I rode to Arizona Bike Week with a couple of brothers, to the Hamster Dry Heat Run and traffic Hell and back. The traffic in Phoenix and Scottsdale was worse at noon on Thursday than Santa Monica on a Friday afternoon, and SM is the worst when it comes to LA congestion.
Lane Splitting is illegal in Arizona where a moderate afternoon is over 90 degrees and you can smell your clutch smoking. It doesn’t make any sense not to allow lane splitting in Arizona. In fact there are three motorcycle groups in Arizona fighting to change the law. One group is promoted by a shop named Land Splitters Garage. Miguel, a Hamster, is the proprietor and devoted to changing the law.
I gave him my pitch to find someone who can afford a state-wide awareness campaign to let motorists know and understand how lane-spitting helps them. It’s also a safety issue and reduces traffic. Give Miguel a call at (602) 253-4548 or check out their shop on line.?
The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown and BorntoRide.com, Sturgis Museum.
Hey thought you might get a kick out of this. I was going through some things and came across this buckle. Put on a belt and have been wearing it ever since!
I have been offered a $100 for it but said, “No.”
If you know me, I never sell my collectibles especially one has rare as this I believe it is about 40 years old and if I remember right I painted the eyes red! Later!

NEWS FROM OPERATION GRATITUDE– On March 19, 2003, I sent the first four Operation Gratitude Care Packages to a unit deployed on the Kuwait-Iraq border. With your dedication and generosity, a lot has happened in the intervening years.
The Success You Made Possible
As of today, we have sent 1.75 Million care packages! We have expanded our programs and now send packages to: Deployed Troops, First Responders, Veterans, Children of the Deployed and Fallen, New Recruits, Gold Star Families, and Wounded Heroes and their Care Givers.
Our nationwide volunteer activities include not only assembling care packages and care kits, but also organizing collection drives, producing fundraisers, running marathons, hand making scarves and hats, weaving paracord survival bracelets, collecting Cents for Service and writing personal letters of appreciation.
Since 2013, we have doubled the number of product donations we receive in a year and doubled the number of care packages we ship out each year. While it took us 10 years to reach our 1 Millionth Package, we will hit our 2 Millionth Package just four years later (this December 9, 2017 in fact!).
We have been recognized as a leader in the military support world by two Presidential administrations, have received numerous awards from the military, civilian and government sectors, and have earned top notch ratings on all the charity watchdog sites.
Most importantly, on a daily basis, we are fulfilling our dual mission of saying “Thank You” to all who serve and providing an opportunity for every American to express their gratitude to all who put themselves in harm’s way.
Operation Gratitude is strong, healthy and on the march with big ideas and ambitious plans!
The Search for a New CEO
Given our standing, and the excellence of our staff and volunteers, I realized this is the right time to pass the day to day leadership to a new CEO. I will accept a new position as Senior Advisor to the organization and look forward to embracing this meaningful role.
To ensure that we find the best person to fill the CEO role, the Board of Directors has hired the top-notch executive search firm, Morris & Berger, to conduct an extensive, nation-wide search. The search could take 4-6 months or longer and of course I will continue full time as CEO throughout this period.
We welcome your assistance in helping us find the next leader of Operation Gratitude! You can read the Job Description here:
CEO Search. If you are interested, please submit your resume as instructed. Or, if you know someone who fits the bill, please forward the link to them. All applications must be submitted through Morris & Berger.
This is an extraordinarily exciting time in the life of Operation Gratitude and I look forward to marching alongside each of you as we embark on a new chapter!
Thank you for your exceptional support these many years. You have made all of this possible.
–Carolyn Blashek
Founder, Operation Gratitude
Thank you for coming by our booth during AZ Bike Week. It was nice to meet you and your counterparts and introduce you to our company and our product line.
Thanks again for showing an interest in our vintage bikes and providing valuable feedback.
–Sandra Sorriento
Chief Operating Officer
3130 N. 35th Avenue | Phoenix, AZ 85017
‘602.799.3700 | 1-844-GO OLDSCHOOL
This company is basically building Knuckle and Panhead replicas with electric starts, modern wiring, ignitions, improved brakes, S&S engines and Baker transmissions. It’s an interesting twist. The boss is developing new products to make the old fit better. We discussed options for future, and we will bring you reports and updates as they roll them out.
THE GRAND DAD OF MOTORCYCLE RODEOS– It’s the original biker campout from Easyriders Magazine! Come enjoy a weekend of camping, live entertainment, awesome vendors, food, beer, ride in bike show, our ever popular bar stool races, poker crawl, your classic motorcycle rally events and more! It’s sure to be the highlight of your summer! 18 + only.
All tickets are sold at the gate with the exception of The Gold Rush Package for the Chillicothe, OH Rodeo
GEARHEAD STORIES FROM THE ROAD– The Springsteen story reminded me of one of mine . My wife and I were riding down from our camp in the mountains, outside Alturas. While on our Shovel we ran across a couple of real estate ladies broke down on the side of a lonely mountain road. Getting late into the afternoon, these two ladies looked panicked.
The closer we got the even more panicked they appeared. They got the jitters as we approached. We pulled over and you know the story, they jumped into their car and locked the doors. This was back in the early ‘80s.
My wife went over to the car and was able to find out why they were broke down. They finally got out of their car, and I said open the hood . They told me the symptoms and I started to roll out my tool kit.
Remember y’all, no cell phones in those days. You are stuck until someone comes along or has a CB. I pulled out the thermostat, made a gasket out of a cereal box from the car, sealed it up, bolted it on and just added water form the creek. It worked just fine.
I told them don’t stop until you get to town. Get your mechanic to fix it as soon as you can. They thanked me and offered me money. I took a couple of bucks and sent them on their way.
That is how we change straights, one good deed at a time.
JIM BUCHANAN (Motorcycle racer, tuner, frame and wheel innovator)
BILLY HAMILL (World and National Speedway Champion)
NORM McDONALD (racer, sponsor, dealer, co-founder of K&N Engineering)
TONY MURPHY (World class roadracer, journalist)
BILL VANTICHELT (Product innovator/creator Van Tech frames)
GARY PRESTON (Desert and Baja Champion)
Our highest honor goes to DAVE EKINS. The award is given every year to someone who demonstrates a rare level of “Drive, Determination and Desire”.
Lucille Flanders was involved in the motorcycle industry and a major advocate of the Trailblazers for many years. This award is named in her honor. The recipient this year is JUDY “MAELY” WHITSON.
Our toast this year will be to the late, great JC AGAJANIAN.
The Carson Center is located at 3 Civic Drive in Carson, California. (310) 835- 0212. www.carsoncenter.com. Exit west off the 405 Freeway at Carson. You can see the Double Tree hotel from the Freeway. It shares a parking lot with the Carson Center. It is about 10 miles south of LAX airport and 10 miles north of Long Beach Airport on the 405 Freeway.
The festivities start at 3:00pm with the reception and bike show. in the patio. You cannot attend the bike show without a banquet ticket.
If you have a bike to show, it is best to arrive around 2pm. That should give you time to push your treasures to the door, pick up your banquet ticket , check in with Tom White or crew and find your spot before 3pm. No bikes pushed in after 3pm. You don’t need to call in advance. It is nice if you have signs to give a bit of history of the machine. Also, if it drips, bring a drip pan. The bike can be shiny or still covered in mud from the last race. All brands welcome.
The banquet doors open at 6pm. We try to finish by 10:00pm
The group rate has expired, but if you still want to make reservations contact: www.carson.doubletree.com (800) 222 8733 (30) 830 9200 They share a parking lot at the Carson Center, so it is very convenient.
