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Dangerous Curves

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Danger surrounds us. Every evening on the news we hear impending doom, violence, Amber alerts, drunken politicians, bishops killing innocents with their cars and molesting our children. If you're like me, there's a high probability that you purchased your motorcycle to escape the everyday pressures consuming your brainwaves.

Live to Ride, Ride to Work, is the motto, I think?

So this month, I've decided to jump on the jeopardy bandwagon and issue a few “Danger” warnings, so you'll have more stuff to worry about while on the road. Great? Let's get one thing straight, right out of the chute. Everyone knows that riding a motorcycle is a dangerous undertaking. The one thing many people don't realize is modifying their motorcycle can add hazards.

This month I'm going to do my best to point out a few of the hazards associated with modifying your bike, so you don't end up like Jackass-G in the photo. Since I've had my shop here in Scottsdale, I've seen many bikes that have wound up sliding sideways down the road. Many times the rider blames the bike for the loss of control, when it's actually the rider's responsibility to know the limits of his or her machine and ride within those limits. Many times modifications, such as lowering a bike, or adding or omitting certain accessories can seriously affect the stability and safety of your original machine.

Factory built motorcycles are required to meet NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), safety standards, whose catchy slogan is “people saving people”. These guys from the government are actually out to help you by setting standard operating equipment specifications. This is where your tax dollars are spent to protect you while you're riding.

The NHSTA has also tried to eliminate motorcycles from the road altogether.

If there is a series of attention getting accidents, the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) gets involved. These are the same guys that investigate everything from train, plane and shipwrecks, then, hopefully, they develop guidelines to correct equipment issues.

Some of the equipment that the government requires on motorcycles are no-brainers, like footrests for both riders and passengers, seats for riders and passengers, front and rear brakes with minimum stopping distance specs, minimum lighting and standard controls for typical operation. As obvious as it seems, I've seen bikes built that ignore these simple features.

One of the most dangerous equipment omissions I've encountered are the lack of a kill-switches on handlebars.

Even if you've got the trickest set of billet handlebar controls on your bike, take the time to wire in a kill-switch accessible to your right thumb when you've got your hand on the throttle. If there's no quick way to shut off the power to your machine in an emergency the possibility for major physical injuries will increase substantially.

Just last fall we had a customer who lost control of his bike on a mountain curve. When he went off-road his throttle stuck open. He had no accessible kill switch and couldn't shut off his bike. Talk about dangerous curves; what a horrible feeling that must have been to realize that you can't stop your street machine from entering the Baja 1000. He ripped across the desert full throttle out of control. He was ejected off the bike. Thankfully, he lived to talk about it. Guaranteed, when he's recovered and was ready to jump back in the saddle, his bike will have a kill-switch located by the throttle, within reach of his thumb.

Another modification that can create a hazardous situation is modifying original suspension without understanding the limitations incurred.

Most Harley-Davidson motorcycles have 5 to 6 inches of ground-clearance under the frame rails. By modifying and lowering the rear suspension by just an inch and a half, front and rear, you've greatly limited the lean angle and cornering ability of your bike. If you're accustomed to riding your stock-height bike and then lower it, you'll quickly find out exactly how much closer to the asphalt your foot pegs, exhaust, and kickstand are (you may need to change the exhaust system). The shower of sparks and that rock-in-your-gut feeling appears when you're digging into a corner and realize that you're in it too fast. If you like to do more than ride to the pub once a month, you might reconsider “slamming” your bike. Look again at Jackass G in the photo and think how cool his bike looks lowered to the ground.

Another accessory that limits your cornering lean-angle are those big oversized sculptured kickstands. They look really cool when your bike is parked, but I've seen the damage resulting in “high-siding” your bike. Imagine the feeling of sitting at a stoplight, waiting for that moment to turn left. The opportunity arises; traffic opens up, as if you're Chuck Heston parting the Red Sea. You goose the throttle, lean your bike left and then your back tire lifts off the ground. The goofy oversized sculptured side-stand stuck into the tarmac and caused your bike to pirouette in the center of the street; not a good time.

Speaking of high siding, the combination of low bikes and non-folding foot-pegs on forward controls can spark the same unnerving effect in turns.

Instead of the peg hinging up, it becomes a mini bike lift and can result in a bad day. There's a wide selection of superior quality billet forward controls that offer hinged foot pegs. They may cost a few extra bucks upfront to purchase, but it's worth it in every turn. The solid jobs will snap off at the first asphalt clip.

Last but not least, motorcycles are required by the Feds to be equipped with minimum lighting equipment standards. Factory turn signal lights can be very bulbous and unattractive. There are a variety of choices available in bright marker lights that can clean up the appearance of your machine without sacrificing visibility. The latest improvements in lighting are the halogen bulbs, which are very compact and almost obnoxiously bright. The new LED technology available offers yet another durable and attractive choice in motorcycle safety illumination. There's really no reason to ride or build a bike with substandard lighting.

“See and be seen” is always a life saving ethic to maintain while you're out exposed on two wheels.

Motorcycling is dangerous enough. There's no reason to set yourself up for unnecessary risks by modifying your machine in ways that can ultimately lead to disaster. Screw the governmental regulations, but use common sense. Most importantly, be aware of how the modifications will change the way your bike functions. This is still America, the land of the free. The goal, as always, is to have fun on your bike and make it home in one piece so you can ride another day.

Keep the rubber side down,

–John at Steeds

surg. steeds banner
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February 12, 2009 Part 5


Continued From Page 4

Paddy ride 09 flier email

MARCH 15TH, LET’S RIDE–Hopefully youve recovered from last years RIDE. Come and do it all again……………. SUNDAY MARCH 15th is Paddy Ride 09. Meet for breakfast at The Harp in Ocean Beach(4935 Newport ave) at 9:00 AM.., then motor out to Dublin Mob Choppers compound (6306 Federal Blvd) where the BBQ and Bands kick off at 11:00 AM Once again the bands are the top notch Lady Dottie and the Diamonds, Cash’d Out, and Diablo Dimes.. not to mention Mob crew cookin up HODADS burgers all day long…,refeshments, raffels, loud music, It dont get no righter ! UND1SPUTED and HODADS sponsoring. Ride yer chop rod or custom and bring the family.

–Shannon McKnight

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century motorcycles

65TH ANNUAL TRAILBLAZERS BANQUET–The Trailblazers, a social organization of pioneer motorcycling enthusiasts, was founded in 1940. Their 65th annual banquet and bike show will be held on Saturday, April 4th at Carson Center, in Carson California.

For more information concerning membership or the banquet, please check out their website, e-mail, or write to Trailblazers @MIC Inc., 2 Jenner St. Suite 150, Irvine, California 92618-3313

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BIKERNET READER TECH QUESTION OF THE WEEK– I have an early ’84 4-speed with all new Andrews gears and shifter forks. I am using an S&S 96″ stroker with 11:1 pistons, Super G bored and boosted, ported and flowed 6 angle valve job heads. In other words probably 110 hp at rear wheel.

I would like to use the Barnet Scorpion clutch ass’y. They claim it has an over 200% gain over the stock clutch. Which in my opinion is great, but I recently heard from a Harley parts guy that they burn up fast. Could this be true if properly adjusted? How do you feel about this?

–the bird.

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matt olsen

BIKERNET AND AMCA ENCOURAGES YOUNGER MEMBERSHIP–I am sending you my weekly update photo a little early this week, hopefully you haven’t left for Cincinnati yet. I got a big old box of parts from Bill York who owns AAOK. He sells all types of parts for knuckles, pans and big twin Sidevalves through his mail order website–

Bill has been around a long time, he used to own the Motor Shop back in the seventies. He is a great guy and has really helped out with the project, I am emailing you pics of the new old stock army surplus valves that he donated for the project.

I wish I could go to Ohio, but I have to get a lot more work done at the shop, so I can go to daytona.

–Matt Olsen

An essay contest exists on the AMCA site. A young reader could become the owner of a Vintage H-D. In addition to winning the bike he or she will be trained in restoration techniques. Chance of a lifetime. Click on the banner to find out more.–Wilburn Roach

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Cops for Calif
Photo from the Bob T. Collection.

RICHARD QUIGLEY CHANGES CALIFORNIA, AGAIN (LONG AFTER HIS DEATH)– Yesterday the California Highway Patrol issued a sweeping revision to their motorcycle helmet enforcement policy in what was the last in a three part agreement made with the plaintiffs of the ?Quigley v. CHP? lawsuit.

The policy not only brings the CHP?s policy into line with existing law, it also shows the Department?s desire to work with motorcyclists and put the problems of the years since the inception of the helmet law behind them. The plaintiffs want to extend their thanks to the leadership of the Highway Patrol who, despite being involved in a lawsuit, made a tremendous effort to work together to fix a problem that had been a friction point for the last fifteen years.

These three issues, the new policy, the CHP?s petitioning of the California Judicial Council (Resulting in the change to the CJC?s Bail and Fine Schedule) and the dropping of the demand for fees in the above referenced lawsuit brings to an end Richard Quigley?s sixteen year fight against the motorcycle helmet law long after his death.

The lawsuit ?Quigley v. CHP? was the second in a two part assault on helmet law enforcement. The first was an outgrowth of Quigley?s many citations in his crusade against the helmet law. His last trip to traffic court ended with the judge finding the CHP in contempt of court for not following the correctable statutes in California law. In the resulting case, ?Superior Court v. CHP,? the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the judge, but not before publishing the opinion that was the lynchpin in reversing fifteen years of improper application of California law.

Richard Quigley, Steve Bianco, Don Blanscet, Steve ?Red? Barron and Pat Holmes all members of BOLT of California and ABATE of California joined together in ?Quigley v. CHP? a lawsuit filed in 2007. The lawsuit attempted to find the helmet law unconstitutional and was supported by individuals and organizations (far too many to be listed here) across the country. Two that must be singled out are Tony ?Pan? Sanfelipo (BOLT & ABATE of WI) and ABATE of Delaware. Tony for his unfailing support and ABATE of Delaware for its huge donation. They joined many ABATE of California Locals and individual members who helped defray the costs of this multi-year endeavor. The plaintiffs also want to thank ABATE of California for serving as the clearing house for many donations.

The lawsuit did not survive CHP?s summary judgment motion but was headed for appeal when the settlement was hammered out. Although Quig didn?t live to see it he would have been proud of Steve, Don, Red and Pat who all carried the banner of motorcyclists rights to achieve this great victory.

Questions can be directed to Mike Osborn 805-377-3262.

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The SPS crew is building an actual vintage board track in Sturgis. Hang on for more reports.

SUCKER PUNCH SALLY EXPANDS HER BRAND–I wanted to let you know that Sucker Punch is continuing to grow and expand their dealer operations and will be launching three new bikes at the V-Twin expo. One, dubbed “The Workingman”, is going to be very similar to The Traditional but with a DNA Springer, Ultima transmission and solid color paint all for $18995 and $1000 dealer incentive rebate program, so it will retail at $17995.

The second bike to debut at V-Twin will be a Sucker Punch Sally’s Sportster tm frame that has been built out in the Sucker Punch Sally’s old school racer style. It features an S&S 100-inch Sportster tm motor and numerous custom Sucker Punch Sally’s parts. You will also get to see the Triumph Thruxton that SPS customized for Fender Guitars. It features a Sara Ray paint job and a caf? racer feel.


In addition Sucker Punch Sally’s will be unveiling their two new bikes “Love” and “Hate”. These are two prototype production bikes that are sure to turn heads. They will be offered on a limited basis through our dealer network with the idea being that some people want a full-blown production custom. These two bikes, designed by Ami James and Christian Clayton, are sure to be a hit. Christian and Ami will be making appearances across the country at selected Sucker Punch Sally’s dealerships. The Love Hate bikes will feature custom frames, custom cast parts, custom cut billet wheels and the new 360 Brakes.

–Ken Conte

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white line mag

HARDCORED CUSTOMS HITS THE PAGES–Guess nothing new since we had stuff out in 3 different magazines at the newsstands. Anyways. Jamison’s bike’s still in the Rebel Rodz Feb issue. Sean’s Panhead in the Outlaw biker #174…www.whitelinemagazine just came out with a Svenmeister Revisited thing- Check it out by clicking their link!!!

Cycle Source should feature the sidecar in the February issue and of course many more to come!

— Svenmeister
SVENMEISTER HARDCORE KUSTOMSMailing: PO Box 140358, Edgewater, CO 80214 USAShop: Westminster, CO (Open by appointment only! )

Check out our website!

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dot on shaft logo

GUITAR MANUFACTURER COMES TO BIKERNET– I spoke to Mike Carparelli the Owner of Dot on Shaft today, he was over the moon with your kind offer and has asked his web guy to send you the art work you requested, in return if you can send me the same we will add a link to you on our site, we would have loved to have sent the image of the Indian Chief motorcycle or the Harley-Davidson which we have on a guitar bodies, they’re real beauties but we need to secure licensing before we release the bodies for sale or show.

Perhaps if you are in the area sometime you could drop by the store and we could show you around, I spent much time at a Famous motorcycle cafe in England before moving here run by and old friend its called the Ace Cafe London, the most famous cafe in the world, we hope be able to launch our guitars big time at the Ace later on in the year with supporting bands.


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big bear intl

BIG BEAR CHOPPERS INTERNATIONAL EXPANSION–In these times, companies are faced with big decisions with their business model, human and equipment resources, sales channel, and product development. Big Bear Choppers (BBC) is agile enough to successfully maneuver with the current environment, resulting in immediate growth and penetration in a global export sales channel, efficient lean manufacturing and fresh product design. Yet BBC?s brand equity is large enough to have an international brand recognition and presence, due to continued world wide media exposure, and growing positive viral customer word-of-mouth.

Big Bear Choppers has pursued aggressive expansion into foreign markets, and their 2009 business planning indicates close to 50% of planned turn-key motorcycle shipments will come from foreign markets, as the result of the slow domestic market and growing demand internationally. Single-line dealerships carrying the BBC brand of motorcycles are starting to sprout up more and more, with already established dealerships in countries like Australia, Canada and Switzerland -solely representing and selling Big Bear Choppers. Other existing international multi-line dealer body consists in countries like India, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Dubai, Taiwan, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, England, Germany, and Sweden. Current negotiations are in process covering additional strategic countries -not ready for public knowledge.

Doc, on the new Big Bear Touring Model, about to leave the Bikernet Headquarters on a road test for Heavy Duty magazine in Australia and of course Bikernet. He was on a rain dodging run to the Mexican border. Could this be an international effort?

BBC is currently analyzing countries? Gross Domestic Product and targeting metropolitan shopping/urban areas of developed, or developing, countries with affluence and moderate-to-strong demand for luxury goods. And culturally, people across the world desire to ride an American chopper, to own a piece of cool Americana; we produce a product that is highly appealing, in-style, and in-demand world wide. Think of super-cars from Italy or electronics from Japan. Our American culture of choppers is powerful across the planet.

So what does this mean for you as a person living in the US? Our production and revenue is, and will continue to be strong, making it financially possible to continue in providing industry leading motorcycle designs through proper engineering. With survival on everybody?s minds lately, our mind-set is to expand the BBC Empire to the ends of the earth.

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er NewOrleansBikeWeekad09_4

1st Annual Bike Week New Orleans at the Broken Spoke ? presented in partnership by and Broken Spoke Saloon–What: Four days of headliner bands, authentic Louisiana food, huge bike shows, entertainment day and night, ride-in events leading up to the event and plantation and scenic riverfront charity rides ? including a day at Southern Comfort Plantation.

When: May 7th to 10th 2009 – Where: New Orleans Convention Center, Sugar Mill & Heritage Park in the French Quarter?s Warehouse District.


Imagine a 26,000 square foot Broken Spoke Saloon with some of the hottest barmaids from the Black Hills in Sturgis transported to the heart of ?The Big Easy,? the one and only New Orleans.

An ?authentic? New Orleans experience is promised, May 7th to 10th when and Broken Spoke Saloon present the first-ever major motorcycle event within the city of New Orleans and the French Quarter ? Bike Week New Orleans at the Broken Spoke.

?This will be a world class annual event in partnership with the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, Budweiser, Coca-Cola, Easyriders and of course the world famous Broken Spoke Saloon? said Larry Oliphant, CEO of Bikeweek LLC/ ?No one throws a festival like New Orleans, and no one throws a party like Jay Allen and his Broken Spoke.

This all-inclusive event will feature negotiated hotel accommodations, quality food, drinks and rides, with a hub of activity and nightly shows at the New Orleans Broken Spoke.

The World?s Biggest Biker Bar, the Broken Spoke Saloon will be rolling its 18-wheelers into the ultimate party town to create the ultimate party, complete with four days of live headliner music, plantation rides through Louisiana, authentic New Orleans culture, a huge Easyriders Show, motorcycle daredevil shows, The Budweiser Burn Out Bike, Bike Build Offs, and much, much more.

?This first-ever Bike Week New Orleans at the Broken Spoke is bound to go down in the annals of motorcycle history,? said Jay Allen. ?It?s my hope that we can all partake in the party, rides and events and share the birth of a tradition that will be around for many years to come. Let?s Ride!

?The New Orleans Spoke will be in the perfect party spot, chock full of the hottest of wild bartenders and contests that are on the razor?s edge ? hot, funny and tweaked!?

Across the street in the convention center, Easyriders has agreed to bring their full production bike show to the first New Orleans rally, along with many of the iconic builders, who will be signing autographs and talking about the latest innovations in bike building.

?You will see a lot of great industry products and the latest from leading manufacturers such as S&S Cycle and Baker Drivetrain,? said Jay. ?Plus, top builders from the gulf coast region will be vying for the much sought after Easyriders trophy.? Look for upcoming details at their website: .

