have the temerity to want to work on their ownengines. To the best of my knowledge there is no definite proposal right nowbut all of these ideas enjoy currency in the forums of the boffins in theresearch departments.


Response from FEMA

Sorry for this delay. Christina forwarded your request to me, and I amafraid there isn’t a website Bandit can be directed to (until we manage tofind the time to properly update the new FEMAwebsite…

You mentioned the possibility of a helmet directive. The Commission isabout to release the proposal for the 3rd Road Safety Action Plan 2002 (yes,they are late)-2010. The reason for this delay is that the issue is verysensitive because of the targets the Commission has declared they want toreach by 2010, namely a 50% reduction in fatalities and serious injuries intransport.

When it comes to motorcyclists they are therefore also focussingon helmet use with awareness campaigns and even considering a Directive onhelmet use, which was by the way already supported in 2000 by the Council ofMinisters and by a resolution of the European Parliament. In practicalterms, we question the contribution this directive might make to safety,since the use of a helmet is already compulsory in all the EU Member Statesaccording to national regulations, and it is a matter of enforcing the law.We have asked the Commission for further information which I will forward toyou as available.

I think there are two subjects of main interest at the moment, one positiveand one negative. The first one is that on the White Paper on TransportPolicy which covers the same 2002-2010 time span FEMA received the supportof the European Parliament for “improved mobility for motorcyclists”. Weplan to use this support to obtain a mention of better infrastructure whenthe Road Safety Action Plan is proposed by the Commission.

The second one,which might actually be of higher interest for the US, is that theCommission is now investigating through TUV the effectiveness ofantitampering measures (when it comes to speed, noise and gas emissions) forsmall motorcycles as contained in Directive 97/24. The aim of the project(which will be finished end of this year) is to assess if these should/willbe extended to mid and large motorcycles in a future amendment of thedirective.

This could have serious implications for the servicing of themachines and the extent to which they could be customised. FEMA is takingpart to the meetings and has been bringing forward points such as costeffectiveness and socio-economic impact assessment (small businesses) and wehave been receiving support from the UK delegation, who is actuallyquestioning the need to extend/tighten antitampering measures.

I hope this is helpful, should Bandit need more information please getback to me.


SALE ON NITROUS KITS–From now until March 16th, we will be offering 10% off MPS Dry Nitrous Kit forFuel Injected Motorcycles. Check it out on our web special page . Just imagine another 20 to 40horsepower in just 2 hours! That’s the reality of our Dry Nitrous Kit ForFuel Injected Motorcycles.

Flip the switch to activate the nitrous and turnyour horn button into a horsepower button. Our kit comes complete with allwiring. Most will plug directly into your stock wire harness.

Dealers, this offerwill get you 10% off your pricing as well. You will need to mention theInternet special to get this sale pricing. Go to our web site and click on the secure order form to order yours today.These purchases will count towards the 2003 contingency purchases, soregister online now!

Click on over to the ever growing instruction areawhile you are surfing. You will find over 50 sets of product instructionsfor MPS, MSD, NOS, Dyna, and Computech products. And as always, enter theTether Kill Switch drawing. Dale Johnson of Red Wing, MN was the luckywinner in February. Congratulations Dale!

–Dan Rudd

subs and beauty sky Buckshot


In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

by John McCrae



from Bob T.

Chuck51 Buckshot

vrod Buckshot

MYSTERY SLEDS–Check out this “under construction” pic and a “Tail Dragger V-Rod! That’s all we know.


son of liberty

SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS E-NEWS–Patriot Act and Civil LibertiesHey a chance for more feedback? is your view? In a 400-450 word essay, explain whether the new PatriotAct is a necessary part of life after September 11 or whether it overstepsthe boundaries of privacy invasion. Send your completed essay to NewsHourExtra( Exceptional essays may be published on ourwebsite.

There is a wealth of good information at the following link too:’ Alliance ‘Shocked Beyond Belief’ by TSA DisclosureBy Jeff Congressional Bureau ChiefFebruary 25, 2003Capitol Hill ( – Airline pilots supporting the law that allowsthem to carry guns to defend against potential terrorist hijackings saidMonday they are “shocked beyond belief” that federal aviation securityofficials have publicly revealed weaknesses in the Bush administration’splan to implement the law.

As previously reported, a spokeswoman for the TransportationSecurity Administration (TSA)acknowledged Friday that pilots who participatein the program will only be allowed ready access to their guns when they areinside the cockpit with the door locked.

“The jurisdiction of use of the weapon is in the cockpit and the cockpitonly,” explained TSA spokeswoman Heather Rosenker. “The weapon needs to bere-secured in the locked box if the cockpit door opens.”


In this 2 hour 47 minute video, Ron Covell goes through the process of making two very different motorcycle gas tanks – one steel, and one aluminum.Design, layout, patterning and buck construction are shown in detail. You’ll see annealing hand shaping, welding, and the English Wheel, plus details on leaktesting and rubber mounting. Each step is shown clearly, and it’s easy to follow. The video sells for $60, and it’s available on DVD for $70. (Add$8 for s&h, California residents add local sales tax.)

To order your video send payment to:
Covell Creative Metalworking
106 Airport Boulevard, Ste. 201
Freedom, CA 95019-2752
or call 1-800-747-4631 or 831-768-0705

ETHEL’S WHEELCHAIR TIPS–Ethel was a bit of a demon in her wheelchair, and loved to chargearound the nursing home, taking corners on one wheel and gettingup to maximum speed on the long corridors. Because the poor woman was onesandwich short of a picnic, the other residents tolerated her, and some ofthe males actually joined in.

One day, Ethel was speeding up one corridor when a door opened andKooky Clarence stepped out with his arm outstretched. “STOP!”, heshouted in a firm voice. “Have you got a license for that thing?”

Ethelfished around in her handbag and pulled out a Kit Kat wrapper and held it up tohim.

“OK” he said, and away Ethel sped down the hall.As she took the corner near the TV lounge on one wheel, WeirdHarold popped out in front of her and shouted, “STOP! Have you got proofof insurance?”

Ethel dug into her handbag, pulled out a drinkcoaster and held it up to him. Harold nodded and said, “Carry on, ma’am.”

As Ethel neared the final corridor before the front door, CrazyCraig stepped out in front of her, stark naked, holding a very sizableerection in his hand.

“Oh, good grief,” said Ethel, “not the breathalyzer again!

–from Chris T.

Continued On Page 3

Read More

March 6, 2003 Part 1



Daytona 2003 – Spaghetti Wrestling. Photo By Rogue.

I try to learn something every day. I never considered myself much of a writer, so I read books about expanding my vocabularly and about writing styles. Almost weekly I learn something about the new King, welding or building bikes. Once in a while I learn something I don’t want to know.

