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April 25, 2003 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

boat on glass table use


by Crazy Horse

Photos by Crazy Horse & Layla

The last full day of the infamous Tahiti Run was supposed to be where we all just lazed around the grass huts. But no, not Bandit, the big bastard just can’t keep still. He had brought this nasty long knife from Cali and he wasbound and determined to do something with it. So he sent Layla out withinstructions to find wood worthy of boat building or don’t come back. She made the biggest sad eyes she could, and let me tell you, she can make sad eyes that melt the heart of most any man. But not Bandit. He don’t give in.Not even when she wanted a Margarita at the end of the previous evening. ” I guess I’m not getting a Margarita,” the great granddaughter of Popeye pouted as she walked down the dock to our huts. Bandit did his best John Wayneimitation and kept on walkin’.

j & j on deck use

Me? I’m married to a guy who would have bought her 10 Margaritas. So I was goofin off, sleeping and swimming and doing whatever I wanted to. Then the phone rang. ” Hey you!” Came the gruff voice of reality over the phone. “Get off your duff and get over here. We need some expert help on something.Bring that bike-building hubby too. There’s serious stuff going on.”We hustled over to Hut #116. Layla met us at the door and led us to theporch where Bandit was sitting in a chair surrounded by wood shavings,holding an amazingly well carved outrigger canoe model.

k in shavings use

” The natives said we were fools to try it, they said no one has ever built one!!” I didn’t bother to tell him that most folks were too busy napping or eating or drinking Mai Tais, to do anything industrious. ” We had to do it just to prove them wrong!!!!” He thundered.

boat and supplies use

The challenge, build a boat using only found materials and tools that we had packed in our bags which consisted of a knife, needles, thread, pen, fingernail polish, scissors, and several bottles of white wine.Layla had found 4 pieces of wood and a bit of cloth. She used her sewing kit to fashion lines to hold the mast and boom in place. We then used needles to rig it together.


She had even found a Roger Rabbit figure in the parking lot of the store. Roger would captain the boat.

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Now it needed a gel coat to keep it sea worthy. I was sent home to Hut #109 to paint a purple gel coat followed by a set of flames that ran the 16″ length of the boat. Big Charlie the main man at Sofitel’s Ia Ora Resort let us borrow his son’s fishing pole as a safety line.

k lowering boat use

Bandit launched the boat and off it went. It was doing great, then disaster struck. The wind had caught the sail and the mast had not held up the wet sail. We pulled it back in and worked on the problem over a bottle of white wine. The mast was reattached and corks from the wine bottles were attached to the outrigger to aid in buoyancy. Layla snidely reminded Bandit that she had recommended the corks be used before. He did not seem amused.Bandit now launched the boat and it looked to be very successful.

boat on water 2 use

Out over the water it went into the sunset as we watched through binoculars. Then suddenly, it disappeared! The current downstream of the huts is very strong, so strong you can just about swim in place. Bandit and I jumped into the water and swam off to save Roger. We were both frantically searching when Layla hollered that she had pulled the boat to safety with the fishing line.Some floating seaweed had caught it and dragged it down.Now Bandit and I had to make the swim back to the huts. As darkness closed in, I finally climbed out of the water to a waiting bottle of chilled champagne. The first episode of Monster Marina had drawn to a close. We were happy, life was good, and Bandit was even willing to buy Layla a Margarita.

Join us for our next installment of Monster Marina. Anyone can participate!Just come along on our next Tahiti trip in Nov.Unlike the big TV show, there were no fancy toolboxes full of tools given out, nor were fits thrown, the only reward was sitting on the porch of a grass hut watching the thunderstorms play out over the water and knowing that someplace there was a world full of noise, CNN, alarm clocks, traffic jams and road rage. And that was 4200 miles away from here. Not a hell of alot mattered to us other than watching the storms and polishing off anotherbottle of wine.

J&J tiki

Crazy Horse Painting

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April 25, 2003 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

belvedere looking up use

The shrubbery is more lush and green than anywhere in the states. The radiant colors of the Temple flowers would inspire any custom painter. The city of Papeete is wild with a strong European flair. It’s right on the harbor. The main street has 100 year old commercial buildings on one side and only a broad sidewalk on the other separates it from the water. Yachts back up to the concrete abutment and moor. You can step off the stern of your ketch and walk across the street to the bank or coffee shop.

flowers use

The third day we jumped in Kiki’s van and headed toward the catamaran ferry boat that hauls ass to Moorea. The comfortable ship’s seating kicked ass as it flew over the surf at 30 knots for the half hour jaunt to the clover leaf island of Moorea. Another van snatched us and packed us off to the Sofitel Ia Ora Hotel on the coast, only three miles from the ferry port.

moorea hut

This hotel was made up of a myriad of Palapas (or huts) some set on steel pillars over the water of which we were graced. Additional Palapas were set in gardens in the grassy property or overlooking the beach. One of the myriads of startling aspects of this journey was the bountiful breakfasts and fruit available from Pomegranate, passion fruit, oranges, limes, mango, and grapefruit like curvy Layla had never seen before. Guava, Polynesian vanilla, avocado to Papaya and pineapple like you’ve never encountered lay before us. Incredibly lush fruit and rich jams.

guys dancing

little girls

That night we attended a Polynesian banquet at the hotel with a traditional dancing show, enhanced with the native colors of the Tiare Tarona group costumes and the beauty of the dancing Vahines (Polynesian women). It was the perfect invitation to the rest of the week. Another night we ate at a restaurant on Cook’s Bay and watched the waiters feed the broad Eagle Ray’s swimming in a foot of clear water at the edge of the dining room. The Rays glide along the undisturbed sand as if giant underwater sails.

shot from hut use

For days we made love to the sound of the Pacific ocean, snorkeled for hours along the coast, lounged on our patio and partied with KiKi and his wife Lynn, when they rode over on his flamed Softail, via ferry. One day we drove around the island, checked the local arts and crafts, hauled ass to the a ridge near the top of one of the volcanic mountains covered in palm ferns and checked ancient monuments to the natives, built long before the French brought European disease that wiped out 75 percent of the population.

group belvedere

Top of Belvedere

From the majestic crest, called the Belevedere look-out, we looked directly down on the two bays, Cook’s Bay and the Bay of Opunohu. Thick stratus clouds drifted around and past the peaks like mystic ghost ships.

sacred ground use

One afternoon, Tbear, Maggie, Layla and I were swept into a school bus and taken to two educational facilities. We ate lunch with the older bunch and spoke to the Tahitian chef who cooks 50 meals a day for both schools and the staff. She spoke fluent English and helped explain the programs. Along with schooling, the kids earn their keep making baskets, weaving black pearls into necklaces and polishing oyster shells for sale as gifts.

tb w little girl use

During our outrigger testing day, I discovered that JoAnn Bortels had a vast art background that included fighting her way into Parson Art Center in New York. “Two days before my interview, my dad’s garage caught fire. It was smoking and when I opened the side door it exploded. Screaming for help, I tried to crawl in on my belly thinking my dad was inside. All my paintings burned up and my dad was having lunch in town with a friend.” She threw a sketch book into a makeshift folder with one rushed painting she and was still accepted. She’s been approached by Segal Fine art to become a licensed Harley artist and has painted custom bikes for some of the best in the business including Cyril Huze. When she started to flame our outrigger she mentioned custom painting boats, “I love painting boats. They are much more manageable than bikes.” She’s loves the industry and her craft but has a tough edge. I suppose that a small, petite woman who has run her own business for many years would need to be strong to survive, “A builder pulled a gun on me once,” she said. I turned my back and walked out the door. If he had cocked it I would’ve dove.”


One of the best aspects of travel is the people you meet and this trip was no different. Stephano, the New York cop was on the tarmac preparing to leave the airport, when the second plane hit the twin towers. “We were headed out of town to chase down another fugitive,” Steph said. “We jammed back to the station, changed into our uniforms and went downtown. “Everything was so hot. Jet fuel was everywhere and my boots kept melting,” Stephano said. For days he worked on bucket brigades. “We wore masks because we were breathing flesh, blood and asbestos constantly. Some of the guys are getting sick now.” They hired an earthquake expert from California to guide them through the rubble. “We found over 30,000 body parts during the search and clean-up,” Stephano said. A side note to his story included one of the massive shredders suppied by John Gotti, was used during the 9/11 effort, free.

It’s terrific, as Stephano’s stories attest, to be able to spend time with new friends and listen to their stories. I had never met JoAnn’s husband before, but discovered a little known master builder who worked with Eddie Trotta for years. Jimmy was quiet and reserved, but you could sense his love for building custom bikes. The partnership between him and JoAnn will become a well known team in the future. He currently works for Carolina Harley-Davidson, which is one of the five largest H-D dealers in the US and one of two H-D dealers with their own fab shop. Yet together J and J build a couple of bikes a year in their own Waxhaw Creek facility.

me under water use

The days swept past like a dream we hoped would never end. We swam with fish so radiant that I’m sure Crazy Horse will meld their colors and graphic shapes into paint jobs for years to come. I wish I could describe the radiant Fire fish, White Band Trigger Fish, Reefcrest Parrotfish, Emperor Angefin and so many fluorescent Angel fish there were too many to mention. They moved quickly and illusively yet unafraid of humans. They glided as if the ultimate custom motorcycle lost in a crowd. We caught a furtive glimpse from time to time but were never able to visually capture their glowing essence.

sunset group use

As we departed the islands, it became apparent that this had been a dream come true for many of the gang. It was a wonderful benefit success for the Kiki, his club and handicapped kids of the Tahitian Islands. The next benefit takes place in November and it may be the date for the first annual Run To Tahiti. If interested contact TBear at, He’ll keep us posted as the Run Develops.


Don’t stop here. Read about the first Monster Marina on the following page.

Continued On Page 4

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April 25, 2003 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

all riders use

Seems since 9/11, all law enforcement agencies from local cops to the FBI, CIA, DEA and homeland security are connected. He’s been hauling in guys for murders committed 50 years ago. I followed him, to allow him time and the space to adjust to riding again.

stephanos use

Stephano & Christine

As we entered a round-about on the edge of Papeete, I became aware that I had forgotten to turn on my petcock. I pulled to the side, adjusted the petcock and lost the pack. Attempting to catch the crew, we took on one simple philosophy; kept the ocean on our left. After a couple of wrong turns and moves we inadvertently turned left onto the coastal highway and the only road that circumnavigated the entire island on the winding coast. Whatta ride.

me & K on bike use

Yes, there is a helmet law in Tahiti…

Although the island is reasonably small, 402 square miles (1/10th the size of the big Island in Hawaii). The population for all the major islands is 220,000 while 150,000 reside in only Tahiti, and most of them in the Papeete area. As soon as we turned left the population of the French territory was left behind. We rode for miles and miles past groves of coconut palms, banana trees and lush vegetation on the right and coral beaches on the left over looking two million square miles of French Polynesia. It was a ride through paradise, no traffic, smooth winding roads and unlimited coves, bays and pristine beached to investigate.

K w bike ocean long use

The Island has a brief peninsula connecting the main body, Tahiti Nui, to a much smaller mountain, but the 71 mile paved road doesn’t venture onto the smaller berg, Tahiti Iti, but cuts across the natural land bridge and back to the opposite side of the island past vast shallow turquoise bays. Soon we were heading back into Papeete and the sprawling Sofitel facility. It was a comfortable three hour ride until we reached the myriad of round-abouts and off ramps leading into the interior of the island, the international airport and the outskirts of Papeete. The asphalt snake dipped and weaved as I rolled the dice in hopes that my luck would carry me through the correct turns and back to the Hotel. We made it in time for Happy Hour, a sensuous swim in the warm Pacific, some sun along the beach and a shower before the banquet kicked off. From the beach we could see the island of Moorea only 10.5 miles from the Tahiti coast by Ferry or plane.

moreea in distnace

Sun setting behind Moorea

It was during the 16 and 17 centuries that Spanish and Dutch explorers first laid eyes on these islands of mystical beauty. It was an Englishman, Samuel Wallis who, in 1767, stumbled across Tahiti and christened it King George’s island. A year later, unaware of Wallis’ discovery, Louis Antoine de Bougainvillea, claimed the island of Tahiti for France.

