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HOT-DOCK NAMED JAPANESE CHAMPION AT COOL BREAKER– THE 10th annual Cool Breaker Custom Bike Show, held at the Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Center and an Official World Championship Affiliate event, featured 80 vendors including S&S Cycle and Arlen Ness.
The 150-strong All-Japan Championship was won by Hot-Dock Custom Cycles, who received a cash prize of one million Yen (about $9,000) to be used towards expenses in competing at the 5th annual World Championship of Custom Bike Building. Second place was taken by Jene Choppers, with BB Custom Factory third.
Hot-Dock’s Keiji Kawakita also picked up S&S Cycle’s Award and was presented with a Panhead engine. Entries from Bad-Land, Fake Choppers and Rodeo Manufacturing were also highly commended.
To allow rescheduling to a May date in future years, Cool Breaker will skip a year and will next be held in May 2009.
Yokohama, Japan

THE MARK FELDMAN STORY–A man walks into the street and manages to get a taxi just going by. Hegetsinto the taxi, and the cabbie says, ‘Perfect timing. You’re just likeFrank.’
Passenger: ‘Who?’
Cabbie: ‘Frank Feldman. He’s a guy who did everything right all thetime.Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things happened like that to Frank Feldman every single time.’
Passenger: ‘There are always a few clouds over everybody.’
Cabbie: ‘Not Frank Feldman. He was a terrific athlete. He could have wontheGrand-Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang like an operabaritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heard himplaythe piano. He was an amazing guy.’ He had a memory like a computer. Hecould remember everybody’s birthday. He knew all about wine, which foodstoorder and which fork to eat them with.
He could fix anything. Not likeme.I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out. But Frank Feldman, hedideverything right.’
Passenger: ‘Wow, some guy then.’
Cabbie: ‘He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoidtrafficjams. Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. But Frank, henevermade a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a woman and make herfeelgood. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; andhisclothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too – he was theperfect man! He never made a mistake. No one could ever measure up toFrankFeldman.’ He was perfect!!!
Passenger: ‘An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?’
Cabbie: ‘Well, I never actually met Frank. I just married his fuckingwidow.’
–from Rik

ASSALT WEAPAN FEATURED IN AMERICAN IRON–Just got my January issue of American Iron Magazine and note on page 18, Quoted & Noted section, Valerie Thompson talking up everything great about her success at Bonneville on your bike.But, not one mention of the bike and who built it or where it came from.
There’s a good picture of her on the bike but not one word about 5-Ball Racing. What gives? Should she not be giving credit where credit is due?
Marc Beaulieu
5-BALL racing team member
I don’t know what it is that you did to American Iron Ragazine, but Go Daddy and Valerie got all the kudos, You, Accurate Engr. and BUB did nothing to help break that speed record.
— Concerned reader
& Monetary contributor
T. Anderson
Actually the crew sent out that release right after the meet and virtually everything contained in that release was incorrect. We pointed it out, but they never responded. A quirky bunch over there.
The boss of GoDaddy, Bob Parsons called me 24 hours before we left for Bonneville and kindly sent us a check. “Can I get a couple of stickers on the bike,” he asked?
I said, “Of course, send ’em quick.”
The next day the check arrived and two dinky stickers which we immediately attached to the bike. He’s complained about the size of the stickers ever since. Go figure. Within 24 hours we had his logo imprinted on our banner and the bike has already been on the cover of two national mags. Also, Valerie had nothing to do with that press release. She gave some numbers to GoDaddy and they did the rest. She has always been stand-up with every sponsor that has represented her. We love Valerie, support her in any and all of her efforts. –Bandit
30 HARLEY-DAVIDSON ENGINES WANTED–We need 30 new, stock H-D motors quick. If you know of a supply, give us a call, quick. (310) 830-0630.

KIRK HAMMET’S FORD, BUILT BY COLE FOSTER, WINS GOODGUYS KUSTOM OF THE YEAR– Kirk Hammett’s 1936 Ford coupe has won the 2007 Goodguys Kustom of the Year award presented by Grundy Worldwide.
Built by Salinas, California’s Cole Foster and his Salinas Boys Customs crew, the smooth and stylish ’36 Ford started as a five window but Foster and his team, through extensive modifications, made the car into a three window coupe. Extensive body mods include a handmade one piece hood, modified front and rear fenders flowing into modified running boards, modified stock dash and the list goes on. The project was 3 years in the making. Under the hood lies a Turn of the Century Ford Racing 302 small block which pounds out melodic notes through custom stainless exhaust built by Cole’s famous dad Pat Foster.
Traditional kustom amenities such as wide whites, custom spun disc wheel covers (with ’49 Ford horn centers) and perfectly molded rear fender skirts give the coupe a timeless, classic look. Hammett’s ’36 will be on display later this month at the 10th Southwest Nationals, November 16-18 at Westworld in Scottsdale, AZ.

