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April 22, 2004


t-shirt - rogue

The shrunken FXR lives. It’s off the lift, and I’m ready to build a chopper. Big inch Shovelhead in a Pauchco chopper, rigid frame with a JIMS tranny and a blacked out Paughco Springer. The rest is up in the air.

We’re packing right now, for a midnight run to Laughlin, riding the King. I checked the fluids, clutch cable, rear air shocks, tire pressure and what else? Next I need to pack. I’m going to write a piece on packing. I always pack too much. You can help me out with this one. I pack light but too tight.

fxr w cat
Amazing Shrunken FXR lives.

Let’s hit the news. While you’re reading this I’ll be flying across the desert.

H-D bolt-on book

NEW H-D BOLT-ON PERFORMANCE BOOK–North Branch, MN — Modern Harley-Davidsons are worthy performers – they’re powerful, reliable, comfortable, and they handle and brake. But if you really want to turn your particular H-D into a canyon carver, a tire smoker, or the ultimate in cross-country transportation, there’s room for improvement.

Those who want to boost their Harley?s performance will be glad to learn of a new book packed with-detailed information on engine modifications and performance, including nitrous, turbocharging, and supercharging. The book, written by Jerry Smith will be available in August 2004, covers the most popular Harley-Davidson models and applications.

Whether you want a replacement carb and add a set of pipes, or you’re looking for the biggest crate motor that will fit in your frame, Harley-Davidson Bolt-On Performance gives you the information you need.

Harley-Davidson Bolt-On Performance is a softbound, 128-page book featuring over 300 black and white photos and carries a retail price of $18.95. The book may be ordered by calling CarTech Books at 1-800-551-4754 or by visiting; please note that a $4.95 shipping and handling fee will apply. CarTech is already accepting advance orders for the book.

raked trees - iron horse

AMERICAN IRON HORSE TEXAS CHOPPER MOD–Hello sweets,We don’t have any press releases on the 4 degree trees. It’savailable as an upgrade when the bike is ordered and Bob said customers areordering them around 50/50 with and without. They are also available forpurchase as an accessory from our dealers for customers who had bought aChopper before we had the 4 degree trees available.

My nephew bought them acouple months after having his chopper and really likes the way it handleswith the 4 degree trees. The attached image is what we put on theGunslinger accessory page of the catalog. As I mentioned Friday, it comeswith 4 degree trees, 12 over tubes and longer brake lines. $750.00 Retail.

Are you going to be in Laughlin? We’ll bethere Tuesday thru Sunday.


mike pullin

STEALTH MAGIC–This week it has been tough to come up with something to write about. Spring has sprung around here and the local bike nights are getting started as are the poker runs and just riding in general. The winters are not that tough here, but it is good to see spring arrive. It is a time of new life and new beginings!

So with that being said I think I will write about what I do for a job. My “official” title is “Design Consultant.” A lot of you are probably saying “What is that?” Well, let me explain. I help and assist people with customizing their bikes. Most of us who read Bikernet and the staff probably don’t need a lot of help in this area, but the newbies do! When they come into my office they are as confused as a termite in a yo-yo!

I try to make them feel comfortable and tell them there is no such thing as a dumb question. That is how we learn and you have to start somewhere. Some have watched too much of the Discovery channel and think they are the next great bike builder just waiting to be discovered. Most come in with an idea or two and a good base foundation for a start, others havea dozen ideas and none of them flow together. I try to guide them and get them to choose a direction, instead of going in three directions at once. I never force my ideas on them. I only suggest. After all it’s their dream, their bike and their money that they are spending.

Another part of my job is to gain their trust and let them know that they will not end up with a cross between a VW bus and a bike. I show them pictures of my bikes and this usually helps with the trust issue. Another obstacle to overcome is the money issue. I usually try to convince them that life is short and who knows about next month or next year. You only live once, so go for the bike you really want. I also tell them that if you really want this or that and you decide not to get it, you are going to think about it until you do. I truly believe the part about only living once and that is how I try to approach things. The one obstacle I have the hardest time overcoming is “The wife or girlfriend won’t let me!” I have written on this before, and I have to tell you, women control those bank accounts! Well I guess that is enough of what I do, didn’t mean to bore anyone!

An update on the 6th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin” to be held July 25th here in Charlotte. Next week we will lay the t-shirt design out. So far we have about 25 sponsors, we are always looking for new sponsors. You don’t have be close to the Charlotte area to be a sponsor. All proceeds go to the American Lung Association and their ashma camps for kids. Sponsorship fee is just $100 and your name is on the official run shirt if you sign up by May 7th. You also receive two t-shirts. The shirts are always cool, artwork is by Chris Kallas, the same Chris that does the bikernet artwork.

The run and bike show that follows grows every year, so if you are in the Charlotte area at the time of the event or would like to be a sponsor give me a call and we will get you set up.

Work: 704-847-4647

Okay enough, the wind is blowing warm tonight, the stars are bright and the time is right, let’s ride!


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As part of our ten-year anniversary, we are planning a national ride-in and celebration at our factory in Wichita. The dates are June 11 & 12 and will include an evening welcome party, factory open house complete with contests, food and drinks, tours, trials demonstration, and custom bike show, as well as music by Dewy & The Big Dogs (Dewy is our own Sheldon Coleman).

Below is information about the event. We are asking you to not only join us, but to also help us promote it through your publications. Also, to help promote it, we are sending information to our dealers as well as personal invititations, including a massive four-foot long, ten-year timeline poster to you and the 8,600 known Big Dog Motorcycles riders.

Make plans to attend (be sure to pre-register). Start spreading the word. And check the website for updates.

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Continued On Page 2

Read More

April 17, 2004



Bill Bish author and freedom fighter.

THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at <>

Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists

HOUSE APPROVES TRANSPORTATION ACT, INCLUDING MOTORCYCLE SAFETY INITIATIVES The U.S. House of Representatives has voted overwhelmingly to approve a six-year $284 billion transportation funding measure, which includes provisions to expand state rider training programs and other motorcycle safety initiatives. H.R. 3550, the “Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy For Users” (TEA LU), was passed by a vote of 357-56 on April 2, 2004.The U.S. Senate approved a similar measure, S. 1072, the “Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act” (SAFE-TEA), by a vote of 76-21 on February 12. The Senate version reauthorizes $318 billion over the next six years to fund highway, mass transit and safety programs, but does not include language specifically addressing motorcycle safety concerns.Both bills will now go to a conference committee, comprised of both Senators and Representatives, to iron out discrepancies between the two and submit a final bill to the President for his signature or veto. The White House has proposed an alternative $256 billion transportation package, and President Bush has threatened to veto the legislation if costs exceeded that amount.


WISCONSIN LAW PROTECTS HELMETLESS RIDERS Wisconsin Governor James Doyle signed a bill on Monday, March 15, that will ensure that motorcyclists who choose not to wear helmets do not face reduced awards in personal injury cases if they are involved in accidents.

In ruling on an ATV accident two years ago, the Wisconsin Supreme Court said that a jury could consider a person’s decision not to wear a helmet if they received a head injury in a crash involving a “high speed open air motor vehicle,” and reduce the amount of lawsuit damages paid to that person by up to 100%. Wisconsin only requires helmets be worn by motorcycle riders and passengers under 18 years old. “What we’re saying in Wisconsin is that if you do something that is in compliance with the law, it will not be held against you,” said Governor Doyle in signing Senate Bill 223.

S.223, which effectively nullifies the court’s 2002 decision by dropping the allowable reduction amount to zero%, was authored by ardent motorcyclist Senator Dave Zien at the request of ABATE of Wisconsin. Zien, one of the founders of the bikers’ rights movement in Wisconsin and a longtime member of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists Legislative Task Force (NCOM-LTF), says the new law prevents discrimination against motorcyclists by courts and insurance companies.

Zien maintains that helmets contribute to accidents by reducing head mobility, vision and hearing. Helmet chin straps also can contribute to neck injuries during accidents, he said. “For the motorcycle community, we don’t want to be forced to wear helmets,” Zien told the Lacrosse Tribune.

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HELMET WEARING MAY BE A TAXING PROPOSITION Safety or protective helmets will be exempt from Pennsylvania’s state sales tax under legislation sponsored by Representative Allan Egolf (R-Perry and Franklin) and unanimously approved by the House on March 24th.”Many children and adults enjoy activities such as horseback riding, bicycling, roller-blading and motorcycle riding where helmets are either required or recommended for the safety of the participant,” said Egolf, an avid bicyclist. “I believe it is important to encourage the use of safety helmets whether they are mandated or not,” he said. “I believe that eliminating the sales tax on these purchases is an incentive to encourage helmet use.”

“What parent would refuse to buy something they believed would help protect their kids because they didn’t want to pay a few dollars in sales tax?,” queried John Mullendore, ABATE of Pennsylvania’s Legislative Coordinator and a member of the NCOM Board of Directors, adding “It passed 194-0.” Pennsylvania repealed their helmet law for adult motorcyclists last year.

HB-417 will now be considered in the Senate.

Paughco Banner

BAY STATE RIDERS WIN RIGHT TO LIDLESS PARADES Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney signed House Bill 206, an act allowing adult motorcyclists the “freedom of choice” to not wear a helmet while riding in a parade. HB 206, sponsored by Representative Demetrius Atsalis, provides an exception to the state’s mandatory helmet law that “No protective head gear be required if a motorcyclist is participating in a properly permitted public parade and is 18 years or older,? explained Paul Cote, Legislative Director for the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA), adding that “This is the fifth motorcyclists’ bill passed in the last four years!”The new law is scheduled to take effect in 90 days, which lands right before the MMA’s “STORM the State House” lobbying day on Thursday, May 20th. MMA leaders have already begun securing “parade permits” from the cities of Somerville and Boston, so the “STORM” could be one of the first helmet “choice” permitted parades; riding to the State House to thank legislators and lobby for other bills still pending, including Senate Bill 1363 — the full “helmet choice” for all adult riders.

Mr. Lucky banner

Click To Check It Out

BILL FILED TO RE-ENACT LOUISIANA HELMET LAW A bill that would reverse a law pushed through the Legislature by former Governor Mike “Big Daddy” Foster giving adult motorcycle riders the option of wearing helmets has been filed in the Senate. Senator Joel Chaisson II, D-Destrehan, filed Senate Bill 29, which mandates all motorcycle riders to wear helmets with padding, a visor and a chin strap. That was the law until five years ago when Foster helped persuade lawmakers to allow a choice for riders older than 18 who are covered by at least a $10,000 health insurance policy and furnish proof of insurance to police if stopped. Foster, an avid motorcyclist, has always characterized the law he promoted as one aimed at giving adults a choice of wearing or not wearing a helmet. No state has enacted a helmet law since Maryland in 1996, but six states have repealed their helmet laws since then; Arkansas, Texas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Florida and Pennsylvania, making 31 states that currently allow adult freedom of choice. Let’s not go backwards!

milwaukee iron

AUSTRALIAN RIDERS MOUNT FRONT PLATE PROTEST The Motorcycle Riders Association (MRA) of Victoria is up in arms over a proposal to require Aussie bikers to affix license plates to the front of their motorcycles so that they can be identified from the front for tolls and for speed cameras.

MRA Victorian president Alex Money said the group is planning a protest to alert the general public as to how much money the government would waste in the move. “We just want the public to know the Victorian government is spending $14 million to introduce motorcycle front number plates,” he explained, noting that speed cameras in New South Wales take photographs from behind.

Tollway operator Transurban has said it would consider introducing motorcycle tolls if bikes could be photographed from the front.


CELEBRITIES IN THE NEWS Daytona Harley-Davidson is crying foul against Los Angeles Lakers basketball star Shaquille O’Neal, claiming he reneged on the purchase of a custom motorcycle. The dealership filed a breach of contract suit recently in circuit court seeking at least $15,000 in damages against the Orlando-area resident. Because the bike was built for someone of the 7-foot-1 Shaq’s size, the Harley dealer claims it is stuck with a motorcycle it can’t sell. The Beach Street-based company claims in its suit that the Lakers star center, who started his NBA career with the Orlando Magic, agreed to pay the company to build him a “custom motorcycle, with the design specifications requested by defendant being that the motorcycle be ‘out there’ and ‘blow everything else away.'” The motorcycle was delivered to O’Neal on Sept. 12, 2003, but he refused to pay for it, the suit claims.

mike lichter

AIMING FOR JUSTICE Justice was finally served to 26 bikers who had been ticketed during a “routine” traffic stop for running a stop sign last October while on their way to the Concerned Bikers Association (CBA) Swap Meet in Charlotte, N.C. All the ticketed bikers were represented by North Carolina Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) Attorney Robert A. Donat, who’s courtroom strategy was to show that it is common practice for riders to do a “stop and go” when traveling in large groups. The Assistant District Attorney was also informed that no one was going to plead guilty to the charges and that each and every rider desired a trial (there were four different trial dates, as four different officers wrote tickets that day). Furthermore, that this “routine” stop was nothing more than a harassing intelligence operation, and there was evidence that the whole operation was pre-planned, including statements made by one of the ticketing officers, and the fact that a DMV inspector appeared at the scene. Mr. Donat also found an eyewitness passerby who could confirm that there was a person wearing a ski mask at the scene, and that the bikers were videotaped.

The DA finally agreed that this was not worth prosecuting, and every one of the charges was dropped.

Robert Donat (“RAD”) serves as legal counsel for the Concerned Bikers Association and the North Carolina Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs. “The N.C. COC is currently considering its options now that the charges have been dismissed,” said Donat.

Lepera Banner

WEIRD NEWS OF THE MONTH: SADDAM’S MOTORCYCLE LOOTED The man who swung the first blow when Saddam Hussein’s infamous statue was toppled from the middle of Firdos Square in Baghdad has been arrested for looting the tyrant’s motorcycle from a museum.

Armed with a sledgehammer, Khadom Sharif Hassan — Iraq’s weightlifting champion — started pounding away at the statue last April, to cheers from the jubilant crowd and praise from President George W. Bush, who watched the action unfold on the White House television. “They got it down,” the president said approvingly.

