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July 20, 2008


Author Bill Bish.

THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at

Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

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INTEREST IN MOTORCYCLES SOARS WITH FUEL PRICESMotorcycle and scooter sales across the nation are booming as drivers look for ways to trim the cost of soaring gas prices, but the rush of inexperienced riders hitting the road has had deadly consequences.

NADA Guides, which publishes a well known book of used vehicle prices, reported that the number of people researching motorcycle purchases has increased nearly 50% over last year.

Scooter sales jumped 24 percent nationwide in the year’s first quarter, according to the Motorcycle Industry Council. While new motorcycle sales were lagging on the whole, those with smaller engines that get better gas mileage saw an upturn, according to MIC spokesman Mike Mount, adding that used motorcycle sales also are climbing.

The small fuel-efficient vehicles are easy on the mileage and the pocketbook, which has made them wildly popular with gasoline prices surpassing $4 a gallon. Depending on engine size, motorcycles can get between 40 and 60 miles per gallon of gas. Scooters, which tend to be smaller and easier to drive, can reach 100 miles per gallon or more. That’s attracting newbies, dealers say, with many new buyers citing the price at the pump as their primary motivation for turning to two-wheel transportation.

According to a recent report by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), motorcycle sales have tripled from 1997 to 2006, from 356,000 to almost 1.1 million, while motorcycle fatalities more than doubled from 2,110 in 1997 to 4,810 in 2006.

Last year, the GHSA asked state highway safety agencies to complete a survey on motorcycle safety activities designed to curb the annual increase in motorcycle crashes.

The surveys revealed “a patchwork of helmet laws,? with only nine states and Puerto Rico indicating special efforts to help law enforcement identify helmets that don?t meet federal safety standards. Rider training courses have been overly strained due to the influx of new=2 0motorcyclists and, as a result, 29 states “indicated they have capacity problems with delays ranging from one day to 12 weeks for training classes. Only three states, Florida, Maine, and Rhode Island require rider education for all riders, regardless of age,” according to the association. The report also says many motorcyclists drive without valid licenses: In 2006, 25 percent of operators in fatal motorcycle crashes did not have a valid motorcycle license, compared to 13 percent of drivers of passenger vehicles.


GEORGIA TURNS SPEEDERS INTO FUEL PUMPS It?s a ridiculous concept, reports the National Motorists Association (NMA), but somehow it seemed inevitable. Check out this st ory from USA Today: The surging price of gasoline has come to this: a “fuel surcharge” on your next speeding ticket.

Drivers caught speeding in the north Atlanta suburb of Holly Springs soon will have to pay an extra $12 — to cover $4-a-gallon gas costs for the police officers who stop them.

Is your police cruiser running low on fuel? No problem, just pull over someone driving home from work, ticket them, and you?ll have a full tank of gas in no time.

Need to balance your budget? Maybe you should look to Pizza Hut for inspiration: Police Chief Ken Ball says he was seeking ways to maintain patrols despite record high gas prices. “I was hearing that Delta (Air Lines), pizza deliverers, florists were adding fuel charges to their services, and I thought, why not police departments?” he says.

Unfortunately it looks like this isn?t going to be an isolated case. As with any situation where money is available to be taken from citizens, local government is on the case immediately: Ball says he?s being “inundated” by calls from police chiefs and city managers. “I?ve heard from at least a dozen police chiefs and half a dozen city managers,” he says of their municipality?s recently-passed measure. “They want to know how we did it, and could=2 0we send them a copy of the ordinance.”

Las Vegas Bike Fest Banner

MARYLAND RIDERS LIGHT IT UPMotorcycle riders in Maryland hope to get more attention from car drivers with a new state law that allows the use of specified auxiliary lighting, which can only be used after dark, thus increasing their visibility to other road users at night.

Senate Bill 713, the “Night-time Awareness – Auxiliary Lighting” bill, passed unanimously through the House and Senate, and was signed into law April 8th by Governor Martin O’Malley.

The new law, which went into effect June 1st, addresses the use of LED lights that illuminate the sides of the motorcycle, thus allowing other drivers to see motorcyclists from the side as well as front and rear. The lights cannot be blue or red and cannot blink, flash or oscillate. They can only be directed toward the engine and drive train and are specifically prohibited from being on wheels.

Pat Corcoran, spokesman for ABATE of Maryland, said “Most motorcycle accidents involving another vehicle, are almost always the fault of the other vehicle, and usually the comment of the other driver is, we just didn’t see him.”

The law also allows the use of blue-dot tail lights, which also increases conspicuity in traffic.

Lepera Banner

STATES GREEN-LIGHT NEW RED-LIGHT LAWS FOR MOTORCYCLESMotorcyclists in a growing number of states are being allowed to go through red lights when sensors aren’t able to detect they are there.

In May, South Carolina became the seventh state to give motorcyclists license to proceed with caution after stopping when the device that causes the light to change from red to green doesn’t activate, according to a recent article in USA Today.

North Carolina passed a similar law in 2007. Wisconsin (2006), Idaho (2006) Arkansas (2005), Tennessee (2003) and Minnesota (2002), all have passed laws the past six years, while similar legislation has been introduced in Georgia, Missouri and Oklahoma.

The traffic lights in question are controlled by devices buried under the road that operate similar to metal detectors, according to Doug Hecox, a spokesman for the Federal Highway Administration. Their sensitivity can be set to detect motorcycles, but the proper balance is difficult to adjust, he said.

California has chosen a technological solution. A law adopted last year requires that when new traffic-activated signals are installed, they be capable of detecting motorcycles and bicycles.

?In Texas, we took a different approach,? said Sputnik, President of the Texas Motorcycle Rights Association (TMRA-II) and Chairman of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists? Legislative Task Force (NCOM-LTF). He told a gathering at the recent NCOM Convention in Houston about a law passed there last year: ?When a traffic light doesn?t detect motorcycles, they have to fix them so they do.?


EU MOTORCYCLES TO GET ONBOARD WARNING SYSTEMSMotorcycles will get new onboard warning systems to tell the rider when he’s going too fast under proposals unveiled recently at a motorcycle safety conference in Brussels, Belgium. The technology will tell the rider when he’s going into a bend too fast or exceeding the speed limit. A ?frontal collision warning? system will detect when the bike is too close to an obstacle.

On-road trials of the In-Vehicle Information System technology will begin by 2010 under the European Commission’s plans, which are backed by the Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations (FEMA).

The project, called SAFERIDER, ?aims to develop devices to improve the comfort and safety of riders through technology such as warning devices to alert the rider of a potential crash or provide information about black (blind) spots or traffic design,? according to a FEMA press release, adding that ?The decision by FEMA to participate in the SAFERIDER project is because we need to find out if technology can assist a rider to make decisions to avoid collisions or crashes. We need to ensure that the technology being developed can benefit riders – but if doesn’t, then we need to be in a position to make our point of view clear.?

More information on the SAFERIDER project can be found at


BIKER FUNERALS ILLEGAL DOWN UNDERGypsy Jokers from across Australia gathered in Adelaide for a funeral which would be illegal under new ?anti-bikie? laws enacted by the South Australia State Government.

The bikers were farewelling club president Wayne “Chiller” McGrath, 42, a father of four and part-owner of four tattoo parlors, who suffered a fatal heart attack while exercising on a treadmill at his Virginia home. More than 300 people – including more than 100 Gypsy Jokers motorcycle club members nationally and abroad from Germany, Norway and the US attended his funeral. The mourners – who included wives, girlfriends and children – then went to the Gypsy Jokers clubhouse for a wake to honor their fallen brother.

Legal sources said under the new anti-biker laws passed by the government and now taking effect, the funeral and wake would have been declared prohibited events as ?bikies? will be prohibited from associating with each other once their so-called ?gangs? have been declared illegal organizations by the Attorney-General.

The new laws – the first of their kind in Australia apart from the federal anti-terror legislation – have been attacked by lawyers and civil libertarians as “draconian” and an erosion of individual rights, particularly freedom of association.

The laws contain provisions that members of outlaw motorcycle clubs can only associate with direct family members such as their parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents and children. They are not permitted to gather together or have contact with their uncles, aunts or cousins – or neighbors and other friends or acquaintances.

Anyone who breaches the laws – whether they are bikers or individuals having contact with bikers at least six times a year – can be jailed for up to five years.

Control orders restraining the movements of individual bikers can also be issued by magistrates and judges on the application of SA Police. Criminal intelligence or any other information used by police to obtain the control orders must remain secret and anyone issued with an order cannot seek to have it independently reviewed by a judge.

saxon banner

WEIRD NEWS: DIRTY20DEEDSMore than 600 emergency workers participated in a mock disaster drill simulating an attack on Long Island by a fake biker gang detonating a ?dirty bomb” at a federal courthouse, testing the abilities of authorities to handle such a radioactive attack.

Police, firefighters, medical workers and other personnel from 60 agencies converged on the fire academy in Yaphank, NY, which also involved 10 area hospitals.

The exercise was dubbed ?S.C.R.U.B,” or ?Suffolk=2 County Response to an Unknown Bomb,” and the scenario involved a local biker gang called ?El Diablo,” which would attack the courthouse with a deadly dirty bomb after federal officials arrested their leaders.

More than 100 people were injured or killed in the fake attack, and the injured had to be cleansed and decontaminated before they were actually sent to local hospitals for treatment. Police had to determine the cause of the blast. Other participants practiced decontamination, detecting radiation exposure and coordinating responses with multiple agencies.

Authorities called it the largest emergency drill in Suffolk County’s history. It was funded by the Suffolk County Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency services with a $175,000 grant from the Department of Homeland Security.

Check the alternator on this puppy. We will feature this bike shortly. One of the Chopper Challenge bikes from Power Plant in Los Angeles.

QUOTABLE QUOTE: “These are days when many are discouraged. In the 93 years of my life, depressions have come and gone. Prosperity has always returned and will again.?

John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937), American industrialist

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Read More

July 17, 2008 Part 5



Continued From Page 4

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Los Angeles, CA July 142008 ? On December 20, 2008,, the unique interactive entertainment and social networking website, will give away to one lucky member the custom Harley-Davidson motorcycle owned and ridden by movie star Matt Schulze (?The Acquirer,? ?Fast and the Furious,? ?Blade?). The custom 2001 Harley is in prime condition, and is valued at $20,000. To enter the sweepstakes, interested fans need only go to and register as a member. Membership is quick, easy and completely FREE. Then, on December 20, one lucky member will ride away on the bike of their dreams.

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ONE HELL OF A VISIT–CALLAWAY – Not everyone believed Paul Stevens when he said in June he was starting a chapter of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club in Florida.

Stevens however, brushed off the cynics as well as any mention of possible retribution for using the club’s name and insignia without permission.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he said, maintaining his legitimacy.

On Saturday, the Bay County Sheriff’s Office received a call from Stevens’ wife. Two men identifying themselves as Hells Angels were at the door.

“They were as sweet as sugar,” said Sgt. Adam Buff, a responding officer. “I can only speculate as to why.”

The bikers apparently served Stevens with cease and desist papers, then got back into their van and left, according to the incident report. It began with an ad

A curious advertisement last month in The News Herald featured the Hells Angels skull and wings “deathhead” logo and called for 50 new members for a new Gulf Chapter. It said: “all races & sexes welcome.” In a subsequent article, Stevens laid out plans for a chapter he hoped eventually would encompass any state touching the Gulf of Mexico, and possibly Mexico.

The public response was swift and unforgiving. Numerous men claiming to be Hells Angels took odds with Stevens’ claims. One phone message summed up their collective sentiment: “This guy’s a clown down there. C’mon, man, you’re asking if this guy’s real? Please!”

“A single man does not decide he’s going to start a chapter of the Hells Angels and just hang out a shingle,” said a man identifying himself as Fritz Clapp, an attorney who represents the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club copyright interests.

He said he was not happy about the news coming out of Florida.

“We make a very big deal about it,” Clapp said of the club and its licensed images. “People have died for these things. They are the elite of motorcycle clubs.”

Clapp said Stevens would be issued with cease and desist papers, requesting that he abandon the Hells Angels Gulf Inc. moniker registered in 2007 as a Florida corporation.

“Ordinarily, it doesn’t take much more than a stern warning,” Fritz said, recalling his suits against Disney and Pepe Jeans. “It’s usually a one-punch fight.”

Stevens didn’t flinch: “Until I actually end up in a courthouse, I’m not worried about it.”

In Outlaw land

Motorcycle clubs in America generally are territorial. Florida is not thought to be friendly territory for the Hells Angels.

“Are Hells Angels in Florida? No,” said Ruth Sasser, spokeswoman for the Bay County Sheriff Office. “It is generally accepted that the Outlaws are in Florida.”

When Stevens began heralding his Gulf Chapter, ears in the law enforcement community perked up.

“Any group with the reputation of the Hells Angels coming to town, obviously we’re interested in learning more,” said Tommy Ford, supervisor at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Panama City office.

Ford said he didn’t know if Stevens was legit. “I don’t know,” he said. “I have been unable, just like you, to verify the validity of it.”

Local law enforcement wasn’t entirely unaware of Stevens. In May, officers responded to an incident in Panama City Beach that involved an apparent standoff between Stevens and a collection of local Outlaws. According to the incident report, Stevens reported that four local Outlaws had taken issue with his selling T-shirts out of a truck marked “H.A.M.C. Store.”

The situation, as reported by Stevens, escalated until one of the Outlaws pulled out a gun, Stevens pulled a knife, and a number of his T-shirts were taken. After taking his two children home, Stevens apparently returned to the scene.

“He stated that he could not hide,” the report detailed. “He had to stand his ground.”

Deputies were not able to verify the Stevens’ account, and no arrests were made.

If Stevens’ T-shirt standoff didn’t immediately grab the attention of law enforcement, his news of a Gulf Chapter did. “I’ve got undercovers circling my block since the article came out,” Stevens said.

Ford said there was a concern for Stevens’ safety, as well as the possibility of friction between motorcycle clubs. They were keeping an eye on the situation.

“I would say monitoring at this point,” Ford said.

Stevens reported receiving death threats. He also was fielding calls from bikers interested in joining up. A woman from Britain, he said, seemed very interested.

“She’s been calling every two days,” he said. “She wants to move over here.”

Chaotic waffles

The Hells Angels is more than a motorcycle club; it’s a corporation. But unlike a corporation, there is no official voice, no public relation specialist or press statements. Further, as a rule, the group does not talk to the media.

This shadowy modus operandi makes verifying identity and claims an iffy task. Clapp attempted to get several Hells Angels to go on the record for this story, but was unsuccessful.

Stevens also was reluctant to provide a higher-up to verify his Gulf Chapter plans. He eventually did come up with a phone number, which led to a man claiming to be a sergeant of arms with the Hells Angels. Stevens had referred to him as an “enforcer.”

“This is Chaos, you looking for Chaos?” said the voice that answered the phone.

Chaos said he did not know Stevens, but was planning to visit Bay County to get a handle on the situation. He made plans to discuss the matter at a local Waffle House.

“I’ll let you talk with Sonny Barger,” Chaos said, promising a telephone interview with the Hells Angels icon. “You know who Sonny Barger is?”

Barger can’t be considered a spokesman for the club, but is the most recognizable face of the Hells Angels. The founding member writes books and signs autographs.

Clapp laughed at the notion of a Waffle House teleconference. He recounted a recent visit with Barger during which the pair discussed the brewings in Florida.

“We were joking about how far out this guy must be,” Clapp said. “He’s flat-out delusional, but he’s keeping up the show, there’s no doubt about that.”

Chaos never showed to eat waffles in Bay County. Neither did Fritz provide verifiable Hells Angels contacts.

“I think I have indulged you about as much as I need to,” Clapp said. “Would you like a member named Big from South Carolina to stomp into your office? Would that give you a thrill? Actually, we don’t need to prove anything to you.” Knock, knock


NYC Choppers has invited you to join Ignition Nation–Ignition Nation is the place to bring the world together through the one true universal love ? Cool Rides and Hot Bikes.

Please join our new site, and link to me as a friend. Also, please put some information, pictures and events up on the site. We would appreciate your help.



HARLEY-DAVIDSON ANNOUNCES 2008 SECOND QUARTER RESULTS– Milwaukee, Wis., July 17, 2008 — Harley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE: HOG) today announced its results for the second quarter ended June 29, 2008. Revenue for the quarter was $1.57 billion compared to $1.62 billion in the year ago quarter, a 2.9 percent decrease. Net income was $222.8 million compared to $290.5 million in the year ago quarter, a decrease of 23.3 percent. Second quarter diluted earnings per share (EPS) were $0.95, a 16.7 percent decrease compared to last year?s $1.14.

?During the second quarter we shipped 80,326 Harley-Davidson motorcycles to our dealers and distributors around the world. While this result exceeds our guidance range of 76,000 to 80,000 units for the quarter, it is a decrease of 15.6 percent from the year-ago period. This decrease reflects the impact of the shipment reduction we announced April 17th in response to ongoing weakness in the U.S. economy,? said Jim Ziemer, Chief Executive Officer of Harley-Davidson, Inc.

?We expect U.S. economic conditions and ongoing consumer concerns to continue to create challenges at least through the end of the year,? said Ziemer. ?We believe the actions we took to reduce shipments to our U.S. dealers and our related workforce reduction position us appropriately for the current economic environment. I am confident about our future as we continue to manage and reinvest in the business for the long-term.?

?Last week, we announced our planned acquisition of the MV Agusta Group and celebrated the grand opening of the Harley-Davidson Museum. Next Tuesday, we introduce our exciting new 2009 motorcycles. A month from today, we kick off our 105th Anniversary Celebration with the launch of the first of 105 motorcycle rides to Milwaukee from around the U.S. These are just some of the ways we are positioning the Company for the future, strengthening bonds with current customers and reaching out to new customers,? Ziemer said.

The Company expects to ship between 74,000 and 78,000 Harley-Davidson motorcycles during the third quarter of 2008. For the full year of 2008, Harley-Davidson still plans to ship between 303,500 and 307,500 units. The Company continues to expect full-year EPS of $3.00 to $3.18, a decrease of 15 to 20 percent compared to 2007.


Motorcycles and Related Products Segment ? Second Quarter Results

Revenue from Harley-Davidson motorcycles was $1.19 billion, a decrease of $67.0 million or 5.3 percent versus the same period last year. Shipments of Harley-Davidson motorcycles totaled 80,326 units, a decrease of 14,791 units or 15.6 percent compared to last year?s second quarter.

Revenue from Parts and Accessories (P&A), which consists of Genuine Motor Parts and Genuine Motor Accessories, totaled $265.7 million, an increase of $2.3 million or 0.9 percent over the year-ago quarter. Revenue from General Merchandise, which consists of MotorClothes? apparel and collectibles, totaled $76.8 million, an increase of $4.1 million or 5.6 percent over the year-ago quarter.