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Venus Point Lighthouse Park

In 1768, British military explorer James Cook embarked on the first of three voyages to Tahiti. It was the infamous mutiny on the HMS Bounty in 1789 that ended Polynesia’s first period of contact with Europeans.

France returned in 1841 to claim Tahiti as its protectorate. During this period, Tahiti was ruled by the Pomare dynasty who had the support of first the English, then the French. The Pomare dynasty continued to reign until 1880, when King Pomare V surrendered his kingdom to France.

beach at park use

Today the majority of the population speak French and topless vacationing French women adorn the beaches. French Polynesia includes 130 islands and atolls which are divided among five archipelagos: The Society Islands, including the Windward Islands of Tahiti, Moorea, and the leeward Islands of Huahine, Raiatea, Tahaa, Maupiti and Bora Bora. The Tuamotu, which contains mostly atolls including spectacular Rangiroa. The Gambler Islands to the Southeast. The Australs islands to the South and finally the Marquises Islands to the Northeast. There’s no end to the islands to explore.

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One of the immediate romantic aspects of these unencumbered islands is the basic architectural openness. Upon departing the plane we discovered tall angular roofs over lobbies with no doors below, just broad open portals. There is no need for thick glass enclosures and deep wooden doors. The weather is always balmy. When it rains is does so in robust showers that dry up and float away as fast as they arrive. The hotel had the same open lobby with comfortable rattan furniture and large sprawling roofs covered with palm leaves.

Continued On Page 3

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April 25, 2003 Part 1


earyriders banner

Paradise Found For A Handful Of Bikers

Photos by Layla, TBear & Crazy Horse

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While Billy Lane and Dave Perewitz blasted across the Bayou towards Rick Fairless’ Strokers Warehouse and the Dallas ER show to be captured by the Discovery Channel cameras, we ditched the media blitz for a more humanitarian effort south of the Equator. The first dry-run Tahiti Benefit to support the handicapped kids of the Tahitian Islands. But why? Have you ever ridden a motorcycle through paradise? It was the chance of a lifetime.


Poppa Bear & Momma Bear

That’s where an upstate New York biker, TBear (also a Bikernet contributor) and his lovely wife Maggie, came into play. They vacationed in Tahiti and fell in love with the islands. TBear met the president, Kiki, of the Tahiti Harley-Riders Club. The two have become brothers, and Tahiti his second home.

kiki w TB ocean view use

Sure, it’s a whack notion to create a run to the middle of the Pacific Ocean between Chili and New Zealand. You can’t haul motorcycles there without major expenditures, but if you could the ride to circumnavigate the largest island, Tahiti, its 3.5 hours of gorgeous black volcanic sand beaches, tropical jungles and rural villages. The next island over by ferry with motorcycles, Moorea, the shape of a cloverleaf, is less than one hour around. To say it will be a helluva long run, would be smokin’ herb. On the other hand, if you’ve been in the states riding from run to run, from bike show to jamboree for a decade, you might be looking for something not listed in the HOG members calendar of events.

tattoo and blue water

What if you could fly to a Paradise in the middle of the warm Pacific with 20 other riding couples, builders, master painters and just relax in an intimate setting with Polynesian drinks and crystal clear waters for a week? If Billy Lane comes along or Jose, we’ll have a contest for the fastest jet ski. This trip, we fabricated a model outrigger canoe to test the currents, and Crazy Horse flamed the main hull with fingernail polish. But the other side of this exotic adventure into the South Pacific benefits the handicapped kids of the islands. There’s 40 centers for educating handicapped kids on the islands. Each one is supported 80 percent by the government and 20 percent by private funding. If they need anything new, a playground or library, they must rely on the private sector for funding.

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Taatiraa Huma – No Moorea Maiao Facility

From the meeting with TBear and Kiki came the spirit behind the Tahiti Run, the kids. Kiki’s club supports any needs the kids have. He owns a ship welding facility in the Papeete Port and has three kids of his own. They have 17 members in their club, and if a school needs support, the riders gather families, businessmen, whatever is needed to succeed for the youngsters. There are only 75 Harleys in all of the Tahitian Islands, but there are hundreds of kids who need assistance. One of the major obstacles to helping kids is reaching the parents and making them feel secure in bringing their handicapped child forward for assistance and education.

girls w bikes use

This particular Run for the Islands was designated a test program for the Charity drive and support for the Harley Riders Banquet. There are two of such banquets a year and this one was designed around a handful of American Bikers coming to party with Kiki and the boys, but this was no ordinary gathering. It was a fully organized and orchestrated banquet destined to seat 600 guests. They overshot their attendance mark by over 200. It was a banquet set on the grass of the Sofitel Hotel adjacent to the beach under sprawling palapas and tents. A feast of Polynesian food was laid out and refreshing drinks adorned with colorful umbrellas and hibiscus flowers brightened out eyes. It was an event of royal native proportions. As for myself, it was the dancing that so intrigued my gaze.

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Kiki & Crazy Horse

The music was light and a mixture of modern with a native ring to it, like country-rock. The kids and adults alike danced a sort of traditional rumba/samba pressed together like snakes against curvy limbs of a tree. Men are the rigid limbs whereas the women are the flexible snakes that move so tantalizing that I felt my gaze locked on the curve each woman as her waist remained a flowing pillar and her hips swayed so seductively. A hundred young and old couples on the dance floor moving in sensual unison. The ladies wore snug, flowing dresses as if an island Paea dress painter, stroked their shapely bodies with his brush. I ordered another Mai Tai to soothe my nerves. The banquet raised a record breaking $30,000 US for the kids.

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The first effort for the kids after our 8-hour flight from Los Angeles on Tahitian Airlines was an immense success. During the day we rode bikes, supplied by Kiki and his brothers, around the island. The American Bikers clan consisted of TBear and Maggie, Stephano and his wife Christine, Crazy Horse and her bike building husband, Jimmy, and myself and the lovely Layla. As the pack pulled away from Kiki’s home I rode in the rear on a Softail Standard since Stephano hadn’t ridden a motorcycle in 22 years. Christine was a childhood friend of Maggie’s and her husband was the only member of the crew not associated with the bike industry. He was a NYPD cop, a member of the fugitive squad and a fascinating guy, who kept us glued to his humorous reports of busts and fugitive hunts.

Continued On Page 2

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April 24, 2003 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

Harley Davidson Banner

HARLEY HISTORY–In 1903, the same year Henry Ford incorporated the Ford Motor Company and the Wright brothers first flew, William Harley and his friends Arthur and Walter Davidson launched the Harley-Davidson Motor Company. They gave their bike a quality engine, so it could prove itself in races, but planned to manufacture it as a transport vehicle.

That same year the merchant, C. H. Lange, sold the first officially distributed Harley-Davidson in Chicago, a city given to “motoracing” and auto-touring. Another of the Davidson brothers, William, joined the company, which soon burst the seams of its first manufacturing center and, by 1906, had to move to larger quarters in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Old shot from Bob T.

From the beginning the Harley-Davidson motorcycle began to set records. In 1908, for example, the Harley achieved a record 188.234 miles per gallon. It captured seven first place finishes in 1910 motorcycle racing, and, by 1912 claimed 200 U.S. distributors. A sturdy Harley-Davidson Sidecar won the first annual Pike’s Peak race in 1916, and another bike claimed first in the 1922 Adelaide to Melbourne South Australia race.

Harley-Davidson Smashes Adelaide to Melbourne Record.
Motorcycle and Bicycle Illustrated
April 13, 1922.
Library of Congress General Collections

By the 1960s “the hog,” as it affectionately came to be called, scored seven consecutive victories at the Daytona 200. During the next decade the Harley took four consecutive wins at the AMA Grand National Championships and broke the world motorcycle record for land speed.

The Harley-Davidson came to be America’s most recognized motorcycle, but it was not the first. Howard Roper developed a coal powered steam-engine motorcycle in 1867 and Gottlieb Daimler, a German, developed a gas-powered motorcycle in 1885, which he attached to a wooden bike. That marked the moment in history when the dual development of a viable gas-powered engine and the modern bicycle collided.

Turn of the nineteenth century inventors who worked with both the engine and the bicycle chose to follow one of three paths. Daimler, for example, went on to develop automobiles, the Wright brothers left their bike shop to fly airplanes, and men like Harley and the Davidsons developed motorcycles. Their business competitors were other new start-up companies such as Excelsior, Indian, Pierce, Merkel, Schickel and Thor.

From the beginning a unique and characteristic sound endeared the Harley-Davidson to its owners. The Harley’s pistons connected to its crankshaft in a way that caused the motor to give two “pops” then a quiet pause as it hummed along the road. Yet around that constant sound, other things evolved and changed: a 45 degree V-twin motor was introduced in 1909, the “Bar and Shield” logo in 1910, and the teardrop-shaped gas tank in the 1920s. In the 1930’s an “eagle” design was placed on those tanks and the famous “Knucklehead” engine was introduced. At a time the Harley became widely used as both a police and a commercial vehicle, the company even manufactured sidecars and sported motorbikes built for two.

During World War I Harley-Davidson manufactured nearly 20,000 motorcycles for the U.S. government. And during World War II virtually all of the Harleys produced went towards the war effort. As nations such as England were forced to give up motorcycle production to favor production of tanks and planes, Harley’s motorcycles were also shipped overseas to U.S. allies.

Following WWII the Harley’s market share, as well as its myth, continued to grow. Its main U.S. competitor, Indian Motorcycle, ceased production in the 1950s. And veteran owners, new bikers, and even movies such as Easy Rider raised the Harley-Davidson to the status of American icon. Glamorous stars pictured with Harleys, from the early Mack Sennett Studio, to Jayne Mansfield, Elvis Presley, and Peter Fonda, certainly enhanced the company’s image.

For the most part, however, Harley-Davidsons, like all motorcycles, are enjoyed by individuals and groups who find biking a wonderful way to get where they are going. Who in on-the-road-America has not seen bikers tooling along the highway whether on a Fall outing, in a parade, making a statement, or raising money for charity? Indeed, the Harley-Davidson company prides itself on the money it has raised for charity during the last quarter century, with the help of its customers and dealers.

–from Rogue

son of liberty

SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS E-NEWS–Tragic Loss of MRF President Buck Kittredge:It is with great sadness and tremendous loss that the Motorcycle RidersFoundation’s Board of Directors reports the untimely death of MRF Presidentand friend Nathan “Buck” Kittredge. Buck’s life was taken just before 7:00p.m. on Sunday, April 20, 2003 in a single-vehicle motorcycle accident lessthan 10 miles from his home in Wisconsin. The exact cause of the accidentremains unknown. Buck was 56 years old and leaves behind his beloved wifeCarolyn and his two sons Jesse and Travis, as well as a worldwide family ofmotorcyclists’ rights activists with whom he had served for many years.

Tom Wyld, MRF Vice President of Government Relations, echoed the sentimentsof the entire motorcyclists’ rights community upon hearing the tragic news.”We are all numb, grief-stricken and in utter disbelief at this unfathomableloss, and our hearts are one with Carolyn and the rest of the Kittredgefamily. We will carry on, as Buck would have us do, guided by thiswonderful man’s spirit and his unflagging devotion to his family, to hiscause, and to each and every one of us.”