But today the beefy hero is languishing in jail, accused of looting Baghdad’s National Army Museum of one of the former dictator’s most treasured exhibits: the 50-year-old black Norton motorcycle on which the young Saddam claimed he fled to Syria in 1959 after a botched American-sponsored assassination attempt on Iraq’s then prime minister, Gen Abd al-Karim Qasim, who a year earlier had overthrown the British-backed monarchy to seize power. Though the plan failed, it sparked the Ba’ath party’s rise to power.

Mr. Hassan explained that he felt he had a legitimate claim to the bike, which until the looting frenzy had stood on a pedestal in the museum, but was later found in his workshop during a raid by Iraq’s special crimes squad. As the chief motorbike mechanic for Saddam’s elder son Uday, Hassan had spent countless hours lavishing care on the Norton. What’s more, he said, Uday used to cherry-pick the best motorcycles that he imported into Iraq, paying him just a fraction of their value.

Hassan, 50, who is married with three children, said he had looked after more than 100 motorbikes belonging to Uday for 16 years, working on them round the clock. “I would be ordered to tune a bike at 3 a.m. if Uday decided after a night out that he wanted to ride the next day,” he said. “His favorite was a red Honda 750cc bike which he used for jumping because he was tall and strong enough to drive a big bike.”

Uday preferred Japanese models to American Harley-Davidsons, Hassan said, but also liked a BMW that was a present from King Abdullah of Jordan. When Uday was hospitalized from an accident, he ordered scores of his motorbikes to be lined up outside his window so that he could admire them. Officials from the serious crimes squad have described the case against Hassan as “open and shut,” but from the special police headquarters in Baghdad, he denies stealing the bike. “I bought the Norton from a looter,” he said. “I knew he had stolen it, but I had a duty to take it and look after it. I love that bike. Of course, I hate Saddam, but what he did wasn’t the bike’s fault. It is a special thing in Iraq’s history.”


QUOTABLE QUOTE: “How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg.”

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16th President of the United States

hellraiser minichop banner

CONGRATULATIONS to Skip Gravatt, a former Lone Star activist who is graduating from Regent University in Virginia with a Masters Degree in Public Policy, so that he can carry the fight right into the State House.

“I would encourage others to follow into academia and achieve accreditation that represents the pedigree to carry the fight into the hollowed halls of our legislative bodies and the previously closed doors of academia,” said a newly edified Gravatt. “I assure you I will continue to fight for our personal liberties, and I will always remember my days with Texas ABATE with a smile on my heart.”

Skip adds that, “I will return to Texas and compete for public office at the earliest opportunity.”

Go get ’em, Skip. The only thing better than a biker-friendly legislator is a legislator who IS a biker!

son of liberty


Clayster for Senate–O. K., here goes. I have been a little silent since Fred made theannouncement but I didn’t realize how much paperwork and time was involvedjust to get filed for the campaign. I may be AWOL for a few more days toget this thing going. Had a meeting with S.C. State Republican Party todayto set up how we were going to work this. They said this was one of themost important races in S.C. this year. During this race, you may or may nothear that your and my opinion differ. Hell, my opinion may differ from mypublic stance. but so is the politic beast. My main goal is to get one ofus elected, to get people with the right views of the constitution andlimited government intervention and meddling in our private lives. Someonehere once said win at any cost.

Speaking of contributions, if anyone has any loose change laying aroundand you want to make a contribution hear is the info- checks made out toClay Morris for Senate mail to P.O. Box 1757 Barnwell, s.c. 29812 FYIcontributions in S.C. are limited to $1,000.00 per individual ororganization per campaign cycle. If you decide to financially support mycampaign, make sure you include your full legal name and complete address.Thank you, love ya and this campaign is for us and all my constituents(bikers or not) in my district. Hutto has got to go.

Coordinator-ABATE of Barnwell, S.C.
Sons of Liberty Riders
Motorcycle Riders Foundation

sturgis MM



surg. steeds banner

Supreme Court to Decide Mandatory ID Case–U.S. National – APBy GINA HOLLAND, Associated Press Writer.

WASHINGTON – Do you have to tell the police your name? Depending on how theSupreme Court rules, the answer could be the difference between arrest andfreedom.

The justices heard arguments Monday in a first-of-its kind case that askswhether people can be punished for refusing to identify themselves.

The court took up the appeal of a Nevada cattle rancher who was arrestedafter he told a deputy that he had done nothing wrong and didn’t have toreveal his name or show an ID during an encounter on a rural road four yearsago. Larry “Dudley” Hiibel, 59, was prosecuted, based on his silence, andfinds himself at the center of a major privacy rights battle. “I would do itall over again,” Hiibel, dressed in cowboy hat, boots and a bolo tie, saidoutside the court. “That’s one of our fundamental rights as Americancitizens, to remain silent.” The case will clarify police powers in thepost-Sept. 11 era, determining if officials can demand to see identificationwhenever they deem it necessary.

Nevada senior deputy attorney general Conrad Hafen told justices that”identifying yourself is a neutral act” that helps police in theirinvestigations and doesn’t – by itself – incriminate anyone. But if that isallowed, several justices asked, what will be next? A fingerprint? Telephonenumber? E-mail address? What about a national identification card? “Thegovernment could require name tags, color codes,” Hiibel’s lawyer, RobertDolan, told the court. At the heart of the case is an intersection of theFourth Amendment, which protects people from unreasonable searches, and theFifth Amendment right to remain silent.Hiibel claims both of those rights were violated. Justice Antonin Scalia(news – web sites), however, expressed doubts. Hesaid officers faced with suspicious people need authority to get the facts.

Daytona twin tec

Good news from Maryland–Maryland’s helmet law (SB 611) passed the Senate 27 to 20!

Everyone did such a good job that at least two MD Senators email boxes werenon-deliverable yesterday due to “mailbox full!”

Their bill now goes to the House Environmental Matters Committee.Please email the committee and ask for support for SB 611 – more info,sample letter and quick email links found here:


abate of wisconsin

California Needs Help to Defeat Apehangers Law–Help Modify Motorcycle Handlebar Height Limitations in California.If you have received a citation for C.V.C. 27801(b), handlebar height, youare asked to share your story with Jean Hughes at (707) 446-9432,immediately.

Assembly Bill, AB 2844, authored by 77th District Assemblyman Jay La Suerwould remove motorcycle handlebar height language from section 27801(b) ofthe California Vehicle Code. That’s a GOOD thing! The current standard isgrips at shoulder height or below.

AB 2844 is scheduled to be heard in committee on April 19, 2004. We need asmany letters, phone calls and faxes as possible to the California AssemblyTransportation Committee. If you’re a tourist, let them know how much moneyyou’d spend to help boost our troubled economy during a visit.

Please ask committee members in a polite and respectful manner,”Please vote “YES” on AB 2844.”

Assembly Transportation Committee Members
Committee Phone: (916) 319-2093

~Richard “Splatt” Hall
Splatt’s Motorcycle Citation Database for California www.bikernation.usel Presidente ABATE Local 36 of Palm Springs www.abate.usState Board Member ABATE of California for 2004 www.abate.orgABATE, AMA, HOG, MMA, MRF, NCOM, SOLRW, KOA, Muffler Man World Tour

ama logo

Latest on Tama Accident…RIGHT-OF-WAY-LAWS NEEDED–Some of you have “seen” me speak about the Tama Tragedy in person…

The following ran in today’s (April 11, 2004) Des Moines Register – thelargest newspaper in Iowa. “$11.60 a piece. That’s what our lives are worth.”
Tama County crash, trial leave bikers sad, seething.
Register Staff Writer

Everyday, the 57-year-old Ames man returns in his mind to that clear, sunnyJune day two years ago, when he embarked on a motorcycle trip with fivefriends and returned home alone.

In little more than the time it takes to pop a plastic bag, three of hisfriends were killed and two others critically injured when a van crossedthe center line on U.S. Highway 30, about six miles northwest of BellePlaine.

In January, a Tama County jury acquitted the van’s driver, Gary LeeButler, 49, of three counts of vehicular homicide. A judge then finedthe Des Moines man a total of $70 for two other violations, crossing thecenter line and failure to maintain control of his vehicle.

“For the six of us it comes out to about $11.60 apiece,” Wierson said.”That’s what our lives were worth.”

Butler’s attorney, Keith Rigg of Des Moines, said he understood thefrustration of Wierson and other motorcyclists, but he said the juryruled correctly.

“The facts are that it was just a tragic, tragic accident,” he said.

Tama County Attorney Brent Heeren has appealed the judge’s ruling,saying Butler could have been sentenced to 60 days in jail and fined$1,000. The Iowa Supreme Court last month agreed to review the decision.That will not change the jury’s verdict.

In the meantime, the case has outraged motorcycle enthusiasts across thecountry, who say it’s another example of a motorist being treatedleniently after causing the death of a motorcyclist.

“We need to do something to make motorcyclists start to matter,” Wiersonsaid. “Because people ride a motorcycle, the perception is that youdeserve what you get.”

Groups that have been known primarily in the past for advocating againstmandatory helmet laws now wonder if they need legislative help toprotect them from other drivers.

People get the same penalty for running over a motorcyclist as they dofor running a stop sign, said Steve Rector of Marshalltown, statecoordinator of ABATE (A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education) of Iowa,which has as many as 8,000 members.

“That is wrong,” he said.

The Iowa verdict came in the same month that former U.S. Rep. BillJanklow of South Dakota received a 100-day jail sentence after speedingthrough a stop sign and hitting a motorcyclist, killing the biker.Janklow had a history of speeding and could have received an 11-yearprison term.

Citing the Iowa and South Dakota cases, among several others, the250,000-member American Motorcyclist Association recently announced its”Justice for All” initiative. The group will seek stiffer penalties fortraffic offenses or criminal acts that kill or injure other motorists,including motorcycle riders. The proposal did not come up in the IowaLegislature this year.

“We certainly understand the frustration” among riders, “but what we’readvocating is not symbolic,” said Tom Lindsay, the group’s spokesman.”It’s actually positive, constructive action that will benefitmotorcyclists in the future.”

In 2002, the latest year for which national statistics are available,3,244 motorcyclists were killed, including 41 in Iowa. By comparison,Iowa recorded 16 motorcyclist deaths in 1996, a record low.

Those stark 2002 statistics include some of Wayne Wierson’s best friends.

A review of what happened on that June morning two years ago illustrateswhy motorcyclists are so frustrated with the legal system and why it maybe difficult to write legislation that resolves their concerns.

“I can’t do anything about the lawyers or the courts, but what I can dois hopefully make those drivers see us and hopefully make motorcyclistssafer,” Wierson said.

At each talk, Wierson invites six driver’s education students to thefront of the room, as he did recently in Clive, and places them in thesame staggered formation that he and his motorcycling friends wereriding in.

Then Archer pops the bag.

“I don’t want anybody to go through what I went through that day inJune,” Wierson told the students.

Wierson still rides a motorcycle, but he sold his Suzuki and bought aHarley-Davidson, in honor of his neighbor and the other friends.

“It gets lonely on Saturdays, I’ve got to tell you,” he said. “Reallylonely.”

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Read More

April 15, 2004 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

flamed bike for sale

purple bike for sale - right

DEAL OF THE WEEK–Divorce sale. Contact John Greywitt for more information,

DUI FIGHTERS UNITE–As an organization we have several goals. The number one top priority at this time is to get the federal government to drop the .08 mandate that has forced so many states, against their will, to lower their legal BAC limit to .08%.

So how do we do this?

We MUST show a strong showing to our Represenatives and Senators AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL. Many of us have sent letters and made phone calls to our state represenatatives and senators. But after talking to mine here in Michigan, I’ve come to realize that their hands are basically tied. They have a figurative gun to their collective heads called “you don’t get federal highway funds if you don’t do this”. It’s outright blackmail and it’s a blatant violation of the Constitution of the United States Of America.

Jeanne M. Pruett
President and CEO
Responsibility In DUI Laws, Inc.

THE SCOTSMAN AND THE DENTIST– A Scotsman goes to the dentist and asks how much it is for an extraction.

“$85 for an extraction sir” was the dentists reply.

“Och huv ye no got anything cheaper”, replies the Scotsman getting agitated.

“But that’s the normal charge for an extraction sir”, said the dentist.

“What about if you didn’t use any anaesthetic?”, asked the Scotsman hopefully.

“Well it’s highly unusual sir, but if that’s what you want, I suppose I can do it for $70”, said the dentist.

“Hmmmm, what about if you used one of your dentist trainees and still without anaesthetic”, said the Scotsman.

“Well it’s possible but they are only training and I can’t guarantee their level of professionalism and it’ll be a lot more painful, but I suppose in that case we can bring the price down to say $40”, said the dentist.

“Och that’s still a bit much, how about if you make it a training session and have your student do the extraction and the other students watching and learning”, said the Scotsman hopefully.

“Hmmmmm, well OK it’ll be good for the students I suppose, I’ll charge you only $5 in that case”, said the dentist.

“Wonderful, it’s a deal” said the Scotsman…

“Can you book the wife in for next Tuesday….”

rogues bike

ROGUE?S ROAD BIKE IS FOR SALE– This beautiful Custom Built Motorcycle was built by Rogue.

It started with a Quantum black powder coated rubber mounted engine FXR frame. It has a stainless steel oil tank and lines, chrome swing arm and chrome adjustable shocks.

The front end is American Suspension Inverted with billet tripple trees, Sturgis 16? mag wheel with Avon MT90B16 tire, Stainless rotor, billet caliper, a full fender, halogen headlight, handlebar mounted tachometer, radar detector mount and custom windshield

The rear wheel is also a 16? Sturgis mag with a Avon 160/80/B16, Stainless steel rotor and billet caliper, The rear fender is full length with a built in flush mounted LED taillight. The custom close mounted saddle bags also have flush mounted LED lights; The custom hand built back rest is also a storage area.