Yesterday an old school pinstriper came by to stripe my new, almost all black Harley mags. I thought this was going to be a breeze. The spoke area is black and the rims aluminum. I was going to have a stripe run around the edge of the black. The striper, George, of Wild Brush, informed me that you can’t stripe aluminum. It won’t stick but chip off in short order. Well, so much for that plan. On the other hand, he looked at our new Miller MIG welder and told me to clean the brass gas guide. He told me there’s a tool for the process and that if I spray the guide with a sillicon spray it won’t collect slag as readily. He also told me that if I spray an area to be welded with the silicone that slag won’t stick and make weld-cleaning a fasters/easier process.

See, ya can learn something everyday, even if it’s bad news. While I go back to the drawing board, let’s get to the news:


CARLISLE BIKE FEST–Join the Wild Ride at Carlisle Summer Bike FestSecond annual event to be even bigger and better.

CARLISLE, PA – Carlisle Summer Bike Fest takes off again with moreactivities, special guests, entertainment and, of course, more bikes! Thesecond annual event takes place July 25-27, 2003, and more than 35,000guests are expected to attend. Carlisle Summer Bike Fest is held inconjunction with Summer Carlisle Cool Car Cruise-In, featuring street rods,customs, classics and muscle cars.

All motorcycle riders are welcome to park on the show field at no extracharge. Just pay the admission fee and ride onto the grounds. Clubs wishingto park together should call Tiffany Moyer at (717) 243-7855, ext. 121.

Special attractions this year include return visits from Chef Biker Billy,who literally “cooks with fire”. Biker Billy’s ( recipes are so hot, theBurpee seed company named a hybrid jalape?o pepper after him. Other guestswill be the Star Boyz stunt riders (, whose insane antics on theirfur-coveredmotorcycles guarantee plenty of oohs and aahs?from the large crowdsthatgather to watch them.

New to the event this year will be a BattleTrax competition ( The BattleTraxcourse lets riders explore handling and braking limits in a safe,challenging environment. All types of motorcycles and all levels of ridingskill – from beginner to expert – can find fun and excitement carving cones on a BattleTrax course. Returning this year, the Observed Trialswill show advanced riding performances.

A special vintage motorcycle display will show fine examples of bikesthroughout history. Riders can find out the horsepower of their bikes onthedyno tester. Smell the rubber burn at the burnout demonstration Saturdayevening. Also that night, see the best-looking female bikers compete forcash prizes in the famous Miss Carlisle beauty contest. Live bands willentertain crowds in between the other attractions. For a break from theheatand the crowds, women can visit the Women’s Oasis to get free manicures andmassages, shop and take part in seminars. Kids? activities are alsoavailable. Try your luck at Basket Bingo for your chance to win greatbaskets.

To finish up the weekend’s excitement, a 2003 Harley-Davidson? FXSTSoftail?Standard will be given away to one lucky ticket holder on Sunday at about 3p.m. No purchase is necessary, but you must be present at the stage to win.

The 2003 edition of the Carlisle Summer Bike Fest takes place July 25-27.Gates are open from 7 a.m. to dusk daily. Admission is $5 each day.Introduce kids to the automotive hobby – children 12 and under are admittedfree. For additional information, call the Carlisle Events Hotline at (717)243-7855, or visit There will be no on-groundscamping. For off-site camping or room reservations, call 1(877) 231-ROOM(7666).

Carlisle Events
phone: 717-243-7855, ext. 116


BIKERNET BLAST FROM THE PAST–Saw the referral to Texas Scooter Times. Thought you’d get a grin out of acover I shot back in ’81 at some Kansas drags.

That’s my oldest kid, John, in the background, standing in what was referredto as the starter’s stand. A few runs later Marion Owens grenaded Boss Hogand the kid had to find new digs.

–John Siebenthaler

THREE ROSES– A very sexually active woman tells her plastic surgeon that she wants her vagina lips reduced in size because they were flapping in the breeze.

Out of embarrassment she insisted that the surgery be kept a secret and the surgeon agreed.

Awakening from the anesthesia after the surgery she found three roses carefully placed beside her on the bed. Outraged she immediately calls in the doctor. “I thought I asked you not to tell anyone about my operation!”

The surgeon told her he had carried out her wish for confidentiality and that the first rose was from himself: “I felt sad because you went through this all by yourself.

“The second rose is from my nurse. She assisted me in the surgery and empathized because she had had the same procedure done some time ago.”

“And what about the third rose?” she asked.

“Oh, that rose is from a man upstairs in the burn unit. He wanted to thank you for his new ears!”

–from Bob T.


FROM THE DESK OF SIN–I have a few things I want to go over in this weeks news; one is to explain what?s going on with Chrome Specialties in the Gulch. Chrome Specialties is merging with Custom Chrome and currently in the process of re-vamping their website. Part numbers are being converted so they show up as not available, which is usually not the case. The best thing to do, until they finish this merge, is give us a call to check availability and get the correct crossover part number. Don?t get discouraged; I?m here to help. The phone number to call is 310-521-9900 for assistance.


Click to see more Johnny Suede!

Another thing I want to discuss is sex. Not really? I want to talk about Johnny Suede in the Gulch. In case you haven?t visited his site yet, GO DO IT GODDAMNIT! Show your support for Bikernet?s newest sponsor and you?ll be rewarded with visions of the coolest clothes around.


Click to see more Joker Apparel!

That brings me to my last subject—the Free Contest. Johnny Suede is donating shirts, hats and beanies for our winners. Along with all the other cool stuff I have from Choppahead, Samson Exhaust, Joker Machine Apparel and Straight Pipez, you?d be silly not to enter. I know Layla said in last weeks news she would post all the winners in a Special Report, we still are. Bandit?s a fuckin? slave driver and in his attempt to keep fresh material flowing through the veins of Bikernet, he?s got Layla and me on the run. I promise by the end of this week, you will have your winners list.


Click to see more Straight Pipez!

I want to personally thank all those who have subjected themselves to our questions when entering the contest. Your information is invaluable to us in that it helps us to see what the demographics are, what you ride, and most important, what you like best from Bikernet and what we could offer to make us even better. We love the feedback and want you coming back as a very satisfied customer.

Have a great weekend and remember, you can always email me at


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March 03, 2003 Part 1


beer girl

Photos By Rogue

Daytona Beach Area Bike Week 2003– is off and running. Officially starting Saturday March 1st and it is already full of controversy.

You will note that I included the word AREA as the Bikers are in an area roughly 100 miles North, West and East of the famous beach. There is a lot of speculation why, but a lot of it is the attitude of the City of Daytona Beach and the wide spread ticketing of the bikers.

The Harley dealer in Orlando is putting on a big shindig and is expecting 100,000 bikers and all the bars, fish camps, and other places you can think of within 100 miles is welcoming the bikers.

red bikini

AND they are going there. Some are complaining about the rates for rooms in the Daytona area which in some cases are 2-3 times what they will be next week for college break, others the police ticketing, price gouging etc. While most of those I have talked to say they are not against spending money, and expect to but do not like to feel they are being taken advantage of. Why is the price of a bottle of beer $2.00 more down town and some other areas? Hey I can stay out side of town for $50.00- $100.00 a day and have just as much fun and spend the money on other things.