Visitation and a memorial service were held today for Buck on Thursday, April24 at Jones Funeral Home, 107 Franklin Street, Oconto Falls, Wisconsin54154, (920)848-2222. Visitation hours will be from 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. withthe memorial service beginning at 7:00 p.m. There will be an openmicrophone remembrances period immediately following the memorial serviceduring which Buck’s friends and family will be given the opportunity toshare their tributes and memories. In lieu of flowers, the MRF asks thatyou please forward contributions to the Buck Kittredge Memorial Fund, c/oWells Fargo Bank, 225 E. Central Avenue, Oconto Falls, WI 54154.

Since 1966, Buck had ridden his various motorcycles through 49 states fromhis home base in Wisconsin. He first became involved with motorcyclists’rights when he became a life member of the American MotorcyclistAssociation. He was heavily involved with ABATE of Wisconsin starting in1985, served as Executive Director of ABATE of Wisconsin from 1994-2000, andwas well known for his lobbying efforts for motorcyclists’ rights and safetyin Washington DC beginning in 1991.

“Buck and I started in bikers’ rights together almost eighteen years ago,”said Ed Williams, the current Executive Director of ABATE of Wisconsin. “Atthat time, neither of us had any idea how far it would take us. There is noway I can express in words how much Buck will be missed. I promise you, myfriend we will not let you down. We will finish all that you started and wewill continue to fight for our right to ride free.”

Buck began his service on the Motorcycle Riders Foundation Board ofDirectors as Supporting State Motorcyclists’ Rights Organization BoardMember in 1995 when Mark Buckner was MRF President. “The Motorcycle RidersFoundation, and all of biker’s rights, has lost a great leader,” saidBuckner. “Buck was a good friend and a better man. I’ll miss him dearly.Our thoughts and prayers go out to Carolyn and the Kittredge family.”

Buck served two years as Vice President before taking over as MRF Presidentat the Meeting of the Minds in Lansing, Michigan last September. MRF VicePresident Chuc Coulter has stepped in as Interim President as theorganization continues to advance the hard work and dedication of Buck andmany others to preserve the rights and freedoms of street motorcyclistsnationwide.

ICQ 34668186

THE PEASHOOTER HUNT CONTINUES–About the Peashooter, you couldride one to Sturgis or the 100th. Thought I’d jab you forthinking your too big for everything. The only PeashooterI know of is at Hutchins Harley in Yucca. I don’t think they’dsell it. But who know’s, the economy in the desert is reallybad right now due to the Marines being out from 29 Palms.Hutchins bought it for $10 from a wino years ago when theywere located in L.A.


girls night out

GIRLS NIGHT OUT IN IRAQ– (Clockwise from lower left) 1stLt Alison, Capts Heather and Waynetta, andSenior Airman Lyndi [Last names withheld for operational security.], allfrom the 376th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron, flew an all-femaleKC-135 Stratotanker air refueling mission over Afghanistan on Jan. 31.

Notice they are all blondes. This should throw a lot of the blonde jokesout the window. This item also counters the thought about women typicallynot working well together. Let this put that one away as well!

In one of her songs, country singer Shania Twain croons about all thethings women do these days-they are judges, politicians, doctors andsoldiers, to name a few. Not mentioned in the song, but occurring morefrequently as the global War on terrorism continues, is something else:female fliers in combat missions over Afghanistan. Early on Jan 31, a KC-135Stratotanker took off from Ganci Air Base, Kyrgyzstan, carrying more than180,000 pounds of fuel and an all-female crew — both pilots, a navigatorand a boom operator. The event marked the first all-female crew to fly anair refueling Mission into Afghanistan from Ganci.

“We’ve been reallylucky,” said 1st Lt Alison, the navigator on board. “You don’t always deploywith a lot of women. The fact that we have four women on this deployment,and the fact that we make up a crew is amazing.”

The women, including the other pilot, Capt Heather, and the boom operator,Senior Airman Lyndi, are all assigned to the 99th Air Refueling Squadron atRobins Air Force Base, Ga. They have been deployed here since Dec 9. Onceinside the tanker, the women began their pre-flight and take-off duties withan ease borne of plenty of experience and skill. Most of them have deployedbefore, to places like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iceland and Thailand. Betweenthe four of them, they total almost 4,000 flying hours in the KC-135. “It’s awesome knowing that I’m having a direct impact on the mission,”said Lyndi on her 17th combat mission over Afghanistan. “The fighterscouldn’t put bombs on target without gas, and I’m the one who gets it tothem,” she said. More than 50,000 combat missions have been flown insupport of Operation Enduring Freedom. In all, Lyndi refueled 10 EuropeanF-16s during the flight, off-loading 63,000 pounds of fuel. “I’maccomplishing something with my Air Force career,” said Alison.

This isespecially true in the case of OEF, an operation that more than 1,800 womensupport, according to the public affairs office at Central Air Forces, theair component of U.S. Central Command. “I’ve always thought the greatestthing I could do with my life was to serve my country and be willing to diefor it — for my family, my neighbors, people I don’t even know,” Waynettasaid. “Now, we’re here supporting troops in Afghanistan who are defendingour freedom and way of life.” Basking in the early morning sunlight, thetanker headed back to Ganci.

As the snow-capped mountains poked out abovethe clouds, the women reflected on the significance of the flight. “All wewanted was to fly together,” said Lyndi. “I’m so excited we got to do it.””We believe in equality,” Waynetta said. “But, the fact of the matter is,we’re still girls and we’re doing something our grandmothers couldn’t do.

–from Bob T.


OOPS! A BLONDE JOKE– A blonde bought a new Lexus, and returned the next day, complaining that theradio didn’t work.

The salesman explained that the radio was voice activated. “Watch this!” hesaid,”Nelson!” The radio replied, “Ricky or Willie?” “Willie!” he continuedand “On The Road Again” came from the speakers.

She drove away happy, and for the next few days, every time she’d say,”Beethoven”, she’d get beautiful classical music, and if she said, “Beatles!”she’d get one of theirs.

One day, another driver ran a red light and nearly creamed her new car, butshe swerved in time to avoid him.

“ASSHOLE!” she yelled, The French National Anthem began to play.

–from Bob T.

GUNNY TIDBIT–WEBSTER, N.Y.: American Motorcycle Corporation has signed a letter of intent to purchase Royal Ryder Motorcycle Manufacturing Company, Inc., of Hudson, Florida. Another Harley clone starting up. Hope they make it, but history tells us a different story. I remember Titan and some others who aren’t on the scene now. The EPA, with their ever-tightening noose around the neck of the motorcycle industry, probably had something to do with it too.

MINNEAPOLIS: Norton Motorcycle Company has announced that it has changed its name to the Viper Motorcycle Company, and Viper has released all trademark rights to the Norton brand. Merch Performance Inc, is to supply engines for the new motorcycle. According to their new CEO, “The initial response to our first model, the Viper Diablo Power Cruiser, has greatly exceeded our expectations.” The goal for Viper Motorcycle Company is to be a full-line manufacturer of high-end motorcycles.

We just launched the new Gunny Sack from A.I.M. These are two news tidbits from his report. Check out all the news in the Bikers’ Rights Department of Bikernet.

The Primedia / MotoMaster USA SuperMotard National Championship Series featuring The Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show’s National sponsored by Russ Brown–Los Angeles, CA, March 10th: Two of America leading supermoto race producers, SuperBikers2 and Moto-Master USA have teamed up produce the 2003 Primedia US SuperMotard National Championship Series, an exciting new 8 round series with the Primedia Action Sports Group and its magazines Sport Rider and Dirt Rider as Series title sponsor. With the Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show, the biggest streetbike consumer Show in America, hosting the Championship’s showcase Los Angeles National round in sponsored by motorcycle legal advocate, with the Show and the Races taking place at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach, CA, the weekend of July 19-20th, 2003.

The SuperMotard National Championship kicked off in March at Phoenix Bike Fest, and it will end with the crowning of champions in 2 different classes in October. Headlining the series will be the Open Supermoto Extreme class featuring the open displacement, big bore thumpers that have made this sport what it is known for today. The equally impressive 450X class will feature a 450cc displacement limit that will showcase the latest machines from many manufacturers. SuperMotard USA, SuperMoto USA, Mile High Motard, and SuperBikers2, LLC will hold regional races to run as support classes in conjunction with national event for their host weekend.

Major National Championship rounds are being showcased at major events including the PhoenixBike Fest on March 28-30th and the Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show weekend on July19-20 to bring supermoto racing to the general public, as well as motorsports enthusiasts of all kinds..

“We are really excited to have the Primedia US SuperMotard National Championship Series joinus this year as just one more exciting feature at The Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show, commented Show producer Jim Gianatsis of Gianatsis Design Associates, also producers of the popular Calendars and Website.

slave girl

BREAK OUT THE WHISKEY–It’s time to celebrate the completion of the news, a good running motorcycle and a woman I love who attacks me in the middle of the day. The sun is shinning, we have whiskey and we’re not being bombed. Couldn’t be much better.

If you’re heading to Laughlin, I hope the weather is clear, the sun warm on your back, smooth roads and women waiting. What could be better.

Ride Forever, Bandit

Check out Tahiti 2003 – Ride to Paradise Page 1

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April 24, 2003 Part 3


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Click for more information

TEEBACK TRAILERS IS PROUD– to introduce their innovative motorcycle trailer. This unique design caters to the serious rider, as well as the recreational rider. This lightweight, low cost (only $995.00) unit aggressively addresses the important issues of load capacity, storage and convenience not found in this price range.

It’s fully independent suspension; 1700 lbs GVWR will accommodate every production motorcycle sold today. This unit is backed with the only 5 year, 100,000 mile warranty in the industry. This alone speaks to the quality of the trailer.

Here are just a few of the TeeBack’s features:
Easy Breakdown (only 3 bolts)
Easy lube hubs
Quality steel fenders for the protection of your bike
Complete lighting (brakes and signals)
Interlocking ramp for ease of loading
Fully independent suspension

This internationally patented trailer is proudly built in the USA for riders of all bikes across the globe.

TeeBack Trailers dealer network is rapidly growing. Contact TeeBack Trailers at 1-888-252-5553 to locate the dealer nearest you, or visit the web site at

LOUISIANA GHOST STORY– This story happened about a month ago in a little town in Louisiana, and while it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it’s real. Read to the end. This guy was on the side of the road hitch hiking on a very dark night in the middle of a storm. The night passed slowly and no cars went by. The storm was so strong he could hardly see a few feet ahead of him. Suddenly he saw a car slowly looming, ghostlike, out of the gloom. It slowly crept toward him and stopped. Reflexively, the guy got into the car and closed the door, then realized that there was nobody behind the wheel. The car slowly started moving again. The guy was terrified, too scared to think of jumping out and running. The guy saw that the car was slowly approaching a sharp curve. The guy started to pray, begging for his life; he was sure the ghost car would go off the road and he would plunge to his death, when just before the curve, a hand appeared thru the window and turned the steering wheel, guiding the car safely around the bend.

Paralyzed with terror, the guy watched the hand reappear every time they reached a curve. Finally, the guy gathered his wits and leaped from the car and ran to the nearest town. Wet and in shock, he went into a bar and voice quavering, ordered two shots of tequila, and told everybody about his horrible, supernatural experience. A silence enveloped everybody when they realized the guy was apparently sane and not drunk. About half an hour later two guys walked into the same bar. One says to the other, “Look Boudreaux, that’s dat idiot that rode in our car when we was pushin it in the rain.”

— Greg HowlandTailgate from Texas from Chris T.

MISSOURI BIKER DEMAND RETURN OF THEIR PROPERTY–The Jackson County Drug Enforcement Task Force executed two search warrants. The first was at the club house shared by the Galloping Goose MC and El Forastero MC. While no drugs, drug precursors, drug making apparatus or paraphernalia was located, the Task Force assisted by the FBI and ATF confiscated club property including, but not limited to, club pictures, plaques, flags, anything with the club colors or 1% information on it, antique slot machines and the clubs’ minute books.