There will be a table for event flyers, cards, stickers or whatever you would like to distribute. Please do not pass them out or put them on the dinner tables.
If you are not attending the banquet and want to receive the newsletter, DUES are due, $10.00 per year , from April to April. The newsletter comes out about every two weeks. Pay by credit card online, if it is available, at www.trailblazersmc.com or call Cassie at (949) 727 3727. Or by mail at.
c/o MIC Inc.
2 Jenner Ste 150
Irvine, CA 992618
Our Past Trailblazers President and current Vice President, Simi Valley City Councilman, fast racer and all around good guy, Keith Mashburn had emergency surgery on Monday, April 3rd. He received two stents and a third stent on Tuesday.
John Penner was hit by a drunk driver as he was crossing the street in Wrightwood on Monday. He has back injuries and a fractured skull. He is in the hospital in Colton.
Mike is still having problems from the stroke he suffered a couple years ago.
We wish Mike, Keith and John a full and speedy recovery and hope they are all up and around soon. They need all the help they can get, so send your good thoughts and prayers. We love all of you. Get well soon!
Steve Johnson, from our northern Trailblazer Chapter. had a meeting recently with Dave Kindig of Bitchin rides on Velocity TV. He presented his idea of doing a project car, or motorcycle, with his students for the show. When it is finished they would auction the car at Mecum or Barrett Jackson and split the profit, with half going back into the student program. How do we enroll?
Actually his legendary Bones leathers was the subject of the story. A copy of the cover of Iron &Air magazine is attached. You will see David at the Trailblazers banquet.
Here is a link to Kansas City motorcycle events. www.markbayersmotorcyclenews.mysite.com/index_2.html Some of the events listed are: The Mid Ohio Motorcycle Days in Lexington, Ohio on July 7-9, Chief Blackhawk Swap in Davenport, Iowa on August 31st and Barber Vintage Days, Birmingham Alabama October 6-8..
Carey Buck will be bringing Mark Brelsford’s factory XR 540 dirt tracker to the banquet and a Harley KR dirt tracker. Mark is scheduled to attend. We were told that Harley Davidson is contemplating buying the XR 750 from Carey to display in their museum. The Barber Museum is also interested in purchasing it.
Sent by Glen Pierce.
Danny Green of Fresno passed away on March 1 at the age of 78. During his busy life he owned many businesses including Dan Green’s Cycle Center. He was an avid racer, earning a national number. He promoted motocross in Dunlap and helped Fresno’s youth enter the sport. His memorial was held at the Madera Speedway on April 1st. Glen said that Danny fell off a ladder, so if You’re old Don’t Climb a ladder. Stay on the ground, gravity always wins!
For good coverage and photos of the March 28th motocross at Perris, check out:
Flyer attached.
This will be held at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, Expo Hall at 344 Tully Road in San Jose. Practice and sign-uped on Friday, April 7, afternoon 2-6. On Saturday rider sign up starts at noon to 3pm, Opening ceremonies at 5 and racing at 6pm. www.sanjoseindoor.com (408) 249 4336, facebook: sanjoselegendsindoor
MAY 2, 2017
flyer attached
Mark you calendars for the 1st Annual Memorial Open House at the Dan Rouit Flat Track Museum. Sunday, May 2nd from 10am to 3pm. The event is FREE so bring your family and friends. Lot’s of vintage motorcycles, trophies, poster and more. T-shirts and hats available while they last. There will be food and drink for a donation. It is always a good time and good food. 309 W. Rialto Ave, Clovis, California. For info call Kathy Rouit at (559) 291-2242.
The Long Beach Grand Prix runs from April 7-9. On Sunday, April 9th Chris, Cary and J.C. Jr. Agajanian will be honored for their outstanding contribution to racing. Also being honored is Ron Capps with 52 NHRA National event wins and 2nd to Championship 3 times. The Autograph and awards will be from 11 – 11:45. The Ascot van will be there with plenty of Ascot T’s, hats and posters. For a schedule of the races and events htps://gplb.com/weekendschedule or contact@ascotmotorsports.com
flyer attached
Be there for the thrill of the sound and sight of racing on the mile track at Turf Paradise on Saturday, May 13th. They promise a full day of events, music, historic bike show and an autograph session. Hop on your bike and enjoy a beautiful ride to Phoenix. Tickets www.arizonamile.com (602) 730 0778.
Held on May 20th at the Cal Expo Fairgrounds. Always great racing and King Kenny will be Grand Marshall. Be there for racing under the lights., legends and lots of excitement. Tickets and info at www.sactomile.com. or see their faceboook page at https://www.facebook.com/sactomile This will be the last AFL race on the left coast until Calistoga on July 29th. If you would like to attend as a Legend, possibly on your old race bike, contact Larry Langley (559) 877-4514 or (559) 760-1003 cell
The California Flat Track Association will presents AMA Western Pro/Am Series round at the Sacramento Amateur and Vintage Mile the day after the AFT . SDI Racing will promote the event in collaboration with CFTA. (415) 320 7889 , www.californiaflattrack.com, www.facebook.com/californiaflattrackassociation
You can watch the thrills and spills at the Roland Sands Designs Super Hooligan races on Saturday, April 22 at the 9th Annual Hippy Killer Hoedown at the Perris fairgrounds. Event is from 10am to 8pm rain or shine. Custom Car & Motorcycle show, Flat Track Races and Mini Bike Races. You can find them online at hippykillersgarage.blogspot.com
Read the stories and enjoy the photos, including one of the track. http://www.todayscyclecoverage.com/wordpress/2017/03/27/mees-gautier-victorious-at-inaugural-daytona-tt or http://www.todayscyclecoverage.com/wordpress/2017/03/27/snapshots-from-the-daytona-tt/
Check out their Perris Flat Track coverage too.
Flyers attached
Not to be missed. Especially if you are a Vintage British bike enthusiast. It will be held the week end after Memorial Day from JUNE 2 – 5. Read the attached fllyers for details or contact Eddie at (661) 944 1184, enjmulder@gmail.com, www.eddiemulderswcvdts.com, Facebook Cachuma Lake Vintage Motorcycle Rally
Flyer Attached
Tom and Dani White are opening up their home and museum to support High Hopes, a head injury program. The event will be Sunday, June 4 at the Early Years of Motocross Museum from 10am to 3pm. It is a very popular and special day and sells out fast, so order your tickets early. For sponsorship opportunities, tickets and info call (949) 733 0044 or www.highhopes.ws.
Flyer Attached
This one is in mid summer, but just wanted to give you a heads up. It will be on Saturday, July 22nd. There will be Flat Track, Speedway and Extreme Side Cars. Gates open and practice at 3pm and races at 5:30. A special intermission show. They are looking for sponsors. Contact Gail Waller at (505) 698 1490, gailwaller27@gmail.com, klduck22@gmail.com,
Max Switzer won the California Silver Cup Scrambles Series in Castaic. Approximately 150 people attended the annual Trailblazer Banquet. Joe Petrali, board racer, was recognized at the event. Floyd Clymer was re-elected as president
Jimmy Ellis on cover after he and Tony DiStefano split the Supercross wins at the Astrodome doubleheader. President Jimmy Carter threatened to ban all off-road riding on public lands. Larry Roesler big winner at Maywood M.C Bull Run Hare Scrambles. Bob Hannah won the Dallas Supercross. Bernie Schreiber second at the World Trials in Germany.
