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February 10, 2004 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

mona lisa boob - rogue

HOOKER MURDERS CUSTOMERS AT LAST RESORT BAR– It would be a stretch to say that The Last Resort biker bar and its gregarious, gray-bearded proprietor, Al Bulling, have gone Hollywood.

Truth is, the self-proclaimed ?world famous? drinking establishment Bulling opened on U.S. 1 nearly 25 years ago has lost none of its gritty, ramshackle ambiance.

It continues to cater to an unpretentious crowd, including throngs of motorcyclists who flocked there even before The Last Resort became known as the last hangout of notorious serial killer Aileen Wuornos ? the place where she was arrested on Jan. 9, 1991.

But after more than a decade of being in the semi-limelight ? descended upon by the media when Wuornos was executed in October 2002, and sought after for various projects, including a Japanese documentary that year ? Bulling and his bar have made it to the big time ? featured in the critically acclaimed movie ?Monster.?

Bulling, 63, plays a bartender in a nonspeaking role. The Last Resort plays itself. And Charlize Theron, a beautiful blond actress who never looked so bad or acted so good, according to the critics, plays Wuornos ? the hard-bitten, low-rent, highway prostitute who murdered seven middle-aged men before she was coerced into confessing by her female former lover.

Theron won a Golden Globe for her portrayal and is nominated for a best actress Oscar. The movie also was named one of the top 10 films of 2003 by the American Film Institute.

But Bulling, who considers the 28-year-old actress ?one hell of a lady? and a good friend, said he was most impressed with the way she captured the essence of The Last Resort?s most infamous regular.

?Charlize did such a great job,? said Bulling, who attended the New York premiere and after-theater party last month. ?In the movie it was Aileen, the way she smoked a cigarette, the whole attitude, it was Aileen,? he said on a recent afternoon.

He leaned against the pool table in the dark and smoky bar, where $15 souvenir Wuornos T-shirts and $5 bottles of ?Crazed Killer Hot Sauce? are on sale.

Of course, during the time Wuornos hung out at Bulling?s establishment, no one at the bar knew that the scruffy hooker was routinely killing her johns with a .22-caliber gun she kept in her purse.

She stayed in a cheap motel down the road when she had the money, and slept on an old car seat in back of The Last Resort when she didn?t, including the night before she was arrested. It was cold and ?you can?t put people on the street,? the proprietor said.

?She never propositioned anyone in the bar, and she paid for her own drinks,? adds Bulling, who?s kept the car seat at his house as a souvenir, and still has the bra Wuornos gave him to display along with all the other donated women?s undergarments that decorated his business until recently. Held together with safety pins and a Band-Aid, he now keeps it in a dated plastic Ziploc bag.

?Probably one-quarter (of the movie) is The Last Resort,? estimates Bulling, who first met Theron and writer-director Patty Jenkins when they spent several days at his bar in December 2002 to get a feel for the place. They and a film crew came back in February. The rest of the movie was shot in other parts of Florida, including the courthouse in Sanford.

And there?s also a scene focusing on the ?Welcome to Daytona Beach? sign on the International Speedway Boulevard overpass, according to Bulling. But don?t expect a flattering travelogue. ?The Last Resort is an institution. … It has its reputation and its followers, and (the movie) probably will draw a few more,? he said. ?I?m not sure it has anything to do with why people come to visit or live in your community.?

Associated Press Port Orange.

–from Rogue

jose - chuck in iraq

Another Chopperfreak, Chuck in Iraq

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– Hey guys, another week goes by and even closer to Daytona Bike Week, so hell’s heat is full on.As you might know, or not, the Discovery Channel Biker Build off’s are full on, two of them are already done. I know this might spoil a bit of the surprise at the end but I’m between my duty as the one that brings the latest news and “ruining the end of the movie”. So I have decided to let the cat out. Chica and Hank Young went against each other in a ride to the Louisville Kentucky Easyriders Show. I respect both builders (and friends) a lot so I was kind of disappointed when I found out they were going against each other, knowing that only one of them can be victorious and both building kick ass chops in the old school way. It was going to be tough. The people chose Chica’s bike over Hanks. I bet it was a hard decision to make since both were really cool bikes.

At the same time, Russel from Exile Cycles and Eddie Trotta paired at the “Great American Motorcycle show ” in Atlanta where Trotta left with the win. The cool thing about this shows is that, if they even had half the fun we did at the ones we took part on, they had a blast. The show also brings the best in the industry and how they put a bike together in 30 days, no pre-done scripts, no nothing, maybe some editing but what happens, happens. Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming airdates.

jose - chica bike

Chica’s Bike

Keeping on with the Biker Build Off’s, there is going to be an interview, yes here on Bikernet with no other than Hugh King, the creator of this way cool series, coming soon. I for one am eager to see what the man has to say. On the same line, Arlen and Cory Ness are going against each other in Hawaii this coming weekend, so we will expect the results for the upcoming news.

Speaking of Daytona, we will be there across from the Wreck, at the end of the Main Street Bridge. It will be the little Chopper corner with West Coast Choppers across the street, Choppers Inc. Indian Larry, Hank Young, Fabricator Kevin and Caribbean Custom Cycles in the same lot (across from Jesse), Biker Spot magazine and a Horse booth will also be there. Chica will join us now and then. I will also have a couple of the latest frames that Diamond Engineering has done for us, so you can check them out there.

For those of you who are as crazy about Kool Kars as you are of your beloved chopper, I don’t know if you seen the new magazine that is out in the street called Ol’ Skool Rodz. Geno and the team put together one cool rag about Rat Rods and anti high end Kars. Greasers, Cats, Betties and everything else is there. It?s kinda Viva Las Vegas but every month. Check it out at the newsstand or check their site at.

Johnny & Chica

Right now it feels like the world is turning really fast and we need it to stop to get off. Daytona insanity, a show, all the deadlines looming and a couple more tech articles for Bikernet are pending. A couple shoots for The Horse are due for next week and we are waiting for our cover shot on our local magazine, “Biker Spot”. Plus we got a new design in the works for Chopper Freak, and needless to say at this point, finish the fucking new shop before heading out to the Shores of Daytona Beach. Gennaro, aka “Chicago Greaser” is cruising around the island with some friends and I’m trying to be a partial tour guide / host. Let’s not even talk about the bikes I have to finish by Tuesday. If you are confused by this paragraph, just imagine how I feel…..????

I just got my new “super secret” frame from Diamond, which I will not share, yet! A couple gas tanks from Twisted Choppers and a couple seats from PDQ upholstering, you gotta see them cause they are all wicked cool. Thanks to all of them, it’s good to have friends. I’m just waiting for a couple more things and, Hey Discovery, I’m ready!!!!! Three more bikes for this year which I’m really excited about….

Anyway, gotta go Joe…..

The shop is calling…

See you next week,
Jose – Bikernet Caribbean Reporter

ZERO GRAVITY INVESTIGATION–When NASA first started sending up astronauts, theyquickly discovered that ball-point pens would not workin zero gravity. To combat this problem, NASAscientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing apen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, onalmost any surface including glass and at temperaturesranging from below freezing to over 300 C.

The Russians used a pencil.

Enjoy paying your taxes–they’re due again

–from S&C


HARLEY-DAVIDSON ANNOUNCES DAYTONA 2004 BIKE WEEK SCHEDULE–MILWAUKEE (February 10, 2004) – The official Harley-Davidson schedule of events is now complete for the 63rd annual Bike Week at Daytona Beach, Fla.

Harley-Davidson events will run from March 1-6. Highlights will include: the Harley-Davidson and Buell indoor show, Harley-Davidson and Buell demo rides, the Harley-Davidson Traveling Museum, the Ford/Harley-Davidson Super Duty Display, MDA Auction and Bike Raffle, motorcycle stunt shows, musical entertainment and the Ride-In Show Contest.

Harley-Davidson enthusiasts are invited to enter their Harley-Davidson motorcycles in the Ride-In Show Contest on Wednesday, March 3. The $10 entry fee will be donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association, and each participant will receive a special edition commemorative plaque designed by Willie G. ?Best of Show? winners will receive a $200 cash prize and a trophy. In addition, $500 cash prizes will be awarded to the top Sportster and top Big Twin motorcycles adorned with Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories. Registration will be held at the Ocean Center East Side from 8-11a.m.

For a complete listing of Harley-Davidson events, please visit the following link located on our public web site:

Schedule information subject to change. Check the on-site Harley-Davidson activities guide for times and locations of seminars, entertainment, and other special attractions.


NEW BIKETOBERWEST–Mission Bay, San Diego, Ca. While Biketoberwest 03 was originally scheduled for October 30th thru November 2, 2003,those dates were changed to March 17th thru 21st as a result of the San Diego Wildfires.

Landlocked Pirate Enterprises could not in good conscience host an event in San Diego of this magnitude at a time when so many in our country were suffering such tremendous loses, nor risk the health and safety of participants, vendors, and entertainers. While the financial impact of this delay was substantial to Landlocked Pirate Enterprises, the support from the motorcycle community was tremendous.

Now they?re ready to rock this 5-day event with tons of activities, including concerts featuring Rick Derringer, Dave Mason, Edgar Winter, 2000 LBS of Blues and many more. Not to mention the riding

Beautiful San Diego, California with mountains and the ocean. Those two things alone would make you wanna ride out, but now you have Biketoberwest added to the mix to make one hell of a five day trip. For more information, follow this link, http:// and check back with us every Thursday for news and updates.


BIKERNET CONTEST ATTENTION SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA!–Or anyone wanting to come to SoCal. The promoters of Biketoberwest have offered Bikernet two VIP passes to their event. Enter the contest like you normally would and whoever I feel is serious will get the passes. Please, don?t enter for the tickets if you know you can?t go. Let someone who wants to go have a chance. Here’s the link–

What do you have to loose? Nothing. Enter the contest! Now for this weeks winners–


Tom didn?t say what he wanted so.. Tom, send me an email so we can talk about this. ( As for Billet Barges, we run what people submit and welcome the opportunity to feature home built bikes! Bring it on, baby. As for a job, sorry can?t help you there. Too many women here, not enough money


Keith W. Morgan from Walnut Cove, N.C.
Wanted: Bikernet cap or Tee Shirt in large

Keith gets a Bikernet Ballcap. See how easy that was? Now join the Cantina and enter!

choppers only

Choppers Only website is up and running. Don’t be the last on your block to get the scoop! Click for all the details…

Continued On Page 3

Read More

February 10, 2004 Part 1


cool sporty - david rogerson

Cool Sportster from David Rogerson.

Hang on for the news this week. It kicked off at 21,000 words. I’ll be here a week coding and editing. That’s over twice the size of a long Thursday news. I’ll need more women and whiskey to struggle through the job, but snivelin’ is against the code of the west.

Hang on, I’m going in…

THREE STRANGERS TO BIKERNET–Three strangers strike up a conversation in the airport passenger lounge inBozeman, Montana, awaiting their flights. One is an American Indian passingthrough from Lame Deer. Another is a Cowboy on his way to Billings for alivestock show, and the third passenger is a fundamentalist Arab student,newly arrived at Montana State University from the Middle East

Their discussion drifts to their diverse cultures. Soon, the two Westernerslearn that the Arab is a devout, radical Muslim and the conversation falls intoan uneasy lull.

The cowboy leans back in his chair, crosses his boots on a magazine tableand tips his big sweat-stained hat forward over his face. The wind out sideis blowing tumbleweeds around, and the old windsock is flapping; but stillno plane comes.

Finally, the American Indian clears his throat! And softly he speaks, “At onetime here, my people were many, but sadly, now we are few.”

The Muslim student raises an eyebrow and leans forward, “Once my peoplewere few,” he sneers, “and now we are many. Why do you suppose that is?”

The Montana cowboy shifts his toothpick to one side of his mouth and fromthe darkness beneath his Stetson says in a drawl, “That’s ’cause we ain’tplayed Cowboys and Muslims yet, but I do believe it’s a-comin’.”

–from Jill Z.

poll on janklow - rogue

GET THIS FINE FOR KILLING THREE BIKERS– Charter van driver Gary Lee Butler will pay $11.67 in fines for each of the six Mid-Iowa motorcycles riders involved in a deadly crash in Tama County nearly 19 months ago.

Butler, 49, of Des Moines was found guilty of failing to maintain control of a van owned by Brown’s Crew Car Co. of Wyoming and for driving on the wrong side of U.S. Highway 30 near Chelsea on June 22, 2002.

He was fined $35 for each of two traffic offenses by Judge Amanda Potterfield on Thursday. He has until Feb. 27 to pay the fines.

“I suppose I should be happy he was convicted of something,” said Wayne Wierson of Ames, who was the only one of six riders not physically hurt in the accident. “No amount of punishment can bring these guys back.”

Arlen Pickering, 53, of Story City; Douglas Sampson, 51, of Ames; and Ross Holland, 57, of Boone, were killed when Butler crossed the center line and slammed into each of them head-on.