The Louisiana Hospitality Foundation will be serving ?authentic? New Orleans cuisine throughout the rally, and famous chefs will be struttin? their stuff in the Chrome kitchen being set up alongside the Easyriders Show.

No stranger to the ultimate party town, Jay has fond memories from his early 20?s when he was a ?Lucky Dog? man, peddling Lucky Dog hot dogs and chili dogs on Bourbon & Toulouse street corners, and living ?for cheap? in slave quarters on Esplanade Street.

?Ride Louisiana? will kick off the inaugural French Quarter rally, with ride-in events scheduled for five major stops on Monday evening, culminating with BBQs and events scheduled for Baton Rouge and Biloxi on the eve of Bike Week New Orleans. Bike

Cycle Source Magazine is hosting its first hard-core ride-in Chopper Show. Go to their website to check it out ( .)

During the rally, riders can join plantation rides, including a day filled with food and entertainment hosted by the Southern Comfort Girls at the Southern Comfort Plantation. There will also be a Riverfront Poker Run.

Keeping with a long-standing motorcycle tradition that dates back to 1918, the Lucky Daredevil Thrillshow will blow you away with huge snakes, sword swallowing and fire breathing. Jay Lightning from the Wall of Death and his posse will also be doing shows day and night at the New Orleans Broken Spoke (NOBS.)

Bike Week New Orleans is supporting the city and surrounding areas ? and the city of New Orleans is actively ready to open the area for Bike Week New Orleans at the Broken Spoke. Already on board for the inaugural event are:

The New Orleans CVB, The New Orleans Convention Center, The Sugar Mill, Faux Pas Prints merchandising, Event Specialist of New Orleans, Southern Eagle Distributors, Coca-Cola of Louisiana, Republic Distributors, Heritage Park, and Whitney Plantation in addition to hundreds of local businesses, restaurants, and hotels as vendors and working partners. Charities being supported include: The Sunshine Kids, Wetlands Restorations, as well as other local philanthropies.

Complete event information including ticket options and inclusions, maps, rides, hotel booking, entertainment, vendors, official merchandise and more all available at:

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Endless Horizonbook

A HIT FROM THE BIKERNET LIBRARY– I wanted to check in with you to find out what you thought of a book I recently sent to you. It is called Endless Horizon: A Very Messy Motorcycle Journey Around the World and is written by Dan Walsh (of UK?s BIKE Magazine).

This book was released exclusively to the UK market in 2008 and after seeing the rave reviews from our friends on the other side of the pond, we knew we had to bring it to the U.S. It hits our shelves next week.

If you?ve had a chance to read it, I?m sure you have found it pretty entertaining. Dan is an exceptionally vivid writer and his adventures are unlike any other. I think the readers would really enjoy this book and I appreciate any opportunity you can provide to spread the word. As always, I can provide images or chapter text to accompany a review should you decide to feature the book.

Have a great day and I look forward to hearing from you. Safe riding!

Quayside Publishing Group
Motorbooks / MBI Publishing

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Watch for our feature on Roger’s AMC champ and Bonneville land speed record bike on Bikernet tomorrow.

ARE YOU CATCHING THE VIBE–Did you know that has more readers in Germany than in Australia. Robin Bradley and the AMD gang reached across ponds and oceans to bring the custom motorcycle industry together. Holger Mohr of Custom Chrome has been tremendously successful with European operations. As you just witnessed above, Big Bear is expanding operations around the world to maintain their level of success.

If it wasn’t for extreme shipping expenses I’m sure world wide business would move even faster. I’m sure shipping obstacles will be remedied soon as the business world begins to reach across borders. It’s exciting to see events flourish and expand, and the custom culture expand into fresh new areas.

Hang on for the next World Run. In the meantime Bikernet will keep you posted and hopefully entertained with bike features from all over the world, fiction, event coverage, techs and all the action. There’s another Viking girl from Germany waiting in the wings. Where is she?

Ride Forever,


NY party

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February 12, 2009 Part 4


Continued From Page 1

Vintage Indians

NEW WEEKLY BIKERNET ART EXHIBIT–I Would like to introduce my Newest Release, “Vintage Indians”, a tribute to the early pioneers of American Motorcycle Racing.The Pre 1920’s Motorcycle’s are amazing machines to say the least. Since the S&S Cycle 50th Anniversary Celebration, my awareness of the Historical impact these pioneers had on the industry was heightened.

I am intrigued by the same dedication and ingenuity of this spirit still alive and moving the Motorcycle Industry forward today. The young man in the middle, Dan Reeder, primarily built and raced Harley Davidson’s. The other two racers are currently not officially identified. The setting, a beautiful day at the a Midwestern Race track.

— Stefanie Aziere-Sattler
Limited Edition Giclee Prints available
The Edition of 50, size 24×30, available on Premium Art paper-$250.00, on Canvas-$275.00
10 Artist Proofs available, 30×36 on canvas-$395.00
The Original Oil is available, $3,500.00

Please reply to this email to Order or feel free to contact Stefanie or Donnie at the following, we also have a 20% off Giclees on the website and Custom Paintings promotion.
Aziere Art Studio
6104 Blue Jay Blvd.
Sedalia, Mo.65301

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brk tank on ground

HAD A TERRIFIC V-TWIN SHOW EXPERIENCE THEN A TERRIFIED ONE– After I saw what was making that funny scraping noise under my truck, I got a little shaky thinking the worst is about to happen. Good Thing I had a full tank of gas or it would have went up in flames for sure. Well, after looking at my predicament, and getting on the phone with AAA, Fire trucks, State Troppers, Wreckers pulling up. And getting everything under control.

brk firefighters

I decided to take another room for the night, hit the hot tub with an adult beverage and make the best of the night till morning. I think I have the only new gas tank for a short bed truck in the whole Midwest, because it took 3 hours of straight calling to find this tank. Got it delivered to the shop in record time. Course there is other problem they found wrong also. Seems the fire fighter cut the fill hose and it needed to be replaced so back to the supply house we go. All said and done I was on the road by 4:00 pm Monday evening.

Fun Times

–Michael Boen

brk coke

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RM auctions

THE BEAT GOES ON AS SONNY AND CHER FORD MUSTANGS BRING TOP BIDS AT RM AUCTIONS COLLECTOR CARS OF FORT LAUDERDALE EVENT–Sonny and Cher Mustangs amongst top sellers at RM Auctions ?Collector Cars of Fort Lauderdale? auction, February 6th -8th in Florida.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida (February 9, 2009) ? The beat goes on in the classic car market as RM Auctions Collector Cars of Fort Lauderdale event held February 6th – 8th attracted strong interest with total sales surpassing $11 million.

Regarded as Florida?s premier collector car event, the annual three-day sale at the Greater Fort Lauderdale / Broward County Convention Center offered a full range of American and European collector cars, from a 1927 Austin Seven to a custom 2008 Dodge Challenger SRT8 built by Steve Sanderson and George Barris.

Among the over 400 classic cars offered for bids was a pair of customized 1966 Ford Mustang Convertibles built by Hollywood’s legendary “King of the Kustomizers”, George Barris, who made a special appearance at the show. One of the top sellers of the weekend, the inseparable pair of Mustangs, which were customized by Barris for sixties entertainment icons Sonny and Cher, brought $198,000. Another unique Barris creation known as “Fire Bug”, originally built as a promotional vehicle for the LA Fire Department, sold for $49,500.

?The collector car world continues to provide many notable opportunities for both buyers and sellers regardless of the challenges of the current economy,? said RM Auctions? Donnie Gould, a 30-year veteran of the classic car industry.

?The solid attendance and results of this year?s Fort Lauderdale event reinforces that the interest and enthusiasm for collector cars remains strong,? he added.

As the gavel fell for the final time over the weekend, sales for the Collector Cars of Fort Lauderdale event, including memorabilia, totaled $11,588,100 with a 66% sell-through rate. The top seller of the weekend was a magnificent 1936 Packard Twelve Coupe Roadster which fetched $220,000.

Other highlights included:
??1948 Ford Sportsman Convertible Coupe – $199,100
???1954 Buick Skylark Convertible – $187,000
???1939 Packard Model 1708 Convertible Sedan – $176,000
???1970 Mustang Boss 429 – $165,000
???1952 Schwinn Black Phantom bicycle – $7,700

In addition to the auction excitement, RM joined forces with AutoNation and Heritage Fort Lauderdale during the Collector Cars of Fort Lauderdale event weekend for the inaugural Wheels fundraising benefit. The Friday evening party set amongst the cars featured a silent auction and live entertainment by Florida?s popular dance band, ?The Fabulons?. All proceeds from the charity auction will benefit Heritage Fort Lauderdale, incorporating Stranahan House, the Historical Society, the Seminole Museum at Okalee and the International Swimming Hall of Fame.

RM Auctions will return to Florida next month for the prestigious Automobiles of Amelia Island auction at the luxurious Ritz-Carlton Hotel on March 14th, 2009.

For further information on this event or full sales results from the Collector Cars of Fort Lauderdale event, please visit .

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BIKERNET INVESTIGATION, INNOVATION NEVER STOPS– The scent of freshness…A new supermarket opened in Pulaski, Wisconsin. It has an automatic water mister to keep the produce fresh. Just before it goes on, you hear the sound of distant thunder and the smell of fresh rain.

When you pass the milk cases, you hear cows mooing and you experience the scent of fresh cut hay.In the meat department there is the aroma of charcoal grilled steaks and brats.

In the liquor department, the fresh, clean, crisp smell of tapped Miller Lite. When you approach the egg case, you hear hens cluck and cackle and the air is filled with the pleasing aroma of bacon and eggs frying.

The bread department features the tantalizing smell of fresh baked bread & cookies.

I don’t buy toilet paper there any more.


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CHOPPERTOWN UPDATE–Just a quick update on what’s been happening at Choppertown.

#1. We are now distributing Hot Rod DVDs including David Perry’s super cool “Hot Rod Pinups” DVD! Please have a look at the graphic below or go to our store and find what DVDs you need.

#2. Please also remember that we’ve launched the Choppertown Nation site! It’s kind of like Facebook for bikers, rodders, skaters, and whoever. Make a FREE profile, post pics, videos, chat, and make friends from around the world. Please let everyone know, OK?

#3. Scotty’s Harbortown Bobber took 2nd place at the Grand Nationals! If you get a chance, please go to his profile on Choppertown Nation and send congratulations. The new film is coming along well and we’ll have a teaser for you guys in a few weeks. It’s taking a while but we want it to be the best film we can make for you.

#4. Lastly, if you didn’t hear, renowned Swedish painter Bosse Jensen is designing two custom t-shirts just for Choppertown. The first one looks bitchin’ and is available HERE. The second is coming soon. Please support this artist and pick up a shirt when you can.

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FEMA presents: CIECA’s BikeSafety 2009–Motorcycling should be functional, fun and safe. There are now an estimated 313 million riders around the world who use their bikes for commuting, touring, racing or for professional purposes.But how prepared are they to stay safe on the road?

A recent international conference held by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Development, Lillehammer 2008) noted that “a lack of experience and inappropriate training for new riders were reported as major factors in crashes”.

The BikeSafety 2009 survey of rider trainers takes a fresh look at how training can address the main accident causation factors of crashes involving motorcyclists.

Are you a rider trainer? Do you want to make a difference? And would you like to win a SUZUKI SIXteen 150cc scooter?

Fill out and return this questionnaire (in the language of your choice) by March 22nd and you could win the following:
1. A Suzuki SIXteen 150cc scooter
2. A guided tour around the MV AGUSTA factory in Varese, Italy (travel included)
3. 2 tickets to the MotoGP event of your choice
4. 2 tickets to the Superbike event of your choice

Questionnaire English:
Questionnaire Fran?ais:
Questionnaire Deutsch:

A jury composed of CIECA, FIM, ACEM and FEMA will decide on the winners in early April.

Winners will receive their awards at CIECA’s BikeSafety 2009 workshop at the ADAC Rhein-Main training centre near Frankfurt, Germany on June 15 2009.

For more information: (for English) (for French) (for German)
Make a difference – be a part of BikeSafety 2009!
This event is kindly sponsored by “Motorcycle Art” and “Suzuki”—-

FEMA – Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations
Rue des Champs 62, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 736 9047 / Fax: +32 2 736 9401>

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9. I Ain’t Never Gone To Bed With an Ugly Woman But I’ve Woke Up With a Few
8. If The Phone Don’t Ring, You’ll Know It’s Me
7. I’ve Missed You, But My Aim’s Improvin’
6. Wouldn’t Take Her To A Dogfight ‘Cause I’m Scared She’d Win
5. I’m So Miserable Without You It’s Like You’re Still Here
4. My Wife Ran Off With My Best Friend And I Miss Him
3. She Took My Ring and Gave Me the Finger
2. She Gets Better Lookin’ with Every Beer

And the Number One Country & Western song is…

1. It’s Hard To Kiss The Lips At Night That Chewed My A*s All Day.

–Jim Waggaman

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armored bike

THE NEW MODEL EQUALIZER–Talk about ‘road rage’! Just what a motorcyclist needs for riding on I-the freeway. Designed as an equalizer to combat the inconceivable and unpredictable lane changes and other traffic related anomalies perpetrated by the cell phone using, motor home/SUV driving morons in in this country(and elsewhere)on the rest of us.

I gotta get me one of these.


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THE YANKIWI CHECKS IN ON THE SEMA EFFORT TO SUPPORT MOTORCYCLING–Mike Tomas wrote: Over the years I have noticed that the American custom bike and parts industry has not been adequately represented by an organization that has horsepower behind it. While there are organizations that represent certain segments of it, none I believe will come anywhere close to going to bat for our needs than SEMA.

I have been following SEMA for approx. 25 years and I have seen what it has done for the automotive aftermarket and it is pretty impressive.

> Another one of the benefits of joining SEMA will most likely be to have our own show section within SEMA at Las Vegas. With tens of thousands and sometimes reported at 100,000 attendees from all over the world converging on Las Vegas, one can only dream of the new and increased exposure we will all get by displaying our wares there. Exposing ourselves to new markets and new people is a big marketing plus for us all.

I believe the time is long over due for us dealers both large and small and individual parts suppliers to stand up and join an organization that has horsepower and clout behind it. Of course a key component to our membership will be to have reasonable fees which I would like to see held at between $75.00 to $100.00 per year. If the fees are reasonable then our membership will be large and therefore have some numbers. High fees will only stifle our end goal. Let’s do it to it and be heard!!!!!!

I appreciate Mike’s comments and would like to add a couple of points. Fortunately anyone can join SEMA from major manufacturers to individual riders. They have a varied and reasonable pricing structure. If we are accepted as a council, it will be up to us to us to decide what issues to attack or support. SEMA has vast resources which we will respect and use as we find necessary to keep our sport free and vibrant. We also have a vast network of Motorcycle rights associations across the country and around the world. I would hope they could come to the aid of the automotive aftermarket in times of need. Tough times are ahead for both the hot rod industry and us chopper freaks. If we stand together we could present a very compelling voice.–Bandit

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SS carb

S&S RESCUES BIKERNET CARBURETOR DESTINED FOR THE 5-BALL FACTORY RACER–You should be receiving your carb soon. It was sent out on Tuesday. I?ve attached some pictures. The retail cost for the rebuild is $170.00.

Our rebuild program covers way more than just carbs. We will rebuild any S&S part, and we will even install a S&S Hot Set Up Kit in a stock engine. I was not sure if you were aware of the scope of the program.

–Bruce Tessmer

Next week we plan to publish a report on this S&S E Carb rebuild and the S&S rebuild program.–Wrench

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NEW BIKE RALLY COMING–There is a new bike rally and show coming up in August I would like you to keep your eye on for the group. It will be the first ever that Old Town Temecula shuts down a couple of streets for the event. The website is The website is up with minimal info so far.

Register friday, bike rally, show, poker walk (through Old Town) on Saturday, concert Saturday night, then shop & dine on Sunday. They are looking for sponsors and vendors. Registration and detailed event information will be added to the site soon.

They would like to have an antique category in the bike show as well as the usual ones – do you know of anyone who specializes in that area?

There is also a great new place to eat in Old Town that is very biker friendly. It is called the 5th Ave Dog House. It is on 5th Ave behind that big three story building going in on Front St. They have hot dogs, tri-tip, salads, nachos, beer ($3 & $4), wine and are working on biker parking in the back, horseshoes and pool. A little red shack with a lot of atmosphere.

–Corinna Coram
951-775-9967 cell

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Pro-activity of motorcycle rights organizations and social entrepreneurship–Social entrepreneurship although not altogether a recent concept, has recently gained much attention from academics and practitioners alike with regards to its potential in discovering innovative avenues towards social/economic progress and development. However, in order for social entrepreneurship to prosper, a better understanding is needed about how to make it sustainable in the long run in the face of limited resources and access.

Funding from interested multinationals and affluent individuals is seen as a possible answer but it is a short-term solution at best. Partnerships between big businesses and social entrepreneurs may provide one way of resolving resource constraints, addressing societal problems and serving previously under-served communities and markets in a sustainable manner.

I believe that the case for businesses to get directly involved with social enterprises in their core business practices is extremely strong.

If managed correctly such partnerships can result in a multitude of benefits for the business including increased opportunity for corporate responsibility combined with profitability, enhanced reputation and local license to operate, improved integration in new markets and the increased ability to assess the needs of and access to consumers at the base of the economic pyramid.

For every long lasting and beneficial partnership there is a need for understanding at an intimate level what the requirements and needs are of each party. However, many companies and social entrepreneurs may not understand how to initiate, assess and sustain these types of relationships. Some of the challenges that such potential partnerships might face include the lack of proper available information on how to access the right finances, the ability to pitch a partnership to a large business, working on a much larger scale and having to grapple with detailed legal contracts for social entrepreneurs. On the flip side, businesses would have to consider possibilities of internal resistance and reputational risks.