Terry Vance was Pro Stock-class winner NHRA National Championship in Gainesville. Rick Johnson won both rounds of the Seattle Supercross doubleheader. Dan Smith won the Saucer Run Hare & Hound in Teagle Wash, California. George Holland won the 125cc class and Rick Johnson the 250cc motos at Hangtown National Motocross. In Vegas at the NMA Silverbowl of Motocross, Willie Surratt won the 250 class and Kyle Lewis the 125 class.
In the March 28th issue he titled the story ‘Triumphs and Tragedies at Louisville Downs’. In the next Archives on April 3 the title is ‘Bostrom Settles the Score’. Good stories and you can read them for free at www.cyclenews.com
Saturday, April 8 at Burrows Ranch, Chrome, Calif. Round 3
Sunday, April 9 at Burrows Ranch, Chrome, Calif. Round 4
Saturday & Sunday April 21 -23 Rounds 5&6
Sunday, April 9 is the “Paul Elmore Memorial Inland Empire” street ride. Starts at the South Temecula Walmart, 32225 Temecula Pkwy. East off 1-15, on Hwy. 79 south. Meet at 9am, ride at 10am. (951) 440 3521
Saturday & Sunday, April 15-16 is the BSAOCNC & SC Mid State ride. Starts from parking lot of the Black Bear Diner in Carmel, Hwy 1 & Rio Road (805) 798 3573 or (661) 703 9249
April 1 – May 1, $10,000 in prizes. Check it out at https://rever.co/partnerships/cycle-gear-go-ride-2017/
Round 3 will be on Saturday, April 8th Gates open at 12:30, Practice at 3:30 followed by racing. (951) 443 7622, socalflattrack@aol.com www.southerncaliforniaflattrack.com
Be sure to check before loading up. Weather is iffy this week end. Be prepared for sound testing before practice. Sound level is 98 dB. No one enters track before 12:30 except workers.. Spectators, please park across the street in the overflow lot.
Saturday, April 8 REM MX / MX Practice
Sunday, April 9 SoCal AMA MX / ARX (backtrack)
Saturday, April 15 MTA 2-Stroke Championships
Sunday, April 16 MX Practice / Easter
Saturday, April 22 REM MX – MX Practice
Sunday, April 23 TWMX – 2 Trackws
Saturday, April 29 REM M / MX Practice
Sunday, April 20 SRA GP
Round 1 at Circuit of Americas in Austin, Texas on April 20 – 23
Round 2 at Road Atlanta on April 23 – 30 www.motoamerica.com
April 21 -23 Arena Cross will be in Denver, Colorado. The final event of the season will be at the Orleans Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada on May 5 – 7. www.arenacross.com
The next race will be on April 9 at Sunrise MX Park in Adelanto. socalotmx.org, (714) 262 1337
Round 3 will be in Austin Texas on April 23. This is their only stop in north America. It will be held in conjunction with MOTOAMERICA
Round 8 at Cedar City, Utah
Round 5 in Primm, Nevada
Long Beach BMW Motorcycles Becomes First BMW Dealer to Offer Virtual Reality Experience– Long Beach BMW Motorcycles is now offering the first BMW Virtual Reality Experience in their Long Beach showroom, providing new and old riders alike the opportunity to take a virtual test ride on a variety of BMW motorcycles.
“We are always looking for ways to get more non-riders interested in motorcycles,” explained David Lindahl, Owner and Sales Manager. “There is certainly no substitute for the feeling you get when you’re on a bike, but for people who haven’t yet learned how to ride it’s a fun way for them to see what they’re missing.”
A visitor enjoys the Virtual Reality Experience at Long Beach BMW Motorcycles.
Long Beach BMW Motorcycles, one of the leading BMW dealers in the nation, is taking advantage of this technology to give non-riders and riders the opportunity to take a ride without leaving the showroom. Users wear an Oculus Gear VR headset for 360-degree visuals, while over-ear headphones provide high-quality sound. A Subpac wearable subwoofer completes the fully immersive experience by transmitting the feeling of the roaring engine to the user.
Students of local California Motorcyclist Safety Programs are already taking advantage of the setup, taking fully immersive rides around the track on a BMW S 1000 RR, venturing into the dirt aboard a BMW R 1200 GS, and cruising around country roads on a BMW R nineT.
To try out the BMW Virtual Reality Experience, stop by the Long Beach BMW Motorcycles showroom or find them at a local Southern California event. Learn more at www.longbeachbmwmotorcycles.com, and get the latest updates by following on Facebook and Instagram.
[page break]
FLAT TRACK War and Remembrance–
The inaugural race of the 2017 American Flat Track season—and what many are calling the resurgence of the Harley vs. Indian War—began with a show of respect for the original Indian Wrecking Crew: Bill Tuman, Bobby Hill and Ernie Beckman.
Doc Batsleer brought some Indian motorcycles, one of which made a parade lap powered by Brittney Olson before the racing got underway at Daytona International Speedway.
Equipped with the tested and tuned Scout FTR750, Indian’s “New Wrecking Crew” is living up to its legendary nickname, paying homage to and representing well the legendary race team from the sport’s early days.
My pants leg is soaking wet. It must be raining.
— Sam
Somewhere in Texas
HIGH ROLLERS CONTRIBUTE TO HISTORY– Record Auction For Historic Bike Sets The Table For Start Of Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Fund Raising Program
On a weekend when a historic motorcycle was auctioned for half a million dollars, the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum hosted the first of its regional fund raisers for the 2017 Hall of Fame. A collection of high rollers and motorcycle history buffs contributed to the worthy cause of preserving the history of motorcycling and honoring those who have had a significant impact on the lifestyle. More than $8,000 cash was raised, as well as some priceless donations to the Museum’s cause.
“I don’t know if it was the excitement of the Mecum auction or just the fact that the event was held in Las Vegas, but we had people reaching for their wallets,” says Tigra Tsujikawa, Marketing & Development Director for the Sturgis Museum & Hall Of Fame. “At the Mecum Auction, we introduced the ‘1500 Rider’ Program. We are seeking 1,500 individual donations of $1,000 to complete the expansion project on Junction and Main by the end of 2018. Our vision is to continue as a world-class museum offering comprehensive and educational exhibits and showcasing rare and unusual motorcycles significant to our history.”
Achieving this vision was bought closer to its $1.5 million goal courtesy of supporters such as former AMA Board Chairman Stan Simpson, Mike Tomas from Kiwi Indian and Southwest Superbikes owner (and noted collector in his own right) Mark Peterson. Major collectors like Tom White and Motion Pro founder Chris Carter – who has some historic motorcycles of his own – were in town to see what was going under the gavel at the auction and stuck around for the Sturgis fund raising festivities.
Billed as the world’s largest antique and vintage motorcycle auction, Mecum says sales totals for their 26th annual Las Vegas Motorcycle Auction at South Point Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, reached $13.7 million – including the $490,000 auction price of a 1912 Henderson Four. According to Mecum’s tally, this was the most successful motorcycle auction in the event’s history.
“As impressive as the Mecum auction was, the opportunity to meet with these motorcycle industry leaders was priceless,” says Tsujikawa. “The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum is for everyday riders, Rally visitors and other members of the motorcycle industry who love and respect motorcycle history and culture. But it’s also for anyone who is simply interested in learning more about motorcycling and about the phenomenon that is “Sturgis.”
Throughout the year, the Museum receives donations that help to grow the capital campaign fund. “We are not only a non-profit organization, but also one of the few motorcycle museums that is self-sustaining through these generous gifts, sponsorships, admission and gift shop sales.” she adds. Look for the Sturgis Museum display at the next Mecum Motorcycle Auction, June 1-3, 2017 at the South Point Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.