Richard Vauble and James Olson, both of Ames, were seriously injured but survived the crash. Vauble lost his right leg above the knee, and Olson spent nearly four months unconscious in a hospital bed.

At the time of the accident, Butler was returning to Des Moines after dropping off a Union Pacific Railroad crew in eastern Iowa.

The Iowa State Patrol and Tama County Attorney Brent Heeren said Butler likely fell asleep at the wheel.

Last month a jury found Butler not guilty of vehicular homicide and serious injury by vehicle charges. Prior to trial, Heeren dismissed three aggravated misdemeanor counts of involuntary manslaughter.

“It’s hard on all of us,” Wierson said. “I am really disappointed in the justice system. I am not after retribution or revenge, just some sort of justice.

“I don’t know if we are victims of the system or whether I am being paranoid that people who ride motorcycles don’t count as much as other people,” he said. “For the widows and the two people seriously hurt, it doesn’t seem to be quite right.”

By Jason Kristufek, Staff Writer

This is just one reason why we need to initiate Motorcycle Right-Of-Way laws in all states.

–from Rogue

sturgis MM


*J.C. “Pappy” Hoel Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Annie Brokaw grew up with motorcycles. She learned to ride in 1947 at the age of 11 on a Royal Enfield running parts at her dad’s motorcycle shop, married a motorcyclist, competed in eduros, trials, ice racing, motorcycle ice hockey, flat track (oval and TT), road racing, field meets, drag racing and Pikes Peak International Hill Climb, winning many, most of which were in men?s classes. Annie helped organized new riding clubs and participated in promoting motorcycle events in several states. Her current love is dual sport riding and boasts, “Unfamiliar dirt roads are explored nearly every ride. As a 68-year-old lady it’s rewarding to still be able to tackle really rough trail rides. The future looks good!”

John Paul DeJoria, noted owner of John Paul Mitchell Hair Systems, was helped by a fellow motorcyclist when he was down and out and has never forgotten. His personal and company motto is: Success unshared is failure. Today as a successful business man and United Nations trouble-shooter and ambassador, DeJoria works to benefit motorcycling through his sponsorships and considerable fundraising efforts with such noted events as the MDA Love Ride and his Love, Peace and Happiness Ride. He credits his code of brotherhood and helping others to his life long association with motorcycling.

The Early family, father Lloyd Sr., and brothers Lloyd Jr. (Gunner), and Bob, have been involved in the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in once capacity or another since 1937. Lloyd Sr., was a lifetime member of the Black Hills Motor Classic, working the race track and encouraging his sons to follow. His son Bob never owned a push bike, instead equipped his bicycle with a Whizzer motor, a glimpse into who he would become, a noted mechanic and proficient off-road racer. Bob was a life member of the Jackpine Gypsies Motorcycle Club, Harley Owners Group and the American Motorcycle Association. Growing up at the track, it was only a matter of time until brother Gunner stepped up, serving several years on the Black Hills Motor Classic Board of Directors and eventually as its president for six years. Gunner later went on to open Gunner?s Lounge, a famous watering hole on Sturgis? Main Street.

Harry Tagaris opened Harry’s Motors in Denver, Colorado in 1927 and it has remained a family run business ever since. Throughout the years Harry’s Motors has sold Super X, Indian, BSA, Zundapp, BMW, Norton, Ducati and Moto Guzzi motorcycles. The family has promoted hill climbs, TT races and half-mile flat track racing; sponsored racers; successfully competed in races; been instrumental in starting several motorcycle clubs; help launch the Motorcyclist Magazine; built trophy winning motorcycles; and restored classic and antique motorcycles. With each passing generation the shop has been handed to the next, however their professionalism, talent and love of motorcycling has been consistent with the dreams of Harry who began this small shop so long ago.

During the past 25 years, Jerry Hatfield has strengthened the appreciation of American motorcycling history through his research, writing and television appearances. He has written 12 books and over 20 articles on motorcycle history. He has contributed articles to motorcycle magazines in the US and the UK, appeared in several television documentaries and served as a research consultant for the AMA, ABC, Indian Motorcycles Japan, Women?s International Motorcycle Association and Motor Books International.

David Mann created his first motorcycle painting in 1963. In 1971 he was hired by Easyriders magazine and began capturing the essence of the biker lifestyle for generations of riders. His paintings derive from personal experience, and his honesty and love of machines can be seen in each piece he creates. His imagination and wit, coupled with his attention to detail are hallmarks of his style, one that is wholly his own. Known as the Norman Rockwell of the biker world, he is noted for documenting the freedom and passion that surrounds motorcycling.

People who know Bruce Rossmeyer call him the “Big Man with the Huge Heart” due to his efforts in raising millions at motorcycle runs and auctions, all of which goes to helping children. Bruce serves on the Board of Directors of the Boggy Creek Gang Camp, founded by Gen. Schwarzkopf and Paul Newman. The largest event benefiting the camp is Bruce’s Ride for Children. He is a major player in Joe DiMaggio’s Children?s Hospital and serves on the Board of Directors of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Broward County, raising considerable funds for both. Bruce owns several Harley dealerships in Florida, however in spite of a demanding schedule he is committed to using his creative ability and business experience to benefit children and families in need while continuing to promote motorcycling and the generous people who ride.

Some 30 odd years ago Perry Sands was the local “go-to” guy for the custom hungry Southern California biker. His true passion was performance and he realized that nothing out there would live up to his standards. He knew he needed to create his own and within a few years Performance Machine disc brake systems were the standard for any well sorted custom. The presence of his product on high-end bikes persists to this day. Wheels came next and Perry was again the innovator in both custom and race applications. Everything from cast magnesium wheels for Kenny Roberts to beautifully machined billet units for local customers. A keen sense for machinery and an ability to push the envelope of manufacturing has kept PM on the cutting edge.

Dal Smilie has been active in on and off-road motorcycle rights lobbying at a state and federal level for over 25 years and a leader on the AMA Board of Directors for over 20. Smilie was the youngest person ever elected to the AMA Board and is the longest to serve at 22 years. Additionally, Dal finds time to race. He has picked up four national AHRMA motocross championships since turning 50. His love of motorcycling in all its forms is clear through his association with the AMA; as a 23 year member of the Antique Motorcycle Association of America; as a volunteer with the AHRMA for 15 plus years; as a rider with over 500,000 miles on road bikes, having won BMWMOA’s high mileage contest twice. He has received the MSF’s Award of Excellence, their highest honor, fought to get legislation passed to start Montana?s rider funded safety program and has been named by four different governors to head the Montana Motorcycle Safety Advisory Committee.

Bill Waltermire’s children always thought it was cool that their dad raced motorcycles. Before the war Bill raced TT?s but switched to flat track after the war, calling racing his therapy. His wins on Indians and Harleys are many and legendary however his family will tell you they are most proud of his generosity and willingness to help strangers. They fondly remember many nights when Bill would bring home a biker he didn?t even know whose bike had broken down or who had been involved in an accident and needed a place to rest. His favorite bikes have always been Indians and he still owns the first motorcycle he purchased new, a 1946 Chief.

The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame will be holding their fourth annual Induction Breakfast during the 2004 Rally on Wednesday, August 11th. The breakfast begins at 9:00 a.m. at the Holiday Inn in Spearfish, SD (Exit 14). Tickets are available for a $20 donation per person or $160 per table of 8. Tickets are available online or by calling 605-347-2001.

This year’s Hall of Fame Induction Breakfast will offer an opportunity to mingle with and listen to an impressive cross section of the motorcycle community. Space is limited and tickets have sold out completely in previous years so get yours early.

texas pedals

THE TEXAS PEDAL–Here are some images of both Texas pedals. I need to smooth them up some and I guess get them chromed, still trying to decide.

I heard there is a company in Dallas or FW with a Texas horn cover and a shift linkage, it only has a small Texas shape on it. Can I copyright Texas?

Spoke with Kent at Lucky Devil this morning he said we can still get a cable bracket made in the shape of Texas which will be cool. Plus he is going to make me an arm that will align with the cable bracket.


bob bitchins friends

A FLORIDA CONNECTION– I was at a party for the mag here in Florida and met couple of riders who know of you. Been reading the biker rags for centuries (to hear them tell it!). Nice people. Thought maybe, if you hade any pull at BIKER or Easyrdiers, maybe you could get them into the Wind section? Attached is their photo.

Their names are Frank & Windy. She’s the service writer at Harley of Palm Beach. I shot the flick in Stuart, FL.

Bob Bitchin
On the road.. Currently enroute to Miami Boat Show
Latitudes & Attitudes Magazine
FTW Publishing, Inc

FROM THE BIKERNET MEDICAL FILES–Down south, Bubba called his attorney and asked, “Is it true they’s suin’ them cigarette companies fer causin’ people to git cancer?”

“Yes, Bubba, sure is true,” responded the lawyer.

“And now someone is suin’ them fast food restaurants fer makin’ them fat an’ cloggin’ their arteries with all them burgers an’ fries, is that true,Mista Lawyer?”

“Sure is, Bubba.”

“And that lady sued McDonald’s for millions when she was gave that hot coffee that she ordered?”


“And that football player sued that university when he gradiated and still couldn’t read?”

“That’s right,” said the lawyer. “But why are you asking?”

“Well, I was thinkin’ . . . What I want to know is, kin I sue Budweiser fer all them ugly women I slept with?


irish rich - pipes

SHAMROCK SECRET INVESTIGATION– This is how I finish off my pipe seams. I trust you will just keep this between us, because one of the things that sells my pipes is the ability to get all those seams to look like one solid pipe. Kinda like a pinstriper guards his paints and brushes, you know…..

With respect for Irish Rich we edited the following to maintain his secrets. –Bandit

First, I use a small …. grinding disc. You use it in the same motor you’d use for a cut-off disc. I knock the weld down until it is not quite level.

Then, I take an old …. sander, and I lock the pad solid, so it can’t sand in a ….. pattern. It acts as a small …. sander this way.

I then use a …. disc to knock the weld down flush with the pipe surface, and ….. out the seam.

Next, I use a ….. disc to ….. out the scratches, and smooth out the adjoining surface.

Next, I use a ….. disc, with the Roloc pad you’d use for the Roloc grinding discs.

That’s how I do it. It’s a lot of work, but the finish comes out beautiful, and your ceramic coater/plater will love you for it, because you’ve done 3/4 of his work for him. If you do it right, the seams are virtually invisible.

As Always, Rick

Visit our website:

shamrock banner

ROGUE’S BAD COP INVESTIGATION–GARLAND -The Garland Police Department released a squad car videotape of a violent confrontation between officers and a motorcyclist Friday after fired police officer Glen Shaw pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge.

Mr. Shaw was sentenced to two years probation, fined $600, and ordered to undergo anger management counseling. If the terms of his probation are violated, Mr. Shaw will serve one year in jail.

As part of his plea agreement, he also signed a permanent relinquishment of his Texas peace officer?s license, according to Pat Batchelor, chief of the public integrity section of the Dallas County District Attorney?s office.

Garland police chief Mitch Bates suspended Mr. Shaw for 15 days without pay following the September 6, 2003, incident in which Mr. Shaw was found to have used excessive force against motorcyclist Randall James Ling.

Mr. Ling, who allegedly led Mr. Shaw and other officers on a high-speed chase on the Bush Turnpike, was later indicted for felony fleeing.

By RICHARD ABSHIRE / The Dallas Morning News

–from Rogue

signs at work 2 - rogue

SOFTAILS REQUEST BIKERNET REPORTER ATTEND–The girls of bikeweek yahoo group is all about a a little saloon just 10 minutes west of the Speedway in Daytona. Actually it is two saloon’s in one. One side of the saloon is a semi sports bar, for those that just want to play darts, shoot pool, or just want a cold beer or other adult beverage. The other side,,,,,well that is a little more involved.

Softail’s is biker owned and operated, and does business 365 days a year. So bikers are welcome the year round. We won’t BS you, we started this group in order to drum up even more business. However, this group isn’t going to disappear the week after bike week is over. We hope to keep you informed about events, and happenings in the area so you can keep up with the atmosphere in the Daytona Beach area between Bike Week and Biketoberfest. As the Daytona area becomes less and less bike friendly, we find ourselves in a unique position of being out of the area of the Daytona city laws that seem to make bikers miserable.

So if you are comingdown to Daytona for bike week stop by and have a drink with us. If not, then follow what is happening every day with our daily photo diary. But not matter what, ride well. Biking and Babes, is this a great country or what?

samson photo

SAMSON FOUR-STEP DUAL CROSSOVER HEADER AND MUFFLER FOR ROAD KINGS AND DRESSERS–Caliber High Performance Exhaust has designed and developed a cutting edge true dual crossover 4-step exhaust system for 1995 to 2004 Road Kings and Dressers. The system utilizes a 3-step header and incorporates the tuned muffler as the 4th step. The system greatly improves the street performance of these fine road motorcycles, at the same time producing a deep invigorating sound.