Well enough of that. We will look at it long and hard when it is all over and see. I have a Duty To Perform and that is to show you that how to have FUN. Now I realize that different people have different ideas about what fun is but this is mine.

dancing Rogue
I am about 100 miles South of Daytona and went up as far as New Smyrna Saturday. I got off I-95 at route 44 and went West to route 415. My first stop was Bikers Paradise.

naughty angel
As soon as I got there the Naughty Angel Lei’d me. I had a few beers and started taking pictures, there were some really fine women on stage and before I knew it I had given my camera to a helper and was up there with them ( Oh the things I do to get a story).Hey it’s a dirty job but some one got to do it.

on Rogue's lap

Well there were all kinds of other things going on and some Rockin? bands. If you didn’t have a good time, it was your fault.

I decided to visit a few other places before I had too much fun and did go to the Cabbage Patch, which is right up Rt. 415 North. It had just rained a little and a lot of the people had headed for cover. A quick ride over to Club 44 to check it out and then back to the Paradise.


The TV station was saying that downtown was wet and did not have many people and was trying to blame it on the war and the economy. The Bikers are here in Florida but watching where they go, how they are treated and where they spend their money.

I will be going to the Speedway today to see the Vintage Races and work for the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum. I will be out and about the area and if you see me, have me take your picture. You might see it here on Bikernet or in one of the magazines.

two angels

Do not forget to stop in at the Camel tent and see Billy Lane and the bike he built for them.



Showers Diminish Early Bike Week Turnout

Staff Writer
Last updated: Mar 1, 04:10 AM


Friday’s festive gatherings, part of a tradition that started in 1937 withthe first Daytona 200 motorcycle race, left many wondering whether Bike Week2003 would hit or miss. Police estimated about 20,000 people on Main Streetby 9 p.m. Friday. Many seemed oblivious to the weather.

They came from Israel, Kentucky and Germany — enthusiasts who love not onlythe hair-blowing thrills, but everything about motorcycles. “I like theoriginality of the bikes,” said Dean Bozard, a biker from South Carolina.

Still, rain showers didn’t help keep pessimists quiet. The National WeatherService in Melbourne called for a chance of rain and thunderstorms throughthe weekend.”It’s not going to be a dry weekend by any means,” said meteorologist PeteBlottman in Melbourne. “It looks like things will finally start drying outon Tuesday.

Bike Week runs through March 9 and is expected to draw 500,000. Thoseselling things were keeping their hopes up. “We’re having a great crowd,”said Denise Jabaly, a merchandising manager at Daytona Harley-Davidson onBeach Street. “They’re a little wet and soggy, but they’re happy.”

Not all were having a good time, however. Roads were closed to allowmotorcycle access, parking was tight — or expensive — and the Votran bussystem expects delays or interruptions next week.

A few miles south on U.S. 1 in South Daytona, vendors sellingHarley-Davidson T-shirts and smoked turkey legs were closing as early as 8p.m. Biker traffic there was lighter than expected, police said.”It’s been very light for the kickoff night,” said Officer Pete Blottman ofthe South Daytona Police Department. “The vendors are shutting down, theyexpected quite a larger crowd.”

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February 27, 2003 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

lesbians against Bush

HISTORY OF FRANCE– – Gallic Wars – Lost. In a war whose ending foreshadows the next 2000 years of French history, France is conquered by of all things, an Italian.

– Hundred Years War – Mostly lost, saved at last by female schizophrenic who inadvertently creates The First Rule of French Warfare; “France’s armies are victorious only when not led by a Frenchman.”

– Italian Wars – Lost. France becomes the first and only country to ever lose two wars when fighting Italians.

– Wars of Religion – France goes 0-5-4 against the Huguenots

– Thirty Years War – France is technically not a participant, but manages to get invaded anyway. Claims a tie on the basis that eventually the other participants started ignoring her.

– War of Devolution – Tied. Frenchmen take to wearing red flowerpots as chapeaux.

– The Dutch War – Tied

– War of the Augsburg League/King William’s War/French and Indian War Lost, but claimed as a tie. Three ties in a row induces deluded Frogophiles the world over to label the period as the height of French military power.

– War of the Spanish Succession – Lost. The War also gave the French their first taste of a Marlborough, which they have loved every since.

<- American Revolution - In a move that will become quite familiar to future Americans, France claims a win even though the English colonists saw far more action. This is later known as "de Gaulle Syndrome", and leads to the Second Rule of French Warfare; "France only wins when America does most of the fighting."

– French Revolution – Won, primarily due the fact that the opponent was also French.

– The Napoleonic Wars – Lost. Temporary victories (remember the First Rule!) Due to leadership of a Corsican, who ended up being no match for a British footwear designer.

– The Franco-Prussian War – Lost. Germany first plays the role of drunk Frat boy to France’s ugly girl home alone on a Saturday night.

– World War I – Tied and on the way to losing, France is saved by the United States. Thousands of French women find out what it’s like to not only sleep with a winner, but one who doesn’t call her “Fraulein.” Sadly, widespread use of condoms by American forces forestalls any improvement in the French bloodline.

– World War II – Lost. Conquered French liberated by the United States and Britain just as they finish learning the Horst Wessel Song.

– War in Indochina – Lost. French forces plead sickness, take to bed with the Dien Bien Flu

– Algerian Rebellion – Lost. Loss marks the first defeat of a western army by a Non-Turkic Muslim force since the Crusades, and produces the First Rule of Muslim Warfare; “We can always beat the French.” This rule is identical to the First Rules of the Italians, Russians, Germans, English, Dutch, Spanish, Vietnamese and Esquimaux.

– War on Terrorism – France, keeping in mind its recent history, surrenders to Germans and Muslims just to be safe.

The question for any country silly enough to count on the French should not be “Can we count on the French?”, but rather “How long until France collapses?”

–from Ray R.

angie - crazyhorse

READERS SHOWCASE EDITOR’S REPORT–Well it has finally stopped raining here in the land of Dixie. The monsoonrain coming after the biggest snowstorm in 10 years. With temps in the 50stoday. I expect the Carolina country roads will be filled motorcycles, astheir riders try and get one day of riding in before it rains again.

Ofcourse that ain’t squat compared to what’s going my old homeland of NewEngland. They can’t even get the bikes out of the garages. Unless they spenda few hours shoveling. That last storm dumped 2-ft up there atop of the 3-ftthey already had. Crazy Angie’s boyfriend had to go get a snowmobile twomonths ago, ‘cos he was jonesin’ so bad.

She tells me, “He said I’m going tobuy US a snowmobile for winter fun. What a shock to see a 2003 New PolarisSnowmobile takes only one rider? Well, first of all their isn’t room enoughon the seat for his big ass, never mind mine. I weigh 120lbs. I ‘d have tostarve myself for a year to fit on the back of that small seat .

Then itsays right on the windshield one person only NO passengers .. I said ‘Howstupid are you?” He said, ‘Pretty stupid, I never saw that.’ He paid $8,000for a one person play toy and never saw that sign.”He took off on it in a blizzard and she hasn’t seen him since.