To make a donation, e-mail Tsujikawa at tigra@sturgismuseum.com And start making your plans to visit the Museum this summer!
The 77th Sturgis Rally is set for August 4-13, 2017 and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony presented by Strider Sports will be held August 9th at the Lodge at Deadwood in Deadwood, South Dakota. Breakfast tickets are available for a $45 donation, tables of eight for $350.
Tickets are available online at: http://www.sturgismuseum.com/shop/hall-fame-breakfast or by calling the Museum at 605.347.2001.
LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK– 2013 Harley-Davidson Sportster 883
2013 Harley-Davidson Sportster 883 Anaheim, California
Our Price
Mileage: 19,000 miles
Exterior: Black
Engine Size: 883
Engine Type: V Twin
ARIZONA REPORT– Since you headed to Arizona you may be interested in the Position Paper by Michael Infanson.
–Michael Infanzon
Freedom Fighter
ABATE of Arizona
University of Phoenix
There have been numerous incidents recently concerning the access to individuals wearing motorcycle related attire to public buildings. Most recently, several individuals were denied access to a Mesa courthouse based upon their motorcycle attire as security at the courthouse stated that the presiding judge “refused to allow gang attire into the courthouse.”
The individuals who were denied access were not wearing any “gang related” attire. One individual was wearing attire related to his union labor club and a toy run t-shirt. Others have been denied access for wearing veteran motorcycle related attire as well. When individuals are denied equal access to a public facility based upon a perceived notion by a judicial officer, it belittles and denigrates our Constitution.
There has been judicial precedence about the unconstitutionality of denying access to individuals to public facilities based upon attire.
In the case Sammartano v First Judicial District Court (2002) 303 F. 3d 959 (9th Cir 2002), the court struck down the allegation that wearing motorcycle related attire would cause dysfunction and disorder within the courthouse. In the Circuit Court’s opinion, the First Amendment rights of the plaintiff were not to be infringed. They cited the Supreme Court case of Cohen v California, 403 US 15 (1971) as precedence to this matter. Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971), was a United States Supreme Court case dealing with freedom of speech. The Court overturned a man’s conviction for the crime of disturbing the peace for wearing a jacket in the public corridors of a courthouse that displayed the phrase, “Fuck the Draft”.
You can also see Homans v. Albuquerque, 264 F.3d 1240, 1244 (10th Cir.2001) (“[W]e believe that the public interest is better served by following binding Supreme Court precedent and protecting the core First Amendment right of political expression.”)
It is our position that access to all public facilities cannot be denied based upon attire. The United States Supreme Court and United States Appellate Courts have upheld this right time after time.
When access is denied, a violation of a citizen’s First and Fourteenth Amendment rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution is committed.
9th Circuit Court. Sammartano v First Judicial District Court .303 F 3d 959 (9th Cir. 2002). Retrieved from http://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F3/303/959/505750/
10th Circuit Court. Homans v. Albuquerque, 264 F.3d 1240, 1244 (10th Cir.2001). Retrieved from http://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/FSupp2/217/1197/2484429/
Supreme Court of the United States. Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971). Retrieved from https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/403/15/case.html
Posted by Mike Infanzon at 11:43 AM
–from Rogue
AVON TYRES CONTINUES SUPPORT OF RALEIGH EUROBIKE– Stow, Ohio – Avon Motorcycle Tyres North America will once again support Raleigh Eurobike as a 500cc Sponsor for 2017. The event takes place April 8 and 9 in Raleigh, North Carolina. Now in its eighth year, Raleigh EuroBike is the largest gathering of European and Euro-inspired motorcycles in the southeastern United States, offering a family-friendly showcase of European mechanical design and sophisticated style.
Raleigh Eurobike will feature a mixture of social gatherings, organized ‘vintage paced’ rides through urban and rural environments, and the event’s first custom builders bike show.
“Avon Motorcycle Tyres is proud to continue its sponsorship of the annual Eurobike event. Avon produces an array of tires particularly suited for the European and Euro-inspired motorcycles at this venue,” said Ken Warner, Vice President of Marketing for Avon Tyres North America. “Most notably, the Roadrider range is perfect for both new and retro machines with its clean lines and wide range of sizes.”
The 2017 Raleigh EuroBike will benefit Interact, a private, nonprofit organization providing safety, support and awareness to survivors of domestic abuse.
For more information about Raleigh EuroBike visit http://www.eurobikeraleigh.com/.
For more information visit http://www.avonmoto.com.
Do you sell to dealers? I own got motorcycle shop.
–Vicente Guadalupe
Naguabo, PR
Of course they do.—Wrench
Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum, created to honor the father of American old school tattooing, Norman “Sailor Jerry” Collins, is excited to announce our multi-year partnership with the iconic, American Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
To celebrate the kick-off of the partnership, Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum will be unveiling a series of twenty-two customized Harley-Davidson motorcycles designed by high profile artists and visionaries from around the United States including Harley-Davidson’s own Styling Team, at a celebration this spring.
TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE BOBBER ECLIPSES RETAIL LAUNCH RECORD– Fresh of the announcement of an all-time retail sales record in 2016, Triumph Motorcycles America is proud to announce that the Bonneville Bobber is the most successful new model launch in Triumph’s history with more customers taking delivery of the Bobber in the first 30 days than any previous motorcycle.
2017 has seen Triumph add five new models to the Bonneville family, including the T100, T100 Black, Street Scrambler, Street Cup and Bobber, as well as revealing an exhilarating, new Street Triple. Through the success of the entire model lineup, Triumph has closed out the first quarter with a 15% increase of customer sales compared to the same time period in 2016.
These accomplishments come on the heels of a continent wide tour, dubbed the Bonneville Bobber Brutal Beauty Tour. This included over 50 stops through the Unites States and Canada, giving consumers a first look at Triumph’s new model lineup.
Learn more about the Bonneville Bobber and the rest of the line of Triumph motorcycles at www.TriumphMotorcycles.com
QUICK, OPEN THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY– A successful rancher died and left everything to his devoted wife. She was a very good-looking woman and determined to keep the ranch, but knew very little about ranching, so she decided to place an ad in the newspaper for a ranch hand..
Two cowboys applied for the job. One was gay and the other a drunk.
She thought long and hard about it, and when no one else applied she decided to hire the gay guy, figuring it would be safer to have him around the house than the drunk.
He proved to be a hard worker who put in long hours every day and knew a lot about ranching. For weeks, the two of them worked, and the ranch was doing very well. Then one day, the rancher’s widow said to the hired hand, “You have done a really good job, and the ranch looks great. You should go into town and kick up your heels.”
The hired hand readily agreed and went into town one Saturday night. One o’clock came, however, and he didn’t return. Two o’clock and no hired hand. Finally he returned around two-thirty, and upon entering the room, he found the rancher’s widow sitting by the fireplace with a glass of wine, waiting for him. She quietly called him over to her.. “Unbutton my blouse and take it off,” she said.
Trembling, he did as she directed. “Now take off my boots.”
He did as she asked, ever so slowly.
“Now take off my socks.”
He removed each gently and placed them neatly by her boots.
“Now take off my skirt.”
He slowly unbuttoned it, constantly watching her eyes in the fire light.
“Now take off my bra..”
Again, with trembling hands, he did as he was told and dropped it to the floor.
Then she looked at him and said, “If you ever wear my clothes into town again, you’re fired.”