Gross margin for the second quarter of 2008 was 35.7 percent of revenue compared to 37.4 percent for the second quarter last year. Second quarter operating margin decreased to 20.1 percent from 23.9 percent in the second quarter of 2007. The Company?s gross and operating margins were adversely impacted this quarter by the shipment volume reduction.

Motorcycle Retail Sales Data

During the second quarter, worldwide retail sales of Harley-Davidson motorcycles decreased 3.6 percent compared to the prior year second quarter. In the U.S., retail sales of Harley-Davidson motorcycles decreased 8.7 percent for the quarter. The heavyweight motorcycle market in the U.S. increased 0.8 percent for the same period.

Retail sales of Harley-Davidson motorcycles grew 11.2 percent in international markets during the second quarter of 2008 compared to the second quarter of 2007. Second quarter retail sales increased 8.7 percent in Canada; the Europe Region was up 9.0 percent; the Asia Pacific Region was up 7.3 percent; and the Latin America Region was up 67.1 percent.

Financial Services Segment

Harley-Davidson Financial Services (HDFS) reported second quarter operating income of $37.1 million, a decrease of $28.1 million or 43.0 percent compared to the year-ago quarter. The decrease is primarily due to a $19.5 million reduction in securitization gain and a $6.3 million write-down of retained securitization interests. Last year?s second quarter benefited from a $950 million securitization transaction compared to no securitization transaction during the second quarter of 2008.

Harley-Davidson, Inc. – Six Month Results

For the first six months of 2008, revenue totaled $2.88 billion, a 2.9 percent increase over the year-ago period. Earnings per share were $1.74, a decrease of 7.9 percent compared to the same period last year.

Through the first six months of this year, shipments of Harley-Davidson motorcycles were 152,194 units, a 6.6 percent decrease compared to last year?s 162,878 units. Harley-Davidson motorcycle revenue was $2.20 billion, up 2.7 percent compared to last year?s $2.15 billion. P&A revenue totaled $447.6 million, a 0.9 percent decrease from last year?s $451.6 million. General Merchandise revenue totaled $160.8 million, an 8.0 percent increase compared to $148.8 million during the same period in 2007. HDFS operating income was $72.1 million, a 42.0 percent decrease from last year?s $124.1 million.

Cash Flow

Cash and marketable securities totaled $803.9 million as of June 29, 2008. Cash used by operations was $39.0 million during the first six months of 2008 compared to $1.06 billion of cash provided during the first half of 2007. This decrease in cash flows from operations was a result of net proceeds from securitization being $1.27 billion less than the same period in 2007. During the first half of 2008, HDFS funded a greater percentage of its business with proceeds from commercial paper and medium term notes than in the same period last year. Capital expenditures were $99.6 million during the first six months of 2008. For the full year of 2008, capital expenditures are expected to be between $235 million and $250 million.

Stock Repurchase

The Company repurchased 1.3 million shares of its common stock at a cost of $50.0 million during the second quarter of 2008. On June 29, 2008, the Company had 235.3 million shares of common stock outstanding.

As of June 29, 2008, there were 19.3 million shares remaining on a board-approved share repurchase authorization. An additional board-approved share repurchase authorization is in place to offset option exercises.

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Progressive 430 Series

Progressive Suspension – 430 Series Shocks–Always the innovator in the custom suspension market, Progressive Suspension has once again upped the ante with the street rod styled 430 series of shocks. Utilizing a high pressure gas mono tube design with deflective disk damping to insure high performance ride control the 430 Series can also be mounted rod up or rod down, depending on your application. Threaded pre-load adjusters allow for tool-less adjustment, and effortless tuning of ride quality.

First of their kind, machined aluminum spring perches and street rod styling of the new 430 Series are complimented by smooth lines and a polished chrome body. Available in chrome or contrast cut black anodized finish to match the look of your bike.

Contact your local Progressive Suspension dealer for more information.

–Progressive Suspension
6900 Marlin Circle
La Palma, CA 90623

CDC Alert—The Centers for Disease Control has issued a medical alert about a highly contagious, potentially dangerous virus that is transmitted orally, by hand, and even electronically. This virus is called Weary Overload Recreational Killer (WORK). If you receive WORK from your boss, any of your colleagues or anyone else via any means whatsoever – DO NOT TOUCH IT. This virus will wipe out your private life completely.

If you should come into contact with WORK you should immediately leave the premises, take two good friends to the nearest grocery store and purchase one or both of the antidotes – Work Isolating Neutralizer Extract (WINE) and Bothersome Employer Elimination Rebooter (BEER).

Take the antidote repeatedly until WORK has been completely eliminated from your system.

You should immediately forward this medical alert to five friends. If you do not have five friends, you have already been infected and WORK is controlling your life.

–from Steve Davies

Sturgis Invite

Grease Monkey Mayhem will be having its annual Sturgis Party Thursday August 7th–Make sure to add this to your schedule for Sturgis Week!!We will have Jennifer Scott performing some of her new music, lots of food, drink and great people!!

Special thanks to JAMMER CATALOG for sponsoring the party!!


BALL OF STEEL AT BRIGHTON, ACE CAF? NEWS–Three Days – Three Rides – One Reunion!

Ace Cafe London’s 70th anniversary and 15th annual Ace Cafe Reunion, a special party weekend that is being filmed for USA TVs Speed Channel, starts on Friday 12th September with the arrival from 6pm of The Continental Run for the cafe’s Bike Night, with Dyno Shoot-Out and rockin’ sounds from The Unknowns and DJ Jimmy Guntrip.

Saturday 13th September, join us for breakfast at the Ace from 7am. A Cafe Racer & Rockers Ride-Out will depart at Noon to the London Motorcycle Museum in Greenford, which is being filmed for a USA TV documentary ‘Cafe Society’, returning to the cafe for a Cafe Racer Review at 2.30pm with awards for the ‘Best Ridden Cafe Racer’ and two runners-up, being presented by special guests Colin Campbell (Actor in the film ‘The Leather Boys’), David Hailwood, Dave Degens and actor Oliver Tobias (featured in the book ‘Rockers! by Johnny Stuart)

From Noon until late, The London Rockin Rollers, who will steal your hearts and then your con rods, will be adding some eight-wheeled thrills and spills, together with a Dyno Shoot-Out, raising funds in aid of the Jeans for Genes Genetic Roadmap Appeal.

You can also make your visit count, by being sponsored by family and friends, be it as a solo rider, group or club. Go to the homepage on the Ace Cafe London website to download a sponsorship form or pick one up at the cafe.

“Little Miss Dynamite”, the Stonebridge Motor Company built S&S engined Ace Cafe Racer will make her debut at 4pm with opportunity to meet the builders, followed by a photographic review of the history of the Ace. The line-up of entertainment includes some of the top all British rock n’ roll bands on the circuit, The Coy Dogs, Furious, and Crazy Cavan & The Rhythm Rockers with DJs Tracy Dick, Bill & Jimmy Guntrip spinning the wax, plus a ‘Best of Burlesque’ with Miss Zara Ann.

Sunday 14th September, the Brighton Burn Up & Ride With The Rockers to Brighton’s famous seafront road, Madeira Drive. The Ace opens at 7am with the ride leaving the cafe at 10.30am.

Madeira Drive will be open to the public from 9.30am. Attractions on the Ace seafront stage feature bands, The Rhythm Aces, The Diamonds, plus DJs Bill & Jimmy Guntrip, a seafront blessing by Father Scott Anderson & Father Dennis McSwinney of the 59 Club at 2pm, a presentation of the Ace Cafe London, Bike Legal and BikeSafe prize Scooter at 2.15pm and the introduction of Stonebridge Motor Company, builders of the S&S engined Ace Cafe Racer, “Little Miss Dynamite”, at 2.30pm.

The Ball of Steel from their home in Texas , are on their first ever UK tour, and will be performing their amazing motorcycle stunts. With nine years experience on National Tour, these riders, fuelled by Monster Energy Drink, have been dubbed the youngest motorcycle stunt team in the world.

The show is a high energy fully self-contained performance that features 3 riders inside a 14ft steel globe as well as a free-style show on mini bikes, jumping from steel to steel.

With sound equipment, MC and DJ who are almost as entertaining as the riders, you will leave this years Ace Cafe Reunion with a smile on your face and a high heart rate!

Stands and displays include from Triumph, Yamaha and BMW to Brooklands (2008 being the centennial of motorcycle racing at the legendary circuit), the 59 Club, VMCC, Busy Bee Club, BMRC, Jukebox Madness and many more!

For more information check out Ace Cafe Reunion on:

Ace Cafe London
Tel: ++44 (0)20 8961 1000
Fax: ++44 (0)20 8965 0161
Ace Cafe London
Ace Corner
North Circular Road
NW10 7UD

BIKERNET FAMILY TRADITIONS–All of his life, Len had heard stories of an amazing family tradition. It seems that his father, grandfather and great-grandfather had all been able to walk on water on their 21st birthday. On that day, they’d walk across the lake to the boat club for their first legal drink.

So, when Len’s 21st birthday came around, he and his friend, Corky, took a boat out to the middle of the lake. Len stepped out of the boat and nearly drowned! Corky just managed to pull him to safety.

Furious and confused, Len went to see his grandmother.

“Grandma, it’s my 21st birthday, so why can’t I walk across the lake like my father, his father and his father before him?”

Granny looked Len straight in the eyes and said, “Because your father, grandfather and great- grandfather were born in January. You were born in July.”

–from Rev CarlR Secrest

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BIKE SHOW AND PARTY EXTRAVAGANZA —Join us this Saturday July 19, 2008 for for our 3rd Annual Hooters Bike Show!

Bike Registration begins at 10 am and only costs $5 per entry.

Awards will be given in all classes, BEST IN SHOW TAKES CA$H!!!!!



Live music from Barbies n’ Bondage! Plenty of food and beverages available. Fun for the everyone…bring the kids

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Midlothian, VA 23113
(804) 378-9464

torian vest bob kay

TORIAN CHOPPER LEATHERS SPONSORS BIKERNET BROUHAHA–Torian Chopper Leathers is providing a sleeveless Torian Work Shirt for the Brouhaha! Tattoo contest that will showcase any biker’s tat.

The Torian leather shirt is a favorite of bikers everywhere for hot summer time riding. It features 2 chest flap pockets, 2 hand warmer pockets and a full lining.

Our shirts are made from the finest goat skins to provide the feel of lamb and the durability of cowhide in a light weight.


STURGIS OR BUST–That’s it for the news. I need to jump back into the shop and start welding. The damn deadline is approaching. Today a care package arrived from Rogue for our Pro Street Touring Project with Redneck bags. Then the Kevin Baas Plates arrived for our Brouhaha Best of Show awards. I’ve got to make the bases.

Is he nuts or what?

Get this, more 5-Balls arrived today and the trophy supplier promised our trophy parts tomorrow. Let’s see, my To-Do list for this weekend: Work on a Ducati, Finish the Free Wheel Sculpture for Mr. Lichter’s display at Thunder Road, finish the Best of Show Trophies and assemble the 5-Ball trophies.


Can I have a margarita? I’ll bring you a progress report on Sunday.


Ride Forever,


Read More

July 17, 2008 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


Best of Show awards: 1st through 3rd (trophies by Kevin Baas and Bandit). The trophies are sponsored by Custom Chrome and each award receives a set of Hard-Krome Pipes.

The following classes are all awarded first and second place: first place trophy from Dupont, second place 5-Ball sponsored by Custom Chrome.

American Manufactured: Harley, Victory bikes with unmodified frames. First place receives a set of D&D pipes. Second place receives an oil change kit from Spectro Oil.

European Manufactured: Any bike produced by a European manufacturer. Unmodified frames. First place receives a performance racing jacket from Parts Unlimited and second place receives an oil change kit from Spectro Oils.

Metric Manufactured: Asian manufacturers, unmodified frames. First place gets a full Road Burner exhaust system and second place receives an oil change kit from Spectro Oils.

Touring Bike: Custom dressers and modified touring bikes. Should have windshield, saddlebags and a faring. The Touring class winner receives a complete set of Hard-Krome exhaust, and second place takes home a Spectro Oil, oil change kit.

Trikes and Sidecar bikes: 3-wheeled bikes with a motorcycle engines and bikes with sidecars. First place receives a bitchin’ seat from Saddleman and second place get the oil change kit from Spectro Oil.

Auto Bikes: Any bike with an automotive engine. May be broken into 2-wheeled or 3-wheeled. Hey, the Auto-Bike winner receives a full set of rotors from W8Less, and second place will receive the Spectro Oil prize.

Radical Chopper Category: Extended forks and or highly modified frame. Any make or model accepted. The winner gets a complete Headwinds Headlight system, and the second place bike will receive the Spectro Oil Special award.

Bobber Style Category: Any stock rigid frame with traditional forks and low bars. Any make or model accepted. The best Bobber gets a set or Road House exhaust and second place takes home the Spectro Oil prize.

Early Chopper Style: Any bike with highbars or outrageously high risers and stock length front ends and stock or nearly stock frame rakes. Any make or model accepted. The Winner receives a set of the lightest rotors in the world from W8Less, guaranteed not to ever squeak. Second place will receive an oil change kit from Spectro Oils.

American Manufactured Custom: Current D.O.T. manufacturer including Big Dogs, Titans, etc. The winner of this class will take home a new Saddleman Seat, and second place will get a Spectro Oil change kit.

Traditional Bobber: Actual Pre-1957 rendition of true bobber of the era. Any make or model accepted. This first place takes home a set of Road House exhaust, and second place wins the Spectro oil change kit.

Race Bikes: Any bike actually used in a racing form to include board track, off road, moto Cross, drag racing and Scrambles. Any make or model accepted. D&D Exhaust goes to the winner and Spectro oils takes care of second place.

Sport Bikes: Caf? racers, street racers and sport touring bikes. D&D put up a complete dyno tuned exhaust system for first place and Spectro stepped up for second place.

Antique Bikes: Original paint and restored antiques. Any make or model accepted. Another super cool Parts Unlimited jacket goes to the winner, and Spectro will set up second place with the stuff for a fresh oil change.

Antique Customs: Custom bike designed with an antique bike flair. Any make or model accepted. W8Less Rotors will supply a complete set of rotors to the winner, and 2nd place takes home the Spectro Prize.

Individual awards: All 5-ball trophies except Paint by Dupont trophy. Each winner receives a $100 gift certificate from W8Less Rotors and a Spectro Oil Prize.
Judge’s Choice Award
Best Paint
Best Design
Best Detail
Best Sheet metal

All 5-Ball Trophies and best of show trophies sponsored by Custom Chrome. All best of show bikes will be shot for Bikernet Bike Features.

morphene bike

GENO FROM STRANGE CAR MAGAZINES TO BRING HIS NEW KNUCKLEHEAD BOBBER TO BIKERNET BROUHAHA–Here’s some “undercover” shots of my 39 KnuckI will get you finished shots when its donemight be a good online feature?Whattyatink?


Cochise Cover

Cochise Chops Magazine The Way It Was And The Way It Still Should Be– A lot of people know the name, a few are lucky enough to know the man, now you can read the magazine. After many years of contributing to the likes of local and national motorcycle magazines Cochise has launched his own effort in the motorcycle publishing realm. So what is this magazine? Well, the title is Cochise Chops Mag. and what it is in a few words is an attempt to preserve the purist view. Some people think that that’s living in the past but to Cochise, it’s paying homage to everyone who made this possible to begin with.

“There is change, we’ve gone from drum brakes to disc, some change is good but some things shouldn’t change like brotherhood and doing the right thing.”

In each issue of Cochise Chops Magazine, you can expect to find: the real deal, straight forward editorials from both a political and social standpoint, features on cool bikes and rods, articles on parties and personalities from the culture side of this thing.

“About Cochise”Cochise bought his first motorcycle in 1968 when he was just a boy, a Honda Super 90 that he traded in for a 305 dream about six months later. Around 1974, while he was in the military, he chopped a 650 Honda in a rigid frame, then in ’78 bought his first Harley, a ’73 Sportser.

Cochise has been a contributor to The Horse, Cycle Source, a local mag. called Florida Biker Digest, Kentucky Thunder Roads Magazine, is member of The Lords, has also started a motorcycle ministry called “Soldiers For Christ,” back in 1990, and remained at the head of that organization in 2000; it went nationwide with 14 chapters in 7 states. They took the message of the Bible to the streets and even one of the most well known names in the motorcycle club scene referred to them as the 1 percent version of the Christian Motorcyclists.

Cochise has always had a chopped bike and a place where he could work on motorcycles. Whether at his house or a little garage somewhere, this cat is well rounded in the art of motorcycle maintenance and the Zen of its culture.

The mag. is a free publication in the Volusia, Brevard and Flagler county areas of Florida, paid for by the advertisers – and he distributes around 4,000 copies a month. Subscriptions are available on line at and it’s well worth the couple bucks for an undiluted view of the world.

On a final note I would personally like to thank Cochise for all he has done to further our magazine, and keep the real side going. He is a man among boys and I’m proud to call him my brother. I will leave you with a final quote that sums up what makes this a person worthy of the respect he is given.


BIKERNET MAJOR KART RACING SPONSOR–My kids are kart racing. This is their first year and we are just getting into it. However, we are having a lot of fun together.

Darwin Motorcycles is sponsoring the kids and Jeff Najar is doing a web site for them. Since you’ve been so generous with exposure for my company, I thought I’d put Bikernet on the kid’s karts. Then when we get them linked into our site, your logo will be on the Karts for the world to see.

See you in Sturgis.


Brass Balls Banner3

WILL PRO ONE STILL BE AROUND–Auctioned planned for Pro One this weekend. They’re selling off their machine shop equipment and renting the space.

ABATE’s MOTORCYCLES OK SIGNS IN HOV LANES BILL NEARS PASSAGE– Wednesday July 16, 2008 is “Ride to Work Day” for motorcyclists across the nation. Website:

ABATE of California reminds you to utilize the HOV lanes when riding to work – or at anytime!!!

ABATE’s bill requiring CalTrans to replace the “Motorcycles OK” signs that they removed from HOV lanes a few years ago, passed out of the Senate Appropriations Committee yesterday!!!!

AB 2617, Duvall, is on its way to the Senate Floor.

The Assembly Floor vote was a unanimous 75 – 0.

We’re asking motorcycle riders in the Golden State and across the nation to tell all their friends about a letter writing campaign to Governor Schwarzenegger!!

Please call, snail-mail, fax or email a respectful letter to the Governor asking him to…

“Please support AB 2617, Duvall, a bill to replace the “Motorcycles OK” signs in the HOV lanes on California’s highways.”

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160

Main District Office:
300 S. Spring St., Ste. 16701
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Phone: (213) 897-0322
Fax: (213) 897-0319



ILLUSION MOTORCYCLES STILL ALIVE AND GROWING–The very fist manufactured customs rolled out of the Illusion Motorcycles factory in Southern, California. The originator Donnie Bittman is no longer at the helm, but his legacy lives on through Rusty Coones. Rusty along with Billy McCahill of Spyke and Compu-Fire threw in with Australia’s AMI’s, Brad Parfitt, to form 3B-1R to include Billet Concepts and STD to form the backbone around growing the Illusion name once more.