Ideas cost us nothing -but an idea like “No Mandatory Helmet Law” that can change the world for the better is simply priceless.

And ideas are our most powerful tools -they are the thin, almost invisible, end of a wedge that can open many doors, that can shed light in some pretty dark places, that can change the way we do business -they are the seeds of all deliberate change.

This week, I’d like to invite you to:
– think about ideas
– dream up new ideas that can help change the motorcycle rights world
– note ideas that have proven themselves in one place and think about how they might work in others
– take a fresh look at old ideas and see what can be done with them
– think about problems and how they might be solved
– and above all, keep the questions open, even when you come up with answers.

Then tell us what you’ve discovered, imagined, remembered, or created.

We don’t often think about thinking, but Thomas Jefferson had some comments on ideas that are worth repeating here:

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.

For Jefferson himself and his readers at least -and for those of us in the social entrepreneurial movement by definition -the “idea” is to encourage and facilitate the spread of those ideas which are “for the moral and mutual instruction of man, and improvement of his condition”.

In the world of commercial entrepreneurship, failure is a badge of honor. Nearly all seasoned entrepreneurs have stories to tell about early ventures that did not work out?but which taught them the lessons they needed to make later efforts successful.

Not so in the world of philanthropy and do-good-ism. Social entrepreneurs rarely feel comfortable talking about the many mistakes they will have necessarily made along the way?and the risks they have taken that didn?t pan out.

Foundations, likewise, are often criticized for narrowly focusing on projects with attainable short term goals, thus eschewing the risk of edgier (or experimental) initiatives that may be more effective, but less tested.

What?s at stake here? For every Google that reaps praise and profit, there were dozens of earlier incarnations of the same kind of technology (AltaVista, Lycos, some ABATEs, CBAs, MMAs, etc.) that ultimately folded, but in so doing, created the space for a major step change forward in the field as a whole.

Likewise, for every Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Tony “Pan” Sanfelippo, John “Rogue” Herlihy, or Richard Quigley inscribed in our history books, there were dozens of earlier forgotten leaders and organizations that brought ideas such as civil rights/motorcyclist rights to a place where they could go mainstream.

?Are we too cautious when it comes to taking risks on social change projects?
?Are we selling the overall effectiveness of the sector for surer short term gains?
?Or is something else going on?

Why does the social enterprise/non-profit world take a more cautious approach to risk and failure? Is this justified?

Is it because when you?re dealing with philanthropic money you need to be more careful than when dealing with for-profit investors?

And most importantly, what are the benefits of failure when working for social change?

We need a whole trove of failure case-studies that would be equally as important to learn from as case-studies concentrating on successful initiatives.

–Michael Greenwald

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er Slingshot

LOUISVILLE EASYRIDERS SHOW REPORT–Slingshot is a neat bike with an 08 127CI engine and sports a Hailbrand car rear wheel. Owned by Scott Williams of Cincinnati OH. The matte black with red wheels 1941 EL is owned by Tom Patman of Vallonia, IN.

er 1941 EL

er Bike Show ad 09 new FINAL copy

Continued On Page 5

Read More

February 12, 2009 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

pete alva band

pete alva red room lounge

FAMOUS BIKER PHOTOG TURNS TO ANOTHER INSTRUMENT–Here is a reminder that you are all cordially invited to see my new band, The Pete Alva Project, playing this Sunday Feb 15that 6:00 p.m.. Our set is an hour long and it is an all instrumental killer show!

There are two other bands playing. The doors open at 4pm and there is a map below.Thank you for all your support…see you there!


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STREET RACING IN TORONTO–An intelligence officer with the Ontario Provincial Police has been charged under the province’s street racing laws for allegedly speeding in an unmarked police car while on duty.

The Orillia-based officer was pulled over around 9 a.m. on Jan. 31 on Highway 403 west of Brantford. The OPP said an officer using radar clocked her driving 165 km/h in a 100 km/h zone.

Police are allowed to break speeding laws under certain circumstances, such as when they are responding to a crime, but a police investigation found no reason for the speed.

Det. Const. Heidi Fischer is charged with driving 50 km/h or more over the posted speed limit, which automatically leads to a charge under the province’s street racing legislation.

“That’s the new statute, and it requires a seven-day license suspension,” said OPP Insp. Dave Ross. Fischer’s licence was suspended and her car impounded for seven days. She could also face an internal disciplinary hearing.

Fischer, of the provincial operations intelligence bureau, has worked for the OPP for four years. She is to appear in Brantford court on March 24.

In a separate case, the province’s Special Investigations Unit announced that an OPP officer is now facing criminal charges related to a December crash near Thunder Bay that killed an 18-year-old woman in December.

The officer’s car collided with a car driven by Jasmine Veneruzzo. Sgt. Darryl Storey was charged with criminal negligence causing death.

— Adrian Morrow, STAFF REPORTER, Toronto Star

–from -Keith Silcox

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OPEN LETTER FROM HORSEPOWER PROMOTIONS–Horse Power Promotions has been in business for over 25 years. We have produced shows from coast to coast. Rodeos, Car Shows, Truck Shows and Motorcycle Shows – just to name a few. When we took on the job 3 years ago of bringing back Hollister we knew we had a big job ahead of us. We just never dreamed that the City would not realize the financial benefit of the Rally.

Since August last year bikers and vendors alike have been telling me forget Hollister!! They don?t want our money?we don?t want to give them a dime. With that said I have been looking for a new place to focus my summer event energy on. You folks said build it and we will come???..Well here it is.

Horse Power has found a great new location and a magnificent riding area that really has opened up its county for bikers. Everything that was wrong with Hollister is great with Tulelake. I went to the organizers of the Shasta Salute to America Motorcycle Rally because I felt that out of all the rallies here on the west coast this one really has the potential to be the next big one. I talked to Jeff and Debbie, promoters of the show, and told them that we were all looking for a run on 4th of July and if they would consider moving their dates from Labor Day weekend to the 4th of July weekend that I would do everything I could to move the vendors and bikers north to them.

The dates have been moved and let me tell you that the stress that Hollister had as a show doesn?t exist in Tulelake and it is 180 degrees better all the way around. To start more bikers than cops; do I have to tell you more? Camping – beautiful camping is right at the rally venue. Vendors can park their trailer or camper free within walking distance from their vendor space. Plus the space does not cost you a leg and a knife. Oh yeah?no DOJ doing strip searches every 20 feet.

So mark your calendar for the 2nd Annual Salute to Shasta Run SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM, that puts a portion of their net proceeds to helping the troops – meaning our American military – instead of paying troops of law enforcement to come to a to a bike event.

The fun begins at 8:00am Friday, July 3rd, 4th, 5th & runs ?til 11:00am Monday, July 6th at the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fairgrounds, 800 S Main St, Tulelake California 96134. Go to or call toll free 87-SOUTHBAY for more info on this great motorcycle rally.

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SEMA SUPPORTS THE AFTERMARKET DURING TOUGH TIMES–The economy is in crisis. Businesses are losing ground; some are failing. Now is the time to act, to learn how to match your team?s skills and technology to the requirements of the day. In response to the prevailing crisis, SEMA is launching a series of web-based seminars over the next six weeks to provide immediate help to its member companies.

In a brief and to-the-point Recession Survival Series, SEMA will offer webinars to give your staff the guidance they need to survive the turbulent economy and be poised to thrive when it recovers.

REGISTER NOW: Registration is free for SEMA-member companies and $29/webinar for non-members.

Here?s a brief description of each webinar that make up the series. For a more detailed description of each webinar, please visit SEMA Recession Survival Series

Thursday, February 26, 2009 (10:00 to 11:00 a.m. PST) ?Taking Positive Control of Your Company: How to Save Your Business When the Economic News is Negative?
Richard Jones, Chairman & CEO, Management 2000, Inc.
This real-time, real-life business program is designed exclusively for owners/operators, CEOs, presidents and executive-level decision-makers who must act now to save their companies.

Thursday, March 5, 2009 (10:00 to 11:00 a.m. PST) ?Offensive & Defensive Strategies for Supply Chain Management?
This presentation provides key tactics for improving your position in the automotive aftermarket supply chain and defending yourself against aggressive competitors.

Thursday, March 12, 2009 (10:00 to 11:00 a.m. PST)?Increasing Profits with Fewer Customers?
Dan Kettelson, Performance Incorporated (an ADP Business)
Sponsored by the SEMA Manufacturer Representative Council (MRC)This discussion will embrace benchmarks, guidelines, pay plans and real-world methods to dramatically improve your company?s bottom-line performance.

Thursday, March 19, 2009 (10:00 to 11:00 a.m. PST)?Protecting Your Finances from the Economy?
Matthew Egan, VP & Senior Financial Advisor, Merrill Lynch
This investment-focused presentation covers preserving your principal, learning what kind of dividend income you can expect, finding attainable and sustainable returns and what you should do with cash.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 (10:00 to 11:00 a.m. PST)?Inventory Management: Stop Storing Cash in the Warehouse?
Tom Shay, Profits+Plus
Increasing inventory turnover will greatly increase return on investment, and it?s a better way to stop burning through cash than extending the margins on the products you offer.

Thursday, April 2, 2009 (10:00 to 11:00 a.m. PST) ?Job Costing Systems that Will Boost Your Cash Flow?
Tom Aiono, Accounting Manager, SEMA
This presentation covers the basics of job costing and other simple tools that you can use now. Cost cut your way to increased profits.

Thursday, April 9, 2009 (10:00 to 11:00 a.m. PST)?Tough Times Bring Change: Learn How to Manage Moving Forward?
Peter de Jager, Technobility
Walk away with the tools your business needs to help you manage and achieve what at first glance appears to be unsolvable. Use change to move forward.

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Dealer Direct

D&D BUILDS DEALER PROGRAM WEEKLY–Here are our new dealers from last week. If you don’t see a performance pipe builder in your area, check their web site for a dealer near you.

1) Ruhnke’s Xtreme Cycles 12406 W Hwy 80 E Odessa, TX 79765 432-563-0000
2) Black Widow H-D/ Buell 2224 El Jobean Rd Port Charlotte Fl 33948 941-883-8000
3) Purcells Motorcycle & Marine 6407 Blanding Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32244 904-771-8244
4) Classic H-D 983 James Dr Leesport, PA 19533 610-916-7777
5) JT’s Harley Service & Repair 5001 Dexham Rd Rowlett, TX 75088 972-463-8610
6) Motorsports Liquidators 130 E Northfield Dr # 180 Brownsburg, IN 46112 317-513-1530
7) Ramona Performance Motorcycle 1077 Main St Ramona, CA 92065 760-788-2453
8) Buckingham Cycles 16778 W James Anderson Hwy Buckingham, VA 23921 434-983-2453
9) Kingsport Cycles 2531 E Stone Dr Kingsport, TN 37660 423-247-3847
10) R & B Cycles 2501 S Walker Ave OKC, OK 73109 405-631-1218
11) Chicago H-D 2929 Patriot Blvd Glenview, IL 60026 847-418-2929
12) Detroit Choppers 29455 Gratiot Ave Roseville,MI 48066 586-498-8909


D & D Banner

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LEE PARKS CHECKS IN WITH BIKERNET, LEATHER GLOVE TECH TIP–DeerTours Outseam Gloves Premium riding gloves for touring and cruising

?Proudly handcrafted in the USA
?2.75+ oz. U.S. deerskin is more abrasion-resistant than cowhide
?Wide temperature range
?External seams provide unrivaled comfort
?Seamless palm for the ultimate in feel without pressure points
?Dual-duty thread provides the strongest seams and won’t cut through leather like Kevlar thread.
?Hand washable leather stays soft
?Inexpensive repairs available at our U.S. factory
?Double-stitched ErgoTech?”? palm patch doesn’t bunch up and provides strong abrasion-resistance
?Click on the “Size Chart” link (in the yellow area to the left) to get an accurate measurement before ordering.
?Available in Black or Gold

Handwashing instructions
??1. Put gloves on and get them wet with warm water
?2. Add Woolite or mild detergent and scrub the gloves as if washing your hands
?3. Rinse and air dry, do NOT put them into the dryer
?4. Wash gloves once every 6 months. ? ???

?Total Control ARC RIDING SEMINARS, Upcoming Dates

? February 21, 2009 – Tuscon, AZ
?February 22, 2009 – Valdosta, GA – email or call 262-565-3334 Dave to Register
?February 28, 2009 – Humble, TX SOLD OUT

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bike bag

SaddleStow TS3200 Deluxe Sport Tail Bag $99.95Perfect for cruisers, sport bikes, dual sport, touring–? Unique design, easy to mount and full of features; offers any bike maximum luggage capacity? Wide top opening for easy packing
? Zippered side expansion allows longer items like tent poles
? External drink holder for convenient on-the-road access
? Universal quick-detach mounting system secures to frame, passenger pegs, etc.
? Top carry handle and shoulder straps included
? External zippered pockets for easy access
? Tunnel straddles back seat for easy on/off mounting
? Internal mesh pouch – great for small travel items
? Top-mounted compression straps to secure jackets or other loose items
? Office organizer for glasses, pens, business cards, etc.
? Soft duffle construction helps bag conform to mounting location
? Constructed of UV-, water-, and weather-resistant 1200 denier Saddle Tuff
Dimensions: 25.5″ W x 13″ H x 12″ D; measures 3,400 cubic inches

17801 S. Susana Rd.
Rancho Dominguez, CA. 90221
Local: 1-310-638-1222


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kfab motor

HONOLULU, COME IN, OVER– I have attached a couple of photos. The first one is a time-lapse photo of the Tech Article we are working on. It is going to be a detailed breakdown of a Newly stretched, raked & conversion to a single down tube set-up we are just wrapping up. The Second one is the photo session we did of Nex Gen bike.

I will be sending you pic?s and the Tech article soon.

–A hui hou?Darren

kfab bike

kustomfab banner

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brkt Ironspirit_StreetGlide

IRONSPIRIT Debuts 5 New Products at V-Twin Expo–Thousand Oaks, CA February, 2009:Ironspirit has added five ( 5 ) NEW backrest plates to their patented chrome Skull, Spade and Ironcross plates that replaces the ugly stock triangle found on Road Kings, Street Glides, Road Glides and Electra Glides with detachable backrests. The new Eagle, Firefighter Maltese, Fleur de lis, Cross and Dice are a direct bolt-on replacement.

Manufactured since 2005, Ironspirit provides a great way to dress up the passenger backrest.

805.433.5033 or info@ironspirit .

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Streetwalker banner

BIKERNET READER ABOUT TO RECEIVE HIS NEW SET OF STREETWALKER EXHAUST– Just a little gracias for selecting my bike (yea right. More like my hot little girlfriend) in the Streetwalker Pipe contest.

I’ll let ya know when the pipes come in.

–Johnny G.

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SEMA banner

THANKS TO YOU U.S. CONGRESS REJECTS ?CASH FOR CLUNKERS? PROGRAM–In recent weeks, thousands of SEMA members and SEMA Action Network (SAN) enthusiasts responded to a call for action urging lawmakers to reject a Cash for Clunkers program as part of the economic stimulus being drafted in Congress. Your efforts were successful. Both the House and Senate versions of the bill are ?clunker-free.? Congratulations!

Two proposals were put forth and then withdrawn during the Congressional debate. The first was a $8 billion program targeting SUVs and pickup trucks of any year that make less than 18 mpg such as Chevy Silverados, Dodge Rams, Ford F-Series and Jeep Wranglers. The second would have provided $16 billion worth of cash vouchers to individuals making less than $50,000 a year ($75,000 for families) who allowed their turned-in cars to be destroyed. A Cash for Clunker proposal may reemerge later this year. SEMA will remain vigilant in educating legislators on the need to oppose programs that do not spur car sales, reduce emissions or raise fuel economy.

The Senate economic stimulus bill includes a SEMA-supported amendment allowing taxpayers to claim a tax deduction for car-loan interest payments and excise taxes when they buy a new car in 2009. If enacted in the final stimulus bill, the provision should provide a healthy boost to auto sales.

Members of Congress recognize that our industry played an important role in scrapping a federal Cash for Clunkers program. SEMA thanks all member companies and SAN enthusiasts who donated their time and effort to contact legislators. Your voice helps protect our industry and hobby.

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Vintage racing

NEW AMA SUPER TWINS CLASS–Hey Bandit?thought you might be interested in this. A Spec ?Triumph Vs. Harley? Roadracing class. Newer Triumph Thruxtons against newer HD 1200 Sporties. I think this has A LOT of potential. I have a friend on the rule committee, and they are hoping for some good competition.

I?d love to put together one of these HD?s?..should be a lot of fun, kinda like the old AMA SuperTwins class?.remember the Bostrom boys tearing it up on those 883?s?

Anyhow, come on out to Daytona Speedway during Bike Week, Mar 2 and 3 and see how it goes. I?ll be out there on the Hi-Banks in the Sportsman Class?look me up in the pits, Yellow plate # 798.

More info here

New for 2009, The TransAtlantic Challenge Class added to the Battle of the Twins series pits Triumph Thruxtons against Harley Davidson Sportsters. The TransAtlantic Challenge replaces the Thruxton Cup for the 2009 AHRMA road racing season. Both marquees will compete in near Supersport trim to promote close, exciting racing. The battle between the Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack begins February 27 at Roebling Road Raceway.