–from Rogue and Sidehack Jerry
I really liked Johnny’s reply to the new Harley rider.
The Sons of Speed article is what generated my questions. I did receive an email that answered most of them though…thanks.
I have friends who have recently lost loved ones to motorcycle club violence. One percenters, MC’s, outlaw motorcycle clubs, or any group that is a small percentage of an already small segment of society is most likely to be shunned by the greater majority particularly when they are viewed as hostile and dangerous.
However, we are a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy. This minority is protected under the law. The fact remains that society is often afraid, intimidated, nervous, and feel threatened by the clubs. When a group identifies as 1% or outlaw and makes dictates on the use of a patch that once simply meant Motorcycle Club or territorial over the home state on their club colors that alone can indicate that trouble can easily exist where they gather…especiallty with alcohol being consumed.
Even motorcyle only events are requesting no colors. Over a number of decades physical appearances have changed. Public behavior has changed. Contributions to charities and many excellent works are being done by the clubs. Is this just PR?
Are there still soldiers and special segments that are mostly for very violent purposes? Are there more than just a few rotten apples and outright criminals? Our country and the way the Constitution is being largely ignored is the reality today.
I don’t agree with profiling philosophically, but the article makes some very valid points. We are being forced to make adjustments in order to survive what I perceive as a rapid and unexpected change in this country and the world. I feel we have been asleep for generations. Consider what is happening in Australia and other parts of the world. We are not immune.
Texas Rusting Panhandle
[page break]
AEROSTICH CHEST WARMER TEST TO ARIZONA AND BACK– On colder rides enjoy quick warmth spreading evenly across your chest. It’s a difference you’ll feel even on shorter rides. Stuffing old newspapers underneath your jacket might cost a bit less, but that is uncomfortable and doesn’t add heat.
This patented bib is electric-warm, windproof and packs really small. The smooth outer fabric layer is black GORE-TEX WINDSTOPPER and the side toward your body is a comfy black micro-fleece. The radiant electric heating layer is between.
The bib stays in place under your jacket perfectly because the inner fleecy layer is grabby and the outer WINDSTOPPER layer is slippery. The comfortable low-profile fleece lined collar closes fast with hook and loop located at the upper chest and keeps drafts away.
Self-stores, power cord and all, into a built-in zippered pocket. Patent #D641,543S. 30 watts, 2.5 amps. Two sizes: Regular to 5’9”, and Tall over 5’10”. Includes a fused, lighted power switch coil cord. Made in USA
Okay, so I was warned about the cool temps, since I had to suit up at 4:00 in the morning to beat the traffic out of town into Beaumont, CA, before the heat turned up as the sun blistered the sky.
Fortunately, Rich Worley added a connection to my Indian battery to allow accessories to be directly connected. I plugged this puppy in and in about five minutes I could feel 100 degree warmth spread over my chest. Amazing. Made all the difference in the world.–Bandit
TUNE-IN ALERT: TOP GEAREPISODE 6 SUNDAY APRIL 16 at 8p/7c on BBC AMERICA– Matt LeBlanc gets to grip with the fire-breathing Mercedes-AMG GT R supercar. Elsewhere, Chris Harris and Rory Reid journey across Cuba in a pair of second-hand sports cars, while comedian Ross Noble takes to the Top Gear track on Sunday, April 16th at 8p/7c.
THE WATCH OF THE WEEK– 20 years of Kawasaki ZRX. The new matte black “ZRX since 1997” anniversary chronograph
20 years of Kawasaki ZRX: the exclusive “ZRX since 1997” anniversary chronograph with a matte black finish and a bright green face is now available for all owners and friends of the popular ZRX 1100 and ZRX 1200 naked bikes.
The high-quality timepiece is made in Germany and immediately stands out with its distinctive and markedly masculine design. The sporty XL-sized stainless-steel case with a diameter of 43 millimeters is blackened electronically and provides the perfect backdrop for the bright green watch face sporting a black “ZRX since 1997” logo. Optionally the chronograph watch can be also ordered with a black face.
The wristwatch not only keeps time with quartz precision. It also has true chronograph functions such a stopwatch measuring seconds, 60-minute split time display, as well as a 24-hour display and date function.
The matte black “ZRX since 1997” anniversary chronograph is available online for 149 euros at www.z900.us.
The Quail Motorcycle Gathering Weekend Activities to Include Cycle World Test Ride at The Quail– The Quail Motorcycle Gathering will be expanding the weekend activities at this year’s event with the addition of the Cycle World Test Ride at The Quail on Sunday, May 7, 2017. This new feature from Cycle World will allow attendees the opportunity to test out the latest products from participating sponsors.
“We are excited to invite Cycle World fans to come test the latest products first hand at The Quail Motorcycle Gathering. Our goal is to offer them the opportunity to sample some of the best products currently available in the motorcycle market and share that experience with us, and enthusiasts unable to make it to this year’s Quail event,” announced Corey Eastman, Director of Consumer Engagement for Cycle World.
Select participants will be able to test ride some of the latest models from Honda, including the Africa Twin, CRF250L Rally, Rebel, or NC700X.
Honda has signed on to supply the bikes for the test ride, giving visitors a chance to throw a leg over a new Honda Africa Twin, CRF250L Rally, Rebel, or NC700X. Chosen participants will take these new rides on a 45-minute loop around the beautiful Quail Lodge & Golf Club property. There is no fee required to participate in the motorcycle test rides, however, fans looking to secure their spot will be asked to fill the survey out here and then RSVP for a set time to ride.
The Cycle World Test Ride at The Quail will open to the public at 8:00am on Sunday, May 17th, and will be located across the road from The Quail Clubhouse on Valley Greens Drive. Those looking for the latest in motorcycle gear can try on new helmets from Bell including the Pro/Race Star and Qualifier DLX Accelerator. Riders will also get the chance to try Transitions Face Shields with a Bell Helmet or with their own helmet (shields available for select models of Shoei, Lazer, and KLIM helmets).
Riders can also try out Bell Pro/Race Star and Qualifier DLX Accelerator helmets and Transitions face shields at the Cycle World Test Ride at The Quail.
Fans unable to stay through Sunday will still have a variety of other highlights to look forward to at The Quail Motorcycle Gathering, taking place on Saturday, May 6, 2017. This year’s event will be centered around one of the most influential bikes in motorcycle history: the Norton Commando. The Quail Motorcycle Gathering plans to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of this iconic motorcycle by featuring one of every Norton Commando model, giving attendees the opportunity to view those incredible machines from the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Another point of interest is the presence of the 2017 “Legend of the Sport,” Kenny Roberts. The two-time AMA Grand National Champion and three-time World 500 Grand Prix Champion will sit down with Gordon McCall, Director of Motorsports at The Peninsula Signature Events, for an exclusive fireside chat. This is sure to be one of the weekend’s most memorable moments as the two discuss the past, present and future of racing.
Attendees can save $20 by purchasing discounted pre-sale tickets online at www.quaillodgetickets.com. Full price tickets will also be available at the gate on the day of the event. Entry includes a gourmet barbecue lunch, parking, and gear valet service for those riding a motorcycle to the event. Learn more on the event website and follow the action on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Learn more at signatureevents.peninsula.com.
KEEP THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY WIDE OPEN– A fifteen-year-old came home with a Porsche and his parents began to yell and scream, “Where did you get that car?”
He calmly told them, “I bought it today.”
“With what money!?” demanded his parents.
“We know what a Porsche costs.”
“Well,” said the boy, “this one cost me fifteen dollars.”