They have developed California CARB approved engine packages, EPA certified drivelines and now they’re producing a line of signature bikes including five choppers a month signed by Jesse James, then Eddie Trotta and Dave Perewitz. Here are a couple of their one-off customs we just spotted at their shop and featured for American Iron and the Cycle Source. In the very near future we will bring you a full report on their first group of Jesse James “HellRazor” choppers. Hang on as this company explodes onto the scene.

Dealer Direct

D&D DEALER PROGRAMS EXPANDS WEEKLY–This allows guys to fined performance Tuned Exhaust nearby. If you don’t see a shop here, Check the D&D Web site.

1) Anaheim Fullerton H-D 2635 W Orangethorpe Ave Fullerton, CA 92833 714-871-6563
2) Biker’s Haven & Equipment 25250 LA Hwy 333 Abbeville, LA 70510 337-652-9926
3) Arrow Custom Cycle 5255 Trans Canada Hwy Ducan BC CA V9L5J2 250-740-0373
4) IDC Motorsports 1415 Aviation Blvd Redondo Beach, CA 90278 310-937-7402
5) A & C Extreme Sports 717 N Pearl St Bridgeton, NJ 08302 856-451-0300
6) St. Croix H-D 2060 Hwy 65 New Richmond, WI 54017 715-246-2959
7) Star City Powersports 5120 Peters Creek Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 540-366-8500
8) On Cycles 800 Morrison Rd Columbus, OH 43230 614-577-8080
9) Southern Tier H-D 1152 Front St Binghamton, NY 13862 607-773-0264
10) Pro Tuned Performance 4906 Red Pine Ct Jacksonville, FL 32210 562-260-9443
11) Ring’s Custom Cycle 15280 S Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 651-423-3909
12) PRM Cycle & Custom 2222-F Patterson ST Greensboro, NC 27407 336-855-0526
13) Extreme Motorsports 622 N Maclay Ave San Fernando, CA 91340 818-838-1801


international motorcycle shows banner

The Roads Are All Clear toMazda Raceway Laguna Seca! —After weeks of battling fires throughout California, firefighters, along with the help of the National Guard, have the Big Sur fire more than 61% contained and have reopened all parts of Highway 1.

Most restaurants and hotels in the region reopened on Monday, July 14, after being closed for weeks due to evacuation. Firefighters expect that fire to be fully contained by July 30.

The weekend forecast for the Monterey/Salinas area shows highs ranging from the upper 60’s on Friday to the mid 70’s on Sunday with overnight lows in the 50’s. So bring your sun block, but bring a jacket too, for when you’re hanging out on Canery Row.And don’t forget if you’re riding up, stop at the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows presented by Toyota Pit Stop in San Luis Obispo!

Date: Friday, July 18, 2008
Time: 9:00a.m. ? 3:00p.m.
Location:Chevron Extra MileAt the 1/101 Interchange (cross Streets are SANTA ROSA (Hwy 1) and FOOTHILL Ave)
151 N. Santa Rosa Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
GPS Coordinates:
Latitude: 35:17:42N
Longitude: 120:40:08W

At the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows presented by Toyota Pit Stop we’ll have for you:

Giveaways including Free Gas, Helmets and Gear! (Don’t worry, we’ll ship them to you after the weekend)Motorcycle and helmet cleaning station featuring free Mothers detailing products, a Mothers Detailing Professional and Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows presented by Toyota detailing towelsFree fountain drinks (courtesy of Chevron Extra Mile) and snacks Red Bull USGP race schedules

When you get to Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, be sure to swing by our trackside display in the Yamaha Marketplace where we’ll have more moto swag to give away and you can enter to win:

Shoei helmets
Fulmer helmets
Chatterbox communication system
Deluxe Mothers detailing gift basket
Gift certificate for Pirelli tires
Tickets to the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows Presented by Toyota
And much more!

Shows presented by Toyota detailing towel you got at the Pit Stop to our booth at the track for your chance to win VIP prizes and discounts!!Hope to see you on the ride and trackside!

scooter babe

Motorcycle shop owners charged with racketeering– FRESNO, Calif. (AP) ? A federal grand jury in Fresno has indicted a Stanislaus County motorcycle shop owner, his son and six others on racketeering and conspiracy charges.

Federal officials said Tuesday that 61-year-old Robert Holloway and 36-year-old Brent Holloway are accused of trafficking in stolen motorcycle parts through Red Dog Cycle Center in Denair, as well as robbery and making “extortionate extensions” of credit.

The indictment alleges that the motorcycle shop was “a gathering place for and commercial supplier for various outlaw motorcycle clubs.”

Three current and former Stanislaus County law enforcement officials have also been charged with lying to a federal grand jury in separate indictments connected to the probe.


AFFILIATE EVENT FROM FAAK TO STURGIS–CUSTOM Chrome Europe’s Ride-In Bike Show at Lake Faak, Austria, is the latest European event to join the Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building Affiliate program.

Now in its 6th year, the one-day event on September 6th, during European Bike Week, will see one lucky builder win 5,000 Euro towards travel expenses to compete in the Official World Championship in Sturgis in 2009.

Faak joins a line-up of events around the world that includes Australia, Canada, Japan, Hungary, Portugal, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Russia, Spain, Italy and Sweden, all of which offer travel expense prizes for their “Best in Show” winning builders to compete at the Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building (OWC).Staged from August 30th to September 7th, European Bike Week features a continuous program of events, rides and entertainment ? with the Custom Chrome Europe Ride-In Bike Show as the highlight.


The bikes will be judged by a jury, selected from members of the custom press, builders and V.I.P. vendors.Last year saw the introduction of a specialty Sportster-engined bike sub-class (which includes Buells), which is open to factory and Harley and aftermarket Sportster-style engined bikes. Other classes returning for 2008 include Radical, Old School, Chopper, Modified Harley (factory frame and/or engine) with the Best of Show scooping the OWC Affiliate prize.

As is the case with most custom bike events outside the United States, ‘Faak’ is a ride-in show and participation will be international, so the sub-class and the Best of Show winner could be selected from any country. The 5,000 Euro DHL voucher for the winner’s bike freight to the 2009 OWC at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is sponsored by Custom Chrome Europe and Arneitz Custom Show/ European Bike Week.

Bad Kreuznach, GERMANY
Tel: +49 (0)671 888 880
Fax: +49 (0)671 888 881 00


DETROIT BROS. CUSTOM SEATS– If you?re in the market for a custom seat, look no further. James? custom seats, made in house at Detroit Bros., are some of the best you?ll find in the market. There are tons of options to choose from, including leathers, vinyls, and exotics such as crocodile and stingray. Colors, hand stitching, top stitching, hand tooling ? it?s all up to you.

We can also use your existing seat pans, or build you one. Pictured is an actual customer?s seat, which reads ?Grudge?, built on one of our springer seat pans? his price $850.

Priced individually, for quotes and ideas call 866-DET-BROS or send an email to:

Detroit Bros Banner

Continued On Page 5

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July 17, 2008 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

AngryAmericanUSA full


Are you pissed about Fuel Prices? Well I sure am! I make my living off of motorsports, and it?s sure affecting everything I?ve worked so hard for.Farmers, Truckers, Racers, we?re all in the same fix, and it?s not good.

I thought I?d do something about it, the only way I know how. Through my artwork. So here you have a work in progress. I can?t take all the credit, as it?s become a joint effort. (no pun intended) My biker friends have donated bike parts for the base, Cave Creek Welding did the welding, Rich came up with the idea of the POW MIA bracelet, Ray, the vet, has given me a number of ideas. So I?ll be painting more tattoos and adding accessories to the AngryAmericanUSA as he begins to tour the country. The first stop is Sturgis, and the next is Milwaukee for Harley?s 105th Anniversary. Stop on by and give me some input. We?re all pretty pissed off at the way things are and I think this is a good way to show it.

AngryAmericanUSA feet

My basic concept is the Angry American, a mere skeleton of his former self, with a fuel can handcuffed to his arm. I?ve lettered fuel prices on the can, in five year increments, since 1959 (the start of the Vietnam War) to the present. Motor parts lie at his feet, rusted, as he can?t afford to drive anymore. Tangled in barbed wire, and struggling to stand, this patriot will not give up. He proudly carries the flag, and will give his right arm for the USA. His right arm is tattooed with military significance. I?ll do his left arm with personal significance. Mom, his girlfriends or wife?s name, children?

Like all art, there will be a time when it?s complete. But it?s not just yet. Who knows where this will go. But keep in touch and sign my mailing list. I?ll keep you informed about developments with the AngryAmerican. You can also get straight to the facts by going to

Eric calls it “Brutal.” It actually moves in the wind. His jaw flops and his dick swings. We ran rebar through the bones, and bent it until we got to the balance point.



Sparks Fly and Metal melts as Harley-Davidson Museum Opens in Milwaukee–MILWAUKEE (July 12, 2008) ? The Harley-Davidson Museum, located in Harley?s hometown of Milwaukee for nearly 105 years, opened its doors for the first time to the public today. The Museum opening kicked off with a Harley-Davidson-style ?ribbon cutting? ceremony in which a motorcycle primary chain wrapped around a Museum tower was cut with an acetylene torch. The festivities ? including the Harley-Davidson, Inc. president and CEO Jim Ziemer receiving his first tattoo, a 2008 Super Glide Custom bike build-off, and live music ? continued all weekend.

?Harley-Davidson has dreamed about building this Museum for a long time,? said Jim Ziemer, president and chief executive officer of Harley-Davidson, Inc. ?It adds a whole new dimension to the Harley-Davidson experience.?

The Museum exhibits tell the stories of the extraordinary people, products, history and culture of Harley-Davidson. The stories are told through both chronological and thematic exhibits, which are linked together by a chronological procession of landmark motorcycles from the Company?s 105-year history. Vintage photographs, posters and other artifacts explain major moments in the Company?s history such as the entrepreneurial start in 1903, survival during the Great Depression, involvement in WWII, and the landmark buy-back from AMF in 1981.

Along side the history galleries, four galleries dive deeper into specific topics of importance to Harley-Davidson culture. The Engine Room provides an education on Harley-Davidson engines and the science behind how they work. Another exhibit explains how motorcycle competition spurred the creation of motorcycle clubs and includes a recreation of a 1920s board track complete with factory race bikes banking a corner. Elvis Presley?s motorcycle is featured in an exhibit on customization along with paperwork proving that he purchased it just days before he became famous with the hit single, ?Heartbreak Hotel.? The Design Lab gives a look into the process of developing a new Harley-Davidson motorcycle from concept to manufacturing.

?Riders will instantly feel at home at the Harley-Davidson Museum,? said Stacey Schiesl, Harley-Davidson Museum director. ?And those who aren?t yet riders will be able to experience the passion that riders feel every time they fire up their motorcycles.?

In addition to enjoying a variety of exhibits, Museum patrons will also be able to take a peek into a portion of the previously private Archives, home to hundreds of motorcycles and thousands of artifacts and historical photographs.

Beyond the exhibits and Archives, Museum visitors and the general public can tap into the Harley-Davidson experience in a number of other ways – from grabbing a boldly flavored American meal in Motor, the Museum?s 150-seat restaurant, or Cafe Racer, a grab-and-go dining spot, to reading the various personalized messages on the Living the Legend rivets, found on curved steel walls and in plazas. With customizable indoor and outdoor spaces, the Museum also provides a variety of unique special event spaces that can accommodate an intimate gathering of 20 to freewheeling festivities for 15,000. The Museum site, located on 20 acres of park-like green space and bordered by the Menomonee River on three sides, is open to the public free of charge, 24 hours a day.

Timed tickets to the Museum are on sale online at www.h-dmuseum/tickets . General admission tickets are $16 for adults, $12 for students and seniors, $10 for children (ages 5-17 years), and children under 5 years of age will be admitted free with an accompanying adult. Visit for additional details on the Harley-Davidson Museum.

Tickets to the Museum are not available during the Harley-Davidson 105th Anniversary celebration, August 28-31, and Harley-Davidson 105th Anniversary tickets do not include admission to the Museum.

OLD Knuckle

BIKERNET FAMILY CONSELING SEMINAR– When I got home last night, my wife demanded that I take her someplace expensive….So, I took her to a gas station…..And then the fight started….

After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked meFor my driver’s license to verify my age. I looked in my pockets and realized I had left my wallet at home.

I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I would have to go home and come back later.

The woman said, ‘Unbutton your shirt’.

So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair. She said, ‘That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me’ and she processed my Social Security application.

When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office.

She said, ‘You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability, too’And then the fight started…..

–from Lizette

broken spoke logo

THE FIRST ANNUAL BROKEN SPOKE OLD SCHOOL RIDE-IN CHOPPER SHOWRide your nasty lil? oil-drippin? scoot down to the world-famous Broken Spoke Saloon on Lazelle on Wednesday, August 6th and party with your brothers and sisters from Easyriders, V-Twin and Biker. Custom-made trophies will go to:
Best Knuckle
Best Pan
Best Shovel
Best Evo
Best Sportster
Best Brit Bike (BSA, Triumph, Royal Enfield, etc.)
Best of Show (1st, 2nd and 3rd Place)

No pre-registration, just sign up at show. Sign up time is from 9am to 10:30am and the awards will be given out at 5pm followed by live killer rock by Jasmine Cain. No Metric bikes, and your scooter must be ridden to the show. Best of Show winners will get a bike feature in Easyriders, V-Twin and Biker magazines. Bike Show judges will be Dave Nichols, editor of Easyriders and V-Twin, Dean Shawler, editor of Biker magazine and John Green of the Broken Spoke. Come hang with us at the coolest place in Sturgis.

Prizes and trophies include:
Best Knuckle trophy and “Sweet Hog ?O Mine” feature by Biker magazine
Best Pan trophy and prizes by Bikernet
Best Shovel trophy and $250 gift certificate by Jireh Cycles
Best Evo trophy by Carolina Custom Products
Best Sportster trophy and $250 gift certificate by Jireh Cycles
Best Brit Bike trophy and $200 bar tab at the Broken Spoke$1,500 in Supertrapp product for Best of Show Winners
Best of Show trophies and product prizes by Carolina Custom Products

–S&S Cycle jackets for all winners!


BIKERNET BONNEVILLE BOOK REACHES HAWAII– The mail lady was honking her horn today so i went out to see her and she had your new book, Thank-you so much, what a supprize, pictures are great, cool to see my brother in some, got to sit down and start reading it..again Thank-you very much.. We miss you guys Aloha Chris & Joerline

Big Dog Banner

Big Dog Motorcycles Enters?The Dog Days Of Summer,? Which Offers Cash Allowances Of Up To $4,000.With new model year-end event, customers can enjoy substantial cash allowances of up to $4,000 on the company?s line of high performance, high style motorcyclesWICHITA, Kansas (July 15, 2008) ? Big Dog Motorcycles?, the leading manufacturer of high performance, high style motorcycles, has launched an all-new retail incentive: The Dog Days Of Summer, which provides new buyers a manufacturer?s cash allowance of up to $4,000 on new 2008 and 2007 models.

?The foremost premium motorcycle just became more accessible to more people wanting to experience ownership,? commented Paul Hansen, the company?s Marketing Director. ?From the award-winning Pitbull to America?s number one chopper, the K-9, our motorcycles come packed with high style, high performance, and now ? a lower price.?

Highlights of the ?The Dog Days Of Summer? Incentive Program, effective now, include:

?2008 Mastiff, Mutt, Pitbull, and Ridgeback: $3,000 manufacturer?s cash allowance

?2008 K-9: $2,000 manufacturer?s cash allowance

?2007 Bulldog, Chopper, Mastiff, and Pitbull: $4,000 manufacturer?s cash allowance

?2007 K-9: $3,000 manufacturer?s cash allowance

For complete information and program restrictions, visit an authorized Big Dog Motorcycles dealer or


The Latest Issue Of Latitudes & Attitudes August 2008, Is Now Available On-Line-Free–Okay! The full 164 page August issue of Latitudes & Attitudes is now available for your perusal, free, of course. This months issue includes video action and the ads for marine products are Hot-Linked directly to the advertisers website so you can get more info when you want it.

Also with this issue is our “Brokers Corner” with all the boat listing in one place, and all of them are linked to their sites, so when you want more info on the boat you are looking at, it will be easy to find.And don’t forget, the amazing new Latitudes & Attitudes Radio station is now live as well. Also free, of course! All the hard to find boating artists in one place, commercial free, 24/7/365. Just go to and select the Radio Icon!

H-D 2008 Anniversary Edition

ANNIVERSARY PAINT SCHEME REVEALED–I sent an E-mail to you earlier, but if your message was like my CC there was no picture. This message has an attachment that should open up the picture. Here’s my 105th Paint job. Would you show it to Willie G?

William C. Colvin>


105th HARLEY ANNIVERSARY PARTIES–In conjunction with this year’s Harley Davidson 105th Anniversary celebration, the Harley-Davidson Dealers of Metro Milwaukee will be hosting this year’s action packed Milwaukee Rally! This year’s Rally will be held August 27-31, 2008 at the four Milwaukee area Harley dealer locations:

Milwaukee Harley-Davidson/Buell
11310 W. Silver Spring Road
Milwaukee, WI

Hal’s Harley Davidson/Buell
1925 S. Moorland Road
New Berlin, WI

Suburban Motors
139 N. Main Street
Thiensville, WI

House of Harley-Davidson/Buell
6221 W. Layton Avenue
Milwaukee, WI

The Milwaukee Rally will feature FREE entertainment at the four dealer locations, plus Sunday night – to finish off the weekend, a street party will rock Water Street in downtown Milwaukee – its FREE and open to the general public and motorcycle enthusiasts worldwide!Stay tuned for more details.



Lifestyle Cycle Banner

rivera 1

Rivera Primo’s New POWERDRIVE 6-SPD LEFT SIDE DRIVE TRANSMISSIONS for FLT/FLHT/FLHR’s–Designed to have a stock-like appearance these POWERDRIVE? 6-speeds feature a full complement of high performanceupgrades. Patterned on the 1993-1998 style Touring models (FLT, FLHT, FLHR) they’re sold with the oil pan (black wrinkle finish)below the trans and includes a custom billet aluminum oil filler spout for the 6-speeds, which have a wider than stock trap door.The filler spout can also be purchased separately.

rivera 2

Among the many upgrades you’ll find are super-strength shafts and forged, back-cut gears which provide exceptionaldurability and faster shifting. Every trans features a 2.94:1 close-ratio first gear as well as an overdrive .860:1 sixth gear,delivering better acceleration off the line and reduced vibration & rpm’s at high gear cruisin’ speeds.

Available in natural, black wrinkle or fully polished finishes, each POWERDRIVE? assembly comes with a 2-year warranty.