The complete system includes full coverage heat shields, new exhaust gaskets, all mounting hardware, a brilliant chrome 3 muffler and an engraved chrome aluminum end cap. The beauty of the Caliber True Dual Header System is the LOOKS of the system. The smooth flowing lines are evidence of careful planning and an eye for good looks. The right side pipe carefully follows the lines of the classic styling of the bike and makes a single straight line from the floorboards to the end of the muffler. Without drama or excess, the left side pipe exits from the rear cylinder to form strong lines that end at the perfect location behind the bags.

“Street ride-ability is what these pipes are all about” said Kenny Price, CEO of Samson Motorcycle Products. ?The new Caliber line raises the bar for performance pipes that look good.? Extensive Dyno testing proves the Caliber True Dual Crossover system put the power to the road with significant increases in horsepower and torque.

All Caliber exhaust systems come with a Full Two Year Warranty.

The Samson Crew and Rig. Click on their Bikernet home page logo for more info.

Continued On Page 2

Read More

February 10, 2004 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

meanest with hat

The Stealth’s assistant wearing new Bikernet ballcap.

BIKERNET DOOR PRIZE WINNER– Just received my T-shirt that I won as the door prize and it isreally great. The stickers were also a really nice touch.

As a guy that is always buying raffle tickets for this and that, butnever winning a damn thing, it was a hell of a nice surprise to win thedoor prize, especially at

It quickly became myfavorite site on the web, and I visit it daily. Thanks again for such agreat place for serious bikers to hang out,

–George H. Taylor

6-speed tranny

NEW SCREAMIN’ EAGLE 6-SPEED OVERDRIVE TRANSMISSION–Harley-Davidson owners can add a reliable overdrive gear to many Dyna, Softail and Touring models with the new Screamin’ Eagle 6-Speed Transmission ($2,699.95) and Screamin’ Eagle 6-Speed Gearset Kits ($1,999.95) which are direct replacement parts for the standard 5-speed transmission.

6-speed gear

The Screamin’ Eagle 6-Speed Transmission incorporates a late-model shifting mechanism and a shift-ring system with forged-steel shift forks for smooth, precise shifting with less effort. The ratios of gears 1 through 5 are the same as those in the standard transmission, so installation does not affect the motorcycle’s exhaust emissions certification. Sixth gear is a 0.89:1 overdrive. The transmission was tested to the same standards as original-equipment Harley-Davidson transmissions. No modifications will be required to fit the stock exhaust. Chrome side covers feature a laser-etched Screamin’ Eagle 6-Speed logo. The transmission is backed by a 12- or 24-month warranty (depending on model) when installed at the time of a new motorcycle purchase.

Screamin’ Eagle 6-Speed Gearsets replace the stock gearset and can be installed without removing the transmission case from the motorcycle. The kit includes all required hardware, and a template guide for slight modification of the stock transmission case, which can be accomplished without removing the case from the bike. The kit includes new chrome-plated transmission side covers with a laser-etched Screamin’ Eagle 6-Speed logo.

WATCH THE OSBOURNE’S–Watch the “Osbourne’s” on MTV Feb 10 (that’s tonight) and see the presentation of Ozzy’s chopper with a Sugar Bear 30 over springer. Should be fun.



kerry - jane - rogue

KERRY CANDIDATE TEAMS UP WITH HANOI JANE–Jane Fonda and John Kerry at an anti-war rally in Valley Forge, Pa. (Corbis Images)A photo seemingly showing Democratic presidential front-runner John Kerry protesting the Vietnam War with anti-American actress “Hanoi Jane” Fonda – the photo Dems fear most – exists, and has been obtained by

On Labor Day weekend 1970, Kerry – then a rising star with Vietnam Veteran Against the War – teamed up with Fonda as the two headlined an ugly anti-war in rally in Valley Forge, Pa., railing against U.S. policy in Southeast Asia from the back of the same flatbed truck.

–Cody Schneider
Web Page


NEW FROM AEROMACH – KNUCKLE LEVERS FOR H-DThe Knuckle Levers will add some ?attitude? to your bike. These aggressive levers are hand machined from T6 extruded billet aluminum and chrome plated. Will mount to all HD?s for 1984-2003 with manual clutch. And now available for PM Contour controls and Jay Brake. They are available in chrome and polished.
$149.95 pair
Aeromach Manufacturing Inc.
800 990-9392
619 258-5443

HORSE MAGAZINE REPORT–I’m shipping this issue out on Monday and will start working on issue 42 soon afterwards. Please send me your submissions by the 1st of March.

We’re going to have checkout space at Safeways for issue 42. I know for most of you that doesn’t mean much, but for us that means that we have to have a killer cover, taking advantage of the in-your-face location of the magazine.

It was great seeing all of you that attended the Cincinnati show. We are going to be set up at the Detroit Autorama from the 27th to the 29th of Feb. That’ll be our next presence at a major venue. Then I think we’ll be set up at The Last Resort again in Daytona, but I won’t be going. I know that Kevein, Eric, Jose and a few others will be there, while Geno and Hank will be manning our booth a TLR.Oh, Chopper Dave is supposed to judge the bike show at TLR; I forgot to mention that.

Only about 120 days until the Smoke Out!


ROGUE’S BAD COP FILES–You have read several articles, that I have received, about Bad Cops from around the country. They are just the Tip of The Iceberg.

What hurts People More Than Any Thing is The Cop That Lies In a Police Report and or Court. It has reached Epidemic Conditions.

Police charge people with all kinds of violations to promote the idea that they are out there really doing their job. Of course they are looking to impress their supervisors and certain groups in hopes of advancing their careers.



EVIDENCE CUSTODIAN FACES FELONY DRUG CONSPIRACY CHARGES–DELAND — The former evidence manager for the Sheriff’s Office was on his way to jail Wednesday, charged with stealing nearly a half million dollars’ worth of drugs from the sheriff’s evidence compound. Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson watched as Timothy W. Wallace, 47, was led away in handcuffs.

Wallace faces charges of conspiracy to traffic in cocaine and conspiracy to traffic in marijuana. The first-degree felony counts each carry a 30-year prison penalty.

Wallace’s bail was set at $300,000, according to the Sheriff’s Office. There may be additional charges, authorities say.

Wallace, a three-year veteran of the department, has been under investigation for about a month in the theft of nearly 900 grams of cocaine and 370 pounds of marijuana, according to the Sheriff’s Office. He was fired Feb. 5, after a two-week unpaid suspension.

The sheriff said Wallace was putting those seized drugs back on the street. Investigators have recovered a small portion of the narcotics, but Johnson is doubtful they will recover more.

Staff Writer Mark Johnson contributed to this report.

–from Rogue

american motorcycle network banner

SOUTH DAKOTA JANKLOW STATEMENT– (MCNW) ABATE of South Dakota has issued a statement in response to the sentencing of Representative Bill Janklow. The motorcycle rights organization felt that the sentence should have included more jail time but that the courts were consistent in their penalties.

ABATE’s research found that many states with similar accidents result in no penalty at all or at the most a small fine, and the penalty awarded to Bill Janklow was stiffer than in many similar cases in South Dakota. The ABATE statement said “Dakota justice system has clearly demonstrated that a person’s political, social or economic stature has little bearing on the final outcome of such a case and that the final outcome was based on the circumstances and evidence surrounding this case”.

–from Rogue

Another reason to support, introduce and pass the Randy Scott Motorcycle Right-of-Way law.–Bandit

4 left front oil tank brkt

NEXT GOLIATH SEGMENT COMING SOON–I know, we’re running behind with these segments, but over the next couple of weeks we’ll complete this bastard on Bikernet. Watch for the next oil tank, oil line segment in the next couple of days.


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Custom Chrome’s new offering for 2004. The California based distributor brings you the most comprehensive product offering in the Harley-Davidson aftermarket! At over 1,200 pages and over 22,000 part numbers, their 2004 Catalog features the new RevTech 110 Motor, Hard Core II, Ares bikekits and noumious frames and forks–everything from nuts & bolts to performance products. It’s the Custom Bike Bible for the year.

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LET’S TAKE A BREAK–A man and his wife go to their honeymoon hotel for their 25th anniversary. As the couple reflected on that magical evening 25 years ago, the wife asked the husband, “When you first saw my naked body in front of you, what was going through your mind?”

The husband replied, “All I wanted to do was to fuck your brains out, and suck your tits dry.”

Then, as the wife undressed, she asked, “What are you thinking now?”

He replied, “It looks as if I did a pretty good job.”

–from S&C

donnie smith invitation

BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP ADVICE–A man and his wife go to their honeymoon hotel for their 25th anniversary. As the couple reflected on that magical evening 25 years ago, the wife asked the husband, “When you first saw my naked body in front of you, what was going through your mind?”

The husband replied, “All I wanted to do was to fuck your brains out, and suck your tits dry.”

Then, as the wife undressed, she asked, “What are you thinking now?”

He replied, “It looks as if I did a pretty good job.”

–from Jay Hodge

MYSTERY BUILDERS–Maybe you can help out a foggy old fart who can’t seem to remember things none to straight.

Back in the 60’s, there was a Bike shop on San Fernando Blvd.The guy that owned it built a couple of bikes that I recall seeing there as he was working on my old Knucklehead.One was a two wheeler called the Six Pack,Corvair powered,owned by Norm Grabowski.Norm claimed to have been the builder, but I always saw the other guy working on it.

The other was a Ford Cobra powered trike called The BoneShaker.Now, what I recall was that his name was Boyd De France. No one seems to remember him. Is he lost in history, or am I not remembering right ?

Bill (aka) Preacher
Madcaps mc.

You’re right about everything, but I don’t know what happened to those guys.

ONE MAN’S OPINION–Dear Mr. Walker, As a Republican, a biker and a parent of three, I resent the fact that the Congressman got off so easy. We in Connecticut, and many other states I have political friends and/or biker friends, have been watching the prpceedings of the Janklow case and I must say, no one is happy with the results. In fact, many are totally disgusted with the judge’s light sentencing.

As Republicans, we’re disgusted with his actions since in a position like his, he should be setting an example, not being the cause to do so.

As bikers, we feel it’s another case of where because it’s an accident invovlving a biker, the motorcyclist victim and victims family suffers at a loss of justice. Am I saying bikers get discriminated against or treated differently? Yes, I am. Ask any biker.

As parents, we feel that Randy Scott was our son too, killed by another driver who lacked respect for the law.

No matter what the excuse is or who you are, people are responsible for their actions. It was not the first time Janklow broke laws, laws that he was supposed to honor and uphold. Probably even helped to get enacted in his state. He above all should have accepted his responsibility instead of making his excuses and trying to weasel out of the punishment. He should have served at least a full year and the felony conviction should not be up for discussion. It’s permanent and after 5 years or whatever it is in SD, he can apply and ask for pardon as most convicted felons have a right to do.

His attempt to get a re-trial is another sign he has NOT accepted the responsibility for his actions and in my opinion shows his contempt for the law, the family of Randy Scott and the citizens of SD.

I’m sorry if I offend anyone in SD who support Janklow, but at least his family can visit, see and talk to their family member. The Scott family only have their pictures, their memories and a cold grave.

James R. Pace Jr.
Bethany, CT

–from Rogue

tbear - bracket

tbear - complete frontend

ORIGINAL RAKED TREES–Starting to shovel out the garage and get rid of anything I haven’t used in the past 10 years. I was wondering if you knew anything about the value of a 1950 side hack front end w/ adjustable chrome triple trees? Came on my Pan when I bought it back in ’72. Changed the lower legs to single disc in ’80 then took it off for a springer in ’82. Been sitting neglected in the garage since. I’ve been looking on ebay and swap boards for months to get an idea of value but haven’t seen one like it. Any idea what it may bring? With my luck I’d sell it for $500 then find out it’s gold. It’s been heavy chromed pre 1972 and it’s the bolt and castle nut model, not the cam type. heres a few pix, any thoughts?


tax form - rogue

VIRGINIA HELMET REPEAL–FREEDOM’S COMIN’–RICHMOND — Motorcyclists who show proof of insurance and are at least 21 years old would be allowed to ride helmet-free in Virginia under legislation that narrowly escaped a House committee.

The bill, sponsored by Prince William Delegate Scott Lingamfelter, passed the House Transportation Committee on a 10-to-9 vote Tuesday after a subcommittee recommended killing it.

Even though the bill escaped committee, it faces an uncertain future in the full House.

Should motorcyclists be allowed to ride without helmets?

Jim Cannon, director of the Virginia Coalition of Motorcyclists, says 31 states have repealed helmet laws since 1996.

Doctors say statistics show a dramatic increase in motorcycle injuries and treatment costs after states drop the law. Nancy Martin, trauma program director at VCU Medical Center, said unhelmeted victims spend 50 percent more time in the hospital on average than helmeted victims of accidents.