She’s notworried tho. Hishot rod dresser and old softail are residing in her garage and he has tocome back for them someday. If not, she’ll just get taller heels and ahandsome young guy to set her on the dresser. She’s already takingapplications. E-mail any advice you all have for Angie

I’ll be skipping Daytona this year. Instead I’m hog tying my husband anddragging him off to Tahiti for TBear’s Tropical Biker Adventure. I even gota passport. I still can’t believe they gave me one. Wow, I feel almostrespectable. But then TBear has one, and if they gave him one well…….

readers ride photo - crazyhorse

Hey, Reader’s Showcase is getting some of the highest hit counts on oursite here. So if ya gotta bike to show off or tale to tell, send them indammit! Reach millions, well maybe not millions, reach thousands of folks. Show ’em your stuff. Tell ’em how you built it.Check out Dave Lango’s time machine road cruiser in the pic above. You’ve got to check out his trailer.

You cansee more realbikes by going to Reader’s Showcase. Come-on, send me some stuff, give mesomething to do besides paint all these bikes and clean out the catbox. Fourweeks and counting before I leave the country. I hope they let me backin.

–Crazy Horse

love motorcycles

LA CALENDAR SHOW ROCKS WITH NEW BAND–We are definitely excited about having the hottest new recording groupin America, the beautiful Beu Sisters as the featured musical group atour LA Calendar Motorcycle Show. We are promoting them heavily in allour print advertising and throughout our website, as wellas selling their CD online via

You can find out more about The Beu Sisters on their website which youcan reach via the links above. I also recommend using the shopping linkthere to to get their CD. I’ve already given copies of theirCD to some of my friends and they all agree it is awesome and can’t stopplaying it.

ARLEN NESS’S NEW BUILDING FINALLY OPEN–Arlen will have the Grand Opening of his new facility on the weekend of March 29th and 30th. The film crew from the Discovery Channel will be there to finish the filming of the television special!

Lots of riders think Arlen was born with riches. He wasn’t. He was a postman who built bikes in his spare time. He was in a club in the late sixties and rode with the worst of us. In those days he was a home built kinda guy. I think he spent 30 years in the same little shop. He’s spent almost five years preparing to move into a building he built with his son, Cory.

THE REASON JON TOWLE IS SHORT, REVEALED–We recently pressed Jon Towle to help with artwork for the Run For Breathe, charity ride in Charlotte. Here’s what he said, “Oh, by the way, I know all about the “suffering kids”. I had, whattheir kid had, for the first thirteen years of my life. Many trips tothe hospital, being on a breathing machine all the time, many nightsfighting for breath to where your ribs and lungs get so weak, you don’tknow if you can do it anymore–until they give you a huge adrenalin shotto make up for exhausted muscles.

It scares the life outta ya. I wasthere. I was suppose to be at least seven inches taller than I am now,because of it. breaking blood vessels from coughing so hard to catchyour breath, missing three weeks of school at a time. Shall I go on? Iknow the whole story of what they go through. I’m lucky to be alive! They told my folks, I wouldn’t make it past nineteen. But I’m too stubborn to go along with that shit.

Of course I’ll draw the black and white logo for their event. I’ll spend every waking moment when I’m not caring for my own kid (Mr. Mom) or drawing for Bikernet.


THE BIKERNET BLONDE DEPARTMENT–A police officer stops a blonde for speeding and asks her very nicely if he could see her license.

She replied in a huff, “I wish you guys would get your act together.Just yesterday you take away my license and then today you expect me toshow it to you!”

–from Rev CarlR

SEND YOUR THANKS TO THE MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN–If you are so inclined, visit the Department of Defense web page belowand sign a brief message thanking the men and women of the U.S. militaryservices for defending our freedom. The compiled list of names will be sentout to our soldiers at the end of the month. So far, there are only3,800,000 names.

Pass the word that we can honor and support the defenders of freedom.

National Military Appreciation Month 10 seconds…literally (please pass it on to your email friends)

–from Giggie, Compu-Fire

THAT’S ALL FOLKS–Between the massive King 9 tech and the news, I’m hammered. “Somebody get me a Jack.” Thought I’d take a break for dinner, but the two bitches started tearing at each other over stale Chinese food. I went to the cupboard to refill my drink and escape back to the inner sanctum of Bikernet.

Sorry we can’t always have the news up, by the middle of the day, east coast time, on Thursday. There’s numerous factors at play. Sex, whiskey and motorcycles. Do I need anymore excuses?

There’s a new tech on Gates belts out there in cyber space somewhere, and Frank Kaisler sent me a home-built wiring tech, that will hit the site this weekend. What else. We may have a major feature on what Billy Lane is up to next week.

I hope the gloss black powder coating arrives from Custom Powder Coating in Dallas tomorrow. I need to get back on the King for an American Rider deadline. The coater was snowed in for two days this week. It’s a bitch fighting deadline. There’s always something that jumps into the mix. On the other paw, we always make it through. It’s part of the challenge. The King is coming together. Can’t wait to show it off.

Let’s hope the sun shines on Daytona as all the brothers and sisters roll into the town that doesn’t want them.

Ride Forever–Bandit

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February 27, 2003 Part 3


Continued From Page 2


NEW BOOK FROM LITTLE BRITISH GUY–Just drive around the streets with a PA system telling everyone in earshotthat this is 1000% better than Sex and The City and will outsell Dr Spockand J K Rowling’s Harry Potter so buy now . Sales are through the roof so far but that is offthe MAG product site and our shows plus a few Harley dealers around London.

I am launching my own website soon and my second book, a pictorial overviewof the growth of MAG and the biker lifestyle in general from 70s up to thepresent time. Thanks for the offer of help, ideally what I would like to dowould be to find a US publisher for the book and then re- work it a bit.There were some parts where I feel I was too mean and where I could haveinjected humour to offset my critical comment.

Liked your revenge book. Bike theft is a major issue for us. I’m going to an antitheft meeting tomorrow with police bodies insurance companies and otherinterested parties. Never sure if we are getting anywhere. Capital punishmentis what is needed.

This book ‘Looking For America’ details my trip across the USA in ’89when I did the interview with you which gets described in some depth.


BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–We are out in Daytona, yeap, already there, time flies, just last month we were working our asses off to get the bike together and now we are trying to ride, it’s cold (to this Caribbean guys) and a 50 % chance of rain looms, but we are setting the booth up. Choppers Inc and The Horse should be arriving pretty soon (during the week end) We have a lot of stuff to do here, people to meet and deeds to do.I’m still working on the SU and waiting for Primos response to my questions, maybe I’ll get lucky and find an SU guru here that can help me dial it. For now it has an S&S and it’s running great, too bad I want the other carb , it looks good and I like the way they perform.