1215-0013 . . . 6-Spd LSD Touring-Style Transmission / Natural Finish . . . . . . . MSRP $1765.10
1215-0014 . . . 6-Spd LSD Touring-Style Transmission / Black Wrinkle Finish . . MSRP $1786.40
1215-0015 . . . 6-Spd LSD Touring-Style Transmission / Polished Finish . . . . . . MSRP $1958.40
1215-0026 . . . Billet Oil Filler Spout Kit Only / Natural Finish . . . .MSRP $99.83
1215-0030 . . . Billet Oil Filler Spout Kit Only / Polished Finish . . MSRP $147.57

For further info on these & other fine products contact:
Rivera Primo Inc.
12450 Whittier Blvd.
Whittier, CA 90602
Tel: 800-872-1515
562-907-2600 ?
Fax: 562-907-2606

RIVERA Powerdrive Banner-BIKERNET

Assalt Weapan Book Banner
Click on this banner to buy our Bonneville Adventure Book.

BIKERNET BONNEVILLE BOOK GETS RAFFLED– Tony showed me the book you sent him of the Fastest Panhead. I hope you don’t mind but I stole it from him and am auctioning it off in a live auction at my Women In Motion Fundraiser this weekend.

I think the thing that would top that book off and make it worth twice as much is if we could offer a personalized autographed picture from Valerie Thompson to go with the book. Is that something you think you could make happen???

Vicki Roberts-Sanfelipo, RN/EMT
Director Accident Scene Management, Inc.
President of SOS & Conspicuity Inc.
W246 S3244 Industrial Ln. A
Waukesha, WI 53189
(877) 411-8551 – toll free
(262) 521-2880 – local
(262) 436-0286 – fax
Give to ASMI while you shop! It’s easy –

Continued On Page 4

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July 17, 2008 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

JON TOWLE INVESTIGATION CONTINUES– Seems everywhere one goes, Bikernet stuff is there.


jon truck sticker

SMITH TOPS AMA GRAND NATIONAL TWINS ON BEULAH PARK MILE–Kopp is Third, Coolbeth Sixth but Holds Series Points Lead.

GROVE CITY, OHIO (July 13, 2008) ? Moroney’s Harley-Davidson/Screamin’ Eagle rider Bryan Smith mastered a tricky mile track and rode a Harley-Davidson XR-750 to his first win of the 2008 AMA Grand National Twins season at Beulah Park, near Columbus, Ohio. The event was delayed until Sunday afternoon after heavy rain on Saturday evening interrupted the action following the fourth heat race. Fellow Harley-Davidson Wrecking Crew rider Joe Kopp was third on the Latus Harley-Davidson/Screamin? Eagle entry and Jared Mees placed his Harley in fifth. Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle factory rider Kenny Coolbeth finished sixth and now leads the series by seven points.

It was the first AMA Grand National Twins race held at Beulah Park, a sand-based horse racing track that provided a slick surface with a narrow racing line. Smith took the lead on lap five of the 25-lap Grand National main after battling through a pack that included Chris Carr, KK Supply / Roeder Harley-Davidson rider Geo Roeder and Kopp. Kopp and Carr each lead two early laps before giving way to Smith. Smith then steadily built his lead and was not challenged as he raced smoothly to the finish. Carr finished second, his best result of the season. Roeder faded and finished 11th.

?I found the fast line down low fairly early and just stayed there all day,? said Smith, who is now just eight points behind Coolbeth in season points. ?I?m just going to keep chipping away at the championship.?

The results at Beulah Park tightened the AMA Grand National season standings, as both Smith and Kopp gained on Coolbeth, the series leader coming into the weekend. Coolbeth now has 111 points, with Kopp in second place with 104 points and Smith in third with 103. Carr is fourth with 80 points. Mees is seventh with 53 points.

The 2008 AMA Grand National Twins Championship will race again on July 19 at the Darke County Fairgrounds half-mile in Greenville, Ohio.

The Screamin’ Eagle Flat Track team is sponsored by Matco Tools.


STURGIS WALL OF DEATH NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT– I have a couple of things I would like your input on. I am trying to get 10 people or companies to donate $500 dollars a piece to pay for the expenses to get the Wall of Death to Sturgis.

We are trying to put together a Memorial at the Sturgis County Line The New Broken Spoke also am looking for someone that has room to haul Jay Allen’s Record setting Chief to Sturgis as part of the display. The Chief is at Iversons in El Cajon and I am sure I can get it to the LA area. Thanks for any input you have. Harry

–Harry Bostard>


PERFORMANCE MACHINE IN STURGIS–Visit Performance Machine at two locations during the 2008 Sturgis Rally! You can come by our big rig at Black Hills Harley-Davidson or find the blue PM logo at J&P Cycles on Lazelle Street in downtown Sturgis. Show specials will be available at both locations with plenty of PM product available for purchase and on-site installation.

WY047A1 front
Click For More Info!

THE CLARION INN LOCATED IN GILLETTE, WY -NEED A PLACE TO STAY IN THE BADLANDS?–We have 159 rooms, including 13 suites, all newly remodeled. We have a large mineral pool (so no chlorine and no chlorine smell!) plus hot tub and steam room. All of our first-floor rooms have a door that opens to the parking lot and also a door to the inside hallway. We are totally non-smoking but have five pet-friendly rooms. This would be a great spot to rest and recover after a hot day in Sturgis.

WY047C1 pool

Yes, that?s an indoor pool!

Enjoy the hot tub, a warm shower and room service for a relaxing evening or hit the town (Jake’s Tavern, Attitudes, Mingles) to continue the fun. For reservations, call 800-686-3368.

wy hotel room

–Mary Kelley
The Clarion Inn & Convention Center
2009 S. Douglas Highway
Gillette, WY 82718
307-686-3000, Ext. 130

BIKERNET STAFF STAYS AT THE CLARION IN GILLETTE– Glad you’ll be joining us for Sturgis!! Just wanted to pass along that the Clarion Inn is the host hotel for the BMW motorcycle rally going on here in Gillette this week. We’ll have over 7,000 people (& their bikes) in Gillette, Wyoming (population about 30,000) this week.

The rally officially starts Thursday, 7/17 and runs thru Sunday 7/20. We’ll be promoting our available hotel rooms to those rally attendees also who may want to just stay over.

Our restaurant here in the hotel, Bootlegger’s, is doing concessions for the rally – offering meatball sandwiches, strawberry pecan salad, cheesecake, breakfast casserole, muffin tops plus all the specialty coffee drinks and frozen granitas.

Should be a great time! Beautiful sunny days around 90 degrees here and low humidity. I wouldn’t move back to Indiana for all the tea in China! Thanks! Mary

–Mary Kelley
Director of Marketing
The Clarion Inn & Convention Center
2009 S. Douglas Highway
Gillette, WY 82718
307-686-3000, Ext. 130

sturgis motorcycle museum new logo

STURGIS MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM OPENS NEW WOMEN?S EXHIBIT–July, 2008 ? for more information, contact Christine Paige Diers, (605) 347-2001 – – The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is pleased to announce the opening of its newest exhibit entitled ?First Ladies of Motorcycling.? The exhibit occupies a room in the museum that has been reserved for exhibits honoring women in motorcycling.

The ?First Ladies? exhibit is the first exhibit conceived of and designed by Executive Director Christine Paige Diers who was new to the museum in November. ?I?m very excited about this exhibit as it pays tribute to some of the women who have broken barriers in the motorcycling world,? said Paige Diers. ?It?s been fascinating for me to research and learn about these great women who were first in their field.

sturgis mm women sign

The ?First Ladies? exhibit includes displays about the first women?s transcontinental solo ride in 1916, the first women?s motorcycle club, the first woman motocross contender, the first woman to race superbikes, the first mother/daughter land speed record holders, the first woman to sit on the Motorcycle Industry Council, the first female commercial bike builder, the first professional female motorcycle racer from South Dakota and of course ? Pearl Hoel, the first lady of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

sturgis mm women more

Paige Diers said, ?These are just a few of the many women who have made a difference in the sport and the industry ? we don?t even pretend that these are the only important contributors or the only ?firsts? out there. Our goal with this exhibit was to honor at least a few of the women who?ve made a difference and maybe made it easier for women today and in the future to be part of the sport of motorcycling.?

Funding for ?First Ladies of Motorcycling? was provided by the Mary Chilton Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution through the Mary Chilton DAR Foundation, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.


American Road Shop Grand Re-OpeningSaturday July 19th After Facility Overhaul–WATERFORD, Mich.–July 12, 2008–American Road Shop today announced it will hold a grand re-opening on Saturday, July 19, 2008 after completing extensive renovations to make the shop a true destination place for Michigan’s motorcyclists. The shop will open at 10 a.m. and close at 6 p.m. on Saturday so be sure and stop by for a look at the area’s incredible new facility.

To celebrate the grand re-opening, the day’s festivities will include food and drinks, giveaways, a bike contest and a special appearance by Kerry McLean and his Mono-Cycle, as seen on the Discovery Channel. Bike contest participants must register before noon. Attendees can also take advantage of savings on items throughout the store and will receive a free gift with any purchase. A 50/50 raffle will also be held to benefit The Rainbow Connection, an organization that grants wishes for Michigan children with life-threatening or terminal illnesses. Fifty percent of the money collected from the sale of raffle tickets will be presented to the winning ticket holder and the other 50 percent will be donated to The Rainbow Connection.

Also on American Road Shop’s agenda for its grand re-opening weekend is the Rainbow Connection Charity Ride Poker run on Sunday, July 20, 2008. Registration begins at 10 a.m. at American Road Shop and the ride will leave the shop no later than 11:30 a.m. Riders will make stops at Mel’s 2 Diner, Dave & Amy’s, Klancy’s and 59 West before ending up at the Quake on the Lake hydroplane finals at 1:00 p.m. Prizes will be awarded for the best and worst hands and participants will receive coffee and donuts, a Quake t-shirt, an Oakland County Street Map and entry into Quake on the Lake. The cost of the ride is $20 per driver and $10 per passenger, plus $6 for vehicle park admission into Pontiac Lake State Recreation Area.

American Road Shop relocated and has been remodeling in and effort to improve its facilities and better serve its customers. The business added a 2,000-square-foot service shop, increasing its total size from 3,200 to 5,200 square feet. The new service shop will offer fast, drive-in oil and tire changes and will service all makes of motorcycles, including metric bikes.


For those who like to keep an eye on their ride, the business added a window between the store and the service area so customers never lose sight of their bikes while they are being serviced. American Road Shop’s newly design retail area offers a variety of motorcycle accessories, apparel and gifts, and customers can also take advantage of the in-house coffee shop, which serves hot and cold drinks, snacks and ice cream.

“We’ve worked hard to make American Road Shop a true destination place,” said owner Tim Beaubien. “Whether you need your bike serviced, need advice on a part or just need a place to hang out and grab a drink before you hit the road again, American Road Shop has got you covered.”

American Road Shop is a full-service, state-licensed repair facility and retail shop located at 7675B Highland Road in Waterford, Mich. For more information on American Road Shop, please call (248) 666-2490 or visit


Continued On Page 3

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July 17, 2008 Part 1




Senator John Brueggeman is flying in tonight and we’re working on his Ducati for his ride to Montana. We’ll show you soon. Billy Lane is flying in, in about a week, to ride his flathead to Sturgis. Jeremiah is pounding on our bathroom and getting his Shovel bobber ready for the ride to Sturgis. I’m welding nails to impress Michael Lichter into displaying my welding skills in his Thunder Road Art Exhibit. Plus I’m trying to get Todd’s Cycle to fill out a tech chart so I can write his bike feature.

Jeremiah tinkering with the Ducati instead of working on the bathroom.

Wait, there’s more. Where’s my To-Do list? I need to fix a Hamster Kendon trailer for the trip. Yeah, I’m a trailer Queen this year. First year I’ve ever pulled a trailer to Sturgis or any other event, although I remember about 1976 and pulling a funky box fulla bikes to Daytona with the entire ER crew stuffed in a motorhome. What a trip that was. We’re hauling the Salt Shaker, my Sturgis Shovel and Caleb’s bobber, another bike for the Mike Lichter display. Mike owes me a year’s supply of Coronas and limes. Let’s hit the news:



SSINSTER CHOPPERS WINS CHOPPER CHALLENGE–That’s cool he did a helluva job in the desert with rattlesnakes slithering through the shop. But this competition was quirky. Viewers only got one week or two to vote on Alan Lees? bike or Yaniv Evan from Power Plant in Hollywood, so how could they compete against guys who could work the voting booths for months. Ah, what the hell, its television.

ray wheeler

RAY WHEELER, THE GOD OF W8LESS ROTORS SURVIVES S&S 50TH– I think Ray really wanted to have his picture taken in La Crosse. It was pretty funny, there he was after the event was over in a huge empty tent with his broken and very swollen foot all bandaged up after a wreck on the way out, hobbling away to find his ride back to California, with a huge smile on his face – and I heard him saying to himself something to the effect, isn’t this livin’ the dream!!!

–Michael Lichter Photography, LLC
Studio phone 303 449-3906
Cell phone 303 517-1726
MySpace page

Ray Wheeler survived to ride another day, from the Bikernet Headquarters home. He’ll be in Sturgis at the Bikernet Brouhaha running the Tattoo Competition. W8Less rotors is sponsoring our show with sets of rotors for class winners and gift certs for specialty awards like Best Paint. Be There! No charge to enter your bike Friday morning at Thunder Road.–Bandit


FROM D&D – MORE MPG & HP FOR 2008 BAGGERS–Exhaust pipe manufacturer D&D saw a need to improve performance and economy in a package that is economical for the 2008 Harley Bagger rider. The results are in? 6.3 mpg and 10 HP increase over stock.

D&D’s Test Program D&D mapped out a 106 mile test that consisted of the same route, same gas station, same pump, with the motorbike set on cruise at 70mph. The stock results were 42.24 mpg; stock air cleaner w/Super Boss Slip-ons delivered 47.24 mpg; and Super Boss Slip-ons with Screamin? Eagle air cleaner delivered 48.5 mpg!

In another independent test we sent a set of Super Boss pipes to Tilleys H-D in North Carolina and they produced dyno results of an increase of 10 HP and 10 Torque with the Super Boss Slip-ons and Screamin? Eagle air cleaner.

D&D is building some of the most advanced exhaust systems that increase performance, improve economy and deliver value to your billfold.


Lowering The Performance Entry Point If you have a 2008 fuel injected Bagger then performance is a big issue for you. Dave Rash, The Pope of Pipe, delivered a bolt-on solution that produces power and torque right out of the box without a tuner. Just add the slip-on and high-flow air kit and you are good to go.


Hacienda Brothers? Arizona Motel & Tour Update —Dave Gonzalez of the Hacienda Brothers is currently on tour supporting the band?s new release titled Arizona Motel. The tour is also a tribute to his fallen Brother and musical partner Chris Gaffney. Dave Alvin, Gaffney?s longtime friend, will be joining Gonzalez as a special guest for the Austin Continental show on July 19 & the Northern California shows Aug 7-9 (for a complete list of show dates scroll down to the bottom). The CD was just released on June 24th and here?s a sample of rave reviews already coming in:

Philadelphia Inquirer

?This is the last Hacienda Brothers album, with good reason – lead singer Chris Gaffney died of cancer in April at 57. It’s also the best Haciendas album, as Gaffney and his fellow front man, Dave Gonzalez, continue to explore a hybrid of their own dubbed ‘Western soul.’

Country Standard Time

?The final Hacienda Brothers album perfects everything that Gaffney and the band had blueprinted on their previous two studio albums (and brought to magnificent life on their live album, last year’s ‘Music for Ranch & Town’). Featuring production from legendary boardsman Dan Penn on four tracks, this may well stand as the best work in Gaffney’s diverse and long discography simply because it seems to draw on all of the sounds and styles that he touched in his career.?

Los Angeles Times

?This third, and final, album from the group Gaffney formed in recent years with ex-Paladins guitarist, songwriter and singer Dave Gonzalez includes several stirring examples of Gaffney’s ability to hop musical fences. His rich baritone — part oak, part gravel — sounds equally convincing on the Waylon-esque ‘A Lot of Days Are Gone,’ written by Gonzalez and Jeb Schoonover, the western swing of Hank and Curly Williams’ ‘When You’re Tired of Breaking Other Hearts’ or the Southern soul of Gonzalez and Dan Penn’s ‘Used to the Pain.’

Arizona Motel is available at or at your local record store. Dave Gonzalez will also have the new CD with him as he tours this summer to the dates listed below. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Helpgaff fund set up to aid the family of Chris Gaffney.


BRASS BALLS AND IRONWORKS WORKING SIDE BY SIDE AT BIKERNET BROUHAHA– Dar Holdsworth and Marilyn Stemp ( of IronWorks Magazine will be working the Bikernet Booth on Friday.

–Jeffrey Najar


BIKERNET INVESTIGATES CAPITAL OF FLORIDA– Subject: Re: Tallahassee Law EnforcementAs you’ll see in the news today and in the morning, Tallahassee Police Chief Dennis Jones agree to assist us so we can do the escorts.

Dear Sheriff Larry Campbell,

I am a Patriot Guard Rider, whose mission is to honor fallen soldiers. Last Saturday, Master SGT Shawn Simmons, a Green Beret, born and raised in Florida, was laid to rest. Some 50-60 Patriot Guard Riders spent Saturday away from their own families to honor this fallen soldier and his family. It was our honor to be there, provide support to the family, and to escort the funeral procession to his final resting place.Our own Patriot Guard provided road blockers, who rode ahead and blocked intersections so that the funeral procession could proceed without interruption. Several of them were threatened, shouted at, and had drivers attempt to drive around them to cut in anyway.

But this is not about us, or what we do. It is about the very distasteful fact that Leon County Sheriff and Tallahassee Police will not provide an escort. And it is all about the respect and honor SGT Shawn Simmons deserved.I have attended funerals and homecomings with the Patriot Guard for about a year and half now. And I am appalled at the thoughtlessness and disregard of this issue that I know you are aware of. Nowhere else I’ve ridden, in surrounding counties or in Georgia, is police escort refused for such a worthy cause. Is your life so all encompassing that you cannot see what a dishonorable thing this is? In our own state capitol?

I have lived in many other states, and have NEVER seen local law enforcement refuse to provide an escort. All of those towns provided an escort for any military funeral, and some for motorcycle rallies as well. We aren’t asking for rally support, only escort for soldiers who come home in a casket. Those who fight for our freedom so far from home have not asked us for anything but respect. Will you continue to deny them such a small thing?

Somehow I don’t think LE in this city would deny a police escort for one of your own. This morning I attended a press conference at the capitol, and no less than eight motorcycle officers showed up to spend about an hour there, parking their bikes in a neat row for the media cameras. The escort we needed on Saturday would have taken approximately 20 minutes of time for half as many. Apparently media coverage ranks above SGT Shawn Simmons too.

We will not continue to look the other way. I personally will visit every church in Leon County that has police traffic control every Sunday and tell these God worshipping people how Leon County cannot provide a police escort for the most honored of citizens in this country, but they can direct traffic on every major artery so these people can leave church unhindered. I will pass out flyers to every home in my neighborhood of Killearn Lakes and tell them all how our County LE cannot lift a hand to change this “no-escort” policy for military personnel, but churches, press conferences, sports teams, and politicians are excepted.