Yeah, but accidents and overall injuries with decrease, goddamnit. I’d rather die free than chained and safe.

–from Rogue

layla on sporty

WHATTA GODDAMN DAY–Real estate hell eased some. Drug addicts are still loose on the streets. Layla rode her first motorcycle yesterday, a new 1200 custom. Watch for reports. The Shrunken FXR project is waiting for wiring and I’m riding the 1928 Shovel around town.

If you’re life is as crazed as mine, find a good woman, a bottle of whiskey and an open road somewhere warm. Hide out for a couple of days. He’ll it’s Valentine’s Day this weekend. Make it memorable.

–Ride Forever,


layla riding

Read More

February 10, 2004 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

THE DAYTONA BIKE WEEK FILE–For many that watch Bike Week in Daytona Beach they use the NASCAR Races as a Guide.

The first big event of the season usually gives some insight to what will be going on during Bike Week.

The Large Crowds are a given and so far reports of Police action is minimal other than some heavy traffic enforcement on I-4 which is pretty standard.

I will keep you posted


signs at work - rogue

DAYTONA BIKE WEEK COVERAGE FROM BIKERNET– My plans are to go to Daytona the first weekend and then ever couple of days until I stay the second weekend. I want to get as many back-up and stock photos as I can. I’LL keep BIKERNET supplied with a what?s going every couple of days.

Of course I will do the local politics, cops etc.

I will also be doing the Last Resort, also Softails, (Titty Bar) and others yet to be determined. I am suppose to meet up with Billy Lane and Jose at their headquarters on Beach Street. I am still working out some details


Bikernet has five reporters scheduled to cover bike week. Frank Kaisler will bring us the finest bikes of Bike Week and the girls. Crazyhorse covers the women, nightlife and new paint schemes. Mike and Meanest are sending in the girls of H-D and factory activities and Jose chases all the young chicks and reports on Bike Week Activities. Hang on.

big city thunder - stealth

THE STEALTH REPORT–Usually when I write the “STEALTH REPORT” I write about my opinions on certain subjects, coverage of events and stories on how people deal with the hands they are dealt in life. This week I am going to try something new, a product review. A product made right here in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The company is called Big City Thunder, and it is owned by Jim Maybeck and Gail Hamilton.


Big City Thunder and their staff make products they call Thunder Monsters, Thunder Blasters and ThunderBoltz. These are exhaust enhancing devices. Most riders buy an exhaust system for a better sound and better performance. Your every day generic baffles kill the sound and running an open pipe with no baffle and no back pressure kills performance. These products provide not only a deeper sound but also deliver big performance.

A little history on Jim and Gail. Jim is an old time Class AA Funny Car pilot from the late 60’s and early 70’s, with six second passes and 240 mph. The car was called the “Screaming Eagle” yeah, way before H-D ever used the name, so Jim knows a thing or two about exhaust and performance.

Jim rides a 1995 super clean hot rod Dyna Low Rider, while Gail rides one of the trickest 1998 Sportsters around, the bike looks just like a Fatboy and has fooled many an onlooker over the past years. Jim and Gail started research on their products back in 1998. There were a number of passes on the dyno here at H-D of Charlotte. A dyno is unforgiving and doesn’t lie. Depending on the bike the Thunder Monsters provide consistently a gain of 5-12 horsepower and 8-15 lbs. of torque. Jim describes midrange “between 2500 and 5500 rpm,” which is where they really perform.

I admit when I first heard about this product, I too was skeptical, so Big City Thunder provided me a set of the Thunder Monsters to try out on my ’91 Softail springer that I call “Skeletor.” The engine has an Andrews EV46 cam, S.E. ignition and an S&S E carb and I run a Samson exhaust. I love the looks of the pipes and I love the way they sound. Old “Skeletor” is basically a high bar, bar hopper and I am not a horsepower freak, but I like my bikes to run strong and smooth. At highway speeds when I rolled the throttle on, old Skeletor would want to hesitate and spit and pop. I thought I would give the Thunder Monsters a try. The installation was simple, pull the pipes, drill a hole in each pipe and bolt them in. Now was time for the test, so I rolled old Skeletor out and headed down the highway, once I reached cruising speed I rolled the throttle on and I couldn’t believe it, the hesitation , the spit, the pop were gone! Nothing but a smooth roll on of power! A few weeks later, “THE MEANEST” and I went for a ride and she even noticed how Skeletor was smoother! Now that says something!

We see a lot of products that claim certain things and more times than not we are disappointed with the results of these products. Not the case here! These products are designed for aftermarket exhaust with an inside diameter of 1 5/8″, 1 7/8″, 2″ and 2 1/8.”

For more info, give Big City Thunder a call at 704-366-8672 or on line at They will be glad to hear from you and tell them where you read this.

Big City Thunder is a proud sponsor for the 6th Annual Run for Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin.” Jim and Gail have also been volunteers from day one for this event.

See you down the road!


hawaii poster

THE CLUB CORNER–DRUGS– Sioux Falls police made a drug bust with a possible biker connection. Police arrested 48-year-old Robert Worshek and 38-year-old Todd Scofield after a search of a home on North Van Eps in Sioux Falls Thursday night.

Members of the drug task force found a pound of meth with a street value between 16 and 20-thousand dollars. They also found $1,500 in cash, six rifles and shotguns and 10 millimeter pistol.

Police state that evidence indicates the two are members of the “Dead Man” motorcycle club and may be associated with the Hermanos and Bandidos.

SHOOTINGS– A prospective member of Hells Angels has been charged in the shooting last month of two rival motorcycle club members at an Edgemere nightclub, Baltimore County police said yesterday.

Wallace Schnople, 45, of the 2800 block of Pulaski Highway was being held without bail at the county detention center last night, charged with two counts of attempted murder, two counts of first-degree assault and weapons violations in the shooting, police said.

The victims – Charles Zepp, 23, of Eldersburg, and Timothy McDowell, 38, of Frederick – were identified as members of the Pagans, according to police. They have both been released from the hospital.

Officers identified Schnople and another suspect, Michael James Moore, 42, of Essex, as prospective members of Hells Angels.

Detectives say they believe the rivalry between the Pagans and Hells Angels, who recently have begun appearing in Maryland, was the motive for the shooting Jan. 4 at Club Tattle Tails in the 2100 block of Sparrows Point Road.

Maryland has long been territory for the Pagans, founded in Prince George’s County, and conflicts between the two motorcycle clubs have been intensifying in recent years, police said.

Schnople, who is known as “Bear,” was arrested Tuesday by an officer with the Maryland State Police warrant task force for a charge of driving with a suspended license in Frederick, police said. Troopers then realized he also was wanted in Baltimore County in connection with the shooting.

Schnople, who has been arrested more than a half-dozen times on assault and battery charges, finished serving two years of supervised probation for an assault conviction in 2000, court records show. He received probation before judgment in a 1991 battery and a 1985 harassment charge, according to the records.

Police also have charged Moore, believed to be the shooter in the Edgemere incident with attempted murder, assault and weapons violations.

TROUBLE– Family friends and brothers gathered in south Edmonton yesterday to say goodbye to Joseph Robert “Joey” Campbell. Bikers in red-and-gold Bandidos vests were among the 200-odd mourners for the afternoon service. Campbell’s mother Shannon Trottier said the Bandidos donated a vest for the 34-year-old victim to be cremated in.

“We asked the Bandidos not to make trouble,” said Trottier yesterday. “I talked to a few of them (Thursday) and asked them to stay in the hotel and stay safe. “Joey was a wonderful man, and he had so many friends. That’s how we want to remember him.”

So anxious was the family about gang-on-gang violence, said sources close to the family, that Campbell’s friends in his old club, the Rebels turned Hells Angels, were asked to stay away.

The most emotional moment of the service came during the eulogy delivered by Mike Jerace, who’d known Campbell from their days training as amateur boxers.

Jerace was with Campbell outside the strip club Jan. 30, when he and Bandido “hang-around” Robert Simpson, 34, were gunned down.

PROBATIONARY CHAPTER– Edmonton has had its own probationary chapter of the Bandidos since November.Yves Lavigne predicts the start of a bloody year in Alberta. “That funeral was the first time these guys appeared in public … in their colours,” said author Lavigne, who has written books about bike clubs.

He said the Bandidos Canada organization in Ontario confirmed to him they were responsible for the Edmonton chapter’s charter.

“We’re talking six to 10 members in Edmonton, a probationary chapter … That generally means setting up a drug network of their own”. “But every one that pulled on a Bandidos vest last week is committing public suicide. Alberta is Angels territory,” Lavigne added.

But news of a Bandidos chapter seemed to surprise an Edmonton police spokesman. “We’re not going to start speculating about this, or any connections to any recent events, until we have all the facts.”


INDIAN DEMISE REPORT COMIN’ TO BIKERNET A very fortuitous situation took place yesterday.I got a call to go down to Gilroy. It was the lastday of the Indian factory liquidation. Got a numberof good photos and some scoops! Will put it alltogether. Hope you got the Pancho Villa material OK.

Thanks for posting the Commercial Vehicle story.Have a great weekend.


INFORMANT–Aime Simard betrayed a motorcycle club and became a police informant in the late 1990s. Police think that caused his death last July.

In exchange for his help, Simard won early parole despite having killed three people. It also made him a prime target for vengeance from Hells Angels, even while being behind bars.

Simard was found face down in a pool of blood on July 18, 2003, with more than 70 stab wounds. Footprints leading from Simard’s to a neigbouring cell made Alvin Starblanket a suspect. But what happened to Simard has corrections officials and police concerned about the growth of violence in Canada’s prison system.

Simard was not a member of the Hells Angel. He was a lover of another police informant. Simard killed three people for a rival club and after he was arrested in 1997, he struck a deal with authorities and began to talk.

Simard allegedly asked for a transfer from British Columbia to the Saskatchewan Penitentiary, where he thought he would be safe.

Shortly after arriving in the Prince Albert facility last summer, Simard was dead. His murder remains unsolved and prison warden Peter Guenther remains tight-lipped about it all.



Mike Lemen’s Monoshock, Turbocharged Sportster


Check out the oil tank swingarm and monoshock.


Wade Jenkins Supercharged Airtail.

EASYRIDERS SHOW–A few shots from the Easyriders Show this past weekend. With the inclusion of two Discovery Channel Biker Build Off participants, Billy Lane and Young’s Choppers and some local talent it was exciting to see some original ideas for a change.


First time I’ve seen anything like this.

I’m including these shots of two bikes built in local shops, these bikes are definitely not cookie cutter clones. The supercharged airtail is from Wade Jenkins here in Louisville. The Monoshock Sportster is by Mike Lemen owner of C&T Cycles in Scottsburg, Indiana. Mike’s bike sports a monoshock swing arm with the oil tank inside, turbo charger and many more mods. Both of these builders do all their own work paint, chassis, engine, bodywork, etc.

–Nick Roberts

Continued On Page 4

Read More

February 10, 2004



Did the legislature pass a new three-wheeled motorcycle law?

Yes, during its 2003 session the legislature passed Substitute Senate Bill 5229, which establishes a special three-wheeled motorcycle endorsement knowledge and skills test for operators of motorcycles with sidecar, and trikes. The bill also requires the Department of Licensing (DOL) to establish training for three-wheeled motorcycle riders.

When does the new license endorsement requirement become effective?

The law takes effect January 1, 2004.

When the law goes into effect what do I have to do to lawfully operate a three-wheeled motorcycle?

Like operating a two-wheeled motorcycle, you must have a driver license endorsement to operate a three-wheeled motorcycle. To get the endorsement you will have to pass a knowledge and operator skills test, or you will have to present a certificate showing that you have completed the three-wheeled motorcycle operator-training course.

I am currently endorsed, how do I get the three-wheeled motorcycle endorsement?

From January 2, 2004 through June 30, 2004, three-wheeled motorcycle operators with a class 3 endorsement or an “R” restriction can have a three-wheeled motorcycle endorsement added to their license without skill testing. Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to any Washington driver licensing office with your current driver license and motorcycle endorsement.
  2. Request a three-wheeled motorcycle endorsement.
  3. Let the Licensing Representative know if you already have a two-wheeled motorcycle endorsement and specify if you do or do not want to keep it. If you surrender the two-wheeled motorcycle endorsement you will sign a form stating that you agree to take all the tests and pay all the fees if you ever want to get the 2 wheel endorsement back.
  4. A new license will be issued with an endorsement code that indicates you are legal to operate a two or three-wheeled motorcycle or both. The new endorsement codes are as follows:
  • Type 3 – two-wheeled motorcycles only
  • Type 5 – three-wheeled motorcycle only
  • Type 7 – two and three-wheeled motorcycles

I am not an experienced operator, how do I get the three-wheeled motorcycle endorsement added to my license?