The body work, custom paint and pin stripping was done by Sonny Keeton, Famous Bike Builder and Rat?s Hole Winner.

The 106 Cubic Inch Hot Rod Engine was built by Berry Wardlaw of Accurate Engineering who is famous for building engines for the Discovery Channel builders and other famous people. It has too many things done to it to list here but the build sheet will go with the motorcycle. Fuel flows through a Bobby Wood Carburetor and exhaust goes out a Thunderheader all making this baby get down the highway quickly and smoothly. A heavy duty starter and compression releases make it start easy.

Billet aluminum primaries hold a chain drive, Rivera Pro Clutch and hook to a 5 speed transmission and a chain rear drive with a tensioner.

Price is only $22,000.00. More photos and article at:

BIKER BOB– Biker Bob walked into a drug store and said to the Pharmacist, “I want meone of them thar condoms with pesticides on it. Where do I find ’em?”

The pharmacist replied, “Oh sir, you must mean that you want the condomswith SPERMICIDE, not pesticide. They’re on aisle 4.”

“No, no, I want me them thar condoms with PESTICIDE on it,” growled Bob

“Sir,” said the pharmacist, exasperated from explaining, “PESTICIDE isfor killing insects, SPERMICIDE is for killing sperm. I’m sure that youmean spermicide instead of pesticide.”

“Listen here,” argued Biker bob, “I want condoms with PESTICIDE on them.

My wife’s got a bug up her ass, and I aim to kill it!”

LICENSE PLATE TRIVIA–While California was the first state to legislate motor vehicle registration in March 1901, it wasn’t mandatory. New York passed a bill six weeks later — not only making registration mandatory, but requiring drivers to display their initials on their vehicle.

? Massachusetts became the first state to issue its own license plates in 1903. Those plates were made of steel covered in porcelain, but porcelain plates got chipped from road gravel. Years later, aluminum was used to make license plates.

? Other materials used in early license plates included leather and wood. During the 1930s, Arizona made license plates out of copper. Several states used a fiberboard made of soybeans and possibly sugarcane during World War II when steel was in short supply. These plates were apparently enjoyed by goats and other animals found eating them.

? Connecticut, in 1948, was the first to offer reflectorized plates, while New Jersey was the last, finally switching over in 1992.

— Compiled by news researcher Karen Duffy, Daytona News Journal

–from Rogue

EWAN MCGREAGOR AND CHARLEY BOORMAN RIDE FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK– LONDON — Ewan McGregor is getting ready to travel from London to New York, but there will be no first-class comfort for the down-to-earth Scot.He’s going by road.

McGregor and fellow actor Charley Boorman plan to set out this week on a motorcycle journey across Europe, Asia and North America that will get them to New York City by about July.

“It’s such an obvious route,” McGregor insisted Tuesday. “It’s just straight across — you just go from London to New York, going east. I’m surprised more people don’t do it.”

Spurred by a desire for adventure and a hankering for the open road, the “Moulin Rouge!” star and Boorman hatched a plan for a riding holiday that grew from a trip through Spain to a 20,000-mile odyssey across three continents, from the highways of Western Europe to Russia’s rutted roads and the grassy tracks of the Mongolian steppe.

After crossing Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia to the eastern tip of Siberia, the duo’s planned route winds through Alaska, down the Rockies and across the Great Plains and midwestern United States. They’ll do it all by road, except for a train trip under the English Channel and a short flight across the Bering Strait between Siberia and Alaska.

“When we get off the train in Calais, the next stop is eastern Siberia,” said the 33-year-old McGregor, whose new film, “Young Adam,” opens Friday in New York and Los Angeles. “We follow our front wheel from Calais to the other side of the globe.”

McGregor and Boorman have undergone hostile-environments training with former British commandos, consulted a nutritionist and worked out with a personal trainer. As they ride, their 1,150cc BMW motorcycles will be laden with tents, dried lentils, cameras and travel gadgetry.

A cameraman will accompany them on a third bike, and a film crew will meet them every week or so to record footage for a series.

Associated Press

–from Rogue

jokers new bldg
Joker got a bigger building than Bikernet, I’m pissed…–Bandit


After residing in the same small group of buildings for the past 45 years, Joker Machine has finally outgrown its Azusa, California location. The company has relocated to a brand-new facility just a few miles away in the city of Montclair.

Joker Machines brand-new building boasts a footprint of 22,000 feet (a little more than a half-acre), a new showroom, and crews working both day and night to keep up with the demand.

The family owned firm was originally founded to produce high-tolerance aerospace parts, but diversified by launching its own line of premium aftermarket Harley-Davidson parts in 1990. Joker’s current line of Harley parts consists of forward controls, hand controls, performance exhaust systems, billet covers, mirrors and much more. The parts line has also expanded to include an extensive array of mini bike and small-to-medium dirt bike parts.

Among the many changes this year, you can also expect to see a new line of parts for larger dirt bikes, that are a direct result of the testing currently being done on Joker Machine?s Supermoto racing bikes. Joker has always relied heavily on the knowledge gained from their Harley drag racing experience, and finds that the longest lasting parts are those that have been designed on the track, under the most severe of situations.

All Joker Machine products can be ordered at your local Drag Specialties dealer. Visit “” to see the entire product line.

Joker Machine
4668 Mission Blvd.
Montclair, California 91763
(909) 613-0028 voice
(909) 613-0098 fax


SATURDAY KAWASAKI RIDE–I wanted to let you know that on Saturday, April 17, approximately 60 ormore members of the Los Angeles chapter of the Vulcan Riders and Owners Club(VROC) will join the Kawasaki people at KMC’s headquarter in Irvine for aspecial viewing of the Custom Cruiser Road Show (CCRS). I wasn’t sure ifyou’ve seen the show before, so it might be a good opportunity to see morethan a dozen customized Vulcan cruisers.

Briefly, the event starts at 9:30 a.m. when LA VROC members will join theKawasaki people in the atrium for coffee and doughnuts. Tom Orbe (VP) andPatrick Kelly (product management) will meet with folks and say a few words,then everyone will move outside to the road show around 10:30. At noon,Kawasaki will cater lunch (hot dogs, sodas, etc.) and everything wraps up by1 p.m. It’s possible that club members and Kawasaki people will take a rideup Ortega Highway and disburse from there.

Ron Nordyke
(714) 557-3663 ext. 209

EXCLUSIVE OFFER– Have you ever wanted to build your own custom motorcycle but didn’t even know where to begin? This DVD & VHS series shows you virtually every secret, technique, and concept to build your own custom motorcycle from the ground up, even if you’ve never picked up a wrench before!

For more exclusive information, go to:

THE BLONDE DEPARTMENT–Julie, the blonde, was getting pretty desperate for money. She decided to go to the nicer, richer neighborhoods around town and look for odd jobs as a handy woman.

The first house she came to, a man answered the door and told Julie,”Yeah, I have a job for you. How would you like to paint the porch?”

“Sure that sounds great!” said Julie.

“Well, how much do you want me to pay you?” asked the man.

“Is fifty bucks all right?” Julie asked.

“Yeah, great. You’ll find the paint and ladders you’ll need in the garage.”

The man went back into his house to his wife who had been listening. “Fifty bucks! Does she know the porch goes all the way around the house?” asked the wife. “Well, she must, she was standing right on it!” her husband replied.

About 45 minutes later, Julie knocked on the door.

“I’m all finished,” she told the surprised homeowner.

The man was amazed. “You painted the whole porch?”

“Yeah,” Julie replied, “I even had some paint left, so I put on two coats!”

The man reached into his wallet to pay Julie.

“Oh, and by the way,” said Julie, “That’s not a Porch, it’s a Ferrari.”

–J. Hodge

jims full right

jims frontend

jims tank and fender

PAINT JOB OF THE WEEK–This bike was painted for Thunder Cycles in Hawthorne. The owner told mehe did not want to see one weld so we did a full molding job, everyweld, even the bottom got a little TLC. The color is PPG blue metalic,the flames are white pearl. The bike will be shown for the first time this weekend at the BeverlyHills classic for charity car/ bike show on April 18th.

Jims Cycle Painting
(310) 329-4707

paughco exhaust

TIC SOFTAIL STAGGERED DUALS–Owners of 2000 up Softail Twin Cam machines will appreciate the traditional Hot Rod styling offered by Paughco’s new STAGGERED DUALS. These latest additions to Paughco’s extensive line of exhaust system.

STAGGERED DUALS feature that timeless, low slung layout and produce an exhaust note to match their aggressive looks. PAUGHCO STAGGERED DUALS are fit with steel baffles and come finished in the company’s flawless in-house chrome. Supplied with all mounting hardware, Softail TWIN CAM STAGGERED DUALS are available with either TAPERED STRAIGHT OR SUPER SLASH CUT tips and retail for $259.95. Call 775-246-5738 or catch PAUGHCO on the web at

VEGAS MASTER BUILDER SERIES–25 of the hottest custom builders show off their latest bikes for this first-ever master builders’ competition. Come see this truly awesome show featuring the artistry of the most progressive bike builders in the world. The famous and the soon to be famous will have their bikes on display at this “invitation only” show. You’ll get to check out the bikes, chat with the builders and get autographs from your favorites.

Participating Master Builders(As of April 12, 2004):

Mitch Bergeron – Mitch Bergeron Customs
Mike Brown – Amen Chassis Works
Chica – Chica Custom Cycles
Jose de Miguel – Caribbean Custom Cycles
Matt Hotch – HotMatch Customs
Cyril Huze – Cyril Huze Customs
Jesse Jurrens – Independent Cycle Inc.
Doug Keim – Creative Cycles, Inc.
Russell Mitchell – Exile Cycles
Jim Nasi – Jim Nasi Customs
Cory Ness – Arlen Ness Motorcycles
Harold Pontarelli – H.D. Performance
Mondo Porras – Denver’s Choppers
Jesse Rooke – Jesse Rooke Customs
Roland Sands – Performance Machine, Inc.
Eddie Trotta – Thunder Cycle Designs
Marcus Walz – Walz Hardcore Cycles
Mark Warrick – Soncy Road Speed & Custom
Kip Watkins – Watkins Boyz/ Tribal Motorworks

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LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT–Two legislative bodies want to punish us if we don’t wear helmets. So let’s not discriminate. If you get shot and you’re not wearing a kevlar vest, you can’t sue the shooter. I like it that they blame smoking on everything. I want to see a billboard that point and equally deadly finger at automobiles. Millions would be alive today, if only they didn’t drive. Bah humbug.

I’m outta here. The sun is blazing and I’ve got business across town.

Read More

April 15, 2004 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

jose - mic stand

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– This week is going to be short and sweet, or maybe not. Like always there?s a lot of things? going on at the same time. I guess I’m getting used to it by now, but still it’s juggling. I just want to get some of the things done, like finalizing the move (I mean the little details left) and finish a couple of the almost chops so I can get a breather and jump head first into the other projects. Speaking of projects, a couple friends who own a tattoo shop came up with the idea to do a microphone stand (they are both in bands as well). It was a pretty complex thing with several mics all over the place, but what the hell, I looked at it as practice for the next Run For Breath trophies. So the Praying mantis mic stand came to life today. It will visit the chrome shop soon.

jose - baseball

As you might know from last year, we have a few season games here for the Major League Baseball, Expos. I really don’t care for sports (unless it’s Soccer) but we have tickets for all the games and to tell you the truth is a lot of fun. First, it’s a breather from everyday shit, second, it’s like the local hangout for a bunch of friends, so it becomes like a party. Needless to say we kinda watch the game, since most of the watching goes towards the babes that are there as well (I have a few shots on the way) for now I have this one from our seats, and yea the guy is getting hit in the back by the ball.

jose coors bike

Nui from Hawaii sent me a few shots of the new Coors West Coast Chopper, just when they were putting it into the stand. So I will share it with you guys.There’s some good news on the way but I’m still holding back a little bit longer, it has to do with building more bikes for certain events. We are really proud of being chosen, but at the same time the new builds tense up the whole schedule, what the fuck, nothing that I’m not used to. Just in case, and I never ask for free stuff, if anyone that reads these news from the industry wants to send anything our way, it will be more than welcome. I have the frame and motor, so the rest is up in the air.

Sheriff has gone back closer to the North Pole. I hope he had a good time here and will do a report on his point of view, although he was kind of fixated on the crime rate, so let’s see what happens.

I have received a few “inside” news tidbits lately. It?s a matter of sharing with you or bordering on being a gossip column, for now I will keep them out of here and if the cat comes out of the bag I will share what I know.

Well, I’m heading to Miami tomorrow for a show, Indian Larry, Paul Cox and Roger Bourget will be there as headliners and it will be fun. Even though it’s a quick trip, I’m sure we will have a blast in South Beach….

I’m outta here, since I have to sleep sometime…

jose banner

Jose – Caribbean Bikernet Reporter

fritz bike - 3 4 right side

fritz left side

FLEETTRAILER PROJECT BIKE– Here’s some pics. If ya need more details let me know. I should have taken more pictures of the build proccess but got sidetracked building the damn thing. Since it’s been done we’re thinking of some more changes. Custom exhaust for one, we’ll make our own pipes. These hide the curve of the remade swingarm.

fritz engine close

Already making a custom caliper mount for the swingarm that will put the caliper at the bottom and clean up the looks a little. Choppers are never done. I’ll send better finnished pictures in the near future.


big bear poster

MAKE-BELIEVE COP MAKES TRAFFIC STOP– DAYTONA BEACH — Daniel Blais liked to play cop, but that didn’t stop the Sheriff’s Office from giving him a real job.Police say the 23-year-old Daytona Beach man’s passion for pretending got him a ticket to the county jail Wednesday, for the third time.

He was arrested and charged with impersonating a police officer after a motorcyclist told actual deputies Blais had pulled him over on Fentress Boulevard.

“He’s just a kid on a power trip,” said motorcyclist Matt Schaub, 23.