I was not born and raised here, but I chose Tallahassee because I felt “at home” here. After only a year and half as a resident, I am wondering if I have made a serious mistake. Somehow I expected better of Florida’s state capitol.I strongly urge you to seek a change in this escort policy. Your “Commitment to Excellence” statement demands that you do. For if you do not, you are no better than those who threatened us last Saturday when asked to wait 5 minutes for the most honored of all American citizens to pass. And you will have lost all integrity in my eyes, my voter support, and that of anyone else I can sway in the that direction.


–Ms. Dara “Sam” McLain

–from Rogue


New factory parts for Big Dog PitbullBIG Dog Motorcycles has increased its line of proprietary BDM Performance Products parts for its award-winning 2008 Pitbull motorcycle. The latest additions are a drop solo seat and drag bars.

The new parts will be of particular interest to riders at opposite ends of the size spectrum, as the leather seat lowers the saddle height 2-1/2in to 23in. For those riders looking for a longer reach the 1-1/4in diameter drag bars are 4-1/2in forward of the stock handlebars.


“With these new accessories you can make the look of the Pitbull more radical, the riding position more aggressive, and the feel of the motorcycle completely different,” says Paul Hansen, Marketing Director of Big Dog Motorcycles.

Additional parts available in the BDM Performance Products line include passenger seats and pegs, sissybars, touring bags and windscreens.

Wichita, Kansas, USA
Tel: 316 267 9121
Fax: 316 267 2597

Big Dog Banner

KRAWIEC BATTLES TO SEMI-FINALS AT NHRA MILE-HIGH NATIONALS–Krawiec Qualifies Number One, Hines Holds On to NHRA Points Lead.

MORRISON, COLO. (July 13, 2008) ? Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines rider Eddie Krawiec advanced to the semi-final round of NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle eliminations at the Mopar Mile-High NHRA Nationals at Bandimere Speedway. For the second straight event, Krawiec also rode his Harley-Davidson V-Rod motorcycle to the number one spot in qualifying rounds. Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines rider Andrew Hines qualified fourth and lost in the second round at Bandimere. However, he retains his lead in the NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle season points race.

Krawiec made a 7.328-second pass at 181.74 mph in the third round of qualifying on Saturday morning to take the top spot at the high-altitude track, where the Vance & Hines team, which until recently was based in Colorado, has enjoyed much success.

?We were one-two right off the trailer on Friday, and had a great set-up all weekend,? said Krawiec. ?Our crew chief, Matt Hines, has won here in the past and so has Andrew, so we can really bank on that experience when we come to Bandimere.?

On Sunday, Krawiec coasted through the first two rounds as his opponents, Ryan Schnitz and Karen Stoffer, started early and were out on red lights. In the semi-finals, Krawiec lined up against the Snap-On Tools Suzuki of Steve Johnson, but never left the starting line.

?Right after I staged, the throttle cable failed and the bike just settled into an idle,? said Krawiec, who went out in the third round for the second event in a row. ?That?s really disappointing because we had a great bike and I felt comfortable and was making consistent starts. I?ve got qualifying figured out. Now I?ve got to get past the semi-final round.?

Hines also advanced through the first round when David Hope drew a red light, but then lost to Johnson?s 7.390 pass despite putting down a solid 7.423-second run and an outstanding 0.008 reaction time. Johnson lost to NitroFish Wear Buell rider Matt Smith in the final round.?I cut a really good light and made a clean pass, so it?s hard to get too upset about losing that round,? said Hines. ?I felt confident I?d be facing Eddie in the semi-final round, but Johnson just had a little more power. I?ll take the points lead to Sonoma, where we?ve run really well in the past.?

After eight rounds in the 2008 NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, Hines has 668 points and continues to lead the Pro Stock Motorcycle class. Smith moves into second place with 630 points, followed by Chip Ellis with 569, Chris Rivas at 512, and Krawiec with 481 points. NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycles will race next July 25-27 at the Fram/Autolite NHRA Nationals at Infineon Raceway, Sonoma, Calif.

The Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines Pro Stock Motorcycle team is sponsored by Ford Truck, Dunlop, Matco Tools and S100.

THE MOST VERSATILE WORD IN ENGLISH–For Our First Lesson – Utilizing one of the most versatile words in the English language for fun and profanity.

See more great biker programming in the Bikernet Studio.

Redneck Swamp Bike

ALL NEW REDNECK SWAMP BIKES–from the Rogue high-dollar factory in Florida.



Continued On Page 2

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Bikernet Independent Motorcycle Noise Study

I recently was hit by Noise Freak efforts and it scared
me that in a noisy world bikers would take the brunt of their
silencing efforts. Even the AMA suggested that we cower and
hide to prevent future intrusions into our rights. A respected
Motorcycle mag editor said this to me, in defense of his notion
to be quiet and maybe they’ll go away:

“I think if our pipes exceed an acceptable level (whatever that means), and we
continue to make people (non-riders) hate us, we will reap
whatever ‘rewards’ they want to heap upon us,” he said.

I disagree. We must stand and fight for our rights or we deserve
to get our asses

I’ve run this concept by NCOM, the MRF,
ABATE, SEMA representatives, a senator and now I’m releasing it.
They all applauded the notion. Freedom fighters across the
country believe strongly that we must stay right in the face of
legislators, that if we acquiesce or try to hide, we’ll be toast,
quick. One guy said, “We’re the Indians now. We need to keep
up the fight.”

There’s another side to this issue–understanding. This
study was designed to improve community understanding of
motorcycling. If citizens know what we face and what every one
faces regarding noise, they may come to a fresh
perspective. So give it a read.

Feel free to share our Bikernet Independent Noise Study with
your community, law enforcement or legislators. Let’s hope it
accomplishes some of the following goals:

Continued motorcycle freedom

Heightened motorcycle awareness and respect

Maybe save a life or two

An Improved relationship with our communities

Let me know your thoughts,

Ride Forever,



In a world of increased levels of constant noise and
heightened efforts to curb excessive decibel levels motorcycles
take a hit., the world’s largest web site in the
custom motorcycle industry, sought to study motorcycle noise
against constant environmental disturbances and put the
motorcycle exhaust sound into proper perspective.

Motorcycles are unique. They are the least
pervasive of all vehicles jammed onto our roads today. They
have the least protection and the best fuel efficiency ratings. We
noted the obvious; motorcycles lack bumpers,
airbags, double-wall doors or steel ceilings, yet take up a third
of the common sedan space. Motorcycles are substantially more
agile than trucks or even compacts in avoiding dangerous
situations, and bikes have but two defensive measures to
enhance their agility, visual and
auditory awareness.

For decades motorists have used the
excuse that they are unable to see a narrow motorcycle, so it’s
okay to
hit one. State legislators are currently dealing with that fallacy.
Still between 70 and 85 percent of all motorcycle/
motor vehicle accidents are caused by motorists. Plus the use of
cell phones, GPS screens, DVDs, CD players and other major
distractions are increasing the need for motorcycle awareness.
Recent statistics indicate over 80 percent of all motor vehicle
accidents occur while the driver is distracted by cell
phones, eating or other interruptions.

Much like emergency vehicles or horns, the sound a
makes is critical to its ability to alert motorists of its
whereabouts. That became our study criteria, and we tested four
motorcycles to determine an acceptable decibel level to allow
motorcyclists to be heard. We also discovered a recent court
case that demonstrated this contention. A woman testified she was
unaware of the presence of a motorcycle. Sound testing proved
her a liar.

We measured the decibel levels 2 feet away
from the open end of mufflers at 45 degrees. We also
discovered that some states measure decibel levels from as far as 50 feet
away. In that case, most motorcycles tested emitted less noise
than most 18-wheelers. Here’s the Federal standard: With the
bike going 35 mph at 3500 rpm, in a straight line, on a level
paved road, with no sound reflecting objects within 200 feet,
and no more than a 12mph wind. Locate your calibrated sound
meter 50 feet perpendicular to the line traveled by the bike. The
reading can be no more than 80db.

The motorcycles we tested and their results follow:

2003 Harley-Davidson Road King Classic, 1,400cc with mild
modifications and a full Screamin’ Eagle 2-into-1 exhaust

100 decibels at idle

108 decibels at cruising throttle

116 decibels fully revved

86 decibels by Federal standards

2004 1200 cc Sportster with full aftermarket Samson 2-
into-1 exhaust system.

100 decibles at idle

108 decibels at moderate rpms

120 decibels fully revved

87 decibels by Federal standards

Custom 1956 Harley-Davidson, 1488 cc, with custom 2-
into-2 exhaust system with modified shorty mufflers.

102 decibels at idle

111 decibels at cruising speeds

124 decibels revved

92 decibels by Federal standards

2007 Softail Custom 1,500 cc, original from the factory

97 decibels at idle

102 decibels at cruising speed

111 decibels revved

82 decibels by Federal Standards

For reference, we measured the noise levels of cars and
trucks passing our meter at between 35-45 mph and a 10-50
foot distance. Passenger vehicles ranged in the 78-83 decibel range,
while trucks ranged from 90-92 at that distance.

We took each one of these motorcycles and
tested them in three traffic scenarios:

Passing: A motorcycle approached a
passenger vehicle with windows rolled up and radio playing (and
without). We tested the approach from both sides of the car.

Oncoming Intersection Scenario: Again, we used a
late model passenger vehicle with the windows rolled up and a
radio playing (and without). This time, both vehicles approached
an intersection and we determined if the motorcycle could be heard
across an intersection in this test vehicle.

Cross Traffic: Again, we tested whether a
motorcycle can be heard closing on an intersection from a right
angle to the oncoming vehicle approaching an intersection,
with a building located on the right-hand corner.


We discovered that the stock motorcycle could not be
heard in the passing test unless the motorcycle was alongside a
moving vehicle. If a radio was playing at 80 decibels within the
vehicle, the motorcycle was nearly undetectable. A
dangerous situation for a motorcycle taking up limited
mirror viewing area.

We discovered with a radio playing, the Sportster
could be heard at just one car length behind the vehicle. The
results were almost the same for the Road King.

With the radio off, these motorcycles could be
discerned at two car lengths from the rear quarter panel. That is
a brief span of time in traffic to maneuver, if a car abruptly alters its direction.

The custom bike could be easily detected following at
five car lengths and close to seven lengths if the radio was not
in the equation.

The intersection test was the most difficult because
speed and distance are tricky to determine and control. The un-
altered Harley-Davidson was difficult to hear at all with or
without radio interference.

The modified Road King and Sportster had a fleeting
chance of being heard across an intersection to warn a
motorist. The only motorcycle that could be easily heard across
an intersection was the 1956 Custom with modified exhaust.

The final test was most interesting. Again, the stock
bike arrived at the intersection virtually unheard, whereas
the Sportster and the Road King were detected three car
lengths before the intersection. Thus, there would be a moment
of driver reaction time available, at 35 mph.

Again, the custom bike with modified exhaust was
heard over a block away from the intersection
providing the driver awareness of an approaching motorcycle
and giving both the driver and biker time to execute defensive
maneuvers prior to entering the intersection.

Our study also identified the consistency of road sound
in an industrial area in Wilmington, California, which affords
almost year-around riding weather. This street has an average
of 450 trucks passing in an hour at about 90-92 decibels.
An average of 673 cars pass hourly during peak hours at a
constant 81-83 decibels per car and maybe a half-dozen motorcycles
pass by during that same hour for a total of 30 seconds of motorcycle
noise at 80-100 decibels.

Our findings point out various considerations
regarding motorcycle noise regulations. The public needs to
understand motorcycling survival and how motorcycle noise can
save lives.

We are not in favor of disturbing or irresponsible motorcycle
noise. We support Daytona, Florida’s anti-revving ordinance.
Abusive noise use is ticketed. We also support an ordinance that allows ticketing for
any motorcyclist who abuses his motorcycle after 10:00 p.m. at
night in a residential district. We believe that motorcycles need
to make some noise, but that it must be handled responsibly.

Oakland Police Department Backs Up Bikernet Noise

Headline: “Oakland cops can be heard, if not seen” Tagline: “City
spends $15,000 on mufflers to make Harleys safer — and
noisier than federal standards.”

Text: Over in Oakland they like it loud — so loud that all 45
of the Police Department’s Harley-Davidson motorcycles have
been equipped with shiny new tailpipes, ad a cost of $500.00
apiece, to rev up their roar. It seems that the cops just didn’t
feel safe on the toned-down bikes.

“There’s an old motorcycle adage that you are heard before
you are seen,” said Deputy Chief Dave Kozicki, explaining the
department’s decision to toss the bikes’ muted factory-issued
mufflers in favor of the more high-volume pipes.

Kozicki cited an accident three months ago in which an
Oakland officer riding a toned-down cycle was struck by a
motorist who said he hadn’t hear the officer approaching. But
some City Hall insiders, as well as motorcycle cops elsewhere,
said the safety argument is a stretch.

Even the folks at the national Motorcycle Industry Council
(MIC) which represents all the big bike manufacturers, were
unaware of any safety benefits from louder mufflers.

“We encourage all motorcycle riders to keep the original low
sound levels that meet the … federal sound limit of 80 decibels,”
said industry spokesman Mike Mount. “It would seem
counterintuitive that a law enforcement agency would go against
federal standards.”

Ironically, it was just a short time back that Oakland police
were called upon to crack down on noisy motorists who had
modified their auto mufflers to make a whistling screech. The
“whistle tip” pipes were eventually outlawed under state law.

Oakland’s cops had a long tradition of riding their Harley-
Davidson with the modified, louder tail pipes, hearing them the
nickname “Rolling Thunder.” But after an officer complained
about a loss of hearing and other around town questioned
whether the police force was violating the very noise standards
it was supposed to enforce, the department brass ordered a
switch to the quieter stock mufflers.

So last year, the department launched a $1,200 study in
conjunction with the city’s risk management division to
determine whether: A) the louder motorcycles contributed to the
officers’ safety, B) were detrimental to their hearing, and C)
complied with noise standards.

Kozicki acknowledged that whatever safety-related findings
the study produced were largely anecdotal. Still, after everything
was taken into consideration, the department concluded “it was
in the best interest of the officers to put more-audible pipes
back on,” Kozicki said.

Hence, all 30 of the department’s Harleys were sent down to
the central maintenance yard for a muffler makeover at a cost of
about $15,000, according to City Hall insiders. Another 15
newly-purchased motorcycles were ordered with the louder
pipes, though at no extra charge.

Oakland officials acknowledge that the noisy pipes, when
tested, averaged 93 decibels – well above the federal legal noise
limit, according to the Motorcycle Industry Council.

But city Finance Director Mill Nolan, who oversees the risk
management division, isn’t alarmed. “if they were riding eight
straight hours, it would be a problem,” he said. “But they aren’t.”


We received a number or responses since Bill Bish sent our
initial noise study our to the NCCOM readership. We published
many of the comments below.



HE AGREES–I agree, Bill. We strapped our
helmets on in 1992 without any “real”
protest, and we are still wearing them 14 years later.
(Except in Santa Cruz County.)


recently was hit by Noise Freak efforts, and it scared me that in
a noisy world, bikers would take the brunt of their silencing efforts.
Even the AMA suggested that we cower and hide to prevent future intrusions
into our rights.

———– no need to diminish the AMA . . .

but, We must stand and fight for our rights .

———— there is no doubt that one smelly
asshole can offend hundredsof bystanders in a way that an infinite number of quiet riders
cannot undo .

Additional testing and implementation by higher ups

———– they want noise enforcement, call the
local cop-shop. They’ve already got laws on the books, viz. disturbing the peace,

Keep the bastards off our backs

———– they’re simply jealous . . .

…freedom isn’t free: its price is eternal vigilance . . .


They can’t see us, at least they can hear us. Been riding since


a motorcycle safety professional, the Number 1 issue facing the motorcycling community is noise. I do not buy into, “Loud Pipes Save Lives” philosophy. In my experience they (loud
pipes) just “piss off” the neighbors.

I do like this study though as it does support the idea that a
bike has to make some noise. But how loud is too loud?

In MD our noise levels are 80db for a bike at idle and 100
for a moving bike (2500 rpm). Your average lawn mower and a kitchen garbage
disposer sound in at around 90db, someone shouting in your ear at 110 and thunder
or a jet plane (at the ramp) at 120.

If I left my house in my quiet sleepy suburban
neighborhood at o’dark thirty and to my neighbors I sounded like a 737 taxiing down the street, my ride by those houses might look like Kevin Costner’s suicide ride by the
Confederate line in the opening of “Dances With Wolves”.



My name is Ken Glassman. I am the motorcycle columnist
for the Daily Herald Newspaper, in Chicago. I am not a fan of
loud aftermarket pipes, and favor law enforcement of current
noise laws.
Most accidents occur by cars turning left in front of
motorcycles they don’t see. Loud pipes don’t project their noise
to the front (SEE BELOW), across intersections as your study confirms. And it
does no good for a motorcycle to be heard a second or two
before it goes blasting past a car on the road, frightening the
While attitudes towards motorcycles and the people who
ride them are changing for the better, the noise problem is still the
number 1 thing that evokes negative reaction from drivers and
the general population.
I’ve ridden virtually every kind of cruiser bike made, (and a
great number of sportbikes) and find the stock noise emission to
be more than enough sound to give the rider the excitement of
a V-Twin motor, or any motor for that matter.

Yes, being seen is a problem for motorcycle riders, but loud
pipes isn’t the answer. I’d like to see more done with headlight
modulation, passing lamps or other auxiliary lighting, reflectors,
etc be a bigger part of the discussion. Also, I always comment
upon the anemic horns that are fitted to most motorcycles, and
the need to have better horns standard on motorcycles. I use
my horn often when approaching intersections, and find that a
short blast or two will do much more to get a drivers attention
than anything else.

Also riders, especially cruiser riders, should take it upon
themselves to become more enlightened to wearing brighter
clothing. The ubiquitous black jeans, black leather jacket/patch
vest/T-shirt uniform make it more difficult for drivers to notice
motorcycles. Brightly colored helmets also go a long way to
being more easily seen.

Can you imagine if the same percentage of automobiles as
motorcycles fitted aftermarket pipes on their cars? Think of the
noise factor if that ever happened. A person couldn’t get a
decent nights sleep unless they lived on a farm in Iowa.

With more two wheeled vehicles getting on the road for
commuting duties due to high fuel prices, and the resultant
acceptance of sharing the road with motorcycles, now is not the
time to fight for noise rights that will set back that acceptance.
My worry is that the legislators will become emboldened by
using this popular issue to gain support for other restrictions
that truly affect riders in an adverse way. There will be no end
to the stupid ideas like seat belts, air bags, roll cages,
mandatory helmet and riding gear, that legislators will come up
with, once they open the door with stricter noise laws. The
motorcycle community should police itself on the loud pipes
issue, to keep the idiots at bay.