Inexperienced riders can get the three-wheeled motorcycle endorsement in one of two ways:

  1. Apply at a driver licensing office and pass the operator’s knowledge and skills test. The endorsement will be issued after you pass both tests. or;
  2. Take the three-wheeled motorcycle rider training class and present the class completion card at any driver licensing office in the state to get your new license and three-wheeled motorcycle endorsement.

In both cases a $5 application fee, $10 endorsement fee and $10 license issuance fee will be required to get the endorsement added to your license.

When will the training program for three-wheeled motorcycles be available?

The three-wheeled motorcycle rider classes will be available in the Seattle and hopefully Spokane area beginning in January 2004. You will need to contact the provider to get scheduled for a class. Class location and contact information will be available at or, beginning in January you can call (800) 962-9010, extension 9, for class information. Three-wheeled motorcycle training will be available in the Seattle and Spokane areas for at least the first year. Depending upon the demand for training it may be offered in other areas after the first year.

How long is the training course and how much does it cost?

The three-wheeled motorcycle operator course is sixteen hours long and it costs $100.

Will the training program provide a three-wheeled motorcycle (sidecar or trike) for me to take the training?

You will need to contact the specific provider to find out if they have a three-wheeled motorcycle to loan. It is not a State requirement for them to do so.

Will I get a waiver for license testing if I take a rider education course for three-wheeled motorcycles?

Yes, this program will provide the same incentive as the two-wheel training program, in that successful completion will reward you with a certificate that qualifies you for a waiver of both the knowledge and skill tests. To be accepted, the certificate must be presented within six months after the course completion.

Why is the Senate bill also known as the Monty Lish Memorial Act?

Monty Lish was a longtime advocate of motorcycle operator and rider safety in the greater Olympia, Tacoma and Seattle area. Monty worked at the Evergreen Safety Council where he supported the implementation of three-wheeled motorcycle training and then actively supported the legislation to create a state training program.

Will I get a ticket if I ride without a three-wheeled motorcycle endorsement?

Yes, a police officer may issue a traffic infraction if you are found to be operating without the required endorsement.

Bros Club

Where will the three-wheeled motorcycle testing be available?

Plans are to establish three-wheeled motorcycle testing sites in the following regions:

  • Bellingham
  • Seattle
  • Centralia
  • Vancouver
  • Yakima
  • Spokane
  • Tri-Cities
  • Wenatchee

What do I need to have for the training and is any equipment provided?

Normally only classroom materials and course instruction are provided during the training. You can contact the course provider to find out what else they may provide, but in most cases you should expect to provide:

  • A three-wheeled motorcycle, registration and insurance
  • A three wheel endorsement, instruction permit, or other legal manner to get the three-wheeled motorcycle to the course
  • Pen/pencil for taking notes
  • DOT-approved helmet (the trainers have a limited number of loaner helmets)
  • Eye protection (glasses, goggles or face shield)
  • Long pants, long-sleeve shirt or jacket
  • Sturdy over-the-ankle leather shoes and full-fingered leather gloves
  • Sun-block or foul weather gear as needed (courses go on rain or shine)
  • A snack/lunch and non-alcoholic beverages
  • And, if under the age of 18, a signed parental permission form

What if I don’t want to take the three-wheeled motorcycle training, can I still get the endorsement?

Yes, you can qualify for the three-wheeled endorsement by qualifying on both the three-wheeled operator knowledge and skills tests. Check with the driver licensing office in your area for the location of the nearest office giving the skills test.

What do I study to prepare for the three-wheeled endorsement examinations?

The department is preparing a three-wheeled operator study guide that will be available by the time the law goes into effect.

If I buy a three-wheeled motorcycle from a dealer, does the dealer train me to ride?

Usually no, three-wheeled motorcycle dealers are not obligated to train you to operate it. However, there are some dealers that do offer training and some that may pay the fee for the state-approved training course. It is best to check with the dealer.

I am under 18; can I get a three-wheeled motorcycle endorsement?

Yes, as long as you have a basic driver license and signed proof of parental permission you can apply for an endorsement. Then to qualify for the endorsement, you must also complete the rider education course.

Does the fee that I pay for the training cover the entire cost?

No, the Department of Licensing subsidizes the motorcycle safety training courses and pays the balance of the fee that exceeds the $100 paid by the student. The amount of the subsidy depends on the contractor’s costs for providing the training.

Where does the money come from that subsidizes the training course?

Training course subsidies are authorized by the legislature from fees that are paid by motorcyclists who apply for an original or renewal driver license motorcycle endorsement.

What is the difference between a motorcycle with a sidecar and a trike?

A motorcycle with a sidecar has handlebars, a saddle for the operator, a transmission driving a single rear wheel and a sidecar with a seat and additional wheel usually attached to the right side of the motorcycle; the cycle-sidecar cannot lean into turns. A motorcycle-based trike is a modified motorcycle consisting of a motorcycle with the single rear wheel removed and a differential and two drive wheels added with handlebars and a saddle for the driver and passenger. A trike cannot lean into turns.

Are three-wheeled motorcycles safer to ride than two-wheeled motorcycles?

Yes and no. A three-wheeled motorcycle may have greater overall stability, but carrying a passenger in a sidecar or on a trike can change the center of gravity in unexpected ways. The handling and turning behavior of a three-wheeled motorcycle is quite different than a two-wheeled motorcycle. This may lead to driving errors if the operator hasn’t been trained or taken the time to learn the handling characteristics of a three-wheeled motorcycle.

How can I get to be a trainer for three-wheeled and other motorcycle operators?

If you are interested in being a WMSP Rider Coach please complete the Rider Coach Application, which can be obtained at

–from the Digital Gangster

ama logo

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February 5, 2004 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

old photo jack n. bob t.

THE CAPTAIN AMERICA REPORT– When Captain America and Billy try to rent a room at the Pine Breeze Inn in the movie Easy Rider, the outlaw bikers are turned away.

A man cracks the door, sees the men on their motorcycles and then a glowing “NO” starts blinking in front of “VACANCY” on the sign.

Captain America and Billy — played by Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper — ride down Route 66 and sleep in the woods.

When the movie came out in 1969, bikers were not respected and feared. They represented trouble, rebellion and drugs. Not anymore. The tiny town west of Flagstaff even caters to bikers now.

The Pine Breeze Inn is boarded up, white paint peeling and grass creeping up its sides. A rusted gas tank stands in front. Just feet away, what’s left of this portion of Route 66 — the fabled Mother Road now largely bypassed by Interstate 40 — is cracked and overgrown with weeds.

Tribute to Harleys

Instead of sending bikers away, however, the inn now invites them to camp on the 2.5-acre property surrounding the fading building. Just down the road there is a Harley-Davidson shop and a Route 66 Roadhouse Bar and Grill, a tribute to everything Harley.

The table tops are glass-covered motorcycle wheels. There is a Harley-Davidson jukebox. A motorcycle from World War II stands in a museumlike room with a “Harley Parking Only” sign. The “No Vacancy” sign from “Easy Rider” hangs from the ceiling.

Bikers wearing leather chaps, skull bandanas, and Harley tank tops and jackets periodically saunter in for drinks.

About eight years ago, Felix Mansene and his wife, Lori, built the roadhouse. Now it’s frequently used for biker parties and charity events.

About 20,000 riders passed by the roadhouse in August while on the Harley-Davidson 100th Anniversary Ride Home, Mansene said. They partied in a circus tent filled with bands, American Indian dancers, and vendors selling corn on the cob and beer.

A Harley was raffled in December at the roadhouse to raise money for local charities. Some years, the roadhouse hosts the Arizona Hog Rally.

Mansene, who recently shaved off his waist-length ponytail and now has a bald head and dark-rimmed glasses, has been a biker for 40 years.

Changing perceptions

He said bikers are perceived much better now than they were in the 1960s and 1970s, the period when Captain America and Billy tried to stay in Bellemont while traveling from Los Angeles to New Orleans for Mardi Gras.

“Before, when you rode, you weren’t really looked at that nicely,” Mansene said.

When he owned a restaurant in Flagstaff, he parked his bike in the alley so customers wouldn’t be frightened away.

“Nobody else wanted to go in if there were bikers,” Mansene said.

John Whipp Jr. owns one of the few other establishments in Bellemont — a bar named Junior’s, where bikers still gather.

Whipp’s dad bought the bar in 1945. Whipp took over the establishment in 1956 and has been living in a back room of the bar ever since.

The decor hasn’t changed much over the years. The walls are plastered with posters of women posing by motorcycles. A motorcycle calendar hangs on the wall too, stuck on the year 1977. The countertop is lined with antique stools.

Whipp, who used to buy gas from the tank that still sits in front of the Pine Breeze Inn, said he hasn’t had many problems with bikers.

“The only bad bikers are gang members,” Whipp said referring to a melee in Laughlin, Nev., in April 2002. Two Hells Angels and one Mongols motorcycle club member were killed and at least 12 were hurt in a brawl inside a casino 170 miles due west of here.

Although certain clubs still have fairly grisly reputations, Joel Gabbard, who owns the Pine Breeze Inn, said bikers, in general, have lost some of their bad-boy image.

Captain America and Billy wanted to taste freedom too. But because of their biker stigma, they faced continuous opposition as they journeyed across America.

“Easy Rider” changed the pop culture landscape. In the movie, the motorcycles represented rebellion, independence and the popularity of psychedelic drugs. But it also was about resistance to hippie communes and living off the land.

At the end of “Easy Rider,” while riding along the Mississippi River, a shotgun-wielding bigot shoots Billy and Captain America.

Gabbard said some people still disapprove of his pastime, but not as much as years ago. Today, bikers can focus on the ride.

“You can just kind of kick back — you and the machine,” Mansene said. “It’s relaxing. It’s comforting. It’s uninterrupted.”

–from Rogue

bad day - bob t

Here’s a bad day from Bob T.

BIKERNET PHARMACY– A woman asks her husband if he’d like some breakfast. “Would you likebacon and eggs, perhaps? A slice of toast and maybe some grapefruit andcoffee?”

He declines. “It’s this Viagra,” he says. “It’s really taken the edge offmy appetite.”

At lunchtime, she asks if he would like something. “A bowl of homemadesoup, homemade muffins or a ham and cheese sandwich?” she inquires.

He declines. “Still not hungry,” he says, “the Viagra really trashes my desire for food.”

Come dinnertime, she asks him if he wants anything to eat. Would he like maybe a steak and apple pie? Maybe you’d like a micro-waved pizza or atasty stir-fry that would only take a couple of minutes?

He declines. “Naw, still not hungry.”

“Well,” she says, “would you mind letting me up? I’m starving.”

–from Rev CarlR

hawaii poster

ROGUE’S BAD COP INVESTIGATION– Cops statement allowed at his rape trial Tennessee – A judge says he is going to allow as evidence a statement made by a former Gatlinburg policeman on trial for rape.

Officer Robert Walker, Jr. is charged with rape, sexual battery and official oppression. A Morristown woman says Walker raped her in his police cruiser while on duty in 2002.

Walker’s attorney was trying to suppress a statement Walker gave authorities who were investigating the case. James Gass says Walker was not notified of his constitutional Miranda rights before the interview.

But the court ruled the statement itself is not incriminating and says an experienced officer should already be aware of his Miranda rights.

–from Rogue

painted street 2 - ramon

THE BAD COPS GET WORSE–Jail Cop suspended for using inmates for taser practice Colorado – A part-time jail officer was suspended and prosecutors are investigating after witnesses said the officer used an inmate to practice using a Taser gun, hitting him with a 50,000-volt electric charge.

Chaffee County detentions officer Scott Glenn was placed on administrative leave Tuesday and could be fired, Sheriff Tim Walker said.

“It was extremely poor judgment,” Walker said. “There’s no way a detention officer should ever use an inmate in that capacity.”

Thomas Montoya, serving an 18-month sentence for violating probation on a domestic violence conviction, said he was shocked with a Taser during a sheriff’s training class on Oct. 17.

Bad Cop… No Doughnut!

–from Rogue

alignment tool

HISTORIC ALIGNMENT TOOL– Since ’58, when I got my first real m/c, a ’47 Knuckle I was amazed at how a bike worked. I lined up the wheels just like everyone else did on bikes, string, boards and good eye-balling. In 1975-76 when I got involved in the Jammer Streamliner, the wheels had to be lined up precisely, because we wanted to go 300+. Paul Larquier and I spent days and nights getting it right. We tried many different things. We did it, because it went 294 mph.

Throughout the years I thought there must be a better, easier way. During this time I also observed that almost every bike I worked on was not aligned. So, after becoming familiar with lasers I said, “Wow, that’s it, but how?”

So I played with many different forms of the tool. Finally, one day I was at LePera Seats and Bob LePera said, why does my new Harley ride so badly? I looked at it, and rode it: It was bad. So Bob bent some sheet metal for me. I also got a laser. I lined up his wheels, and it worked quick and simple. So after a few different shapes (and a few years) I went to Ray at Tiger Welding and he made the shapes that we use now.