The parents began to yell even louder. “Who would sell a car like that for fifteen dollars!?” they asked.
“It was the lady up the street,” said the boy.
“Don’t know her name — they just moved in. She saw me ride past on my bike and asked me if I wanted to buy a Porsche for fifteen dollars.”
“Oh my goodness!” moaned the mother, “she must be a child abuser. Who knows what she will do next? John, you go right up there and see what’s going on.”
So the boy’s father walked up the street to the house where the lady lived and found her out in the yard calmly planting flowers. He introduced himself as the father of the boy to whom she has sold a Porsche for fifteen dollars and demanded to know why she did it.
“Well,” she said, “this morning I got a phone call from my husband. I thought he was on a business trip, but I learned from a friend he has run off to Hawaii with his secretary and really doesn’t intend to come back. He claimed he was stranded and asked me to sell his new Porsche and send him the money. So I did.”
–from Sam Burns
NEWS FROM THE TOWN OF CHOPPER– We’re pleased to say that your Dice Digital Issue 72 is ready.
As you may know this issue (and all issues hence are dedicated to our brother and Dice co-founder Matt Davis who motored on to the next world a few weeks ago after a long tough fight against cancer. We miss him and love him and can’t say enough about all the love and support you have shown.
Your support keeps Choppertown and Dice going, please ask your friends to get their own subscription so we can continue bringing this wonderful magazine to you.
Have a great week and enjoy!
Stay independent.
Zack, Scott, Dean, and Matt (forever)
IRON HORSE SALOON CONCERT UPDATES– Iron Horse Saloon Sturgis Presents:
Wednesday, August 9th at 8:00 PM
Hairball at 10:30 PM
Drink for FREE in VIP!
Enjoy the perks of a guaranteed, reserved seat in our elevated, stage-side seating area. Drink for FREE at the private VIP bar, enjoy concerts from this close-up vantage point, plus a whole lot more…
Chrome Club Memberships
Upgrade your concert experience with access to our front row party pit. With a Chrome Club membership, you’ll get up close to all of the entertainment, have access to a private bar & bathrooms.
As a way of saying thanks for reading our emails, take 20% off purchases totaling $50 or more at the Iron Horse Saloon Sturgis online store. Simply enter the code below during checkout.
Online at: shop.ihsturgis.com
AUSTRALIAN CLUB NEWS– Cooperation the key for country police managing traveling motorcycle clubs.
It is enough to alarm any local police superintendent: more than 150 outlaw motorcycle club members rolling into town for a weekend of partying.
That was the situation facing Aussie outback town, Kalgoorlie-Boulder last week, with 150 patched members of the Gypsy Joker, Club Deroes and Gods Garbage making the 600km trip to the Goldfields from Perth.
The occasion? A celebration to mark the 20th anniversary of the Jokers’ Kalgoorlie Chapter.
While the weekend passed without any incidents, Goldfields District Police Inspector Tony Colfer said careful planning and management, on both sides of the law, helped keep these events manageable.
“They come up with their bikes, they wear their colours, they intimidate people,” Inspector Colfer said.
“So it’s very important we’re making them accountable.”
While it is up to local police to mount preparations, they rely on the WA Police Gang Crime Squad to provide intelligence and, in some cases, even negotiate with the bikers themselves.
“Prior to these clubs coming up to Kalgoorlie, Gang Crime met with some of the Sergeants-at-Arms,” Inspector Colfer said. “They gave us a commitment there would be no issues in town and they stuck to their word on that front.”
While police maintained a visible presence across the city, proceedings were largely confined to the Jokers’ South Boulder clubhouse.
The licensees of Kalgoorlie-Boulder’s numerous historic pubs were also read the riot act: no club colours in licensed premises under any circumstances.
“If they do come in wearing colours, they’re asked to leave; if they don’t, that’s when we get involved,” Inspector Colfer said.
With two active clubs, plenty of places to drink and a fairly ‘sordid’ biker history, Kalgoorlie-Boulder is a popular destination for motorcycle clubs.
Events in the ghost town of Ora Banda 17 years ago are the most well-known.
Gypsy Joker Billy Grierson was sitting by a campfire a few hundred metres from the Ora Banda Tavern in October 2000, when he was shot dead from a long distance.
With colourful former CIB chief Don Hancock, the pub’s owner, considered (by both the club & police) a prime suspect, the tavern was firebombed in October and November that year in what was believed to be a revenge attack by the club.
Hancock himself was killed, along with bookmaker Lou Lewis, in a car bombing a year later. But efforts by bomber-turned-informant Sid Reid to implicate Kalgoorlie-based bikers fell apart in court and he was sentenced to 15 years for the murders.
While the weekend’s events generated only one criminal charge, police were still kept busy across Kalgoorlie.
Gang Crime Squad detectives tailed the clubs up from Perth and were chiefly responsible for keeping an eye on them over the three-day trip.
Inspector Colfer said further intelligence was always needed where organised crime was
concerned, meaning the bikers would always be closely monitored.
“They know that, they know they are going to be stopped,” he said.”It’s a two-way street: we respect them, they respect us. And if they breach the law, they’re charged like anyone else.”
THE AIR-LESS TIRE– Just take a look. This is what’s coming out this year.
No-flats, no more air compressors, no more spare tires, no more auto jacks, no more tools rattling in the trunk. Will it reduce the price of cars? Will it reduce the cost of roadside service? Will some businesses go out of business?
They have been testing these for several years now.
Resilient Tech was developing them for the military.
Amazing new tires..
Michelin Tires… Absolutely SCARY looking…
Look for ’em in August, 2017
These tires are made in South Carolina, USA .
Radical new tire design by Michelin.
The next generation of tires.
They had a pair at the Philadelphia car show.
Yes, those are ‘spoke’ like connections to the inner part of the tire from the outside tread ‘wrap!’ The next picture shows how odd it looks in motion..
Makes you wonder how the ride feels doesn’t it?
The bad news for law enforcement is that spike strips will not work on these.
Just think of the impact on existing technology:
A. No more air valves.
B. No more air compressors at gas stations…
C. No more repair kits..
D. No more flats…
These are actual pictures taken at the South Carolina plant of Michelin.
–from Joe Teresi
It is sad. After all the hard work freedom fighters put into keeping the Sturgis museum and motorcycling alive in this great country, the museum decides not to induct a freedom fighter in this years class. Shame on them!!
–Jiggs cressy
Rapid city, SD
While 2017 Bikeweek in Daytona has come and gone, it is still in our memories.
Check out this fun gallery of images. They provide a “real feel” of some of the sights at the rally.
Join the Cantina, there is so much to see as a member…
Certified Bikernet Photographer
Co-Editor of Bandit’s Cantina
We have checked and rechecked the list, which included removing duplicates, taking care of guests who ended up at more than one table, and a couple cancellations. We now have a few seats available. If you are interested, contact Mr. Bill at (818) 896 2200 mrbill@vleinc.com
The list goes to the printer tomorrow morning. They will use it to print your name on your ticket. If we do not have a name for your guest, black tickets for each of them will be placed in your envelope for you to distribute. No one gets in without a ticket.
We will still need the names for the ticket envelopes, which will include your table number, and the roster of those attending, so please send them even if you miss the Monday morning deadline.
You can watch the Trailblazers Banquet Facebook Live event at:
It will start at 6:30pm on Saturday, April 22nd and run until we break for dinner. The feed will resume after dinner break and cover the awards.