Ken Glassman

Hey Ken,

Thank you for the sharp response. I agree and
disagree. I find it interesting that you oppose exhaust sound,
but have no problem honking your horn at intersections. How
annoying is that? In some third world countries horns are used
constantly, rather than obeying traffic regulations. Just honk and

You missed the point regarding autos. The point is
that a motorcycle needs to make some noise since we don’t have
air bags and double-walled doors. I’m not supporting loud cars.

On the other hand. I agree that more motorcycles may
open the door for more restrictions and we need to be careful
with our approach. I don’t agree that a moderately loud
motorcycle is offensive. There’s an indication of strength and
honor in sound. There’s something deeper to this issue. If we
decide that safety is more important than freedom, we’re in for
trouble. We’ll all sit at home surrounded by safety devices and
stare at computers.


BRAVO!!! (hands clapping crazy)–

Bout time the Statistics came out! I know from experience
that my pipes on my Suzuki Intruder (straight) have and will save
me in most circumstances. I’d like to see if there are anymore
studies using other bikes – Suzuki, Yamaha etc. Please don’t
assume that all loud pipes are on a Harley.

Way to go!

–Vicki Noel

Hi Bandit,

I’m a member of MRF, HOG and run the local chapter of
ABATE in Richmond, VA (River City ABATE).

I’ve sat in on several local meetings related to noise
ordinances and hear the same ‘We need to tone it down’
speeches from supposed ‘leaders’ of the biker community.
Excuse my language, but my response has always been ‘Fuck
that, I want to be heard in traffic’. My D&D pipes on my Victory
Cruiser have saved my ass on more than one occasion.

What happened to the old refrain ‘If it saves one life it’s
worth it’ that the nanny types always use when adding
restrictions to our lives.

Freedom Ain’t Free,

–Steve Skeens, Coordinator

River City ABATE


My husband sent me a copy of your noise survey and I
applaud your efforts.

I ride a 98 fat boy approx 70 miles round trip to and from
work weather permitting. My pipes have been modified and I
consider it not just for show, but a way of keeping me safe. All
bikers will face a moment in time when they are faced with
having to make a split second decision. I have had to several
times and each involved what we politely refer to as “snowbirds”
in Florida.

Keep up the good work. I am copying the report and
posting it at work for my fellow co-workers who ride. I also am
sending to my mechanic and the local H-D dealer who is one of
my customers.


–Mari “Mo” Mattox

USPS letter carrier

New Smyrna Beach, FL


The BC Coalition of Motorcyclists (BCCOM) is calling on the
Vancouver Police Department to change the way its conducting road block noise
checks on motorcyclists as the haphazard method currently being used
unfairly targets law-abiding riders.

Since 1985, the BC Coalition of Motorcyclists and its 6,000
members have worked closely with BC Ferries, the Insurance Corporation of
British Columbia (ICBC), the provincial government as well as the City of
Vancouver and other BC municipalities to advocate on behalf of BC
motorcyclists and address issues such as motorcycle noise and safety.

In 1996, BCCOM sat on the board of the Vancouver Noise
Task Force, which considered a ban on motorcycles in the West End along with
restrictions against leaf blowers, car alarms, lawnmowers and garbage
collection. In 1997, the Task Force recommended the City work with BCCOM
to educate riders about noise rather than impose a crackdown.

While BCCOM has worked diligently since then to raise
awareness of noise issues among motorcyclists, the Motor Vehicle Branch has
developed no standards for testing motorcycle noise and riders in BC still have
no place to take their vehicles to determine if their exhaust system is

“We understand the noise concerns of citizens in downtown
Vancouver and throughout the Lower Mainland, and that’s why we’ve never
supported the use of “illegal pipes,” said Adele Tompkins, Executive Director,
BCCOM. “However, forcing riders, who were riding responsibly, to submit
to random checks where they’re ordered to rev their engines to test their
noise potential, is unfair. Not only are riders also being held
accountable for additional ambient noise recorded by hand held decibel meters,
worse yet, they’re being treated as criminals when in fact they were
operating their motorcycles responsibly and respectfully.

“The fact is, most motorcyclists in BC are law-abiding
doctors, dentists, lawyers, fire fighters, and people from all walks of life, who are
united by their love of motorcycling and are just as concerned about
excessive noise as the non-riding public. Although well intentioned, we
collectively call on the VPD to focus on its efforts only on those motorcyclists who
are actually causing the noise problem.”


Adele Tompkins,

Executive Director

B.C. Coalition of Motorcyclists



HANG UP AND DRIVE! (Online Ammo for an Awareness War)

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”) has just released Traffic Safety Facts document DOT HS 810791. Here is the introduction:

“A preview of results from the 2006 Annual Assessment of Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Fatalities and Injuries shows that the number of people killed in the United States in motor vehicle traffic crashes declined from 43,510 in 2005 to 42,642, the lowest level in five years. This decline is the largest in terms of both number and percentage since 1992. The preview Data … shows the decline in fatalities occurred for passenger car occupants, light-truck occupants, and nonmotorists (pedestrian and pedalcyclists). However, motorcycle rider fatalities continued their nine-year increase, reaching 4,810 in 2006. Motorcycle rider fatalities now account for 11 percent of total fatalities, exceeding the number of pedestrian fatalities for the first time since NHTSA began collecting fatal motor vehicle crash data in 1975.”[1]

One reason motorcycle injuries and deaths continue to increase is that more people are riding motorcycles, and many new and “returning” riders are paying a high price for their excesses: excessive speed … excessive sauce … and excessive stupidity. That’s unfortunate, but it’s also Natural Selection…

…and although these latest statistics provide fresh fuel for the lid law lobbies, as veteran motorcycle training instructor John Sowers notes, “…going 80 miles/hr and being drunk and running into a tree won’t save you if you were wearing three helmets.”

We must not allow the negative publicity associated with the excesses of the ignorant to overshadow the fact that for experienced and responsible riders, the most significant cause of motorcycle injuries and fatalities continues to be the negligence and inattentional blindness of careless, clueless, distracted and impaired cagers. Quoting


“Approximately three-fourths of all motorcycle accidents involve another motor vehicle. Two-thirds of these accidents were caused by the motorist failing to yield the right of way.

The most common reason given by the motorist involved in these accidents is that they ‘didn’t see’ the motorcycle. These types of accidents account for approximately 50 percent of ALL motorcycle accidents! Recent scientific studies focusing on a phenomenon known as ‘inattentional blindness’ may help us understand why car drivers often end up causing accidents with motorcycles they ‘didn’t see.'”[2]

As the mountain of research assimilated by my partner Madd Ray shows, a leading cause of inattentional blindness is the driver distraction and impairment induced by cell phone conversations.[3] In fact, in 2002 The Harvard University Center for Risk Analysis estimated that each year 1.5 million accidents, 560,000 injuries and 2,600 deaths were due to phone use in moving vehicles.[4] And there were only 86 million cell phone service subscribers in the U.S. in 2002.[5] As of May 2007, we now have more than 236 million cell phone subscribers nationwide …almost three times as many … and 73% of them are talking while they’re driving![6]

So, how do we address this pandemic problem? Passing legislation that bans the use of handheld cellular devices while driving is certainly not the answer. Why? Because it is the conversation, and not the device, that creates the distraction. As the Center for Auto Safety’s Executive Director Clarence Ditlow noted in his January 2007 letter to NHTSA’s Nicole Nason:

“Research has consistently shown that operating a motor vehicle while talking on a cell phone–whether hand-held or hands-free–increases the risk of an accident to three to four times the experience of attentive drivers. The general consensus of the scientific community is that there is little, if any, difference in crash rates involving hands-free versus hand-held cell phones. The two-way conversation on a cellular phone, not the task of holding the phone, causes a cognitive distraction. This distraction induces ‘inattention blindness,’ inhibiting drivers’ abilities to detect change in road conditions.”[7]

That means there is one and only one way to effectively address this issue. We all have to…


Are you seriously interested in reducing the number of bikers maimed and killed each year by careless and clueless cagers? If so, then one of the best things you can do to mitigate inattentional blindness and make our roadways safer for motorcycling is to persuade as many motorists as you can to “Hang Up and Drive”! Notice that I said “persuade” and not “mandate”.

Yes, passing laws to ban the use of cell phones while driving is one way to get drivers to shut up and steer, but it is certainly not the only way. After all, “feel-good” laws that ban only handheld devices … that have limited applicability or negligible penalties … or that are difficult or impossible to enforce … will have little impact. We have enough laws like that on the books already. So, if lobbying for a comprehensive cell phone ban with significant penalty and effective enforcement provisions is not an option …or perhaps not an option for you … campaigning for awareness still is.

Spread this one simple message:


–Bruce Arnold



Retired motor cop here. Sound travels at 750 MPH in a 360 degree radius in all directions. Sound also reflects off of objects and reverberates. Sound does indeed travel from your exhaust pipe in all directions. This is a common sense fact just go stand by the rail road crossing and listen and you will hear that train coming increasing in loudness until it maxes out at the exact time it is at your position and then diminishes in volume as it races away.

I was part of a study group of police officers that conducted noise level gathering in order to aid us in the prosecution of vehicles exhibiting excessive noise. Oddly enough once we set up our observation post and began to gather data we confirmed that one can, indeed, hear an approaching vehicle.

So, after listening and balancing our ears to adjust to the ambient noise we began to track vehicles approaching based on when we could hear a vehicle noise but not assign it to a vehicle near us. With members stationed up and down the road indicating when a louder vehicle was approaching we would visually confirm with a lidar laser radar the distance form us to them.

We found that most autos and motorcycles with stock configuration could not be heard until they were within less than 1/4 block of our location, yet modified autos of the fast and furious type could be heard at distances ranging from two blocks up to and including some at five blocks away a block is roughly 100 to 120 feet.

This study was done over several time periods and different time of day and at night. The purpose was to gather data to provide us an acceptable level in which to prosecute any persons operating any vehicle creating excessive noise.

We found the courts accepted that any vehicle heard from three blocks away and up from the listening point indicated that a vehicle was being operated in an excessive manner. Motorcycles of the Cruiser type driven normally at 2000 to 2500 rpm even with modified exhaust were not falling into that category. Yet, the throttle jockeys running at 3000 to 400 rpm in first gear were heard at distances further than four blocks. We found it is not so much the capability of producing the noise, as it is, the tendency for some fools to create it in overwhelming volume to amuse themselves, that creates the controversy.

I was struck in May 2009 on my police Harley with red and blue strobes flashing wearing a lime green jacket by a girl changing lanes who did not see me, nor did she hear me. I was cut off and lane pushed more on duty on my silent beauty in one shift than I ever was in a week of riding my off duty Harley with Python pipes.

I utilized the warning properties of sound to announce my location and impending arrival at intersections and as well as cross turning traffic while on duty by using my siren, and off duty by pulling in my clutch and rolling my throttle.

Horns are heard all day long in an urban environment they are ignored. In fact on our police motorcycles when working downtown we used whistles to grab the attention of motorists, as it broke through the ambient sound.

I was a Police officer 1976 to 2012, Motor cop six tours starting 1978 finishing 2012, retired as Chief Instructor RCMP Atlantic Police Motorcycle training 2012.

Loud pipes alert others to your presence, they can reduce the danger and save your life but they must be used responsibly.

–DJ Motorcop
Read More

July 10, 2008 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


THE BIKERNET VOCABULARY WORD OF THE DAY–Electile Dysfunction: the inability to become aroused over any of the choices for President put forth by either party in the 2008 election year.

Melbourne, Florida


BUELL 1125R WINS ASRA TEAM CHALLENGE RACE AT ROAD AMERICA–Estok Finishes Second in ASRA Pro Thunderbike; Bilansky Sweeps CCS SuperTwins

ELKHART LAKE, WIS. (July 7, 2008) ? A near-stock Buell 1125R entered by Richie Morris Racing/Hal?s Speed Shop and ridden by Dan Bilansky and Clint Brotz won the ASRA Team Challenge endurance race, part of the three-day American Sportbike Racing Association (ASRA) Road America Festival of Speed held over Independence Day weekend. Bilansky and Brotz completed 38 laps of the four-mile Road America course to take the overall win and to lead the GTO class. James Gang/Hoban Bothers Racing/Appleton Buell riders Paul James and Jeff Johnson completed 37 laps to take the Team Challenge GTL class win and finish fifth overall on a Buell Firebolt XB12R.

Bilansky said the RMR/Hal?s Buell 1125R turned in a strong performance despite being raced in mostly stock trim.

?This is a bike we built for me to use in sprint races, and we decided to use the Team Challenge to shake it down,? said Bilansky. ?We were using the stock Pirelli Corsa III street tires and even the stock brake pads, with racing bodywork, dry break refueling system, and a slip-on muffler as the only mods. It worked really well, in fact it?s probably the best-handling motorcycle I?ve ever raced at Road America.?

The ASRA/CCS races were witnessed by hundreds of Buell owners attending Buell 25th Anniversary events held at Road America during the weekend, including demo rides, autograph sessions with Buell racers and an opportunity to ride in a parade lap session around the 4-mile track. More than 500 Buell owners were registered for the historic event.

Estok Second in Pro ThunderbikeFor the second race in a row, Deeley H-D/Buell Canada/Ruthless Racing rider David Estok turned in a strong performance on a Buell XB12R borrowed from another team and rode to a close second-place finish in the ASRA Pro Thunderbike National at Road America.

With his primary and back-up race bikes down with mechanical problems, the Deeley team borrowed a Buell XB12R from the Hal?s H-D/Buell/Hal?s Speed Shop squad, fitted Estok?s suspension and bodywork, and put the defending Thunderbike champion on the starting grid. At the start, Estok joined a group at the front that included BMW rider Nate Kern, H-D/Buell of Frederick rider Bryan Bemisderfer, Hal?s H-D/Buell/Hal?s Speed Shop rider Dan Bilansky and Bison Racing/Eagle H-D/Buell rider Walt Sipp. Kern led the first lap and started to open a gap on the group of Buell riders, but by lap three of the five-lap race Estok had set a new Thunderbike track lap record, reeled in the BMW and passed for the lead as the pair exited the first turn.

?I was not familiar with the clutch on the Hal?s bike, and I got a terrible start,? said Estok. ?Then it took me a lap to get comfortable on the bike. Kern was faster on the long straights but I could out-brake him into the turns, so I focused on braking to close the gap.?

On the last lap of the race, Estok passed Kern again in the first turn. Kern took back the lead on the downhill straight leading to turn five, only to see Estok retake the lead as the pair exited Canada Corner. Kern was able to draft past Estok on the long straight to the finish line to take the win by .097-seconds, the closest finish in ASRA Thunderbike history.

?I got a really good drive out of the last turn, but he had the draft and I couldn?t hold him off,? said Estok. ?I?d really like to thank Dan Bilansky and the Hal?s team for loaning me the bike. I may have to trade purse money with him.?

Bilansky finished third, several seconds behind Kern and Estok. James Gang/Hoban Brothers Racing/Appleton Buell rider Paul James was awarded fourth place after Sipp was penalized for jumping the start of the race, and Bemisderfer was penalized for exceeding the class horsepower limit. Suzuki rider Ed Key finished fifth.

After five events, Kern leads the Thunderbike series with 162 points, followed by Estok with 132 points and Sipp with 115.

The next stop on the eight-race ASRA Pro Thunderbike schedule is the Barber Festival of Speed, August 9-10 at Barber Motorsports Park in Leeds, Ala.

Buell Riders Win Six CCS Sprint RacesIn Championship Cup Series (CCS) twin sprint races at Road America, Joel Spalding rode a Buell XB12R to take two wins in Amateur Thunderbike. Dean Hagemann won Expert Lightweight F40 on a Buell XB12R. Bilansky rode a Buell 1125R to take two wins in Expert SuperTwins, and Estok won on Saturday in Expert Thunderbike.


JULY 12 – CHRISTMAS IN JULY TOY RUN — Sponsored by Full Throttle Magazine and Brandon Old Town Harley-Davidson, Adamo Drive, Tampa. Donation will be $10 and a new unwrapped toy. This run benefits St. Josephs Children’s Hospital. Registration starts at 9am with kickstands up at 11am. The After Party will be at Gulf Coast Harley-Davidson on S.R. 54. There will be free food with supplies last and everyone has a chance to sign up and win a $500 shopping spree gift certificate. For more info call 813-814-1424 Make your group ride plans to join us and help the kids in the hospital.

Old shot in Europe

SPECIAL REPORT, BIKERNET TEXAS CHILI COOK-OFF REPORT–Judge #3 was an inexperienced Chili taster named Frank, who was visitingfrom Springfield , IL .

Frank: “Recently, I was honored to be selected as a judge at a chilicook-off. The original person called in sick at the last moment and Ihappened to be standing there at the judge’s table, asking fordirections to the Coors Light truck, when the call came in. I wasassured by the other two judges (Native Texans) that the chili wouldn’tbe all that spicy; and, besides, they told me I could have free beer!during the tasting, so I accepted and became Judge 3.”

Here are the scorecard notes from the event:

Judge # 1 — A little too heavy on the tomato. Amusing kick.
Judge # 2 — Nice, smooth tomato flavor. Very mild.
Judge # 3 (Frank) — Holy crap, what the hell is this stuff? You couldremove dried paint from your driveway. Took me two beers to put theflames out. I hope that’s the worst one. These Texans are crazy.

Judge # 1 — Smoky, with a hint of pork. Slight jalapeno tang.
Judge # 2 — Exciting BBQ flavor, needs more peppers to be takenseriously.
Judge # 3 — Keep this out of the reach of children. I’m not sure whatI’m supposed to taste besides pain. I had to wave off two people whowanted to give me the Heimlich maneuver. They had to rush in more beerwhen they saw the look on my face.

Judge # 1 — Excellent firehouse chili. Great kick.
Judge # 2 — A bit salty, good use of peppers.
Judge # 3 — Call the EPA. I’ve located a uranium spill. My nose feelslike I have been snorting Drano. Everyone knows the routine by now. Getme more beer before I ignite. Barmaid pounded me on the back, now mybackbone is in the front part of my chest. I’m getting sh*t-faced fromall of the beer.

Judge # 1 — Black bean chili with almost no spice. Disappointing.
Judge # 2 — Hint of lime in the black beans. Good side dish for fish orother mild foods, not much of a chili.
Judge # 3 — I felt something scraping across my tongue, but was unableto taste it. Is it possible to burn out taste buds? Sally, the beermaid, was standing behind me with fresh refills. This 300 lb. woman isstarting to look HOT … just like this nuclear waste I’m eating! Ischili an aphrodisiac?

Judge # 1 — Meaty, strong chili. Cayenne peppers freshly ground, addingconsiderable kick. Very impressive.
Judge # 2 — Chili using shredded beef, could use more tomato. Mustadmit the cayenne peppers make a strong statement.
Judge # 3 — My ears are ringing, sweat is pouring off my forehead and Ican no longer focus my eyes. I farted, and four people behind me neededparamedics. The contestant seemed offended when I told her that herchili had given me brain damage. Sally saved my tongue from bleeding bypouring beer directly on it from the pitcher. I wonder if I’m burning mylips off. It really ticks me off that the other judges asked me to stopscreaming. Screw them.