It is a simple tool that does a very complex job. It takes an engineer to understand single-track vehicle dynamics. This tool keeps you out of school and on the road much safer. Used as instructed, it will make your bike stop straight and do burnouts without charging sideways. Your belt will last much longer, so will chains and tires. Plus, when you’re wild in the corners the bike will slip right and left corners equally. Also, at high speed it’ll feel solid instead of like you’re on ice.

–Mil Blair
(818) 252 0929
Tiger manufacturing Alignment dept.
11245 vinedale St. sun valley ca. 91352
$139.95 shipping paid by us

donnie smith invitation

BADLANDS REPORT–South side, Edmonton hotels don’t quite know what to make of being highly recommended by one of the world’s most notorious outlaw motorcycle clubs. The Bandidos website is recommending seven hotels to out-of-towners attending the funeral of prospect Joey Campbell, who recently changed his last name from Morin.

Campbell, 34, and Bandido “hang-around” Robert Simpson, 34, were gunned down in a hail of bullets outside Saint Pete’s strip club Friday night.

Among the hotels the Bandidos recommend is the Argyll Plaza at 63 Avenue and 99 Street. “I don’t see a problem as long as they are good guests,” said hotel spokesman Danny Ratcliffe-Smith.

The Travelodge at 103 Street and 45 Avenue also has few worries about being on the bikers’ list of recommended hotels. “I think they just picked some of the hotels listed on the south side of the city,” said general manager Garry Jones.

It’s still unclear how many members of the Bandidos intend to travel to Edmonton for Campbell’s funeral. Cops are tight-lipped about what plans they have for policing the funeral and whether they expect whoever killed Campbell and Simpson to launch an attack on the mourners.

“If it is considered there is a security risk to the funeral we will take the necessary measures,” said cop spokesman Wes Bellmore. “We can’t discuss specific plans in public.”

Campbell was a former member of the Rebels motorcycle club but according to his family did not join the Hells Angels when they absorbed the Rebels. He had been working as an agent for Independent Artists, which supplies dancers to numerous Alberta strip clubs, including Saint Pete’s.

His funeral is scheduled for 1 p.m. Friday at Hainstocks, 9810 34 Ave.

–from Rogue

sidevan - terry goode

COMMERCIAL H-D HISTORY IN THE CANTINA–Bandit, I am in the process of building a web site for a bike shop (Osborn’s Cycles) here in Houston, “but” while reading your article “Harley – Davidson, commercial Vehicles, Sixty years of three wheelers by Albert Mroz” I noticed some thing that made me go hummmm !

The painting on the side of the building of Osborn’s bike shop was done in the 1930’s with minor touch ups over the years.I pasted the 29 Sidevan picture on to the photo of Osborns for comparison, this was one of his fathers bikes when he started the shop, if you notice the painting shows the van had windows and shades. well hell i thought it was interesting any way, heheh

–Terry G.

rogue bike 3

ROGUE’S RIDE IS FOR SALE–ROGUE’S Personal Fun Ride a Custom Hand Built 96 Cubic Inch 4 Valve Per Cylinder Rigid Frame Tire Smoking Wheeling Hot Rod is up for grabs.

The bike was originally built in 1990 starting with a special modified Paugho rigid frame, FXE dual disc brake front end, disc brake rear, Factory Mag Wheels 19-inch front & 16-inch rear. It has Custom Paugho gas tank and Mustang seat.

Through the years it has had different engines and transmissions and a lot of changes. It has been professionally maintained by Rogue.

The 96 cubic inch 4 Valve Per Cylinder engine was built by Berry Wardlaw of Accurate Engineering in Dothan Alabama and was featured in Easyriders Magazine #337 July 2001 (article available on request) Berry Wardlaw is the engine builder for the famous builders of the Discovery channel

It has an enclosed primary with a chain drive hooking to a Rivera Pro Clutch and a 5 speed transmission in a Sputhe case, with a final rear chain.

The custom paint is by Sonny Keeton world famous Rat’s Hole Show Winner. It has saddle bags and a removable tour pack for trips that is adjustable for rider or carrying a passenger. It is truly a versatile motorcycle and gets attention where ever it is.

It has a heavy duty electric starter, 32-amp charging system, forward controls, oil cooler, filter and gauge, Tachometer & Speedometer are handle bar mounted with a bracket for a radar detector. More photos available at Only $10,000.00. Call 321-725-3816


kodlin lights 1

PRO-KODLIN BILLET LIGHTING–If you’re after the latest in exotic lighting for your scooter check out these unique pieces now being offered by PRO-ONE. Imported directly from the source in Germany, these awesome headlight assemblies are designed and manufactured by legendary European designer Fred Kodlin. Available in both the ELIPSE and MINI SQUARE styles, KODLIN headlights are machined from solid billet aluminum and flawlessly finished in show quality chrome.

The ELIPSE elliptical headlight measures 7″ wide x 4″ tall x 3 ?” deep and the MINI SQUARE is 7″ wide x 2 ?” tall x 3 ?” deep. Available exclusively from PRO-ONE, KODLIN headlights retail for $499.00. For complete details see your local PRO-ONE dealer or call direct at 800-884-4173. On the Web at

PEELING CHROME AND CHIPPED PAINT–Let’s wrap this up. I need a shot of Jack. Fuckin’ Real Estate assholes. One day, we’re on cloud nine, the next day we’re loading weapons. Ah, that’s the way of life, especially if you’re in the streets making a living, pushing your art, struggling against the odds.

When it get’s you down, there’s a formula. Haul out to the garage and change oil, tune that beast and have a Corona with a couple of buddies, like Jose said. Tomorrow’s another day.

Ride Forever,

Read More

February 5, 2004 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

jose lead

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– The first report in February, to many that means the Super Bowl is over, so enough Janet Jackson flashing the tit; nice nipple ring though. Those who have AOL are calling to cancel after all the commercials. For me it?s crunch time. Yeap, only a couple weeks before shipping off to Daytona, the whole rig, bikes, shirts and all the crap we end up taking over. I’m still short one bike; I will have no life from now on ’till the sucker is finished. This is a Daytona Bike Week that I wanted to skip because the never-ending work on the new shop takes priority, but we are obligated so we must show up. I’m down to the ceiling, a/c units and organizing. As always the tuff part is getting all the shit in place, and that’s just for the showroom. I still have to deal with the shop and tools……Before I start I would like to thank everyone that took the time to send an e-mail about last weeks report. I figure there are a lot of people with sort of the same thoughts and no real way to tell the world about them, but I’m also sure that e-mailing Bandit might be the cure for that.

I guess I’ve talked a hundred times about how difficult it is to attend one of this events for us, the logistics, cash and many other things, not that I’m bitching, but a few days ago we were talking about different places, some that I have been for extended periods of time, some very short. And like every time a bunch of guys get to bullshit after a long day, the mind started rolling. Sometimes it makes you wonder what would I be doing if I was not in Puerto Rico, sure there’s many places in the West Indies I really like, Antigua and St. Barts are top on my list, but they would not work for what I do. Then the obvious came to mind, Hawaii, then again, it would be kind of the same as living in Puerto Rico, limited by thousands of nautical miles.

So I guess California is the answer. Smack in the center of LA would be a cool place, even with the fakeness and distances it would be cool to be able to hop on the chopper after a day of work, hit Sunset and park the sucker right in front of the Viper Room, or the Roxxy. Maybe even shooting the shit and building a couple bikes for celebs. How about hopping in the truck and just picking up the frame when it’s ready, not waiting ’till it travels half a world. Same for most of the components to put the chops together, just go pick them up. Even simpler would be to go visit my friends. The Bikernet headquarters would be invaded at least once a week, West Coast Choppers and Chica would get used to my frequent visits, Hawaii only a skip and few bucks away. Needless to say the hottest big breasted babes at your disposal…..Cool car shows, swap meets and everything in between. And, just in case when they start doing the dreaded profiling, I would not give a fuck if I get a red dot since I could drive any place I feel like.

Sure there will be a tremor here and there, but what the hell, gas prices sky high and beaches that suck, there’s no way you can have it all. Fuck I would call Monster House and let them do a strip joint in my pad. Then again, maybe New York City would be the place, although the chopper thing there…I don’t know…. I guess I’ll leave that to Indian Larry and the guys….

jose 1

Maybe the insanity of being at the shop, breathing fumes and dust has gotten to me, maybe is the road calling, or the much needed and desired escape from it all and rest (party too). Or maybe what I was reading the other night about Von Dutch and the way he saw things, he was a very simple man, and I guess in his maniacal way, happy. After all sometimes simpler things are much better, like choppers, the best times are spent in remote places with little to do, sometimes just lay in the sun, read a book and go party a bit at night. Sure it gets a lot more interesting when a female companion is added to the picture, but sometimes the hunt is part of the fun. I guess I’m talking about adventure, (and I might be jumping from one thing to another) but I guess that’s why people sail around the world, or go for long rides, or hide in far away islands. it’s a way to gather thoughts and be able to create and learn, it’s a way to be separated from all the bullshit that goes with everyday living in over populated places. Do like Che Guevara, known as a communist to many, but an adventurer and believer at heart, he would cross the Andes in South America on small motorcycles aiding lepers, and jumped on the boat to Cuba and it’s revolution for the hell of it. He believed in men and their causes (no matter which), and he was the first one to do the deed, (I?m not saying he was a “good” or “bad” person, just stating some facts). I guess the important thing here is that we do things because we believe in them, and to make us better people (our perception of “better” varies).

We are creatures of our surroundings, but when our world is wide and vast, filled with memories, books and learning?s, we are certainly much better people. I guess my point is, after all the ramblings, that we are living our industry time, we are all growing at such a gigantic pace that we are forgetting what this is all about. It takes a certain kind of individual to sit down and create a motorcycle, to weld, fabricate and put together ideas. It?s a rat race, mostly about making more money and being successful, getting recognition and lives the life that is represented. It becomes a burden when you “have to” do things instead of doing them because you love it. Let?s put it this way, I never thought I would say that I dreaded going to Daytona, but I do. I don’t go for the photo shoots, nor how many shirts I might sell. I go because I’m lucky to have friends that will be there and I know we will have a good time hanging out and shooting the shit. It?s a very high price to pay just for that, but I guess friends are worth every single red cent…..And after all the TV is gone, all the hoopla, cheers and media is out of the picture, what you have left is a bunch of boys doing what they love, shooting the shit, checking the chicks and beating their choppers up. Simple ain’t it?

If in the Kentucky area don’t forget to go check out the Louisville Easyrider show. Chica and Hank Young will be there with their latest creations for Discovery’s Biker Build off. Choose the one you like most and vote, they are both cool guys so give them a fair chance. This coming weekend!

Like I’ve said before, we are working on bikes all the time, so if there’s any tech article you might have in mind let us know, I will do my best to take the shots, and post it here.

We have new Chopper Freak ™ and Shop clothing available through our web site, check it out and call if interested. We got the new shop and need as much $$$ as possible.

Soon I will have signature cards, I know I’m not that famous, but if interested drop me an E, who knows, maybe in the future they might be worth something on E-bay..

The Puerto Rico bike weekend info is also available on my web site, if interested check it out .

We’ve heard rumors that some builders are doing a “theme” bike on Janet Jackson’s boob….We?ll keep you informed…

And like always there’s a few bikes on the lift right now, I won’t have any new bikes for Daytona, so they will be at Sturgis. I will keep posting, or maybe even better; do the whole build here in Bikernet…

See ya next week, if I have not decided to take off and live on a cliff in Antigua for a few months.

Jose – Caribbean Bikernet Reporter

BIKERNET CONTEST WINNERS–Here are the two newest winners, and what they won.
From the free section:



A Gambler Hat it is, girl not included. If Jim had asked for a meaningless relationship, I may have considered it.

In answer to his request, you can always reach the news from the links at the bottom of each page, Bikernet Thursday news, and also from the directory.

Click on the link below to purchase your very own Bikernet hat!


Taylor, George from San Antonio, TX

Wanted: A jug of Tennessee sipping whiskey.

Taylor gets a T-Shirt from Bikernet. Bandit wouldn’t be very happy, if I gave anyone, other than himself, Whiskey. Taylor, if you read this, please e-mail your shirt size.


ALL INDOORS -at the – Taylor County Expo Center – Taylor County Fairgrounds – ABILENE. ANTIQUE, CUSTOM & TOURING MOTORCYCLE SHOW– No Entry Fee – Trophies for 1st & 2nd in Each Class – Peoples Choice Award by Crowd Vote & More Check for Show Classes and Entry Form


Discounted Leather – Used Harley & Other Make
Parts – New Parts – Knives – Jewelry – T Shirt
Vendors of All types – Sunglasses – Take Off
Motorcycle Parts – Folks Cleaning Out Their
Garages – Pinstripers – Traveling Parts Vendors &
More – Vendors Preview List On

LIVE BAND – DOOR PRIZES – Parts & Party !! – Don?t Miss It !!!