Blais was fired Wednesday from his position of dispatcher trainee at the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office where he had worked for two months. Although his application was initially rejected because of his past criminal record, Maj. Terry Sanders said Blais had done well in his training class.

By LYDA LONGA,Staff Writer, Daytona News Journal

–from Rogue

HELMET LAW HEADE TOWARD LOUISIANA–Louisiana State Senator Joel Chaisson II (D-Destrehan) has filed Senate Bill 29, which mandates all motorcycle riders to wear helmets with padding, a visor and a chin strap. That was the law until five years ago when former Governor Mike Foster, an avid motorcyclist, helped persuade lawmakers to allow a choice for riders older than 18. Chaisson said his bill is backed by the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission.

With Foster not around to promote an optional bill or threaten a veto, Chaisson said, the chances are good the law will pass. Chaisson said he intends to present medical experts to testify on the need for a mandatory helmet law.

Under the existing law any adult who chooses not to wear a helmet must be covered by at least a $10,000 health insurance policy and furnish proof of insurance to police. (Times-Picayune)

WISCONSIN Supports FREEDOM–Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle signed into law an act that will ensure that motorcycle, snowmobile and all-terrain vehicle riders who do not wear helmets won?t face reduced awards in personal injury cases because of that fact. Helmets are not required for adult motorcycle riders in Wisconsin.

In a ruling two years ago, the state Supreme Court said a jury could consider a person’s decision not to wear a helmet to reduce the amount of damages paid to that person.

Doyle signed the bill, authored by ardent motorcyclist Senator Dave Zien (R-Eau Claire) and Representative Barbara Gronemus (D-Whitehall), surrounded by motorcyclists including members of ABATE of Wisconsin, Motorcycle Riders Foundation, and American Motorcyclist Association. Also in attendance were representatives from Accident Scene Management, who played key roles in drafting and getting this legislation passed.

Wisconsin does not have a law requiring adult motorcyclists to wear helmets, and the Legislature formally rejected such an idea when it overrode a gubernatorial veto in 1978. Under this new law, a person’s decision to go without a helmet, as state law allows, cannot be used against that person in a personal injury suit.

–from Rogue

Many apologies for my original misguided title. There wasn’t enough Jack in my cereal that morning.–Bandit

RH home page banner

BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP ADVICE–A man returning home a day early from a business trip got into a taxi atthe airport. It was after midnight. While enroute to his home, he asked thecabby if he would be a witness. The man suspected his wife was having anaffair and he intended to catch her in the act.

For $100, the cabby agreed. Quietly arriving at the house, the husband andcabby tiptoed into the bedroom. The husband switched on the lights, yankedthe blanket back and there was his wife in bed with another man.

The husband put a gun to the naked man’s head. The wife shouted, “Don’t doit! This man has been very generous! I lied when I told you I inheritedmoney. He paid for the Corvette I bought for you. He paid for our new cabincruiser. He paid for our house at the lake. He paid for our country clubmembership, and he even pays the monthly dues!”

Shaking his head from side-to-side the husband slowly lowered the gun. Helooked over at the cab driver and said, “What would you do?”

The cabby said, “I’d cover him up with that blanket before he catches a cold.”

–from S&CHere’s some pictures of our bike project. Feedback & comments will be much appriciated, good or bad. If you don’t like parts or can offer any constructive critisism feel free to say so. we have thick skin. I’ll be able to take better pictures of the paint when I can get it outside in the sun. The shop doesn’t have the best lighting.

MRF CALL TO ACTION, QUICK–Having failed to convince State legislatures to adopt laws mandating helmet or apparel use by motorcyclists, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has potentially found another body to advance mandatory-use laws: the United Nations.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has learned that, in total defiance of legislation passed by Congress, NHTSA has moved its efforts to the United Nations, specifically the world body’s “Inland Transport Committee: Working Party on Road Traffic Safety (WP.1).” In a document dated July 15, 2003, and during meetings held by WP.1 in Geneva, Sept. 22-25, 2003, NHTSA presented the following recommendations for WP.1:

Action: “To start a discussion and exchange of information among WP.1 member nations and key non-governmental organizations on motorcycle safety programmes.” As part of NHTSA’s proposed action plan, it urges a questionnaire be circulated among member states (editor’s note: in this instance, “member states” means countries involved with the United Nations). Among the questions NHTSA requests for inclusion on the questionnaire: “Fatality and injury rates due to motorcyclists not wearing a helmet at the time of the crash;” “Laws governing helmet use;” “Amount of penalty for not wearing a helmet;” and “Are there any repercussions, other than fines, if riders do not wear a helmet.”

NHTSA’s estimated timeframe: September 2003 – form a working group; April 2004 – develop and distribute questionnaire; April 2005 – present preliminary results and recommendations to WP.1. This July 15, 2003 NHTSA document will be posted in its entirety on the MRF web site next week.

The Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations (FEMA) disclosed the NHTSA strategy at the September MRF Meeting of The Minds. FEMA is a partner with the MRF, AMA and FIM in ensuring the voice of riders is heard at “Working Party 29 (WP.29), the global vehicles harmonization talks being held in Geneva under the auspices of the U.N. The NHTSA document surfaced in Geneva.


HANDLE BAR HEIGHT LAWS– In Florida the law is that they Can Not Be Over 15 inches above the seat. Of course the cop is going to measure from the Lowest Point of the Seat to the Tallest Part of the Bars. I am not sure what the current fine is.

Handle Bar Tickets are a Big Item during Bike Week and Biketoberfest in Daytona and surrounding areas. They make a lot of money for the city and county and are usually not fought as the fight to do so is more than the ticket and it is the cop?s word against yours. You Lose!

People who I know in the Daytona area that have high bars say that they do not usually have a problem the rest of the year. This shows that it is a money raiser and not a real issue most of the time.

Jeff George aka ?Hammer? of Palm Bay Florida is one of the people that received a ticket for High Bars while at Bike Week and he has contacted Senator Michael Hardopolos of Melbourne, Florida in hopes of changing the law, State of Florida statue 316.2095 motorcycle handlebar height. Hammer has told me he is also going to contact ABATE of Florida and ask their assistance.

This is still in the early stages and I will keep you informed as I become aware of developments.

If you want to find out what the motorcycle laws in your state are go to the American Motorcycle Association web site at

Then click on your state for the information.

If you have a law in your state that you do not think is right Get Involved with Changing It.

Contact Your Legislator, Join a Motorcycle Right Group, Do Some Thing to Make It Right.


Continued On Page 4

Read More

April 15, 2004 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

SOUTH DAKOTA VEHICLE LAWS–Shortly before 9 p.m. on St. Patrick’s Day, a 24-year-old man was invited to the front seat of officer Hector Soto’s police car. This would not be a pleasant experience for Jeffrey Allen Young.Wearing a button-down shirt and baseball cap, Young blew into a Breathalyzer and hoped for the best. The red numbers on the screen rose from .04 to .05, .06, .07. The readout stopped at .08.

“Can I ask you what the legal limit is?” Young asked.

“Point-oh-eight,” Soto said.

Two years ago, .08 might not have been such bad news. But, since the Legislature redefined intoxication in 2002, drinking has been a trickier proposition for those trying to stay legal.

Young said he had just come from a downtown bar where he drank four beers in two hours. While drinking led to a police stop for him, other drinkers have made arrangements to ensure they do not end up in the same situation. Some walk to and from bars. Some catch cabs. Some leave their cars in parking lots and even go bar-hopping on a school bus to avoid embarrassment, high insurance rates and legal problems tied to driving while intoxicated.

Now, with the new definition of drunkenness, police, drinkers and bar managers all notice changes not only in the way people drink, but how they think.

The South Dakota Legislature approved the .08 blood alcohol limit in 2002 as the federal government offered $500 million to states that did so and threatened to keep highway construction money from those that didn’t. That would have amounted to $3.5 million for South Dakota in the first year, the state Department of Transportation said.

In this case, .08 resulted in Soto placing a pair of silver handcuffs around Young’s wrists and starting a process that led to a court arraignment two weeks later.

Definition of terms

Designated driver: A term not from the law but fromsociety, promoting the idea of a sober person driving his drunken friends home. A public-intoxication law once meant it wasillegal even to be drunk in the back seat. That is no longer true, “as long as you’re not disorderly,” police Lt. Jerome Miller says. “If you’re out there screaming vulgarities, you’ll go to jail for that.”

Body weight: According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, a 170-pound man drinking five beers an hour would hit the old limit of 0.10 percent blood-alcohol. Four drinks an hour would cut that to 0.08 percent. A 137-pound woman could consume three drinks in an hour and reach 0.08. Body weight, activity, diet, sleep and time spent drinking all are part of the equation.

Serving of alcohol: Generally, a mixed drink, a glass of wine and a 12-ounce can of beer all contain the same amount of alcohol.


Police spot drunken drivers through indicators, including:
? Driving with no lights.
? Swerving.
? Driving noticeably slower than the speed limit.
? Turning widely.
? Using high beams.
? Using no signal lights.
? Speeding.

John-John Williams

–from Rogue

SHIPPING BIKES TO HAWAII–It’s a bitch traveling anywhere without your machine at your side. Now you can even ship a bike to Hawaii for a vacation or to attend the Choppers Only Show on the 4th of July. Pacific air frieght company came on board as a sponsor of the second annual Choppers Only Bike Show in Honolulu. It’s now simple to fly bikes to Hawaii. Call 808-834-7977,, or

We shipped a bike once and it was at the airport when we arrived.

big kahuna

BIKE NIGHTS and DUI?s I like Bike Nights and it seems that a lot of other people do too. They have gotten so popular that they are not just happening on the weekends any more.

I use to be that motorcycle people had to look for bars that wanted their business. Now it seems they are competing for it. Hey we all know the Bikers Spend Money. The people in business are there to make money.

In the Melbourne ? Palm Bay area of Florida where I live it use to be Friday Night at Hooters. That has changed, it is now Kelly?s Bar and the County Line Saloon and a host of others.

There are places that welcome you all weekend many with food, bands or other entertainment. Now there is also Wednesday night rides to bars.

When you look at Miami and South Florida there are Bike Nights Every Night. Add your other larger cities like Orlando and Tampa, well you get the message.

There is always a party going on some where. Fun, Fun, Fun.

Well with it are reports from around the state of problems from people reporting to work hung over or missing days, wives complaining about money that is needed to support family?s not being there and most of all a Major increase in DUI?s injuries and deaths.

The police departments around the state have also figured out that Bikers Spend Money and they want their share of it to. Hey, they can afford a Harley they got money. They have increase their DUI surveillance of Bike Nights and in many cases have squad cars watching the bars or as in the Case of Palm Bay Police a BAT mobile in front of a local Biker Bar on US1.

They do not have to do a lot except wait and stop a few Bikers a night and their numbers go up. Easy Pickings.

There are numerous changes being made to the DUI laws on a regular basis and if you do get a DUI it is going to cost you dearly and may even prevent you from riding.

Police officers read local publication and advertisements to find out when and where Bike Nights are. Some even join organizations.

I Am Not Suggesting You Stop Doing Bike Nights. I just Want You to Be Aware the Cops Are Watching Them! BE CAREFUL


rogue banner

TERRY COMPONENTS MOVES TO THE BADLANDS–We are moving our home and shop to spearfish south Dakota next month. The new location is 2916 E. 4th Ave off Exit 14 Near the Ford Dealership. Hope to see everyone there this Summer. Note the new phone (605) 642-5300, or for the best battery cables in the industry.

–Fran and Keith Terry


HARLEY-DAVIDSON ROARS INTO ITS SECOND CENTURY–WITH another RECORD quarter.Harley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE: HDI) today announced record revenue and earnings for its first quarter ended March 28, 2004. Revenue for the quarter was $1.17 billion compared with $1.11 billion in the year-ago quarter, a 4.7 percent increase. First quarter diluted earnings per share (EPS) was 68 cents, an 11.5 percent increase compared with last year?s 61 cents. ?The Company?s continuing strong performance supports our longer-range objectives to satisfy demand for 400,000 Harley-Davidson motorcycles in 2007,” said CEO, Jeff Bleustein, “and to deliver an annual earnings growth rate in the mid-teens. Harley-Davidson?s Board of Directors demonstrated their confidence in our stated direction by approving the repurchase of 7.8 million shares of stock during the quarter,? said Bleustein.

Motorcycles and Related Products Segment First quarter revenue from Harley-Davidson motorcycles was $919 million, an increase of 4.8 percent over the first quarter last year. Shipments of Harley-Davidson motorcycles totaled 74,090, up 3,482 units or 4.9 percent over last year.

First quarter revenue from Parts and Accessories (P&A), which consists of Genuine Motor Parts and Genuine Motor Accessories, totaled $169 million, a 5.8 percent increase over the year-ago quarter. When revenue from 100th Anniversary P&A products sold during the first quarter of 2003 is excluded, P&A revenue would have been up 15.9 percent. For the longer term, the Company expects P&A revenue to grow at a rate slightly faster than the motorcycle unit growth rate.

General Merchandise, which consists of MotorClothes? apparel and collectibles, had first quarter revenue of $54 million, down 3.7 percent over the same period last year. When revenue from 100th Anniversary General Merchandise products shipped in the first quarter of 2003 is excluded, General Merchandise revenue would have been up 12.7 percent. For the longer term, the Company expects General Merchandise to grow at a rate lower than the motorcycle unit growth rate.

First quarter gross margin for the Motorcycles and Related Products Segment was 37.8 percent of revenue compared to 36.2 percent in the first quarter of last year. First quarter gross margin was favorably impacted primarily by foreign currency exchange rates and to a lesser extent by operating efficiencies. Consistent with the higher gross margin, operating margin increased from 21.5 percent in 2003 to 22.9 percent in 2004.