It is a stationary camera and shows only the stage. If you miss it live, you can go on any time to view it any time on the Trailblazers Facebook page
The videos for the 2017 banquet will be produced by Todd Hoffman. Todd’s film “The John Penton Story” won the award for the Best Feature Documentary at the Motorcycle Film Festival.
The videos will be narrated by Dave Despain, motorcycle journalist, announcer and radio and TV personality. He now has a show on MAV.TV
Jerry is battling throat cancer. His condition was recently diagnosed and has advanced quite quickly. He is comfortable for the moment but unable to converse on the phone. Comments and well wishes may be left on his Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/jerry.marcell
Jerry was formerly National #38, a BSA Dealer in Minnesota and an engineer with Kawasaki for 25 years.
There is a webpage dedicated to his Kawasaki V8 project.
–Sent by Robby Burg
You know you don’t get a second newsletter unless there is a correction. The date for Dan Rouit’s Flat Track Museum Memorial Open house is Sunday, May 21st. The day after the Sacramento mile. It is a great stop on the way home. Good food, friends and wonderful museum.
309 W. Rialto Ave., Clovis, CA Kathy Rouit (559 291 2242
Vintage Hare & Hound Desert Racing (1967) BSA, Greeves, Triumph, Norton, Husqvarna
— Sent by Bryon Farnsworth
The first of three parts.
Flyer Attached
Full day of events, music, historic bike show and autographs. Get your tickets at www.arizonamile.com (602) 730 0778.
Got to make a stop at Lodi. The race is Friday, May 19th. Gates open at 2pm. Practice at 3:30 and racing at 5pm 5801 E. Morse Road, Lodi. (209) 368 7182 lodicyclebown.com
Flyer Attached
The legendary Sacramento Mile is almost here. Saturday, May20th. “Under the lights”. Kenny Roberts and Kenny Robers Jr are the Honorary Co-Grand Marshall, along with over 20 legends of Flat Track, with their personal vintage race bikes on site for display & autograph opportunities. Info at: info@sdi-racing.com
The California Flat Track Association with present Pro/Am racing with a wide range of age, from 12 – 70’s. Flat Track motorcycles dating from the 1950’s to modern. Fans will have pit access the entire day. http://www.californiaflattrack.com & https://www.facebook.com/CaliforniaFlatTrackAssociation (415) 320 7889
Several newsletters going to members using peoplepc.com or earthlink.net are not getting their newsletters. If you no anyone using either one, please tell them to put our email address, mctrailblazers01@gmail.com into their address book. Maybe it thinks we are spam.
[page break]
5-BALL RACING IS CONSIDERING THE RENEGADE RACER VEST— It’s a tough fully laced super clean vest. Of course it will contain our exclusive media pocket and gun pockets.
Let us know what you think.
Check on all of our 5-Ball Leather line by clicking below or heading to the shop.–Bandit
LAUGHLIN RIVER RUN NEWS– The countdown is on!
Less than 3 weeks remain until the 35th Anniversary Laughlin River Run April 26th to 29th– Room Packages are still available
Time’s running out to make plans for this year’s Laughlin River Run featuring Nevada Gaming, 200 exhibitors, Demo Rides, Poker Runs, Custom Bike Show, Ms. Laughlin River Run Contest, free outdoor entertainment and headline concerts featuring Cheap Trick and Willie Nelson; all on the banks of the majestic Colorado River. For more information visit www.laughlinriverrun.com
I just bought a 2017 Indian Chief Vintage (Willow Green). I need a sidecar to keep me from falling and for easier balance as I am a disabled Marine Vet.
What would be the total costs for a side car like the one in this picture (Same Color) to include shipping to 78040. Is financing available?
— Dagoberto Carmona
Laredo, TX

A few exciting things have been happening at Dream Racer 🙂
The Dream Racer philosophy is all about turning dreams and ideas into reality, whatever those might be!
The film, Dream Racer, shows this but we have taken a step further and brought the inspiring messages from the film into other areas you might find useful.
These are:
Better Riding Skills – for all off-road riders as many of you ride motorbikes;
Better Mental Performance – this is an area often overlooked when pushing pass your normal mental and emotional limits;
Better Business – we share what we do at Dream Racer, which we can use in your own business or soon to be business (online businesses).
Dream Racer | Television – we have also added a few more movies on Dream Racer | Television, please make sure to check out these film trailers. More films are on the way.
Our goal is to continue to provide some value to you that you can apply in everyday life. We started with a movie, but this is only the tip of the iceberg as we continue to develop the Dream Racer brand.
There is plenty more to come. But for now, feel free to download any of the below and don’t forget to check out some of the latest films on Dream Racer Television – these people have a message too, and some of them went very far (some very close to death) to achieve their dreams.
I design announcement cards, brochures etc. for this dynamic organization
that provides support and opportunities for a community of over artist 350 members.
They are hosting an exhibit of the works of 35 volunteers.
SMI Academy Square Gallery | 33 Plymouth St | Montclair, NJ
May 19 – July 27, 2017
A reception for the artists will be held on Saturday, May 19
DAV NEWS, Being a military kid can be tough– They move frequently, which requires them to leave friends and adjust to new schools. They take on additional responsibilities at home when one or both parents are deployed. And, far too often, their parent comes home with combat-related injuries … or doesn’t come home at all.
The truth is, other military kids understand how hard these struggles are. That’s why DAV started the Just B Kids Scholarship – a program that sends military kids to summer camp so they can take a break, connect, have fun, and … just be kids!
Help DAV give these extraordinary children the ultimate summer camp experience during the Month of the Military Child. Make a special gift today!
–Just B Kids
We’ve set a $30,000 goal to help 50 deserving kids receive our Just B Kids Scholarship to attend Camp Corral, a special place that provides free, one-of-a-kind summer camp experiences for children of wounded, disabled or fallen military service members. During this Month of the Military Child, help DAV give these extraordinary children this life-changing opportunity.
Brenda Franks is a military mom with 3 children who attend Camp Corral. The impact camp has on her children is remarkable. “These kids carry so much stress and worry … more responsibility than most children their age,” says Brenda. “When military kids are together, the judgment goes away. My kids desperately need that – to know they’re not alone. At camp, they are free.”
Help give military kids a place where they really CAN just be kids. Make a special gift today and help us raise $30,000 to support our Just B Kids Scholarship Program.
Thank you for supporting the families of our ill and injured veterans. Especially these remarkable kids.
–Marc Burgess
DAV National Adjutant/CEO
HAPPY PASSOVER– 2017 Massachusetts Motorcycle Association.
Have you renewed your Massachusetts Motorcycle Association Membership?
2017 MMA Harley-Davidson Raffle Bike
Tickets available now!
A strict limit of 2500 will be sold!! Click here to purchase yours today!
Support your MMA Gold Card Sponsors! They support you!
Why not support the MMA with AmazonSmile?
Click here or go to www.MassMotorcycle.org today!
The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulate at Bergen, Norway.
Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone.
Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.
Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm.
Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.
Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.
Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coast cities uninhabitable.
* * ** * * * * *
I must apologize. I neglected to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922, as reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post 93 years ago.
This must have been caused by the Model T Ford’s emissions or possibly from horse and cattle flatulence.
–Tony Pan Sanfelipo
Hupy and Abraham, S.C.
MISSOURI HELMET MODIFICATION NEWS– We are close once more!! HB 576 passed 3rd Read on Monday (98 yes & 53 no) now moves to Senate, contact your Senator ask to help push this bill through: Exempts 21 and over from wearing helmet with health insurance coverage.
Call anyone you know from Missouri we only have about a month left in session.
Amy “Sunshine” Allmon
Isn’t health insurance already a requirement for everyone?