Another search warrant was executed at the residence of a Galloping Goose club member. While no drugs or drug making apparatus was found, various personal items of the member was confiscated including but not limited to, pictures, club jackets, motorcycle parts and other pictures or clothing containing club colors or 1% information.

The club and members fought for years trying to regain possession of their property. About a year ago, out of frustration, they asked if Missouri A.I.M. attorney Jeff Lang could do anything to help. Jeff filed two lawsuits against the Task Force. One in the name of the two clubs and the other in the name of the member.

“Both suits sounded in Tort and asserted causes of action in Replevin,” explains Jeff in legalese. “Later, after additional discovery, both Petitions were amended to include a count for Conversion, which, in addition to actual damages prayed for punitive damages.”

Early in the litigation, the Task Force returned most of the member’s property.”We were able to serve the Task Force detective who was in charge of executing both search warrants, with a subpoena duces tecum to appear for his deposition. Just prior to the taking of his deposition, the Task Force agreed to return the bulk of property taken from the club house of the Gooses and El Forasteros,” according to attorney Lang.

“We proceeded with the deposition of the detective to determine the reliability of the Confidential Informants who provided information for the search warrants and any other facts the detective relied upon in requesting the search warrant,” Lang said.

“As of yet, we do not have a trial date, but my clients are ecstatic to get their property back. There are still issues to resolve regarding firearms, ammunition and the slot machines that are still being held.”

–from American Motorcycle Club. com and Rogue

king rules kallas

illustration by Chris Kalla, his art is for sale in the Gulch.

PABLO AND KING ANSWERS– The rear wheel is always over to the left side of the bike a bit. I think the easiest most painless would be spacing the pulley over using spacers from CCI. I think they have 1/8″ and 1/4″ thick. All you really need is some air between the tire and the belt. Tires can very in width some also. Is there enough clearance between the tire and fender strut/fender?

Say you only need .093 for clearance Clarence, just mill down a 1/8″ spacer. Just make sure your new spacing doesn’t have the belt hitting the frame or some other damn thing. The pulley is about 1 3/4″ wide and the belt about 1 1/2″ wide. When riding the belt kinda goes out a bit and comes back in when decelerating

Milling the caliper and making a new axle spacer will do but is more work.


GEORGE CARLIN POST 9-11 (his wife recently died)–Isn’t it amazing that George Carlin, the gloriously gross and mouthy comedian of the 70’s and 80’s, could write something so very eloquent … and so very appropriate post 9-11. Here is a wonderful message by George Carlin:

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life. We’ve added years to life not life to years. We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We’ve done larger things, but not better things. We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We’ve conquered the atom, but not our prejudice.

We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We’ve learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but wecommunicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete.

Remember, spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side. Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn’t cost a cent. Remember, to say, “I love you” to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all, mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you. Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak, and give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

–from Rev CarlR

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Sobriety test–count da women with a pair of thong panties over one eye.

BIKERNET SOBER LIVING LESSON–I watched an ant climb a blade of grass this morning.When he reached the top, his weight bent the bladedown to the ground. Then, twisting his thorax withinsectile precision, he grabbed hold of the next blade.In this manner, he traveled across the lawn,covering as much distance vertically as he did horizontally,which amused and delighted me. And then, all at once,I had what is sometimes called an “epiphany”,a moment of heightened awareness in which everything becomes clear.

Yes, hunched over that ant on my hands and knees, I suddenly knewwhat I had to do… Quit drinking before noon.

–from Rev CarlR

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GOLDAMMER PROJECT BIKE–Their last bike, “Project X” won first place at the Oakland Roadster Show, now Goldammer Cycle Works has two more cool bikes in progress. The “LOWTEK” seen first, followed by “Fuzzy Logic”, which is slated to be finished soon.

Roger was very cool on the phone, and made it clear that although his bikes will win shows, they are built to be ridden. They are located in Kelowna, British Columbia, and everything they do is fabricated in house.

Check the website out for all the latest project information, bike gallery, as well as the G Force front end and chassis line.

Goldammer Cycle Works Ltd.

–Chuck Hover

HELP A BROTHER IN NEED–We gotta call from a guy name Lou, asking questions about some dual drag pipes from CCI. Turns out thedamn things are discontinued as are another type called Siamese pipes. If anyone knows of any exhaust mfg. that makes some like the ones below, shoot the brother an email and let him know. Much Gras… Say it’s for Lou.

drag pipes

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April 24, 2003 Part 2


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jose on chop

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Here we go again, another week goes by, and I’m still around. I’m guessing it’s been three years now that I have been helping out here in Bikernet, week after week, plus the super acclaimed reports….Wow ! That is a long time, and a lot of e-mails and stuff to say and rant about. Guess what? I’m not changing a bit, I will still say what I want, when I want. I refuse to be one of those stiff ass reporters full of make up like the CNN dudes, I refuse to be unbiased, or tell the story ” like it is”….Nope, no fucking way.

So let’s make something really clear, in case you have not noticed by now, I am not a reporter, writer nor journalist. I have a shop and build bikes, that’s what I do. I write stuff for fun, because sometimes I’m lucky enough to be there and many people are not. I just try to bring stuff into this web site that will make some people laugh, some people wonder if I’m a total flake, or some people get really pissed… But always being me, and no one, absolutefuckin’ no one telling me what to do or how to do it. I try not to offend anyone, but sometimes people reflect their own faults in what I write. That is their problem , not mine. Then again, I have nothing against no one, why should I bother.

At the same time it’s great when people enjoy the reports and the news and express it, via e-mail or at Your Shot. It’s even cooler when we have three or four people attending the same event and we get all the different points of view. No one in this industry can do that. Sometimes by the time you see stuff in magazines it’s old news…..

We are really lucky to be “working” with the ” family” we have here, and our readers are extremely fortunate as well. You have the best of the best in various fields of this industry and then you have me.

It’s a true complete World Wide coverage. It’s fair to say that all the corners are actually covered, and the best part is that this ” family” keeps growing.I don’t know if our readers realize this, but we have people that religiously log in week after week, not only from all over the USA, but Europe, Asia, Australia, South America and the Caribbean. That’s a very amazing accomplishment for a web site, more so for a web site about this life we love….Motorcycles.2.3 million hits a month is an absurd feat……Think about it….that amount of people are reading this as well as you…That is fucking freaky…. In simple math, if I piss off 300 thousand people, I still have 2 million that like what I’m doing, ( and I usually piss off 15 or 20) so the odds are pretty good.

Then again, it’s good to receive feedback. It lets us know that people are actually reading what we write. To tell you the truth, the day that people start telling me to get the hell out of here (let’s say like 50 % of the hits) I will pack my bags and do something else with my limited free time, that is a promise. Or maybe not….I kinda like the fringe benefits…

So I will keep working on this for as long as it’s possible, and sure keep fucking up stuff, which proves we are only human. Maybe saying things that push people thru the roof, but then again, don’t take everything so seriously….I certainly don’t. Enjoy all this for what it is, a venue to express some points, even whacky ones, not the gospel according to Jose….

By the way…. Thanks to all.

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So let’s hit the news…… Last week end Viva las Vegas took place, where else but Sin City. Some of our friends were there and claim that it was greaser heaven, cool old rods, chops and people re-living the past eras. Americana at it’s best. We are hoping to get our paws on some cool photos of hot chicks dressed a la Betty Paige and stuff like that, plus the cool cars.

flamed truck jose

Speaking of cars, The Horse (the most read magazine by Bikernet readers) is coming out with a sister magazine about Old School rods. As soon as we have the complete info I will be posting it here. One thing it promises there won’t be quarter of a million cars, only cool low buck rods. Fuck! I’m even putting my 52 chevy together for the mag.

jose on army bike

Laughlin River Run will take place this coming week end. If you remember the stuff that happened last year? We are hoping it’s a safe rally for everyone. I will be expecting the upcoming report. I believe they are expecting Geraldo Rivera, since he has been kicked out of Iraq. You can expect a true story from him….For sure…Yeah right.

By the way, How was your Easter week end? Hope you had fun. We were finishing the trophies for the Run for Breath (since Meanest promised to introduce me to some of her CUTE friends) and finishing the Bob/chops we are taking to the Smoke Out. We were going to play around the British Virgins (the islands, since there are no Brit virgins left but the queen) on our new speed boat, (sponsored by Bandit) but the rain kept falling and we had some work to do. I promise one of this days, I will do a report on island life. Be ready for plenty hot babes in thongs…

I can’t remember of other stuff that went on, so there it is…Have a nice week and play it safe in Nevada…

–Jose, Bikernet (not CNN, FOX, MSNBC) Caribbean report

NEWS FROM WHITEHORSE PRESS —Here’s a quick note to let you know that David Hough’s new book, MOREPROFICIENT MOTORCYCLING, has just been published and is now in stock atWhitehorse Press. Friends and fans of this popular author will definitelywant to add this sequel to their collection.

MORE PROFICIENT MOTORCYCLING: MASTERING THE RIDE, by David Hough, 256 pages,b/w illustrations throughout, item code W-PM2, $24.95

As many of you know, generations of motorcyclists have grown up with thebenefit of Hough’s wisdom, some owing their lives to advice dispensed in the”Proficient Motorcycling” columns he’s written, first for Road Ridermagazine and then for its successor, Motorcycle Consumer News. Readersreport that they are often amazed at how they have improved their riding andgained increased enjoyment just from studying one idea or gaining a newinsight from a single illustration. Two-time winner of the MotorcycleSafety Foundation’s award for “Excellence in Motorcycle Safety Journalism,”we strongly urge riders at all levels to add David Hough’s complete work totheir knowledge base.

And, a special offer just for Enews customers: Receive a free MedicalInformation Carrier (item code W-INFO) just for the asking when you orderDavid Hough’s newest book, MORE PROFICIENT MOTORCYCLING, online before May1, 2003.

rayban sign

SADDAM WRITES BUSH–After numerous rounds of “We don’t even know if Saddam is still alive”,Saddam decided to send George W. a letter in his own writing to let hisfriend know that he is still in the game.Bush opened the letter and it appeared to contain a coded message:


George W. couldn’t figure it out so he typed it in and emailed ColinPowell. Colin and his aids had no clue either so they sent it to theCIA. Noone could solve it so it went to the NSA and then to MIT and NASA andthe cclist got longer and longer.

Eventually it arrived at the desk of Dr. Greenspan who looked at it andreplied the next second:”Perhaps the President would wish to look at the messageup-side-down….”

–from Chris T.

SPEED FREAKS BREAK OUT THE BIG STICK FOR THE NASCAR TRIFECTA– Hollywood, CA (April 23, 2003) – SpeedFreaks call in the big guns this week as they host, at the very least, three NASCAR themed events. We say at the very least, cuz The Freaks seem to think they’re a bunch of big time happy boy party planners with a VIP driver guest list that ranges from Dale Jarrett to Ron Hornaday, David Green to Robbie Gordon… well, I be damned, I guess they are!

1) The Freak Nation gathers tonight at the Ontario, California Dave & Buster’s for the legendary SpeedFreaks Freakin’ Pre Race Party (see for NASCAR’s Winston Cup and Busch series races coming to California Speedway this weekend. Scheduled to be a part of the mix are NASCAR drivers Robbie Gordon, Ron Hornaday, David Green, Brian Vickers, Shane Hmiel and Chad Blount.

2) Thursday afternoon, in conjunction with their Los Angeles radio affiliate KSPN, SpeedFreaks’ Kenny Sargent will slide over to the Ontario Outback Steakhouse. The Sarge will don a bib and host a lunch with 1999 Winston Cup champ Dale Jarrett and a room full of winners from the Freak Nation.