We are expecting a lot of friends from overseas and hoping that this will be a fun time for all, I will take some photos when the chopper is done and will send them to Bandit.Don’t forget to come by our booth and say hi, it’s always good to put a name and a face together.I’m just watching the weather report and it states gloomy weather for the week end, but clearing for next week which should be great. Remember, be safe if you are heading down here, enjoy the ride and try not to freeze your balls (or nipples) on the road.One thing is for sure, one big ass report will follow this trip, like always, and if I manage to sneak into someones computer will do some of Your Shots…

This one is short and sweet, gotta go work…Fuck ! don’t I always.Get better pops, we are tuning for the long ride…

Jose, Caribbean Report from the shitty shores of Daytona Beach

BIKERNET GYPSY SCUTTLEBUTT-THE BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL–It is always a treat for me to see friends come backinto my life. Ashame you could not avail your self ofsome timely bargains. But, you will get the friendlytreatment when you need that from me.

The Gold Wing I was riding, when I saw you in CarsonCity, checked out on me about a year ago. Seems I blewa hole in the case. That bike was pretty worn out WhenI acquired it for $100.00 several years ago. So now Igot another Honda, 1978-750SS with Vetter Fairing,bags, and Trunk. Last summer I journeyed from the California Coast toKenniwick, Wa. for the Hydroplane races, then over themountins to Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and into Sturgisto work for some friends there. Then off to Minnesota,Wisconsin, and Illinois for my 45th high schoolreunion. and finally back thru Missouri, Oklahoma,Texas, etc to SoCal and home. Great trip, good viewsand fantastic folks along the way. Ended up with about4500 miles on the odometer and many great memories.

Looking forward to another fantastic year and thisyear I want to traverse the AlCan highway to Alaska.

Any way I gave your address to American Diabetes Assnand told Lori Stevens about you, she remembers you andlooks forward to seeing you again. They are sendingyou a package for Sponsorship and I expect to see yourlogos on our flyers very soon. There is a B.A.D. ridecommittee meeting at Bartels on Wednesday evening at6.30 pm. I would go, but I have an ABATE meeting inPomona, that same evening. I usually go to the PomonaValley and Orange County meetings. This is for thefolks that help with the ride as we plan and executethis years Ride.

Anyway, Bandit, get involved and support this cause.Diabetes is curable, all we need is money and yourhelp to find the CURE.


phyllis right rear - Jesse Rooke bike

phyllis side- Jesse Rooke bike

ANOTHER DAYTONA TEASE–This is Jesse Rooke’s latest creation, and it’s headed toward Daytona for Bike Week. Jesse is a hot, new, up-and-coming builder. Check his site for new products: JESSEROOKECUSTOMES.COM.


10th – Scattered @#$%ing showers, my ass! – Noah, 4314 BC
9th – How the @#$% did you work that out? – Pythagoras, 126 BC
8th – You want WHAT on the @#$%ing ceiling? – Michelangelo, 1566
7th – Where did all those @#$%ing Indians come from? – Custer, 1877
6th – It does so @#$%ing look like her! – Picasso, 1926
5th – Where the @#$% are we? – Amelia Earhart,1937
4th – Any @#$%ing idiot could understand that. – Einstein, 1938
3rd – What the @#$% was that? – Mayor Of Hiroshima, 1945
2nd – I need this parade like I need a @#$%ing hole in the head! – JFK, 1963

And,….. drum roll……..The number 1 most appropriate time for using the *#*$ word……Aw c’mon, Monica. Who the @#$% is going to find out? – Bill Clinton, 1997

–from Rev CarlRNo problem- don’t let Jose give you too much shit, he’s awfully bitter for a young guy. I love my chop too, but used to make Atlanta to Fort Lauderdale in just over 9 hours and be ready to party when I was still riding my King. If I did that on my chop, I’d have a shot of Jack and pass out after gettin’ into town. I’ve still done a couple of 400-mile days, but it hurts considerably more.


King3_9-191 side shot

BEHIND THE SCENES AT BIKERNET CARIBBEAN–Greetings from Lauderdale, where I wish I was leaving for Daytona this morning. My ’57 chop is ready to roll, and Jose’s buddy Wicho’s ’52 Pan is only a few days from being mobile again after installation of a new 3″ BDL primary and jockey shift. Should be interesting watching him learn to ride this, but better in South Florida than back home in San Juan.

Saw your note on Sunday’s news about changing the location of your license plate, see the attached photos of my ’98 King. Moving the plate was the first thing I did in October ’97 after picking up the bike. Once you pull the rear fender light the original backing plate was able to mount in the already-drilled holes with minimal grinding. I used some bullet lights to cap off the empty holes in the original mount, held in place with JB Weld and wired to the brake lights. The turn signals were remounted using some $80 CCI kit, with the “tits” added for some side visibility. I used plastic end caps from Ace Hardware and some black silicone to plug the holes in the fender underneath the taillight. Easy fix for minimal cash, cleaned up the back end a lot.


Also note the smooth Corbin Warbird fender. I don’t think it was more than $100 and really cleaned up the front of the bike. It seemed to handle a bit better too due to the lighter weight, and I didn’t notice much of a decrease in wet-weather protection.

Still miss this sled, had over 80K miles on it when I street-luged down 95 outside of Pompano in December ’01 after a gal cut in front of me in the rain. Of course, it was 3AM. Guess that’s why there’s drunk bikers, and there’s old bikers, but there are no drunk old bikers. Fortunately, a good jacket & gloves saved me except for some road rash on my knees and losing some hair on the back of my head. State Farm gave me enough cash to finish the chop and pick up my ol’ lady’s ring.

I’m on the road for Daytona March 6th, same hotel as Jose and his gang of misfits. Should be a hell of a weekend…


FREE CONTEST, CONTEST FREE, AND THE WINNER IS– We have quite a few winners since we took so long in choosing. I?m not going to post exactly what they won in today?s news cause I have ten pages of winners and it would take up too much space. I?m gonna do a ?Special Report ? that will be posted in the next couple of days. Here?s a few of the winner?s submissions for a teaser. Just so you know, you do win at Bikernet and prizes will be shipped out soon. You may not get exactly what you asked for but what you do get will be cool. We have prizes from Johnny Suede, Straight Pipez, Samson and many other Bikernet contributors.

Michael Reida – Des Moines, IA
Suggestion: More bike features for those of us living in the real world…and that don’t include $50K freaking bar hoppers. (That’s the same bitch I blasted American Iron Magazine with recently, whose subscription I’m dropping)
Wanted: Wanted: #1 Nothing from Bandits underwear drawer, thanks… (Good Gawd, y’all). #2 Anything for the old Pan. It has over length springer of unknown origin, Mustang tank, bobbed rear fender, drag bars, no front brake, drum on rear, and is black (of course)

Suggestion: Biker tattoo section
Wanted: Some good head!

Denny Vander Woude – Waupun, Wisconsin
Suggestion: More articles, like the personal stories of rides and runs
Wanted: a Bikernet Tshirt and an old Harley piston I can use for a pencil holder

I learned a lot from some of the suggestions that were entered (thank you for taking the time), but there seems to be some confusion about what is available to you here at Bikernet. Lots of people suggested we have a place where you readers could submit your stories and your rides. Shit, that?s what we?ve been asking for. We also received quite a few suggestions for a Tattoo Section. I would love to get images of tattoos to post seeing how I?m the tattoo queen.