Feb. 27 Roebling Road Raceway, Bloomingdale, GA (Feb. 26, AHRMA run practice day)
March 2-3 Daytona International Speedway, Daytona Beach, FL (Tech Day March 1)
April 24-26 Willow Springs International Raceway Rosamond, CA (April 24, AHRMA run practice day)
June 12-14 Road America, Elkhart Lake, WI (June 12, AHRMA run practice day)
June 19-21 Grattan Raceway Park, Grattan, MI (June 19, AHRMA run practice day)
July 24-26 AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days, Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, Lexington, OH (July 24, AHRMA run practice day)
Aug 7-9 Virginia International Raceway, Alton, VA (Aug. 7, AHRMA run practice day)
Sept. 4-6 Bonneville Vintage GP, Miller Motorsports Park, Tooele, UT (Sept. 4, AHRMA run practice day)
Sept. 11-13 Sandia Classic, Sandia Motorsports Park, Albuquerque, NM (Sept. 11, AHRMA run practice day)
Oct. 9-11 Barber Vintage Festival, Barber Motorsports Park, Birmingham, AL (Oct. 9, AHRMA run practice day


The American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association is the recognized leader in classic motorcycle racing in North America, and one of the premier vintage organizations in the world. AHRMA is a member-owned not-for-profit association offering national and regional road racing, motocross, dirt track, cross country and observed trials competition. AHRMA also showcased ?alternative?? modern racing?Sound of Singles?, Battle of Twins?, and Sound of Thunder?.

For additional information visit our website:

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harley truck

NEW H-D TRUCK FROM FORD–The 2010 Ford Harley-Davidson F-150 is the latest in Ford’s line of co-branded trucks combining the popularity of the F-150 and the style of Harley-Davidson. But what kind of substance lies beneath the style?

If nothing else, the 2010 Ford Harley-Davidson F-150 certainly captures the Harley attitude; It’s dark, it’s brooding, and it wears its chrome proudly. Like the motorcycles it channels and despite all the festooning of the Harley badges, it doesn’t offer any more oomph in the go-fast department than the regular version. It gets the same 320 HP 5.4-liter you’ll find in the engine bay of the regular 2009 Ford F-150 mated to a six speed automatic powering the rear wheels or an optional Harley-unique driveline, which can be operated in 4×2 mode, AWD or 4×4 high. The suspension, on the other hand, is completely retuned for a sportier ride with more aggressive springs and shocks as well as a thicker anti-roll bar. The truck takes advantage of the sportier tune with some custom 22 inch wheels shod in 275 series, low profile, high performance Pirelli Scorpion Zeros.

Upgraded hardware is nice and all, but let’s be honest, the crew-cab-only Harley F-150 is all about styling, and if you’re into the bike-makers design mantra, this new truck doesn’t disappoint. The front end is completely redesigned, sporting a Harley specific six bar billet-style chrome grille with painted surround, unique upper and lower front bumper treatment, and color matched headlight clusters. Down the side of the truck there are two things you’ll notice and one you might not. The readily apparent details are the enormous bits of Harley badging at the front and rear fenders along with the splash of color at the rocker panel. What you might not notice is the automatic fold-down running board swiped from the F-150 Platinum edition, when enabled it comes in handy if you’re on the short side and then tucks up neatly under the truck when the doors close. The truck gets slathered in two color options, Tuxedo Black, and a Lava Red (pictured) which is so dark when not under studio lighting you can barely tell it’s a red.


Continued On Page 4

Read More

February 12, 2009 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

neoprene face mask

HOT LEATHERS HAS THE BEST SELECTION OF NEOPRENE FACE MASKS– These are perfect for winter riding. Lightweight, breathable neoprene, makes for a warm and comfortable mask. The original designs Hot Leathers uses on their face masks are second to none. From tough, realistic skulls, to flowers and tribal, Hot Leathers has a face mask for every personality.

neoprene flame mask

Hot Leathers new face masks have “Neck Shields” to protect you while riding. Don’t miss out on these great products! Shop at Hot Leathers today!

hot leather banner

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HAMSTER DOWN–John M. (Jack) Gagen, of Waimanalo, beloved husband of Marilyn J. (nee Stephens) son of Raymond and Margaret (deceased), brother of Alice (Bonnie) Villani, Aurora Ohio, Thomas of Lady Lake Florida, Marilyn J. of The Villages, Florida. Special Uncle and Great Uncle to numerous nieces and nephews. Best friend to many. He died suddenly from a heart attack on February 1,2009 while vacationing in Jamaica. An avid motorcyclist, Jack made many trips to Sturgis South Dakota as a member of the Hamster Motorcycle Club. One of his fondest memories was the trip he made in the Summer of 2006 visiting all of the major league baseball parks on his custom made baseball bike, to see the game he enjoyed since childhood while raising money for The Children?s Care Hospital in Rapid City, South Dakota.

Memorial Services will be held at his residence in Waimanalo on Thursday Feb. 12, 2009 at 5:00PM. Aloha attire.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to The American Heart Association of Hawaii, or The Children?s Care Hospital in Rapid City, South Dakota.

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d&d bull

NEW 2 INTO 1 BOSS FAT CAT DUAL EXHAUST WITH GHOST PIPE FOR 2009 BAGGERS– Our new 2 into 1 Boss Fat Cat exhaust pipe kit delivers an outstanding 15% increase in Horsepower and a 15% increase in Torque for 2009 Baggers. Combining the D&D Ghost Pipe with a Boss Fat Cat provides the best combination available – exceptional performance and an outstanding dual look.

d&d tips

The kit includes a 2 into 1 Boss Fat Cat pipe, Zipper?s air cleaner and D&D Ghost Pipe. It requires approximately 3o minutes to install with simple hand tools. And best of all, you do not need a tuner. Just plug and play. The pipes come in show-chrome or midnight black.

To get your 2 into 1 high performance duals call 817-834-8961 or logon to

D & D Banner

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AMERICAN IRON MAGAZINE #1 IN DECLINING MARKET–The latest audited sales figures have just been released for the second half of 2008 and, according to an article in today?s Wall Street Journal ?Newsstand sales of magazines fell at their fastest rate in decades during the second half of 2008, foreshadowing a likely downsizing of the industry as it braces for an extended advertising slump.?

All ABC audited magazines registered an 11% decline from 2007 to 2008. Not all magazines are audited, but the larger ones usually are. Here is how the audited motorcycle magazines compare, based on average per issue sales.

American Iron Magazine up 6% to 57,327 copies
Cycle World down 20% to 50,167 copies
Easyrider down 13% to 45,593 copies
Motorcyclist down 15% to 41,532 copies
Hot Bike down 11% to 23,859 copies
V-Twin down 13% to 23,678 copies

American Iron Magazine, the highest seller of the group, was the only motorcycle magazine to increase average sales year over year.

According to the Wall Street Journal article ?Total single copy magazine sales fell 11%…from the second half of 2007? The downward trend accelerated from a 6.3% drop off in the first half of last year.? It further reported ?When their newsstand sales fall, publishers generally chase subscriptions to make rate base ? or the number of copies they guarantee advertisers they will deliver to readers – by distributing more free copies in salons or other public places and offering deep discounts. Such methods, while costly for publishers, aren?t a huge concern in flusher times, when advertisers are willing to pay to reach more readers, no matter how they are secured. Now isn?t one of those times. The number of ad pages in consumer magazines fell 12% last year, compared with 2008, and were down 17% in the fourth quarter.?

?Without enough advertising to justify the cost of keeping readership artificially high? the Journal article continued. ?Several publications have taken a hard look at reducing their rate bases?Ad buyers and industry analysts say the recession is forcing the recalibration of an industry that had gotten fat on advertising. ?Magazine publishers need to take a step back and rethink their circulation and, honestly, rethink their whole business plan,? said Brenda White???only the strong brands will survive.?

Samir Husni, a professor at the University of Mississippi, said that many publishers now struggling with steep newsstand declines have no one to blame but themselves. ?Mr Husni says the biggest culprits are cut-rate subscriptions that discourage casual readers from picking up a copy on the newsstand…Magazines that are giving their subscriptions away are committing mass suicide.?

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FEMA elects new President–On Saturday February 7th, Gerard Livett (United Kingdom) was elected President of the Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations (FEMA) during the Annual General Meeting in Brussels. He replaces Hans Petter Strifeldt (Norway). The event was also the occasion for FEMA’s members to look at 2008 FEMA’s successes.

The Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations (FEMA) warmly welcomes Gerard Livett as its new President. An active member and Greater London Regional Representative of the Motorcycle Action Group (UK), he was unanimously elected by FEMA’s national members at the Annual General Meeting on Saturday February 7th. Gerard takes over from Hans Petter Strifeldt, who held the position since 2008. The assembled members saluted the work of the former President, who described his experience as very rewarding and vowed to remain a good ambassador for FEMA.

Gerard Livett stated that he wished to support what he believes FEMA is about: promote, preserve, and enhance motorcycling in Europe, and also make sure that riders can keep riding and new riders can take up motorcycling.

The election of FEMA’s 7th president was an occasion to look back at the work accomplished in 2008. The 24 FEMA members from 19 European countries count among their 2008 achievements a vote at the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) towards safer guardrail designs, and the positive results of the OECD Motorcycle Safety Workshop, which recognized the need to include motorcycles in transport policy and infrastructure deployment, along with the importance of safety measures backed by evidence-based research, and the key role of rider and driver training. Other major successes include the integration of motorcyclists’ needs in the European Statement of Principles on safe Human-Machine Interfaces in Intelligent Transport Systems, and the integration of motorcyclists in road safety audits.


The Annual General Meeting saw the opportunity for members to say goodbye to Virginie Peters, who left FEMA’s Secretariat in January 2009 after two years as Campaigns Officer. She has been replaced by Hugo Roebroeck, who joined the Secretariat in early January.

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The 17th DRAG POWER SHOW, will take place to MIRECOURT AIRPORT (France), from 1st till 3 May for any information and registration :DTO :–During the week-end :Races cars dragracing with Troph?e National ATD ? FFSA? mile, stuck track, Portatree system ?..STREET RUN A – Index 12?00, STREET RUN B – Index 13?00

STREET RUN C ET – Index 14?00 /16?00
SUPER STREET – Index 10?90
SUPER GAS – Index 9?90
SUPER COMP ET – Index 7?50 ? 8?90

Dragracing bikes just for testing. Competition of wheeling bikes on 1/4 mile.Big show, night show, jet-cars, jet-bike, stunt festival, rocket-bike, wheelstander, jet-quad, ?.

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Winner on left.

THE WINNER OF THE The 2008 XX Chromes All Woman Bike Build at Hal?s H-D for The 105th Celebrations!!–Clifton Ellis of Chicago, IL.

All proceeds for Breast Cancer Research?great job Hal?s Harley-Davidson!

I think the promotion was a huge success. Several of my staff helped Bud to raffle tickets all weekend Between the two weekends of Chicago mc shows: McCormick Motorcycle Expo & the IMS, I?ll bet the promotion helped to raise an additional $2000-$3000?

Your winner info is: Clifton Ellis ? Chicago

–Gina Woods

Open Road Radio, Inc ?
Open Road Television
P.O. Box 706
Bensenville IL 60106

open road radio banner

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roo in water 1

Ms. BIKERNET 2008 REPORTS ON AUSTRALIAN HEAT WAVE FROM HER TATTOO PARLOR–i surely will. i will send you a bunch of pics, got to do some updates soon, so i’ll try and put together a few words and a couple of shots of recent work. hope all is fine and dandy for you.

That’s all you get.–Wrench

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bc Black Born Free

bc Death and Glory

ED HARDYTM COLLECTION BY KBC —ED HARDYTM NOMAD—Check out some of the coolest helmets NEW for this summer riding season!! The two above are called Born Free (black) and Death or Glory. These exclusive designs by Ed Hardy are based on the KBC Nomad helmet. The fiber composite shell is made with an advanced formula of fiberglass material. It has a removable and washable Duralux liner. They also meet or exceed D.O.T. standards.

For more options, sizes and styles, or to just check us out, visit or contact your local Biker?s Choice dealer.



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O SCHOOL CHOPPERS PROMOTING TELEVISION SERIES, MORE BIKE SHOWS COMING TO THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL–This guy stopped in the shop from Krawdaddy’s and we let him photo our bikes, he remanages the image with his software to give an awesome effect. He shoot our choppers and rat rod.

Update on the tv show , five networks mostly offshore in talks, hope the economy doesn’t kill this as dollars are scarce. Got some other cool stuff coming out our “O School Kool blast drink is getting introduced next month. UFC Randy Couture new bike we built just got cover on Thunder Roads mag. Can send you digital of the build if interested.

O School Choppers

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Klock Werks Gauge collage

KLOCK WERKS SERIES BAGGER GAUGE KITS– The choice of Hot Rodders everywhere is now available for kustom Baggers! Auto Meter and Klock Werks have teamed up to deliver four new six-gauge kits to elevate any bagger project to the next level of custom. We bring you Next Generation Instruments from Auto Meter that combine NASCAR proven racing movements with award winning LED lighting technology to offer you the ultimate in accuracy, durability, visibility and styling. The first four gauge styles available are Auto Meter?s Cobalt, C2, Sport-Comp II and Phantom II; all featuring the Klock Werks logo.

Kits are available exclusively through Klock Werks and Drag Specialties. All gauge kits include the necessary harness and instructions to install the gauges in your 2000-2007 touring models. 2008 and newer models require the purchase of an inductive RPM sensor, also available through Drag Specialties. Older model years that have a factory mechanical driven speedometer can be modified to adapt to the new electronic speedometer.

Auto Meter is the official gauge of NHRA and NASCAR and now the unofficial easy-to-read hot rod style gauge for kustom baggers as designed by Klock Werks!

Klock Werks Auto Meter Gauge sets retail for $1,299.95. Contact your local Drag Specialties dealer. Shop online at or call Klock Werks at 605-996-3700.

–Melissa Waddell
Klock Werks Kustom Cycles
915 S. Kimball
Mitchell, S.D. 57301
605.996.3700 Shop
605.996.9900 Fax

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BIKERNET UNIVERSITY FACTUAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT– While humans and most species are divided into only two sexes, mushrooms contain over 36,000 sexes!

–from Nick Roberts

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torian jacket

AFTER 1 YEAR OF ABUSE: RACE HOODIE STILL LOOKS NEW–Shadow from Thunder Press was sporting her old school Torian Chopper Leathers? Race Hoodie at the 2009 V-Twin Expo. The annual Cincinnati event draws all of the big guns from the customizing world including Arlen Ness, Dave Perewitz and Donnie Smith.

The Race Hoodie looked new after a full year of usage. The seams are tight without fraying. Shadow explained that the leather jacket is an ideal weight that offers protection and is a usable year round.

The Race Hoody is made from the finest hand-selected naked cowhide. This provides a supple feel. For more details, click here.

Jeff Najar


Continued On Page 3

Read More

February 12, 2009 Part 1


Scott Jacobs lead
New line of H-D art from Scott Jacobs.


I feel like a man who was just afforded another life, like a goddamn cat with nine lives. I’m up to about seven. My computer crashed, and it was like someone stole my truck with my bike in the back. But I’m back now, and this news will be a stellar indication of our continued dedication to this industry. Does that sound good?

After this last chilly, yet sunny weekend in Cincinnati, at the V-Twin trade show I’m rejuvenated, encouraged and challenged. Bikernet is devoting 2009 to helping the custom bike industry not only survive the economy but spread our custom wings and fly into the future a stronger, more vibrant industry. Plus, we’re going to have some fun in the process. Let’s hit the news. You’ll see some of these efforts sprout today, and I’ll deliver more reports as we wrap up deals and fire-up some of these efforts:

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2009 HARLEY SLIP-ON EXHAUST PIPES FROM D&D PERFORMANCE ENTERPRISES– new slip-on’s with Zippers air cleaner adds up to 9 horsepower to you ride. They look good and sound right. Show quality chrome and high-gauge steel.

–Jeff Najar

D & D Banner

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SEMA MOTORCYCLE AFTERMARKET COUNCIL EFFORT– I wanted to thank you for presenting the next gen marketing insights at the V-Twin Expo. I enjoyed the presentation.

Like other companies we are seeing the marketing side change as the markets do. Bringing new and next gen customers into our events and to our vendors in the motorcycle and the car markets is a different venture these days. I appreciate you and the others sharing your perspectives.

Sara Liberte mentioned that our name came up on Sunday with reference and in exploration of SEMA membership and committee. We have been a member for many years, display at the show, host ARMO activities at our events and our staff is involved on the ARMO committee. She did not say in what context we were mentioned, (I hope a good one), but feel free to give us a ring if we might be of some assistance or insight.

–Ed Scholly
Carlisle Events

Hey Ed, I?m writing a proposal to hopefully have motorcycling accepted into SEMA as a council made up of our aftermarket industry. I will put you on the list to receive updates as we move forward. When we get around to establishing a committee I would appreciate your involvement.–Bandit

SEMA is a supportive aftermarket organization for the hot rod and restoration automotive sector. It’s a group of 7,500 members which could help keep us free. Motorcyclists could also assist in keeping modified cars a free sport.

SEMA banner

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THE BIKERNET GUN LAW COMMITTEE REPORT–Very Important for you to be aware of a new bill HR 45 introduced into the House. This is the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act of 2009.

We just learned yesterday about this on the Peter Boyles radio program. Even gun shop owners didn’t know about this because it is flying under the radar.

45 or Google HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009. You will get all the information.

Basically this would make it illegal to own a firearm – any rifle with a clip or ANY pistol unless:

It is registered
You are fingerprinted
You supply a current Driver’s License
You supply your Social Security #
You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing

Each update – change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25 – Failure to do so you automatically lose the right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail.

There is a child provision clause on page 16 section 305 stating a child-access provision. Gun must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18. They would have the right to come and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison.

If you think this is a joke – go to the website and take your pick of many options to read this. It is long and lengthy. But, more and more people are becoming aware of this. Pass the word along. Any hunters in your family – pass this along.