Gettin’ full?

Tres) Then, the Freak Nation faithful will be treated to a Friday night shindig at the ESPN Zone in Anaheim, California as the SpeedFreaks and ‘Cuper – Busch series star Todd Bodine greet the masses. It’s part of the Automobile Club of Southern California’s Salute to the Troops and yet another warm-up for the Auto Club 500 Winston Cup race at California Speedway.

Bonus: Sunday night will be a another ‘large marge’ for the Freaks as they go from NASCAR’s Busch and Winston West winner to Superbike’s Tommy Hayden to the NHRA’s number 2 in Pro Stock points, pilot Greg Anderson…’nuff said… OUT. SpeedFreaks affiliate listing, log on to

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THE LORD WILL MAKE THE WICKED YOUR STEPPING STONE– There was a little old lady who would come out every morning on thesteps of her front porch, raise her arms to the sky and shout, “Praise the Lord!”

One day an atheist moved into the house next door. Over time, he became irritated at the little old lady. So every morning he would step outonto his front porch and yell after her, “There is no Lord!”

Time passes with the two of them carrying on this way every day. Thenone morning in the middle of winter, the little old lady stepped onto her front porch and shouted, “Praise the Lord! Lord, I have no food and I am starving. Please provide for me, oh Lord!”

The next morning, she stepped onto her porch and there were two hugebags of groceries sitting there. “Praise the Lord!” she cried out. “He has provided groceries for me!”

The atheist jumped out of the hedges and shouted, “There is no Lord. I bought those groceries!”

The little old lady threw her arms into the air and shouted, “Praise the Lord! He has provided me with groceries and He made the devil pay for them!”

–from Chris T.


New In The Gulch!– Road Weary Films presents “Sturgis ’02: Voices of The Culture”. This video not only provides what you’ve come to expect, the bikes, the babes and the rally’s events, but it also includes scenes that display the raw essence and personalities of the rally and its goers. It’s a must-have for your video collection. Also available on DVD.

Click for more information


Headwinds Headlights Also In The Gulch–Can you say– the best damn headlights and accessories around? Sure you can and you’d be speaking the truth. Purchasing directly from Headwinds online is now just a click away here on Bikernet. As I’ve said before, “Don’t take my word for it, CHECK THEM OUT! Click on their logo above and see for yourself.


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April 24, 2003 Part 1



–Train-stoppin’ news from Bob T.

It’s one of those wacky weeks. The Road King is up and running. The rear wheel spacing is somewhat straightened out. I’m hoping CrazyHorse’s ol’ man can help me with a single spacer that will dial it in completely. I’m still pondering about centering the wheel and whether that’s wise or not.

Laughlin is this weekend and I’m tempted to blast out for a day, for business, then again… There’s a swapmeet on Sunday, rides on Saturday, a Panhead to work on and a book to finish, edit and publish. So what’s a poorboy to do? I’m also pondering a ride to a truck stop. I want to see who publishes Trucker’s books. Maybe they would like to publish a biker’s ramblings. Who the hell knows. Let’s hit the news:

heritic bike

NEW MANUFACTURER?–A couple, Donald and Wendy Atchison, in Idaho Springs, recently built a sport bike. The 35-year-old mechanical engineer and MBA took two years and $100,000 to design and tweak this monster to work. Yet he plans to build 100 Ecosse Heretics next year for $48-$60,000 apiece. Hang on.

TAPS–We in the United States have all heard the haunting song,”Taps.” It’s the song that gives us that lump in our throats and usually tears in our eyes.

But, do you know the story behind the song? If not, I think you will be interested to find out about its humble beginnings. Reportedly, it all began in 1862 during the Civil War when Union Army Captain Robert Ellicombe was with his men near Harrison’s Landing in Virginia. The Confederate Army was on the other side of the narrow strip of land.

During the night, Captain Ellicombe heard the moans of a soldier who lay severely wounded on the field. Not knowing if it was a Union or Confederate soldier, the Captain decided to risk his life and bring the stricken man back for medical attention. Crawling on his stomach through the gunfire, the Captain reached the stricken soldier and began pulling him toward his encampment. When the Captain finally reached his own lines, he discovered it was actually a Confederate soldier, but the soldier was dead. The Captain lit a lantern and suddenly caught his breath and went numb with shock. In the dim light, he saw the face of the soldier. It was his own son. The boy had been studying music in the South when the war broke out. Without telling his father, the boy enlisted in the Confederate Army.

The following morning, heartbroken, the father asked permission of his superiors to give his son a full military burial, despite his enemy status. His request was only partially granted. The Captain had asked if he could have a group of Army band members play a funeral dirge for his son at the funeral. The request was turned down since the soldier was a Confederate. But out of respect for the father, they did say they could give him only one musician. The Captain chose a bugler. He asked the bugler to play a series of musical notes he had found on a piece of paper in the pocket of the dead youth’s uniform. This wish was granted. The haunting melody, we now know as “Taps” … used at military funerals was born. The words are:

Day is done … Gone the sun ….
From the hills… From the sky …
All is well … Safely rest … God is nigh.

Fading light … Dims the sight …
And a star … Gems the sky…
Gleaming bright … >From afar …
Drawing nigh .. Falls the night .

Thanks and praise …
For our days … Neath the sun ….
Neath the stars,.. Neath the sky …
As we go … This we know … God is nigh.

I, too, have felt the chills while listening to “Taps” but I have never seen all the words to the song until now. I didn’t even know there was more than one verse. I also never knew the story behind the song and I didn’t know if you had either so I thought I’d pass it along. I now have an even deeper respect for the song than I did before.

Please send this on after a short prayer, for our men and women in Iraq and all around the world.

–from Mr. Giggie, from Compufire

TMRA banner


Also coming up is SWAP MEET -WACO at the H.O.T. Fairgrounds!We will be there SUNDAY MAY 4 – Wheelin & Dealin parts, leathers, bikes in full! and all other lifestyle necessities. Live Band, Parts & Party, Door Prizes & other contests. This is another “Can’t Misser”!! Come See us.

Also want to remind you of our “Big Drags in Big D”! Coming May 18th we are going to rock Dallas our Style!! All Harley All the Way! IF YA’ DON’T KNOW……..YA’ GOTTA GO!Visit us on the web for more info…. www.texasscooter.comor give us a call at (254) 687-9066

biker chicks - joke

Behind the scenes shots of biker chicks by Miss Kriss.

STEVE MCQUEEN AND THE GREAT ESCAPE–Becomes a video game after 38 years. That’s all I know. You’ll have to chase it down.

THIS WEEKEND–LAUGHLIN, Nevada (AP) — The tens of thousands of bikers at this year’s Laughlin River Run motorcycle rally will find twice the usual number of police, plus motorcycle searches for drugs and weapons, a ban on cans and bottles, and a curfew for those under 18.

The changes come a year after a brawl with guns, knives and wrenches killed two Hell’s Angels and one Mongol motorcycle gang member and injured at least 12 other people at Harrah’s Laughlin hotel-casino. Another Hell’s Angels member was shot to death in California.

The bikers attending this year will have to cross checkpoints before they even enter the town for the rally, which is scheduled to begin Wednesday.

Police at checkpoints and volunteers will distribute fliers listing laws and event rules — including a 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew for anyone younger than 18.

Most hotels will ask the expected 80,000 motorcyclists not to wear gang emblems or logos, said Andre Carrier, an executive at the Golden Nugget hotel-casino and chairman of the town’s organizing committee. Some hotels will have metal detectors at entrances.

“What we’re trying to do is ensure their safety,” said Lt. Thomas Smitley, head of the Las Vegas police substation in Laughlin, a town of 8,000 on the banks of the Colorado River. “We’ll be proactive and highly visible.”

After last year’s brawl, the town briefly considered canceling the five-day rally.

“But it’s an important event for us — important for our brand, important for our economy,” Carrier said.


TRAFFIC SAFETY OFFICIALS SEE SHARP RISE IN MOTORCYCLE FATALITIES–April 22, 2003By DANNY HAKIM. DETROIT, April 21 – Both the fatality rate of motorcycleriders and the actual number of deaths have risen sharplyin the last five years and hit their highest levels in morethan a decade, traffic safety officials said today.

Regulators cannot say precisely what has led to thereversal because, for lack of financing, no comprehensivestudy of motorcycle deaths has been done since the 1970’s.

“More and more people are dying on motorcycles, and weneed to figure out why,” said Rae Tyson, a spokesman forthe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and amotorcycle rider himself.

The nearly 60 percent increase in death rates reversesyears of decline.

Federal regulators see several potential causes. Only 20states have laws requiring all riders to wear helmets, downfrom 47 in 1975. The median age of riders has risen, from24 to 38 since 1980, as baby boomers start or return toriding; older riders have a harder time recovering fromserious injury. Horsepower is increasing – DaimlerChrysleris even considering producing a small number of motorcyclesthat top 300 miles an hour. Safety training programs havebeen cut back and drunken diving is a perennial troublespot.

Deaths rose from 21 per 100 million estimated vehicle milestraveled on motorcycles in 1997 to 33.4 in 2001, comparedwith just 1.3 deaths for passenger car occupants, accordingto the traffic safety agency. The rise in motorcyclefatality rates comes while the death rates of car and truckoccupants are declining. Motorcycles are the only majormotor vehicle category in recent years in which death rateshave risen.

–from TBear

They’re missing one crucial element–motorists. How many deaths were caused by motorists?

THE FRENCH CONNECTION–The makers of French’s Mustard made the following recent statement:”We, at the French’s Company, wish to put an end to statements that ourproduct is manufactured in France. There is no relationship, nor hasthere ever been a relationship between our mustard and the country of France.

Indeed, our mustard in manufactured in Rochester, NY. The only thing wehave in common is that we are both yellow”.

–from Miss Kris

EVEL KNIEVEL TO BE SUBJECT OF NEW OPERA– LOS ANGELES ? Former professional daredevil Evel Knievel has signed over exclusive rights to allow the production of Evel Knievel: the Rock Opera.Jef Bek, a musical director and composer with the small Los Angeles theater company Zoo District, recently flew to Clearwater, Fla., to get Knievel’s blessings after working for two years on the project.

Knievel, who has homes in Las Vegas and Florida, and spends summers in Butte, said he instantly liked Bek and his seven-song demo and signed over rights to stage his story.

“I think it’s a wonderful compliment,” said the 64-year-old, who gained fame in the 1970s by jumping his motorcycle over cars and canyons. His daredevil career left him with 37 fractures, including broken bones in both legs, before he retired in 1980.

Bek, 40, said he envisions the rock opera as an homage to Knievel and to the musical spirit of 1970s bands such as The Who, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. Knievel inspired a 12-year-old Bek to become a stunt rider while he was growing up in Des Plaines, Ill., but Bek said he abandoned that dream after riding his bicycle into a tree stump.

“He was a living superhero,” Bek said. “He knows I get him, and he knows I understand what’s really significant about his legacy.”

–from Mike Osborn, Associated Press

ONLY FOR CALIFORNIANS– Once upon a time in the kingdom of Heaven, God was missing for six days. Eventually, Michael the archangel found him, resting on the seventh day. He inquired of God. “Where have you been?” God sighed a deep breath of satisfaction and proudly pointed downwards through the clouds, “Look, Michael. Look what I’ve made.”

Archangel Michael looked puzzled and said, “What is it?” “It’s a planet,” replied God, “and I’ve put Life on it. I’m going to call it Earth and it’s going to be a great place of balance.”

“Balance?” Inquired Michael, still confused.

God explained, pointing to different parts of earth. “For example, northern Europe will be a place of great opportunity and wealth while southern Europe is going to be poor.

Over there I’ve placed a continent of white people and over there is a continent of black people,” God continued pointing to different countries.