The other finalists for the 2007 Goodguys Kustom of the Year award presented by Grundy Worldwide and the event’s they were selected at include:
Darlene Lopez, Riverside, CA – 1953 Chevy 2 Dr. selected in Del Mar
Lamar Cline, Cartersville, GA ? 1955 Ford, selected in Nashville
Linda Scheibal, Puyallup, WA – 1954 Buick, selected in Puyallup
Mike Freund, FonDuLac, WI, 1955 Chevy, selected in Joliet
Wayne Yannone, New Rochelle, NY, 1951 Mercury 4 door, selected in Rhinebeck
John St. Germain, Goodwood, ONT – 1936 Ford Roadster, selected in Charlotte
The Goodguys 2007 Kustom of the Year award presented by Grundy Worldwide is designed to honor traditional kustoms 1936 through 1964 vintage.
–Spike Fletcher
Horse Power Promotions
ph 805.686.2007
fax 805.686.0890

THE SEARCH FOR AMERICAN FOUR CYLINDER MOTORCYCLES IS ON–A couple of noted collectors are looking for original or restored 4-cylinder American Motorcycles. If you have one for sale, or know of one, give Don a call at (626)358-9696 or 840-3326.

PSI’S GENESIS “BIG-AIR” Carb The Latest and Greatest Innovation in V-Twin Carb Technology!–Check out this HOT NEW SERIES 4 “patented” billet 48mm PSI “BIG-AIR” V-Twin Carb. It pumps out Big Torque gains from bottom end thru Top-End. PSI claims that in most cases you will see an 6-15 HP gain over the S&S Super G, E, and Stock CV carbs, and also the Mikuni 48/45/42 mm carbs. This carb works great on motors from 74 to 95″ and rocks on motors from 103 to 155″.
One of the coolest features of the “BIG-AIR” Carb is it doesn’t have any jets to change, or mess with! Just think, no fuel on your fingers ever again!!! All adjustments are made externally in seconds with detent clickable adjustment knobs while the bike is running so you can very quickly dial the bike to a perfect tune.It’s very easy to use and understand with 3 external fuel adjustments; the Pilot, Needle, and Power Jet, which fuels bottom end, midrange and top-end respectively! It’s guaranteed by PSI to supersede all other carbs in performance and tune-ability. It features a hard anodized flat-slide design with 8 ball-bearing rollers for a super smooth pull. It also features V-Shaped technology in the bore so it acts like a small 38mm carb on the bottom but pulls like a freight-train on top!
This carb contrasts heavily against your normal heavy fuel-squirting carb that often spurts and sputters because the fuel droplets are so heavy they fall out of suspension. With its own unique and proven process of handling fuel, it converts fuel droplets into a fine mist, and then super-vaporizes them! This allows the air/fuel mixture to remain in suspension throughout the intake process for incredible throttle response, maximum intake velocity, and max volume on top end. The “Big-Air” Carb is “patented” for its designs and technology and also passes 2010 emission standards. In simple terms, it’s cleaner, smoother and way faster!
PSI’s new series 4 production carb is designed with single or dual cable pull and is a perfect bolt-on to S&S Super G manifold and air cleaner set-up.
Available in Bright Dipped Clear Anodized Billet, Bright Black Anodized or nicely Chrome plated for the ultimate experience!!!
For more information check them out at or contact Bruce @ 801.393.1030 or Rob @ 801.866.2451. Thank you PSI BIG AIR CARBS.

RIKKI BATTISTINI LAUNCHED HIS NEW WEB SITE WITH BAGGER AND CUSTOM PRODUCTS–Battistinis USA are proud to announce the launch of the new shop on line website. The site will go live on November 14th just in time to catch the Thanks giving and Christmas Rush.
The site hosts many new products which you may have seen in various press releases over the last few months and also several new items hot off the drawing boards.
Don’t worry if the internet is not your thing this high end product range is also available from your local dealer just stop by and demand the best!
Alternatively sit in your chair at the office or home and just click away.