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NEW ORLEANS BIKEFEST COMING– Just a quick note to let you know that I was interviewed by Charlie Brechtel with Bikers Inner Circle about the New Orleans Bikefest .

To check out the interview, go to Once there, click ?Videos? on the top menu and then select the ?Deacon Keith Bill Barry Lee? clip.

While you?re there, you might want to check out the rest of the very cool biker info and entertainment on the website. Also, the Charlie Brechtel Band plays right before our interview. Let me know if you?d like to see them at the New Orleans Bikefest – maybe we can get them over here.

Hope you enjoy the Bikers Inner Circle.

Live Free and Ride!!
–Barry Lee

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jay n kid

THE BASE LINE BAD ASS–We just want to ride. Money’s tight, so here’s a bike to take you where you want to go, and when the cash flows you can add flames or whatever you want. But in the meantime, you’re riding class, goddamnit.

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BALTIMORE, Md. – (February 10, 2009) More than 400 new cars, trucks, sport/utility vehicles and crossovers will pack the Baltimore Convention Center over Valentine’s Day weekend, Thursday, February 12 through Sunday, February 15, for the 2009 Motor Trend International Auto Show – Baltimore, presented by State Farm. Attendees are invited to check out all the latest vehicles in a non-selling environment, sit behind the wheels, inspect engines and learn about new fuel-saving automotive technologies. From luxury rides to exciting pre-production models, the Motor Trend International Auto Show – Baltimore offers something for everyone!

On display at the Motor Trend International Auto Show – Baltimore will be several exciting, all-new or redesigned 2009 vehicles including the Chevrolet Corvette ZR1, Ford Flex, Hummer H3T, Infiniti FX, Nissan GT-R, Subaru Impreza WRX, Toyota Venza and more, as well as a collection of hybrids including the Cadillac Escalade, Chevrolet Malibu, Lexus GS and Toyota Highlander, among others. The show will also offer an up-close look at pre-production models yet to hit the dealer showrooms including the 2010 Buick LaCrosse, 2010 Chevrolet Camaro, 2010 Ford Mustang, 2010 Ford Fusion and more. Fox Marketing will bring out a 3500hp HEMI ’68 Camaro, SEMA Twin Turbo 2009 527hp Lexus IS F, Off-Road Jeep TJ, and 2008 SEMA 300hp Ford Focus Coupe.

Follow the Green Trail and learn about the latest trends in alternative fuel vehicles. Green directional arrows will help attendees find fuel-efficient and alternative fuel models on the show floor, as well as showcase new technology to help save money at the fuel pump and promote a cleaner environment.

While at the auto show, attendees can check out the pull-up bars in the United States Marines Display. Also, be sure to stop by the Maryland State Police Display, featuring a new police vehicle, police motorcycle and information from the local police.

Following are the details on additional features and promotions:? Free Subscription to Motor Trend magazine – Attendees will receive a FREE one-year subscription to Motor Trend magazine with each box office admission purchase. Simply complete the subscription card at the auto show and receive 12 issues of the world’s #1 automotive authority, courtesy of the Maryland Automobile Dealers Association.

? College Two-Fer Day, Thursday, February 12 – College students who purchase one adult admission ticket with a valid college ID will receive a second admission free with a second valid college ID.

? Capitals Hockey Great – Retired Capitals Right Winger Peter Bondra will be available Friday, February 13, between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. to sign free autographs for fans.

? Family Day, Sunday, February 15 – Children 12 and younger are admitted free when accompanied by a paying adult. Additionally, there will be a meet and greet appearance with Barbie? between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., as well as Retired Orioles Outfielder Al Bumbry and The Orioles Bird Mascot, between 12 noon and 2 p.m.

The Motor Trend International Auto Show – Baltimore, is presented by State Farm and the Maryland Automobile Dealers Association and produced by Motor Trend Auto Shows, LLC, the nation’s largest auto show producer and part of the Source Interlink Companies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SORC). The auto show will be open to the public Thursday, February 12 through Sunday, February 15, at the Baltimore Convention Center, located at One West Pratt Street in Baltimore.

Show hours are Thursday, from 12 noon to 10 p.m., Friday and Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is $10 for adults, $6 for senior citizens (62 and older) and military (w/ID) and $4 for children (ages 7-12). Children six and younger are admitted free with a paying adult. Save time and money by purchasing E-tickets in advance at and receive a $2 discount off regular adult admission. Additional information, weekday discount coupons and directions are also available on the official auto show Web site,

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bbb bobber

BRASS BALLS’ CLASSIC BOBBER WINS BOBBER OF THE YEAR AWARD–Oklahoma City, OK ? Darwin Motorcycles, the builder of the Brass Balls Bobbers & Choppers motorcycles, is pleased to announce its Custom Bobber received the 2009 V-Twin Bobber of the Year award at the 2009 annual V-Twin Expo, the industry?s largest trade show, held February 7-9 in Cincinnati, OH.

Once a year, on Saturday night, the industry gathers in the Grand Ballroom of the Duke Energy Convention Center to celebrate the winners of the Excellence Awards given away by Paisano Publications. Dave Nichols, Editor-in-Chief of Easyriders Magazine, brought Darwin Motorcycles founder Dar Holdsworth up to the stage to receive the award in front of his peers.

?Its a honor to receive this award in front of so many builders and editors that I have looked up to and found inspiration from,? explained Dar Holdsworth, Brass Balls Bobbers BossMan. ?The award speaks to our design and quality workmanship that goes into every bobber and chopper that we produce.?

bbb bobber of the year

The award-winning Classic Bobber comes in a Softail or rigid frame that is 36 degree, 0 up and 0 out. It sports a Mustang tank, floor boards, 140mm rear tire, sprocket/rotor rear brake kit and is available with a Harley-Davidson EVO, S&S 96 inch engine or Crazy Horse V-Plus motor.

The 2009 award recipients include:Motor of the Year: S&S Cycle KN Motor. Frame Designer of the Year: V-Twin MFG. Wheel Designer of the Year: RC Components. Tech Product of the Year: Baker Direct Drive 7-Speed Transmission. Accessory of the Year: Klock Werks Flare Windshield. Performance Product of the Year: Zipper?s Performance Products For Thundermax G2 Closed-Loop EFI Controller. Teresi Prize- Innovative Product of the Year: Hoppe Industries? Quadzilla Detachable Fairing.

2009 Bike Winners. Metric of the Year: Star V Star 950. Custom Production Bike: Big Bear Choppers Model Paradox. Production Bobber of the Year: Brass Balls Bobbers Classic Bobber. Cruiser of the Year: Harley-Davidson FLSTSB Cross Bones. Motorcycle Design of the Year: Harley-Davidson FL Series Powertrain and Frame. Bike of the Year: Big Dog Motorcycle Wolf.

To get your award winning bobber call 405-270-0995 or logon to”>


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matt embe bike

WILD ARTISTIC BIKE DEAL OF THE WEEK–The Templar Bike was inspired by medieval times . All metall is cut and shaped by hand . The heart of the bike is a 113″S&S Engine with a 656 red shift cam , a 48 Mikuni carb , a barnett lock up clutch and 6 speed trans. The soft tail long stretch frame makes it a very stable fast bike. The front end is a harley wide glide inverted. All parts are nickel and then copper plated for the aged look.3.1 gallons of fuel fit in the tank. Brakes and wheels are PM.

Build by Los Angeles artist Matt Ende. I’m asking $31,800 for it, or best offer.

–matt ende

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black bike wheel

BLACK WHEELS BY THE BEST IN THE INDUSTRY– When the time comes to put a tough edge on the looks of your Harley- Davidson, nothing does it like a set of custom black wheels from Black Bike. We don?t just paint stock components and offer them for sale. Our hubs are aircraft billet, the spokes are stainless steel, and the rim choices are limitless.

Give us your bike?s year and model and we can build a black set that stands out as the highest quality product on the market today. With our technical knowledge of the Harley- Davidson and the changes through the years, we can build a bolt-on set that fits your bike the way it should.

Starting at about $1000/ set

(818) 341-2550

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godard car 032

WILD CAR ART OF THE WEEK–Another just finished New Release Titled ” Vegas or Bust”, This car was at SEMA, Its was ironic seeing this car there, because I am represented in a gallery in Branson Mo. that primarily has Michael Godard’s work, the crazy olives..The Gallery is The Oh My Godard Gallery.

The painting is 24×36, in Oil, the prints will be 18×24 for $150.00 or the larger size 20×32 for $220.00. The Original is $2600.00 Framed

— Stefanie Aziere-Sattler
To Order Limited Edition Prints contact Stefanie or Donnie at the following
Aziere Art
6104 Blue Jay Blvd.
Sedalia, Mo. 65301


WEST COAST CHOPPER DEAL OF THE WEEK FROM LIFESTYLES–That’s it. You don’t see many of these floating around. For more information call Lifestyle Cycles in Orange County.


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Libby Hitchcock

HARLEY-DAVIDSON ANNOUNCES ?BUILD IT AND WIN IT? SWEEPSTAKES WINNER– 2009 Softail Cross Bones ?Dream Bike? Awarded to Georgia Woman.

MILWAUKEE (February 6, 2009) ? Harley-Davidson? has announced the winner of its ?Build It and Win It? sweepstakes presented by Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories. Libby Hitchcock from Dallas, Georgia, was the lucky winner of her self-designed 2009 Softail Cross Bones? installed with over $4,500 of custom options including H-D exclusive paint, and numerous decorative and functional accessories. The local dealer, Cartersville Harley-Davidson, provided the delivery and installation of the prized motorcycle on Saturday, January 31.

?Ever since the Cross Bones came out, I have lusted after it,? Hitchcock beamed. On choosing the Chisel Custom Grind Collection paint set and other black accessories she said, ?The bike looked old school and was crying-out for that black matte finish.? She plans to put on as many miles as soon as possible, especially since riding has been a life-long passion of hers. She grew up riding with her grandfather and father who both worked at Harley-Davidson dealerships in Georgia. But after taking her Rider?s Edge? course, she got her own official license in November of 2007.

The ?Build It and Win It? sweepstakes utilized The Customizer ( ), an interactive web tool on that allows customers the ability to build their virtual dream Harley-Davidson motorcycle. On The Customizer, visitors can choose 2009 Harley-Davidson models and then select from dozens of custom options, including Color Shop custom paint sets, Screamin? Eagle? performance components, hand and foot controls, custom front end parts and decorative collections, and add and remove them on a virtual motorcycle. As the bike is created, each new component appears on a picture of the virtual motorcycle, so customers can see exactly what the finished custom Harley-Davidson will look like. These dream bikes can then be saved in a personal profile ?Garage,? along with a convenient, printable list of each component with its part number and retail price.

At the close of the three-week contest, those contestants who built and saved a bike into a personal profile Garage were entered into the sweepstakes. On Nov. 6 a Harley-Davidson Motor Company representative randomly drew Hitchcock?s bike from the pool of virtual custom bikes that had been built during the contest dates.

Lee Bond, the Service Manager at Cartersville H-D, who installed the accessories on the Cross Bones for Hitchcock, also thinks the bike looks great. He and others from the dealership made a special event for Hitchcock when she took ownership of the bike. ?We had a party for Libby and took pictures with everyone who attended,? he said. ?Libby met everyone at the dealership and got a tour of all the departments.?

For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.


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BIKEASIA TO ROCK SINGAPORE IN LATE FEBRUARY–BIKEASIA INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE & MOTORCYCLE EXHIBITION will be held in Singapore from the 27th February to 1st March 2009. For more information http://www.bikeasia.orgThe second edition of BikeAsia 2009, the International Trade Show and Exhibition in Asia for Bicycles, Motorcycles, accessories and 2-wheel lifestyle is only a few days away.

It is important to support the 2 wheels sector in this moment of difficulties and uncertainty and BikeAsia is an exhibition of trust, confidence and support for all those involved in the business of bicycles, motorcycles and accessories. Bicycles and motorcycles will never go out of fashion ? they are a passion!

Also this year we will show the best companies and the best products in the business right here in Singapore, making the visit to BikeAsia particularly convenient and affordable for trade visitors from Asia in particular. Hotels rates are particularly attractive and so are airfares nowadays.

Italian manufacturers will be present in force with a national pavilion to exhibit the excellence of their products and in response to the success they enjoyed at the 2008 BikeAsia edition.

This year there will be a section dedicated to 2 wheel tourism as well as a forum on urban mobility and fashion show for bicycle and motorcycle apparel. There will also be stunts and fringe activities to entertain you while you discuss business and renew friendship with exhibitors and fellow visitors.

The Opening Ceremony will be held on 27 February 2009, 11.00 am. In addition to members of the industry, we have also invited the media, the diplomatic corps, trade commissioners, local industry players and opinion leaders.

We welcome you to join us at BikeAsia 2009.

–Roberto Fabbri
Managing Director
BikeAsia Pte Ltd

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dbw flyr

DEPARTURE BIKE WORKS SWAP MEET, MARCH 8, 2009 AUGUSTA EXPO–277 Expo Road, Fishersville, Virginia 22939,Sunday, March 8, 2009 9:00-4:00.

Questions or comments should be directed to Tel: 804-231-0244 (Fax: 804-231-0250) or

DBW banner

Continued On Page 2

Read More

Bikerider Review


To some, a grungy, long-haired, mutton-chopped guy brooding behind aviator shades as he cruises on a chopper with nothing ahead but the open road means pure freedom. To those safely esconced in Buicks, a rearview mirror full of loud bikes and liquored-up riders usually means it's time to lock the doors and stare straight ahead.

No matter your point of view, it's clear that little could be more distinctly American than the combination of chrome, leather, boots, tattoos, noise and speed. And the real danger of motorcycles makes that combo more than a symbolic act of rebellion.

Photographer Danny Lyon was a member of the Chicago Outlaws in the mid '60s, an era when “biker” meant a rider from California, and the proper term elsewhere was “bikerider.” The term “outlaw” was literal — the American Motorcycle Association, since 1924, has attempted to foster a cleaned-up image of motorcycling. In 1961, the “Put Your Best Wheel Forward” campaign went so far as to encourage riders to present a good public appearance. Those who rejected the AMA's niceties and courteous riding rules were outlaws, and their rough-edged presence at races wasn't always welcome. The AMA said 99 percent of those at races were God-fearing family types; the outlaws quickly began wearing AOA (American Outlaws Association) patches with a raised middle finger and called themselves “1%ers.” The Chicago Outlaws Motorcycle Club began in 1935 as the McCook Outlaws, and has since grown to include international chapters on several continents.

guy with bsa

The outlaws seem to simultaneously reject and relish the lawlessness for which they gained a reputation. Their websites (yes, even the Hells Angels and Outlaws have websites these days, complete with copyrighted logos) decry their mislabelling and sing the praises of brotherhood and the joys of riding. On the other hand, links to 1%ers in prison are easy to find; perhaps the result of persecution, perhaps actual bad behavior.

In 1968, Lyon, after repeated rejections from publishers, finally managed to get his photography book The “Bikeriders” into print. The book brought the outlaw subculture to a broad audience for the first time. After finally reaching cult status and fetching enormous sums on Ebay, the book was reissued. Now a second reissue has come to print with a new introduction and the addition of black and white as well as color photos that Lyon long thought were lost. It is a startling, beautifully shot document of the outlaw world in the days before rivalries turned to open hostility. And, as the 1%ers themselves put it, before law enforcement and media redefined them as the violent one percent of motorcyclists who flout all laws.

Lyon took to the streets on a Triumph motorcycle armed with both a camera and a tape recorder and documented the images and the stories of the Chicago Outlaws. The resulting work was seminal stuff; some claim that The Bikeriders inspired the look of Easy Rider , and his immersion and participation in the way of life of his subjects was part of a new style of journalism. He took equally revealing photos as a participant in the civil rights movement.

Lyon's website,, does a great deal more than offer examples of his photography. The pages are filled with well-wrought statements revealing his passion for the freedom of spirit America has long stood for, and his frustration with the erosion of freedoms and the warmongering he sees in our current political climate. His view is clearly a well-considered and heartfelt plea from the fringe that has always been quintessentially American, the one percent that most of us think we inhabit, that some, like the bikeriders, truly embrace.

chicago outlaw

The photos in The Bikeriders are often remarkable. The first section of the book focuses on the other 99 percent, the motorcycle racers who weren't outlaws. In one, a blissful racer is rendered almost clownish; his face and his bike are thoroughly splattered with mud, but he sports a weary smile. The rider, his arms outstretched in an accidentally dancer-like pose, fills the foreground while another rider in the distance stirs up his own cloud of mud.

In low-light photos, Lyon makes exquisite use of a narrow range of focus. In a bar scene, outlaws sprawl on and around a pool table, beers in hand, while in the slightly blurred background a conservatively dressed group of women look on. On the facing page, the back of a rider on his bike is in soft focus while the cars and signs around him are blurred, nearly abstracted.

Surprises abound. A pair of leather-booted outlaws, dishevelled and boyish, stand in a field of flowers that recedes into fog. Another pair of male bikeriders, in a tangle of tattooed arms, kiss dramatically for the camera. The grease-blackened fingernails, crushed beer cans and abundant bikerider symbols (equal parts pirate and World War II German trophies) provide startling fodder for Lyon's lens. The loud, oily, bloody and beer-fueled make a hell of a coffee table book.