“This one will be extremely hot and while this one will be very cold and covered in ice.”

The Archangel, impressed by God’s work, then pointed to a land mass and said, “What’s that one?”

“Ah,” said God. “That’s California the most glorious place on earth. There are beautiful beaches, deserts, streams, hills, and forests. The people from California are going to be handsome, modest, intelligent and humorous and they are going to be found traveling the world. They will be extremely sociable, hardworking and high achieving, and they will be known throughout the world as diplomats and carriers of peace.”

Michael gasped in wonder and admiration but then proclaimed, “What about balance, God? You said there would be balance!!!”

God replied wisely, “Wait until you see the idiots I put in Sacramento.

–from Chris T.

EMBARRASSING MOMENTS– A radio station recently ran a phone-in competition to find the most embarrassing moments in listeners lives. The following are the finalists:

4th place “While in line at the bank one afternoon, my toddler decided to release some pent-up energy & started to run amuck. I was finally able to grab hold of her after receiving looks of disgust & annoyance from other patrons. I told her that if she didn’t start behaving herself right now, she would be punished.

To my horror, she looked me in the eye & said in a voice just as threatening, “If you don’t let me go right now, I will tell Grandma that I saw you kissing Daddy’s pee-pee last night!”. The silence was deafening, after this enlightening exchange. Even the tellers stopped what they were doing! I mustered the last of my dignity & walked out of the bank with my daughter in tow.

The last thing that I heard as the door closed behind me were the screams of laughter.”

3rd place, “It was the day before my 18th birthday. I was living at home, but my parents had gone out for the evening, so I invited my girlfriend over for a romantic night alone. As we lay in bed after making love, we heard the telephone ringing downstairs. I suggested to my girlfriend that I give her a piggy-back ride to the phone. Since we didn’t want to miss the call, we didn’t have time to get dressed. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, the lights suddenly came on and a whole crowd of people yelled “surprise”. My entire family, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and all of my friends were standing there! My girlfriend and I were frozen to the spot in a state of shock and embarrassment for what seemed like an eternity. Since then, no-one in my family has planned a surprise party again.”

2nd place, “A lady picked up several items at a discount store. When she finally got up to the checkout, she learned that one of the items had no price tag. Imagine her embarrassment when the checker got on the public address system and boomed out for all the store to hear, “PRICE CHECK ON LANE 13.TAMPAX, SUPERSIZE.” That was bad enough, but somebody at the rear of the store apparently misunderstood the word “Tampax” for “Thumbtacks”. In a very business-like tone, a voice boomed back over the public address system: “DO YOU WANT THE KIND YOU PUSH IN WITH YOUR THUMB OR THE KIND YOU BELT IN WITH A HAMMER?”

AND THE WINNER IS! This one happened at a major University in September this year. In a biology lecture, a professor was discussing the high glucose levels found in semen. A young female freshman, raised her hand and asked, “If I understand what you are saying, there is a lot of glucose in male semen, as in sugar?”

“That’s correct.” responded the professor, going on to add some statistical data. Raising her hand again, the girl asked, “Then why doesn’t it taste sweet?”

After a stunned silence, the whole class burst out laughing; the poor girl turned bright red and as she realised exactly what she had inadvertently said (or rather implied), she picked up her books, and without a word walked out of the class, and never returned.

However, as she was going out of the door, the professor’s reply was classic. Totally straight-faced, he answered her question, “It doesn’t taste sweet, because the taste-buds for sweetness are on the tip of your tongue and not in the back of your throat!”

–from Chris T.

Continued On Page 2

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April 24, 2003


THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at



WAR STUFF: By the time a lot of you folks read this in print in your newsletters, the war in Iraq, I HOPE, will be long over with. But our boys and girls are out there are fighting hot and heavy as I write this, so I hope you’ll let this old Marine give a little of his own perspective on all this. I saw one e-mail I agreed with, so I’m going to give you a little edited version of what he had to say. He needs to know he isn’t the only one in this country that feels the way he does.

“I’m venting tonight because I’m angry about what I saw tonight I watched as a bunch of misguided ‘citizens’ protesting in Portland tonight. We all have the right to lawful assembly, however last time I checked stopping traffic on freeways, blocking bridges, and unprovoked attacks on law enforcement officers didn’t fall under peaceful demonstration, nor is burning the stars and stripes while chanting we love Iraq. I must conclude that these people are either FOOLS OR COWARDS and if they love some other nation more by all means please leave! I KNOW most of you have a friend or family member who paid some price for freedom in blood or the ultimate sacrifice, [so that] these cowards have the chance to show they enjoy the freedom they [have]… hoo-ya semper-fi, crzycooter roger”

Regardless of what you think about the politics of this war, I agree with this man and say that if YOU burn my flag I will consider you a traitor subject to the laws governing such behavior. If you don’t like the way we do things in this country, if you don’t like the freedom you have here, if you don’t like our laws, change things legally, or move to a country you do like…. I’ll help ya pack!

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NEWSBITS’N’PIECES: PHOENIX. AZ: Here’s another celeb that got banged up due to a reckless driver. Los Angeles Dodgers batting coach Jack Clark remained in stable condition at a Phoenix hospital, a day after he was injured in a motorcycle accident. Clark broke eight ribs and had cuts to his head when he was clipped by a car on his way to Bank One Ballpark for a Dodgers workout. No helmet law in AZ. Yet Clark didn’t die! Imagine that.

I have to tell you, if it were one of US, instead of a celeb, no one would even hear about it. The driver who caused the accident was cited for “an unsafe lane change.” Some states are working to change the law to call for stiffer penalties against negligent drivers who cause injury or death…good for them.


WEBSTER, N.Y.: American Motorcycle Corporation has signed a letter of intent to purchase Royal Ryder Motorcycle Manufacturing Company, Inc., of Hudson, Florida. Another Harley clone starting up. Hope they make it, but history tells us a different story. I remember Titan and some others who aren’t on the scene now. The EPA, with their ever-tightening noose around the neck of the motorcycle industry, probably had something to do with it too.


WASHINGTON: I was reading this article about our two-wheeled brothers on the road, the bicyclists. There’s a paradox that has long puzzled those folks, and it applies to us as well. Fact is, under some circumstances, commuters who burn a precious resource – oil – to drive to work get a tax break! Those who use their own muscle power to pedal bikes to the office don’t.

“Why should we discriminate in terms of tax treatment for somebody who is not polluting the air, not causing traffic congestion and not taking away from our petroleum reserves?” asked Rep. Earl Blumenauer, a democrat from here in Oregon.

How about a tax break for motorcycles too? WE burn MUCH less gas and pollute WAY less than cars or busses, even when we lay on the throttle a bit. We have fun and live a lifestyle we love, and we’re very environmentally FRIENDLY. Why don’t our lawmakers like Earl here ever talk about that? Something to think about.

MINNEAPOLIS: Norton Motorcycle Company has announced that it has changed its name to the Viper Motorcycle Company, and Viper has released all trademark rights to the Norton brand. Merch Performance Inc, is to supply engines for the new motorcycle. According to their new CEO, “The initial response to our first model, the Viper Diablo Power Cruiser, has greatly exceeded our expectations.” The goal for Viper Motorcycle Company is to be a full-line manufacturer of high-end motorcycles. The company will introduce 3 additional models sometime this year. Now THIS one just might be worth watching. My boss Sam Hochberg says that the Norton Commando was the very first bike he lusted after as a kid. Too bad for Sam: These new ones are NOT likely to look much like Nortons at all – especially since they aren’t even going to CALL ’em Nortons.

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IRVINE, CA: According to the Business Wire news service, motorcycle sales for 2002 are up a remarkable 9.4 percent, and the U.S. motorcycle market is celebrating TEN consecutive years of rising sales! In 2001, new unit motorcycle sales topped 850,000 in the fourth straight year of double-digit increases. Strong demand for two-wheelers beat that mark in 2002, with total motorcycle sales of more than 937,000. ONE little contribution to the 2003 statistics will be that our Oregon AIM Attorney Sam Hochberg just picked up an Anniversary Edition Heritage Softail Classic. Old Sam just looks like a kid at Christmas. Sam’s not the type to splash out on big fancy cars – he hasn’t bought a brand new car since 1974. His last brand new BIKE was a little two-stroke he picked up in the Bronx in 1971! Sam, you ride safe on that new bike. His old shovel is now for sale, if anyone has a mind to inquire. His office is 503-224-1106, or you can just email him at anytime.

Like most of our AIM (Aid to Injured Motorcyclists) Attorneys, Sam has been an avid rider most of his adult life. Ain’t it nice when we can go to one of our OWN if god forbid, we go down? The whole AIM system is set up like that. You get ’em by calling 1-800-ON-A-BIKE, or at You can get lots of info about Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (AIM) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), of course, plus news, motorcycle laws, and plenty of links. Sam’s personal website is

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KAMPALA, UGANDA: Bikers here in America are always doing toy runs, poker runs, and other fundraisers, usually for sick kids. Turns out we aren’t the only bikers concerned about the welfare of others. In Uganda, Africa, there are bikers too, and they recently staged a rally and ride for the benefit of AIDS-stricken kids, so they could go to school. The ride was to raise funds for school supplies. This was a two week ride that netted $7,600 for the children. That will do a lot of good for those 60 kids. Hooray for the Ugandan bikers who care for kids. I guess bikers are the same the world over.

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GUNNY AGAIN: As you good folks are reading these pearls of wisdom, my wife and I are riding on my motorcycle to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to attend the NCOM Convention starting on May 8th. I sincerely hope to see many of you there. Come over and say hi to me. I will be there the Tuesday preceding the festivities, and I’ll be part of the AIM Chiefs of Staff meeting held on Wednesday, the day before the Convention actually starts. These Conventions are the lifeblood of the AIM and NCOM programs. The very purpose for the existence of NCOM is to be a clearing house for information for any motorcycle organization or even individual, needing help with information relating to bikers rights. AIM of course is the vehicle to help those who are hurt in a mishap, either in their car or motorcycle. Our hardworking attorneys (who ride, as most Sack readers know) are working daily in our best interests. They never charge us up-front fees for their injury cases, and they do just about all their accident work on a contingency basis. They get paid when they get you paid. Then, of all things, they GIVE a large chunk of their fees to support the work of AIM/NCOM. That includes sponsorship of the Confederations of Clubs all over the country.

I’ve never been a big fan of lawyers, but over these ten years I’ve worked with Sam Hochberg, and for all the Conventions I’ve been to and all the Oregon Confederation meetings I’ve seen, I can tell you that THIS BUNCH IS ACES. These attorneys provide legal advice for SMRO’s all over the country, usually pro bono (for free). I hesitate to try and list all the free work they do for the motorcycle world for fear of missing someone important. If you want more good info, get in touch with the AIM/NCOM folks at 1-800-ON-A-BIKE or 1-800-531-2424.

Keep the round side on the bottom. Gunny, Oregon AIM Chief Of Staff

son of liberty

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All-New Fuel Injection Controller

tcfi rendering

Daytona Twin Tec LLC Announces New Fuel Injection Technology for2001 and Later Harley-Davidson( Motorcycles with Delphi Controller.TCFI Twin Cam Fuel Injection controller with optional WEGO Wide-bandExhaust Gas Oxygen sensor interface allows quickly auto-tuning fuelcurves on highly modified engines without dyno time.

Daytona Beach, Florida April 21, 2003: The new TCFI Twin CamFuel Injection controller solves tuning problems with highly modifiedengines.

Fully programmable plug-in replacement for the Delphi controller

Robust alpha-N (throttle position and RPM based) fuel controleliminates problems with long duration/high overlap camshafts

Fast on-road auto-tuning with the optional WEGO Wide-bandExhaust Gas Oxygen sensor interface. Competitive “band-aid” productssuch as the Dynojet Power Commander III require extensive dyno tuning.