Motorcycle Retail Sales Data

Harley-Davidson retail motorcycle sales for the quarter were up 11.6 percent worldwide driven by strong performance in the U.S. which was up 13.0 percent.

american motorcycle network banner

CALIFORNIA EVENTS–from the American Motorcycle Network,>Unsung Heroes Ride for Special OlympicsSacramento, Stockton, Ione, CAApr. 24>Ama Kawasaki Superbike ShowdownSonoma, CAApr. 30>All American Motorcycle MadnessSanta Maria, CAMay. 21>Cops, Hogs and RoddersFresno, CAMay. 22>4th Annual Menghini Winery Rincon Head Start RunJulian, CAMay. 23>Capital To Capital Ride Across AmericaSacramento, CAMay. 23>Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle ShowLos Angeles, CAJul. 17

If you know of any events you think other riders would be interested in, please let them know adding to our events system:–ADD EVENT

smoke out logo

DAYTONA COVERAGE COMPLAINT– I read your assessment of 2004 Daytona. Where do you get off judging anyone about what they ride or drive or wear? Who cares about the ?Industry? blah blah blah ? it?s those same t-shirt wearing renegade lawyers and accountants that buy those stupid chrome masturbations that you and you ?Industry? friends make that you oppose.

Take a look in the mirror and realize that if you have a problem with the self indulgent, baby boomers and their low mileage, polished piles of chrome crap, blame yourself and your ?Industry?. You and your middle finger waving pals commercialized the American Biker into the stupid outlaw biker IMAGE, you make money off of the IMAGE and then bitch about the CUSTOMERS of your INDUSTRY trying to be the IMAGE and about the traffic because you cannot read a map and see that there is more than one bridge in Daytona.

I went to Daytona, I made time to ride, yes, ride. I drank my fill, saw some racing, appreciated the ladies, and had a great time. What was your problem?

If you don?t like Daytona ? stay in CA with your elitist, ?Industry? bike snob friends and your noisy chrome crap. More beer for me.

We won?t miss you.

Chuck Carman
Smart Tool LLC

rally in the rockies

OH GOD, IT’S TAX DAY–How much money did you make last year?Mail it in.Simplified tax form suggested by Stanton Delaplane

I don’t know of a single foreign product that enters thiscountry untaxed, except the answer to prayer.Mark Twain

I’m proud to pay taxes in the United States;the only thing is, I could be just as proud for half the money.Arthur Godfrey

–from Rev CarlR

RH contest banner

BIKERNET SOFTWARE RECOMMENDATIONS–Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a slowdown in the performance of the flower and jewelry applications that had operated flawlessly under the Boyfriend 5.0 system. In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs such as Romance 9.9, but installed undesirable programs such as NFL 7.4, NBA 3.2, NHL 4.1 and NASCAR 5.3. Conversation 8.0 also no longer runs, and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system.

I’ve tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail. What can I do?

Signed, Desperate


Dear Desperate:

First keep in mind that Boyfriend 5.0 was an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system. Try to enter the command C:/I/thought/you/loved me, and install Tears 6.2. Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Guilt 3.3 and Flowers 7.5. But remember, overuse can cause Husband 1.0 to default to such background applications as Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Beer 6.1. Please remember that Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will create SnoringLoudly.WAV files.

DO NOT install Mother-In-Law 1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program. These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0. It could also potentially cause Husband 1.0 to default to the program Girlfriend 9.2, which runs in the background and has been known to introduce potentially serious viruses into the Operating System.

In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have a limited memory and can’t learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to enhance the system performance. I personally recommend HotFood 3.0 and SingleMalt Scotch 4.5, combined with that Old stand-by … Lingerie 6.9 (which has been credited with improved performance of his hardware).

Good Luck

Tech Suppo

Continued On Page 3

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April 15, 2004 Part 1


strokers girl - rfr
Photo by RFR of a Strokers Dallas Party girl. Hang on for his report.

Hey, what a wacked out week. Rumor has it that Easyriders is starting a Chopper mag. Half the staff of Hot Bike is under indictment, the publisher is gone and the editor on a hot seat. The PR guy at Custom Chrome left and now works for V-Twin magazine. And who knows what’s happening at the HORSE, I lost contact.

Next Week spills into the desert with the Laughlin River Run. Hopefully it ain’t raining. The American Rider staff is riding out. The Cruising Rider Editor is pissed at me ’cause I won’t customize a Kawasaki in one issue. Can’t win ’em all.

Here’s the news:


I haven’t been around in quite a while. But like a painter, and a femalepainter at that, I have great excuses. Well they’re not really excuses, theyare reality. Life’s pace here at the Crazy Horse Chopper Farm has beenhappening at a very unlike farm-pace. After I got back from Daytona’sBiketoberfest, a tornado of frenzy swept in and it hasn’t slowed down verymuch. Many things have happened since then. As you can see from above, Ifinished my custom gooseneck hardtail. It was an ordeal worthy of a bikebuild-off, only we were racing the clock, not another builder.

It was lateDec and everything was going was going wrong and continued to get worse. Theplan was to have the bike ready for the Easyriders Bike Show here inCharlotte. Now every year, my customers take home trophies with their bikes.I’ve entered my sporty a few times, taking home zip. After 25 years in thebike painting business, would my own bike be radical enough to get one ofthose trophies? Not if it didn’t make it to the show. In mid Dec, I decidedto change the paint scheme from what had been decided upon. It was a lastminute thing. My husband wanted me to go with a very detailed flame job,that would take countless more hours. Did I have time? No. But like ahopeful fool, I forged ahead anyway, and dove onto the frame with tape andairbrush in hand.

The frame took a week to flame. I had to keep going backand reworking the design, then the clearcoat kept giving me grief. Thenfinally after getting a near perfect round of clear on it, I was buffing asmall bit of dust out of the seat area and buffed through the clear. I’dbeen done, finished, I’d even taken the frame hanging chains down from thebooth. I put down the shotgun and grabbed a box of Little Debbie’s snackcakes, ate the whole box, then sanded the frame, rehung it, and recleared itwith an absolutely flawless coat of clear. I was floored! Had something goneright? Was this a sign of things to come? Not a chance.

Christmas came andwent and the chrome hadn’t come in. Jim couldn’t install the motor andtranny without the specially made tranny plate which was at the chrome shop.His mood went from simple gloomy to downright homicidal. Meanwhile, I wasgrubbing through the sheetmetal flame paint, with the pace of a fat chickslogging through the swamp. The detail work on these flames was killing me.I had to have this paint job pop. This was the painter’s bike. It had to bespecial. I kept changing the flame layout, frantically trying to find theperfect symmetry of flame design. After each piece of sheetmetal wascomplete, I felt as whooped as if I had given birth, only this wasn’t anonly child being born, this was quintuplets.

Suddenly the show was only two weeks away. Chrome? Ha! Those fricking idiotshad more excuses than a bike painter. Jim was in the middle of makinganother tranny plate, when the box from the chrome shop arrived. It wasn’tonly a poorly done job, it was the worst chroming either one of us had everseen. They destroyed the tailight and lost the brake stay, sending to thewrong shop, who sent it back to the chrome shop, who then prompty lost it.

Jim quickly built a new taillight and brake stay, then stopped payment onthe check to the chrome shop. My buddy Ben Jordan powdercoated the tailightblack. Jim whacked the new brake stay with spray bomb black. The motor andtranny slipped into the frame and suddenly the bike was coming together. Wejust might make it. We had four days to finish.

Meanwhile, I was flaming awayon the tank when Jim burst into the studio. The primary wouldn’t go on.Something was wrong with the input shaft on the tranny. Jim knows nothingabout H-D trannys. He wasn’t about to pull it apart. The next day he wentinto work at the H-D dealer hoping they’d have the correct tranny in stock.He came home early with a big box and closed himself in the shop. I stayedaway, feeding him completed painted sheetmetal as I finished it. The frontfender went on the bike an hour before the bike left for the show.

My moodduring the show was completely foul. High $$ custom after high $$ customrolled into the show. My lowly gooseneck didn’t have a chance. KendallJohnson was there signing autographs on the Easyriders Bike Builder Tour,but took time out from his fans to spent some time consoling me, insistingthat the flames on my bike were the best he’d ever seen. He sure soundedsincere.

Oil Can from Easyriders magazine was more blunt, “Well why don’t ya go homeright now sour puss. Ya ain’t gonna win nuthin’.” He smiled as he walkedaway. So at the end of the night, I was floored when they called out my namefor Second Place Best Street Custom.


A month earlier I had been in Orlando at the NACE show. It’s a trade showfor Automotive refinishers. House of Kolor had me bring four bikes.I met some very cool people, like the folks from Sata Spray Gun. I tried outall kinds of new equipment and those new Sata guns are state of the art.Worth every penny. I hung out with Jon Kosmoski a few nights, and it was anawesome experience. He told me many of his painting adventures andnightmares. That guy has experienced damn near everything a painter canexperience. He told stories about painting, about people, about business,about it all. I learned more from hanging out with him those nights that Icould in a week of paint seminars. He writes a great painting book, but heshould do a non-fiction personal adventure book. I’d buy a copy. I lookforward to seeing him in Sturgis and soaking up more of his paintingbusiness wisdom.

Immediately after the bike show, I hopped on a plane and went up toMinnesota to check out Sata’s newest products and spray Createx Auto Airpaint. It was three days of painting all day and partying all night. The hightemp during the day was minus 12. You don’t even want to know what nighttimetemps were. Maybe that’s why those guys party so hard. Craig Kennedy, VicePres of Createx, and I would come rolling in at 2am every night, and Tonyfrom Sata would be there at 8:00 a.m. sharp to pick us up. It was hell, and I wasfinally rescued by the lovely Shari of Souix Falls, SD.

Her boyfriend, Kai,is one of the owners of Twisted Choppers. She spirited me away to SouixFalls where the air is freezing but the bikes are brutal hot. I spent sometime at Twisted Choppers shooting bikes and checking out their twistedcreations. Kai and Jason are two young guns who are fabricating some prettywild stuff. They are miles ahead of the usual chopper stuff you see outthere. I was especially impressed with their tank designs. I know whosemaking the tank on my next bike. All other chopper shops out there, lookout-these guys are unreal talented and their stuff is on the edge. I cameaway from that shop floored by the energy and ideas burning in that place.No wonder Billy Lane picked them to make the tank on his last Discoverybike.


I handled two Twisted Choppers bike shoots in a top secret location with a veryattractive model. The pictures came out great, we had a blast, got allgoofy, did crazy things, and I guess we had a little too much fun, cos wecan’t use some of the pictures. Of course they were some of the best ones. Ashitload more has happened and kept me slammed busy but I’ve yakked onenough here. Big announcements, cool paintwork, and strange adventures. Morenews from the Crazy Horse farm next week.


NEW BIKERNET REPORTER COMING–She is attending Brevard College to become a Journalist.She has been around for a long time.She use to work at the Harley shop in Parts and is a Damn Good Wrench.

If you think you might be interested I will have her submit some stuff for your approval.She’ll cover the Charleston, Heritage Rally this weekend.


mike pullin

THE STEALTH REPORT–I cleaned my garage out this past week. Amazing the stuff you find that you forget you have! I decided to unload a lot of my old bike show trophies. Some were falling apart anyway and needed to be put out of their misery. I looked at the engraved plates on each of them and tried to remember where I was when I got them. Some I remembered, some I didn’t. I decided to trash can all of them. I have five awards I keep in my house that mean a lot to me and I would never part with them. One of them is a 3rd place award from an Easyrider bike show from 1996(1991 Springer Softail), A best of show award from Waugh Enterprises open house bike show in 1999, 204 bikes were entered in that show and it is near my hometown in Va. The award stands 4 feet high! A first place award from an Easyrider bike show in 2000 (my memorial rigid framed, jockey shift, bike in memory of my son Justin), this one always has a special place in my heart and always will. l have the famous five ball award from right here at Bikernet back when there was the cyber space bike show.

This one means a lot too, it comes from my mentor, a guy I respect , Mr. Bandit himself! I usually don’t do bike shows anymore, but every once in awhile I get the itch. While I was in Daytona, this past bike week, my brother Gary and I visited the Convention center and Harley was having their Ride-In Bike Show. I thought about doing the show and at first I didn’t want to, but after a little arm twisting from Gary I decided to enter the show, besides the entry fee goes to MDA. I didn’t give it much thought as to winning an award, but when the winners were announced my name was called for an Honorable Mention , not bad for a bike 13 years old. Old Skeletor did it again!(1991 springer)

box of nails

The beginnings of the Run For Breath “Best Of Show” trophy by Bandit.

While I am on the subject of bike shows, here is some news on the 6th Annual Run For Breath”In Memory Of Justin Pullin” bike show. Two new classes this year, a ladies only class and a V-Rod class.

There are a total of 35 awards! All are being built by bike builders. I am sure most you saw what my buddy Jose came up with, they are too cool! I got a call from Fabricator Kevin this past week and he told he was starting on his three awards. He said they will be delivered at THE HORSE SMOKE-OUT in June. Take the hint Mr. Bandit, delivered at THE SMOKE-OUT! Ladies start polishing those bikes and guys get those V-Rods ready, we listened to what you said last year because there was no V-Rod class, so here is you chance at one these cool one-off awards!

Well, I guess that about does it for this week! It is time to go for a ride!


OPEN LETTER TO ALL BIKERS– I was talking with a friend the other day and he reminded me of something that I had forgotten. He told me that as we grow older and more experienced that we are needed more then ever. Most of you know him as Rogue. I have known Rogue for more then 25 years. In all that time he has been around fighting the good fight while others, (like me) take holidays, retire from their obligations, or just plain hide their heads in the sand from what is going on in the lifestyle we have chosen for ourselves.

I was gently reminded that as we grow older our responsibilities mature rather then diminish. Unless we have left the lifestyle completely we are veterans that have a lot to share and give back to our community. He reminded me that my rights as a biker have been slowly eroding. Or worse yet, that much of the freedoms that I had imagined I would be or have been enjoying for myself these past three decades of riding have been simply illusions.