The site can be found
For more information contactRikki Battistini
Battistinis Custom Cycles LLC
San Ramon
CA 94582
Tel: 925 270 4211
Fax: 925 905 4664

MAGIC SANTA CLAUS APPEARS AT SIX LOCAL MARINE AND USO EVENTS–(San Diego, CA) The Magic Santa Claus–who can read your mind as easily as he hands out gifts and candy canes–will appear at six local Southern California bases to thank troops and families for their bravery and sacrifice. Each of these shows includes exciting close-up Magic effects for troops and their kids, either on stage or in the cafeteria. The Magic Santa Claus is portrayed by Magician Loch David Crane, who grows a real beard for these performances. Each year he needs less makeup on his full beard! Military service members and families with ID may attend any of these events on base, and the general public is invited to other events.
Here’s his hectic Ho-Ho-Holiday schedule of public and military appearances:
15 November, 10-10:30am Linda Vista Library on Ulric, for Native American Week
20 November, 2-4pm Chargers’ Blood Drive at the Town and Country Hotel(public may attend if they donate blood)
22 November, 11:30-1:30pm Thanksgiving Family Dinner at the USO downtown
29 November, 1-1:30pm Military Day of the Family at the Bob Hope Theatre,MCAS Miramar followed by a screened movie!
1 December, 5-6 pm Ocean Beach Parade down Newport Avenue (public event)
6 December, 9-noon Magic Santa Claus appears at Camp Pendleton, CA
8 December, 12-3pm Pacific Beach Holiday Parade on Grand Ave. (public event)
9 December, 4-5pm Fund raiser, Rancho Bernardo High School (public event)
. . .additional Magic Shows are now being scheduled for Marine Corps Air Station 29 Palms and Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, during December 2007. All these military shows are donated without charge by Loch David Crane.

2ND ANNUAL ARLEN NESS BIKE SHOW COMING–We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the 2ndAnnual Arlen Ness Bike Show & Parts Expo held January 25 and 26, 2008at the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, California. Last yearsshow was a great success with over 225 bike show entries, national &local vendors, it filled up over 100,000 sq. ft. This was definitely ashow that rang out from coast to coast.
This year’s event will be even bigger & better. Arlen & Cory Ness,along with special guest Donnie Smith, will be at the show signingautographs & talking motorcycles. The Pro Class has turned into thePremium Class allowing more styles of motorcycles to participate inthe show. There will be everything from old school to no school, frommild to wild.
Vendors can have that one on one time that you need to sell andpromote your product. We are also looking for used parts vendors tofill up the Swap Meet. Our goal is to have a strong showing of usedparts vendors, for the guy looking for a good deal. With everythingthis show has to offer, you are not going to want to miss this year’sArlen Ness Bike Show & Parts Expo.
American Thunder Promotions
–Arlen Ness
please visit for more information or call
(866) 907-7790.

KEVIN BASS REPORTS IN FROM HIGH SCHOOL–The show is the last weekend in March. Here are thepics from the SOW bikernet awards. Thanks to Edge andthe Horse as always for making me a part of theBackstreet family at the events! As always this idea wasthought up in my head.

I created it in CAD, convert tocode and wallah..the machine does the rest. Thisstainless steel sign will also get the engine turning treatmentbefore it ships out.

The last picture is one of mystudents busy doing what they do best..CHOPPIN! Toagain show that Kennedy kids know how it’s done, wewill have four bikes at the Donnie Smith show thisyear. A 42 WLA, 47 Knuck, the Ironhead Leroy is buildingand the S&S powered SPS build. Updates and picscoming to a bikernet near you soon.

The above sign is destined for another Smoke Out show competitor. Bikernet chose three bikes that didn’t win HORSE trophy’s and deserved recognition, numbers 66, 6 and 60–strange. One trophy was collected by Kyle at Route 66. This trophy is headed to the guys who built the Cadillac scooter. And 66 is still missing.–Bandit

GREG’S CUSTOM CYLES INTRODUCES THE FIRST IN THE DEEPSICKNESS HANDLEBAR LINE, THE ULTIMATEWICKED BARS–Synonymous for his custom motorcycles and DeepSickness front ends; custom bike builder Greg Rice adds to his DeepSickness line with his all new WICKED handlebars. These bars are designed with a unique tri-point design to set your ride apart from the rest. They are offered two ways; pre-drilled for external wiring or ready for internal wiring to give your bike that clean sleek look.
The WICKED BARS are top quality 11?2″ DOM steel tubing. Standard bars measure 32″ end to end with a 6″ rise. The risers can be made longer or shorter, tailored to your riding style and comfort. They are available in a wide variety of custom colors to match your bike or can simply be ordered chromed, powder coated or raw. The WICKED BARS will fit all V-Twin models or Metric cruisers.
Greg’s Custom Cycle Works, Inc. specializes in unique and high quality motorcycle parts. We pride ourselves on our eye catching and ahead of the curve designs, transforming even the most basic stock bike into a one-of-a-kind ride. Our parts are proudly manufactured in the United States and have been featured in some of the most reputable bike magazines in the world.
For further information, call Greg’s Custom Cycles at 727-461-4840 or visit

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