If you can?t send images via the Internet, you can always send them snail-mail. Pay attention now, email addresses are: ? for stories and bike builds. ? for tattoos and any other images. – for Readers Rides.

Our address is:
PO Box 1168
San Pedro, CA 90733-1168

Not to mention ?It?s Your Shot?. You can always leave a message there.

We have Event Coverage, Event Calendar, Bike Shops, Bars and Hangouts, etc?

So there you have it. No more excuses for not sending your stories, bike builds, tattoos, event coverage or just your thoughts. We wanna hear from you, even criticism. Oh, Mo Smock, you are a winner too. You get a special prize for the most entries.

The Bitch

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February 27, 2003 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

BIKERNET INDIAN RELATIONS–The old Cherokee chief sat in his hut on the reservation, smoking the ceremonial pipe, eyeing the US government officials sent to interview him.

“Chief Two Eagles,” one official began, “you have observed the white man for 90 years. You have observed his wars and his material wealth. You have seen his progress and the damage he has done.” The Chief nodded that it was so. The official continued, “Considering all theseevents, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?”

The Chief stared at the government officials for over a minute, and then calmly replied, “When white man found this land, Indians were running it. No taxes. No debt, Plenty buffalo and Plenty beaver. Women did all work. Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing, all night screwing women.”

The Chief leaned back and frowned, “White man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.”

–from A. Friedman

Old guy

AMERICA’S OLDEST MAN PASSES ON AT 113–February 25, 2003 at 10:12PM. Washington – The oldest living American man has died at the age of 113 after smoking cigars, drinking beer, reading Bikernet and eating greasy food for much of his life, a news report said on Tuesday.

John McMorran of Lakeland, Florida, died of heart failure on Monday, the daily Lakeland Ledger reported.

McMorran quit smoking at the age of 97 but continued to enjoy coffee and life. During his last few years, he was a celebrity of sorts, frequently making headlines marking yet another birthday.

McMorran was born on June 19, 1889, in a log cabin in the state of Michigan.He was the fourth-oldest person in the world. Japan’s Kamato Hongo is the world’s oldest person at 115, the paper said.

In his last years, his eyesight had failed, and he was hard of hearing, but he otherwise enjoyed good health until developing complications related to pneumonia last week. Sapa-DPA

–from Bob T.

BIG BUILDING JOKE–Two men sit drinking in the bar at the top of the Empire State Building. One turns to the other and says: “You know, last week I discovered that if you jump from the top of this building, by the time you fall to the 10th floor, the winds around the building are so intense that they carry you around the building and back into the window.”

The bartender overhears this, and just shakes his head.

The second man says: “What are you, a nut? There is no way in hell that couldhappen.”

The first man says: “No, it’s true, let me prove it to you.”He gets up from the bar, jumps over the balcony, and careens toward the street below. When he passes the 10th floor, he whips around the building and back into the 10th floor window, where he takes the elevator back to the bar.

The second man tells him: “You know, I saw it with my own eyes, but that must have been a one-time fluke.”

The first man says: “I’ll do it again.”And again, he jumps and hurtles toward the street until he again slows near the 10th floor, where he circles the building and ends up going through the same window. He returns to the bar.

The second man says: “Well, what the hell, it works, I’m going to try it.” He jumps over the balcony, plunges downward, passes the 11th floor, 10th floor, 9th floor … and hits the sidewalk with a splat.

Back upstairs, the bartender turns to the other drinker and says: “You know, Super man, you’re a real jerk when you’re drunk.”

–from Art F.

DAYTONA H-D OWNER FED UP WITH DAYTONA–Fed up with rising special events fees, Bruce Rossmeyer also is planning to build a 100,000-square-foot, 24-hour satellite dealership north of Ormond Beach city limits at U.S. 1 and Interstate 95.

The new site is where Daytona Harley-Davidson will stage its Bike Week and Biketoberfest events, which include all-day concerts.

“What’s on Beach Street will stay but I am relocating,” Rossmeyer said.

Rossmeyer said city officials here have made it difficult for him to stage biker events. He doesn’t like the ongoing controversy over special events and the city wanting to charge high fees to make events pay for themselves.

City Commissioner Darlene Yordon, a strong proponent of higher fees, called Rossmeyer’s decision “unfortunate.”

“Bruce was one of the best (businesses) that we have when it comes to paying. But, the city has got to cover its expenses,” Yordon said. “Maybe, if the Main Street merchants had been paying their fair share, Mr. Rossmeyer wouldn’t be leaving.”

Rossmeyer paid $250,000 to use North Riverfront Park, located across from his Beach Street dealership, during Bike Week and Biketoberfest last year and will pay that much this year, he said. “I am not going to pay that outrageous price that the city wants anymore.”

When he built his Beach Street dealership five years ago, he was told he could use the park for $1 a year.

So, “I just resolved my problem. Maybe somebody else will rent that park, but I doubt it,” Rossmeyer said.

–from Rogue and News Journal

LAWRENCE OF ARABIA FOUND–The attached photo is of Gerge Brough (using a cane because he had crashed one of his bikes shortly before) and T.E. Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia) taking delivery of a Brough in 1932. Lawrence was killed in a bike crash in 1935, perhaps on this machine.


STROKER’S POLL–A bikernet reader, Stroker, decided to take a poll and extended the proposal to us. It’s simple. Put in your number and we’ll tally the poll for next week.

Averagemiles I ride per year
500 to 1,000
1,000 to 2,500
2,500 to 5,000
5,000 to 10,000
more than 10,000

no cops sign

LEATHER JACKET LOBBYISTS MINGLE WITH HARTFORD REGULARS–By KEN DIXON.Tuesday, February 25, 2003 – HARTFORD – It’s common to see people in uniform at the Capitol complex, whether it’s National Guard troops in camouflage at the cafeteria’s salad bar, or uniformed police officers testifying on pending legislation.

It’s not very often, however, that members of the Hell’s Angels Motorcycle Club, in full black leather regalia, are seen standing in the Legislative Office Building among the lobbyists in pinstriped suits.

But like any other special-interest group, members of the Connecticut chapter of the original outlaw bikers descended on the Capitol Monday in an attempt to beat down the latest attempt to enact a helmet law for motorcycle riders.They joined dozens of other ridersweekend yuppies on the latest recreation fad or longtime bikers who’ve fought before for the right to shun “brain pans”in asking lawmakers to leave them alone.

“We feel most of the people who are trying to get the helmet law aren’t riders,” said Santo Bazzano, 35, of Hartford, one of three Hell’s Angels who stood in the LOB’s atrium, watching the parade of noontime humanity. “It should be the rider’s choice.”

–from Rogue

Bill May

MAY RETURNS EARLY– I have been out of touch for a while reorganizing my life. Here is a shot of the hardtail Sportster I made for under 2,500 dollars. I sent the story to Hammer but I don’t think the pics were good enough.