The bikeriders may look like pilgrims, seekers of dream and freedom. But these are not road poets, riding into a glorious America. The inclusion of the stories of bikeriders Lyon taped while taking his photos offers a rawer glimpse into the world he made a bit more respectable by the romance of the camera lens. The bikeriders have little use for convention, and they are primarily unwashed devotees of engines and noise. The romance isn't entirely absent, but it's only discernible beneath a thick layer of grease. Their stories are full of cursing, bad English and '60s slang, and most, far from poetry, recount exploits and bragging too outrageous to be entirely false. The rift between the fringe and the mainstream is quickly apparent.

two club guys

Zipco, then a 23-year-old member of the Milwaukee Outlaws, says of his brother, “Air Force mechanic. They took him in 'cause he was a clean-cut, all-American boy. Short pants, tennis shoes. I like my brother, but the only thing I didn't like about him, he's a pinko. He fights good and everything, you know. But he hangs around with these goddamn pinkos all the time. Short pants and college fuckers all the time. And they drive you out of your mind.”

Funny Sonny an ex-Hells Angel and member of the Chicago Outlaws, recounts a tale of a hill-climbing contest he won when the other guy, derisively noted as a Honda rider with a helmet, accidentally gunned it right over a cliff. That exploit is followed by Sonny's swallowing of a live caterpillar, who then crawls back up into his mouth, inspiring several witnesses to lose their lunches. Sonny then happily chews the poor creature into oblivion. “So I had a lot of food to eat that day. Because everybody got up and quit eatin' their food. Oh, Christ. That was good. That's when I really met the Outlaws, really met 'em good.”

When The Bikeriders was published, the violent aspect of outlaw life was less pronounced. Lyon notes that things got rougher later. The president of the Chicago Outlaws in the '60s was Johnny Davis. Lyon recounts that when a new generation challenged Davis for the leadership of the club in the '70s, Davis showed up for a fight to settle the score and was unceremoniously and unchivalrously shot down. Lyon's pictures come from a different era. He says in the 2003 introduction that this is readily apparent in the shot of Funny Sonny, wearing Hells Angels colors, riding with Zipco, who sports Milwaukee Outlaws colors. Not many years later, Lyon says, the Outlaws and Angels attacked each other on sight.

outlaw columbia

Lyon, in the 1968 introduction, admits that he was afraid that turning his friends into art might well endanger this subculture. But, as he rightly noted, “This attention doesn't have the strength of the reality of the people it aspires to know, and … as long as Harley-Davidsons are manufactured other bikeriders will appear, riding unknown and beautiful through Chicago, into the streets of Cicero.”

Read More

February 05, 2009 part 1



Photo Courtesy of Jerry Southworth


You won?t believe this. Last weekend I spent four days sequestered in a Primm, Nevada hotel room pouring over chapters from my first Chance Hogan book. It will see the wheels of a printing press sometime during the first half of this year. I jammed home Tuesday morning, carefully carried my I-mac back to my desk and proceeded to go through the motions of backing up my hard drive to insure the manuscript was saved. So what happened?my computer crashed. Fuck!

It?s been down since then. I couldn?t feel worse, if some bastard just stole my ?56 Shovelhead and left me homeless on the streets of Phoenix. Fortunately we have a longshoreman computer mastermind who is slaving away to rescue my data. Needless to say, the news will be lackluster. I?m grappling with attempting to operate Sin Wu?s PC computer and deliver the latest.

If you were expecting an e-mail from me, many apologies. Hopefully, by the time I return from Cincy, all will be well at the Bikernet Interplanetary Headquarters once again. Better be, or I?m going to hit up Jerry Petty, from Saxon, for the key to his condo in Rocky Point, Mexico. I?ll ride down there through the desert, and you?ll never here from me again.

Primm Banner

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BIG BEAR CHOPPER LOOKING FOR RALLY SPONSORS– I would love for Bikernet to be a sponsor for our rally.Our one day event brings in 8,000 quality bikers for the day. It?s a growing, unique rally that receives lots of recognition and exposure.let me know asap if Bikernet would like to be a sponsor. I have a deadline on printing the ads, flyers and posters. plus, the sooner you commit, the sooner your logo will go on everything.

Industry Raises More Than $134,000 for Children’s Charities–The 2008 SEMA Installation Banquet & Gala Fundraiser brought the industry together to celebrate the newest SEMA Board members, recognize the services of the outgoing Board members and welcome the 2008 SEMA Hall of Fame Inductees, all while supporting two important charities?the Victory Junction Gang Camp for kids and the Childhelp organization.

Through its auction and fundraising activities, the 2008 event raised more than $134,000 for the two charities.

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Warren Buffet injects $300m into Harley-Davidson– The motorbike manufacturer receives a $600m in total from Berkshire Hathaway and Davis Selected Advisors, Harley’s biggest shareholder
Warren Buffett threw Harley-Davidson, one of the world’s most famous names in motorbikes, a $300 million lifeline after agreeing to buy half of the group’s newly issued bonds.

But the cost of the billionaire’s financial support comes with an astonishing burden – with the motorcycle maker locked in to pay Berkshire Hathaway an annual interest rate of 15 per cent on the investment. The coupon on the bonds represents twice the rate that junk bonds typically pay investors. The bonds mature in 2014.

Both Mr Buffett and Davis Selected Advisors, the fund manager which is also Harley’s biggest shareholder, bought the group’s new bonds, helping the motorbike maker secure $600 million in new funds. Shares in the group soared by a fifth after the announcement.

The bond sale provides the Milwaukee, Wisconsin-based Harley with more cash after losses at its financing arm led to a 58 per cent decline in fourth-quarter profit. Harley is also cutting 1,100 jobs, or more than 12 percent of its workforce, over two years.

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2 INTO 1 BOSS – FAT CAT DELIVERS 15 % INCREASE IN HORSEPOWER FOR 2009 HARLEY TOURING MOTORCYCLES– Get Your Performance Here – All Harley Touring Models Recieve 15% increase in HP, 15% increase in Torque. The BOSS – Fat Cat kit includes a D&D pipe along with a Zipper’s air cleaner… that is all you need. No additional parts and no tuner. Just bolt and go!

D&D Delivers a Satisfying Harley Experience – Let’s face it; the sound of your bike is just as important as the performance. It’s part of the Harley experience.

Through our work on the dyno we have custom tuned the BOSS – Fat Cat exhaust to not only deliver better performance, but do it at a level that will keep the Sound Police at bay. And because of the R&D work we have done on the 2009 touring models, we deliver a deep, pleasing and environmentally-friendly exhaust note along with the increase in performance and economy.

At idle, the motorbike is deep and boomy and full of character… just the way you want it. And once you crack the throttle the sweet basso-profundo notes just keep on getting better.

Not only does the pipe look good, it is a wonderfully sounding experience for the rider. Get more information on the D&D Chrome BOSS – Fat Cat 2 into 1 exhaust pipe for 2009 Baggers.

Here are our new dealers from last week
1) Cycle Ivan’s Inc 2831 Forest Hill Blvd West Palm Beach, FL 33406 561-588-2302
2) Cycle Heaven 3770 Hwy 69 N Lufkin, TX 75904 936-634-8404

–Jennifer and Jeff Najar

Dealer Direct

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BIKERNET BUSINESS SEMINAR–Two businessmen in Florida were sitting down for a coffee break intheir soon-to-be new store. As yet, the store wasn’t ready, with onlya few shelves set up.

One said to the other, ‘I bet any minute now some senior is going towalk by, put his face to the window, and ask what we’re selling.’

No sooner were the words out of his mouth when, sure enough, a curioussenior walked to the window, peeked in, and in a soft voice asked’What are you sellin’ here?’

One of the men replied sarcastically, ‘We’re selling ass-holes.’

Without skipping a beat, the old timer said,

‘You’re doing well. Only two left.’

–from Ted

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2009 Suzuki Gladius by L-R-G Clothing Co. & Nick Anglada Originals Debuts at Cycle World International Motorcycle Show in Chicago–Chicago — (February 5, 2009) ? American Suzuki Motor Corporation in cooperation with Lifted Research Group and Nick Anglada Originals will unveil the 2009 L-R-G Suzuki Gladius at the Cycle World International Motorcycle Show in Chicago on Saturday, February 7, at 10 a.m.

This is the second installment of an amazing collaboration between American Suzuki, L-R-G and Nick Anglada to build truly unique 2009 Suzuki Gladius featuring the unmistakable design style of Lifted Research Group and the amazing craftsmanship of Nick Anglada.

Nick Anglada Originals have taken an incredible L-R-G design concept and turned the new Suzuki Gladius into an aggressive and stylish Hypermoto inspired machine built to tackle everything from unrelenting urban streets to a sporty canyon ride through the mountains.

The 2009 L-R-G Suzuki Gladius built by Nick Anglada Originals features:
? Excel Supermoto wheels 17×3.5 front 17×5 rear
? RM-Z450 front end
? C & S customs swingarm
? RG3 RM-Z450 Triple Clamp assembly with modified stem
? Renthal Fat Bars
? Leo Vince High Mount SV650 exhaust
? Beringer Supermoto brake set up. six piston caliper with cast iron rotor
? Beringer clutch lever and mount
? Galfer brake lines
? Vortex fully adjustable rearsets
? Vortex billet gas cap
? Custom seat by KSK Kustom Seats Kreations
? 08 GSXR-1000 tail light
? Custom fabricated tail section
? Paint and body work done by Jason Gray Customs.

The 2009 L-R-G Gladius is the first customized Suzuki Gladius to be unveiled and follows in the footsteps of the amazing L-R-G Hayabusa that debuted in 2008.

For more information, call 800/331-5706 or visit

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Llunatica announces attendance of Chica as VIP guest–Associacion Llunatica today announced that internationally acclaimed custom builder Chica will be guest of honor at the Llunatica Benic?ssim Custom Show, which takes place in the Festival and Concert enclosure of Benic?ssim, near Castellon in southern Spain, on February 5-8.

Now in its second year as an Affiliate of the Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building, the show originally began in 1996 in Vilanova i la Geltr?, where it was organized by Joan A. Martinez, who is better known as Dr. Guerra. In 2000 Dr. Guerra moved to the coastal resort of Benic?ssim and began running his bike show there.

Over the years the show has become a truly international event with participants from Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, France, England, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Greece. Last year’s event pulled almost 5,000 visitors, and the custom show saw 38 bikes from Spain, Portugal, France and the Netherlands divided into Freestyle, Modified Harley and Metric classes. Although an outdoor event, the bike show and concert area is enclosed within a 33,000 square feet marquee..

The winner’s prize will be a 5,000 Euro expenses contribution to compete at the 6th annual Official World Championship in Sturgis on August 2-5. This year, the Llunatica organizers have announced that the judging will be conducted by the competing builders. An online entry form for the Custom show is available at


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EDUCATION OVER LEGISLATION, This quote challenges some assumptions–Is your life worth protecting? If so, whose responsibility is it to protect it? If you believe that it is the police’s, not only are you wrong — since the courts universally rule that they have no legal obligation to do so — but you face some difficult moral quandaries. How can you rightfully ask another human being to risk his life to protect yours, when you will assume no responsibility yourself? Because that is his job and we pay him to do it? Because your life is of incalculable value, but his is only worth the $30,000 salary we pay him? If you believe it reprehensible to possess the means and will to use lethal force to repel a criminal assault, how can you call upon another to do so for you?

— Jeff S. A Nation of Cowards

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TECH QUESTION OF THE WEEK–We have two dynas, an 06 & 07, and we are very unhappy with the rear brakes, upgrades are avail, but at prices running from $750 to $1500 per bike, goes against my basic cheapness, although putting a price on safety seems the height of being a scrooge.

I have read your web pages from time to time and I detect a heavy thread of do-it-yourself ism, unfortunate I could screw up a one car funeral, all I am after is good rear callipers at a reason cost or brackets to mount aftermarket callipers

Tips ?Hints greatly appreciated

–Terry B.l
From: “Terry”

Unfortunately I can?t respond to him until my computer is released from the psych ward. If you have stellar advice, don?t hesitate to drop him a line.?Bandit

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ENTRIES NOW INVITEDTO THIS PRESTIGIOUS EAST COAST SALE–Bonhams’ auction at the 2009 Greenwich Concours d?Elegance, one of the most popular Concours of the North East for more than a decade, is proving to be an ?all star line up? with entries including Clark Gable?s 1938 Packard Model 120 Darrin Convertible and the 1929 Rolls-Royce Phantom I Ascot Tourer as used in the film The Great Gatsby . Situated in beautiful Greenwich, Connecticut, less than an hour’s drive or train ride from New York City, this spectacular two day show is a ?must-attend? East Coast event.

With a proven buoyant classic car market in 2008, Bonhams is honored to invite you to consign your vehicle to our June sale. Our world wide marketing attracts buyers and collectors alike and this venue is the perfect East Coast pedestal to stage your classic. So if you are thinking of freeing up some space in your garage, don?t hesitate to give us a call or e-mail us.

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Boz + Paul

READER SUBMITS LOUISVILLE EASYRIDERS SHOW REPORT, ALL GOOD–Considering the ice and snow storm that hit the area earlier in the week leaving many without power and or water the show in downtown Louisville was well attended. I talked with one vendor that was happy with the sales. I had one incident with one of the Easy Riders centerfold bikes (out lined below) so I concentrated on getting images of the spectator show bikes. I checked out Paul Yaffe?s bagger parts and spent a few minutes with him (image attached). I also talked with Jay Allen from the Broken Spoke mostly about Bonneville and his two new records. We were padlocked next to each other at Bonneville in 2007.

One of the bikes was in the Easy Riders area and get this they are eligible for a centerfold spread in Easy Riders but the owner didn?t want a naked girl sitting on his bike so they said no nudity in the shoot. ER was not happy and is not sure if they are going to publish the shots. I was also told that ER would never publish the shoot if the bike showed up in another mag. Don?t want to kill his chances of getting published, I remembered you writing about the code so I am not going to send them.


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puke can 2-2-09

PUKE CAN FROM THE WIMMER CREW–New from Wimmer is a revised edition of their ?Puke? can. Do you have a bottom breathing motor that spews all over the place after sitting for and extended period? Well this little billet beauty is the answer.

This totally CNC machined unit will clamp to your frame down tube and features a new ?high capacity? design to hold more oil, has a serviceable filter and a petcock to easily drain accumulated oil and is easy to mount and maintain.

MSRP $175.00 ( includes clamp and fittings) This new product as well as all of Wimmer?s other products are manufactured right here in the United States. Stop by Booth #683 at the Cincinnati Expo and check out all of the latest products offered from Wimmer Machine.

Please don?t hesitate to call me at 714-280-8537 with any questions you may have regarding this release.

—Rick Raus
V-Twin Marketing

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Custom Chrome Banner

Custom Chrome Partners with Independent Cycle Inc. Legend Air Suspensions for 2009 and Beyond MORGAN HILL, CA ? Custom Chrome & Custom Chrome Europe are pleased to announce the addition of the Independent Cycle / Legend Air Suspension line for the 2009 catalog season.

Independent Cycle Inc. has been aggressively researching its options to expand its global distribution of Legend Air Suspensions and other fine products throughout the United States and Europe. After intense market research and strategic discussions among industry friends, Independent chose Custom Chrome and its worldwide dealer network as the obvious avenue. This pairing unites the industries innovator of air suspension and one of the worlds most aggressive and successful aftermarket parts distributors in the world. ?With almost forty years of experience behind them, a strong will to support its dealer network and an experienced management team in place, this was an easy choice for Independent to make?, said Jesse Jurrens, founder and owner of Independent Cycle, Inc.

?The addition of this proven product line and the fostering of yet another industry relationship shows our commitment to growing this company and it?s ability to support our customers?, said Steve Veltri, Vice President of Sales and marketing for Custom Chrome.


?Custom Chrome is committed to aggressively expanding its product offering through quality manufacturers and industry relationships to improve its support of the brick and mortar dealer network worldwide? said Kurt Peterson, Media & Events Manager for Custom Chrome. While the addition of Legend Air Suspensions is complete and inventory is in place both here and in Europe; the two companies will continue to expand this relationship with the addition of other Independent Cycle Inc. products and design collaborations for future offerings.

Jesse went on to say, ?This is an exciting, high energy time for Custom Chrome and Legend Air Suspension. While Holger and I have discussed this move several times over the past few years it was seeing everything they have been doing as a company over the last several months in their support of the dealers that made the timing feel right. With Holger and his team at the controls I have great confidence both parties bring something to the table for a substantial mutual benefit and impact to the market. We look forward to growing both US and European sales over the next several years as well as our working relationship.?

For more information on Legend Air Suspension visit or and coming soon to


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HARLEY-DAVIDSON DECLARES MAY WOMEN RIDERS MONTH–– Motor Company Plans Events around the Globe to Celebrate Female Riders –

MILWAUKEE (February 2, 2009) ? This May the rumble from those April showers will continue a little longer as thousands of female riders will be hitting the open road to celebrate the first-ever Women Riders Month.

Throughout the month of May, Harley-Davidson is staging a series of events designed to celebrate the number of women who have already hit the open road on two wheels, as well as encourage even more women to get behind the handlebars. Two of the larger Harley-Davidson Women Riders Month initiatives include:

? Activities for the 3rd Annual International Female Ride Day on Friday, May 1, 2009, which was founded by Vicki Gray of The day celebrates women of all ages who take life by the handlebars by encouraging them to ride. Harley-Davidson plans to stage special rides in New York City and Milwaukee to commemorate International Female Ride Day. Harley-Davidson dealerships, subsidiaries and suppliers across the world have been encouraged to plan rides in their areas.

? Encouraging 100,000 women to learn to ride either by taking the Harley-Davidson? Rider?s Edge? New Rider Course or the Motorcycle Safety Foundation? (MSF) Basic RiderCourseSM training program. Several Rider?s Edge New Rider Courses and MSF Basic RiderCourses are scheduled for the first weekend of May. To kick-off this initiative, a Guinness World Record will be set for the number of women motorcycle riders trained in one weekend during the first weekend of May. For information on the Rider?s Edge New Rider Course or a MSF Basic RiderCourse visit your local Harley-Davidson dealership or log on to or

“Women have been enjoying the sport of motorcycling for the last century,” said Leslie Prevish, women?s outreach manager, Harley-Davidson. “In the past two decades, we?ve seen a dramatic increase in number of women embrace the sport. By declaring May as Women Riders Month, we?re honoring all of the women who enjoy the freedom and adventure found in taking control of their own handlebars.?