AN OLDIE BUT GOODIE— After we set a record with a top speed of 152 mph with a Panhead, Mr. Bassini wanted to make us a new set of pipes.
This is from the 2007 Bikernet tech archives.
Chris Keller and Dominick Rubalcava are doing an impromptu run in Paso Robles May 4th – May 7th. If you’re interested in going book your room and tell your friends.
Where: Paso Robles
When: Thursday May 4th, 2017 to
Sunday May 7th, 2017
Why: Good Friends
Great Location
Good Riding
Google: Paso Robles “motels” for all of your choices
(There are no reservations, first come, first serve)
Paso Inn (805) 226-4927
Melody Ranch (805) 238-3911
The Oak Hotel (805) 237-8700
Courtyard Marriott (805) 239-9700
This will be a low-key, very informal, gathering of friends, It is NOT A HAMSTER EVENT. Therefore it is open to all of our friends.
There will be an informal ride on Friday at about 10 AM, and another on Saturday at about 10 AM. We will likely have a ride to the coast one day and a ride that will stay inland the next, depending on the weather. There will be no organized meals on the run, lunch or dinner. We will be at locations where there will be choices for everyone.
All will be very informal, casual, and open, no one to check your participation, no reservations, no prepaid meals, just good friends and good riding.
Have fun, show up, we’ll see you then and there.
BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY IS STILL OPEN– Joe grew up in a small town, then moved away to attend law at university. He decided to come back to his hometown because he felt he could be a big shot at home.
He really wanted to impress everyone, so he returned and opened his new law office. The first day he saw a man coming up the sidewalk. He decided to make a big impression on this new client when he arrived.
As the man came to the door, Joe picked up the phone. He motioned the man in, all the while talking. “No, absolutely not. You tell those clowns in Toronto that I won’t settle this case for less than one million. Yes, the Appeals Court has agreed to hear that case next week. I’ll be handling the primary arguments and the other members of my team will provide support. Okay, tell the Crown Attorney that I’ll meet with him next week to discuss the details.”
The ‘conversation’ went on for almost five minutes. All the while the man sat patiently as Joe rattled instructions. Finally, Joe put down the phone and turned to the man, “I’m sorry for the delay but as you can see, I’m very busy. What can I do for you?” The man replied, “I’m from the phone company and I came to hook up your phone.”
–from Rogue and Ed
So a picture tells the tale, well if that’s the case, check out this gallery of Daytona 2017
Bikeweek images, and you’ll understand the tale.
Lots of cool bikes, Main Street, the Broken
Spoke, baggers, Beach Street, the Rats Hole Customs Bike Show, Willies Tropical Tattoo
Bike Show, and more. Join the Cantina, see rally history picture by picture.
–Jack McIntyre
Magnificent Cantina Co-Editor
The Whizzy Ride e-bike R1 is a fashionable, intelligent, portable, foldable, electric bike. With unique design and the best quality, our e-Bike is making a super dream for fashion-favored riders. This is a perfect combination of advanced technology and aesthetic art.
· You can go anywhere you want: visit parks, beaches – just use the bike roads or sidewalks.
· Forget the parking problems and parking fees. You can easily park even in busy cities and crowded places.
· Our bikes are foldable in seconds so you can transport them in your cars, or take on yachts or boats.
· Use our bikes as transportation to work, school, for shopping, or just ride for pleasure.
· Don’t worry about theft – an alarm and keyless entry will give you peace of mind.
· No gas expenses, no gas smell!
· Use Bluetooth speakers or connect your phone through the USB port and listen to your favorite music during a ride.
· Be ECO-friendly – use carbon emission free and noise free transportation!
· Genuine leather saddle, soft and comfortable.
· Taiwan Design with top-level anti-friction material, safe and anti-explosion.
· Waterproof stereo Bluetooth speaker.
· Intelligent start system with remote key. Easy to lock and unlock.
· Real-time temperature display gives you meticulous care
· Front and rear dual break system ensures safe riding
· Brake to power-off device, activating any brake function will stop power supply
· Front wheel equipped with a special suspension device that can decrease vibration efficiently during the ride.
· Forward-thinking design concept from the Netherlands
· Simple 3-dimension K shape design brings ultramodern visual effect
· Bold and unrestrained color concept makes e-bike smaller and portable
· All imported aeronautical material, bright color and rustless, low weight of 40 lbs.
· Low weight but structure strength ensured
· Super large LED headlight
–Lois Whitman
(917) 822-2591
UNCLE MONKEY ON SMALL TOWN SCORES– We are always looking for an excuse to kick up the kickstands and roll some miles onto our bikes. We set on quests like roaming Vikings searching for elusive treasure.
The coldest beer is two towns over in a rundown dive bar nestled in the middle of a street. Trudy mans the station and makes sure there is a beer waiting at your stool before you even reach it. Water condenses to the side but quickly forms an icy sludge that nips at your fingers as you grasp the glass.
The hottest bartenders are the O’Malley daughters at the Goose & Cock Pub. You stumbled across them on a pub crawl. Flirty and hard bodied they’ll spend ten minutes bent over cleaning the table across from you.
But with their mom and dad pouring the drinks it is a game of cat and mouse.
In a small town, miles from nowhere you found the best burger in the world. The Chinese diner serves a small town of three hundred. A fried egg, crispy bacon, three different types of cheese on a warm roll is a feast for the eyes as well as the stomach.
It is these little places that we find as we ride. Sometimes we luck in and find a great pool table with deep fried pirogues. Another may have a jukebox loaded straight out of the seventies with Fleetwood Mac and Sabbath that makes you feel at home. Others look like they were the set of The Wild One. We can spend a lifetime but we know when we find those special places to ride to. They’re great places to waste a lazy day and night at.
-bad Uncle Monkey
All too many judges feel that the majesty of the law needs to be protected with the barbed wire of rebarbative prose, prickly with forbidding jargon and headache-inducing abstraction.
Rebarbative is a Middle French adjective equivalent to “in your face!” The French adjective is a derivative of the verb rébarber “to stand up against, confront, go ‘beard to beard,’” so to speak, and is a derivative of barbe “beard.” Rebarbative entered English in the 19th century.
DONNIE SMITH SHOW 2017– Living in the Midwest over the winter definitely comes with its fair share of drawbacks if you’re a motorcycle or car enthusiast. But each year when the world starts to thaw, the Donnie Smith Bike and Car Show more than makes up for lost time.
On March 25 and 26, 2017, gear-heads, celebrities, custom enthusiasts and their families flocked to the RiverCentre in St. Paul, Minn. to experience the show’s monumental 30th anniversary.
While checking out the hundreds of amazing custom motorcycles and cars kept the crowd buzzing with excitement, narrowing them down to select winners in 35 motorcycle classes and 22 car classes had to be a tough gig. Now that all the deliberating is out of the way, you can see which customs rose to the top and which stuck in attendees’ minds by checking out the highlights at the Buffalo Chip Web site.
On the way back we ran into escaping California folks. “We’re moving out and never going back.” California has raised tax on fuels, and recently I heard they have decided to raise registration fees by $100 a vehicle. It’s all so twisted.
If I’m lucky I’ll be back in the shop working on the Hamster charity sculpture this weekend.
We are working on a couple of Paul Yaffe reports, first on his Daytona Bagger show on Bikernet Baggers, then on his street glide and finally on his chopped trike for Bikernet Trikes. My grandson asked me to take shots of paint jobs for inspiration, and you can’t beat Paul’s bikes.
Ride Free Forever,