Built-in data logging (free software available for downloadon our website)

The TCFI and WEGO are competitively priced with other vendors’units. Product shipments will begin in June 2003. Major distributorsthat have committed to carrying these new products include: ArlenNess, Axtell, Drag Specialties, Head Quarters (Canada) and TECDistributing.

About Daytona Twin Tec LLCDaytona Twin Tec LLC has a simple philosophy – do one thing and do itwell. Our product focus is electronic fuel injection and ignitionsystems for Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Our Twin Tec product line isbased on the most advanced technology and manufactured locally in ahighly automated ISO9000 rated facility.

How does the Twin Tec TCFI compare to the RevTech DFO, DynojetPower Commander, and Screamin Eagle EFI Tuner?

Each system has optimum applications, where it is the most costeffective alternative or offers a clear performance advantage:

Stock engines and engines with basic mods (aftermarket aircleaner and exhaust). The most cost effective choice is the RevTechDFO. This unit sells for under $200 retail and allows the user toeasily trim the fuel delivery by means of screwdriver adjustments.The biggest drawback is that hookup requires cutting the OE wireharness and splicing in connections using crimp terminals. Ouch!

88 CID engines with performance camshaft and aftermarket aircleaner and exhaust. The Dynojet Power Commander III will get the jobdone for about $400 as long as the camshaft profile is not tooradical. The Power Commander modifies the stock ECU injector drive,but is still a speed-density system. Past a certain point, manifoldpressure becomes too erratic and the injector pulse width varies allover the place at idle and low RPM cruise. At this point, you need arobust alpha-N system like the Twin Tec TCFI. Also, Power Commandersystems have no built-in auto-tune capability for fuel tables. If youget lucky you can download a table from their website that may work -else plan on spending a lot of time and money on the dyno. At$100-150/hour for dyno time, it doesn’t take long to burn through thedifference between the cost of the $400 Power Commander and acomplete TFCI+WEGO kit for $950. The TCFI also features extensivedata logging capability that will help you resolve any driveabilityissues.

95 CID engines with high compression, performance camshaft andaftermarket air cleaner, throttle body and exhaust. The Dynojet PowerCommander III will still work OK at wide open throttle, but dependingon the camshaft profile, you are likely to be left with some residualidle and cruise driveability issues. The more radical the enginemods, the better the Twin Tec TCFI will perform in comparison, andyou won’t have to spend much time on a dyno. The TCFI also gives youthe ability to change warmup enrichment and idle air controlparameters–very important with the more radical camshaft profiles.The data logging capability will help you resolve any driveabilityissues.

Screamin’ Eagle Stage I and II kits. At $460, the EFI Tuner ishard to beat – with fuel and ignition tables carefully mapped out bythe factory. But deviate from the exact Screamin’ Eagle combo and youare back to the same scenario as the Power Commander – lots of timeon the dyno. The EFI Tuner provides two additional benefits: scantool capability for reading and resetting diagnostic codes andminimal data logging capability. The biggest drawback is that the EFITuner “marries” itself to your ECU’s serial number and can never beused on another bike.

Do I need a load control dyno with exhaust sniffer?Regardless of what some people may claim, it is impossible toproperly tune a fuel injection system on a modified engine withoutsome means of covering the entire engine load range (from decel towide open throttle) and exhaust gas analysis. If you use a systemlike the Dynojet Power Commander III, you had better find a shop withthe DynoJet Model 250 load control dyno and optional air/fuel ratiomonitor.

You can accomplish the same result with the TCFI and optional WEGOby simply riding the bike on the road for several hours. As you runthrough different engine loads and RPM levels, the system auto-tunesthe fuel tables.

Will the TCFI work with the older Marelli fuel injection system,the fuel injection used on new Buell® models, or with the V-RodTM?

No, the TCFI is specifically intended for use with 2001 and laterH-D® models with the Delphi® ECU. The Delphi® ECU has a 36 pinconnector. The older Marelli system has a 35 pin connector. NewerBuell® models use a small ECU with two 12 pin Deutsch connectors. TheV-RodTM uses a more complex Delphi® ECU with additional outputs and alink to the electronic instrument cluster. Due to the limited market,we have no plans to support these applications.

wego interface installed

Can I use the TCFI on a custom engine?

Probably not. The TCFI is not intended for fuel injectionretrofit. It requires all the same sensors and actuators as the stockDelphi ECU. This includes the crankshaft position sensor.

What applications has the TCFI been tested with?

We have tested and qualified the TCFI with modified 88 CID and 95CID engines. Setup files are provided for these applications. Intime, we will test the unit with larger engine displacements.

What are the limitations of the stock throttle body?

The stock throttle body is inadequate for engines greater than 88CID. With a 95 CID engine, the stock throttle body will not flowsufficient air above 4500 RPM. Maximum power will be limited to about105 HP. Our tests have shown that boring out the stock throttle bodyis ineffective. An aftermarket throttle body greater than 50mm isrequired for maximum power. The stock air cleaner is grosslyrestrictive and must always be replaced for any performanceapplication.

You can easily verify air flow restrictions with the TCFI Log datalogging software. Examine MAP (manifold pressure) at wide openthrottle. If MAP drops off as RPM increases, you know you have aproblem.

If the WEGO is used for auto-tuning fuel tables, should it beleft hooked up?

There are pros and cons. Modern race cars run wide-band exhaustgas oxygen sensors that continually make corrections as track andengine conditions change. You will have the same benefit – automaticcorrections, if your operating conditions change or if you makefurther engine modifications. However, the WEGO sensor is delicateand expensive. It will not tolerate exposure to any leaded fuel. Ifthe sensor degrades, engine performance will be affected. If sensorlife is not an issue in your application, leave it hooked up. If youwant to remove the sensor, we sell an 18 x 1.5mm hex plug.

The WEGO-LCD unit is intended for fair weather use or dyno labenvironments. Water splash may damage the LCD display. If you use aWEGO-LCD for initial tuning, you should later relocate it near theTCFI module under the seat or side cover where it will be protected.The standard WEGO unit is fully sealed and impervious to moisture.

How do I set up and tune the TCFI for a particular application?We provide setup files for common applications based on using theWEGO for auto-tuning fuel tables. Some tweaking of idle fuel andignition advance is generally required. We suggest that you downloadand the latest version of the TCFI instructions and PC Link TCFIsoftware for more details.

Do I need to spend time on a dyno?

On-road auto-tuning using the WEGO generally gives much betterresults as the operating conditions are more realistic. Do theon-road auto-tuning first. Then, if you want to get maximumhorsepower at wide open throttle, do dyno runs to fine tune theignition advance and air/fuel ratio.What kind of engines can I tune with the WEGO (Wide-band Exhaust GasOxygen Sensor System)?

The WEGO system can be used to tune most four stroke gasolinepowered internal combustion engines:

Harley-Davidson® Twin-Cam 88® with fuel injection and Twin TecTCFI unit. The WEGO or WEGO-LCD can be used to auto-tune fuel tables.This is the primary application that the WEGO technology was designedfor. It eliminates the need for a load control dyno with exhaustsniffer and allows for tuning under more realistic on-road operatingconditions.

Harley-Davidson carbureted engines. The WEGO-LCD is an idealtuning aid, either for on-road or dyno tuning. Knowing the exactair/fuel ratio greatly simplifies the task of carburetor jetting.

Other motorcycle engines and small engines in general. The smallsize and low power consumption make the WEGO-LCD an ideal tuning aid.For applications without an alternator, the WEGO-LCD can be run froma small 12 volt gel cell lead acid battery such as the type used forbackup power in alarm systems. The WEGO-LCD should not be used withtwo stroke or marine engines where oil or water vapor in the exhaustwill cause serious problems with the sensor.

ego sensor

Can I use the WEGO in place of an exhaust sniffer when dyno tuning?

Regardless of what some people may claim, it is impossible toproperly tune a fuel injection system on a modified engine withoutsome means of exhaust gas analysis. Shops can use the WEGO in placeof expensive exhaust gas sniffers. If your dyno has a dataacquisition system with a spare 0-5 volt input, you can connect theoutput of the WEGO and log air/fuel ratio during dyno runs.

Will exhaust reversion affect the WEGO?

The WEGO system will give inaccurate results if your exhaustsystem suffers from reversion effects. Reversion is the term for anegative pressure wave that can suck ambient air back into theexhaust. Open exhausts, such as drag pipes, always suffer from severereversion effects and are not suitable for use with the WEGO. Werecommend slip-on type mufflers such as the Cycle Shack “M” type.These eliminate the crossover and have a moderate amount of bafflingthat limits reversion while still allowing maximum power at high RPM.

Reversion effects will also occur with certain exhausts used on”bagger” style motorcycles, where two pipes split off near the rearcylinder. You may have to block off the pipe running to the leftside.Reversion effects will be most noticeable at idle, part throttle lowRPM cruise, and decel. If you see a very lean mixture under theseconditions, the cause is most likely reversion of ambient air. If youare using the WEGO with a TCFI unit, you can disable closed loopoperation under conditions where reversion occurs. Refer to the TCFIinstructions for details.

What is the difference between a wide-band and conventionalexhaust gas oxygen sensor?

Conventional (narrow-band) exhaust gas oxygen sensors have beenwidely used in automotive applications since 1981. Conventionalsensors have one to four wires and can only sense air/fuel ratio overa relatively narrow 14.5 to 15.0 range. They are intended to be usedwith 3-way catalytic converters that require operation near thestoichiometric point (14.7 air/fuel ratio). The range of thenarrow-band sensors is inadequate for closed loop control outside ofidle and cruise conditions. Wide-band sensors were developed for laband specialized automotive applications. The 5-wire NTK/Honda sensorused with the WEGO operates over a range of 10.4 to infinite air/fuelratio. This allows closed loop control under all engine operatingconditions.

Where can I find out more information about wide-band sensortechnology?

For more information about wide-band oxygen sensors, we suggestthat you visit the Tech Edge website. The NTK L1H1 UEGO sensormentioned on this website is similar to the Honda sensor used withthe WEGO.

What are the limitations of the wide-band sensor?

The sensor will be quickly degraded if leaded racing gasoline isused. Under these conditions, expected sensor life will be less than10 hours. As the sensor degrades, free air calibration will becomeimpossible.

Oil or other hydrocarbon residues in the exhaust will affect thesensor readings. Likewise, gasoline containing ethanol will result isslight air/fuel reading errors.

The sensor responds to the partial pressure of oxygen. Excessiveexhaust back pressure will affect sensor readings. This should not bea problem with any performance exhaust system. When used with aturbo, make sure the sensor is located downstream of the turbo.

Make sure the WEGO power is on whenever the engine is run. Withoutpower to the internal heating element, the sensor will clog withhydrocarbon residues and may be permanently degraded. If you want toremove the sensor, we sell an 18 x 1.5mm hex plug.

If the WEGO is used for auto-tuning fuel tables, should it beleft hooked up?

The O2 sensor is installed in the rear pipe as close to the exhaust valve aspossible what this does is take the air fuel ratio and gives the info to theWego which converts the info to the TCFI unit and the TCFI adjust the airfuel and adjusts it to the optimum for the best performance for whatmodifications the bike has had done to it.

Modern race cars run wide-band exhaust gas oxygen sensors thatcontinually make corrections as track and engine conditions change.You will have the same benefit – automatic corrections if youroperating conditions change or if you make further enginemodifications. However, the WEGO sensor is delicate and expensive. Itwill not tolerate exposure to any leaded fuel. If the sensordegrades, engine performance will be affected. If sensor life is notan issue in your application, leave it hooked up. If you want toremove the sensor, we sell an 18 x 1.5mm hex plug.

tcif install

Why do I need a Twin Tec ignition?