There is a story on that frame. My friend Jeff in Boulder City found that frame in the city dump several years ago. He took it home and stuck some old wheels on it and made a yard ornament till his wife wanted to clean up the yard so he threw it behind the garage till I came along. It is totally homemade by who knows? I cut the neck off and redid it with less stretch and rake and there you have it. I will try to scan the construction pics and send you the whole story. It’s finally raining in vegas.

–Bill May

Continued On Page 3

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February 27, 2003 Part 1


da crew billy lane

Don’t miss visiting Billy Lane and his crew across from Daytona H-D during Bike Week.

This report will be wild from an array of new custom bikes, new techs due to be launched and reports from our readers. We spent the other night in bed reviewing all the reports from the Bikernet Suggestion box. We have a constant FREE contest area. Check it out. You can go in, fill out the form which gives us some notion of the riders who read Bikernet. From there you are free to make suggestions to our vast, world wide editorial staff. Finally you can request your own prize. Doesn’t mean you’ll get it, but the more creative the request, the more chances you have of making your request become a reality.

What’s the most requested editorial element? Stories from you about the bikes you build. We have a couple of ways for riders to get their stories out about riding experiences or building bikes. That’s one of the reasons we changed the bike show area into an area where you can post your own bike feature, Reader’s Showcase. You can tell the world about your machine, how it was built or any experience you’ve had with your machine. Don’t worry about how you do it. CrazyHorse will run through each piece before it’s launched.

There’s one more way you can make history or share your experiences with Bikernet. Write me at Give me a notion of what you want to share. If you can’t write at all, maybe I’ll interview you and write the story. Maybe I can coach you on your story and edit it for you. Maybe I’ll assign it to another writer. One way or another, we’ll bring your story to life. Goddamnit, that’s what we’re here for. Let’s get to the news:

dallas ER banner

DALLAS SWAP MEET MARCH 2ND – THIS SUNDAY!!!!! — The Texas Scooter Times here reminding everyone about the Texas Scooter Times upcoming Swap Meet in Dallas- March 2nd at the Historic Longhorn Ballroom!

Bikers will find motorcycle parts manufactures and distributors that travel the country, selling by the volume at deep discounts. There’ll be Motorcycle Shops that sell the good used parts that are taken off bikes in their shops when customers want to change up their rides. There’ll be Jewelry Vendors, T-Shirt Hawkers, Leather Sellers and people peddling oddities of all kinds. What ever it is you are looking for, IT’S HERE!

Live Band – Bargains – Parts & Party – Door prizes and other contests – TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS! – Don’t miss them!HOURS: Gates open at 11am – Limited Vendor Space Still Available- please call the Texas Scooter Times for reservations.For more info on a specific show and driving directions visit: or call 254-687-9066

rogue banner

THE ROGUE REPORT FROM DAYTONA–The news (TV) is saying attendance and room reservations are down inDaytona Beach and they are blaming it on the economy and the pending war. BULLSHIT attendance is only down in Daytona Beach because of the high hotelrates and ever thing else.Add in the tickets for every thing you can thinkof. Hotels & Motels from Jacksonville to Orlando and then over to Melbourne(South of Daytona Beach)are welcoming the Bikers and they are coming. The Bikers are in Florida. They just are tired of the BULLSHIT in DaytonaBeach and are having their fun in the sun other places. ROGUE


MYSTERY GAS TANK– I bought a $50 tank off eBay a few months back, have been trying to ID it. Pretty sure my current tank is an old Ness Prism tank. This looks like a variation upon it. I was hoping to try this for Daytona, but I’m not going to have a chance to make the necessary repairs to it. Looks like it was clearanced for the rear rocker box (poorly), and I’d like to add a crossover line due to the angle of my frame.

Ever seen anything like it or know the origin? Obviously significantly raises my sub 2-gallon fuel capacity, and there definitely aren’t going to be too many other ones around…


BEACH RIDE WILL LIVE AGAIN–We are proceeding with the application to Queen Mary Parks for August 31. At last after club disputes in Laughlin gave the Ventura, California an excuse to shut the Beach Ride down last year after 10 harmless years that raised money for needy kids.

The Beach Ride will now live again in Long Beach, California.

Carmela Anne Burke, MPA
Exceptional Childrens Foundation
(310) 845-8060

Photo taken by Layla in Hawg Wild?s shop in Grants Pass, OR. Thanks Silent!

BIKERNET REPORTS FROM HELL–One day a guy dies and finds himself in hell. As he’s wallowing indespair, he has his first meeting with the devil…..

Satan: Why are you so glum?

Guy: What do you think? I’m in hell!

Satan: Hell’s not so bad. We actually have a lot of fun down here. Youa drinking man?

Guy: Sure, I love to drink.

Satan: Well you’re gonna love Mondays then. On Mondays all we do isdrink., tequila, Guinness, wine coolers, diet tab and fresca… wedrink till we throw up and then we drink some more! And we don’t worryabout getting a hangover, because you’re dead anyway.

Guy: Gee, that sounds great!

Satan: You a smoker?

Guy: You better believe it!

Satan: All right! You’re gonna love Tuesdays. We get the finest cigarsfrom all over the world and smoke our lungs out. If you get cancer nobiggie, you’re already dead, remember?

Guy: Wow…that’s awesome!

Satan: I bet you like to gamble.

Guy: Why yes, as a matter of fact I do.

Satan: Cause Wednesdays you can gamble all you want. Craps, Blackjack,Roulette, Poker, Slots, whatever. If you go bankrupt… you’re deadanyhow.

Satan: What about Drugs?!?

Guy: Are you kidding? Love drugs! You don’t mean…

Satan: That’s right! Thursday is drug day. Help yourself to a great bigbowl of crack, or smack. Smoke a doobie the size of a submarine. Youcan do all the drugs you want, you’re dead, who cares.

Guy: WOW! I never realized Hell was such a cool place!

Satan: You gay?

Guy: No…

Satan: UhhhhOoooh…….You’re gonna hate Fridays….

–from Rev CarlR


Bikernet Patches available in the Gulch. Click on image to purchase!

SEA-TAC REFUSER RANDOM CAR SEARCHES–By Sara Kehaulani Goo and Carrie Johnson,The Washington Post.First, air travelers had to submit to an electronic wand waved over the body. Then they were asked to remove their shoes. After that, their checked luggage was opened and searched. Now, with the nation under a Code Orange alert, police are pulling over drivers as they approach airport terminals for random searches of their vehicles.

At least one major airport, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, said it would not comply with the directive because it ran counter to state laws prohibiting police from searching a vehicle without a specific reason. “We can’t just stop everybody, or stop every third car or every blue car,” said airport spokesman Bob Parker.

Some airport managers balked at following the directive until the TSA clarified the legal issues. In its defense, the agency pointed to several cases in which federal courts ruled that vehicles could be searched for reasons of public safety.