Many of us join A.B.A.T.E. with our good intentions intact. But lose those intentions when we find that there are more people who join for nothing more then the social aspect of the organization. Or perhaps we lose our respect for the members as we see how others who join– the ones who ride non-American built motorcycles are treated with less respect and tolerance then those with the high end American built motorcycles. Or perhaps we simply feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the work ahead of us and by the party atmosphere that seems to pervade the organization. What has this story to do with us today? The profiling is still going on. The legislations are still being proposed that allow for this kind of inspection, prejudice, and loss of our citizen rights. We still see our friends being slaughtered on our roadways without justice being brought to their families. All this and more simply because we choose to be riders of two wheeled motorized transportation rather then the accepted norm of four wheels or more.

Keep the issues in mind and don?t allow the rhetoric that surrounds it to engulf you. If you can?t devote an hour or more a month to this cause, then find a way that you can contribute more then money to the organization that supports your rights. If you have the time to attend a party sponsored by A.B.A.T.E. then you have the time to volunteer for some thankless job that needs to be done in order to make the party run without a hitch. Ask your committee members what you can do in order to help take some of the pressure off them. You may be asked to help with clean up or be a parking attendant but it is something that you can do and still be there to enjoy the event.

You can write letters that encourage others to take up the fight or that will be read by your state representative body about something that is happening at the state or local level regarding your rights. You can help to educate the public about biker safety issues. There are a myriad of things that you can do to improve your standard of biking and all it takes is imagination and creativity. Don?t have those qualities? Then ask your state and local reps what you can do; they will be able to suggest a number of things that will be of assistance to them.

–Marilyn Elmore Bragg

giganticnancy - conders

THE SILVER BULLET RETURNS– I spent the whole day today drinkin’ hot coffee and workin’ on “Silver Bullet”. Remember the ol’ girl? I still got it and now that I’m all moved in down here I’ve been doin’ this and that to it. Man, the Rats hole show in ’96! JESUS. Nancy was on Mtv recently. She’s the captain of a ROLLER DERBY team in Austin.

— Tim
The Conderosa

Continued On Page 2

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April 8, 2004 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

rfr - couple 1

TEXAS CONNECTION REPORT–Tried to send from home last night but something was amiss. I kept thinking the tank image was blurry but it is the flames that stand out.

flaming skull on tank - rfr

Bike Night at Jack’s Backyard in Austin, Texas was the place to be last Thursday. We broke the 600+ bike mark! Some lucky rider got a check for $600 bucks for pulling in at the right time! They announced his name but Hell by then I had found other interests to occupy my time. I believe they started the cash give away at the 400-bike mark, then again at 500. That was last year before the holidays. So it took a while to make this milestone.

It was like a reunion of sorts last week I ran into folks I hadn’t seen in a while. Saw the lovely Crystal and Sportbike Girl. Tye was MIA this evening.

rfr - trio

Then there are the “Social Butterflies”, Shelly and Randon. Of course I am sure I just misspelled both their names and will be in trouble. Shelly came up to me several times and asked why I did not use her picture didn’t make the home page last time. I explained that I don’t have the power. I just hate to disappoint a beautiful woman! I was fortunate to share their company off & on throughout the entire evening. They flitter through the crowd being Social Ambassadors and having fun.

rfr - couple 2

It’s tough to find a place to park even when you make an early arrival. I believe I saw representatives from all of the clubs; even the police officers that ride were there with their club members. Everyone was having fun.

rfr - women couple

So ladies, if you make Bike Night at Jack’s Backyard just look for the suave, debonair gentlemen taking pictures. If you can’t find him, look for me instead. I can usually be found taking photos of cute girls with a double Jack Daniels close at hand.

rfr - couple 3
It will be interesting to see how this weekly event grows now that the long, cold Texas winter is history!

See Y’all There!
Rigid Frame Richard


1.???? Get people to believe government statistics (not an easy task) by adopting them as our own. Interpret them in our favor.

2.???? Blame alcohol for causing all accidents and deaths no matter what the actual cause, as long as any measurable amount of alcohol is present at the scene.

3.???? Define drunk driver as any passenger, pedestrian, bicyclist and/or driver with an alcohol reading above .00. If two passengers were drinking and the driver was sober, add 2 to the total drunk drivers involved in the accident.

4.???? Add a percentage of sober & ?alcohol unknown? drivers to the total, just for good measure.

5.???? Round all of the phony percentages up: 41% becomes 50%, 16,400 becomes 17,000.

6.???? Stress stories from Mothers with personal tragedies, not our $44 million corporate structure and the Men in charge.

7.???? Refer to accidents as crashes. It sounds more dramatic and implies that they could have all been prevented if drivers did not drink.

8.???? Lobby Congress for money for the NHTSA so they can “grant” more money to us.

9.???? Define the ratio of blood alcohol to breath alcohol as 2100:1 even though the range varies from about 1300:1 to 3500:1

10. Label drunk drivers violent criminals and compare them to murderers and rapists.

11. Begin using the term impaired driver so that even if the driver is not legally drunk, they can still be arrested.

12. Spend over $200 million in 20 years to convince the public that this is a more serious social issue than healthcare, poverty or education.

13. Swap employees with government agencies and research groups who will promote our cause.

14. Solicit money from groups that will benefit from more arrests, like insurance companies.

15. Lump the social drinkers in with the hard-core drunks and threaten them with vague statements like, ?You drink, you drive. You lose.?

16. Support police roadblocks to stop people without probable cause who don?t display any drunk driving characteristics.

17. Convince lawmakers to sentence drunks to mandatory attandance at our Victim Impact Panels and collect over $2 million each year for the effort.

18. ?Pass laws to shred anyone?s drivers license on the spot if they refuse to incriminate themselves by taking the breath test and suspend it for one year even if they are found not guilty of DUI.

19. Pass laws to suspend the drivers license of everyone convicted of DUI, so they can?t earn money to buy alcohol. Impound their car, if we want to.

20. Continue to cite studies that support our cause even if they have been discredited by other studies that we also cite.

21. Continue to push for lower legal alcohol limits so more people qualify for arrest and deny that we are actually for virtual Prohibition.

22. Never show any sympathy or concern for the suicides, ruined careers and failed marriages of thousands of people arrested for DUI?even those who caused no accident, injury or death. After all they are still violent criminals.

23. Never worry about awkward Constitutional issues like probable cause, self-incrimination, right to counsel, cruel & unusual punishment, trial by jury and illegal search.

24. Spoon feed the press distorted and exaggerated information knowing that they?ll never check its veracity.

All information is from MADD, NHTSA (National Highway Transportation Safety Administration) web sites and the American Institute of Philanthropy.

–from Rogue

FRENCH IS BEST– Three men; an Italian, a Spanish and a French go for a job interview in England.

Before the interview, they were told that they must compose a few sentences in English with three main words: green, pink and yellow.

The Italian was first: “I wake up in the morning. I see the yellow sun. I see the green grass and I think to myself, I hope it will be a pink day.”

The Spanish was next: “I wake up in the morning; I eat a yellow banana, a green avocado and in the evening I watch the pink panther on TV.”

Last was the French: “I wake up in ze morning, I hear ze phone “green…green…”, I pink up ze phone and say “Yellow?”

ANNUAL NCOM CONVENTION–“Winds of Change” will be the theme of the 19th annual NCOM Convention, being held May 6-8, 2004 at the Biltmore Hotel in Oklahoma City, located at 401 S. Meridian, and hosted by ABATE of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Confederation of Clubs. For room reservations call (800) 522-6620, and mention NCOM for a special room rate of $64.00 single/double. Convention fees are $75 per person, including the Silver Spoke Awards Banquet, or $40 for Convention only. Pre-registration is recommended.

For further information, call NCOM at (800) 525-5355, or log-on to our website at

If you have any inclination of being more involved in the legislative side of motorcycling attend one of these conferences. You’ll discover a vast knowledge base and the active heart behind our industry. Incredible.–Bandit

pro one rigid frame

PRO-BUILDER RIGID–Check out this slick new build-to-order chassis from PRO-ONE. Designated the PRO-BUILDER RIGID, it incorporates a number of unique design features including the optional single downtube, pointed motor mount and rear axle housings shown here. Designed specifically to accommodate EVO and TC88 engines with strokes up to 4 inches, the PRO-BUILDER can be used with left or right hand drive units, accepts 180/200 and 250 tires and features CNC machined steel tabs and brackets throughout.

Recognizing the importance of personalized machinery, PRO-ONE will provide the frames with backbone stretch, rake and styling changes to meet individual requirements. For complete details call 800-884-4173 or check out the full PRO-ONE line at

crystal - rfr

THAT’S IT-LET’S RIDE–I hope the sun’s out in your area. It’s gloomy and gray here. Whatta downer. I need some warmth. I’m working on bikes this afternoon, need to warm up the shop.

We’re rockin’ with new gates being installed, new lights for the shop and I may pop for a tubing bender so we can bend pipes. Look out we may finish the Shrunken FXR in the next week.


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April 8, 2004 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

ALL NEW BANDIT RADIOS–I got a new car radio yesterday and it is terrific.If I say “Rock” it plays rock and roll.If I say “Rap” it plays rap.If I say “Love” it plays love songs.

Three kids ran out in front of the car,and I said”Fucking kids!”

And it played Michael Jackson.

–from Rev CarlR

ROCKER DAVIE ALLEN FEATURED ON THE SOPRANOS–This is too cool!This weeks episode of “The Sopranos” (“Sentimental Education”) Sunday night at 9:00 on HBO has a bit of our “The Loud, The Loose And The Savage” (from the “Restless In L.A.” CD) in one of the scenes.

Thanks to Little Steven and “Sundazed” for setting that up!

–Davie Allen

left rear 300 tire - scott

side view 300 tire - scott

MIRACLE, 300 ON A V-MAX–I have just finished installing the new Avon 300mm tire. As far as I know it is one of the first (maybe only) shaft drive bike with this monster tire on it. It handles like a dream and looks even better!

Yes, it is close, but the rear end travel is not huge so it is not aproblem. Have you seen any other rolling 300’s yet? Your site seems to beon the lead edge of new products being released. With as many bikes as yousee, any suggestions?

“Scott Erhardt”

Avon Banner

URBAN WARFARE IN BAGHDAD– Feeling unsafe driving a car in occupied Iraq?Then try one of 1,497 Russian 650cc Ural motorcycles on sale now and easily adapted for urban warfare at the local welder for a little extra cost.

The once-feared Saddam Fedayeen militia and the Jerusalem Army paramilitary force ordered the Urals just before the U.S. invasion of Iraq as part of a defensive strategy that relied on high mobility but was scarcely implemented.

By the time they arrived, say officials at the state-owned General Vehicle Company, Saddam had been overthrown and the rugged combination motorcycles with sidecars had to be sold off.

“I reckon we’ll see demand from Sadr city,” said a salesman, referring to a Shi’ite Muslim Baghdad slum area where U.S. troops have fought deadly clashes with Iraqis.

–“Magraw, David”

Super WideAss - swingarm

WIDE-ASS SWINGARM CONVERSIONS–PRO-ONE is now offering a wide selection of WIDE-ASS SWINGARM conversions to meet just about any application. Imported from ZODIAC in Europe these kits are complete from their ultra strong swingarms to the extended shafts, primary spacers, axle assemblies, gaskets, mounting hardware and more.

Shown here, the SUPER WIDE-ASS conversion for ’91-’99 Softail models accepts 230/250mm rubber. Kits are currently available for Softail, Twin Cam Softail and Dyna machines. For complete details call 8090-884-4173 or go to


FLORIDA STATE ATTORNEY HIT WITH WEAPONS FINE– DAYTONA BEACH — State Attorney John Tanner has paid a $2,500 fine for trying to board a flight at Daytona Beach International Airport with firearms and ammunition, just days before the second anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, federal officials said Wednesday.<_P>Tanner and his wife, Marsha, were detained briefly Sept. 9, 2003, when inspectors discovered firearms in the couple’s checked baggage and knives and ammunition in Marsha Tanner’s carry-on bag.

Lauren Stover, spokeswoman for the southeastern division of the Miami-based Transportation Security Administration, said Tanner was “the utmost professional about the incident and regretted it happening in the first place.”

But she said the fine — the stiffest in the southeast region since the TSA took over responsibility for airport screeners under the Homeland Security Act after the terrorist attacks — shows how serious the federal government is about safety at the nation’s airports.

–By HENRY FREDERICKLegal Affairs Writer,– News Researcher Karen Duffy contributed to this report.

–from Rogue

smoke out logo

BREATHALYZER LAWSUIT– Lisa Bufton recently won a DUI case in Atlanta, Georgia by using gendre bias of the Intoxilator 5000 as her defense. In cooperation with R.I.D.L., Lisa’s attorney is in the process of developing a lawsuit against the manufacturers of breathalyzer equipment for being gendre biased and consistently giving higher readings for women than for men. If you are a woman who has been arrested and/or convicted of a DUI and would like to participate in this class action suit, please send email to:

Please include your name, address and phone number. Someone will contact you with further information.


big bear poster

GUN CONTROL LESSON– Whether you agree or not, it’s an interesting lesson in history and something to think about:

In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million ‘educated’ people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.

SPECIAL UNION SALE–Save $16.00 on a pair of jeans and a denim shirt. We need to sell some of the USA/Union Made denim stock as we move into thespring and warmer months. We are offering a combination deal of 1 pair ofjeans plus 1 denim shirt for a total of $39.95 + S&H. You won’t find aUSA/Union Made group of products of this quality for a better price. Thespecial is good through April 21st. You must order through the Union Jeanand Apparel Co. shopping cart. In May we will be rolling out new USA/Union made products and we will needsome inventory room. We will let you know about the products and price atthat time. Please use this opportunity to try our jeans and a denim shirtsor just get another pair while you can save $16.00.

Union Jean and Apparel Co.

jose - assasin

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–I can?t believe how many people were fooled by last weeks news; even at The Horse back talk there were some guys that swore that the magazine had been sold. Please don’t start false rumors, all that I said last week were jokes made up by me, specially for you and April Fool’s day. So enough of that! Please…..