Admission $8 for Adults – 5 thru 12 $5 – Under 5 Free – – Show Hours 11am – 5pm

DIRECTIONS: From I-20 in east Abilene – take exit 290 & go south & Fairgournds are on right

Continued On Page 4

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February 5, 2004 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

rogue bike 1

rogue bike 2

DEAL OF THE WEEK, CUSTOM BUILT PRO STREET WITH RUBBER MOUNTED PERFORMANCE ENGINE–This motorcycle was built by Rogue using top of the line parts. It has 500 Break In and Test Miles on it and is ready to ride.The motorcycle has Style and Class with Performance and Reliability Built In.

The Evolution Engine was Built by Berry Wardlaw of Accurate Engineering and comes with a 12 Month/12,000 Mile Warranty. Berry Wardlaw is the engine builder for the famous builders on the Discovery Channel.

The engine has 10.1:1 compression, Andrews EV47 cam, Dyna 2000 Single fire ignition and is black wrinkle with polished fins, Chrome rocker boxes and nose cone.

The transmission is a black and chrome 5 speed from Custom Chrome and covered under their warranty.

The black powder coated Kraftech FXR rubber mounted Pro Street frame sports a stainless steel oil tank and lines, chrome swingarm and chrome adjustable shocks. Front end is American suspension Inverted with billet tripple trees, Halogen headlight, 16-inch 3 spoke mag wheel with Avon Venom X MT90B16 tire.

Rear wheel is 16-inch 3 spoke mag with Avon Venom X 160/80/16 tire. Stainless steel rotors front and rear with billet calipers and stainless steel brake lines.

More information and photos at

Price just reduced to $16,000, call 321 725-3816

smoke out logo

ROGUE’S BAD COP FILES– Ex-Cop gets 5 years for planting pipe bombs on highway North Carolina – A former Winterville police officer convicted last year of planting pipe bombs along N.C. 11 has been sentenced to five years in prison.

Thomas Uzenski, 35, also must serve three years of supervised probation and pay a $5,000 fine as part of the federal sentence imposed Monday by Judge Malcolm Howard.A jury found him guilty in October of two counts each of possessing and manufacturing a destructive device and one count of obstruction of justice.

The sentence came almost two years after Uzenski was called a hero for finding a pipe bomb on the side of N.C. 11 near Forlines Road on March 25, 2002. Another bomb was found the next day in almost the same place.

A month later, Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents arrested Uzenski for planting and pretending to find the bombs.

Bad cop, no doughnut.

–from Rogue

BIKERNET PRODUCT REPORT–Handlebar roll turned up today in Alligator Creek Australia. Thanks for thestickers as well. It’s the first time ever in my life I’ve used mymastercard numbers on the internet to buy anything. As you can imagine I’mvery grateful it arrived safe and sound. I’ve been shitting bricks it mightnot get here.

Thanks very much. It will be interesting to see what sort ofinterest it generates. Never seen one ever here or anything quite like it.The local dealer has sold over 500 harleys in this area and there’s only100,000 population. The Mackay region has the highest per capita Harleyownership, anywhere Down Under.

Regards Bob Kotmel

vrod lead

vrod 1

V-ROD REPORT– Here is a picture of thatV-rod I was telling you about. We just finished it. Let me know what youthink.

–Kyle Kucin
Donahue Harley-Davidson

BIG DOG MOTORCYCLES JUMPS TO 80 MILLION IN ANNUAL SALES–Company begins its tenth year with an 82 percent increase in sales over prior year.WICHITA, Kansas (February 4, 2004), Big Dog Motorcycles (the leading designer and manufacturer of high performance, highly-styled heavyweight cruisers, continued to break its own sales records in 2003, solidly placing the company in first place among custom motorcycle builders.

With over 3,600 bikes produced, nearly 400 in October alone, as well as stunning numbers in its line of apparel and BDM Performance Products, the company’s 2003 sales propelled to over $80 million. This is an 82% increase over its 2002 sales dollars of $42 million, and marks the company?s ninth consecutive record year in sales and units shipped.”Our sales volume has more than doubled in just the past two years, tripled in the past three, and this month, we will pass the ten thousand unit milestone,” explained Sheldon Coleman, company founder and CEO, “We feel our dedication to product style and innovation plus our valued partnerships with suppliers and dealers is what has led to such growth, putting us in our leading position. We are confident 2004 will be even better.”

Of the units produced, more Choppers were built than any other in Big Dog Motorcycle’s six-bike line-up and contributed most to the company’s new record-breaking numbers.

Big Dog Motorcycles currently has 90 dealers nationwide, seven of which are Big Dog Motorcycles branded, and employs 305. The company spans three acres and has over 155,000 square feet of office and production space.

bigdog logo

BIKERNET DRUGS-D A M N I T O L–Take 2 and the rest of the world can go to hell for up to8 full hours.

–from Dr. Hamster


Crack found on Governor’s Daughter

Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says

Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers

Iraqi Head Seeks Arms

Is There a Ring of Debris around Uranus?

Prostitutes Appeal to Pope

Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over

Teacher Strikes Idle Kids

Miners Refuse to Work after Death

Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant

War Dims Hope for Peace

If Strike Isn’t Settled Quickly, It May Last Awhile

Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures

Enfield (London) Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide

Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges

And the winner is….

Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead

–from Joan C.

coors girls - rogue

COUNTDOWN TO FLORIDA BIKE WEEK– The NASCAR races are in Daytona Beach this weekend and to many that means the start of the parties. The area bars and hotels are gearing up for the increase of people coming to the area.

Bike Week is only a few weeks away and already there are things in the newspaper, radio, bike shops and bars about what is happening where and wanting you to come visit them.

Typically Bike Week in March which is actually 10 days and this year is February 27th to March 7th draws around 500,000 people. It has continued to spread through Volusia County and now includes Orange County (Orlando) to the West and Brevard County (Cocco Beach) to the South.

They are estimating that the numbers will increase to 600,000 this year by including other areas.

Orlando is having a BIG PUSH and many people are opting to go there and take the hours ride to Daytona Beach for what ever they want to see.

Cocco Beach just South of Daytona off I-95 is a big attraction that draws 20,000 nightly to the area year round. With Florida Today paper reporting 292 Hotels and Motels, 198 Restaurants, 5.4 Miles of Shoreline and numerous other facts it is a hot spot. They left out the part about it being a Biker Friendly area. And those that chose to go there during Bike Week will tell you it definitely is.

There are more and more people doing the trip to Key West. There is a lot to do in Florida and No Snow.

Within the 10 days of Bike Week it has been estimated that the Bikers spend $300 Million Dollars. No wonder the surrounding areas want a piece of the action.

90% of the motorcycles that come to Bike Week are said to be Harley-Davidsons but those numbers are changing as the import motorcycle are showing up more and more.

It does not matter who you are, doctor, lawyer, Indian chief, male, female, RUB (Rich Urban Biker) 1% or a momma?s boy or girl Daytona Beach and the surrounding area is PARTY TIME.

I will continue to do weekly reports on what is going on in the area and visiting some of the places that you may want to visit.

Of course I will definitely be doing the Last Resort Bar, 5812S. Ridgewood (US1) in Port Orange and the Highlander Caf? 1821 S. Ridgewood Ave., South Daytona.

I will be doing the Ole Skool Chopper Show and have been invited to visit Softails Saloon at 2365 International Speedway in Deland. Wet T-Shirts, Exotic Dancers and Full Liquor Bar.

I am open to invitations from places in the area that think they have something going on that would be of interest to the people that visit Bikernet .com Contact me at

GET READY BIKE WEEK IS ON THE WAY. Look For The Most Updated Reports Of What Is Happening Right Here On BIKERNET


Continued On Page 3

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February 5, 2004 Part 1


lepera seat

It’s nuts. I’ve lost my focus. Gimme a shot of whiskey and let’s see what I can do. I’m in real estate hell. I’ll blame my lost focus on dealing with psycho bitches and tenious deadlines. Don’t get me wrong the action at the headquarters is hot and heavy. The Le Pera Seat arrived today and I ran to the creaking garage to take a shot of it in place.

We’re detailing the Shovelhead for a photo shoot and needed matching rotors. I ordered the bastard from CCI and had it in less than a week.

Tomorrow I’ll finish up the shift linkage for the FXR, install the BDL clutch and start the wiring. The damn thing needs to run before the move. Let’s hit the news:

Lepera Banner

CLINTON MISSED– Just watched a show on Canadian TV There was a black comedian who said he misses Bill Clinton.

“Yep, that’s right – I miss Bill Clinton! He was the closest thing we ever got to having a black man as President.”

Number 1 – He played the sax.
Number 2 – He smoked weed.
Number 3 – He messes with ugly white women.” Even now – Look at him. His wife works and he don’t. And, he gets a check from the government every month.

–from Jay Hodge

jims painted tank

JIM’S PAINT WEEKLY PAINT REPORT–The Califonia Chopper (red and silver)

Built and owned by the Slavedriver,This paint job was also a mix of PPG and HOK. I combined three differentpaint jobs for this one. The owner wanted the gothic look so we usedsilver/gray and black pinstriping. I also had to match the base color toa powdercoated frame. This design is a crowd favorite.

— Jim
Jims Cycle Painting
1351 W. 134th St.
Gardena, Ca. 90247
(310) 329-4707

DAYTONA BOYCOTT–I’m not going this year.Not me, I’m boycotting. They rape you on room rates. The Police hassle like they where 15 years ago. Any handlebars over 12 inches abovethe seat $96.00 fine, no sunglasses $47.00 fine, loud pipes $85.00fine. No thongs on main street anymore, that’s consideredindecent exposure. And be prepaired to sit in traffic for hours.

We went in October, and it took 2 hrs to get to the Iron Horse. They closeddown all the cheap t-shirt places on A1A and the small bars. Insteadthis year we’re going to Panama City, Gulfport Blowout, & LittleSturgis Kentucky


front rotor

1928 SHOVELHEAD PREPARES FOR FEATURE–Yep, we ordered a rotor to match the rear and it arrived in a week. Make sure you order a catalog and keep it handy.


Click to order Catalog!


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BIKERNET BLONDE JOKE–A blonde female police officer pulls over a blonde gal in a convertible sports car for speeding. She walks up to the car and asks the blond for her driver’s license. The blonde convertible driver searches through her purse in vain. Finally she asks, “What does it look like?”

The blonde police officer tells her, “It’s that thing with your picture on it.”

The blonde driver searches for a few more seconds, pulls out her compact, opens it and sure enough sees herself. She hands the compact to the blonde cop. After a few seconds looking at the compact, the blonde cop rolls her eyes, hands the compact back to the blonde convertible driver and says, “If you would have told me you were a police officer when I first pulled you over we could have avoided this whole thing.”

–from Rev CarlR

painted street 1 - ramon

DEAL OF THE WEEK-MAYBE–Motorcycle Accessory Warehouse IncHi-Per Sports & American Motorcycle Accessory Warehouse!

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USE AD CODE 10483, OR YOU MAY ORDER BY CALLING 800-241-2222 Option 3


HUGH KING ON BIKERNET–Ever wonder where the first Motorcycle Mania program came from? How about the Bike Build-Offs? We’ll you’re looking at the producer/director from Original Productions. I interviewed him yesterday at the Bikernet Headquarters for American Rider and Bikernet. Hang on for the whole story.

american rider

DAYTONA ATTEMPTS TO CLOSE BARS EARLY– DAYTONA BEACH — Forcing bars to close an hour earlier could hurt workers like Stephanie Bartlett who depend on the money they make in tips before closing time at 3 a.m.

“In that hour a good bartender can make a hundred bucks, maybe a couple hundred,” said the 12-year veteran at Razzles nightclub on Seabreeze Boulevard whose pay depends on tips. “That’s paying the bills, buying groceries.”

The City Commission is expected to consider a proposal to close bars at 2 a.m. instead of the current 3 a.m. They meet 7 p.m. Wednesday at City Hall, 301 S. Ridgewood Ave.

Other East Volusia County cities require bars to close at 2 a.m.

Commissioner Darlene Yordon, who got no support in August 2002 to roll back the bar-closing time, raised the issue again during a recent goal-setting workshop.


–from Rogue

stealth - laurie

THE STEALTH REPORT–Life has a way of hitting us in the head and waking us to what is important in life. The blow lets you know that the most important things are your family, your friends, your loved ones and your faith. Life lets you know that the most important things are not what your bank account says or your job or how new your bike is. As much as we want riding and building bikes to be on the list of life’s prioirities, they are not. I learned a lot of these lessons the hard way when my son Justin passed away at the age of sixteen. Every morning. on the way to work. I try to remember what is really important in life.