Judge # 1 — Thin yet bold vegetarian variety chili. Good balance ofspices and peppers.
Judge # 2 — The best yet. Aggressive use of peppers, onions, garlic.Superb.
Judge # 3 — My intestines are now a straight pipe filled with gaseous,sulfuric flames. I crapped on myself when I farted, and I’m worried itwill eat through the chair. No one seems inclined to stand behind meexcept that Sally. Can’t feel my lips anymore. I need to wipe my buttwith a snow cone.

Judge # 1 — A mediocre chili with too much reliance on canned peppers.
Judge # 2 — Ho hum, tastes as if the chef literally threw in a can ofchili peppers at the last moment. **I should take note that I am worriedabout judge number 3. He appears to be in a bit of distress as he iscursing uncontrollably.
Judge # 3 — You could put a grenade in my mouth, pull the pin, and Iwouldn’t feel a thing. I’ve lost sight in one eye, and the world soundslike it is made of rushing water. My shirt is covered with chili, whichslid unnoticed out of my mouth. My pants are full of lava to match myshirt. At least during the autopsy, they’ll know what killed me. I’vedecided to stop breathing. It’s too painful. Screw it; I’m not gettingany oxygen anyway. If I need air, I’ll just suck it in through the4-inch hole in my stomach.

Judge # 1 — The perfect ending, this is a nice blend chili. Not toobold but spicy enough to declare its existence.
Judge # 2 — This final entry is a good, balanced chili. Neither mildnor hot. Sorry to see that most of it was lost when Judge #3 farted,passed out, fell over and pulled the chili pot down on top of himself.Not sure if he’s going to make it. Poor feller, wonder how he’d havereacted to really hot chili?
Judge # 3 – No Report

–from James Schnarr

sps bar type banner

BIKERNET EMT HELICOPTER RESCUE SEMINAR–Eleven people were hanging on a rope, under a helicopter. 10 men and 1 woman.

The rope was not strong enough to carry them all, so they decided that 1 had to leave, because otherwise they were all going to fall.

They weren’t able to choose that person, until the woman gave a very touching speech. She said that she would voluntarily let go of the rope, because, as a woman, she was used to giving up everything for her husband and kids or for men in general, and was used to always making sacrifices with little in return.

As soon as she finished her speech, all the men started clapping …….

–from Rev CarlR

LETTER TO BIKERNET FROM IRAQ– Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know Willie and I are doing well. Thanks a million for the package you guys sent. It was a huge morale booster for both of us, and our Soldiers. The stickers Chris T. sent were a HUGE success. You can find BMC Choppers,, GOT BEER, Jesse Who, surf board, and Kanaka stickers stuck on just about everything in this country. I promise to shoot some pictures out as soon as the Internet is improved and is a little faster.

I got my hands on a little 250cc street bike from China and we basically beat the shit out of it for a couple days. It caught fire and blew up. Thank god no one was hurt. I would have had a hell of a time explaining that one.

Other than that, not much exiting going on. We’re on a little Forward Operating Base called FOB Normandy. Google it to find more about it. Can’t really tell you to much other than it’s small and there is no running water. We do have a Gym, which is what keeps me busy. It’s small, but it works.

I recently got promoted, which moved me indoors every day. No more patrols or any of that shit. Safer, but all in all I’d rather be out with the boys raising hell. It sucks to watch them roll out every day, knowing I can’t go out and play. I imagine thats what a normal guy feels like after he gets married and his buddies are going to the bar and he knows he can’t go. Thankfully I never went through that, but I know how everyone else feels now. Shit sucks!

Alright, enough blabbering. Keep the rubber part on the ground, drink some Jack and think of me and I’ll see you in a couple months. Ohh shit, Willies ass went to Italy for three weeks, Crazy fucker! Hope he gets warts!


Dealer Direct

D&D DEALER PROGRAM CONTINUES TO EXPAND–If you need a set of performance tested pipes for any make or model check this list of new D&D Dealers or click on the banner above to find the D&D Dealer near you.

1) Westside Customs 1403 E 4th Joplin, MO 64801 417-623-7272
2) J & T Wheels Inc 13415 Panama City Beach Pkwy. Panama City Beach, FL 32407 850-215-5000
3) Bombay Motorsports Inc 18345 Sherman Way Reseda, CA 91335 818-342-8585
4) Jimmy’s Automotive 2841 S. Beltline Rd Balch Springs,TX 75182 972-289-0464
5) Average Joes Motorcycle 433 W Main St # 103 Mesa, AZ 85201 480-668-6363
6) C & S Sports Center Inc 4741 E Pickard Mount Pleasant, MI 48858 989-772-5513
7) Pro Tuned Performance 4906 Red Pine Ct Jacksonville, FL 32210 562-260-9443
8) Country Sports 10520 State Hwy 13 S Wisconsin Rapids,WI 54494 715-325-5381
9) Shreveport H-D 805 Brookhollow Dr Shreveport, LA 71105 318-798-1064
10) High Five Cycles 9311 LBJ Frwy Dallas, TX 75234 972-619-2080
11) Stuntwild 5780 Wells Rd Bartow, FL 33830 863-860-6993
12) Loudon Motorsports 212 Catoctin Circle SE Leesburg, VA 20175 703-777-1652
13) Performance Edge 895 Moe DR # 12 Akron, OH 44310 330-633-6777
14) Mid America Motors 2021 N 30th St Lincoln ,NE 68503 402-202-2263
15) Tilley H-D 1226 Morland Dr Statesville, NC 28677 704-872-3883
16) Triad Power Sports 6371 Burnt Poplar Greensboro, NC 27409
17) Liberty H-D 334 E Hines Hill Rd Boston Heights, OH 44236 330-650-2799

colonial hd flyer

TROOPER TIPPED OFF HOOKER PROBE SUSPECTS–A state trooper who was investigating prostitution at a truck stop near Harrisburg, Pa., was accused of tipping off the suspects.

A federal grand jury indicted Trooper Shawn Dillard, 39, of Harrisburg, on charges of making false statements, obstructing justice, facilitating interstate prostitution and conspiracy, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said Thursday.

If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison and $1 million in fines.

Prosecutors said Dillard tipped suspects about undercover agents, offered to reduce the charges against a woman in his custody in exchange for sexual favors and lied to federal agents about his activities.

He had been a member of an anti-prostitution task force that had netted 16 people for trafficking in prostitutes, authorities said.

Dillard’s lawyer did not return a telephone message seeking comment.

State police said Dillard has been suspended without pay.


I say we nominate him for the Sturgis Hall of Fame.–Bandit

cs aireal

Cycle Source 8th Annual Custom Chopper Show Moves To MountainFest!–The same annual custom chopper show that has been held in Pittsburgh for seven years, has now found a new home in Morgantown, West Virginia during their annual MountainFest Rally. This previously annual event that attracted 10,000 local riders for a one day show, promises to have much of the same killer bikes and great judging that it has always featured. There are 56 trophies in 20 separate classes with a Best of Show for Pro and Open divisions. The show, that is open to the public and costs nothing to enter, will be held on Saturday July 26th at Mylan Park. Registration will begin at 8am and close at 1pm sharp. In addition to the show, professional builders and national celebrities will be on hand all weekend to exhibit their bikes.

cs trophy table

Names like: Bill Dodge – Bling’s Cycles, Carl Hanlon – Guilty Customs, Pat Patterson – Led Sled Customs, Paul Wideman – Bare Knuckle Choppers, Steve Peffer – Steel City Choppers, Casey – The Paint Chop, John Vyborny – Jax’s Cycles and more to be announced.

Wild and Wonderful MountainFest Motorcycle Rally Sponsored by Triple S Harley-Davidson, Wild and Wonderful West Virginia & Budweiser, is scheduled for July 24-27 in Morgantown, West Virginia. A quick look reveals that true to their motto, MountainFest 2008 promises four fun-filled days of riding, revelry, and brotherhood in the rolling hills and valleys of the Mountain State. In addition to the Chopper Show, this rally has some of the best attractions including a $20,000 FREE poker run, 20 different tourism destinations, one of the best antique and vintage displays ever assembled (HONESTLY), entertainment by Kansas and a vintage motorcycle race through the streets of Morgantown on Sunday. All of this, including all parking, comes to the event attendee for the price of $10, yep, a 4-day-event, bikes shows, entertainment and all parking for ten lousy bucks! That’s one of the reasons Cycle Source Magazine voted them best new rally in 2006.

See more on their website at and for more info on the Cycle Source Custom Chopper Show visit their Web site at


HARLEY-DAVIDSON ENCOURAGES WOMEN TO TAKE LIFE BY TWO WHEELS —Ring Promotion and New Rider Guide to Help Inspire More Women to Move into the Driver?s Seat.

MILWAUKEE (July 8, 2008) ? To help encourage and inspire even more women to take life by the handlebars, Harley-Davidson recently introduced two initiatives: Let Freedom Ring promotion and We Ride – The Harley-Davidson Guide for Women.

Women all over the world have increasingly discovered the thrill of owning and riding their own motorcycles. In fact, the number of women who have purchased new Harley-Davidson motorcycles has tripled over the past 20 years, with women now accounting for nearly 12 percent of new Harley-Davidson motorcycle purchases.


Let Freedom Ring is the first of its kind promotion by Harley-Davidson, created to encourage women to learn to ride and help celebrate women who have a passion for freedom and adventure on two wheels. The promotion is available only to women who have graduated from a Rider’s Edge? course and purchased a new Harley-Davidson? or Buell? motorcycle between June 2, 2008, and October 1, 2008. Eligible women will receive a ring custom-designed by Karen Davidson, daughter of Harley-Davidson styling legend Willie G. Davidson and great-granddaughter of one of the company?s founders. Full details are available at .


Harley-Davidson is excited to release We Ride, a basic overview on what a new rider or a woman interested in riding needs to know about getting into the sport, available for download at . The special 48-page riding guide can also be picked up at any local Harley-Davidson dealership or ordered by calling 1-800-LUV2RIDE.

The guide features information on how and where women can learn to ride with details on the Rider?s Edge New Rider Course, the best way to fit a motorcycle for a woman?s ergonomic and functional needs, and getting involved and staying active with riding groups, as well as inspirational stories from real women who have answered the call of the open road.

Along with these initiatives, Harley-Davidson dealerships across the country are also hosting free women-only Garage Parties to offer a non-intimidating environment for women to discover how they can get involved with motorcycles and meet other women who are interested in riding.

For more information about We Ride, the Let Freedom Ring promotion or any Garage Parties near you, visit .

Chris Kallash

HOLLISTER WEEKEND RUN CLOSING IN ON US–The Summer’s in full swing. Seth Doulton is working his ass off in Hollister to develop a killer event for us riders and the folks who live there.


I’m sure most of you recognize the 5-Ball Racing Team art above. Chris Kallas has been invited to exhibit his art at Michael Lichter’s display, at Thunder Road in the dome, along with one of my bikes and a sculpture by K.Randall Ball.

Wall of death

I haven’t started the metal art piece, so hang on. I did scrounge around a welding shop the other day for pieces of junk metal. This is going to be interesting.


Speaking of real talent. Heather New just shipped this engraving to Kent Weeks, another master designer, at Lucky Devil Metal Works, who is building a Bobber for the lovely Nyla Ross. It will be unveiled in Sturgis, we all hope.

Renegade wheel

We’ve just kicked off a Pro Street project at the Bikernet headquarters with dark chromed Renegade wheels, a CCI front end and sheet metal and Redneck fiberglass bags. You’ll see it begin to take shape as soon as we survive Sturgis.

Matchless ad

Hang on for the Sunday Post, if you’re around this weekend. We might get to see our first run at this magnificent sculpture for Sturgis. Damn, the pressure’s on.

Ride forever,



Read More

July 10, 2008 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

WY047A1 front
Click For More Info!

THE CLARION INN LOCATED IN GILLETTE, WY -NEED A PLACE TO STAY IN THE BADLANDS?–We have 159 rooms, including 13 suites, all newly remodeled. We have a large mineral pool (so no chlorine and no chlorine smell!) plus hot tub and steam room. All of our first-floor rooms have a door that opens to the parking lot and also a door to the inside hallway. We are totally non-smoking but have five pet-friendly rooms. This would be a great spot to rest and recover after a hot day in Sturgis.

WY047C1 pool

Yes, that?s an indoor pool!

Enjoy the hot tub, a warm shower and room service for a relaxing evening or hit the town (Jake’s Tavern, Attitudes, Mingles) to continue the fun. For reservations, call 800-686-3368.

wy hotel room

–Mary Kelley
The Clarion Inn & Convention Center
2009 S. Douglas Highway
Gillette, WY 82718
307-686-3000, Ext. 130

screamin eagle

COOLBETH BACK ON TOP AT TOPEKA AMA GRAND NATIONAL–Smith is Fourth, Kopp Fifth, and Coolbeth Gains in Season Points.

TOPEKA, KAN. (July 4, 2008) ? Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle factory rider Kenny Coolbeth got himself back in the winning groove on Friday night. The two-time defending AMA Grand National Twins champion rode a Harley-Davidson XR-750 and led every lap to post a win on the Heartland Park half-mile. His third win of the season gives Coolbeth a 10-point cushion in the Grand National Twins points standings. His closest rival, Latus Harley-Davidson/Screamin? Eagle rider Joe Kopp, finished fifth.

With the victory in Topeka, Coolbeth regained the momentum that saw him win the first two races of the season and finish second in the third before running ninth last weekend at Lima, Ohio.

?We couldn?t do anything last week, so it?s great to be back on top and have things working again,? Coolbeth said after winning the 17th Grand National event of his career. ?I think this was the smallest track we?ve ever raced on with the twins bikes, it?s barely three-eighths of a mile. We had trouble getting our gearing set in practice but the Harley-Davidson team found an engine and suspension set-up that gave me good drive out of the corners, and that?s what it took to win.?

A good start would be critical success in the 25-lap main on the fast-but-tight Heartland Park half-mile, and Coolbeth led the pack away from the line before Blue Springs Harley-Davidson/Screamin’ Eagle rider Jared Mees dropped his bike in turn three to bring out a red flag. Mees and Jake Mataya were unable to make the restart due to mechanical problems. Again, Coolbeth led at the start, with Glassman/LZ Racing rider Sammy Halbert, American Harley-Davidson/Dick Ford rider Rob Pearson, Chris Carr and Bartels’ Harley-Davidson/Rogers Lake Racing rider Shaun Russell in tow.

Pearson challenged Coolbeth in the early laps, but the factory Harley-Davidson rider slowly pulled away, leaving Pearson and Halbert to battle for second. On lap 23 the hard-charging Halbert got past Pearson to take second, his best finish and second podium of the season. Moroney’s Harley-Davidson/Screamin’ Eagle rider Bryan Smith edged Kopp for fourth place. Coolbeth led Halbert by more than two seconds at the finish.

With the win, Coolbeth opens a gap on Kopp in the season points race, and after five events Harley-Davidson Wrecking Crew riders lead the standings. Coolbeth has 98 points to 88 for Kopp, with Smith in third with 80 points. Chris Carr is fourth with 61 points.

The 2008 AMA Grand National Twins Championship will race again on July 12 at Beulah Park mile in Grove City, Ohio.

The Screamin’ Eagle Flat Track team is sponsored by Matco Tools.


SARA LIBERTE RELEASES NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC SERIES IN STURGIS–Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania- moto-photographer Sara Liberte releases new images just in time to celebrate the Sturgis Rally and Races.

?Every August motorcyclists from all over the world travel to Sturgis to be submerged in a land where people once traveled across the prairie in covered wagons, and cowboys still ride their horses. Sturgis offers more than just a good time; it is a place where motorcyclists enjoy camaraderie with their friends and the freedom of the open road. As I watch my generation of motorcyclists enjoy this land I feel the connection they have with the environment, where the motorcycle, the soul and the landscape become one. These images attempt to capture that connection ? where machine becomes part of the scenery in Sturgis.? ~ Sara Liberte


This Special print series consists of five black and white photographs signed by the artist.

Sara Liberte has 2 other well-known photographic series available to the public, Her limited edition series titled ?Women and Machine portrays image of the female figure with motorcycle components fused throughout, and her Builder and Machine series consists of fusion style portraits of some of the true craftsmen working in the motorcycle/automotive industry.


Sara owns and operates RT?s North Hills Cycle Inc. in Pittsburgh, PA with her boyfriend Ron Tonetti. Sara is also the creator of a website developed to meet the growing needs of women who are seeking information about motorcycles and their maintenance along with other things that women are interested in, health, exercise, nutrition, etc.

All images are available for purchase through Sara?s website Sara will also be displaying the images during The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and Races please check for location.


WRESTLING COMES TO COMPUTERS AND CARS– For all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the way computers have enhanced our lives, read on.

At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated,

‘If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25.00 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon.’

In response to Bill’s comments, General Motors issued a press release stating:

If GM had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics (and I just love this part):

1. For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash…….. Twice a day.

2. Every time they repainted the lines in the road, you would have to buy a new car.

3. Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You would have to pull to the side of the road, close all of the windows, shut off the car, restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this.

4. Occasionally, executing a maneuver such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the engine.

5. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable, five times as fast and twice as easy to drive – but would run on only five percent of the roads.

6. The oil, water temperature, and alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single ‘This Car Has Performed An Illegal Operation’ warning light.

7. The airbag system would ask ‘Are you sure?’ before deploying.

8. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio antenna.

9. Every time a new car was introduced car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car.

10. You’d have to press the ‘Start’ button to turn the engine off.

–from Keith Wahl


BIKERNET BONNEVILLE BOOK REVIEW FROM CANADA– Just got my copy of the Bonneville book via frieght ship.I am a bit surprised to see my story in there, but I understand how you feel about it being an integral part of the whole adventure.(It still gives me a sick feeling in my stomache) Glad I was able to add some spice to the whole thing. ha ha ha….

Many thanks, Looking forward to the read….The kids got a kick out of seeing “Bandit” (our dog) in the thursday news.

Have a great time in Sturgis…. BASTARD !!!I wanna go so bad… one of these days….

–E Man…


BAD DEPUTY– Deputy Used Stun Gun On Wife, Hillsborough Sheriff’s Office Says. TAMPA – A Hillsborough County deputy was arrested this morning after he used a Taser three to four times on his wife and placed a semiautomatic gun against her left temple, deputies say. He pushed her onto a bed, then took a Taser from his Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office duty belt and used the weapon on her stomach, causing Taser burns.

He was named District II deputy of the month in October 2005. No one answered the door late this morning at the home of the deputy and his wife. The Hillsborough County sheriff’s deputy accused of using a Taser on his wife and then holding a service pistol to her head will be freed from jail without having to post bail – pending the outcome of his case. The judge told the deputy that he wants to see progress toward rehabilitation before he considers allowing him to resume living at home with his wife and children.