As you might or might not know our friend Sheriff from Sweden is here in PR paying us a visit. I guess he’s getting an intense overdose of who we are and what we do. It will be as interesting to me as it will be to you to find out what his views on our home will be. I’ll make sure that he does a report after leaving here or even from my own command post in the sunny shores of San Juan.

Yes we are still working on the bikes we have to finish and getting the never-ending story of the fucking shop finished. We also have a plan on showing Sheriff, or “El Sheriff” as we call him here, so he can see as much of the island as possible and maybe even a baseball game or two. It’s raining right now, typical of our Easter week end, but that also means that waves are picking up (cold front from the US) so we might ditch all efforts and head over to the surf spots, yeap, it’s good to have our priorities in order.But let’s hear Sheriff’s brief experience…..

jose - sherrif kokko

“Arriving 1AM Tuesday morning, after 20 hours of traveling reason for a slow starter. I was picked up at the airport by Jari from Finland who just bought parts from in Sweden , the Biker world is small. After an afternoon in old city of San Juan I noticed that Puerto Rico is more Spain then USA in some cases. Enuff with the tourist stuff so a call to Jose and soon. I was picked up for a VIP tour of his new huge shop-factory, definite another view of life in the Caribbean. Nice to meet his family again, a couple of years since the yearly rendezvous in Deadwood. Today beach bum for an 8 hour shift with the Latin girls- they are for real and out there in the white sands. Good Friday here means Expos vs Mets might be there baseball fans, Canadians and Swedes in Puerto Rico life in the fast lane. ”

Today is one crazy day. My friends from the tattoo shop were there doing an sculpture for a microphone stand. They were trying to get some work done but since the Holidays start everyone is hanging out at the shop. Since today it’s a long week end for everyone, it was funny that at a certain point there was 15 or more people at the shop and me and sheriff just sat down and talked while watching the mayhem. Like I said above, just another day in the tropics.

jose - group of guys

One thing I find very interesting and I have tried to get it out there, and I mean here in Bikernet and The Horse, is the multiple places on the World that are united by the motorcycle lifestyle. I find totally interesting that there’s people all over the planet doing what we all love to do, and they all have a certain style that comes with the territory. For example, this year Japan is on my list of to do things and I’m trying to find as much as possible about it. Cool that Sheriff was there 2 years ago and he?s sort of letting me know what to expect and how to get around. On the other side of the coin he’s getting to know our style and what we do (like I said above) and even our friend Jari from Finland , who is here for work has added some more to the “stew”. Sure when we think about choppers the first thing to come to mind is the US, but there’s such a big world out there, one day I really hope to reach everyone and be able to share it with people here.

On the same note, by next week I will have some bikes finally done, so wait for the photos, and now we have a bunch more to start or finish. The big events are starting to roll down on us, as the ice melts in the North, the people come out to play, it promises to be a fun year.

jose trophy close

My Run For Breath Trophies

With that I must get the hell out of here, it’s time to get back to work, or maybe take our guest to the local strip joints, priorities once more. What the hell, it’s as good of an excuse as any…..


Jose Caribbean Bikernet report….

aeromach mirror

AEROMACH – Flame Mirror on Flame Arm– Radical! The flame mirror measures 2.5? high by 7? long mirror. The new Flame Arm is 3.5? high by 7? long. Both are CNC machined from T6 extruded aluminum and show chromed. Your flame paint theme just went to the next level!
This is one sick design that is sure to set your ride apart!
The Flame Arm is available for Harley, American Customs, Buell and Victory.

Aeromach Manufacturing
11423-A Woodside Ave
Santee, CA 92071
800 990 9392
619 258 8443

Continued On Page 3

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April 8, 2004 Part 1


rfr - sb lead
Photo by RFR

The world’s upside down. Hang on for the next move. We’ve already been surrounded by hazardous waste and midnight police chases. Tomorrow we’re going to shoot the 1928 Shovelhead for an American Iron bike feature and Layla’s Sportster for an American Rider tech. We’re trying to keep up with deadlines while patching drywall and replacing the floursecent shop light.

harry bridges cleanup

Let’s hit the news:

vengence motorcycle

VENGEANCE MOTORCYCLES BUILDS MORE MOMENTUM– MIRA LOMA, CA ? Vengeance Motorcycles stole the custom bike spotlight with its powerful presence at Bike Week 2004 in Daytona Beach, Florida. Vengeance models like the award-winning Vindicator and new Black Widow turned heads and attracted new buyers, and Vengeance Xtreme Choppers shook the pavement and drew crowds at every street corner.

From the beach to the speedway, riders were blown away by the incredible styling and wicked V-twin power of the 2004 Vengeance lineup. Beach Street traffic was drawn to the 2004 Vengeance models on display at the colossal new Nemesis transporter.

Riders can see the Nemesis and the Vengeance lineup throughout 2004 at major motorcycle rallies such as the Laughlin (NV) River Run, April 21-25; Myrtle Beach (SC) Bike Week, May 7-16; Laconia (NH) Bike Week, June 11-20; the Sturgis (SD) Rally, Aug 6-13, and more. For a complete list of events as well as product information and Vengeance news, visit


PERFORMANCE MACHINE El Dorado and Roulette Wheels–Fresh from an extended stay in his secret underground lair, PM’s in-house designer has once again upped the wheel design ante. First off the drawing board is the multi faceted Roulette. Each of the ten sinuously hexagon styled spokes emerge from the hub and split, creating twenty magnificently curving talons that blend perfectly back into the rim. The PM El Dorado takes a completely different approach and allows the hub to fan out in a shocking display of machined aluminum detail. From there the fourteen spokes writhe towards the rim and are accented by PM’s unique speed dots. Already in production, the El Dorado and Roulette are available through your local PM dealer in both Chrome and polished finish.

For more information, call or write to:
Performance Machine, Inc.
6892 Marlin Circle,
La Palma, CA 90623
http://www.performancemachine.comPerformance Machine, Inc.6892 Marlin Circle,La Palma, CA 90623714-523-3000

meanest with hat

No, that’s not a sticker, but the same logo on a ballcap on the lovely Meanest from Charlotte H-D.

FREE BIKERNET STICKERS–Just send us a self-addressed-stamped-envelop and we’ll send you stickers. If you want a massive sticker, make it an 8 by 10 envelope. Send your envelop to Bikernet, 200 N. Broad Avenue, Wilmington, CA 90744.

mike pullin

BIKERNET STEALTH INVESTIGATOR REPORTS–A couple of weekends ago(March 27+28) I set up our spot at the annual Concerned Bikers Association’s swap meet. I always look forward to working at these swap meets. The CBA holds two swap meets each year, one in March and one in November.

One of the things I like best about working at the swap meet, is seeing old friends and sharing old and new stories. The atmoshere is a lot more relaxed there than at work. Most of the people who attend the swap meets are old time riders, not a lot of newbies. They are not afraid to get there hands dirty digging through piles of parts to find what they need. The swap meet is how we all used to build our bikes. Searching for the right part, or finding something unique, something that would really make your bike stand out. It is good to see that some of us still do it that way.

I noticed is that everyone and his brother are building choppers and are opening up “Chopper Shops”. I guess this is due to the Discovery channel and their bike build-off shows and let’s not forget American Chopper and the OCC crew. A lot of them have dream of being the next Jesse James or Billy Lane and maybe one of them will make it? It never hurts to dream. I guess in a way this dillutes building choppers but in another way it is good to see all the interest in choppers and I guess that is good for everyone in the industry. Some of the bikes people are calling choppers are not really choppers, they are kit bikes, but they can believe what they like and in a way this helps the industry too.

A lot of people asked about the 6th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin” at the swap meet. The run for the American Lung Association is coming together, but for whatever reason it has been slow going this year, but come July 25th we will be ready. The handmade awards are starting to come in and as soon as I get some of them I will send some pictures in of them. For more information I can be reached and Charlotte H-D for vendor or bikeshow sign-ups. This is the only show on the planet to award trophies made by professional bike builders from around the country. Each award is one of a kind.

I guess that is about it for this week, the weather is getting better and the temps are warmer and bikes are on the road! Hallelujah!


NEW BIKE SITE– We’ve gotten a lot a feedback lately in response to our E-mails and manycompanies want to know what is all about. Cyclestar is a website designed to provide a variety of information to the motorcyclecommunity including parts & accessories, news providers, magazines,dealerships, individual classified listings, event schedules, ticket info,manufactures, etc. We do not specialize in E-commerce, the actual sale ofproducts, but rather we would like to make your companies information andimages of the various products you sell readily available to enthusiasts. Weunderstand there is always a need to promote your new items to themarketplace as well. check us out on the webat

–Steve Wheat

cartoon - king

NEW CARTOONS ON BIKERNET–winning cartoonist Jerry King is one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world today.

His work has appeared in thousands of greeting cards, magazines, Web sites, books, newspapers, newsletters and children’s books. His client list includes Disney, American Greetings, The United States Golf Assoc., and many others.

Jerry’s magazine credits include Better Homes and Gardens, Golf Digest, Playboy, The Saturday Evening Post, National Enquirer, Woman’s World and hundreds of others world wide. The credit list goes on and we’re looking forward to working with him. After serving three years in the army as a medic, Jerry, 38, went on to graduate from The Ohio State University with a BA in English. He now resides in N. Canton, Ohio with his wife Annie and daughter Giana and 2 dogs, Baci and Bella. When he’s not at the drawing board, Jerry is probably on a golf course losing.

Jerry’s cartoons are available for Web sites, magazines, presentations, newsletters or as gifts. Contact him if you would like to discuss buying his work and prices. No company is too small:

grey bike from ER - Garry

THE SEARCH FOR HIGHWAYMAN’S MYSTERY SLED–I wanted to reply to Hiwayman’s Mystery Bike in Your Shot:

Don’t know about the Shovel you’re talking about in Your Shot, but it mademe think of this bike I saw at DelMar, Va bike week in Ocean City, MD, lastfall. Talk about minimalist…this bike scared the women and children offthe streets. There’s nothing there that doesn’t help make it go fast.Hell, it doesn’t even have paint except for the forks and rims – everythingelse is spray on truck bed liner. I hope the owner doesn’t mind me sharingthe picture, but his bike was a real standout in a sea of “new age” choppersthat all start to look alike after a while.

Huntsville, AL

mystery sled 1

mystery sled 2


Thanks much.

This bike was owned by ER staff photog Sandy Roca.–Frank Kaisler

Continued On Page 2

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April 1, 2004 part 1


cutie - rogue

We’re early since I’m riding with the American Rider crew to Arizona Bike Week today. Watch this magazine as it transforms into a solid book about American Riders and their efforts to have a blast or rock the world.

american rider

I’m fuckin’ confused. Bikernet is growing like crazy and the daily deadlines are getting to me. The move busted my ass and the women around here are about to drive me off my highbars. I fell behind on mag deadlines and the new phone lines were ringing off the hook, when Mark Lonsdale called. He’s in Afghan hunting Bin Laden. He ordered me to fly to Afghanistan so that I could help in the search. My first thought was, he?s outta his fuckin? mind. But he reminded me of how he made it possible for me to go to base camp of Mount Everest, one of the highlights of my life. And how he saved me from drowning while we were kayaking in the Bermuda Triangle. I was beholding, so after I return from Arizona, I?m off the Middle East. I better get to the news?

BLONDE AUTO REPAIR– A blonde pushes her car into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died. After he works on it for a few minutes, it is idling smoothly.

She says, “What’s the story?”

He replies, “Just crap in the carburetor.”

She asks, “How often do I have to do that?”

–from Chris T.

fab kevin 1 irish rich

fab kevin 2 irish rich

IRISH RICH ON FAB KEVIN– I thought I’d send you some pics of the adapter brackets Fabricator Kevin http:// made for my new TC88 A engine-powered CFL I’m building.

The front one is for a Gixx’r 6 piston Tokico, to mate with the FLT lower sliders. The second is for a rt/ft VFR 4 piston Nissin, to tuck in between the rear frame rails, to mate with the softail-style brake mount. Very kool work.

I’ll send more pictures of the build as it goes along, but not too many. There’s going to be a lot of one-off stuff on this bike.

As Always, Irish Rich
Visit our website:http://

shamrock banner

STEALTH DAYTONA EPIC–I pulled into Daytona Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.m. I met my brother Gary at where we were staying and got checked in. It was his first trip to Daytona bike week. Before delving into my assignment handed down by the big guy, Bandit, I would like to touch on a few highlights of the week. I hope you don’t mind me taking the liberty.

Tuesday night we headed to Main Street, and the first thing I did was look up my cousin, Jose. We talked for awhile and discussed the awards for the 6th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin.” Jose talked about doing something with leather for the awards. They should be interesting. Jose introduced me to Fabricator Kevin. Kevin is one of those people who after talking to him for ten minutes, I felt I had known for a long time. Kevin asked me if I was the guy who put on the Run for Breath. I told him I was the one and he volunteered to make a couple of awards for the bike show and to deliver them at this year’s Smoke-Out. Thanks Kevin and thanks for the deal on the necklace for “THE MEANEST!” In keeping with her nickname, it’s a small replica of a set of brass knuckles! It matches the set she keeps in her boot!

fab kevin bike - rogue
Photo by Rogue

Kevin is one of the nicest people you will ever meet and as far as being a biker, he is the real deal! Across from Jose and Kevin was Indian Larry and his crew. Indian Larry is an old school guy and I really get into his bikes. He is very friendly to the public with autographs and such. In contrast to this right around the corner OCC had their booth set up with a big sign plastered on the front that read “NO AUTOGRAPHS!” I guess they are too big for the everyday people who watch their Discovery show!