The story you are about to read is another example. It is a story of courage, attitude, spirit and a strong will. This tale is about our friend Laurie Pinkerman. In November of 03, Laurie found a lump in her right breast, during a self examination. A mamogram followed, and a biopsy was performed in December. A MRI discovered a suspicious area in her left breast. A second biopsy was performed. Laurie had a bilateral mastectomy (both breasts removed) on January 6th, 2004. On January 13th breast reconstruction began.

Laurie jokes about this saying “she can’t decide on how big to go!” Laurie goes on to say “she may be down but she is not giving up, I have too much left to do. It is times like these that really shows who your true friends are. A lot of people talk the talk but only a few walk the walk with you! Hold tight and thank your lucky stars everyday for thse who hold your hand and walk with you!” Laurie now faces five months of chemotherapy.

run for breath logo

Laurie rides a ’93 softail and you can see by the photo, it is a long way from stock. It is one of the hottest bikes in the Charlotte area. She affectionately has named it the “PINK PIG”. She says, “since she is having all this front end work done, she decided THE PINK PIG needed some too.” Raked triple trees (5 degrees) armor coated cables, new headlight. Laurie has been riding the pig for ten years and is proud to say that after she purchased the Pig that she “loved taking a trailer queen show bike and turning it into a daily rider.”

Here at Bikernet we applaud that! The Pig is still quite a looker with it’s fluoresent pink and artic white paint job, Rev-Tech wheels, Arlen Ness air cleaner cover, Ness rear chain guard, yeah the bike is chain final drive. The engine sports a S.E. cam and S&S E carb. Laurie has been a long time supporter of the annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin” here in Charlotte and enters “THE PINK PIG” in the bike show every year. This year with all she has going on she has volunteered her services as committee member for the run.

Laurie wanted me to mention that the key to beating this disease is early detection. She says to tell all the guys to “help with the self examination.” I don’t think any of you will have a problem with that. She also wanted me to tell eveyone to” never, never give up. Attitude is everything and if you are diagnosed with cancer be open, tell everyone what is going on, it lightens the load. Cancer is nothing to be ashamed of.”

As I finished this interview Lauire told me, ” I will see you on the road this year because I am just too damn stubborn to lay down and die,” so if you see Laurie an “THE PINK PIG” on the road, remember she told you so!



mike pullin

–The Stealth

BIKERNET DOG FILES–Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.-Ann Landers

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.-Ben Williams

The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.-Andy Rooney

A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around threetimes before lying down.-Robert Benchley

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.-Robert A. Heinlein

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.-Mark Twain

You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, ‘Wow, you’re right! I never would’ve thought of that!’- Dave Barry

If you think dogs can’t count, try putting three dog biscuits in yourpocket and then giving Fido only two of them.-Phil Pastoret

Continued On Page 2

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January 29, 2004 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

blackwidow tshirt - paul davis

Classic T’s from Paul Davis.

ROGUE FLORIDA HARRASSMENT INVESTIGATION– Here is a message I just received in reference to my letter about the Police harassing a Palm bay Bar. He will come forward when necessary:



HEARING AID TECH–Morris, an 82 year-old man telling his neighbor, “I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost mefour thousand dollars, but it’s state of the art. It’s perfect.”

“Really,” answered the neighbor. “What kind is it?”


–from A. Friedman

smoke out logo

ROGUE BAD COP FILES– Bad Cop: Meth Head Deputy turns himself in Ohio – A sheriff’s deputy accused of producing and smoking methamphetamine has been indicted by a grand jury on drug charges.

Michael Moore, 33, of Loveland, was indicted Monday on charges of tampering with evidence, theft of drugs, theft in office and illegal assembly or possession of chemicals for the manufacture of drugs.

He also was indicted on charges of aggravated possession of drugs, possession of drugs, possession of drug paraphernalia and illegal possession of dangerous drugs.

Moore turned himself in to police Tuesday evening, WLWT reported.

Moore was indicted after a search of a condominium complex where he lived and worked as a security officer. Warren County sheriff’s detectives said Moore produced and used methamphetamine in a spare garage and smoked the drugs in the complex office.

Moore was suspended from the Warren County sheriff’s office Jan. 15 pending the outcome of the investigation. Authorities were searching for the deputy on Monday.


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CONFRONTATION ON FRONTIER AIRLINES FLIGHT 21 LEFT 21 BIKERS STUCK IN DENVER– Members of Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) were returning to Salt Lake City on Sunday evening from a national convention in Texas when one of them confronted a couple disciplining their child, prior to takeoff.

“There was . . . an escalating situation between a group of passengers [BACA], and it centered around a set of passengers disciplining their children and one set of passengers who didn’t like it,” said Joe Hodas, Frontier Airlines spokesman.

Hodas said appropriate action was taken by the pilot, who deemed it necessary for the safety of the passengers to return to the gate around 10 p.m.

According to BACA member Darrell Sparti, a 49-year-old father of two children, he was sitting behind the parents when they began to discipline the youngest child, a 2-year-old girl who was tired, crying and cranky. Sparti says the mother began spanking the child. Then he heard the words “bruises,” and “Daddy’s belt.”

When the mother handed the girl to her father, Sparti says, the father placed his hand over the mouth of the child to muffle her screaming. Sparti says he intervened when the father struck the child with his hand and raised his hand again. “That’s not appropriate,” Sparti says he told the father. “You cannot do that to any child. Would you like to get off the plane and discuss it?”

The father, Sparti says, responded that he would discipline his child however he wanted. Sparti said the situation was “over and done with in less than 30 seconds.”

Most passengers didn’t realize what had occurred and were bewildered and angry that the pilot taxied back to the gate. Once stopped in Denver, a flight attendant pointed out the 21 BACA members to police, who instructed them to leave the plane along with the couple and their two children — and a couple who by coincidence were wearing Harley-Davidson T-shirts but were not members of BACA.


jammer backrest

JAMMER BACKREST FROM MR. LUCKY–A Maltese Cross padded back rest for a classic chopper look. Check the Mr. Lucky Story for ordering information.

Mr. Lucky banner

Click To Check It Out

SPICY SEX–A lady who had been married for several years was growing more and more frustrated at her husband’s lack of interest in sex. She wondered about ways to add some pizzazz to their sexual relationship, and finally decided to purchase some crotchless underwear she had seen in a lingerie shop.

One evening when she was feeling particularly horny, she took a shower, freshened up, and put on the crotchless undies along with very slinky negligee. She then strolled over to her husband who was watching TV and suggestively tossed one leg up on the arm of his easy chair.

“Want some of this?” she purred.

“Are you kidding?” he replied. “Look what it did to your underwear!!!”


BIKERNET CONTEST WINNERS!!!– Here are this weeks winners, and what they won. I?m gonna try something different with the contest so be patient with me whilst I work it out. Basically I?m gonna try to get different companies to donate products for the giveaway, and make them the sponsor of the week. Sound good? I?ll post over the weekend who the sponsor will be and what you could win from them. Then it?s up to you to enter. Now, for your grand prize winners: (drum roll?)


Get in line, Scott. Everybody wants that job and we do finish our stories. Patience is a virtue? But from Bikernet you will be receiving a Bikernet hat.


Now for the Cantina winner:

Will McIntosh from Las Cruces , NM
Wanted: A JD on the rocks and a BJ! ..or a horse t-shirt would work too.

Will gets a JD off the rocks and a Horse T-shirt, and no BJ.Till next week?

PALM BAY FLORIDA POLICE HARASS BIKERS– I received a phone call from one of the employees of Ridge Road House Restaurant and The Stables Saloon 4381 South Dixie Highway (US1) telling me that the Palm Bay Police and a city employee came to the restaurant on Tuesday January 27, 2004 and notified them they would no longer be allowed to drink on the patio. They were also told that arrests would be made if it continued. This area is enclosed and has been used by those wishing to smoke Cigarettes since Florida had changed the law on smoking inside.

He and the owner feel that this action is in retaliation to an incident that happen at the restaurant the previous Sunday. Members of the Palm Bay Police Dept. were having a function at the restaurant and a group of motorcyclist arrived at the bar which is frequented by motorcyclist on a regular basis and also promoted by ABATE as a Bike Friendly Establishment. It appears that there was a confrontation between the two groups and this action is in response to that confrontation.

Palm Bay Police have a reputation of not getting along with biker groups and those who ride motorcycles and through the years numerous complaints have been made against them. Though in all fairness I must say that not all the officers agree with this policy and some have tried to better relations between the two groups.

I am interested in talking to any one that was there or has information on this situation and listen to their version of what happened.

Up dates to follow.


shifter - rigid frame richard

RECYCLED TANK SHIFTER TECH COMING–Just some images of my recycled tank shifter and how it came to be. Watch for published tech on Bikernet shortly.


friends drinking beer

front end on painted frame

JESSE KILGORE FIRST GROUND UP–You’ll get a kick out of this feature on Bikernet. Jesse built this Redneck Engineering bike from the ground up. Yep, in a sense it’s a kit, but he did it in his garage, with his pals, check it out.

BIKERNET FASHION ADVICE FOR SENIORS– Despite what you may have seen on the streets, the following combinations DO NOT go together:

-A nose ring and bifocals
-Spiked hair and bald spots
-A pierced tongue and dentures
-Miniskirts and support hose
-Ankle bracelets and corn pads
-Speedos and cellulite
-A belly button ring and a gall bladder surgery scar
-Unbuttoned disco shirts and a heart monitor
-Midriff shirts and a midriff bulge
-Bikinis and liver spots
-Short shorts and varicose veins
-In-line skates and a walker

–from Nick Roberts

americas ride logo

EVENT UPDATE–I am producing two events this year;One in NYC on July 24th- The 3rd Annual Ground Zero Independence Ride and a cross country ride that is being re-formed from last year. Name to be announced.

It was “America’s Ride” but the foundation turned out to be unscrupulous…and the attorney general of New York is all over them. We want to have a new name to disassociate from that event and foundation.

The cool thing is that the ride was fun, a real success! And a remarkable experience for so many people… they asked me to organize another one, and this time we will be able to raise real dollars to give away. Not deal with a crooked foundation who lines their own pockets and forgets their promises to people who are in need. We raised $55,000 in last years Ground Zero Independence Ride and it never got to anyone in need.

This time it is being done right. We have formed a board of directors and a ride committee. This is made up of riders who were on the ride last year, my Road Captains, Unions from all over the USA who are supporting us, and individuals who want to get involved. This way we can plan the highest and best use of each movement of the event.

It looks to be a very awesome time…so far the route looks like this…Leave 8.28 Paso Robles ( Or in wine country) head up to Tahoe, Utah, Jackson Hole, Yellowstone, either Cheyenne or Sturgis, Omaha – Rally 2 days, Danville IL, Ohio, New Castle PA, Shanksville PA, DC , outside Trenton NJ, up to Ground Zero on 9.11 and a culmination of the ride iin Central Park.

I will have press/marketing info after a meeting in NYC on Feb 7th and will keep you in the loop! I would love it if you were able to come along…it is an awesome ride through and awesome country…


JANKLOW STURGIS PROTESTS PLANNED–Associated Press SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — Some motorcycle groups plan to boycott the Sturgis motorcycle rally in response to what they consider lenient punishment given Bill Janklow.

The former South Dakota governor and congressman was sentenced Thursday to 100 days in jail for the August traffic death of motorcyclist Randy Scott of Hardwick, Minn.

Janklow must also pay $5,700 in fines, $5,000 in jail costs and be on probation and not drive for three years.

Some cyclists have petitioned organizations to back a rally freeze-out.

Internet message boards challenge Judge Rodney Steele’s position on the bench.

Others question why a state that collects more than $1 million a year in rally-related sales tax doesn’t protect riders with a stronger message to motorists.

–associated press

–from Rogue

diagram japmag

CLASSIC WIRING DIAGRAM–We receive lots of wiring requests. I spotted this in Hard Core Choppers mag from Japan. We snagged it. It looks a lot like an old Hal Robinson wiring illustration. Hell, it’ll help me wire the Shrunken FXR.

BIKERNET PARENTAL DEPARTMENT– Two little kids are in a hospital, lying on stretchersnext to each other, outside the operating room.

The first kidleans over and asks,”What are you in here for?”

The second kidsays, “I’m in here to get my tonsils out and I’m a little nervous.”

The first kid says, “You’ve got nothing to worry about.

I had that done when I was four. They put you to sleep, and whenyou wake up, they give you lots of Jell-O and ice cream. It’s abreeze.”

The second kid then asks, “What are you here for?”

The first kid says, “A Circumcision.”

The second kid says, “Whoa, Good luck buddy, I hadthat done when I was born. Couldn’t walk for a year.”

–from Rev CarlR

IT’S HAPPY HOUR–I’m at a loss for words. I don’t have a goddamn thing to say, so I’ll take a break.

Have a helluva SuperBowl weekend. Hope your team wins. Promise me no DUIs.

Ride Forever,


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