In the past 20 years, the percentage of women who have purchased new Harley-Davidson motorcycles has tripled, with women now accounting for nearly 12 percent of new Harley-Davidson motorcycle purchases.

?We know there are thousands of women who are interested in the sport, but aren?t sure where to start,? said Prevish. ?We are encouraging women to learn how to ride a motorcycle to increase the women rider community and help them along their journey.?

During Women Riders Month, the Motor Company also plans to showcase several other programs it has designed specifically for women, including:

? Harley-Davidson dealerships will also be hosting women-only Garage PartiesTM which provides a non-intimidating environment for women to learn more about motorcycling.

?Distributing We Ride, a comprehensive and inspirational brochure on what a new rider or a woman interested in riding needs to know about getting into the sport.

? Share Your SparkTM: A Guide to Mentoring is a tool kit the Motor Company developed for current and aspiring riders featuring information on how to be a resource and support system to others during their motorcycling journey.

For more information about Women Riders Month, including the opportunity to participate in the special International Female Ride Day rides, visit your local Harley-Davidson dealership or log onto

–Tara M. Person
Harley-Davidson Motor Company

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How to: FIX AMERICAN V-Twin MOTORCYCLES, from Wolfgang Publications–Save money! Instead of taking that Harley-Davidson or aftermarket V-twin to the dealership, fix it yourself with help from this new book by Wolfgang Publications.

Designed for non-professionals and first-time mechanics, How to Fix American V-Twin Motorcycles uses hundreds of color photos to explain basic maintenance and repairs. The book covers everything from the basic oil change, to the typical brake job. There?s a section on tune up, carburetor repair, and clutch and primary service. The book even includes a chapter on storage and another on servicing the fork and packing the neck bearings.

Written by well-known bike builders The Shadley Bros. this guide to basic repair and maintenance explains not only how to repair and adjust various parts of the motorcycle, but how the various components work. Diagrams and photos explain things like brake hydraulics and exactly how to adjust the primary chain.

There is no such thing as a maintenance free motorcycle. Learn how to do your own repairs in your own garage with this new book from Wolfgang Publications. How to Fix American V-Twin Motorcycles: 144 pages and over 400 photos. Available for $27.95 US +$5.50 S&H from Wolfgang Publications, order on the web at, or by phone at 651-275-0194.

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Officially Licensed Artist Scott Jacobs Announces New Poster Collection Release– (Feb. 2, 2009 San Diego, Ca.) Scott Jacobs launched his career as Harley-Davidson Motor Company?s first officially licensed artist in 1993 and since then he has garnered world-wide acclaim with his attention grabbing photo-realistic paintings. As a pioneer of Harley-Davidson?s Fine Art Program Scott is old school when it comes to technique as each canvas starts with a free-hand pencil sketch of the subject matter. Once the drawing is complete he begins the arduous task of applying paint with a brush of about seven camel hairs to achieve his trademark stunning detail. His work has found homes is over fifty countries and currently resides in over twenty museums including the new Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee.

His coffee table book has been out for several years now and another is in the works and scheduled for 2009. Scott Jacobs has been featured in numerous magazines internationally as well as appearances on television (including CBS Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood) and radio. Scott Jacobs? V-Twin TV mini-documentary was the highest rated show in their history.

Scott?s celebrated career progressed with the focus of the HD fine art program being on limited edition fine art prints. A thriving market was created with most of the editions selling out to eager collectors. In addition to the Fine Art Program at this time we are extremely pleased to announce the release of the new Harley-Davidson Poster Program which includes six images by Scott Jacobs. This program will allow a much broader audience to enjoy and own some of Mr. Jacobs? work as well as a great gift idea for any Harley enthusiast. The posters are open ended editions and the first six images currently available will retail for $39.95.

FIELD OF DREAMS, is one example of these beautifully designed and very recognizable Scott Jacobs? artworks in the collection. To see the entire collection click on this link: Dealer inquiries are invited please call the number below or email me if you have any

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Wire Plus Introduces a New Seat Post Mounted Replacement Housing–Winfield, KS- Wire Plus Powersports Electronics is proud to introduce their new ?Old School? seat post replacement assembly which includes billet housing, power control module and key switch. This state-of-the-art system features a CNC machined ?old school? ball-milled look on its teardrop shaped billet assembly and includes a much more robust ignition key. The power control module has 4 separate power circuits, replaceable start relay and diagnostic LED?s, which can be viewed through holes in the face of the housing. It?s the perfect solution for all riders that want to update their bikes look and performance, but have older style units that originally came on their Ultra, APC and other custom or production bikes. Installation is a breeze?This new assembly plugs right into the existing Wire Plus harness (not included).

Exclusive to Wire Plus is a unique safety feature that shuts off the front lighting when starting and leaves the taillights on for safety during nighttime starting. This puts less of a strain on the battery while starting and still provides the rider with ?rear visibility? during nighttime starting. Anyone stuck on the side of the road at night will be seen by other drivers while trying to start their bike due to this new safety feature. Available in black or luxurious chrome finishes?Suggested Retail: $299.00. Reliability?Ease of Installation?and Quality all in One?Wire Plus!

Check out Wire Plus?s entire ?09 product line at Booth #916 at the Cincinnati V-Twin Expo or contact them directly at (620) 221-2417; Wire Plus, 724 Industrial Road, Winfield, KS 67156. Check them out online at or email them at

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GERMAN CANTINA BURNS–This message is from a friend of mine in Germany. It is sad news and a tragedy that this place burned down.We will need your help to restore this fine place.

As many of you may know, my time for writing posts is very restricted and, since the big crash of the old JS, I?m still looking for a place where I feel comfortable. But a recent event has inspired me to write this entry.

On Wednesday, January 28, 2009, the bar of a real good friend of mine burnt completely down. This gem of a place, once founded as a private meeting place for a handful of bikers and their friends, soon developed into a very special nugget for all the bikers in our area. In the past 15 years, my friend and many of his guests collected lots of large and small items which made this place so extraordinary. Most of the things were souvenirs and gifts from the US and the value of some items can?t be expressed in money.

Here are some pictures of how it looked before the fire.

Today about 25 -30 helpers showed up and removed the debris. Some women cleaned the collectibles the fire had spared and which can be used again. But most of the items became irreplaceable victims of the flames.

There were two old fashioned bikes hanging from the ceiling; both fully refurbished and functional: An Indian Chief from the 40s and a Harley-Davidson from the 30s. The fire brigade had to cut the chains and the bikes crashed on the floor, 10 feet down. Luckily both survived, damaged, of course, but perhaps restorable. The flames didn?t reach them directly but they were covered with aggressive acidic smut from the burnt plastic and needed to be cleaned immediately.

Many of the buddies signaled help in one way or the other.. They even started an account at a bank where people can donate money for the reconstruction. Others are thinking of delivering materials, and some others will just donate their working power. The group of bikers, friends, and guests are standing together to help a friend in need. The insurance only takes care of the damages that happened to the building?.

The bar ?Harley-Garage at Wallau? surely will rise again, perhaps back to it?s former glamour, with the exception of the missing collectibles.

Folks, I would like to make an appeal to all of you. If any of you have old (or new) stuff like advertising sign-plates made of enameled iron or just old posters from Coca-Cola, Jack-Daniels, Hershey?s chocolate, Harley-Davidson, or whatever, I really would appreciate your donation. Of course, all the other little things like models of motorbikes or oldtimer vans and pick-up cars are always welcome, too. Leave a pm and I?ll send you my address here in Germany. My friends and I would be very thankful.

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er Bike Show ad 09 new FINAL copy

MORE REPORT FROM LOUISVILLE EASYRIDERS SHOW–Making the trip to Louisville was a tough one! With the Gangster Van loaded up with Swag we left Richmond at the crack of dawn, the plan was to drive straight thru to Louisville non stop. Crossing into West Virginia the snow and sleet started, no plows, no salt spreaders, it seemed like it was just us on the highway.

We made frequent gas stops to adjust air pressure in the tires, clean the windshield and the headlights. The sun didn’t shine thru the storm clouds all day, phone calls back to the Gangster Choppers Global Headquarters revealed that a record breaking storm had hit the area! Power was out, roads were closed, WOW the mayhem!

We pressed thru and made the show date. I am personally glad we did, I met the most sincere and true bikers anywhere in the USA in Louisville. The storm had weeded out the fakes, the posers. The spectators were telling me stories about cutting tree limbs out of the roadway to drive there, many was without electricity but still came out. As always we bring you the story with pictures! Enjoy.

–John Dodson, Gangster Choppers
216 East Belt Blvd., Richmond, Va. 23224

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MAGAZINES DISTRIBUTORS GO OUT OF BUSINESS–Big news today is that Anderson News Company and Source Interlink (yes, that Source Interlink that bought the Primedia magazines) both announced they are shutting down their magazine wholesaler operations due to massive and on-going financial losses.

Between the two they distribute at least 50% of all magazines in north America.Going to be wild! Wonder how this will effect the Source Interlink magazines like Motorcyclist, Hot Bike, Sportrider and Motorcycle Cruiser, which are reeling from the advertising pull back?

–Buzz Kantor

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Free Marketing Seminar: V-Twin Expo, Cincinnati Ohio– Highly regarded industry professionals will join Lon Nordbye Jr. of The Legendary Buffalo Chip to discuss effective marketing strategies that get results in the motorcycle industry. Nordbye? expertise in sponsorship and event marketing has undeniably reinvented how sponsors develop, execute and measure programs at major motorcycling events and music venues.

This seminar is for those who want to:
? Learn how to utilize sponsorship to improve your customer?s experiences.
? Get insights as to how and why companies become sponsors and how you can benefit.
? Obtain a working knowledge on how you can use multiple marketing channels to reach an increasingly busy and over mediated consumer.

As part of the series, Lon will discuss all aspects of sponsorship integration, deliverability and measurement and how to incorporate them on all levels of business. Others featured in this 90 minute seminar are Keith ?Bandit? Ball of, World Renowned Motorcycle Photographer Michael Lichter, Ken Conte Owner of Rise Above Consulting and CJ Hanlon of Guilty Customs. The presenters bring more than fifty years of experience in public relations, online marketing, sponsorship sales and motorcycle marketing to the panel.

Please join us for this break through seminar, Saturday February 7, 2009 from 11:30-1:00pm at the V-Twin Expo in Cincinnati Ohio. See the V-Twin Show Guide for seminar locations ? and make sure to catch Lon before or after the seminar with your questions. Get more information about V-Twin Expo seminars online at

–Nicole Moser
Buffalo Chip Campground, LLC.
Marketing Assistant

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CALIFORNIA HELMET LAW LAWSUIT OUTCOME–Many of you have been asking about the outcome of the lawsuit against the California Highway Patrol. I was waiting for the official statement from Mike Osborn, who was instrumental in striking the deal with the California Judicial Council and the CHP, and who acted as case manager for our lawsuit as well as Director of the ABATE of California Judicial Fund. The attachments are the official news release concerning the lawsuit and the change in policy memo from the CHP.

For those of you who contributed to the fund, thank you very much. My boss, Michael Hupy donated $5,000 of his personal money to the fund and continues to support biker’s rights by making the first donation to the MRF A&E fund in the amount of $5,000 and pledging to match other donations of $1,000 from attorneys who represent motorcyclists up to an additional $10,000.00.

He not only represents injured bikers, he puts thousands and thousands of dollars back into our motorcycle community to assist us in legislative, judicial and safety issues. I hope other attorneys will do the same.

Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo
Hupy and Abraham, S.C.
Visit for current news for bikers

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SHOOT,WHAT DID I TELL YA?–I?m packed and ready for our 7:00 a.m. flight to Cincinnati tomorrow. Doc Robinson, from Heavy Duty Magazine in Australia, is tagging along with a pallet of their 100th magazine edition. Each cover is chromed. Terrific looking book. It?s interesting that sales are down over here and Harley just had their best season ever in Australia. All is not lost. We will survive to party another day.

So hang on for next week. You got a break this week due to technical difficulties, but next week, I will deliver industry reports, new products coming to market, a sneak look at the Big Bear Chopper Doc is going to road test, another feature from Jon Towle, plus I may meet with Roger Goldammer this weekend and kick off his bike feature for Bikernet Readers.

The Sunday Post may be light, depending on how the girls feel on Sunday. They?re attending a Harley-Davidson party Friday night. But watch out for the news next Thursday. I?ll dig through all my e-mails, read scattered notes from Cincy, go through Cincy show brochures and hammer the news home. Do me a favor, say a prayer for my computer.

Let?s Ride



karley looking up use

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Government Loses Mongols MC Case


The Mongols Motorcycle Club has won the fight over the seizure of its trademarks. United States Attorney Thomas P. O’Brien has lost his case. The club continues to own its name and its patch and has a constitutionally protected right to continue to exist.

Last October 21st, a brash press release announced the unsealing of a “racketeering indictment that (charged) 79 defendants” associated with “the violent Mongols outlaw motorcycle gang.” The headline grabbing news in the release was that “The racketeering indictment seeks the forfeiture of the trademarked ‘Mongols’ name, which is part of the ‘patch’ members wear on their motorcycle jackets.”

“In addition to pursuing the criminal charges set forth in the indictment, for the first time ever, we are seeking to forfeit the intellectual property of a gang,” O’Brien bragged. “The name ‘Mongols,’ which is part of the gang’s ‘patch’ that members wear on their motorcycle jackets, was trademarked by the gang. The indictment alleges that this trademark is subject to forfeiture. We have filed papers seeking a court order that will prevent gang members from using or displaying the name ‘Mongols.’ If the court grants our request for this order, then if any law enforcement officer sees a Mongol wearing his patch, he will be authorized to stop that gang member and literally take the jacket right off his back.”

Bad Cops

Pulling the Mongols patch was unequivocally the principal point of the indictment. The indictment culminated a three year-long domestic spying operation conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives called “Operation Black Rain.” As of this writing, at least 25 former members of the Mongols Motorcycle Club have pled guilty to Count One of the indictment. That count alleges that the Club is a murdering, drug dealing criminal enterprise. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the government coerced those defendants into making those racketeering pleas in order to build its case against the club as a whole.

Among the confessed criminal conspirators was former club President Ruben “Doc” Cavazos who claimed ownership of the club’s trademarks and attempted to forfeit them to the government as part of his plea deal.

For at least six weeks, unrestrained and gloating ATF storm troopers and other police officials have been harassing American citizens simply because they are or may be or may have at one time been Mongols. Government agents have been invading people’s homes and breaking into their cars in order to steal their personal property.

In two rulings, on July 31st and August 6th, Federal District Judge Florence-Marie Cooper has now put a stop to this.

No Donut

In the case Ramon Rivera versus Ronnie A. Carter, Acting Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF); John A. Torres, Special Agent in Charge, ATF Los Angeles Field Division; and Eric H. Holder, United States Attorney General Judge Cooper enjoined “…the Government, its officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and anyone in active concert or participation with any of the foregoing persons, from seizing, or asking or directing any other person or entity to seize, from Plaintiff any property or item bearing or displaying all or part of the collective membership mark at issue in (the case) United States v. Cavazos.”

A week later Judge Cooper denied “the Government’s Application for Entry of Preliminary Order of Forfeiture as to Registered Trademarks, Pursuant to Guilty Plea of Ruben Cavazos.” In the same ruling Cooper also denied “the Government’s Motion for an Order Striking Motion by Movant Mongols Nation Motorcycle Club, Inc. For Amendment of Post-Indictment Restraining Order.”

The issue of the forfeiture of the Mongols trademarks has not yet been formally decided. However, it is clear from the judge’s discussion in Rivera that she has already made up her mind.

The Mongols Marks

The government has sought to destroy the identity of the Mongols Motorcycle Club by seizing two registered trademarks. The “verbal mark,” is the word “Mongols” when used to mean a particular motorcycle club. The “visual mark” is a black and white drawing that depicts a Mongol with a top knot, bell bottoms and cowboy boots, riding a rigid framed motorcycle and brandishing a scimitar.

The government rationalized this seizure with the argument that Cavazos “has admitted as part of his plea (and the undisputed evidence conclusively confirms) that the Mongols Registered Trademarks were acquired and maintained by defendant (Doc Cavazos) during and in the course of the operation of the RICO enterprise.” And, the argument was bolstered by more than a score of guilty pleas that supported Cavazos admission.

Cavazos’ “admissions also establish that the Mongols Registered Trademarks afforded a source of influence over the RICO enterprise that (the) defendant admits he established, operated, controlled, conducted and participated in the conduct of, rendering the marks subject to forfeiture.”

Chain Of Ownership

While he was running the club, Cavazos transferred ownership of the trademarks to a corporation he owned called Shotgun Productions. Last August, his successor as Mongols President, Hector “Largo” Gonzalez, transferred ownership of those marks back to an unincorporated association named Mongols Nation. Then Gonzalez transferred the marks in January 2009 to a newly-formed corporation called Mongols Nation Motorcycle Club, Inc.

The government built its case for forfeiture on this complicated chain of ownership. The Mongols Corporation, the government argued, had no standing to claim ownership of the trademarks because it did not exist until this year. The unincorporated association had no standing because it had relinquished its ownership of the marks. Cavazos, the government’s reasoning went, had stolen ownership of the trademarks when he put them in the name of Shotgun Productions. And at the moment of that theft the club became his criminal enterprise.