If you like to go slow and don’t mind being embarrassed when yourbuddies leave you in the dust, you don’t need our products!

Most Harley® owners want to improve their motorcycle’sperformance, it’s just part of the scene. You can easily add 20-30 HPwith relatively simple and low cost modifications. You will get thegreatest return on investment with the following modifications:

· Twin Tec ignition

· Low restriction air cleaner and exhaust (typically slip-on mufflers)

· Carburetor tuning (jetting)

· Performance camshaft and related valvetrain components

The Twin Tec ignition gives you several important benefits:

Adjustable RPM limiter. Depending on the camshaft and othervalvetrain modifications you make, peak power will likely be around6000 RPM, well above the RPM limit of the stock ignition.

Adjustable advance. You can fine tune the advance to meet yourrequirements. The Twin Tec systems comes with enough adjustment rangefor most applications. You can also program a custom advance curveusing our optional PC link and free software.

Single fire (further explained below). Note that all Twin Cam 88engines are already factory equipped with single fire ignition. OtherHarley-Davidson engines will benefit from conversion to single fire.If you make certain camshaft and carburetor jetting changes,conversion to single fire may be required to avoid backfiringproblems.

Multiple spark (further explained below). Enhances starting andidle quality. Reduces plug fouling – especially if the carburetor hasbeen re-jetted.

How do I set a safe RPM limit?

Twin Tec ignitions have an adjustable RPM limiter. You can set theRPM limit from 3,000 to 9,900 RPM in 100 RPM steps by means of tworotary switches. The only exception is our Model 1005-OE that has afixed RPM limit.

Harley-Davidson stock ignition modules generally have the RPMlimit programmed at 5,600 RPM. If you modify the valvetrain, peakhorsepower will probably occur above 6,000 RPM and you will need toincrease the RPM limit. Check with the manufacturer. They canrecommend a safe RPM limit. We do not recommend increasing the RPMlimit of a stock engine above 5,800 RPM.

How can I optimize the timing advance?

Twin Tec ignitions allow you to easily tailor the ignition timingadvance to your application. Most Harley-Davidson owners makeperformance modifications in stages. The advantage of a Twin Tec unitis that you will always be able to optimize the timing to match yourexact requirements.

Models 1005, 1006, and 1007 come with two families of advancecurves: street and race. The actual curves are listed in theinstallation instructions that you can download. Use the streetadvance curves for stock or mildly modified engines. The mode switchis used to select the advance curve family. Once you have selected anadvance curve family, you can use the advance slope switch to changethe shape of the curve. Higher switch settings result in a moreaggressive curve. You can experiment with progressively higher switchsettings. As a general rule of thumb, you will obtain maximum powerby sing the highest setting possible without audible spark knock.Additional details are given in the instructions.

The TC88 unit has a 3D advance surface based on RPM and manifoldpressure. Since Twin Cam 88® engines have a non-adjustable crankshaftposition sensor, there is no mechanical means for setting the initialtiming. The TC88 unit solves the problem. Initial timing can beadjusted over a ±5° range by means of a rotary switch. A secondswitch allows you to change the slope of the advance surface. Higherswitch setting result in more aggressive advance. The use of a 3Dsurface and the wide adjustment range afforded by the two switchesallows you to accommodate most applications.

If you are doing dyno tuning or have specialized requirements, youcan program your own advance curve or surface by using our optionalPC link and free software. The software allows you to graphicallyedit the advance. You can also offset the rear cylinder timing over a±5° range. Harley-Davidson engine tuners have found that the rearcylinder often runs somewhat hotter and thus reaches the knock limitfirst. Slightly retarding the rear cylinder allows more overalladvance and may generate more power.

What is the difference between single fire and dual fire?

Single fire and dual fire refers to the number of times the sparkplug fires during each four stroke cycle. The terminology is somewhatunique to Harley-Davidson engines and is by no means consistentlyapplied. For example, Custom Chrome Industries, one of the largestdistributors of Harley-Davidson aftermarket parts, uses the oppositeterminology. Their single fire systems correspond to what most othercompanies refer to as dual fire.

With the exception of the new Twin-Cam 88 and late model Sportster1200 engines, all carbureted Harley-Davidson engines have been dualfire. A single coil winding with two high voltage output terminalsfires the spark plugs on both cylinders simultaneously. Each plug isfired twice during each four stroke cycle. This approach was used tocut costs as it eliminates the need for a dual-point distributor or asecond coil and additional electronics. Dual fire results in a numberof potential problems.

Most late model automotive engines are distributorless. Many ofthese engines use coil packs where a single coil winding fires twospark plugs. When one spark plug fires on the compression stroke theother spark plug is firing on the exhaust stroke. This approach istermed “wasted spark” and is widely used. The wasted spark alwaysoccurs on the exhaust stroke because the engines have even firingintervals (i.e. 90° for a V8) and cylinders are always paired so thatthe pistons are 360° out of phase (i.e. one on the compression strokewhen the other is on the exhaust stroke). The wasted spark causeslittle energy loss and no harmful effect on the exhaust stroke.

The situation is quite different with a dual-fire ignition on aHarley-Davidson V-twin engine with 315° and 405° firing intervals.The graphic shows what occurs. When the rear cylinder is fired on thecompression stroke, the front cylinder is on the exhaust stroke -which is OK. But when the front cylinder is fired on the compressionstroke, the rear cylinder is already on the intake stroke! Under someconditions, a combustible mixture may exist in the rear cylinder atthis point and the wasted spark causes a backfire through thecarburetor. Long duration camshafts and improper carburetor jettingcan contribute to the problem. Additional information on this subjectmay be found on the Mikuni web site.

al alvarez

The Problem with Dual Fire IgnitionA single-fire ignition eliminates the backfire problem and enhancesidle quality. The single-fire ignition uses separate coil windingsand electronics to fire each spark plug independently. Spark firingoccurs only on the compression stroke. Conversion of older carburetedHarley-Davidson engines to single fire is highly recommended. Thereis no downside to single fire, other than the cost of the conversion.

Twin Tec Models 1005, 1006, and 1007 have switch selectable singleand dual-fire operating modes. You can initially install one of ourunits and run in dual fire mode with your original equipment coil.You can then easily upgrade to single fire by adding an appropriatecoil. If you have a tach, it will continue to operate properly whenconnected to the tach output from the Twin Tec ignition (somecompetitive systems require that you purchase a tach adapter).

How does multiple spark work?

Many readers may be familiar with automotive multiple sparkignitions, such as the MSD 6-series. These are capacitive dischargesystems that fire a series of short sparks. The Twin Tec multiplespark technology works on a somewhat different principle but the endresult is similar. Coil primary current is repeatedly switched on andoff by the processor. When the current is switched on, energy isstored in the coil’s magnetic field. When the current is switchedoff, the stored energy is discharged as a spark. All Twin Tec unitscan fire a continuous series of sparks from the advanced timing pointto top dead center.

Multiple sparks are of no benefit if conditions of homogeneousmixture distribution and good swirl turbulence exist in thecombustion chamber. Under these ideal conditions, a single spark(even of relatively short duration) can generate a flame kernel thatwill rapidly propagate into a well established flame front. Multiplesparks can provide significant benefits under less than idealcombustion conditions. If a flammable mixture is not present at thespark plug when the first spark is fired, better conditions may existduring subsequent sparks. Instead of a complete misfire, it may stillbe possible to initiate combustion and generate some power.

Multiple spark will improve starting and idle quality. It willalso reduce lean surge during part throttle cruise.

What spark plugs wires are recommended for optimum performance?

Three types of spark plug wires are commonly available: originalequipment style carbon core suppression, low resistance spiral core,and solid core. Carbon core suppression wires cause some energy lossdue to their high resistance (about 5,000 ohms/foot). Replacingcarbon core suppression wires with low resistance spiral core wiresonly increases spark energy by about 10%. Contrary to any claims, youwill not see a performance improvement by changing spark plug wires.On the other hand, carbon core wires can deteriorate over time andany wires more than a few years old are candidates for replacement.If you are going to install new spark plug wires, buy a set of lowresistance spiral core wires. Most are less than 500 ohms/foot.At that point, almost no energy is lost in the wire. There are somenew versions with very low resistance (50 ohms/foot), but theadvantage is insignificant for the short lengths encountered inmotorcycle applications.

Do not use solid core spark plug wires. These radiate excessiveelectromagnetic noise that will cause radio interference and may evencause the processor in the ignition module to glitch. We do notrecommend Nology spark plug wires. These have a partially shieldedjacket that forms a energy storage capacitor. When the spark plugfires, energy stored in this capacitor is rapidly discharged causinga short but intense arc discharge. There may be some advantage if thespark plugs are fouled, but the Nology wires tend to radiate moreelectromagnetic noise.

How about spark plugs?Contrary to much of the marketing hype, novel spark plug designsgenerally fail to show any measurable performance improvements. Don’twaste your money! The biggest problem with spark plugs forHarley-Davidson engines is fouling. The trick is to find a heat rangethat is a good compromise between fouling and pre-ignition. Aplatinum tipped plug would also be a waste of money, since it wouldlikely foul long before it eroded. Stay with the recommended plug gap.

Use only resistor type spark plugs. The non-resistor type radiateexcessive electromagnetic noise that will cause radio interferenceand may even cause the processor in the ignition module to glitch.

wego interface

Daytona Twin Tec ProductFeatures

1. Provides fuel auto-tune capability when used with Twin TecTCFI fuel injection controller

2. Versatile tuning aid for all carbureted and fuel injected engines

3. Requires wide-band oxygen sensor P/N 36531-PHM-A01 availablefrom Honda car dealers. Sensor fits standard 18×1.5mm exhaust fitting.

4. Highly accurate with less than (0.1 AFR error over 10.4- 19.5 AFR range

5. Easy free-air calibration procedure corrects for sensor aging effects

6. 0-5V analog output (other ranges available on special order)

7. Optional LCD display provides great readability in bright sunlight

8. Wide supply voltage range from 11-18V allows operation frombattery on small engines. Current drain is approximately 1 amp.

9. Compact size: 3.7-in. L x 1.7-in.W x 0.75-in.H. Standard WEGOunit without LCD is fully encapsulated and impervious to moisture.The WEGO is a versatile instrument with multiple applications. Whenused with the Twin Tec TCFI fuel injection controller, the WEGOallows fuel auto-tuning capability during actual on-road ridingconditions. WEGO units with the optional LCD display can also be usedas a tuning aid for almost any gasoline powered engine. The compactsize and wide supply voltage range allows operation from smallrechargeable batteries in a broad range of applications.

Wide-Band Oxygen Sensor on Rear Pipe

The WEGO uses a high tech sensor originally developed for the newHonda Insight hybrid vehicle. By utilizing miniature surface mountelectronics technology, digital signal processing techniques, and aswitching power supply for the sensor heater, the WEGO provides thesame level of accuracy as lab systems costing thousands of dollars.WEGO units have a 0-5V analog output that is compatible with the TCFIfuel injection controller and most data acquisition systems.

Part Number DescriptionSuggested Retail

WEGO, Wide-band Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Interface(Requires $254.00Sensor P/N 36531-PHM-A01 Available from Honda Car Dealer)

WEGO-LCD Wide-band Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Interface with$419.00Optional LCD Display (Requires Sensor P/N 36531-PHM-A01Available from Honda Car Dealer)

EGO-36531 Wide-band Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Kit (for WEGO or $358.00WEGO-LCD. Consists of sensor P/N 36531-PHM-A01 and18x1.5mm weld nut for exhaust pipe)WEGO Wide-Band Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Interface

Daytona Twin Tec LLC,
933 Beville Road, Suite 101-H
S.Daytona, FL 32119
(386) 304-0700

Allen Alvarez
Sales Manager


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