–from Rogue and the Seattle Times

camel bike

camel bike on lift

clear pushrods - camel bike

NEW CAMEL PROJECT FROM BILLY LANE–Here’s a tease of a bike that will be unleashed in Daytona next week. Hold on for another down-home, by hand custom from Billy Lane.

Click on the book for more information!

SHOVELHEAD RED ? NEW IN THE GULCH–Roy Yelverton, known to thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts as Uncle Roy, is a biker writer. A 20-yr. veteran of the U.S. Navy and has run Riders Roost, in North Carolina for 12 years with his brother, Bruce Colburn.

There is an axiom for writers that states: ‘Write what you know’. And Roy does just that.

Follow Shovelhead Red through twisting roads on a two-wheeled adventure.

Continued On Page 2

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Feeling Insecure? Get Loctite!

loctite side view

There’s a seldom talked about, often ignored important ingredient used all over your motorcycle that usually gets under-appreciated until you see or hear a piece of your bike bouncing down the road behind you. Yes, it’s another case of “Arizona Road Jewelry”. Those pieces of your bike that end up on the side of the road because you, or your trusted mechanic, were a little insecure while bolting on some prized stuff to your machine. Hopefully that piece you saw fly off your bike didn’t hit the guy behind you, or wasn’t an integral component you needed to get you home in one piece. There’s a simple magic ingredient called Loctite®, which began its life in the Trinity College basement laboratory of Dr. Vernon Krieble in Hartford, Connecticut, sometime way back half a century ago in 1953.

Back in ’53 Dr. Vern developed a ‘cure inhibition system for a unique liquid bonding resin that hardened in the absence of air “an anaerobic sealant”. It wasn’t long before Vern took advantage of his brilliant daughter-in-law’s sharp linguistic wit by taking her suggestion to call this anaerobic sealant “Loctite” . By 1956 they released their patented basement concoction to the world with the promise of solving the age-old problem of loose nuts and bolts. You see, until this time, most folks came to accept that it was natural for stuff to fall off of machines, no matter how tight you torqued the nuts down, even with good old-fashioned lock washers. Dr. Vern and his family solved a problem that was believed to be unsolvable. So why is stuff still falling off your bike?

First off, there are three standard Loctite grades that most automotive and motorcycle assemblers use. The first grade is coded Blue Removable No.242 which is applied to fasteners that you may want to unscrew with minimal hassle. Most mechanics just call it Blue Loctite, and I’ve had one or two guys who have worked at Surgical Steeds, who will remain nameless, call it “Berry”. The second grade is coded Red High-Strength No.271 which is applied to fasteners that you don’t want to take apart for a long time. When you do want to remove a fastener that has been treated with Red, or “Cherry” Loctite, you may have to use heat from a torch or iron to loosen its grip. Then we get to the third grade, which is dyed Green and is used on fasteners or studs that you don’t want to ever remove, like cylinder studs or exhaust studs. Green is not used commonly on fasteners that the everyday motorcycle technician uses unless they are building motors or transmissions. The average consumer or weekend wrench won’t need a tube of Green Loctite in their toolbox. Even the guys around the shop haven’t found a goofy name for the green stuff.

American motorcycles are notorious for rattling apart, and there really is no excuse for a bike coming to pieces if the correct anaerobic sealant is used on the appropriate fasteners. Loctite is available at most hardware stores and good bike shops, and is a safety necessity when you are working on your motorcycle.If you have a bike that keeps disassembling itself on the highway, and you are certain that you have been using Loctite properly, you might have other issues with your bike like excessive vibrations.

The most common problem resulting in excessive vibration is loose or worn motor mounts. Your standard V-twin rigid mount motor is mounted in three locations and if any are loose, this causes your whole bike to shake, rattle and roll to the max. Often loose motor mounts are symptomatic of balancing problems with the internal moving components of your engine (pistons, rods and flywheels), or they can be as simple to remedy as a visual inspection and tightening loose motor fasteners.

If your bike has the jitters, first check the top motor mount, which is under your fuel tank between the cylinders on the top left side of the motor. Even if the bolts seem tight, look carefully for cracked mounts or mounting brackets. We see quite a few broken top motor mounts especially on custom-built bikes. For some reason a few bikes with lower quality frames have issues with the motor-mounting locations not being level and square with the transmission mounting surfaces. So if the motor mounting locations on the chassis are not “shimmed” or spaced properly to make-up for the inaccuracies of the chassis mounting bosses, and just forced and bolted in, the mounting brackets may stress fatigue and break. So the message is: if you have broken mounts, take the time to discover why your motor mounts are breaking, or take your bike to a qualified mechanic who understands what needs to be checked to correct the issues. Tight motor mounts will make your bike feel like a new machine and reduce road jewelry. No amount of Loctite will make up for a poorly balanced engine or a loose or improperly shimmed drive train.

anti seize

Another item that goes along with this topic is ‘Anti-Seize’ compound. Just like Loctite, anti-seize compounds comes in several variations, but the use for anti-seize is almost the opposite of a thread-locking compound like Loctite. Anti-Seize is a nickel or copper and graphite-based paste that prevents galling or binding of a nut onto a bolt, or assists with press fitting bearing races into components. If you’ve ever assembled a chrome threaded bolt with a chromed nylock nut and all of a sudden you have magically welded the nut to the bolt you know what I’m referring to. Or how about stripping the threads out of your spark plug sockets? That’s not the way that you want to spend your afternoon. A seized bolt can wreck your day when you have to cut bolts off of a motorcycle. Anti-seize can save the day. If a bolt, or your spark plug, feels like it is about to bind on you, don’t force it, because it will bind on you. Back the bolt out and chase the threads with a tap or thread chaser and clean the bolt with the appropriate die to remove burrs or other contaminates that interfere with getting that gizmo assembled. If you are about to strip out your spark plug threads, STOP, and take your bike to a veteran motorcycle technician before you dig yourself into a deep pocket repair. This may seem like a hassle at the time, but it is far less expensive to have a pro chase your sparkplug holes, than have to pay the big bucks to repair wrecked plug bores, or trashed cylinders from metal debris getting in the pistons. Pulling broken and seized bolts separates the men from the boys, and that’s a whole ‘nuther tech tip article too.

It takes years of experience to understand when and how to apply Loctite and anti-seize appropriately, and that’s why you should do your homework before you grab that wrench. If you are uncertain about what kind of Loctite or anti-seize compound to use, take your machine to a qualified mechanic to service and repair your bike. There are many nuances that dictate the correct application of thread-locking materials. If you are really interested in knowing more about Loctite and Anti-seize and all the different varieties and their uses, check out their web-site . There is a ton of information at their site for those who are in search of it.

When you only have two wheels, one set of handlebars and pegs between you and the road, it’s important to have the confidence that your bike won’t rattle apart and leave you stranded or even worse, injured, because of improper installation of components. There’s a lot of science holding your bike together, and the guys at Loctite have done a bunch since 1953 to make your ride safer and more reliable when applied with a little knowledge and common sense.

Remember, keep the rubber side down.
John at Steeds

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