Until the middle of June Judge Cooper seemed to agree with the government’s argument. This month the lady changed her mind and blew the government’s arguments to smithereens. The key decision came in the Rivera Suit.

The Rivera Suit

Ramon Rivera is a Mongols patch holder who was not charged in the case United States versus Cavazos. In Judge Cooper’s words, “Plaintiff has often worn a jacket or shirt displaying the collective membership mark, both at Club activities and elsewhere. To Rivera, his display of the mark affirms his membership in the Club, and symbolizes unity and brotherhood with his friends and fellow Club members. Plaintiff has personal knowledge that if law enforcement officers saw him wearing items displaying the Mongols mark, the officers would confiscate those items. Due to the Government’s threat of seizing items displaying the mark, and its actual seizure of such items, Plaintiff is chilled and deterred from publicly wearing or displaying any item bearing the mark and is currently refraining from doing so.”

So, with the assistance of the San Diego office of the American Civil Liberties Union, Ramon Rivera sued the bastards.

Rivera’s Standing

The government sought to dismiss Rivera’s suit on the grounds that he had no standing. It is the same argument the government has used against the Mongols corporation. And, Judge Cooper rejected that argument like this:

“…the Government acknowledges Plaintiff will be unable to participate in any post-forfeiture ancillary proceeding because he claims no interest in the collective membership mark. If Plaintiff were denied standing for having no interest in the mark, Plaintiff would be denied any opportunity to challenge the potential seizure of his property and the governmental intrusion upon his rights. Plaintiff cannot be left without any remedy and must, therefore, have standing to pursue his claims in this case.”

The Government Cannot Seize The Patch

Then the Judge went on to completely demolish the government’s attempt to seize the Mongols trademarks.

“Even if the Court were to accept the Government’s evidence that Ruben Cavazos controlled the use of the mark during his tenure as National President,” Cooper wrote, “there is no support for the notion that a defendant’s control of property belonging to a RICO enterprise is sufficient to establish a forfeitable ownership interest in the property. In addition, there is no evidence that Ruben Cavazos owned a majority interest or any interest in the Mongol Nation that would equate to an ownership interest in the mark. There is no evidence that Shotgun Productions, LLC ever used the mark as a collective membership mark – to indicate membership in an organization substantially similar to that of the Mongol Nation. The purported assignment to Shotgun Productions, LLC is therefore without legal effect. Moreover, the Government’s evidence demonstrates that the Mongol Nation began using the collective mark in approximately 1969, and either Mongol Nation or Mongols Nation, Inc. continues to use the mark to identify their members. The Mongol Nation and Mongols Nation, Inc, by virtue of having used the collective membership mark since 1969, having registered the mark in 2005, and having continued use of the mark to identify members of the club, have acquired and maintained exclusive ownership in the collective membership mark at issue.”

In a direct rebuke of the ATF Agents who have been stealing patches, tee-shirts and memorabilia from Mongols members and sympathizers the judge wrote, “…even if the Court were to assume that the collective membership mark is subject to forfeiture, the Court finds no statutory authority to seize property bearing the mark from third parties…. only defendants’ interests in the RICO enterprise and the proceeds from their racketeering activity are subject to forfeiture.”

The First Amendment

Finally, Judge Cooper accused the ATF of lying to her and of attempting to suppress a constitutionally protected, political viewpoint.

“At the June 22 hearing,” she wrote, “the Government revealed for the first time that the mark it sought to forfeit was a collective membership mark. Previously, in its Ex Parte Application for Post-Indictment Restraining Order, the Government (in this case ATF Case Agent John Ciccone) referred to the mark simply as a trademark, which was ‘purportedly for use in commerce in connection with promoting the interests of persons interested in the recreation of riding motorcycles.’ In contrast to commercial trademarks, which are used in commerce and generally not entitled to full First Amendment protections, collective membership marks are used by members of an organization to ‘indicate membership in a union, an association, or other organization.’

The use and display of collective membership marks therefore directly implicate the First Amendment’s right to freedom of association. The Supreme Court has recognized that ‘implicit in the right to engage in activities protected by the First Amendment’ is ‘a corresponding right to associate with others in pursuit of a wide variety of political, social, economic, educational, religious, and cultural ends.’ This right is crucial in preventing the majority from imposing its views on groups that would rather express other, perhaps unpopular, ideas.’

Furthermore, clothing identifying one’s association with an organization is generally considered expressive conduct entitled to First Amendment protection…. If speech is noncommercial in nature, it is entitled to full First Amendment protection, which prohibits the prior restraint and seizure of speech-related materials without a judicial determination that the speech is harmful, unprotected, or otherwise illegal.

“Prohibiting speech of this nature constitutes an attack on a particular viewpoint. In Sammartano (v. First Judicial District Court, in and for the County of Carson City) the Carson City courthouse enacted a rule to prohibit admission of those with ‘clothing, attire or colors which have symbols, markings or words indicating an affiliation with street gangs, biker or similar organizations,’ because ‘such clothing or attire can be extremely disruptive and intimidating, especially when members of different groups are in the building at the same time.’ The Ninth Circuit reasoned that the rule singles out bikers and similar organizations for the message their clothing is presumed to convey, and held that the rule impermissibly discriminates against a particular point of view – the view of biker clubs as opposed to garden clubs and gun clubs. In this case, the Government targets an even narrower group of individuals, a single motorcycle club. In addition, the Government has been seizing property, which imposes a greater restriction on individual rights than the denial of access to a public facility.

Accordingly, the seizure of property bearing a Mongols membership mark should be considered viewpoint-discriminatory. The Government’s ability to seize property bearing the trademark acts as a prior restraint and cannot stand without a judicial determination that the speech is harmful, unprotected, or otherwise illegal. No such determination was ever sought by the Government, and no such determination was ever made by the Court.”

In other words the Mongols have won. The government has lost. The Mongols trademarks belong to and will continue to belong to the Mongols Motorcycle Club.


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January 29, 2009 Part 5


Continued From Page 1


VETERAN RIDER FINDS BANDIT AFTER 40 YEARS– man it was good to see you the other day at the Grand National Show. When I got on the Bikernet site Monday night and saw a giant picture of my Shovel I freaked. I was calling all my buds to check it out.

Then you ran another picture with a nice caption in the news section, what a mind blower! It’s funny how you can throw a scoot together the same way you’ve been doing it for thirty years, and cop a third place at the Grand National Roadster Show.

I never intended to show that bike built by bud, who built the little iron head, talked me into taking it down to the show. Maybe it helps to know one of the judges, ha ha.


Talking over old times with you, although very short, was really a highlight of my weekend. I hope we can visit sometime. I’ve got to make this short, I’m at work. I retired but I do part time for the Air National Guard. That’s the reason for the Military e-mail address.


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KEN CONTE SUCKER PUNCH PROJECT ON BIKERNET–Here’s the cool notion Ken has for his new primary drive with a Rivera Primo clutch. We’re kicking it around and wondering if this is a system for a everyday rider? We’re open to comments.

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HILLCO FASTENER WAREHOUSE– Could you please post our flyer? If you aren’t familiar, we are a full-service fastener supply warehouse in Garden Grove.

We sell to many of the local bike builders, including Chica, Jesse James, and tons more. Anyways, we always have lots of cars, but I’d like to get some of the bikes, especially old ones, out here as well

–Ryan F. Hill
General Manager
Hillco Fastener Warehouse
714 657-7442

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Dealer Direct

D&D DEALER NETWORKS NEVER STOPS GROWING–Here are the new dealers from last week

1) H-D Shop of Winona 1845 Mobile Dr Winona, MN 55987 507-454-4578
2) Top Dog Performance Cycles 8843 Monterey St Gilroy, Ca 95020 408-847-4120
3) Bald Eagle H-D 2080 US 41 W Marquette MI 49855 906-228-5330
4) County Line Cycles & Custom Choppers 185 E Easy ST # G Simi Valley, CA 93065 805-578-8830
5) Rod Shop 12409 Cleveland Ave Nunica, MI 49448 231-206-6190


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STORY FROM BIKERNET PHARMACY– A Cowboy walked into a drug store in west Texas and asked to talk to a male pharmacist.The woman he was talking to said that she was the only pharmacist and as she and her sister owned the store, there were no males employed there. She then asked if she could help him.

The cowpoke said that it was something that he would be much more comfortable discussing with a male pharmacist.

The female pharmacist assured him that she was completely professional and whatever it was that he needed to discuss, he could be confident that she would treat him with the highest level of professionalism.

The cowboy then agreed and began by saying, ‘This is tough for me to discuss, but I have a permanent erection. It causes me a lot of problems and severe embarrassment, and I was wondering what you could give me for it.’

The pharmacist said, ‘Just a minute, I’ll talk to my sister.’ When she returned, she said, We discussed it at length and the absolute best we can do is as follows:
1/3 ownership in the store,
A company pickup truck, and
$3,000 a month living expenses.

–from Buckshot

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citrus motorsports bike night flyer

citrus eric body fundraiser

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RMI Harley Thermal Coated Piston sample

NEW TO BIKERNET, TOP END PERFORMANCE CONNECTION, SEMA MEMBER–I just thought, I should send you some of my Harley work. The black exterior on the heads is a thermal dispersant the piston has a thermal barrier on the top (yes it a damaged piston used only for show) the piston skirts has a ceramic based dry film lubricant on it.

–Don Redmon

RMI S&S Cylinder Head 1

RMI Harley D Combustion Chamber

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Bikernet noise study banner
Click here for the Bikernet Independent Noise study. We try to steer folks away from more testing and regulations. Feel free to print out and send to representatives.

MIC asks New Hampshire to delay motorcycle sound level legislation–The Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) has urged the New Hampshire House Transportation Committee to postpone pending loud pipe legislation until the spring.

The delay is being called for as it will allow the MIC and the Society of Automotive Engineers to finalize a new sound test, SAE J2825. It is claimed that this new stationary sound test will provide a quick, easy, economical and science-based tool which can identify excessively loud motorcycle exhaust systems.

Commenting on SAE J2825, Pamela Amette, Vice President of the MIC, said: “Our goal is to provide a consistent tool nationwide for identifying excessively loud exhaust systems without failing those that pass the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency federal sound limit. This sound test will effectively achieve the sound control goals of New Hampshire, and other states and municipalities, and more so than some of the proposed legislation currently being considered. On a national level, it will eliminate a lot of the confusion and frustration for motorcyclists when they ride through different jurisdictions.”

Under the proposed legislation, HB 95, being discussed by the House Transportation Committee, the modification of motorcycle exhaust systems would be prohibited, as would running bikes without stock mufflers. In addition, the changes to legislation would lower the sound level limit and require every bike have a functioning tachometer.

Currently the only action taken by the House Transportation Committee has been the creation of a sub-committee to study motorcycle exhaust noise levels more closely and make recommendations.


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bbikernet Studio

IN THE BIKERNET STUDIO–Mark Thompson of Hawg Halters is up in the sound room of Bikernet HQ giving an interview about their braking products. ?Start with the best, Stop with the best? is more than just a catchy ad slogan, it?s truly how the guys & gals @ Hawg Halters feel about what we do. And they do some of the sweetest hand controls and braking systems this side of the Mason – Dixon Line. Click here to listen to the Hawg Halter interview with Mark Thompson.

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trike red w woman

CHEETAH TRIKES UPDATE–I am Tom Walters. My wife, Chilita and I own Cheetah Trikes Inc, a small DOT motorcycle manufacturer in Charlestown, Indiana. I hope you can help me with a minor mistake on your site.

I copied the two links below from the Trikes-R-US piece by Jaqhama. I appreciate the Cheetah Trikes listing and link, however, the photograph with the Oz Trike listing is the first or second “Cheetah Chopper” that we manufactured in 2005 and the photo is of the trike sitting in our showroom. The photo is one I used back then and the Cheetah has been refined and improved greatly in the last 4 years. I’m asking you if you would kindly remove and discard that old, outdated photo of our red Cheetah Chopper, that is clearly out of place.

Now, if you will bare with me a little longer, can I talk you into putting my text url as a website text link: under your American Motorcycle Builders. This would be a service to your visitors, because it is the ultimate motorcycle and it doesn’t get any more American-Made, being completely designed, fabricated with only laser cut 5052-H32 aluminum and 304stainless stainless steel, and manufactured from the ground up here in Charlestown, Indiana using Harley handlebar controls and a General Motors drive train from the tip of the water pump to the chrome plated differential cover at the back of this truly American-Made Motorcycle

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static wheels

TECH QUESTION ANSWERED BY CUSTOM CHROME–Up for sale is a set of American Ironhorse Wheels called “Static”. These are new billet aluminum wheels. The set includes: A rear wheel that is a 18 x 8.5 for a 240 or 250mm rear tire. The front is a very popular 21 x 3.25 for a 120/70-21″ wide tire. These wheels are polished.

The hubs are not included but I can get you in touch with a machinist that will cut the hubs for you for a reasonable rate…

I also have a matching Static 70 tooth 1.5″ pulley polished available but NOT included with this auction.

Please email me with any questions
****International customers please email me for a shipping quote before purchasing.
****International customers please allow for customs time when calculating shipment times.

–Richard Fulk
Product Line Manager
Custom Chrome?
800-729-4333 Fax

CCI logo

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FLORIDA ACCIDENT REPORT– TAMPA – Despite the chunk of money Floridians were spending on gas the past few years, many said they could not change how much they drove.

So some changed the vehicles they drove instead, buying fuel-efficient hybrids and motorcycles. Nationwide, motorcycle registrations increased from 3.9 million in 1998 to 7.1 million in 2007, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Florida reported 582,000 in 2007.

And with the increase in registrations has come more accidents. Motorcycle fatalities accounted for about 13 percent of all vehicle crash fatalities in 2007, up from 5.5 percent in 1998, according to the highway safety administration. In Florida, 530 motorcyclists died in 2007.

Both the highway safety administration and the Motorcycle Safety Foundation report that after a crash, the drivers of other vehicles involved often say they never saw the motorcyclist or were unable to respond in time.

That’s what happened to Hillsborough County Circuit Judge Rex Barbas.Barbas, who has been riding for decades, was hit from behind a few months ago by a motorist who didn’t see him braking. He suffered a broken pelvis and two herniated disks in his back.

Barbas said drivers don’t look out for motorcycles on the road. Exacerbating this is drivers’ tendencies to multitask- eat, text, talk and listen to the radio while driving, he said.

“It’s like I’m invisible,” Barbas said. “I know they’re looking right at me, but they don’t see me because they aren’t looking for me. They’re looking for cars.”

Harley-Davidson of Brandon has offered a Rider’s Edge course for years. Barbas took the course in 1990, including the advanced course, and insisted his children take it, whether or not they chose to ride.

A grandfather clause in the law meant people who had a motorcycle endorsement on their license before July didn’t have to take the class.

Some of the highway safety administration recommendations include allowing more following distance when behind a motorcycle, giving them the full lane and checking “blind spots” often.Barbas said one way that driver awareness of motorcycles can be improved is by including it in driver’s education courses. He also said motorcycles need to have brighter brake lights, louder engines, and handlebar streamers.

–from Rogue


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winterized sporty

WINTERIZED SPORTY–Dis wood bee good den. Don’tcha know.eyaaw fer shoor!


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MEMO FROM BIKERNET EMPLOYMENT AGENCY– A man seeking to join a south Texas Sheriff’s Department is being interviewed. The Sergeant doing the interview says: “Your qualifications all look good, but there is an attitude suitability test that you must take before you can be accepted.”

Then, sliding a service pistol across the desk, he says: “Take this pistol and go out and shoot six illegal aliens, six meth dealers, six fundamental religious extremists, and a rabbit.”

“Why the rabbit?”

“Great attitude,” says the Sergeant. “When can you start?”


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ECONOMIC STATUS REPORT FROM BIKERNET CORRESPONDENT IN INDIA–Don’t worry about it. Your country has and attracts the best talent.There may be a slowdown in things, but its major source of income is still international trade and that continues.

USA is a brand name in itself. Actually it is in the interest of everyone else to see that country prosper – they have invested in it – so they can’t let it slip.

It’s like when you work for a company and earn from it – it is in your interest to see it continue successfully – same with all the European and other businesses who have invested in US market and they will not let go so easily.

The New Year is just getting started. Hope runs eternal.


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bed roll CherryBlair

THE FEEL OF LAMB – TOP FLIGHT RACE SHIRT– Ideal for hard ridin women… Torian’s long sleeve Race Shirt offers protection from the elements in an ultra cool form fitting leather shirt. And now, 35% off… Remember Valentine’s Day is just a heart beat away.

Torian shirts are made from hand-selected skins that provide the soft feel of lamb combined wth the durability of cowhide in a light weight. Features 2 chest flap pockets, 2 hand warmer pockets and a full lining. Get more information here.

Note: Cherry Blair is photographed on her Nightster with a Race Shirt, Torian Nose Pickers gloves, and Bandit?s Bed Roll bag from Bikernet.

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Ending shotcalendargirl

DAMN, SAY GOOD BYE TO JANUARY–The dogs are running wild out back, and I’m going to sneak away to work on my first Chance book. It’s imperative I get it right this time. I spent a week sequestered in the mountains this summer rolling through each chapter, but something lingered.

When I was asked to write a movie treatment, the glitch surfaced again. I knew I had to find some quiet time to deal with it. It’s never quiet at the Bikernet Interplanetary Headquarters, between a constant stream of 18-wheelers, gunshots from the ghetto, train wheels squealing against cast iron tracks, dogs barking and screaming women. I don’t get citizens bitching about bike noise. I look forward to the rumble of a Harley once or twice a day over the constant drum of LA harbor life.

Ah, but what the hell. Hopefully the winter will let up back east and we can ride again.

Ride Forever,



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