Now onto my assignment, which was to cover the Harley-Davidson events and the H-D side of Daytona. Harley held it’s ride-in bike show at the Ocean Center on Wednesday. My brother Gary and I showed up there that morning. H-D of Charlotte had an entry in the show, an ’04 Deuce. I went to the show just to see how the bike would fare, since it was the first bike I had a hand in doing since the appointment of my new job as design consultant. While we were there my arm was twisted to enter my bike, a 1991 high bar springer softail, better known as Skeletor. I entered the bike since I was going to be there most of the day covering what was going on inside and outside of the Ocean Center. H-D uses this show to highlight their parts and accessories. They even give away $500 in each class for the best use of their P&A product. All the entry fees for the bike show go to MDA.

chopper inc people - rogue
Photo by Rogue

Once inside the Ocean Center, all of the new product offerings from the Motor Company were on display. There was a V-Rod on display built by Wyatt Fuller that was very futuristic, whether you are a V-Rod fan or not. Judging from the bike show entries V-Rods are catching on. The big deal is H-D’s six speed trannys. You can buy the complete assembly or you can buy the gear sets for your case. The paint sets from the H-D color shop keep getting better also, incorporating more flames and skulls. Yeah I know it took them awhile but they finally caught onto the skull thing! The H-D traveling museum was on hand as well and had some great bikes inside like a ’47 Knuckle with 8 miles showing on the speedo! Also on display was the Sreamin’ Eagle and Vance & Hines V-rod drag bike. It is an awesome looking machine.

Now back to the bike show. It was time for the awards to be handed out and the H-D of Charlotte Deuce took runner up in it’s class and the “Best Use of Genuine P&A Product” and even old Skeletor got into the act with a Honorable Mention award! This turned out to be a great day for us at H-D of Charlotte. Harley-Davidson put on a great show and it was highlighted by none other than Willie G. and his son Bill presenting the awards.

jose booth - rogue

Photo by Rogue

Wednesday night I sat on my bike down on Main Street and felt a tap on my back and turned and there was a tv camera crew wanting to ask me a few questions and I obliged them since I have never been camera shy!

Thursday morning rolled around and we headed out to the Last Resort Bar and Grill. I had heard stories of the Johnny Law handing out tickets for high bars. As we pulled past the Last Resort, the blue lights came on behind me. The cop said my bars were too high and began to write my ticket for $44. As long as you stayed in the Daytona city limits you were fine, but venture out on Route 1 to the Last Resort or to Iron Horse and the Port Orange and the Ormond Beach boys were waiting for you. I talked to a couple of guys with Florida plates with high bars and asked them about the law and they said “The only time we have a problem is during Daytona Bike Week, the rest of the year they leave us alone.” So I guess the police look at it this way, “You gotta make hay when the sun shines” and in this case the hay was real green!

Saturday morning rolled around and my brother Gary and I took one last ride down to Main Street, and across Beach Street and headed back and began packing for the trip home. We headed back that afternoon. The weather was beautiful all week, temps between 75 and 80 degrees and nothing but sunshine, no rain at all! I had a great time even with the ticket. I am already planning next year’s trip to Bike Week!

It’s time to ride!

bike1 bob t

SCREAMIN’ BLUE MESSIAH–Hey Keith, don’t know if you remember me, we worked together at E.R. coupla yrs back,just finishing up the rebuild on my ’86 FXR. Thought I’d send you a few pics. That’s blue powdercoat with a silver metal flake basecoat. this thing glows in the sunlight!

bike 2 bob t

Engine Specs: 80c.i. 1340 cc 100+ H.P. 98+ lbs torque
Engine built by the late Bruce Malm, Head Mechanic at
Victorville Harley-Davidson in Victorville California
Screamin Eagle Dominator kit: Supplied by Easyriders Magazine and Paisano Publications, Thanks to OZ and Bandit
H-D Dominator Heads
10MM plug wires
Roller Rockers and High performance springs ect.
Screamin Eagle 57 Cam kit
10.5.1 Alum. Pistons
Screamin eagle selectable curve race ignition module
H-D High performance quick install adjustable pushrods
Transmission is stock 5 speed H-D with a Hayden M6 primary chain adjuster
Jagg oil cooler
H-D Triple trees
H-D .35 mm front forks
17 by 9″ Billit Alum. rear wheel
Avon 190 rear tire, font tire
Front wheel is stock H.D. 19″
Performance Machine sprocket and rear brake rotor
Frame and wheels are blue candy coat powder with silver metal flake base coat,
Custom mixed and sprayed by Oscar Jordan at Advanced
Powercoating of Baton Rouge, Louisiana 225-273-9797
Brakes are stock H-D with black powercoat finish
Rear swingarm is made in Holland by JMC, From The WEERD Bros. from Pheonix Arizona
Rear shocks are by Progressive Suspinsion
Chromed rear fender is from some old horse trailer
Seat (was) a Lepera re-built by Weasel Thad and Weasel Ritchie Terabeli
Gas tank is stock H-D with modifications by Weasel Thad
Exhaust is an LSR by RB Racing (This pipe added 11 HP! at the rear wheel)
Dynoed by Rob at Canyon Cycle in Agoura Hills CA

–Weasel Thad Cranford

CARLISLE SUMMER BIKER FEST–This year’s Carlisle Summer Bike Fest features famous customizers includingthe Teutuls from Discovery Channel’s “American Chopper.” There will also bejudged bike competitions, test rides, hundreds of vendors selling all sortsof accessories and apparel, and much more.

MADE IN… Joe Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN) for 6:00 a.m. While his coffeepot (MADE IN CHINA) was perking. He shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG). He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA). After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA), he sat down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO) to see how much he could spend today. After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA) he got in his car (MADE IN GERMANY) and continued his search for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.

At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day, Joe decided to relax for a while. He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL) poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE) and turned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA), and then wondered why he can’t find a good paying job in…..AMERICA…..

–from Bob T.

dave mann

DAVID MANN BENEFIT RUN–We have written several articles about renown motorcycle artist, Dave Mann since Wide Open began. From his life story to what it is like to inspire one of his paintings. Other magazines have also covered Dave and his colorful life over the years.

Dave doesn’t live in a big house on the hill. He and his wife, Jacquie, moved back to Kansas City a few years ago to enjoy a slower and easier life. Unfortunately medical issues have been a major cause of slowing down Dave. Staggering medical bills and a mortgage have put a damper on his golden years. Now it is time to take things a step further. It’s time to help Dave live his golden years with ease.

Who better to lead this effort than the one and only Ralph Roades, publisher of Wide Open and the many friends of Dave Mann?

“Dave has been a friend of mine for many years. I consider him the Godfather of the motorcycle lifestyle. It was time to try to give back to him for everything he has given us,” Ralph says.

So Ralph began planning the July 17th benefit for Dave Mann at the Kansas City International Raceway. Basically Ralph picked up a paint brush and began “whitewashing the fence” like the Mark Twain story.

At this time the entertainment for the David Mann benefit will be Bad Company former lead singer Brian Howe and his band, a KISS tribute band, a ZZ Top tribute band, Bob Harvey, Rukus, Levee Town, Blue 88, Sugar Bush and Nervous Rex. They will be playing all of your favorites. Ralph has also booked the King Harley Race and World League Wrestling, fireworks, field events, bikini contest and plenty of food and drink. The bike show will be judged by all out of town judges. So there will be no local influences in the judge’s decisions. It will be strictly on the quality of the bike.

There will also be some great stunt riding from Midwest Stunters. This talented group includes Jeff Schneider from Motorcycle Works in Olathe, Kansas. They really know how to ride!

If you can’t make the event on July 17th but still want to contribute to Dave, you can send a $50 or more donation and you will receive an official Dave Mann benefit shirt. Whatever you can send will be appreciated by Dave and Jacquie Mann. Checks should be made payable to Dave Mann and sent to Rt 1, Box 328A, Edwards, Missouri 65326.

So if you are an old friend of Dave’s, a new rider who loves his work or just someone who wants to help out a good cause come out on July 17th for the fun and party. This is a monumental day for Wide Open and Dave Mann. Don’t miss the excitement! For more information visit

for hard ass people - rogue

BIKERNET PARENTAL ADVICE–A three year old boy in his bath examined his testicles andasked, “Mommy, are these my brains?”

Mom answered, “Not yet, honey.”

–from Bob T.

BIKERNET LOVERS ADVICE– A cop was patrolling late one night in a well-known spot called, “Lovers’ Lane.” He sees a couple in a car, with the interior light brightly glowing.

The cop carefully approaches the car to get a closer look. Then he sees a young man behind the wheel, reading a computer magazine. He immediately notices a young woman in the rear seat, knitting.

Puzzled by this surprising situation, the cop walks to the car and gently raps on the driver’s window.

The young man lowers his window … Uh, yes, officer?

What are you doing?

Well, isn’t it obvious? I’m reading a magazine, sir …”

Pointing towards the young woman in the back seat, the cop says: “And her, what is she doing?”

The young man shrugs: “Sir, I believe she’s knitting a pullover sweater.”

Now, the cop is totally confused. A young couple. alone, in a car, at night … in a lovers’ lane . and nothing obscene is happening!

“What’s your age, young man?”

“I’m 25, sir…”

“And her … what’s her age?”

The young man looks at his watch and replies: “She’ll be 18 in 20 minutes

–from Dave Florence

la calendar

LA CALENDAR BIKE SHOW– and Performance Machine present the 2004Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend July 17-18th 2004Iron Works Charity Ride, Jardine Performance West Coast Dyno Shootout,America’s Top Builders, Live Blues and Rock Concert Festivals, Purrfect Angelz and Las Vegas Extremes featured There’s an incredible lineup of activities including the Jardine Performance West Coast Horsepower Dyno Shootout – now an exclusive permanent feature attraction at the Show, new bike demo rides from select motorcycle manufacturers, and complimentary admission to the Queen Mary historic ocean liner (Normally a separate $26 charge to tourists, Queen Mary admission is included free to Bike Show spectators with their low $20 admission to the Bike Show). The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show again supports an important charity, the Iron Works magazine Readers Ride to benefit Olive Crest Children’s Shelters (the biggest shelter for orphans, abused children and families in Southern California), as its ride-to destination. Saturday morning the 17th riders will start at the Olive Crest Children’s Home in Santa Ana, CA, from where they will then ride to the Calendar Bike Show in Long Beach, just 25 miles away and receive VIP parking, a complimentary lunch and weekend admission for their charity donation.

Each year’s Show features exciting live on-stage entertainment. This year will there will be different musical themes each day. Saturday the 17th will feature an all day Mini Blues Festival headlined by 2000 lbs of Blues, one of Los Angeles’ most popular blues bands, together with a number of special guests. On Sunday the 18th the Show will shift to a Classic Rock ‘n’ Roll Festival with the hugely popular Unauthorized Rolling Stones out of San Francisco, together with the Janis Joplin style rock/blues vocals of the beautiful Boudeeka. Also featured both days will be the beautiful Purrfect Angelz with their sigglin’ on-stage performances both days, and the Las Vegas Extremes sportbike stunt riding team of heart throb Pauly Sherer and sexy Jolleen “JoJo” Farmer with their wild tire smookin’ antics

Spectators and Exhibitors can find out more about The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show, the Bike Contest and all the available weekend activities online athttp:// .

Walter riding the machine.

TIM CONDOR TOOL BIKE FOR SALE–Okay, Walter is selling Conder’s Monster Garage “TOOL BIKE” on Ebay to finance another project. He’s put roughly 2000 miles on it and it’s been shown all over the northwest. It’s a brand new bike and is listed under “Custom built motorcycles.” So back ol’ Walter up, ’cause Tim’s gonna build him some crazy assed 100-inch flathead with no brakes…….

Walter (360) 531-2207, Conder (206) 356-0891

The Conderosa

BIKERNET SPONSOR ROADHOUSE SHOWS–Check http:// . The tour dates are included on the site except Myrtle Beach has changed to May 12 – 16 located as noted but reference it as “just south of MB Harley-Davidson”.

Our goal is to build the Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse up as an exciting platform for the builders & sponsors, one of the “must-stops” at the rallies because I promise it WILL be one of the coolest locales with it’s design, the Hard Rock gals, the Hard Rock twins, entertainment, Hard Rock bar, etc. Also and above all is the chance for anyone to WIN one of the Hard Rock bikes! Drawing will be at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino during the Fort Lauderdale Sun Run – Dec 2-5.

Happy to have you on board! Feel free to share any ideas as we hope to make this a win-win-win for everyone involved!!


smoke out logo

THE POWER OF THE HUMAN MIND–The pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch codnutcedat Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrodare tpyed, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be inthe rghit oedrer. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed itwouthit porbelm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter byistlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Amzanig huh?

–from Gene Koch
Drag Specialties

FLEEING FELONY BILL–Ten years have passed since a man fleeing police hit Gayle Bouie’s car and killed her young daughter.

Alicyn Bouie would have been 22 this year. She might have been finishing college. Maybe she’d be married. The thought of what might have been still haunts Gayle and her husband, Al, a former principal at DeLand High School.

The House on Monday unanimously passed the bill (HB 295), which would make fleeing and eluding a felony charge instead of a misdemeanor and carry a mandatory minimum prison sentence of three years if another person dies or is injured. It would also allow police to confiscate drivers’ vehicles and suspend their licenses for one to five years — up from the current one year.

A similar Senate bill (SB 1322), sponsored by Sen. Evelyn Lynn, R-Ormond Beach, is still being heard in committees.


This bill covers one side of the story, although I do feel sympathy for the family’s who lost people. The bill Fails To Address why Police Departments around Florida Do Not Pursue or call off chases of speeding vehicles unless it is for a Serious Felony.

Often more Innocent People are Injured or Killed by The Chase. Also the amount of wrecked cop cars and personal property damage is astronomical proportions. The question is: was the chase justified? Many Police Officers LIKE High Speed Chases.

The fact that Police will confiscate vehicles is scary. Exactly what would constitute Fleeing and Eluding? Could it include not pulling over immediately, since you were looking for a safe place to park?

The Bill should include a section ON UNDER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES A POLICE AGENCY COULD INSTITUTE A CHASE and when they should resort to other methods or call it off.

— Rogue

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