Tanner works as a community resource deputy in the Plant City area, serving as a public representative of the sheriff’s office rather than a patrol deputy. The sheriff’s office said Tanner had been drinking Sunday and fought with his wife.The Tampa Tribune – Jul 8, 2008

–from Rogue

DD bannerwigirl

D&Ds NEW BANDIT PERFORMANCE KIT WITH ZIPPERS EFI SYSTEM–It?s summer time and you want a little more lead in your pencil. Where do you go? Go no farther than D&D?s New Bandit Kit – It makes asphalt ripping performance for your Harley-Davidson fuel injected motorcycle. The Bandit Kit comes with a D&D performance exhaust pipe, high-flow air cleaner and Zipper?s Performance ThunderMax with AutoTune tuner. And we will provide a 15% discount just by mentioning the Bandit Kit!

dd6-onSiteInstall-animatedWebBanner copy

All the experts agree that the most cost effective upgrade to your motorbike is a performance pipe, a free-flowing air cleaner and a tune up. The Bandit Kit delivers it all in one easy to use and to install package from D&D Performance Enterprise.

The Zipper?s Performance ThunderMax with AutoTune tuner calibrates itself so you don?t need to put your bike on a dyno. That saves time and money. Also, if you add more go-fast parts, it knows it and modifies itself. Fast, efficient and easy to use – that’s the D&D way.

So call the D&D team today at 817-834-8961 or get more information by clicking here and start making horsepower gains tomorrow.



CONNECTICUT PUSHES FOR HELMET LAW ONCE MORE–Hartford (WTNH) _ There are more and more motorcycles on the road, and this spring and summer, a lot of deadly crashes. So, would a helmet law help prevent fatalities?

New England Cycle Center business has been brisk this motorcycle season and where they give helmets and other safety items with each purchase of a new motorcycle.

The long holiday weekend ended horribly for two Connecticut motorcycle riders Sunday night on interstate 91 northbound in Rocky Hill and miserably for thousands and thousands of people trying to get home.

In the past three months, there have been at least 50 motorcycle accidents on state roads resulting in at least 9 deaths. And that does not include crashes on town roads, which have not yet been reported.

Noting that wearing helmets is the law in New York and Massachusetts, Governor Jodi Rell said today that it may be time to reconsider a mandatory helmet law here.

?I often see people come across the state line, take off their helmets and continue to drive in Connecticut. To me, it just absolutely makes no sense,? Governor Jodi Rell said. ?If you can wear it all the way through New York, you can wear it in Connecticut and perhaps it is time that we take another look at it.?

international motorcycle shows banner

INTERNATIONAL CYCLE SHOW BREAK TIME–Take a Break with The Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows Presented by Toyota! Free Drinks, Prizes and More . . .

Attention you MotoGP fans heading north to Monterey! We’re introducing the IMS Pit Stop ? Fuel for you and (maybe) free fuel for your bike!

Date: Friday, July 18, 2008
Time: 9:00a.m. ? 3:00p.m.
Chevron Extra Mile
At the 1/101 Interchange
(cross Streets are SANTA ROSA (Hwy 1) and FOOTHILL Ave)
151 N. Santa Rosa Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
GPS Coordinates:
Latitude: 35:17:42N
Longitude: 120:40:08W

At the IMS Pit Stop we’ll have for you:

Giveaways including Free Gas, Helmets and Gear! (Don’t worry, we’ll ship them to you after the weekend) Motorcycle and helmet cleaning station featuring free Mothers detailing products and IMS detailing towelsFree fountain drinks (courtesy of Chevron Extra Mile) and snacks Red Bull USGP race schedules

When you get to Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, be sure to swing by our trackside display in the Yamaha Marketplace where we’ll have more moto swag to give away and you can enter to win:

Shoei helmets
Fulmer helmets
Chatterbox communication system
Deluxe Mothers detailing gift basket
Gift certificate for Pirelli tires
Tickets to the Cycle World International Motorcycle
Shows Presented by Toyota

And much more!

Don’t forget – bring the IMS detailing towel you got at the Pit Stop to our booth at the track for your chance to win VIP prizes and discounts!!Hope to see you on the ride and trackside!

new bag4

BAKER REVIEWS BIKERNET BAKER OIL PAN TECH–That was marvelous! That totally helps folks understand the process.

The full Synthetic Spectro Engine Oil for longer lasting engines.

Rollin Karrol, from Spector, likes our pan because it holds an extra quart. Lol.

Thanks Rogue!

Brand Vandal | Marketing, Creative & PR
BAKER Drivetrain

See the Bikernet Home Page or Tech Department for the Baker Oil Pan Tech.–Wrench


sturgis rider live

Continued On Page 4

Read More

July 10, 2008 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


BIKERNET METRIC WEEKLY NEWS ON TIME, SORTA–The Bikernet Metric gang has been locked in a exhaust pipe factory for several months trying to get up to speed. If you click on the banner you’ll find the beginnings of a wild All-Metric Motorcycle site and usually the news is up every Friday.

Chopper challenge

?THE CHOPPER CHALLENGE? IS A HIT WITH BRANDS–Eight iconic brands come on board as partners.

NEW YORK, NY (July 2, 2008) ? Halfway through its first season, ?The Chopper Challenge? has won the hearts of viewers and praise from its brand partners. Airing weekly on Wednesdays at 8:30 pm ET/PT via Viacom?s CMT network, ?The Chopper Challenge? offers brands the opportunity to connect, as well as deepen their relationship, with consumers. Each week, a celebrity bike builder designs and builds a sponsor-inspired, fully handcrafted, custom logo-branded motorcycle.

?The Chopper Challenge? is aimed at the 35 million current motorcycle owners/operators in the U.S.?as well as their admirers. The series premiered, May 14, with a GEICO bike, built by master bike builder, Kirk Taylor of Custom Design Studios.?GEICO is very pleased to be part of such a fantastic show,? says GEICO power-sports marketing representative Eric Vaden. ?We love the bikes that have been produced and being able to see the creative talent and ingenuity that goes into each of these bikes is very intriguing. We feel that the viewers of CMT?s ?Chopper Challenge? are the right people for us to reach out to regarding our family of insurance products and we love the interaction that ?Chopper Challenge? gives us with this audience. It?s a great partnership that we look forward to continuing.?

Indeed, the partnership has already continued. GEICO signed on for a second episode, which will air Wednesday, July 9. GEICO?s first ?Chopper Challenge? episode spotlighted the Gecko lizard, while the second features the Caveman.

In addition to GEICO, ?The Chopper Challenge? has partnered with ?The Incredible Hulk? (bike built by Scott Long and Central Coast Cycles), Road Runner High Speed Online/Time Warner Cable (Cole Foster of Salinas Boys), the rock band Seether (John Shope of SSinister Cycles) Patr?n Tequila (Johnny Goodson?s Insane Custom Cycles), Mohegan Sun (Mitch Bergeron of Mitch Bergeron Customs), Monster Energy (Alan Lee of Alan Lee Designs) and Jim Beam (Ralph Randolph of Knockout Motorcycle Company).

While the series prominently shines the light on master bike builders, the Jim Beam-branded episode of ?The Chopper Challenge? also shed light on a worthy cause.?By supporting real-life subjects in non-traditional ways, Jim Beam is putting the brand?s timeless values into a context that makes them contemporary and relevant to today?s consumer,? explains Rory Finlay, senior vice president and global chief marketing officer of Beam Global Spirits & Wine, Inc. ?We?re excited that Ralph Randolph?s chopper creation will continue to raise awareness of Operation Homefront and bring further proceeds to this foundation which supports our troops and their hard-working families.?

Produced by V Entertainment Group LLC, ?The Chopper Challenge? celebrates the master craftsmen who create the most sought after custom motorcycles in the world. V Entertainment Group retained GMR Entertainment to secure all of its brand partners for the series. GMR Entertainment is one of the leading music and entertainment marketing agencies within the Omnicom Group.

–Eric Harryman
V Entertainment Group LLC
Beverly Hills, CA 90212



Best of Show awards: 1st through 3rd (trophies by Kevin Baas and Bandit

The following classes are all awarded first and second place: first place trophy from Dupont, second place 5-Ball

American Manufactured: Harley, Victory bikes with unmodified frames.

European Manufactured: Any bike produced by a European manufacturer. Unmodified frames.

Metric Manufactured: Asian manufacturers, unmodified frames.

Touring Bike: Custom dressers and modified touring bikes. Should have windshield, saddlebags and a faring

Trikes and Sidecar bikes: 3-wheeled bikes with a motorcycle engines

Auto Bikes: Any bike with an automotive engine. May be broken into 2-wheeled or 3-wheeled.

Radical Chopper Category: Extended forks and or highly modified frame. Any make or model accepted.

Bobber Style Category: Any stock rigid frame with traditional forks and low bars. Any make or model accepted.

Early Chopper Style: Any bike with highbars or outrageously high risers and stock length front ends and stock or nearly stock frame rakes. Any make or model accepted.

American Manufactured Custom: Current D.O.T. manufacturer including Big Dogs, Titans, etc.

Traditional Bobber: Actual Pre-1957 rendition of true bobber of the era. Any make or model accepted.

Race Bikes: Any bike actually used in a racing form to include board track, off road, moto Cross, drag racing and Scrambles. Any make or model accepted.

Sport Bikes: Caf? racers, street racers and sport touring bikes.

Antique Bikes: Original paint and restored antiques. Any make or model accepted.

Antique Customs: Custom bike designed with an antique bike flair. Any make or model accepted.

Individual awards:
Judge’s Choice Award
Best Paint
Best Design
Best Detail
Best Sheet metal

All 5-Ball Trophies and best of show trophies sponsored by Custom Chrome. First place awards and Best Paint awards from Dupont Hot Hues.

To register, it’s free: Just be there between 9-11 Friday morning at Thunder Road–Thunder Dome.

rfr cutie pink n black

Photo from Rigid Frame Richard

ADULT ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY FEELS PINCH OF TOUGH ECONOMY–Adult TAMPA – Jessica Mann and Rebecca Massicotte swiveled around a pole in high-heeled platforms and bikini tops.

Two men in velvet chairs looked on.

The women are used to sparse crowds on weekday afternoons at the Deja Vu strip club on Adamo Drive. But not like this.

As the economy slumps and gas prices rise, Americans are tightening belts. That means even here in Tampa, the self-professed “Lap Dance Capital of the World,” the area’s adult entertainment venues are taking a hit.

Profits are down 25 percent to 30 percent this year, said Deja Vu general manager Eric Terrell, who goes by the name Ice.

Guys in suits out to entertain their clients no longer have such plush expense accounts. The customers who once thought nothing of plunking down a few hundred bucks – even a grand or two – on credit cards for private dances in the champagne room now balk at their monthly statements.

Mostly, the clients just don’t walk through the door.

“What we are seeing is there’s a trickle-down effect because of the subprime mortgage crisis,” said Angelina Spencer, national executive director of the Association of Club Executives, a group that represents adult entertainment clubs. “This is resulting in less people going to all sorts of entertainment venues, not just adult entertainment venues.”

Spencer, who used to run a club in Cleveland and now lives in Naples, fields calls every day from strip club owners feeling the pinch of a bad economy.

“Entertainment is one of those luxury items; it’s one of the first things people give up,” she said.

While an ailing economy may bring fewer customers to local strip clubs, it often, however, will bring out more women willing to give pole dancing a try.

“If it’s hard to find even a regular job out there, I’ll get more dancers,” said Joe Redner, owner of Tampa’s iconic Mons Venus club on Dale Mabry Highway.

His club’s business is down 25 percent in this struggling economy, he said.

Most adult entertainers work as independent contractors, meaning they pay club owners a fee to perform and then pocket the money they earn from tips and private dances.

Because it doesn’t cost club owners extra cash to take on new dancers, club managers lose nothing by adding more women to their dance roster. This, of course, means more competition for tips and private dances among the women.

“They’re having to work longer hours and actually work a little harder,” Redner said.

Mann, 28, worked at Deja Vu 10 years ago, bringing in big cash for the then-18-year-old dancer.

“It was wonderful back then,” she said.She made $400-500 most nights. But she didn’t want to dance forever so she left the business to go to school and become a certified nurse’s assistant and medical technician.

The problem: She earned $9.75 per hour and found herself living paycheck to paycheck. Three months ago, she came back to D?j? vu and started dancing again.



BIKERNET OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT–When you walk out the door in the morning and see this in the sky…… …..just go back inside, have another cup of coffee, andstay home.

It’s NOT gonna be a good day.

–from Buckshot


BIKERNET BROUHAHA SHOW SUGGESTION–So, I checked out your categories for the Sturgis show. Very cool to see a sidecar category… Be nice to see something cooler than mine (which is still far from finished…)

But where will I put my heavy modified japcraps in?

Check out our website!

SHK is proud sponsor of the 1st. annual MOJAVE HARDCORE

holger bike

THE BOSS OF CCI REVEALS HIS PERSONAL RIDE– Attached is a picture of my new personal bike that we built last winter. It was originally built for European roads and therefore featuring a lot of TUV type parts.

However, I am going to ship it to the US to use it in Sturgis and to finally ride it?.

If you are interested in featuring it, please let me know and I make sure you get a disc.


CCI logo

NEUE PRODUKTE & OPEN HOUSE in Baden-Baden–– Schmiederad “SPOKE”

– ROCKER Heck Fender

– Ank?ndigung: Rick’s OPEN HOUSE am 05.Oktober 2008

Neues 1-teiliges Raddesign “SPOKE”Die moderne Interpretation der klassischen Speichenfelge!CNC-gefr?stes 20-Speichen Rad in Schmiedetechnik. Die gro?e Nachfrage nach Speichenr?dern hat uns auf die Idee gebracht ein Hightech Speichenrad zu produzieren. Angelehnt an dem bekannten 3-teiligen Rick’s “SUPERSTEVE” entstand so das neue “SPOKE” Design.

ricks power-news

Wie gewohnt bei allen Rick’s Felgen: H?chster Qualit?tsstandard erh?ltlich in hochglanzpoliert und pulverbeschichtet. Rick’s, das Original!

Gr??en: 18″, 20″, 21″ und 23″
Neuer Heckfender f?r ROCKER Modell in Vorbereitung

Im Moment arbeiten wir an einem neuen Heckfender f?r die ROCKER Modelle. Die Montage erfolgt an den originalen Befestigungen. Somit sind keine Bohrungen oder andere Modifikationen am Rahmen notwendig.

Der Fender ist mit Beifahrerpad 2-Personen tauglich und passt f?r das Original ROCKER Rad 8″/240 und die Rick’s Rad-/ Reifenkombination 9″ /260. Die Lieferung erfolgt mit passender Sitzbankgrundplatte.

Rick's wheel

Sobald die neuen Heckfender verf?gbar sind, werden wir Euch gesondert informieren.

OPEN HOUSE bei Rick’s HOUSE OF CUSTOM am 05.10.08

Es ist bald wieder soweit. Let’s party! Bitte tragt den Termin heute noch in Eueren Kalender ein, damit wir wieder gemeinsam feiern k?nnen! Genaueres erfahrt Ihr in einer der n?chsten Ausgaben unserer Power News. Abmeldung

Bitte senden Sie eine Mail an , wenn Sie den Newsletter nicht mehr erhalten wollen.


CUSTOM RAIDER TO BE AUCTIONED AT 10TH ANNUAL STAR DAYS– Cypress Ca. July 9, 2008? Star Motorcycles is very pleased to unveil a custom Jeff Palhegyi designed Raider that will be the top item up for bid to benefit Feed the Children during this year?s 10th Annual STAR Days Event held in Fayetteville Arkansas from July 22nd through 25th.

The annual STAR Days event draws thousands of loyal Star Touring and Riding members from across the country and this tenth anniversary event promises to be the best ever. ?We?re very excited to host this year?s event and plan many fun and family-oriented activities,? said Alan Cease, President of Star Touring and Riding, ?and the fact that this is our tenth anniversary just adds even more icing on the cake.?

?Star Touring and Riding has grown tremendously over the years since its founding in 1996,? said Bob Starr, General Manager of Communications for Star Motorcycles, ?and the fact that this organization has always been centered on family values and the pure enjoyment that only motorcycle riding can offer makes it a perfect match for us.?

For more details on STAR Days 2008 please visit the Star Touring and Riding website at

ROCK ‘N THE RALLY AT THE GLENCOE UPDATE–I also wanted to mention that we are doing a Buy-one-get-one free ticket promotion for all Rock’n The Rally shows from July 14-31st. Please spread the word! I will follow up shortly with updated banners.

Here are the details:
the Biggest, Baddest and Best shows at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally are happening at Glencoe’s Rock’n The Rally.
From July 14-31, if you BUY ONE TICKET YOU GET ONE FREE!
August 4th: KISS
August 5th: John Fogerty with Larry the Cable Guy
August 6th: Kenny Chesney with Pat Green
To Buy 2-for-1 tickets to all of these shows from NOW through July 31, go to, or call 800-585-3737

–Jimmy Stewart
Do Stuff Media 512-507-5794

ear horn

NOISE FREAK SPEAKS UP– I saw your article, and read the comments. I’m a “noise freak”. Everyone who violates the law seeks to minimize, justify, or shift the blame. You managed all three. Your logic is majorly flawed. Your after-market mufflers excluded straight pipes which exceed 130dB. Your study stated you needed to be loud so motorists could hear a bike while the cars’ radio is on.

You won’t wear helmets because it “impedes your hearing” ability. What can you hear happening around you sitting on top of 130dB? A warning horn? Hardly! Oh well! Blame the motorist. You place the responsibility on the motorist because of you inability to hear anything around you. A semi with a driver asleep could come up behind you and you’ll never hear it, not to mention emergency vehicles, or even another biker, until they are right on top of you.

You put the onus on motorists to hear or look out for you. Where is your responsibility? That’s childish! If loud pipes were the answer, then all styles of bikes would have them. But sport bikes and “crotch-rockets” don’t. There is no market for after-market systems for these. And they are a third of the size of these big hogs. However, they are bright and visible, the operators wear bright clothing and bright helmets. I observe them farther than I hear loud bikes. I also can’t tell the direction of the sound very well in a car. Bikers feel they are entitled to violate the law. There attitude is only compounded by their ignorance.

–Gary F.

Hey Gary, motorists who maim and kill motorcyclists also violate the law. They’re murderers who say they can?t see or hear us and get away with it. Bullshit. Loud pipes save lives.–Bandit

armybike_3 copy

ANOTHER FEATURE BIKE COMING TO BIKERNET– Are you interested in this bike for your internet rag? If so, I will get all the news written up and send it over to you. Nobody has seen it yet. It is going to be unveiled at Hollister.

It was built for the Army and will be going on a tour promoting the US Army. Later, it will be given to a lucky winner at the Grand National show (HP Promotions) in SF.

BTW, check out those really cool rotors on the bike!


hp hollister banner
Click for more info!

Continued On Page 3

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